Hutton Village and Church News February 2021

A Slightly Different Look to ‘Church News’ Congratulations to those readers who have spotted that the title of our monthly News has changed from ‘Church News’ to ‘Village and Church News’. The reason for this is that we want to make it more inclusive and a bit more relevant to Village Life. We want everybody in the village to feel welcome to contribute. For the duration of ‘Lockdown 3’ and possibly beyond ‘The News’ will be circulated electronically but if you know of someone who needs a paper copy please make a copy for them (if safe to do so and compliant with covid regulations).

Nothing Much Happened Over Christmas – Really?

The covid pandemic was raging, we all were in lockdown (or perhaps should have been?) not much was happening – or was it?? In the deep mid-winter, in and around the village of Hutton Rudby folks were determined that Christmas would not pass unnoticed …. And it didn’t:

We probably started in mid-November with ‘The Reverse Advent Calendar’. At one item a day, by mid-December, every participant has 25 items to donate to Food Bank. A great way to show children that Christmas is also about giving. As you can see the results this year were spectacular. Thanks to all who gave so generously and to Su and George Reid for transporting car loads of goodies to Middlesbrough. The needs of those in deprived areas on Teesside was even greater this year. On Saturday November 28th, outside the Hutton Rudby Spar, the Village 'Towards Christmas' event (on behalf of the Salvation Army) was run by Terry and Adam Fawcett. Many gifts, presents and cash donations were collected – well done all, a great effort. So Advent came along – the time of preparation and anticipation. This was underlined by Hutton Rudby and Swainby Scout Group ‘Advent Windows’ (one opposite). Displays were revealed around the village every day from 1st-24th December. There were many excellent efforts – a big thanks to all who organised and took part. All Saints weighed in on Sunday 13th December with ‘The Family Gift Service’. Gifts were collected for the Angel Tree Project for the children of prisoners on Teesside. Can you imagine a Christmas where you were unable to give a gift to your child? On Wednesday 16th December at 6pm the usual Village Carol Service at All Saints Church was replaced by a new, socially distanced ‘Village Carols on the Green’. This proved a great success. Richard Bradshaw played keyboard and carollers stretched almost from the Bay Horse to the Methodist Chapel! Hopefully in 2021 we will have both ‘The Village Carol Service’ and ‘Village Carols on the Green’. Again a collection was made on behalf of The Salvation Army Christmas Appeal, to which folks gave generously. Again many thanks to the organisers, Richard and all who came along. It was great to see so many families out there and such a responsible attitude to social distancing.

If all this were not enough there was a successful Christingle Service at the Methodist Chapel and Christmas services at all our Churches plus virtual or Zoom services. In addition there were opportunities to contribute to the ‘Lockdown Quilt’, thanks to Dileas and Tricia for organising. A great virtual Christmas Concert by and District Choral Society (view at ) and great local art from Leven Art Society (view ‘lockdown galleries 1, 2 and 3 at ). There was even an All Saints Christmas / Winter Dingbats Puzzle Quiz (I tried so hard to solve them all that my head is still aching!), thanks for organising this Pat Searle.

And we mustn’t forget the splendid winter weather and the opportunity to walk amidst the glory of North . This picture of ‘Frost on the Moor’ was taken by Tom and Tristan Baker when they were out for a walk on the 28th December. We’re so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world.

Let’s All Pray for a Happier New Year in 2021!

Charity, Community and Social Events & Notices

Community Speed Watch If you are concerned about speeding in and around the village then why not volunteer to join the Community Speed Watch Team? For details contact Neil Thompson at [email protected]

Another Lockdown - Another Quiz! Many thanks to all who entered our Christmas quiz which raised £132 for All Saints Church Hutton Rudby. The winner was Mrs. Hilary Oughton of Hitchin, Herts. Our new quiz is ‘Missing Vowels’. There is a £30 cash prize for whoever gets the most right! Suggested minimum donation of £3 to enter. Answers need to be in by 11.59pm 12th March 2021 and we’ll post the winner and answers shortly after that. To enter, simply go to and then forward your receipt and details to [email protected] to receive your copy. If you request a copy by post, please remember to send a stamped addressed envelope to Quizmaster, 26 South Side, Hutton Rudby, , N. Yorks. TS15 0DF

You can always tune in to for music, chat, and interesting local content. You’ll find links to Levenonline’s YouTube channel where you can watch & listen again Can you help?! We are in need of a techy person who can help us with the technical side of the station. Troubleshooting when there are problems with IT and The Kit! Think you can help? Then drop us a DM or email [email protected]

Hutton Rudby Isolation and Support Group is offering a limited answerphone service on 706156, Monday-Friday. If your existing informal support networks (friends, family and neighbours) are not enough, don’t work or if you find yourself suddenly having to isolate and don't have support, then please contact us. We can also be emailed on [email protected]. At this stage, we envisage a limited use of our services for this (hopefully) shorter period of Lockdown. We will, however keep under review the demand for our services. Thanks - The Isolation Group

News from our Churches

Unfortunately we’ve had to close our doors once more because of the increased spread of the virus and ‘Lockdown 3’. We’re sure you will understand that this is to help protect our community. We’re all having to do things differently, the church is no exception to this, please hold faith with us as we aim to serve you through these challenging times. There are so many different ways we can worship, give thanks, praise; and support each other and the wider community in prayer and service. Please continue to pray for, and support each other in any way you can - remembering to stay safe. The church is a body of people; the doors may be closed on our buildings, but that doesn't stop us from being a living church.

Contact Details for our clergy:

Roman Catholic: Father Bill Charlton: [email protected] Tel: 01642 710239 Methodist: Rev Andrew Robinson: [email protected] Tel: 01642 710358 Anglican: Rev Robert Opala: [email protected] Tel: 01642 701245

Anglicans (All Saints Church):

All Saints Church and Church House have had to close again but will be open as soon as it is deemed safe to do so. Please keep an eye on our notice boards and website for the most up to date details. We hope and pray things improve for everyone soon. You can participate in collective worship (open to all) at: Zoom Morning Prayer with live discussions 11am every Sunday. Note the meeting will be open from 10-30am for chat before the service (you can also join (audio only) by telephone). Please contact Su Reid for log in details on 01642 700035 or email [email protected]

Information can be found via our notice board or website at: We also have a facebook page: Items of interest, prayer and recorded services may also be found at: – search ‘Whorlton Benefice’

World Day of Prayer Service (formerly Women's World Day of Prayer) via Zoom at 2.00pm on Friday March 5. The service this year was written by women in Vanuatu with the theme of 'Build on a Strong Foundation'. For more details, and for a printed copy of the service to follow alongside the Zoom, and to indicate you are interested in joining in, please contact Su Reid (contact as above) or Pat Searle, contact at ( [email protected] )

Methodists (Chapel / The Hub)

The Church and Chapel Hub will be open again as soon as it is deemed safe to do so, please keep an eye on our notice boards and website for the most up to date details, we hope and pray things improve for everyone soon. Information can be found via our notice board or website: or you can email [email protected] Services are available online each Sunday from the Methodist Churches at Stokesley and Gt Ayton If you need to speak to someone you can contact our minister Rev Andrew Robinson: phone: 01642 710358 or email: [email protected] Or for general enquires email: [email protected]

Roman Catholics

Masses at St Joseph’s, Stokesley have been suspended until further notice. St Margaret Clitherow, Great Ayton and St Mary's Chapel, Crathorne also remain closed. Although there are no streamed services from these places of worship, please see below.

For a vast selection of Masses and other services from around the UK and Ireland from 7am to 9pm, log on to ‘churchservicestv’ and press ‘What's on Now’. Well worth visiting. For a more local venue St Mary's Cathedral, Middlesbrough also has online services as have some other churches in the Diocese. Visit streamed services in our diocese.

Some important future dates: Candlemas - the presentation of the Lord - 2nd February Ash Wednesday - 17th February Feast of St Joseph - 19th March Triduum of prayer to St Joseph - 3 masses if churches have re-opened Parish family day BBQ - 27th June

Although the churches are closed for public Masses, Fr Bill continues to say daily Mass for the many Mass Intentions he has received and for NHS, Front Line Workers, and the parish.

The production of Hutton Rudby Village and Church News is coordinated by Bob and Diana Baker 01642 700672 or [email protected] . Please contact them if you have any feedback. If you wish to submit items for inclusion please contact them by the 20th of the month preceding the issue required (e.g. 20th February for the March.