“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”

LUKE 2:52

OUR!MISSION! is To assisT ChrisT-

ian parenTs by helping equip

sTudenTs To embraCe bibliCal

TruTh, sTrive for aCademiC

exCellenCe, and model ChrisT-

like leadership To influenCe

Their homes, ChurChes and

C ommuniT ies for ChrisT. A PCA GrA duAte...

ቢ Fears & respects God

ባ Upholds a stronG work ethic & inteGrity

ቤ enGaGes cUltUre with both Faith & intellect

ብ embraces the creative natUre oF God

ቦ seeks oUt a biG pictUre perspective oF the world I know what we’re doing is preparing young lives to make a difference in the world for the cause of Christ.” portrait of a g r a d u a t e




MANY!OF!THESE!ON!A!DAILY!BASIS#!AND!TO!BE!HONEST#!THEY!STILL!FILL!MY!HEART!WITH!JOY because I know what we’re doing is preparing young lives to make a $28.5 million has been difference in the world for the cause of Christ. Tank you for generously given or pledged to the investing in Prestonwood Christian Academy. I don’t take it lightly. It PCA Initiatives with an is your generosity and the Lord’s blessing that allows us to mold each additional $5.3 million student after the portrait of a graduate that we hold in such high esteem. being given to non-cam- paign related projects. Sharing an annual report with you, our customers, friends and donors, is not only good practice, it is good stewardship. You invest in PCA in God has truly used you to help so many ways: volunteering, generous support to our various projects advance PCA to the next level. and annual giving opportunities and often, I hope, through your As you read through this Annual Re- prayers. Terefore, it is important that we share with you some of the port, please remember that every dollar important and exciting things that God allowed the PCA community represented here represents an oppor- to achieve throughout the past school year. tunity to impact a young life. Every vol- In the 2013-2014 school year we were able to celebrate much: unteer hour (and there have been thou- sands) represents an investment in a ቢ Completion of the Lower School playground…one that is also life, and every prayer offered on behalf used by the lower grades of our Middle School. of our school is one that God uses to en- ባ Signifcant progress in the areas of technology, campus security able us to significantly impact lives. and our Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Tank you again, and may the Lord (STEM) program. bless you for your commitment to and ቤ Te PCA Initiatives campaign continued to receive funding al- love for PCA.

lowing us to initiate construction on the New Student Life Cen- Sincerely ter. By the time you read this, preliminary work will have begun, and we anticipate that the building will be completed and ready to be occupied in Aug. 2015. Larry Taylor, Ph.D. ብ Our two annual giving campaigns, Te PCA Fund and Spon- PCA Head of School sor-A-Child program, received strong support as well. To date,

3 …we give God the glory that over the past eight years, 1,495 students and parents have accepted Christ.” ቢ a PCa graduate FEARS & RESPECTS GOD

artists, musicians and academic compet- HE!EASIEST!TIME!IN!LIFE!TO!CAPTURE!A!PERSON’S! itors are all taught to expect excellence and to pour out their God-given talents HEART!FOR!CHRIST!IS!DURING!THE!CHILDHOOD! while giving the glory of success to Him. YEARS"!AT!PRESTONWOOD!CHRISTIAN!ACADEMY#! Parents who embrace Kingdom edu- STUDENTS!ARE!TAUGHT!AT!EVERY!AGE!WHAT!IT! cation believe the home, church and MEANS!TO!FEAR!AND!RESPECT!GOD"!! school must give full attention to bib- lical principles for children and youth Students develop a foundation of wisdom and learn their true from birth through maturity to best identity is secure in Christ (Col. 2:9-10). Te transformation of prepare children for the future. In a hearts can be seen daily throughout the PCA campuses! Young recent survey, Prestonwood Christian students are learning the great stories of the Bible while older Academy parents continue to credit children in Lower School are memorizing and storing lengthy involvement at PCA as a factor for Bible verses in their hearts. Middle School students are discussing and stronger parenting practices.* Trough debating God’s will in advisory groups. Upper School students are chal- PCA’s focus on eternal perspective and lenged to know the Bible and have the ability to defend their faith in any discipleship, we give God the glory that situation. Trough Campus Ministry, students of all ages are meeting over the past eight years, 1,495 stu- in small groups and learning how to study the Bible. Student-athletes, dents and parents have accepted Christ.

5 Servant-led leadership, therefore, is paramount.”

6 ባ a p C a graduaT e upholds a sTrong Work eThiC

Students also learn by observing role & inTegriTy models. In the pursuit of spiritual and scholastic excellence, Prestonwood Christian Academy seeks and attracts high-quality staff members that are HATEVER!YOU!DO#!WORK!HEARTILY#! exceptional in their professional com- AS!FOR!THE!LORD!AND!NOT!FOR!MEN"”! petency, deeply committed to their faith in Jesus Christ and passionate %COL" '()'*!IS!A!BIBLICAL!PRINCIPLE! about investing in the next generation BY!WHICH!STANDARDS!AT!OUR!SCHOOL! for the cause of Christ. Te Preston- wood Staff Institute recognizes Christ ARE!SET"!A!STRONG!WORK!ETHIC!AND! as pre-eminent and is established to INTEGRITY!IS!EXPECTED!OF!EVERY! challenge faculty and staff members to grow spiritually and remain committed STUDENT!WHO!ATTENDS!PRESTONWOOD! to excellence in all areas of the school. CHRISTIAN!ACADEMY"! PCA alumni serve as great leaders and Students are taught that leadership is defined by the standards set role models for our students! Preston- by Jesus Christ. Servant-leadership, therefore, is paramount, and wood Christian Academy has a strong our students are encouraged in everything they do to be others-cen- alumni base with graduates serving the tered. Beginning in Middle School through Upper School, students world in many different capacities that have the opportunity to serve in the Student Leadership Institute. God has called them to do. Te alumni Te mission of which is to assist young people in the develop- do their work while magnifying Him ment of their leadership philosophy and skills by exposing them through all that they produce and to to a biblically-based, practical, multifaceted year-long program. all with whom they come in contact.

7 God has given different abilities and learning styles to each student...” ቤ a PCa graduate engages CulTure WiTh faiTh & inTelleCT

Advanced learning methods are em- AITH!AND!INTELLECT!COME!TOGETHER!IN!POWERFUL! ployed throughout the PCA curriculum, and the increased importance and WAYS!AT!PRESTONWOOD!CHRISTIAN!ACADEMY#!WHERE! prevalence of technology in instruc- WE!STRIVE!FOR!SPIRITUAL!AND!ACADEMIC!EXCELLENCE"! tional and learning methods requires an expansion of technology infrastructure. It is essential to the full development of the mind and is best Students are competing nationally with fulfilled in a learning environment framed by a Christian liberal Future Problem Solvers, Mock Trial arts design, where critical thinking and communication is expected and the National Speech and Debate throughout all of the scholastic disciplines, resulting in an authentic Association to think critically and speak biblical worldview. Students are prepared to engage today’s culture confidently. PCA has a strong Science, with the credibility of the gospel. Te Bible isn’t only discussed during Technology, Engineering and Mathemat- Chapel, but rather faith is intentionally integrated into everything a ics (STEM) program and offers multiple student does through school resulting in a distinctive environment Advanced Placement courses challenging and community. students and preparing them for college. PCA graduates matriculate to a broad Cognizant that God has given different abilities and learning styles to spectrum of colleges and universities, each student, teachers foster their intellectual life strengthening and ex- including Ivey League institutions. Te panding our core curriculum. Whether a child is advanced in their think- graduating class of 2014 received a record ing and intellectual acumen, an average learner or has specific learning amount of scholarship dollars totaling differences, a thorough and challenging education is provided accordingly. $12.4 million!

9 From a young age, students are taught creative and critical thinking skills... students are taught creative and critical

ብ a p C a graduaT e embraC es The CreaTive naTure of god

Both Socratic and inquiry-based in- structional models are used to encour- LIBERAL!ARTS!EDUCATION!AT!PCA!ENCOMPASSES! age well-balanced thought and discus- sion. Disciplined questioning is used A!RIGOROUS!CURRICULUM!THAT!INCORPORATES! to pursue thought in many directions A!BIBLICAL!WORLDVIEW!THROUGH!CROSS- and for many purposes, including ex- ploration of complex ideas, analyzing CURRICULAR!STUDIES!OF!THE!GREAT!IDEAS!OF! concepts, distinguishing known versus WESTERN!CIVILIZATION"!CORE!COMPONENTS unknown and following logical implica- tions of thought. Teachers pose ques- of PCA’s Liberal Arts program include broad in- tions, problems and scenarios rather tellectual landscape and an emphasis on rheto- than simply presenting established facts. ric — both writing and speaking. Te study of God’s word and the pursuit of understanding Te Fine Arts department challeng- the entire narrative describing the Creation, Fall and Redemption es and enhances students’ creativ- story assists in developing an authentic biblical worldview and de- ity with courses in art, theater, vocal velops the life habit of taking every thought captive (2 Cor. 10:5). music, instrumental music and band. Te Fine Arts department sched- From a young age, students are taught creative and critical thinking ules many instructional and cultural skills and are trained to be articulate communicators. As early events throughout the year includ- as First Grade and continuing through Eighth Grade, students ing Fall Play, Christmas Concerts, Art are challenged with the Stand Up and Be Heard program, which Shows, Spring Musical, Spring Con- is designed to help students gain confidence as they learn key certs, Festival and Contest Perfor- essential skills for delivering presentations in front of a group. mances and Community Performances.

11 In addition to biblical integration in every class, PCA hosts a Biblical Worldview Institute that includes a four-day training seminar....” ቦ a PCa graduate seeks out a big piCTure perspeCTive

OF heart-capturing, vision-expanding and THE World maturity-enhancing during Minimester. Minimester is a PCA difference factor, setting aside one week of the school NE!OF!THE!MOST!DISTINCTIVE!ELEMENTS! year for missions. Each spring, Middle OF!PRESTONWOOD!CHRISTIAN!ACADEMY!IS! and Upper School students participate in Minimester, which is a time for spe- ITS!INTENTIONAL!FOCUS!ON!GUIDING! cialized learning for each grade level. STUDENTS!IN!CREATING!AND!DEVELOPING! More than 300 Upper School students serve on local, regional and interna- A!BIBLICAL!WORLDVIEW" tional missions. Connections are inten- tionally made so that both Lower and In addition to biblical integration in every class, PCA Middle School students learn about hosts a Biblical Worldview Institute that includes a four- the people groups being ministered to day training seminar covering important categories, pray for them and gather needed sup- including Christian Ethics, Christian Heritage, Christian plies for each trip. World Impact Day, Mindset and Discernment, Creation vs. Evolution, the culmination of the entire year’s ef- Current Cultural Trends, Doctrine, Law and Government fort to connect missions throughout and Leadership. Worldview training is also integrated into the Student every division of the school, begins Leadership Institute, Lions Scholar and Future Problem Solvers programs. with All School Worship and serves as the commissioning service. Stu- Missions are a priority and integral part of the culture, curriculum dents gain new insights and grow in and character of Prestonwood Christian Academy. Middle and Upper their appreciation of other cultures School students are required to participate in life-changing, short- and diversity as God has defined it. term mission experiences of redeeming value that are God-honoring,

13 INCO ME!& finanCial reporT EXPENSES (Eleven Months Ended May 31, 2014)




Before we know it we will be buying supplies for the first day of school, the “difference makers” at PCA. Lastly, planning our back to school parties, and getting ready for another great your additional giving allowed us to begin year at PCA! and complete several other projects, including putting Apple® computers into In the midst of all this activity, I took some time to reflect on our 2013- the hands of every student! 2014 school year. Tis past year, we saw tremendous academic success, multiple state and national sports accomplishments, big wins in the Over the next several months, these gifts arts, and most importantly, nearly 400 students went on mission trips are also providing for the construction of around the world, truly integrating their faith into their everyday lives-- the new Student Life Center, significant the essence of a KINGDOM EDUCATION. upgrades to the baseball and football fields, and significant improvements to As I reflected on these things, I was overcome with thankfulness for ev- the PCA campus. eryone who makes the vision of Kingdom education a reality. From the parents who sacrifice so much in order to send their children to PCA, to Friends, a big THANK YOU from each the teachers and administrators who make Kingdom education the heart of us on the Board of Trustees. We are and soul of their classrooms and hallways, I realized how unbelievably honored to serve alongside you! blessed we are. Sincerely, I was also overwhelmed when I thought of the parents, grandparents, corporations, alumni and friends, who made financial commitments to

the PCA Initiatives, including Sponsor-A-Child and the PCA Fund. Te Tom Sherman Sponsor-A-Child funds helped countless families attend PCA, who might PCA Board Chair not have been able to otherwise, while the PCA Fund helped compensate for the delta between tuition dollars and our budget, funding primarily

14 Expenses* Description % of Total Expenses ______ᕡ Salary & Benefts ? ᕢ Tuition Assistance ? ᕣ Operating Expenses ? ᕤ Administrative Expenses ?

ᕣ ᕣ ᕤ

ᕢ ᕢ ᕡ

Income* Description % of Total Income ______ᕡ Tuition & Fees 95.3 ᕢ PCA Fund 1.5 ᕣ Sponsor-A-Child Recognized 2.3 ᕤ Other Donations & Fundraising 0.9 *Unaudited results shown as a percentage of total income and expenses during fscal 2013–2014 during fscal and expenses total income of as a percentage *Unaudited results shown finanCial reporT GIVING




Porenis sedit et ent odi a everunt, tores sum dolor aceatis aut eario. Delique enis am reiur ad moluptatem Nequiam latus estotatquam, sit quia que dolor milignatur at. quis vidit ipsunti occatium as pora vo- luptur, secum iumquam estia dollab ipsa Sit, seque aut fugia cum est faccumq uiaturem quid mi, temperovi- corum, sin con eum harciurio. Ratem er- tat quibusda dem harcia dolorempere liate vendaerum vent, offictu spelia que poressunt faccus doluptaspis rerrumque volupta temoluptat et laceste nus debis que si di res quatur? exceped quation pa sum rehenecerrum dolorum ipidelecte num qui doloren Ibusdant il millia necturem repereptio iur siminveria il modisimus am, istotatum dolupta simus, consectati int. nam, sequia aliate maionestia quosanducid ut ut quam rem et labo. Rum re sedist, ulligent. Aboriam reste evelitem hillia velis et volupti onsecae nullaut unt. Officiaturi cones ipidit odi cum eossinctatur solupta musdant quid utem que pa adit quibus as ipsus, volori cus di volestibus expe peritio Sincerely, consedit id que eum que perio doloreh enectae simod qui dolorep ereped ut ipit omnis et voluptatem reptate mporiandi reiurem rem dolorero blam earum, que doluptatia dellat. Angel DeLeon Senior Director of Development Uciant adipidiores sit optatio et eius con commoluptus ut pedis am iusam, nobisquame eatat lab iducimi, omnim doluptat hici namusa non restius eaque nectis expere natem. Nem eum dolorro volorep repedicilit dolorrumque cone volorepe suntum remos voluptio. Met eium latam aut que dolupta quature ptaquibusam accus, con rehenim nam reped

16 ቤ Overall Giving* Category Total ______ቢ Annual Giving $2,553 ባ Capital Giving $565 ባ ቤ Endowment Giving $213 ______ቢ Grand Total $3,331

*in thousands

Annual Giving* Category Total ______ቢ ቢ Margin of Excellence—PCA Fund $326 ቤ ባ Tuition Assistance—Sponsor-A-Child $669 ባ ቤ Other Annual Giving $1,558 ______Grand Total $2,553

*in thousands

Giving by ቧ ቨ ቦ Constituency Constituency % of Category ብ ______ቢ Current Families 47% ባ Foundations & Corporations 20% ቤ Alumni Families 9% ቤ ቢ ብ Friends 9% ባ ቦ Grandparents 5% ቧ Trustees 6% ቨ Faculty 4% ______Grand Total 100% THank yO u TO O ur

DONOO v E rall giving RS Alumni David and Susan Franjac Bob and Casey Somabut Fulcrum Orthopedics Nick and Alex (‘06) Bellamy Cliff and Samantha Freeman Jeanna Soper Gartner-Matching Gift Center Katie Blanc (‘06) Greg and Patty Gobin Stacy Staiger George Q. Adams, DDS, MSD Nicole Clevenger (‘09) Mike and Kathy Grace Bill and Jane Steadman Girl Scouts Of Northeast TX Stephen Davis (‘05) David and Catherine Grayson Mike and Nayla Stephan Goldman Sachs Clayton Dysart (‘05) Jorge Corona and Valerie David and Kim Stidham Griffin & Grace Michael (‘06) and Gregory Tom and Holly Strother Grin Central Station, LLP Caitlin Fechner Todd and Nancy Gregory Dan and Susan Thomas Guidestone Financial Haylee Harker (‘12) Steve and Brenda Grogean Donna Thomas Resources Ty Herring (‘14) Tim and Laurie Haese Mark and Romalyn Trewitt Gupta Orthodontics Taylor St. John (‘04) Michael and Rachel Hardin Mitch and Kathi Wagnon Hair Shots Billy and Holli Steadman (‘05) Ron and Dalaina Harrell Emory and Sharon Warren Halliburton Exploration LLC Tyler Strother (‘14) Tim and Leslie Hatfield Mark and Kim Weber Halliburton Production Co., LLC Luke (‘09) and Ruth Greg and Carol Hayes Stephanie Wesson Hamico INC Anne Taylor Jay and Lindsay Herring Maurice Williams Hawkins Ministries Jacob Tribon (‘13) Barry and Mary Ellen Hess Paul and Lori Williams Heritage Keepers Printing Eric and Darla Hollabaugh Bruce and Tracy Winters Hip-O LLC Kent and Claire Hope Daniel and Sheree Wolfe HIS BridgeBuilders Alumni Jim and Ann Hopson Don and Sheila Yonce Hubbard Dental, PC Allen and Kristi Hudson Jones Investment Company Grandparents Bill and Jessica Huff Joy Church International George and Virginia Adams Jim and Jan Jeffcoat Corporations JPMorgan Chase Foundation Judy Alekna Lon and Rue Johnson Acadian Ambulance Service Keller Williams Frisco Frank and Barbara Barbee Steve and Kristi Jones Affiliated Multi-Family Keller Williams Realty Ed and Janet Cassady Cindy Jozefiak Services, Inc KJ Dance Designs, Inc. Sid and Sharon Dahl Keith and Rhonda Kehlbeck All Creatures Veterinary Center Kreative Kidz Partz Steve and Carol Dragomire Kim Kelty American Bank, N.A. Kwik Kar Willowbend Ruben and Sandra Fechner Mark and Jill Kennedy American Endowment Letcher Holdings Inc Paul and Joetta Guta Paulette Klein Foundation Lilly Consulting Company Joe and Mary Harker Rob and Janice Klein Animal Crackers Livewire Fitness Garry and Janet Kinder Terry and Victoria Klein AO Group LLC Lone Star Vision Ed and Barbara Landers Chris and Ashlee Kleinert Babe’s Lute Riley Honda Clarice Mason Curt and Karol Ladd Bacci’s Pizza Maggie’s Chet and Janet Moyers Mark and Shannon Lichty Bank of America Main Street Assurance Monroe and Dorothy Pritchett Bill and LaTrease Lindley Bank of America Matching Services, Inc. Joyce Quick Jim and Laura Lord Gifts Program Mana Restaurants Jim and Caye Randolph Edgar and Janet Ludgar Bank of Oklahoma Holdings, LLC Farrell and Barbara Ray Mike and Leigh Anne Maack Bank of Texas Mark A. Craig, DDS MD PA Bobby and Phyllis Ray Tim and Sharon Marcinko Bill Blythe Asphalt Co. Massey Cadillac Noel and Pat Swingle Rusty and Kelly McDowell Brodersen Enterprises Meringue Bakery Plano Jean Ziglar Phil and Cassandra McKee Burris Windows Metten Holdings Becky McLain Buttry Realty Partners LLC Midpark Cleaners Tony and Gail McWilliams CA, Inc. Millennium Advisory Group Alumni Parents Ron and Karen Meador Cardinal Sports Moroch Anonymous (12) Glenn and Trissy Mills Carrollton Kinesiology & New York Life Insurance Co. Craig and Sherri Adams Greg and Laura Mitchell Chiropractic Health Center Newman Real Estate, Inc Rob and Jane Agee Philip and Lisa Mobley Carter Morris Ministries Nissan Of McKinney Larry and Denise Armstrong Mike and Leslie Mount Catamaran, Inc North Central Ford Phil and Annette Armstrong Steve and Sarah Murray Cedars Woodfire Grill North Dallas Honey Company Alan and Marsha Backof Dave and Stacy Nabasny Chick-fil-A, Inc. - Plano Northwestern Mutual Financial Mike and Karen Beeson Danny and Michele Nafey ChildSmile Pediatric Dentistry Network Jim and Dana Bell Scott and Shannon Owens Corwin Engineering Inc. Northwestern Mutual Stephanie Berry Blaine and Candace Owens Crossview Ventures, LLC Foundation Dick and Cyndi Blanc Jerry and Beth Pattillo Customer Centered OrthoTexas Physicians and Tim and Kathy Boobar Jerry and Teresa Patton Consulting Group Surgeons PLLC Paul and Adrianne Boynton Cary and Traci Paulette Dallas Baptist University OXO Family Partnership Rick and Barbi Briscoe Bob and Linda Paulk Dallas Neurobehavioral Paragon Structural Jerry and Elba Brown Jim and Tania Pearce Associates, PLLC Engineering, Ltd. Larry and Brubaker George and Valerie Phillips Dan Harker Interest, Inc. Parker School Uniforms, L.P. Duff and Brenda Burkes Rob and Sherise Richey Daugherty Property Group PCA Plus Mike and Joanie Buster Robert and Michelle Ray Delicate Moving Systems Pepsico Foundation Board Scott and Sandy Cassady Steve and Trudy Reed Dental Implant and Phoenix Construction Co. Chris Apple Richard and Lisa Chamberlain Cindy Reid Periodontal Partners, LLP Pie Five Restaurants Inc. Dana Bell Brad and Lisa Clark Bobby and Cathy Reynolds Dillas Quesadillas PMH TX Management, LLC Patrick Boyce Scot and Cristina Clevenger Mark and Lynne Rhodes Doodycalls SBD Group LLC Praise Hymn Fashions Eddie Caldwell Ric and Celeste Cordon Ross Robinson Eddy’s Toyota PrattLaw, PLLC Donna Cash Byron and Kathy Crabb Art and Joanie Rutherford Elite Test Prep of Texas, Inc. Precision Warehouse Lisa Clark Paul and Dee Daniels John and Patti Ryan Elvebak Orthodontics Design, LLC Sara Cowman Bryan and Kimberly Davis Ed and Leslie San Andres Eministries Consulting, Inc. Prestonwood Baptist Church Mark Frears Angel and Paige DeLeon Monty and Kellee Scott ENT Care for Kids Puritan Financial Jason Graham Marc and Kari Dingler Robert and Melissa Shaffer Enterhealth/The Point Group Companies, Inc. Dan Harker Fielding and Lynn Dunlap Mike and Shannon Shell EP Compressors Raising Canes USA, LLC John Harper Randy and Michaelann Dykes Sandy Shell Extreme Mobil Services, Inc. Raytheon Matching Chad Lunsford Johnson and Beth Ellis Craig and Linda Sherwood Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Gifts Program Larry Novak Ellen Ewing Blake and Kathy Short First Choice ER Remax DFW Brad Popoff Laura Fechner Barney and Vicki Shupe Fit N Pilates Richard L. Vera, MD, PA Tom Sherman John and Carol Ferguson Alan and Paula Sims Fluellen Enterprise LLC Rightnow Ministries Charlotte Spivey John and Jill Fietz Paul and Cheryl Sivertson Frisco West Animal International Scott Turner Jeff and Mary Carl Finkelstein Scott and Cindy Slayton Medical Center Robert J. Skinner Investments Mark Wiggins Dan and Laura Flowers Jamie Smith Frost Bank Rumsey Site Construction

18 Sabre Holdings Ade Adewuyi Robbi Brewer Virginia Currey Jack and Amy Fleming Savvy Fare Restaurants Ruby Akahoshi Charleene Briggs Andrew Curtis Susan Fletcher DONORSSBO Wireless, LLC Kaye Albright Lauren Brill Meghan Cushman Joy Floyd Scheef & Stone, LLP Wiltz Alexander Dwayne Brinkley Trey Cushman Nell Floyd SchoolPix, Inc. Matthew and Kristen Allcorn Mickey Broach Caroline Daggs Lynn and Jackie Floyd Shannon Owens LLC Jeff and Lisa Allen Ronald Bromeier Tiffani D’Agostino Carl and Frances Foger Shari’s Family Pet Spa, LLC Charles and Anna Allen Thomas Brower Kenneth Daily Ryan and Deborah Forrister Singularity, Inc. Kimberly Allen Alma Brown Denise Daniel Holly Forsythe Sky Ranches, Inc. Jon Anders Beverly Brown Jeff Danna Mark and Michelle Fowler Smith Family Ministries, Inc David Anderson Lester Brown Mike and Tamara Daugherty Cynthia Fox Solace Salon Mike Anderson Nicholas Brown Daryl and Mandy Davis Brad Frazier Sooner Management, LLC Mary Anderwald Priscilla Brown Don and Gay Davis Shirley Freeman Southlake General Contractors Mark and Amanda Andrews Steve and Julie Brown Erin Davis Keith and Janet Fuller Star Ranch Dental, Dr. Peter Mark and April Anthony Thomas and Geneva Browning Genay Davis Jonathan Gaffner Barnett, DMD Raul Arangua Bryan Brush Robert and Heather Davis Glenn and Jayme Gaines State Farm Insurance - John Michael and Nicole Arenas Tommy Bufkin Daniel De Armas Cheri Galvan M. Hammon Marie Arguello Robert Burchard David de Armas Richard and Sandra Gammenthaler Styles Plus Inc. Las and Cindy Arredondo Janie Burkett Marvin and Donna De Moss Justin Gammill TCC Joshua 24 15 LTD Hank and Toni Ascher Richard Burkett Richard and Marvel De Witt Lee and Brenda Gammill Texas 2 Stitch April Ashton Brooke Burns David Dean Lewis and Brenda Garner Texas Back Institute Physicians, P.A. Richard Auchard Vickie Burr Kevin Dean Joe Garza Texas Instruments Foundation Chad and Alicia Ayers Nadajalah Bursey Tommy and Deann Dean Avia Gauthier Texas Orthopaedic Association, LLP Joe Ayoub Kenneth and Shirley Butler Nestor and Donna Dearmas Victor and Phlecia Geary The Good Works Company Jerry and Carolyn Bachmann Jason and Stephanie Byrd Michael DeBacco Regina George The Kimberly Clark Foundation Jeff and Crystal Baker Misael Cabrera Anthony and Leigh Delorenzi Gregg Gibson The L Group Mary Ann Baker Brian and Judy Cade Tonja DeMaret James Gill The Noble Group Nanette Baker Mehret Cahill Mike and Necia Dexter Denise Gillean The Prudential Foundation Brian Ball Donald and Ruthann Campbell Miguel Diaz Kristy Glashagel Matching Gifts Program Shane and Paige Ball Helen Campbell Terry and Ellen Dick Tom and Julie Goodale The Saxton Group Jason and Barbara Ballard James Campbell Billy and Frances Dickerson Matt Gore The Schiller Firm Lynn and Ava Ballard Ray and Helen Canterbury Cathy Dietze Sandra Gosser The Texas Financial Group- Lynnette Balser Stephanie Carenza Donna Dimitri Danny and Fonda Graham Patrick Matthews Jeffery and Michelle Bankston Mary Carey Marcus Dingler Josh and Kaytie Graham Thrailkill All Metals Fabricating Gary and Kimberly Bannister Gary Carrico Reagan Dixon Janeese Greaves TJM Advertising Concepts, Inc. Mark Barbin Robert and Janice Carter Polly Dixon Katie Green Tom’s Auto Transport, Inc Betsey Bargainer Velta Case Judy Dobbs Michael and Jennifer Green Top of Texas Baseball Tracy and Eden Barker Diane Caton Tom and Tina Dodson Stephen Gregg Toyota of Lewisville Charles Barnes Clarence and Joyce Caulfield Dustin Donley D’anna Gregory Troubadour International Wayne Barrett John and Leslie Caulfield John Doran, M.D. Leslie Gregory Tumble Progression LLC Terri Barrick Joseph Cavazos Sheilena Dorsey Marian L. Griffin Verizon Volunteers Program Jack Barrier Charles and Peggy Cayce Beth Douglas Marci Griffith Foundation Victor and Marcia Barrow Bradley Chambers Tiffany Dowdell Jeanne Grubbs Water Frontiers Michelle Bartles Diane Chase Emmet Dowling Zane Gruznina WB Gurley Property Advisors Dan and Nickie Bartlett Jeffrey Chase Michael and Patricia Drake Gary Gunter Whitley Penn LLP Amy Basinger Jocelyn Chase Gene and Patsy Duckro Barry and Kelli Gurley Wings By Metten, Ltd. Molly Bastian Dean and Jacqueline Cherry Annette Due Christopher and Jeanne Guta Worlds of Wow, Inc. Greg and Krista Bates Bob and Susan Chitwood Cheryl Duncan Donald and Sheryl Guta WPG Solutions, Inc. Wendy Beatty Clyde and Debra Christensen Cory Duncan Steve Guynes Wrona Fit LLC Anthony and Amber Beckles Joseph and Kathy Christman Robert and Susan Dunfee Thomas and Jennifer Haag Y&A Inc - Foot Spa Edward and Rhonda Bednar Scott Churchill Lindsey Durrett Richard Hadley YourCause, LLC Dan Beecroft Don and Sandra Clark Lauren Dykes Lilian Haeger Scott and Kelly Bennett Jimi Clark Johnny East Peter and Judy Hagen Janis Bennett Kenneth Clark Carol Eckel Ed Hagerty Foundations Ritchie Beougher Mark and Sandra Clark Thomas and Eleanor Ehrhart Jennifer Haigh Anonymous (1) Regina Bergeron James Clingman Roy and Linda Eiland Thomas and Debbie Hall Albright Revocable Trust Alan and Terri Bernard Nell Clingman Ralph and Rose Elliot Carolyn Hall Ann Clingman Living Trust Joseph Bernardo Sallie Clingman Rob and Peggy Elliott Debbie Hall Ayco Charitable Foundation Bob and Della Best Robert and Cindy Clover Rodney and Evalyn Elliott Timothy and Daphne Hallman Big Rocks Foundation Inc. Francine Biddle Joseph and Karen Coffey Craig Ellis Pamela Halstead Boleman Family Trust Shannon Biondo James Coker John and Susan Ellis Andrew and Amy Halter Carpenter Family Trust Chuck and Elizabeth Birdlebough George and Rose Cole Kathy Elste Andy Halusek Castle Hills Schools Foundation, Inc. Jeffrey Bitting Allen and Susan Coleman Carmen Emery Justin and Tisha Ham Cook Living Trust Geoge and Carol Bjorkman Carson Coleman Paige Emery Ryan and Karey Hamby Gray Revocable Trust Joel and Angela Blackstone David Coleman Ben Erskine Mary Ellen Hanna Irvin Family Dynasty Trust Phil and Suzanne Blackstone Sydnee Collins Michael Erwin W.B. and Stephanie Harding Janet Liebrock Holderness Trust Scott and Judy Blair Deborah Collura Jimmy and Sandra Eubank Jennifer Hare Matthews 2010 Limited Jennifer Blankenship Ms. Combes Marty and Debra Ezell Lindsay Hargrove Partnership William Bloodworth Dawn Conner Vickie Faglie Michael Harland National Christian Foundation Bill Blythe Paul and Cassie Conrad Steve Fahimi Jason and Laura Harn Renaissance Charitable Roy and Kathy Bobbitt Carol Conway Folake Familusi Kaley Harper Foundation Inc. Deborah Boehm J.R. and Lori Cook Tricia Familusi Janet Harris The Brock Family Living Trust Bryan and Jeanne Bolhuis Mary Cook Holly Farmer Keena Harris The JKL Foundation Perry and Patsy Bolin Farrah Corley Rita Farmer Kelvin Harris The Master’s Foundation, Inc. Steven and Kimberly Bolos Billy Cox George and Wanda Farr Lolita Harris The Saunders Family Trust Javan Bond Justin Cox Nathanael Ferguson Timothy Harris Leslie and Barbara Bond Denise Crabbe Renee Ferguson Jessica Hart Jamie Booth Keith and Sheila Craft Larry and Debi Ferrarini David Harty Friend Julia Bosland Larry Craghead Robert Finley Craig and Michelle Hausz Anonymous (11) Amber Boswell Mark Craig Anita Fiorletta Todd Hawkins Thomas and Kimberly Abalos Matthew and Leslie Bottoms Carlos and Mindy Crawford Sheila Fipps Victor and Pearl Hayduchok Jeanette Abbene Scott and Judith Bowker John Crist Kate Fishel Bruce and Susan Hayes Phyllis Abrahamson Paul Box John Cronje David and Sandra Fisher James and Lynn Hayes Karen Abrams Mark and Millie Boyd Robert Crosser Jim and LaDonna Fitzgibbon Jeremiah and Elizabeth Hayes James Adams Daphne Branche Ted Cruz Pamela Fitzgibbon Marvin and Virginia Hayes Randy and Nancy Addison Roger and Jennifer Branson Lashunda Cunningham Brandon and Kimberly Flabiano Donald and Monica Hays

19 THank yO u TO O ur

Tim and Julie Head Julie Kim Quentin and Tammy McClellan Jim and Dawn Packwood Michael and Meghan Head Chulmin and Hyun Kim Peter and Debra McCook Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) DONOEmmett and Tasha Healy James Kuk Kim Kate McCrary Martha Park RS Glenn and Kendra Healy Christina King Kevin and Leah McDonald Veronica Parker Mark and Martha Heard Candace King-Lewis Sandy McDonald Nate Wilson and Megan Parker-Wilson Hammond and Josie Heath Scott and Linda Kirby Ryan and Heidi McDow Matthew Parks Steven and Kappi Helms Walter Kirkland Kevin and Teresa McGowan Chris and Isabella Patterson Jennifer Henard Linda Kirkpatrick Bert and Karen McJimsey Patricia Patterson-Wilson Joe Henderson Wendy Kizer Mason McJimsey Ashleigh Paulk Amy Hendrix James and Cecilia Klein James and Susan McMahan Bryan Payne Sam Hensen Nicholas Klein Brian and Patricia McNabb Armando and Clara Pelaez James Henson Craig and Melissa Klopatek Voss and Mary McRaney Kristin Pelphrey Kris and Renee Herrin Zachary and Jana Klotz Melissa McReynolds Rebecca Pennartz Janet Hess Janis Knight Mr. and Mrs. Meador Carissa Penny Richard and Nicke Hetzel Barton Kouba Virginia Meador Kimberly Penz David and Stephanie Hicks Bala Murali Krishna John and Petra Meadows Joe and Linda Perry Stephen Hicks Raoul and Shelley Kristen Kimberly Medlin Alex Perry Jeffrey and Jill Hilder James and Patricia Kruger Thomas and Marilene Meneley Justin and Amy Perry David and Barbara Hill Alfred Kyle Dixie Mennen Laurie Pertile James and Janet Hillendahl Tom and Nancy Lacey Sharon Meredith Jeffrey Peters Jim and Pam Hillhouse Joseph LaCognata Pam Merryman Donna Peterson James Hilliard Nathan Lafon Kathleen Metter Janice Peveto Robert and Evelyn Hinds Augusto Lama Judith Metts James Pfister Dave Hinkle Lee Lambeth Paul and Melanie Metz Mary Jane Phillips Barry and Gwen Hobbs Curtis Lampley Richard and Deborah Meuret Neil Pierce Doug and Cindy Hocker Charles and Sheila Landry Eric and Debra Michaud Larry and Ann Pinion Ryndi Hodge Audnette Largent Helen Michelotti Nathan and Ann Pipitone Jim and Sonya Hodson Kim Larsen Louise Millen John and Mindy Pittman Sherry Hogberg April Lasater Darla Miller Paul Polit Cory and Marjorie Hohweiler Toby and Debbie Lashbrook Gary and Paula Miller Lance and Stacy Poole Robert and Karen Holloway John and Rebecca Lavelle Marvin and Cheryl Miller Craig and Jamey Porter Jenny Holmes Eva Lavine Nathan Miller John Posey Mack Holmes Jack and Kristin Layman Zachary Miller Derrick Potter Tom and Donna Holstrom Ken and Donna Leadford Paul Mills Marc Potter J. Scott Holyfield Martha Lee Fred and Marlene Minton Warren and Mary Beth Powell Jo Ann Hoppe Brian Lehman Jerry and Jan Minx Doreatha Powell Jeffrey and Nicole Hopper Eric and Lauren Leininger John and Janet Miranda Gloria Powers Nancy Horn Adam Lenhart Leah Mitchell Dave Pribich Helena Horsman Carol Lenhart Steven Mitchell Scott and Alicia Price Eric and Sherrie Horstman Lynn Lenhart Adam Moffitt Amy Prideaux Brenda House Kari Lester Robin Mojica Joseph and Catrina Pulejo Carl Howard Craig Lewandowski Michael Moodenbaugh Kyle Rainwater Kris and Cheri Howard Gary and Kay Lewis Martha Mooney Heather Ralls Paul Howard Jason and Joey Lindmark James Moore Carlos Ramirez Donna Howell James Lindquist Marcie Moore Michael and Jamie Ramsey Daniel and Karyn Hubbard Camden Lindsey-Gardner Greg Moran Gerald and Joyce Randolph Lynne Huck Pang Ling Ling Melanie Morgan Chuck and Linda Rankin William and Carolyn Hudson Christina Lipton Steve and Dotty Morgan Dale Rayman Randy and Melanie Hughes Wendy Litman Carter and Julie Morris Natalie Redman Dickie and Patti Hunter Brennan Little Susanne Morrison Irene Redmond Pam Hurt Fred and Paula Lively Ken and Sue Moser Angela Redondo Jason and Vicki Huse Marcy Lloyd Ron and Deb Moss Derrick Reed Todd and Elaine Huttenstine Norman and Lynne Lofgren Mark and Lirio Mulder Stacey Reese Natalie Izaguirre Eric and Dai Logan Ron and Cheryl Murff Jill Reeves Amy Jackson Kristin Lopez Trent Murphree Terri Reiser Thomas and Karen Jacobs Heather Love Janie Nabors Margarita Renegar EJ Janik Ben Lovvorn Patricia Nabors Estella Rhudy Jeff Jeans Shannon Lowe Alex and Jennifer Nelson L. J. Richardson Gwen Jefferson Joel Lowry Howard and Claudia Nelson David and Holly Risser Teresa Jeffrie Landon and Sarah Lowry Jeffrey Neuenschwander José and Patzy Rivera Jon Jennings Stephen Lubniewski Reese and Allison Neumann Erin Roach Ron and Marilyn Jiracek Susan Lucas Anderson Neumann Linda Roberson Eric Johansson Kevin and Marjanne Lunde Carole Newton Chrisma Robertson Andrea Johnson Brenda Maass Charlie and Nancy Newton Elijah Robertson Justin Johnson Tony Mack Jackie Newton Joanna Robertson Kelly and Jennifer Johnson Mary Maddox Karen Noble Libby Robertson Stephanie Johnson Laurie Magers Cathryn Nolan Brandon and Joy Robinson Debbie Johnson Matthew and Natalie Malone Ben and Elizabeth Norris Mark and Linda Robinson Ron and Barbara Johnson Aaron and Jennifer Manley Sarah Novlan Patricia Robinson David and Marcy Johnston Jane Mann Michael and Julie Nutter Raquel Robinson Craig Jones Tim Mannschreck Richard Oblak Brenda Robson Curtis Jones Henry and Jacqualine Marcelle Pat and Lisa O’Connell Charlotte Rock David and Katie Jones Todd and Roya Marcelle Kerri Olivo David and Fanny Rodriguez Kimberly Jones Michael and Micki Maris Oluwole A. Olowu Stephanny Rodriguez Lance Jones Nancy Markham George O’Neal Randy and Marta Rogan Laura Jones Charles Martin Charles and Jacqueline Onyango Braeden and Megan Rogers Mary Calhoun Jones Robert Martin Bob Onyinanya Henry Rolfe Mr. and Mrs. Jones Erika Martino Robert and Evelyn Orr Joseph and Elba Rosado Kim Jones Mike Mason Ron Orsini Keith and Lorraine Rosbury Peron and Carol Jones Kim Mathis George Oster Sharon Rose Mark Jordan Tracy and Darla Maxwell Ken Oswald Lawrence and Carla Rosenberg Todd Jost Lawney May Michael Oswald Jeannette Rountree Lela Kaufman John and Nicole McAfee Robert Ownby Trevor Rudzinski Jon Kennedy Kristi McCallon Ted and Alana Ownby Beverly Ruffin Charles Kim Charles McCan R. J. and Pamela Packer Melanie Ruffin

20 Antonio Gallegos Ruiz Charles and Roberta Sullivan Jacqueline Webb William and Jane Brummett Maria Ruiz Carmona Michael Surdyk Mathew and Jennifer Webb Bill and Kay Burchard DONORSKyle and Emogene Rushing Carol Swearingen Ronnie and Debbie Webb Eddie and Phyllis Buck Don Russell Brian Swingle Barbara Weiszhaar Linda Burgess Emma Russell Jeff and Kim Symes Jennifer Weixel Gerald and Tina Burks Harry Ryan Linda Szelog Terri Weryavah Thomas and Margaret Bursey John and Evelyn Ryan Michael Tabaka Jeremy West Don and Linda Burton Faye Sabo-Moody Russell Tackett Rasheetha West Nancy Buttry Sharon Sackie Dale and Dana Tanner Sharon West Stephen and Carol Campbell Greg and Dianna Salciccioli Roger and Mary Ann Tatum Clifford White Peter and Wyvonne Cantrell Jacob Salley A. Starke and Carolyn Taylor David and Sandi White Anselmo and Lucy Cantu Jenny Salmon Derek Taylor Edward and Cheryl White Eugene and Carole Chambers Charlene Salto Kenneth and Paige Taylor Katherine Wiele Willis and Linda Charles Christy Salto Ryan and Michelle Taylor Justin and Lindsay Wiggains Humberto and Vilma Chavez Robert Sanders Zachary and Christine Taylor Mildred Williams Neil and Linda Cheatham Reagan Santos Jonathan Teague Russell and Amanda Williams Ron and Kay Cherry Ronald and Diana Santos Byron and Sharon Temple Velma Williams Bob and Patti Claar John Sather Anne Terrall Charles and Kari Wilson Evelyn Clark Craig and Julie Saunders Ardith Terrell Kassidy Wilson Bettie Cline Sondra Saunders Brian and Nancy Terrell Sam and Zella Wilson Fully and Gloria Clingman Mike Scarborough Michele Terrien Betty Wimpy Virginia Coffman Rob Scarborough Steven Terrien Amy Wine Roger and Rosa Maria Colburn Terri L. Schmidt David and Tina Teutsch Marti Wise David and Darlene Cole Abbey Schoenky Phil and Michelle Thames Vickie Wise Doris Colvard Vicki Scivicque Daniel and Robin Tharpe Barry and Gail Wood John and Lynda Comegys Robert and Gwen Scott Langston Theis Glenda Wood Lee and Pat Cook Daniel and Karin Scullion Claire Thibodeau Michael Woods Ken and Millie Cooper Kevin and Patty Seidler Daniel Thimann Wayne Wooten John and Susan Corley Kasey Selakovich Sam and Amanda Thomas Patrick and Melissa Workley Jerry and Judy Cox Steve Selakovich Sandra Thomas Darlene Workman Ralph and Betty Crawford T.A. Selakovich Sandy Thomas Jim Wright Mike and Barbara Crotts Walt and Tina Selakovich Tiara Thomas Rickie Wright Barbara Crutcher Roy and Tori Serpa Bob and Michele Thompson May Yong Joe and Gayle Curtis Mark and Renay Shackelford Toni R. Thompson Phillip and Tammye York Lyndal and Loretta Dale George and Shirley Shafer John Thomsen Christopher and Jennifer Young Don and Grace Daniels Matt and Robyn Shaheen Matthew Thornberry Delmas Young Sue Davidson Mike and Susan Shawver Billy and Kathy Thrailkill Gregory and Martha Young Jim and Nancy Davis George and Celia Sheehan Susan Tierney Jonathan and Carol Young Robert and Billie Dawkins James Sheehan Wendy Tingle Denise Zarins Rafael and Clysta de Armas Nathan and Patty Sheets Gilbert and Shauna Tinney Leo and Sylva Dennis Kenneth and Billie Sheppard Terry Torbet Richard and Suzanne Dettling Billy and Brenda Sherrill Kristina Torres Grandparents Jim and Susan deVenny Stewart and Deborah Sherwood Maria-Elena Torres Anonymous (4) Jerry and Carla DeVore Lucy Shipmon Rachel Torres Larry and Vicki Abbott Bill and Susan Dickens Will and Mary Lou Shuck Fernando Torres Dwight and Kaye Abrams John and Sheron Drew Michael Shuck Phung Tran James and Glenda Adian Rick and Judi Dunham Jim and Mary Shy Debbie Tremont-Hazelton Dewey and Linda Alexander Ben and Gail Dyess Denise Simpson Daniel and Christine Tropp Dianna Alexander Ted and Anslie Dysart Travis and Machelle Sims Danny and Leesa Trout Fred and Monica Alexander Gayle Earls Robert Skinner Guy and Jan Tucker Joel and Kathy Allen Ann Ellis Paul and Mary Slaton Jennie Turnell Dirk and Marcy Allison David and Jessie Enright Harlan and Monek Smith Calvin and Roshawn Turner Terry and Sandra Anderson Robert and Barbi Erskine Harry Smith Stuart and Sherri Turnquist Skip and Ilene Applegate Raymond and Jan Erwin Jason Smith Charles and Martha Underriner Jerry and Barbara Lilley Bruce and Donna Essebaggers Jeffrey Smith Steve Upton Jerry and Jane Armstrong Harry and Bonnie Faulkner Maria Smith Jon and Yvonne Valasek Alan and Patti Aulenbach Bob and Cindy Ferguson Pamela Smith Danny Valenzuela Tommy and Janet Ayers Clarence and Carol Fields Roxanna Smith Taylor Van Antwerp Cheryl Ball Ruth Finley Susannah Smith Robert and Deanna Vanover Ron and Paulette Bangert Carolyn Fisher Melvin and Karen Smith Florencio Varela John and Caroline Barbie Bill and Cathy Fleming David Snedecor Juan and Stacey Vargas Doug and Lucy Batchelor Dorothy Fleming Jason and Kaylan Snyder Myron Vazquez Madeline Bate Michael and Sara Fleming Robert and Candace Snyder Kim Vela Tom and Marianne Beal Daryl and Lois Flood Todd Sparks Dan and Cornelia Vellenga Eddie and Becky Bearce Carolyn Follett John and Dawn Spicer Carl and Christine Vellenga Ron and Lorene Beatty John and Nita Ford Galen and Paige Spitler David and Ellen Vellenga Merlyn Beeman Paul and Verda Foster Matthew and Julie Stanford Heidi E. Vellenga Glenn and Carolyn Bell Robert and Phyllis French Marianne Staubach James and Jennifer Vilade Pershing and Dennise Berthelot Ron and Twila Jean Frohock Robert and Barbara Steinweg Scott Vogan Dick and Dena Blackwell Darryl and Linda Gaines Stacey Stephens Gena Beth Vollmer Cathy Blythe Mitzi Gaines JK Sterling Larry and Brenda Vowell Paul and Carole Boise Robert and Barbara Gammenthaler Leonard and Cindi Stevens Beth Vrabel Paula Bolander Joe and Dana Gant James and Becki Stevenson Terry and Lana Wade Joyce Bordelon Prudy Garland Sophia M. Stewart Chad and Gina Wade Renato and Juliet Bosita Larry and Suzy Gekiere Stephanie Stewart Reid and Julie Wade Dave Boston Shirley Gervers Tom Stickney Craig Wagner Bob and Jean Boswell Greg and Angie Gielow Scott Stiverson Cassandra Walker Elton and Pat Boswell Greg and Glenice Gile Anne Stokes Vincent and Catherine Walker Gene and Gail Boulton Don and MaryBeth Gilmer Shannon Stokes William M. Wallace Brent and Sandra Boyett Ray and Sharon Glass Nicole Stoops Billy and Shelley Walls Theron and JoAnn Bracey Gerald Gleason Doug and Sandy Stotts James and Cecilia Wardoclip Nancy Bradley John and Faye Golaboff Glen Stover Beverly Watson Bob and Barbara Brady Norm and Diana Goldman Jim and Julie Strother James Watson Gerald and Truetta Brandt Phil and Dianne Gossett Rachel Stutler James and Joy Weaver Ed and Suzanne Bridgeman Harold and Lena Graham James and Virginia Sukenik Elise Webb Anna Belle Broussard Jack and Deb Graham

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William and Mary Gray Joel and Janice Lowry Mario and Rosie Rodriguez Mike and Vicki Green Frank and Carol Lucas Howard and Judy Ropp Les and Debbie Gregory Alan and Cindy Lukehart Tom and Elaine Rose DONOTex and Paula Grubbs Bonnie Manley Brad and Candy Rosenwald RS Misty Guerry Ed and Jan Marsh Fred and Patti Rossi Jack and Bonnie Guest Mary Francis Martin Gary and Marianne Ruffin Grant and Leslie Guthrie Lex and Barbara Mason Jim and Nona Rutherford Edward and Mary Beth Rose Haase Homer and Mary Massey Ben and Irene Scarborough John and Cari Hall Gary and Joy Mathews Stan and Audrey Scholl Ray and Paula Hall Saundra Matthews Eddie and Ruby Schwarz Lee Hambrick Charlie and Heather Mayhew Kathleen Selakovich Bill and Sharon Hamilton Charles and Bobby Mayo Sam and Diana Self Harvey Hampton Patsy McCown Harry and Debbie Sewell Charles and Sandra Harbison David and Mittie McDonald Carol Shankle Joe and Corrine Harn Bill and Jan McGaughey Peggy Sheehan John Harris Dennis and Jerry McGraw Paul and Patricia Shepard Bill and Mollie Young Ricardo and Cynthia Camarena Marshall Harris Joe and Roxanna McIntosh John and Sue Sherman Clell and Armilda Young Shawn and Jamie Cantrell Forest and Georgene Harwood Bill and Naomi McMurry Don Sherwood Jim and Jan Young Richard and Julie Carlyle Debby Hatchett Olga McMurry Bob and Pam Shetler Tim and Darlene Zabawa Scott and Carnie Carpenter O.S. and Susie Hawkins Aaron and Marty Meyer Marion and Miriam Sickman Allen and Mary Jane Carter Kara Jean Hawthorne Gary and Karen Miller Steve and Lezlee Simpson Buddy and Lori Carter Ron and Joy Haynes Patricia Mims Wesley and Martha Simpson Parents Ruben and Peggy Castaneda Richard and Carol Heasley Barbara Monk LaDonna Sims Anonymous (41) Deborah Causey Harvey and Phyllis Heflin Alan and Jeanie Moore Jim and Karen Smith Matthew and Lauren Abbene Craig and Audrey Cauthen Bob and Debbie Heinze Bill and Phyllis Moore Scott and Sue Smith Marc and Kelly Accetta Byron and Emily Chambers Paula Henderson David and Bobbie Moore Wilburn and Carol Smith Dan and Miesa Aguilera Jimmy Chapin Aaron Hennig Louis and Carolann Moore Alton and Lois Smith Jamie and Michelle Albracht Mark and LaTisha Charles Steve and Debbie Hennig Tim and Linda Moreland Bob and Lyn Smullin Jon and Tammi Alexander Chris and Dana Chastain Linda Hensel Jim and Marsha Morgan Sam and Betty Sosa Mike and Lee Ann Alexander Jason and April Chastain Grif and Kay Henson Roger and Diane Mulder Dick and Shirley Spooner Coby and Sally Allen Gary and Gaila Chatham Rebecca Henson Bill and Sandie Mullins Kent and Marilyn Statler Carl and Beth Anderson Jason and Ginny Cherry Tom and Liz Henson Jeff and Brenda Murphree Glynn and Cheryl Stephens Jeff and Jennifer Anderson Hannah Chijioke Nelson and Sydney Hewitt Isriel and Viola Murphy Carolyn Sterling Jim and DeShawn Anderson Putt and Fifi Choate Dave and Candy Hickerson Willie and Winnie Murry Bob and Adine Stevens Chris and Jill Apple Jeff and Mi Eun Choi Nita Hill Danny and Elizabeth Muzyka Art and Sherry Stone Doc and Whitney Applegate Chris and Linda Chow Lynette Hilliard Melvin Myers John and Sharlene Strawbridge Scott and Rhonda Arnett Nitin and Rachel Christopher Marlyn Hlavenka Barbara Nazworth Bobby and Darlene Struempler Darron and Jill Ash Dean and Jill Cione Dan and Karen Hoecker Rick and Helga Needham Ron and JoAnn Studdert Elizabeth Ashby David and Michelle Claassen Linda Hofstadter Jim and Sharon Nelson Pat Sullivan Brian and Lauren Aulenbach Jay and Debi Clark Charles and Dee Holley David and Debbie Newsome Wayne and Gloria Swanson Jenny Avery Cary and Cherryl Clayborn Mike and Jill Holley Lee and Tricia Newton Gary and Pam Swearengin Steve and Karen Baldwin Jay and Lisa Clingman John and Jane Holston Virginia Niemi Janice Swearengin Andrea Ball Ron and Debbie Cobb Ray Hoover Buddy and Jan Noblett Joseph and Peggy Tallal Bill and Sandra Ballentine Lee and Julie Colan Melba Howard Judy Nunnenkamp Bill and Rose Taylor Ryan and Katie Bangert John and Tamara Colbert Chung-Sen and Shan Shan Hsu Randy and Lynette O’Neal Ronald and Helen Taylor Xavier and Karen Bannis Barry and Carlana Coles Dan Hudspeth Phil and Sue Overton Gary and Judy Tedford Lydia Barbie Mike and Amanda Comegys Kathy Hurst Betsy Owens Woody and Patricia Thames Steve and Andrea Bardwell Ken and Holly Copeland Roger and Carol Hutton Anne Ownby Horace and Anne Thomas Tricia Barnes Jason and Katherine Corley Doug and Wanda Hyde Pamela Paine Joey and Susan Thompson Joe and Stephanie Barrett Warren and Mona Corwin Don and Cyndi Inkpen Bob and Linda Parker Gary and Karen Thorn Steve and Terri Bass John and Brenda Cothran Bruce and Marsha Jackson James Pasant Gary and Elsie Thornberry Mark and Julie Bates Vanessa Coward Loreita Jackson Buddy and Cathy Patterson Rick and Fay Timmins Matt and Laura Baynham Chris and Sara Cowman Don and Rosalie Jensen Dottie Patterson Fritz and Candy Torrey James and Lupita Beeman Jeremy and Jill Cox Jim and Kaye Johns Fred and Kaye Perritt Eddie and Jean Trout Russell and Julie Beiersdorf Kevin Craig Billy Joe and Donna Johnson John and Tina Pfister Eppie and Eileen Trujillo Damon and Leslie Belding Ernest and Julie Crawford Christy Johnson Richard and Mary Phegley Ron Urban Bill and Julie Bergeron Jerry and Mary Crawford James Johnson Bill and Jeanette Pickard Gary and Ruth Veazey Marc and Mary Berthelot Pamela Critcher Pam Johnson Ann Pickens Jim and Anne Vineyard Michael and Amy Biavati Michael and Colette Crouse Bob and Harriet Johnson Kim and Ruthie Poole Kim Waage Thomas and Erin Bies Tait and Joy Cruse Jimmy and Vickie Jolly John Porter Edward and Momoyo Wada Cory and Gayle Bird Brian and Diane Crutcher Barbara Jones Judy Post Neil and Lela Wade Guy and Susan Birkenmeier Chris and Dana Cunningham Charles and Karen Jones Vernon and Donna Pratt George and Debbie Wages Jim and Sally Bishop Debbie Cunningham Robert and Carol Kaufman Kenneth and Judy Pressley Alan and Lynn Wagner Jeff and Caroline Blackwell Clint and Alason Curtis Pete Espinosa and Kristine Kelly Charles and Candace Priest Marge Wagner Mark and Jodi Blanton Layton and Summer Dale Annette Kennedy Mark and Jana Proulx Ryan and Annell Wagner Pete and Robin Bluem Matt and Elizabeth Darden Genie Kern Robert and Diann Pyle Allen and Jamie Waites Bob and Erin Boles Jeffrey and Kristi Davidson Dick and Carolyn Kernal Ron and Donna Pyle Hal and Deanna Warner Becky Booth Brian and Shelly Davis David and Lynn Kniffen Bob and Beth Rafferty Fred and Joyce Warzecha Mark and Jennifer Boothby Josh and Trisha Davis Tom and Roxana Konopinski Peggy Ragus Jerry and Tonette Weaver Rey and Judy Bosita Kevin and Kerry Davis Keith and Ronda Kouba Ron and Pam Rainey Ralph and Vermel Wheatly Dirk and Patty Bouma Bill and Brenda Dawkins Robert and Camilla Kvapil Gordon and Gaye Ratcliff John and Marilyn White Ryan and Jennifer Bovermann Delton and Pam de Armas Bud and Barb LaFlame Paul and Bettye Rea Beth Whorton Patrick and Tiffany Boyce Charlie and Nadajalah Dean Linda Lane Robert Reece Lowell and Nancy Wiggains Gabe and Emilee Boyd Jeff and Gayla Denniston Calvin and Vicki Lawshe Cal and Millie Reed Carolyn Williams Bill and JoAnn Brewer Jay and Betsy deVenny Bill and Jean Leeds Martin and Barbara Reiser Larry and Nancy Williams Chuck and Claudia Brewer Steve and April DeVore Jack and Sarah Lenhart Wayne and Betty Reiter Sherry Williams Tom and Rhesa Brewster Bill and Julie Dickens Harvey and Shirley Letcher Carl and Betty Reynolds Willard Williams Brett and Lynne Bridgeman Wyatt and Wendy Dickson Bob and Eleanor Lewis Rick and Kathy Reynolds Lonnie and Margaret Williams Darrell and Sara Brown Dan and Patty Donohue Ronald Lewis Mike and Judy Richards Mike and Cindy Williamson George and Jamie Brown Tony and Janet Dorsett Richard Lilly Garland and Claudette Richardson Cliff and Dori Wilson Jim and Kristin Brull Bob and Kim Doucette Rick and Tracey Lineberger Dave and Sue Riley Faris and Mary Wilson Kevin and Lora Bryant Brooks and Julea Douglass John and Karon Little George and Kathy Ring Ken and Jan Winebrenner Scott and Cheryl Burns Jim and Kimberly Doyle Sharon Little Joy Ringo Maria Winters Josh and Karen Caesar Trent and Jenna Dunham Alan and Jenny Loe Fred and Dottie Roach Willy and Joan Wooten Cassie Caesar Kelly and Keri Earls Pat and Kathy Lofton Glenda Robertson Richard and Jeanine Wright Eddie and Paula Caldwell Justin and Courtney Ebersole Charlie and Carol Loper Marc and Darla Robertson Sally Wrona Lendilla Caldwell Keith and Catherine Edmunds David and Judy Lovell Ivonne Rodriguez Bill and Jere Yielding Shawn and Christine Callander Nathan and Dana Edwards

22 Josh Lemmon Dennis and Kathryn Oliver Bob and Cindy Sanford Leilani Lemmon Tony and Sherry Ollison Aarti Sarna Charles and Amy Leslie Emmanuel and Folake Olowu John Scheef DONORSTrey and Lori Letcher Scott and Erin Olson Michelle Scheef Tom and Julie Leverton Todd and Becky O’Neal David Schiller Tony and Treava Lewandowski Trey and Shera O’Neal Daniel and Erku Scholl Travis and Marya Lewis Chidi and Sandra Onyinanya Theodore Beckett and Nancy Jeff and Robin Lichtenstein Federico and Lubianka Arredondo Schriedel Dan and Lori Liles Michael and Meme Ostrom Eric and Stephanie Scott Tommy and Darrellene Lindsey Wes and Lori Otken Mike and Patti Scovel Brent and Elisa Little Kevin Owensby Scott and Julie Seal Greg and Kim Lively Scott and Debbie Ozanus Dana and Christie Sedgass Paul and Becky Locklin Rena Pace Mark and Denise Sees Chip and Nicki Loper Todd Pace James and Jenny Segesta David and Heather Loschen Josh and Dianna Palmer Patrick and Kristina Selakovich Virdel and LaTrisa Edwards Richie and Carrie Hare Chris and Amanda Lovell Dan and Tricia Panetti Margaret Self Greg and Cynthia Ellington Mark and Debra Harty Marino and Bibi Loyola Sung and In Park Jim and Sharon Shannon John and Lisa Ellrich Pat and Angela Hazelip Felix and Belinda Lozano Kurt and Debby Parker Michael and Holly Shaw Scott and Dana Epperson Jim and Cynthia Heaberlin Tifini Lozano Matt and Aubrey Pasant Kevin and Krista Shea Gil and Nicole Ernst Rick and Sheri Heasley Jimmy Lucas Richard and Lindz Peck Malcolm and Christi Sheedy Chris and Deanne Erwin Charles and Susan Hebert Christopher and Leslie Luce Charles and Diana Pendley Michael and Stacey Sheffield Mark and Jenitta Eskew James and Angie Heflin Frank and Tricia Lujan Brad and Krysti Penny Derrick and Fannie Shelby Brian and Sarah Eubanks Shane and Malissa Henrie Chris and Amy Lumley Tim and Christy Peters Roland and Liping Shi Jim and Kathy Everidge Scott and Sherri Hill Patrick and Heather Mahan Tom and Kara Pfister David and Holly Shivers Dan and Lisa Feather Ryan Hill Tom Caron and Jan Mahlie Lee and Carolyn Phegley Charles and Nicole Shrauner Michael and Virginia Ferer Stuart and Amy Hilliard Bruce and Sonya Martin David and Anna Phillips Jon and D’Anna Shuler Amy Fisher-Smith Steve and Danielle Hilliard Rodolfo and Kerri Martinez John and Lynn Phillips Steve and Azi Sickman Brian and Christine Flage Paul and Amanda Hoelscher Mike and Happy Mason Jason and Valerie Phillips Charlene Simmons Jason and Brandi Flood Brenen and Stacy Hofstadter Paul and Heather Massey Richard and Julie Piatas Brian and Lisa Simpson Shelley Flood Justin and Jen Hogue Tim and Sharon Mathes Elke Pickett David Sink Yessica Flores Larry and Kristina Holden Andy and Patti Matthews Vicky Pierce Rashid and Marilyn Skaf Mike and Susan Ford Jim and Melanie Holdridge Patrick and Kelli Matthews John and Jennifer Pitts Binoi and Ciney Skariah Jeremy and Sheryl Foster Allison Hollingsworth Todd and Anne-Lindsey May Sean and Amanda Porter Rochelle Sladky Joe and Kelli Foster David and Lisa Holmes Charlie and Ann McCook Tim and Kimberly Porter Darryl and Denise Smith Stephen and Amanda Fox Chris and Jenifer Hoover Brandon and Debbie McCrary Jeff and Cyndi Poulter Kevin and Michelle Smith Kirk and Rhonda France Rockwell and Yvette Hopkins Steve and Melinda McCraw Warren and Angela Powell Scott and Carmen Smith Tim and Karen Frasier Gary and Deanne Housouer Chris and Katie McDonald Darryl and Keena Pratt Steve and Lauri Smith Kelly and Tracy Free Mike and Rachel Hudspeth David and Deborah McDonough Jim and Alma Doll Pratt Wayne and Julie Smith Brad and Marthanne Freeman Brian and Juls Humphries Cathy McElroy Billy and Lori Prewitt Wendy Smith Nancy Furney Don and Denise Hunter Dalton and Jennifer McGaha Don and Kelly Price Dave and Amy Smith Brian and Tracy Gaffner Benjamin and Juliana Ibekwe Matt and Kim McIntyre Gary and Lisa Price Peter and Jodi Snell Kenneth Gaines Michael and Sandy Irvin Susan McKillip Dave and Aimee Proulx Nabil and Caroline Soliman Laurie Gaines Clint and Lauren Ivy Bob and Kathy McLaughlin Gino and Kathy Pulejo Jae and Erin Son Jody and Sheila Garcia Jeff and Becky Jacobs Duncan and Diane McLean Bradley and Melissa Pyle Rod and Kristi Sosa Luis and Marci Garcia Brian and Jill Jefferson Kelley McLeod Randy and Julie Pyle Randy and Julie Sparks Stacy and Michelle Garland Paul and Marylee Jeske Paul McLeod Cort and Bobbi Quigley David and Karen Spika David and Teresa Garrison Greg and Letitia Johnson Vance and Angela McMurry Andrew and Karen Rabroker Steve and Debbie Spoonemore Fred and MariAnn Gattelaro Stuart and Lisa Johnston Greg and Karen McNeece Arnold and Kristin Ramirez David and Rose Mary Spooner Jared and Shonda Gibson Jay and Becki Jolly Andy and Amy McWilliams Dave and Debbie Ransom Skylar St. James Tom and Vicki Gilbert Craig and Shawn Jones David and Amy Meece Brian and Sharon Ratcliff Jeff and Zora Stathatos Darrin and Kristin Gile Mark and Rebecca Jones Todd and Leslie Metten Michael and Kris Raub David and Judy Steen Todd and Becky Gipson Chris and Kavitha Kambala Tracy and Denise Metten John and Shelley Raymond Jarrett and Debbie Stephens Ronald and Shannon Glass Horst and Dianne Kannenwischer Alan and Meg Miller David and Heather Reed Ken and Ami Stephens Bill and Marisol Gleason Tony and Stacy Kell Darryl and Bonnie Miller Jake and Vinita Reed Jeana Stewart John and Amy Glover David and Cathrine Kelley Dell and Khadi Miller Devlin Reeves Brad and Missy Stogner Grant and Barbara Gocke Mark Kelly Joshua Miller Toni Reeves Omar and Sheila Stoutmire Mike and Betty Goff Donovan and Kathy Kelly Todd and Krystal Cross Troy Reeves Brian and Jennifer Stringfellow Donna Golovach Barry and Kimberly Kemball-Cook Greg and Suzanne Mitchell Tyler and Shelly Reeves Pat and Jenny Sweeney Donna Gonzales Jay and Mercy Kendry Ron and Melanie Mittel Paul and Jennifer Reid Rick and Janel Tankersley Anthony and Daniela Goonetilleke James and Shelly Kern Chris and Skye Moffitt Matt and Donella Reinl Randy and Stacey Tate B.J. and Sharon Gorman Chad and Shelley Kernal Randy and Cathy Monk Millie Reinl Tim and Quyen Tate Michael and Katie Gossett Kevin and Elizabeth Kim Keith and Brenda Monteiro Eric and Jen Reiter Brent and Allison Taylor Chris and Elizabeth Grammer Ray and Jackie King Chris and Lainie Montgomery Chris and Carmi Remmers Larry and Delinda Taylor Todd and Melody Gravett Doug and Angie King Monty and Angela Montgomery Carl and Melanie Reynolds Scott and Kristi Taylor Robert and Mary Kim Gray Bud and Jennifer Kinnear Bill and Jo Leah Montgomery Larry and Robbie Reynolds Terry and Angela Gray Kevin and Lori Kittredge John and Kelli Moore Mark and Amy Ridings Gary and Teri Gray John and Libby Klingstedt Jeff and Janeece Moreland James and Courtney Ries Steven and Daisy Greek Tim and Gina Kluge Brian and Dana Morgan Chris and Dawn Robinson Wayne and Liz Gregg Wooten David and Rachel Kniffen Shannon and Wendy Morris Terry and Sally Rodgers Russ and Carole Griffin Bradley and Holly Knight Mark and Beth Mortenson Marc and Laura Rose Tim and Beth Guelker Kariann Konopinski Chris and Paige Mosley Gregg and Erica Rosenwald Johnny Guerry Chris and Hillary Kouba Matthew and Chandra Muenster Lynn and Carol Ross Melissa Guerry Moses and Kathy Kovalchuk Mark and Laura Murphy Tom and Ashley Rossi James and Pat Guess Tom and Stacie Kulik Prentis and Sherry Murphy Jeff and Robin Rucker Bart and Becky Gurley Kevin and Richi Kyser Todd and Robin Murphy Daniel and Lori Rudd Kevin and Suzanne Guthrie Mark and Susan Ladd John and Shana Muzyka Carlos and Roberta Ruiz Dan Gwynn Donald and Jane LaFlame Scot and Cassy Nack Julie Ruley Darryl and Stephanie Halbert Chris and Terri LaMendola Nithi and Rekha Nadar Michael Ruley Cole and Gina Halliburton Gary and Cheryl Landis Deon and Julie Nazworth Steve and Nikki Rumsey Mark and Shana Halliwell Mark and Diane Laning Dan and Mary Nelson Will and Jen Russ Zane and Tonya Hamilton Sean and Karen Lathan John and Maria Newby Dale and Kathy Russell John and Dana Hamman Lance and Keya Lawshe Jeff and Amy Newton Joel and Heather Rutherford Ronald and Annette Hammond Todd and Diane Lay Sarah Catherine Norris Randy and Leigh Rutherford Jay and Tiffany Hankla Curtis and Ashley Lee Steve Norris Bill and Trisha Ruzynski Chuck and Christy Harbison Sangchul and Kyungsook Lee Bob and Joan O’Brien Jeff and Lisa Ryan Brenda S. Hardy Terry and Alice Lee Paul and Charlotte O’Brien Mike and Laurie Salim Shelton Hardy Lesli Lehman Peters and Makosana Okoye Peter and Chloe Saltarelli

23 THank yO u TO O ur

Jason and Toby Graham Al and Tammy Kyle Dan and Allison Harker Charles and Kay Landry DONOJohn and Debbie Harper Toby and Debbie Lashbrook RS Jon and Gina Lineberger Freddie Meador Chris and Shara Lott Virginia Meador Haynie and Paige Mayhew Jeff and Amy Newton Larry and Christine Novak Kyle and Emogene Rushing Ron and Jennifer Patterson Mike and Susan Shawver Brad and Tracy Popoff Melvin and Karen Smith Bryn and Elizabeth Ann Sappington Brian and Teresa Swingle Tom and Jen Sherman Noel and Pat Swingle Kevin and Charlotte Spivey Ronnie and Debbie Webb Brian and Christi Sterling Temple and Jennifer Weiss Scott and Robin Turner Izora Stephens Temple and Jennifer Weiss Edgar and Janet Ludgar Scott and Veronica Taylor Mark and Jennifer Wiggins Trey Taylor John Terrien In Memory Sheri Terrien Jim Beckemeier In Honor Jason and Charla Thompson Tricia Barnes Miles Johnson Steve and Carol Thompson Todd and Donna Cash Lonnie and Margaret Williams Tyler and Angie Thompson Dean and Jill Cione Beth Pattillo Greg and Pam Thorn Pamela Critcher Chris and Jill Apple Michael and Lora Thornberry Todd and Melody Gravett Stephanie Berry Angela Tollerson Jay and Mercy Kendry Paul and Adrianne Boynton Roupen and Carla Toranian John and Libby Klingstedt Bill and JoAnn Brewer Brent and Jennalee Trammel Kelley McLeod Kevin and Lora Bryant Tedd Tribon Todd and Leslie Metten Buddy and Lori Carter Scott and Stephanie Trout Joshua Miller Chris and Linda Chow Alan and Stacy Turner Blaine and Candace Owens Ron and Debbie Cobb Kristen Twyman Jim and Tania Pearce Ken and Holly Copeland Stacy Urtso Jim and Alma Doll Pratt John and Brenda Cothran Todd and LeeAnn Utterback Brian and Sharon Ratcliff Byron and Kathy Crabb Alex and Tonja Vazquez Greg and Pam Thorn Jerry and Mary Crawford David and Susan Verheul Michael and Colette Crouse Fred and Amy Villa Kelly and Keri Earls Wesley and Janet Wada Kay Haines Johnson and Beth Ellis Chris and Reagan Waddell Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Earls Laura Fechner David and Jennifer Wagner Carl and Frances Foger Brad and Marthanne Freeman Ken and Reggie Wajerski W.B. and Stephanie Harding Darrin and Kristin Gile DiShawna Wallace Kristin Pelphrey Cole and Gina Halliburton Sharrod Wallace Elizabeth Kim Greg and Carol Hayes Jim and Tammy Walton Dean and Jill Cione Ty Herring VISION STATEMENT Autry and Stephanie Warren Ron and Debbie Cobb Jim and Ann Hopson Keith and Leigh Ann Warzecha John and Brenda Cothran Debbie Johnson Paul and Monica Washington Fielding and Lynn Dunlap Steve and Kristi Jones To advance a Christian school Kevin and Susan Webber Kirk and Rhonda France Mary Calhoun Jones Truett Weber Todd and Melody Gravett Jay and Mercy Kendry of excellence through Kingdom Rick and Becky Welday John and Dana Hamman Greg and Kim Lively Bill and Dee Dee Wendl Scott and Sherri Hill Tim and Sharon Mathes Education so that the generations Hank and Caleen Wendorf Tom and Donna Holstrom Cathy McElroy Allen and Kendra Whitaker Chulmin and Hyun Kim Ron and Karen Meador to come will know the truth of God’s Thomas and Kim Whitaker James Kuk Kim Tracy and Denise Metten Jim and Cheryl Wicker John and Libby Klingstedt John and Lynn Phillips Paul and Heather Massey word and not forget His works, Terry and Michelle Wiest Brian and Sharon Ratcliff David and Hope Wilcox Ron and Karen Meador Mike and Laurie Salim Chris and Hailee Willhite Todd and Leslie Metten Mark and Denise Sees nor be taken captive by the vain Brad and Crystal Williams Ron and Melanie Mittel Robert and Melissa Shaffer Michael and Shannon Williams Scot and Cassy Nack Billy and Holli Steadman philosophies of their day. Trae and Lisa Williams Blaine and Candace Owens Dan and Susan Thomas Bryan and Elaine Williams Scott and Debbie Ozanus Greg and Pam Thorn Eric and Allison Wilson Kurt and Debby Parker Kristen Twyman Evan and Julie Wilson Jim and Tania Pearce Ken and Reggie Wajerski Harry and Karen Winters Brad and Tracy Popoff David and Hope Wilcox Jeff and TJ Wohlwend Jim and Alma Doll Pratt Chuck and Michele Wolken Chuck and Michele Wolken Ross Robinson Michael and Ruby Lien Rodie and Stacy Woodard Mike and Laurie Salim Ryan Renick Eric and Jill Wooten Monty and Kellee Scott Doris Colvard James and Kristen Works Mike and Nayla Stephan Eric and Tasha Wrona Larry and Delinda Taylor Michael and Ruby Lien Greg and Pam Thorn Senior Class Tim and Dianna Wyatt Mitch and Kathi Wagnon Christy Johnson Jeff and Carol Young Emory and Sharon Warren Joyce Warzecha Michael and Berta Young Mark and Kim Weber Keith and Leigh Ann Warzecha Jim and Kathryn Young Joseph Lozano Mitch and Allena Yount Taylor Van Antwerp Derek and Allison Zabbia Ronnie Meador In Kind Rick and Cheri Zaberer Richard and Cora Auchard John and Dana Hamman Susan Zebe Wayne Barrett Massage Envy Spa - Preston and Forest Carol Conway Massage Envy Stonebriar Rodney and Evalyn Elliott Maximum Industries, Inc. PCA Board of Trustees George and Wanda Farr Brian Millet Anonymous (2) Lynn and Jackie Floyd Jeff and Janeece Moreland Dave and Tina Borden Keith and Janet Fuller Tim and Christy Peters Todd and Donna Cash Amy Hendrix John Scheef Larry and Kim Gekiere Arnold Jones Tim and Quyen Tate

24 DONORS Alumni GiFTS MAKE A DiFFEREnCE s Prestonwood Christian Academy graduates leave the halls of our school and enter the next step of the life that God has planned for them, our desire is that they would have a “big picture perspective of the world and demonstrate the love and attitude of Christ to all.”

By giving back to PCA, our alumni demonstrate their love for Christ and their love for PCA by investing in our stu- dents, academic programs, and professional development for faculty members through their financial support. Tey make a difference and continue the legacy by donating to our facilities, technology programs, Kingdom training for parents, and mission opportunities. Trough their generous giving, PCA alumni join others in sustaining the Margin of Excellence that makes PCA distinctive. During their time at PCA, our alumni experienced the impact and value of supporting the next generation, of giving back more than they received, and of helping to further God’s Kingdom through the gifts of others who cared and invested. And for that we are truly grateful.

as of June 30, 2014 (includes funded agreements only — not unrealized pCa endoWmenTs bequests)

THE!SHANNON!ALLBRIGHT!LEARNING!LAB!ENDOWMENT!FUND "#$#%%$%%% Tis endowment provides funding for the ongoing support of the Prestonwood Christian Academy Learning Lab. Te fund was established in 2004 in memory of Shannon Allbright (PCA mother of Liz Allbright (’05) and Tyler Allbright (’08).

THE!HOLLABAUGH!FAMILY!ENDOWMENT "&'%$%%% Eric and Darla Hollabaugh, and their children Stephen Hollabaugh (’08) and Heather Hollabaugh Kuehler (’09) es- tablished this family legacy fund in 2011. Te fund benefits the PCA Sponsor-A-Child program which contributes need-based tuition assistance for students attending PCA.

LEWIS!FAMILY!ENDOWMENT "&'$%%% Tis endowment serves as a fund for Prestonwood Christian Academy staff who have demonstrated teaching excel- lence in a way that is either measured or universally recognized by their peers and who encounter a financial hardship beyond what their salary provides. Te fund was established in 2010 by PCA parents Travis and Marya Lewis and their sons Nathan (’22) and Maddox (’25).

FELIX!JOSEPH!LOZANO$!IV!(’%)*!ENDOWMENT "&'$%%% Tis endowment serves as a fund for Prestonwood Christian Academy staff who have demonstrated teaching excel- lence in a way that is either measured or universally recognized by their peers and who encounter a financial hardship beyond what their salary provides. Te fund was established in 2010 by PCA parents Travis and Marya Lewis and their sons Nathan (’22) and Maddox (’25).

25 pCa endoWmenTs ConTinued

THE!PCA!SPONSOR-A-CHILD!ENDOWMENT!FUND +),#,,, PCA established the Sponsor-A-Child Fund in XXXX. Te Fund was created in order to assist families who want to provide a Kingdom education for their children but need financial assistance to do so.

THE!PCA!ENDOWMENT!FUND +)-,#,,, PCA established this general fund to help with future unexpected needs, and ongoing operating expenses of the school. Te PCA Endowment was started in XXXX

THE!PCA!WORLD!IMPACT!ENDOWMENT!FUND +)-#,,, Tis fund was established in XXX with a goal of funding future service projects and mission trips and training students to fulfill the great commission.

Te Following Endowments are held by the Prestonwood Foundation for the full or partial benefit of Prestonwood Christian Academy:

• The Boleman Family endowmenT • The Charles d. & linda C. howard Fund • The linda Coughlin howard endowmenT • The JaCoBs Family Fund • The PCa sPonsor-a-Child Fund • The evaTT Family legaCy pCa speCial inTeresT groups

FINE!ARTS!COUNCIL Te Fine Arts Council is an organization for parents interested in advancing the Fine Arts programs at PCA. Te group’s mandate includes educating parents and supporters of PCA about the Fine Arts, promoting and volunteering at Fine Arts events at PCA, and financially supporting the Fine Arts department.

posiTion offiCers 2013/2014 sTaFF liaison Joel ruTherFord presidenT elizabeTh ann sappingTon vp arT melissa sChaffer vp band CaThy geisT vp Choir Caroline blaCkWell vp memberships elaine Williams vp TheaTre amy meeCe

26 PCA sPeCiAl interest grouPs Continued

FRIENDS!OF!THE!LIBRARY Te mission of Friends of the Library is to promote reading at Prestonwood Christian Academy and through a strong and supportive base of volunteers, work together to carry out fund raising projects and functions that enrich the library at Prestonwood Christian Academy

posiTion offiCers 2013/2014 sTaFF liaison Julie Carlyle/KrisTy glashagel presidenT beTh morTenson viCe presidenT lisa simpson board member emily Chambers board member e’anna shuler Board memBer BeCKy JaCoBs board member amy glover board member ChrisTi sheedy Board memBer Juls humPhries vp TheaTre amy meeCe

LEARNING!LAB!PARTNERS Te Learning Lab Partners is comprised of parents and friends of the PCA Learning Lab, which assists students with learning differences. Volunteer opportunities include assisting the staff with parent meetings, fund raising and dis- tributing communication to our families.

posiTion offiCers 2013/2014 sTaff liaison Cheryl burns vp arT melissa sChaffer

LIONS!DEN!CLUB Te Lions Den is the parent booster club for all Athletics. Its purpose is to help support and fund PCA Athletics through the time and talents of its members and financial resources of the community.

posiTion offiCers 2013/2014 sTaff liaison Chris Cunningham presidenT larry novak viCe presidenT dan harker membership Chair dana and Chris ChasTain ConCessions Chair kevin Webber media guide Co-Chairs happy mason/beCky Welday

PARENT!TEACHER!FELLOWSHIP!%PTF* Te PCA Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) was created to enhance and support the relationship between PCA families and the faculty of our school. Our PTF supports PCA by providing assistance in fund raising, finances and volunteers for classroom, grade level and school wide events. In the classroom, the PTF coordinates the grade level social events and classroom volunteer needs, from copying, to service, to field trips.

posiTion offiCers 2013/2014 sTaff liaison rhesa breWsTer

27 PCA sPeCiAl interest grouPs Continued

presidenT sTaCy kell presidenT emeriTus dana ChasTain seCreTary gina kluge Treasurer bonnie ConsTanT parliamenTarian n/a ConneCTor dana ChasTain ConneCTor - ls miChelle sTraWbridge ConneCTor - ms kim Wilson ConneCTor - us leslie meTTen FaCulTy enriChmenT Jen russ family enriChmenT krisTin brull Fundraising Julie wilson grade level CoordinaTor - ls robin murphy grade level CoordinaTor - ms gina kluge g rade level CoordinaTor - us CynThia heaberlin room mom’s pk-4Th robin murphy serviCe - ls krisTi perriTT serviCe - ms sally bishop serviCe - us lynne bridgeman CommuniCaTions reagan Waddell

FRIENDS!OF!THE!LIBRARY Te mission of Friends of the Library is to promote reading at Prestonwood Christian Academy and through a strong and supportive base of volunteers, work together to carry out fund raising projects and functions that enrich the library at Prestonwood Christian Academy

posiTion offiCers 2013/2014 sTaFF liaison Julie Carlyle/KrisTy glashagel presidenT beTh morTenson viCe presidenT lisa simpson board member emily Chambers board member e’anna shuler Board memBer BeCKy JaCoBs board member amy glover board member ChrisTi sheedy Board memBer Juls humPhries vp TheaTre amy meeCe

LEARNING!LAB!PARTNERS Te Learning Lab Partners is comprised of parents and friends of the PCA Learning Lab, which assists students with learning differences. Volunteer opportunities include assisting the staff with parent meetings, fund raising and distributing communication to our families.

posiTion offiCers 2013/2014 sTaff liaison Cheryl burns vp arT melissa sChaffer


P RESTO NWOOD!C HRISTIAN!A CADEMY A Ministry of Prestonwood Baptist Church

