C M hrist P aking greater onthe impact Orient.” rayer “No otherministry hashada T ~ F hrough BillyGraham November 2015 ollowers F ~ ocus M

– edia

February 2016


2 to FEBC when he is on his fishing boat. fisherman from Cambodia who listens future. the for blessing His ask and years the strong Gospel voice broadcasted over the for God Praise anniversary. 13th Penh,Phnom recently celebrated its city of capital the in station bodia’s ally Buddhist nation. cultur- this in reached be will people more that so unity and joy wisdom, for Pray staff. dedicated her and Cambo- dia, FEBC of director our Hem, this week for FEBCinCambodia. other compassionate projects.Pray and purification, waterdevelopment, child seminars, marriage and family distribution, radio outreach, com- munity programming, radio through people Cambodian the for life of ity Cambodia works to improve the qual- FEBC population. Cambodia’s of 2/3 almost reach to FM Family allowing watt Nautel transmitter was installed, and in September 2014, a new 10 kilo- potential audience of 7 million people, mitter, the station allowing a to reach trans- 10-kilowatt a via broadcasting 2004, 1957. In Familysince FM began has beenministering Cambodia in e 4 Wed 3 Tue 2 Mon 1 Sun NOVEMBER 2015 – Please pray for Sopheary Sopheary for pray – Please – rie o fr Muslim a for God – Praise

Cam- FEBC FM, – Family WEEKLY SUMMARY: FEBC Cambodia make adifference to lives andhearts. will program practical this that Pray sanitation. and water about families toCambodian education offering is Life, teaches ushow to livegoodlives Krusa FMgivesusgoodadvice and to love each other and to behelpful. “Your programstaught our family delay. without fulfilled be requirementswill Please prayCambodia. that these in ministry the of work ongoing for the requirements fundamental are These organisation. non-government a registeredas fully be to documents toprovidenecessary needs the bodia Cambodians will hear our broadcasts. Praythat, manyhelp, their with more it relates tonewour 10KW transmitter. as especially with issues, team engineering our assist to Cambodia to relocated who missionaries FEBC a 7 Sat Fri 6 5 Thu broadcast weekly on Family FM, Family on weekly broadcast – The ministry of FEBC in Cam- ry o Bii ad Mike, and Brigit for – Pray – A new program, new – A Water for .”

more fundingfrom donors. and approval government for week there.the people Please pray this with Christ of News Good the share to way efficient an is Radio known. well not is Gospel the so Muslim, ly cultural- are locals the of 90% About Issyk-Kul. to extend to planning are Bishkek,station in FM Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.new Wea havecurrently and Kyrgyzstan of countries the larly particu- , Central in broadcasting bayev, and the team as they wait for wait they as team the bayev,and Kanat- Nurlan Kazakhstan,Almaty, in Mon 9 Sun 8 – – Pray for the FEBC Director WEEKLY SUMMARY: Central Asia FEBCis people. 480 000 additional an to broadcasts extend will station new this Praythat Kyrgyzstan. of region Issyk-Kul the in station” “relay a operate to license for FEBCto work inthese countries. the challenges, despitethis will make it easier that, Pray Kazakhstan. and Russia alongside Zone, Customs the ecig h pol o ti nation through ourInternet broadcasts. this of people the reaching are we then, Until station. FM an broadcastson our launch can we that so assigned, be to frequency FM an e 11 Wed 10 Tue ie hns o a FM an for thanks – Give ygztn a joined has – Kyrgyzstan 3 4 hs porm, EC a identified has Besides FEBC programs, these languages. minority other programs monthly inMandarin,Cantonese of and hours 200 over duces production pro- broadcasts, China major our for centre the Kong, Hong she explained. listeners, our to concepts Christian as a non-threatening wayto introduce Christians influential with interviews Know programme the hosts who e, ygztn a wl a te staff, the as well as Kyrgyzstan, kek, Bish- in station radio our of manager Sun 15 Sun 13 Fri 12 Thu in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. “I usemy – Please pray for Janysh, the Janysh,for pray – Please –

Nargiza, for pray – Please WEEKLY SUMMARY: Good to FEBC China ” follow Him. to choose and Christ of hearing message the to open and be Kazakhstan will Kyrgyzstan in listeners that many Pray coordinator. Asia Central FEBC’s Wiens, Rudi for strength and radio entirely, and has taught many the taught has and over entirely, radio conducted is curriculum LiangYou school FEBC’s Bible two-year of The Seminary. launch the led which to attend, to Christians for fewa seminaries has only China dom: theKing- for gap another filled and men come to faith. country- their see to eager are who a 14 Sat lae ry o wisdom for pray – Please

eea mlin epe through people, Mi- language. own their in programs million several exceeding groups 7 ethnic to casting Kong Hong our been has office broad- years many For Christians. Protestant are them of 320 000 about – religion a claim people island’smillion the 7.2 of percent 43 About 1841. in control took British the since Kong Hong sprouting in been have Churches tian people willbereached. Throne ofMercy.Pray that many more is linked to a blog and a new program, It launched. be to set is China in use new ways ofreaching people. reveal to wisdom God’s for Pray es. chang- makeconstantly to teams our forces scrutiny Government works. net- Christian local with partnerships strong as well as people, reaching for strategies new develops it as China, riig eias o blees from believers for seminars training production radio several conducted China willblossomfurther! nary. Pray that this Semi- evangelical work in LiangYou FEBC’s from degree new theological 2-year a 15 earn to students sponsor to enough raised we’ve 2015, January Since years. 37 last the over students of thousands Sun 22 Sun 18 Wed 17 Tue 16 Mon – – The latest mobile app for app mobile latest – The EC a, ic 2010, since has, – FEBC lae ry o FEBC for pray – Please WEEKLY SUMMARY: Hong Kong Chris- Christ. shared. are Prayforsown thatbe many will seeds prayers and advice as listen Millions China. calls entire the from phone takes Kong Hong FEBC counselling. on-air offer that grams broadcasting. Gospel to devotion and enthusiasm have them let to Lord the Ask weak. and lonely often are the They in ministry. serve to willing are who ers Kong’s important work this week. culture.Prayown their Hong for retain FEBC groups ethnic help also they theGospel, at sharing effective only not are broadcasts language nority other ethnic languages. seven and month Cantonese, a Mandarin, in programs of hours produces who 200+ Kong Hong in team involved intheprogram production. that God will provide co-workers to be and Khams the for broadcast minute 30- daily the for pray Also believers. Kham nurture can who pastors vide s ter e-on sil t tell to skills others aboutJesusthrough radio. new-found their use will students these that Pray China. Sat 21 Sat 20 Fri Thu 19 o 23 Mon – Please pray for the believ- the for pray – Please – Pray for our Chinese pro- Chinese our for – Pray – Pray that the Lord will pro- ry o FB’ radio FEBC’s for – Pray 5 country in 1975, walking through the through walking 1975, in country the overtook Laos Communists the escaped when Pai wife his and Lee blt ad idm o ev wl in this ministry. well serve to wisdom and ability the have radio will she pray Please how works. understand her helped has which Kong, Hong in training ing broadcast- in participate to believer will be effective and reach a large online audience. reach and effective be will PrayPhilippines. that theseprograms the to connection Internet by Hong Kong from programming live hosts 6 carefully initiated additional in-coun- additional initiated carefully has Kong Hong FEBC China, Mainland Sun 29 Sun 26 Thu 25 Wed Tue 24 – God recently led a Zhuang

– ih h oeig of opening the – With EC og og also Kong Hong – FEBC WEEKLY SUMMARY: The Hmongs John active students. 4 000 over has currently which nary, semi- this for leadership inspired for to trainpastors andlay ministers. Pray radio via offered school Bible 2-year sees LiangYou Theological Seminary, a people givingtheirlives to Christ. of the testimonies and feedback for positive God Praise annually. China from responses listener 63 000 about aeil. ry ht hs additional ministry willbearheavenly fruit. this that Pray other materials. and CDs, radios, distributing listeners, visiting as ministry,such try broadcasting the Good News of Christ FEBC, at serving California, to came eventually They Thailand. northern reached they till days 17 for jungle a 28 Sat 27 Fri – FEBC Hong Kong also over- also Kong Hong – FEBC EC og og receives Kong Hong – FEBC

face persecution for their work. their for persecution face whom of many broadcasters, ethnic o at truh EC broadcasts! Let’s pray FEBC for thesebroadcasts. through faith to coming thousands of hundreds with through the Hmong of Southeast Asia, programs. God has moved powerfully Pai’sand John of result a as Christ to sands of Hmong committed their lives thou- of hundreds that known now is It Asia. Southeast of Hmong the to o 30 Mon ry o te ministry’s the for – Pray can reach even more people. we so forward, step to broadcasters ethnic committed Pray,more for too, Hmong believers. these for Lord the Thank Christ. to come have thousands of hundreds time, this During Asia. Southeast of people Hmong the to shortwave broadcasts via Gospel airing been has Tue 1 Tue DECEMBER – For several decades, FEBC decades, several – For 7 Jesus. ears of many and open their hearts to the reach will words their that Pray distributeradios.and News Good the share to villages and towns their to return to preparing are and Bible training completed just who listeners God’s Kingdom. forsaved be will souls many that and programs our continue can we that broadcastersgood and so forfunding Pray lives. Hmong changing tinually 8 17 500 islands. Christian broadcasts Christian than islands. more 17 500 of consisting country a , of people the with Gospel the to share ability our to critical is u 6 Sun 3 Thu 2 Wed – FEBC’sbroadcasts are con- –

Hmong for pray – Please WEEKLY SUMMARY: Radio Indonesia ment information, marriage/family information, ment employ- advice, hygiene and health music, programs, counselling call-in and 1:30a.m. At other times, we offer 7:00p.m. between aired be only can to know more abouttheBible. their and connecting God sourceof to only is radio the now, Right Jesus. about others tell and Him worship to them for door the open will ernment openly.God praygov-Please the that the GoodNews.” send to continue to FEBC for Wepray many listen to yourmessages daily. I know us. to broadcast to continue accepted Jesusinto my heart.Please in Laos, “I listen to yourprogramsand Sat 5 4 Fri – Pray for this Hmong listener h Hog a’ worship can’t Hmong – The

were provided and the station can stay onair. station the and provided were funds necessary but the that funding, God praise of lack to due air the offgoing of danger in was Makassar South Korea, which is strong enough strong is which Jejuin Korea, South of island the on wave transmitter medium kW 300 a power from high day a minutes 75 aired are in programs Japan’s believe FEBC Christ. people Jesus of 2% than less where land a in people million 127 to Gospel the broadcasting Japan, of whole the to content Christian broadcasts only who company only the are We Japan! in available “Church” For many istheonly people, FEBC Sumatra. of people the reaching to committed and effectiveness of our staff who are Sumatra.of prayPlease forsafety the island Muslim-dominant Indonesia’s on work at is FEBC government,local into solidrelationships. developed be canlisteners with tacts con- initial our that Pray work. their travelgreat distancescourse the in of Many Indonesia. in staff our safetyof ministry inIndonesia. FEBC’s for week this Prayetc. advice, u 13 Sun 9 Wed 8 Tue 7 Mon – At the invitation of the of invitation the – At – Our station in the city of city the in station – Our ry o te elh and health the for – Pray – WEEKLY SUMMARY: Japan

pray for FEBC’s broadcasts to Japan. we week, This Japan. of all reach to them. afford to unable are who people to radiosprovideto1 000 mediate need radios more throughout Indonesia. There is an im- provide to distribution pathways and resources nancial came acrossby chance. Ihadno inter wonderful program,whichIonly this project will reap more souls for Christ. this that year.Pray next the over try districtsacrosscoun-in tothe people Gospel Ministry (AGM) speaker boxes Audio distribute to plan a on barked positively to theGospelmessage. respond and in tune will many that camps in the Jakarta area. Please pray refugee/detention in living refugees to reach the more than 20 000 Iranian (Farsi) broadcast Persian-language a program. having retired, still produces her daily of spite in who Keiko, for especially Pray Churches. visit and listeners to respond broadcasts, daily to hours produce long works who Japan in a 12 Sat 11 Fri 10 Thu u 15 Tue 14 Mon – Our team in Indonesia airs Indonesia in team – Our EC noei hs em- has Indonesia – FEBC – “ lae ry o te fi- the for pray – Please – Please pray– Please for teamour hn yu o uh for much so you Thank 9 - ble to God. topeople Christ,is impossi nothing lenging environment chal- a in which to bring is this Although Christian. is population the of 2% than whereless il ep n itnn ad oe to know Christ asherSaviour. come and listening on keep will Christian, a isn’t still who woman this called program. religious Your broadcastmore thanaso- is somethingwe cannotlive without. heart. Ittellsthe greatlove,me about contenttouchedprogram your of my est in Christianity whatsoever, but the 10 a Malay Muslim to convert to Chris- to convert to Muslim Malay a to for impossible almost is loyalty it and Islam uphold Families Razak. by Najib level national at supported Islamisation, quick a about talk ers year. decisive a is 2015 and crossroads a at is Malaysia minority, Christian the u 20 Sun 16 Wed Open Doors reports that observ-

– ry o ti nation this for – Pray WEEKLY SUMMARY: ” Pray that Malaysia For - as well asinternet radio. CD programsor MP3 FEBC hear on to in Island Japanese many forPray Korea. South Jeju from wave medium power high via transmitted programs with listeners. follow-up maintaining visiting and Churches programs, producing istry, min- of days long their for stamina and wisdom them give will Lord Pray the Keiko. and Takanori team, his and Suzuki, Seiji Mr. Japan, in rector us for thislistener. program toJapan!” in usall Pray with wonderful your broadcasting on keep me couragestrength. and Please give programs Your day. every FEBC I amsofortunate, for Ican listen to that God’s peace may come to me. and Christian become may I that so “Ipray saying, letter a us sent while a for broadcasts FEBC’s to listening tians this week. Chris- Malaysian for prayLet’s rights. of their childrentheir inheritance and custody losing as well as vorced di- being risk background Muslim a from Converts centre. re-education ina up ending often faith, Christian their recant to pressure and isolation experience converts tianity. Potential a 19 Sat 18 Fri Thu 17 ry o FB’ nw di- new FEBC’s for – Pray – Thank God for FEBC Japan ld wo a been has who lady – A

Him through JesusChrist. with relationship personal a of ance assur- the and grace His love, God’s that FEBC’s broadcasts will emphasise harshly and cannot be known personally. Pray judges conditionally, loves Allah which in mind-set works-based ine o’ friees through forgivenessFEBC’s ministry. God’s expe- rience and recognise will they that and truth the to receptive and open broadcasters.contentThe design and ethnic individual My- by done are anmar in locally produced Most length. programs in hour 1 to minutes 15 from range and week, every days programs air at individual lengths and The languages. ethnic of variety a in moment, broadcasts FEBC are heard the At Buddhists. are whom of 89% home toanmar is people, 55 million new believers who pay the price for price the pay who believers new mitted Christian lifestyle and then share theGospel. lifestyle Christian mitted acom- demonstrating relationships, genuine develop will FEBC that Pray Evangelism community.requires a serious investment of time. in others with shared life of way a is It ligion. u 27 Sun 24 Thu 23 Wed 22 Tue 21 Mon – s Gd o strengthen to God – Ask ulm lv udr a under live – Muslims – Islam is more than a re- a than more is – Islam ry ht ulm are Muslims that – Pray WEEKLY SUMMARY: Myanmar My - istry inMyanmar. Pray min- nature. FEBC’s Christian for dividual cultures and their evangelical in- on based are programs the all of be strong inthefaith! will Malaysia in living believers Pray that Jesus. follow to decision their s h w ne t pa fr these for pray people. to need we why is that - sacrifice families.It’sbig their a try. Many are beaten and cut off from coun- Muslim a in live you if believer as they travel. believers.Praynew safetyfor and ers listen- with meet to borders beyond over the airwaves, but who also travel faith their share only not who mers there! Christians through Malaysia in shine also will light His that Pray Muslims. for compassion and love of heart a Sat 26 Sat 25 Fri Mon 28 – It’s not easy to become a become to easy not – It’s – Pray that God will give us give will God that – Pray – Please pray for program- 11 12 concentration camp, or death. By the By death. concentration or camp, ally included torture, deportation to a Christian under the new leader gener- a being of penalty The him. only and made his followers vow to follow him, Sung ll Church.Kim the todeath slow a and freedom religious to end an of regime of Kim ll Sung marked the start the Yet, Churches. 3 000 around had Korea North Japan, from persecution 1940’s,despitecountry. the the By in involvement a Christian of history has long North the South, the Like al. reviv- Christian a experienced Korea, 1907, Pyongyang, the capital of North oa wo rt t or em in team Myanmar. our to wrote who woman this prayfor Please familygodly life. ” live a Praythat we will living. daily poorbutwe praise Godforvery our are We Day. Father’s on FEBC from em il teghn oh groups’ faith. both strengthen will team the thatPray needs. spiritual their to support and follow-up as ministries toother connect listeners Christian cuses on non-believers, but also helps port ofhisfamily. for sup- the Myanmar.for in thanks Give health good Director to National FEBC’sYankee Tun, return a and u 3 Sun 31 Thu 30 Wed Tue 29 – FEBC Myanmar mainly fo-

– – Please pray for strength for pray – Please – “ WEEKLY SUMMARY: We received a radio North Korea In rise onceagain. will Korea North of Church the that self.Pray former its of shadow a was Asia,” of Jerusalem “The called once was that city the Pyongyang, 1960’s, ay ert eivr, hy face they believers, are secret there many while and Korea, North are incarceratedcamps inprison in their Saviour. as Christ Jesus recognise to listeners many,of reachhearts the will leading casts in this culturally-Buddhist nation will beopento heartheGospel. but Christianity, of suspicious be not will people that Pray citizens. its on grip an iron has state The Christian. a be to world the in place dangerous ministry. their improve and develop to work key constantly they as and partners overseas Myanmar FEBC for vision a 2 Sat 1 Fri JANUARY 2016 u 5 Tue 4 Mon – Please pray for wisdom and and praywisdom for– Please ry ht h diy broad- daily the that – Pray huad o Christians of – Thousands ot Kra s h most the is Korea – North

for tomissionaries enter North Korea, station. Island Jeju the for Pray Korea. North into broadcasts and powerful, most Island is one of the Korean continent’s Jeju on located transmitter FEBC countries.The surrounding the of most in Koreans to also of ministering Korea, most reaches and stations radio evangelism. Although the nation is bordered by the most heavily fortified nation for the ahub Although evangelism. and nation ary-sending mission- second-largest world’s the become has stronghold, Buddhist a democracy, peninsular the then, once Since growth.era of evangelicalan explosive into nation fast-in- dustrialising the Seoul, propelled Korea, in South crusade 1973 Graham’s the nations. and has a vision to bring the Gospel to Praise God that growing.the Church is very much alive but surviving, only not is Korea North in Church the tion, secret. in worship who believers isolated the and imprisoned, Christians of thou- sands the for strength and comfort or executionpublic discovered. torture, if Ask for disappearance, arrest, u 10 Sun 8 Fri 7 Thu 6 Wed t s xrml dangerous extremely is – It ept svr persecu- severe – Despite ot Kra o hs 11 has now Korea – South – WEEKLY SUMMARY: South Korea Billy North Korean Christian’s safety. underground Churches. on Pray for every pressure intense exert to tinues be governmentcon- The watchingthem. might who of careful be always must and homes, their in broadcasts FEBC tocarefullylistening and quietly salse t bodat h Gospel was the broadcast station) to established FEBC (an Seoul HLKX to broadcast to NorthKorea. stations radio and antennas more for opportunities and funds provide will God that Pray Gospel. the spread to be stopped, is a safe and effective way Good cannot which airways through the News broadcasting therefore in Asia. powerful launching pad for a the Gospel and region the in force stabilising a it remains class, working atheistic bour and the pressure of a profoundly neigh- northern its of threats nuclear the to exposed world, the in frontier a 9 Sat o 11 Mon ot Kra Christians Korean – North n eebr 1956, December – In 13 harvest. God’s in work to people these equip that God will use FEBC’s broadcasts to Pray world. the into missionaries of South Korea sends the highest number ttl f 6 hus n oen 7.25 Korean, in hours 260 of total a doing. are they work the Koreaand FEBC for to 11 cities in South Korea. Praise God broadcasting network radio Christian major a into grown has Korea FEBC then, Since allowed. not were aries mission- where countries and Mongolia: Russia, China, Korea, North to 14 Korea.in North trapped still are family members whose Koreans South these for Prayside. for messagesother the on ones loved leave people Korea, South and North between border the On years. 65 for seceded been have h 14 Thu 13 Wed 12 Tue

Korea South and – North – Second only to the USA, the to only – Second EC oe broadcasts Korea – FEBC Korea isdoing. Please pray for this ground work FEBC listeners. with follow-up ambas- and sadors, international as serve that children’sand concerts, selling, choirs coun- seminars, family and marriage through community the in involved isalso Korea FEBC ministry, casting in Korea. Lordforministry expansionthe the of the Thank people. million one than a potential listening audience of more cover and station 13th and 12th our be will This Jeonnam. in Yeosuand in granted stationnew a build to been license another has Korea FEBC that broadcasters ofFEBCKorea. the for Pray hours. broadcasting production and increased with these stations tobless God 30 Ask from stations. day,11 and each Russian Japanese, in minutes in hours 1.25 English, in hour 1 Chinese, in hours Sat 16 Sat 15 Fri – We are happy to announce – In addition to their broad- their to addition – In

Philippines. pray for this expanding ministry in the Please Bocaue. and Iba at sites mitter trans- international two and stations broadcasting local of network a both to home now is FEBC air. the on languages 27 had FEBC 1949, of end the By Asia. Southeast of most to expanded soon and Christians no Chinese-Filippi- of help the with 1949 broadcasts to China started on 27 July International . in 1948 June 4 on air the on went KZAS station local over broadcasts first FEBC’s ippines. Phil- the to operations of base Asian foreign to its moved FEBC doors 1948, in missionaries its closed China When population. Christian biggest world’s5th the to home is it 2010, of most As country. Asia’s Christian predominantly already is Philippines Pray that this positive growth will growth continue. positive this that Pray population. Christian world’s the of million, 143.55 or 4.9%, comprise will Filipinos time this By 2050. by ulation pop- Christian largest 4th world’s the Centre Researchreports that the Philippines will house Pew the bership, of mem- terms in Christianity match ui, es cide’ programs, children’s news, music, including programs, of variety wide u 19 Tue 18 Mon 17 Sun – FEBC Philippines offers a offers Philippines – FEBC – hl Ilm il nearly will Islam – While WEEKLY SUMMARY: Philippines The and airingopportunities. stations these for God Thank groups. people specific reach to stations cial programsspecial airedcommer in of a number to addition in country, the throughout stations these of all operates and owns Philippines the in office Our online. heard also are tions establish a radio station in 72 hours in station radio a establish responseteam to the Philippines in ministry from thePhilippines. this fordaily.Pray hours 36½ for Asia Southeast and China to dialects and Bulacan – broadcast languages 60 than more in programs Bocaue, and Zambales facilities – Iba, broadcast mitters in two internationalshortwave teners withtheirChristian faith. lis- their inspire to staff programming broadcastersthe equip further toand God Ask languages. in different twenty discipleship and teach- evangelism ing, Bible information, medical Wed20 Fri 22 Fri 21 Thu – FEBC has trained a disastertraineda has – FEBC u sx hrwv trans- shortwave six – Our – Fivelocalnine our of sta- 15 - disaster areas. these to sent people the protect will will further develop and pray that God and 2009 again2012. Prayin thatministry this in flooding the catastrophic during did we as or emergencies, disasters natural of survivors to information life-saving offers which 16 this ministry is still on air 50 years later. though they had to move around a lot, even that, God Thank Road. Balestier near Building Skywaves in been have they 1996 since Finally, Max House. to well 1988 in and 1979, in Plaza International the to moved they try, minis- expanding the to Due 1974. in wasincorporated companypublic a as FEBA broadcasting. radio in role active an playing Singaporeans local with flat, second a to Minyak, later and Jalan at premises larger to moved studio The flat. TanglinRoad a in room a in a as located studio recording 1962 in founded was national, Inter FEBC of member a Singapore, bless thisministry. will God thatPray China. Greater and HOPE106.5, Asia Southeast in audiences reaching & VOG102.3 through averagean programs130 weekof per involved in outreach efforts, includ- efforts, outreach in involved Mon 25 24 Sun 23 Sat EC hlpie i also is Philippines – FEBC – – To date, FEBA broadcasts WEEKLY SUMMARY: Singapore FEBA - - multi-denominational Christian event Christian multi-denominational The Jubilee Day of Prayer is the largest to mark SG50 and pray for the country. gathered Singapore from across Christians Churches 51 000 record a as red of sea a in awash was Hub Sports this to draw unbelievers to Him. use to God ask and families these for who were on a school hiking trip. Pray children were deceased the of Most 2015. June 5 on Singapore Kinabalu, Mount struck quake 5.9-magnitude one trueGod. the about testify faithfully but faith, their in waver not will Christians that Pray groups. divided religious other 9.7% among and religions folk to adhering 2.3% Hindu, 14.3% 5.2% Muslim, Christian, 18.2% Buddhism, with 33.9% of its population following world, the in countrydiverse ligiously ippines. ministry and pray that God will bless FEBC Phil- Filipino the for God visits. Praise personal and messages, text emails, letters, calls, phone through listeners with up follow that staff has also stations the of Each distribution. radio occasional as well as seminars, parenting emergencies, during relief food/clothing visitations, prison ing Tue 26 Tue Thu 28 Thu 27 Wed – Singapore is the most re- most the is – Singapore – On 6 July 2015, the new the 2015, July 6 – On – Ten people died when a when died people – Ten

more peoplewiththeWord ofGod. reach to means the have will gapore Sin- FEBA that Pray people. million 5 about of population a has it size, in the and smallest in the region. Although small world the in countries est those people. that PrayreachSingaporeto FEBA use will God Christ. without poor are lives their and affluent, are people good most is though economy Even Singapore’s lost. and hurting who are those to Christ of News Good our ministry of 27 years will continue will years27 thatof ministry our Pray ministry. Chinese our for centreprogramproduction a as 1988 February in established was ministry this Kong,assistance Hong fromFEBC With dialects. Hakka and Taiwanese language), (official Chinese Mandarin include Taiwan in spoken languages Christian (4.5%) and other religions (2.5%). The (93%), Taoism and dhism Bud- of mixture a include These ants. inhabit- million 23.4 its to religion of choice freer enables which mocracy, de- multiparty wan’sa is government 710km about of area land a has Singapore continue to grow. Singapore will in population Christian the that Pray history. Singapore’s in u 31 Sun 30 Sat 29 Fri 2 , making her one of the small- the of one her making , – Located in Southeast Asia, Southeast in – Located – FEBA’s goal is to bring the bring to– FEBA’s is goal – WEEKLY SUMMARY: Tai Taiwan - for many years to come. broadcasting the Good News of Christ people’s lives. more touch will programs these that gramming amonthPray Mandarin. in pro- of hours Taiwan 78 produces currently Korea. and from Philippines China the into broadcasting are Hong Kong, of FEBC Office Ministry grams, coordinated by the Chinese pro- grams for Mainland China. These pro- produce that centres duction Mon 1 Mon FEBRUARY – Taiwan is one of six pro- six of one is – Taiwan 17 access to funds. thenecessary have can they so doors, open to for God pray Please funds. to access no have but guidance, after-school and counselling with students the provid- ing in interested are Churches Various students. aboriginal assist to areas in remote Churches and tions founda- between bridge a as serves 18 the community. helping in blessing God’s experience FEBC in this process and that they will this mission field. Pray develop that God will guide to Churches for ways possible suggesting parties, two the project.tohelping is FEBC connect fundraising the oversee to needed is willing to donate funds, but personnel s sotae rga ard from aired program shortwave a is h 4 Thu 3 Wed 2 Tue – The u mnsr i Taiwan in ministry – Our

are foundations – Certain Evangelical Program racses wr ad ht these programs willtouch people’s lives. that and work the broadcasters’ for pray Please 9p.m. to from 3a.m. broadcasted is which Taiwan grams willtouch more lives. Taiwan’spro-FEBC that Prayhappy. ” share God’s word.I’m sograteful and mustand to bewilling and out go toun- began derstandthat Ineed to love myself I it, to listening After Diet’sGod, Spiritual ministrygreat! is FEBC’sDietProgram, Spiritual “Thank oe o te truh ECs pro- grams. FEBC’s through them for Christ’slove know to come will families it touched our lives. programs, family your for you Thank and I are enjoying quality family time. listening to programmy your children a 6 Sat 5 Fri n lsee woe “After wrote, listener – One lsee rsodd to responded listener – A ” Pray that more

emails, text messages and personal ers, in the form of letters, phone calls, listen- with ministry follow-up quality and Thailand consistent extensive, FEBC maintains team. enthusiastic her and Stott Georgina by directed is ministry longstanding and effective pating a in worship service. Today this partici- while 1952 in murdered were local with believersat requestthe TheyFEBC. of work this do to assigned couple a (C&MA) Mission Alliance Missionary and Christian The pines. Philip- the from shortwave via aired and Thailand Northeast in produced were programs language Thai 1951, u 7 Sun – WEEKLY SUMMARY: Thailand In affected areas a4e still being aired. Pray for this ministry. still a4e areas affected the in living people to hope and ling kok floods. Programs offering counsel- Bang- 2011 the and tsunami 2004 the following distribution radio and casts broad- emergency with involved very ence course. offered. Pray for the Bible correspond- also is study Bible online separate A faiths! other fromare study Bible this 93% of the 36 000 listeners enrolled in course.correspondence Bible offers a also and Churches local with closely works Thailand at FEBC rallies. and listener homes individuals’ to visits o 8 Mon EC hiad became Thailand – FEBC 19 continued to grow despite challenges, has influence Our years. 60 past the Communist countries in the world) for fewremaining the of (one Vietnam in lives impacted and Christ shared has FEBC broadcasts, radio our Through the ethnic peoplegroups. reach to ministry this use to God Ask languages. 12 in websites are thirteen available there this, to addition In Philippines. FEBC from aired and locations various in studio at Asia locally Southeast produced programsare These the region. in languages ethnic non-geopolitical 17 to ministry shortwaveradio with involved closely 20 radio. will have access to the Gospel through illiterate the that Pray faith. their for persecuted are them of Many erate. written Scriptures, or functionallyillit- are people often of oral tradition lacking any Listeners believers. for scattered growth and encouragement as as well ministries planting Church of fed many of them, but since the jailing, thetic Thai Sympa Christians- have housed and Thailand. Bangkok, in jailed and arrested were children, immigrants,including Christian Pakistani 400 u 14 Sun 11 Thu 10 Wed 9 Tue – In Marchmore– In 2015, than also is Thailand – FEBC – Radio is an integral part integral an is – Radio – WEEKLY SUMMARY: Vietnam

Mr. SandallFEBC’s listeners. for Pray Jesus. received and prayed he staff, FEBC and by programmer Thailand’s home their to visit later a During beating. severe a from tained sus- injuries brain from suffers he as work, find to able been hasn’t S Mr. income.their main being her pension derly mother in a very tiny house, with work they dowillcontinue to prosper. team. Pray for their safety and that the neighbour. Please pray for drunk the Thailand a from threats death be- of cause home their from flee to having entire family an plus ill work, of fallingchildren place to their them getting from preventing floods members, staff of hospitalisation frequent which amongst difficulties, some periencing FEBC staff in Manila. In April 1975 InApril Manila. in staff FEBC the joined programmers Vietnamese firstthe 1966, in and 1951 April in ule Vietnamese Christ. broadcasting was added to our sched- Jesus of Good News the hear women and men as souls of harvest incredible an reaping Christians helping the Pakistanis. Thai the and Thailand in imprisoned the Christians lives, their for fleeing Christians these for Pray risk. at are immigrants Christian Pakistani the of some of lives the even and health the Sat 13 12 Fri – Mr. S (47) lives with his el- his with lives (47) – Mr.S – FEBC Thailand has been ex -

Churches on a variety of projects, such access to heartheGospelofChrist. try and pray that many more will have minis- media new this for God Praise many thousands throughout Vietnam. reaching in successful very been has boxes to deliver Christian messages. It speakerchipsand memory phone cell using system content-delivery new a is 2009, in launched Device, Mobile the GoodNews aboutChrist. with reached be also can groups ing ethnicprogrammers, sotheremain- more send will God that pray Please daily. hours 3 for Manila from aired ethnic minority groups. These broadcasts 54) are of (out 20 for grammers pro- ethnic by developed are grams ered ministry. multi-lay- this for Pray overseas. and locally developed being are CD’s and since 2001 and broadcast programs website our on available been have pines for 1.5 hours each day. Philip- Programs the from shortwave via aired and US the in producedprograms are ese Department of FEBC. of Department ese Vietnam- the established they where US, the to relocated were and staff evacuated Vietnamese Our North. the by annexed was Vietnam South o ita ee sne Pes pray with usfor FEBCinVietnam. Please since. ever Vietnam to Radio h 18 Thu 17 Wed 16 Tue 15 Mon has been aired uninterruptedly aired been has EC ates ih local with partners – FEBC nent racss via Broadcasts – Internet ioiy agae pro- language – Minority itaee language – Vietnamese Nguon Song tians’ safety. List. Please pray for Vietnamese Chris- Watch World 2015 Doors’ Open the on ranksno.16 Vietnam Cambodia. in asylum seeking and Vietnam of lands High- Central the fleeing from are persecution groups minority the of and notgrow weary. God in faith their keep will Christians that to Pray faiths. traditional to communities return and from families pressure their face religions tribal or Buddhist from Converts secret. in forcing many house Churches to meet closely monitored by the government, Western agents and their activities are nistideology. Christians are viewed as a Commu- follow still that countries does inVietnam. Pray that lives. God will bless the work FEBC 300 000 than more impacting MP3 devicesmobile were distributed, and radios 25 000 than more alone, camps and distributing radios. In 2011 youth hosting wells, clean-water ing as building homes for the poor, install- a 20 Sat 19 Fri – Vietnam is one of the few the of one is – Vietnam – Some Christian members Christian – Some 21 Mongolia andDirector Bat. FEBC for us Director.with pray Please Batjargal is Gospel Tuvshintsengel,(Bat) Mongolia’sFEBC the sharing to committed pioneers early the of One Acts! of book the in seen growth of kind the – 85 000 of excess in to ful, Christian population grew from literally hand- a The Christ! to come have Since that time, an explosion of people nation this Buddhism. steepedwith in Christ of message the sharing been we’ve 2001, in Mongolia, in ministry since FEBC launched 22 ture. Many who initially responded initially who Many ture. cul- nomadic in this effectively very through radio, a medium which works vision from God, to reach more people o 22 Mon 21 Sun

– a so rcie a received soon – Bat WEEKLY SUMMARY: Wind FM, aradio Mongolia Ever Ever tural traditions. Praise God for the effect radio hason young people. God Praise traditions. tural cul- longstanding by unencumbered to the Good News were young people reach of Gospel broadcasting. Pray broadcasting. Gospel of reach within country entire the puts now which, together with our existing five, stations, new three for funding the with local Churches. relationship FEBC’s bless to God Ask that developsship maturity. spiritual ” term disciple long offers effectively most that Church the it’s the but Gospel, towards attitude positive a ing of alistener’ssoil heartby establish Churches. Our broadcasts prepare the communities are transformed by local Church,” Bat explained,“because u 23 Tue Wed 24 Wed – “ – FEBC Mongolia received Mongolia – FEBC We exist to the build - -

goal is to grow the Christian commu- Christian the grow to is goal this growth is just the beginning. Their growth! this for population God Praise years. entire 25 just in the of people) 85 000 (almost 3% to people 20 from grown has community grace Christian God’sthe By airwaves. the over wide and ministries, far spread has other Gospel the of help and the broadcasts with FEBC’s of reach in wy Pa ta Gd il ls this bless will God that Pray away. right answers ask receive and can questions people where shows, talk areinteractiveThese Bible. the about people to talk to pastors local invite to addition these two blocks of programming, we In chapter. by chapter ferent programs that explain the Bible Bible. Every day we broadcast two dif- the of message main the understand people help to can we all do we why vaguely familiarThat’s the Book. with that means more than 90% of the people are only also it Unfortunately, Bible. favourablethe a of has opinion population the of majority vast that the means This country. Christian culturallya consideredbe tois Russia funds to keep thesestations onair. necessary the provide will God that u 28 Sun 26 Fri 25 Thu EC ogla believes Mongolia – FEBC – The entire country are country entire – The – WEEKLY SUMMARY: Russia

a reality. the Gospel. Pray that this will become rural in areas, thatso morecan people hear stations FM establish to is by the year 2020. Their next challenge Mongolia’spopulation of 10% to nity learn aboutGod’s will Word. people more that and ministry racss n ha aot God’s about grace, hopeandlove for them. hear and broadcasts FEBC’s to listen will people that Pray Christ. of love the sharing by families day. Mongolia FEBC aims to restore theyface many problems from day to drunkenness,affected divorce and by Russia. tion centre and two stations in central one produc- be managing He’ll tian. online Chris- strong a and enthusiast, Sergey engineer,radio Russia, Radio FEBC Stepanov. of member o 29 Mon 27 Sat aiis n ogla are Mongolia in – Families rie o fr new a for God – Praise 23 24 FEBA RadioSouthAfrca/@FebaRadiosa/Feba RadioSA

[email protected]/[email protected]/ FEBA RadioSA (MemberofFEBCInternational) NPO registered underSec.21oftheCom-  +2712335-5708/335-5764 [email protected] panies’ Act(nr97/05938/08)  www.febaradio.co.za  +2712335-8134 SOUTH P.O. Box 26270 GEZINA, 0031 GEZINA, 683 8thAve Mayville