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Zeitschrift/Journal: Denisia

Jahr/Year: 2004

Band/Volume: 0014

Autor(en)/Author(s): Amr Zuhair S., Hamidan Nashat, Quatrameez Mahdi

Artikel/Article: Nature Conservation in 467-477 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

Nature Conservation in Jordan


Abstract: The status of nature conservation in Jordan was reviewed based on up-to-date information. Seven nature reserves are currently operating and representing different ecosystems. Objectives and main themes of nature reserves are discussed.

Key words: Jordan, conservation, nature, reserves.

Introduction Jordan resulted in foundation of seven oper- ating nature reserves and re-introduction of The history of early human settlements extinct species. At present 27 local non- in the dates back to Neolithic governmental organisations (NGO) as well era. This area witnessed the rise and fall of as international agencies are stationed in several civilisations and religions of differ- Jordan. The Royal Society for the Conser- ent origins. Indeed, the mild and seasoned vation of Nature (RSCN) is the only NGO environment of the Middle East was an ad- with a mandate from the government of Jor- vantage in the survival of primitive societies dan entitled to establish, manage and oper- since it allowed for hunting and the domes- ate nature reserves in Jordan. Additionally, tication of in their surroundings. RSCN is the legal body that takes full re- The history of wild animals that used to sponsibilities for managing wildlife protec- roam our area is well documented on rocks tion through enforcing wildlife protection and mosaic (HATOUGH-BOURAN & Disi laws and CITES, hunting monitoring and 1991). Images of lions, gazelles, ibex and control. other carnivores covered the walls of desert palaces in the Jordanian deserts and church- In this essay efforts undertaken to pro- es in Madaba that reflect the ancient past of tect the wildlife in Jordan and the current these animals. status of nature conservation are discussed.

Despite the limited area of Jordan, this country enjoys four distinct biogeographical Nature Conservation in Jordan zones (Mediterranean, Irano-Turanean, Sa- In 1922, the first conservation act was haro-Arabian and Afrotropical). Within declared to emphasise the crucial need for their wilderness, several animals and plants the conservation of Jordan's forest and thrived over the centuries. Little is known rangelands. At present a network of 23 for- about the relationships of the first societies est and rangeland reserves have been de- with the animals living within their proxim- clared and established, representing various ity. However, much information can be habitats throughout the country. In 1965, found on later civilisations of the area, the Late King HUSSEIN requested that the namely Islamic and Arabic civilisation that government establish a national program for dominated the area for over 14 centuries the conservation of nature to include desig- (AMR & QUATRAMEEZ 2002). nated protected areas. Azraq National Park Nature conservation in Jordan repre- was the first to deal with wildlife reserves in sents a challenge that was met by a great Jordan (MOUNTFORD 1965, NELSON 1973). success. Efforts over the past 40 years to Since then the Royal Society for the Con- Denisia 14, zugleich Kataloge servation of Nature with the legal and logis- der OÖ. Landesmuseen conserve the flora, and ecosystems of Neue Serie 2 (2004), 467-477

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So far, twelve wildlife reserves are either proposed, under establishment, or have been established (Fig. I). Basically, these re- serves serve as sites for reintroduction pro- grams of locally extinct animals. Addition- ally, these sites harbour unique and plant communities, which are distributed all over the country.

With the recent advances in the concept of biological diversity, the philosophy of con- servation extends to serve and upgrade the socio-economic status of the locals (AMR & QUATRAMEEZ 2002). A partnership between the RSCN and the locals within the proxim- ity of these reserves was initiated. This part- nership yielded a common understanding of the importance of biodiversity and conserva- tion by the locals. Money generating projects I Yarmouk such as jewellery handicrafts, herbal tea, nat- 2Burqu' 3 Rajil urally processed food, as well as ecotourism 4 Joradan River enhanced the wellbeing of the surrounding 5 Abu Rukbeh 6 Bayer communities. Indeed, Dana Nature Reserve 7 Fifa 8Jerba is an ideal example of the positive partner- 9 Jabal Mas uda ship between the RSCN and locals. 10 Qatar I1 Aqaba The government of Jordan participated 10 in several global conventions pertinent to ^| Established Reserves 1 Ajloun Woodland Reserve the protection of wildlife and conservation 2 Dibbin Reserve issues. About 33 international and three re- 11 3 Azraq Wetland Reserve 4 Shauman Wildlife Reserve gional conventions were drafted and ratified. 5 Mujib Nature Reserve 6 Dana Nature Reserve At present, eighteen acts and eight reg- 50 50 Kilometers 7 Protected Area I I National Border ulations include provisions on environmen- I I Dead Sea tal protection. These laws and regulations are enforced through different governmen- Fig. 1: Locations of proposed and tic support of the government of Jordan, was operating nature reserves in Jordan. tal and non-governmental agencies. As far assigned the role of managing nature re- as nature conservation and wildlife protec- serves and wildlife conservation (AMR & tion goes, Agricultural Law No. 44 of 2002, QUATRAMEEZ 2002). Aqaba Region Authority law No. 32 of 2000 The philosophy of nature conservation and the Law of Environmental Protection in Jordan stems from the alarming decline of No. I of 2003 are in effect. Articles in these the natural heritage (animal and plants) laws include protection of and wild an- witnessed during the beginning 20th century imals and their hunting regulations, desig- (AMR 2000). Several large mammals such as nate co-operation between different govern- the oryx, the dorcas gazelle, the mountain mental agencies with competent authori- gazelle, the goitered gazelle, and the ties, assign responsibilities and power to act- Mesopotamian fallow deer are either extinct enforcing the different articles, and distribu- or endangered (QUMSIYEH et al. 1996). Oth- tion of the financial resources and available er carnivores including the Asiatic cheetah, funds among agencies (ANONYMUS 1998). the Arabian leopard, and the are ei- The legal framework body that embraces ther extinct or in critical status (QUMSIYEH all environmental issues in Jordan was as- et al. 1993). Birds of prey, the ostrich and signed to The Ministry of Environment the hubara bustard are also threatened or lo- (MOE). MOE has been established in 2002, cally extinct. to replace the General Corporation for Pro-

468 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at tection of the Environment. MOE has ad- Middle East. Capacity building for promot- ministrative and financial independence, and ing management of nature reserve, and in- has the right to act in all legal procedures. It stitution capacity building the governments aims to promote protection of the environ- for , , Palestine, , and ment and the improvement of its various ele- was disseminated through ments and the execution of this policy in co- workshops and active field research. The operation with the relevant authorities. Jordanian experience in nature conserva- tion stands as living example for the sur- Under the MOE supervision, several in- rounding countries. ternational and national programmes were executed. The Country Study on Biological A total of 23 forest and rangeland re- Diversity stands out as one of the best con- serves have been established since 1946- tributions, that revealed the different com- 1992. The Ministry of Agriculture manages ponents of biological diversity in Jordan. A these reserves. Recreation and local tourism monumental study discussing the various as- are mostly the main function for these areas. pects and the infrastructure of diversity in Further management plans and develop- Jordan was published in 1998, where the ment are urgently needed to protect and first author had the honour of being a mem- conserve these forests and rangelands. ber of the task force. This document pro- vides the base-line data on available natural resources for policy and decision makers. Nature Reserves Shaumari Reserve (Fig. 2, 3) Status of Nature This reserve was established in 1975. It Reserves in Jordan lies within the Saharo-Arabian zone and is represented by the hammada vegetation Through the co-operative efforts of the type. It occupies a total area of 22 km2. Jordanian government, RSCN and a num- Shaumari Reserve is a flat gravely area pen- ber of international agencies, a total of sev- etrated by a medium-sized wadi that floods en managed nature reserves are in opera- in wintertime. The main objective of Shau- tion, with a total area of 1124 square kilo- mari Reserve is the reintroduction and metres (Fig. 1). The main objectives for breeding of the Arabian oryx, Syrian ostrich these nature reserves focus on the conserva- and the Syrian wild ass. tion and management of the natural and cultural resources for each reserve, promot- The vegetation is dominated by Atriplex ing sustainable development of these habi- halimus, Retama raetam and Haloxylon sal- tats and their resources, and increasing pub- icomicum. 193 plants species were recorded lic awareness of the value of biological and in the reserve. Six carnivore species were cultural resources (AMR & QUATRAMEEZ recorded in Shaumari Wildlife Reserve. Ca- 2002). rds aureus, Canis lupus, Caracal caracal, Felis silvestris, Vulpes vulpes and Hyaena hyaena. Additionally, the RSCN, with generous funding provided by the United Nations Oryx have been successfully reintro- Development Program, assigned 27 impor- duced to Jordan in 1978 (FITTER 1984; LAMB tant areas (IBA) in Jordan. These sites 1984; NELSON 1985; HATOUGH & AL-EI- cover the Jordan Valley, the eastern moun- SAWI 1987). In 1995, the herd numbered tains, Wadi Araba and the eastern desert. about 176 heads and was held within a 20 Extensive studies focused, on the fauna and km2 enclosure. The RSCN donated several flora of the IBA, resulted in the identifica- animals to Syria, Saudi Arabia and United tion of the status for most of the birds resid- Arab Emirates. A small herd was released in ing in these areas. The intention of identi- Rum Protected Area in 2002. fying the IBA is to conserve and, later, man- Breeding birds include; Thick billed lark age these sites and incorporate them in a na- (rare), Temminck's Horned Lark, Hoopoe ture reserve network. Lark, Creamed-coloured-Courser, Desert The experience acquired by the RSCN Wheatear, Red-rumped Wheatear (rare), is shared by other Arab countries in the Desert finch and formally Houbara Bustard.

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Fig. 2: Landscape of Shaumari Reserve showing the common Fig. 3: The Arabian oryx is flourishing in Shumari Reserve after it vegetation of Atriplex. was introduced in 1978.

Winter visitors include Imperial Eagle, noides, Nitraria retusa, Phragmites australis Steppe Buzzard, Cranes, and finches and Halopeplis amplexicaulis. Around 150 Wheatear. During migration, Lesser Kestrel, species of vascular plants have been record- Levant Sparrow Hawk, Steppe Buzzard, ed in the reserve. 2 species are new to sci- Red-breasted Flycatcher (autumn), and ence: Asparagus sp. and Schanginia sp. while Cyprus Wheatear were recorded (CLARKE at least 5 species are globally rare. 1980). The main objective of this wetland re- Azraq Wetland Reserve (Fig. 4, 5) serve is to protect migratory birds and con- serve wetland habitats. A large number of It lies within the Saharo-Arabian bio- geographical zone and is represented by the migrant and wintering wildfowl and waders Hammada vegetation type in most of the use the Oasis. Purple Heron, Water rail, Lit- area and a small part of the Qa vegetation tle Ringed Plover, Kentish plover, Marbled type in the eastern part of the reserve. Azraq Teal, Black winged Stilt, Avocet, Little Wetland Reserve was established in 1977, Tern, Namaqua Dove, and Desert wheatear with a total area of 12 km:. The reserve is a can be seen irregularly wintering in the Oa- silt dune area with some area of open water, sis. Other species can be seen wintering or marshes and part of a depression. Major passing through the Oasis such as, Little plant species in the area are Tamanx passen- Grebe, Cormorant, Bittern, Little Bittern,

Fig. 4: This is the only wet land reserve in Jordan. Azraq is located Fig. 5: Landscape of Azraq Wetland Reserve. Thick vegetation of on the migratory rout of several birds originating from and Typha provides a shelter for many birds. .

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Fig. 7: Mujib Nature Reserve is the major captive breeding reserve for the Nubian Ibex, Capra ibex.

Fig. 6: Mujib River gushes very fast to the Dead Sea. The wadi system is very B^^w unique in its geological formation.

Squacco Heron, Greater flamingo, Ruddy dominates the reserve and the Sudanian Shelduck, Shelduck, Wigeon, Teal, and penetration region. Retama raetam, several waders (NELSON 1973, CONDER Artemisia sieberi, Moringa peregrina, Salvia 1981, WALLACE 1982, 1983). dominica, and Rhus tripartita are the domi- nant vegetation in the reserve. Four differ- This reserve is the only breeding loca- ent vegetation types are represented in this tion for the endemic fish, Aphanius sirhani reserve; steppe, tropical, saline and aquatic (KRUPP & SCHNEIDER 1989). Several species vegetation. 412 plant species have been of terrestrial arthropods and dragonflies recorded in the reserve during the first base- have been recorded from this reserve (AMR line survey 1996, 4 are considered new et al. 1997). Large mammals such as the records to the flora to Jordan. Asiatic jackal, have been recorded (NELSON 1973). Mujib River crosses the reserve with a magnificent flow into the Dead Sea. Besides Mujib Nature Reserve (Fig. 6,7) being a nature reserve, this area has a It lies within two biogeographical zones, breathtaking natural beauty. The Mujib the Irano-Turanian in the eastern parts and gorge descend from the mountains into the the Sudanian in the western parts and along Dead Sea through a series of waterfalls. the Dead Sea. It was established in 1987 and Breeding birds occurring at MNR in- 2 occupies an area of 218 km . Mujib Nature clude; Bonelli's Eagle, Barbay Falcon, Eagle Reserve occurs at the eastern side of the Rift Owl, Hume's Tawny Owl, Arabian Babbler, Valley along the Dead Sea. Sharp edges and Palestine , White-breasted Kingfish- cliffs with different altitudes of Paleozoic er, Morning, Hooded, and White crowned sandstone mountains at the lower altitudes Black wheatears in addition to the unique and Mesozoic limestone at the higher alti- Black morph Morning Wheatear, and Trum- tudes dominate the area. The reserve s in- peter Finch are breeding birds that can be fluenced by three biogeographic regions; the seen in Mujib Reserve. Two colonies of Irano-Turanian, Sahara Arabian which, Lesser Kestrel were observed in MNR, and

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Fig. 8: Forests of in Dana Nature Reserve. Fig. 9: Landscape showing the Wadi Araba part of Dana Nature Reserve. The mountain series gradually decline to join the Wadi Araba desert.

the Stone Curlew, Pallid swift, Alpine The reserve includes four different types Swift, Rock Thrush, and Ortolan Bunting of ecosystems according to the vegetation are migrant birds that can be seen during types; Sand dune desert with xerophytic migration season. The main purpose for this shrubs {Haloxykm persicum, Hammada scopy- reserve is the breeding of the Nubian Ibex ra), Acacia sub-tropical vegetation dominat- {Capra ibex). Several species of carnivores ed by Acacia raddiana, Acacia tortiks and Zizi- have been recorded such as the hyenas, the phus spina-christi, Irano-Turnian mid-altitude caracal, Blanford' fox and the honey badger steppe characterised by Artmesia herba-alba, (ABU BAKER et al. 2004). Retama raetwn, Anabasis articulata, and other low shrubs, and Mediterranean semi-arid Dana Nature Reserve (Fig. 8, 9) dominated by jwniperus Phoenicia and at The Dana Nature Reserve is located at higher altitude, Pistacia atlantica and Quercus 30°40'N, 35°3O'E. It was declared as an op- coccifera. 555 species of vascular plants were erating nature reserve in 1990. It features a recorded in Dana in the first baseline in system of wadis and mountains extending 1994- The number reaches now to around from the Sharrah mountains in the east, to 700 species of 71 families. The most impor- tant tree species is the Cypress, Cupressus the desert lowlands of Wadi Araba in the sempervirens, they represent the last remain- west. Rocks are predominantly limestone ing stands in the region. Three species con- and sandstone and are covered with weath- sidered as new to science were described ered material. Flow in the wadis can reach from Dana; Siiene danaensis, Rubia danaensis 2m in some years with flood waters dis- and Micromeria danaensis (AviNOAM 1997). charging gravel in the wadi floors and out along alluvial fans to the west. Altitude 190 species of birds have been recorded ranges from 1500m in the east to 200m be- in the reserve including breeding raptors like low sea level in the west. The southern part Griffon Vulture, Short-toad Eagle, Verreaux's of the reserve is dominated by Wadi Dana Eagle, Bonelli's Eagle, and Barbary Falcon. which features 1000m cliffs incised with Hume's Tawny Owl also occurred. Other tributary wadis and a stream fed by four or species like Isabelline and Hooded Wheatear, more springs. Mean annual rainfall is Dunn's, Bar-tailed and Short-tailed Larks, 315mm with mean daily potential evapora- woodlark, Arabian, Upcher's, and Orphean tion of 3,68mm. The reserve is currently 325 Warbler can be seen in different parts of the km2 in area. It lies within three different reserve. Other mammals include the wild cat, biogeographical zones they are from east to the caracal, the crested porcupine, the hyena, west: Mediterranean, Irano-Turanian and the Asiatic jackal, Blanford fox, and Arabian Sudanian. ibex (AMR et al. 1996).

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Fig. 10: Introduced roe deer in Ajloun Reserve. Fig. 11: Spring in Ajloun Nature Reserve. This reserve is thickly covered by ever green , Quercus cailiprinos. By far, Dana Nature Reserve is consid- Bunting are common species within the re- ered the jewel of all nature reserves. It is not serve. Other wildlife aspects include the only the scenery and nature, but also the Roe Deer and Stone Martin. great success in implementing socio-eco- nomic development and partnership with Wadi Rum Protected Area (Fig. 12, 13) the locals. This reserve is a model for perfect Wadi Rum area is characterised by the harmony between people and nature. dominance of very steep-sided, high moun- tain ridges with flat or rounded tops of the Ajloun Reserve (Fig. 10, 11) Rum sandstone group, separated by wide, The reserve lies within the Mediter- flat-bottomed and sandy wadis and sand ranean zone and is mainly covered by ever plains. The area is under the influence of green oak, Quercus cailiprinos. It is a moun- the Sudanian biogeographical region (Su- tainous area penetrated by some wadis with- danian penetration). Rum area has a dry out any source of permanent water. It is desert type of climate with very hot sum- mainly covered with Quercus caUiprinos, mers and relatively mild, warm winters. The Pistacia pdlaestina and Arbutus andrachne. sand dune vegetation type is the dominant 190 floral species were recorded in the re- vegetation in the area represented mainly by serve including trees, shrubs, annual and Haloxylon persicum. The northern part of perennial plants in addition to corms and the reserve comprises a five-wadi system ferns. Four species are listed on the CITES running north to south, parallel to each oth- appendices: Cephalanthera longifolia, Ophrys er. These are Wadi el Marsad, Wadi Rum- transhyrcana, Orchis anatolica and Orchis tri- man, Wadi Rum, Wadi Um Ishrin and Wa- dentate. The total area is about 13 km2 and di Urn Harraq. The western, central and was established in 1988. The main objec- southern parts of the area are dominated by tives of Ajloun Reserve are to conserve nat- crystalline rocks of the ranted basement and ural Mediterranean forests and reintroduc- are typified by rugged mountain ranges and tion of the roe deer. In 1988, two males and undulating hills and ridges separated by two females from the Turkish-Bulgarian bor- wide, generally flat-bottomed wades. The der were donated by the Turkish Govern- total area of this reserve is 560 km. The ment. By 1995, 12 individuals were surviv- main objectives for this reserve are to con- ing in this reserve (QUMSIYEH et al. 1996). serve the natural scenery of this desert habi- Migrant bird species include Black Kite, tat, protect archaeological and historical Egyptian Vulture, Sparrow Hawk, and sites present in the area, develop eco- Short-toad Eagle. Chuker, Wem, Rufous tourism, enhance the socio-economic status Nightingale, Rock Thrush, Sardinian War- for the locals and conserve and protect the bler, Blur Tit, Great Tit, and Cretzschmar's biological diversity within its borders.

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Fig. 12: La; of Wadi Rum Protected Area. Fig 13: A view in wadi Rum showing the Seven Pillars of Wisdom mountain.

A total of 183 plant species were record- sea level, with a number of small and medi- ed within the protected area in the baseline um-sized wadis. flora survey in 1999 and was update in the The dominant species within the sites year 2000. These plants belong to 152 gen- are, Pinus halepensis, Quercus calliprinos, Q. era and 49 families. The plants were identi- infectoria, Cistus villoisus, C. salvaefolius and fied as follows: 2 new records to Jordan, 4 with a several species of orchids. Breeding ferns, 13 poisonous, 15 rare, 6 endemic, 11 birds includes Short-toad Eagle, hobby, edible, 5 ornamental, 32 medicinal and 57 Tawny Owl, Syrian Woodpecker, Wren, common species. The two new records are Palestine Sunbird, Bonelli's Warbler, and Satureja thymbrifolia and Gagea dayana. BAR- Blue Tit. Other mammals such as the Per- SOTTI et al. (2000) described the new sian squirrel, the Stone Martin are common. species, Neurada al'eisawii from Rum. Impor- tant flora in the area also includes; Haloxy- lon salicomicum, Anabasis articulata, Juniper- Discussion ous phoenica and Ficus pseudo-sycomorus. Until now, the concept of conserving di- Breeding pair of Verreaux's Eagle. Other versity is still obscure to many decision mak- raptors like Lesser-Spotted Eagle, Booted ers in Jordan. The broad spectrum of biolog- ical diversity requires trained individuals to Eagle, Osprey, Lesser Kestrel, and Red-foot- reveal its importance for the country in var- ed Falcon can be seen during their passage ious aspects; socio-economic, ecotourism, in spring and autumn. Other species like scenic and ethical perspectives. Hoopoe Lark, Temminck's Horned Lark, Tawny Pipit, Thrush Nightingale, Blue On the other hand, Jordan witnessed Throat, Red-tailed Wheatear, Rock Thrush, tremendous investment in wildlife conser- Savi's Warbler, Cyprus Warbler, Willow vation, which is exemplified with the emer- Warbler, Ortolan Bunting, and Cret- gence of several non-governmental organi- zschmar's Bunting were recorded (EVANS et sations with emphasis on various aspects of al. in print). environmental issues. Indeed, over 10 NGOs are tackling with environmental is- Dibben Nature Reserve (Fig. 14, 15) sues including wildlife conservation, rein- The area lies within the Mediterranean troduction programs, public awareness, pol- lution, and other related problems. bio-geographical zone, and three different vegetation types are present within it. The Public awareness of the importance of Evergreen oak forest, the Mediterranean conservation is a high priority issue. The non-forest and the Aleppo forest vege- role of these NGOs is to address wildlife tation types. The reserve is a mountainous conservation to various sectors of the com- area reaching an altitude of 1100m above munity, mainly children and youngsters, as

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Fig. 14: Forests of pine mixed with oak in Dibben Nature Reserve. Fig. 15: Thick natural forests of Pinus halepensis in Dibben. well as to rally support from decision mak- Squirrel, Sciurus anomalus, the African Ho- ers. Through the collaboration of the RSCN ny Badger, Mellivora capensis, the Eurasian and the Ministry of Education, over 1000 Badger, Meles meles, Indian crested porcupi- Nature Preservation Clubs were established ne, Hystrix indica, Dorcas Gazelle, Gazelia in schools all over Jordan. These clubs aim dorcas, Goitred Gazelle, Gazella subgutrosa to introduce the value and ethics of respect- marica, Nubian Ibex, Capra ibex nubiana, ing nature and to orient the students into Blanford's Fox, Vulpes cana, Caracal, Cara- nature-loving generation. cal caracal, Common Otter, Lutra lutra, and the Arabian , Canis lupus arabs, Stone With the limited resources of Jordan, sus- Marten, Manes foina and others. tainable development of its natural heritage (archaeological, cultural, landscape and bio- At present, about 400 species of birds diversity) can provide a decent income for have been recorded from different habitats many sectors of the Jordanian society. Our in Jordan. 50% of Jordan's avifauna is pre- Table 1: Extinct species of large mammals fragile natural resources are in dire need to be dominantly migratory. At least 11 species from the last 120 years are considered to be endangered (table 2). managed in environmentally sustainable Common Name Scientific Name The Syrian Desert Ostrich, Struthio camelus means. The concept of sustainable develop- Syrian wild Ass Equus hemionus spp. ment is the keyword for the future of nature syriacus, the biggest non-flying bird on earth Oryx Oryx leucoryx conservation in Jordan. As indicated earlier, has been extinct in Jordan around the late Roe deer Capreolus capreolus conveying the importance of nature and bio- thirties. Persian fallow deer Dama mesopotamica diversity to the public will certainly lead to a 90 species o( amphibians and reptiles are Syrian Ostrich Struthio camelus spp. Arabian leopard common understanding and dedication. known to occur in Jordan. Four species of Panthera pardus nimer amphibians are surviving, however, the Syri- Status of the an Spadefoot, Pleobates syriacus, was not re- Table 2: Endangered birds in Jordan corded for the past 30 years and may have be- Fauna and Flora of Jordan Common Name came extinct. Several species of reptiles are Scientific Name Pin-tailed Sand considered endangered or threatened locally Fauna grouse Pterocles alchata and globally such as; the European Chamele- A total of 78 species of mammals has Coot Fulica atra on, Chamaeleo chamaeleon, the Spiny-tailed been recorded from Jordan (AMR 2000). Sand Partridge Ammoperdix heyi lizard, Uromastyx aegyptia, the Desert moni- The decline in Jordan's wildlife was mainly Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulata tor, Varanus griseus, and the Mediterranean in its large mammals, Artiodactylia and Mall Anas platyrhynchos Spur-thighed Tortoise, Testudo graeca. Carnivore, within the past 300 years (QUM- White Stork Ciconia ciconia SIYEH et al. 1994, 1996). Table 1 summarizes Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus Chukar Partridge extinct species from Jordan over the past Alectoris chukar Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus centuries. Black or Francolin Other species are threatened such as the Partridge Francolinus francolinus Rock Hyrax, Procavia capensis, the Persian Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus

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Fig. 16: The Black Iris, Iris Examples of some endangered plant nigricans, is the national flower species in Jordan: Epipacds veramfolia, Oph- of Jordan. This Iris in addition to about 20 other Iris species rys sphegodes, Ophrys transhyrcana, Ophrys are considered. apifera, Ophrys oestrifera, Himantoglossum af- fine, Orchis sinua, Orchis sancta, Orchis purc- tata, Capparis decidua.

Examples of some extinct plant species in Jordan: Anacamptis pyramidalis, Orchis la- xiflora, Ophrys vemixia, Abutilon indicum, Avicennia marina, Hyphaene thebaka.


We very grateful for Mr. Koji KAWAI for providing us with photographs for the re- serves, and Mrs. Natalia BOLAD for her help in map preparation.


Naturschutz in Jordanien. Die Situa- tion des Naturschutzes in Jordanien wird durch aktuelle Information dargestellt. Der- zeit existieren 7 Naturschutzgebiete, welche Flora die verschiedenen Ökosysteme repräsentie- ren. Ziele und Inhalte der Naturschutzgebie- The total number of plant species is es- te werden diskutiert. timated to be between 2300 and 2400, of which 2000 are vascular plants. It is estima- ted that about 100 species are endemic, 200 References to 250 are rare species, 100 to 150 are thre- ABU BAKER M„ AL-OMARI K., QARYAZ M., KHALED Y„ atened and 10 to 20 have gone extinct over AHMAD Q. & Z. AMR (2004): On the current Sta- the last ninety years (ANONYMUS 1998). Ex- tus and distribution of Blanford's Fox, Vulpes tinction is mainly due to habitat encroach- cana BLANFORD, 1877, in Jordan (Mammalia: Carnivora: Canidae). — Turkish Journal of ment by urban and agricultural develop- Zoology 28 1-6. ment, deforestation, deterioration of range AMR Z. (2000): Conservation of the carnivores of lands by over grazing and soil erosion, and the Northeastern Badia. — World Conserva- depletion of the major water resources. tion 2: 24. Examples of some endemic plant spe- AMR Z. & M. QUATRAMEEZ (2002): Wildlife Conserva- tion in Jordan: A Cultural and Islamic cies in Jordan: Crocus moabiticus, Iris petra- Persepective. — In: MENON V. & M. SAKAMOTO na, Iris nigricans (Fig. 16), Iris edomensis, Iris (Eds.), Haven and Earth and I. Ethics of Nature postii, Iris varumi, Colchicum tunkatum, Di- Conservation in Asia. Penguin Enterprise. Del- pbtaxis viüosa, Cousinia austrojordanica Kick- hi: — 172-184. xia azraqensis, Alyssum spinosum, Haplophyl- AMR Z.S., AL-MELHIM W.N., KATBEH-BADER A. & W. lum poorei, Verbascum transjordinicum and SCHNEIDER (1997): On the common Insecta of AI Azraq, Jordan. — Entomologist's Gazette 48: Ferula sinaka. 55-66.

Examples of some rare plant species in AMR Z.S., KALISHAW G., YOSEF M., CHILCOT B.J. & A. Jordan: Opoponax hispidum, Smymium con- AI-BUDARI (1996): Carnivores of Dana Nature natum, Scandix palaestina, Seetzenia lanata, Reserve (Carnivora: Canidae, Hyaenidae and Felidae), Jordan. — Zoology in the Middle Atraphaxis spinosa, Ducrosia flabellifolia, Zoe- East 13: 5-16. gea purpurea, Lappula barbata, Cytinus hypo- ANONYMUS (1998): Jordan Country Study on Bio- cistis, Daucus jordanicus, Biarum eximium, logical Biodiversity. — The General Corpora- Scandix turgida. tion for the Environment Protection: 1-416.

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AviNOAM D. (1997): Contributions to the flora of Jordan: new and interesting plants from Dana Nature Reserve, SW Jordan. — Willde- nowia 27: 161-175.

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Nashat HAMIDAN Mahdi QUATRAMEEZ The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature P. O, Box 1215, Jubaiha 11941, Jordan