Attention: Premier

My Reference: HZ02

Your Reference: PM1/4

Date: June 22 2018

Sent via: Email


I respond to your June 21 letter in which you refused my offer for us to meet and discuss a way forward through the corruption I've reported to you.

Although your refusal isn't surprise, I must make effort past your politically impossible because life without hope would be meaningless.

Let's remove your excuses:

1. We are not in court. You could use this as a way to either not go to court or to mitigate your situation when we get there. 2. It's impossible for you to plausibly deny the allegations against you and company when you refuse to discuss the evidence. That's standard DA tactic, as especially expressed during the DA's propaganda campaign against me and more recently by your protege, DA Leader Bonginkosi Madikizela. 3. As DA decisions were taken by you when in DA leadership, it's very odd of you to not discuss them because a faction of the DA has presently relegated you. I'm more interested in our shared past than your future. 4. Your desire for investigation that clears you and company is odd since you have always had the ability and power to do so as the Western Cape Government. 5. Nothing should prevent you from dealing with other matters where your only involvement is failure to investigate.

1 Hopefully, your separate mention of Donnae Styrydom, your secretary and fierce DA supporter, isn't suggesting that the DA's tactic of using underlings to harass me via court is set to continue?

Let's not split hairs or speak through political cloud.

If you don't wish to meet as the DA, meet me as the Premier of the Western Cape who has reigned through the period of my allegations and the ongoing Knysna crisis. You can bring , and Donnae Strydom along if you wish. At least discuss it with them. They should be encouraging you do so, proclaiming their innocence through action and, most importantly, fact.

If you won't meet me as the Premier, then meet me as a human being. Although not as effective, I'm willing to discuss matters that don't directly involve you. I add that in case it's the on record description of the meeting that's truly disturbing you. We can discuss the topics before you arrive e.g. the Great Knysna Fire disaster.

I can't delay my plans if our meeting is, in your mind, always been “never” (my experience for 7 years). Consequently, please respond with a date by midday, Sunday, June 24 2018.

If the response remains negative, I'll know to focus 100% on preparation for the Public Protector and Court.

Thank you.

Mike Hampton [email protected]