2019-03-20 QON Lands Pastoral Leases.Pdf

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2019-03-20 QON Lands Pastoral Leases.Pdf 1 9. MAR 2013 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL See tabled paper. Question On Notice Thursday, 14 February 2019 1875. Hon Robin Chappie to the Minister for Environment representing the Minister for Lands Will the Minister provide a list of all pastoral leases in Western Australia, including: (a) how many individual leases there are; (b) what is the area for each individual lease; (c) how many pastoral lease holders there are; (d) what the total area is for all of the leases; and (e) if no to (a)-(d), why not? Answer 00490 (b) [See tabled paper no.] 00346 (d) Approximately 86,559,343 hectares (e) Not applicable. QON LC 1875 - Pastoral leases Station Name Lease Total Station Name Lease Total Number Station Number Station Area(ha) Area(ha) ADELONG N050386 108,793 BOODARIE N050445 64,620 ALBION DOWNS N049530 140,509 N050447 9,694 ALICE DOWNS N050018 136,974 BOOGARDIE N050334 161,073 ANNA PLAINS N050392 392,324 BOOLARDY N049598 333,964 ANNEAN N050577 163,909 BOOLATHANA N050616 143,264 N050578 25,531 BOOLOGOORO N050380 3,667 ARUBIDDY N049537 314,394 N050381 65,272 ASHBURTON N050036 311,235 BOONDEROO N050420 308,923 DOWNS BOOYLGOO N050557 233,339 ATLEY N050586 353,558 SPRING AUSTIN DOWNS N050063 162,917 BOW RIVER N049619 300,878 AVOCA DOWNS N049885 121,392 BRAEMORE N049916 13,255 BADJA N049542 113,653 BRICK HOUSE N050631 224,243 BALFOUR N049548 85,926 BROOKING N050173 10,615 DOWNS N049553 345,254 SPRINGS N050174 183,258 BALGAIR N049892 289,316 BRYAH N049600 122,689 BALLADONIA N050098 46,266 BULGA DOWNS N050442 273,949 N050099 175,878 BULKA N050503 274,749 BALLYTHUNNA N050597 124,556 BULLABULLING N049612 94,038 BANJAWARN N050400 406,813 BULLARA N050158 109,501 BARRAMBIE N049557 100,564 BULLARDOO N049633 41,942 BARWIDGEE N049559 276,396 BULLOO DOWNS N049943 40,6489 BEDFORD N050413 376,963 BUNNAWARRA N049947 90,154 DOWNS BURKS PARK N049650 8,133 BEEBYN N049894 59,815 BUTTAH N049656 147,843 BEEFWOOD PARK N050113 14,831 BYRO N050480 237,872 N050132 21,535 CALLAGIDDY N050519 65,380 N050147 169,189 CALOOLI N050390 12,383 BELELE N049563 279,705 CARBLA N050530 95,193 BERINGARRA N050464 140,323 CARDABIA N049635 193,753 BIDGEMIA N050619 372,375 CAREY DOWNS N049938 95,536 BILLABALONG N050610 127,210 N049939 67,327 BILLILUNA N049567 162,889 N049940 16,895 BIMBIJY N049898 87,723 CARINTA N049647 6,460 BLACK FLAG N049574 104,504 CARLAMINDA N049977 59,340 N049580 3,728 N049978 23,468 BLACK HILL N049584 144,389 CARLTON HILL N049952 324,718 BUNA N049587 254,617 CARNEGIE N049652 390,696 BOHEMIA N049593 109,463 CARRANYA N049659 357,809 DOWNS CARRARANG N049672 55,364 BONNEY DOWNS N050430 373,621 CARSON RIVER N343260 313,157 BOODANOO N049904 85,110 CHALLA N049669 91,925 N049908 30,880 CHARNLEY RIVER N049960 297,903 CHEELA PLAINS N050545 187,903 Page 1 of 6 Station Name Lease Total Station Name Lease Total Number Station Number Station Area(ha) Area(ha) CHERRABUN N050001 58,437 ELVIRE N049706 63,570 N050002 213,841 EMU CREEK N050183 124,988 CHRISTMAS N049681 139,413 ERLISTOUN N049714 330,870 CREEK ERRABIDDY N050202 78,628 CLOVER DOWNS N049676 60,784 ETHEL CREEK N049724 373,265 COBURN N049686 100,483 EUDAMULLAH N050211 186,435 COGLA DOWNS N049690 199,478 EURARDY N049731 27,856 COODARDY N049528 166,037 EXMOUTH GULF N050424 91,891 COOLAWANYAH N049532 177,131 FAIRFIELD N049621 80,989 COONGAN N049539 179,499 FAURE N049741 5,816 . N049544 4,493 FLORA VALLEY N049989 148,222 COORALYA N050382 148,304 FOSSIL DOWNS N050221 394,028 N050383 2,997 FRASER RANGE N050433 177,377 CORUNNA N050429 221,161 FRAZIER DOWNS N049664 76,509 DOWNS N049665 10,437 COUNTRY N050014 169,106 N049666 26,560 DOWNS N049667 19,627 COWARNA N050395 100,490 DOWNS GABYON N050549 271,125 CUNYU N049551 372,400 GIBB RIVER N049688 378,755 CURBUR N049555 178,169 GIDGEE N049747 112,681 DAIRY CREEK N049962 165,037 GILROYD N049693 80,928 DALGETY DOWNS N049561 262,038 GINDALBIE N049753 133,464 N049565 7,454 N049759 1,790 DAMPIER N050191 19,965 GLEN N049786 40,170 DOWNS NO50192 112,874 GLEN FLORRIE N050594 197,268 N050193 127,234 GLEN HILL N049794 14,275 DANDARAGA N050441 351,940 GLENAYLE N050237 323,417 DEGREY N050027 379,474 GLENBURGH N050258 224,576 DEPOT SPRINGS N049967 121,373 GLENORN N049808 219,076 DOOLEY DOWNS N050044 117,448 GLENROY N049997 107,813 DOON DOON N049571 384,948 GNARALOO N050435 173,433 DOONGAN N050562 309,182 GOGO N049678 386,464 DOORAWARRAH N050218 204,167 GOLDEN VALLEY N049818 8,566 DRYSDALE RIVER N049578 271,386 GORDON N050005 395,365 N049582 125,374 DOWNS DURACK RIVER N049589 379,959 GRANITE PEAK N050565 296,760 EDAGGEE N049697 68,382 GUNNADORAH N050401 333,010 EDAH N049595 103,239 HAMELIN N049704 201,569 EDJUDINA N049971 329,440 HAMERSLEY N050438 266,694 EDMUND N049605 89,031 HAMPTON HILL N049710 300,406 EGINBAH N049987 223,803 HILL SPRINGS N050265 145,000 EL QUESTRO N050404 218,997 HILLSIDE N050452 405,764 ELLA VALLA N049610 76,167 HILLVIEW N050604 148,609 ELLENBRAE N049615 380,965 HOME VALLEY N049716 246,753 Page 2 of 6 Station Name Lease Total Station Name Lease Total Number Station Number Station Area(ha) Area (ha) HOOLEY N050568 171,004 LANDOR N050627 4,355 HY BRAZIL N049828 16,402 N050628 338,582 INDEE N050012 160,892 LANSDOWNE N050414 331,271 INNOUENDY N049831 223,473 LARRAWA N050116 191,596 IOWNA 0045137 60,613 LAVERTON N049699 215,463 IVANHOE N050034 133,567 DOWNS JEEDAMYA N050457 197,007 LEINSTER N049438 141,950 DOWNS JIMBAJIMBA N050280 144,953 LEOPOLD N050061 402,893 JINGEMARRA N050613 110,460 DOWNS JUBILEE DOWNS N050571 91,720 LISSADELL N050126 166,984 JUDAL N050590 8,487 LIVERINGA N049442 1,136 N050591 97,173 N049702 259,454 JUNA DOWNS N050471 191,960 LOUISA DOWNS N049737 199,515 JUNDEE N050039 131,887 LYNDON N050138 248,173 KACHANA N049726 77,513 LYONS RIVER N050460 206,067 KALLI N049407 85,322 MADOONGA N049446 113,925 KALYEEDA N050601 122,519 MADOONIA N050231 392,840 KANANDAH N050421 359,230 DOWNS KANGAN N049839 122,804 MADURA N050310 366,194 KARBAR N050049 116,182 MALLINA N050342 5,129 KARRATHA N050300 99,114 N050343 290,110 KARUNJIE N049409 274,244 MANBERRY N049450 85,408 KAWANA N050607 52,889 MANDORA N050468 89,798 KILLARA N050070 262,711 MANGAROON N050359 100,123 KILTO N050224 26,813 MARANALGO N049454 68,849 KIMBERLEY N049695 28,135 MARDATHUNA N050150 211,789 DOWNS N049912 223,062 MARDIE N050076 217,409 MARGARET N050504 176,148 KINCLAVEN N049846 496,581 RIVER KIRKALOCKA N049411 75,747 MARILLANA N050368 357,037 KOOLINE N049418 243,244 MARION DOWNS N049458 253,533 KOONGIE PARK N049860 38,516 MAROONAH N050477 206,590 KOONJARRA N050419 325,118 MARRILLA N050643 132,947 KOONMARRA N050205 129,865 MARRON N049464 80,503 KOORDARRIE N050082 124,524 MARYMIA N050486 390,068 KUMARINA N050094 305,445 MEADOW N050496 82,423 KYBO N050215 283,290 MEDA N050375 369,190 LAKE BARLEE N049422 127,829 MEEBERRIE N050085 177,450 LAKE GREGORY N049428 271,699 MEEDO N050646 146,289 LAKE VIOLET N050102 257,908 MEELINE N050513 169,408 LAKE WAY N050051 233,576 MEERAGOOLIA N049468 26,040 LAKE WELLS N050056 237,969 MEKA N049763 364,905 LAM BOO N049432 360,597 ME LANG ATA N049474 45,122 Page 3 of 6 Station Name Lease Total Station Name Lease Total Number Station Number Station Area (ha) Area (ha) MELITA N050241 145,503 MT AUGUSTUS N050129 398,389 N050242 133,250 MT BARNETT N049749 124,835 MELLENBYE N050088 91,016 MT SURGES N050354 246,005 MELROSE N049788 248,478 MT CLERE N050144 309,812 MENANGINA N050108 87,164 MT DIVIDE N049420 199,148 N050109 99,718 MT ELIZABETH N049426 196,723 N050110 5,518 MT FARMER N049434 62,732 MENANGINA N049478 8,657 MT FLORANCE N050483 105,317 SOUTH N049480 16,273 MT GIBSON N049757 132,445 N049484 20,699 MT GOULD N050153 240,060 N049490 4,027 MT HOUSE N049810 341,352 N049494 2,787 N049816 25,960 N049498 16,983 MT JACKSON N049761 123,012 MERTONDALE N049506 88,904 MT JOWLAENGA N050161 84,950 MIA MIA N050123 208,403 MT KEITH N049448 97,949 MIDDALYA N050522 188,464 MT MONGER N050166 172,616 MILEURA N050539 250,511 MT NARRYER N050493 198,873 MILGUN N050317 301,428 MTPADBURY N049452 261,903 N050318 33,200 MT PHILLIP N050303 114,965 MILLBILLILLIE N049798 136,963 MT PIERRE N049790 217,714 MILLIE WINDIE N049708 18,463 MT STUART N050169 345,508 MILLIJ IDEE N049802 306,799 MT VERNON N050364 381,070 MILLROSE N050473 295,832 MT VETTERS N050270 6,782 MlELY MILLY N050465 308,641 N050271 41,741 MINARA N049712 182,932 N050272 151,815 . MINDEROO N049514 2259,20 MT WELCOME N049462 190,826 MINGAH N049520 204,839 MT WELD N049826 363,958 SPRINGS MT WITTENOOM N049470 116,366 MINILYA N050135 272,327 MUCCAN N050507 176,899 MININER N049718 222,289 MULGA DOWNS N049796 40,899 MINNIE CREEK N050328 5,037 N050370 313,820 N050329 196,544 MULGUL N049800 280,348 MOOLA BULLA N050141 394,237 MUNBINIA N050180 31,909 MOOLOO N050254 131,715 MUNDABULLANG N049806 197,035 DOWNS ANA MOONERA N050352 324,821 MUNDRABILLA N050290 385,591 MOORARIE N049722 137,450 MUNGARI N049482 , 31,142 MORAPOI N049728 53,916 MURALGARRA N049510 126,778 MORNINGTON N049733 312,019 MURCHISON N049488 156,555 MOUROUBRA N049735 130,396 DOWNS MOWANJUM N049743 52,415 MURCHISON N050525 126,003 MOWLA BLUFF N049413 71,977 HOUSE MT AMHURST N050119 259,201 MURGOO N049502 203,317 MT ANDERSON N049745 93,696 MURRUM N050333 100,996 MYROODAH N049814 401,944 Page 4 of 6 Station Name Lease Total Station Name Lease Total Number Station Number Station Area(ha) Area(ha) NALBARRA N050542 141,709 QUANBUN N049850 129,688 NALLAN N050030 98,858 DOWNS NAMBI N049822 294,187 QUOBBA N050356 74,948 NANUTARRA N049833 233,664 RAWLINNA N049862 271,980 NAPIER DOWNS N049720 11,724 RED HILL N049852 188,844 N049855 374,955 REMLAP N049535 42,389 NARNDEE N049739 107,201 RIVERINA N049874
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