OPINION: Athletes to blame for Congress SPORTS, Page 8 being involved in pro sports, page 4 Titan Track star breaks FEATURES: Reggae fanatics partied two school records all day long in Long Beach, page 3

Since 1960 Volume 87, Issue 12 Wednesday February 20, 2008 DailyThe Student Voice of California StateTitan University, Fullerton DTSHORTHAND Broadcast major wins $2,000 scholarship Senior broadcast journalism ma- jor Peter Martinez was among three students honored by the Radio Television News Associa- tion of Southern California dur- ing the organization’s 58th Annu- al Golden Mike Awards Jan. 26. The awards honored professional broadcasters in the television and radio news industry. Martinez received the 2008 Jim Zaillian Memorial Scholarship, named for the former KNX-AM news director who had a spe- cial interest in the education of broadcast journalism students. Martinez currently serves as chair of the College of Commu- nications InterClub Council. He has also produced videos for the new KCET Orange/CSUF initia- tive, as well as the Web sites of the Daily Titan and Orange County Register under his own company, http://www.rePetePro.com. By Beth Stirnaman/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Above - The Learning Commons located on the first floor of the library is a place where students can to use computers and other services free of charge. Below- Seniors Tommy Castle and Nicole Grodesky work last week at the A total lunar eclipse Learning Commons. The moon will begin to enter the Earth’s shadow at 5:43 p.m. today, shortly before it becomes visible from the West Coast. It will be in full eclipse for 50 min- utes, starting at 7:51 p.m. It will Juicing up then be in partial eclipse until 9:09 p.m. A total lunar eclipse was visible from Orange County only six months ago. This will not happen again until 2010. the library Information and Learning Commons center is designed for the 21st century

By SARAH J. CRUZ formation, technology and experts Daily Titan Staff Writer available to students in differ- [email protected] ent ways. Located on the first floor of the The good vibes were The Cal State Fullerton Pollak library, the Commons offers high- strong as festival goers of every Library has an answer to the needs tech ways to research and complete

race, class and culture socialized, of 21st century students. The In- projects. “ formation and Learning Commons This bustling center of study was

danced and enjoyed the food and vendors who packed the recently opened as a hybrid of in- See NEW RESOURCES, Page 2 arena. “ – Jeremiah Rivera, Daily Titan Staff Writer See Features, page 3 Citing sources remains a key for research Student Segregating the sexes The Pollak Library holds the first of four workshop veterans events during the spring bonded by By CRAIG GROSSMAN Daily Titan Staff Writer [email protected] a group Attracting about 20 Cal State Fullerton students, an hour-long noon drop-in citation workshop in A senior human services One Georgia school district has one of Pollak Library’s North Wing major starts a club after voted to separate the boys from first-floor classrooms was split into the girls starting this fall. two 30-minute segments in which returning back to school Greene County administrators instruction was given on how to believe it will lift low test scores, properly cite material using the By PAUL ARANDA JR. reduce teen pregnancy and im- main American Psychological As- Daily Titan Staff Writer prove studying habits. During sociation [APA] and Modern Lan- [email protected] grade school, students will sit in guage Association [MLA] citation separate classrooms and in high formats. For the many veterans on cam- school, they will be in different With the temporary absence of pus who quietly walk among us, buildings. librarian Cynthia Bruns, who nor- there is now a place to emerge from Many parents have expressed mally presides over the citation the shadows. Led by the efforts of concerns of segregation and of workshops, research librarian col- student leader and veteran Joseph not being notified before the dec- leagues John Hickok and Barbie Chang, Cal State Fullerton has of- sision was made by the district. McConnell teamed up to split her ficially recognized the Student Vet- Source: ABC.com usual duties. erans Association. The first of its “[The main purpose of these By CRAIG GROSSMAN/Daily Titan Staff Writer CSUF students gather for the first citation workshop at the Pollak Library. kind on any CSU campus, SVA is workshops is] to give students and a service organization designed to WEATHER any library users – faculty, staff, meet the unique needs of veterans anyone [else] – an opportunity to materials. Hickok, who opened up using the two formats discussed by was looking for more specific in- as they make the adjustment from WEDNESDAY have a time when they can drop the day’s workshop, spoke about cit- both librarians during that hour. structions for like APA, MLA, [to] the military into college. While Showers/Wind: High: 60, Low: 45 in and learn something about cit- ing books using the two formats and CSUF graduate art student Chris help cite Web sites. Today they just there is plenty of college money of- ing their resources to support their had the attendees practice citing a Sanders said she enjoyed the library gave me how to cite a book or jour- THURSDAY fered in the GI Bill and service col- activities on campus from a knowl- sample book, “Developing Study citation workshop. nal.” Mostly Cloudy / High: 63, Low: 49 lege funds, veterans soon discover edgeable librarian,” said McCon- Skill, Taking Notes and Tests, Using “I found it semi-informative,” McConnell said he thinks knowl- that once they arrive on a university FRIDAY nell, who indicated the reception Dictionaries and Libraries” in the said Sanders, who came to this edge of citation skills is tremendous campus there is little in place de- Showers/ High: 60, Low: 49 from students has been impressive. main formats by using Microsoft workshop because she felt she need- in the real world. signed to meet their specific needs. “And it gives people an opportunity Word on their computers. During ed some citation tips in anticipa- “If you think about the variety of SATURday Chang, 33, a senior human ser- to come at a certain time and hear the second half hour, McConnell tion of her masters thesis. “[I would things our students do after they’ve vice major, found he had a need Mostly Cloudy / High: 63, Low: 48 that information to get started on gave instruction on not only how recommend it to] somebody who’s been on campus in their personal that wasn’t being met on campus SUNday that material.” to cite journals and articles, but de- writing a paper and doesn’t know lives – whether that’s in their busi- upon returning from a year-long Few Showers / High: 63, Low: 45 The library has had several re- voted a few minutes near the end anything about citations.” ness life or for their academics in tour in Iraq. Chang deals with Post quests for these workshops that to introduce “RefWorks,” a library But another attendee, 22-year- their personal life – everybody needs Traumatic Stress Disorder along started in fall 2004, McConnell said. Web-based management software old CSUF international student to be able to judge the resources with the common issues associated CONTACT US By using Brun’s library Web site, for citations as well. Yuki Matsuoka, said he had expect- they get and to back up whatever it with trying to readjust to college life Main line: (714) 278-3373 both librarians each devoted about McConnell gave out APA and ed more from the workshop, but is they’re arguing for,” McConnell and family life. News desk: (714) 278-4415 half an hour to teach workshop at- MLA handouts during her session would still recommend it to others. said. “I felt I needed help, so I was Advertising: (714) 278-4411 tendees about using the APA and last Wednesday, which summarized “It was OK,” said Matsuoka, a The next citation workshop will looking for an organization on cam- E-mail: [email protected] MLA formats with different literary the steps necessary to cite material human communications major. “I take place on Mar. 20 in PLN-103. See VETERANS, Page 2 2 Page Two February 20, 2008 IN OTHER NEWS An earthquake rocks Baja California

INTERNATIONAL Associated Press authorities said. when you’re in it.” “It started off with a little jolt, Mentally disabled, homeless ordered off streets Calexico resident Enrique Al- The quake struck at 2:41 p.m., then a rumble,” said Sgt. Mike An estimated 5.0-magnitude varado said he leapt away from a the U.S. Geological Survey said. Misteriel of the Imperial County BAGHDAD (AP) – The Iraqi Interior Ministry ordered police on Tues- earthquake centered in northern plate-glass window in his office as It was centered 21 miles south- Sheriff’s Department. day to begin rounding up beggars, homeless and mentally disabled people Baja California shook the U.S.- soon as the shaking started. east of Calexico, a U.S. border city The aftershocks produced a roll- from the streets of Baghdad and other cities to prevent insurgents from using Mexico border region about 100 “It was a little scary — you stand of more than 37,000 residents. ing sensation, he said. them as suicide bombers. miles east of San Diego on Tues- in the doorways,” said Alvarado, The big temblor was followed Southeastern California and The decision came three weeks after twin suicide bombings against pet day. who runs a vocational school. “I within minutes by three after- Mexican border communities have markets. Officials said those blasts were carried out by mentally disabled There were no immediate- re estimate it went on 25 or 30 sec- shocks that ranged in magnitude been jolted for days by a continu- women who may have been unwitting attackers. ports of any injuries or damage, onds, but it feels like an eternity from 3.1 to 3.7. ing earthquake swarm. The U.S. military and the Iraqi government have claimed that Sunni in- surgents led by al-Qaida are increasingly trying to use vulnerable popula- tions as suicide bombers to avoid raising suspicions or being searched at checkpoints. The people detained in the Baghdad sweep will be handed over to social welfare institutions and psychiatric hospitals that can provide shelter and NEW RESOURCES: MAKIng the library dynamic care for them, Interior Ministry spokesman Abdul-Karim Khalaf said. From Page 1 group work.” most excited about. dents seek help with are Beginning remodeled last fall. It was previously Lambert graduated from CSUF “These rooms allow students to College Writing and Developmental NATIONAL occupied by the Electronic Resourc- in 2002 with a bachelor’s degree in do collaborative work, to create and Writing. The center also provides es Computer area. sociology, but did not use the library publish podcasts. They can also give coaching for general, form and Heat-seeking missile will target spy satellite The computers were crowded into very often as a student. “When I was and record a presentation,” Dabirian scholarship letters, Sayed said. WASHINGTON (AP) – An attempt to blast a crippled U.S. spy satel- tight rows behind a walled barrier. a student, we had to pay for access to said. “We’re not just about grammar lite out of the sky using a Navy heat-seeking missile — possibly tonight The floor plan of the ILC is more online databases from home,” Lam- The rooms have flat screen- tele and mechanics. We’re here to help — would be the first real-world use of this piece of the Pentagon’s missile open and inviting. Computers are bert said, adding that if she were a visions, ‘smart’ whiteboards that people get comfortable with the defense network. But that is not the mission for which it was intended. arranged in clusters of four, creating student now, she would take advan- digitize anything written upon the process of writing, to find the writer The attempted shootdown, already approved by President Bush, is seen by convenient locations for group or in- tage of the free services. surface, video cameras, desktop com- within,” Sayed said. “We’re not just some as blurring the lines between defending against a weapon like a long- dividual study. Other amenities offered in the puters with webcams, DVD players here to fix problems, it’s more of a range missile and targeting satellites in orbit. Students use these desktop com- C o m m o n s and con- conversational thing.” The three-stage Navy missile, designated the SM-3, has chalked up a high puters to access library databases, are laptop f e r e n c e She said she hopes students will rate of success in a series of tests since 2002 — in each case targeting a short- perform online research, type up as- c o m p u t e r We have over 26 writing tables. utilize the writing center to develop or medium-range ballistic missile, never a satellite. A hurry-up program to signments and check e-mail. c h e c k o u t s All of confidence and ease in writing. adapt the missile for this anti-satellite mission was completed in a matter “It is designed for the ‘Net Gen- and Smart “tutors. Sessions are available these re- In the writing center, coaches and of weeks; Navy officials say the changes will be reversed once this satellite is eration,’” said CSUF Chief Technol- group study in 30-minute time slots. s o u r c e s students sit together at round tables down. ogy Officer Amir Dabirian. “It is a rooms. With are avail- near windows that overlook the

The government issued notices to aviators and mariners to remain clear of a place for students to do collaborative a valid Cali- Walk-ins are welcome, but able free school grounds. section of the Pacific beginning at 10:30 p.m. EST today, indicating the first work and social networking.” fornia driver’s of charge The Commons is not just a physi- window of opportunity to launch an SM-3 missile from a Navy cruiser, the The vision for the ILC is a place license and a appointments are better. to stu- cal resource, it is also a virtual one. USS Lake Erie, in an effort to hit the wayward satellite. that combines the best features of Titan card, – Donna Sayed, “ d e n t s The ILC Web site is like a cyber- coffee shops, pubs, libraries and the students can CSUF Writing Center Tutor d u r i n g librarian available on-demand to comforts of home. check out a Learning students, teachers and even the gen- STATE Dabirian, a 1985 CSUF alumnus, laptop com- Com- eral public. It is a portal to all things said he wants the Commons to have puter for use m o n s informative. Gov. cuts state spending but fills his own staff a lively atmosphere similar to a cof- within the hours. The Web site serves as an online SACRAMENTO (AP) – Yesterday Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger clamped fee shop. b u i l d i n g . Anoth- support desk, ready to answer any down on state spending, ordering cuts that will cancel nonessential travel for At the entrance of the commons is This gives students the ability to take er important resource in the Com- question that might be posed to an thousands of employees and freeze hiring at most state agencies as California the help desk. The ILC support desk a computer with them as they per- mons is the Writing Center. The on-site librarian, such as copier and grapples with a $14.5 billion budget deficit. does more than give directions. The form their research in the building. center was previously located in the printer locations within the library, The governor’s executive order comes after he filled several positions in his desk is staffed by librarians equipped Dabirian said students can check basement of McCarthy Hall, but be- research information, writing help own administration and appointed dozens of people to state jobs, boards or to help track down hard-to-find data out one of the 30 available laptops cause it was moved to the first floor and databases for research. commissions since Jan. 10, when he announced a fiscal emergency. and materials. and curl up on one of the library’s of the library, students in it can actu- The center even offers “Live- Re His appointments during that time — more than 120 — come with a cost The desk also features a -techni couches as if they were at home. ally see the light of day. search Help” on its Web site. of more than $5 million a year. cal support worker who can help Flash drives, CD-Rs, DVD-Rs “We actually have windows,” said A chat session can be created, of- Six of those have been hires to his own staff, with more than half making students with desktop computer, and floppy disks are available for Donna Sayed, a tutor for the Writ- fering live help to users 24 hours a in excess of $110,000 annually. The governor has given another six current laptop computer, software or other purchase at the ILC desk. ing Center. “We have over 26 writ- day. or former staffers jobs elsewhere in state government, including on boards technology-related questions. A license and Titan card will also ing tutors. Sessions are available in The goal of the Commons center and commissions where they make as much as $128,000 a year. The six hires “It is meant to be one-stop-shop- allow students to check out a Smart 30-minute time slots. Walk-ins are is to give students a technologically to Schwarzenegger’s office were more than he had announced in the previous ping for students,” said librarian Joy group study room. welcome, but appointments are bet- relevant resource to aid them in their three months combined. Lambert of the Learning Commons. These are state-of-the-art, high- ter.” studies. “We offer research assistance, com- tech rooms equipped with every- Writing tutors are mostly gradu- “We will keep expanding to pro- puter support and help on projects. thing a student could want. ate or undergraduate students. vide even better services to students,” For the Record This new setup is more conducive to This is the feature Dabirian is The most common classes stu- Dabirian said. It is the policy of the Daily Titan to correct any inaccurate informa- tion printed in the publication as soon as the error is discovered. Any incorrect information printed on the front page will result in a correction printed on the front page. Any incorrect information printed on any VETERANs: COMING TOGETHEr FOR A good CAUSE other page will be corrected on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will From Page 1 ans with the formation of the CSUF other,” Palmer said. “Beyond that, cus is on what CSUF can provide be corrected on that page. Corrections also will be noted on the online Military Relation Advisory Board. we [CSUF] need to formalize sup- for veterans, McDowell is quick to version of the Daily Titan. pus, but I didn’t find anything,” Chang said. The board includes both Palmer and port of existing programs and ser- point out that veterans provide sup- Please contact executive editor Ian Hamilton at 714-278-5815 or at As part of his internship with Abrego, CSUF President Dr. Milton vices to meet the unique needs of port for CSUF. [email protected] with issues about this policy or to report any the Women’s Center/Adult Reen- A. Gordon and various leaders from veterans, we need someone to coor- “Its a role-modeling our veterans errors. try Center, Chang decided to start CSUF, University Extended Edu- dinate that position.” provide for students, faculty and a discussion group that focused on cation and military commanders. McDowell said the needs of vet- staff. Their values and self awareness veterans and their issues. With the The forma- erans are are invaluable to our campus com- assistance and support of both the tion of SVA impeccably munity,” McDowell said. Director of the Women’s Center/ shows the There is a real benefit clear and For Chang, having to drive to Daily Titan Adult Reentry Center Barbara Mc- board their important. a Veteran Affairs hospital in Long Dowell, and Associate Director Sue mission is “for students with similar “I have Beach to receive treatment for his Editorial Passalacqua, Chang started the pro- both real experiences to come together huge regards PTSD was a problem that needed a

Executive Editor Ian Hamilton cess to turn his veterans discussion and neces- for veter- solution. As a soldier, Chang said he Managing Editor Julianna Crisalli group into the new SVA. Using the sary now. in order to help each other. ans,” Mc- understands that sometimes people

News Editor Laurens Ong resources of the Women’s Center/ “I was Dowell said. have to take responsibility for their Adult Reentry Center, Chang spent pleased to For Mc- needs. Chang’s vision for SVA is to Asst. News Editor Urmi Rahman “ Asst. News Editor Jade Lehar the winter break contacting all the hear we – Robert Palmer, D o w e l l , provide a support network allowing Sports Editor David Carrillo veterans on campus in order to pro- had a [stu- CSUF Vice President of Student there are veterans to address the various is- Entertainment Editor Jennifer Caddick mote the transformation of his dis- dent] effort Affairs steps the sues they face as they pursue their Asst. Entertainment Editor Richard Tinoco cussion group into SVA. already,” university degrees. Chang said he is confident Opinion Editor Johnathan Kroncke While contacting veterans on Palmer said. can do to SVA will succeed in its mission. Features Editor Nathan Wheadon campus was one aspect of starting Palmer meet those “We have mature members who Copy Chief Sofia Arvidson the organization, the second part said student needs. One are responsible and understand the Copy Editor Karl Zynda was finding support. McDowell set organizations are important be- goal of both McDowell and Chang mission because they live with it ev- Internet Editor Christy Orgeta up a meeting for Chang with Vice cause they allow students to make is the formation of a Veterans Re- ery day,” Chang said. Multimedia Editor Patrick Chavis the most of their experiences here at source Center. Along with the Cen- In the beginning, Chang was Adviser Tom Clanin President of Student Affairs Robert Palmer and Associate Vice President CSUF. As for SVA, Palmer said he is ter, McDowell would like to see the frustrated with what he didn’t find Main Line (714) 278-3373 Editorial Fax (714) 278-4473 for Student Affairs Silas H. Abrego. especially pleased to learn that stu- university do research on all current on campus, but he has found sup- News Line (714) 278-4415 E-mail: [email protected] The two vice presidents are also dent veterans have recognized they programs available. She also said port in initiating the solutions to Vietnam veterans and pledged the are not alone in their transition into the university needs to be mindful the problems he saw. universities full support of SVA. college life. of contemporary service members “I had no other options,” Chang Advertising The university is in the process “There is a real benefit for stu- since veterans from different eras all said. “Nothing gets done without of initiating its own efforts to meet dents with similar experiences to have unique experiences and needs. someone stepping up. There are is- the unique needs of student veter- come together in order to help each While most of the current fo- sues that need to be addressed.” Director of Advertising Stephanie Birditt Asst. Director of Advertising Sarah Oak Ad Production Manager Keith Hansen Production Designer Mike Gomez Classified Manager Glen Monroe National Sales Jackie Kimmel Promotions Jackie Kimmel Account Executive Ailin Buigues Account Executive Elizabeth Hernandez Account Executive Juliet Roberts Account Executive Helen Sim Account Executive Kiran Kazalbash Distribution Santana Ramos Business Manager/Adviser Robert Sage

Main Line (714) 278-3373 Advertising Fax (714) 278-2702 Advertising (714) 278-4411 E-mail: [email protected] The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The When you help the American Red Cross, Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, you help America. CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, Call 1-800-Help Now or visit us at redcross.org advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified When you help the American Red Cross, in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such com- you help America. mercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2006 Daily Titan Call 1-800-Help Now or visit us at redcross.org February 20, 2008 FEATURES 3 Reggae festival a hit in Long Beach Expensive food, bad beer The reggae icon’s cancellation did ficult for people to make it from one Upon finally making it to a seat, to expect artists to be on stage. drew crowds, this year’s lineup com- not deter the crowds of flag-waving, end of the event to the other. it becomes clear why anyone came A constant echo that bounced pared to bands featured in the past prices and long lines are tie-die shirt-wearing, smoke-pro- Some patrons had waited in line in the first place – good vibes, a off the wall opposite of the stage came up weak. no match for good vibes ducing fans who were anticipating for over 30 minutes before making plethora of food, unregulated seat- conflicted with the tempo of the Gregory Isaacs performed his the event for months. it to the teller machine. For those ing and great music. It was definitely live music. Considering the arena classics exceptionally,43 but his ar- The good vibes were strong as familiar with these types of events, an “irie” event. is home to former International tistic style lacked energy compared by Jeremiah Rivera festival goers of every race, class and the delays came as no surprise. There The producers of the event did Hockey League team the Ice Dogs, to bands featured in former festi- daily titan staff writer culture socialized, danced and en- were five to 10 minute waits in line not post a line-up, offer programs the acoustics were much more ap- vals such as Steel Pulse, Barrington [email protected] joyed the food and the vendors who for a beer and 15 to 20 minute waits with performance times or even of- propriate for screaming and cursing Levy, Ziggy Marley and Lauryn Hill. packed the arena. for some food. fer a map of the venue with a list of than bass and guitar. The echo was One thing is for sure–reggae music One thing was for sure, patience It was important to be careful and vendors. Fans easily became familiar much more prevalent in the balcony is powerful and can bring together Alpha Blondy was a no-show at was an absolute must when working avoid spilling an ounce of the $12 with routes to and from the arena to sections though fans could still hear thousands of diverse fans under the the 27th annual Ragga Muffins Fes- through the congested corridors of beer or one grain of rice from the the food and memorabilia vendors. it in the floor sections. same principle: love and humanity. tival – formerly known as “The Bob the arena. #2 Thai barbeque combo meal that The venue is not very large, but un- The spotlights struggled to hit No amount of poor acoustics, Marley Festival” Feb. 17, held at the Lines 60-people long had formed cost $12.99 while weaving through less someone had a phone with Inter- their targets through the marijuana high prices or lack of organization Long Beach Arena in downtown at both of the venue’s ATMs, cutting people on the way up to the balcony net capabilities to access the festival’s smoke that filled the arena.Though can discourage these loyal fans from Long Beach. off walkways and making it very dif- for a sensible place to sit and eat. Web site, fans had no idea what time the general appeal of the event still a good time.

Above: The crowd at the Long Beach Arena gathered for the 27th annual “Regga Muffins Festival,” or formerly known as the “Bob Marley Festival.” Bottom Right: Queen Ifrica singing on-stage during the festival. Bottom Left: The crowd watches as various reggae bands perform throughout the day.

By daniel suzuki/Daily Titan Staff Photographer

A m e r i c a n HEART Association MEMORIALS

All ads are one color only (preferably black)

Black border does print 4 OPINION February 20, 2008 Titan Editorial Going postal in a digital world Providing insight, analysis By Juliette Funes Although more of us are not us- the disadvantages. rather not use that service. and perspective since 1960 Daily Titan Staff Writer ing traditional mailing methods as The Universal Postal Agency is We can already do most of these [email protected] much and it’s become a trend to re- trying to create a new “.post” do- things online by ourselves without place those methods with electronic main to distribute mail and offer interference. The reality of cynicism Most mail – bills, birthday cards ones, I don’t think we’re at a point services to personal electronic ad- Why have a third-party agency and letters – goes out electronically where we can just rely on digital op- dresses worldwide, serving as a digi- sift through our private mail when America is all about catch clair’s “The Jungle,” conditions for a majority of people in the Unit- tions. tal mailroom. we can communicate directly with phrases, the nuanced little sayings inside slaughterhouses have been ed States today. If conven- Its services would provide online the company with whom we are do- that sound just right when they criticized and regulations have With computers in our offices and tional mail billing and payments, electronic ing our business? roll off the tongue. since been placed on them by the in our homes, it’s much easier, more disappeared, postmarks and hybrid I’m guessing using the .post One such phrase dominates government. convenient, faster and – best of all – millions of mail. Hy- wouldn’t be free. It would likely be this country and has caused the The idea of animals being mis- free to send and receive our e-mail. jobs would be brid mail is an added expense for us without re- recall of millions upon millions of treated prior to being slaughtered According to an Associated Press lost. Those when the ally saving mail carrier jobs – unless pounds of beef: “You have to see it is nothing new. article, there has been a 7 percent who can’t post of- the hybrid mail portion is a boom- to believe it.” It is amazing, then, that in drop in traditional mail since 2001. afford a fice would ing service and we need postal work- Americans have to be shown 2008, it takes a video of some poor That’s about 1.3 billion letters c o m p u t e r scan a copy ers to deliver our mail. atrocities before they risk believ- animal being lifted off the ground the U.S. post office doesn’t get on a will most likely of your sent Seeing how the .post domain ing in them. by a forklift to make people realize yearly basis. be unable to get the mail paper mail for would have to be U.N.-approved, A recent undercover investiga- the meat industry has problems Because of that, we may not need they need. And these aren't you and deliver it’s most likely that it would be mon- tion into slaughterhouses revealed that need to be addressed. traditional mail services anymore. the only reasons e-mail hasn't it to you elec- itored and controlled by the govern- the horrible mistreatment that Cruel animal-treatment prac- No more waiting for the mail or fully taken over. tronically. Or ment. Most of us would like to keep cattle in the Westland/Hallmark tices in slaughterhouses are be- complaining to the post office when Many, like me, fear cyber crimi- they can also our mail private. Meat Co. endured. moaned on a daily basis in certain it gets lost. nals hacking into their accounts and make a printout I don’t think we’ll be able to get The video showed men using circles, but most of the time the Since we’re a developed nation, disrupting their lives. of a digital rid of traditional mail completely chains and even forklifts to forci- arguments are ignored without a it's assumed that most people in the A virus could sneak its way into document and mail it to you. and rely solely on digital capabilities bly move the cattle from one place second thought. United States have computers, e- my computer and crash it, delet- That's not really a new phenom- – at least not yet. to another. They’re about to be killed, mail and Internet service. ing my stored mail. A hacker could enon. We can already get and pay Maybe in the future when the rest It is a ghastly sight and one that right? Who cares what happens But what about those who don’t creep into my system and all of our bills online fairly easily. of the world is more developed in occurs all too often in the meat beforehand? have access to a computer? my mail, discover my personal infor- And if hybrid mail entails other terms of technology and literacy and industry. But human beings have a soft What about those who can’t af- mation, find out my passwords and people opening my mail and scan- everyone is comfortable with the Of course, this prompted the spot for the furry and the fuzzy. ford to buy a computer or have the sell my identity. ning or printing it, most likely read- idea of making every aspect of our knee-jerk reaction to recall beef They don’t mind hearing about ability to use one? The advantages wouldn’t outweigh ing it before delivering it to me, I’d lives digital, maybe then it’ll work. produced at that plant, most of cruel treatment, but seeing it actu- which wasn’t at risk of being con- ally being done is another story. taminated in the first place. This problem of mistreatment But the problem did not lie in slaughterhouses could have eas- in the cruel, muck-filled, PETA- ily been prevented had lawmak- Steroid users deserve to be investigated inciting slaughterhouse shown on ers and the people they represent the blurry tape, but with America bothered to pay attention to the itself. groups who protest that very mis- Players brought Congress For those fans fed up with what could have prevented all of this neg- on Oversight and Government Re- Was it really so surprising to treatment. the government has to say and who ative publicity. form. find that animals were treated America has become a cynical down on themselves by can’t stand authority, I recommend Much like a neglectful set of par- Recent media coverage, includ- poorly at an industrial slaughter- place. No longer do people say, cheating to get ahead you take that mentality back to pre- ents, sports administrators ignored ing a 2004 “60 Minute” special that ing plant? “Take my word for it.” school, where the worst repercussion the tell-tale signs of drug use that publicized alleged steroid use among Since the days of Upton Sin- Instead, we scoff, “prove it.” By Jeremiah Rivera for breaking the rules was five min- landed them and their sports in the members of the Carolina Panthers Daily Titan Staff Writer utes in the corner. middle of this controversy. just weeks prior to their appearance [email protected] Unfortunately, this is real-time Now the grandparents – the U.S. in Super Bowl XXXVIII, has begun Any feedback, positive or negative, is America, where young athletes are government - needs to conduct an to drag other professional sports into encouraged, as we strive to keep an open It’s the topic of both controversy being influenced by intervention if they the spotlight. and casual conversation. Walking whatever the pro’s want to see the dig- It’s obvious this problem is getting

Letters dialogue with our readership. The Daily through hallways and standing in are doing. I’d hate to one day nity of the sports way out of hand. Media sources are

Titan reserves the right to edit letters for lines, I hear, “Clemens, blah blah Steroids, HGH go to a ballgame and preserved, not to printing stories of high school ath- to the length, grammar and spelling. Direct blah … Congress … blah blah blah [Human Growth mention their role letes of every sport submitting to the “ “ … steroids …” Hormone] and per- see players of WWE in preventing in- pressure of taking steroids or just Editor: all comments, questions or concerns Suddenly everyone – baseball fan formance-enhanc- proportions with short creased drug use viewing drug use as a necessity. along with your full name and major or not – has something to say about ing drugs are words tempers and track among aspiring I’ve been on many sports teams to Executive Editor Ian Hamilton at the governments’ big brother role in that have worked athletes. growing up, but never had any pro- professional sports. their way into the marks. Let’s not fool fessional or even collegiate aspira- [email protected] locker rooms of high ourselves here. I tions. schools across the nation. know the camera is supposed to add But for those who spend their Professional athletes can’t get 10 pounds, but holy crap. every day dedicated to a disciplined mad at the situation; they have only These athletes look like they have diet and exercise agenda, I under- themselves to blame. some sort of Incredible Hulk com- stand that it can be very demoral- It’s a simple case of action/reac- plexity. Jason Giambi looks like a izing for them to see their efforts tion: If the drug abuse had stayed water balloon confined to the limits surpassed by those who have taken subtle, it may have never been an of a Yankees jersey. the easier route. issue. I’m just waiting for an explosion. The solution is simply harsher But considering the problem has Oh, it’s possible. penalties and stricter policies. worked its way into the veins of high Just do a quick Google images I’d hate to one day go to a ball- school athletes, the government felt search of "the man whose arms ex- game and see players of WWE pro- it had no other option but to get in- ploded" – There’s your proof. portions with short tempers and volved. Professional baseball has, for a track marks. Professional sports organizations long time, been the focal point of I hate sounding cliché but please, such as the NFL, MLB and NBA criticism by the House Committee think about the children.

McCartney and Princess Diana still sell papers The Londoner Things are heating up over news broadcasters played up with here in London town, except for, very unflattering pictures and large maybe, the weather. headlines. We had been experiencing a While it is important to under- warming trend, but now the skies stand that newspapers in London are foggy and the air is cold – very can’t be taken at face value (or rather By Erin Tobin stereotypical. they can because they are free), I [email protected] No, where the real fires are have to admit that it is good fun to to go overboard whenever it can, burning is in the courts as two fa- get caught up in the sensationalism but on the matters that hit closer mous, somewhat important (de- and it helps break up the monotony to their readers, they seem to take pends on what your view of im- of a 45-minute Tube ride. things a bit more seriously. portant is) court cases continue The same can be said about the The case in point is the fact astounding the populace as well recent development on the Princess that while Al Fayed dominated as causing a media frenzy. Diana investigation, as Mohamed the front page Monday night, he Both cases are dramatic and Al Fayed – the father of Dodi Fayed, was pushed back to the inside of private, an odd contrast to the her boyfriend – who was killed along the papers thanks to something often public and well-mannered with Diana in the 1997 car crash – that concerns everyone: money. trials that happen on a daily ba- took the stand on Monday. For my merry band of travelers, sis. Al Fayed was splashed all over the important thing is the North- But what is fun about the tame that evening’s paper, complete with ern Rock bank fiasco, which is and average, right? quotes that ousted every member of slowly and surely improving the You see, while the people of the current royal family, calling them exchange rate. London are seemingly quiet and the “Dracula Royal Family.” This means we’re getting more reserved, their media is anything Camilla Parker Bowles, Prince for our United States dollar, but, and it loves to shake things Charles' second wife, is referred to which is bad news for the local up like a school child in a snow as a crocodile here, and the reasons economy (sorry, England). globe shop. to kill off Diana have ranged from Somewhere between the im- Lately, these flurries have been being a racist plot to a Nazi con- portant, sensational news of the generated by either the investiga- spiracy. half-day and the sports scores, tion into the death of Princess It’s better stuff than anything forecasts and injury lists that take Diana (yes, they are still inves- the recently off-strike script writers up the last six pages of the paper, tigating that), or the current di- could come up with, that’s for sure. there is crammed the good stuff, vorce of Sir Paul McCartney from Even the cartoonists are jumping like messages sent to the paper by estranged wife Heather Mills. on this one. hopefuls trying to reunite with an However, the McCartney con- Al Fayed has said he believes his attractive person they spotted on troversy is mostly due to com- son was killed in a government con- the Tube. mentary by Mills, who has re- spiracy, a theory that I’ve only heard Better than regular personal peatedly said that the local press a little about at home but seems to ads because at least, supposedly, has it in for her, which the press be a way to get a good eye roll if it is you’ve seen this person before … loves to use to make her seem as mentioned to a regular Londoner. kinda. crazy as possible. As a result of the attitude toward I’m not sure if the papers here Her latest shine in the news- Al Fayed’s theories, the media seems are accurate or can be trusted or paper spotlight described her as to be eager to play him up as a crazy are even worth the paper they breaking down from constant old man, emphasizing his colorful are printed on, but they are great press torment and contemplat- comments and crazy gestures. fun. And that’s all that has to be ing suicide, which the papers and So yeah, the London press loves said about them. February 20, 2008 Classifieds 5 1600 6200 6500 Index Advertising Miscellaneous Career Opportunities P/T Help Wanted Announcements Women’s Football Tryouts Movie Extras Wanted! Local! TEACHERS/ TUTORS: After 1100 Campus Events/Services Information 2.16.08- SoCal Breakers Full-con- Actors, Model! Make $100- school tutoring (ages K-12), high 1200 Campus Organizations tact football. Interseted? For more $300+day. 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Humorscopes brought to you by humorscope.com Aries (March 21 - April 19) You will meet someone who you haven’t seen in a long time, and will barely recognize them. At least not without the spiked collar and the whip. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Not only is this a good day to throw a tan trum, but there’s a good chance that you might set a new distance record! Gemini (May 21 - June 20) SUDOKU A man will be passing by when you suddenly recall a hilarious Monty Python skit, and you’ll burst out laughing. Later, you’ll notice him anxiously looking at himself in a mirror. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Your plans to take over the world move forward to the next stage, soon. What you need now is a hunch-backed henchperson with pale protruding eyes. Fortunately for you, a suit ible candidate will soon show up at your door, dressed as a peanut. Leo (July 23 - August 22) As a joke, you should put an 8-foot-tall mucous-covered “egg” in your friend’s base ment. Then, when he or she goes down to do a load of laundry... Virgo (August 23 - September 22) You will spend another day surrounded by idiots, or perhaps by well meaning but simple folks, who will drone on and on until your smile becomes forced, and you will begin to look like a deranged rodent. Libra (September 22 - October 22) This is a good time for you to start your on-l ine loan shark business. Start small, though. Try to be sort of a “loan piranha”, at first. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Bad day to tease a yak. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Today you will be suddenly struck by what a genius Norman Rockwell was, and how unappreciated (in the major art circles) he HOW TO PLAY: remains. You will vow to do something about it. Each row must con- Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) tain the numbers 1 In this world you have a choice between to 9; each column being clever, and being pleasant. I recom must contain the mend pleasant. numbers 1 to 9: and Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) You will feel tired and run-down today. This each set of boxes may possibly be because of the marathon must contain the you ran yesterday, and the taxi that ran into numbers 1 to 9. you near the finish line. Just a guess. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Poit twoonie squaggle? Floon morble tid bubbu taha, hen? Hen? Sudoku is made possible by the people at www.dailysudoku.com 6 SPORTS February 20, 2008 SSophomoreophomore tracktrack

Sophomore star on the Hunt Jameena Hunt star on the Hunt showing her skills in the shot By Alyssa Dikitanan 3/4 inches,” Hunt said. “I know said she stresses that good time put at a Cal Daily Titan Staff Writer that I can break that school re- management is key. Hunt is not State Fullerton track and field [email protected] cord as well.” only taking 17 units this se- practice. Last June Hunt qualified and mester, but she is also working Photos By Ron Fu/For the Daily Titan Athleticism, drive, persever- competed in the Junior Nation- a part-time job and practicing ance and dedication. These als in Indianapolis, Ind. for shot five days a week for four hours, qualities are all characteris- put, discus and hammer. and that doesn’t even include tics of a collegiate athlete and “I am very competitive,” track meets. For her age and matu-

these characteristics are found Hunt said. “I didn’t do as well “For her age and maturity lev- rity level,level II havehave aa highhigh rere--

in sophomore track thrower as I wanted to but I was happy el I have a high respect for her Jameena Hunt. to be there. I am just never sat- perseverance, dedication and “spect for her perseverance, In the season-opening Air isfied.” ability to see where she wants to dedication,dedication andand abilityability toto see“ Force Academy Open indoor Hunt said her ultimate goal be and getting what she needs track and field meet in Colorado for this season is to win con- to get it done,” Caroline said. seewhere where she shewants wants to be to andbe Springs, Colo., Hunt broke the ference, “not just set school re- “She has her own estimation andgetting getting what what she needsshe needs to indoor school records in both cords.” for doing things to the best of toget get it done.it done. shot put and weight throw. Edmund Pula, a throws coach her abilities and that is why Hunt took sixth place in the for the team, said he realizes how she excels in her studies and in shot put with 44-2 3/4, break- much athleticism Hunt has. sports.” – Caroline Hunt, ing the indoor school record “Jameena is highly explosive Of the four throws – shot Jameena’s Mother of 41-10. Hunt’s preliminary in athleticism,” Pula said. “She put, discus, hammer and weight mark of 46-11 in the weight has an explosive body type, throw – discus is Hunt’s favor- throw did not place her in the which allows her to apply what ite. finals of the Open but it broke she’s learned into her throws. “Discus is the only one where the indoor school record of Jameena is ahead of the game I can use my quickness and 44-7. The indoor school records and she shows her progression technique, not to mention my that Hunt broke in this season’s as she moves through college.” long arms, to be able to beat Open were set by Hunt at the Hunt comes from a long line the bigger throwers I compete end of the last track season. of athletes in her family. Her fa- against,” Hunt said. “It felt good to break those ther James Hunt played football In this past weekend’s track records at the beginning of this at San Diego State, while her meet at the University of Wash- season compared to last year,” mother Caroline Hunt played ington, Hunt improved her shot Hunt said. “But I try to set a tennis there too. As a child, put record by a foot, throwing personal record each meet.” Hunt and her older siblings, Jay 45-2 3/4, surpassing the record Although CSUF track does and Jessica Hunt, were active she set within a week’s time, ac- not officially compete in the -in in basketball and swimming. cording to Pula. door conference, Hunt said she Hunt, however, is the first in “As long as Jameena contin- knows she can excel in the out- her family to throw. ues to work hard and apply her door shot put as well. “Jameena is a star player and skills she is going to perform “Right now I am at 44 feet, 3 we are just so proud of our well,” Pula said. “We’ll just have inches in the shot and the out- pumpkin,” Caroline said. to wait and see how far she can door school record is 44 feet, 11 As a student athlete, Hunt go.” National Softball: ‘Douce’ a 5 Sports Titan her entire life Jessica Doucette fol- her coach for travel ball, Pam New- ton, whom she played for on the NBA lows the footsteps of her California Lite team. Kidd back in Dallas mother onto the field “I did come to a couple Fullerton games. My mom would just bring DALLAS (AP) – is by jon castillo me to see what college softball was a member of the . Daily Titan Staff Writer like,” Doucette said. Again. Finally. [email protected] Teri said Douce is a self-motivat- The long-discussed, once-scuttled ed individual, always working hard, and ultimately reconfigured deal to Like mother, like daughter. Se- telling her what she needed to work bring Kidd from New Jersey back to nior pitcher and infielder Jessica on as she learned the game and that the team that drafted him was final- Doucette wears a Cal State Fullerton she wanted to join a travel ball team. 8 ized Tuesday. He was reintroduced softball jersey, under the guidance Douce comes from an athletic fam- in Dallas 14 years after the Maver- of a coach that was taught by her ily and is the second oldest of the icks made him the No. 2 pick. mother’s coach. four children of Pat and Teri. “There’s no bigger reward than to Jessica’s mother, Teri, played cen- “We encourage all of our kids to 4 have that championship trophy in terfield for the Titans in the inau- be involved in team sports just be- your hand,” said Kidd. “That’s why gural season of the softball program cause it teaches a lot of life lessons,” I’m here. Because Dallas has its eye under then Head Coach Judi Gar- Teri said. “We (her parents) started on that prize.” man, while Jessica, better known as with something about6 what we knew The primary piece headed to New “Douce” on the softball field, plays and she took it from there.” Jersey is point guard Devin Har- for Head Coach Michelle Gromacki, This a special season for Douce’s who also played for Garman and parents because they can see her play sudoku ris. The others are center DeSagana Diop, swingman , for- learned the ways of the diamond all season long. Her mother recently ward Trenton Hassell and retired from her. left her softball coaching job at El forward . The Nets Douce transferred to CSUF for Segundo High to allow her to watch inside also get two first-round draft picks her junior season after playing for her children play sports. Gromacki and $3 million. two seasons with the Georgia Bull- said Doucette’s parents are very in- dogs in the Southeastern Confer- 3 volved with the program. ence, where she was named to the “It is cool to know that both my Steroids All-SEC second team in her fresh- parents graduated from Fullerton,” man and sophomore seasons. She Doucette said. “My parents come to Tejada declines com- picked up where she left off by being everything. They are really support- ment on allegations named to the All-Big West Confer- ive.” ence Honorable Mention Team in Although Douce played at El Se- KISSIMMEE, Fla. (AP) – Hous- her first season with the Titans. gundo High School when her moth- ton Astros pitcher Woody Williams It was an easy transition for Douce er coached there, her mother was not walked into the clubhouse and saw a because she knew Gromacki from able to coach her because she coached swarm of reporters gathered around alumni events she attended with her the junior varsity team while D1ouce Miguel Tejada. mother. was on the varsity squad. “Leave the guy alone,” Williams “I just kept an open relationship Softball has given Douce many said with a smile. with the coaches here,” Doucette opportunities to see the world and Tejada arrived at spring train- said. “And it ended up working out get the ultimate experience: an edu- ing with his new team on Tuesday perfectly for me.” cation. and within minutes faced questions Gromacki said Douce is a vocal “The places that she has been able about the Mitchell Report and an leader and leads by example, and to go and the people she has met and FBI investigation looking into his was excited when she transferred to the things she [has] done has been alleged link to performance-enhanc- CSUF. tremendous,” Teri said. “She has ing drugs. “We recruited her originally … played in Canada, in China, most Tejada refused to answer any of and when she wanted to transfer of the United States. She has been them, preferring to discuss baseball back [home], believe me, I was wait- able to do a lot through the game of and his fresh start with the Astros. ing with open arms,” Gromacki said. softball.” “I can’t really talk about that situ- “I couldn’t wait. I think everybody Douce said she admits her mother ation,” he said. “Right now, I just across the country couldn’t believe was faster on the field, but her moth- 0 want to talk about baseball because we got her.” er said Douce is better – that sports that’s really my focus.” Douce grew up in the Southern is in her blood. TheA stros acquired the four-time California area playing for El Segun- And as Douce completes her se- All-Star shortstop from Baltimore on do High School and has been around nior season, she can take pride in Dec. 12, the day before the Mitchell CSUF alumni all her life. Her father being part of a family tradition at 7 www.dailytitan.com Report was released. Patrick also went to CSUF, as did CSUF.