Morgan Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Assn

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Morgan Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Assn TABLEOF CONTENTS SPECIAL FEATURES A.H.S.A. Rules for Morgan Classes . 5 fetfe'ts to A Horse Named Justin Morgan . 6 The Unbelievable Memory of A Horse . 9 WSU Light Horse Show and Judging School . 13 Kyova Field Day and Judging Seminar . 14 tlie ldito'tS Children 's Service Horse Show . 18 Is Morgan Enthusiasm Inherited . 24 A Horse Show Designed With People In Mind . 35 Canadian Morgan Horse Club High Point Awards . 37 REGULAR FEATURES Dear Sir: Letters to the Editor . 4 I seem to enjoy each issue of your Jes' Hossin' Around . 7 magazine more, and have become truly Hints to Horsekeepers ........ ........ .. ...... ... .. .. 8 sold on the breed . I have seen and been So. California Morgan Horse Club . 10 around many Morgan hor ses, and there Northern California News . 11 Mid-Atlantic News . 12 is not one that I haven't liked . .. I New York News . 14 hope to own my own in the not too North Central Morgan Assn. 15 distant future. I have owned 3 horses , Morgan Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Assn. 16 but they have all been "All American" Morgans In the Land of Enchantment . 17 Rocky Mt. Morgon Horse Club . 18 types . one could not pur a finger Circle J. Morgan Assn. 19 on their origin. Central Sta1es News . 20 I am certain ly glad to see the Mor­ North of the Border . 21 gan holding his own in all breeds Here Comes Indiana . 22 Kyova Morgan Horse Assn . 22 and becoming more and more popular Mid-America Morgan Club . 23 every year. There are few breeds left Justin Morgan Association . 24 where one can ger a finely bred good Southern News and Views . 25 horse and compani on at a fair price. Pacific Northwest News . 25 Morgan Horse Assn. of Oregon . 213 I am also glad to see owners are start ­ Mississippi Valley News . 26 ing to leave the extreme ly heavy roes Penn- Ohio Morga n Boosters .. ..... : . 35 and "gi ngered up " action to the saddle. Buckeye Breeze . 37 breds. The Morgans have enough of their own style and do not need to have Officers of The Morgan Horse Club it spoiled by false aids. A true sadd le President .. ... .. .. .. .. ... ... ..... ......... GERALD F. TAFT and pleasure horse shou ld be just that Northville , Michigan Eastem Regional Vice -President . J. CECIL FERGUSON ... usable for pleasure. I wonder how Greene , Rhode Island many of the Saddlebred owners wou ld Mld,West Regional Vice,Prealdent ........ ........... J. ROY BRUNK dare take their horses on trail rides of Rochester, Illinois Weatem Regional Vice-President ........ .... ... CLARENCE SHAW any length? And how many of their Walla Walla, Washington stallions are as tractable as the Morgan? Treasurer ........... .. ...... .. .... .... .. CHAUNCEY STILL1'L\1f I can rememb er when stallions were 230 Park Avel'l'Ue, New York, N. Y. forbidden in Pleasure classes. I sin­ Secretary ................. ......... .. .. ..... SETH P. HOLCOMBE cerely believe the calm Morgan has P. 0. Box 2157, Bishops Comer Branch , West Hartford 17, Connecticut largely been responsib le for the revok­ The Moman Horse Magazine ing of that rule! Sincerely, Vol. XXII April. 1962 No. 3 Mrs. Glenn Goddard A Monthly - The Officio.I Publication of RFD 3, Box 343 THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, Incorporated Ga les Ferry, Conn. Secretary's Office: P. 0 . Box 2157, Bishops Comer Branch, West Hartford, 17, Connecticut Please send all conespondence regarding subscrlpUons and advertlaing Dear Sir: to publication office: The Morgan Horsi Magazine . Leomlnater. Mass. T he following is an account of an Publisher . Otho F. Eusey un fortunate accident may turn Special Features . Em Pedler Circulation . Rosalie McGuire out to be the best thing that ever hap­ CONTRIBUTING EDITORS pened for many other horse owners Phylli s Barb er Shirley Davis Peggy McDonald Renee Pag e and one which I feel I must pass on to Lorrayne Byers Mimi Filer Jeanne Mehl Ayell en Richard s Louise Beckley Gall L. Gree n Jud Nee ley Ruth Rogers you in the hopes ~hat you will furt her Carol Chevali er Doris Hodg in he Oakley Anne Taylor lorbaro Cole Dorothy Lockard Jun e Osborn e Claire West spread the good news. Dorothy Colburn Phyllis Nelson Mab el Ow en Pauline Zell er On October 11, 1961, after jusr re­ The Publisher and staff of The Morgon Horse Mcgozine and the Morgon Horse Club , Inc ., are not responsible for opinions and statements expressed in signed articles or turning from the N. E . Morgan Horse paid adve rtisements . These opinions are not necessarily the op inions of the staff of Assoc. Fa ll Fo liage Ride in Woodstock , this journal. Vt . The four year old Morgan stal­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES lion, Captain Gallant AMHR I 1790, On"' Year $3.50 Two Years $6.50 Three Years $9.00 had an accident at pasture which we all Canada $4.00 Foreign Rate $4.50 per year thought spelled the end of "Ca ppy" as The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, published monthly except January by THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, INC., Secretary 's Office , P. 0 . Box 2157, Bisho ps Corner Branch , West he is affectionately known. He splint­ Hartford 17, Connectic ut . Printed by The Eusey Press , Leominster, Moss . Entered as ered the long pastern bone in his right seco nd class matter at post office, Leominster , Moss . Closing date for copy and odver · tising 1st of month preced ing dote of publication . ( Continued on Page 52) Copyr ight 1962 by The Morgon Horse Magazine . A.H. S. A. RulesFor Morgan Classes OUR COVER These Qre the 1962 rules set up by the Morgan Horse Club, Inc., and accepted and printed by the A.H.S.A. These are the only Standards or Rules for Judging Morgan Horses. (Color is not to be considered.) The following rule taken from the American Horse Shows Association Rule Book, applies to all of the breed and conformation classes and to most of the perfo rmance classes. MORGAN HORSE DIVISION Part. 1 General Qualifications Sec. 1 Ent ries must be serviceably sound and in good condition. To we;ir natural unbraid ed mane and natura l unset unging ered tail. All horses shown in this division are to be registered with The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. Sec. 2. Type and Con.formation. A Morgan in distincti ve for its stamina and vigor for its size, personality and eagerness and strong natural way of mov­ ing. The head is made up of. a straight or slightly dished face; big, promineut eyes set wide apart; small ears set rather wide apart carried alertly; small mu zzle with firm lips and large nostrils prominent jaw . Jn body conformation the Mor­ gan gives the appearance of a very strong, powerful horse with great shoulder Spring Delite of Camelot (Registered angu lation and depth, short back, broad loins, muscular and well developed croup and with tail set in high and carried gracefu lly. He ad is carried proudly Kane 's Spring Delite 09202) is a worthy and neck slightly crested, meeting the head at a well defined throttle. Legs champion to grace our cover this month, are straight and sound with short cannons, flat bone, medium length pasterns having been the Champion Morgan of and an appearance of over-all substance with refinement. The Morgan ranges Michigan in all divisions, saddle, har­ from 14.1 to 15.1 hands with occasional entries over or under. ness, and model, before moving to a Part II. In Hand Classes brand new Morgan country . She was Sec. 1. Horses shall enter the ring and be lined up at the discretion of purchased · last fall by Thomas H. jud ge. Entries are to be judgd individually, standing, and then at a walk W hite, Jr., of. Camelot Farm, Ft . Lau­ and trot on the line. Horses should stand squarely on all four feet. Emp hasis. derdale, Fla., who has the largest collec­ shall be on type and conformation, with consideration given to horse's ability to move correctly on the lead. There shall be no "Mode l" class. tion of Morgans in Florida and has done Sec. 2. O,nly two persons shall be allowed in the ring to show each horse much to stimulate interest in the breed. in breeding classes. T he first Morgan division to be spon­ Sec. 3 In Hand Classes may include: Weanling studs, Two-year-old studs , sored at the Florida sh~ws was held Three-year-o ld studs, Four-year- old and over stallions, Sire and Get class (,stal­ January 25-27 at Lake Worth , Fla., lions to be shown with two to four or get) . Weanling fillies, Yearling fillies, Two-year :old fillies, Three-year-old fillies, Four-year-0 ld and over mares (may and this great champion mare was rid­ be divided into mares that have had foals and mares that have not produced foals), den by John Diehl to win the champion­ Broodmare and foal, Dam and produce (mares to be shown with two or more ship under saddle. She and her worthy of produce) . Three years and under Geldings. Four-year-old and over Geldings. stablemates will do much to put Mor­ Part Ill Performance Classes gans on the map in the Southland. She Sec. 1. Qualifying Gaits. is sired by John Geddes and is from (a) Walk: Flat -footed, rapid, elastic, showy. Barbette, by Flyhawk . (b) Trot: Squar e, collected and balanced. (c) Canter. Smooth, collected, and straight on both leads. Sec. 2. Showing. Hors es shall be ,shown to all gaits both ways of the ring. Stripping of to judge for type and conformation 1s optional in other per­ A .H.S.A.
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