


Contents References 4 Initial remarks 7 1. Topological spaces 8 1.1. The definition of a 8 1.2. Constructions of more topological spaces 16 1.3. Further examples of topological spaces 20 1.4. The two notions of connected topological spaces 23 1.5. Local properties 26 1.6. Graphs and topological realizations of graphs 28 1.7. The basis of a topology 31 1.8. 33 1.9. The classification of 1-dimensional manifolds 36 1.10. Orientations of manifolds 40 2. Differential topology 43 2.1. The Tubular Neighborhood Theorem 43 2.2. The connected sum operation 47 2.3. Knots and their complements 48 3. How can we show that two topological spaces are not homeomorphic? 53 4. The fundamental 57 4.1. classes of paths 57 4.2. The of a pointed topological space 63 5. Categories and 70 5.1. Definition and examples of categories 70 5.2. Functors 72 5.3. The fundamental group as 74 6. Fundamental groups and coverings 79 6.1. The cardinality of sets 79 6.2. Covering spaces 81 6.3. The lifting of paths 94 6.4. The lifting of 96 6.5. Group actions and fundamental groups 102 6.6. The fundamental group of the product of two topological spaces 108 1 2 STEFAN FRIEDL

6.7. Applications: the Fundamental Theorem of and the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem 111 7. Homotopy equivalent topological spaces 114 7.1. Homotopic maps 114 7.2. The fundamental groups of homotopy equivalent topological spaces 116 7.3. The wedge of two topological spaces 121 8. Basics of 128 8.1. Free abelian groups and the finitely generated abelian groups 128 8.2. The of groups 134 8.3. An alternative definition of the free product of groups 141 9. The Seifert-van Kampen theorem I 144 9.1. The Seifert–van Kampen theorem I 144 9.2. Proof of the Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.2 151 9.3. More examples: surfaces and the connected sum of manifolds 156 10. Presentations of groups and amalgamated products 162 10.1. Basic definitions in group theory 162 10.2. Presentation of groups 163 10.3. The abelianization of a group 168 10.4. The amalgamated product of groups 172 11. The general Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 177 11.1. The formulation of the general Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 177 11.2. The fundamental groups of surfaces 179 11.3. Non-orientable surfaces 185 11.4. The classification of closed 2-dimensional (topological) manifolds 188 11.5. The classification of 2-dimensional (topological) manifolds with 189 11.6. Retractions onto boundary components of 2-dimensional manifolds 194 12. Examples: knots and mapping tori 198 12.1. An excursion into theory (∗) 198 12.2. Mapping tori 203 13. Limits 211 13.1. Preordered and directed sets 211 13.2. The direct limit of a direct system 212 13.3. Gluing formula for fundamental groups and HNN-extensions (∗) 224 13.4. The of an inverse system 229 13.5. The profinite completion of a group (∗) 237 14. Decision problems 239 15. The universal cover of topological spaces 242 15.1. Local properties of topological spaces 242 15.2. Lifting maps to coverings 243 15.3. Existence of covering spaces 248 16. Covering spaces and manifolds 261 16.1. Covering spaces of manifolds 261 ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 3

16.2. The orientation cover of a non-orientable 265 17. Complex manifolds 268 18. Hyperbolic 274 18.1. Hyperbolic space 274 18.2. Angles in Riemannian manifolds 280 18.3. The distance metric of a Riemannian manifold 281 18.4. The hyperbolic distance 285 18.5. Complete metric spaces 287 19. The universal cover of surfaces 289 19.1. Hyperbolic surfaces 289 19.2. More hyperbolic structures on the surfaces of genus g ≥ 2 (∗) 293 19.3. More examples of hyperbolic surfaces 295 19.4. The universal cover of surfaces 300 19.5. Proof of Theorem 19.9 I 301 19.6. Proof of Theorem 19.9 II 305 19.7. Picard’s Theorem 308 20. The deck transformation group (∗) 312 21. Related constructions in and Galois theory (∗) 323 21.1. The fundamental group of an algebraic variety (∗) 323 21.2. Galois theory (∗) 325 4 STEFAN FRIEDL References

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These course notes are meant to be “open source lecture notes”, i.e. they can be used and modified by anybody. The tex-files and the files for the figures, which were produced with winfig, can be found at http://www.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/nat_Fak_I/friedl/ 8 STEFAN FRIEDL

1. Topological spaces 1.1. The definition of a topological space. We recall the definition of a topological space from Analysis IV. Definition. A topological space is a pair (X, T ), where X is a set and T is a topology on X, i.e. T is a set of subsets of X with the following properties: (1) the empty set and the entire set X are contained in T , (2) the intersection of finitely many sets in T is again a set in T , (3) the union of arbitrarily many sets in T is again a set in T . The sets in T are called open. Example. (1) Let (X, d) be a . A subset U of X is called open if for every x ∈ U there exists an ϵ > 0 such that Bϵ(x) := {y ∈ X | d(x, y) < ϵ} is contained in U. We had already seen in Analysis II that T := all open subsets of (X, d) is a topology on X. In the following we consider Rn as a metric space with the euclidean metric and we always view Rn with the resulting topology, unless we say explicitly otherwise. (2) Let X be a set, then T = {∅,X} is a topology on X. This topology is sometimes called the trivial topology on X. (3) Let X be a set and let T be the power set of X, i.e. the set of all subsets of X. Then T is also a topology on X. Put differently, T is the topology such that all subsets are open. This topology is usually referred to as the discrete topology on X. (4) Let X = R and let T be defined as follows: U ∈ T :⇐⇒ either U = ∅ or U is the complement of finitely many points in R. √ For example the sets ∅, R\{π}, R\{−1, 2} and also R (since it is the complement of zero points) lie in T . It follows easily from elementary that T is a topology on X = R. (5) We consider the set X := Rn ∪ {∞}, i.e. X consists of Rn and an extra ∞. We say U ⊂ X is open1, if both of the following two conditions are satisfied: n (a) for each point x ∈ U ∩ R there exists an ϵ > 0 such that Bϵ(x) ⊂ U, (b) if ∞ ∈ U, then there exists a C > 0 such that {x ∈ Rn | ∥x∥ > C} ⊂ U. It is straightforward to see that this defines indeed a topology on X. For n = 1 we had introduced this topological space in Analysis IV and we had referred to it as the “line with a point at infinity”. We now refer to Rn ∪ {∞} as “Rn with a point at infinity”.

1If we want to specify a topology, it suffices to specify which subsets are called “open”. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 9

(6) We consider the set X := R ∪ {∗}, i.e. X consists of R and an extra point ∗. We say U ⊂ X is open, if the following two conditions are satisfied: (a) for each point x ∈ U ∩ R there exists an ϵ > 0 such that (x − ϵ, x + ϵ) ⊂ U, (b) if ∗ ∈ U, then there exists an ϵ > 0 such that (−ϵ, 0) ∪ (0, ϵ) ⊂ U. We had seen in Analysis IV that this is indeed a topology on X. We refer to this topological space as the “line with two zeros”. (7) If (X, T ) is a topological space and if Y ⊂ X is a subset, then S := {Y ∩ U | U ∈ T } is a topology on Y . We refer to S as the subspace topology on Y . Unless we say something else we consider each subset Y of Rn always as a topological space with respect to the subspace topology. Now we recall several definitions from Analysis IV. Definition. Let X be a topological space.2 (1) Let A ⊂ X be a subset. We say U ⊂ X is a neighborhood of A if there exists an V such that A ⊂ V ⊂ U. We say U is an open neighborhood of A, if U is furthermore open. (2) We say X is Hausdorff, if given any two points x ≠ y there exist disjoint open neighborhoods U of x and V of y. Example. (1) If X = R and A = [0, 2), then U = (−1, 3] and V = (−2, ∞) are neighborhoods of A in X. (2) We had already seen in Analysis II Proposition 1.8 that metric spaces are Hausdorff. Furthermore we had seen in Analysis IV that the line with a point at infinity is also Hausdorff and the same argument shows that Rn with a point at infinity is Hausdorff. On the other hand we had seen in Analysis IV that the line with two zeros is not Hausdorff. (3) A straightforward exercise shows that a topological space X is Hausdorff if and only if the diagonal D = {(x, x) | x ∈ X} is a closed subset of X × X. Definition. Let X be a topological space and let A be a subset of X. ◦ (1) The interior A is defined as the union of all open sets of X that are contained in A. (2) We say A is closed, if X \ A is open. (3) The closure A of A is defined as the intersection of all closed sets in X that contain A. ◦ (4) The boundary of A in X is defined as ∂A := A \ A.

2As usual we suppress the topology from the notation, i.e. we write “let X be a topological space” instead of the more precise “let (X, T ) be a topological space”. 10 STEFAN FRIEDL

Example. We consider X = R and A is the half-open interval [−1, 2). Then the interior of A is the open interval (−1, 2) and the closure of A is the closed interval [−1, 2]. Furthermore ∂A = {−1, 2}. It follows immediately from the of a topology that the interior of a set is an open set. Furthermore it is straightforward to see that the union of finitely many closed sets is again closed and that the intersection of arbitrarily many closed sets is again closed. It follows easily that the closure of a subset is closed.

Definition. Let X be a topological space. An open covering of X is a family {Ui}i∈I of open subsets of X with ∪ X = Ui. i∈I

We say a topological space X is compact if for each open covering {Ui}i∈I of X there exist finitely many indices i1, . . . , ik ∈ I such that ∪ · · · ∪ X = Ui1 Uik. Examples. The Heine–Borel Theorem says that a subset A of Rn is compact if and only if it is bounded and closed. We recall the following well-known lemma. Lemma 1.1. Let X be a topological space and let A ⊂ X be a compact subset. If X is Hausdorff, then A is a closed subset of X. For completeness’ sake we provide the proof. Proof. Let X be a Hausdorff space and let A ⊂ X be a compact subset. We want to show that X \ A is open. It suffices to prove the following claim. Claim. Let x ∈ X \ A. Then there exists an open neighborhood V of x that is contained in X \ A. We apply the Hausdorff-property to x and every y ∈ A. For every y ∈ A we obtain disjoint open neighborhoods e Uy of y and Vy of x. Evidently we have ∪ ∪ A = {y} ⊂ (Uy ∩ A) ⊂ A. y∈A y∈A

Thus we see that {Uy ∩ A}y∈A is an open covering of A. Since A is compact there exist y1, . . . , yk such that ∪k ∩ A = (Uyi A). i=1 Now we consider ∩k


Since V is the intersection of finitely many open sets, it is open itself. Furthermore V does ⊂ ∪· · ·∪ not intersect any of the Uyi , i = 1, . . . , k. Hence it V is disjoint from von A Uy1 Uyk . This concludes the proof of the claim.  Definition. We say a map f : X → Y between two topological spaces X and Y is continuous, if for each open set U in Y the preimage f −1(U) is open in X. It is straightforward to see that the composition of two continuous maps is again con- tinuous. For maps between metric spaces we obtain the same notion of continuity as in Analysis II. The following lemma states perhaps the most important feature of compact sets. We had proved the lemma in Analysis II for metric spaces, the proof for topological spaces is verbatim the same. Lemma 1.2. (1) Let f : X → Y be a continuous map. If X is compact, then f(X) is also compact. (2) Let f : X → R be a continuous map. If X is compact, then f assumes its maximum and its minimum. Definition. We say a map f : X → Y between two topological spaces X and Y is a homeo- if the following three properties are satisfied: (1) f is continuous, (2) f is bijective, (3) f −1 : Y → X is also continuous. If there exists a between X and Y we say that X and Y are homeomorphic ∼ and sometimes we write X = Y . The following proposition, that we had proved in Analysis IV, gives an often useful criterion for showing that a map is a homeomorphism. Proposition 1.3. Let f : X → Y be a bijective continuous map between topological spaces. If X is compact and if Y is Hausdorff, then f is a homeomorphism. Example. We consider the map Φ: Sn → {Rn(∪ {∞} ) x1 xn − ,..., − , if xn+1 < 1, (x1, . . . , xn+1) 7→ 1 xn+1 1 xn+1 ∞, if xn+1 = 1. where we equip Rn ∪ {∞} with the topology that we had introduced on page 8. Outside of the “North pole” (0,..., 0, 1) this map is just the stereographic projection that is illustrated in Figure 1. This map is easily seen to be continuous3 and a bijection. Furthermore Sn is compact by Heine-Borel and Rn ∪ {∞} is Hausdorff, as we had just pointed out above. Hence it follows from Proposition 1.3 that Φ is a homeomorphism.

3Is that really so easy? 12 STEFAN FRIEDL

  North pole N = (0, 0, 1)               P    ray emanating from N through P                           stereographic projection of P       

Figure 1. Stereographic projection from S2 \{(0, 0, 1)} onto R2.

Remark. If two topological spaces are homeomorphic, then they have the same topological properties, i.e. they share all properties that are defined purely in terms of the topology. For example, if X and Y are homeomorphic, then X is Hausdorff if and only if Y is Hausdorff, X is compact if and only if Y is compact and so on. Convention. Henceforth any map between two topological spaces is assumed to be contin- uous, unless we say explicitly otherwise. Definition. (1) We say that a subset A ⊂ Rn is convex, if for any two distinct points P and Q in A the segment PQ := {tP + (1 − t)Q | t ∈ [0, 1]} also lies in A. (2) Given a subset S of Rk the convex hull of S is defined as the intersection of all convex subsets of Rk that contain S. Since the intersection of convex sets is again convex we see that the convex hull of S is a convex subset of Rk.

                           Q                                                                                                                                     P               convex subset of R2 not convex subset S of R2 convex hull of S

Figure 2.

The following lemma gives a useful criterion for showing that subsets of Rn are homeo- morphic to an open or to a closed ball. Lemma 1.4. (1) Let A be a bounded open convex subset of Rn, then A is homeomorphic to the open n-dimensional ball Bn := {x ∈ Rn | ∥x∥ < 1}. (2) Let A be a bounded closed convex subset of Rn such that the interior of A is non- empty. Then it follows that A is homeomorphic to the closed n-dimensional ball n n B = {x ∈ Rn | ∥x∥ ≤ 1}. More precisely there exists a homeomorphism f : A → B with Φ(∂A) = Sn−1. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 13

Examples. (1) It follows from Lemma 1.4 that the open cube (0, 1)n is homeomorphic to Bn. More generally, it follows from Lemma 1.4 that for any r, s ∈ N0 the product of balls Br × Bs ⊂ Rr × Rs = Rr+s is homeomorphic to Br+s. (2) It follows from Lemma 1.4 that any , i.e. any subset of R2 of the form A = {P + sv + tw | s, t ∈ [0, 1] and s + t ≤ 1} where P ∈ R2 and v, w are two 2 linearly independent vectors, is homeomorphic to B .

(0, 1)2 2 B2 B                                                         is homeomorphic to   is homeomorphic to                                 

Figure 3.

Proof. (2) Let A be a bounded closed convex subset of Rn such that the interior of A is non- empty. After a translation we can assume that 0 lies in the interior of A. Given x ∈ A \{0} we define { }

ρ(x) := sup ∥rx∥ r ∈ R>0 and rx ∈ A and · ρ(x) f(x) := x ∥x∥ . Since A is closed we have f(x) ∈ A. Claim. The map ρ: A → R is positive, bounded and continuous. Since A is bounded it follows that ρ is bounded. It follows from the definition of ρ that ρ(x) is always positive. Therefore it remains to show that ρ is continuous. Now let x ∈ A and let ϵ > 0. It suffices to show the following two statements: (a) there exists an open neighborhood U of x such that ρ(y) > ρ(x) − ϵ for all y ∈ U, (b) there exists an open neighborhood V of x such that ρ(y) < ρ(x) + ϵ for all y ∈ V . { 1 } We first show the existence of U. After possibly replacing ϵ by min 2 ρ(x), ϵ we can suppose that ϵ ∈ (0, ρ(x)). Since 0 lies in the interior of A there exists an η > 0 such that Bη(0) ⊂ A. Since A 4 is convex, the convex hull C of Bη(0)∪{f(x)} is still contained in A. Furthermore, ′ since Bη(0) is open it is straightforward to see that C := C \{f(x)} is an open

4Why is that the case? 14 STEFAN FRIEDL

Rn n−1 − subset of . We denote by Sρ(x)−ϵ the sphere of radius ρ(x) ϵ around 0. The · ρ(x)−ϵ n−1 ′ ′ point x ∥x∥ lies on Sρ(x)−ϵ and it lies in C . Since C is open there exists an open ′ n−1 ′ neighborhood U on Sρ(x)−ϵ that is contained in C . We set U := {rz | z ∈ U ′ and r ∈ (0, 1)}. This is an open neighborhood of x and for any y ∈ U we have (ρ(x) − ϵ) · y ∈ A, i.e. for any y ∈ A we have ρ(y) ≥ ρ(x) − ϵ. Thus we have shown that the desired neighborhood U exists. The existence of V is proved in a very similar way. We refer to [Be, Chapter 11.3] for full details. This concludes the proof of the claim.

C := convex hull of Bη(0) and f(x)     0               f(x)   A       A                                                                    0   f(x)                               x                  with radius ρ(x) around 0 Bη(0) Bη(0) U 1 − circle Sρ(x)−ϵ with radius ρ(x) ϵ around 0

Figure 4. Illustration for the proof of Lemma 1.4.

We now consider the map n Φ: A → {B x · 1 , if x ≠ 0, x 7→ ρ(x) 0, if x = 0. It is straightforward to verify that this map is bijective5 and it follows from the above claim6 that Φ is continuous. It now follows from Proposition 1.3 that Φ is a homeomorphism. We leave it as an exercise to verify that Φ(∂A) = Sn−1. (1) The first claim follows from (2) by applying (2) to the closure A7 and by restricting n the resulting homeomorphism Φ: A → B to the interior.  We recall two definitions about metric spaces. ◦ 5It follows easily from the convexity of A, the hypothesis that A ≠ ∅ and the definition of Φ that for each v ∈ Sn−1 the map Φ restricts to a bijection on the “ray defined by v”, i.e. it restricts to a bijection n A ∩ {rv | r ∈ R>0} → B ∩ {rv | r ∈ R>0}.

6From the continuity of δ it follows that Φ is continuous on A \{0}. From the fact that δ is bounded it follows easily that Φ is continuous in 0. 7Why is the closure of a convex set again a convex set? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 15

(1) Given a subset A of a metric space X the diameter is defined as

diameter(A) := sup{d(a, b) | a, b ∈ A} ∈ R≥0 ∪ {∞}. (2) For any metric space X, any x ∈ X and any non-empty subset A of X we refer to

d(x, A) := inf{d(x, a) | a ∈ A} ∈ R≥0 as the distance from x to A. For example the diameter of the cube [0, 1]n ⊂ Rn is easily seen to be the n-th root of 2. The following Lemma of Lebesgue was already stated and proved in Analysis II. As a warm-up exercise we prove it again.

Lemma 1.5. (Lebesgue’s Lemma) Let K be a compact metric space and let {Ui}i∈I be an open covering of K. Then there exists a δ > 0 such that for every subset A with diameter(A) < δ there exists an i ∈ I with A ⊂ Ui.

      x   x                    A                ⊂   B (x) U   r i  ⊂ \  B (x) X U K  δ m Ui Um

Figure 5. Illustration of the proof of Lebesgue’s Lemma.

Proof. Since K is compact we can cover K with finitely many of the Ui’s. Put differently, without loss of generality we can assume that I = {1, . . . , n} is a finite set. If there exists an i ∈ {1, . . . , n} with K = Ui, then any δ > 0 has the desired property. 8 Now suppose that this is not the case, i.e. we suppose that for any i we have Ui ( K. We first prove the following claim. Claim. The function f : K → R ∑n 7→ 1 \ x f(x) := n d(x, K Ui) i=1 is continuous and positive. It follows easily from the definitions and the triangle inequality that f is continuous. Now let x ∈ K. We want to show that f(x) > 0. Since K = U1 ∪ · · · ∪ Un there exists an i with x ∈ Ui. Since Ui is open there exists an r > 0 with Br(x) ⊂ Ui. It follows that \ ≥ ≥ r d(x, K Ui) r, hence f(x) n . This concludes the proof of the claim. Since f is continuous and since K is compact it follows from Lemma 1.2 that the function f has a global minimum δ on K. It follows from the claim that this minimum δ is greater than 0. Now we want to show that this δ has the desired property. More precisely, we want to prove the following claim.

8 Where do we use in the subsequent argument that Ui ( K? 16 STEFAN FRIEDL

Claim. Let A be a subset of K with diameter(A) < δ. Then there exists an i ∈ {1, . . . , n} with A ⊂ Ui.

Let x ∈ A. We choose an m ∈ {1, . . . , n} so that d(x, K \ Um) is maximal. We want to show that A ⊂ Um. Since the diameter of A is less than δ we have A ⊂ Bδ(x). Thus it suffices to show that Bδ(x) ⊂ Um. Put differently, it we need to show that d(x, X \Um) ≥ δ. Indeed we have 1 ∑n d(x, K \ U ) ≥ d(x, K \ U ) = f(x) ≥ δ. m n i ↑ i=1 ↑

since d(x, K \ Um) ≥ d(x, K \ Ui) by the choice of δ This concludes the proof of the claim.  In many cases the following corollary is even more useful. Corollary 1.6. Let f : [0, 1]n → X be a map from the cube [0, 1]n to a topological space X and let {Vi}i∈I be an open covering of X. Then there exists an N > 0 such that for any a1, . . . , an ∈ {0,...,N − 1} there exists an i ∈ I such that ([ ] [ ]) a1 a1+1 × · · · × an an+1 ⊂ f N , N N , N Vi. The corollary thus says that if f : [0, 1]n → X is a map, and if we are given an open covering of X, then we can always find a small grid on the cube, such that each cube of the grid gets mapped into one of the open sets covering X. Proof. Let f : [0, 1]n → X be a map from the cube [0, 1]n to a topological space and let −1 {Vi}i∈I be an open covering of X. We apply Lemma 1.5 to the open covering Ui := f (Vi), i ∈ I of K and we obtain a δ > 0 such that for each subset A with diameter(A) < δ there −1 exists an i ∈ I with A ⊂ Ui = f (Vi), which means that f(A) ⊂ Vi. The corollary follows 1 from the observation that for sufficiently large N any cube of side length N has diameter less than δ.  1.2. Constructions of more topological spaces. In this we will recall several ways to build new examples of topological spaces out of existing topological spaces.

Definition. Let X1,...,Xk be topological spaces. We say U ⊂ X1 × · · · × Xk is open if for each (x1, . . . , xk) ∈ U there exist open neighborhoods Ui of xi in Xi with U1 × ...Uk ⊂ U. In Analysis IV we had seen that the above definition does indeed define a topology on X1 × · · · × Xk. We refer to this topology as the product topology on X1 × · · · × Xk. We had seen in Analysis IV that the product X1 × · · · × Xk is Hausdorff if and only if each Xi is Hausdorff and that the product X1 × · · · × Xk is compact if and only if each Xi is compact. Example. The topological space Rk × Rl is easily seen to be homeomorphic to Rk+l. More precisely, the obvious map Rk × Rl → Rk+l

((x1, . . . , xk), (y1, . . . , yl)) 7→ (x1, . . . , xk, y1, . . . , yl) ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 17 is a homeomorphism. In the following we refer to S1×S1 as the and we refer to (S1)n as the n-dimensional torus. We had seen in Analysis IV that the torus is indeed homeomorphic to the “standard torus” in R3.

 3  subset of R     1 1   S × S is homeomorphic to 

Figure 6.

Definition. Let ∼ be an equivalence relation on a topological space X. We denote by p: X → X/ ∼ the canonical projection map from X onto the set of equivalence classes X/ ∼. We say U ⊂ X/ ∼ is open if p−1(U) ⊂ X is open. It is straightforward to verify that this does indeed define a topology on X/ ∼ and that the projection map p: X → X/ ∼ is continuous. We refer to this topology on X/ ∼ as the quotient topology and we refer to X/ ∼ as a quotient space of X. If X is compact, then it follows from Lemma 1.2 that X/ ∼ is also compact. Example. Let X be a topological space and let A ⊂ X be a subset. For P,Q ∈ X we define P ∼ Q :⇐⇒ P = Q or P,Q both lie in A. This is easily seen to be an equivalence relation on X. We write X/A := X/ ∼. In Analysis IV we had for example seen that B2/S1 is homeomorphic to S2. In exercise sheet 1 we will see that Bn/Sn−1 is homeomorphic to Sn. We also recall the following definition from Analysis IV. Definition. Let X be a set and let G be a group with trivial element e. (1) An action of G on X is a map G × X → X (g, x) 7→ g · x with the following properties e · x = x, for all x ∈ X, g · (h · x) = (gh) · x, for all x ∈ X and g, h ∈ G. (2) The action is called free, if g · x = x for some x ∈ X implies that g = e. (3) We say G acts transitively, if for any x and y in X there exists a g ∈ G with g·x = y. 18 STEFAN FRIEDL

(4) If X is a topological space, then we say that the action is continuous, if for every g ∈ G the map X → X x 7→ g · x is continuous.9 It is straightforward to verify that if a group G acts on a set X, then x ∼ y :⇐⇒ there exists a g ∈ G such that g · x = y is an equivalence relation on X. We write X/G := X/ ∼ . If X is a topological space, then we view X/G as a topological space equipped with the quotient topology. On page 17 we had pointed out that the projection map X → X/G is continuous. In Lemma 18.9 of Analysis IV we had seen the projection map is also open. Examples. (1) The group G = Zn acts on X = Rn by addition. This action is evidently free and continuous. In Analysis IV we had seen that Rn/Zn → (S1)n ) 2πit1 2πitn [(t1, . . . , tn)] 7→ e , . . . , e is a homeomorphism. (2) Let X = R × (−1, 1) and G = Z. The map Z × (R × [−1, 1]) → R × [−1, 1] (n, (x, y)) 7→ (x + n, (−1)ny) defines an action that is free and continuous. The quotient is homeomorphic to the M¨obiusband.10 (3) Let X = Sn and G = {1}. The map {1} × Sn → Sn (ϵ, P ) 7→ ϵ · P gledefines an action that is free and continuous. We refer to the quotient space Sn/{1} as the n-dimensional real projective space RPn.11 In exercise sheet 1 we will show that RP1 is homeomorphic to S1.

9If the action is continuous, then the map x 7→ g · x is in fact a homeomorphism with inverse map given by x 7→ g−1 · x. 10Depending on the point of view, this can of course also be taken as the definition of the M¨obiusband. 11For n = 2 we sometimes refer to RP2 as the real projective . ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 19

(4) Let X = Rn+1 \{0} and let G = R\{0}, where we view G as a group via multiplication. The map (R \{0}) × (Rn+1 \{0}) → Rn+1 \{0} (r, P ) 7→ r · P defines an action that is free and continuous. It is straightforward to see that the map RPn = Sn/{1} → (Rn+1 \{0})/(R \{0}) [P ] 7→ [P ] defines a homeomorphism. Our new point of view on real projective spaces has the advantage that we can create a different class of examples of topological spaces by replacing R by C. More precisely, let X = Cn+1 \{0} and let G = C \{0}. The map (C \{0}) × (Cn+1 \{0}) → Cn+1 \{0} (z, P ) 7→ z · P defines an action that is free and continuous. The quotient space (Cn+1 \{0})/(C\{0}) is called the n-dimensional CPn. In exercise sheet 1 we will show that CP1 is homeomorphic to S2.12 (5) Let X = R and G = {1}. The map {1} × R → R (ϵ, x) 7→ ϵ · x defines an action that is continuous. But this action is not free, since (−1) · 0 = 0, but −1 is not the trivial element in the group G = {1}. In Analysis IV we had shown that R/{1} is homeomorphic to the half-open interval [0, ∞). Finally we recall Lemma 17.4 from Analysis IV which is used so frequently, that later on we will no longer cite it explicitly. Lemma 1.7. Let ∼ be an equivalence relation on a topological space X and let f : X → Y be a continuous map with the property that f(x) = f(y) whenever x ∼ y. Then there exists a unique continuous map g : X/ ∼ → Y , such that f = g ◦ p, i.e. such that the following diagram of maps commutes: p / ∼ X NNN X/ NNN NNN g f N'  Y.

12The definition of projective space makes sense for any field, even for fields of non-zero characteristic. If F is a field of characteristic p we can still define FPn = (Fn+1 \{0})/(F \{0}). A priori this is just a set, but together with the Zariski topology it actually becomes an unusual, but interesting topological space. For any field the map FPn = (Fn+1 \{0})/(F \{0}) → {all one-dimensional subspaces of Fn+1} [v] 7→ F · v is a bijection. Thus we can view FPn as the set of all lines through the origin. 20 STEFAN FRIEDL

1.3. Further examples of topological spaces. In this section we will recall several other examples of topological spaces that we had already introduced in Analysis IV. Before we do so, we recall the following definition: Suppose we are given a relation ∼ on a set X.13 We say x, y ∈ X are equivalent if there exists a x = x1, . . . , xk = y of elements in X such that for all i = 1, . . . , k − 1 the following holds: either xi ∼ xi+1 or xi+1 ∼ xi. We then write again x ∼ y if x and y are equivalent. It is straightforward to see that this is now indeed an equivalence relation. We say it is generated by the initial relation. Example. The relations x ∼ (x + 1) with x ∈ R on R generate the familiar equivalence relation x ∼ y ⇔ x − y ∈ Z. We will now see that many familiar spaces can be described as quotient spaces. (1) We consider X = [0, 1] × [0, 1] ⊂ R2 and the equivalence relation which is generated by (x, 0) ∼ (x, 1) for all x ∈ [0, 1]. The quotient topological space X/ ∼ is obtained from the square X = [0, 1] × [0, 1] by identifying each point on the upper edge with the corresponding point on the lower edge. Put differently, “we glue the upper edge to the lower edge”. Using Proposition 1.3 one can easily show that the map X/ ∼ → (S1 × [0), 1] (s, t) 7→ e2πt, s is a homeomorphism. We refer to X/ ∼ and also to S1 × [0, 1] as a cylinder or an annulus.

the points (x, 1) and (x, 0) are equivalent

 ∼  ×  in X/ the points [(x, 1)] = [(x, 0)] agree  [0, 1] 1                                                                                                                              ×   X = [0, 1] [0, 1] cylinder          [0, 1] × 0

Figure 7. Construction of a cylinder by gluing two edges.

(2) Now we consider X = [0, 1] × [0, 1] ⊂ R2, this time with the equivalence relation which is generated by (0, y) ∼ (1, 1 − y) for all y ∈ [0, 1].

13A relation on a set X is nothing but a subset A of X × X, for x, y ∈ X we write x ∼ y if (x, y) ∈ A. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 21

The quotient space X/ ∼ is obtained from the square X by gluing the edge on the left to the edge on right, but this time “we glue the edges with a twist”. This space is homeomorphic to the M¨obiusband as defined on page 21.14

(0, y)

                                                                                                                                            (1, 1 − y) [0, 1] × (0, 1)/ ∼

Figure 8. The M¨obiusband.

(3) Now we consider again X = [0, 1] × [0, 1] ⊂ R2, but this time with the equivalence relation which is generated by (x, 0) ∼ (x, 1) for all x ∈ [0, 1] and by (0, y) ∼ (1, y) for all y ∈ [0, 1]. Put differently, we obtain the quotient space X/ ∼ by gluing the top edge to the bottom edge and the left-hand edge to the right-hand edge, each time without adding a twist. Figure 9 illustrates that the quotient space X/ ∼ is indeed a torus. The inclusion


Figure 9. By gluing of the opposite edges of a square we obtain a torus.

X → R2 descends to a map X/ ∼ → R2/Z2. Using Proposition 1.3 one can show that this is a homeomorphism.15 (4) Now we consider X = [0, 1] × [0, 1] ⊂ R2, this time with the equivalence relation which is generated by (x, 0) ∼ (x, 1) for all x ∈ [0, 1] and by (0, y) ∼ (1, 1 − y) for all y ∈ [0, 1].

14In fact the map [0, 1] × [0, 1] → R × [−1, 1] given by (x, y) 7→ (x, 2y − 1) induces a homeomorphism [0, 1] × [0, 1]/ ∼ → (R × [−1, 1])/Z. 15Why is R2/Z2 Hausdorff? 22 STEFAN FRIEDL

Thus we obtain the quotient space X/ ∼ by gluing the upper edge to the lower edge and by gluing the edge on the left to the edge on the right with a twist. The resulting topological space is called the . The Klein bottle cannot be realized by a subset of R3 but, as we saw in Analysis IV, it can be viewed as a subset of R4.

every map from the Klein bottle to R3 has a self-intersection


the images of these two are the same

Figure 10. The definition of the Klein bottle.

2πik/16 (5) We denote by E8 the regular octagon in C with the vertices Qk = e where k = 1, 3,..., 15. Given two points A, B ∈ R2 = C we denote by AB the euclidean segment from A to B. Furthermore, given φ ∈ R we denote by rφ : C → C the reflection in the euclidean line {teiφ | t ∈ R}. We denote by ∼ the equivalence relation on E8 which is generated by

P ∈ Q2k−1Q2k+1 ∼ r2π(2k+2)/16(P ) ∈ Q2k+3Q2k+5 for k = 0, 1, 4, 5. These four relations are sketched in Figure 11. We refer to the topological space E8/ ∼ as the of genus 2. The equivalence relation is sketched in Figure 11. Furthermore, in Figure 12 we indicate how E8/ ∼ is related to the actual

   Q5 Q3  Q   5  Q3                                                     Q1 Q  Q    7 Q 7   1                                             Q−  Q  Q   1 9 9 Q15                                       Q13  Q11  Q13 Q11  reflection r π π 4 reflection r reflection r 5π reflection r 3π 2 4 2 Figure 11.

“physical” surface of genus 2 in R3. The same way we can define the surface of genus g for any g ≥ 3. More precisely, we take a regular 4g-gon in C and for j = 1, . . . , g we identify the (4j + 1)-st edge with the (4j + 3)-rd edge and the (4j + 2)-nd edge with ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 23

                      ∼     =                

Figure 12.

the (4j + 4)-th edge. Hereby each identification is given by a reflection. For g = 3 this construction is sketched in Figure 13.





  surface of genus three   














Figure 13. The surface of genus three.

Finally we refer to the sphere S2 as the surface of genus 0 and we refer to the torus S1 × S1 as the surface of genus 1.

1.4. The two notions of connected topological spaces. We had already seen in Anal- ysis II that there are two notions of connectedness of a topological space. We recall the definitions and we recall some basic facts. Definition. Let x and y be two points in a topological space X. (1) We say that the points x and y are equivalent, if the following holds if X = U ⊔ V 16 with U, V open =⇒ either x, y ∈ U or x, y ∈ V . (2) We say that the points x and y are path-equivalent, if there exists a map γ : [0, 1] → X with γ(0) = x and γ(1) = y.

Lemma 1.8. Let X be a topological space. Then the above notions of equivalence and path-equivalence are indeed equivalence relations.

Proof. In both cases all properties of an equivalence relation are trivial except possibly for transitivity. So let x, y and z be three points in a topological space.

16We write X = U ⊔ V if X is the disjoint union of U and V , i.e. if X = U ∪ V and if U ∩ V = ∅. 24 STEFAN FRIEDL

  X V   x  y x  z  γ y           U δ  

Figure 14. Illustration for the proof of Lemma 1.8.

(1) Suppose that x and y are equivalent and that also y and z are equivalent. We need to show that x and z are equivalent. Now let X = U ⊔ V with U, V open subsets of X. Without loss of generality we can suppose that x lies in U. But since x and y are equivalent we see that y also has to lie in U. But since y and z are also equivalent it now follows that z also lies in U. Therefore we have shown that x and z are equivalent. (2) Suppose that x and y are path-equivalent and that also y and z are path-equivalent. We need to show that x and z are also path-equivalent. Pick a map γ : [0, 1] → X with γ(0) = x and γ(1) = y and pick a map δ : [0, 1] → X with δ(0) = y and δ(1) = z. It is clear that [0, 1] → {X γ(2t), if t ∈ [0, 1 ] 7→ 2 t − ∈ 1 δ(2t 1), if t [ 2 , 1] is a map17 that connects x and z.  Definition. Let X be a topological space. (1) We call the equivalence classes of points on X the components of X and we call the path-equivalence classes of points the path-components of X. 18 (2) We denote by π0(X) the set of path-components of X. (3) If X consists of a single component, then we say that X is connected. Furthermore, if X consists of a single path-component, then we say that X is path-connected. Remark. It follows easily from the definitions that a topological space X is connected if and only if the following holds if X = U ⊔ V is the disjoint union of open sets U, V =⇒ X = U or X = V. Both notions of connectedness have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, if a space is path-connected, it is often easy to verify so, one just needs to find enough paths. In particular it follows almost immediately from the definitions that any convex subset of Rn is path-connected. On the other hand it is often easier to verify that a given space X is not connected, one just needs to find disjoint open non-empty sets that cover X.

17It is straightforward to verify that this map is indeed continuous. 18 The notation “π0(X)” might look rather odd at the moment, but it will become clearer later on why this is a perfectly sensible notation. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 25

For most spaces the two notions of connectedness agree. For example we have the following lemma which we had proved as Lemma 6.2 of Analysis III. Lemma 1.9. Every path-connected topological space is also connected. The converse to Lemma 1.9 is unfortunately not always correct. For example consider the space { } { } ∈ − ∪ 1 ∈ ⊂ R2 X := (0, y) y [ 1, 1] (x, sin( x )) x (0, π] . 7→ 1 ∈ The space X is the union of the graph x sin( x ) for x (0, π] and an interval on the y- axis. We sketch the space X in Figure 15. In Analysis III we had seen that X is connected but not path-connected. The fact that an example of a space that is connected but not

A is the interval from (0, −1) to (0, 1) on the y-axis 1 ∈ B is the graph of the function sin( x ) with x (0, π]

X = A ∪ B is connected but not path connected

Figure 15. path-connected is so “wild” indicates that perhaps for most “reasonable” spaces the two notions of connectedness and path-connectedness agree. In exercise sheet 1 we will prove the following lemma which is sometimes useful. Lemma 1.10. (1) Let X and Y be topological spaces. Then X and Y are (path) connected if and only if X × Y is (path) connected. (2) Let X be a topological space and let A and B be connected subsets of X. If A∩B ≠ ∅, then A ∪ B is also connected. By a clever use of the notion of connectedness one can sometimes prove statements which at first glance have nothing to do with connectedness. For example we can now prove the following lemma. Lemma 1.11. The topological spaces R and R2 are not homeomorphic. Later on we will study the question whether for k ≠ l the topological spaces Rk and Rl can be homeomorphic for k ≠ l. Proof. Let us suppose that there exists a homeomorphism φ: R → R2. Let P ∈ R be a point. Then f restricts to a homeomorphism from R \{P } to R2 \{f(P )}. The topological 26 STEFAN FRIEDL space R \{P } = (−∞,P ) ∪ (P, ∞) is not path-connected19, while one can easily verify that R2 \{f(P )} is path-connected. But as we had remarked on page 12, homeomorphic spaces have the same topological properties. In particular two homeomorphic spaces are either both path-connected or they are both not path-connected. Thus we have obtained a contradiction.  We recall that a topological space X is called discrete, if it is equipped with the discrete topology. This is equivalent to saying that each point in X is an open set in X. For example, if we consider X = Z with the subspace topology coming from R, then X = Z is discrete. Lemma 1.12.

(1) If X is connected and if Y consists of components Yi, i ∈ I, then given any map f : X → Y there exists an i ∈ I with f(X) ⊂ Yi. (2) Every map f : X → Y from a connected topological space X to a discrete topological space is constant. The second statement was proved in Analysis IV. Almost the same elementary proof also implies the first statement. 1.5. Local properties. Definition. Let P be a property of topological spaces. We say a topological space X is locally P if given any Q ∈ X and any neighborhood U of Q there exists an open neighborhood V of Q that is contained in U that has the property P .

     X      Q  Q                        ⇒    =     here X has property P                  U U V

Figure 16.

Examples. (1) Every open subset of Rn is locally path-connected. Indeed, suppose A is an open subset of Rn. Let Q ∈ A and let U be a neighborhood of Q in A. Then there exists an ϵ > 0 such that Bϵ(x) ⊂ U, but the ϵ-ball Bϵ(x) is of course path-connected. (2) The space X = (−2, 1) ∪ [3, 6] ⊂ R with the usual topology is not path-connected but it is locally path-connected.20 On the other hand X = Q is not locally path- connected.

19Why is this space not path-connected? How can one show this? 20Why is that? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 27

(3) The line with two zeros, i.e. the topological space R ∪ {∗} with the topology from page 9, is not Hausdorff, but one can easily show that R ∪ {∗} is locally Hausdorff. Lemma 1.13. Let X be a topological space that is locally path-connected topological space. Then X is connected ⇐⇒ X is path-connected. Proof. The “⇐=”-direction is an immediate consequence of Lemma 1.9. We will see in exercise sheet 1 that if X is locally path-connected, then the converse also holds.  Remark. The term “locally P ” is often used in the literature with subtly different defini- tions. Here are three definitions that are often used in the literature: (A) A topological space X is called locally P , if given any Q ∈ X and any neighbor- hood U of Q there exists an open neighborhood V of Q that is contained in U that has the property P . (B) A topological space X is called locally P , if given any Q ∈ X there exists an open neighborhood V of Q that has the property P . (C) A topological space X is called locally P , if given any Q ∈ X there exists a neigh- borhood21 V of Q that has the property P . Here definition (A) is the one we are using throughout the paper. Definitions (B) and (C) are less strict, for example any path-connected topological space is also locally path- connected according to definitions (B) and (C). Furthermore, one can easily see that ac- cording to the definition (C) the space R is locally compact, but it is not locally compact according to definitions (A) and (B). So if one sees the notion “locally P ” in the literature one needs to look up the definition to make sure what convention is used. Definition. Let P be a property of maps between topological spaces. We say that a map f : X → Y is locally P if given any Q ∈ X there exists an open neighborhood U of Q and an open neighborhood V of f(Q) such that f : U → V has the property P . Example. A map f : X → Y between two topological spaces is a local homeomorphism if given any Q ∈ X there exists an open neighborhood U of Q and an open neighborhood V of f(Q) such that f : U → V is a homeomorphism. For example the projection map f : R → R/Z is a local homeomorphism.22 We will often use the statement of the following lemma without making reference to the lemma. Lemma 1.14. Let f : X → Y be a map between two topological spaces (for once we do not assume that f is continuous). If f is locally continuous, then f itself is continuous.

21Recall that a neighborhood does not have to be open. 22Why is it a local homeomorphism? 28 STEFAN FRIEDL

− 1   Q f (V )     Y      →    f : X Y                         V          X   A B f(Q)

Figure 17. Illustration for the proof of Lemma 1.14

Proof. Let V ⊂ Y be open. We need to show that f −1(V ) is open. It suffices to show that given any Q ∈ f −1(V ) there exists an open neighborhood U of P with U ⊂ f −1(V ). So let Q ∈ f −1(V ). Since f is locally continuous there exists an open neighborhood A of Q and an open neighborhood B of f(Q) such that f : A → B is continuous. We put U = f −1(B ∩ V ). Since f : A → B is continuous the set U is indeed an open neighborhood of Q. 

1.6. Graphs and topological realizations of graphs. We start out with the following rather abstract definition. Definition. (1) An abstract graph G is a triple (V, E, φ) where V is a non-empty set, E is a set and φ is a map φ: E → {subsets of V with one or two elements}. The elements of V are called vertices of G and the elements of E are called the edges of G. Furthermore, given e ∈ E the points in φ(e) are called the endpoints of e. (2) We say that two abstract graphs (V, E, φ) and (V ′,E′, φ′) are isomorphic, if there exist bijections Φ: V → V ′ and Ψ: E → E′ such that for any e ∈ E we have φ′(Ψ(e)) = Φ′(φ(e)). Examples. (A) We take V = {A, B, C}, E = {e, f, g, h} and φ to be the map that is defined by φ(e) = {A, B}, φ(f) = {B,C}, φ(g) = {B,C} and φ(h) = {A}. Then (V, E, φ) is an abstract graph. (B) Let a, b ∈ Z. We denote by Ga,b the abstract graph with vertex set V = Z and edge set {{x, y} | x = y  a or x = y  b}. The map φ is given by sending each edge e = {x, y} to {x, y}. (C) We take V to be the set of all subway stations in M¨unchen and we take E to be the set of all segments of the subway system. The map φ then assigns to each e ∈ E the two stations that are connected by the segment e. Definition. We say an abstract graph (V, E, φ) is connected if for any two vertices v, w ∈ V there exist vertices v = v0, v1, . . . , vn = w and edges e0, . . . , en−1 with φ(ei) = {vi, vi+1} for i = 0, . . . , n − 1. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 29

Examples. We now want to determine whether or not the above examples (A), (B) and (C) of graphs are connected.

(A) This graph is connected, for example if we take v = A and w = C, then v0 = A, v1 = B and v2 = C and e0 = e and e1 = f have the desired property. (B) Let a, b ∈ Z. The graph Ga,b is connected if and only if for any two integers x, y ∈ Z there exist n, m ∈ Z such that x − y = ma + nb. This is the case if and only if a and b are coprime. (C) This graph is connected since any two subway stations are connected by subway (one might have to change lines but that is of no concern to us). So far this definition has little to do with topology. We will change this by introducing topological graphs. Before we can do so we need the following definition. Definition. Given a bounded 1-dimensional submanifold M of Rn that is homeomorphic to (0, 1) we refer to the points in ∂M \ M as the endpoints of M.23 For example, given any n ∈ N, for M = (0, 1) × 0 ∈ R × Rn−1 = Rn the endpoints are given by (0, 0) and (1, 0).24 More examples are given in Figure 18.

     ⇒    ⇒                        M         M      two endpoints one endpoint

Figure 18.

Definition. A topological graph G is a pair (V,E) with the following properties: (1) V is a non-empty discrete subset of Rn. (2) E is a subset of Rn with the following properties: (a) E is disjoint from V , (b) each component of E is a bounded 1-dimensional submanifold of Rn that is homeomorphic to the open interval (0, 1), (c) for each component e of E the endpoints of e lie in V , (d) every bounded subset of Rn intersects only finitely many components of E.25 We refer to the points in V as the vertices of G and we refer to the components of E as the edges of G. Furthermore, given a topological graph G = (V,E) we write |G| = V ∪E ⊂ Rn.

23Alternatively we could define the endpoints as the points in M \ M. 24This sounds obvious, but if one goes through the proof carefully one sees that the argument for n = 1 is slightly different from the argument for n ≥ 2. 25What is an example of (V,E) that satisfies all axioms except for 2 (d)? 30 STEFAN FRIEDL

We sketch several examples of topological graphs in Figure 19. The red dots correspond to the vertices and the blue segments correspond to the edges.26



    ...    ...           



Figure 19.

Definition. Given a topological graph (V,E) the underlying abstract graph is defined as the abstract graph (V ′,E′, φ′) given by setting V := V ′,E′ := the set of components of E and for e ∈ E′ we define φ(e) to be the endpoints27 of e. We say a topological graph G is a topological realization of an abstract graph H, if the underlying abstract graph of G is isomorphic to H. Examples. In Figure 20 we give two topological realizations of the graph from Example (A). In Figure 21 we show topological realizations of the graphs G2,3 and G0,2. Finally in Figure 22 we show a topological realization of the subway system of M¨unchen.

B  A h    e e  f   B  f  h

g   A   C  C g

Figure 20.

In the following we will often go back and forth between topological graphs and abstract graphs without distinguishing these two different types of graphs in the notation. Also, very often, given a topological graph G = (V,E) we will not distinguish between G and the topological space |G|. Sometimes we will just talk about “graphs” and it will be clear from the context what type of graph we mean.

26The starting point here are of course the pictures, in the sense that the definition is an attempt to turn the pictures of graphs into a precise mathematical object. 27Here we use implicitly the fact that the set of endpoints of a bounded 1-dimensional submanifold of Rn that is homeomorphic to the open interval (0, 1) consists of either one or two points. Why is that the case? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 31

                        ...        ......      ...

−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 −1 0 1 2 3

topological realization of G2,3 topological realization of G0,2

Figure 21.

Figure 22. The subway system of M¨unchen.

For the most part the two points of view are quite similar, for example given a topological graph G = G(V, e) the topological space |G| is connected if and only if the underlying abstract graph is connected.28 Remark. The origins of go back to Euler and the problem on the seven bridges of K¨onigsberg. The details of this story can be found on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Bridges_of_Koenigsberg Euler’s original article can be found here http://eulerarchive.maa.org//docs/originals/E053.pdf 1.7. The basis of a topology. In this section we recall a few more technical definitions from Analysis IV. Let X be a set and let B = {Bi}i∈I be a family of subsets of X. We say B has the basis property if the following two conditions are satisfied:

(B1) For any x ∈ X there exists an i ∈ I such that x ∈ Bi. (B2) Let i, j ∈ I and let x ∈ Bi ∩ Bj. Then there exists a k ∈ I such that x ∈ Bk and Bk ⊂ Bi ∩ Bj.

28We will not prove this statement and we will therefore not make use of it. 32 STEFAN FRIEDL

In Analysis IV we had proved the following lemma.

Lemma 1.15. Let X be a set and let B = {Bi}i∈I be a family of subsets of X. We define

T (B) := {V ⊂ X | for every x ∈ V there exists an i ∈ I such that x ∈ Bi ⊂ V }. If B has the basis property, then T is a topology on X. We refer to T (B) as the topology on X generated by B. Conversely, if T is a given topology on a set X and if B is a family of subsets of X which has the basis property and which satisfies T = T (B), then we say that B is a basis of the topology T of X. Examples. (1) If (X, d) is a metric space, then the set of all balls Br(x) with r > 0 and x ∈ X satisfy (B1) and (B2).29 The topology generated by this family of subsets is precisely the topology we already introduced on page 8. (2) For X = R2 the set B = {[a, b] × [c, d] | a, b, c, d ∈ Q} of rectangles with rational vertices is also a basis for the standard topology on R2. In particular we see that R2, and similarly also any Rn, admit a basis for the topology that consists of only countably many sets. Remark. In Lemma 16.2 of Analysis IV we showed that a family of subsets B that has the basis property is the basis for a given topology T if all sets in B are open in T and if any open set in T is a union of sets in B. Sometimes the following lemma can be useful. B Lemma 1.16. Let be a basis for the topology of a topological space X. Furthermore∪ let {Uj}j∈J be an open covering of X, i.e. {Uj}j∈J is a family of open sets with Uj = X. j∈J Then

{B ∈ B | there exists some j ∈ J with B ⊂ Uj} is also a basis for the topology of X. Proof. We write

C := {B ∈ B | there exists some j ∈ J with B ⊂ Uj}. Since C ⊂ B we have T (C) ⊂ T (B). It remains to show the reverse inclusion T (B) ⊂ T (C). It suffices to prove the following claim: given any x ∈ X and any B ∈ B with x ∈ B there exists a C ∈ C such that x ∈ C ⊂ B. So let x ∈ X and let B ∈ B with x ∈ B. By hypothesis there exists a j such that x ∈ Uj. Since Uj is open and since B is a basis for ′ ′ ′′ the topology of X there exists a B ∈ B with x ∈ B ⊂ Uj. By (B2) there exists a B ∈ B ′′ ′′ ′ ′′ with x ∈ B and B ⊂ B ∩ B ⊂ Uj. By definition we have B ∈ C. 

29Why is (B2) satisfied? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 33

n Example. As we had pointed out above, B = {Br(x) | r > 0 and x ∈ R } is a basis for the usual topology of Rn. We denote by U the family of all open sets that are contained in an open ball of radius 1. Then the open sets in U cover Rn. It follows from Lemma 1.16 that n {Br(x) | r ∈ (0, 1) and x ∈ R } is also a basis for Rn. In Analysis IV we had also proved the following lemma. Lemma 1.17. Let f : X → Y be a map between topological spaces. Let B be a basis for the topology of Y . Then the following holds f is continuous ⇐⇒ for each B ∈ B the preimage f −1(B) is open in X. Finally recall that a map f : X → Y between topological spaces is called open if the image of every open subset of X is open in Y . We have the following analogue to Lemma 1.17. Lemma 1.18. Let f : X → Y be a map between topological spaces. (Here for once we do not assume that f is continuous.) Let B = {Bi}i∈I be a basis for the topology of X. Then the following holds

f is open ⇐⇒ for each i ∈ I the image f(Bi) is open in Y . We leave the elementary proof as an exercise to the reader. 1.8. Manifolds. We now recall the definitions of a topological manifold and of a manifold. Both were already given in Analysis IV. Definition. Let X be a topological space. (1) We say X is second-countable if there exists a countable basis for the topology. (2) An n-dimensional chart for X at a point x ∈ X is a homeomorphism Φ: U → V where U is an open neighborhood of x and V is one of the following: (i) V either an open subset of Rn or n (ii) V is an open subset of the half-space Hn = {(x1, . . . , xn) ∈ R | xn ≥ 0} and n Φ(x) lies on En−1 = {(x1, . . . , xn) ∈ R | xn = 0}. In the former case we say that Φ is a chart of type (i) in the latter case we say that Φ is a chart of type (ii). (3) We say X is an n-dimensional topological manifold, if X is second-countable and Hausdorff, and if for every x ∈ X there exists an n-dimensional chart Φ: U → V at x. (4) We say that a point x on a topological manifold is a boundary point if x does not admit a chart of type (i).30 We denote by ∂X the set of all boundary points of X. (5) We say a topological manifold X is closed if X is compact with ∂X = ∅.31

30It might sound more natural to define a boundary point to be a point that admits a chart of type (ii). In fact we will see later that a point on a topological manifold admits either a chart of type (i) or a chart of type (ii). But the proof of this statement is not trivial and as of now we can not prove this statement. 31The latter condition just means that all points in X admit a chart of type (i). 34 STEFAN FRIEDL { → } (6) An n-dimensional∪ for X is a family of n-dimensional charts Φi : Ui Vi i∈I such that Ui = X. i∈I (7) An atlas {Φi : Ui → Vi}i∈I is called smooth if for all i, j ∈ I the transition map ◦ −1 ∩ → ∩ Φj Φi :Φi(Ui Uj) Φj(Ui Uj) is smooth. (8) An n-dimensional manifold is a pair (X, A) consisting of an n-dimensional topo- logical manifold X together with a smooth atlas A for X. Remark. In the literature “topological manifolds” are sometimes referred to as “manifolds”, and what we now call “manifolds” are referred to as “smooth manifolds”. In Analysis IV we had already seen that many familiar topological spaces are manifolds. For example we had seen that the following are manifolds: (1) open subsets of Rn, (2) submanifolds of Rk, in particular all spheres Sn ⊂ Rn+1, (3) the surfaces of genus g as defined on page 22. Furthermore we had seen that products of manifolds are again manifolds. For example the n-dimensional torus (S1)n is an n-dimensional manifold. Topological manifolds are particularly important and also particularly nice topological spaces. For example it is straightforward to see that every topological manifold is locally path-connected.32 Lemma 1.19. (1) Every topological manifold is locally path-connected. (2) A topological manifold is connected if and only if it is path-connected.33 Proof. Let X be an n-dimensional topological manifold. (1) Since X is locally homeomorphic to an open subset of Rn it follows easily from the fact, proved on page 26, that open subsets of Rn are locally path-connected, that X itself is locally path-connected. (2) The second statement is an immediate consequence of (1) and of Lemma 1.13.  On several occasions we will need the following, slightly technical lemma. Lemma 1.20. Let M be an n-dimensional topological manifold and let Φ: U → V be a chart. Let A ⊂ V be a subset that is compact. Then the corresponding subset Φ−1(A) is a closed subset of M.34

32This follows from the fact that every point on a topological manifold has an open neighborhood that is homeomorphic to an open ball, but an open ball is of course locally path-connected. 33We had already seen this statement as Lemma 5.2 in Analysis IV. 34It does not suffice that A is a closed subset of the topological space V . Indeed, A = V is a closed subset of V , but U = Φ−1(V ) is in general not a closed subset of M. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 35

Proof. Let M be an n-dimensional topological manifold and let Φ: U → V be a chart. Let Ψ = Φ−1 : V → U be the inverse map. Let A ⊂ V be a subset that is compact. It follows from Lemma 1.2 that Ψ(A) is a compact subset of M. But M is Hausdorff by definition of a topological manifold. Hence Ψ(A) = Φ−1(A) is closed in M.  Lemma 1.21. Let M be a topological manifold. If M is compact, then ∂M is also compact. Proof. Let M be a compact topological manifold. We want to show that ∂M is also compact. We first claim that ∂M is closed, or equivalently that M \ ∂M is open. But the openness statement follows immediately from the definition of ∂M and from the observation that having a chart of type (i) is an open condition. We now see that ∂M is a closed subset of the compact topological space M. It follows from Lemma 1.1 that M itself is compact.  We recall a few more definitions from Analysis IV. Definition. (1) A map f : M → N between manifolds is called smooth if for any chart Φ of M and any chart Ψ of N, in the respective atlases, the concatenation Ψ ◦ f ◦ Φ−1 is smooth.35 (2) We say a map f : M → N between manifolds is a diffeomorphism if f is smooth, if f is a bijection and if f −1 : N → M is also smooth. Now we return to group actions since these are one of the best ways to construct new topological spaces and manifolds. Definition. Let X be a topological space and let G be a group that acts on X. (1) We say that G acts properly if for every two points x and y in X there exist open neighborhoods U of x and V of y such that the set {g ∈ G | gU ∩ V ≠ ∅} is finite.36 (2) If X is a manifold, then we say that the action is smooth if for any g ∈ G the map X → X x 7→ g · x is smooth. Definition. The group actions (1), (2) and (3) on page 18 are proper and smooth. Whereas group action (4) is smooth, but not proper. The following proposition is the combination of Satz 18.11 and Satz 19.2 from Analy- sis IV. Proposition 1.22. Let G be a group that acts freely, properly and continuously on a (closed) n-dimensional topological manifold M. Then the following hold:

35If M is m-dimensional and if N is n-dimensional, then the map Ψ ◦ f ◦ Φ−1 is a map from an open m n subset of R or from an open subset of {(x1, . . . , xm) | xm ≥ 0} to R , hence the notion of smooth makes sense for such a map. 36In particular, any action by a finite group is proper. 36 STEFAN FRIEDL

(1) the quotient space M/G is also a (closed) n-dimensional topological manifold, (2) furthermore, if M is a manifold and if G acts in fact smoothly, then M/G admits a smooth atlas such that the projection map p: M → M/G is a local diffeomorphism. Example. The action Zn × Rn → Rn (z, v) 7→ z + v is free, proper and smooth. It follows from Proposition 1.22 that Rn/Zn is an n-dimensional manifold. Similarly one can now show that the M¨obiusband (R × [−1, 1])/Z is a 2-dimen- sional manifold such that the boundary is diffeomorphic to S1. Furthermore one can easily show that the real projective space RPn = Sn/{1} is an n-dimensional manifold. 1.9. The classification of 1-dimensional manifolds. One of the goals of topology is to completely classify suitable classes of topological spaces. For example one could try to classify all connected topological manifolds of a given dimension. The following proposition gives a complete classification in the 1-dimensional case. Proposition 1.23. Let M be a connected 1-dimensional topological manifold. Then the homeomorphism type of M is given by the following table37 without boundary with boundary compact the circle S1 the closed interval [0, 1] non-compact the open interval (0, 1) the half-open interval [0, 1). Note that the adjectives “Hausdorff” and “second-countable” in the definition of a topo- logical manifold are both necessary: (1) The line with two zeros satisfies all axioms of a manifold except for the Hausdorff .38 (2) If one drops the condition that a topological manifold has to be second-countable, then there is one more example of a connected 1-dimensional topological manifold, namely the “long line”, see [G] and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_line_(topology) Proposition 1.23 is proved in [G]. In the following we only deal with the case that M is closed. Put differently, we prove the following proposition. Proposition 1.24. Let M be a compact connected closed 1-dimensional topological mani- fold. Then M is homeomorphic to S1.39 In the proof of Proposition 1.24 we will need the following lemma.

37Why is the half-open interval [0, 1) not homeomorphic to the open interval (0, 1)? 38Does there exist a compact topological space that also satisfies all axioms of a closed manifold except for the Hausdorff axiom? 39The proof of Proposition 1.24 is not an official part of the course. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 37

Lemma 1.25. Let M be a 1-dimensional topological manifold and let Φ: U → (−2, 2) be a chart. Let [a, b] ⊂ (−2, −2) be a compact interval. Then Φ−1([a, b]) is a closed subset of M. Proof. Since Φ is a homeomorphism the map Φ−1 :(−2, 2) → U is also continuous. Since [a, b] is compact it follows from Lemma 1.2 that Φ−1([a, b]) is also compact. But any compact subspace of a Hausdorff space is closed.40 But M is a topological manifold, in particular M is Hausdorff. Therefore Φ−1([a, b]) is a closed subset of M.  Definition. Let M be a 1-dimensional topological manifold. (1) A c-parametrization for M is a homeomorphism Ψ: [−1, 1] → C from the compact interval [−1, 1] to a closed subset C of M. We say the c-parametrization is open if Ψ((−1, 1)) is an open subset of M. (2) We say that two c-parametrizations Ψ and Ψ′ are almost disjoint if Ψ((−1, 1)) ∩ Ψ′((−1, 1)) = ∅.

(3) A c-atlas is a family of c-parametrizations {Ψi :[−1, 1] → Ci}i∈I such that the union of the Ci’s equals M. We call the c-atlas open if all c-parametrizations in the c-atlas are open. We say the c-atlas almost disjoint if all c-parametrizations in the c-atlas are almost-disjoint. Using Lemma 1.25 one can prove the following lemma that is illustrated in Figure 23. We leave the proof as a voluntary exercise.

Lemma 1.26. Let M be a 1-dimensional topological manifold and let Ψ1 :[−1, 1] → C1 and Ψ2 :[−1, 1] → C2 be two open c-parametrizations such that C1 ∩ C2 is non-empty but such that C2 is not contained in C1. Then − \ −1 − [ 1, 1] Ψ1 (Ψ2(( 1, 1)) = [a, b] for some −1 ≤ a < b ≤ 1.

M Ψ2((−1, 1))

C1 Ψ1 Ψ2 −1 1 −1 1

−1 − a b Ψ1 (Ψ2(( 1, 1)))

Figure 23. Illustration of Lemma 1.26.

Now we can provide the proof of Proposition 1.24.

40This statement is Satz 1.12 from Analysis IV. 38 STEFAN FRIEDL

Proof of Proposition 1.24. Let M be a compact connected closed 1-dimensional topological manifold. We start out with the following claim.

Claim. There exists a finite open almost-disjoint c-atlas Ψi :[−1, 1] → Ci with i = 1, . . . , k.

Since M is assumed to be closed there exists for each P ∈ M a chart ΦP : UP → (−2, 2) −1 − 41 of type (i) such that ΦP (P ) = 0. The open sets ΦP (( 1, 1)) are an open covering of M. Since M is compact there exist P ,...,P such that the open sets Φ−1((−1, 1)), i = 1, . . . , k 1 k Pi are an open covering of M. It follows that the union of the sets C := Φ−1([−1, 1]), i Pi i = 1, . . . , k is also all of M. It follows from Lemma 1.25 that each Ci is a closed subset of M. For i = 1, . . . , k we now consider the homeomorphism Ψi that is given by ( ∼ | −1 − −→= Ψi := ΦPi Ci ) :[ 1, 1] Ci. By the above discussion these are open c-parametrizations. After possibly removing some c-parametrizations we can assume that no Ci is contained in any other Cj. We now make the following modifications to our c-atlas. If for some i < j we have Ψi((−1, 1)) ∩ Ψj((−1, 1)) ≠ ∅, then it follows from Lemma 1.26 that − \ −1 − [ 1, 1] Ψi (Ψj(( 1, 1)) = [a, b] for some −1 ≤ a < b ≤ 1. We now replace Ψi by the map linear homeomorphism [−1, 1] −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ [a, b] −→Ψi M. Repeating this process we obtain strongly open c-parametrizations that are furthermore almost-disjoint. This concludes the proof of the claim. We say that a c-atlas is simple if given any P ∈ M there exist at most two c-parametriza- tions that contain P . Claim. Any almost-disjoint open c-atlas is simple. This follows from the fact that any point P on a 1-dimensional topological manifold has the property, that given any open neighborhood U there exists an open neighborhood V of x, contained in U, such that V \{P } contains precisely two components. If a point P ∈ M is contained in k c-parametrizations of an open almost-disjoint c-atlas, then one can easily show that P admits an open neighborhood U such that for any open neighborhood V of P contained in U the set V \{P } has at least k components. This concludes the proof of the claim. Now let Ψi : Ci → [−1, 1] and Ψj : Cj → [−1, 1] be two c-parametrizations of our c-atlas such that Ci ∩Cj consists of a single point. Since the c-parametrizations are almost disjoint

41Here we use implicitly the following fact: if U is open in M, and if V is open in U, then V is also open in M. Why is that? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 39 we have Ci ∩ Cj ⊂ Ψi({1}) and Ci ∩ Cj ⊂ Ψj({1}). After possibly replacing Ψi(t) by Ψi(−t) and/or Ψj(t) by Ψj(−t) we can assume that Ψi(1) = Ψj(−1). We consider the map − → ∪ Ψ:[ 1, 1] {C1 C2 Ψi(2x + 1), if x ∈ [−1, 0], x 7→ Ψj(2x − 1), if x ∈ [0, 1]. It is straightforward to verify that Ψ is a bijection and continuous. It follows from Propo- sition 1.3 that Ψ is in fact a homeomorphism.42 By iteratively applying the procedure from the previous claim to our c-atlas we obtain a 43 finite almost-disjoint simple c-atlas Ψi : Ci → [−1, 1], i = 1, . . . , k such that for any i ≠ j either Ci ∩ Cj is empty or it consists of two points. Now pick a c-parametrization Ψi :[−1, 1] → Ci from the c-atlas. Since M is closed and 44 since [−1, 1] is not closed we see that Ψi is not a homeomorphism, in particular Ci ≠ M. 45 Since M is connected there exists another c-parametrization Ψj :[−1, 1] → Cj such that Ci ∩ Cj ≠ ∅. By our choice of c-atlas the set Ci ∩ Cj consists of two points. After possibly replacing Ψi(t) by Ψi(−t) we can assume that Ψi(1) = Ψj(−1) and Ψi(−1) = Ψi(1). We consider the map − − ∼ → ∪ Ψ:[ 1, 1]/ 1 1 C{i Cj Ψi(2x + 1), if x ∈ [−1, 0], x 7→ Ψj(2x − 1), if x ∈ [0, 1]. It is straightforward to verify that ψ is a bijection46 and continuous.47 It follows from Proposition 1.3 that Ψ is in fact a homeomorphism.

Ψ M ∼ i     =        C   i       −1 0 1

Ψj Cj

Figure 24.

1 Thus we have found a homeomorphism from [−1, 1]/−1 ∼ 1 = S to C1 ∪C2. It remains to prove the following claim.

42 Here we use that M is Hausdorff, hence the subset Ci ∪ Cj is also Hausdorff. 43Note that we no longer claim that the resulting c-atlas is open. 44Careful reading shows that here we make use of the fact that a half-open interval is not homeomorphic to an open interval. 45Why does this follow from connectedness? 46Here we use that we identify −1 and 1 on the left hand side. 47 It is continuous at [−1] = [1] since Ψi(−1) = Ψj(1). 40 STEFAN FRIEDL

Claim. We have Ci ∪ Cj = M. The c-atlas we work with is simple and almost-disjoint. Since Ψ (1) = Ψ (∓1) it follows i j ∪ that Ci and Cj did not intersect any other Ck. This shows that Ci ∪ Cj and Ck are k≠ i,j disjoint. Since both are closed and since M is connected and since Ci ∪ Cj is non-empty it follows that M = Ci ∪ Cj.  If we consider manifolds instead of topological manifolds and diffeomorphisms instead of homeomorphism we get the same answer. More precisely the following proposition holds. Proposition 1.27. Let M be a connected 1-dimensional manifold. Then the diffeomor- phism type of M is given by the following table without boundary with boundary compact the circle S1 the closed interval [0, 1] non-compact the open interval (0, 1) the half-open interval [0, 1). If M has no boundary, then this proposition is proved in the appendix of [Mi2]. The case of manifolds with boundary can be reduced to the case of manifolds without boundary by first considering the interior of the manifold.

1.10. Orientations of manifolds. In this section we recall the definition of an orientation on a manifold that we had already given in Analysis IV. Definition. Let V be a real vector space of dimension k ≥ 1 (1) We say that two bases of V are equivalent if the determinant of the base change matrix is positive. (2) An equivalence class of bases is called an orientation for V . An oriented vector space is a vector space together with an orientation. (3) Let (V, O) be an oriented vector space. We say {v1, . . . , vk} is a positive basis, if {v1, . . . , vk} lies in O, otherwise we say that it is a negative basis. Remark. (1) It is straightforward to see that any real vector space of dimension ≥ 1 admits precisely two orientations. Given an orientation O for some vector space V we denote by −O the other orientation. (2) We always view Rn as equipped with the orientation such that the canonical basis {e1, . . . , en} is a positive basis. Definition. Let V and W be oriented vector spaces. We say an isomorphism Φ: V → W is orientation-preserving if the image of a positive basis of V is a positive basis of W . Otherwise we say that Φ is orientation-reversing. Definition. Let M be a k-dimensional manifold with k ≥ 1. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 41

48 (1) A pre-orientation for M is a map which assigns to each tangent space TP M an orientation. (2) We say a pre-orientation is continuous with respect to a chart Φ: U → V 49 if for any ′ k connected component U of U the map Φ∗ : TP M = TP U → TΦ(P )V = R is either orientation-preserving for all P ∈ U ′ or it is orientation-reversing for all P ∈ U ′. (3) We say a pre-orientation is an orientation if it is continuous with respect to every chart.50 (4) A manifold together with an orientation is called an oriented manifold. (5) A manifold that admits an orientation is called orientable, otherwise we say that the manifold is non-orientable. It is relatively straightforward to show that the spheres Sn, the n-dimensional torus (S1)n and all surfaces of genus g ≥ 0 are orientable. On the other hand, in Lemma 9.16 of Analysis IV we had shown that the M¨obiusband is not orientable. In Figures 25 and 26 we see that the Klein bottle and the RP2 contain the M¨obiusband as a submanifold of codimension 0. It follows that these two manifolds are not orientable either.51 Convention. In the following we will always view Sn as an oriented manifold with the n 1 convention that a basis v1, . . . , vn ∈ TP (S ) is positive if det(P, v1, . . . , vn) > 0. For S we obtain the “counterclockwise orientation”.

                                                                                                      Klein bottle M¨obiusband

Figure 25. The M¨obiusband is a submanifold of the Klein bottle.

The following proposition is now a refinement of Proposition 1.22. We leave the proof as an exercise to the reader.

48We do not recall the definition of the tangent space of a manifold. This definition was for example n given in Analysis IV. If M is a submanifold of R , then TP M is essentially the same as the usual tangent space of a submanifold. 49As usual we mean any chart in the given atlas of the manifold M. 50As we had shown in Analysis IV, it suffices to show continuity for some family of charts that cover M. We do not need to verify it for all charts in the given atlas. 51In fact in Figure 26 we show the slightly more precise statement, that if we remove an open from RP2, then we obtain a manifold that is diffeomorphic to the M¨obiusband. We will make use of this fact later on. 42 STEFAN FRIEDL

                                 2 ∼  ∼      ∼  ∼    get    S / =  =  =                                          RP2 remove this open disk from RP2 M¨obiusband

Figure 26. The M¨obiusband is a submanifold of RP2.

Proposition 1.28. Let G be a group that acts freely, properly and smoothly on an oriented n-dimensional manifold M. If for each g ∈ G the map M → M P 7→ g · P is orientation-preserving, then M/G admits an orientation such that the projection map p: M → M/G is orientation-preserving. Example. The action of G = {1} on Sn is orientation-preserving if and only if n is odd. It follows from Proposition 1.28 that for n odd the manifold RPn = Sn/  1 is orientable. We had just seen that RP2 is not orientable. We conclude this section with the following question. Question 1.29. Is RP2n orientable for n ≥ 2? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 43

2. Differential topology is the study of manifolds and their submanifolds viewed as topolog- ical spaces. In this section we will state, without proof but with precise references, some technical results which later on will make our life much easier.

2.1. The Tubular Neighborhood Theorem. Definition. A map φ: N → M between two manifolds is called an if the following conditions are satisfied: (1) φ: N → φ(N) is a homeomorphism,5253 (2) φ is smooth, (3) for each P ∈ N the induced map φ∗ : TP N → Tφ(P )M is a monomorphism.

φ ψ N N

φ is an embedding ψ is not an embedding since φ: N → φ(N) is not a homeomorphism

Figure 27.

The following proposition is proved in [Le2, Proposition 5.2]. We had proved a very similar statement as Satz 11.1 in Analysis II. Proposition 2.1. Let φ: N → M be an embedding of an n-dimensional manifold N into a manifold M. Then φ(N) is an n-dimensional submanifold of M. The following theorem is a key technical tool in the study of manifolds. Theorem 2.2. (Tubular Neighborhood Theorem) Let M be an orientable m-dimen- sional manifold and let N be a 1-dimensional submanifold. Then there exists an embedding m−1 F : N × B → M such that F (P, 0) = P for all P ∈ N. Furthermore, if M and N are oriented, then we can find such F that is furthermore orientation-preserving.5455

52Hereby φ(N) ⊂ M is endowed with the subspace topology. 53If N is compact it follows from Proposition 1.3 that it suffices to verify that φ is injective and continuous. m−1 m−1 54Hereby we view B ⊂ Rm−1 as an oriented manifold in the usual way and we endow N × B with the product orientation. 55Does the conclusion of the theorem also hold if M is not assumed to be oriented? 44 STEFAN FRIEDL

Example. The map S1 → S1 × S1 z 7→ (z, 1) is an embedding. The map S1 × [−1, 1] → S1 × S1 (z, t) 7→ (z, eit) has all the desired properties of the Tubular Neighborhood Theorem. This map is also illustrated in Figure 28.

1 N × B = N × [−1, 1]





















 torus M submanifold N tubular neighborhood for N

Figure 28. Illustration of the Tubular Neighborhood Theorem.

We will not prove the theorem, we refer to [Le2, Theorem 6.24] or alternatively to [K, Section III.2] and [Br, Theorem II.11.4] for a proof. In the following we often refer to m−1 F (N × B ) as a tubular neighborhood of N. Before we can discuss to what degree the tubular neighborhood is unique we need to introduce one more definition. Definition. Let M be a manifold and let W be another manifold. We say that two embed- dings F,G: W → M are smoothly isotopic, if there exists a smooth isotopy from F to G, i.e. a smooth map H : W × [0, 1] → M (z, t) 7→ H(z, t) such that the following hold: (1) We have H(P, 0) = F (P ) and H(P, 1) = G(P ) for all P ∈ W , (2) for each t ∈ [0, 1] the map W → M given by P 7→ H(P, t) is an embedding. Now we can formulate the following proposition that is proved in [K, Corollary III.3.2]. Proposition 2.3. Let M be an m-dimensional manifold and let N be a 1-dimensional m−1 submanifold of M. Then any two F,G: N × B → M \ ∂M such that F (P, 0) = G(P, 0) = P for all P ∈ N are isotopic. The following proposition can also be proved using the methods of [K, Section III.2]. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 45

M M W W      F  F                        G  G            image of the isotopy image of the isotopy

Figure 29. Illustration of isotopic maps.

Theorem 2.4. (Extension Theorem) Let f : N → M be an embedding of a manifold with boundary into a manifold M such that f(N) ⊂ M \ ∂M. Then there exists an embedding56 ( ) f : N ⊔ (∂N × [0, 1]) /∂N=∂N×0 → M which restricts to the original f on N and such that the image lies in M \ ∂M.

N M    N   M   





 f    f  


                       ∂N × [0, 1)

Figure 30. Illustration of the Extension Theorem.

We also have the following proposition which is at times quite useful. Proposition 2.5. Let M be a connected manifold. Then given any two points P and Q in M \ ∂M there exists a diffeomorphism Φ: M → M with Φ(P ) = Q. Sketch of the proof. This proposition is a typical example of a statement that is easy to visualize, but where it is quite tricky to write down a rigorous proof. Therefore we just give a sketch of the proof. A complete proof is given on page 22 of [Mi2]. So let P and Q be two different points on an n-dimensional manifold M. Since M is connected it follows from Lemma 1.19 that there exists a path γ : [0, 1] → M with γ(0) = P and γ(1) = Q. With some more effort one can show that γ : [0, 1] → M can be chosen to be an embedding. It follows from the Extension Theorem 2.4 that there exists an embedding57 f :[−1, 2] → M ( ) 56 The space N ⊔ (∂N × [0, 1]) /∂N=∂N×0 is hereby meant to be the space (N ⊔ (∂N × [0, 1]))/ ∼ where P ∈ ∂N is equivalent to P × {0} on ∂N × [0, 1]. 57Here [−1, 2] is the result of attaching the interval [0, 1] to the boundary points 0 and 1 of N = [0, 1], i.e. we extend N = [0, 1] by adding the interval [0, 1] to “the left and the right” and we obtain [−1, 2]. 46 STEFAN FRIEDL such that f(t) = γ(t) for t ∈ [0, 1] and it follows from the Tubular Neighborhood Theo- rem 2.2 that there exists in fact an embedding n−1 f :[−1, 2] × B → M such that f(t, 0) = γ(t) for t ∈ [0, 1]. It is relatively straightforward to show that there exists a diffeomorphism n−1 n−1 Ψ:[−1, 2] × B → [−1, 2] × B n−1 such that Ψ = id on a neighborhood of the boundary of [−1, 2] × B and such that furthermore Ψ(0, 0) = (1, 0). Then the map Φ: M → {M ( n−1) P, if P ̸∈ f [−1, 2] × B , P 7→ ( n−1) f(Ψ(f −1(P ))), if P ∈ f [−1, 2] × B has the desired properties. 

n−1 Φ = id outside of the tube f([−1, 2] × B )       Q      P                                          γ     on the tube  M Φ = f ◦ Ψ ◦ f −1 f f

            Ψ               0  0                −1 0 1 2 −1 0 1 2

Figure 31. Sketch for the proof of Proposition 2.5

We conclude this section with the formulation of the Collar Neighborhood Theorem. The statement is similar in flavor to the Tubular Neighborhood Theorem 2.2 and the Extension Theorem 2.4. Definition. Let M be a manifold. A collar neighborhood of ∂M is defined as the image of an embedding f : ∂M × [0, 1) → M that is the identity map on ∂M × {0} = ∂M. Now we can state the Collar Neighborhood Theorem [Le2, Theorem 9.25]. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 47

2 M = B  M                                           



   f f 


                                                       collar neighborhood for ∂M = S1 collar neighborhood for ∂M

Figure 32.

Theorem 2.6. (Collar Neighborhood Theorem) The boundary of any manifold M has a collar neighborhood. 2.2. The connected sum operation. We introduce one last way to produce more ex- amples of manifolds and topological spaces, out of given manifolds. Definition. Let M and M ′ be oriented two n-dimensional manifolds and furthermore let n n φ: B → M \∂M and φ′ : B → M ′ \∂M ′ be embeddings where φ is orientation-preserving and φ′ is orientation-reversing. We define the connected sum M and M ′ as ( ( )) ( ( )) { } M#M ′ := M \ φ Bn ⊔ M ′ \ φ′ Bn / φ(P ) = φ′(P ) P ∈ Sn−1 . Remark. The connected sum is defined for two oriented n-dimensional manifolds. In general the definition does depend on the choice of orientation. More precisely, there exist oriented n-dimensional manifolds M and M ′ such that M#M ′ is not diffeomorphic (in fact not even homeomorphic) to M#(−M ′), where −M ′ denotes as usual the manifold M ′ with the opposite orientation. We will see such examples later on in Algebraic Topology II. Proposition 2.7. Let M and M ′ be two oriented n-dimensional manifolds. n n (1) For any choice of embeddings58 φ: B → M \ ∂M and φ′ : B → M ′ \ ∂M ′ the resulting connected sum M#M ′ is an n-dimensional manifold. (2) If M and M ′ are connected, then the diffeomorphism type of M#M ′ does not depend on the choice of φ and φ′. Proof. (1) By the Extension Theorem 2.4 we can extend the embeddings φ and φ′ to embeddings n n Φ: 2B → M \ ∂M and Φ′ : 2B → M ′ \ ∂M ′.59 We need to find an atlas for M#M ′. ( n) ( n) For points in M \ φ B and M ′ \ φ′ B we take the restrictions of the charts of M and M ′ to these open subsets. Now let x ∈ φ(Sn−1) = φ′(Sn−1). We pick a chart Γ: U → V ⊂ Rn−1 for φ−1(x) ∈ Sn−1 on the (n − 1)-dimensional manifold Sn−1. We

58Of course we demand that φ is orientation-preserving and that φ′ is orientation-reversing. n n 59Here we use that adding ∂B × [0, 1] to B along the boundary gives the closed ball of radius 2. 48 STEFAN FRIEDL

consider the map ( ) ( ) ′ − Φ U×[1, 2) ∪ Φ U×[1, 2) → {D × (−1, 1) ⊂ Rn 1 × R = Rn (Γ(Q), 1 − t), if P = Φ(Q, t), with Q ∈ U t ∈ [1, 2), P 7→ (Γ(Q), t − 1), if P = Φ′(Q, t), with Q ∈ U, t ∈ [1, 2). It is straightforward to verify that this map is well-defined and a homeomorphism and that these charts, together with the other charts form a smooth atlas for M#M ′. (2) The second statement is harder to prove. One needs the following result of Richard n Palais [Pa1]: given any two orientation-preserving embeddings φ: B → M \ ∂M and n ψ : B → M \ ∂M into a connected manifold there exists an orientation-preserving diffeomorphism f : M → M with φ = f ◦ ψ. We leave the details to the reader.  Example. (1) The connected sum of an n-dimensional manifold with Sn is diffeomorphic to M. (2) Slightly informally the connected sum of two oriented manifolds M and M ′ can be described as follows: we remove an open ball from each manifold and then glue M and M ′ together, along the boundary spheres that we had just created, in such a way that the orientations of the boundaries are opposite. In Figure 33 we sketch that the connected sum of two tori is the surface of genus two.60

                                                                        2 M image of B M ′ M#M ′

Figure 33.

2.3. Knots and their complements. Before we introduce knots we recall several dif- ferent ways how we can describe the 3-sphere S3. More precisely, by definition and the discussion on page 11 we have { } { } ∼ S3 = (z, w) ∈ C |w|2 + |z|2 = 1 = (w, x, y, z) w2 + x2 + y2 + z2 = 1 = R3 ∪ {∞}. ↑ via stereographic projection We will go back and forth between these models without mentioning these maps. In particular we will always view R3 as a subset of S3 = R3 ∪ {∞}.

60The picture should be pretty convincing, but it would be fairly painful to try to prove the statement rigorously using the official definition of the surface of genus 2 as the quotient of an octagon. This is a typical example where one is quite content to work with a convincing picture instead of providing a rigorous, but much less instructive argument. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 49

Definition. A knot is a 1-dimensional submanifold of S3 = R3 ∪ {∞} that is diffeomorphic to S1. We say that the knot is oriented if it is oriented as a 1-dimensional manifold. Remark. (1) It follows from Proposition 2.1 that a subset of S3 is a knot if and only if it is the image of an embedding S1 → S3.61 (2) The definition of a knot is supposed to model the “physical objects” that we have in mind and that are sketched in Figure 34. It is therefore perhaps at first not clear why we consider knots in S3 = R3 ∪ {∞} instead of knots in R3. The reason is that topologists prefer, if possible, to work with compact spaces. In particular the S3 = R3 ∪{∞} is often strongly preferable to the non-compact space R3. In Figure 34 we give three examples of knots. More precisely, we show 1-dimensional submanifolds of R3 that we view as 1-dimensional submanifolds of R3 ∪ {∞} = S3.62 We

trivial knot the trefoil figure-8 knot

Figure 34. The trivial knot, the trefoil knot and the figure-8 knot. now want to say that two knots are equivalent if one can be “deformed” into the other. The following definition makes this idea precise. Definition. We say that two knots K and J are equivalent if there exists a smooth isotopy from K to J, i.e. a smooth map F : S1 × [0, 1] → S3 (z, t) 7→ F (z, t) such that the following hold: (1) We have F (S1 × {0}) = K and F (S1 × {1}) = J,

61To be more precise, the “if”-direction is a consequence of Proposition 2.1. On the other hand, if K ⊂ S3 is a knot, then by definition there exists a diffeomorphism φ: S1 → K ⊂ S3 and it follows easily from the definitions that the map φ viewed as a map from S1 → S3 is an embedding whose image is precisely K. 62In principle it is possible to give a precise description of these three knots. For example the trivial knot is defined as {(x, y, 0) | x2 +y2 = 1} ⊂ S3 = R3 ∪{∞}. Later on we will give a precise definition of the trefoil. It is also clear that one can give a precise description of the figure-8 knot, but this description would be painful to write down and it would not add to our understanding. We therefore stick with the picture, with the understanding, that if somebody was challenging us, we could write down a precise descriptions in coordinates. But it is considered very impolite to challenge a topologist to give a rigorous description. 50 STEFAN FRIEDL

(2) for each t ∈ [0, 1] the map S1 → S3 given by z 7→ F (z, t) is an embedding. If K and J are in fact oriented knots, then we also want the following condition to be satisfied: (3) the maps S1 → K S1 → J and z 7→ F (z, 0) z 7→ F (z, 1) are both orientation preserving.63 Remark. A smooth isotopy F from a knot K to a knot J consists of a “smooth” family F (S1, s) of knots with parameter s ∈ [0, 1]. For example the three knots shown in Figure 35 are equivalent. Usually we do not distinguish two knots if they are equivalent. For example, any knot that is equivalent to a trivial knot is called trivial knot.

Figure 35. The three knots are equivalent.

Playing around with pictures for some time shows that it might be quite difficult to show that the trefoil is equivalent to the trivial knot. This arouses the suspicion, that the trefoil is in fact not equivalent to the trivial knot. This raises the following question. Question 2.8. How can we show that the trefoil is not the trivial knot? The following proposition allows us to turn this question into the question, whether two topological spaces are homeomorphic. Proposition 2.9. If K and J are two equivalent knots, then the knot complements S3 \ K and S3 \ J are diffeomorphic, in particular homeomorphic. Remark. In fact the converse to Proposition 2.9 also holds. If K and J are two knots such that the knot complements S3 \ K and S3 \ J are diffeomorphic, then K and J are equivalent. One might think that this should be quite straightforward to show, but it turns out to be surprisingly difficult. A proof was given only in 1989 by Cameron Gordon and John Luecke [GL]. The proof builds on the work of William Thurston for which he got the fields medals in 1982.

63Recall that on page 41 we said that we always view S1 as an oriented manifold, where the orientation is the “counterclockwise orientation”. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 51

Proof. Let F : S1 × [0, 1] → S3 (z, t) 7→ F (z, t) be a smooth isotopy from a knot K to a knot J. By the Isotopy Extension Theorem, see [K, Theorem II.5.2] for the precise statement and the proof thereof, we can extend the smooth isotopy F to a smooth isotopy of S3. More precisely, there exists a smooth map G: S3 × [0, 1] → S3 (z, t) 7→ G(z, t) such that the following hold: (1) We have G(z, 0) = z for all z ∈ S3, in particular G(K × {0}) = K, (2) G(K × {1}) = J, and (3) for each t ∈ [0, 1] the map S3 → S3 given by z 7→ G(z, t) is a diffeomorphism. Then the map Φ: S3 → S3 z = G(z, 0) 7→ G(z, 1) is a diffeomorphism with Φ(K) = J. In particular the map Φ restricts to a diffeomorphism Φ: S3 \ K → S3 \ J.  We conclude this discussion of knots with a definition. Definition. Let K be an oriented knot in S3. By the Tubular Neighborhood Theorem 2.2 there exists an orientation-preserving embedding 2 F : K × B → S3 such that F (P, 0) = P for all P ∈ K. For any P ∈ K we refer to the oriented submanifold64 F ({P } × S1) as a meridian of K. It follows easily from Proposition 2.3 that any two meridians of a given knot K are smoothly isotopic in the knot complement S3 \ K. More casually speaking, a meridian is a curve which circles once around a knot where the orientation is given by the right-hand- rule, i.e. if the thumb points into the direction of the knot, then the fingers point into the direction of the meridian.

64It follows easily from Proposition 2.1 that F (P × S1) is indeed a submanifold. 52 STEFAN FRIEDL

( 2) oriented knot K tubular neighborhood F K × B

                                          meridian      ( ) P 2 × 1 F P × B F (P S )


3. How can we show that two topological spaces are not homeomorphic? In the previous two sections we collected many examples of topological spaces. In many cases it was relatively straightforward to see that two topological spaces are homeomorphic. For example we wrote down an explicit homeomorphism from Rn/Zn to (S1)n. Sometimes it is rather painful to explicitly write down a homeomorphism, for example it was not particularly easy to find a homeomorphism from the open cube (0, 1)n to the open ball Bn = {x ∈ Rn | ∥x∥ < 1}. Nonetheless, if two topological spaces are homeomorphic, then usually one can write down an explicit homeomorphism. On the other hand, how can we tell that two topological spaces are not homeomorphic? There are a couple of trivial criteria: being compact, connected, Hausdorff are properties of topological spaces that are shared by homeomorphic topological spaces. This implies for example that the closed cube [0, 1]n is not homeomorphic to the open cube (0, 1)n, since the former topological space is compact and the latter is not. But these criteria are of no use when it comes to studying more subtle examples. For example they do not suffice to address the following questions: (1) Can surfaces with different genera be homeomorphic? 2 (2) Given k ∈ Z≥0 we denote by U the complement of k points in R . If k ≠ l, is it possible that Uk and Ul are homeomorphic? (3) Is the complement of the trefoil homeomorphic to the complement of the trivial knot? In each case we suspect that the answer is no. Certainly we do not succeed in finding a homeomorphism, but how can we show that this is not due to lack of imagination, but that there is indeed no homeomorphism? In Analysis III and IV we had seen two tools which appear to be useful. We first recall the relevant result from Analysis IV. In Analysis IV we associated to each manifold M and ∈ Z k each k ≥0 the de Rham group HdR(M). We showed that two diffeomorphic manifolds have isomorphic groups. We used de Rham cohomology groups to show that the 2-dimensional sphere S2 is not diffeomorphic to the torus S1 ×S1.65 This approach has several disadvantages: (1) the de Rham cohomology groups are only defined for manifolds, (2) the de Rham cohomology groups can only be used to show that two manifolds are not diffeomorphic, a priori they cannot be used to show that two manifolds are not homeomorphic, (3) as of right now we have few tools to compute de Rham cohomology groups. In Algebraic Topology III we will fix all these problems. In Algebraic Topology I we will instead try to revive some of the ideas of Analysis III. (1) In Analysis III, given a subset U of C, we had defined a path in U to be a map γ :[a, b] → U. If γ(a) = γ(b), then we say that γ is a loop.

65In fact we used a little trick: we showed really that S2 \{P } cannot be diffeomorphic to S1 ×S1 \{Q}, 1 2 \{ } 1 1 × 1 \{ } ̸ since for the former we have HdR(S P ) = 0 whereas for the latter we have HdR(S S Q ) = 0. 54 STEFAN FRIEDL

(2) Two paths γ0, γ1 :[a, b] → U with the same starting point P := γ0(a) = γ1(a) and the same endpoint Q := γ0(b) = γ1(b) are called homotopic in U, if there exists a map Γ:[a, b] × [0, 1] → U (t, s) 7→ Γ(t, s), with the following properties (a) for every t ∈ [a, b] we have

Γ(t, 0) = γ0(t) and Γ(t, 1) = γ1(t), (b) for every s ∈ [0, 1] we have Γ(a, s) = P and Γ(b, s) = Q. Put differently, a homotopy between two paths consists of a “continuous” family of paths {Γ(−, s)}s∈[0,1] from P to Q which interpolates between the paths γ0 and γ1. In Figure 37 we illustrate a homotopy between two paths. (3) A loop γ :[a, b] → U is called null-homotopic if it is homotopic to the constant path given by δ(t) := γ(a) for all t ∈ [a, b]. (4) We say U is simply connected if each loop is null-homotopic.

a b γ0(t)  Q

γ1(t) P

  γ0(t) = Γ(t, 0)    Γ     Q    ×  [a, b] [0, 1] P γ1(t) = Γ(t, 1)

Figure 37. Schematic image of a homotopy Γ between two paths γ0 and γ1 from P to Q.

Example. In Analysis III we had already seen that any loop in R2 = C is null-homotopic. Indeed, we let γ : [0, 1] → C be a loop with starting and endpoint P . Then Γ:[a, b] × [0, 1] → Rn (t, s) 7→ γ(t) · (1 − s) + P · s is a homotopy between the loop γ and the constant path at P . The fact that every loop in C is null-homotopic is illustrated in Figure 38. We now recall the following definition from Analysis III. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 55

   P  P γ path in C homotopy from γ to a constant path

Figure 38.

Definition. Let U ⊂ C be an open subset, let f : U → C be a holomorphic function and let γ :[a, b] → U be a continuously differentiable path.66 The path-integral of f along γ is defined as ∫ t∫=b f(z) dz := f(γ(t)) · γ′(t) dt ∈ C. γ t=a Examples. C \{ } 1 → C \{ } (1) Let U = 0 , let f(z) = z and let γ : [0, 1] 0 be the loop given by γ(t) = e2πit, i.e. γ is a loop that “goes once around the origin”. Then ∫ t∫=1 t∫=1 · ′ 1 · 2πit · f(z) dz := f(γ(t)) γ (t) dt = e2πit e 2πi dt = 2πi. γ t=0 t=0 (2) If γ is a constant path, then γ′(t) ≡ 0. This shows that the path-integral along a constant path is zero. The following proposition is Satz 10.2 from Analysis III. Proposition 3.1. Let U ⊂ C be an open subset, let f : U → C be a holomorphic function and let γ, δ :[a, b] → U be two continuously differentiable paths. If γ and δ are homotopic, then ∫ ∫ f(z) dz = f(z) dz. γ δ The following corollary is a consequence of Proposition 3.1 and of the above calculations. Corollary 3.2. The loop γ : [0, 1] → C \{0} given by γ(t) = e2πit is not homotopic to a constant path, i.e. γ is not null-homotopic. If two subsets of C are homeomorphic, then evidently either both are simply connected or none is. From Corollary 3.2 it now follows that R2 = C and R2 \{(0, 0)} = C \{0} are not homeomorphic. This second approach to showing that two topological spaces are different also has several disadvantages: (1) A priori these notions are defined only for subsets of C,

66A path γ :[a, b] → U is called continuously differentiable if it is differentiable, if its derivative γ′ is continuous on (a, b) and if the derivative extends to a continuous map on the interval [a, b]. 56 STEFAN FRIEDL

      C \{ }  U = 0 


  2πit   the loop γ(t) = e cannot be homotoped       C \{ }  in 0 to a constant path  

Figure 39.

(2) this approach does not allow us to show that the two subsets U = C \{0} and V = C \{0, 1} are not homeomorphic, since neither is simply connected. The first objection is of course easy to rectify, since the definitions make sense for any topological space. But if we work with more general situations a new problem arises: how can we show, without using complex analysis, that a topological space is not simply connected? In the following chapters we will address all these issues. In particular, when it comes to distinguishing U = C \{0} and V = C \{0, 1}, then naively we would say that V has “more” loops that are not null-homotopic than U. In the subsequent chapter we will in particular make precise what “more” means. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 57

4. The fundamental group 4.1. Homotopy classes of paths. In this section we extend some of the ideas and notions about paths that we had already introduced in Analysis III to the more general setting of paths in topological spaces. Definition. Let X be a topological space. (1) A path in X is a67 map γ :[a, b] → X. We call γ(a) the starting point of γ and we call γ(b) the endpoint of γ. Often we say that γ is a path from γ(a) to γ(b). (2) A loop is a path for which the starting point and the endpoint coincide. Convention. In the following, if we do not specify the domain of a path or a loop, then it is understood to be [0, 1]. Definition. Let X be a topological space.

(1) Let γ0, γ1 :[a, b] → X be two paths with the same starting point P and the same endpoint Q.A homotopy between the paths γ0 and γ1 is a map Γ:[a, b] × [0, 1] → U (t, s) 7→ Γ(t, s), with the following properties (a) for every t ∈ [a, b] we have

Γ(t, 0) = γ0(t) and Γ(t, 1) = γ1(t), (b) for every s ∈ [0, 1] we have Γ(a, s) = P and Γ(b, s) = Q.

(2) If there exists a homotopy between two paths γ0 and γ1, then we say that γ0 and γ1 are homotopic, and we write γ0 ≃ γ1. (3) We say a loop γ :[a, b] → X is null-homotopic, if it is homotopic to the constant path given by γ(t) = γ(a) for all t ∈ [a, b]. Examples. n n (A) Let γ0, γ1 :[a, b] → R be two paths in R with same starting point and the same endpoint. Then Γ:[a, b] × [0, 1] → Rn (t, s) 7→ γ0(t) · (1 − s) + γ1(t) · s

is a homotopy between γ0 and γ1. We had already illustrated this fact in Figure 38. (B) Let X = C \{0} = R2 \{(0, 0)}. As we had just seen in Corollary 3.2, the path γ : [0, 1] → X t 7→ e2πit = (cos(2πt), sin(2πt)) is not null-homotopic in X.

67Recall that all maps are understood to be continuous, unless we say something else. 58 STEFAN FRIEDL

(C) Let Y = S1 × (0, 2) and consider the path γe: [0, 1] → Y = S1 × (0, 2) t 7→ (e2πit, 1). This path is not null-homotopic. This can be seen as follows: we consider the embedding Φ: Y = S1 × (0, 2) → X = C \{0} (z, t) 7→ z · t. If γe was null-homotopic in Y , then there would exist a homotopy

Fe : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → Y from γe to the constant path δe(t) := (1, 1), t ∈ [0, 1]. But then F := Φ ◦ Fe : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → X would be a homotopy in X = C \{0} from the path γ := Φ ◦ γe to the constant path δ := Φ ◦ δe. But γ = Φ ◦ γe is precisely the path γ from example (B) which we had shown not to be null-homotopic in X = C \{0}. (D) We consider the two loops in Figure 40. In both cases it is hard to see how these loops could possibly be homotopic to a constant path, but it is also difficult to find an argument why that should not be possible.68

                                     loop in C \ {1} loop in the complement of a knot

Figure 40.

(E) We consider the real projective space RP2. Here and throughout the lecture notes we make the identification69 ∼ 2 2 = 2 RP = S /P ∼−P −→ B / ∼ [(x, y, z)] 7→ [(x, y)]

68For example the given loop in C \{0, 1} is actually null-homotopic in C \{0} and it is null-homotopic in C \{1}. In particular our trick of using our results from Analysis III does not work in this case. 69More precisely, the given map is easily seen to be a homeomorphism and we use this homeomorphism 2 to go back and forth between RP2 = S2/ ∼ and B / ∼. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 59

2 2 where ∼ is the equivalence relation on B generated by P ∼ −P for P ∈ S1 = ∂B . Then 2 γ : [0, 1] → B / ∼ t 7→ (cos(πt), sin(πt)) is a loop, see Figure 41.70 But is it null-homotopic?

          0 1 γ            2 2   R ∼   P = B /   2   loop in RP 

Figure 41.

Remark. Let X be a topological space and let x0 ∈ X. The maps 1 {loops γ : [0, 1] → X with γ(0) = γ(1) = x0)} ⇔ {maps f : S → X with f(1) = x0} (γ : [0, 1] → X) 7→ (z = e2πit 7→ γ(t)) (t 7→ f(e2πit)) ←[ (f : S1 → X) 1 are evidently bijections. Thus we can think of loops in (X, x0) as maps from S to X that send 1 to x0. The following lemma will be proved in exercise sheet 3. It gives a useful criterion for a loop to be null-homotopic.

Lemma 4.1. Let X be a topological space and let x0 ∈ X. Let γ : [0, 1] → X be a loop with γ(0) = γ(1) = x0. We denote by φ: S1 → X z = e2πit 7→ γ(t) the corresponding map from S1 to X. Then γ is null-homotopic if and only if there exists 2 a map Φ: B → X so that Φ|S1 = φ.

   X    γ  φ                      0 1       x0   Φ

Figure 42. Illustration of Lemma 4.1. Before we continue with the examples we need to gather a few more elementary facts about homotopies of paths.

70Why is it a loop? 60 STEFAN FRIEDL

Lemma 4.2. Let X be a topological space and let x, y ∈ X. Then “homotopy” is an equivalence relation on the set of paths γ :[a, b] → X from x to y. Proof. In order to simplify the notation we only work with paths defined on the interval [0, 1]. We have to show that “homotopy” satisfies the three properties of an equivalence relation. Let α, β, γ : [0, 1] → X be three paths from x to y. (1) The “constant homotopy” given by Γ(t, s) := γ(t) defines a homotopy between γ and γ. (2) Let Γ be a homotopy from α to β. Then the map Γ′ defined by Γ′(t, s) := Γ(t, 1 − s) is a homotopy from β to α. (3) Let Γ be a homotopy from α to β and let ∆ be a homotopy from β to γ. Then the map × → [0, 1] [0, 1] {X [ ] Γ(t, 2s), if s ∈ 0, 1 , (t, s) 7→ ( 2 ] − ∈ 1 ∆(t, 2s 1), if s 2 , 1 is a homotopy from α to γ.71 This part of the proof is illustrated in Figure 43. 

α   homotopy Γ    homotopy between α and γ β homotopy ∆ γ

Figure 43.

Definition. Given a path f : [0, 1] → X in a topological space X we denote by [f] the equivalence class of f with respect to the equivalence relation which is given by homotopies. We call [f] the homotopy class of f. Definition. Let γ :[a, b] → X be a path in a topological space and let φ:[a, b] → [a, b] be a map72 with φ(a) = a and φ(b) = b. We refer to γ ◦ φ:[a, b] → X as a reparametrization of γ. The following lemma says that reparametrizing does not change the homotopy class of a path. Lemma 4.3. Let γ :[a, b] → X be a path in a topological space. If a path δ :[a, b] → X is obtained from γ by a reparametrization, then γ and δ are homotopic.

71It is straightforward to verify that the map is indeed continuous. 72Note that φ is not required to be a homeomorphism. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 61

Proof. Let γ :[a, b] → X be a path in a topological space and let φ:[a, b] → [a, b] be a map with φ(a) = a, φ(b) = b. Then a homotopy between γ and γ ◦ φ is given by73 P :[a, b] × [0, 1] → X (t, s) 7→ γ(t · s + φ(t) · (1 − s)). 

In Analysis III we had already seen that we can concatenate two paths if the endpoint of the first path agrees with the starting point of the second path. We use this observation to define the product of two paths. Definition. Let X be a topological space and let α:[a, b] → X and β :[c, d] → X be two paths with α(b) = β(c). We define the product of α and β as the path α ∗ β which is given by74 ∗ → α β : [0, 1] {X [ ] α(a + 2t(b − a)), if t ∈ 0, 1 t 7→ ( 2 ] − − ∈ 1 β(c + (2t 1)(d c)), if t 2 , 1 . The product of two paths is thus given by “first running along α” and then “running along β”. Hereby we reparametrized the path so that the domain of α ∗ β is [0, 1]. This convention might look slightly odd, but later on we will mostly work with paths that are defined on the interval [0, 1].

α β

        α ∗ β

Figure 44. Definition of the product of two paths.

The proof of the following lemma is elementary and is left as an exercise. The statement of the lemma is illustrated in Figure 45. Lemma 4.4. Let α, α′ :[a, b] → X and β, β′ :[c, d] → X be two sets of paths in a topological space X such that α(b) = α′(b) = β(c) = β′(c). Then α ≃ α′ and β ≃ β′ =⇒ α ∗ β ≃ α′ ∗ β′. Put differently, if [α] = [α′] and [β] = [β′], then [α ∗ β] = [α′ ∗ β′].

73Where do we actually use the hypothesis that φ(a) = a and φ(b) = b? 74Again it is straightforward to see that our hypothesis α(b) = β(c) implies that α ∗ β : [0, 1] → X is a continuous map. 62 STEFAN FRIEDL

α β α ∗ β              ′ α′ β α′ ∗ β′ α is homotopic to α′ ∗ ′ ∗ ′ and β is homotopic to β′ then α β is homotopic to α β

Figure 45. Illustration of Lemma 4.4.

Definition. Let [α] and [β] be two equivalence classes of paths in a topological space X with α(1) = β(0). We define the75 product of the equivalence classes [α] and [β] as [α] · [β] = [α ∗ β]. The following proposition says that the product of equivalence classes of paths shares many properties of the product structure of a group. Proposition 4.5. Let α, β, γ : [0, 1] → X be three paths in a topological space X. Then the following hold: (1) If α(1) = β(0) and β(1) = γ(0), then76 [α] · ([β] · [γ]) = ([α] · [β]) · [γ].

(2) For x ∈ X we denote by ex the constant path that is given by ex(t) := x, t ∈ [0, 1]. Then the following equality holds

[eα(0)] · [α] = [α] = [α] · [eα(1)]. (3) We denote by α the path that is defined by α(t) := α(1 − t), t ∈ [0, 1]. Then the following equalities hold

[α] · [α] = [eα(0)] and [α] · [α] = [eα(1)]. Proof. Let α, β, γ : [0, 1] → X be three paths in a topological space X. (1) Suppose that α(1) = β(0) and β(1) = γ(0). We need to show that α ∗ (β ∗ γ) ≃ (α ∗ β) ∗ γ.

75According to Lemma 4.4 this definition does not depend on the choice of the representatives α and β of the equivalence classes. 76Put differently, the paths α ∗ (β ∗ γ) and (α ∗ β) ∗ γ are homotopic. Note that these paths are similar in the sense that both paths “run through” the points on α, β and γ, but at different speeds. In general ∗ ∗ 1 ∗ ∗ 1 the paths are not equal, for example we have (α (β γ))( 2 ) = α(1) and ((α β) γ)( 2 ) = β(1). ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 63

We consider the map → Φ: [0, 1] X ∈ 1  α(3t), if t [0, 3 ], t 7→ β(3t − 1), if t ∈ ( 1 , 2 ],  3 3 − ∈ 2 γ(3t 2), if t ( 3 , 1]. According to our hypothesis this map is indeed continuous. We consider the maps p: [0, 1] → {[0, 1] q : [0, 1] → [0{, 1] 2 t, if t ∈ [0, 1 ], and 4 t, if t ∈ [0, 1 ], t 7→ 3 2 t 7→ 3 2 4 − 1 ∈ 1 2 1 ∈ 1 3 t 3 , if t ( 2 , 1] 3 t + 3 , if t ( 2 , 1] Then α ∗ (β ∗ γ) = Φ ◦ p ≃ Φ ≃ Φ ◦ q = (α ∗ β) ∗ γ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ by definition by Lemma 4.3 by definition (2) We consider the map q : [0, 1] → {[0, 1] 0, if t ∈ [0, 1 ], t 7→ 2 − ∈ 1 2t 1, if t ( 2 , 1]. Then eα(0) ∗ α = α ◦ q ≃ α. ↑ ↑ by definition by Lemma 4.3

This shows that [eα(0)] · [α] = [eα(0) ∗ α] = [α]. Almost the same argument also implies that [α] = [α] · [eα(1)]. (3) We write P = α(0). Note that α ∗ α is a loop in P . We consider the map × → F : [0, 1] [0, 1] {X [ α(2t · s), if t ∈ 0, 1 ], (t, s) 7→ ( 2 ] − · ∈ 1 α(2s 2t s), if t 2 , 1 . It is straightforward to verify that this map is indeed continuous. For s = 0 we obtain the constant path at P and for s = 1 we obtain the path α ∗ α. For any s ∈ [0, 1] we furthermore have F (0, s) = F (1, s) = P . Thus F is a homotopy from the constant path to α ∗ α which implies that [eα(0)] = [α ∗ α] = [α] · [α]. Almost the same argument shows that [α ∗ α] = [eα(1)].  4.2. The fundamental group of a pointed topological space. In Proposition 4.5 we had seen that the product of homotopy classes of paths shares many properties of the multiplication in a group. Nonetheless the homotopy classes of paths do not form a group, since the product of two paths is not defined, unless the endpoint of the first path agrees with the starting point of the second path.



∗   α α



  intermediate curve of


α 1 the homotopy for s = 2 Figure 46. Illustration of the proof of Proposition 4.5 (3).

We will resolve this problem by restricting our attention to loops.

Definition. Let X be a topological space and let x0 ∈ X be a point. A loop in (X, x0) is a 77 path f : [0, 1] → X with f(0) = f(1) = x0, i.e. x0 is the starting as well as the endpoint of f.

Proposition 4.6. Let X be a topological space and x0 ∈ X. The set

π1(X, x0) := {homotopy classes of loops in (X, x0)} together with the product map [α] · [β] := [α ∗ β] forms a group where the neutral element is represented by the constant path at x0 and where the inverse of [γ] is given by [γ].

Proof. It is clear that the product of any two loops in (X, x0) is defined. According to Lemma 4.4 the product of paths descends to a well-defined map

π1(X, x0) × π1(X, x0) → π1(X, x0) ([α], [β]) 7→ [α] · [β] := [α ∗ β]. According to Proposition 4.5 (1) this product map satisfies the associativity axiom. The trivial element is according to Proposition 4.5 (2) given by the homotopy class of the con- stant loop [ex0 ]. Furthermore according to Proposition 4.5 (3) the inverse of the homotopy class of a loop γ : [0, 1] → X in x0 is given by the homotopy class of the loop defined by γ(t) := γ(1 − t), t ∈ [0, 1]. 

Definition. We call π1(X, x0) the fundamental group of X with respect to the base point x0. One of our main goals of Algebraic Topology I will be to determine the fundamental group of the topological spaces that we had introduced in the earlier sections. This goal will keep us busy for many weeks. Examples. n n (1) We consider X = R and let x0 ∈ R be an arbitrary point. As we had pointed out n on page 57, all loops in (X, x0) are null-homotopic. More precisely, if γ : [0, 1] → R n is a loop in (R , x0), then F : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → Rn (t, s) 7→ γ(t) · (1 − s) + x0 · s

77 Note that part of the definition of “loop in (X, x0)” is that the domain is the interval [0, 1]. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 65

is a homotopy between the loop γ and the constant loop ex0 . Thus it follows that 78 π1(X, x0) = 0. (2) We say that a subset X ⊂ Rn is star-shaped if there exists an x ∈ X such that for all y ∈ X the segment xt + y(1 − t), t ∈ [0, 1] lies in X. For example open and closed balls and open and closed rectangles are star-shaped. Furthermore all convex subsets are star-shaped. Precisely the same proof as in (1) shows that the π1(X, x) = 0.

                                            y      x                 2    R   star-shaped subset of    

Figure 47.

79 Let X be a proper subset of C, let x0 ∈ X be a point and let w ∈ C \ X be a point in the complement of X. Then it follows from Satz 10.2 and Satz 11.3 of Analysis III80 that the map81 → Z π1(X, x0) ∫ 7→ 1 1 [γ] 2πi z−w dz γ is well-defined. Furthermore it is straightforward to see82 that this map is in fact a . It follows from the calculation on page 55 that in many cases, e.g. if 1 X = S , x0 = 1 and w = 0, this group homomorphism is an epimorphism. We have thus proved the following lemma.

1 Lemma 4.7. There exists an epimorphism π1(S , 1) → Z. This raises the following question.

1 Question 4.8. Is the above epimorphism π1(S , 1) → Z in fact an isomorphism?

78 If π1(X, x0) is the trivial group, then we usually write π1(X, x0) = 0. This notation is commonly used, even though it is not entirely logical: we use the multiplicative notation for the product structure on the group π1(X, x0), and it would therefore make more sense to write π1(X, x0) = 1 if the group π1(X, x0) is trivial. 79We say A is a proper subset of B if A ⊂ B and if A ≠ B. 80Here Satz 10.2 says that the integral depends only on the homotopy class of γ. Satz 11.3 says that the integral, divided by 2πi, is indeed an integer. 81Here we make use of the fact that in Kapitel 9 of Analysis III we also defined the path-integral of a holomorphic function f : U → C along a path γ :[a, b] → U that is only continuous and not necessarily con- tinuously differentiable. This more general notion of a path-integral agrees for continuously differentiable paths with the definition we gave on page 55. 82This follows immediately from the additivity of path-integrals, see e.g. Lemma 9.6 of Analysis III. 66 STEFAN FRIEDL

w the map




   → Z

 π1(X, x0)  



    1 1


 [γ] dz 

  2πi z−w  X   γ        is a homomorphism 

Figure 48.

The definition of the fundamental group of a topological space X relies on the choice of a base point x0. The following proposition shows that, at least for path-connected topological spaces, the choice of the base point does not affect the isomorphism type of the fundamental group.

Proposition 4.9. Let X be a topological space and let x0 and x1 be two points in X. If p: [0, 1] → X is a path from x0 to x1, then

p∗ : π1(X, x1) → π1(X, x0) [γ] 7→ [p ∗ γ ∗ p] is a group isomorphism.

γ p

      x0 x1

Figure 49. Schematic sketch of Proposition 4.9.

Proof. Let X be a topological space and let x0 and x1 be two points in X that are connected via a path p: [0, 1] → X from x0 to x1. Let γ be a loop in (X, x1). Then p∗γ ∗p is evidently a loop in (X, x0). From Lemma 4.4 and Proposition 4.5 it follows that the homotopy class of p ∗ γ ∗ p depends only on the choice of the homotopy class of γ, i.e. the map

Φ: π1(X, x1) → π1(X, x0) [γ] 7→ [p ∗ γ ∗ p] is well-defined. Furthermore for two loops γ, δ in (X, x1) we have Φ([γ]) ∗ Φ([δ]) = [p ∗ γ ∗ p] ∗ [p ∗ δ ∗ p] = [p ∗ γ ∗ p ∗ p ∗ δ ∗ p] ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ = [p γ ex1 δ p] = [p (γ δ) p] = Φ([γ δ]). ↑ ↑ Proposition 4.5 (3) and Lemma 4.4 Proposition 4.5 (2) and Lemma 4.4 ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 67

Thus we have shown that Φ is a group homomorphism. Furthermore Φ is even a group isomorphism, since an inverse map is given by83

Ψ: π1(X, x0) → π1(X, x1) [δ] 7→ [p ∗ δ ∗ p].  We obtain the following corollary:

Corollary 4.10. Let X be a path-connected topological space and let x0, x1 ∈ X. Then the groups π1(X, x0) and π1(X, x1) are isomorphic. Example. Let X be a star-shaped subset of Rn. Above we had seen that there exists an x ∈ X such that π1(X, x) = 0. It now follows from Corollary 4.10 that π1(X, y) = 0 for any point y ∈ X. Put differently, the fundamental group of every star-shaped subset of Rn with respect to any base point is trivial. If X is a path-connected topological space, then Corollary 4.10 states that the isomor- phism type of the fundamental group does not depend on the choice of the base point. Sometimes we suppress the base point from the notation and we denote by π1(X) the isomorphism type of the fundamental group. 84 Definition. Let X be a path-connected topological space. If π1(X) = 0 , then we say that X is simply connected.85 The following lemma we will be proved in exercise sheet 4. Lemma 4.11. Let X be a topological space and let P,Q be two points in X. If X is simply connected, then any two paths from P to Q are homotopic. We had already seen on page 65 that Rn and more generally, all star-shaped subsets of Rn are simply connected. The following statement is much more interesting: Proposition 4.12. For any n ≥ 2 the sphere Sn is simply connected. In the proof of Proposition 4.12 we will need the following lemma. Lemma 4.13. For any P ∈ Sn the space Sn \{P } is simply connected. Proof. On page 11 we had shown that there exists a homeomorphism f : Sn → Rn ∪ {∞}. We set Q := f −1(∞). Thus f restricts to homeomorphism f : Sn \{Q} → Rn. Now let P be any other point on Sn. There exists a homeomorphism86 g : Sn → Sn with g(P ) = Q.

83 Why is Φ ◦ Ψ the identity on π1(X, x0) and why is Ψ ◦ Φ the identity on π1(X, x1)? 84Since X is a path-connected topological space it is irrelevant which base point we consider. 85It is straightforward to see that for subsets of C we obtain the same notion of “simply connectedness” as on page 54. 86The existence of the homeomorphism follows from Proposition 2.5. But one can also easily give an elementary proof of that fact. More precisely, using basic facts from one can show that there exists an orthogonal matrix A with A · P = Q. Then the map g : Sn → Sn that is given by multiplication by A has the desired property. 68 STEFAN FRIEDL

Then f ◦ g : Sn → Rn ∪ {∞} restricts to a homeomorphism Sn \{P } → Rn. But Rn is simply connected, hence Sn \{P } is also simply connected. 

Now we can turn to the proof of Proposition 4.12.

Proof of Proposition 4.12. n n Here is a very short “proof”: Let x0 ∈ S and let γ : [0, 1] → S be a loop in x0. We have to show that γ is null-homotopic. We pick a point P that does not lie in the image of γ. By Lemma 4.13 the space Sn \{P } is simply connected, hence γ is null-homotopic in Sn \{P }, in particular it is null-homotopic in Sn. This sounds convincing, except for one crucial gap: we did not justify why there exists a point P that does not lie in the image of γ. In fact such a point does not need to exist since there are surjective (and as always continuous) maps from an interval to any Sn. We write N := (0,..., 0, 1) “North pole” and U := Sn \{N}, and also S := (0,..., 0, −1) “South pole” and V := Sn \{S}.

n We fix a base point x0 on S that is neither N nor S. By Lemma 4.13 it suffices to show n n that any loop in (S , x0) is homotopic to a loop in U = S \{N}. n So let γ be a loop in (S , x0). Claim. There exists a subdivision

0 = t0 < t1 < . . . < tk−1 < tk = 1, such that the following hold:

(1) for each i ∈ {0, . . . , k − 1} we have γ([ti, ti+1]) ⊂ U or γ([ti, ti+1]) ⊂ V , and (2) for each i ∈ {1, . . . , k − 1} we have γ(ti) ≠ N and γ(ti) ≠ S. By Corollary 1.6 applied to γ : [0, 1] → Sn und Sn = U ∪ V there exists a k such that for ∈ { − } i i+1 any i 0, . . . , k 1 the image γ([ k , k ]) lies in U or in V . In particular the subdivision i ti = k , i = 0, . . . , k satisfies condition (1). Now suppose that there exists an i ∈ {1, . . . , k − 1} with γ(ti) = N. Then neither n γ([ti−1, ti]) nor γ([ti, ti+1]) can be contained in U = S \{N}. So by (1) both have to be contained in V , in particular we have γ([ti−1, ti+1]) ⊂ V . But then we can remove ti from the subdivision. Iterating this process we can assume that for each every i we have γ(ti) ≠ N. Similarly we can arrange for every i we have γ(ti) ≠ S. This concludes the proof of the claim. As mentioned before, by Lemma 4.13 it now suffices to prove the following claim.

n n Claim. The loop γ : [0, 1] → S in (S , x0) is homotopic to a path that does not hit N. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 69

n γ([ti, ti+1]) lies in V = S \{S}

    γ(ti)   γ(ti) N  N            x   x0    γ(t ) 0   γ(ti+1)   i+1   

the path δ is homotopic | γ γ to the path γ [ti,ti+1]      S  S

Figure 50. Illustration of Proposition 4.12.

We pick a subdivision as in the previous claim. Suppose there exists an i ∈ {0, . . . , k −1} such that γ([ti, ti+1]) hits N. By the choice of our subdivision we know that γ([ti, ti+1]) lies n 87 n entirely in V = S \{S}. Since S \{N,S} is path-connected and since γ(ti) ≠ N,S, n γ(ti+1) ≠ N,S we can pick a path δ :[ti, ti+1] → U ∩V = S \{N,S} that connects γ(ti) and | n \{ } γ(ti+1). Since the paths γ [ti,ti+1] and δ both lie in the simply connected set V = S S they are homotopic by Lemma 4.11. In the loop γ we now replace γ([ti, ti+1]) by δ. We obtain a new loop that is homotopic to the original loop and that does not hit N on the interval [ti, ti+1]. Iterating this procedure gives us the desired homotopy to a loop that does not hit N. This concludes the proof of the claim.88 

87We know it lies in U or V , but since it hits N it cannot lie in U. 88Where did we use in the proof that n ≥ 2? 70 STEFAN FRIEDL

5. Categories and functors In this section we recall the notion of a and of a functor that we already encountered in Analysis IV. These notions might initially appear to rather abstract, but they play an essential rˆolein algebraic topology and they are regularly used in all branches of . 5.1. Definition and examples of categories. Definition. A category C consists of the following data: (1) A class89 Ob(C) of mathematical objects which are called the objects of the category, (2) for each pair (X,Y ) of objects there exists a set90 of Mor(X,Y ), (3) for any three objects X,Y and Z there exists a map Mor(X,Y ) × Mor(Y,Z) → Mor(X,Z) (f, g) 7→ g ◦ f, that satisfies the following axioms: (A) (associativity): For every f ∈ Mor(W, X), g ∈ Mor(X,Y ) and h ∈ Mor(Y,Z) we have (h ◦ g) ◦ f = h ◦ (g ◦ f) ∈ Mor(W, Z).

(B) (identity): For every object X there exists a morphism idX ∈ Mor(X,X) with the property that

idX ◦f = f for all f ∈ Mor(Z,X), and f ◦ idX = f for all f ∈ Mor(X,Y ). Example. (a) We call the category C with Ob(C) := all sets, Mor(X,Y ) := all maps from X to Y, together with the usual composition of maps the category of all sets.

89As in Analysis IV we will not give a definition of what “class” means. Informally speaking a “class” is a generalization of the notion of a “set”. For example it does not make sense to talk of the “set of all groups”, the same way as it does not make sense to talk of the “set of all sets”. But it does make sense to the talk of “class of all groups”. We refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_(set_theory) for details. Truth be told, most mathematicians learn from logicians at some point when to say “class” instead of “set”, but many mathematicians do not know exactly what they are doing at that point. 90One could ask why Mor(X,Y ) has to be a set, why not just a class? To the best of my knowledge the axioms on morphisms that we write down also make sense if Mor(X,Y ) is only required to be a class. Here’s a long discussion which gives a satisfactory answer to people in : http://mathoverflow.net/questions/48810/why-need-the-morphisms-to-form-a-set I myself do not understand the answer. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 71

(b) We consider the category C with Ob(C) :={ all sets, {id }, if X = Y Mor(X,Y ) := X ∅, if X ≠ Y. The composition map only needs to be defined if X = Y = Z91, and in this case we define idX ◦ idX := idX . One can easily convince oneself that this defines a category. (c) Let K be a field. We refer to the category C with Ob(C) := all K-vector spaces, Mor(X,Y ) := HomK(X,Y ) = all K-homomorphisms from X to Y, with the usual composition of homomorphisms as the category of K-vector spaces. (d) We refer to the category G with Ob(G) := all groups, Mor(X,Y ) := Hom(X,Y ) = all group homomorphisms from X to Y, with the usual composition of group homomorphisms as the category of groups. (d) We refer to the category A with Ob(A) := all abelian groups, Mor(X,Y ) := Hom(X,Y ) = all group homomorphisms from X to Y, with the usual composition of group homomorphisms as the category of abelian groups. (f) We refer to the category T with Ob(T ) := all topological spaces, Mor(X,Y ) := C(X,Y ) := all continuous maps from X to Y, with the usual composition of maps as the category of topological spaces.A pointed topological space is a pair (X, x0), where X is a topological space and x0 is a point in X. We refer to the category P with Ob(P) := all pointed topological spaces, Mor((X, x0), (Y, y0)) := all continuous maps f from X to Y with f(x0) = y0 with the usual composition of maps as the category of pointed topological spaces. (g) We refer to the category M with Ob(M) := all manifolds, Mor(X,Y ) := C(X,Y ) := all smooth maps from X to Y, with the usual composition of maps as the category of manifolds. We define the category of pointed manifolds the same way as we defined the category of pointed topological spaces.

91If X ≠ Y then Mor(X,Y ) = ∅, but then Mor(X,Y ) × Mor(Y,Z) is also the empty set for any Z. 72 STEFAN FRIEDL

(h) A pair of topological spaces is a pair (X,A), where X is a topological space and A is a subset of X. We refer to the category Q with

Ob(Q) := all pairs of topological spaces, Mor((X,A), (Y,B)) := all continuous maps f from X to Y with f(A) ⊂ B

with the usual composition of maps as the category of pairs of topological spaces. There exist also more “exotic” examples of categories. (i) Let G be an arbitrary group. We consider

Ob(C) := {a set with a unique element ∗}, Mor(∗, ∗) := G.

We define Mor(∗, ∗) × Mor(∗, ∗) → Mor(∗, ∗) (f, g) 7→ g ◦ f := gf via the group structure on Mor(∗, ∗) = G. The axioms of a category can be easily deduced from the group axioms of G.

The name “morphisms” suggests that morphisms are necessarily maps. But as we will later see, this is not necessarily always the case.

5.2. Functors.

Definition. Let C and D be two categories. A covariant functor F : C → D consists of a map

F : Ob(C) → Ob(D) and for all X,Y ∈ C there exists furthermore a map F : Mor(X,Y ) → Mor(F (X),F (Y )), such that following axioms are satisfied

(F1) F (idX ) = idF (X) for all X ∈ Ob(C), (F2) for ϕ ∈ Mor(X,Y ) and ψ ∈ Mor(Y,Z) the following equality holds

F (ψ ◦ ϕ) = F (ψ) ◦ F (ϕ) ∈ Mor(F (X),F (Y )).

Convention. For a covariant functor F and ϕ ∈ Mor(X,Y ) we often write ϕ∗ instead of F (ϕ). The second axiom then becomes (ψ ◦ ϕ)∗ = ψ∗ ◦ ϕ∗.

We now give some examples of functors. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 73

Examples. (1) Let V be the category of real vector spaces and let W be a real vector space. Then the map F : Ob(V) → Ob(V) V 7→ HomR(W, V ), together with the maps Mor(U, V ) 7→ (Mor(F (U),F (V )) ) Hom(W, U) → Hom(W, V ) (ϕ: U → V ) 7→ f 7→ ϕ ◦ f defines a covariant functor. (2) Let P be the category of pointed manifolds and let V be the category of real vector spaces. In Analysis IV we had seen that F : Ob(P) → Ob(V) (M,P ) 7→ TP M, together with the maps

Mor((M,P ), (N,Q)) 7→ Mor(TP M,TQN) f 7→ f∗ = Df(P ) is a covariant functor from the category of pointed manifolds to the category of real vector spaces. We also have the following definition which looks almost the same as the previous defi- nition. Definition. Let C and D be two categories. A contravariant functor F : C → D consists of a map F : Ob(C) → Ob(D) and for all X,Y ∈ C there exists furthermore a map Mor(X,Y ) → Mor(F (Y ),F (X)) such that following axioms are satisfied:

(F1) F (idX ) = idF (X) for all X ∈ Ob(C), (F2) for any ϕ ∈ Mor(X,Y ) and ψ ∈ Mor(Y,Z) we have F (ψ ◦ ϕ) = F (ϕ) ◦ F (ψ) ∈ Mor(F (Z),F (X)). The definition of a contravariant functor looks very much the same as the definition of a covariant functor. The difference is that a contravariant functor “reverses the direction of maps” and the orders of F (ψ) and F (ϕ) in the second axiom are swapped. Convention. For a contravariant functor F and ϕ ∈ Mor(X,Y ) we often write ϕ∗ instead of F (ϕ). The second axiom then becomes (ψ ◦ ϕ)∗ = ϕ∗ ◦ ψ∗. 74 STEFAN FRIEDL

Examples. (1) Let V be the category of real vector spaces. Then the map F : Ob(V) → Ob(V) ∗ V 7→ V := HomR(V, R) =: dual vector space of V, together with the maps ∗ ∗ Mor(U, V ) 7→ Mor(( V ,U ) ) Hom(V, R) → Hom(U, R) (ϕ: U → V ) 7→ f 7→ f ◦ ϕ is a contravariant functor. (2) Let T be the category of topological spaces and let V be the category of real vector spaces. Then the map F : Ob(T ) → Ob(V) X 7→ C(X, R) := set of continuous functions X → R, together with the maps Mor(X,Y ) 7→ (Mor(C(Y ),C(X)) ) C(Y ) → C(X) (ϕ: X → Y ) 7→ f 7→ f ◦ ϕ is a contravariant functor. (3) Let M be the category of manifolds, let V be the category of real vector spaces and let k ∈ Z≥0. In Analysis IV we had seen that the map F : Ob(M) → Ob(V) X 7→ Hk(M) := k-th de Rham cohomology group of M, together with the maps Mor(M,N) 7→ Mor(( Hk(N),Hk(M)) ) f ∗ : Hk(N) → Hk(M) (f : M → N) 7→ ω 7→ f ∗ω is a contravariant functor. We will not see any other examples of contravariant functors in Algebraic Topology I and II. We will come back to them when we study cohomology groups in Algebraic Topol- ogy III. 5.3. The fundamental group as functor. Now, after recalling the definition of cate- gories and functors, we turn back to the study of fundamental groups. Let f : X → Y be a map between topological spaces and let x0 ∈ X be a base point. If γ : [0, 1] → X is a loop in the point x0, then f ◦ γ : [0, 1] → Y is a loop in the point f(x0). It is straightforward to see that

f∗ : π1(X, x0) → π1(Y, f(x0)) [γ] 7→ [f ◦ γ] ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 75 is a well-defined map, i.e. f∗([γ]) is independent of the choice of the representative of the 92 93 homotopy class. Furthermore it follows from easily from the definitions that f∗ is a group homomorphism. We call f∗ the induced map. It also follows easily from the definitions that

(idX )∗ = idπ1(X,x0), for all pointed pairs (X, x0),

(g ◦ f)∗ = g∗ ◦ f∗, for all maps f :(X, x0) → (Y, y0) and g :(Y, y0) → (Z, z0). Summarizing we just convinced ourselves of the validity of the following proposition. Proposition 5.1. Let P be the category of pointed topological spaces and let G be the category of groups. Then the map Ob(P) → Ob(G) (X, x0) 7→ π1(X, x0) together with the maps → Mor((X, x0), (Y, y0)) Mor(( π1(X, x0), π1(Y, y0)) ) f∗ : π (X, x ) → π (Y, y ) (f :(X, x ) → (Y, y )) 7→ 1 0 1 0 0 0 [γ] 7→ [f ◦ γ] is a covariant functor. In Analysis IV we had already seen on several occasions that it was useful to know that the de Rham cohomology groups are functorial. We will now see that the functoriality of the fundamental groups can also be helpful for studying certain questions. Definition. Let X be a topological space and let A ⊂ X be a subspace. We say A is a retract of X if there exists a retraction r : X → A, i.e. a map94 with r(a) = a for all a ∈ A. Examples.

(1) Let X be a topological space. Then any point x0 ∈ X is a retract of X, indeed, the map r(x) = x0 for x ∈ X is a retraction. (2) The circle S1 × {1} is a retract of the torus S1 × S1, in fact a retraction is given by r(z, w) = (z, 1). 2 (3) The circle S1 is a retract of B \{(0, 0)}, indeed, the map 2 B \{(0, 0)} → S1 7→ z z |z| 2 is a retraction. (Hereby we consider B as subset of C.)

92 Indeed, suppose that γ and δ are two loops in (X, x0) that are homotopic. Let F be a homotopy between γ and δ. Then f ◦ F is a homotopy between f ◦ γ and f ◦ δ. We had used almost the same argument on page 58. 93 If γ and δ are loops in x0, then it follows immediately from the definitions that (f ◦γ)∗(f ◦δ) = f ◦(γ∗δ). 94As always, a map is understood to be continuous. If we did not demand continuity, then any non-empty subset of X would be a retract of X. 76 STEFAN FRIEDL

1 (4) The set S0 = {−1, 1} is not a retract of B = [−1, 1]. Indeed, since [−1, 1] is connected and since S0 is discrete it follows from Lemma 1.12 that any map from [−1, 1] to S0 has to be constant. Thus there does not exist a map f :[−1, 1] → S0 with f(−1) = −1 and f(1) = 1. We can now push the last example up by one dimension. 2 Lemma 5.2. The circle S1 is not a retract of B . 2 Proof. We denote by i: S1 → B the . Suppose there exists a retraction 2 1 r : B → S . By definition this means that r ◦ i = idS1 . We obtain the following commu- tative diagram of maps between topological spaces

2 2

It follows from the functoriality of fundamental groups that r∗ ◦i∗ = (r◦i)∗, i.e. the diagram on the right hand side commutes. By the functoriality we know that (idS1 )∗ is the identity 1 of π1(S , 1). 2 We had seen on page 67 that π1(B , 1) is the trivial group whereas we had seen on page 65 1 that π1(S , 1) is not the trivial group. The lower horizontal map in the second diagram is thus an isomorphism of a non-trivial group, but the upper map factors through the trivial 95 group, i.e. the composition of i∗ and r∗ cannot be an isomorphism of a non-trivial group. Thus we have obtained a contradiction.  The last example and the last lemma now raise the following question. n+1 Question 5.3. Let n ≥ 2. Is Sn a retract of B ? At the moment we cannot answer this question. We will first need to develop new invariants before we can return to this question. We will not be able to answer this question for many months. Almost exactly the same argument as in the proof of Lemma 5.2 gives a proof of the following lemma: Lemma 5.4. Let X be a topological space and let A ⊂ X be a retract of X. Let a ∈ A. We denote by i: A → X the inclusion map.

(1) There exists an epimorphism φ: π1(X, a) → π1(A, a) such that φ ◦ i∗ is the identity on π1(A, a). (2) The inclusion induced map π1(A, a) → π1(X, a) is a monomorphism. In exercise sheet 4 we will write down the formal proof of the lemma.


Example. We had just seen on page 75 that the circle S1 × {1} is a retract of the torus 1 1 1 S × S . Furthermore we had seen on page 65 that π1(S , 1) is not the trivial group. It follows from Lemma 5.4 that the fundamental group of the torus is also non-trivial. In 2 1 1 Proposition 4.12 we had seen that π1(S ) = 0. Thus we see that the torus S × S and the sphere S2 are not homeomorphic. In Analysis IV we had only shown that they are not diffeomorphic.

Lemma 5.5. Let E8 be the regular octagon from the definition of the surface of genus 2, see page 22 for details, and let Σ = E8/ ∼ be the surface of genus 2. Let P and Q be two adjacent vertices of E8. Then the following hold: (1) The map 1 γ : S → E8/ ∼ e2πit 7→ [t · P + (1 − t) · Q] is a homeomorphism onto its image. 1 1 (2) There exists a map Φ: E8/ ∼ → S × S such that the following diagram commutes 1 r S NNN γ rrr NzN7→N (z,1) rx rr NN& Φ / 1 1 E8/ ∼ S × S . 1 (3) The subset γ(S ) is a retract of Σ = E8/ ∼. 96 (4) There exists an epimorphism π1(Σ,P ) → Z that sends [γ] onto 1.

γ  Q     P               ∼      =                  ∼    Σ = E /   8

Figure 51. Illustration of Lemma 5.5.

Remark. The lemma shows in particular that the four loops that we drew in Figure 12 on the surface of genus 2 represent non-trivial elements in the fundamental group. Almost the same way one can show that in the surface of genus g, g ≥ 2, defined as a quotient of a regular 4g-gon, each edge gives rise to a non-trivial element of the fundamental group. Proof. (1) It is clear that γ is continuous and injective. We had shown in Analysis IV that Σ = E8/ ∼ is Hausdorff. It follows from Proposition 1.3 that γ is a homeomorphism onto its image.

96Recall that by the bijection on page 59 we view maps f : S1 → Σ with f(1) = P as elements in π1(Σ,P ). 78 STEFAN FRIEDL

(2) The map Φ is sketched in Figure 52 on the top. It is given by sending all points in the lower pentagon to a single point, such a map can be extended continuously to the upper pentagon in such a way that the remaining four sides of the upper pentagon get sent homeomorphically to the four sides of the square.97 98 This map Φ has the desired property. (3) The retraction is now given by the concatenation of the maps (z,w)7→z γ Σ −→Φ S1 × S1 −−−−−→ S1 −→ Σ. (4) This statement is a consequence of (3), Lemma 5.4 and Lemma 4.7. 

P Q     ∼    Φ(Q) Σ = E8/           Φ                                   Φ(P )           × ∼ 1 × 1 = ∼ [0, 1] [0, 1]/ = S S  

= ∼                                                   

every point on the right of the surface gets sent to a single point

Figure 52.

This lemma concludes our discussion of some of the basic properties of fundamental groups. So far we could either show that the fundamental group of a given topological space is trivial, or we could show it is non-trivial by invoking Lemma 4.7. In the next section we will start with a much more systematic discussion of fundamental groups which will allow us to determine the fundamental groups of many topological spaces.

97It is clearly slightly painful to write down this map explicitly. It is easier to write down a similar map, which maps a square X onto a triangle Y in such a way that one side of the square gets sent to a vertex of the triangle and such that the remaining three sides of the square get sent to the three sides of the triangle. For example the map X := [0, 1] × [0, 1] → Y := {(x, y) ∈ R2 | x ∈ [0, 1], y ∈ [0, x]} (x, y) 7→ (x, xy) is of that form. 98In the lower part of Figure 52 we illustrate the map for the surfaces viewed as subsets of R3. There the map Φ is given by crushing the right-hand half of the surface of genus 2 to a single point. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 79

6. Fundamental groups and coverings We have now introduced the fundamental group of a (pointed) topological space and we have proved several basic facts. But the only proof that fundamental groups are non-trivial relied on a fact from complex analysis. In particular, so far we have not yet managed to compute a single fundamental group that is not the trivial group. For example, we know 1 that π1(S ) is non-trivial, but we do not know what group it is. In this chapter we will compute many non-trivial fundamental groups using the theory of covering spaces. Before we delve into the theory of covering spaces we insert a short section on the cardinality of sets. 6.1. The cardinality of sets. In this short section we introduce the notion of the cardi- nality of a set. This notion plays a rˆolein all branches of mathematics. Definition. (1) We say that two given sets S and T are equinumerous if there exists a bijection φ: S → T .99 (2) Given a set S we define the cardinality #S of S as the equinumerosity equivalence class of S in the class of all sets. Put differently we have #S := class of all sets T that are equinumerous with S.

(3) If S is a finite set, then we write #S = n for the unique n ∈ N0 which satisfies #S = #{1, . . . , n}. If S infinite, then sometimes we write #S = ∞.100 (4) Let S be a set. If #S = n for some n ∈ N0 or #S = #N, then we say that S is countable, otherwise we say that S is uncountable. Example. We have #(R \{0}) = #R. Indeed a bijection is given by R \{0} → {R x, if x ∈ R \ N , x 7→ 0 x − 1, if x ∈ N. Remark. (1) Another way of putting the definition of cardinality is that given two sets S and T we have #S = #T if and only if there exists a bijection from S to T . (2) In Analysis I we had seen that Q is countable and that R is not countable, in particular #Q ≠ #R. (3) If S is countable, then any subset T is also countable.101

99It follows immediately from the definitions that being equinumerous defines an equivalence relation on the class of all sets. 100The latter notation is somewhat dangerous, since #Q = ∞ and #R = ∞ but we had seen in Analysis I that #Q ≠ #R since the former set is countable whereas the latter set is not. 101After excluding the case that S is finite and the case that T is finite one sees that one has to prove the following: given any infinite subset T of N there exists a bijection φ: N → T . Such a bijection is given by defining φ(i) as the i-th smallest element of T . 80 STEFAN FRIEDL

Definition. Let S and T be two sets. (1) We write #S ≤ #T if there exists a monomorphism φ: S → T . (2) We write S < T if #S ≤ #T but #S ≠ #T . Examples. (1) We have #Q < #R but we had just pointed out that #Q ≠ #R since #Q = #N but #R ≠ #N. Therefore #Q < #R. (2) It follows from the previous remark that a set S is countable if and only if S ≤ #N. (3) Given a set X we denote by P (X) its power set, i.e. the set of all subsets of X. For every X we have #X < #P (X).102 Indeed, the map X → P (X) x 7→ {x} is an injection, hence #X ≤ #P (X). Now let f : X → P (X) be a map. We have to show that it cannot be surjective. Indeed, the set Y := {x ∈ X | x ̸∈ f(x)} is not in the range of f: if there did exist a z ∈ X with f(z) = Y , then z ∈ Y if and only if z ̸∈ Y , which is a contradiction. Theorem 6.1. (Bernstein-Schr¨oder)103 Let S and T be two sets. Then #S ≤ #T and #T ≤ #S =⇒ #S = #T. Example. Let U be an open subset of R.104 Then #U = #R. Indeed, the inclusion U → R is of course injective. Furthermore, since U is open there exists an open interval (a, b) that is a subset of U. But any open interval is homeomorphic to R, so there exists an injective ∼ map R −→= (a, b) ⊂ U. It follows from the Bernstein-Schr¨oder-Theoremthat there exists a bijection from U to R. Sketch of proof. Let f : A → B and g : B → A be two injective maps between two sets A and B. Without loss of generality we can assume that A and B are disjoint.105 We denote by ∼ the equivalence relation on A ⊔ B that is generated by a ∼ f(a) for a ∈ A and by g ∼ g(b) for b ∈ B. Note that if a ∈ A lies in the image of g, then by the injectivity of f there exists a unique element g−1(a) ∈ B and we have a ∼ g−1(a). The same remark works with the rˆolesof f and g reversed.

102This statement is known as Cantor’s Theorem. 103The theorem was initially stated by Cantor without a proof and it was first proved by Felix Bernstein (1878-1956) and Ernst Schr¨oder(1841-1902) in 1896. Sometimes it is also called the Cantor-Bernstein- Schr¨odertheorem. 104 Every open subset of R is the disjoint union of open intervals (ai, bi), i ∈ I. The number of intervals can be finite, but it can also be countably infinite and in fact it can also be uncountably infinite. For example the complement of the Cantor set consists of uncountably many open intervals. 105If A and B are not disjoint, then we replace A by A′ = A × {0} and B by B′ = B × {1}, then A′ and B′ are disjoint, since any two elements in A′ and B′ now have different second coordinate. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 81

Since A⊔B is the disjoint union of all equivalence classes it suffices to prove the following claim.106 Claim. For each equivalence class I there exists a bijection A ∩ I → B ∩ I. So let I be an equivalence class107 and let a ∈ A ∩ I.108 The subset I ⊂ A ⊔ B consists of all elements equivalent to a. The equivalence class I is then of one of the following three types:109 A BABA B (1) a′ . . . f −1(g−1(a)), g−1(a), a, f(a), g(f(a)), f(g(f(a)),... with a′ ∈ A \ g(B) (2) b′ . . . f −1(g−1(a)), g−1(a), a, f(a), g(f(a)), f(g(f(a)),... with b′ ∈ B \ f(A) (3) ...... f −1(g−1(a)), g−1(a), a, f(a), g(f(a)), f(g(f(a)),... In case (1) the map f defines a bijection A ∩ I → B ∩ I, in case (2) the map g−1 defines a bijection A ∩ I → B ∩ I and in case (3) both f and g−1 define a bijection A ∩ I → B ∩ I. This concludes the proof of the claim.  Remark. The hypothesis, first formulated by Cantor in 1878, states that there exists no set S with #Q < #S < #R. Any attempt at proving this statement relies on first of all making precise what “sets” are supposed to be or what axioms they are supposed to satisfy. As wikipedia writes “the answer to this problem is independent of ZFC set theory (that is, Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of choice included), so that either the continuum hypothesis or its negation can be added as an axiom to ZFC set theory, with the resulting theory being consistent if and only if ZFC is consistent.” This independence was proved in 1963 by Paul Cohen for which he obtained a in 1966. More useful information can as always be found on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuum_hypothesis 6.2. Covering spaces. Now we return to the study of topological spaces. Definition. Let p: X → B be a map between topological spaces.

106Indeed, recall that equivalence classes always give a disjoint decomposition of a set. In our case, if Ij, j ∈ J denote the set of equivalence classes of ∼ on A ⊔ B, then we have ⊔ ⊔ ⊔ A ⊔ B = Ij and therefore also A = (A ∩ Ij) and B = (B ∩ Ij). j∈J j∈J j∈J

Therefore it suffices to give a bijection A ∩ Ij → B ∩ Ij for every j ∈ J. 107We gave the definition of an equivalence class in Analysis IV. Unfortunately in Analysis IV we forgot to say that an equivalence class has to be non-empty. 108There always exists an a ∈ A ∩ I. Indeed, I is by definition non-empty. If it contains an element in A we are done. Otherwise it contains an element in b ∈ B, but then it also contains g(b) ∈ A, since b ∼ g(b). 109Note that we do not claim that the elements in the given are distinct, for example f : A → B could be a bijection and g = f −1 its inverse, then the equivalence class consists only of the two elements a and g(a). 82 STEFAN FRIEDL

(1) We say an open subset U ⊂ B is uniformly covered, if p−1(U) is the union of disjoint open subsets {Vi}i∈I with the property, that the restriction of p to each subset Vi is a homeomorphism. (2) We say the map p: X → B is a covering, if it is surjective and if for every b ∈ B there exists an open neighborhood U of b which is uniformly covered. Remark. If U is a uniformly covered subset of B, then clearly any open subset of U is also uniformly covered. For example it follows that if p: X → B is a covering and if B is a manifold, then any point b ∈ B admits also a connected uniformly covered neighborhood.110 Examples. (a) The map p: R → S1 φ 7→ eiφ is a covering. Indeed, let P = eiα be a point in S1. We pick the open neighborhood { ( )} iφ ∈ − π π U := e φ α 4 , α + 4 . Then ⊔ ( ) p−1(U) := α − π + 2πj, α + π + 2πj , | 4 {z 4 } j∈Z =:Vj

and for each j ∈ Z the restriction of p to Vj → U is a homeomorphism. This example is illustrated in Figure 53.

α α + 2π R V−1 V0 V1 V2

                p(φ) = eiφ 2πiα  e     the restriction of p   to each Vj is a S1 U homeomorphism

Figure 53.

(b) We consider the “infinite helix” { } H := (reit, t) r ∈ (1, 2) and t ∈ R together with the “annulus” { A := reit r ∈ (1, 2) and t ∈ R}.

110Why does this follow for manifolds? Why does this not hold for all topological spaces B? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 83

The map p: H → A (reit, t) 7→ reit is a covering. This statement is illustrated in Figure 54. The proof of the statement is similar to the proof in the previous example.

                  { }       it    ∈ ∈ R   H = (re , t) r (1, 2) and t                  ∈  V , i I   i                 

     p         {    it    ∈ ∈ R}  U   A = re r (1, 2) and t         

Figure 54.

(c) The map p: Rn → Rn/Zn x 7→ [x] = x + Zn n n is a covering. Indeed, let [x] = [(x1, . . . , xn)] be a point in R /Z . We consider { } | − | 1 ⊂ Rn W := (y1, . . . , yn) yi xi < 2 and we put U := p(W ). Then U is an open111 neighborhood of [x]. Furthermore ∪ p−1(U) = (W + i), i∈Zn and for each i the restriction of p to W + i ⊂ Rn is a homeomorphism.112 (d) For every n the map p: Sn → RPn = Sn/x ∼ −x x 7→ [x] = {x, −x} is a covering. Indeed, for [x] ∈ RPn we set { ∈ n | · } W = y S |{z}x y > 0 . scalar product

111The set U is open since, as we had mentioned on page 18, the projection map p: Rn → Rn/Zn is open. 112 It is straightforward to verify that the map p: Vi := W + i → U is a bijection. It follows from the remark on page 17 that the projection map p is continuous and as we had just mentioned in the previous footnote, the projection map is also open. It follows that the map p: Vi = W +i → U is a homeomorphism. 84 STEFAN FRIEDL

Then p(W ) is an open neighborhood of [x] and it is uniformly covered by the two open sets W and −W . (e) The projection map p: S1 → [−1, 1] (x, y) 7→ x is not a covering. Indeed, the point b = 1 ∈ [−1, 1] has no open neighborhood that is uniformly covered. This example is illustrated in Figure 55.

p−1(U) X

B  p  U is not uniformly covered         b

Figure 55.

Now we can formulate the following lemma that will be proved in exercise sheet 5. Lemma 6.2. Let p: X → B be a covering of topological spaces. If B is a connected topological space, then for any two points P and Q in B we have #p−1(P ) = #p−1(Q). Example. For a general map p: X → B between topological spaces the number of preimages of a point depends of course on the point chosen in B. For instance in the above example (e) we have #p−1(0) = 2 but #p−1(1) = 1. Definition. Let p: X → B be a covering of a connected topological space. (1) We define the degree [X : B] of p as the cardinality of #p−1(b) for some b ∈ B.113 (2) If the degree is a finite number n, then we say that p is an n-fold covering of B. Otherwise we say that p is an infinite covering. If the cardinality is countable, then sometimes we call it a countable covering. Examples. (1) We had just seen that the map p: Sn → Sn/ ∼ is a 2-fold covering of the real projective space Sn/ ∼ = RPn. (2) As usual we consider S1 = {z ∈ C | |z| = 1} as a subset of C. Then the map p: S1 → S1 given by p(z) := zn is a covering. Indeed, let z = e2πiφ be a point in

113It follows from Lemma 6.2 that this definition does not depend on the choice of b. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 85

S1. Then { ( )} 2πiψ ∈ − 1 1 U := e ψ φ 4, φ + 4 has the desired property. Indeed, we have ⊔n { ( )} p−1(U) = e2πiψ ψ ∈ 1 (φ − 1) + j , 1 (φ + 1) + j , | n 4{z n n 4 n } j=1 =:Vj

and the restriction of p to each set Vj is easily seen to be a homeomorphism. This shows that p is a covering and it is clear that p is an n-fold covering.

V1 U V2 z 7→ z3


Figure 56.

(3) We consider the map M¨obiusband z annulus}| { z }| { R × − ∼ → R × − ∼ 1 − p: [ 1, 1]/(x, y) (x + 1, y) [ 1, 1]/(x, y) (x + 2, y) [(x, y)] → [(x, y)]. It is straightforward to show that p is a 2-fold covering. Thus we can view the annulus as a 2-fold covering of the M¨obiusband. This covering is illustrated in Figure 57. (4) If in the previous example we replace the interval [−1, 1] by the circle [−1, 1]/−1 ∼ 1, then on the left hand side we obtain the torus and on the right hand side we obtain the Klein bottle. This shows that there exists a degree 2 covering map from the torus to the Klein bottle. (5) In Figure 58 we sketch three coverings of topological graphs. The coverings are hereby given by sending edges of a certain color, with the indicated direction, to the edge of the same color with the indicated direction.114 Question 6.3. We had just seen that there exists a covering map S2 → RP2 of degree two and that there exists a covering map from the torus to the Klein bottle of degree two. This raises the question: between which surfaces do there exist covering maps? More precisely we can ask the following: (1) Does there exist a covering map from the torus S1 × S1 to the sphere S2? (2) Does there exist a covering map from the sphere S2 to the torus S1 × S1?

114It is a good exercise to convince oneself, that the indicated maps are in fact coverings. 86 STEFAN FRIEDL

[0, 1] × [−1, 1]/(0, y) ∼ (1, y)           ∼    ∼  =    R × − ∼  =  [ 1, 1]/(x, y) (x + 1, y) ←−     −→                   [x, y] [x, y] [x, y] ↓ ↓ ↓ [x, y] − 1 − [x, y] [x , y]  2           ∼    ∼  1 =  =  R × − ∼ −   [ 1, 1]/(x, y) (x + , y) ←−  −→     2             1 × − ∼ 1 − [0, 2 ] [ 1, 1]/(0, y) ( 2 , y) Figure 57.



        p p p


2-fold covering 3-fold covering infinite covering

Figure 58.

The following lemma summarizes some basic facts about coverings. Lemma 6.4. Let p: X → B be a covering of topological spaces. Then the following hold: (1) The map p: X → B is open.115 (2) For any b ∈ B the preimage p−1(b) is a discrete subset of X. (3) If B is Hausdorff, then X is also Hausdorff. (4) If p is a finite covering and if B is compact, then X is also compact. (5) If p is an infinite covering, then X is non-compact. Proof. Let p: X → B be a covering of topological spaces. (1) Let U be an open subset of X. We need to show that p(U) is open. It suffices to show that for each P ∈ p(U) there exists an open neighborhood V such that P ∈ V ⊂ U. Since p is a covering there exists an open neighborhood W of P such that p−1(W ) is

115Recall that this means that the image of each open set in X is open in B. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 87

the union of disjoint open subsets {Wi}i∈I with the property that the restriction of p to each subset Wi is a homeomorphism. Since P ∈ p(U) there exists a Q ∈ U with p(Q) = U. There exists an i ∈ I with Q ∈ Wi. Since p: Wi → W is a homeomorphism and since U ∩Wi is open in Wi the set p(U ∩ Wi) is also open in p(Wi) = W . But since W is open the set V := p(U ∩ Wi) is also an open subset of B. It is the desired open neighborhood of P with P ∈ V ⊂ U.












Q Wi

Figure 59. Illustration for the proof of Lemma 6.4 (1).

(2) Let b ∈ B. Since p: X → B is a covering there exists an open neighborhood U of b −1 such that p (U) is the union of disjoint open subsets {Vi}i∈I with the property that the restriction of p to each subset Vi is a homeomorphism. For each i ∈ I there −1 exists a unique point xi ∈ Vi with p(xi) = b and the preimage p (b) consists of precisely the xi, i ∈ I. Since each Vi is open in X it follows from the definition of the −1 −1 subspace topology that each xi ∈ p (b) is an open subset of p (b). Put differently, the subspace topology on p−1(b) is the discrete topology. But this is equivalent to saying that p−1(b) is a discrete subset of X. (3) This statement is relatively easy to prove and it is an exercise in exercise sheet 5. (4) Let p: X → B be an n-fold covering of a compact space B. Let {Ui}i∈I be an open overing of X. Let b ∈ B. We pick an open connected neighborhood M of b that is −1 −1 uniformly covered. For each x ∈ p (b) we denote by Nx the component of p (M) ∈ −1 ∈ ∈ that contains x. For each point in x p (b) we pick an ix I with x Uix . We write ∩ ∩ Wb := p(Uix Nx). x∈p−1(b)

−1 −1 Claim. The preimage p (Wb) is contained in the union of n = #p (b) subsets of our open covering {Ui}i∈I .

Since M is uniformly covered the map p: Nx → M is a homeomorphism for any −1 −1 x ∈ p (y). We denote by px : Nx → M this homeomorphism. We write F := p (b). We then have ⊂ ∩ z Ui}|y Ny { ∪ ( ∩ ) ∪ ∩ ∪ −1 −1 ∩ −1 ∩ −1 ⊂ p (Wb) = py px(Uix Nx) = py (px(Uix )) py (px(Nx)) Uiy . y∈F x∈F y∈F x∈F | {z } | {z } y∈F = Uiy if y = x =Ny This concludes the proof of the claim. 88 STEFAN FRIEDL

             Uix ’s     N ’s  x       p  b   

Figure 60. Illustration for the proof of Lemma 6.4 (4).

∩ −1 By (1) each p(Uix Nx) is an open subset of B and since p (b) is a finite set we see ∩ that Wb is an open subset of B. Furthermore b is contained in each p(Uix Nx), so Wb is in fact an open neighborhood of b ∈ B. Since B is compact we can cover B by ∈ ∪· · ·∪ finitely many of these open sets, i.e. there exist b1, . . . , bk B with B = Wb1 Wbk . −1 −1 The preimages p (Wb1 ), . . . , p (Wbk ) cover X. By the above claim each preimage −1 −1 p (Wbi ) is contained in the union of n = #p (bi) subsets of our open covering {Ui}i∈I . Summarizing we have shown that we can cover X by n · k sets out of the collection {Ui}i∈I . (5) Let p: X → B be an infinite covering. If B is non-compact, then it follows from Lemma 1.2 that X is also non-compact. So now suppose that B is compact. By definition we can cover B by open sets that are uniformly covered. Since B is compact we can cover B by finitely many open sets U1,...,Uk that are uniformly covered. 116 Without loss of generality we can assume that Uk is not contained in U1 ∪· · ·∪Uk−1. Now let P be a point in Uk \ (U1 ∪ · · · ∪ Uk−1). Furthermore let Vi, i ∈ I be the −1 disjoint open subsets of X such that p (Uk) is the union of the Vi’s and such that the restriction of p to each Vi is a homeomorphism. For i ∈ I we denote by Qi ∈ Vi the unique point with p(Qi) = P . Now we consider the open covering ∪ −1 −1 X = p (U1) ∪ ... ∪ p (Uk−1) ∪ Vi. i∈I

Note that for i ∈ I the point Qi is contained only in Vi. This means that we cannot remove any of the open sets Vi, i ∈ I from the open covering. Since I is an infinite it follows that X does not satisfy the definition of a compact set, i.e. X is not compact. 

We recall two definitions about actions from page 35 and we introduce one new definition. Definition. Let G be a group which acts continuously on a topological space X. (1) We say G acts freely if g · x = x for g ∈ G and x ∈ X implies that g = e. (2) We say G acts properly if for any two points x and y in X there exist open neigh- borhoods U of x and V of y such that the set {g ∈ G | gU ∩ V ≠ ∅} is finite.

116 Indeed, if Uk was contained in U1 ∪ · · · ∪ Uk−1, then we could remove Uk from the collection of open sets and we continue with the collection U1,...,Uk−1. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 89

(3) We say G acts discretely, if for each x ∈ X there exists an open neighborhood U so that U ∩ gU = ∅ for all g ≠ e. Lemma 6.5. Let G be a group which acts continuously on a topological space X. (1) If G is finite, then the action is proper. (2) If G acts discretely, then it also acts freely. (3) If X is a Hausdorff space and if the action by G is free and proper, then the action is also discrete. Here the first two statements follow immediately from the definitions, and the third statement was proved in Analysis IV Lemma 18.12 Example. (A) The group G = Zn acts on X = Rn by addition. This action is discrete. Indeed, n for each x = (x1, . . . , xn) ∈ R the open neighborhood { } ∈ Rn {| − | | − |} 1 U = y = (y1, . . . , yn) max x1 y1 ,..., xn yn < 2 has the desired property. (B) Let X = R × [−1, 1] and G = Z. The action Z × (R × [−1, 1]) → R × [−1, 1] (n, (x, y)) 7→ (x + n, (−1)ny) is discrete. Indeed, for any (x, y) ∈ X the open neighborhood { } | − | 1 ∈ − U = (a, b) a x < 2 and b [ 1, 1] has the desired property. (C) Let X = Sn and G = {1}. The map {1} × Sn → Sn (ϵ, P ) 7→ ϵ · P defines an action that is discrete. Indeed, for any P ∈ Sn the open hemisphere { ∈ n | · } U = Q S |P{zQ} > 0 scalar product has the desired property.117 (D) Every discrete action is free, but as we will see in this example, the converse does not hold. Let X = Rn+1 \{0} and G = R \{0}. The map (R \{0}) × (Rn+1 \{0}) → Rn+1 \{0} (r, P ) 7→ r · P

117Alternatively one can argue, that the action is obviously free and Sn is Hausdorff, hence the action is discrete by Lemma 6.5 (1) and (3). 90 STEFAN FRIEDL

defines an action. It is straightforward to see that the action is free. But the action is not discrete. Indeed, it is easy to see that for each open non-empty set U there exist uncountably many real numbers r ≠ 9 with U ∩ rU ≠ ∅. (E) We consider the following two self- of R2: A: R2 → R2 B : R2 → R2 and (x, y) 7→ (x + 1, 1 − y) (x, y) 7→ (x, y + 1). We denote by G the of all homeomorphisms of R2 that is generated by A and B. This means118 all self-homeomorphisms of R2 that can be written G = as a finite concatenation of the maps A, B, A−1 and B−1. The group G acts by definition on R2. In exercise sheet 5 we will see that this action of G on R2 is discrete. We consider again the square X = [0, 1]×[0, 1] with the equivalence relation that is generated by (0, y) ∼ (1, 1 − y) and (x, 0) ∼ (x, 1). It is straightforward to see that the map X/ ∼ → R2/G [(x, y)] 7→ [(x, y)] is a homeomorphism. Put differently, R2/G is homeomorphic to the Klein bottle. (F) Let 3 2 2 2 X = S = {(z1, z2) ∈ C | |z1| + |z2| = 1}

and let G = Zp for some p ∈ N. Furthermore let q ∈ Z with gcd(p, q) = 1. Then the map 3 3 Zp × S → S 2πik/p 2πikq/p (k + pZ, (z1, z2)) 7→ (e z1, e z2) 3 119 defines a smooth, orientation-preserving and discrete action of Zp on S . We 3 denote by L(p, q) = S /Zp the quotient space. It follows from Propositions 1.22 and 1.28 that L(p, q) is again a closed, compact, orientable 3-dimensional-manifold. We refer to the manifolds L(p, q) as lens spaces.120 We consider two special cases: (a) For p = 1 we only have the action of the trivial group on S3 and the quotient space L(1, q) is therefore just the original sphere S3. (b) For p = 2 we have q is odd, so for k = 0 we have e2πik/2 = e2πikq/2 = 1 and for 2πik/2 2πikq/2 3 k = 1 we have e = e = −1. Put differently, the action of Z2 on S is the same as the action of Z2 = {1} that we had used in the definition of the real projective space RPn. This shows that L(2, q) = RPn.

118For example the map B ◦ A ◦ A ◦ B−1 ◦ A lies in G. 119It is straightforward to verify that the map does indeed define an action. It is clear that the action is smooth and a direct calculation shows that the action is orientation-preserving. One can also easily verify that the action is free. It follows from Lemma 6.5 (1) and (3) that the action is discrete. 120The name “” comes from an alternative description of these manifolds. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 91

We discuss the last type of examples in slightly more detail. For p ∈ N and q ∈ N with gcd(p, q) = 1 we just introduced a new topological space, namely the lens space L(p, q). It is natural to ask, for which parameters (p, q) are these spaces homeomorphic? Lemma 6.6. Let p ∈ N and furthermore let q, r ∈ Z with gcd(p, q) = gcd(p, r) = 1. If q ≡ r1 mod p,121 then L(p, q) and L(p, r) are homeomorphic.122 Proof. Let p ∈ N and let q, r ∈ Z with gcd(p, q) = gcd(p, r) = 1. We suppose that q ≡ r1 mod p. We define a map L(p, q) → L(p, r) as follows: Case 1: q ≡ r mod p. [(z1, z2)] 7→ [(z1, z2)] Case 2: q ≡ −r mod p. [(z1, z2)] 7→ [(z1, z2)] −1 Case 3: q ≡ r mod p. [(z1, z2)] 7→ [(z2, z1)] −1 Case 4: q ≡ −r mod p. [(z1, z2)] 7→ [(z2, z1)] In all four cases it is straightforward to verify that the given map is well-defined and that it is in fact a homeomorphism.  Proof. Let p ∈ N and let q, r ∈ Z with gcd(p, q) = gcd(p, r) = 1. First suppose that q ≡ r mod p. In that case (p, q) and (p, r) define exactly the same equivalence relation on S3, so the quotient spaces are also the same.123 Now suppose that q ≡ r−1 mod p. It is straightforward to verify that the map L(p, q) → L(p, r) [(z1, z2)] 7→ [(z1, z2)] is a well-defined map that is in fact a homeomorphism.  In the proof of Lemma 6.6 it was quite straightforward to write down the homeo- morphism. This raises the question whether there are homeomorphisms between more lens spaces that are harder to find, or whether all other pairs of lens spaces are non- homeomorphic. More precisely, we have the following question. Question 6.7. Let p, pe ∈ N and let q, qe ∈ Z with gcd(p, q) = gcd(p,e qe) = 1. If L(p, q) and L(p,e qe) are homeomorphic, does it follow that p = pe and q ≡ qe1 mod p? This question will keep us busy for a very long time. We had just seen on page 89 that the group {1} acts freely and continuously on any sphere. We had also seen that any finite cyclic group Zp acts freely and continuously on the 3-sphere. This raises the question, whether such an action by Zp also exists on the 2-sphere. More generally we can ask the following question.

121By our hypothesis we have gcd(p, r) = 1. This implies that there exists a multiplicative inverse of r modulo p, i.e. there exists an s with r · s mod p. We write r−1 := s. 122In particular any lens space is of the form L(p, q) with q ∈ {0, . . . , p − 1}. 123They are not only homeomorphic, they are really the same. 92 STEFAN FRIEDL

Question 6.8. Given n ∈ N, which finite cyclic groups can act freely and continuously on the n-dimensional sphere Sn?124 We will come back to this question in Algebraic Topology II. The following proposition connects the notion of discrete actions to the theory of covering spaces. Proposition 6.9. Let X be a topological space together with a discrete and continuous action by a group G. Then the canonical projection p: X → X/G is a covering. Example. This proposition, combined with examples (A) and (C), gives in particular new proofs that the maps Rn → Rn/Zn and Sn → Sn/ ∼ = RPn are covering maps. Proof. Let G be a group which acts discretely and continuously on a topological space X. We want to show that the projection map p: X → X/G is a covering. Let [x] ∈ X/G. Since the group acts discretely there exists an open neighborhood V of x ∈ X such that V ∩ gV = ∅ for all g ≠ e. We put U := p(V ). The set U is an open neighborhood of [x] = p(x).125 The preimage p−1(U) is the disjoint union of the open subsets126 gV, g ∈ G. The restriction of the map p to any gV is a continuous, bijective127 map gV → U and according to Footnote 125 this map is furthermore open. It follows that the restriction of p to any gV is in fact a homeomorphism. Thus we see that U is uniformly covered. Since this holds for any point in X/G we have shown that the projection map p: X → X/G is a covering.  The following proposition is a slight generalization of the previous proposition. Proposition 6.10. Let X be a topological space together with a discrete and continuous action by a group G. Furthermore let H be a subgroup of G. Then the canonical projection p: X/H → X/G [x] 7→ [x] is a covering. For H the trivial group we recover the statement of Proposition 6.9. In fact the proof of Proposition 6.10 is almost identical to the proof of Proposition 6.9. We leave the details to the reader. Examples.

124 n Any cyclic group Zk, k ≠ 0 admits a non-trivial action on S where j ∈ Zk acts by rotation around j − the x-axis by the angle 2π k . But this action is not free, since the points ( 1, 0,..., 0) and (0,..., 0, 1) are fixed. 125Here we use the following fact from Analysis IV: If G is a group which acts continuously on a → topological space X, then∪ the projection map X X/G is open. 126Why is p−1(U) = gV and why are the sets gV disjoint? g∈G 127Why is the map bijective? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 93

(1) Let X = R × [−1, 1] and G = Z. Once again we consider the discrete action Z × R × − → R × − ( [ 1, 1]) ( [ 1, 1] ) 7→ 1 − n (n, (x, y)) x + 2n, ( 1) y . Let H = 2Z. According to Proposition 6.10 the projection map p: X/H → X/G is a covering. Put differently, all the horizontal maps in the following commutative diagram are coverings:

(R × [−1, 1])/2Z / (R × [−1, 1])/Z

 =  = R × − ∼ 1 − 2k / R × − ∼ 1 − k ( [ 1, 1])/(x, y) (x + 22k, ( 1) y) ( [ 1, 1])/(x, y) (x + 2k, ( 1) y)

= =   (R × [−1, 1])/(x, y) ∼ (x + k, y) / (R × [−1, 1])/(x, y) ∼ (x + 1k, (−1)ky). | {z } | {z 2 } =the annulus =M¨obiusband Each point on X/G has precisely two preimages, so the covering is in fact a 2-fold covering. Thus we recover the result from page 85 that the annulus is a 2-fold covering of the M¨obiusband. (2) We consider again the group G of self-homeomorphisms of R2 that is generated by A: R2 → R2 B : R2 → R2 and (x, y) 7→ (x + 1, 1 − y) (x, y) 7→ (x, y + 1). We let H be the subgroup of G generated by A2 and B. Note that A2 is the map given by

A2 : R2 −→A R2 −→A R2 7→ − 7→ − − (x, y) (x + 1, 1 y) |((x + 1) + 1,{z(1 (1 y))}. =(x+2,y) Note that A2 and B are two homeomorphisms that commute, so any element in H is in fact of the form A2k ◦ Bl : R2 → R2 (x, y) 7→ (x + 2k, y + l) for some k, l ∈ Z. By Proposition 6.10 the projection map p: R2/H → R2/G is a covering map. We already know that R2/G is the Klein bottle. It follows immediately from the above description of H, R2/H = R2/(2Z⊕Z), so R2/H is just the 2-dimensional torus. As on page 85 we see that we can view the 2-dimensional torus as a 2-fold covering of the Klein bottle. 94 STEFAN FRIEDL

6.3. The lifting of paths. Definition. Let p: X → B be a map between topological spaces and let f :[a, b] → B be a path. Let x ∈ X be a point with p(x) = f(a). A path g :[a, b] → X is called a of f to the starting point x, if g(a) = x and if p ◦ g = f, i.e. if the following diagram of maps commutes: t9 X g ttt tt p tt  [a, b] / B. f Examples. (1) We consider the map p: R → S1 t 7→ eit and the path f : [0, b] → S1 t 7→ e2it with starting point f(0) = 1. Let x = 4π. Then p(x) = p(4π) = 0 and g : [0, b] → R t 7→ 4π + 2t is a lift of f to the starting point 4π. Note that if b = π, then f is a loop in (S1, 1), but the lift is not a loop in (R, 4π). Put differently, the lift of a loop is not necessarily again a loop. This example is illustrated in Figure 61.

 R   x = 4π p g f  0 b b = 1 S1

Figure 61.

(2) In Figure 62 we illustrate the lifting of a path in the covering p: H → A of an infinite helix over an annulus that we had considered on page 83. Proposition 6.11. Let p: X → B be a covering and let f : [0, 1] → B be a path. Then given any x ∈ X with p(x) = f(0) there exists a unique lift g : [0, 1] → X of f to the starting point x. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 95

               H                                                            g                             p                f       A    a b 

Figure 62.

Proof. Let p: X → B be a covering, let f : [0, 1] → B be a path and let x be a point in X with p(x) := f(0). We first show the existence of a lift and then we prove the uniqueness of the lift. (a) We consider { }

S := s ∈ [0, 1] there exists a lift of f|[0,s] to the starting point x . Note that S is non-empty since 0 has the desired property. We put t := sup(S). We want to show that t = 1 and that t ∈ S. It suffices to show that there exists an ϵ > 0 such that [t, t + ϵ) ∩ [0, 1] still lies in S. We set b := f(t). Since p is a covering there exists an open neighborhood U of b ∈ B, which is uniformly covered. As a reminder, −1 this means that p (U) is the union of disjoint open subsets {Vi}i∈I with the property that the restriction of p to each subset Vi is a homeomorphism. Since U is open and since f is continuous there exists an ϵ > 0 such that f((t − ϵ, t + ϵ) ∩ [0, 1]) ⊂ U. By the definition of t there exists an s ∈ (t − ϵ, t] ∩ S. We denote by g the lift of f|[0,s] the starting point x. There exists a unique i ∈ I such that g(s) ∈ Vi. We denote by pi : Vi → U the homeomorphism which is given by the restriction of p to Vi. We consider the map

h: [0, t + ϵ) ∩ [0, 1] → {X ∈ 7→ g(z), if z [0, s], z −1 ∈ ∩ pi (f(z)), if z (s, t + ϵ) [0, 1].

−1 Since g(s) = pi (f(s)) we see that this map is indeed continuous. It is clear that this defines a lift of f to the starting point x. (b) Now we show the uniqueness of the lift. The proof of that statement is similar to the proof of the existence of a lift. So suppose that g, h: [0, 1] → X are two lifts of f to the starting point x. We want to show that g = h. We consider

S := {s ∈ [0, 1] | g(t) = h(t) for all t ∈ [0, s]} . 96 STEFAN FRIEDL

lift g of f|[0,s] to the starting point x


           x                                       V   i     g(s)                     −   1         g    |     p    p := p is a homeomorphism    i V i  i                             f(0) p       U              f                                    b := f(t)         0 s t 1  f(s)

Figure 63.

Note that 0 ∈ S, i.e. S is non-empty. We put t := sup(S). We want to show that t = 1 and that t ∈ S. Again it suffices to show that there exists an ϵ > 0 such that [t, t + ϵ) ∩ [0, 1] still lies in S. We put b := f(t). Since p is a covering there exists an open neighborhood U of b ∈ B which is uniformly covered. Since U is open and since f is continuous there exists an ϵ > 0 such that f((t−ϵ, t+ϵ)∩[0, 1]) ⊂ U. We pick an s ∈ (t−ϵ, t]∩[0, 1]. There exists a unique i ∈ I such that g(s) ∈ Vi. We denote by pi : Vi → U the homeomorphism which is given by the restriction of p to Vi. Since g(s) = h(s) it follows that h(s) ∈ Vi. Then it follows that g(z) ∈ Vi and h(z) ∈ Vi for all z ∈ (t − ϵ, t + ϵ) ∩ [0, 1]. It follows from the definitions that −1 −1 g(z) = pi (f(z)) and h(z) = pi (f(z)) for all z ∈ (t − ϵ, t + ϵ) ∩ [0, 1]. In particular [t, t + ϵ) ∩ [0, 1] lies in S. 

6.4. The lifting of homotopies. In the last chapter we had seen that given a covering map p: X → B any path f : [0, 1] → B can be lifted to a path g : [0, 1] → X. In this chapter we want to study the question whether the lifts of homotopic paths are still homotopic. Before we start this discussion we first generalize the notion of a lift. Definition. Let p: X → B be a covering and let f : Y → B be a map between topological spaces. A lift of f to X is a map128 f˜: Y → X such that p ◦ f˜ = f, i.e. such that the following diagram of maps commutes:

; X ˜ ww f ww ww p ww  Y / B. f

128Once again, all maps are understood to be continuous. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 97

Proposition 6.12. Let p: X → B be a covering, let B be a topological space, let Y be a topological manifold129 and let f : Y × [0, 1] → B be a map. Furthermore let f˜: Y × 0 → X be a lift of f|Y ×0. Let f˜: Y × [0, 1] → X be the map that is uniquely determined130 by the property that for each y ∈ Y the path t 7→ f˜(y, t) is the lift of the path t 7→ f(y, t) to the starting point f˜(y, 0). Then the map f˜: Y × [0, 1] → X is continuous. The statement of Proposition 6.12 is sketched in Figure 64. One way of formulating Proposition 6.12 is that a “continuous” family of paths in B lifts again to a “continuous” family of paths in X.

lift of f|Y ×0 to X lift of each path y × [0, 1] to X

                                                                X       X                   ˜   × → ˜        f : Y 0 X    f                          p p                                                                          Y   Y                                                      f  f              B B 0 1  0 1 

Figure 64. Schematic image for the lift of f.

Proof. Let p: X → B be a covering, let f : Y × [0, 1] → B be a continuous map and let ˜ f : Y × 0 → X be a continuous lift of f|Y ×0. (Here and throughout this proof we do not suppose that all maps are continuous.) We begin with the following definitions: (1) A good set U × I consists of a connected subset U ⊂ Y and an open interval131 I ⊂ [0, 1] such that f(U × I) lies in a uniformly covered subset of B. (2) We say a good set U × I is very good, if there exists a t ∈ I such that the restriction of f˜ to U × {t} is continuous. (3) Let y ∈ Y and t ∈ [0, 1]. A (very) good neighborhood U × I is a (very) good set U × I with y ∈ U and t ∈ I.

129In our only application we will have Y = [0, 1], but it is good to keep the rˆolesof Y and [0, 1] separate. 130The existence and the uniqueness of this map is an immediate consequence of Proposition 6.11. 131We say A ⊂ [0, 1] is an open interval, if A is an interval and if A is open with respect to the subspace topology of [0, 1]. Put differently, A = (a, b), or A = [0, a) or A = (b, 1] or A = [0, 1] for 0 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ 1. 98 STEFAN FRIEDL

It follows easily132 from the continuity of f, the hypothesis that Y is a manifold and the fact that p: X → B is a covering that each point (y, t) admits a good neighborhood.133

X U × I  p   Y         f          uniformly covered subset of B      U                            subset of B 0  1  I 

Figure 65. Schematic image of a good neighborhood.

Claim. Let U ⊂ Y open and let I ⊂ [0, 1] be an open interval such that U × I is very good. Then f˜ is continuous on U × I. Let U ⊂ Y be an open connected subset and let I ⊂ [0, 1] be an interval such that U × I is very good. This means in particular that there exists a t ∈ I such that U → X y 7→ f˜(y, t) is continuous. According to our hypothesis there exists a uniformly covered subset W ⊂ B such that f(U × I) ⊂ W . Since U × I is connected we can without loss of generality suppose that W is connected. Since W is uniformly covered the preimage p−1(W ) is the union of disjoint open subsets {Vj}j∈J , with the property, that the restriction of p to each subset Vj is a homeomorphism. ˜ We now want to show that there exists a j ∈ J with f(U × I) ⊂ Vj. We choose a y ∈ U. ˜ ˜ Then there exists a unique j ∈ J such that f(y, t) ∈ Vj. Since f is continuous U × {t} and 134 ˜ since U is connected it follows from Lemma 1.12 that f(U × {t}) ⊂ Vj. Now let z ∈ U. ˜ ˜ ˜ We just showed that f(z, t) ∈ Vj. By the construction of f the map f is continuous on ˜ {z} × I. Since I is connected it follows again from Lemma 1.12 that f({z} × I) ⊂ Vj. We e have thus shown that f(U × I) ⊂ Vi. This part of the argument is sketched in Figure 66. We denote by pj : Vj → W the homeomorphism which is given by the restriction of p to ˜ × ⊂ × ˜ ˜ −1 ◦ Vj. Since f(U I) Vj it follows that on U I the map f is given by f = pj f. In

132Why does this follow? 133Here we use the fact, established in Lemmas 1.9 and 1.19, that the topological manifold Y is locally connected. 134We apply Lemma 1.12 to the continuous map U × {t} → p−1(W ) from the connected set U to the −1 set p (W ) with components Vj, j ∈ J. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 99

       ×   Y [0, 1]  ˜ × { }   f is continuous on U t                            ×    ˜  U I  ˜   { } × f   f is continuous on each set z I                            p   V  j               f     t  W 

Figure 66. particular the map f˜ is a composition of continuous maps, so it is continuous on U × I. Thus we have proved the claim. Claim. Let y ∈ Y . We consider T := {t ∈ [0, 1] | there exists a very good neighborhood of (y, t)}. We claim that T = [0, 1]. Thus let y ∈ Y . Since [0, 1] is connected it suffices to show the following three statements: (1) T ≠ ∅, (2) T is open, and (3) T is closed. We will now prove these three statements: (1) As we had pointed out above, every point in Y × I, in particular the point (y, 0), admits a good neighborhood. By our hypothesis f˜ is continuous on Y × {0}. It follows that the good neighborhood is in fact very good. (2) It is easy to see that T is open. Indeed, suppose that we are given a very good neighborhood U × I of (y, t). Then U × I is also a very good neighborhood for any (y, s) ∈ U × I. Therefore the open neighborhood I of t also lies in T . (3) It remains to show that T is closed. Put differently, we need to show that T equals its closure T . Thus let t ∈ T . As we already pointed out, there exists a good neighborhood U × I of (y, t). Since t ∈ T there exists an s ∈ T ∩ I. Since s ∈ T it follows from the above claim that there exists a very good open neighborhood V × J of (y, s). By the previous claim the restriction of fe to V × J is continuous, in particular it is continuous on (U ∩ V ) × {s}. We denote by W the component of U ∩ V that contains y. Then W × I is a very good neighborhood of (y, t). This step is illustrated in Figure 67. This concludes the proof of the claim. We have just shown that given any y ∈ Y and any t ∈ [0, 1] there exists a very good e neighborhood Uy,t of (y, t). By the first claim the map f is continuous on each Uy,t. But 100 STEFAN FRIEDL

Y {y} × [0, 1] good neighborhood U × I of (y, t) y (U ∩ V ) × {s} very good neighborhood V × J of (y, s), ˜ × 0 T s t 1 f is continuous on V J

Figure 67.

˜ the open subsets Uy,t cover all of Y ×[0, 1]. It follows from Lemma 1.14 that f is continuous on Y × [0, 1].  Corollary 6.13. Let p: X → B be a covering and let f, g : [0, 1] → B be two paths. Let f,˜ g˜: [0, ] → X be two lifts with the same starting point. If f and g are homotopic, then the endpoints of f˜ and g˜ agree and the paths f˜ and g˜ are homotopic.



                  e  X    e  f   homotopic paths in B  P       e   g p       lift to homotopic paths in X    





 g  0 1   P  B 

Figure 68. Illustration of Corollary 6.13.

Proof. We write P := f(0) = g(0) and Q := f(1) = g(1). We denote by P˜ := f˜(0) =g ˜(0) the common starting point of the lifts and we write Q˜ := f˜(1). Let H : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → B (t, s) 7→ H(t, s) be a homotopy between the paths f and g. As a reminder, H is a map such that H(t, 0) = f(t) and H(t, 1) = g(t) for all t ∈ [0, 1], and such that H(0, s) = P and H(1, s) = Q for all s ∈ [0, 1]. On {0} × [0, 1] we consider the lift He of H which is given by He(0, s) = Pe. Furthermore we denote by He : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → X the map which is defined as follows: for each s ∈ [0, 1] ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 101 the path t 7→ He(t, s) is the unique lift of the path t 7→ H(t, s) to the starting point P˜ lift. According to Proposition 6.12 the map He is in fact continuous. By definition of He we have He(t, 0) = f˜(t) and He(t, 1) =g ˜(t) for all t ∈ [0, 1], For each s ∈ [0, 1] we have p(He(1, s)) = Q. Since He is continuous we obtain a map [0, 1] → p−1(Q) ⊂ X s 7→ He(1, s). Since [0, 1] is connected it follows from Lemma 1.12 (2) and Lemma 6.4 (2) that He(1, s) = Q˜ for all s ∈ [0, 1]. In particular we obtain that f˜(1) = He(1, 0) = Q˜ = He(1, 1) =g ˜(1). Thus it follows that He is indeed a homotopy between the paths f˜ andg ˜. 

Definition. Let p: X → B be a map between topological spaces and let x0 ∈ X and b0 ∈ B. We say a map p: X → B is a covering of pointed topological spaces, if p: X → B is a covering and if p(x0) = b0.

Corollary 6.14. For any covering p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) of pointed topological spaces the induced map p∗ : π1(X, x0) → π1(B, b0) is a monomorphism. Proof. We have135 ∈ → ⇒ ◦ ∈ ⇒ ◦ ≃ [f] ker(π1(X, x0) π1(B, b0)) = [p f] = e π1(B, b0) = p f eb0 ⇒ ≃ ⇒ ∈ = f ex0 = [f] = e π1(X, x0). ↑ ◦ by Corollary 6.13, since f is the lift of p f and ex0 is the lift of eb0 to the starting point x0  2 Example. By Proposition 4.12 we know that π1(S ) = 0 whereas we had seen on page 77 1 1 that π1(S × S ) is non-trivial. Using Corollary 6.14 we can now answer Question 6.3 (1) in the negative: there is no covering map from S1 × S1 to S2. We conclude the section with the following lemma.

Lemma 6.15. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed topological spaces. ˜ (1) Let f be a loop in (B, b0). We denote by f the lift of f to the starting point x0. Then the following holds: ˜ f is a loop in (X, x0) ⇐⇒ [f] lies in p∗(π1(X, x0)) ⊂ π1(B, b0). ˜ (2) Now we suppose that X is simply connected. Let f and g loops in (B, b0) and let f and g˜ be the lifts of f and g to the starting point x0. Then the following holds: f and g are homotopic loops ⇐⇒ the endpoints of fe and ge agree.

(3) If X is path-connected, then [X : B] = [π1(B, b0): p∗(π1(X, x0))].

135 We use the notation from page 62: for y ∈ Y we denote by ey the constant path ey(t) := x, t ∈ [0, 1]. 102 STEFAN FRIEDL

Remark. In exercise sheet 13 we use to answer Question 6.3 (2) in the negative. Proof. ˜ (1) We prove the “⇒”-direction. So let f be a loop in (B, b0). We denote by f the lift ˜ of f to the starting point x0. If f is a loop in (X, x0), then it defines an element ˜ ˜ in π1(X, x0) and we have [f] = [p ◦ f] = p∗([f]) ∈ p∗(π1(X, x0)). The proof of the “⇐”-direction is an exercise in exercise sheet 6.136 (2) The “⇒”-direction is an immediate consequence of Corollary 6.13. The proof of the “⇐”-direction is once again an exercise in exercise sheet 6. For that direction we need that X is simply connected. (3) This statement is proved in exercise sheet 13. 

6.5. Group actions and fundamental groups. The following proposition finally allows us to determine many fundamental groups. This proposition is the reward for the many rather theoretical results of the previous sections. Theorem 6.16. Let X be a simply connected topological space. Let G be a group which acts continuously and discretely on X. We choose an x ∈ X. We denote by p: X → X/G the canonical projection map. Then the map

G 7→ π1(X/G, [x]) g 7→ [p ◦ (path in X from x to g · x)] ∼ is a well-defined isomorphism of groups. In particular we have π1(X/G) = G.

path f from x to x + 2 p ◦ f x + 2         [x]                  p            x                                                        −1  0 1 2     G = Z acts on X = R × [−1, 1] by addition (R × [−1, 1])/Z = S1 × [−1, 1] on the first coordinate

Figure 69. Illustration of Theorem 6.16.

Example. We consider the action of G = Z on the simply connected topological space X = R. We denote by p: R → R/Z the canonical projection map. It follows immediately

136 Note that [f] lies in p∗(π1(X, x0)) ⊂ π1(B, b0) means that there exists a loop g in (X, x0) such that p ◦ g is homotopic to f. A priori it does not mean that there exists a loop g with p ◦ g = f. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 103 from Theorem 6.16 that the map Z → R Z π[1( / , 0) ] [0, 1] → R/Z n 7→ t 7→ p(nt) = [nt] | {z } the map t 7→ nt is a path from 0 to 0 + n

∼ 1 is an isomorphism of groups. In particular π1(R/Z, 0) = Z. We denote by ϕ: R/Z → S the homeomorphism given by ϕ([t]) = e2πit. If we compose the above isomorphism with 1 the isomorphism ϕ∗ : π1(R/Z, 0) → π1(S , 1), then we see that Z → 1 Φ: π[1(S , 1) ] [0, 1] → S1 n 7→ t 7→ e2πint 1 ∼ ∼ is an isomorphism of groups. In particular we finally see that π1(S ) = π1(R/Z) = Z. We had suspected this result for a while, but now we finally have a proof. Another way of reformulating that Φ is an isomorphism is to say that ever loop in (S1, 1) is homotopic to a loop of the form t 7→ e2πint for a uniquely determined n ∈ Z. Furthermore we obtain an affirmative answer to Question 4.8: the epimorphism 1 → Z Ψ: π1(S , 1) ∫ 7→ 1 1 [γ] 2πi z dz γ is an isomorphism.137 We will provide many more examples for Theorem 6.16 immediately after the proof of Theorem 6.16. We now provide the proof of Theorem 6.16. Proof of Theorem 6.16. 138 Let X be a simply connected topological space. Let G be a group which acts continuously and discretely on X. We choose an x ∈ X. We denote by p: X → X/G the canonical projection map. We consider the map

Φ: G 7→ π1(X/G, [x]) g 7→ [p ◦ (path in X from x to gx)]. We need to prove the following four statements: (1) Φ is well-defined, (2) Φ is a group homomorphism, (3) Φ is surjective, (4) Φ is injective. We now provide the proofs for these four claims.

137 1 Indeed, it is straightforward to see that Ψ ◦ Φ: Z → π1(S , 1) → Z is the identity. The first map Φ is an isomorphism, so Ψ = Φ−1 is also an isomorphism. 138It is perhaps helpful to read the proof with the example of the action of Zn on Rn in mind. 104 STEFAN FRIEDL

(1) We first show that the map Φ is well-defined. Let g ∈ G. Since X is in particular path-connected there exists a path from x to gx. Now let f be an arbitrary path in X from x to gx. From p(x) = [x] = [gx] = p(gx) it follows that p ◦ f is a loop in (X/G, [x]). In particular p ◦ f does indeed define an element in π1(X/G, [x]). Now we need to show that this element does not depend on the choice of f. So let f ′ be another path in X from x to gx. Since X is simply connected it follows from Lemma 4.11 that the paths f and f ′ are homotopic in X, i.e. there exists a homotopy H : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → X from f to f ′. But then p ◦ H : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → X/G is a homotopy from the loop p ◦ f to the loop p ◦ f ′. This shows that the map Φ is well-defined. (2) Now we show that Φ is a group homomorphism. Let g, h ∈ G and pick be a path k from x to gx and pick a path l from x to hx. Then gl139 is a path from gx to ghx and k ∗ gl is a path from x to ghx. It follows that

since p(gx) = p(x) ∈ X/G for all x ∈ X ↓ Φ(gh) = [p ◦ (k ∗ gl)] = [(p ◦ k) ∗ (p ◦ gl)] = [(p ◦ k) ∗ (p ◦ l)] ↑ = [p ◦ k] · [p ◦ l] = Φ(g) · Φ(h). since k ∗ gl is a path from x to ghx ↑

definition of · in π1(X/G, [x])

g x

k   gl 

    g h x


  l   hx

Figure 70. Schematic image for the proof that Φ is a group homomorphism.

Before we continue we recall that according to Lemma 6.9 the projection map p: X → X/G is a covering.

(3) Now we prove that Φ is surjective. We choose an arbitrary element c ∈ π1(X/G, [x]) and represent it by a loop f in (X/G, [x]). According to Proposition 6.11 there exists a lift f˜: [0, 1] → X of the path f to the starting point x. By definition we have p◦f˜ = f. In particular we obtain for the endpoint of f˜ that p(f˜(1)) = [x], therefore it follows that f˜(1) = gx for some g ∈ G. Thus we have proved that [ ] Φ(g) = p ◦ (path from x to gx) = [p ◦ f˜] = [f] = c.

139Here gl denotes the path [0, 1] → X that is given by t 7→ g · l(t). ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 105

(4) We conclude the proof of the proposition by showing that Φ is injective. Let g ∈ G. Then the following holds:

Φ(g) = e =⇒ [p ◦ (path f from x to gx)] = e ∈ π1(X/G, [x]) =⇒ p ◦ f ≃ e[x] in X/G =⇒ f(1) = ex(1) =⇒ gx = x =⇒ g = e. ↑ ↑

by Corollary 6.13, since f is a lift of p ◦ f and ex since the action is discrete, is a lift of e[x] to the starting point x hence free This shows that Φ is indeed injective. We have thus shown that Φ is a well-defined isomorphism.  We can now determine the fundamental groups of many of the topological spaces that we have encountered so far. Corollary 6.17. We have the following isomorphisms of fundamental groups n n ∼ n (A) π1(n-dimensional torus) = π1(R /Z ) = Z in particular 1 ∼ π1(S ) = π1(R/Z) = Z, (B) for any n ≠ 0, 1 n ∼ π (real projective space RP ) = π (Sn/{1}) = Z , 1 1 ∼ 2 (C) π1(M¨obiusband ) = π1((R × [−1, 1])/Z) = Z, 3 ∼ (D) π1(lens space L(p, q)) = π1(S /Zp) = Zp. Proof. By Proposition 4.12 we know that for any n ≥ 2 the sphere Sn is simply connected. Furthermore we know by the discussion on page 65 that Rn, n ≥ 1, and that the strip R × [−1, 1] are simply connected. We had seen on page 89 that all the actions are discrete. The actions are of course also continuous. The corollary is now an immediate consequence of Theorem 6.16.  Thus we have now finally determined the fundamental groups of many spaces. In Propo- 2 1 1 ∼ 2 sition 4.12 we had seen that π1(S ) = 0 whereas we have now seen that π1(S × S ) = Z . The fundamental groups are not isomorphic, hence the sphere S2 and the torus S1 × S1 are not homeomorphic to the torus.140 We also obtained a partial answer to Question 6.7: if two lens spaces L(p, q) and L(p,e qe) are homeomorphic, then p = pe. But as of right now we cannot say anything about the parameters q and qe.

140In Analysis IV we had shown a weaker result: we had shown, using de Rham cohomology, that S2 is not diffeomorphic to the torus. In general the two notions of “homeomorphic” and “diffeomorphic” are not the same. There exist manifolds that are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic. In fact [Mi1] showed in 1956 that there exist manifolds that are homeomorphic to S7 but that are not diffeomorphic to S7. 106 STEFAN FRIEDL

Examples. Theorem 6.16 not only gives us the fact that π1(X/G) is isomorphic to the group G, but it also gives us an explicit isomorphism. We will now study this isomorphism in two examples to explicitly determine non-trivial elements in the fundamental group of the torus and the real projective space. (1) As a reminder, the torus is defined as141 T = R2/Z2 = [0, 1] × [0, 1]/(x, 0) ∼ (x, 1) and (0, y) ∼ (1, y). The explicit isomorphism of Theorem 6.16 2 Φ: Z → π1(T, (0, 0)) assumes in particular the following values[ ] [0, 1] → [0, 1] × [0, 1]/ ∼ Φ((1, 0)) = x := t 7→ [(t, 0)] | {z } t 7→ (t, 0) is a path from (0, 0) to (1, 0) and [ ] [0, 1] → [0, 1] × [0, 1]/ ∼ Φ((0, 1)) = y := . t 7→ [(0, t)] | {z } t 7→ (0, t) is a path from (0, 0) to (0, 1) In the description of the torus as a subset of R3, see Figure 71, these two loops correspond to the “longitude” and the “meridian”.

                                    “longitude” x                       equals                           y      x  “meridian” y

Figure 71.

(2) Now we consider the real projective space RP2 = S2/{1} = S2/x ∼ −x and as usual we denote by p: S2 → RP2 the projection. We put Q := (1, 0, 0). We consider the following path in S2: f : [0, 1] → S2 t 7→ (cos(πt), sin(πt), 0). This is a path from Q to −Q = (−1) · Q. Since −1 is the one non-trivial element of the group G = {1} it follows from the explicit isomorphism of Theorem 6.16 that the equivalence class of p ◦ f is precisely the one non-trivial element of the

141Here we are slightly generous in our usage of the equality sign. More precisely, strictly speaking R2/Z2 is not the same as [0, 1] × [0, 1]/ ∼. But there exists a canonical homeomorphism between these two spaces that we use to identify these spaces. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 107

2 ∼ 142 2 fundamental group π1(RP , p(Q)) = {1}. Since π1(RP , p(Q)) is isomorphic to Z2 we see that p ◦ f represents an element of order 2, i.e. (p ◦ f) ∗ (p ◦ f) represents the trivial element in the fundamental group. Put differently, (p ◦ f) ∗ (p ◦ f) is null-homotopic. This one can see quite explicitly. More precisely, we have [p ◦ f] · [p ◦ f] = [(p ◦ f) ∗ (p ◦ f)] = [(p ◦ (−f)) ∗ (p ◦ f)] = [p ◦ (f ∗ (−f))] [ ( )] f : [0, 1] → S2 = p ◦ . t 7→ (cos(2πt), sin(2πt), 0) | {z } loop g in S2 The loop g in (S2,Q) is clearly null-homotopic.143 But then the loop p ◦ g is also null-homotopic. This example is illustrated in Figure 72.

the closed loop (−f) ∗ f is homotopic to the constant loop eQ

 −   Q = (1, 0, 0)  Q   Q                                 f (−f)∗f

p p p ◦ f RP2 = S2/ ∼ RP2 = S2/ ∼     (p ◦ f) ∗ (p ◦ f) = (p ◦ f) ∗ (p ◦ (−f)) = p ◦ (f ∗ (−f))

Figure 72.

Example. We consider the Klein bottle. Recall that on page 90 we had introduced the group G that is given by all self-homeomorphisms of R2 that can be written as concatena- tions of the two self-homeomorphisms A: R2 → R2 B : R2 → R2 and (x, y) 7→ (x + 1, 1 − y) (x, y) 7→ (x, y + 1) and their inverses. In exercise sheet 5 we had seen that G acts discretely on R2 and we had seen on page 90 that R2/G is homeomorphic to the Klein bottle. It follows from Theorem 6.16 that ∼ π1(Klein bottle) = G = group that is generated by the homeomorphisms A and B.

142In particular we have now shown that the loop in RP2 given on page 59 is not null-homotopic. 143More precisely, it is straightforward to write down an explicit homotopy from g to the constant path 2 eQ. Alternatively one can also deduce that g is null-homotopic from our calculation π1(S ,Q) = 0. 108 STEFAN FRIEDL

The maps A and B do not commute. Indeed, the map A ◦ B : R2 → R2 is given by (x, y) 7→ (x + 1, (1 − (y + 1))) = (x + 1, −y) whereas the map B ◦ A: R2 → R2 is given by (x, y) 7→ (x + 1, (1 − y) + 1) = (x + 1, 2 − y). Thus we see that the fundamental group of the Klein bottle is a non-. In Figure 73 we show the two elements b and c of the fundamental group of the Klein bottle K = [0, 1]×[0, 1]/ ∼ which correspond to B and C = B−1 ◦A under the isomorphism of Theorem 6.16 and the homeomorphism from page 90. Since the two homeomorphisms B and C(x, y) = (x + 1, −y) do not commute, the corresponding elements [b] and [c] of

π1(K) do not commute either.









  × ∼ 

Klein bottle K = [0, 1] [0, 1]/ 







the elements [b], [c] π (K) do not commute




Figure 73.

The previous example showed that fundamental groups can be non-abelian groups. In fact, as we will see later, “most” fundamental groups are non-abelian. This will pose several major problems. For example, what is a good way to describe a non-abelian group? How can we decide whether or not two non-abelian groups are isomorphic?

6.6. The fundamental group of the product of two topological spaces. The next proposition says that the fundamental groups of the product A × B of two topological spaces A and B is the direct product of the fundamental groups of A and B. Before we state the proposition explicitly we recall the definition of the direct product of two groups.

Let G and H two groups. We can form the cartesian product G × H := {(g, h) | g ∈ G and h ∈ H}. This is again a group with the group structure given by

(g1, h1) · (g2, h2) := (g1g2, h1h2) for g1, g2 ∈ G and h1, h2 ∈ H. We call the group G × H the direct product of the groups G and H.

We can now formulate the promised proposition. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 109

Proposition 6.18. Let A and B be two topological spaces and let a0 ∈ A and b0 ∈ B. We consider the maps i: A → A × B j : B → A × B and a 7→ (a, b0) b 7→ (a0, b). Then the map Φ: π1(A, a0) × π1(B, b0) → π1(A × B, (a0, b0)) (x, y) → i∗(x) · j∗(y) is an isomorphism. Example. It follows from Proposition 6.18 and the above calculations of fundamental groups that 1 ∼ 1 ∼ π1(S × L(p, q)) = π1(S ) × π1(L(p, q)) = Z × Zp. Of course we( can also apply) Proposition 6.18 several times and we see once again that 1 × · · · × 1 ∼ 1 × · · · × 1 ∼ Z × · · · × Z ∼ Zn π1 |S {z S} = |π1(S ) {z π1(S }) = | {z } = . n times n times n times Finally it follows from Propositions 4.12 and 6.18 that for any k, l ≥ 2 we have k l ∼ k l ∼ π1(S × S ) = π1(S ) × π1(S ) = 0 × 0 = 0. In particular we see that the fundamental group cannot distinguish the products of spheres of dimension ≥ 2. For example at the moment we cannot show that the two 6-dimensional manifolds S3 × S3 and S2 × S2 × S2 are not homeomorphic. In the proof of Proposition 6.18 we will need the following purely group-theoretic lemma.

Lemma 6.19. Let φ1 : G1 → π and φ2 : G1 → π be two group homomorphisms. If for every g1 ∈ G1 and g2 ∈ G2 the images φ1(g1) ∈ π and φ2(g2) ∈ π commute, i.e. if we have φ1(g1) · φ2(g2) = φ2(g2) · φ1(g1), then the map

φ1 × φ2 : G1 × G2 → π (g1, g2) 7→ φ1(g1) · φ2(g2) is a homomorphism.144 × ′ ∈ ′ ∈ Proof. We write Φ = φ1 φ2. Let g1, g1 G1 and let g2, g2 G2. We have · ′ ′ · · ′ · ′ Φ(g1, g2) Φ(g1, g2) = φ1(g1) φ2(g2) φ1(g1) φ2(g2) · ′ · · ′ ′ · ′ = φ1(g1) φ1(g1) φ2(g2) φ2(g2) = φ1(g1g1) φ2(g2g2) ↑ ′ ′ = Φ(g1g1, g2g2). by our hypothesis  Proof of Proposition 6.18. We need to prove the following three statements. (1) The map Φ is a group homomorphism.

144 In fact the converse also holds, if φ1 ×φ2 is a homomorphism, then the for every g1 ∈ G1 and g2 ∈ G2 the images φ1(g1) ∈ π and φ2(g2) ∈ π commute. Why is that? 110 STEFAN FRIEDL

(2) The homomorphism Φ is a monomorphism. (3) The homomorphism Φ is an epimorphism. We start with the proof of the first statement. By Lemma 6.19 and by definition it suffices to show that for any loop α: [0, 1] → A in a0 and any loop β : [0, 1] → B in b0 we have

i∗([α)] · j∗([β]) = j∗([β]) · i∗([α]) ∈ π1(A × B, (a0, b0)) or equivalently, that (i ◦ α) ∗ (j ◦ β) ≃ (j ◦ β) ∗ (i ◦ α). We consider the map Ψ = α × β : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → A × B (x, y) 7→ (α(x), β(y)). For s = {0, 1} we also consider the maps x : [0, 1] → [0, 1] × [0, 1] y : [0, 1] → [0, 1] × [0, 1] s and s t 7→ (t, s) t 7→ (s, t). We then have

since endpoint of x0 equals starting point of y1 same argument backwards ↓ ↓

(i ◦ α) ∗ (j ◦ β) = (Ψ ◦ x0) ∗ (Ψ ◦ y1) = Ψ ◦ (x0 ∗ y1) ≃ Ψ ◦ (y0 ∗ x1) = (j ◦ β) ∗ (i ◦ α). ↑ ↑

since i ◦ α = Ψ ◦ x0 x0 ∗ y1 and y0 ∗ x1 are both paths in [0, 1] × [0, 1] with and j ◦ β = Ψ ◦ y1 same starting point (0, 0) and same endpoint (1, 1), they are homotopic since [0, 1] × [0, 1] is convex All the maps in the above argument are illustrated in Figure 74.

(i ◦ α) ∗ (j ◦ β) x1 x0 ∗ y1 Ψ = α × β y0 A × B

y1 y0 ∗ x1 x0 (j ◦ β) ∗ (i ◦ α)

Figure 74.

The other two statements needed for the proof of the proposition are an exercise in exercise sheet 6.  Summarizing we have now finally managed to calculate many non-trivial fundamental groups. Nonetheless, the list of spaces for which we cannot yet calculate the fundamental group is still pretty long, it includes ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 111

(1) graphs, (2) knot complements, (3) the complement of more than one point in C, e.g. C \{0, 1}, and (4) surfaces of genus ≥ 2, (5) connected sums of manifolds. In the following chapters we will introduce more methods for determining the fundamental group of a given topological space. But first we give in the next section two applications of our results.

6.7. Applications: the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem. We first give an alternative proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra that we had first proved in Analysis III. Somewhat surprisingly this proof does not make any use of complex analysis.

Theorem 6.20. (Fundamental Theorem of Algebra) Every nonconstant polynomial with coefficients in C has a zero in C.

Proof. Let q(z) be a polynomial with complex coefficients with q(z) ≠ 0 for all z ∈ C with |z| = r. We consider the path

q(z) 1 fr : [0, 1] → S q(re2πis)/q(r) s 7→ q(re2πis)/q(r)

q(z) q(z) q(z) 1 Note that fr (s = 0) = fr (s = 1) = 1, i.e. fr is a loop in (S , 1). Now let

n n−1 p(z) = anz + an−1z + ··· + a1z + a0 be a polynomial of degree n ≥ 1. We assume that p(z) has no zeros in C. For t ∈ [0, 1] we also consider the polynomial n n−1 pt(z) := anz + t(an−1z + ··· + a1z + a0).

n 145 Note that p1(z) = p(z) and p0(z) = anz . Since an ≠ 0 there exists an s > 0 such that

n n−1 |anz | > |an−1z + ··· + a1z + a0| for any z with |z| = s. This inequality implies that for any t ∈ [0, 1] and any z with |z| = s we have pt(z) ≠ 0, i.e. pt(z) has no zeros on the circle |z| = s.

145In fact we can write it down explicitly: it follows easily from the triangle inequality that any s ∈ R such that s · |an| > |an−1 + ··· + |a0| will work. 112 STEFAN FRIEDL

We obtain the following sequence of homotopy equivalences of loops:

n follows from the definition follows from p0(z) = anz ↓ ↓ → 1 p(z) ≃ p(z) p1(z) ≃ p0(z) [0, 1] S constant loop at 1 = f0 fs = fs fs = the loop 7→ 2πint ↑ ↑ t e .

p(z) pt(z) the maps fr with r ∈ [0, s] are defined, the maps fs with t ∈ [0, 1] are defined, since the polynomials p(z) has no zeros since the polynomials pt(z) have no zeros on |z| = s, p(z) p(z) p1(z) p0(z) and they form a homotopy from f0 to fs and they form a homotopy from fr to fr On page 103 we had seen that the loop on the right defines a non-trivial element in the 1 fundamental group π1(S , 1), but we had just shown that it is homotopic to the constant path. Thus we have obtained a contradiction.  The following theorem goes back to the Polish mathematicians (1905-1982) and Stanislaw Ulam (1909-1984).146 It was first proved in 1932. Theorem 6.21. (Borsuk-Ulam Theorem) For every map f : S2 → R2 there exists a pair of antipodal points x and −x in S2 with f(x) = f(−x). Example. (1) It follows from the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem that there exist two antipodal points on earth with the same temperature and the same barometric pressure. (2) The Borsuk-Ulam Theorem implies in particular that there is no injective map from S2 → R2. (3) The statement of the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem also makes sense for 2 replaced by any n ∈ N. For n = 1 one can prove the statement using elementary methods.147 We will address the problem for n ≥ 3 in Algebraic Topology III. Proof. We prove the theorem by contradiction. So suppose there exists a map f : S2 → R2 such that f(x) ≠ f(−x) for all x ∈ S2. This allows to define the map g : S2 → S1 7→ f(x)−f(−x) x ∥f(x)−f(−x)∥. Note that g(−x) = −g(x) for all x ∈ S2. Now let η be the loop that is defined by η : [0, 1] → S2 s 7→ η(s) = (cos(2πs), sin(2πs), 0) and let h = g ◦ η : [0, 1] → S1 be the composition of η with g. We pick a c ∈ R such that h(0) = e2πic. We denote by p: R → S1, t 7→ e2πit, the usual covering map. We note that for z, w ∈ R we have ⇐⇒ − ∈ Z − ⇐⇒ − ∈ 1 Z p(z) = p(w) z w and p(z) = p(w) z w 2 + .

146Ulam became much more famous through his work on the hydrogen bomb. 147How would you prove the statement? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 113

By Proposition 6.11 we can lift the path h: [0, 1] → S1 to a path eh: [0, 1] → R with eh(0) = c. We refer to Figure 75 for an illustration of all the definitions.

R h˜ c c + q p(t) = e2πit − − f(x) f( x)  2πic g(x) =  h(0) = e η ∥f(x)−f(−x)∥ 

  0 1   1  S   null-homotopic    1 ◦  − h := g η h( 2 ) = h(0)

Figure 75. Illustration of the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem 6.21

Given any s ∈ [0, 1 ] we have ( ( )) ( 2 ) ( ( )) ( ) e 1 1 1 − − − − e p h s + 2 = h s + 2 = g η s + 2 = g( η(s)) = g(η(s)) = h(s) = p h(s) . ↑ ↑ by the definition of η since g(−x) = −g(x) for all x ∈ S2 By the above discussion of p this implies that ( ) e 1 − e q(s) h s + 2 h(s) =: 2 1 → Z with q(s) an odd integer. The map q : [0, 2 ] is the difference of two continuous maps, hence continuous. It follows from Lemma 1.12 that it is constant. We denote this constant value by q. Since q is odd it is in particular non-zero. It follows from the above that ( ) e e 1 q e q q e h(1) = h 2 + 2 = h(0) + 2 + 2 = h(0) + q. Since q is non-zero we obtain from Lemma 6.15 that h = g ◦ η is not null-homotopic. But h was the composition h = g ◦ η : [0, 1] → S2 → S1. By Proposition 4.12 the loop η is null-homotopic in S2 which implies by Proposition 5.1 that h = g ◦ η is null-homotopic in S1. Thus we have obtained a contradiction.  114 STEFAN FRIEDL

7. Homotopy equivalent topological spaces 7.1. Homotopic maps. In this section we will introduce an important category where the morphisms are no longer maps. Before we can do so we first need to introduce the following definition.

Definition. Let f0, f1 : X → Y be two maps between two topological spaces. A homotopy between the maps f0 and f1 is a map F : X × [0, 1] → Y (x, t) 7→ F (x, t) such that for all x ∈ X we have

F (x, 0) = f0(x) and F (x, 1) = f1(x).

If there exists a homotopy between the maps f0 and f1, then we say that f0 and f1 are homotopic and we write f0 ≃ f1. Examples. (1) Let X ⊂ Rn be a star-shaped subset. Recall that this means that there exists an x0 ∈ X such that for all x ∈ X the segment x0 · (1 − t) + x · t, t ∈ [0, 1] lies in X. For example all balls and also all of Rn are star-shaped. We consider the maps f : X → X f = id: X → X 0 and 1 x 7→ x0 x 7→ x.

Put differently, f0 is the constant map which sends every point to the point x0 and f1 is the identity. Then F : X × [0, 1] → X 7→ · − · (x, t) |x0 (1 {zt) + x }t ∈ X since X is star-shaped

is a homotopy between f0 and f1. (2) In Figure 76 we show four maps α, β, γ and δ from the circle S1 to the annulus X = B2(0) \ B1(0). The maps α and β are homotopic, whereas the maps γ and δ look they are not homotopic.

          α  γ                          β  δ      the maps α and β are homotopic the maps γ and δ appear not to be homotopic


Remark. Let γ0, γ1 :[a, b] → X be two maps from an interval to a topological space. We just said that the two maps are homotopic if there exists a map Γ: [a, b] × [0, 1] → Y such that

(i) Γ(t, 0) = γ0(t) and Γ(t, 1) = γ1(t) for all t ∈ [a, b]. We can also view these two maps as paths. If they have the same same starting point γ0(a) = γ1(a) =: P and the same endpoint γ0(b) = γ1(b) =: Q, then we had said on page 57 that the paths are homotopic if there exists a map Γ: [a, b] × [0, 1] → Y that satisfies (i) and that satisfies also (ii) Γ(a, s) = P and Γ(b, s) = Q for all s ∈ [0, 1]. It is somewhat unfortunate that there are two different notions of homotopies. But it should be clear from the context which notion we mean, in particular when we say that “two paths are homotopic” we always mean a homotopy of the latter type. Sometimes, if we want to avoid confusion, we say

γ0 and γ1 are path-homotopic if the homotopy fixes the starting point and the endpoint and we say

γ0 and γ1 are freely-homotopic if the homotopy is not required to fix the starting point and the endpoint. Clearly two path-homotopic paths are also freely homotopic. But in general the converse does not hold. For example, consider the two paths α: [0, 1] → Y = C \{0} β : [0, 1] → Y = C \{0} and x 7→ e2πix x 7→ 1. Here α goes counterclockwise once around the origin and β is the constant path. We had seen in Corollary 3.2 that α and β are not path-homotopic. On the other hand they are freely homotopic. Indeed a free homotopy is given by F : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → Y = C \{0} (x, t) 7→ e2πix(1−t). This free homotopy is illustrated in Figure 77. In Lemma 4.2 we had shown that “homotopy of paths” is an equivalence relation on the set of paths between two points. The same way, with verbatim the same proof, one can prove the following lemma: Lemma 7.1. Let X be and Y topological spaces. Then “homotopy of maps” forms an equivalence relation on the set of maps from X to Y . Definition. Given two topological spaces X and Y and a map f : X → Y we denote by [f] the equivalence class of f. Furthermore we denote by [X,Y ] the set of homotopy equivalence classes of maps from X to Y . 116 STEFAN FRIEDL

  the path α is not path-homotopic the path α is freely homotopic to a constant path to a constant path

                  α                            1  1                               if we do not have to fix the “second” endpoint, X = C \{0} then we can continuously turn α into a constant path


Figure 77.

Example. We write I = [0, 1]. A slight generalization of the argument in the previous example shows that for any path-connected topological space X the set [I,X] consists of a single element, i.e. all maps I = [0, 1] → X are freely homotopic. In exercise sheet 7 we generalize this statement to show that if A is a convex subset of Rn and if X is a path-connected topological space, then any two maps f, g : A → X are homotopic. We will prove the following lemma in exercise sheet 7. Lemma 7.2. Let X,Y and Z topological spaces. If f, f ′ : X → Y and g, g′ : Y → Z are homotopic maps, then the map g ◦ f is homotopic to g′ ◦ f ′. We now define the homotopy category H of topological spaces by Ob(H) := all topological spaces, Mor(X,Y ) := [X,Y ] with the composition148 Mor(X,Y ) × Mor(Y,Z) → Mor(X,Z) ([f], [g]) 7→ [g ◦ f]. In this category the morphisms are not maps but they are equivalence classes of maps.

7.2. The fundamental groups of homotopy equivalent topological spaces. Definition. Let X be and Y topological spaces. (1) A map f : X → Y is a homotopy equivalence between X and Y , if f admits a homotopy inverse, i.e. a map g : Y → X with g ◦ f ≃ idX and f ◦ g ≃ idY . (2) If there exists a homotopy equivalence between X and Y , then we say that X and Y are homotopy equivalent and we write X ≃ Y .

148The fact that this map is well-defined is a consequence of Lemma 7.2. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 117

(3) We say X is contractible, if X is homotopy equivalent to a topological space which consists of precisely one point. The name “homotopy equivalence” and the notation ≃ already suggests that this is an equivalence relation on the class of topological spaces. This is indeed the case. Lemma 7.3. The relation “homotopy equivalence” is an equivalence relation on the class of topological spaces. Proof. It is clear that the only property of an equivalence relation that requires any thought is transitivity. If f : X → Y and g : Y → Z are maps between topological spaces that admit homotopy inverses f ′ : Y → X and g′ : Z → Y , then it is straightforward to verify that f ′ ◦ g′ is a homotopy inverse to g ◦ f.  We will now give a long list of examples of homotopy equivalent spaces. Examples. n (1) Let X be a star-shaped subset of R and let x0 ∈ X be a point such that for any x ∈ X the segment from x0 to x lies in X. We consider the maps f : X → {x } g : {x } → X 0 and 0 x 7→ x0 x0 7→ x0. ◦ ◦ ≃ Then f g = id{x0} and we had just seen on page 114 that g f idX . Thus we showed that any star-shaped subspace of Rn, e.g. Rn itself, is homotopy equivalent to a point, i.e. it is contractible. (2) It follows from the previous example together with Lemma 7.3 that for any n ∈ N and any k ∈ N the topological spaces Rn and Rk are homotopy equivalent. (3) We consider the M¨obiusband X = [0, 1] × [−1, 1] / (0, y) ∼ (1, −y) and the circle Y = [0, 1] / 0 ∼ 1. We consider the maps f : X → Y g : Y → X and [(x, y)] 7→ [x] [x] 7→ [(x, 0)].

Then f ◦ g = idY and furthermore we have g ◦ f ≃ idX as can be seen using the following homotopy F : X × [0, 1] → X ([(x, y)], t) 7→ [(x, y · (1 − t))]. The M¨obiusband is thus homotopy equivalent to the circle. Remark. If X and Y are homotopy equivalent topological spaces, then X it is straightfor- ward to verify that X is path-connected if and only if Y is path-connected. We leave the verification of this statement as an exercise to the reader. 118 STEFAN FRIEDL

Definition. We say that a subset A of a topological space X is a deformation retract of X, if there exists a deformation retraction from X to A, i.e. a map F : X × [0, 1] → X with the following properties: (1) for every x ∈ X we have F (x, 0) = x and F (x, 1) ∈ A, (2) for every a ∈ A we have F (a, t) = a for all a.

X A deformation retraction from X to A                                                                                                               

Figure 78. Schematic picture of a deformation retraction.

Examples. (1) For any topological space X and any interval I ⊂ R containing 0 the subspace X × {0} is a deformation retract of X × I. In fact the deformation retraction is given by (X × I) × [0, 1] → X × I ((x, s), t) 7→ (x, s · (1 − t)). (2) In exercise sheet 7 we will see that for any n ∈ N the sphere Sn−1 is a deformation retract of Rn \{0}. (3) It follows easily from the previous examples that the central circle [0, 1]×{0} of the M¨obiusband is a deformation retract of the M¨obiusband [0, 1] × [−1, 1]/ ∼.

    the M¨obiusband      deformation retracts to    the central circle 

Figure 79.

In exercise sheet 7 we will prove the following elementary lemma. Lemma 7.4. Let A be a subset of a topological space X which admits a deformation re- traction F from X to A. Then the map X → A x 7→ F (x, 1) is a homotopy equivalence. In particular the deformation retract A is homotopy equivalent to the total space X. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 119

The lemma often gives a convenient way for showing that two spaces are homotopy equivalent. For example the lemma, together with the previous example implies that the sphere Sn−1 and Rn \{O} are homotopy equivalent. Proposition 7.5. Let f : X → Y be a map between topological spaces which is a homotopy equivalence. Let x0 ∈ X be a point. We put y0 := f(x0). Then the induced map

f∗ : π1(X, x0) → π1(Y, y0) is an isomorphism. Example. It follows from Lemma 7.4, Proposition 7.5, Corollary 6.17, Proposition 4.12 and the previous example that for any n ≥ 2 and any Q ∈ Rn we have { n ∼ n ∼ Z, if n = 2, π (R \{Q}) = π (R \{0}) = 1 1 0, if n ≥ 3. Proof. Let f : X → Y be a map between topological spaces which is a homotopy equiva- lence. Let x0 ∈ X be a point. We put y0 = f(x0). We pick a homotopy inverse g : Y → X of f. We put x1 = g(y0). According to our hypothesis we have idX ≃ g ◦ f, i.e. there exists 149 a homotopy H between idX and g ◦ f. We denote by α: [0, 1] → X t 7→ H(x0, t) the path with which the homotopy H connects the points

H(x0, 0) = (idX )(x0) = x0 and H(x0, 1) = (g ◦ f)(x0) = x1. Claim. The maps

(g ◦ f)∗ : π (X, x ) → π (X, x ) π (X, x ) → π (X, x ) 1 0 1 1 and 1 0 1 1 [s] 7→ [(g ◦ f) ◦ s] [s] 7→ [α ∗ s ∗ α] are identical.

Let s: [0, 1] → X be a loop in (X, x0). We want to show that the loops (g ◦ f) ◦ s and α ∗ s ∗ α are path-homotopic. We consider the map150 G: [0, 1] × [0, 1] → X [ ]  α(4r), if r ∈ 0, 1 t ,  ( ( ) ) 4 r − 1 t (r, t) 7→ H s 4 , 1 − t , if r ∈ ( 1 t, 1 − 1 t),  1 − 1 t 4 4  2 [ ] − ∈ − 1 α(4r 3), if r 1 4 t, 1 . 149Can we already conclude from this fact that g ◦ f induces the identity map on fundamental groups? Unfortunately not, for example g ◦ f does not even induce a map on π1(X, x0), since g ◦ f sends the base point x0 to the point x1, which in general is different from x0. 150The map G is defined as follows: for t ∈ [0, 1] the loop r 7→ G(r, t) is given by traveling along α from x1 to α(t) = α(1 − t), then one follows the loop given by H(s(−), t), and then one returns along α back to x1. 120 STEFAN FRIEDL

It is straightforward to verify that G is indeed a continuous map with

G(0, t) = G(1, t) = x1 for all t ∈ [0, 1] and which satisfies G(r, 0) = ((g ◦ f) ◦ s)(r) and G(r, 1) = (α ∗ s ∗ α)(r) for all r ∈ [0, 1]. This shows that G is in fact a path-homotopy between the loops (g ◦ f) ◦ s and α ∗ s ∗ α151

t = 1 (g ◦ f) ◦ s the homotopy H(s, t)

     ◦  between id and g f x1  x1 for t = 0, 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 4 2 3 α ⇒ = G(t, 1 ) α 2 t = 0

     s  x0  x0

Figure 80. Schematic image of H and G.

in (X, x1). Thus we have proved the claim. We consider the following diagram:

[s] 7→ [α∗s∗α] / π (X, x ) 3 π (X, x ) 1 0 fffff 1 1 g∗ ffff fffff f∗ fffff f∗  fffff  / π1(Y, y0) π1(Y, y1). [t] 7→ [(f◦α)∗t∗(f◦α)] We make the following observations:

(1) By the claim and Proposition 4.9 the map g∗ ◦ f∗ : π1(X, x0) → π1(X, x1) is an isomorphism. (2) This implies that the map f∗ : π1(X, x0) → π1(Y, y0) is a monomorphism. (3) If we replace the rˆolesof f and g, then the argument of the claim and Proposition 4.9 shows that the map f∗ ◦ g∗ : π1(Y, y0) → π1(Y, y1) is also an isomorphism. (4) This implies that the map f∗ : π1(X, x1) → π1(Y, y1) is an epimorphism. (5) We consider the diagram

[s] 7→ [α∗s∗α] / π1(X, x0) ∼ π1(X, x1)  _ = f∗  f∗  ∼  = / π1(Y, y0) π1(Y, y1). [t] 7→ [(f◦α)∗t∗(f◦α)]

151To be precise, G is a homotopy between (g ◦ f) ◦ s and a suitable parametrization of α ∗ s ∗ α. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 121

The horizontal maps are isomorphisms by Proposition 4.9. It follows immediately from the definitions of the maps that the diagram commutes. (6) Since the right vertical map is an epimorphism and since the horizontal maps are isomorphisms we now see that the left vertical map is also an epimorphism, (7) The combination of (2) and (6) shows that the left vertical map is an isomorphism.  In Lemma 1.11 we had already seen that the topological spaces R and R2 are not home- omorphic. Now we can prove a similar statement in one dimension higher. Lemma 7.6. The topological spaces R2 and R3 are not homeomorphic. Unfortunately we are still not able to settle the question whether for k ≠ l ≥ 3 the topological spaces Rk and Rl can be homeomorphic. Before we can settle this question we will have to develop a completely new set of tools. Proof. Let us suppose that there exists a homeomorphism f : R2 → R3. Let P ∈ R2 be a point. We put Q := f(P ). Then f restricts to a homeomorphism from R2 \{P } to R3 \{Q}. But then we obtain that ∼ 2 ∼ 3 Z = π1(R \{P }) = π1(R \{Q}) = 0. ↑ ↑ ↑ page 119 since f is a homeomorphism page 119 Thus we obtained a contradiction.  7.3. The wedge of two topological spaces. Definition. Let A and B be two topological spaces and let a ∈ A and b ∈ B be two points. We then write152 A ∨ B := A ⊔ B / a = b. The topological space A ∨ B is called the wedge of A and B. Remark. The notation in the definition of the wedge of two topological spaces does not mention that the definition depends on the choice of a ∈ A and b ∈ B. If A or B is disconnected, then it is easy to see in examples that in general the definition of the wedge A ∨ B depends on the choice of component from which we take a or b. But fortunately in many situations the homeomorphism type of A ∨ B does not depend on the choices of a and b. For example, if A and B are connected manifolds, then it follows from Proposition 2.5 that the homeomorphism type of A∨B does not depend on the choices of a and b. Examples. (1) The space A∨B should be viewed as the result of gluing A and B along the points a and b. The wedge of two circles is shown in Figure 81.

152More precisely, A ∨ B = A ⊔ B/ ∼ where ∼ is the equivalence relation generated by a = b. 122 STEFAN FRIEDL

b = (−1, 0) a = b

     ⇒   =

a = (1, 0) S1 ∨ S1

Figure 81. The wedge of two circles.

(2) If G is a connected topological graph with one vertex and n edges, then it is straight- forward to see that G is homeomorphic to the wedge of n circles. (3) In exercise sheet 7 we will see that the wedge of two circles is homotopy equivalent to C \ {1}. More precisely, we will show that 1 ∨ 1 { ∈ C | | | } ∪ { ∈ C | | − | } S S = |z z + 1 = 1 {z z z 1 = 1} two circles that meet at the origin is a deformation retract of C \ {1}.

  C \ {− }  1, 1       

{z ∈ C | |z + 1| = 1} ∪ {z ∈ C | |z − 1| = 1} = S1 ∨ S1

Figure 82.

We conclude the discussion of homotopy equivalences with another look at graphs. Definition. Let G = (V,E) be a finite graph, i.e. a graph such that V and E are finite.153 (1) We refer to χ(G) = #V − #E = number of vertices − number of edges as the of G. (2) A tree is a finite connected graph with Euler characteristic 1. (3) Given a vertex v and an edge e we write   0, if no endpoint of e equals v, f(v, e) :=  1, if e has two endpoints, one of which equals v, 2, if e has one endpoint and this one endpoint equals v.

153Note that the subsequent definition makes sense for abstract graphs and for topological graphs. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 123

(4) The valence of a vertex v is defined as ∑ valence(v) := f(v, e). edge e In a slightly less formal way, the valence of a vertex v is the number of edges at v, but hereby we have to count any loop at v twice, since it “goes twice into v”.

   1 2       3                   3                      3   4                 2  2 Euler characteristic of G example of a tree valences of the vertices equals χ(G) = 8 − 10 = −2

Figure 83. Examples of trees.

Proposition 7.7. Let T be a topological graph that is a tree. Then the following hold: (1) If T has at least one edge, then it admits a vertex of valence one. (2) The tree T is contractible. (3) The fundamental group π1(T ) is trivial. Proof. Let T be a tree. Then the following hold: (1) We suppose that T has at least one edge. Note that a vertex with valence 0 is an isolated point. Since T has at least one edge and since it is by definition connected, we see that the tree T does not have a vertex of valence 0. Furthermore we have ∑ ∑ ∑ valence(v) = f(v, e) = 2 · # edges = 2 · #vertices − 2. vertex v vertex v edge e ↑ ↑ edge each contributes 2 to the sum since χ(T ) = 1 This equality can only hold if there is at least one vertex with valence less than 2. By the above the valence has to be at least one, so there exists a vertex of valence one. (2) We prove that any tree is contractible by induction on the number of edges. If a tree has zero edges, then it consists of precisely one point, in particular it is even homeomorphic to a point. Now suppose that we know that all trees with n edges are contractible. Let T = (V,E) be a tree with n + 1 edges. By (1) it admits a vertex v of valence one. We denote by e the unique edge with v as an endpoint. We write T ′ = (V \{v},E \ e). We reduced the number of vertices and of edges by one, so the Euler characteristic is unchanged, i.e. χ(T ′) = χ(T ) = 1, so T ′ is again a tree. 124 STEFAN FRIEDL

We denote by u the other endpoint of e. We consider the maps ′ ′ f : T → {T g : T → T u, if x ∈ e, and x 7→ x. x 7→ x, otherwise.

We claim that g is a homotopy inverse to f. Evidently f ◦ g = idT ′ . We need to show that g ◦ f ≃ idT . We pick a homeomorphism φ: [0, 1] → e with φ(0) = u and φ(1) = v. Then H : T × [0, 1] → {T φ(φ−1(x) · t), if x ∈ e, (x, t) 7→ x, otherwise.

is a homotopy from g ◦ f to idT . We have thus shown that T is homotopy equivalent to T ′. By our induction hypothesis T ′ is homotopy equivalent to a point. So it follows from Lemma 7.3 that T itself is also homotopy equivalent to a point, i.e. T is contractible.

                     f       e   v          φ g  tree T u tree T ′ u

Figure 84. Illustration for the proof that every tree is contractible.

(3) It follows from (2) and Proposition 7.5 that the fundamental group of T is trivial. 

We now provide a few more definitions on graphs. Definition. Let G = (V,E) be a graph. (1) A subgraph of G = (V,E) is a graph G′ = (V ′,E′) such that V ′ ⊂ V and such that E′ is a union of components of E. (2) We say an edge e is adjacent to a subgraph G′ if e has two endpoints where one of the endpoints lies on G′ and the other does not. (3) A maximal tree for G is a subgraph that is a tree and which does not admit an adjacent edge.

Remark. (1) If an edge e is adjacent to a subgraph G′, then it is not part of the subgraph. Indeed, by definition of a subgraph, for any edge that is part of the subgraph also its endpoints have to lie on the subgraph. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 125

′   subgraph G   graph G   graph        


               edge adjacent to G′ maximal subtree

Figure 85.

(2) The example of Figure 85 shows that a graph usually has many different maximal subtrees. (3) A maximal tree is often also called a spanning tree. We conclude this discussion on graphs with the following proposition. Proposition 7.8. Let G = (V,E) be a finite connected topological graph. (1) The graph G admits a maximal tree. (2) Every maximal tree of G contains all vertices of G. (3) The graph G is homotopy equivalent to the wedge of 1 − χ(G) circles. (4) Two finite connected topological graphs with the same Euler characteristic are ho- motopy equivalent. We will study later the question, whether the converse to statement (4) holds: if two finite connected graphs are homotopy equivalent, does it follow that the Euler characteristics are the same?



 is homotopy equivalent to       graph of Euler characteristic 8 − 10 = −2 wedge of three circles

Figure 86.

We only provide a sketch of the proof. Sketch of the proof. Let G = (V,E) be a finite connected topological graph.

(1) We pick a vertex v. We define T0 = {v} and view it as a subtree of G. We now define a sequence of trees T0,...,Tk by iteratively attaching an adjacent edge to the previous tree. This process stops after finitely many steps since G is finite. We always add an edge and a vertex, thus we see that χ(Tk) = ··· = χ(T0) = 1, i.e. Tk is a tree. By definition it is in fact a maximal tree. This argument is illustrated in Figure 87 on the left. 126 STEFAN FRIEDL

(2) Let T be a subgraph of G that is a tree. Suppose that there exists a vertex w that does not lie in T . We will show that T is not maximal. Let v be a vertex in T . Since G is connected there exists a sequence of edges e0, . . . , en with the following properties: (a) v is a vertex of e0, (b) for each i ∈ {0, . . . , n − 1} a vertex of ei is also a vertex of ei+1, and (c) w is a vertex of en. Then there exists an i ∈ {0, . . . , n − 1} such that a vertex of ei lies in T and the other one does not. But then ei is an edge adjacent to T . This shows that T was not maximal. This argument is illustrated in Figure 87 on the right.

edge adjacent e to T2, we set T3 = T2 ∪ e non-maximal subtree         graph G                      w                T v    2   T1 T0 sequence of edges connecting v to w

Figure 87. Illustration for the proofs of the first two statements of Proposition 7.8.

(3) Let G be a finite topological graph. We write n = 1 − χ(G). We prove the statement by induction on the number of edges in a maximal tree. If a maximal tree has zero edges, then it consists of a single vertex. By (2) this means that the original graph has only one vertex and it has n edges. It follows from the discussion on page 122 that the graph is in fact homeomorphic to the wedge of n circles. So suppose that we know the desired statement whenever the maximal tree has k edges. Now suppose that G has a maximal tree T with k + 1 edges. By Proposition 7.7 the tree T = (W, F ) has a vertex v of valence one. We denote by e the one edge in T such that v is an endpoint of e. We denote by u the other endpoint of v. By the definition of an edge there exists a homeomorphism φ: [0, 1] → e such that φ(0) = u and φ(1) = v. We denote by f1, . . . , fk the edges in G \ T that have v as an endpoint. We first consider the case that for j = 1, . . . , k the edge fj has another endpoint → wj. We pick homeomorphisms ψj : [0, 1] f j, j = 1, . . . , n such that ψj(0) = v and ′ ψj(1) = wj. We now denote by G a graph that has the vertices V \{v}, the edges \{ } ′ E e, f1, . . . , fk and which has new edges fj, j = 1, . . . , k with endpoints u and ′ 154 ′ → ′ wj. We pick homeomorphisms ψj : [0, 1] f j, j = 1, . . . , n such that ψj(0) = u

154At that point one has to argue why such a graph G′ exists. One way of seeing this is to take the n n+1 n+1 graph G ⊂ R and view it as a graph of G ⊂ R . In R we can connect the points u and wj by disjoint edges, without intersecting the previous graph. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 127

′ 155 and ψj(1) = wj. We consider the maps ′ ′ ′ g :G → G g :G → G ψ′ (ψ−1(x)), if x ∈ f , φ(2t), if x = ψ′ (t), t ∈ [0, 1 ], j j j and j 2 x 7→ ∈ x 7→ ψ (2t − 1), if x = ψ′ (t), t ∈ [ 1 , 1], u, if x e,  j j 2 x, otherwise. x, otherwise. We leave it as an exercise to show that g ◦ g′ : G′ → G′ and g′ ◦ g : G → G are homotopic to the identity map.156 This shows that G is homotopy equivalent to G for which T ′ = (W \{v},F \ e) is a maximal tree. Since T ′ has one edge less than T it follows from our induction hypothesis that G′ is homotopy equivalent to the wedge of 1−χ(G′) = 1−χ(G) = n circles. It follows from Lemma 7.3 that G itself is homotopy equivalent to the wedge of n circles. The case that there are edges in G \ E for which v is the only endpoint is dealt with in a very similar way. We leave this case as an exercise to the reader. A related stated will be proved in exercise sheet 7.

the graph G the graph G′

   f f2 1  ′  w1  w2 w1 w2  ′ f2  ψ1  ψ2 f1  ′  v  ψ  2  ′    ψ   e  1 φ          u maximal tree T u maximal tree T ′

Figure 88. Illustration for the proof of the third two statement of Proposition 7.8.

(4) The last statement is an immediate consequence of (3) and Lemma 7.3. 

155One can easily verify that these maps are in fact continuous. 156Note that if n = 0, then this is precisely the construction from the proof of Proposition 7.7. 128 STEFAN FRIEDL

8. Basics of group theory Before we continue with developing the theory of fundamental groups of topological spaces we want to introduce several basic constructions in group theory and we want state several facts which we will use throughout the remainder of this course. 8.1. Free abelian groups and the finitely generated abelian groups. Let S be a non-empty set. We write ZS := all maps from S to Z. Furthermore, for S the empty set we write ZS := {0}. We consider ZS with the obvious group structure, i.e. the group structure that is given by ZS × ZS → ZS ( ) S → Z (f, g) 7→ . s 7→ f(s) + g(s) In the following, given any set S, we are mostly interested in the subgroup Z(S) := all maps from S to Z which are non-zero for only finitely many s ∈ S. We refer to Z(S) as the generated by S or as the free abelian group on the generating set S. We refer to the cardinality of S as the rank of Z(S). We will use the following convention. Given s ∈ S we denote by s also the map S → {Z 1, if t = s, t 7→ 0, otherwise. This map lies of course in Z(S). Thus we can view S as a subset of Z(S). Furthermore given s1, . . . , sk ∈ S and n1, . . . , nk ∈ Z we obtain the corresponding element n1s1 + ··· + nksk (S) of Z . Sometimes n1s1 + ··· + nksk is called a formal linear combination of elements in S. Every element of Z(S) can be written as such a formal linear combination of finitely many elements of S. Indeed, for f ∈ Z(S) we can write157 ∑ f := f(s) · s. s ∈ S with f(s) ≠ 0 The free abelian group generated by S has the following “universal property”: Lemma 8.1. Let S be a set and let ϕ: S → G be a map to an abelian group G. Then there exists a unique homomorphism ψ : Z(S) → G that makes the following diagram commute  / (S) S F Z FF FF FF ψ ϕ F#  G.

157It is straightforward to see that both sides define the same map S → Z, so they are the same element of Z(S). ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 129

Proof. We consider the map158 ψ : Z(S) → G ∑n ∑n f = nisi 7→ ψ(f) := niϕ(si). i=1 i=1 It is straightforward to verify that ψ has the desired property and that it is the unique such homomorphism.  Remark. Let S be a set. Sometimes in the literature a free abelian group on the generating set S is defined as a group π together with a map φ: S → π which has the following universal property: given any map ϕ: S → G to an abelian group G there exists a unique homomorphism ψ : π → G that makes the following diagram commute / S D π DD DD DD ψ ϕ !  G. In this language Lemma 8.1 can be reinterpreted as saying that a free abelian group on the generating set S exists. The “usual universal property” argument shows that any two free abelian groups on the generating set S are isomorphic. More precisely, let φ′ : S → π′ be another free abelian group on the generating set S. By the universal property of φ and φ′ there exist homomorphisms ψ : π → π′ and ψ′ : π′ → π that make the following diagrams commute: ′ φ / φ / ′ S CC π S DD π CC DD C ψ D ψ′ ′ CC and D φ !  φ D!  π′ π. In particular we get the commutative diagrams φ / φ / φ / S 7JJ π S CC π S DD π 77JJ φ′ C D 7 JJ CC ′◦ and of course we also have DD 7 JJ ψ which simplifies to CC ψ ψ DD idπ 77 J$  φ !  φ "  77 ′ the commutative diagram φ 7 π π π. 77 7 ′ 7 ψ 7  π It follows from the uniqueness part of the universal property applied to the two diagrams ′ ′ on the right that ψ ◦ ψ = idπ. The same way one shows that ψ ◦ ψ = idπ′ . In particular ψ and ψ′ are isomorphisms. Definition. We say that a group G is a free abelian group, if it is isomorphic to a free abelian group Z(S) for some set S.

158Hereby we assume that G is written as an additive group. If G is a multiplicative group we would ni need to replace ni · ϕ(si) by ϕ(si) . 130 STEFAN FRIEDL

Lemma 8.2. (1) Any subgroup G of a free abelian group F is again a free abelian group. (2) If φ: Z(S) → Z(T ) is a monomorphism, then159 #S ≤ #T . (3) If φ: Z(S) → Z(T ) is an epimorphism, then #S ≥ #T . Proof. The first two statements are proved in [Rt, Theorem 9.3]. Now let φ: Z(S) → Z(T ) be an epimorphism. For each t ∈ T there exists therefore some ϕ(t) ∈ S with φ(ϕ(t)) = t. By Lemma 8.1 there exists a unique homomorphism ψ : Z(T ) → Z(S) with ψ(t) = ϕ(t) for all t ∈ T . Thus we have φ(ψ(t)) = φ(ϕ(t)) = t for all t, so φ ◦ ψ = id, in particular ψ is a monomorphism. It follows from (2) that #T ≤ #S.  Definition. (1) If F is a free abelian group, then we define the rank of F as the cardinality of any ∼ set S with F = Z(S).160 (2) Given an abelian group G we say that S ⊂ G is a generating set if the canonical homomorphism Z(S) → G is an epimorphism.161 (3) We say that an abelian group G is finitely generated if it admits a finite generating set.

m Example. Let S be a finite set with m elements s1, . . . , sm. Let ϕ: S → Z be the map (S) m given by ϕ(si) = ei. Then the resulting homomorphism Ψ: Z → Z is an isomorphism. Put differently, Zm is a free abelian group of rank m. We use this opportunity to recall the classification of finitely generated abelian groups which had been proved in the algebra course. A proof is for example also provided in [Hu, Chapter II.2]. Theorem 8.3. (Classification of finitely generated abelian groups) Let A be a finitely generated abelian group. Then there exist non-zero natural numbers a1, . . . , ak with ai|ai+1 for i = 1, . . . , k − 1 and an r ∈ N0 such that ⊕k ∼ Zr ⊕ Z A = ai . i=1

Furthermore the numbers a1, . . . , ak and r are uniquely determined by A.

159Hereby we denote by #S and #T the cardinalities of the sets S and T , as defined on page 79. 160It follows from Lemma 8.2 and the Bernstein-Schr¨oderTheorem 6.1 that the rank of a free abelian group is well-defined. 161Hereby we mean by “canonical map Z(S) → G” the unique homomorphism ψ : Z(S) → G from Lemma 8.1 that makes the following diagram commute  / (S) S  Ks K Z KK KK ψ ϕ K%  G where S → G is the inclusion map. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 131

Definition. Given a finitely generated abelian group A we denote the direct sum of the cyclic groups on the right hand side of Theorem 8.3 as the canonical form of A. Example. The Chinese Remainder Theorem says that for any coprime m and n we have an isomorphism ∼ = Zmn −→ Zm × Zn = Zm ⊕ Zn k + mnZ 7→ (k + mZ, k + nZ). For example consider A = Z ⊕ Z . It is not in the form of Theorem 8.3, but we have the ∼ 3 5 isomorphism Z3 ⊕ Z5 = Z15, which is of the desired form. Thus Z15 is the canonical form of Z3 ⊕ Z5. We will not provide a proof for Theorem 8.3, but we will sketch a proof for the following lemma. The third statement of the lemma is a somewhat weaker version of Theorem 8.3. Lemma 8.4. (1) Let V be an m × n-matrix over Z. For any two matrices A ∈ GL(m, Z) and B ∈ GL(n, Z) we have an isomorphism

m n ∼ m n Z /AV BZ = Z /V Z . (2) Let V be an m × n-matrix over Z. Then there exist two matrices A ∈ GL(m, Z) and B ∈ GL(n, Z)162 such that163   p 0 0 0  1   ..  · ·  0 . 0 0 A V B =   0 0 pt 0 0 0 0 0

for some p1, . . . , pt ∈ N. (3) Let A be a finitely generated abelian group. Then there exists an r > 0 and p1, . . . , pt ∈ N such that

⊕t ∼ Zr ⊕ Z A = pi . i=1 As mentioned before, we will only provide sketch for the proof of the lemma.

Sketch of proof. (1) The proof of the first statement is elementary. It is left as an exercise in exercise sheet 8.

162The matrices A and B are invertible over Z, i.e. their determinants are 1. 163Hereby the last row and column of zeros can be arbitrarily large. 132 STEFAN FRIEDL

(2) First note that if an m × n-matrix P is obtained from an m × n-matrix Q by swapping two rows, then P is obtained by left-multiplying Q by an m × m-matrix of the form164   id 0 0 0 0    0 0 0 1 0     0 0 id 0 0  .  0 1 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 id Similarly if P is obtained from an m × n-matrix Q by adding the k-th row to the l-th row, then P is obtained by left-multiplying Q by an m × m-matrix of the form   id 0 0 0 0    0 1 0 1 0     0 0 id 0 0   0 0 0 1 0  0 0 0 0 id where the extra 1 sits in the (k, l)-entry. Both these m×m-matrices lie in GL(m, Z). If we do the same operations for columns, then this corresponds to right multipli- cation by the same type of matrices in GL(n, Z) as above. Now let V be an m × n-matrix over Z. If V is the zero matrix, then there is nothing to show. So suppose that V is not the zero matrix. We perform the following steps: (a) After swapping rows and columns we can arrange that the absolute value of the (1, 1)-entry is less or equal than the absolute value of all other entries. After possibly multiplying the first column by −1 we can assume that the (1, 1)-entry v11 is positive. (b) By adding and subtracting the first column from the other columns we can arrange that all entries in the first row, except for the (1, 1)-entry, lie between 0 and v11 − 1. (c) The same way as in (2) we can arrange that that all entries in the first column, except for the (1, 1)-entry, lie between 0 and v11 − 1. Now we have to distinguish two cases: (a) If there exists outside of the (1, 1)-entry another entry in the first row or column that is non-zero, then we start again with (1). Note that the new entry (1, 1)- entry will be less than before. So this process will come to a halt after finitely many steps.

164Here is the reality check whether that is really correct: we have ( )( ) ( ) 0 1 a b c d = . 1 0 c d a b ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 133

(b) If all entries in the first row and column, except for the (1, 1)-entry are zero, then ( ) v 0 V = 11 0 V ′ for some (m − 1) × (n − 1)-matrix V ′ and we perform the same operations on the smaller matrix V ′. (3) Let A be a finitely generated abelian group. By the definition of a finitely generated abelian group there exists an epimorphism ψ : Zm → A. Since Z is a Noetherian we know that ker(ψ) is again a finitely generated free abelian group of rank n ≤ m. In particular there exists an isomorphism v : Zn → ker(ψ). We denote by V the m×n-matrix that represents the resulting map Zn → ker(ψ) ⊂ Zm with respect ∼ to the standard basis. Then A = Zm/V Zn. We pick matrices A and B as in (2). From (1) it follows that Zm/V Zn is isomorphic to Zm/AV BZn. But the latter is Z ⊕ · · · ⊕ Z ⊕ Zm−n  isomorphic to p1 pt . Definition. Let A be a finitely generated abelian group. (1) We refer to the r in the statement of Theorem 8.3 as the rank of the finitely generated abelian group A. We denote it by rank(A).165 (2) We refer to tor(A) = {a ∈ A | there exists an n ∈ N with na = 0} as the torsion subgroup of A.166 If tor(A) is the trivial subgroup, then we say that A is torsion-free. In the following two lemmas we collect several basic facts about finitely generated abelian groups. Most of the statements follow more or less directly from Theorem 8.3. We will not prove the lemmas and we leave it as an exercise to deduce the statements from Theorem 8.3 and the algebra course you took. Lemma 8.5. Let 0 → A → B → C → 0 be a short of abelian groups167 such that at least two of these groups are finitely generated. Then the following holds: (1) all three groups are finitely generated abelian groups, (2) rank(B) = rank(A) + rank(C), (3) if A and C are torsion-free, then B is also torsion-free. We also have the following lemma.

165If A is a finitely generated free abelian group, then this definition of rank agrees with the definition given for free abelian groups on page 128. 166Why is it a subgroup? 167Recall that this means that the map A → B is injective, that B → C is surjective and that the image of A → B agrees with the kernel of B → C. 134 STEFAN FRIEDL

Lemma 8.6. (1) If A, B and C are finitely generated abelian groups, then ∼ ∼ A ⊕ C = B ⊕ C =⇒ A = B. (2) If A is a subgroup of a finitely generated abelian group B, then tor(A) is a subgroup of tor(B) and rank(A) ≤ rank(B). (3) If A is a subgroup of Zr, then A is a free abelian group with rank less or equal than r.168 (4) If A is a subgroup of Zr with rank(A) < r, then A is a proper subgroup, i.e. A ≠ Zr. Abelian groups that are not finitely generated are not classified and they tend to be significantly harder. For example the following lemma shows that not every torsion-free abelian group is a free abelian group. Lemma 8.7. The abelian group (Q, +) is torsion-free but not free abelian. Proof. Clearly (Q, +) is torsion-free. If it was free abelian, then there would exist an epimorphism to Z. In exercise sheet 8 we show that such an epimorphism cannot exist.  8.2. The free product of groups. We first recall the definition of the direct product of two groups G and H that we had already given on page 108. The direct product of two groups G and H is defined as G × H := {(g, h) | g ∈ G and h ∈ H} together with the group structure that is given by

(g1, h1) · (g2, h2) := (g1g2, h1h2) for g1, g2 ∈ G and h1, h2 ∈ H. We call the group G × H the direct product of the groups G and H. Via the monomorphisms G → G × H H → G × H and g 7→ (g, e) h 7→ (e, h) we can view G and H as of G × H. Note that these subgroups commute, i.e. for every g ∈ G and h ∈ H we have the equality (g, e)(e, h) = (g, h) = (e, h)(g, e). We will now introduce the “free product” G ∗ H of two groups G and H. The definition is perhaps initially harder than the definition of the “direct product” G×H. But for many, perhaps even most applications, the free product is more useful. So let G be and H be two groups. We consider the set G ∗ H of all finite sequences (x1, . . . , xm) such that the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) each xi lies in one of the groups G or H, (2) no xj is the neutral element of G or of H, (3) any two consecutive xj’s lie in two different groups.

168In fact this statement is already contained in Lemma 8.2. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 135

Hereby we also allow the “empty sequence” (). Let (x1, . . . , xm) and (y1, . . . , yn) be two elements in G ∗ H. We define the product of these two elements as follows:

(1) If xm and y1 lie in different groups, then we define

(x1, . . . , xm) · (y1, . . . , yn) := (x1, . . . , xm, y1, . . . , yn). −1 (2) If xm and y1 lie in the same group, then there exists a j such that xm+1−i = yi for ̸ −1 169 i = 1, . . . , j, and such that xm−j = yj+1. We define · · (x1, . . . , xm) (y1, . . . , yn) := (x1, . . . , x| m−j{zyj+1}, . . . , yn). ≠ e

Another way of stating the product formula is as follows: given two sequences (x1, . . . , xm) and (y1, . . . , yn) we stack them together (x1, . . . , xm, y1, . . . , yn) and then we delete any occurrence of a subsequence of the form a, a−1 for a ∈ G or a ∈ H and if a subsequence is of the form a, b with a, b ∈ G or a, b ∈ H, then we replace it by ab. We henceforth refer to G ∗ H together with this product structure as the free product of G and H. We have the following important lemma. Lemma 8.8. The free product of two groups G and H is again a group. The neutral element of G ∗ H is hereby given by the empty sequence () and the inverse of an element (x1, . . . , xm) ∈ G ∗ H is given by −1 −1 −1 ∈ ∗ (x1, . . . , xm) = (xm , . . . , x1 ) G H. Proof. It is clear that the empty sequence is a neutral element. It follows immediately from the definition of the product that the inverse of an element (x1, . . . , xm) ∈ G ∗ H is given −1 −1 by (xm , . . . , x1 ). It remains to show that the multiplication satisfies associativity. In principle one can show associativity naively “by hand”, but there are surprisingly many cases one needs to distinguish, so that the proof becomes rather painful. We will therefore follow a different approach. We write W = G ∗ H and we denote by (P (W ), ◦) the group of all permutations of W , i.e. P (W ) is the set of all bijections from W to W and the group structure is given by composition of maps. For g ∈ G we consider the map170

λg : W → W  (g, x1, x2, . . . , xm), if x1 ∈ H, 7→ ∈ ̸ −1 (x1, . . . , xm) (gx1, x2, . . . , xm), if x1 G and g = x1 ,  −1 (x2, . . . , xm), if g = x1 . ′ It is now straightforward to see that for any g, g ∈ G and any (x1, . . . , xm) ∈ W we have ′ ′ g(g · (x1, . . . , xm)) = (gg ) · (x1, . . . , xm). This means that λg ◦ λg′ = λgg′ . It is now

169 Since xm and y1 lie in the same group, the elements xm−j and yj+1 also lie in the same group, so it makes sense to consider xm−j · yj+1. 170It is straightforward to see that the sequences on the right do indeed lie in G ∗ H. 136 STEFAN FRIEDL straightforward to see that the map λ: G → P (W ) g 7→ λg is a group homomorphism. Similarly we define λ: H → P (W ). Now we consider the map λ: W → P (W ) → ◦ · · · ◦ (x1, . . . , xn) λx1 λxn .

This map is injective since λ(x1, . . . , xn) applied to the empty word () gives the word (x1, . . . , xn). Hence λ(x1, . . . , xn) is not the identity map from W → W , i.e. λ(x1, . . . , xn) is non-trivial in P (W ). Furthermore the map λ: W → P (W ) satisfies λ(x · y) = λx ◦ λy. Put differently, λ defines an injective map λ:(W, · ) → (P (W ), ◦) that preserves the product structure. But since (P (W ), ◦) satisfies the associativity law we now see that (W, · ) also satisfies the associativity law.  The following lemma summarizes two main properties of the free product of two groups. Lemma 8.9. Let G and H groups. Then the following holds: (1) The maps i: G → {G ∗ H j : H → {G ∗ H (g), if g ≠ e, and (h), if h ≠ e, g 7→ h 7→ (), if g = e (), if h = e are monomorphisms. (2) For any two group homomorphisms α: G → A and β : H → A there exists a unique group homomorphism γ : G ∗ H → A such that the following diagram commutes ∗ o i G O HGG G GG GGγ j GG α G#  H / A. β Example. Let G and H be two groups. We denote by α: G → G×H and β : H → G×H the obvious inclusion maps. It follows from Lemma 8.9 there exists a unique homomorphism γ : G ∗ H → G × H which makes the following diagram commute: G ∗ H o i G O LLL LLLγ j LLL α L%  H / G × H. β Remark. In the literature the direct product of two groups often gets introduced in a slightly different way, namely by a “universal property”. More precisely, let G be and H be two groups. The direct product of G and H is then defined as a group K together with two ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 137 homomorphisms i: G → K and j : G → K which satisfy the following universal property: for every two group homomorphisms α: G → A and β : H → A there exists a unique group homomorphism γ : K → A such that the following diagram commutes

o i KO A G AA AAγ j AA α A  H / A. β Lemma 8.9 can now be reinterpreted as saying that the direct product of two groups always exists. An argument that is very similar to the one we had given on page 129 shows that the direct product is unique in the following sense: If (K, i: G → K, j : H → K) and (K′, i′ : G → K′, j′ : H → K′) both satisfy the above universal property, then there exists a unique isomorphism Φ: K → K′ such that i′ = Φ ◦ i and j′ = Φ ◦ j. 171 Proof. It is clear that the maps i and j are injective, furthermore it follows immediately from the definition of the group structure on G ∗ H that the maps are group homomorphisms. Now let α: G → A and β : H → A be two group homomorphisms. For an element (g1, h1, . . . , gk, hk) ∈ G ∗ H with gi ∈ G, hi ∈ H, i = 1, . . . , n we define

γ(g1, h1, . . . , gk, hk) := α(g1) · β(h1) ····· α(gk) · β(hk). The same way we define γ for all other elements in G ∗ H. Now one can show easily that γ is a group homomorphism. It remains to show the uniqueness of γ. Any element in G ∗ H is a product of elements of the form i(g), g ∈ G and j(h), h ∈ H. It follows that any homomorphism δ : G ∗ H → A is already uniquely determined by the values of δ on all elements of the form i(g), g ∈ G and j(h), h ∈ H. Put differently, there is at most one homomorphism δ : G ∗ H → A with δ(g) = α(i(g)) for all g ∈ G and δ(h) = β(j(h)) for all h ∈ H.  Remark. (1) We will use the monomorphisms from Lemma 8.9 to view G and H as subgroups of G ∗ H. (2) If there is no danger of confusion, then we often shorten (x1, . . . , xm) ∈ G ∗ H to the notation x1 . . . xm. This notation is coherent with the convention (1). Note that if g ∈ G and h ∈ H are non-trivial elements, then the sequences (g, h) and (h, g) both lie in G ∗ H and they are different. With the convention that we just introduced that means that g · h ≠ h · g. Put differently, a non-trivial element of G never commutes with a non-trivial element of H. (3) The construction of the free product of two groups generalizes in an obvious way to the of finitely many, in fact even to infinitely many groups.

171Why does K = G × H with the obvious maps i: G → K and j : H → K not satisfy this universal property? Or does it? 138 STEFAN FRIEDL

Let t be a symbol. We define ⟨t⟩ := {. . . , t−2, t−1, e, t, t2,... }. The set ⟨t⟩ admits an obvious group structure that is given by ti · tj := ti+j. This group is called the infinite cyclic group generated by t. The map Z → ⟨t⟩, n 7→ tn is evidently an isomorphism. For a set S we refer to F (S) := ⟨S⟩ := free product of the groups ⟨s⟩, s ∈ S as the free group on the set S. Via the map s 7→ (s) we can and will view S as a subset of F (S) = ⟨S⟩. For example, if S = {t1, . . . , tk}, then we obtain the group

F (t1, . . . , tk) := ⟨t1, . . . , tk⟩ := ⟨t1⟩ ∗ · · · ∗ ⟨tk⟩ which we also refer to as the free group on the generators t1, . . . , tk. Each element of the free group F (t1, . . . , tk) is thus of the form

ts1 ts2 . . . tsl r1 r2 rl with ri ≠ ri+1 for i = 1, . . . , l − 1 and si ≠ 0 for i = 1, . . . , l. Sometimes we denote the free group on k generators just by Fk. Example. We consider the free group ⟨x, y⟩ on generators x and y. Elements in this group are of the form xy3x−2y or y−2xy. The multiplication is the “obvious one”, for example (xy3x−1y2) · (y−2x3yxy−1) = xy3x2yxy−1. The group is not abelian since xy ≠ yx.172 Lemma 8.10. Let S be a set, let G be an arbitrary group and let g : S → G be a map. Then there exists a unique homomorphism φ: ⟨S⟩ → G with φ(s) = g(s) for s ∈ S. Proof. For s ∈ S the map ⟨s⟩ → G sn 7→ g(s)n is evidently the unique homomorphism φs : ⟨s⟩ → G with φs(s) = g(s). It now follows from the obvious generalization of Lemma 8.9 to the case of the free product of arbitrarily many groups that there exists a unique homomorphism φ: ⟨S⟩ → G with φ(s) = φs(s) = g(s) for s ∈ S.  Remark. Let S be a set. A free group on S is a group K together with a map f : S → K which satisfies the following universal property: for any map g : S → G from the set S to a

172Why is xy ≠ yx? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 139 group G173 there exists a unique group homomorphism φ: K → G such that the following diagram commutes f / S KK K KKK KKK φ g K%  G. Lemma 8.10 says that the obvious map S → ⟨S⟩ is a free group on S in the above sense. As before, a slight variation on the argument on page 129 shows that the free group on S is unique in an appropriate sense. Definition. (1) A group G is called free, if it is isomorphic to the free group ⟨S⟩ on some set S. (2) Given a group G we say that S ⊂ G is a generating set if the canonical homomor- phism ⟨S⟩ → G is an epimorphism.174 Sometimes we also say that the elements in S are generators of G. (3) We say that a group G is finitely generated if it admits a finite generating set. Example. (1) As on page 90 we consider the following two self-homeomorphisms of R2: A: R2 → R2 B : R2 → R2 and (x, y) 7→ (x + 1, 1 − y) (x, y) 7→ (x, y + 1) and we denote by G the subgroup of all homeomorphisms of R2 that is generated by A and B. This means that all self-homeomorphisms of R2 that can be written G = as a finite concatenation of the maps A, B, A−1 and B−1. We had seen on page 90 that R2/G equals the Klein bottle K and using Theo- ∼ rem 6.16 we had seen on page 108 that π1(Klein bottle) = G. The group G is finitely generated in the above sense. More precisely, it follows immediately from the definition of G that S = {A, B} ⊂ G is a generating set for G. (2) For any set S there exists by Lemma 8.10 a unique homomorphism ⟨S⟩ → Z(S) that sends s ∈ S to s viewed as an element in Z(S). Since the set S ⊂ Z(S) generates Z(S) we see that this homomorphism is an epimorphism. It follows that any finitely generated abelian group in the sense of page 130 is also a finitely generated group in the above sense. 173Note that in contrast to the Lemma 8.1 group G is now not necessarily abelian. 174Hereby we mean by “canonical map ⟨S⟩ → G” the unique homomorphism ψ : ⟨S⟩ → G from Lemma 8.10 that makes the following diagram commute  / ⟨ ⟩ S  Ir I S II II ψ ϕ I$  G where S → G is the inclusion map. 140 STEFAN FRIEDL

The subgroup of a free abelian group is again a free abelian group. Does the same hold for free groups? We record this as a question for future reference. Question 8.11. Is every subgroup of a free group again a free group? The next lemma says in particular that free groups on two sets are isomorphic if and only if the cardinalities of the sets are the same. Lemma 8.12. Let S and T be two sets. (1) If there exists an epimorphism ⟨S⟩ → ⟨T ⟩, then #S ≥ #T . (2) If ⟨S⟩ is isomorphic to ⟨T ⟩, then #S = #T . (3) If given n ∈ N we denote by Fn the free group on n generators, then for k ≠ l the groups Fk and Fl are not isomorphic. Proof. (1) We first recall that we had just seen in the previous example that for any set U (U) there exists a unique epimorphism ψU : ⟨U⟩ → Z that sends u ∈ U to u viewed as an element in Z(U). Now let S and T be two sets and let φ⟨S⟩ → ⟨T ⟩ be an epimorphism. By Lemma 8.1 there exists a unique homomorphism φe: Z(S) → Z(T ) that sends s ∈ S (S) to ψT (φ(s)) ∈ Z . We obtain the following diagram of homomorphisms φ ⟨S⟩ / / ⟨T ⟩

ψS   ψT φe Z(S) / Z(T ). It follows immediately from the definition ofφ ˜ that this diagram commutes.175 Since the top horizontal and since the vertical maps are epimorphisms we see that the bottom horizontal map is also an epimorphism. It follows from Lemma 8.2 that #S ≥ #T . (2) Let f : ⟨S⟩ → ⟨T ⟩ be an isomorphism. We apply (1) to f and to f −1 and we obtain that #S ≥ #T and #T ≥ #S. It follows from the Bernstein-Schr¨oderTheorem 6.1 that #S = #T . (3) This statement is an immediate consequence of (2).176  We had already seen that some groups can be written as a direct product of two groups in different ways. For example it follows from the Chinese Remainder Theorem that the groups Z3 ×Z35 and Z5 ×Z21 are isomorphic. The following theorem says that the situation is much more rigid for free products. Before we can state the theorem we have to introduce the following definition.

175Here we use that a homomorphism γ : ⟨S⟩ → G is uniquely determined by the values of γ on S. Put differently, if α: ⟨S⟩ → G and β : ⟨S⟩ → G are two homomorphisms with α(s) = β(s) for all s ∈ S, then it follows immediately from the uniqueness statement of Lemma 8.10 that α = β. 176Note that if we just want to prove statement (3), then in the proof of (2) we could replace the slightly esoteric Lemma 8.2 by the more conventional Lemma 8.5 that was proved in the Algebra course. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 141

Definition. A group G is indecomposable if it is not isomorphic to the free product of two non-trivial groups. The following lemma will be proved in exercise sheet 8. Lemma 8.13. Abelian groups and finite groups are indecomposable. Now we can state the Grushko177 Decomposition Theorem. Theorem 8.14. Let G be a finitely generated group.

(1) The group G is isomorphic to the free product G = A1 ∗ · · · ∗ Ak of non-trivial indecomposable groups. (2) The isomorphism types of A1,...,Ak are unique up to permutation. More precisely, if A1,...,Ak and B1,...,Bl are indecomposable finitely generated groups such that ∼ A1 ∗ · · · ∗ Ak = B1 ∗ · · · ∗ Bl, ∼ then k = l and furthermore there exists a permutation σ ∈ Sk such that Ai = Bσ(i) for i = 1, . . . , k. Proof. A proof for the existence of the decomposition of any finitely generated group G into indecomposable groups was first given by Igor Grushko [Gr]. See also [LS, Theorem IV.1.8] for a proof.178 The uniqueness statement follows from a refinement of Grushko’s proof due to John Stallings [St2, p. 168f]. See also [Ne, Theorem 4.1] for a more direct reference.  Example. It follows from Lemma 8.13 and from the Grushko Decomposition Theorem 8.14 that the free product Z3 ∗ Z35 is not isomorphic to the free product Z5 ∗ Z21. 8.3. An alternative definition of the free product of groups. For some purposes it is sometimes useful to work with a different model for the free product of two groups. Let A and B be two groups. We set179

S(A, B) := {all finite sequences (g1, . . . , gk) with each gi in A or B} and we denote by ∼ the equivalence relation on S(A, B) that is generated by the relations

(g1, . . . , gl, e, gl+2, . . . , gk) ∼ (g1, . . . , gl, gl+2, . . . , gk) and by the relations

(g1, . . . , gl, gl+1, . . . , gk) ∼ (g1, . . . , glgl+1, . . . , gk)

177Igor Grushko was a Russian mathematician. The theorem was proved in 1940. 178Why is this not trivial? If G is indecomposable, we are done. If G is not indecomposable, then we can write G as the product of two non-trivial groups; if they are indecomposable, we are done. If not, we decompose and so on. But why does this process stop after finitely many steps? This is non-trivial and that is the content of Grushko’s original paper. 179This definition is similar to the definition of A ∗ B, but now we allow that elements of the sequence are trivial and we allow that consecutive elements lie in the same group. 142 STEFAN FRIEDL if both gl and gl+1 lie in A or both lie in B. It is now straightforward to verify that the map S(A, B)/ ∼ × S(A, B)/ ∼ → S(A, B)/ ∼ ([(g1, . . . , gk)], [h1, . . . , hl]) 7→ [(g1, . . . , gk, h1, . . . , hl)] is well-defined and that it defines a group structure on S(A, B).180 Proposition 8.15. Let A and B be two groups. Then the map181 Φ: S(A, B)/ ∼ → A ∗ B [(g1, . . . , gk)] 7→ g1 ····· gk is well-defined and it is an isomorphism. The inverse map is given by Ψ: A ∗ B → S(A, B)/ ∼ (g1, . . . , gk) 7→ [(g1, . . . , gk)]. In the proof of Proposition 8.15 we will need the following little lemma. Lemma 8.16. Let Φ: G → H and Ψ: H → G be two group homomorphisms such that Φ ◦ Ψ = idH and such that Ψ is an epimorphism. Then Φ is an isomorphism. The lemma can be summarized as follows, if we are given a commutative diagram of the form : G J uu: JJ Ψuu JΦJ uu J% H / H, id then Φ is an isomorphism.182

Proof. It follows from Φ ◦ Ψ = idH that Φ is an epimorphism. It remains to show that Φ is a monomorphism. So let g ∈ ker(Φ). Since Ψ is an epimorphism there exists an h ∈ H with Ψ(h) = g. Since Φ ◦ Ψ = idH we see that h = Φ(Ψ(h)) = Φ(g) = e. Thus h = e and thus g = Ψ(h) = Ψ(e) = e. 

Proof. It is straightforward to verify that the map Φ: S(A, B)/ ∼ → A ∗ B [(g1, . . . , gk)] 7→ g1 ····· gk

180 The neutral element is again represented by the empty sequence ( ) and the inverse of [(g1, . . . , gk)] −1 −1 is given by [(gk , . . . , g1 )]. This time associativity is not a problem. Why not? 181Recall that we use the canonical monomorphisms from Lemma 8.9 to view A and B as subgroups of A∗B. If we want to be more precise, then we could say that Φ is given by [(g1, . . . , gk)] 7→ (g1)·····(gk). 182Is Ψ also necessarily an isomorphism? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 143 is well-defined and that it is a homomorphism. This homomorphism is surjective since A ∗ B is a subset of S(A, B). Next we consider the map183 Ψ: A ∗ B → S(A, B)/ ∼ (g1, . . . , gk) 7→ [(g1, . . . , gk)].

It is straightforward to see that Ψ is a homomorphism. It is clear that Φ ◦ Ψ = idA∗B. It is not so obvious that Ψ ◦ Φ = idS(A,B)/∼. In fact we will proceed in a slightly different fashion: to show that Φ is an isomorphism it suffices, according to Lemma 8.16, to show that Ψ is surjective. This in turn follows from the following claim. Claim. Any element in S(A, B) is equivalent to an element in A ∗ B. We prove the claim by induction on the length of a sequence in S(A, B). Clearly the claim holds for all sequences of length 0. Suppose we already know the claim for all sequences of length ≤ k − 1. Let (g1, . . . , gk) be a sequence of length k. If (g1, . . . , gk) ∈ A ∗ B, then we are done. Now suppose that this is not the case. Then one of the following occurs:

(1) either there exists an i ∈ {1, . . . , k} with gi = e, or (2) there exists an i ∈ {1, . . . , k − 1} with gi, gi + 1 ∈ A, or (3) there exists an i ∈ {1, . . . , k − 1} with gi, gi + 1 ∈ B.

In the first case the sequence is equivalent to (g1, . . . , gi−1, gi+1, . . . , gk). In the second and third case the sequence is equivalent to (g1, . . . , gi−1 · gi+1, . . . , gk). In all three cases we have thus shown that our original sequence is equivalent to a sequence of length k − 1. So we are done by our induction hypothesis. This concludes the proof of the claim.  Let A and B be two groups. In the following we will use the isomorphism of Proposi- tion 8.15 to identify the group S(A, B)/ ∼ with the free product A ∗ B. Both groups have their advantages: (1) In the group S(A, B)/ ∼ it is easier to write down the product of two elements, we just need to juxtapose sequences of elements in A and B. (2) On the other hand in the group A∗B it is trivial to check whether two elements are the same. For example for two non-trivial elements a ∈ A and b ∈ B the elements (a, b) and (b, a) of A ∗ B are by definition different. But from the definition of S(A, B)/ ∼ it is not immediately clear that [(a, b)] and [(a, b)] are indeed different.

183Put differently, A ∗ B → S(A, B)/ ∼ is the homomorphism that is given by the universal property of A ∗ B. 144 STEFAN FRIEDL

9. The Seifert-van Kampen theorem I We are still lacking the computation of fundamental groups of even fairly simple topolog- ical spaces. We will now take a new approach to calculating fundamental groups. Namely in the following two chapters we will formulate and prove results which allow us to calculate the fundamental group of a given topological space from the fundamental groups of suitable subspaces.

9.1. The Seifert–van Kampen theorem I. The idea of the Seifert-van Kampen theorem is to reduce the calculation of the fundamental group of a topological spaces X to the determination of fundamental groups of “simpler subsets” of X. Let X be a topological space and let U, V ⊂ X be two subsets with X = U ∪ V and with U ∩ V ≠ ∅. We choose a base point x0 ∈ U ∩ V and we consider the following inclusion maps and the corresponding induced homomorphisms of the fundamental groups: / / U ∩ V U π1(U ∩ V, x0) π1(U, x0)

i and i∗     V / X = U ∪ V / j π1(V, x0) π1(X, x0) = π1(U ∪ V, x0). j∗ Our goal is to determine the fundamental group of the total space X = U ∪ V in terms of the fundamental groups of U, V , U ∩ V and the induced maps π1(U ∩ V, x0) → π1(U, x0) and π1(U ∩ V, x0) → π1(V, x0). We start out with the following lemma: Lemma 9.1. Let X be a topological space and let U, V ⊂ X be two open subsets with X = U ∪ V and such that U ∩ V ≠ ∅. We choose a base point x0 ∈ U ∩ V . If U ∩ V is path-connected, then the homomorphism

π1(U, x0) ∗ π1(V, x0) → π1(X, x0), which is induced by the homomorphisms π1(U, x0) → π1(X, x0) and π1(V, x0) → π1(X, x0) and by Lemma 8.9 (2), is surjective. Example. (1) We consider the sphere X = S2 = {(x, y, z) | x2 + y2 + z2 = 1}, with the covering X = U ∪ V given by the two open subsets { | 2 2 2 − 1 } U = (x, y, z) x + y + z = 1 and z > 2 , { | 2 2 2 1 } V = (x, y, z) x + y + z = 1 and z < 2 .

We pick the base point x0 = (1, 0, 0) ⊂ U ∩ V . Here the intersection U ∩ V is path- connected, therefore we can apply Lemma 9.1. It says that we have an epimorphism 2 π1(U, x0) ∗ π1(V, x0) → π1(S , x0). ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 145

The subspaces U and V are homeomorphic to an open disk,184 thus the fundamental 185 2 groups are trivial. It follows that the trivial group surjects onto π1(S , x0), thus 2 n π1(S , x0) itself is trivial. Precisely the same argument shows that π1(S ) = 0 for n ≥ 3. We had already obtained this result in Proposition 4.12. In fact, as we will see shortly, the proof of Lemma 9.1 has clear parallels to the proof of Proposition 4.12. (2) We consider the sphere X = S1 = {eit | t ∈ R}, with the covering X = U ∪ V given by the two open subsets { it | ∈ − π 5π } U := e t ( 4 , 4 ) { it | ∈ 3π 9π } V := e t ( 4 , 4 ) .

We pick the base point x0 = 1. The subsets U and V are both homeomorphic to an open interval, hence π (U, x ) = π (V, x ) = 1, but of course we know from Corol- 1 ∼ 0 1 0 lary 6.17 that π1(X, x0) = Z. Thus we see that π1(U, x0) ∗ π1(V, x0) → π1(X, x0) is not an epimorphism. This is not a contradiction to Lemma 9.1, since in this example the intersection U ∩ V is not path-connected. We now turn to the proof of Lemma 9.1. Proof of Lemma 9.1. Let X be a topological space and let U, V ⊂ X be two open subsets with X = U ∪ V and such that U ∩ V ≠ ∅. We choose a base point x0 ∈ U ∩ V . It suffices to prove the following claim.186

187 Claim. Every loop s: [0, 1] → X = U ∪ V in x0 is homotopic to a loop which is the product of finitely many loops in (U, x0) or in (V, x0).

So let s: [0, 1] → X = U ∪ V in x0 be a loop. Since U and V are open we can use Corollary 1.6, to find a subdivision

0 = t0 < t1 < t2 < . . . < tk < tk+1 = 1 | of the interval [0, 1] such that the image of each si := s [ti,ti+1] lies in U or in V . The same argument as in the proof of Proposition 4.12 shows that we can assume that each s(ti) lies 188 in U ∩ V . The problem is that even though the paths si lie in U respectively in V , they are not necessarily loops in x0. But since U ∩ V is path-connected we can find for each

184A homeomorphism is for example given by stereographic projection. 185Here we use the obvious fact that the free product of two times the trivial group is again the trivial group. 186Why does it suffice to prove this claim? 187Here we work of course with the notion of path-homotopy. 188 Indeed, if s(ti) lies in U \ V , then s([ti−1, ti]) and s([ti, ti+1]) cannot lie in V , hence they both lie in U. This implies that s([ti−1,ti+1]) lies in U, and therefore we can remove ti from the subdivision. 146 STEFAN FRIEDL

s(t )  1      s                                     ⇒     =                                        p1  ∗ V s0 ∗ p1 p1 s1 U x0 U ∩ V

Figure 89. Schematic image for the proof of Lemma 9.1.

i ∈ {1, . . . , k} a path pi in U ∩V which connects s(ti) ∈ U ∩V to the base point x0 ∈ U ∩V . Now we have the following homotopies: by Lemma 4.3, since s is a reparametrization since each pi ∗ pi of s0 ∗ · · · ∗ sk is null-homotopic ↓ ↓

s ≃ s0 ∗ · · · ∗ sk ≃ s0 ∗ p1 ∗ p1 ∗ s1 ∗ p2 ∗ p2 ∗ s2 ∗ p3 ∗ p3 ∗ ... ∗ pk ∗ sk ≃ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ( |s0{zp}1 ) ( |p1 {zs1 p}2 ) ( |p2 {zs2 p}3 ) (p3 ... (pk sk).

loop in (U, x0) loop in (U, x0) loop in (U, x0) or in (V, x0) or in (V, x0) or in (V, x0)

189 Thus we have shown that s is homotopic to a product of loops in (U, x0) and (V, x0).  Theorem 9.2. (Seifert-van Kampen) Let X be a topological space and let U, V ⊂ X be two open subsets with X = U ∪ V and with U ∩ V ≠ ∅. We choose a base point x0 ∈ U ∩ V . If U ∩ V is simply connected, then the map

π1(U, x0) ∗ π1(V, x0) → π1(X, x0)

that is induced by π1(U, x0) → π1(X, x0) and π1(V, x0) → π1(X, x0) and Lemma 8.9 (2), is an isomorphism. Remark. One might wonder whether the hypothesis that U ∩V is simply connected is really necessary. But this is indeed the case. For example we could take X = S1 × [−1, 1] with ∼ U = S1 × [−1, 1 ) and V = S1 × (− 1 , 1]. In this case we have π (X) = Z which is not 2 2 ∼ 1 isomorphic to the non-abelian group π1(U) ∗ π1(V ) = Z ∗ Z. We postpone the proof of the Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.2 to the next section and we first discuss several examples and applications of the theorem.

189The proof of Lemma 9.1 is arguably easier to follow than the proof of Proposition 4.12. The reason is that in the special case Proposition 4.12 we introduced more notation, e.g. North pole and South pole, than was perhaps strictly necessary. All we really needed was that we could cover S2 by two open simply connected subsets U and V such that U ∩V is path-connected. The precise choice of U and V is irrelevant. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 147

Let A and B be two topological spaces and let a ∈ A and b ∈ B be two points. Recall that on page 121 we had defined the wedge A ∨ B of A and B as A ∨ B := A ⊔ B / a = b. We illustrate this definition in Figure 90. In the following we will often identify A and B with their respective images in A ∨ B. Another way of thinking about the wedge of A and B is to say that the wedge X = A ∨ B can be decomposed into two subsets A and B such that A ∩ B is a point. Since A ∩ B is a point it is in particular simply connected. Thus it sounds like one should be able to apply the Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.2. This is almost correct, except that in the Seifert-van Kampen Theorem we have to deal with decompositions of a space X into open subsets. We therefore need to introduce a somewhat

technical definition.


        A B A ∨ B

Figure 90. The wedge of a circle with a torus.

Definition. We say a point x in a topological space is simple, if there exists an open neigh- borhood U of x such that x is a deformation retract of U. Examples. (1) Every point on a topological manifold admits an open neighborhood that is homeo- morphic to a ball and every open ball deformation retracts to any of its points. This shows that every point on a topological manifold is simple. In particular every point on a sphere is simple. C \{ 1 | ∈ N} (2) We consider X = n n . The point x = 0 is not simple, “since any open neighborhood of 0 has non-trivial fundamental group”. In exercise sheet 8 we will provide the full details for the proof that x = 0 is not a simple point of X.

x = 0 C \{ 1 | ∈ N}  X = n n       neighborhood U          loop in U that is not null-homotopic                          1 ∈ N holes at n , n

Figure 91. Example of a point that is not simple. 148 STEFAN FRIEDL

Proposition 9.3. Let A and B be two path-connected topological spaces and let a ∈ A and b ∈ B be simple points. Then the inclusion maps induce an isomorphism190 ∼ = π1(A, a) ∗ π1(B, b) −→ π1(A ∨ B, a = b).

Proof. We write X = A ∨ B and x0 = {a, b} ∈ A ∨ B. We pick an open neighborhood C in A of a that deformation retracts to a. Furthermore we pick an open neighborhood D of b in B that deformation retracts to b. We consider U := A ∪ D and V := B ∪ C, each viewed as subsets of X.191

a b   D V                                                                                                                           ⇒         =                                             A C B U 

Figure 92. Schematic image for the proof of Proposition 9.3.

Now we consider the following diagram / π1(A, a) ∗ π1(B, b) π1(X, x0)

  = / π1(U, x0) ∗ π1(V, x0) π1(X, x0). We make the following observations: (1) The vertical and horizontal maps are all induced by the various inclusions of spaces. In particular the diagram commutes. (2) It follows from the definition of the quotient topology on A ∨ B = (A ⊔ B)/ ∼ that U and V are open subsets of X. (3) By the choice of C and D the subset U ∩ V = C ∪ D of X = A ∨ B deformation 192 retracts to x0. This implies by Lemma 7.4 and Proposition 7.5 that U ∩ V is simply connected. (4) By (2) and (3) we can apply Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.2 to the decomposition A∨B = U ∪V and we obtain that the bottom horizontal map of the above diagram is an isomorphism.

190More precisely, the two obvious inclusions A → A ∨ B and B → A ∨ B induce homomorphisms π1(A, a) → π1(A ∨ B, a = b) and π1(B, a) → π1(A ∨ B, a = b). Combined with Lemma 8.9 (2) we obtain the homomorphism π1(A, a) ∗ π1(B, b) → π1(A ∨ B, a = b). 191So to be precise, U is really the image of A ∪ D under the projection map A ⊔ B → A ⊔ B/a = b. 192Why is that the case? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 149

(5) By the choice of C it follows easily that A is a deformation retract of U = A ∪ C. In particular it follows from Lemma 7.4 that the inclusion A → U = A ∪ C is a homotopy equivalence. The same way we see that the inclusion B → V = B ∪ D is a homotopy equivalence. (6) It follows from (5) together with Proposition 7.5 that the two inclusion induced maps π1(A, a) → π1(U, a) and π1(B, b) → π1(V, b) are isomorphisms, which implies that the left vertical map in the above commutative diagram is an isomorphism. (7) We deduce that the top horizontal map is, as desired, also an isomorphism. 

Examples. (1) We consider again the wedge S1 ∨ S1 with a = (1, 0) and b = (−1, 0). These points 193 1 194 are simple. By the discussion on page 103 we know that π1(S , a) = ⟨x⟩ and

B a = b A x y


− 1 1 a = (1, 0) b = ( 1, 0) π1(S ∨ S ) = ⟨x, y⟩ y−1x−1yx is a non-trivial element 1 1 in π1(S ∨ S ) = ⟨x, y⟩

Figure 93. The wedge of two circles.

1 π1(S , b) = ⟨y⟩ where x and y are represented by loops that go “once around the circle”, as illustrated in Figure 93. Proposition 9.3 says that the inclusion maps induce an isomorphism

∼ 1 1 = 1 1 ⟨x, y⟩ = ⟨x⟩ ∗ ⟨y⟩ = π1(S , a) ∗ π1(S , b) −→ π1(S ∨ S , a = b).

(2) We consider the loop γ from page 58 in C\{1} that is also illustrated in Figure 94 on the left. We had already pointed out on page 122 that there exists a deformation retraction f from C \ {1} to the wedge of two circles that is given by

1 ∨ 1 { ∈ C | | | } ∪ { ∈ C | | − | } S S = |z z + 1 = 1 {z z z 1 = 1}. two circles that meet at the origin

193This follows either from the general statement that any point on a topological manifold is simple, or more simply, by taking A and B to be small “intervals” around a and b. 194Recall that ⟨x⟩ denotes the free group generated by x, i.e. ⟨x⟩ = {. . . , x−1, e = x0, x, x2,... }. 150 STEFAN FRIEDL

−1 −1 1 1 We then have f∗([γ]) = [f ◦ γ] = ⟨y x yx⟩ ∈ ⟨x, y⟩ = π1(S ∨ S ), which is non-trivial. Thus we see that f ◦ γ is not null-homotopic in S1 ∨ S1 which implies that γ is not null-homotopic in C \ {1}.195

             retraction f from             1 1  C \ { } ∨  1 to S S        −1 −1 1 1 loop γ in C \ {1} [f ◦ γ] = y x yx ∈ π1(S ∨ S )

Figure 94.

(3) The same argument as in (1) shows of course that the fundamental group of a wedge of k circles is isomorphic to the free group on k generators, where each generator corresponds precisely to a loop around one of the k circles. Lemma 9.4. (1) Let G be a finite connected topological graph with v vertices and e edges. Then ∼ π1(G) = free group on 1 − χ(G) = 1 + e − v generators. (2) Two finite connected graphs are homotopy equivalent if and only if they have the same Euler characteristic. Proof. (1) Let G be a finite connected topological graph with v vertices and e edges. In Proposition 7.8 we had shown that the graph G is homotopy equivalent to the wedge of 1 − χ(G) = 1 + e − v circles. Thus it follows from Propositions 7.5 and 9.3 that π1(G) is isomorphic to the free group on 1 − χ(G) = 1 + e − v generators. (2) Let G and G′ be two finite connected graphs. If χ(G) = χ(G′), then we had already seen in Proposition 7.8 that G and G′ are homotopy equivalent. On the other hand, if χ(G) ≠ χ(G′), then it follows from (1) together with Lemma 8.12 that G and G′ are not homotopy equivalent.  As a last example in this section we would like to determine the fundamental group of ( ) X = R ⊔ (Z × S2) / n ∼ (n, (0, 0, −1)). The space X consists of an infinite line where to each n ∈ Z we attach a 2-dimensional sphere. The space X is illustrated in Figure 95. Given k ∈ N we denote by Xk the space

195We could also have applied Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.2 to the covering C\{1} = U ∪V where { ∈ C \ {− } | 1 } { ∈ C \{ } | − 1 } U = z 1 Re(z) < 2 and V = z 1 Re(z) > 2 . Both sets U and V are open and they are homotopy equivalent to a circle. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 151

Z × S2

                               the topological space X R

Figure 95.

− − 1 1 that is obtained by X by restricting oneself to the interval ( k 2 , k + 2 ), i.e. (( ) ) − − 1 1 ⊔ {− − } × 2 ∼ − Xk = k 2, k + 2 ( k, . . . , k 1, k S ) / n (n, (0, 0, 1)).

Note that Xk can be viewed as the wedge of an open interval with 2k + 1 spheres. It follows immediately from Proposition 4.12, Proposition 9.3 and a straightforward induction argument that π1(Xk) = 0 for all k. Furthermore one can easily convince oneself that the sets Xk are open. It now follows from the following lemma that π1(X) is also trivial.

Lemma 9.5. Let X be a path-connected topological space and let x0 ∈ X. Furthermore let Xk, k ∈ N be a sequence of subsets of X such that the following hold:

(1) each Xk is open, (2) each Xk is simply connected, ⊂ (3) the sequence∪ Xk is nested, i.e. for each k we have Xk Xk+1, (4) we have Xk = X. k∈N

Then π1(X, x0) = 0. The proof of the lemma is an exercise in exercise sheet 9.

9.2. Proof of the Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.2. After this long list of applica- tions we finally provide the proof of the Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.2. Proof. Let X be a topological space and let U, V ⊂ X be two open subsets with X = U ∪V and with U ∩V ≠ ∅ such that U ∩V is simply connected. We choose a base point x0 ∈ U ∩V . We write A := π1(U, x0) and B := π1(V, x0). We need to show that the map

Φ: A ∗ B = π1(U, x0) ∗ π1(V, x0) → π1(X, x0) that is induced by the inclusions U → X and V → X is an isomorphism. Taking into account Lemma 9.1 it suffices to show that the map is injective. To prove injectivity it is enough to show that there exists a map Ψ: π1(X, x0) → A ∗ B such that Ψ ◦ Φ = idA∗B. We will prove the existence of such a map Ψ in three steps:

(1) we first construct a map Ψ: {loops in (X, x0)} → A ∗ B, 152 STEFAN FRIEDL

(2) then we show that Ψ descends to a well-defined map

Ψ: π1(X, x0) → A ∗ B [g] 7→ Ψ(g)

(3) and finally we show that Ψ ◦ Φ = idA∗B. For the remainder of the proof we will identify A ∗ B with S(A, B)/ ∼ using the isomor- phism given by Proposition 8.15. We start out with step (1). Let g : [0, 1] → X be a loop in (X, x0). We apply Corollary 1.6 to the map g : [0, 1] → X and the open cover X = U ∪ V . We obtain an N such that for ∈ { − } i i+1 every i 0,...,N 1 the image of the interval [ N , N ] under the map g lies in U or in V . We introduce a few definitions. (a) We say a subinterval of [0, 1] can be colored green if the image of the subinterval under the map g lies in U and we say a interval can be colored blue if the image of the subinterval lies in V . Note that the image of a subinterval lies in U ∩ V if and only if the subinterval can be colored green as well as blue. { 1 − 1 } → { } (b) A coloring is a map α: 0, N ,..., 1 N blue, green such that each subinterval 1 [i, i + N ] can be colored by α(i). This definition is illustrated in Figure 96.

    image of subinterval lies in U  x0     g       image lies in V               0 1   g                 a a   1 2             U U ∩V V

Figure 96.

(c) Given a coloring α we denote by 0 < a1 < ··· < ak−1 < 1 the numbers where the coloring of the subintervals changes from one color to another. This definition is also − 1 1 illustrated in Figure 96. Note that for each ai the intervals [ai N , ai] and [ai, ai + N ] can be colored in two different colors, which implies that α(ai) ∈ U ∩ V . (d) A basing for a coloring α is a collection of paths p1, . . . , pk−1 in U ∩ V such that each 196 path pi goes from x0 to g(ai).

196 Such basing exists since each p(ai) lies in U ∩ V and since U ∩ V is path-connected. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 153

197 198 Now given a coloring α and a basing p , . . . , p − we define [ 1 k 1 ] Ψ(g) := [ g| ∗ p ], [p ∗ g| ∗ p ],..., [ p − ∗ g| ] ∈ S(A, B)/ ∼ = A ∗ B. | [0,a{z1] }1 |1 [a{z1,a2] }2 |k 1 {z[ak−1,1]}

loop in (U, x0) or loop in (U, x0) or loop in (U, x0) or loop in (V, x0) loop in (V, x0) loop in (V, x0)

     g(a2)                   a a   1 2  g          p 2         0 1    |     g  [a ,a ]    1 2  |  g [0,a1]    q1 p1 g(a1)

Figure 97.

Our next goal is to prove the following claim. Claim. The definition of Ψ(g) does not depend on any of the choices made. We need to prove the following three statements: (a) given N and a coloring the definition does not depend on the choice of the basings, (b) given N the definition does not depend on the choice of the coloring, (c) the definition does not depend on the choice of N. We first fix a coloring α and we show that the definition of Ψ(g) does not depend on the choice of the basing. First we pick a different path q1 from x0 to g(a1) instead of the original path p1. (See Figure 97 for an illustration.) In this case we have

definition of Ψ([g) using the basing p1, p2, . . . , pk−1 = ] = [g| ∗ p ], [p ∗ g| ∗ p ],..., [p − ∗ g| ] [ [0,a1] 1 1 [a1,a2] 2 k 1 [ak−1,1] ] = [g| ∗ p ∗ q ∗ q ], [q ∗ q ∗ p ∗ g| ∗ p ],..., [p − ∗ g| ] ↑ [0,a1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 [a1,a2] 2 k 1 [ak−1,1] ∗ since q[1 q1 is null-homotopic ] | ∗ ∗ | ∗ ∗ | = [g [0,a1] q1], [q1 g [a1,a2] p2],..., [pk−1 g [a − ,1]] ↑ k 1 ∗ ∗ ∩ 199 p1 q1 and q1 p1 are null-homotopic since U V is simply connected = definition of Ψ(g) using the basing q1, p2, . . . , pk−1.

197 ∗ | ∗ Each path pm g [am,am+1] pm+1 is a loop in (U, x0) or (V, x0), so each path represents an element in π1(U, x0) or π1(V, x0). Thus we obtain a sequence of elements in π1(U, x0) and π1(V, x0). The equivalence class of this sequence defines an element in S(A, B)/ ∼= A ∗ B. 198This definition is almost the same as in the proof of Lemma 9.1. 154 STEFAN FRIEDL

Precisely the same argument shows that the choices of the other paths pi are also irrelevant. This concludes the proof of (a). Now we show that the definition does not depend on the choice of the coloring. So suppose we have two colorings α and β. We can turn one coloring into the other by a finite sequence of color swaps of a single subinterval. Therefore it suffices to consider the case that there exists a single i where the values for α(i) and β(i) differ. We consider the case, sketched in Figure 98, with α(i) = blue and β(i) = green such that the common coloring to the left is green and the common coloring to the right is blue. All other cases are dealt with in a similar way.200 Let 0 = a0 < a1 < ··· < ak = 1 be the decomposition for α. We pick a basing p1, . . . , pk−1 for α. There exists a unique m with am = i. The corresponding decomposition ··· 1 for the coloring β is given by 0 = a0 < a1 < < am + N < am+1 < ak = 1. We write 1 q = g 1 . Since [am, am + ] can be colored green and blue we see that q lies actually [am,am+ N ] N in U ∩ V . We have

definition[ of Ψ(g) using the coloring α and the basing p1, . . . , pk−1 = ] = [g| ∗ p ],..., [p − ∗ g| ∗ p ], [p ∗ g| ∗ p ],... [ [0,a1] 1 m 1 [am−1,am] m m [am,am+1] m+1 ] | ∗ ∗ | 1 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ | 1 ∗ = [g [0,a1] p1],..., [pm−1 g [a − ,a + ] q pm], [pm q g [a + ,a ] pm+1],... ↑ m 1 m N m N m+1 ≃ ∗ ≃ ∗ since g[a − ,a ] g 1 q and g 1 q g 1 m 1 m [am−1,am+ N ] [am,am+ N ] [am+ N ,am+1] = definition of Ψ(g) using the coloring β and basing p1, . . . , pm−1, pm ∗ q, pm+1, . . . , pk−1. (We refer to Figure 98 for an illustration of the proof.) This concludes the proof of (b).

      | 1 coloring α |  x g g  0 [a + ,a ] [a − ,a ]   m m+1 m 1 m    N         i = a   m         p  m    g                    1  the interval [am, am + ]  N 1 g(a ) g(am + ) coloring β m q = g| 1 N [am,am+ N ] Figure 98.

It remains to prove (c). First suppose that instead of dividing [0, 1] into N intervals we divide it into m · N intervals for some m ∈ N. A coloring for the subdivision into N subintervals then also gives rise to a coloring into m · N subintervals, and it follows

199This is the only time that in the proof we use the hypothesis that U ∩ V is simply connected. In fact if one studies the argument carefully one sees that we only used that the maps π1(U ∩ V, x0) → π1(U, x0) and π1(U ∩ V, x0) → π1(V, x0) are trivial. 200In fact the only case which requires a slightly modified argument is that the coloring to the left and right are the same, i.e. either both are blue or both are green. We leave it as an exercise to the reader to perform that argument. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 155 immediately from the definitions that we end up with the same element of A ∗ B. Now if had chosen a different N ′ instead, then we can replace N and N ′ by N · N ′ and by the argument we just made we obtain the same element of A ∗ B. This concludes the proof of (c). Summarizing, we are now done with the proof of the claim. We turn to step (2) of the above program. We need to prove the following claim. ′ ′ Claim. If g, g : [0, 1] → Xare two homotopic loops in (X, x0), then Ψ(g) = Ψ(g ). ′ Let g, g : [0, 1] → X be two homotopic loops in (X, x0). We pick a homotopy H : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → X (t, s) 7→ Hs(t). from the loop g to the loop g′. We apply Corollary 1.6 to the map H : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → X and the open cover X = U ∪ V . We obtain an N such that for each choice of i, j ∈ { 1 − 1 } 1 × 1 0, N ,..., 1 N the image of the square [i, i + N ] [j, j + N ] under the map H lies in U ∈ { 1 } or in V . Given j 0, N ,..., 1 we now define g(j): [0, 1] → X t 7→ Hj(t) ′ Note that each g(j) is a loop in x0 and that g(0) = g and g(1) = g . Therefore it suffices ∈ { 1 − 1 } 1 to show that for any j 0, N ,..., 1 N we have Ψ(g(j)) = Ψ(g(j + N )). So let ∈ { 1 − 1 } j 0, N ,..., 1 N . As above we say that a subset of [0, 1] × [0, 1] can be colored green if the image of the subset under the map H lies in U and we say the subset can be colored blue if the image { 1 − 1 } → { } lies in V . We pick a map α: 0, N ,..., 1 N blue, green such that for each i the 1 × j j+1 value α(i) is a color with which the square [i, i + N ] [ N , N ] can be colored. Note that 1 α also defines a coloring for the loops g(j) and g(j + N ). We define 0 = a0 < a1 < ··· < . . . ak = 1 as above for the coloring α. Furthermore we 1 − [j,j+ N ]| pick a basing pi, i = 1, . . . , k 1 for the loop g(j). For i = 0, . . . , k we write qi = H ai . Put differently, qj connects a point on the loop g(j) to the corresponding point on the loop 1 g(j + N ). We now have

Ψ(g(j)) = Ψ([ g(j)) defined using the coloring α and] the basing p1, . . . , pk−1 = · · · ∗ [p ∗ Hj| ∗ p ] ∗ ... m | [a{zm,am+1}] m+1 =g(j)| [ [am,am+1] ] · · · ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ j| ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ = [pm qm qm H [am,am+1] qm+1 qm+1 pm+1] ... ↑ ∗ since each qm[ qm is null-homotopic ] j+ 1 = · · · ∗ [p ∗ q ∗ H N | ∗ q ∗ p ] ∗ ... m m | {z[am,am+1}] m+1 m+1 ↑ =g(j+ 1 )| | N [am,am+1] 1 ∗ j| ∗ j+ N | − since H restricts to homotopies from qm H [am,am+1] qm+1 to H [am,am+1] for m = 0, . . . , k 1 1 ∗ ∗ = Ψ(g(j + N )) defined using α and the basing p1 q1, . . . , pk−1 qk−1. 156 STEFAN FRIEDL

This last part of the proof is illustrated in Figure 99. This concludes the proof of the claim and thus of part (2) of our three step program.

p coloring for the squares m pm+1 x 0     × { }   [0, 1] j                    g(j)     H                                                      1  a a  m m+1   g(j + )   N [0, 1] × {j + 1 } N qm qm+1

Figure 99.

Summarizing we now showed that the map Ψ descends to a well-defined map → ∗ Ψ: π1(X, x0) [A B ] [g] 7→ Ψ(g) . It remains to prove the following claim.

Claim. We have Ψ ◦ Φ = idA∗B.

So let [y1] ····· [yk] ∈ A ∗ B where y1, . . . , yk are loops in (U, x0) and (V, x0). Then

definition of Φ: A ∗ B = π1(U, x0) ∗ π1(V, x0) → π1(X, x0) ↓ [ ] (Ψ ◦ Φ)([y1] ····· [yk]) = Ψ([y1 ∗ · · · ∗ yk]) = Ψ(y1 ∗ · · · ∗ yk) = [y1 ∗ · · · ∗ yk] = [y1] ····· [yk]. ↑ by definition of Ψ, where we use N = k and where we can use the constant paths as basings since y1, . . . , yk are already loops in (U, x0) and (V, x0) This concludes the proof of the claim and thus also the proof of the Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.2 

9.3. More examples: surfaces and the connected sum of manifolds. Given g ∈ N0 we denote by Σg the surface of genus g. In this section we first want to prove the following proposition.

Proposition 9.6. For g ≠ h the surface Σg of genus g is not homeomorphic to the surface Σh of genus h. As on several earlier occasions we want to prove this result by considering what happens if we remove a point from the topological spaces.

Lemma 9.7. For any point P on the surface Σg the complement Σg \{P } is homotopy equivalent to the wedge of 2g circles. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 157

Proof. We prove the lemma for the surface Σ of genus 2. The proof for g ≥ 3 is almost identical. So let Σ = E8/ ∼ as sketched in Figure 100. We denote by O the origin in E8 ⊂ C. We first show that Σ \{O} is homotopy equivalent to the wedge of 4 circles.

         origin O    f(O)              ∼   =             f        

Figure 100.

Claim. There exists a deformation retraction from Σ \{O} = (E8 \{O})/ ∼ to ∂E8/ ∼. First we consider the map201202

r : E8 \{O} → ∂E8 iφ iφ re 7→ unique point se on ∂E8. This map “projects points radially outward towards the boundary”. The deformation retraction is now given by “pushing outward radially”, i.e. it is given by the map

((E8 \{O})/ ∼) × [0, 1] 7→ (E8 \{O})/ ∼ ([P ], t) 7→ [P · (1 − t) + r(P ) · t]. This concludes the proof of the claim.

Claim. The space ∂E8/ ∼ is homeomorphic to the wedge of 4 circles.

A homeomorphism is given by sending the point on ∂E8/ ∼ that corresponds to the vertices to the common point of the four circles, and by sending the edges that get identified to the same circle. We refer to Figure 101 for an illustration. We leave it as an exercise to write down the proof in detail. The two claims put together show that Σ\{O} is homotopy equivalent to the wedge of 4 circles. Now let P be some other point on Σ. By Proposition 2.5 there exists a homeomorphism Φ:Σ → Σ with Φ(P ) = O. This shows that Σ \{P } is homeomorphic to Σ \{O}. Since the latter topological space is homotopy equivalent to the wedge of 4 circles it follows that the former is also homotopy equivalent to the wedge of 4 circles.  Now we can turn to the proof of Proposition 9.6.

201Note that this map cannot be extended continuously to O. 202Here we use polar coordinates, i.e. r, s are positive real numbers. 158 STEFAN FRIEDL

“radial outward projection”

                                     ∼   →        =                               surface minus the origin wedge of four circles

Figure 101.

Proof of Proposition 9.6. Let S and T be two surfaces of genus g and h. Suppose that there exists a homeomorphism f : S → T . Pick a point P ∈ S. We write Q = f(P ). The homeomorphism f restricts to a homeomorphism S \{P } → T \{Q}. It now follows that ∼ ∼ ∼ = = ∼ ⟨x1, . . . , x2g⟩ = π1(wedge of 2g circles) −→ π1(S \{P }) −→ π1(T \{Q}) = ⟨y1, . . . , y2h⟩. ↑ ↑ f∗ ↑ see the example on page 150 by Lemma 9.7 and Proposition 7.5 same argument as before It follows from Lemma 8.12 that g = h.  For many applications the following theorem, which is a variation on the Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.8, is very useful. Theorem 9.8. (Seifert-van Kampen for manifolds) Let M be an m-dimensional mani- fold and let R,S ⊂ M be two m-dimensional submanifolds such that the following hold: (1) M = R ∪ S, (2) R ∩ S is a union of components of ∂R and it is a union of components of ∂S,203 (3) R ∩ S is non-empty and simply connected.

We pick a base point x0 ∈ R ∩ S. Then the inclusion induced map

π1(R, x0) ∗ π1(S, x0) → π1(M, x0) is an isomorphism. n Example. Let n ≥ 3 and let H+ := {(x1, . . . , xn+1) ∈ S | xn+1 ≥ 0} be the closed upper hemisphere and define similarly the closed lower hemisphere H−. Then H+,H− are sub- manifolds of Sn that satisfy the hypothesis of Theorem 9.8 and we obtain once again that n ∼ π1(S ) = π1(H+) ∗ π1(H−) = {e}. We will of course prove Theorem 9.8 by reducing it to Theorem 9.2. As we will see, the proof is very similar to the proof of Proposition 9.3 where we determined the fundamental group of a wedge of two spaces. Proof of Theorem 9.8. Let M be an m-dimensional manifold and let R,S ⊂ M be two m-dimensional submanifolds such that the following hold:

203In many applications we have R ∩ S = ∂R = ∂S. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 159

(1) M = R ∪ S, (2) R ∩ S is a union of components of ∂R and it is a union of components of ∂S, (3) R ∩ S is non-empty and simply connected.

We pick a base point x0 ∈ R ∩ S. Furthermore we pick maps f : ∂R × [0, 1) → R and g : ∂S × [0, 1) → S that are provided by the Collar Neighborhood Theorem 2.6. We set ∪ ∩ × ∪ ∩ × U := R |g((R S{z) [0, 1))} and V := S |f((R S{z) [0, 1))}. ⊂S×[0,1) ⊂R×[0,1)

∂R = ∂S f(∂R × [0, 1)) g(∂S × [0, 1))            S         R                                                                     U = R ∪ g(∂S × [0, 1)) V = S ∪ f(∂R × [0, 1))

Figure 102. Illustration of the proof of Theorem 9.8.

We consider the following diagram / π1(R, x0) ∗ π1(S, x0) π1(M, x0)   = / π1(U, x0) ∗ π1(V, x0) π1(M, x0). Similar to the proof of Proposition 9.3 one can now show that the following holds: (1) the diagram commutes, (2) U is an open subset of M and R is a deformation retract of U, similar for V and S, in particular the vertical map on the left is an isomorphism, (3) the intersection ∩ ∩ × ∪ ∩ × ∼ ∩ × − U V = |g((R S{z) [0, 1))} f| ((R S{z)) [0, 1)} = (R S) ( 1, 1) ⊂S×[0,1) ⊂R×[0,1) is homotopy equivalent to R ∩ S, in particular it is simply connected by our hy- pothesis, (4) by the Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.2 the bottom horizontal map is an isomor- phism, (5) hence the top horizontal map is also an isomorphism.  We conclude this section by considering the connected sum of two manifolds of dimen- sion ≥ 3. More precisely, we have the following proposition: 160 STEFAN FRIEDL

Proposition 9.9. Let n ≥ 3 and let M and M ′ be two connected oriented n-dimensional manifolds. Then ′ ∼ ′ π1(M#M ) = π1(M) ∗ π1(M ).

Examples. (1) Let p, q be two coprime integers and let r, s be another two coprime integers. We can then consider the lens spaces L(p, q) and L(r, s). It follows from Proposition 9.9 and Corollary 6.17 that ∼ π1(L(p, q)#L(r, s)) = Zp ∗ Zr.

It follows for example from this calculation, from Lemma 8.13 and from the Grushko Decomposition Theorem 8.14 that the two topological spaces L(3, 1)#L(35, 1) and L(5, 1)#L(21, 1) are not homeomorphic. (2) Let M and N be two connected oriented n-dimensional manifolds. We denote by −N the same manifold as N but with the opposite orientation. It follows from ∼ Proposition 9.9 that π1(M#N) = π1(M#(−N)).

Proof of Proposition 9.9. Let M and M ′ be two connected oriented n-dimensional mani- n n folds and let φ: B → M and φ′ : B → M ′ be two embeddings where φ is orientation- preserving and φ′ is orientation-reversing. Recall that the connected sum of M and M ′ is defined as ( ) ′ \ n ⊔ ′ \ ′ n ′ ∈ n−1 M#M := |(M {zφ(B ))} |(M {zφ (B ))} / φ(P ) = φ (P ) for P S . =:X =:X′

′ n−1 ′ n−1 We pick a base point x0 ∈ X ∩ X = φ(S ) = φ (S ).

′ ′ Claim. The inclusion induced maps π1(X, x0) → π1(M, x0) and π1(X , x0) → π1(M , x0) are isomorphisms.

We show that the inclusion induced map π1(X, x0) → π1(M, x0) is an isomorphism. n We write Y = φ(B ). It follows from Proposition 2.1 that X and Y are n-dimensional ∼ − submanifolds of M. Note that X ∪ Y = M and that X ∩ Y = ∂Y = Sn 1. Since n ≥ 3 we obtain from Proposition 4.12 that X ∩ Y is simply connected. We obtain that

∼ ( n ) ∼ π (X, x ) −→= π (X, x ) ∗ π B , x −→= π (M). 1 0 ↑ 1 0 1 0 ↑ 1 ( n ) since π1 B , x0 = {e} Theorem 9.8

′ ′ The same way we can show that the inclusion induced map π1(X , x0) → π1(M , x0) is an isomorphism. This concludes the proof the claim. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 161

We now see that204 ∼ ∼ π (M#M, x ) ←−= π (X, x ) ∗ π (X′, x ) −→= π (M, x ) ∗ π (M ′, x ). 1 0 ↑ 1 0 1 0 ↑ 1 0 1 0 by Theorem 9.8, since above claim ′ ∼ − X ∩ X = Sn 1 is simply-connected  Remark. We cannot apply the Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.2 to the connected sum of two surfaces, since in this case the fundamental group of the overlap R ∩ R′ in the proof of Proposition 9.9 is not simply connected. In particular we cannot use this approach to determine the fundamental group of the surface of genus 2, which by Figure 33 is the connected sum of two tori. Our next goal is to formulate and prove a generalization of the Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.2 which will allow us to determine the fundamental group of the surface of genus g for g ≥ 2.

204Here the directions of the arrow indicate in which direction the obvious inclusion induced maps point. 162 STEFAN FRIEDL

10. Presentations of groups and amalgamated products We have now made some progress, for example we have shown that surfaces of different genus are not homeomorphic. But this proof is perhaps slightly unsatisfactory in so far as we used the trick of removing a point, instead of dealing directly with the fundamental groups of surfaces. In the next section we will cover the generalized Seifert-van Kampen Theorem. It will allow us to compute many more fundamental groups. In particular we will determine the fundamental groups of surfaces and knot complements. Before we can state the generalized Seifert-van Kampen Theorem we need to introduce more concepts from group theory. We will do so in this chapter.

10.1. Basic definitions in group theory. Let G be a group. Recall that a subgroup H is called normal if for any g ∈ G we have g−1Hg = H. If H ⊂ G is normal, then we often ▹ ∈ write H G. If Hi, i I is∩ a family of normal subgroups of G, then it is straightforward to see that the intersection Hi is again a normal subgroup of G. i∈I Let H be a subgroup of G. The subgroup H defines an equivalence relation on G by defining g ∼ ge if there exists an h ∈ H with gh = ge. Put differently, g ∼ ge if ge−1g ∈ H. The equivalence classes are precisely the sets of the form gH = {gh | h ∈ H} for some g ∈ G. We denote the set of equivalence classes by G/H. Remark. Let H be a normal subgroup of G. (1) For any h ∈ H and a, b ∈ G we have − ahbH = ab · |b {z1hb} H = abH. in H since H is normal (2) If aH = bH, then for any c, d ∈ G we have

−1 cadH = cb|(b{za})d = cbdH. ↑ ∈H above remark (1) We will now see that the group structure on G descends to a group structure on G/H. More precisely, given aH and bH we set aH · bH := abH. It follows immediately from the above remark (1) that this definition does not depend on the representatives a and b. It is now straightforward to see that this defines indeed a group structure on G/H. The following lemma plays the same rˆoleas Lemma 1.7 does for topological spaces. Lemma 10.1. Let G be a group and let H be a normal subgroup. Let φ: G → Γ be a group homomorphism with the property that H ⊂ ker(φ). Then there exists a unique ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 163 homomorphism ψ : G/H → Γ such that the following diagram commutes / G G G/H GG GG GG ψ φ G#  Γ. Proof. For gH ∈ G/H we put ψ(gH) := φ(g). Since H ⊂ ker(φ) this definition is inde- pendent of the choice of the representatives g.205 It is straightforward to verify that ψ is a homomorphism and that it is uniquely determined by the desired property.  10.2. Presentation of groups. Definition. Let G be a group and let A ⊂ G be a subset. We define ∩ subgroup of G generated by A := ⟨A⟩ := H, A ⊂ H ⊂ G H subgroup i.e. ⟨A⟩ is the intersection of all subgroups H of G which contain A. This is again a subgroup of G, namely the smallest206subgroup of G which contains A. Similarly we define ∩ subgroup of G normally generated by A := ⟨⟨A⟩⟩ := H, A⊂H▹G i.e. ⟨⟨A⟩⟩ is the intersection of all normal subgroups H of G which contain A. This is again a normal subgroup of G, namely the smallest normal subgroup of G which contains A. The following lemma follows immediately from the definitions and from the fact that in an abelian group every subgroup is normal. Lemma 10.2. Let G be a group and let A ⊂ G be a subset. (1) If A is a subgroup, then ⟨A⟩ = A. (2) If A is a normal subgroup, then ⟨⟨A⟩⟩ = A. (3) If G is abelian, then ⟨⟨A⟩⟩ = ⟨A⟩. The following lemma gives a more explicit description of ⟨A⟩ and ⟨⟨A⟩⟩. Lemma 10.3. Let G be a group and let A ⊂ G be a subset. (1) Then ⟨A⟩ equals the set of all elements of G which can be written as products of elements in A and their inverses, i.e. { } ⟨ ⟩ ϵ1 ····· ϵk | ∈ ∈ {− } A = a1 ak a1, . . . , ak A and ϵ1, . . . , ϵk 1, 1 . (2) The subset ⟨⟨A⟩⟩ equals the set of all elements of G which can be written as products of conjugates of elements in A and their inverses, i.e. { } ⟨⟨ ⟩⟩ ϵ1 −1 ϵk −1 | ∈ ∈ ∈ {− } A = g1a1 g1 . . . gkak gk a1, . . . , ak A, g1 . . . , gk G and ϵ1, . . . , ϵk 1, 1 .

205Indeed, if gH =gH ˜ , then g =gh ˜ for some h ∈ H, therefore φ(g) = φ(˜gh) = φ(˜g) · φ(h) = φ(˜g). 206Here “smallest” means that if B is another subgroup that contains A, then A ⊂ B. This statement is obvious, since B appears in the definition of ⟨A⟩ as one of the H’s. 164 STEFAN FRIEDL

Example. On page 90 we had introduced a subgroup of the group H of all self-homeomor- phisms of R2 that was generated by two given self-homeomorphisms A and B. The lemma shows that the definition of “being generated” by a subset used on page 90 agrees with the above more formal definition. Proof. We only prove the second statement. The proof of the first statement is very similar. So let G be a group and let A ⊂ G be a subset. The subgroup ⟨⟨A⟩⟩ contains all elements of A and their inverses. The normal subgroup ⟨⟨A⟩⟩ then contains also all elements of the form ga1g−1, g ∈ G, a ∈ A. Since ⟨⟨A⟩⟩ is a subgroup it is also closed under multiplication, i.e. it contains products of such elements. It follows that ⟨⟨A⟩⟩ contains the right-hand side of (2). Conversely it is straightforward to see that the right-hand side is indeed a normal207 subgroup of G that contains A, hence it is contained in the left-hand side of (2).  Lemma 10.4. Let G be a group and let A ⊂ G be a subset. Let α: G → Γ be a group homomorphism such that α(a) = e ∈ Γ for all a ∈ A. Then there exists a unique group homomorphism β : G/⟨⟨A⟩⟩ → Γ such that the following diagram commutes: / G J G/⟨⟨A⟩⟩ JJ JJ JJ JJ β α J$  Γ. Proof. Let G be a group and let A ⊂ G be a subset. Furthermore let α: G → Γ be a group homomorphism such that α(a) = e ∈ Γ for all a ∈ A. This means that A ⊂ ker(α). Since ker(α) is a normal subgroup it follows from the definition of ⟨⟨A⟩⟩ that ⟨⟨A⟩⟩ ⊂ ker(α). The proposition now follows immediately from Lemma 10.1.  The following definition will subsequently play an important rˆole: Definition. Let be X be a set and let R be a subset of the free group ⟨X⟩ generated by the set X. We define ⟨X | R⟩ := ⟨X⟩ / ⟨⟨R⟩⟩. We refer to the elements of X as generators of ⟨X | R⟩ and we refer to the elements of R as the relators of ⟨X | R⟩. Examples.

(1) For any k ∈ N0 we have k k k ∼ ⟨g | g ⟩ = ⟨g⟩/⟨⟨g ⟩⟩ = ⟨g⟩/⟨g ⟩ = Zk. ↑ since ⟨g⟩ is abelian it follows from Lemma 10.2 that ⟨⟨gk⟩⟩ = ⟨gk⟩

(2) The group ⟨x1, . . . , xk | ⟩ which has no relators is just the free group on the generators x1, . . . , xk.

207Why is the right-hand side normal? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 165

(3) We consider the group π = ⟨x, y | [x, y]⟩ where [x, y] := xyx−1y−1 is the commutator of x and y. What can we say about this group? Modulo ⟨⟨[x, y]⟩⟩ we have208 yx = xyx−1y−1 · yx = xy xy−1 = y−1 · yx · y−1 = y−1 · xy · y−1 = y−1x. ↑ and ↑ Remark (1) on page 162 calculation on the left and Remark (2) on page 162 Similarly one can show that the equalities yx−1 = x−1y and x−1y−1 = y−1x−1 hold in π = ⟨x, y | [x, y]⟩. This shows that in π the elements x1 and y1 commute. This means that in π an arbitrary product of powers of x and y can be reordered to equal a product of the xmyn. For example in π we have the equality x3y2x−1y = x3y · yx−1 · y = x3y · x−1y · y = x3 · yx−1 · y2 = x3 · x−1y · y2 = x2y3. ↑ ↑ since yx−1 = x−1y since yx−1 = x−1y By Lemma 8.10 there exists a unique homomorphism α: ⟨x, y⟩ → Z2 which satisfies α(x) = (1, 0) and α(y) = (0, 1). Note that α([x, y]) = α(xyx−1y−1) = α(x) + α(y) − α(x) − α(y) = 0. Thus by Lemma 10.4 there exists a unique group homomorphism β : π = ⟨x, y⟩/⟨⟨[x, y]⟩⟩ = ⟨x, y | [x, y]⟩ → Z2 with β(x) = (1, 0) and β(y) = (0, 1). This homomorphism is evidently an epimor- phism. It is also a monomorphism, indeed: (a) we had just seen in the previous example that any element in π is equivalent to an element of the form xmym, (b) furthermore β(xmyn) = (m, n) is zero if and only if xmyn = x0y0 is the trivial element in π. Frequently we will write relators as equations, for example we often write ⟨x, y | xyx−1y−1⟩ = ⟨x, y | xyx−1y−1 = e⟩ = ⟨x, y | xy = yx⟩. Because of this notation one often refers to a relator also as a relation. (4) The same way as in the above example one can show that there exists an isomorphism ∼ = m β : ⟨x1, . . . , xm | [xi, xj] = e for all i, j ∈ {1, . . . , m}⟩ −→ Z m which sends each xi to the i-th standard basis vector ei of Z .

208Here we follow the standard convention that in the notation we do not distinguish between an element in ⟨X⟩ and an element in ⟨X | R⟩, the same way as usually we do not distinguish in the notation between an element in Z and an element in Z5 = Z/5Z. 166 STEFAN FRIEDL

(5) We consider the following three self-homeomorphisms of R2: A: R2 → R2 B : R2 → R2 Ae: R2 → R2 and and (s, t) 7→ (s + 1, 1 − t) (s, t) 7→ (s, t + 1) (s, t) 7→ (s + 1, −t). We already know the first two maps from page 90. We denote by G the subgroup of all homeomorphisms of R2 that is generated by A and B. We are interested in the 2 ∼ group G since R /G is the Klein bottle K and by Theorem 6.16 we have π1(K) = G. Note that Ae = B−1A. Let X = {x, y} be the set that consists of two elements. By Lemma 8.10 there exists a unique homomorphism α: ⟨x, y⟩ → G with α(x) = Ae and α(y) = B. Now let R be the subset of ⟨X⟩ = ⟨x, y⟩ that consists of the single element yxyx−1. We want to consider α(yxyx−1) ∈ G, which is by definition a map from R2 to R2. For any point (s, t) ∈ R2 this map is given by α(yxyx−1)(s, t) = BABe Ae−1(s, t) = BABe (s − 1, −t) = BAe(s − 1, −t + 1) = B(s, t − 1) = (s, t). This shows that α(yxyx−1) is the identity map of R2, i.e. it is the trivial element in G. It follows from Lemma 10.4 that α descends to a homomorphism β : ⟨x, y⟩/⟨⟨yxyx−1⟩⟩ = ⟨x, y | yxyx−1⟩ → G. This homomorphism is an epimorphism, since the image of β is the group generated by Ae = B−1A and B, but this group is the same as the group generated by A and B, i.e. the image of β is G. Is the homomorphism β also a monomorphism? We will come back to this question later on. We continue with the following definitions. Definition. (1) A presentation is a set X together with a subset R ⊂ ⟨X⟩. We call the elements of X the generators and we call the elements of R the relators209 of the presentation. (2) Let π be a group. A presentation for π is a presentation (X,R) together with an isomorphism ∼ π −→= ⟨X | R⟩. Very often one just says ⟨X | R⟩ is a presentation for π and the explicit isomorphism is suppressed from the notation. (3) We say that a group π is finitely generated, if π admits a presentation with finitely many generators.210 (4) We say a group π is finitely presented, if π admits a presentation with finitely many generators and finitely many relators. We now give some examples of finitely generated and finitely presented groups.

209The relators are often also called relations. 210This definition of a finitely generated group is equivalent to the one we gave on page 139. Why is that? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 167

Examples. (1) Every group admits a presentation. Indeed, let π be a group. Then we set X := π, i.e. X is the set of elements of π. By Lemma 8.10 there exists a unique homomorphism α: ⟨X⟩ → π with α(g) = g for all g ∈ X = π. We set R := ker(α). Then ∼ ⟨X | R⟩ = ⟨X⟩/⟨⟨R⟩⟩ = ⟨X⟩/⟨⟨ker(α)⟩⟩ = ⟨X⟩/ ker(α) −−→= G. ↑ α by Lemma 10.2 since R = ker(α) is a normal subgroup (2) We had just seen on page 165 that n ∼ Z = ⟨x1, . . . , xn | [xi, xj] = e with i, j ∈ {1, . . . , n}⟩ which shows that Zn is a finitely presented group. (3) In fact every finitely generated abelian group is also finitely presented. Indeed, let A be a finitely generated abelian group. Then ⊕n ∼ Z ⟨ | ai ⟩ A = ai = x1, . . . , xn [xi, xj] = e for i, j = 1, . . . , n, xi = e for i = 1, . . . , n . ↑ i=1 ↑ Theorem 8.3 as in (2) for some ai ∈ N0 (4) There exist groups which are finitely generated but not finitely presented. In fact there are countably many isomorphism types of finitely presented groups,211 whereas there are uncountably many isomorphism types of finitely generated groups.212 A proof for both statements is given in Chapter 14 of [Rb]. (5) We had seen on page 139 that the fundamental group of the Klein bottle is finitely generated. But is it also finitely presented? Remark. Every finitely presented group admits infinitely many finite presentations. Indeed, let X = {x1, . . . , xk} be a finite set and let r = {r1, . . . , rl} ⊂ ⟨X⟩ = ⟨x1, . . . , xk⟩ also be a finite set. Then for any word s in r1, . . . , rl, i.e. any element s of ⟨r1, . . . , rl⟩, we have the equality213

(1) ⟨x1, . . . , xk | r1, . . . , rl⟩ = ⟨x1, . . . , xk | r1, . . . , rl, s⟩ 214 and for any symbol x and any word s in x1, . . . , xk we have an isomorphism ∼ = (2) ⟨x1, . . . , xk | r1, . . . , rl⟩ −→ ⟨x1, . . . , xk, x | r1, . . . , rl, x · s⟩. xi 7→ xi

211That statement is pretty obvious. 212 This statement is much less obvious. The idea is that in a free group ⟨x1, . . . , xk⟩ there are uncountably many infinite sequences of elements {r1, r2,... }. The difficulty is to show that there exist uncountably many sequences that give raise to non-isomorphic groups. 213 It is straightforward to see that ⟨⟨r1, . . . , rl⟩⟩ = ⟨⟨r1, . . . , rl, s⟩ as subsets of ⟨⟨x1, . . . , xk⟩⟩. This shows that the two groups in (1) are identical. On the other hand the presentations are different, since {r1, . . . , rl} and {r1, . . . , rl, s} are two different subsets of ⟨x1, . . . , xk⟩. 168 STEFAN FRIEDL

The above two methods, and their inverses, of obtaining new presentations out of a given one are called Tietze transformations.215 Any two finite presentations for some given group are in fact related by a finite sequence of these two Tietze transformations. This fact is for example proved in Proposition II.2.2 of [LS]. 10.3. The abelianization of a group. The following definition should already be familiar from the algebra course. Definition. Let π be a group. We refer to ⟨⟨{ | ∈ }⟩⟩ [π, π] := |[x,{z y}] x, y π =xyx−1y−1 as the commutator subgroup of π. We start out with the following elementary lemma. Lemma 10.5. Let π be a group. Then the following hold: (1) The group π/[π, π] is abelian. (2) We have { } ∏n [π, π] := [xi, yi] x1, y1, . . . , xn, yn ∈ π . i=1 Remark. Note that in general not every element of the commutator subgroup is a commu- tator. For example, if π = ⟨a, b, c, d⟩ is the free group on four generators a, b, c, d, then we have [a, b] · [c, d] ∈ [π, π], but it is not a commutator.216 Proof. Let π be a group. (1) For any two elements x, y ∈ π we have · −1 −1 · −1 −1 xy [π, π] = yx x y xy [π, π] = yx |[x {z, y }] [π, π] = yx [π, π]. ∈[π,π] This shows that π/[π, π] is indeed abelian. (2) Note that the inverse of a commutator is again a commutator, i.e. given x, y ∈ π we have [x, y]−1 = (xyx−1y−1)−1 = yxy−1x−1 = [y, x]. Furthermore a conjugate of a commutator is again a commutator. Indeed, given x, y, g ∈ π we have g[x, y]g−1 = gxyx−1y−1g−1 = gxg−1gyg−1gx−1g−1gy−1g−1 = (gxg−1)(gyg−1)(gxg−1)−1(gyg−1)−1 = [gxg−1, gyg−1].

214 The fact that the map given by xi 7→ xi, i = 1, . . . , k induces an isomorphism is an exercise in exercise sheet 9. 215Heinrich Tietze (1880-1964) was an Austrian mathematician. 216Why not? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 169

It follows from this discussion and from Lemma 10.3 that each element of the com- mutator subgroup can be written as a product of commutators, i.e. { } ∏n ∈ [π, π] := [xi, yi] x1, y1, . . . , xn, yn π .  i=1 Definition. Let π be a group. We call

πab := π/[π, π] the abelianization of π.217 The following proposition summarizes some of the key properties of the abelianization of groups. Proposition 10.6.

(1) If π is abelian, then πab = π. (2) Let π be a group and let α: π → H be a homomorphism to an abelian group. Then there exists a unique homomorphism β : πab = π/[π, π] → H such that the following diagram commutes: / π PPP πab = π/[π, π] PPP PPP PPP β α PP(  H. (3) Let G and H be two groups. There exists a unique isomorphism ∼ = (G ∗ H)ab −→ Gab × Hab which makes the following diagram commute: G ∗ H / / G × H    ∼  = / (G ∗ H)ab Gab × Hab, where the other three maps are the obvious projection maps. 218 (4) Let F = ⟨x1, . . . , xm⟩ be the free group on m generators x1, . . . , xm. Then the map m Φ: Fab = F/[F,F ] → Z [xi] 7→ ei := the i-th standard basis vector is an isomorphism.

217 The abelianization of a group π is sometimes also written as H1(π). The reason for that somewhat strange looking notation will become clear in Algebraic Topology II. 218 m By Lemma 8.10 there exists a unique homomorphism F → Z with xi 7→ ei. By (1) this map descends to a homomorphism F/[F,F ] → Zm. The way we write down the map is a little bit sloppy, since we only specify the map on the generators of F/[F,F ]. 170 STEFAN FRIEDL

(5) Let π = ⟨x1, . . . , xm | r1, . . . , rn⟩ be a finitely presented group. We denote by m Φ: ⟨x1, . . . , xm⟩ → Z

the homomorphism that is given by Φ(xi) = ei. There exists a unique isomorphism ∼ = m Ψ: π/[π, π] −−→ Z /⟨Φ(r1),..., Φ(rn)⟩ such that the following diagram commutes 7→ xi ei / / m ⟨x1, . . . , xm⟩ Z Φ  π = ⟨x1, . . . , xm⟩/⟨⟨r1, . . . , rn⟩⟩   Ψ / / m πab = π/[π, π] Z /⟨Φ(r1),..., Φ(rn)⟩. (6) We denote by G the category of groups and we denote by A the category of abelian groups. Then the maps

G 7→ Gab = G/[G, G] and ( ) φ∗ : G = G/[G, G] → H = H/[H,H] (φ: G → H) 7→ ab ab [g] 7→ [φ(g)] define a covariant functor from G to A. (7) Isomorphic groups have isomorphic abelianizations. Examples. (1) By Proposition 10.6 (1) and (3) we have ∼ ∼ (Z3 ∗ Z35)ab = Z3 × Z35 and (Z5 ∗ Z21)ab = Z5 × Z21. It follows from the Chinese Remainder Theorem that the abelianizations are iso- morphic. On the other hand on page 141 we had already observed that the Grushko Decomposition Theorem 8.14 implies that the groups Z3 ∗ Z35 and Z5 ∗ Z21 are not isomorphic. Thus we have seen that non-isomorphic groups can have isomorphic abelianizations. (2) We give an explicit example for statement (5). Let π = ⟨x, y | x2y−2x, y−1x3yx⟩. Let Φ: ⟨x, y⟩ → Z2 be the epimorphism given by Φ(x) = (1, 0) and Φ(y) = (0, 1). Then the abelianization of π is given by219 ( ) Z2 ⟨ 3 −2 −1 3 ⟩ Z2 3 4 Z2 ∼ Z πab = / Φ(x y ), Φ(y x yx) = / − = 8. | ({z )} | ({z) } 2 0 3 4 = = −2 0

219 Why is the group isomorphic to Z8? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 171

(3) Given k ∈ N we denote by Sk the permutation group on k elements and we denote by Ak ⊂ Sk the alternating group, i.e. the group of all permutations with positive sign. In the algebra course it was shown that for k ≥ 5 the group Ak is simple, i.e. 220 the only normal subgroups of Ak are the trivial group and the group Ak itself. The commutator subgroup [Ak,Ak] is normal. Since Ak is not abelian we cannot have [Ak,Ak] = {e}. Thus we see that [Ak,Ak] = Ak, which implies that the abelianization of Ak is the trivial group. Now we provide the proof of Proposition 10.6. Proof of Proposition 10.6. (1) The first statement is obvious.221 (2) Let π be a group and let α: π → H be a homomorphism to an abelian group. Then [π, π] lies in the kernel of α. The desired statement now follows immediately from Lemma 10.1. (3) The maps ∗ → × Φ:(G H)ab ([Gab H]ab[ ]) Ψ: G × H → (G ∗ H) ∏ ∏ and ab ab ab [(x1, . . . , xk)] 7→ xi , xi ([g], [h]) 7→ [g · h] xi∈G xi∈H are easily seen to be well-defined, to be homomorphisms and to be inverses of one another. (4) This statement follows immediately from the statements (1) and (3) together with ∼ the observation that ⟨x1, . . . , xm⟩ = ⟨x1⟩ ∗ · · · ∗ ⟨xm⟩, that ⟨xi⟩ab = Z and that Zm = Z × · · · × Z. (5) It is straightforward to see that there exists a unique homomorphism m Ψ: π/[π, π] → Z /⟨Φ(r1),..., Φ(rn)⟩ that makes the diagram of statement (5) commute. It remains to show that Ψ is an isomorphism. We write F = ⟨x1, . . . , xm⟩ and we write G = ⟨y1, . . . , yn⟩.We consider the following diagram

[y ]7→e i i / n Gab = G/[G, G] ∼ Z =

[yi]7→[ri] ei7→Φ(ri)   Φ([x ])=e i i / m Fab = F/[F,F ] ∼ Z =     m Ψ / Z πab = π/[π, π] . ⟨Φ(r1),..., Φ(rn)⟩

220A proof of this statement is also given in any self-respecting algebra book, see e.g. [Rb, p. 69]. 221Why? 172 STEFAN FRIEDL

Note that the diagram commutes. By (4) the top two horizontal maps are isomor- phisms. The bottom vertical maps are clearly epimorphisms and it is clear that the images of the top vertical maps lie in the kernel of the bottom vertical maps. It now follows from an elementary “diagram chase” that the bottom horizontal map is also an isomorphism.222 We leave the details to the reader. (6) This statement follows easily from the definitions and the observation that the image of a commutator under a group homomorphism is once again a commutator. (7) The last statement is an immediate consequence of (6).  10.4. The amalgamated product of groups. In the formulation of the generalized version of the Seifert-van Kampen theorem we will need to replace the free product of two groups by the “amalgamated product” of two groups. Proposition 10.7. Let α: G → A and β : G → B be two group homomorphisms. Then there exists a triple

(A ∗G B, φ: A → A ∗G B, ψ : B → A ∗G B) where A ∗G B is a group and φ and ψ are homomorphisms with the following properties: (a) the following diagram commutes: G α / A β   φ / B A ∗G B, ψ (b) if (H′, φ′ : A → H′, ψ′ : B → H′) is another triple which satisfies property (a), then ′ ′ there exists a unique homomorphism Θ: A ∗G B → H such that φ = Θ ◦ φ and ψ′ = Θ ◦ ψ, i.e. such that the following diagram commutes G α / A ′ β φ φ   / B A ∗G B ψ R R R(  Θ 1 H′. ψ′

222More precisely, we use the following fact: suppose we are given a commutative diagram ∼ A = / A′  ∼  B = / B′   C / C′, of group homomorphisms where the bottom vertical maps are epimorphisms, where the top two horizontal maps are isomorphisms and where the kernels of the bottom vertical maps are the images of the top vertical maps. Then the bottom horizontal map is also an isomorphism. This general statement can be proved by a “diagram chase”. This statement can also be viewed as a special case of the “five lemma”. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 173

Proof. Let α: G → A and β : G → B be two group homomorphisms. As usual we view A and B as subgroups of A ∗ B. We put −1 A ∗G B := A ∗ B/⟨⟨{α(g)β(g) }g∈G⟩⟩ and we define φ: A → A ∗G B as the composition of the obvious homomorphisms −1 A,→ A ∗ B  A ∗ B/⟨⟨{α(g)β(g) }g∈G⟩⟩, and precisely the same way we define the homomorphism ψ : B → A ∗G B. It follows from the construction of A ∗G B that φ(α(g)) = ψ(β(g)) for all g ∈ G. Therefore the triple (A ∗G B, φ: A → A ∗G B, ψ : B → A ∗G B) satisfies property (a). Now let (H′, φ′ : A → H′, ψ′ : B → H′) be another triple which satisfies property (a). We consider the following diagram α d/ G ddddddd C cA ddddddd ddddddd rddddddd ∗ X β ii4 A B XXXXX φ ′ iii XXXXX φ iiii XXXXX iiii XX, ,   × iiii ' ii / A ∗ B B A ∗G B = ψ ⟨⟨α(g)β(g)−1⟩⟩ S S S S  S) Φ 01 H′ ψ′ where Φ: A ∗ B → H′ is the unique homomorphism determined by ψ′ and φ′. Since φ′ ◦ α = ψ′ ◦ β it follows that for any g ∈ G we have Φ(α(g) · β(g)−1) = Φ(α(g)) · Φ(β(g))−1 = φ′(α(g)) · ψ′(β(g))−1 = e. Put differently, all elements of the form α(g)β(g)−1 in A ∗ B lie in the kernel of Φ. By −1 ′ Lemma 10.4 there exists a unique homomorphism Θ: A ∗ B/⟨⟨{α(g)β(g) }g∈G⟩⟩ → H which makes the following diagram commute

/ −1 A ∗ B VVV A ∗G B = A ∗ B/⟨⟨{α(g)β(g) }g∈G⟩⟩ VVVV VVVV VVVV VVVV Θ Φ VVVV  VVV+ H′. This proves the existence of Θ. The uniqueness follows from the observation that another choice of Θ′ would give another choice for Φ, but this homomorphism is unique.  Definition. Let α: G → A and β : G → B be two group homomorphisms. We write −1 A ∗G B := A ∗ B/⟨⟨{α(g)β(g) }g∈G⟩⟩ 223 and we refer to A ∗G B as the amalgamated product of A and B with amalgam G. 223The notation is a little misleading since the homomorphisms α and β do not get mentioned in the notation, even though they play of course an important rˆole.In particular different choices of α and β can lead to non-isomorphic amalgamated products. 174 STEFAN FRIEDL

Remark. A variation on the argument on page 129 shows that if (H, φ: A → H, ψ : B → H) is a triple that has both the properties (a) and (b) of Proposition 10.7, then there exists a ∼ = unique isomorphism Θ: A ∗G B −→ H such that φ(a) = Θ(a) for all a ∈ A and ψ(b) = Θ(b) for all b ∈ B. Often we will use this uniquely defined isomorphism to identify H with the amalgamated product A ∗G B.

Example. Let G = Z2,A = Z4 and B = Z6 and consider the homomorphisms α: G → A β : G → B and [k] 7→ [2k] [k] 7→ [3k]. Furthermore we consider the homomorphisms224 Z → Z Z → Z φ: A = 4 (SL(2, )) φ: B = 6 SL(2( , )) 0 1 k and 1 1 k k 7→ k 7→ . −1 0 −1 0 It is straightforward to verify that225 φ◦α = ψ◦β, therefore there exists by Proposition 10.7 a homomorphism ∗ Z ∗ Z → Z A G B = 4 Z2 6 SL(2, ). More surprisingly, this homomorphism is in fact an isomorphism. We refer to [Rs, p. 218] and [Se, p. 35] for a proof. The following lemma summarizes two important special cases of the amalgamated prod- uct of groups. Lemma 10.8. (1) For two groups A and B and G = {e} the trivial group, the corresponding amalga- mated product is the usual free product, i.e.

A ∗{e} B = A ∗ B. (2) If α: G → A is a group homomorphism and if β : G → {e} is the trivial homomor- phism, then

A ∗G {e} = A/⟨⟨α(G)⟩⟩. Proof. Both statements follow immediately from the definition −1 A ∗G B := A ∗ B/⟨⟨{α(g)β(g) }g∈G⟩⟩. 

The following lemma gives us a convenient description of the amalgamated product of two finitely presented groups.

224Are these really homomorphisms? 225 Indeed, the one non-trivial element of G = Z2 gets sent under both maps to − id. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 175

Lemma 10.9. Let

A = ⟨x1, . . . , xk | r1, . . . , rp⟩ and B = ⟨y1, . . . , yl | s1, . . . , sq⟩ be two finitely presented groups. Furthermore let α: G → A and β : G → B be two group homomorphisms and let g1, . . . , gm be generators of G. Then

A ∗G B = ⟨x1, . . . , xk, y1 . . . , yl | r1, . . . , rp, s1, . . . , sq and α(gi) = β(gi), i = 1, . . . , m⟩. Examples.

(1) Let A1 = ⟨x1, y1⟩ and A2 = ⟨x2, y2⟩ be two free groups and for i = 1, 2 let φi : ⟨t⟩ → Ai n n be the homomorphism that is given by φi(t ) := [xi, yi] . Then we obtain from Lemma 10.9 that

A1 ∗⟨t⟩ A2 = ⟨x1, y1, x2, y2 | [x1, y1] = [x2, y2]⟩. (2) Let A = ⟨a⟩ and let B = ⟨b⟩ be two infinite cyclic groups and let G = ⟨x, y | [x, y]⟩ be a group that is isomorphic to Z2. We consider the homomorphism α: G → A that is given by α(x) = a and α(y) = e and we consider the homomorphism β : G → B that is given by β(x) = e and β(y) = b. Then

A ∗G B = ⟨a, b | α(x) = β(x), α(y) = β(y)⟩ = ⟨a, b | a = e, e = b⟩ = ⟨ | ⟩ = {e}. ↑ ↑ Lemma 10.9 Tietze transformation (2), see page 168 This shows in particular that the amalgamated product of two non-trivial groups can in fact be trivial. Proof of Lemma 10.9. We need to show that A∗B A∗B ⟨⟨{ −1} ⟩⟩ = ⟨⟨{ −1} ⟩⟩ . | α(g)β({zg) g∈G } | α(gi)β(gi{z) i=1,...,m }

definition of A*GB right-hand side of the proposition Put differently, we need to prove the following claim. Claim. In the free product A ∗ B we have −1 −1 ⟨⟨{α(g)β(g) }g∈G⟩⟩ = ⟨⟨{α(gi)β(gi) }i=1,...,m⟩⟩. It is clear that the left-hand side is contained in the right-hand side. To show the reverse −1 −1 inclusion we need to show that for each g ∈ G we have α(g)β(g) ∈ ⟨⟨{α(gi)β(gi) }i=1,...,m⟩⟩. We start out with two observations: (1) We first consider the case g = g−1 for some i. Then i ( ) −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 α(g)β(g) = α(gi )β(gi ) = α(gi) α(gi)β(gi ) α(gi), −1 −1 thus α(g)β(g) is a conjugate of the inverse of α(gi)β(gi ), in particular it lies in −1 ⟨⟨{α(gi)β(gi) }i=1,...,m⟩⟩. 176 STEFAN FRIEDL

(2) Note that if a, b and c are elements in a group π such that ac and b lie in a normal subgroup Γ, then abc = ac · c−1bc also lies in Γ. We now turn to the proof of the claim. We define the length of g ∈ G as ℓ(g) = min{n | we can write g = gϵ1 ····· gϵn for ϵ ∈ {−1, 1} and i ∈ {1, . . . , m}}. i1 in j j

Since g1, . . . , gm are generators of G any g ∈ G has a length. We prove the claim by induction on the length of g ∈ G. For ℓ(g) = 0 there is nothing to prove. Now suppose we have shown the claim for all elements of length n − 1. Now let g ∈ G be an element of length n. Thus we can write g = gϵ1 ·····gϵn for ϵ , . . . , ϵ ∈ {−1, 1} i1 in 1 n and i , . . . , i ∈ {1, . . . , m}. We then have 1 n ( ) ( ) − − α(g)β(g)−1 = α(g)β(g−1) = α gϵ1 ··· gϵn · β g ϵn ··· g ϵ1 ( i1 ) in( )in ( )i1 ( ) ( ) ( ) − − − = α gϵ1 ··· α gϵn−1 · α gϵn · β g ϵn · β g ϵn−1 ··· β g ϵ1 . | i1 {z in−1 } | in {z in } | in−1 {z i1 } =:a =:b =:c −1 Note that b lies in the normal subgroup ⟨⟨{α(gi)β(gi) }i=1,...,m⟩⟩ by (1) and ac lies in the −1 −1 normal subgroup ⟨⟨{α(gi)β(gi) }i=1,...,m⟩⟩ by induction. Thus abc = α(g)β(g) lies in −1 ⟨⟨{α(gi)β(gi) }i=1,...,m⟩⟩ by (2).  In the previous example we had seen that the amalgamated product of two non-trivial groups can be trivial. We conclude this introduction to amalgamated products with the following proposition that is proved in [Se, p. 3]. It gives a criterion for the amalgamated product to be non-trivial. Proposition 10.10. Let α: G → A and β : G → B be two group homomorphisms. If α and β are monomorphisms, then the canonical homomorphisms A → A ∗G B and B → A ∗G B are also monomorphisms. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 177

11. The general Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 11.1. The formulation of the general Seifert-van Kampen Theorem. With the group theoretic preparations from the previous chapter we can now formulate and prove the general Seifert-van Kampen Theorem. Theorem 11.1. (Seifert–van Kampen) Let X be a topological space and let X = U ∪ V be a decomposition of X in two open subsets U and V such that U ∩ V is non-empty and path-connected. Let x0 ∈ U ∩ V . Then there exists an isomorphism ∼ ∗ −−→= Φ: π1(U, x0) π1(U∩V,x0) π1(V, x0) π1(X, x0) such that the following diagram commutes: / π1(U ∩ V, x0) π1(U, x0)

  / ∗ π1(V, x0) π1(U, x0) π1(U∩V,x0) π1(V, x0) UUUU UUΦUU ∼ UU = UU*  0 π1(X, x0). Here all other maps are the obvious inclusion induced homomorphisms.

 ∩  U V    U           V              ∼ ∗ π1(X, x0) = π1(U, x0) π1(U∩V,x0) π1(V, x0)

Figure 103. Illustration of Theorem 11.1.

The proof of the general Seifert-van Kampen Theorem is a modification of the proof of the more “basic” Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.2 where we had assumed that U ∩ V is in fact simply connected. We only sketch the proof of the general Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 11.1. The full details are for example given in Section 1.2 of [Ha]. Sketch of the proof. The various inclusions of topological spaces give rise to the following commutative diagram: i / π1(U ∩ V, x0) π1(U, x0) FF FF j  FF FF FF π1(V, x0) ZZZZZZZ F ZZZZZZZ FF ZZZZZZZ FF ZZZZZZZ F# ZZZZZZ- π1(X, x0). 178 STEFAN FRIEDL

By Proposition 10.7 there exists a unique homomorphism ∗ → Φ: π1(U, x0) π1(U∩V,x0) π1(V, x0) π1(X, x0) such that the following diagram commutes: i / π1(U ∩ V, x0) π1(U, x0)

j   k l / π (V, x ) π (U, x ) ∗ ∩ π (V, x ) 1 0 1 0 π1(U V,x0) U1 0 UUUU UΦUUU UUU*  0 π1(X, x0). It remains to show that Φ is surjective and that Φ is injective. We first show surjectivity. We consider the following commutative diagram226 of homo- morphisms

π (U, x ) ∗ ∩ π (V, x ) 1 h3 0 π1(U V,x0) U1U 0 hhhh UUUΦ hhhh UUU hhhh UUU* / π1(U, x0) ∗ π1(V, x0) π1(X, x0). By Lemma 9.1 the horizontal map is surjective. It follows that the diagonal map Φ on the right is also surjective. Now we turn to the proof of the injectivity of Φ. We write A = π1(U, x0),B = π1(V, x0) and G = π1(U ∩ V, x0). As on page 141 we consider the set

S(A, B) := {all finite sequences (x1, . . . , xk) with each gi in A or B}.

Furthermore we denote by ∼G the equivalence relation on S(A, B) generated by the relation

(x1, . . . , xl, e, xl+2, . . . , xk) ∼ (x1, . . . , xl, xl+2, . . . , xk) where e is trivial in A or B, by the relation

(x1, . . . , xl, xl+1, . . . , xk) ∼ (x1, . . . , xlxl+1, . . . , xk) if both xl and xl+1 lie in A or both lie in B, and also by the relation

(x1, . . . , xl, i(g), xl+2, . . . , xk) ∼ (x1, . . . , xl, j(g), xl+2, . . . , xk) for g ∈ G. Similar to Proposition 8.15 one can now show that the map

S(A, B)/ ∼G → A ∗G B [(x1, . . . , xk)] 7→ x1 ····· xk is a well-defined bijection. We will use this isomorphism to identify S(A, B)/ ∼G with A ∗G B. The proof of the present theorem is now almost identical to the proof of Theorem 9.2, one just needs to replace the discussion involving S(A, B)/ ∼ by the corresponding objects in S(A, B)/ ∼G. More precisely, in Footnote 199 we had pointed out where in the proof of

226What are the maps, and why does the diagram commute? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 179

Theorem 9.2 we used the hypothesis that U ∩ V is simply-connected. At that point in the proof of Theorem 9.2 we need to replace A ∗ B = S(A, B)/ ∼ with A ∗G B = S(A, B)/ ∼G. Full details for the proof can be found for example in Section 1.2 of [Ha].  The same way that we deduced Theorem 9.8 from Theorem 9.2 we can now obtain the following theorem from Theorem 11.1. Theorem 11.2. (Seifert-van Kampen for manifolds) Let M be an m-dimensional manifold and let R,S ⊂ M be two m-dimensional submanifolds such that the following hold: (1) M = R ∪ S, (2) R ∩ S is a union of components of ∂R and it is a union of components of ∂S, (3) R ∩ S is non-empty and path-connected.

We pick a base point x0 ∈ R ∩ S. Then the inclusion induced map ∗ → π1(R, x0) π1(R∩S,x0) π1(S, x0) π1(M, x0) is an isomorphism. Example. On page 158 we had seen that the earlier Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 9.8 can n be applied to show that π1(S ) = 0 for n ≥ 3. If we replace Theorem 9.8 by the more 2 general Theorem 11.2, then we can also determine the fundamental group of π1(S ) using 2 the “Seifert-van Kampen method”. More precisely, let H+ := {(x, y, z) ∈ S | z ≥ 0} be the closed upper hemisphere and define similarly the closed lower hemisphere H−. Then 2 H+,H− are submanifolds of S that satisfy the hypothesis of Theorem 11.2 and we obtain 2 ∼ once again that π1(S ) = π1(H+) ∗Z π1(H−) = {e} ∗Z {e} = {e}. 11.2. The fundamental groups of surfaces. We now want to use the Seifert-van Kam- pen Theorem 11.1 to determine the fundamental groups of surfaces of genus g ≥ 2. Before we do so we consider the torus, the Klein bottle and the real projective plane to gain some confidence in our newly acquired methods.227 (1) We first consider the torus T = [0, 1] × [0, 1]/ ∼. In the following we will use the following notation, see also Figure 104 for an illustration: (a) We denote by Q the point on T corresponding to the four vertices of the square. (b) We write T = U ∪ V where

1 1 1 1 U = T \ B 1 ( , ) ⊂ T and V = B 1 ( , ) ⊂ T, 8 2 2 4 2 2 i.e. U is the complement of a closed disk and V is an open disk and U ∩ V is an open annulus. (c) We let P = (r, r) ∈ U ∩ V and we denote by p the direct path from Q to P .

227The following examples can also be handled using Theorem 11.2 instead of Theorem 11.1. The advantage of using Theorem 11.1 at this point is that in the illustrations one can draw U ∩ V better if U and V are open subsets. 180 STEFAN FRIEDL

(d) We pick a loop γ in (U ∩ V,P ) that “goes clockwise around the annulus” and ∼ 228 that represents a generator of the infinite cyclic group π1(U ∩ V,P ) = Z. (e) We denote by x and y the two loops in (T,Q) corresponding to the horizontal and the vertical edge of the square. By a slight abuse of notation we denote the corresponding elements in π1(T,Q) by x and y as well.

∩ U U ∩ V

U V  






































  ∗ ∗




   the loop p γ p




                                                                        is homotopic to                              γ    


      − − 



     1 1







                the loop xyx y                        x U V Q p P

Figure 104.

We now have ∼ π (T,P ) = π (U, P ) ∗ ∩ π (V,P ) = π (U, P ) ∗ ∩ {e} 1 ↑ 1 π1(U V,P ) 1 ↑ 1 π1(U V,P )

Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 11.1 V is a disk, hence π1(V,P ) = {e} = π (U, P )/⟨⟨i∗(π (U ∩ V,P ))⟩⟩ = π (U, P )/⟨⟨[γ]⟩⟩ ↑ 1 1 ↑ 1

by Lemma 10.8 we have A ∗G {e} = A/⟨⟨G⟩⟩ since π1(U ∩ V,P ) = ⟨[γ]⟩ ∼ −→= π (U, Q)/⟨⟨[p ∗ γ ∗ p]⟩⟩ = π (U, Q)/⟨⟨xyx−1y−1⟩⟩ = (∗). ↑ 1 ↑ 1 by Lemma 4.9 the path p gives since p ∗ γ ∗ p is homotopic to xyx−1y−1 rise to an isomorphism p∗ As in the proof of Lemma 9.7 we can show that W := ∂([0, 1] × [0, 1])/ ∼ is a deformation retract of U and that W is homeomorphic to the wedge of two circles. By the discussion on page 150 we can therefore make the identification π1(W, P ) = ⟨x, y⟩, see also Figure 105. We now continue with the above calculation of π1(T,P ). We have ∼ (∗) = π (U, Q)/⟨⟨xyx−1y−1⟩⟩ −→= π (W, P )/⟨⟨xyx−1y−1⟩⟩ 1 ↑ 1 by Lemma 7.4 and Proposition 7.5 − − ∼ = ⟨x, y⟩/⟨⟨xyx 1y 1⟩⟩ = ⟨x, y | [x, y]⟩ = Z2. ↑ ↑ since W is the wedge of the circles x and y see page 165 Thus we have reproved that the fundamental group of the torus is isomorphic to the free abelian group Z2.

228Since U ∩ V is an open annulus its fundamental group is isomorphic to Z.



































































            retraction from U to W W

Figure 105.

(2) We turn to the Klein bottle K. We perform almost the same argument as for the torus, we just replace the situation illustrated in Figure 105 by the situation illustrated in Figure 106. The same argument as above shows that229

∼ −1 π1(K) = ⟨x, y | yxyx ⟩. Using this presentation and using Proposition 10.6 (5) we obtain in particular that the abelianization of π1(K) is given by ( ) π (K) ∼ ⟨x, y | yxyx−1⟩ ∼ Z2/ 0 Z ∼ Z ⊕ Z . 1 ab = ab = 2 = 2

On page 108 we had already given a very different calculation of π1(K). More precisely, we had introduced the group G that is given by all self-homeomorphisms of R2 that can be written as concatenations of the two self-homeomorphisms A: R2 → R2 B : R2 → R2 and (s, t) 7→ (s + 1, 1 − t) (s, t) 7→ (s, t + 1) ∼ and their inverses and we had shown that π1(K) = G. On page 166 we had already shown that there exists a homomorphism Φ: ⟨x, y | yxyx−1⟩ → G with Φ(x) = B−1A and Φ(y) = B. This homomorphism is in fact an isomorphism.230

229 In particular this shows that π1(K) is finitely presented. This answers the question we had raised on page 167. 230This can be seen as follows. Denote by H the group of all selfhomeomorphisms of R2. We consider the diagram ∼ ∼ −1 = / o = subgroup of H ⟨x, y | yxyx ⟩ π1(K) generated3 by A, B. Φ x7→B−1A,y7→B

Here the isomorphisms to π1(K) are the ones given by the two calculations of the fundamental group. If one goes carefully through the definitions of the two horizontal maps, then one can see that the diagram commutes. Since two of the three maps are isomorphisms and since the diagram commutes it follows that Φ is also an isomorphism.





                                   ∩          U V           
















  this loop                                             U      is homotopic to                        −




       V    the loop yxyx the Klein bottle x

Figure 106.

(3) Next we consider again the real projective space RP2. Hereby we use the description of RP2 as 2 RP2 = B / ∼ where for z ∈ S1 we have z ∼ −z. As in the previous two examples we decompose RP2 into an open disk V and the complement of a closed disk U such that U ∩ V is an annulus. We consider the base point Q = [1] = [−1] ∈ RP2 and we denote by α the loop α: [0, 1] → RP2 t 7→ [eiπt]. 2 By a slight abuse of notation we denote by α also the corresponding element in π1(RP ,Q). Furthermore we denote by W the image of α in RP2. Evidently α is a generator of π1(W, Q). Then, with similar arguments as in the torus case, we see that 2 ∼ ∼ ∼ 2 ∼ π1(RP ) = π1(U, Q)/⟨⟨p ∗ γ ∗ p⟩⟩ = π1(W, Q)/⟨⟨p ∗ γ ∗ p⟩⟩ = ⟨α⟩/⟨α ⟩ = Z2. ↑ ↑ ↑

Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 11.1 since W is a deformation since π1(W, Q) = ⟨α⟩ and Lemma 10.8 (2) retract of U and [p ∗ γ ∗ p] = α2 In particular we obtain the same result, as we should, as in Corollary 6.17.

U ∩ V α ∗ ∗  the loop p γ p            U   U                      Q     W is a deformation                     retraction of U  p                  V  W γ the loop α2 RP2

Figure 107.

(4) Now that we have gained some confidence that the approach of determining funda- mental groups using Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 11.1 does indeed give the right fundamental groups we turn to the surfaces of higher genus that we could not handle with our previous methods. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 183

So now we consider the surface F = E8/ ∼ of genus 2. As in the torus case we write F = U ∪ V where V is an open disk and where U is the complement of a closed disk such that U ∩ V is an annulus. In the following we use basically the same notation as in the torus case or alternatively we refer to Figures 108 and 109 for the notation. We write W = ∂E8/ ∼. By the proof of Proposition 9.6 we know that W is a deformation retraction of U and that W is homeomorphic to the wedge of four circles corresponding to x1, y1, x2, y2. See also Figure 109 for an illustration. Basically ∩ U V x x2 2   V        U  U  γ U                                        y     y1   1                                     y   y2     2                                x1 x1   P     U ∩ V Q the path p ∗ γ ∗ p p −1 −1 −1 −1 the path x1y1x1 y1 x2y2x2 y2

Figure 108.

exactly the same argument as in the torus case shows that z homotopic}| to p*γ*p { ∼ ∼ ⟨⟨ −1 −1 −1 −1⟩⟩ π1(E8/ ,P ) = π1(U, Q)/ |x1y1x1 y1 {zx2y2x2 y2 } =[x ,y ][x ,y ] ∼ 1 1 2 2 = π1(W, Q)/⟨⟨[x1, y1][x2, y2]⟩⟩ ∼ = ⟨x1, y1, x2, y2⟩/⟨⟨[x1, y1][x2, y2]⟩⟩ = ⟨x1, y1, x2, y2 | [x1, y1][x2, y2]⟩. Thus we have finally succeeded in calculating the fundamental group of the surface of genus 2.

          x2  x2   W               U   y1  y    1       ∼       =        y2   y2             x1   x1       Figure 109.

The following gives in particular a new proof for Proposition 9.6. Proposition 11.3. 184 STEFAN FRIEDL

(1) For any g ∈ N0 we have ∼ π1(surface of genus g) = ⟨x1, y1, . . . , xg, yg | [x1, y1] ····· [xg, yg]⟩ and we have ∼ 2g π1(surface of genus g)ab = Z . (2) For g ≠ h the surfaces of genus g and h are not homeomorphic.

Proof. Let g ∈ N0. For g = 0 we obtain the fundamental group from Proposition 4.12 and for g = 1 we obtain the presentation from the discussion on page 180. For g ≥ 2 the presentation follows from a straightforward generalization of the calculation preceding the proposition. The stated abelianization of the fundamental group is an immediate consequence of Proposition 10.6 (5). Finally for g ≠ h we obtain from the above calculation and from the classification of finitely generated abelian groups that we gave in Theorem 8.3 that the abelianizations of the fundamental groups of the surfaces of genus g and h are not isomorphic. Hence the surfaces are not homeomorphic.  Remark.

(1) In Figure 110 we show loops that represent the generators x1, y1, x2, y2 of the fun- damental group for the surface of genus 2.

    x  2 x   2                  ∼  y  y 2   1   y =   1                       x1  y2 x1

Figure 110.

(2) As explained in Figure 33 we can view the surface Σ of genus 2 as the connected sum of two copies of the torus T . We can also use this point of view to determine the fundamental group of the surface Σ of genus 2. More precisely, we have Σ = F1 ∪F1 2 2 ∼ 1 with F1 = T \ B and F2 = T \ B where F1 ∩ F2 = ∂F1 = ∂F2 = S and we obtain, modulo details, that231 232 Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 11.2 ↓ ∼ π (Σ) = π (F ) ∗ ∩ π (F ) 1 ∼ 1 1 π1(F1 F2) 1 2 ∼ = ⟨x1, y1⟩ ∗⟨t⟩ ⟨x2, y2⟩ = ⟨x1, x2, y1, y2 | [x1, x2] = [x2, y2]⟩. ↑ ↑

with t 7→ [x1, y1], t 7→ [x2, y2] see page 175

231It is a good exercise to fill in the details. 232 Why is this group isomorphic to the above group ⟨x1, y1, x2, y2 | [x1, y1][x2, y2]⟩? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 185

Let π be the fundamental group of the surface of genus g. We have just shown that ∼ 2g 2g πab = Z . This raises the question, whether perhaps π is isomorphic to Z or to the free group F2g on 2g generators. In exercise sheet 10 we will see that π is non-abelian, in particular π is not isomorphic to Z2g. It is much harder to determine whether π is a free group. We record this as a question for later. Question 11.4. Let π be the fundamental group of the surface of genus g. Is π isomorphic to the free group F2g on 2g generators? 11.3. Non-orientable surfaces. In Section 2.2 we had introduced the connected sum of two connected oriented manifolds of the same dimension. In general the connected sum of two non-orientable manifolds is not well-defined. Nonetheless, given a connected 2-dimensional manifold F we will now define the connected sum of F with the real projective plane RP2 and we will see that it is well-defined. In the following we always use the description of RP2 as 2 RP2 = B / ∼ where for z ∈ S1 we have z ∼ −z 1 2 { ∈ C | | | ≤ 1 } R 2 and we view 2 B = z z 2 as a subset of P . Now let F be a connected 2 2-dimensional manifold. We pick an embedding φ: B → F and we define ( ) ( ) { } R 2 \ 2 ⊔ R 2 \ 1 2 1 ∈ 1 F # P := F φ(B ) P 2 B / φ(z) = 2 z z S . The following proposition says in particular that in this context the connected sum is well-defined, even though RP2 is non-orientable. Proposition 11.5. Let F be a connected 2-dimensional manifold. (1) The diffeomorphism type of F #RP2 is well-defined. (2) The connected sum F #RP2 is a connected, non-orientable 2-dimensional manifold. From Proposition 11.5 we now obtain many new examples of closed non-orientable 2-di- mensional manifolds beyond the Klein bottle. For example the connected sum of the surface of genus g with RP2 or the connected sum RP2#RP2 are closed non-orientable 2-dimensional manifolds. Sketch of the proof. The proof of Proposition 2.7 (1) shows that F #RP2 is a connected R 2 R 2 \ 1 2 2-dimensional manifold. The connected sum F # P contains P 2 B , i.e. it contains the real projective plane minus an open disk. We had already seen in Figure 26 that RP2 minus an open disk is a M¨obiusband. For convenience we recall the argument in Figure 111. Thus we see that F #RP2 contains a M¨obiusband, i.e. it contains a non- orientable submanifold of codimension 0. Therefore F #RP2 cannot be orientable. 2 We now turn to the proof that the connected sum is well-defined. Let φ: B → F and 2 ψ : B → F be two embeddings. Again, using the same proof as in Proposition 2.7 and using [Pa1, Theorem B] we see that it suffices to consider the case that φ and ψ differ 2 by an orientation reversing self-diffeomorphism of B , in fact it suffices to consider the 186 STEFAN FRIEDL

                                 2 ∼  ∼      ∼  ∼    get    S / =  =  =                                          RP2 remove this open disk from RP2 M¨obiusband

Figure 111.

2 case that ψ(z) = φ(z) for all z ∈ B ⊂ R2 = C. So we need to show that there exists a diffeomorphism ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) \ 2 ⊔ R 2 \ 1 2 ∼ 1 ∼ \ 2 ⊔ R 2 \ 1 2 ∼ 1 F φ(B ) P 2B / φ(z) 2z = F φ(B ) P 2B / φ(z) 2z. ∼ 1 ∈ 1 The equivalence relation φ(z) 2 z for z S is the same as the equivalence relation ∼ 1 ∈ 1 φ(z) 2 z for z S . So we want to prove the following claim. 1 1 → 1 1 Claim. We denote by θ : 2 S 2 S the map that is given by complex conjugation. Then there exists a diffeomorphism ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) \ 2 ⊔ R 2 \ 1 2 ∼ 1 ∼ \ 2 ⊔ R 2 \ 1 2 ∼ 1 F φ(B ) P 2B / φ(z) 2z = F φ(B ) P 2B / φ(z) θ 2z . The map θ extends to a diffeomorphism R 2 \ 1 2 → R 2 \ 1 2 Θ: P 2B P 2B [z] 7→ [z]. The desired diffeomorphism is then given by ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) F \φ(B2) ⊔ RP2 \ 1B2 / φ(z) ∼ 1z → F \φ(B2) ⊔ RP2 \ 1B2 / φ(z) ∼ θ 1z 2 2 { 2 2 Q if Q ∈ F \ φ(B2), Q 7→ ∈ R 2 \ 1 2 Θ(Q) if Q P 2 B .  We want to do one more calculation of a fundamental group, namely we want to determine the fundamental group of RP2#RP2. We record the result in the following lemma. Lemma 11.6. We have 2 2 ∼ 2 2 π1(RP #RP ) = ⟨x, y | x = y ⟩. Proof. In order to distinguish the two copies of RP2 we write P = RP2 and Q = RP2. The proof is of course a variation on the proof of Proposition 9.9. We have ( ) ( ) 2 2 ∼ 1 2 ) 1 2 π1(RP #RP ) = π1(P #Q) = π1 P \ B ∗ π1 Q \ B . 2 π ( 1 S1 2 ↑ 1 2 Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 11.2 ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 187

1 1 We pick a generator g for π1( 2 S ). In the calculation of the fundamental group of the \ 1 2 ∼ ⟨ ⟩ real projective plane on page 182 we had seen that π1(P 2 B ) = x and that the 1 1 → \ 1 2 7→ 2 inclusion induced map π1( 2 S ) π1(P 2 B ) is given by g x . The same holds \ 1 2 ⟨ ⟩ for Q with π1(Q 2 B ) = y . Summarizing we see that ( ) ( ) R 2 R 2 ∼ \ 1 2 ∗ \ 1 2 π1( P # P ) = π1 P B π ( 1 S1) π1 Q B 2 1 2 ( 2 ) ∼ ⟨g⟩ → ⟨x⟩ ⟨g⟩ → ⟨y⟩ = amalgamated product of and g 7→ x2 g 7→ y2 ∼ − = ⟨x, y | x2 = y2⟩ = ⟨x, y | x2y 2⟩. ↑ Lemma 10.9 

Now the question is whether RP2#RP2 is a “new” 2-dimensional manifold or whether we have already seen it before. A first step towards understanding the fundamental 2 2 2 2 group π1(RP #RP ) = ⟨x, y | x = y ⟩ is to determine its abelianization. Using Propo- sition 10.6 (5) we see that ( ) π (RP2#RP2) ∼ ⟨x, y | x2y−2⟩ ∼ Z2/ 2 Z ∼ Z ⊕ Z . 1 ab = ab = −2 = 2 Interestingly we obtain the same abelianization as we got on page 181 for the abelianization of the fundamental group of the Klein bottle. This raises the question whether RP2#RP2 is homeomorphic to the Klein bottle K. At first glance it is not clear what the answer should be. We had just seen that

2 2 ∼ 2 2 π1(RP #RP ) = ⟨x, y | x = y ⟩ whereas we had seen on page 181 that ∼ −1 π1(K) = ⟨x, y | yxyx ⟩. So at the very least there is no obvious isomorphism between these two groups. We therefore decide to have a closer look at the two topological spaces involved. (1) We had just seen in Figure 111 that removing an open disk from RP2 we obtain the M¨obiusband. This shows that RP2#RP2 is given by gluing two M¨obiusbands along their common boundary. (2) In Figure 112 we see a closed curve in the Klein bottle that decomposes the Klein bottle into two M¨obiusbands. Put differently, we see that both RP2#RP2 and the Klein bottle are the result of gluing two M¨obiusbands along their boundary. It is now straightforward to see that the Klein bottle is homeomorphic to RP2#RP2.233

233 2 2 ∼ 2 2 ∼ −1 We now know that the groups π1(RP #RP ) = ⟨x, y | x = y ⟩ and π1(K) = ⟨x, y | yxyx ⟩ are isomorphic. But what is an explicit isomorphism between these two groups? 188 STEFAN FRIEDL

                                                                                                                                                                                 Klein bottle closed curve c M¨obiusband M¨obiusband

Figure 112.

Given k ∈ N we now denote by k·RP2 the connected sum of k copies of the real projective plane.234 By Proposition 11.5 the topological space k·RP2 is a non-orientable 2-dimensional manifold. We conclude this section with the following lemma. Lemma 11.7. Let k ∈ N. Then · R 2 ∼ ⟨ | 2 ····· 2⟩ · R 2 ∼ Zk−1 ⊕ Z π1(k P ) = x1, . . . , xk x1 xk and π1(k P )ab = 2. Proof. A straightforward induction argument and a generalization of the argument of 2 235 Lemma 11.6 gives the desired presentation for π1(k · RP ). The abelianization can be determined easily from the presentation using Proposition 10.6 (5). We leave the details to the reader.  11.4. The classification of closed 2-dimensional (topological) manifolds. The fol- lowing proposition now gives the complete classification of connected closed topological 2-dimensional manifolds up to homeomorphism. Theorem 11.8. Every connected, closed 2-dimensional topological manifold is homeomor- phic to either

(1) a surface of genus g for some unique g ∈ N0 or (2) to k · RP2 for some unique k ∈ N. Proof. By Rad´o’sTheorem [Rd] every connected, closed 2-dimensional topological manifold can be “triangulated”. A proof that every connected, closed, triangulated 2-dimensional topological manifold is homeomorphic to a surface of genus g or to k · RP2 for some k is for example given in [ST] or alternatively in [FW] or in [GX, Theorem 6.2]. It remains to prove the uniqueness statement. This means that we have to show that the topological spaces listed in (1) and (2) are pairwise non-homeomorphic. It follows from Proposition 11.3 and Lemma 11.7 together with the classification of finitely generated groups, see Theorem 8.3, that the abelianizations of the fundamental groups of the topo- logical manifolds listed in (1 and (2) are pairwise non-isomorphic. But then it follows from Proposition 10.6 (6) that also the fundamental groups are pairwise non-isomorphic, which in turn implies that the given topological manifolds are pairwise not homeomorphic. 

234To be more precise, we define 0 · RP2” = S2 and iteratively k · RP2 := (k − 1) · RP2#RP2 for k ∈ N. 235Why is for k = 2 this group isomorphic to the group given in Lemma 11.6? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 189

The following theorem gives the classification of connected, closed 2-dimensional mani- folds up to diffeomorphism. Theorem 11.9. Let Σ be a connected, closed 2-dimensional manifold. (1) If Σ is orientable, then it is diffeomorphic to a surface of genus g for some unique g ∈ N0. (2) If Σ is non-orientable, then it is diffeomorphic to k · RP2 for some unique k ∈ N. Proof. The fact that any connected, closed 2-dimensional manifold is diffeomorphic to one of the given manifolds is [Hi, Theorems 9.3.5 and 9.3.10]. The uniqueness statement for g and k is an immediate consequence of the uniqueness statement of Theorem 11.8.  2 Example. Let g ∈ N and denote by Σg the surface of genus g. The connected sum Σg#RP 236 2 contains a M¨obiusband as a submanifold of codimension 0, hence Σg#RP is non- 2 2 orientable. It follows from Theorem 11.9 that Σg#RP is diffeomorphic to k · RP for some unique k ∈ N. In exercise sheet 11 we will determine k as a function of g. 11.5. The classification of 2-dimensional (topological) manifolds with boundary. We now turn to the classification of compact 2-dimensional (topological) manifolds with boundary. We first prove the following proposition. Proposition 11.10. Let F be a 2-dimensional topological manifold with ∂F ≠ ∅. Then the boundary ∂F is a closed 1-dimensional topological manifold. Remark. It might come as a surprise that we do not yet know the statement of the propo- sition. In fact in Satz 4.3 of Analysis IV we had shown that the boundary of any n-dimen- sional manifold is an (n−1)-dimensional manifold. But we did not show the corresponding statement for topological manifolds. In fact at the moment we can prove the statement only for topological manifolds of dimension two. We will deal with the case of higher-dimensional topological manifolds in Algebraic Topology II. The key ingredient in the proof of Proposition 11.10 is the following lemma. Lemma 11.11. Let H = {(x, y) ∈ R2 | y ≥ 0} be the closed upper half-space in R2. If V is an open subset of H with V ∩ ∂H ≠ ∅, then V is not homeomorphic to an open subset of R2. For example it follows from the lemma that the half-open square (0, 1) × [0, 1) is not homeomorphic to any open subset of R2. Proof. Let V be an open subset of the closed upper half-space H which contains a point Q ∈ ∂H = {(x, 0) | x ∈ R}. Furthermore let U be an open subset of R2. Suppose there exists a homeomorphism Φ: U → V . We write Ψ := Φ−1 and we write P = Ψ(Q). 2 Since U is open in R we can pick a σ > 0 with Bσ(P ) ⊂ U. Since V is open in H and since Ψ is continuous there exists an ϵ > 0 with Bϵ(Q) ∩ H ⊂ V and with Ψ(Bϵ(Q)) ⊂ Bσ(P ).

236 2 2 This follows from the observation that Σg#RP contains RP minus a disk, which by Figure 26 is a M¨obiusband. 190 STEFAN FRIEDL

Furthermore, by the continuity of Φ there exists an η > 0 with Φ(Bη(P )) ⊂ Bϵ(Q)). We refer to Figure 113 for an illustration. We consider the following commutative diagram of maps

(Bϵ(Q) \{Q}) ∩ H mm6 RRR mm RR −1 Φmmm Ψ=ΦRRR mmm RRR mmm RR( B (P ) \{P } / B (P ) \{P }, η i σ where i: Bη(P )\{P } → Bσ(P )\{P } denotes the inclusion map. Now we pick a base point x ∈ Bη(P ) \{P }. By the functoriality of fundamental groups, the above commutative diagram of maps gives rise to the following commutative diagram

π1((Bϵ(Q) \{Q}) ∩ H, Φ(x)) ii4 UUU iii UUUU −1 Φi∗iii ΨUU∗U=ΦU ∗ iiii UUUU iiii UUU* / π1(Bη(P ) \{P }, x) π1(Bσ(P ) \{P }, x). i∗ We make the following observations:

    V Q  Bη(P )   −1 ∩ P  Ψ = Φ Ψ(Bϵ(Q) H)  Φ          U     P U                Φ(B (P )) ∩   η Bϵ(Q) H             Bσ(P )  i 

Figure 113.

(1) the topological spaces on the left and on the right are homotopy equivalent to S1, in particular the fundamental groups are non-trivial, 237 (2) the inclusion map Bη(P ) \{P } → Bσ(P ) \{P } is a homotopy equivalence, it follows from Proposition 7.5 that i∗ : π1(Bη(P ) \{P }, x) → π1(Bσ(P ) \{P }, x) is an isomorphism, 238 (3) the topological space (Bϵ(Q) \{Q}) ∩ H is star-shaped , which implies by the discussion on page 67 that π1((Bϵ(Q) \{Q}) ∩ H, Φ(x)) = 0. Summarizing we just showed that an isomorphism of non-trivial groups factors through the trivial group. This is not possible and hence we have obtained the desired contradiction. 

237Why is it a homotopy equivalence? Does this follow from Lemma 7.4? 238Why is that? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 191

We can now turn to the proof of Proposition 11.10.

Proof of Proposition 11.10. Let F be a 2-dimensional topological manifold with ∂F ≠ ∅. We first recall some definitions. (a) A 2-dimensional chart for F at a point x ∈ X is a homeomorphism Φ: U → V where U is an open neighborhood of x and V is one of the following: (i) V is an open subset of R2 or (ii) V is an open subset of the half-space H := {(x, y) ∈ R2 | y ≥ 0} and Φ(x) lies on ∂H = {(x, y) ∈ R2 | y = 0}. In the former case we say that Φ is a chart of type (i) in the latter case we say that Φ is a chart of type (ii). (b) We say that a point x on a topological manifold is a boundary point if x does not admit a chart of type (i). We denote by ∂X the set of all boundary points of X. Now we turn to the proof that ∂F is a 1-dimensional topological manifold with no bound- ary.239 We start out with the following claim. Claim. Let x be a point on F . Then x admits either a chart of type (i) or it admits a chart of type (ii). If a point did admit a chart Φ: U → V of type (i) and a chart Ψ: X → Y of type (ii), then Φ ◦ Ψ−1 : Ψ(U ∩ X) → Φ(U ∩ X) would give rise to a homeomorphism from an open set of H containing a point on ∂H = {(x, 0) | x ∈ R} to an open set in R2. But by Lemma 11.11 such a homeomorphism cannot exist. This concludes the proof of the claim. Now let P ∈ F be a point on the boundary. Let Φ: U → V be a chart of type (ii) for P . It follows from the claim and the definitions that ∂F ∩ U = Φ−1(∂H ∩ V ). Thus we see that Φ restricts to a chart Φ: ∂F ∩ U → ∂H ∩ V of type (i), here we view ∂H ∩ V as an open subset of ∂H = R. This shows that ∂F admits an atlas where all charts are charts of type (i). Since subspaces of Hausdorff-spaces are Hausdorff and since subspaces of second- countable spaces are second-countable it now follows that ∂F is indeed a 1-dimensional topological manifold with no boundary points. 

Given a closed connected 2-dimensional manifold Σ and n ∈ N0 we now define Σ minus n open disks as the result of removing the interiors of n disjoint closed disks.240 The result is a compact, connected 2-dimensional manifold with n boundary components. Using the result of Palais [Pa1] that we already mentioned on page 48, one can show that the diffeomorphism type of the resulting manifold does not depend on the choice of the closed

239The proof of this statement is basically the same as in the case of manifolds that we gave in Satz 4.1 and 4.3 of Analysis IV. There the key ingredient was that an open subset of Rn cannot be diffeomorphic n to an open subset of H = {(x1, . . . , xn) ∈ R | xn ≥ 0} that contains a boundary point. For n = 2 we just proved the same statement with “diffeomorphic” replaced by “homeomorphic”. 240Why did we not make the definition as “the result of removing n disjoint open disks”? Wouldn’t that be much easier? 192 STEFAN FRIEDL disks. Given g, n ∈ N0 we write

Σg,n := the surface of genus g minus n open disks and for k ∈ N and n ∈ N0 we write 2 Rk,n := the manifold k · RP minus n open disks. Examples.

(1) The surface Σ0,2 is the result of removing two open disjoint disks from the 2-sphere. The resulting topological space is homeomorphic to a cylinder. We refer to Fig-

ure 114 for an illustration of this statement.

                                     ∼  ∼         =  =                       





Figure 114.

(2) We had seen in Figure 111 that the result of removing an open disk from RP2 is the M¨obiusband, i.e. R1,1 is the M¨obiusband. Theorem 11.12. Every connected, compact 2-dimensional topological manifold is home- omorphic to either

(1) the surface Σg,n for unique g, n ∈ N0 or (2) to the surface Rk,n for unique k ∈ N and n ∈ N0. Sketch of the proof. Let F be a connected, compact 2-dimensional topological manifold. By Lemma 1.21 and Proposition 11.10 the boundary ∂F is a compact 1-dimensional topo- logical manifold with no boundary. Since ∂F is compact it has finitely many components that we denote by C1,...,Cn. Each component Ci is compact and has no boundary. Thus it follows from Propositions 1.23 that for each i = 1, . . . , n there exists a homeomorphism 1 fi : S → Ci. We denote by Fb the result of gluing a disk to each boundary component. More precisely, we consider ( ⊔n ) b 2 1 F := F ⊔ B × {i} / ∼ where fi(P ) ∼ P for P ∈ S and i ∈ {1, . . . , n}. i=1 The resulting topological space Fb is a connected, closed, 2-dimensional topological mani- fold241. Furthermore the homeomorphism type of Fb does not depend on the choices of the 242 homeomorphisms f1, . . . , fn. 241This statement requires more justification, we skip the details, hence we refer to it only as a “sketch of proof”. 242This statement also needs a justification. This is the second reason why it is called “sketch of a proof”. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 193

Now we apply Theorem 11.8. There are two possible conclusions: b (1) Either there exists exists a homeomorphism Φ: Σg → F from the surface of genus g b to F for a unique g ∈ N0. Then Φ restricts to a homeomorphism ∪n ( ) −1 2 Φ:Σg,n = Σg \ Φ B × {i} → F. i=1 (2) Or there exists a homeomorphism Φ: k · RP2 → Fb for a unique k ∈ N. Then Φ restricts to a homeomorphism ∪n ( ) 2 −1 2 Φ: Rk,n = k · RP \ Φ B × {i} → F. i=1 In both cases n is uniquely determined as the number of boundary components of F . Thus we have shown that F is homeomorphic to either Σg,n or Rk,n for some g ∈ N0 or k ∈ N and n ∈ N0 which are furthermore unique.  The following theorem gives us the analogous classification statement for manifolds with boundary up to diffeomorphism. Theorem 11.13. Let Σ be a connected, compact 2-dimensional manifold.

(1) If Σ is orientable, then Σ is diffeomorphic to the surface Σg,n for some unique g, n ∈ N0. (2) If Σ is non-orientable, then Σ is diffeomorphic to the surface Rk,n for some unique k ∈ N and n ∈ N0. Proof. The theorem is proved in a very similar fashion as Theorem 11.12. One needs to replace Proposition 1.23 by Proposition 1.27. Furthermore we have to use Theorem 11.9 instead of Theorem 11.8. Full details are given in [Hi, Theorem 9.3.7].  We conclude this chapter with a short discussion of the properties of fundamental groups of 2-dimensional manifolds. We recall that the fundamental group of the real projective 2 space RP is isomorphic to Z2, therefore it is torsion and in particular it is not torsion-free. It is less clear whether or not the fundamental groups of the other 2-dimensional manifolds are torsion-free. More precisely, we have the following question. Question 11.14. (1) Let g ∈ N. Is the fundamental group ∼ π1(surface of genus g) = ⟨x1, y1, . . . , xg, yg | [x1, y1] ····· [xg, yg]⟩ torsion-free? (2) Let k ≥ 2. Is the fundamental group · R 2 ∼ ⟨ | 2 ····· 2⟩ π1(k P ) = x1, . . . , xk x1 xk torsion-free? We will come back to this question at a much later stage. 194 STEFAN FRIEDL

11.6. Retractions onto boundary components of 2-dimensional manifolds. Let X be a topological space and let A ⊂ X be a subset. Recall that we say that A is a retract of X if there exists a retraction r : X → A, i.e. a map with r(a) = a for all a ∈ A. We also recall the statement of Lemma 5.2.

2 Lemma 5.2. The circle S1 is not a retract of B .

We quickly recall the proof of Lemma 5.2. 2 Proof. We denote by i: S1 → B the inclusion map. Suppose there exists a retraction 2 1 r : B → S , i.e. a map with r ◦ i = idS1 . We obtain the commutative diagram 2 2 z=B DD which induces π| 1(B{z , 1)} zz DD 8 NN izz DDr the commutative i∗ppp NNr∗ z DD pp =0 NNN zz ! diagram pp N' 1 / 1 1 / 1 S ◦ S π1(S , 1) π1(S , 1). r i=id 1 | {z } ◦ | {z } S (r i)∗=(idS1 )∗ ∼ ∼ =Z =Z But a commutative diagram as given on the right hand side cannot exist since an isomor- phism of a non-trivial group cannot factor through the trivial group. 

Given g ∈ N0 and n ∈ N we define, as on page 192

Σg,n := the surface of genus g minus n open disks. 2 For example Σ0,1 is the result of removing an open disk from S , i.e. Σ0,1 is a disk. In light of Lemma 5.2 the following question arises:

Question 11.15. Let g ∈ N0 and let n ∈ N. Let C be a boundary component of Σg,n. Is C a retract of Σg,n? Lemma 5.2 says that the answer to Question 11.15 is no if g = 0 and n = 1. The proof of Lemma 5.2 suggests that if we want to answer Question 11.15, then given a boundary component C of Σg,n we should try to understand the inclusion induced map π1(C) → π1(Σg,n).

Lemma 11.16. Let g ∈ N0 and let n ∈ N. We denote the boundary components of Σg,n by C1,...,Cn. Then the following statements hold: (1) There exists a presentation

π1(Σg,n) = ⟨x1, y1, . . . , xg, yg, z1, . . . , zn | [x1, y1] ····· [xg, yg] · z1 ····· zn⟩

such that for any i ∈ {1, . . . , n} the element zi is represented by a curve that goes once around Ci. We refer to Figure 115 for an illustration. (2) If g ≥ 1, then for any i ∈ {1, . . . , n} the inclusion induced map π1(Ci) → π1(Σg,n) is a monomorphism. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 195

    x2    z2 x2             




y2   y1


  y1 =                     z   x1  1 x1 Σ2,2 y2 z1 z2

Figure 115. Illustration of the curves in Lemma 11.16.

Sketch of the proof. Let g ∈ N0 and let n ∈ N. (1) The following argument is very similar to the argument on the pages 180 and 183 and it relies heavily on the notation from Figure 116. We have Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 11.1 Lemma 10.8 ↓ ↓ ∼ π (Σ ) = π (U) ∗ ∩ π (V ) π (U)/⟨⟨π (U ∩ V )⟩⟩ 1 g,n 1 π1(U V ) | 1{z } = 1 1 ={e} = ⟨x1, y1, . . . , xg, yg, z1, . . . , zn⟩/⟨⟨[x1, y1] ····· [xg, yg] · z1 ····· zn⟩⟩. ↑ see Figure 116

∼ π = ⟨x1, y1, x2, y2, z1, z2⟩

      x    2  V is a disk x z1  z2  2 Σ2,2                                    y1  y     y2   2         y     1                    U deformation z    2            x     x1 z1 1  retracts to   U ∩ V is an annulus with central curve isotopic to [x1, y1] ··· [xg, yg]z1 ··· zn

Figure 116. Illustration for the proof of Lemma 11.16.

(2) Now suppose that g ≥ 1. Let i ∈ {1, . . . , n}. The image of π1(Ci) in π := π1(Σg,n) is the subgroup generated by zi. It suffices to show that zi is an element of infinite order in π. It follows immediately from Lemmas 8.10 and 10.4 that there exists a homomorphism

⟨x1, y1, . . . , xg, yg, z1, . . . , zn | [x1, y1] ··· [xg, yg] · z1 ··· zn⟩ → ⟨x1, y1, . . . , xg, yg⟩ with x 7→ x for j = 1, . . . , g z 7→ ([x , y ] ··· [x , y ])−1 j j and i 1 1 g g yj 7→ yj for j = 1, . . . , g zj 7→ i for j ≠ i. 196 STEFAN FRIEDL

243 The image of zi has infinite order in the free group ⟨x1, y1, . . . , xg, yg⟩, hence zi is already an element of infinite order in π.  We can now answer Question 11.15.

Lemma 11.17. Let g ∈ N0.

(1) The unique boundary component of Σg,1 is not a retract of Σg,1. (2) For k ≥ 2 every boundary component of Σg,k is a retract of Σg,k.

Proof. Let g ∈ N0. (1) The case g = 0 was dealt with in Lemma 5.2. Now we assume that g ≥ 1. We denote by C the unique boundary component of Σ := Σg,1. We had just seen in Lemma 11.16 that π1(C) → π1(Σ) is a monomorphism if g ≥ 1. So we cannot apply the same argument as in Lemma 5.2 where we studied the induced map on the level of fundamental groups. The idea now is to study instead the induced map on the abelianizations of the fundamental groups. We denote by i: C → Σ the inclusion map and we suppose that there exists a retraction r :Σ → C, i.e. a map with r ◦ i = idC . We write π1(C) = ⟨t⟩ and we use the isomorphism from Lemma 11.16 (1) to make the identification

π1(Σ) = ⟨x1, y1, . . . , xg, yg, z | [x1, y1] ····· [xg, yg] · z⟩ where z corresponds to t under the inclusion C = ∂Σ → Σ. We obtain the commuta- tive diagram which induces {= Σ CC 6 π1(Σ)ab Q { C by Proposition 10.6 (6) i∗ mm QQQr∗ i {{ CCr mmm QQQ {{ CC m 7→ ( { ! the commutative t z / / π1(C)ab π1(C)ab. C C diagram | {z } (r◦i)∗=id | {z } r◦i=idC =⟨t⟩ =⟨t⟩

In π1(Σ) we have −1 z = ([x1, y1] ····· [xg, yg]) ∈ π1(Σ).

This shows that z lies in the commutator subgroup of π1(Σ), i.e. z represents the trivial element in π1(Σ)ab. Thus we have shown that the left diagonal map is the zero map. But the bottom horizontal map is an isomorphism of a non-trivial group and the diagram commutes. We have thus obtained a contradiction. (2) The retraction from Σ2,n to a boundary component is sketched in Figure 117. The general case is treated the same way.244 

243Why does it have infinite order? 244The proof is somewhat similar to the proof of Lemma 5.5. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 197

retraction to the green boundary component

                                            ∼       =              −→                                  projection to z = 1             


         Σ2,n sphere minus cylinder minus n open disks n − 2 open disks

Figure 117. 198 STEFAN FRIEDL

12. Examples: knots and mapping tori In this section we will study two the fundamental groups of two more types of topological spaces. First we study the fundamental groups of the complements of knots, and then we introduce mapping tori and we study their fundamental groups. 12.1. An excursion into knot theory (∗). 245 We first recall that we have different descriptions of the 3-dimensional sphere S3, i.e. we have { } { } S3 = (w, x, y, z) w2 + x2 + y2 + z2 = 1 = (z, w) ∈ C |w|2 + |z|2 = 1 = R3 ∪ {∞}. ↑ via stereographic projection We now add another point of view to the above. Lemma 12.1. We consider the following subspaces of S3: { } ∈ C | |2 | |2 | |2 ≥ 1 A := (z, w) w + z = 1 and z 2 and { } ∈ C | |2 | |2 | |2 ≥ 1 B := (z, w) w + z = 1 and w 2 . Then the following hold: 2 (1) A and B are solid tori, i.e. diffeomorphic to S1 × B , (2) S3 = A ∪ B, (3) A ∩ B = ∂A = ∂B is a torus, i.e. diffeomorphic to S1 × S1. This lemma thus says that we can decompose S3 as the union of two solid tori that overlap only on their common boundary. This says in particular that we can decompose R3 ∪ {∞} = S3 into two solid tori A and B. This is not particularly easy to visualize. 2 One of the solid tori is the standard solid torus in R3. The other solid torus B = c × B is given by the circle c = z-axis ∪ {∞}, and for each point on c we have a disk through c that touches ∂V . For example for c = 0 the corresponding disk is the disk containing the origin in the xy-plane. See also Figure 118 for an illustration.

   R3 ⊂ 3   the standard solid torus in S                      the core of the “other” solid torus is z-axis ∪ {∞}   Figure 118.

245This section is not part of the course Algebraic Topology I. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 199

Proof. (1) We consider the map { } 1 × 2 → ∈ C | |2 | |2 | |2 ≥ 1 Φ: S B B( = (z, w) w +) z = 1 and w 2 7→ √ a , √ b (a, b) |a|2+|b|2 |a|2+|b|2

together with the( map) Ψ in the reverse direction given by z w ←[ |z|, |z| (z, w).

It is now straightforward to see that Φ and Ψ are inverse maps. In particular Φ is a diffeomorphism. This shows that B is a solid torus. Exactly the same argument shows that A is a solid torus. ∈ 3 | |2 | |2 | |2 ≥ 1 | |2 ≥ 1 (2) Now let (z, w) S . From z + w = 1 it follows that z 2 or w 2 , i.e. (z, w) lies in A or it lies in B. 3 | |2 1 (3) The only points in S which lie in both A and B are the points (z, w) with z = 2 | |2 1 and w = 2 . It is straightforward to see that these are precisely the points on ∂A and ∂B and that they describe a torus. 

Now we want to finally turn to the study of knots. In particular we would like to study the knots that are illustrated in Figure 119. In Question 2.8 we had raised the question, how can one show that the trefoil is not trivial?

trivial knot the trefoil figure-8 knot

Figure 119. The trivial knot, the trefoil knot and the figure-8 knot.

We now have some tools to attack this question. We had seen in Proposition 2.9 that if K and J are equivalent knots, then the knot complements S3 \K and S3 \J are diffeomorphic. 3 3 In particular if π1(S \ K) and π1(S \ J) are not isomorphic, then K and J are not equivalent. Thus we arrive at the following variation on Question 2.8.

Question 12.2. Can the fundamental group be used to distinguish the trefoil from the trivial knot? 200 STEFAN FRIEDL

Before we continue we want to give a precise description of the trivial knot and the trefoil 246 know. We define the trivial knot as the knot { } U := {(eit, 0) | t ∈ R} ⊂ (z, w) ∈ C |w|2 + |z|2 = 1 or equivalently U := {(cos t, sin t, 0) | t ∈ R} ⊂ R3 ∪ {∞}. Now we want to give a rigorous definition of the trefoil knot. We consider the curve C = {(2t, 3t) | t ∈ R} on the torus T = [0, 2π] × [0, 2π]/ ∼. We define the trefoil K as the image of C under the map Φ: T = [0, 2π] × [0, 2π]/ ∼ → (S3 ) (s, t) 7→ √1 eis, √1 eit . 2 2 This definition of the trefoil is illustrated in Figure 120.

torus in R3 “viewed from above”

the torus T = [0, 2π] × [0, 2π]/ ∼        ( )    1 1   √ is √ it  7→   (s, t) e , e    2 2             Φ           the curve C  K := Φ(C) is the trefoil

Figure 120.

Now we turn to the calculation of the fundamental groups of the complements of the trivial knot and the trefoil knot. Proposition 12.3. If U is the trivial knot, then S3 \ U is diffeomorphic to S1 × C2, in 3 ∼ particular π1(S \ U) = Z. Proof. Note that S3 \ U = {(z, w) ∈ C2 | |z|2 + |w|2 = 1}\{(z, 0) | |z| = 1} = {(z, w) ∈ C2 | |z|2 + |w|2 = 1 and |w| > 0}. Now basically the same argument as in the proof of Lemma 12.1 shows that the map { }

Φ: S1 × C → S(3 \ U = (z, w) ∈ C |)w|2 + |z|2 = 1 and |w|2 > 0 7→ √ a , √ b (a, b) |a|2+|b|2 |a|2+|b|2

246The name U comes from the fact that the trivial knot is often also called the unknot. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 201

2 is a diffeomorphism. Since S1 × B is homotopy equivalent to S1 we obtain from the above 3 1 1 ∼ and from Proposition 7.5 that π1(S \ U) = π1(S × C) = π1(S ) = Z.  Remark. Let U be the trivial knot. A careful reading of the proof of Proposition 12.3 shows 3 that a generator of π1(S \ U) is given by a meridian that we had defined on page 51. We refer to Figure 121 for an illustration of the trivial knot and a meridian.

3 ∼ the trivial knot U meridian is a generator of π1(S \ U) = Z            

Figure 121.

Proposition 12.4. If K is the trefoil, then 3 ∼ 2 3 π1(S \ K) = ⟨x, y | x = y ⟩. Proof. By Lemma 12.1 there exists a diffeomorphism ∼ ( ) ( ) 3 = 1 2 2 1 Φ: S −→ S × B ∪ 1× 1 1× 1 B × S | {z } S S =S S | {z } =:√A =:B which is, up to scaling by a factor of 2, the identity on T := S1 × S1. We identify the trefoil with its image under Φ, i.e. we have K = {(e2si, e3si) | s ∈ R} ⊂ T.

We write AK = A\K,BK = B\K and TK = T \K. Note that AK and BK are submanifolds 3 247 of XK := S \K and with AK ∩BK = ∂Ak = ∂BK = TK and with AK ∪BK = XK . Note 1 1 that x := S × {0} is a deformation retract of AK and that y := {0} × S is a deformation retract of BK . Finally note that TK retracts onto a parallel copy of K. More precisely, for ϵ > 0 sufficiently small, the subset TK retracts onto the loop 2si+ϵ 3si z = {(e , e ) | s ∈ R} ⊂ TK . By an abuse of notation we denote by x, y and z also the loops corresponding to the circles x, y and z with the obvious orientation. Then the inclusion induced maps

π1(AK ) ← π1(TK ) → π1(BK ) ⟨x⟩ ← ⟨z⟩ → ⟨y⟩ become 2 3 i∗(g) ←[ g 7→ j∗(g) x ←[ z 7→ y . Thus we see that ∼ 2 3 ∗ ⟨ ⟩ ∗ 2 3 ⟨ ⟩ ⟨ | ⟩ π1(XK ) = π1(AK ) π1(TK ) π1(BK ) = x x =y y = x, y x = y . ↑ ↑ ↑ Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 11.2 above discussion Lemma 10.9 

247 3 Here we mean by ∂AK and ∂BK the boundary of AK and BK viewed as submanifolds of S . 202 STEFAN FRIEDL

3 2 3 Now the question is whether or not π1(S \ K) = ⟨x, y | x = y ⟩ is isomorphic to 3 3 π1(S \ U) = Z. As usual we first consider the abelianization of π1(S \ K), but it is straightforward to see, using Proposition 10.6 that the abelianization is isomorphic to Z.248249 3 2 3 The following lemma says that the group π1(S \ K) = ⟨x, y | x = y ⟩ is not isomorphic 3 to π1(S \ U) = Z which by the above discussion implies in particular that the trefoil is non-trivial. Lemma 12.5. The group ⟨x, y | x2 = y3⟩ is not isomorphic to Z. Proof. It follows from Lemma 10.4 and a straightforward calculation that there exists a unique homomorphism

2 3 Φ: ⟨x, y | x = y ⟩ → S3 = permutation group on three elements 250 with ( ) Φ(x) = σ := (1 2) = 1 2 3 2 1 3 and ( ) Φ(x) = τ := (1 2 3) = 1 2 3 . 2 3 1 The permutations σ and τ do not commute, hence the image of Φ is a non-abelian subgroup 251 of S3. On the other hand the abelian group Z cannot admit an epimorphism onto an non-abelian group252. This concludes the proof of the lemma. 

There exists a relatively straightforward algorithm for computing a presentation of the fundamental group of any knot complement. We refer to [Li2, Chapter VI.3] for details. In particular one can use fundamental groups to show that the figure-8 knot is also non-trivial and also that it is not equivalent to the trefoil.

248In fact that is not a coincidence, we will see in Algebraic Topology II that for any knot J the 3 abelianization of π1(S \ J) is isomorphic to Z. 249If one goes very carefully through the definitions and calculations then one can see that a meridian once again becomes a generator of the abelianization. 250 Recall that for pairwise disjoint a1, . . . , ak ∈ {1, . . . , n} we denote by (a1 a2 . . . ak) ∈ Sn the permu- tation that is given by

{1, . . . , n} → {1, . . . , n}  ai+1, if m = ai for some i ∈ {1, . . . , k − 1}, 7→ m  a1 if m = ak, m, otherwise.

Put differently, the numbers (a1, . . . , ak) get cyclically permuted and all other numbers stay the same. 251 In fact it is easy to see that the only non-abelian subgroup of S3 is S3 itself, i.e. Φ is an epimorphism onto S3. 252Why not? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 203

12.2. Mapping tori. In this section we first introduce a new way to construct new topo- logical spaces out of given topological spaces. Definition. Let X be a topological space and let f : X → X be a homeomorphism. We refer to M(X, f) := X × [0, 1] / (x, 0) ∼ (f(x), 1) as the mapping torus of (X, f). We refer to the map M(X, f) = X × [0, 1]/(x, 0) ∼ (f(x), 1) → S1 [(x, t)] 7→ e2πit as the canonical projection onto S1. Sometimes X is called the fiber of the mapping torus and f is called the of the mapping torus. Examples. (1) We consider the topological space [0, 1] and let f : [0, 1] → [0, 1] be the self-homeomor- phism of [0, 1] that is given by f(w) = 1−w. It follows immediately from the definitions that the corresponding mapping torus M([0, 1], f) is precisely the M¨obiusband as defined on page 20. We refer to Figure 122 for an illustration.

× { } X 0 (0, w) × { } X 1                                                                                                                                                             −  (1, 1 w)  M([0, 1], w 7→ 1 − w)

Figure 122. The M¨obiusband as a mapping torus.

(2) Let X = S1 and let f : X → X be the homeomorphism that is given by f(z) = z. Then the map z Klein}| bottle { ([0, 1] × [0, 1]) / (x, 0) ∼ (x, 1), (0, y) ∼ (1, 1 − y) 7→ M(S1, f) [(x, y)] 7→ [(e2πiy, x)] is easily seen to give a homeomorphism from the Klein bottle to the mapping torus (S1, f).253 This homeomorphism is also illustrated in Figure 123. (3) Given any topological space X we have a canonical homeomorphism ∼ M(X, id) = X × S1 [(x, t)] 7→ (x, e2πit).

253What does the mapping torus M(S1, z 7→ −z) look like? 204 STEFAN FRIEDL

  1  1  × { }  × { } S 0   S 1                 =                  Klein bottle [0, 1] × [0, 1]/ ∼ mapping torus M(S1, z 7→ z)

Figure 123.

(4) In [Ro, Chapter I.10] and [BZH, Section 5.C] it is shown that the complement of the trefoil knot and the complement of the figure-8 knot are homeomorphic to a mapping torus, where the fiber is given by removing a point from the torus. (5) If one wants to construct new interesting topological spaces out of a given topological space we need to find “non-trivial” self-homeomorphisms. For example let Σ be an oriented surface and let C ⊂ Σ be an oriented curve on Σ, i.e. C is an oriented sub- manifold diffeomorphic to S1. By the Tubular Neighborhood Theorem 2.2 there exists an orientation preserving embedding Φ: S1 × [−1, 1] → Σ such that Φ: S1 × {0} → C is an orientation preserving diffeomorphism. We refer to the homeomorphism254 Σ → {Σ ̸∈ 1 × − 7→ ( P,) if P Φ(S [ 1, 1]), P 2π t+1 i 1 Φ ze 2 , t if P = Φ(z, t) for some z ∈ S , t ∈ [−1, 1] as the Dehn twist along the curve C. The definition of a Dehn twist is illustrated in Figure 124.

image of A under the Dehn oriented surface Σ subset A twist along the curve C

           oriented curve C C × 1 C × −1

Figure 124.

Definition. Let X and Y be topological spaces. Two homeomorphisms f, g : X → Y are called isotopic, if there exists an isotopy from f to g, i.e. a map H : X × [0, 1] → Y (x, t) 7→ H(x, t) such that the following hold:

254It is straightforward to see that the map is indeed continuous and a bijection. What is the inverse map? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 205

(1) We have H(x, 0) = f(x) and H(x, 1) = g(x) for all x ∈ X, (2) for each t ∈ [0, 1] the map X → Y given by x 7→ H(x, t) is a homeomorphism. Examples. (1) We consider X = [0, 1] and the two self-homeomorphisms given by f(x) = x and by g(x) = x2. Then255 H : X × [0, 1] → [0, 1] (x, t) 7→ f(x) · (1 − t) + g(x) · t is an isotopy from f to g. (2) Lickorish [Li] showed that any self-homeomorphism of a compact orientable 2-di- mensional manifold is isotopic to the concatenation of finitely many Dehn twists. The following lemma will be proved in exercise sheet 11. Lemma 12.6. (1) Any self-homeomorphism of [0, 1] is isotopic to either f(x) = x or to g(x) = 1 − x. (2) Any self-homeomorphism of S1 is isotopic to either f(z) = z or to g(z) = z. The following lemma will also be proved in exercise sheet 11. Lemma 12.7. Let X be a topological space. If f, g : X → X are two homeomorphisms that are isotopic, then the mapping tori M(X, f) and M(X, g) are homeomorphic. Example. We consider X = S1 and the self-homeomorphism that is given by g(z) = −z. The map H(z, t) = eπitz defines an isotopy from f = id to g. It follows from Lemma 12.7 that the mapping torus M(S1, g(z) = −z is homeomorphic to the torus M(S1, id) = S1×S1. We can now determine which surfaces are mapping tori. Proposition 12.8. The annulus, the M¨obiusband, the torus and the Klein bottle are, up to homeomorphism, the only connected, compact 2-dimensional topological manifolds that can be written as a mapping torus M(X, f) of a connected 1-dimensional topological manifold X. Proof. We had just shown in the examples (1), (2) and (3) on page 203 that ∼ ∼ annulus S1 × [0, 1] = M([0, 1], id) torus S1 × S1 = M(S1, id) ∼ and ∼ M¨obiusband = M([0, 1], x 7→ 1 − x) Klein bottle = M(S1, z 7→ z). In particular all these four manifolds are homeomorphic to mapping tori. It remains to show that these are the only connected, compact 2-dimensional topological manifolds that can be written as a mapping torus. It follows from Proposition 1.23 that any connected compact topological 1-dimensional manifold is homeomorphic to [0, 1] or to S1. We know from Lemma 12.6 that any self- homeomorphism is isotopic to one of the self-homeomorphisms that we had written down

255Let t ∈ [0, 1]. Why is the map [0, 1] → [0, 1] given by x 7→ H(x, t) a homeomorphism? 206 STEFAN FRIEDL above. But then it follows from Lemma 12.7 that any mapping torus is homeomorphic to one from the above list.  For proving statements about mapping tori the following lemma gives a useful alternative point of view. We leave the elementary proof as an exercise to the reader. Lemma 12.9. Let X be a topological space and let f : X → X be a homeomorphism. Then the following hold: (1) The map256 Z × (X × R) → X × R (n, (x, t)) 7→ (f n(x), t + n) defines a continuous, proper and discrete action257 of the group Z on X × R. (2) The map M(X, f) = X × [0, 1])/ ∼ → (X × R)/Z [(x, t)] 7→ [(x, t)] is a homeomorphism. In the following, given a topological space X and a homeomorphism f : X → X we denote the corresponding quotient space by (X × R)/Zf and we will identify the mapping torus M(X, f) with (X × R)/Zf using the homeomorphism of Lemma 12.9. Remark. It follows from Lemma 12.9 together with Proposition 1.22 that if X is a topolog- ical n-dimensional manifold and f is a homeomorphism, then the corresponding mapping torus M(X, f) = (X × R)/Zf is a topological (n + 1)-dimensional manifold. Furthermore, if X is in fact an n-dimensional manifold and f : X → X is a diffeomorphism, then al- most the same argument shows that the mapping torus M(X, f) = (X × R)/Zf is an (n + 1)-dimensional manifold. Lemma 12.10. Let X be a topological space and let f : X → X be a homeomorphism. Then the map

X × R → (X × R)/Zf = M(X, f) (x, t) 7→ [(x, t)] is a covering of infinite degree. Furthermore for k ∈ N the map k M(X, f ) = (X × R)/Zf k → (X × R)/Zf = M(X, f) [(x, t)] 7→ [(x, k · t)] is a k-fold covering. Proof. Let X be a topological space and let f : X → X be a homeomorphism. The first statement is an immediate consequence of Lemma 12.9 and Proposition 6.10.

256 n ◦ · · · ◦ Here f (x) means (|f {z f})(x). n-times 257Why is it an action? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 207

Now let k ∈ N. We consider the following commutative diagram of maps:

7→ · × R Z [(x,t)] [(x,k t)] / × R Z (X )/ f k (X5 )/ f . TTTT jjj TTT jjjj TTTT jjj [(x,t)]7→[(x,k·t)] T) jjj [(x,t)]7→[(x,t)] (X × R)/(k · Z)f The left diagonal map is easily seen to be well-defined and to be a homeomorphism. By Proposition 6.10 the right diagonal map is a k-fold covering. It follows that the top hori- zontal map is also a k-fold covering.  Example. (1) We apply Lemma 12.10 to X = [0, 1] and the homeomorphism that is given by f(x) := 1 − x. Note that f 2(x) = f(f(x)) = f(1 − x) = 1 − (1 − x) = x for all x, i.e. f 2 = id. Thus we recover the statement from page 85 that the annulus M([0, 1], id) is a 2-fold covering of the M¨obiusband M([0, 1], f(x) = 1 − x). (2) We apply Lemma 12.10 to X = S1 and the self-homeomorphism of X = S1 that is given by f(z) := z. As in the previous example we see that f 2 = id. Thus we get, after the discussion on page 93, a new proof that the torus M(S1, id) is a 2-fold covering of the Klein bottle M(S1, f(z) = z). Our next goal is to determine the fundamental groups of mapping tori. Before we can do so we need to introduce a new concept from group theory.

Definition. Let N be a group, let k ∈ N0 and let φ: N → N be an isomorphism such that k 258 φ = id. We define the semidirect product of N and Zk with respect to φ as the group 259 N oφ Zk where the underlying set is given by the direct product N × Zk, but where the group multiplication260 is given by (h, m) · (h′, m′) := (h · φm(h′), m + m′).

If φ is understood from the context, then we drop it from the notation, i.e. we write N oZk instead of N oφ Zk. Examples.

(1) Let N be a group and φ = idN , then N oid Z = N × Z is the direct product of N and Z. (2) Let G = Z2 and let N = Zn for some n ∈ N0. We denote by φ: Zn → Zn the isomorphism that is given by multiplication by −1. Clearly this isomorphism 2 satisfies φ = id, thus we can form the semidirect product Zn oφ Z2, which is called

258Note that this condition is automatically satisfied if k = 0, i.e. for any isomorphism φ of any group we always have φ0 = id. 259 In particular, if N is finite and k ∈ N, then the cardinality of N o Zk is given by |N| · |k|. 260 It is an elementary argument to show that N oφ Z with the given multiplication is indeed a group. 208 STEFAN FRIEDL

the n-th dihedral group Dn. It has 2n elements. As an example, the third dihedral 261 group D3 is isomorphic to the permutation group S3 via the isomorphism

Ψ: Z3 o Z2 → S3 (h, m) 7→ (1 2 3)h · (1 2)m.

Remark. In exercise sheet 11 we will see that N = {(h, 0) | h ∈ N} ⊂ N o Zk is a normal subgroup of N o Zk. Put differently, we have N ▹ N o Zk. This is the reason for the symbol “o” in the notation of the semidirect product. We have the following elementary lemma. Lemma 12.11. Let G be a group and let γ : G → Z be an epimorphism. We pick an element t ∈ G with γ(t) = 1 and we write N := ker(γ). We denote by φ the isomorphism φ: N → N h 7→ tht−1. Then the map262 → o Z Ψ: G (N φ ) g 7→ gt−γ(g), γ(g) is an isomorphism of groups. Proof. It is straightforward to verify that Ψ is injective and bijective. It remains to show that Ψ is a homomorphism: given g, h ∈ G we have indeed − − − − Ψ(g · h) = (ght γ(gh), γ(gh)) = (gt γ(g) · t|γ(g) · ht {zγ(h) · t γ(g}), γ(g) + γ(h)) =φγ(g)(ht−γ(h)) = (gt−γ(g), γ(g)) · (ht−γ(h), γ(h)) = Ψ(g) · Ψ(h).  The following proposition shows that the fundamental group of a mapping torus M(X, f) is isomorphic to semidirect product of π1(X) with Z. Proposition 12.12. Let X be a path-connected topological space and let f : X → X be ∼ a homeomorphism. Then there exists an isomorphism ψ : π1(M(X, f)) = π1(X) o Z such that the following diagram commutes

/ / 1 π1(X) π1(M(X, f)) π1(S )

∼ ψ ∼  =   = / / π1(X) π1(X) o Z Z.

261First note that a straightforward calculation shows that (1 2)−1 · (1 2 3) · (1 2) = (1 3 2) = (1 2 3)−1. −n s n s(−1)n This implies that also for any n ∈ Z2 and s ∈ Z we have (1 2) · (1 2 3) · (1 2) = (1 2 3) . Now for ′ ′ any (h, m), (h , m ) ∈ Zn oφ Z2 we have ′ ′ m ′ ′ Ψ(h, m)Ψ(h′, m′) = (1 2 3)h · (1 2)m · (1 2 3)h · (1 2)m = (1 2 3)h · (1 2)m (1 2)−m(1 2 3)(−1) h (1 2)m · (1 2)m m ′ ′ = (1 2 3)h+(−1) h ) · (1 2)m+m = Ψ(h + (−1)mh′, m + m′) = Ψ((h, m) · (h′, m′)). We have thus shown that Ψ is a homomorphism. 262Note that γ(gt−γ(g)) = γ(g) + γ(t)(−γ(g)) = 0, i.e. gt−γ(g) does indeed lie in N = ker(γ). ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 209

Hereby the top-left horizontal map is induced by the inclusion X = X × {0} → M(X, f) and the top-right horizontal map is induced by the canonical projection map M(X, f) → S1. The bottom-left horizontal map is given by the natural inclusion into the first term of the semidirect product and the bottom-right horizontal map is given by the projection onto the second term of the semidirect product.263 In the proof of Proposition 12.12 we will need the following lemma which is a straight- forward generalization of Theorem 6.16 and the proof thereof. We leave the details of the proof to the reader. Lemma 12.13. Let X be a path-connected264 topological space. Let G be a group which acts continuously and discretely on X. We choose an x ∈ X. We denote by p: X → X/G the corresponding covering map.265 Then the map

π1(X/G, [x]) → G unique g ∈ G such that for the unique lift266 [γ : [0, 1] → X/G] 7→ γe: [0, 1] → X of the path γ with γe(0) = x we have γe(1) = g · x. is an epimorphism with kernel isomorphic to π1(X, x). We can now give the proof of Proposition 12.12. Proof of Proposition 12.12. We have ∼ ∼ π1(M(X, f)) = π1((X × R)/Zf ) = π1(X × R) o Z = π1(X) o Z. ↑ ↑ ↑ Lemma 12.9 Lemmas 12.13 and 12.11 ∼ = Thus we have obtained an isomorphism ψ : π1(M(X, f)) −→ π1(X) o Z. We leave the verification that the given diagram commutes to the reader.  Remark. A careful reading of the proof of the proposition shows that we can identify the automorphism in the semidirect product. More precisely, let X be a path-connected topological space and let f : X → X be a homeomorphism. Let x be a base point and let γ be path from f(x) to x. We denote by φ the automorphism of π1(X, x) that is given by ∼ f∗ / = / π1(X, x) π1(X, f(x)) π1(X, x). Prop. 4.9 4

=:φ ∼ Then π1(M(X, f)) = π1(X, x) oφ Z. We conclude this section with a discussion of several examples.

263Note that both maps on the bottom are group homomorphisms. 264In Theorem 6.16 we had assumed that X is simply connected. 265Recall that by Proposition 6.9 the map p: X → X/G is a covering. 266Recall that by Lemma 6.11 there exists a unique lift γe of γ to the starting point γe(0) = x. 210 STEFAN FRIEDL

Examples. 1 (1) Let K = M(S , f(z) := z) be the Klein bottle. Then the automorphism f∗ =: φ of 1 267 π1(S ) = Z is multiplication by −1. It follows from the previous remark that ∼ π1(Klein bottle) = Z oφ Z. (2) Let A ∈ SL(n, Z) be a matrix. In exercise sheet 4 we proved the following two statements: (a) the map f(A): Rn/Zn → Rn/Zn v 7→ Av is a homeomorphism, n n n (b) if we identify π1(R /Z , 0) with Z as in Theorem 6.16, then we obtain the following commutative diagram

f(A)∗ n n / n n π1(R /Z , 0) π1(R /Z , 0)  =  = 7→ Zn v Av / Zn. n n ∼ n It follows from the above remark that π1(M(R /Z , f(A)) = Z oA Z. Note that this n n 268 implies that π1(M(R /Z , f(A))) is solvable. (3) Let X be a connected topological space. Then the mapping torus M(X, idX ) is home- omorphic to the product X × S1. By the above remark we have 1 ∼ 1 π1(X × S ) = π1(M(X, idX )) = π1(X) oid Z = π1(X) × Z = π1(X) × π1(S ). So in this space case we obtain the same result as in Proposition 6.18.

267 ∼ −1 On page 181 we had seen that π1(K) = ⟨x, y | yxyx ⟩. What is an isomorphism between −1 ⟨x, y | yxyx ⟩ and Z oφ Z? 268 Recall that a group G is solvable if there exist subgroups G0 = {1} ⊂ G1 ⊂ G2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Gk = G such that for i = 0, . . . , k − 1 the group Gi is normal in Gi+1 and such that Gi+1/Gi is abelian. In our case the n n filtration is given by {0} ⊂ Z ⊂ Z oA Z. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 211

13. Limits The goal of this section is to determine the fundamental group of “unbounded spaces”, e.g. we would like to determine the fundamental group of the surface of “infinite genus” illustrated in Figure 125.269 One idea might be to view the surface of “infinite genus” as the limit of a sequence given by compact surfaces. But then we need to make precise what we mean by a “limit of topological spaces” and “limit of the corresponding fundamental groups”. We will do so in the following sections.


















                           surface of “infinite genus”

Figure 125.

13.1. Preordered and directed sets. Definition. Let X be a set and let ≤ be a relation on X. (1) The relation is called reflexive if for any x ∈ X we have x ≤ x. (2) The relation is called transitive if for any x, y, z ∈ X we have x ≤ y and y ≤ z =⇒ x ≤ z. (3) A reflexive and transitive relation is called a preorder. (4) A set together with a preorder is called a preordered set. (5) A directed set is a preordered set such that for any x, y ∈ X there exists a z ∈ X with x ≤ z and y ≤ z. Examples. (1) Let X be a subset of R and denote by ≤ the usual “less or equal” relation on the real numbers. Then (X, ≤) is a directed set. In particular (N, ≤) is a directed set. (2) Given any set X the relation “≤” where x ≤ y only if x = y is a preorder, which we call the trivial preorder on X. (3) Let M be a set. We denote by P(M) the power set of M, i.e. the set of all subsets of M. Then “being a subset”, i.e. the relation given by “⊆”, defines a preorder on M. It is straightforward to see that (P(M), ⊆) is a preordered set, in fact it is even a directed set. (4) The set X = {0, x, y} with the trivial relations 0 ≤ 0, x ≤ x, y ≤ y and the non- trivial relations 0 ≤ x and 0 ≤ y is a preordered set. We refer to ({0, x, y}, ≤) as the push-pull set. Note that this is not a directed set, since there is no z ∈ X with x ≤ z and y ≤ z.

269Actually we also need to make precise what we mean by the surface of “infinite genus”. 212 STEFAN FRIEDL

(5) We consider the set N. The divisibility relation k|l for k, l ∈ N is a preorder on N and with this preorder N is in fact a directed set.270 13.2. The direct limit of a direct system. Definition. Let (I, ≤) be a preordered set271 and let C be a category. A direct system in the category C over I is a family of objects {Xi}i∈I in C indexed by I, together with a family of morphisms {fij : Xi → Xj} for all i, j ∈ I with i ≤ j such that the following two conditions are satisfied: ∈ (1) fii = idXi for all i I, (2) fik = fjk ◦ fij for all i, j, k ∈ I with i ≤ j ≤ k. Examples. (A) We consider the directed set I = (N, ≤) and the category of groups. For i ∈ N we consider the group Zi and for i ≤ j we denote by i j fij : Z → Z (x1, . . . , xi) 7→ (x1, . . . , xi, 0,..., 0) i the inclusion map. Then ({Z }i∈N, {fij}i≤j) forms clearly a direct system. (B) Again we consider I = (N, ≤) and the category of groups. Given i ∈ N we define

Fi := ⟨x1, . . . , xi⟩ = the free group on i generators and given i ≤ j we set

fij : Fi → Fj xk 7→ xk, for k = 1, . . . , i. This is clearly a direct system of groups. (C) Given r ∈ N ∪ {∞} we set ( ) ∪r { } 1 ∪ ∈ C − 1 1 ⊂ C Xr := 0, r + 2 z z (j + 4i) = 4 . j=1 | {z } 1 1 ∈ C circle of radius 4 around j + 4 i 2 For example, for r ∈ N the set Xr is the subset of C = R that is given by the interval 1 (0, r + 2 ) with r circles attached. We refer to Figure 126 for an illustration. Now we consider the directed set (N, ≤) and for r ≤ s we denote by frs : Xr → Xs the obvious inclusion map. This is clearly a direct system of topological spaces. (D) We can generalize example (C) as follows. Let (I, ≤) be a preordered set and let {Xi}i∈I be a family of topological spaces such that for any i ≤ j we have Xi ⊂ Xj. Given i ≤ j we denote by ιij : Xi → Xj the inclusion map. Then ({Xi}i∈I , {ιij}i≤j) is a preordered system in the category of topological spaces.

270Indeed, given k, l ∈ N we have k|kl and l|kl. 271In the literature one often demands that I is a directed set, see e.g. [Ha, p. 243], but this is not necessary. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 213


1 2 3

Figure 126.

(E) Let ({0, x, y}, ≤) be the push-pull set and let C be a category. A direct system in the category C over the preordered set ({0, x, y}, ≤) consists of three objects A0,Ax,Ay, → → the identity morphisms idA0 , idAx , idAy and morphisms fx : A0 Ax and fy : A0 Ay. We refer to such a system as a pushout system and often we arrange the morphisms in a diagram as follows fx / A0 Ax fy  Ay.

Definition. Let (I, ≤) be a preordered set and let C be a category. Suppose we are given a 272 direct system ({Xi}i∈I , {fij}i≤j) in the category C.A direct limit of the direct system is an object Y in C together with morphisms gi : Xi → Y, i ∈ I in the category C such that the following two conditions are satisfied:

(1) For all i ≤ j we have gj ◦ fij = gi : Xi → Y , i.e. for all i ≤ j the following diagram commutes S Xj SS gj O SSS SS) f 5 ij kkkk Y. kkkk k gi Xi ′ ′ → ′ ∈ (2) If we are given another object Y and morphisms gi : Xi Y , i I that satisfy (1), then there exists a unique morphism F : Y → Y ′ such that for all i ≤ j the following diagram commutes273

′ gj X N O j NNN NNN g NN # j & F ____ / ′ fij p7 Y ;Y . g pp ∃! pipp ppp Xi ′ gi

272Somewhat confusingly a “direct limit” is often also called a “projective limit” or “colimit of a direct system”. 273The notation ∃! means that there exists a uniquely defined morphism that makes the diagram commute. 214 STEFAN FRIEDL

The “usual argument” for objects that satisfy a universal property274 shows, that if the direct limit exists, then it is unique in an appropriate sense. We denote the direct limit by lim X or sometimes by lim X .275 −→ i −→ i I Example. Now we discuss the direct limits of the direct systems we had discussed above. (A) We consider the above direct system in the category of groups that is given by the free abelian groups Zi, i ∈ N, with the obvious inclusion homomorphisms Zi → Zj for i ≤ j. We claim that276 lim Zi = Z(N) = {(x , x ,... ) | x ∈ Z but only finitely many x ’s are non-zero}, −→ 1 2 i i where the maps Zj → lim Zi = Z(N), j ∈ N are the obvious inclusion maps. Indeed, −→ ′ ′ Zj → ′ given a group Y and homomorphisms gj : Y that satisfy condition (1) we define F : lim Zi = Z(N) → Y ′ −→ 7→ ′ (x1, . . . , xj, 0,... ) gj(x1, . . . , xj). It is straightforward to see that this definition is well-defined, i.e. independent of 277 the choice of xk. It is clear that the diagram (2) commutes. Furthermore, since (x1, . . . , xj, 0,... ) = gj(x1, . . . , xj) it is clear that F is the unique homomorphism that makes the diagram (2) commute. Thus we have now shown that the direct limit is the free abelian group on an infinite countable generating set. (B) We consider the above direct system in the category of groups that is given by the free groups Fi := ⟨x1, . . . , xi⟩, i ∈ N, with the obvious inclusion homomorphisms Fi → Fj for i ≤ j. Similar to the proof of (A) one can show that lim F = ⟨x , x , x ,... ⟩ = free group on the generators x , x , x ,... −→ i 1 2 3 1 2 3 where the maps F → lim F = ⟨x , x ,... ⟩, j ∈ N are the obvious maps. Put j −→ i 1 2 differently, the direct limit is the free group on an infinite countable generating set. (C) We continue with the direct system (Xr, r ∈ N) in the category of topological spaces from above. Perhaps not surprisingly the direct limit is the interval (0, ∞) with infinitely many circles attached, i.e. ( ) ∪∞ { } 1 1 lim X = X∞ = 0, ∞ ∪ z ∈ C z − (j + i) = ⊂ C, −→ r 4 4 j=1

where the maps X → lim X = X∞, s ∈ N are the obvious inclusion maps. We leave s −→ r the verification of this statement as an exercise. 274See for instance the discussion on page 129 for an example of such an argument. 275 Hereby we ignore the maps fij and gi in the notation. Usually these maps are clear from the context. 276Why is the direct limit not given by ZN, i.e. the group of all infinite sequences? 277 Here we did not demand that xk = 0. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 215

   lim = −→ Σr

Figure 127.

(D) Let (I, ≤) be a preordered set and let {Xi}i∈I be a family of topological spaces such that for any i ≤ j we have Xi ⊂ Xj. In the category of topological spaces we have ∪ lim X = X := X , −→ i i i∈I ∪ where the topology on X = Xi is given by the rule that U ⊂ X is open if and only i∈I ∪ if U ∩ Xi is open for all i ∈ I. Furthermore the maps gj : Xj → X = Xi, j ∈ N i∈I are the obvious inclusion maps.278 The verification of this statement is an exercise in exercise sheet 12. Definition. If the direct limit of a pushout system

fx / A0 Ax fy  Ay exists, then we refer to it as the pushout of the pushout system. The defining property of the pushout Z can be summarized in the following commutative diagram279

fx / A0 Ax ′ gx fy   gx gy / Ay pushout Z U∃!U  U* 1 ′ ′ Z . gy Examples. (1) We first consider the pushout in the category of groups. By Proposition 10.7 the pushout of a pushout system in the category of groups G α / A G α / A β  is given by β   ∗ B / ∗ A B B A G B = −1 . ⟨⟨{α(g) · β(g) }g∈G⟩⟩

278 Why are the maps gj continuous, i.e. why are they morphisms in the category of topological spaces. 279 Here we suppress the morphism g0 : A0 → Z from the diagram since it is given by gx ◦ fx = gy ◦ fy. 216 STEFAN FRIEDL

(2) Now we consider the pushout in the category of topological spaces. The pushout of a pushout system of topological spaces

f f X / Y X / Y g g  is given by   / ⊔ ⊔ ∼ Z Z Y X Z := (Y Z)/f(x) g(x).

Hereby we equip Y ⊔X Z with the quotient topology induced from the obvious topology on Y ⊔ Z. We leave it as an exercise to show that this is indeed the pushout. (3) The direct limit of a direct system does not always exist. For example, denote by C the category with two objects, namely the trivial group and the group Z2, and where the morphisms are the usual group Then the pushout system / / 0 Z2 does not have a direct limit 0 Z2  since there is no commutative   β Z Z α / 2 diagram of the form 2 C

with C = 0 or C = Z2 such that in the following two diagrams there exists the desired ′ 280 diagonal maps from C to Y = Z2: / / 0 Z2 0 Z2 x7→x x7→0   β and   β α / α / Z2 C QQQ Z2 C RRR QQ(  RR(  ′ ′ 0 Y = Z2 0 Y = Z2. x7→0 x7→x Proposition 13.1. The direct limit of any direct system exists in the following categories: (0) the , (1) the category of topological spaces, (2) the category of groups, (3) the category of abelian groups, (4) the category of rings, (5) the category of R-modules, where R is a commutative ring. Proof. Let (I, ≤) be a preordered set and let C be one of the six given categories. Further- more let ({Xi}i∈I , {fij : Xi → Xj}i≤j) be a direct system in C. (0),(1) If we work in the category of sets, then we define the direct limit as the set ( ⊔ ) lim Xi := Xi / ∼ where x ∼ fij(x) for all i ≤ j, x ∈ Xi. −→ i∈I

280 Why is there no such diagram with C = 0 or C = Z2 and homomorphisms α and β? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 217 ⊔ If we work in the category of topological spaces, then Xi is equipped with the i∈I 281 topology where a subset U is open if and only if U ∩ Xi is open for all i. (2) If we work in the category of groups, then we cannot use the definition of (0) and (1), since the union of groups is not a group. Therefore we define the direct limit via the “smallest group that contains all Xi”, i.e. we define it as the group ( ) ∗ −1 lim Xi := Xi / ⟨⟨{fij(x) · x | i ≤ j and x ∈ Xi}⟩⟩. −→ i∈I (3),(4),(5) If we work in the category of abelian groups, or in the category of rings or in the category of R-modules, then we define282 ( ⊕ ) lim Xi := Xi / {fij(x) − x | i ≤ j and x ∈ Xi}. −→ i∈I Furthermore in all six cases we denote by g : X → lim X , j ∈ I the obvious maps. It j j −→ i is now straightforward to verify that in all five categories we provided a direct limit. We leave the details to the reader. 

Remark. Suppose we are given a direct system ({Xi}i∈I , {fij : Xi → Xj}i≤j) in any of the four algebraic categories mentioned in the previous proposition. We now assume that (I, ≤) is not only a preordered set, but that it is in fact a directed set. Then we can also define ( ⊔ ) lim Xi := Xi / ∼ where x ∼ fij(x) for all i ≤ j, x ∈ Xi −→ i∈I and we denote by g : X → lim X , j ∈ I, the obvious maps. If we work in the category of j j −→ i groups, then lim X is naturally a group as follows: if we are given a ∈ X and b ∈ X , by −→ i i j definition of a directed set there exists k ∈ I with i ≤ k and j ≤ k, and we define [ ] [a] · [b] := f (a) · f (b) ∈ lim X . |ik{z } |jk{z } −→ i

∈Xk ∈Xk It follows easily from the definition of a direct system that this definition of the product structure is independent of the choice of k and that this defines indeed a group structure on lim X . Similarly we deal with the case that we work in the other three algebraic categories. −→ i

Question. Let ({Xi}i∈I , {fij}i≤j) be a direct system of topological spaces. We can now form the direct limit lim X of the topological spaces. The maps f also induce homomorphisms −→ i ij on fundamental groups. The question is, when does “taking limits commute with taking

281Note that for the above example of the pushout we do not get the same topological space (why not?) but we get a topological space that is homeomorphic (why?) to the above pushout. Since we only care about the direct limit up to homeomorphism this makes no difference. 282 Here we really mod out by the subgroup generated by the differences fij(x) − x. 218 STEFAN FRIEDL fundamental groups”, i.e. under what circumstances do we have283 ( ) π lim X = lim π (X )? 1 −→ i −→ 1 i Example. We have already seen two instances where the equality of the question holds. (1) Suppose X is a topological space that is the union of two open subsets U and V such that U, V and U ∩ V are path-connected. We fix a base point in U ∩ V . Then ( ) U ∩ V → U π (U ∩ V ) → π (U) ↓ 1 ↓ 1 π lim = π (X) = π (U) ∗ ∩ π (V ) = lim 1 −→ 1 1 π1(U V ) 1 −→ V ↑ ↑ ↑ π1(V ) see page 216 Seifert-van Kampen see page 215 Theorem 11.1

(2) Let X be a path-connected topological space and let Xk, k ∈ N be a sequence of subsets of X such that the following hold: (a) each Xk is open, (b) each Xk is simply connected, ⊂ (c) the sequence∪ Xk is nested, i.e. for each k we have Xk Xk+1, (d) we have Xk = X. k∈N 284 Then for any w ∈ X1 we have ( ) ( ∪ ) π1 lim Xi, w = π1 Xi, x0 = {e} = lim {e} = lim π1(Xi, w). −→ ↑ i∈N ↑ −→ −→ see page 216 Lemma 9.5 The following proposition generalizes the second example.

Proposition 13.2. Let Xi, i ∈ N be a sequence of topological spaces such that the following holds:

(1) the sequence is nested, i.e. for each i ∈ N we have Xi ⊂ Xi+1, and (2) each Xi is open in Xi+1. Then for any w ∈ X we have 1 ( ) π lim X , w = lim π (X , w). 1 −→ i −→ 1 i We will now see that the proof of Proposition 13.2 is a generalization of the ideas behind the proof of Lemma 9.5. ∈ N Proof of Proposition 13.2. Let Xi, i be a nested sequence∪ of topological spaces such that each Xi is open in Xi+1. Let w ∈ X1. We write X = Xi = lim Xi. i∈I −→

283As it is this question is not well-phrased, since fundamental groups depend on base points and we ignored them in the above discussion. 284 Recall that by the discussion on page 212 the topological spaces {Xi}i∈N together with the inclusion maps form a direct system in the category of topological spaces. The direct limit is given by the union of all Xi’s, where the union is given a suitable topology. Furthermore note that the inclusion induced maps π1(Xi, w) → π1(Xj, w) turn the groups {π1(Xi, w)}i∈N into a direct system in the category of groups. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 219

Claim. For every i ∈ N the subset Xi is open in X. By the definition of the topology on X we have to show that for each j ∈ N the intersec- tion Xi ∩ Xj is open in Xj. Since the sequence is nested it follows that for j ≤ i we have Xi ∩ Xj = Xj, in particular Xi ∩ Xj is open in Xj. Now we need to show that Xi is open in any Xi+k with k ∈ N0. We do so by induction on k. For k = 0 the statement is clear. Suppose we already know that Xi is open in Xi+k. Then Xi is an open subset in Xi+k and Xi+k is in turn an open subset of Xi+k+1 by our hypothesis. It follows that Xi is open in 285 Xi+k+1. This concludes the proof of the claim. Given k ≤ l we denote by φkl the inclusion induced map π1(Xk, w) → π1(Xl, w). We denote by Φ: lim π (X , w) → π (X, w) the unique homomorphism that makes the following −→ 1 i 1 diagram commute for any k ≤ l: π (X , w) 1 O l TT TTTT TTT* ) ψl Φ ____ / φkl lim π1(Xi, w) π1(X, w). −→ ∃! 6 ψkjjj4 jjjj π1(Xk, w) We need to show that Φ is an isomorphism. First we show that the map Φ is surjective. Let g ∈ π1(X, w). We represent g by a loop γ : [0, 1] → X. Since each Xk is open in X = lim X we obtain immediately from Corollary 1.6 and the hypothesis that the X ’s −→ i k are nested that there exists a k ∈ N such that the image of γ lies in Xk. We consider the following commutative diagram Φ / lim π1(Xi, w) π1(X, w). 5 −→ 6 kkkk kkkk

π1(Xk, w) [γ]7→g By our choice of k we see that g lies in the image of the curved map, hence it also lies in the image of Φ. This concludes the proof that Φ is surjective. Now we show that the map Φ is injective. So let g ∈ lim π (X , w). Since (N, ≤) is a −→ 1 i directed set we can use the description of the direct limit from page 217, i.e. we can write ( ⊔ ) lim π1(Xi, w) = π1(Xi, w) / ∼ where g ∼ φkl(g) for all k ≤ l, g ∈ π1(Xk, w). −→ i∈N In particular we see that there exists a k such that g lies in the image of the map ψ : π (X , w) → lim π (X , w). We pick a loop γ : [0, 1] → X such that ψ ([γ]) = g. k 1 k −→ 1 k k k Now suppose that Φ(g) is trivial. This means that there exists a homotopy H in X from γ to the constant path. As above we can apply Corollary 1.6 to deduce that there exists an

285Here we use the following general fact: if U is an open subset in V and V is an open subset of W , then U is an open subset of W . Why is that true? 220 STEFAN FRIEDL l ≥ k such that the image of H lies in Xl. This implies that φkl([γ]) is trivial in π1(Xl, w). We obtain the following diagram π (X , w) 1 O l TT TTTT TTT* g7→e / [γ]7→e lim π (X , w) π (X, w). −→ 1 i 1 jjj4 jjjj [γ]7→g π1(Xk, w) It follows immediately that g itself is trivial. This concludes the proof that Φ is injective.  Examples.

(1) As on page 212 we denote by X∞ the interval (0, ∞) with infinitely many circles attached. We pick the base point w = 1 . We then have 286 ( ) ( ) 4 ( ) π1 X∞, w = π1 lim Xr, w = lim π1 Xr, w = lim ⟨x1, . . . , xr⟩ = ⟨x1, x2,... ⟩. ↑ −→ ↑ −→ ↑ −→ ↑ see page 214 Proposition 13.2 Lemma 9.4 see page 214 Furthermore the proof of Lemma 9.4 and the above argument show that the generators x1, x2,... of π1(X∞) can be chosen such that xn, n ∈ N, corresponds to a loop which goes “once around the n-th circle”. (2) We now consider ∪ { } e R ∪ ∈ C − 1 1 ⊂ C X := z z (j + 4i) = 4 . j∈Z | {z } 1 1 ∈ C circle of radius 4 around j + 4 i Put differently, Xe is the real axis with infinitely many circles attached. The same e argument as in (1) shows that π1(X) is the free group on infinitely many generators e 1 1 xn, n ∈ Z. In Figure 128 we illustrate a covering map p: X → X = S ∨ S . e By Corollary 6.14 the map π1(X) → π1(X) is a monomorphism. We had just seen e that π1(X) is a free group on infinitely generators and by the discussion on page 149 we know that π1(X) is a free group on two generators. In fact, with appropriate

286The third equality follows from Lemma 9.4, to be more precise, it follows from the fact that for any r ≤ s the inclusion map ιrs : Xr → Xs and the isomorphisms of Lemma 9.4 give rise to a commutative diagram ∼ = / π1(Xr, w) ⟨x1, . . . , xr⟩ 7→ (ιrs)∗ xi xi  ∼  = / π1(Xs, w) ⟨x1, . . . , xs⟩. The fact that this diagram commutes follows easily from the proof of Lemma 9.4. We leave the details to the reader. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 221

orientations and conventions this shows that the homomorphism e π1(X) = ⟨. . . , x−2, x−1, x0, x1, x2,... ⟩ → ⟨s, t⟩ = π1(X) n −n xn 7→ s ts is a monomorphism. In particular we see that the free group ⟨s, t⟩ contains a subgroup that is “much larger” than the original free group itself.

x−1 x0 x1 x2

p t      X = S1 ∨ S2 Xe s

Figure 128.

(3) An argument similar to (1) shows that π1(C\Z) is a free group generated by xn, n ∈ Z where xn is a loop which goes “once around the n-th ”. We leave the details as an exercise to the reader. We refer to Figure 129 for an illustration.

   C \ Z


x−1 x0 x1 x2

Figure 129.

Finally we return to the initial goal of this section, namely to determine the fundamental group of the surface of “infinite genus” that we illustrate in Figure 130. Before we can calculate its fundamental group we have to give a precise description of the surface of infinite genus. We write


















                          surface of “infinite genus”

Figure 130.

F := the torus minus two open disks. 222 STEFAN FRIEDL

1 We define X0 = S × [−1, 1] and for i ≥ 0 we define iteratively

Xi+1 := Xi with a copy of F attached to each of the two boundary components of Xi.

Note that each Xi is a surface of genus 2i with two open disks removed. We define ∪ surface of infinite genus := lim X = X . −→ i i i∈N0 It should be clear that this definition gives a rigorous description of the surface that we had sketched in Figure 130.















        X  X = =   1  0                                           F two copies of F attached to X0

Figure 131.

Lemma 13.3. The fundamental group of the surface of infinite genus is the free group on infinitely many generators.

b2 b1 y1 y2  







                       a2 a1  x1 x2  base point

Figure 132. A set of generators for the fundamental group of a surface of infinite genus.

Proof. By Lemma 11.16 we have287 ′ ′ ′ ′ π1(F ) = ⟨a, b, c, c | c = [a, b] · c ⟩ = ⟨x, y, z, z | z = [x, y] · z ⟩ where the generators z, z′ and c, c′ correspond to the two boundary components. We refer to Figure 133 for an illustration. An induction argument, using the Seifert-van Kampen

287This is indeed a consequence of Lemma 11.16, the only change is that we reversed the orientation of one of the boundary curves. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 223

b c y  ′   ′    
















                               a x

Figure 133.

Theorem 11.2 for manifolds together with Lemma 10.9 and the above presentations of π1(F ) shows that for any l ≥ k we have a commutative diagram ⟨ ⟩ ∼ ∏k ∏k = / x1, y1, ..., xk, yk π1(Xk) zk, ck [aj, bj]ck = [xj, yj]zk a1, b1, ..., ak, bk j=1 j=1 ∏l ∏l ck7→ [aj ,bj ]cl zk7→ [xj ,xj ]zl j=k+1  j=k+1 ⟨ ⟩  ∼ ∏l ∏l = / x1, y1, ..., xl, yl π1(Xl) zl, cl [aj, bj]cl = [xj, yj]zl a1, b1, ..., al, bl j=1 j=1 where the left vertical map is induced by the inclusion Xk → Xl. We leave the details to the energetic reader. For any l ≥ k we also have the following commutative diagram of

b1 y1  




  c  1  z  1        

a1 x1

Figure 134. homomorphisms: ⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⟩ ∼ ∏k ∏k x1, y1, ..., xk, yk = / x1, y1, ..., xk, yk p zk, ck [aj, bj]ck = [xj, yj]zk ∏k a1, b1, ..., ak, bk a1, b1, ..., ak, bk j=1 j=1 _ p7→ [aj ,bj ]ck j=1 ∏l ∏l ck7→ [aj ,bj ]cl zk7→ [xj ,yj ]zl j=k+1 j=k+1   ⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⟩ ∼ ∏l ∏l x1, y1, ..., xl, yl = / x1, y1, ..., xl, yl p zl, cl [aj, bj]cl = [xj, yj]zl ∏l a1, b1, ..., al, bl a1, b1, ..., al, bl j=1 j=1 p7→ [aj ,bj ]cl j=1 224 STEFAN FRIEDL

The horizontal homomorphisms are in fact isomorphisms, this is for example a consequence of the Tietze transformations from page 168.288 In the following we write Ui = Xi \ ∂Xi, i ∈ N0. Note that each Ui is in fact an open subset of Σ∞. We denote by Σ∞ the surface of infinite genus. We have by the above two Proposition 13.2 commutative diagrams ( ) ↓ ↓ ⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⟩ x1, y1, ..., xi, yi x1, y1, ... π1(Σ∞) = π1 lim Ui = lim π1(Ui) = lim π1(Xi) = lim p = p . ↑ −→ −→ ↑ −→ −→ a1, b1, ..., ai, bi ↑ a1, b1, ... ∪ ∼ = since Σ∞ = Ui since π1(Ui) −→ π1(Xi) see example on ∈N i 0 page 214 This concludes the proof of the lemma.  13.3. Gluing formula for fundamental groups and HNN-extensions (∗). 289 Definition. Let X be a topological space, let A and B be two subsets of X and let f : A → B be a homeomorphism. We write X(f) := X(f : A → B) := X/ ∼ where f(a) ∼ b for a ∈ A. Examples. (1) Let X be the torus with two open disks removed. We denote by A and B the two boundary components and we endow them with the orientation coming from a fixed orientation of the torus. Let f : A → B be an orientation-reversing diffeomorphism. Then X(f : A → B) is diffeomorphic to the surface of genus 2. This statement is illustrated in Figure 135.290 (2) Let Y be a topological space and let f : Y → Y be a homeomorphism. We consider X = Y × [0, 1] and by a slight abuse of notation we denote by f : Y × {0} → Y × {1} also the map defined by f(y, 0) = (f(y), 1). It follows immediately from the definitions that X(f) = (Y × [0, 1])(f) = M(X, f), where M(X, f) denotes the mapping torus that we had introduced on page 203.

Our goal now is to determine π1(X(f)) in terms of the fundamental groups of X, A and the induced map f∗ : π1(A) → π1(B). Perhaps not surprisingly, we again need a new construction from group theory.

∏m ∏m 288 Indeed, we write X = {x1, y1, . . . , xm, ym, a1, b1, . . . , am, bm}, u = [aj, bj], v = [xj, yj], c = cm j=1 j=1 and z = zm, then ∼ ∼ ∼ ⟨X, z, c | uc = vz⟩ = ⟨X, z, c | z = v−1uc⟩ ←−⟨= X, c⟩ −→⟨= X, c, p | p = uc⟩ = ⟨X, c, p | X, c = u−1p⟩ ←−⟨= X, p⟩ where all three isomorphisms are the isomorphisms of the Tietze transformation (2). It is straightforward to see that the concatenation equals for m = k, l precisely the horizontal maps in the diagram. 289This section is not part of the Algebraic Topology I course. 290What topological space do we obtain if f is chosen to be orientation-preserving? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 225

surface of genus 2






   ∼  =       B B X is the torus with two X(f : A → B) open disks removed

Figure 135.

Definition. Let π and Γ be two groups and let α, β :Γ → π be two homomorphisms. We refer to −1 −1 −1 ⟨π, t | α(Γ) = tβ(Γ)t ⟩ := (π ∗ ⟨t⟩) / ⟨⟨{α(g)tβ(g) t }g∈Γ⟩⟩ as the HNN-extension of (π, α, β). Remark.

(1) It π = ⟨x1, . . . , xk | r1, . . . , rl⟩ is a finitely presented group and if g1, . . . , gm is a gen- erating set for Γ, then it follows easily from the definitions that the HNN-extension of (π, α, β) is given by −1 ⟨x1, . . . , xk, t | r1, . . . , rl, α(gi) = tβ(gi)t for i = 1, . . . , m⟩. (2) If α, β :Γ → π are monomorphisms, then it follows from [Se, p. 45] that the obvious map π → ⟨π, t | α(Γ) = tβ(Γ)t−1⟩ is also a monomorphism. Examples. (1) Let π = Γ, let α = id and let β : π → π be an isomorphism. Then it is straightfor- ward to see that the map −1 Φ: π oβ Z → ⟨π, t | α(Γ) = tβ(Γ)t ⟩ (g, n) 7→ g · t−n is an isomorphism.291 Put differently, we have now shown that a semidirect product is a special case of an HNN-extension. (2) Let π be a group and let Γ be the trivial group. It follows immediately from the definitions that the corresponding HNN-extension is the free product π ∗ ⟨t⟩.

291As a reality check, here is the calculation that the given map is indeed a homomorphism: let (g, m) and (h, n) be two elements in π oβ Z, then Φ(g, m)Φ(h, n) = gt−m · ht−n = gt−m · tmβm(h)t−m · t−n = gβm(h)t−m−n = Φ(gβm(h), m + n) ↑ = Φ((g, m)(h, n)). since h = α(h) = tβ(h)t−1 = t · tβ(β(h))t−1 · t−1 = ... This shows that Φ is indeed a homomorphism. 226 STEFAN FRIEDL

(3) Let π and Γ be two groups and let α, β :Γ → π be two homomorphisms. Then there exists an epimorphism

⟨π, t | α(Γ) = tβ(Γ)t−1⟩ → Z

that is uniquely determined by g 7→ 0 if g ∈ π and tn 7→ n.

Theorem 13.4. Let X be a path-connected topological space, let A and B be two open path-connected subsets of X and let f : A → B be a homeomorphism. We pick a base point x ∈ A and we pick a path γ in X from x to f(x). We write Γ = π1(A, x). Furthermore we denote by

α: Γ = π1(A, x) → π1(X, x) the inclusion induced map and we denote by

f∗ γ∗ β : Γ = π1(A, x) −→ π1(B, f(x)) → π1(X, f(x)) −→ π1(X, x) the concatenation of the maps induced by f, the inclusion and the base point change iso- morphism from Proposition 4.9, using the path γ. Then there exists an isomorphism

∼ = −1 Φ: π1(X(f), x) −→ ⟨π1(X, x), t | α(Γ) = tβ(Γ)t ⟩. which has the following two properties: (1) The diagram

π (X, x) W k 1 WWWW kkk WWWWW ku kk WWW+ Φ / −1 π1(X(f), x) ⟨π1(X, x), t | α(Γ) = tβ(Γ)t ⟩

with the obvious diagonal maps commutes. (2) The closed loop in X(f) defined by γ corresponds under the isomorphism Φ to t.

Example. As on page 224 we consider the surface X that is given by removing two open disks from a torus. We refer to the two boundary components as A and B. We equip A and B with the orientations given in Figure 136. We pick a diffeomorphism f : A → B that preserves the orientation. Then X(f) is the surface of genus two. We pick a base point x ∈ A. We pick a loop a in (A, x) we pick loops c, d in (X, x), a path γ in X from x to f(x) and a loop b in (B, f(x)) as indicated indicated in Figure 136. Finally we write ˜b = γ ∗ b ∗ γ. By Lemma 11.16 and as in the proof of Lemma 13.3 we have an isomorphism ˜ ˜ π1(X) = ⟨c, d, a, b | a = [c, d] · b⟩. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 227 ˜ We write Γ = π1(A, x). Note that Γ = ⟨a⟩ and α(a) = a and β(a) = b. It follows from Theorem 13.4 and the remark on page 225 that ∼ −1 ˜ ˜ ˜ −1 π1(X(f), x) = ⟨π1(X), t | α(Γ) = tβ(Γ)t ⟩ = ⟨c, d, a, b, t | a = [c, d] · b, a = tbt ⟩ ↑ ↑ Theorem 13.4 remark on page 225 ⟨ ˜ | · ˜ ˜ −1⟩ ⟨ ˜ | · ˜ ˜−1 −1⟩ = c, d, b, t [c, d] b = tbt = c, d, b, t [|c, d] {zbtb t } ↑ =[c,d][˜b,t] Tietze transformations Thus we have now obtained the same presentation that we had already obtained in Propo- sition 11.3.

 X B  a γ      X(f)  

























             ∼ x  f(x)  =  t ′ f : A −→ B c d b

Figure 136.

Sketch of the proof of Theorem 13.4. 292 Let X be a path-connected topological space, let A and B be two open path-connected subsets of X and let f : A → B be a homeomorphism. We pick a base point x ∈ A and we pick a path γ in X from x to f(x). For i ∈ Z we now define Xi := X × {i}, Ai := A × {i}, Bi := B × {i} and xi := {x} × {i}. Furthermore we define ( ∪ ) e X := Xi / (a, i) ∼ (f(a), i − 1) for a ∈ A and i ∈ Z. i∈Z e There is an obvious action of Z on X given by n · [(x, i)] := [(x, i + n)] for (x, i) ∈ Xi. It is straightforward to see that this action is discrete and continuous. It follows easily from the definitions that the map Φ: X(f) → X/e Z [x] 7→ [(x, 0)] is a homeomorphism. We refer to Figure 137 for an illustration. Given i ∈ Z we write πi := π1(Xi, xi) and Γi = π1(Ai, xi).

292As we had seen on pages 224 and 225, we can view Theorem 13.4 as a generalization of Proposi- tion 12.12. In fact the subsequent proof is partly modelled on the proof of Proposition 12.12. 228 STEFAN FRIEDL

1 ∈ Z acts by shifting “one to the right” A X B

Xi−1 X  Xi i+1




B − = A B = A ∼ i 1 i i i+1 X(f) f : A −→= B A = B

Figure 137.

Claim. There exists an isomorphism293 e ∼ π1(X) = . . . π−2 ∗ π−1 ∗ π0 ∗ π1 ∗ π2 ... Γ−1 Γ0 Γ1 Γ2 Given any n ∈ N we write ( ∪n ) e Xn := Xi / (a, i) ∼ (f(a), i − 1) for a ∈ A, i ∈ {−n + 1, . . . , n}. i=−n It follows from the Mayer-Vietoris Theorem 11.1 applied iteratively 2n times that ( ) e ∼ π1 Xn = π−n ∗ π−n+1 . . . πn−1 ∗ πn. Γ−n+1 Γn We now see that ( ) ( ) ( ) e e e π X = π lim X = lim π X = . . . π− ∗ π− ∗ π ∗ π ∗ π ... 1 1 −→ n −→ 1 n 2 1 0 1 2 ↑ ↑ Γ−1 Γ0 Γ1 Γ2 Proposition 13.2 above calculation This concludes the proof of the claim. We now denote by φ the automorphism of the infinite amalgamated product of the claim that “shifts every term by one to the right”. Then we obtain an isomorphism294 above homeomorphism Lemma 12.11 and the above claim ↓ ↓ ( ) ( ) ∼ ∼ e ∼ = −1 π1(X) = π1 X/Z = . . . π−1 ∗ π0 ∗ π1 ... oφ Z −→⟨π1(X, x), t | α(Γ) = tβ(Γ)t ⟩ Γ0 Γ1 7→ −i · n ∈ (gi, n) gt t , where gi πi 

293This claim is somewhat imprecise, we do not explain what exactly we mean by “... ” and we are not careful with the base points. This is one reason why this argument is referred to as a “sketch” of a proof. 294Here we also skip many details. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 229

Remark. One of the key inputs in the proof of Theorem 13.4 was the Seifert-van Kampen Theorem 11.1. If we use instead the Seifert-van Kampen Theorem for manifolds, see Theo- rem 11.2, then we obtain a “manifold version” of Theorem 13.4. We leave it as an exercise to formulate that version and to make the necessary changes to the proof. 13.4. The inverse limit of an inverse system. For completeness’ sake we also introduce the inverse limit of an inverse system, even though it will not play a rˆolein the intermediate future. Definition. Let (I, ≤) be a preordered set and let C be a category. An inverse system in the category C over I is a family of objects {Xi}i∈I in C indexed by I, together with a 295 family of morphisms {fji : Xj → Xi} for all i, j ∈ I with i ≤ j such that the following two conditions are satisfied: ∈ (1) fii = idXi for all i I, (2) fki = fji ◦ fkj for all i, j, k ∈ I with i ≤ j ≤ k. Examples. i (A) For each i ∈ N we define Xi := Z and for i ≤ j we denote by j i fji : Z → Z (x1, . . . , xj) 7→ (x1, . . . , xi) i the projection onto the first i coordinates. Then ({Z }i∈N, {fji}i≤j) forms an inverse system in the category of groups. (B) Let p be a prime. For each i ∈ N we define Xi := Zpi and for i ≤ j we denote by

fji : Zpj → Zpi n + pjZ 7→ n + piZ

the obvious projection map. Then ({Zpi }i∈N, {fji}i≤j) forms an inverse system in the category of rings. (C) We let I = N, but this time we use the preorder given by divisibility, i.e. we write k ≤ l if and only if k|l. For each k ∈ N we define Xk := Zk and for k|l we denote by

flk : Zl → Zk n + lZ 7→ n + kZ

the obvious projection map. Then ({Zk}k∈N, {flk}k|l) forms an inverse system in the category of rings. The following definition is the “mirror” image of the definition of the direct limit of a direct system. Definition. Let (I, ≤) be a preordered set and let C be a category. Furthermore suppose 296 we are given an inverse system ({Xi}i∈I , {fji}i≤j) in the category C. An inverse limit of

295 So here for i ≤ j we have a morphism Xj → Xi instead of Xi → Xj in a direct system. 296Somewhat confusingly an “inverse limit” is often also called an “inductive limit” or “limit of an inverse system”. 230 STEFAN FRIEDL the inverse system is an object Y in C together with morphisms gi : Y → Xi, i ∈ I, in the category C such that the following two conditions are satisfied:

(1) For all i ≤ j we have fji ◦ gj = gi : Y → Xi, i.e. for all i ≤ j the following diagram commutes k5 X gkjkkk j kkkk T f Y TTTT ji TTT)  gi Xi. ′ ′ ′ → ∈ (2) If we are given another object Y and morphisms gi : Y Xi, i I, that satisfy (1), then there exists a unique morphism F : Y ′ → Y such that for all i ≤ j the following diagram commutes

′ gj . s9 Xj ss ss ss ss gj ′ F ____ / Y Y KK fji ∃! KK KKgi KK K%  0 ′ Xi. gi The “usual argument” for objects that satisfy a universal property shows, that if the inverse limit exists, then it is unique in an appropriate sense. We denote the inverse limit by lim X or sometimes by lim X . ←− i ←− i I In the following diagram we compare schematically the definition of the direct limit of a direct system to the inverse limit of an inverse system:297 preorder direct limit inverse limit Xl preorder

Xm Xm 

 Xl  ∃ ! ′ ′ ∃!

Xk lim Xi Y Xk 

Y lim Xi


Xj ←− Xj


i universal property i

 universal property  direct system inverse system

Figure 138.

297The difference between a direct limit and an inverse limit is not the direction of the arrows between e e the Xi. In fact given a preorder “≤” one could define a preorder “≤” via a≤b if and only if b ≤ a, hence e a direct system over (I, ≤) is an inverse system over (I, ≤). The real difference is whether the Xi map to the limit, or whether the limit maps to the Xi. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 231

Examples. In order to get an idea of how to construct inverse limits we first consider the special case that the preorder on I is trivial, in the sense that we have i ≤ j if and only if i = j. (D) Let I be a set with the trivial preorder. Suppose that for any i ∈ I we are given a set Xi. Together with the identity maps of the Xi this defines an inverse system over I in the category of sets. We claim that the inverse limit is given by298 ∏ lim X = X ←− i i i∈I

together with the maps gi that are given by the projection onto the i-component. We now verify this statement. Since we only have i ≤ j if i = j there is nothing to verify in part (1) of the definition of the inverse limit. Now suppose we are given a set Y ′ ′ ′ → and maps gi : Y Xi. Then we define ′ F : Y → lim Xi (←− ∏ ) I → Xi y 7→ i∈I . 7→ ′ i gi(y) It is straightforward to verify that F is uniquely determined and that it has the desired property. We have thus determined the inverse limit lim X . ←− i (E) Let I be a set with the trivial preorder and suppose that for any i ∈ I we are given a topological space Xi. Together with the identity maps of the Xi this defines an inverse system over I in the category of topological spaces. As in (D) we define ∏ lim X = X ←− i i i∈I

and each map gi is again given by the projection onto the i-component. To conclude that we∏ have found an inverse limit in the category of topological spaces we still have to equip Xi with a topology which has the following two properties: ∏ i∈I (i) the maps gi : Xi → Xi are continuous, i∈I

∏ ⊔ 298 Recall that the product Xi is defined as the set of all maps f : I → Xi with the property that i∈I i∈I f(i) ∈ Xi for all i ∈ I. Such a map f is often written as (f(i))i∈I and often we refer to f(i) as the i-component of f. Furthermore we refer to the map ∏ Xi → Xi i∈I f 7→ f(i) as the projection onto the i-component. Note that if the Xi’s are groups, rings or modules, then the product inherits this by component-wise multiplication and addition. 232 STEFAN FRIEDL ′ ′ ′ → (ii) given a topological space Y and continuous maps gi : Y Xi the map F , defined as in (D), is continuous.299 We set {∏ ∏ } (1) each Ui is open in Xi and B := Ui ⊂ Xi . i∈I i∈I (2) there exist only finitely many i’s with Ui ≠ Xi B It is straightforward to∏ verify that has the basis property that we had introduced on page 31. We equip Xi with the topology generated by this basis and we refer i∈I to this topology as the product topology.300 Now we need to verify that we found the correct topology on the direct limit. (i) It follows immediately from the definitions that the maps gi are continuous with respect to the product topology. ′ (ii) Suppose we are given Y and gi as above. We denote by F the map defined as above. We claim that F is continuous. By Lemma∏ 1.17 it suffices to verify that the preimage of any set in B is open. So let Ui be a set in B. Then i∈I ( ∏ ) ∩ ∩ −1 ′ −1 ′ −1 intersection of finitely F Ui = (gi) (Ui) = (gi) (Ui) = ′ i∈I | {z } many open subsets of Y . i∈I Ui≠ Xi open in Y ’ This concludes the proof that F is continuous. Now we can prove fairly easily that inverse limits exist in many categories that are of interest to us. Proposition 13.5. The inverse limit of any inverse system exists in the following cate- gories: (0) the category of sets, (1) the category of topological spaces, (2) the category of groups, (3) the category of topological groups,301 (4) the category of abelian groups, ∏ 299 On the product Xi we could also consider the topology T that is generated by all sets of the form ∏ i∈I ∏ Ui with Ui open in Xi. This might be a more “natural” topology on Xi. But with this topology T i∈I i∈I the map F does not necessarily have to be continuous. The problem is that T has “too many” open sets. 300If the index set I is finite, i.e. if we consider the product of finitely many topological spaces, then this definition of the product topology agrees with the definition given on page 16. 301A topological group is a topological space X together with a group structure, such that the two maps X × X → X X → X and (x, y) 7→ x · y x 7→ x−1 are continuous. A morphism between topological groups X and Y is a homomorphism f : X → Y that is ∼ 2 furthermore continuous. Examples of topological groups are given by SL(n, R) ⊂ Mat(n × n, R) = Rn and ∼ 2 ∼ 2 × U(n) ⊂ Mat(n × n, C) = Cn = R4n . Furthermore det: GL(n, R) → R is a morphism in the category of ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 233

(5) the category of rings, (6) the category of R-modules, where R is a commutative ring. We will see that the proof of Proposition 13.5 is a relatively straightforward generalization of the examples (D) and (E) above. Proof. Let (I, ≤) be a preordered set and let C be one of the seven given categories. Fur- thermore let ({Xi}i∈I , {fji : Xj → Xi}i≤j) be an inverse system in the category C. We define { ∏ }

lim Xi := (xi)i∈I ∈ Xi fji(xj) = xi for all i ≤ j . ←− i∈I Furthermore we denote by g : lim X → X the obvious projection maps. It follows imme- i ←− i i diately from the definitions that for any i ≤ j we have fji ◦ gj = gi. Furthermore, given an ′ ′ ′ → ∈ ◦ ′ ′ object Y and morphisms gi : Y Xi, i I which satisfy the condition fji gj = gi for all i ∈ I we define ′ F : Y → lim Xi (←− ∏ ) I → Xi y 7→ i∈I . 7→ ′ i gi(y) It is straightforward to verify that F (Y ′) lies in lim X and that F is the unique map with ←− i the desired property. This shows that the inverse limit exists in the category of sets.302 For the remaining six categories we will use the same definition of the direct limit as a set and the same maps, but we now have to verify that we have objects and morphisms in the given category. ∏ (1) Suppose that we work in the category of topological spaces. We equip Xi i∈I with the product topology that we had defined in Example (E) above. We equip lim X with the subspace topology. The same argument as in Example ←− i (E) shows that the maps gi and F are continuous.∏ (2) In the category of groups spaces we view Xi as a group via component-wise i∈I multiplication. Since the fij are group homomorphisms we see that lim Xi is a ∏ ←− subgroup of Xi. It is straightforward to verify that the above maps are all i∈I morphisms in the category of groups. (3) This case is a combination of (1) and (2). (4),(5),(6) These categories are dealt with the same way as (2). For all seven categories we have now provided an inverse limit.  topological groups. Also any group equipped with the discrete topology is a topological group and in this case any group homomorphism is also continuous. 302We will now see that we can use the “same” inverse limit for all the categories, this is very different from the construction of the direct limit for the same categories. There, in the proof of Proposition 13.1, we had to use several different construction. 234 STEFAN FRIEDL

Remark. We consider the important special case that the preordered set (I, ≤) = (N, ≤). Furthermore let ({Xn}n∈N, {fnm : Xn → Xm}m≤n) be an inverse system over (N, ≤) in any of the above seven categories. Given n ∈ N≥2 we write g := f − : X → X − . We have n n,n{ 1 n n 1 lim X = (x , x , x ,... ) | x ∈ X for all n ∈ N and f (x ) = x for all m ≤ n} ←− i { 1 2 3 n n nm n m = (x1, x2, x3,... ) | xn ∈ Xn for all n ∈ N and gn(xn) = xn−1 for all n ∈ N≥2} ↑

follows from fnm = fn,n−1 ◦ · · · ◦ fm+1,m = gn ◦ · · · ◦ gm+1 . . . .

7→ ↓

x3 ∈ X3

= all infinite sequences of the form 7→ ↓ g3 x2 ∈ X2 7→ ↓ g2 x1 ∈ X1 This discussion shows that we can view of elements in the inverse limit as “upward going sequences”. Now we return to our initial examples of inverse systems and their inverse limits. Examples. (A) It follows quite easily from the previous remark that n ∼ N lim Z = {(x , x , x ,... ) | x ∈ Z} = Z . ←− 1 2 3 n n∈N Note that this is an uncountable group. Recall that on page 214 we had determined that lim Zi = Z(N) = {(x , x ,... ) | x ∈ Z but only finitely many x are non-zero} −→ 1 2 i i which is a countable group.303 Thus we see that in this particular case the inverse limit is “much larger” than the direct limit.304 b i (B) Let p be a prime. The inverse limit Z := lim Z i of the rings Z i = Z/p Z is called p ←− p p the ring of the p-adic numbers.305 The p-adic numbers play a very prominent rˆolein many branches of pure mathematics.

303Why is Z(N) countable? 304Note though that we are comparing limits of different system, first of a direct system and then of an inverse system. 305In one often uses a different convention, namely one writes explicitly Z/pZ for the quotient ring and one denotes the p-adic numbers by Zp. If the expression “Zp” appears in a paper or a book it is a good idea to check the convention used by the author. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 235

(C) The inverse limit Zb := lim Z of the rings Z , n ∈ N, with the preorder on N defined ←− n n by the divisibility relation k|l, is called the ring of the profinite integers. Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem one can show that b ∼ ∏ b Z = Zp. prime p

(D) We let (I, ≤) = (N, ≤). Given i ∈ N we set Xi := N and for i ≤ j we define

fji : Xj = N → Xi = N n 7→ n + (j − i).

Then ({Xi = N}i∈N, {fji}j≤i) forms an inverse system in the category of sets. It is an amusing exercise to show that in this case the inverse limit is the empty set. (E) Let X be a topological space. We denote by K the set of all compact subsets of X. We consider K with the preorder given by inclusion, i.e. we have A ≤ B if A ⊆ 306 B. Given A ∈ K we define XA := π0(X \ A). Furthermore given A ≤ B we denote by fAB : π0(XB) → π0(XA) the map induced by the inclusion XB → XA. It is straightforward to verify that the sets {π0(XA)}A∈K , together with the inclusion induced maps fAB for A ≤ B define an inverse system in the category of sets. The elements of lim π (X ) are called the ends of X. In exercise sheet 12 we will determine ←− 0 A the number of ends of X = Rn. Definition. Let ({0, x, y}, ≤) be the push-pull set as defined on page 211, i.e. the preordered set with the non-trivial relations 0 ≤ x and 0 ≤ y, and let C be a category. An inverse system in the category C over ({0, x, y}, ≤) consists of three objects A0,Ax,Ay, the identity → → morphisms idA0 , idAx , idAy and morphisms fx : Ax A0 and fy : Ay A0. We refer to such a system as a pullback system and often we arrange the morphisms in a diagram as follows

Ay  fy / Ax A0. fx If the inverse limit of such a pullback system exists, then we refer to it as the pullback of the pullback system.307 The defining property of the pullback Z can be summarized in the

306 Recall that on page 24, given a topological space Y we had defined π0(Y ) as the set of path- components of Y . A map f : Y → Z between two topological spaces induces a map f∗ : π0(Y ) → π0(Z) in an obvious way. 307It follows quite easily from the definitions or from the proof of Proposition 13.5 that the pullback is given by

Z = {(x, y) ∈ Ax × Ay | fx(x) = fy(y)}. 236 STEFAN FRIEDL following diagram ′ ′ Z O gy O O O O ∃! ' ( pullback Z / A gx y g′ g x  y  fy ( / Ax A0. fx The following lemma will be proved in exercise sheet 12. Lemma 13.6. Let p: X → B be a covering of topological spaces, let C be a topological space and let f : C → B be a map. In the category of topological spaces we consider the pullback system

X Y F / X with the pullback  p q   p C / B C / B. f f Then q : Y → C is also a covering. We conclude this section on inverse limits with the following lemma.

Lemma 13.7. Let (I, ≤) be a preordered set and let ({Xi}i∈I , {fji : Xj → Xi}i≤j) be an inverse system of topological spaces. If all the Xi’s are compact and Hausdorff, then the inverse limit lim X is also compact.308 ←− i b Example. Let p be a prime. The abelian group Zp is the inverse limit of finite, hence b compact groups. It follows from Proposition 13.9 that Zp is also a compact topological b 309 b group. On the other hand Zp is infinite, which shows that the topology on Zp is not the discrete topology. The key ingredient in the proof of Lemma 13.7 is the following theorem. Theorem 13.8. (Tychonoff’s Theorem)310 The product of arbitrarily many compact topological spaces is again a compact topological space.

308Note that this is very different from the situation of the direct limit. The direct limit of topological ∈ N spaces is not necessarily compact,∪ for example the direct limit of the direct system [0, n], n is given by the non-compact space [0, n] = R. n∈N 309 b In fact Zp is uncountable (why?). 310Andrey Tikhonov (1906-1993) was a Russian mathematician. The spelling for the theorem is due to the fact that Tikhonov initially published in German and his name got transcribed from the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin alphabet as Tychonoff. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 237

If we take the product of only finitely many topological spaces, then we had obtained this result already in Analysis IV. For time reasons we cannot provide a proof of the general case of Tychonoff’s Theorem. A proof of Tychonoff’s Theorem is for example given in [J1, Chapter X].

Proof. Let (I, ≤) be a preordered set and let ({Xi}i∈I , {fji : Xj → Xi}i≤j) be an inverse ∈ system∏ of compact topological spaces that are Hausdorff. Given i I we denote by pi : Xj → Xi the projection map and we denote by Di = {(x, x) | x ∈ Xi} ⊂ Xi × Xi the j∈J diagonal. As we had pointed out on page 9, the hypothesis that Xi is Hausdorff implies that the diagonal Di is a closed subset of Xi × Xi. By the proof of Proposition 13.5 we have { } ∏ lim Xi := (xi)i∈I ∈ Xi flk(xl) = xk for all k ≤ l ←− ∩ { ∏ i∈I } ∩ −1 = x ∈ Xi ((flk ◦ pl) × pk) (x) ∈ Dk = ((flk ◦ pl) × pk) (Dk). ∈ | {z } | {z } k≤l i I k≤l ◦ × closed since Dk closed (flk∏ pl) pk is a map Xi → Xk × Xk i∈I ∏ Thus we see that lim X is the intersection of closed subsets of X , hence lim X itself is a ←− i i ←− i ∏ i∈I closed subset. But Xi is compact by Tychonoff’s Theorem 13.8, hence the closed subset i∈I lim X is also compact.  ←− i 13.5. The profinite completion of a group (∗). 311 Note that we can view any group as a topological group by equipping it with the discrete topology. With this topology a group is compact if and only if it is finite. Furthermore any homomorphism of groups equipped with the discrete topology is also a morphism in the category of topological groups.

Proposition 13.9. Let (I, ≤) be a preordered set and let ({Gi}i∈I , {fji : Gj → Gi}i≤j) be an inverse system of finite groups. Then the inverse limit lim G exists in the category of ←− i topological groups and it is a compact topological group. Proof. It follows from Proposition 13.5 that the inverse limit lim G exists in the category ←− i of topological groups. Since all the Gi’s are finite, in particular compact, it follows from Lemma 13.7 that the inverse limit lim G is also compact.  ←− i

Now let π be a group. We consider the set of all finite index normal subgroups {πi}i∈I . We equip the index set I with the preorder defined by the convention that i ≤ j if and 312 only if πj ⊂ πi. Given i ≤ j we denote by φji : π/πj → π/πi the obvious projection map. Then ({π/πi}i∈I , {φji : π/πj → π/πi}i≤j) forms an inverse system. We refer to πb := lim π/π ←− i

311This section is not part of the official lecture notes for Algebraic Topology I. 312 Note that we wrote πj ⊂ πi instead of πi ⊂ πj. 238 STEFAN FRIEDL as the profinite completion of π. By Proposition 13.9 the profinite completion πb is a compact topological group. It follows immediately from the definition of an inverse limit that there exists a unique homomorphism π → πb such that for any i the following diagram commutes: / π πb OO OOO OO' 0 π/πi. Examples. (1) The profinite completion Zb of the group Z equals precisely the profinite integers that we had encountered on page 235. (2) The profinite completion of a finite group G is the group itself, i.e. Gb = G.313 (3) Let G = Q. This group has no proper subgroups of finite index.314 It follows immediately from the definitions that Qb = {0}.

Now let φ: A → B be a group homomorphism. We denote by {Bi}i∈I the finite index normal subgroups of B. For Bj ⊂ Bi we denote again by pji : B/Bj → B/Bi the projection −1 315 map. For every i ∈ I the preimage φ (Bi) is a finite index normal subgroup of A. We b −1 φ now define ψi : A → A/φ (Bi) −→ B/Bi. Note that ψi is continuous since the first map is continuous by definition and the second map is a map between two topological spaces that are equipped with the discrete topology. It follows immediately from the definitions that for Bj ⊂ Bi we have pji ◦ ψj = ψi. It now follows from the definition of the inverse limit in the category of topological groups that there exists a unique continuous homomorphism φb: Ab → Bb such that for any i the following diagram commutes

b φb / b A B OO OOO OO' / B/B . ψi i It follows easily from the definitions and Proposition 13.9 that the maps A 7→ Ab together with the maps Mor(A, B) → Mor(A,b Bb) (φ: A → B) 7→ (φb: Ab → Bb) define a functor from the category of groups to the category of compact topological groups.

313Why is that? 314Why not? 315Why is it a finite index subgroup? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 239

14. Decision problems In the last chapters we had developed several techniques for determining the fundamental groups of topological spaces. In particular we managed to find finite presentations for the fundamental groups of large classes of spaces, e.g. graphs, surfaces, knot complements and mapping tori. In fact we now have enough tools to determine, with enough effort and perseverance, a presentation for the fundamental groups of most “reasonable” spaces. Furthermore we will see in Algebraic Topology II that the fundamental group of every compact manifold admits a finite presentation. The question that now arises is, what information can we extract from a finite presenta- tion of a group? Here are a couple of natural questions. Question 14.1. (1) Does there exist an algorithm that can decide whether or not a given finite presen- tation π = ⟨g1, . . . , gk | r1, . . . , rl⟩ represents the trivial group? (2) Does there exist an algorithm that can decide whether or not two given finite pre- sentations π = ⟨g1, . . . , gk | r1, . . . , rl⟩ and Γ = ⟨h1, . . . , hm | s1, . . . , sn⟩ represent isomorphic groups?316 (3) Does there exist an algorithm that can determine, given (a) a finite presentation π = ⟨g1, . . . , gk | r1, . . . , rl⟩ and (b) a word w in g1, . . . , gk, i.e. an element w ∈ ⟨g1, . . . , gk⟩, whether or not w represents the trivial element in the group π?317 Remark. The above question is formulated in a slightly informal way. After all, what is an “algorithm” supposed to be? The questions are made more precise in [CZ, Chapter 7]. On page 168 we had introduced the Tietze transformations on presentations. We had pointed out that two finite presentations for a given group are in fact related by a finite sequence of Tietze transformations. In particular, if π = ⟨g1, . . . , gk | r1, . . . , rl⟩ is a presen- tation for the trivial group, then we can turn the presentation after finitely many Tietze transformations into the trivial presentation ⟨ | ⟩. The problem is that we do not know how many Tietze transformations are required to turn a presentation of a trivial group into a trivial presentation. In particular at times it can be very hard to find the correct Tietze transformations. Example. We consider the presentation π = ⟨a, b, c | a3, b3, c4, ac = ca−1, aba−1 = bcb−1⟩. This is a presentation of the trivial group as can be seen as follows:318 (1) from aba−1 ∼ bcb−1 we get (aba−1)3 ∼ (bcb−1)3, (2) since a−1a ∼ e and b−1b ∼ 1 it follows that (aba−1)3 ∼ ab3a−1 and (bcb−1)3 ∼ bc3b−1,

316The question whether such an algorithm exists is often called the isomorphism problem. 317The question whether such an algorithm exists is often called the word problem. 318For elements , h of ⟨a, b, c⟩ we write g ∼ h if they represent the same element in π. 240 STEFAN FRIEDL

(3) we have b3 ∼ 1, hence ab3a−1 ∼ 1, therefore we get from (1) and (2) that bc3b−1 ∼ 1 hence c3 ∼ 1, (4) we have c3 ∼ 1 but we also have the relation c4 ∼ 1, so c ∼ 1, (5) since aba−1 ∼ bcb−1 it follows that aba−1 ∼ 1 and so b ∼ 1, (6) from ac ∼ ca−1 and c ∼ 1 it follows that a ∼ a−1, hence a2 ∼ 1, (7) together with a3 ∼ 1 we obtain a ∼ 1. (8) we now showed that a, b, c are all equivalent to 1, thus we see that the group defined by the presentation is the trivial group. This example shows that if a presentation corresponds to the trivial group, then it can be surprisingly complicated to verify this statement. Now suppose we are given a finite presentation and we have to decide whether or not it is a presentation of the trivial group. We can modify the presentation using Tietze transformations. If at some point we end up with the trivial presentation we know that the given presentation corresponds to the trivial group. But what happens if after many attempts at modifying the presentation using Tietze transformations we still do not have the trivial presentation. Does that mean that the presentation corresponds to a non-trivial group? Or does it just mean that we did not try long enough? So the real question is, does there exist an algorithm, that given a presentation which defines a non-trivial group, actually verifies that the group is non-trivial? Unfortunately the answer is quite sobering. Theorem 14.2. The answer to all three questions of Question 14.1 is no. Remark. Here “no” means that one can show that no such algorithm exists. This is a much stronger statement than saying that we do not know of an example of such an algorithm. Proof. (1) Adyan [A] and Rabin [Ra] showed in 1955 that the answer to the first question is no. (2) An algorithm that performs (2) would also give an algorithm for determining whether or not a given presentation is isomorphic to the trivial group with the empty presen- tation ⟨|⟩. But since the answer to (1) is no, it follows that the answer to (2) is also no. (3) If there did exist an algorithm that dealt with the third problem, then we could apply it in particular to the generators. Since a presentation presents the trivial group if and only if all generators are trivial, it follows that an algorithm for (3) would also give an algorithm for (1). Since the latter cannot exist, the former cannot exist either.  Remark. The statement of Theorem 14.2 that the answer to all three questions of Ques- tion 14.1 is no, is of course somewhat disappointing. But this raises the question whether there are interesting classes of groups for which the answer is actually yes. For example Mikhail Gromov [Gv]319 introduced the notion of a “word hyperbolic group” for which the

319Mikhail Gromov (1943-) is a French-Russian mathematician famous for his many contributions to geometry and group theory. He was the first person to view groups as “geometric objects”, giving rise to the subject of “geometric group theory”. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 241 answer to all three questions turns out to be yes. Examples of word hyperbolic groups are given by (1) finite groups, (2) free groups, fundamental groups of surfaces of genus ≥ 2, (3) fundamental groups of hyperbolic manifolds of any dimension, (4) fundamental groups of “Riemannian manifolds with negative sectional curvature”. In fact in a precise sense a “random” finitely presented group is word hyperbolic, see e.g. [Ol] for more details. The topic of word hyperbolic groups is a very important topic of mathematics in its own right. See e.g. [L¨o] for an introduction to word hyperbolic groups. Of course our main goal is not to classify groups, but our goal is to understand “rea- sonable” topological spaces. For example, given n ∈ N we would like to classify closed, orientable connected n-dimensional manifolds up to diffeomorphism. For n = 1 we did so in Proposition 1.27 and for k = 2 we saw the classification in Theorem 11.8. In particular we saw that in these dimensions only “few groups” appear as fundamental groups. The situation is very different in higher dimensions. First of all we have the following proposition, which is actually fairly easy to prove, see e.g. [CZ, Theorem 5.1.1] for details.320 Proposition 14.3. Given any finitely presented group π and any n ≥ 4 there exists a closed orientable connected n-dimensional manifold with fundamental group π. Markov [Mar] used Proposition 14.3 and Theorem 14.2 to prove the following theorem.321 Theorem 14.4. Let n ≥ 4. Then there is no algorithm that can decide whether or not two closed orientable n-manifolds are diffeomorphic. This leaves us with the case of 3-dimensional manifolds. It turns out that in this dimen- sion there does in fact exist such an algorithm. Theorem 14.5. There exists an algorithm that can decide whether or not two closed ori- entable connected 3-manifolds are diffeomorphic. In this case the algorithm is considerably more complicated than in the 1-dimensional and the 2-dimensional case. The proof that such an algorithm exists is due to the work of many mathematicians, first and foremost William Thurston and . The proof of the theorem was completed about 2003. It is impossible to mention here all the work that goes into proving Theorem 14.5. We refer to the survey paper [AFW, Theorem 4.27] for details and precise references.

320We will provide a proof in “Introduction to Knot Theory II”. 321Is Theorem 14.4 an immediate consequence of Proposition 14.3 and Theorem 14.2? 242 STEFAN FRIEDL

15. The universal cover of topological spaces After spending a lot of time on determining the fundamental groups of topological spaces we now want to return to the study of covering maps. One key goal of this section is to address the following question. Question 15.1. Does every path-connected topological space B admit a path-connected covering p: X → B such that X is simply connected? We know of course that the answer is yes for the torus, the Klein bottle and the M¨obius band. But does such a covering exist for the surface of genus 2? Or does it exist for the complement S3 \ K of a knot K ⊂ S3? How about the wedge S1 ∨ S1 of two circles? 15.1. Local properties of topological spaces. Before we can address Question 15.1 we need to recall the definition of a local property of topological space that we had already given in Section 1.5. Definition. Let P be a property of topological spaces. We say a topological space X is locally P if given any Q ∈ X and any neighborhood U of Q there exists an open neighborhood V of Q that is contained in U that has the property P . Examples. (1) Every simply-connected topological space is by definition path-connected, thus ev- ery locally simply-connected topological space is also locally path-connected. (2) On page 26 we had seen that every open subset of Rn is locally simply-connected. (3) According to Lemma 1.19 every topological manifold is locally path-connected. In fact almost the same proof shows that every topological manifold is locally simply- connected. (4) It is straightforward to see that each topological graph is locally simply-connected. Similarly it is easy to verify that the wedge of two manifolds is locally simply- connected. (5) We consider ∪∞ R2 \ 1 × − X := n [ 1, 1], n=1 with the usual subspace topology coming from R2. Then X is path-connected but not locally path-connected. Indeed, we consider the point (0, 0) ∈ X and the − 1 1 × − 1 1 ∩ neighborhood U = ( 2 , 2 ) ( 2 , 2 ) X. It is straightforward to show that there does not exist a path-connected neighborhood V of (0, 0) which is contained in U. We refer to Figure 139 for an illustration. (6) We consider ∪∞ ( ) R2 \ 1 X := n, 0 , n=1 with the subspace topology coming from R2. Then X is path-connected, locally path-connected but it is not locally simply connected. Indeed the origin admits no ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 243 ∪∞ R2 \ 1 × − n [ 1, 1] n=1  (0, 0)                                                                           U          

Figure 139.

neighborhood of the desired form, since any neighborhood of the origin contains “infinitely many holes”. We made this statement precise in exercise sheet 8.

15.2. Lifting maps to coverings. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed topological spaces. Furthermore let f :(Z, z0) → (B, b0) be a map. Recall that on page 96 e e we had said that f lifts, if there exists a lift f :(Z, z0) → (X, x0), i.e. a map f : Z → X e with f(z0) = x0 and which makes the following diagram commute

7 (X, x0) fe nnn nn p nnn  / (Z, z0) (B, b0). f

For example, if f : ([0, 1], 0) → (B, b0) is a map from the interval [0, 1] to B, i.e. if f is a path with starting point b0, then we had seen in Proposition 6.11 that there exists a unique ˜ lift of f to a map f : ([0, 1], 0) → (X, x0). Example. Consider the following maps:

1 6 (S , 1) ??? lift fe???m m m p 3 m m  z7→z 7→ 2 (S1, 1) z z / (S1, 1). f Here the map p is a 3-fold covering. Does the map f lift to a map fe? To answer the question we need to study lifts of maps a little more carefully. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed topological spaces land let f :(Z, z0) → (B, b0) ˜ be a map. Suppose that there exists a lift f :(Z, z0) → (X, x0). We then obtain the commutative diagram

(9 X, x0) from the functoriality of the π7 1(X, x0) rr oo f˜ rr fundamental group it follows f˜∗ oo rr p ( ) oo p∗ rr ooo r  that f∗ = p ◦ f˜ = p∗ ◦ f˜∗, i.e. o  / ∗ / (Z, z0) (B, b0) π1(Z, z0) π1(B, b0). f we get the commutative diagram f∗ 244 STEFAN FRIEDL

Thus it follows that if f lifts, then (( ) ) ( ) ◦ ˜ ◦ ˜ ⊂ im(f∗) = im p f ∗ = im p∗ f∗ im(p∗). So summarizing, if there exists a lift of f, then

im(f∗ : π1(Z, z0) → π1(B, b0)) ⊂ im(p∗ : π1(X, x0) → π1(B, b0)). 1 Example. In the above example we have π1(S , 1) = Z and im(f∗) = 2Z whereas we have im(p∗) = 3Z. So we see that f does not lift. The following proposition says, that the above conclusion has a converse, for “reasonably” topological spaces. More precisely, we have the following proposition which, under a modest technical hypothesis, gives a complete criterion for when a map lifts.

Proposition 15.2. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed topological spaces. Furthermore let Z be a path-connected and locally path-connected topological space and let f :(Z, z0) → (B, b0) be a map. Then

6 (X, x0) there exists a lift fem m m p ⇐⇒ ⊂ m m  im(f∗) im(p∗). / (Z, z0) (B, b0) f Furthermore, if such a lift exists, then it is unique.

Example. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed topological spaces. (1) The condition on the fundamental groups in Proposition 15.2 is automatically sat- isfied if Z is simply connected. n n (2) Now let f :(S , s0) → (B, b0) be a map. The topological manifold S is path- connected and locally path-connected. By Proposition 4.12 the sphere Sn is simply connected if n ≥ 2. Thus it follows from (1) that there exists a uniquely determined e n n lift f :(S , s0) → (X, x0) of the map f :(S , s0) → (B, b0). In the proof of Proposition 15.2 we will need the following lemma.

Lemma 15.3. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed spaces, let γ be a path in B with starting point b0 and let δ be another path in B with δ(0) = γ(1). We denote by γe the lift of γ with starting point x0. Then endpoint of the lift of γ ∗ δ endpoint of the lift of δ = to the starting point x0 to the starting point γe(1).

Proof. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed spaces, let γ be a path in B with starting point b0 and let δ be another path in B with δ(0) = γ(1). We denote by γe the e lift of γ with starting point x0 and we denote by δ the lift of δ to the starting point γe(1). ] Finally we denote by γ ∗ δ the lift of γ ∗ δ to the starting point x0. For t ∈ [0, 1] we write ∗ 1 e ]∗ 1 β(t) = (γ δ)( 2 (t + 1)) and β(t) = (γ δ)( 2 (t + 1)). Note that by definition we have ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 245





     e  γ          x  0   

    p  B           γ    





Figure 140. Illustration of Lemma 15.3

β(t) = δ(t) for t ∈ [0, 1] and that βe and δe are both lifts of β = δ to the starting point β(0) = γ(1) = δ(0). Thus it follows that endpoint of γ]∗ δ = (γ]∗ δ)(1) = βe(1) = δe(1) = endpoint of δe. ↑ by Proposition 6.11  Now we can give the proof of Proposition 15.2.

Proof of Proposition 15.2. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed topological spaces. Furthermore let Z be a path-connected and locally path-connected topological space and let f :(Z, z0) → (B, b0) be a map. By the discussion on page 244 we only have to prove the “⇐=”-direction of the propo- sition. So suppose that we have

im(f∗ : π1(Z, z0) → π1(B, b0)) ⊂ im(p∗ : π1(X, x0) → π1(B, b0)). e We have to construct a lift f :(Z, z0) → (X, x0). We will do so as follows. Let z ∈ Z be a point. Since Z is path-connected we can find a path α: [0, 1] → Z with α(0) = z0 and α(1) = z. According to Proposition 6.11 we can lift the path f ◦ α: [0, 1] → B to a path ^ (f ◦ α): [0, 1] → X with starting point x0. We define fe(z) := (^f ◦ α)(1). This definition is illustrated in Figure 141. We have to verify the following statements: (1) the map fe: Z → X is well-defined, (2) the map fe is continuous, (3) the map fe is a lift, (4) and the map fe is the unique lift. We will do so in the following: 246 STEFAN FRIEDL


   x  0    ]

 ◦ ◦

 lift f α of f α to

                 e    the starting point x   0   Z z  f










    f(z)         b   0       











       z  ◦ 0 α  f α  

Figure 141.

(1) We have to show that for z ∈ Z the point fe(z) ∈ X is well-defined, i.e. independent of the choice of the path α. Thus let β : [0, 1] → Z be another path with β(0) = z0 and β(1) = z. (This situation is illustrated in Figure 142.) It follows that ^ (f ◦ α)(t = 1) = (lift of f ◦ α to the starting point x0)(t = 1) = (lift of (f ◦ α) ∗ (f ◦ β) ∗ (f ◦ β) to the starting point x0)(t = 1) ↑ by Corollary 6.13 since f ◦ α and (f ◦ α) ∗ (f ◦ β) ∗ (f ◦ β) are homotopic ◦ ∗ ∗ ◦ = (lift of (f ( |α{zβ} )) (f β) to the starting point x0)(t = 1)

=: γ, a loop in (Z, z0) = (lift of f ◦ β to the starting point (f]◦ γ)(1))(t = 1) ↑ ] Lemma 15.3, where f ◦ γ denotes the lift of f ◦ γ to the starting point x0 ^ = (lift of f ◦ β to starting point x0)(t = 1) = (f ◦ β)(t = 1). ↑

by our hypothesis we have [f ◦ γ] = f∗([γ]) ∈ im(f∗) ⊂ p∗(π1(X, x0)), ] 322 hence f ◦ γ is a loop in x0 by Lemma 6.15 Thus we have shown that the map f˜ is well-defined. (2) Now we want to show that fe is continuous. So let z ∈ Z. We pick a path α from e z0 to z. Since p is a covering there exists an open neighborhood V of f(z) such that the restriction of p to V is a homeomorphism onto its image. We denote by q : p(V ) → V the inverse map. Since Z is locally path-connected there exists an open

322 e Lemma 6.15 (1) says the following: if δ is a loop in (B, b0) and if δ denotes the lift of δ to the starting point x0, then the following holds: e δ is a loop in (X, x0) ⇐⇒ [δ] lies in p∗(π1(X, x0)) ⊂ π1(B, b0). We apply the lemma to δ = f ◦ γ. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 247

  X     ]  ◦ ◦  lift f β of f β   x  0     



  ]      ◦ ◦     lift f α of f α         Z z   











    f(z)         b   0       












         z  ◦ 0 α  f α  

Figure 142. neighborhood U of z that is contained in f −1(p(V )) and that is path-connected. Since f and q are continuous it suffices to prove the following claim. Claim. On the open neighborhood U of z the map fe agrees with q ◦ f. So let w ∈ U. Since U is path-connected there exists a path δ from z to w that lies in U. Then e f(w) = endpoint of the lift of f ◦ (α ∗ δ) = (f ◦ α) ∗ (f ◦ δ) to the starting point x0 = endpoint of the lift of f ◦ δ to the starting point fe(z) ↑ by Lemma 15.3 and the definition of fe(z) as the endpoint of f]◦ α = endpoint of q ◦ (f ◦ δ) = (q ◦ f)(δ(1)) = (q ◦ f)(w). ↑ since q = p−1 we know that q ◦ (f ◦ δ) is the lift of f ◦ δ to the starting point f(z)


  X   ˜   f(z)         x    0       




            e               f       V          Z     










  q  p is a homeomorphism 





           z             b   0         f                                   




               f(z)       z   0               ◦   f δ w     ◦ α  f α f(w)  δ − U is contained in f 1(p(V )) and it is path-connected

Figure 143. 248 STEFAN FRIEDL

(3) We need to show that fe is a lift, i.e. we need to show that p ◦ fe = f. So let z ∈ Z. Then p(f˜(z)) = p(αe(1)) = α(1) = z. ↑

pick path α from z0 to z and denote by αe the lift of α (4) The uniqueness of the lift of paths, see Proposition 6.11, also gives the desired unique- ness statement for the lift of f. More precisely, suppose we are given another lift e′ e′ f : Z → X of f with f (z0) = x0. Let z ∈ Z. Since Z is path-connected there exists a path α: [0, 1] → Z from z0 to z. Then f ◦ α: [0, 1] → B is a path and e e′ f ◦ α and f ◦ α are both lifts of f ◦ α to the starting point x0. By Proposition 6.11 we have fe ◦ α = fe′ ◦ α. In particular the endpoints agree. But this implies that fe(z) = (fe◦ α)(1) = (fe′ ◦ α)(1) = fe′(z).  In exercise sheet 13 we will prove the following corollary. Corollary 15.4. Let π : X → B be a covering of topological spaces. Then any open simply connected and locally path-connected subset U ⊂ B is uniformly covered.

15.3. Existence of covering spaces. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed topological spaces. In Corollary 6.14 we had seen that

p∗ : π1(X, x0) → π1(B, b0) is an injective map. Thus we can view π1(X, x0) as a subgroup of π1(B, b0). Generalizing Question 15.1 one can now ask, whether to each subgroup Γ of π1(B, b0) there exists a corresponding covering with p∗(π1(X, x0)) = Γ. We will see that this is indeed the case, at least under the rather technical assumption that the topological space B is locally simply connected. The following proposition gives in particular an affirmative answer to Question 15.1 under rather modest hypotheses. Proposition 15.5. Let Y be a path-connected and locally simply connected topological space, let y0 ∈ Y and let Γ ⊂ π = π1(Y, y0) be a subgroup. 323 (1) There exists a path-connected covering p:(X, x0) → (Y, y0) of pointed topological spaces such that p∗(π1(X, x0)) = Γ. (2) For the covering p from (1) we have

[X : Y ] = [π1(Y, y0) : Γ]. Example. 1 324 1 (1) We consider (Y, y0) = (S , 1). We pick an identification π1(S , 1) = Z. Given 1 n ∈ N we consider Γ = nZ ⊂ Z = π1(S , 1). Then the covering p: S1 → S1 z 7→ zn

323Hereby we say that a covering p: X → Y is path-connected if X is path-connected. ∼ 324 1 = This means that we pick an isomorphism π1(S , 1) −→ Z and then ignore it in the notation. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 249

1 has the property that p∗(π1(S , 1)) = nZ. Another example is given by the covering q : R/nZ → S1 t + nZ 7→ eit.

Here we also have im(q∗) = nZ. (2) Let Z be a simply connected topological space and let z0 ∈ Z. Furthermore let π be a group that acts on Z continuously and discretely. We consider Y = Z/π, we denote by q : Z → Y = Z/π the projection map and we write y0 = q(z0). Using the isomorphism of Theorem 6.16 we can identify π with π1(Y, y0). Now let Γ ⊂ π = π1(Y, y0) be a subgroup. Then the group Γ also acts on Z and we can consider the projection map p: X := Z/Γ → Y := Z/π

We denote by x0 the image of z0 under the projection map Z → X = Z/Γ. One can show easily that p: X = Z/Γ → Y = Z/π is a covering map with p∗(π1(X, x0)) = Γ. We summarize the situation in the following diagram

SS { } Z SSS π1(Z, z0) = e SSS SS)  q X = Z/Γ π1(X, x0) = Γ p kkk _  ukkkk p∗  Y = Z/π π1(Y, y0) = π. Proof of Proposition 15.5. Let Y be a path-connected and locally simply connected325 topo- logical space, let y0 ∈ Y and let Γ ⊂ π = π1(Y, y0) be a subgroup. We only need to show the existence of such a covering, the statement about the degree of the covering is an immediate consequence of Lemma 6.15 (3). To get an idea for the construction, let us first consider the case that Γ is the trivial group. In this case we want to construct a covering p: X → Y such that X is simply-connected. Let us assume for a second, that we have such an X. Pick x0 with p(x0) = y0. Then, somewhat similar to the statement of Theorem 6.16, we have a map

Φ: X → {homotopy classes of paths starting in y0} x 7→ p ◦ (any path from x to x0). In fact the proof of Theorem 6.16 comes close to showing that the map Φ is a bijection. Hence Φ is is in fact a homeomorphism, provided we equip the right hand side with an appropriate topology. Now that we are not given X, the idea is, that given (Y, y0) we can define the right hand side of the above bijection, and with a suitable topology we will have found our X. 325Several times we will make use of the fact that a locally simply connected topological is in particular locally path-connected. 250 STEFAN FRIEDL

We first consider326

W := {all paths in Y with starting point y0}. For u, v ∈ W we write u ∼ v :⇐⇒ u and v have the same endpoint and [u ∗ v] ∈ Γ.

Using the fact that Γ ⊂ π1(Y, y0) is a subgroup one can show easily that ∼ is indeed an equivalence relation on W . The definitions of W and ∼ are illustrated in Figure 144. We ∼ write X := W/ and x0 := [ey0 ], i.e. x0 is the equivalence class of the constant path.

  α   Y is an annulus     Z ⊂ Z  we consider Γ = 2 π1(Y, y0) = ,  β  y  0          then α and β are equivalent,       but α and γ are inequivalent   γ  

Figure 144.

Now we consider the map p: X = W/ ∼ → Y [v] 7→ v(1). Note that this map is is well-defined, i.e. it is independent of the choice of the representa- tive v. What remains to be done is to verify that our construction gives the desired object. We still need to do the following steps: (1) we have to put a suitable topology on X, (2) we have to show that with the topology from (1) the above map p: X → Y is contin- uous and open, (3) we need to prove that the map p: X → Y is a covering, (4) we have to show that X = W/ ∼ with the topology from (1) is path-connected, (5) finally we need to show that we have the desired equality p∗(π1(X, x0)) = Γ. We now perform these steps. (1) Let x = [f] ∈ X = W/ ∼ and let V be an open path-connected neighborhood of p(x) = f(1) ∈ Y . We consider U(x, V ) := {[f ∗ u] | u is a path in V with starting point f(1)} ⊂ X = W/ ∼ . We denote by B the family of all such subsets of X. We have to verify that these sets satisfy the “basis property” that we had introduced on page 31.

326At a first reading of the proof of the proposition it is perhaps best to just think of the case that 1 1 Y = S × [−1, 1] and that Γ ⊂ π1(S ) is the trivial group. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 251

(B1) For each x ∈ X there exists an open path-connected neighborhood V .327 Clearly we have x ∈ U(x, V ). This shows that B satisfies (B1). (B2) Now let x = [f] be a point in the intersection of U(a, A) and U(b, B). Since Y is in particular locally path-connected there exists an open path-connected neighborhood V of f(1) with V ⊂ A ∩ B. It is straightforward to see that U(x, V ) ⊂ U(a, A) ∩ U(b, B). We refer to Figure 145 for an illustration.

 x  a  A       Y      V             y0 B b

Figure 145.

We henceforth consider X as topological space with the topology generated by B. (2) Now we want to show that the map p: X = W/ ∼ → Y is continuous and open. We start with the following observation: for every x ∈ X and every open path-connected neighborhood V of p(x) we have p(U(x, V )) = V .328 We now turn to the actual proof of continuity. So let A ⊂ Y be an open subset and let x = [f] ∈ p−1(V ). It suffices to show that there exists an open subset B of Y such that U(x, B) ⊂ p−1(A). Since Y is locally path-connected, there exists an open neighborhood B of x that is contained in A and that is path-connected. By the above observation we have p(U(x, B)) = B ⊂ A, i.e. U(x, B) ⊂ p−1(A). Finally we show that p is also open. By Lemma 1.18 it suffices to verify that images of the basis of the topology of X are open. But this statement we had just verified in the above observation. (3) Now we want to prove that p: X = W/ ∼ → Y is a covering map. So let y ∈ Y be a point. We need to show that there exists a connected open neighborhood V of y such that the restriction of p to each component of p−1(V ) is a homeomorphism. Since Y is locally simply connected there exists an open simply connected neigh- borhood V of y. We claim that V already has the desired property. Claim. ⊔ p−1(V ) = U(˜y, V ). y˜∈p−1(y) It is clear that the right-hand side is contained in the left-hand side. Next we want to show that the left-hand side is contained in the right-hand side. So let [g] ∈ p−1(V ).

327Hereby we use that Y is locally simply connected, in particular it is locally path-connected. 328By definition we have p(U(x, V )) ⊂ V . But since V is path-connected we also have V ⊂ p(U(x, V )). 252 STEFAN FRIEDL

Hereby g is a path in Y from y0 to a point v ∈ V . Since V is in particular path- connected there exists a path h in V from v to y. We then have ∗ ∗ ∈ ∗ [g] = [g h h] U([|g{zh}],V ). ∈p−1(y) We refer to Figure 146 for an illustration.

g v   V    Y                     y  y0  h

Figure 146.

It remains to show that the sets on the right-hand side of the claim are disjoint. So let [v′], [v′′] ∈ p−1(y) and let [g] ∈ U([v′],V ) ∩ U([v′′],V ). Then there exist paths u′ and u′′ in V with [v′ ∗ u′] = [v′′ ∗ u′′]. It follows that [v′] = [v′ ∗ u′ ∗ u′] = [v′′ ∗ u′′ ∗ u′] = [v′′]. ↑ u′′ ∗ u′ is null-homotopic since V is simply connected Thus U([v′],V ) ∩ U([v′′],V ) intersect only if [v′] = [v′′]. We refer to Figure 147 for an illustration. This concludes the proof of the claim.

′  v ′   u        Y                ′′    u  y0    ′′  V v y

Figure 147.

Since the sets U(˜y, V ) are open and disjoint it now suffices to prove the following claim. Claim. For eachy ˜ ∈ p−1(y) the restriction of the projection map p: X = W/ ∼ → Y to the map p: U(˜y, V ) → V is a homeomorphism. So lety ˜ ∈ p−1(y). As we had just pointed out in (2), the map p: U(˜y, V ) → V is surjective. From the fact that V is simply connected it also follows immediately that p is injective. Furthermore we had just verified in (2) that p is continuous and open. Therefore p: U(˜y, V ) → V is a homeomorphism. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 253

(4) Now we want to show that X = W/ ∼ is path-connected. We start out with the following claim. Claim. Let α: [0, 1] → Y be a path. Then αe: [0, 1] → X[ = W/ ∼ ] [0, 1] → Y t 7→ . s 7→ α(ts) is a continuous map. By Lemma 1.17 it suffices to show that for each U(x, V ) in the basis B of the topology on X the preimage αe−1(U(x, V )) is open in [0, 1]. So suppose we are given U(x, V ). −1 We denote by {Ij}j∈J the path-components of α (V ). Since α is continuous each Ij 329 is an open subset of [0, 1]. Note that for each j ∈ J we either have αe(Ij) ⊂ U(x, V ) or αe(Ij) ∩ U(x, V ) = ∅. It follows that −1 αe (U(x, V )) = union of all the Ij with the property that αe(Ij) ⊂ U(x, V ). Thus we see that αe−1(U(x, V )) is a union of open subsets of [0, 1], hence the preimage itself is open. This concludes the proof of the claim. To show that X is path-connected it suffices to show that for every point x ∈ X ∈ there exists a path in X from x0 = [ey0 ] to x. So let x = [α] X. Then such a path is given by αe: [0, 1] → X, where αe is defined as in the claim. By the claim αe is indeed continuous. (5) It remains to show that p∗(π1(X, x0)) = Γ. Let g ∈ π1(Y, y0). We choose a represen- tatives α: [0, 1] → Y of g. We consider the following path330 in X = W/ ∼ αe: [0, 1] → X[ = W/ ∼ ] [0, 1] → Y t 7→ . s 7→ α(ts)

Note that αe is evidently the lift of α to the starting point x0. Then we have ∈ ⇔ e ⇔ ∼ e ⇔ ∈ g p∗(π1(X, x0)) α is a loop in X = W/ we have α(1) = x0 = ey0 α Γ. ↑ ↑ Lemma 6.15 (1) definition of ∼ on W 

Now the question arises, to what degree is the covering corresponding to the subgroup Γ unique. To answer that question we need an appropriate notion of two coverings being equivalent. Definition. Let p: X → B and q : Y → B be two coverings of a topological space it B. We say p and q are equivalent, if there exists a homeomorphism Φ: X → Y such that the

329This might require a few minutes of thought. 330Note that this map is continuous by the claim in (4). 254 STEFAN FRIEDL following diagram commutes: Φ / X EE ∼ z Y EE = zz EE zz p E" z| z q B. Similarly we define the equivalence of coverings of pointed topological spaces. Example. Given n ∈ N the two coverings p: S1 → S1 q : R/nZ → S1 and z 7→ zn t + nZ 7→ eit are equivalent. In fact the desired map Φ: S1 → R/nZ is given by e2πit 7→ [nt]. Now we can formulate the following proposition:

Proposition 15.6. Let B be a topological space, let b0 ∈ B and let Γ ⊂ π1(B, b0) be a subgroup.

(1) Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a path-connected and locally path-connected covering such that p∗(π1(X, x0)) = Γ. This covering has the following universal property: for any other path-connected covering q :(Y, y0) → (B, b0) with Γ ⊂ q∗(π1(Y, y0)) there exists a unique covering r :(X, x0) → (Y, y0) such that the following diagram commutes:

(X, x0) R ∃R! r R( p (Y, y ) ll 0  llll v q (B, b0). (2) If B is path-connected and locally simply connected, then there exists, up to equivalence, a unique path-connected covering p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) of pointed topological spaces such that p∗(π1(X, x0)) = Γ.

Proof. Let B be a topological space and let b0 ∈ B.

(1) Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) and q :(Y, y0) → (B, b0) be two path-connected coverings such that p∗(π1(X, x0)) ⊂ q∗(π1(Y, y0)). We assume furthermore that X is locally path-connected. It follows from Proposition 15.2 that there exists a unique map r :(X, x0) → (Y, y0) which makes the following diagram commute (Y, y ) n6 0 r nn nnn q nnn  / (X, x0) p (B, b0). It remains to show that r is a covering. This will be done in exercise sheet 13. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 255

(2) The existence of such a covering is just the statement of Proposition 15.5. The uniqueness statement is an immediate consequence of (1)331 and the usual proof of uniqueness for an object satisfying a universal property. We leave the details to the reader.  Corollary 15.7. Let X be a path-connected and locally simply connected topological space and let x0 ∈ X. Then the following holds: (1) There exists, up to equivalence, a unique path-connected covering e p:(X, xe0) → (X, x0) such that Xe is simply connected. (2) Let q :(Y, y0) → (X, x0) be another path-connected covering. Then there exists a e unique covering r :(X, xe0) → (Y, y0) such that the following diagram commutes: e e (X, x0) Q QQrQ QQ( p (Y, y ) ll 0  vllll q (X, x0). Proof. Let X be a path-connected and locally simply connected topological space and let x0 ∈ X.

(1) We apply Proposition 15.6 to the trivial subgroup of π1(X, x0) and we obtain, up e to equivalence, a unique path-connected covering p:(X, xe0) → (X, x0) such that e e p∗(π1(X, xe0)) is the trivial group. But then it follows from Corollary 6.14 that X is simply-connected. (2) The second statement is also an immediate consequence of Proposition 15.6.  Definition. Let X be a path-connected and locally simply connected topological space. We refer to the covering p: Xe → X such that Xe is simply connected as the universal covering of X.332 Examples. (1) The map p: R → R/Z = S1 t 7→ e2πit is the universal covering of S1.

331If one does the argument carefully, then one sees, that here we use the following fact: if B is locally simply connected, then also every of B is locally simply connected, in particular every covering space of B is locally path-connected. 332In the literature the universal covering of a topological space is usually indicated by the same symbol but decorated with a tilde, e.g. the universal covering of X is usually denoted by Xe. 256 STEFAN FRIEDL

(2) More generally, the map p: Rn → (S1)n ) 2πit1 2πitn (t1, . . . , tn) 7→ e , . . . , e is the universal covering of the n-dimensional torus (S1)n. 3 3 (3) The projection map p: S → S /Zp = L(p, q) is the universal covering of the lens space L(p, q). Remark. The universal covering is often also just called the universal cover. Also very often one suppresses the actual map p from the notation. For example, often one says that “Rn is the universal cover of (S1)n”. The name “universal cover(ing)” stems from the fact, proved in Corollary 15.7, that the universal cover(ing) of a topological space X “covers” every other covering of X. We have now shown that for every “reasonable” topological space X there exists a universal cover p: X˜ → X. So far we have given an abstract construction, but if possible we would like to visualize it. We have just given an explicit description of the universal cover of the n-dimensional torus (S1)n and the lens spaces. We will now describe the universal covers of X = S1 ∨ S2 and X = S1 ∨ S1. First we consider X = S1 ∨ S2 where we identify i ∈ S1 with (0, 0, −1) ∈ S2. As on page 150 we consider the space ( ) Xe = R ∪ (Z × S2) / n ∼ (n, (0, 0, −1)), n ∈ Z. It is straightforward to see that the map ( ) p: R ∪ (Z × S2) / n ∼ (n, (0, 0, −1)) → {S1 ∨ S2 i(2πP + π ) e 2 , if P ∈ R P 7→ Q, if P = (n, Q) with n ∈ Z,Q ∈ S2 is well-defined and in fact a covering. We had seen on page 150 that Xe is simply connected. Thus p: Xe → X is the universal cover of X.

p      X = S1 ∨ S2 Xe

Figure 148.

Now we turn to X = S1 ∨ S1. In the following we give a semi-rigorous description of the 1 1 2 universal cover of S ∨ S as a subset of R . Iteratively we build a sequence of spaces Yk, k ∈ N0 as follows:

(1) The space Y0 is the cross centered at the origin where each segment has length 1. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 257

1 333 (2) Given Yk we attach to each endpoint of Yk three segments of length 4k such that each endpoint of Yk now has a neighborhood that is a cross. We denote the resulting space by Y . k+1 ∪ Finally we put Y = Yk. This construction is illustrated in Figure 149. We summarize k∈N0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Y  0   Y1 Y2

Figure 149. some of the key properties of the construction in the following claim. Claim. 334 (1) Each Yk is a tree. (2) Y is simply connected.

Sketch of proof. First note that χ(Y0) = 5 − 4 = 1. For k ≥ 1 we obtain Yk from Yk−1 by adding three vertices and three edges, hence χ(Yk) = χ(Yk−1) = ··· = χ(Y0) = 1. This shows that each Yk is a tree. It follows from Proposition 7.7 that each Yk is simply connected. k+1 Given k0 ∈ N we denote by Uk the result of removing the 4 endpoints of Yk. Note that each Uk is open in Yk, hence each Uk is open in Y . Furthermore each Uk deformation retracts to Yk−1. Hence it follows from the fact that each Yk is simply connected that also each Uk is simply connected. ∪ ∪ It follows as in Lemma 9.5 that Y = Yk = Uk itself is simply connected.  k∈N k∈N Now we construct a covering p: Y → S1 ∨ S1. To distinguish the two copies of S1 we name them A and B, which are wedged together along a ∈ A and b ∈ B. We give both A and B the usual counterclockwise orientation. Furthermore we orient each edge of the infinite graph Y as indicated in Figure 150. We consider the map p: Y → A ∨ B that is given as follows: (1) each vertex of the infinite graph Y gets sent to the point a = b ∈ A ∨ B,

333 1 In Figure 149 and 150 the lengths of the segments is 2k since these are easier to draw. 334Recall that a tree is a graph with finitely many vertices V and edges E, such that the Euler charac- teristic χ(G) = #V − #E = 1. 258 STEFAN FRIEDL

                          A B                                                                               p                                                                                                             1 1        ∨ ∨       X = S S = A B                 Y 

Figure 150.

(2) each horizontal edge of Y gets sent in an orientation-preserving way to A \{a}, (3) each vertical edge of Y gets sent in an orientation-preserving way to B \{b}. This map is illustrated in Figure 150. It is relatively straightforward to convince oneself that p: Y → X is in fact a covering.335 Indeed, the statement is Since Y is simply connected, this is the universal cover of X = A ∨ B = S1 ∨ S1. We have now determined explicitly the universal covers of several topological spaces. The surfaces of genus g ≥ 2 are arguably one of the most interesting types of topological manifolds. Therefore it is natural to ask the following question. Question 15.8.

(1) Given a surface Σ of genus g ≥ 2 and a finite-index subgroup Γ ⊂ π1(Σ), what does the corresponding cover look like? (2) What does the universal cover of the surface of genus g ≥ 2 look like? We will address these two questions in the following two sections. But for the first question we will obtain a complete answer only in Algebraic Topology II. But before we turn to the covering spaces of surfaces we quickly recall that in Theo- rem 6.16 we had seen that if X is a simply connected topological space and if G is a group that acts continuously and discretely on X, then the fundamental group of the quotient space X/G is isomorphic to G. We will now show that, under modest extra hypotheses, the converse holds. More precisely, we have the following proposition. Proposition 15.9. Let Y be a path-connected, locally simply connected topological space. We write π = π1(Y ). Then there exists a simply connected topological space X and a continuous and discrete action of π on X such that Y is homeomorphic to X/π.

335We have to check that each point in X = A ∨ B admits an open neighborhood that is uniformly covered. It is clear that such a point exists for all points that are not the wedge point. For the wedge point itself the desired open neighborhood is given by small open intervals on A and B. Then each component of the preimage consists of a little cross with center P , with one horizontal edge going into P , one horizontal edge going out of P , one vertical edge going into P and one vertical edge going out of P . ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 259

Proof. Let Y be a path-connected, locally simply connected topological space. We pick a base point y0 ∈ Y . In Proposition 15.5 we had already shown that Y admits a simply con- nected covering. We recall the explicit construction given in the proof of Proposition 15.5. Thus we consider

W := {all paths in Y with starting point y0}. For u, v ∈ W we write

u ∼ v :⇔ u and v have the same endpoint and [u ∗ v] = e ∈ π1(Y, y0) and we put X = W/ ∼. As on page 250, given x = [f] ∈ X = W/ ∼ and an open path-connected neighborhood V of f(1) we define U(x, V ) := {[f ∗ u] | u is a path in V with starting point f(1)} ⊂ Y = W/ ∼ . Furthermore, as in the proof of Proposition 15.5 we endow X with the topology generated by these sets U(x, V ). Claim. The map π1(Y, y0) × X → X ([g], [u]) 7→ [g ∗ u] is a well-defined action. We first show that the map is independent of the choice of u. So suppose that u, v ∈ W are equivalent. Then g ∗ u and g ∗ v still have the same endpoint. Now we need to consider the second condition in the definition of ∼. We have ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −1 ∈ [(g u) (g v)] = [g u v g] = [g] |[u{zv}] [g] = e π1(Y, y0).

=e∈π1(Y,y0) It is straightforward to see that the map does not depend on the choice of representative g. Finally we want to show that it is indeed an action. So let [g], [h] ∈ π1(Y, y0). Then [g] · ([h] · [u]) = [g] · [h ∗ u] = [g ∗ (h ∗ u)] = [(g ∗ h) ∗ u] = [g ∗ h] · [u] = ([g] · [h]) · [u]. This concludes the proof of the claim. Now we need to show the following:

(1) the group π1(Y, y0) acts continuously and discretely on X = W/ ∼, (2) there exists a homeomorphism f : X/π1(Y, y0) → Y . We do this in the following two steps: (1) It follows immediately from the definition of the topology on X = W/ ∼ and from Lemma 1.17 that the action is continuous. Now we need to show that the action is discrete. So let x = [w] ∈ W/ ∼. Since W is locally simply connected we can pick a simply connected neighborhood V around the endpoint P of w. It suffices to show that for [g] ∈ π1(Y, y0) we have

[g] · U(x, V ) ∩ U(x, V ) ≠ ∅ =⇒ [g] = e ∈ π1(Y, y0). 260 STEFAN FRIEDL

So suppose that [g] · U(x, V ) ∩ U(x, V ). This means that there exist paths a and b in U, starting from P such that g ∗ w ∗ a and w ∗ b have the same endpoint and they are homotopic. But then ∈ { } =e πz1(}|Y,y0{)= e · · ∗ ∗ −1 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∈ [g] = [g] |[w] [a {zb] [w] } = [(g w a) (w b)] = e π1(Y, y0).

=e∈π1(Y,y0) We refer to Figure 151 for an illustration.

a  simply connected  w  

g  neighborhood V of P        b y0 P

Figure 151.

(2) We consider the map

f : X/π1(Y, y0) → Y [w] 7→ w(1). It is straightforward to see that this map is a bijection. It follows immediately from Lemma 1.7 that the map is continuous and it follows from Lemma 1.18 that the map is open. Thus it is a homeomorphism.  ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 261

16. Covering spaces and manifolds 16.1. Covering spaces of manifolds. In this section we show that covering spaces of (topological) manifolds are themselves (topological) manifolds. Proposition 16.1. Let p: Xe → X be a countable covering336 of a connected topological space X. (1) If X is an n-dimensional topological manifold (without boundary), then Xe is also an n-dimensional topological manifold (without boundary). (2) If X admits a smooth atlas, then Xe also admits a smooth atlas such that p is a local diffeomorphism,337 in particular such that p is a smooth map. (3) If X is an oriented manifold, then Xe also admits an orientation such that p: Xe → X is orientation-preserving. In the proof of Proposition 16.1 we will need the following technical lemma. Lemma 16.2. Let p: Xe → X be a countable covering of a topological space X. If X is second-countable, then Xe is also second-countable. Proof. Let p: Xe → X be a countable covering of a topological space X. Recall that we −1 e say U ⊂ X is uniformly covered, if p (U) is the union of disjoint open subsets {Ui}i∈I e with the property, that the restriction of p to each subset Ui is a homeomorphism. If U is uniformly covered, then every open subset of U is also uniformly covered. Let B be a countable basis for the topology of X. We denote by U = {Uj}j∈J the family∪ of all open subsets of X that are uniformly covered. Since p is a covering we have Uj = X. It follows from Lemma 1.16 that j∈J ′ B := {B ∈ B | there exists a j ∈ J with B ⊂ Uj} is also a basis for the topology of X. Now let B ∈ B′. Since open subsets of uniformly covered subsets are uniformly covered −1 we know that p (B) is the union of disjoint open sets Bi, i ∈ IB such that the restriction of p to each Bi is a homeomorphism. Since p is a countable covering the index set IB is countable. Claim. e ′ B := {Bi | B ∈ B and i ∈ IB} is a basis for the topology of Xe.

336Recall that a covering p: Xe → X of a connected topological space is called countable if the index, i.e. the cardinality of the preimage of a point in X, is countable. 337Recall that a map f : M → N between two manifolds is called a local diffeomorphism if given any P ∈ M there exists an open neighborhood U of P and open neighborhood V of f(P ) such that f : U → V is a diffeomorphism. 262 STEFAN FRIEDL

It is straightforward to see that Be has the basis property. Every set in Be is of course open in Xe. By the remark on page 32 it now suffices to show that given any open set W of e e X and any point x ∈ W there exists a set Bi in B with x ∈ B ⊂ W . So let x ∈ W . Since B′ is a basis for the topology of X there exists a B ∈ B′ with p(x) ∈ B ⊂ p(W ). But then there exists an i ∈ IB with x ∈ Bi ⊂ W . This completes the proof of the claim. ′ e Since B is countable and since each IB is countable we see that B consists of countably many open sets. This shows that Xe is second-countable.  Now we can provide the proof of Proposition 16.1. Proof of Proposition 16.1. Let p: Xe → X be a countable covering of a connected topolog- ical space X. (1) First we note that it follows from the hypothesis that B is a topological manifold that B is Hausdorff. It follows from Lemma 6.4 (3) that Xe is also Hausdorff. Similarly it follows from our hypothesis that B is a topological manifold and that p is a countable covering together with Lemma 16.2 that Xe is second-countable. e Since p: X → X is a covering there exists a family of open subsets {Ui}i∈I of X such that each Ui is uniformly covered. Furthermore, since X is an n-dimensional manifold there exists an atlas {Φj : Vj → Wj}j∈J for X. After possibly replacing each Vj by the family {Vj ∩Ui}i∈I we can without loss of generality assume that each −1 Vj is uniformly covered. Thus for each j the preimage p (Vj) is the union of disjoint {e } e open subsets Vji i∈Ij with the property, that the restriction of p to each subset Vji e is a homeomorphism. It is now clear that {Φj ◦ p: Vji → Wj | j ∈ J and i ∈ Ij} is an atlas for Xe. Finally suppose that X has no boundary, by definition this means that X has no chart of type (i) in the sense of page 33. It is straightforward to see that this implies that Xe does not have a chart of type (i) either.338 Thus Xe also has no boundary. (2) The transition maps of the atlas from (1) are precisely given by restrictions to open subsets of the transition maps of the atlas {Φj : Vj → Wj}j∈J for X. Thus if we start out with a smooth atlas for X, then the atlas we just constructed for Xe is also smooth. We also know that a covering map is a local homeomorphism. It follows immedi- ately from the definitions that with this smooth atlas for Xe these homeomorphisms are in fact diffeomorphisms. (3) The last statement follows easily from the fact that p is a local diffeomorphism.  Proposition 16.1 now raises the following question. Suppose we start out with a surface F of genus g and a finite index subgroup Γ of π1(F ), then by Proposition 15.5 we obtain a corresponding finite covering p: Fe → F . By Proposition 16.1 and Lemma 6.4 (4) the

338Put differently, if Xe has a chart of type (i), then using the fact that p: Xe → X is a local homeomor- phism we can also easily construct a chart of type (i) for X. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 263 topological space Fe is again a connected, closed, orientable 2-dimensional manifold. From Theorem 11.9 we know that Fe is again surface of some genus h. How can we determine h from g and Γ? For future reference we record the question.

Question 16.3. Given a surface F of genus g and a finite index subgroup Γ of π1(F ), what is the genus of the corresponding finite cover?

It will take a while till we can give a satisfactory answer. But we want to discuss one example in detail. We consider the surface F of genus two that we view as the connect sum of two tori S = S1 × S1 and T = S1 × S1. We denote by u, v the standard generators for 1 π1(S) given by the two copies of S in each torus. Similarly we denote by x, y the standard generators for π1(T ). We pick an embedded closed disk in S and an embedded closed disk in T which both lie in the exterior of the standard generators. We denote the corresponding open disks by D and E and we write S∗ = S \ D and T ∗ \ E. We build the connected sum S#T by gluing S∗ to T ∗ along the boundary. Furthermore, by a slight abuse of notation, ∗ ∗ we denote by u, v and x, y also the generators of π1(S ) = ⟨u, v⟩ and π1(T ) = ⟨x, y⟩. ∗ ∗ By the discussion on page 184 the abelianization of π1(S#T ) = π1(S ∪∂S∗=∂T ∗ T ) is the free abelian group on s, t, x, y. Now we consider the epimorphism

φ: π1(S#T ) → π1(S#T )/[π1(S#T ), π1(S#T )] → Z3 given by u 7→ 1, v 7→ 0, x 7→ 0 and y 7→ 0. Our goal in the following discussion is to visualize the covering p: Fe → F = S#T corresponding to ker(φ). Since φ is an epimorphism onto a group of order 3 we see that ker(φ) is a subgroup of index 3. By Lemma 6.15 this implies that p is a 3-fold covering.

∗ x T = T \ E u ∗ \ F = S#T  S = S D                 D    E                 






                                                  y v

Figure 152.

We first consider the torus S = S1 × S1 and furthermore we consider the epimorphism ψ : π1(S) = ⟨u, v | [u, v]⟩ → Z3 given by ψ(u) = 1 and ψ(v) = 0. The covering corresponding 264 STEFAN FRIEDL

339 to ker(ψ) ⊂ π1(S) is equivalent to the covering

Se = S1 × S1 → S = S1 × S1 (a, b) 7→ (a3, b).

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Now we consider the epimorphism ψ : π1(S ) → Z3 given by ψ (u) = 1 and ψ (v) = 0. By the argument of Footnote 339 the covering corresponding to ker(ψ∗) is then given by p: Se∗ := Se \ p−1(D) → S∗ = S \ D. Recall that we perform the connected sum operation

− p 1({1} × S1) p−1(D)           ∗ e         S                              e       S                             p (a, b) 7→ (a3, b) p S∗ = S \ D   1    { } ×   1 S     S                                    D          

Figure 153.

S#T by gluing T ∗ := T \ E to S∗ = S \ D to obtain F = S#T . The same way we can also glue three copies of T ∗, i.e. T ∗ × {1, 2, 3}, to the three boundary components of Se∗ to obtain a closed manifold Fe. The map e q : F → {F p(P ), if p ∈ Se∗, P 7→ Q, if P = Q × {n} with Q ∈ T ∗ and n ∈ {1, 2, 3} is easily seen to be continuous. Similar to Footnote 339 one can now see that q : Fe → F is indeed the covering of F corresponding to ker(φ). This construction is illustrated in Figure 154 which also shows that Fe is a surface of genus 4.

339 e e Indeed, since S → S is a connected 3-fold covering we know from Lemma 6.15 that p∗(π1(S)) is a ( ψ subgroup of π1(S) of index three. Furthermore it is contained in the subgroup ker π1(S) −→ Z3) which e also has index three, thus p∗(π1(S)) = ker(ψ : π1(S) → Z3). But by Proposition 15.6 all path-connected coverings that correspond to the same subgroup are equivalent. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 265

            e∗        S                              ∗        3 copies of T ∪                   =           e ]   F = S#T   p  ∗ \ q T = T E ∗ \  S = S D F = S#T                          










         ∪            =                       E D       

Figure 154.

16.2. The orientation cover of a non-orientable manifold. We had seen that many of our examples of non-orientable manifolds admit a 2-fold covering such that the covering space is an orientable manifold. (1) For example the projection map p: S2 → RP2 = S2/  1 shows that the real projective plane is covered by the sphere. (2) On page 85 we had considered the map

M¨obiusband z annulus}| { z }| { R × − ∼ → R × − ∼ 1 − p: [ 1, 1]/(x, y) (x + 1, y) [ 1, 1]/(x, y) (x + 2, 1 y) [(x, y)] → [(x, y)] and we had seen in exercise sheet 7 that this is a 2-fold covering. Thus the non- orientable M¨obiusband admits a 2-fold covering such that the covering space is orientable. An alternative argument was also given on page 207. (3) Almost the same map as in (2) also shows that the torus is a 2-fold covering of the Klein bottle. An alternative argument was also given on page 207. We will now see that any non-orientable manifold admits a 2-fold covering such that the covering space is orientable. Proposition 16.4. Let M be a connected non-orientable manifold. Then there exists a connected 2-fold covering p: Mf → M such that Mf is orientable.

We call p: Mf → M an orientation cover of M. One can in fact show that all orientation covers of a connected non-orientable manifold are equivalent, but we will not make use of this fact. 266 STEFAN FRIEDL

2 Example. By Proposition 11.5 the connected sum F = Σg#RP of the surface of genus g with the real projective plane is non-orientable. So according to Proposition 16.4 it admits a 2-fold covering Fe → F that is orientable. This raises the following question: what is the genus of Fe? In the proof of Proposition 16.4 we will need the following lemma that we had already proved, with a slightly different language, in Analysis IV. Lemma 16.5. Let N be a connected manifold. If two orientations agree at a point, then they agree everywhere. Proof. Given two orientations on a manifold N it is straightforward to show that the set of points U where the orientations agree is open and that similarly that the set of points V where the orientations disagree is open. Since N = U ⊔ V it follows from the hypothesis that N is connected that if U ≠ ∅, then U = N.  Now we can provide the proof of Proposition 16.4. Proof of Proposition 16.4. Let M be a connected non-orientable n-dimensional manifold. We consider the set f M = {(Q, O) | Q ∈ M and O is an orientation of TQM} together with the map p: Mf → M (Q, O) 7→ Q. We now have to put a topology on Mf. We use the following notation: n (1) We denote by ORn the standard orientation of R . (2) Given an orientation O for an n-dimensional vector space we denote by −O the unique other orientation. (3) Given an isomorphism φ: V → W between vector spaces and given an orientation O on W we denote by φ∗O the corresponding orientation on V . Given a chart Φ: U → V of M and ϵ ∈ {−, +} we define340 ∗ f Bϵ(Φ) := {(Q, ϵ · Φ ORn ) | Q ∈ U} ⊂ M.

It is straightforward to show that the collection of these sets B(Φ) satisfies the basis properties (B1) and (B2) from page 31.341 We now endow Mf with the topology generated f by the sets B(Φ). We leave it as an exercise to show that p: M → M is continuous. Next we show that p is a 2-fold covering. So let Q ∈ M. We pick a connected chart342 −1 Φ: U → V around Q. Then p (U) = B−(Φ) ∪ B+(Φ). It follows from Lemma 16.5 applied to the connected manifold U that B−(Φ) and B+(Φ) are disjoint. Furthermore it is

340 ∗ ∗ Strictly speaking we should write (dP Φ) ORn instead of just Φ ORn . 341OK, so why does it satisfy (B2)? 342Here we say a chart Φ: U → V is connected if U is connected. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 267 straightforward to see that the two projections maps p: B(Φ) → U are homeomorphisms. This shows that U is uniformly covered by two sets, i.e. p is a 2-fold covering. In the proof of Proposition 16.1 we had seen that a smooth atlas for Mf is given by all p Φ f maps B(Φ) −→ U −→ V for all connected charts Φ: U → V of M. In particular M is again an n-dimensional manifold and with this atlas the projection map p: Mf → M is a local diffeomorphism. Now we show that Mf is orientable. So let (Q, O) ∈ Mf. The map p: Mf → M is a local f ∗ 343 diffeomorphism. We now equip T(Q,O)M with the orientation p O. By Footnote 50 it suffices to consider the continuity of the orientation with respect to the above atlas. So let Φ: U → V be a connected chart of M. Let ϵ ∈ {−, +} and denote by Φϵ : B(Φ) → V f the corresponding chart of M. But then by construction we know that Φϵ is orientation- preserving for all points if ϵ = + and it is orientation-reversing for all points if ϵ = −. Finally we show that Mf is connected. If it was not connected, then it would consist of f f at least two components {Mi}i∈I . Since M is connected the restriction of each p: M → M f f ∑ f to pi : Mi → M would also be a covering. Clearly 2 = [M : M] = [Mi : M]. It follows i∈I f that #I = 2 and that each pi : M → M is a covering of degree one, i.e. each pi is a f homeomorphism. Since pi is a local diffeomorphism it follows that pi : M → M is in fact a diffeomorphism. But that is not possible since M was assumed to be non-orientable f whereas Mi is orientable.  Corollary 16.6. (1) If M is a connected non-orientable manifold, then there exists an epimorphism π1(M) → Z2. (2) Any simply-connected manifold is orientable. Proof. The second statement of the corollary is an immediate consequence of the first statement. Thus it suffices to prove the first statement. Let M be a connected non-orientable manifold. By Proposition 16.4 there exists a connected 2-fold covering p: Mf → M such that Mf is orientable. It follows from Lemma 6.15 f that p∗(π1(M)) is an index 2 subgroup of π1(M). In exercise sheet 14 we will show that f every index 2 subgroup of a group π is normal. In particular p∗(π1(M)) is normal index 2 f subgroup of π1(M). Thus we obtain an epimorphism π1(M) → Γ := π1(M)/p∗(π1(M)). The group Γ has two elements, but any group with two elements is isomorphic to Z2. Thus we found the desired epimorphism π1(M) → Z2. 

343 f Put differently, using p we can identify T(Q,O)M with TQM and we equip it with the orientation at hand, namely O. 268 STEFAN FRIEDL

17. Complex manifolds Eventually our goal will be to give an explicit description of the universal cover of the surfaces of genus g ≥ 2. This will require a surprisingly long journey through complex manifolds, Riemannian manifolds and hyperbolic geometry. In this chapter we start out with a very short introduction to complex manifolds. First we recall the definition of a holomorphic function. Definition. Let U ⊂ C be an open subset. A function f : U → C is holomorphic if for any z0 ∈ U the limit d ′ f(z) − f(z0) f(z0) := f (z0) := lim ∈ C dz z→z0 z − z0 exists. Example. We had seen in Analysis III that polynomials, the exponential function, and more generally functions defined by power series are holomorphic. Moreover products, fractions, sums and compositions of holomorphic functions are again holomorphic. In Analysis III we had shown that holomorphic functions have many surprising properties. We now recall three of the main results from Analysis III. These statements are also proved in any standard textbook on complex analysis, see e.g. [J2] or [La]. Theorem 17.1. (Liouville’s Theorem) Every bounded holomorphic map f : C → C is constant. Theorem 17.2. (Maximum Principle) Let U be an open connected subset of C and let f : U → C be a holomorphic function. If the function |f|: U → R≥0 has a local maximum, then f is constant. Proposition 17.3. (Schwarz Reflection Principle) Let U be an open subset of the upper half-plane {z ∈ C | Im(z) ≥ 0} and let f : U → C be a with the following properties: ◦ (1) f is holomorphic on U = {z ∈ U | Im(z) > 0}, (2) f only assumes real values on U ∩ R. We set U ′ := {z | z ∈ U}, i.e. U ′ is the reflection of U in the x-axis. Then the function ′ f˜: U ∪ U → {C f(z), if z ∈ U, z 7→ f(z), if z ∈ U ′, is holomorphic. Given a topological manifold we now introduce the notion of a holomorphic atlas and a complex manifold. The definition is almost the same as for a smooth atlas and a manifold, except that we have to replace “smooth” by “holomorphic”. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 269

         U   ˜   f(z) = f(z)                      ˜   f(z) = f(z)       ′     U

Figure 155. Illustration of the Schwarz reflection principle.

Definition. m n (1) Let U ⊂ C be open. We say that a map f = (f1, . . . , fn): U → C is holomorphic m−1 if for any i ∈ {1, . . . , m}, j ∈ {1, . . . , n} and any (w1, . . . , wi−1, wi+1, . . . , wm) ∈ C the map z open subset}| of C { {z ∈ C | (w1, . . . , wi−1, z, wi+1, . . . , wm) ∈ U} → C z 7→ fj(w1, . . . , wi−1, z, wi+1, . . . , wm) is holomorphic (2) Let M be a 2n-dimensional topological manifold M without boundary. An atlas {Φi : Ui → Vi}i∈I for M is called holomorphic if for all i, j ∈ I the transition map ◦ −1 ∩ → ∩ Φj Φi :Φ| i(U{zi Uj}) |Φj(U{zi Uj}) open in R2n = Cn ⊂R2n=Cn is holomorphic. (3) An n-dimensional complex manifold is a pair (M, A) consisting of a 2n-dimensional topological manifold M without boundary, together with a holomorphic atlas for M. Examples. (1) Let U be an open subset of Cn. The identity map is an atlas for U and it is evidently a holomorphic atlas. Thus U is an n-dimensional complex manifold. (2) We consider the action (Z ⊕ Zi) × C → C ((a + bi), z) 7→ z + a + bi. The same argument as in the proof of Proposition 1.22 shows that C/(Z ⊕ Zi) is a 1-dimensional complex manifold. The topological space C/(Z ⊕ Zi) is evidently diffeomorphic to the torus R2/Z2 = S1 × S1. Thus we can view the torus as a complex manifold. (3) In exercise sheet 14 we will see that the complex projective space CPn = (Cn+1 \{0})/(C \{0}), that we had introduced on page 19, is a complex n-dimensional manifold. As we had already pointed out on page 19, the one-dimensional projective space CP1 is 270 STEFAN FRIEDL

homeomorphic to S2. This shows that S2 can be viewed as a 1-dimensional complex manifold. We have now seen that the torus and the 2-dimensional sphere can be viewed as complex manifolds. The following proposition shows in particular that the Klein bottle and the real projective plane RP2 are not complex manifolds. Proposition 17.4. An n-dimensional complex manifold, viewed as a 2n-dimensional real manifold, is orientable. Sketch of proof. Let V be an n-dimensional complex vector space. We say that a set of vectors {v1, . . . , vn} in V is totally real if the vectors v1, . . . , vn, iv1, . . . , ivn form a basis of V , viewed as a 2n-dimensional real vector space. It is straightforward to show that every n-dimensional complex vector space admits a set {v1, . . . , vn} of totally real vectors.

Claim. If {v1, . . . , vn} and {w1, . . . , wn} are two sets of totally real vectors for a complex vector space V , then the bases {v1, . . . , vn, iv1, . . . , ivn} and {w1, . . . , wn, iw1, . . . , iwn} are equivalent in the sense of page 40. First we consider the case n = 1. In this case we are given two non-zero vectors v and w. Then v = (a + ib)w for some a + bi ≠ 0. The base change matrix from the real basis {v, iv} to the real basis {w, iw} is given by the real 2 × 2-matrix ( ) a −b . b a Evidently the determinant of this matrix is positive. This concludes the proof of the claim for n = 1. The general statement is basically just an exercise in linear algebra. This exercise though turns out to be slightly harder than one might expect.344 A proof is for example given in [CCL, Theorem 7.2.1]. This concludes the proof of the claim. The claim shows that an n-dimensional complex vector space, viewed as a 2n-dimensional real vector space, has a canonical orientation. Now let M be an n-dimensional complex manifold. It is relatively straightforward to see that each tangent space TP M is canoni- cally an n-dimensional complex vector space. We now equip it with the above canonical orientation. These orientations of the tangent spaces define a canonical orientation on the 2n-dimensional real manifold M.  We had just seen that the 2-sphere and the torus are complex manifolds and we had seen that non-orientable manifolds cannot be complex manifolds. The following question now arises:

344The problem is the following: Let A and B be two real n × n-matrices such that det(A + iB) ∈ C is non-zero. Why does it follow that the determinant of the real matrix ( ) A −B BA is positive? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 271

Question 17.5. Let g ≥ 2. Does the surface of genus g have the structure of a complex manifold? We will discuss this question later on. Remark. It is often very hard to determine whether or not a given orientable even-dimen- sional manifold can also be a complex manifold. For example, and Jean- Pierre Serre [BS]345 showed in 1953 that for n ≠ 2, 6 the n-dimensional sphere Sn cannot be a complex manifold. On the other hand it is still an open question whether S6 is a complex manifold.346 Definition. We say that a map f : M → N between two complex manifolds is holomorphic if f is continuous and if for every chart Φ: U → V in the holomorphic atlas of M and every chart Ψ: W → Y in the holomorphic atlas of N the map

Ψ◦f◦Φ−1 Φ(f −1(W ) ∩ U) −−−−−→ Y is holomorphic. The following proposition will be proved in exercise sheet 14 using the Maximum Principle that we had formulated above. Proposition 17.6. Let M be a compact 1-dimensional complex manifold. Then any holo- morphic function f : M → C is constant. Remark. If M = C/(Z ⊕ Zi), then we can also give another, arguably easier proof. More precisely, let f : C/(Z ⊕ Zi) → C be a holomorphic function. Since C/(Z ⊕ Zi) is compact the function f is bounded. We denote by p: C → C/(Z ⊕ Zi) the projection map. Then the composition f ◦ p: C → C is a bounded holomorphic function, thus constant by the Liouville Theorem 17.1. Since p is a surjective it follows that f is also constant. In the next definition we generalize the notion of (local) diffeomorphism in the obvious way to the complex setting. Definition. (1) We say that a map f : M → N between two complex manifolds is a biholomorphism if f is a bijection and if both f and f −1 are holomorphic. (2) We say that a map f : M → N between two complex manifolds is a local biholo- morphism if given any P ∈ M there exists an open neighborhood U of P and an open neighborhood V of f(P ) such that f : U → V is a biholomorphism.

345Armand Borel (1923–2003) was a Swiss mathematician, Jean-Pierre Serre (*1926) is a French math- ematician who was awarded a Fields medal in 1954. 346There is a recent paper by , who got a Fields medal in 1966, claiming that the answer is no, but it seems like most mathematicians in the field are not convinced by the argument. 272 STEFAN FRIEDL

Examples. (1) In some cases one can explicitly write down a biholomorphism. For example, for the upper half-plane H = {x + iy | y > 0} and the open disk D = {z ∈ C | |z| < 1} it is straightforward to verify that the maps Φ: H → D Ψ: D → H 7→ z−i and 7→ i+iw z z+i w 1−w are biholomorphisms that are inverse to one-another. (2) The proof of Proposition 1.22 shows that C/(Z+iZ) has the structure of a complex 1-dimensional manifold in such a way that the projection map C → C/(Z + iZ) is a local biholomorphism. (3) Let a, b ∈ C be two complex numbers that are linearly independent over R. We write T (a, b) = C/(Za + Zb). The same argument as in (2) shows that this is a 1- dimensional complex manifold such that the projection map p: C → T (a, b) is a local biholomorphism. Now suppose that v, w ∈ C are also two complex numbers that are linearly independent over R. We can form the torus T (v, w) = C/(Zv + Zw). The tori T (a, b) and T (v, w) are diffeomorphic. But the argument of [Ba, p. 15] shows that the 1-dimensional complex manifolds T (a, b) and T (v, w) are biholomorphic only if ab−1 = vw−1 ∈ C or if ab−1 = wv−1 ∈ C. Lemma 17.7. (1) Let p: Xe → X be a countable covering of a complex manifold X. Then Xe is also a complex manifold in such a way that p is a local biholomorphism. (2) Let p: Xe → X be a covering of complex manifolds such that p is a local biholomor- phism. If Z is a complex manifold and if f : Z → X is a holomorphic map, then any lift fe: Z → Xe is also holomorphic. Proof. The first statement is proved almost the same way as Proposition 16.1 (2). The second statement is an immediate consequence of the fact that p is a local biholomorphism and that being holomorphic is a local condition. We leave the details to the reader. 

In general it is hard to write down an explicit biholomorphism between two complex manifolds. One of the main sources of biholomorphisms is the Riemann mapping theorem that we had already formulated in Analysis III. Theorem 17.8. (Riemann Mapping Theorem) Let U ⊂ C be a simply connected open subset U of C. If U ≠ C, then U is biholomorphic to D. This theorem is proved in [J2] or alternatively in [La, Chapter X]. In many applications it is also useful to know that the biholomorphism from the Riemann Mapping Theorem extends to the boundary of U and D. To state the corresponding theorem we need one more definition. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 273

Definition. (1) We write C = C ∪ {∞} which we equip with the topology that we had defined on page 8. (2) Given U ⊂ C we denote by U the closure of U in C. (3) A Jordan curve is the image of an injective map S1 → C. The following theorem was proved in 1913 by Constantin Carath´eodory.347 A proof is for example provided in [GM, Chapter I.3]. Theorem 17.9. (Carath´eodory Theorem) Let U (C be a simply connected open subset U of C and let ϕ: U → D be a biholomorphism. If ∂U is a Jordan curve, then ϕ extends to a homeomorphism U → C. Example. We consider the open subset U of C that is shown in Figure 156. It is a simply connected open proper subset of C and the boundary is clearly a Jordan curve. Thus it follows from the Riemann Mapping Theorem and from Carath´eodory’s Theorem that there

exists a homeomorphism ϕ: U → D which restricts to a biholomorphism ϕ: U → D.


     i  U       D   




















    ∂U is a Jordan curve 

Figure 156.

347Constantin Carath´eodory (1873-1950) was a Greek mathematician who was in particular a professor at the LMU in Munich. 274 STEFAN FRIEDL

18. Hyperbolic geometry 18.1. Hyperbolic space. First we recall a key definition from Analysis IV. Definition. A Riemannian structure on a manifold M 348 is a smooth349 map g which assigns to each point P a positive-definite symmetric bilinear form gP on the tangent space TP M. In this chapter and the following chapter we are mostly interested in Riemannian struc- tures on surfaces, and more specifically, in hyperbolic structures. We now recall the defini- tion of hyperbolic space. Definition. (1) The hyperbolic half-plane is the manifold H = {(x, y) ∈ R2 | y > 0} = {z = x + iy ∈ C | y > 0} 2 together with the Riemannian structure that assigns to the tangent space TzH = R at a point z = x + iy ∈ H the positive-definite symmetric bilinear form g : R2 × R2 → R 7→ 1 ⟨ ⟩ (v, w) y2 v, w where ⟨v, w⟩ denotes the usual scalar product on R2. (2) A M¨obiustransformation of H is a map of the form350 H → H az + b z 7→ cz + d where a, b, c, d ∈ R with ad − bc = 1. Example. In Figure 157 we see a decomposition of H into angels and devils. With respect to the hyperbolic metric all the angels have the same size and all the devils have the same size, even though they differ in the usual euclidean sense. H Examples. We give three special types of M¨obiustransformations√ of : 7→ r·z+0 (1) given r > 0 the scalar multiplication z rz = · √1 is a M¨obiustransformation, 0 z+ r ∈ R 7→ 1·z+d (2) given d the horizontal translation z z + d = 0·z+1 is a M¨obiustransformation, 7→ − 1 0·z+1 (3) the map z z = (−1)·z+0 is a M¨obiustransformation. 7→ 1 The third M¨obiustransformation is the composition of taking the inverse z z and the reflection z 7→ −z in the origin. We illustrate this map in Figure 158. For simplicity we 7→ − 1 refer to the map z z as an inversion. 348If you are not comfortable with the notion of an “abstract manifold”, then for the time being you can think of “manifold” as a “submanifold of RN ”. 349The notion of “smooth” in this context is made specific in Analysis IV. 350An elementary calculation shows that the image of a M¨obiustransformation H → C does indeed lie again in H. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 275

Figure 157.

unit circle {z ∈ C | |z| = 1} 1 1 −iφ  − −   = e   iφ z r  z = re            1 1 −iφ z = r e

Figure 158.

Proposition 18.1. Every M¨obiustransformation of H is the composition of scalar multi- plications, horizontal translations and inversions. Proof. Let a, b, c, d ∈ R with ad − bc = 1 and denote by az + b Φ(z) = cz + d the corresponding M¨obiustransformation. If c = 0, then a b Φ(z) = z + d d 7→ a is the composition of the scalar multiplication z d z with the horizontal translation 7→ b ̸ z d + z. If c = 0, then az + b acz + bc acz + ad − 1 −1 + a(cz + d) −1 a Φ(z) = = 2 = 2 = 2 = 2 + . cz + d c z + dc ↑ c z + cd c z + cd c z + dc c since ad − bc = 1 Thus we see that Φ is the composition of the following maps −1 a z 7→ c2z, z 7→ z + dc, z 7→ und z 7→ z + . z c 

Definition. 276 STEFAN FRIEDL

(1) The hyperbolic disk 351is the manifold D = {z ∈ C | |z|2 < 1} 2 together with the Riemannian structure which assigns to the tangent space TzD = R at a point z ∈ D the positive-definite symmetric bilinear form 2 2 gz : R × R → R 2 (v, w) 7→ ⟨v, w⟩ (1 − |z|2)2 where, as above, ⟨v, w⟩ denotes the usual scalar product on R2. (2) A M¨obiustransformation of D is a map of the form352 D → D 7→ iθ · z−a z e 1−az for some θ ∈ R and a ∈ D. Examples. (1) In Figure 159 we see three different decompositions of D into subsets. In each of the three cases these subsets have the same hyperbolic size, even though they differ in the usual euclidean sense.

Figure 159.

(2) If we set a = 0 in the definition of a M¨obiustransformation of D, then we obtain precisely the rotation by the angle θ. Put differently, the M¨obiustransformations preserving 0 are precisely given by rotations around the origin. Before we can state the next proposition we recall a few more definitions from Analysis IV. Definition. (1) Given a smooth map f : M → N between manifolds and given P ∈ M we denote by dfP = f∗ : TP M → Tf(P )N the differential, i.e. the from the tangent space TP M to the tangent space Tf(P )N.

351The hyperbolic disk is often also called the Poincar´emodel for hyperbolic space. 352An elementary calculation shows that the image of a M¨obiustransformation D → C does indeed lie again in D. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 277

(2) Let f : M → N be a local diffeomorphism. Given a Riemannian structure h on N we denote by f ∗h the Riemannian structure on M that at each point P ∈ M is ∗ 353 given by (f h)(v, w) = h(f∗v, f∗w). (3) We say that a map f :(M, g) → (N, h) between Riemannian manifolds is a (local) isometry if f is a (local) diffeomorphism and if g = f ∗h. (4) We say that Riemannian manifolds (M, g) and (N, h) are isometric if there exists an isometry from (M, g) to (N, h). The following proposition will allow us to go back and forth between the hyperbolic half-plane and the hyperbolic disk. Proposition 18.2. The maps Φ: H → D Ψ: D → H 7→ z−i and 7→ i+iw z z+i w 1−w have the following properties: (1) Φ and Ψ are inverses to one another, in particular they are biholomorphisms, (2) they extend to homeomorphisms between H = {z ∈ C | ℑ(z) ≥ 0} ∪ {∞}354 and D = {z ∈ C | |z| ≤ 1}, (3) they are orientation-preserving,355 (4) they are isometries, (5) they give a bijection between the M¨obiustransformations of D and H.356 Proof. All five statements follow from a straightforward calculation. The fact that Φ and Ψ are orientation-preserving isometries is precisely the statement of Satz 14.13 of Analysis IV where we gave the details of the calculation.  Remark. Proposition 18.2 says that D and H are two equivalent ways to describe hyperbolic space. In fact there are several other ways to describe hyperbolic space, for example we could also use the Beltrami-Klein model https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beltrami-Klein_model or the hyperboloid model https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperboloid_model. Some of the connections between these models are explained in the following video of Henry Segerman and Saul Schleimer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGEQ_UuQtYs.

353We had shown in Analysis IV that f ∗h is indeed a Riemannian structure on M. Note that in the proof, to show that f ∗h is indeed non-degenerate, we need that f is a local diffeomorphism. 354Here H has the same topology as defined on page 8. 355The hyperbolic half-plane H and the hyperbolic disk D are both subsets of C = R2 and inherit from C = R2 the canonical orientation. 356More precisely, if α is a M¨obiustransformation of H, then Φ ◦ α ◦ Ψ is a M¨obiustransformation of D and conversely, if α is a M¨obiustransformation of D, then Ψ ◦ α ◦ Φ is a M¨obiustransformation of H. 278 STEFAN FRIEDL

The following proposition summarizes some of the key properties of M¨obiustransforma- tions. Proposition 18.3. 357 (1) Compositions of M¨obiustransformations are again M¨obiustransformations and the inverse of a M¨obiustransformation is again a M¨obiustransformation. (2) M¨obiustransformations are biholomorphisms, they are isometries and they are orientation-preserving. (3) M¨obiustransformations act transitively, i.e. given any two points P and Q there exists a M¨obiustransformation which sends P to Q. (4) Given P,Q ∈ D and non-zero vectors v ∈ TP D and w ∈ TQD with ∥v∥g = ∥w∥g there exists a M¨obiustransformation ϕ with ϕ(P ) = Q and dϕP (v) = w. (5) Let ϕ and ψ be two M¨obiustransformations. Suppose there exists a P ∈ D such that ϕ(P ) = ψ(P ) and such that dϕP = dψP . Then ϕ = ψ. Proof. By Proposition 18.2 it suffices to prove the statements for D or for H, whichever is more convenient. (1),(2) The first two statements follow from a straightforward calculation, we refer to Lemma 14.1 and Lemma 14.3 of Analysis IV for details. (3) We prove this statement for D. By (1) it suffices to show that given any P ∈ D there exists a M¨obiustransformation ψ with ψ(P ) = 0. But such a M¨obiustransformation is given by − ψ(z) = z P . 1−P z (4) Using (3) we see that we only have to deal with the case that P = Q = 0. But then the desired M¨obiustransformation is given by a rotation. (5) By (3) there exists a M¨obiustransformation θ such that θ(0) = P and there exists a M¨obiustransformation ω such that ω(ϕ(P )) = ω(ψ(P )) = 0. We consider the M¨obiustransformations ϕ′ = ω ◦ ϕ ◦ θ and ψ′ = ω ◦ ψ ◦ θ. It follows from our hypothesis that both ϕ′ and ψ′ fix 0. As we had pointed out above, the only M¨obius transformations of D that fix 0 are rotations. ′ ′ ′ ′ By our hypothesis we have dϕ0 = dψ0, which means that the rotations ϕ and ψ agree. But this implies that ϕ and ψ also agree.  Note that M¨obiustransformations extend in an obvious way uniquely to homeomor- phisms of D = {z ∈ C | |z| ≤ 1} and H = {z ∈ C | ℑ(z) ≥ 0} ∪ {∞}. We will denote the extension of a M¨obiustransformation with the same symbol. Lemma 18.4. Let {P, Q, R} and let {S, T, U} be two sets of three distinct points on the boundary ∂H = R∪{∞}. Then there exists a M¨obiustransformation ψ of H with ψ(P ) = S and ψ({Q, R}) = {T,U}.

357The statement of the proposition applies to M¨obiustransformations of D and to M¨obiustransforma- tions of H. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 279

Proof. Let P, Q, R be three distinct points on ∂H = R ∪ {∞}. It suffices to show that there exists a M¨obiustransformation ψ with ψ(P ) = ∞ and with ψ({Q, R}) = {0, 1}. We proceed as follows: (1) We first claim that there exists a M¨obiustransformation α with α(P ) = ∞. Indeed, if P = ∞ then we just take α = id. Otherwise we can combine a horizontal translation with the inversion to obtain a M¨obiustransformation α with α(P ) = ∞. Given such α we write Q′ = α(Q) and R′ = α(R). Note that the points Q′,R′ lie on R = H \ {∞}. Without loss of generality we can assume that Q′ < R′. (2) Next we pick a horizontal translation such that β(Q′) = 0. Note that we still have (β ◦ α)(P ) = β(∞) = ∞. Also note that it follows from Q′ < R′ that β(R′) > 0. (3) Finally we pick a scalar multiplication γ such that (γ ◦ β)(R′) = 1. Note that γ fixes 0 and ∞. Thus we see that ψ = γ ◦ β ◦ α has the desired property.  Definition. A hyperbolic line is a subset of D of one of the following two types: (1) it is the intersection of D with a euclidean line through the origin, (2) it is the intersection of D with a euclidean circle that intersects the circle S1 = ∂D orthogonally. In each of the two cases we refer to the intersection of the euclidean object with S1 = ∂D as the endpoints of the hyperbolic line. We refer to Figure 160 for an illustration.

 { }   D ∈ C | |   = z z < 1          hyperbolic line through P and Q P     A         B   hyperbolic line through A and B Q    

Figure 160.

Lemma 18.5. (1) For any two distinct points P and Q in D there exists a unique hyperbolic line that contains P and Q. (2) For any two distinct points P and Q in ∂D there exists a unique hyperbolic line with P and Q as endpoints. (3) Let P and Q be two distinct points in ∂D. Every M¨obiustransformation ϕ sends the hyperbolic line with endpoints P and Q to the hyperbolic line with endpoints ϕ(P ) and ϕ(Q). (4) M¨obiustransformations act transitively on hyperbolic lines, i.e. given any two hy- perbolic lines g and h there exists a M¨obiustransformation ϕ with ϕ(g) = h. 280 STEFAN FRIEDL

Proof. In principle one can prove the lemma directly in D. But it is easier to prove it using H. In H the hyperbolic lines are defined to be vertical lines {x + iy | y > 0} and euclidean half-circles such that the origin lies on R. It is straightforward to see that the diffeomorphisms of Proposition 18.2 define a bijection between the hyperbolic lines in D and in H. The corresponding statements for hyperbolic lines in H are straightforward to prove. The (easy) details are given in Lemmas 14.6 and 14.8 and Satz 14.7 in Analysis IV.  18.2. Angles in Riemannian manifolds. We continue our quick introduction to Rie- mannian manifolds and hyperbolic space with a a short discussion of angles. Definition. (1) Let g be a positive-definite symmetric bilinear form on a real vector space V . Given v, w ∈ V \{0} we define358 angle between v and w := unique α ∈ [0, π] with g(v, w) = cos(α)∥v∥∥˙w∥.

(2) Given a Riemannian manifold (M, g) and non-zero vectors v, w ∈ TP M we use the form gP to define the angle between v and w. Examples. n (1) Let U be an open subset of R and let f : U → R>0 be a smooth function. For any n P ∈ U we can define a positive-definite symmetric bilinear form gP on TP U = R via gP (v, w) = f(P ) ·⟨v, w⟩, where ⟨ , ⟩ denotes the usual scalar product. A straightforward calculation shows that in this Riemannian structure the angle at any point is the usual euclidean angle in Rn. This argument implies in particular to the Riemannian manifolds D and H, in both cases the hyperbolic angle, defined by the hyperbolic Riemannian structure, is the same as the euclidean angle. (2) In Analysis IV we had seen that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle formed in D by hyperbolic lines is always less than π. This statement is illustrated in Figure 161.

D D  triangle in                   the sum of the angles is less than π

Figure 161.

358We have |g(v, w)| ≤ ∥v∥∥˙w∥ by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 281

The following lemma follows easily from the definitions and from Proposition 18.3 (2). Lemma 18.6. Local isometries, in particular M¨obiustransformations, preserve angles. Definition. (1) Let P ∈ D and let g be a hyperbolic line through P . Let Q be one of the two endpoints of g. We refer to the set of points between P and Q as a ray emanating from P . (2) Let P ∈ D and let r, s be two rays emanating from P . We refer to the angle between the tangent vectors of r and s at P as the angle between the rays r and s.

D ray emanating from P

 P   angle between ray emanating from P the two rays

Figure 162.

Examples. iφ (1) Given φ ∈ [0, 2π) the set Sφ := {re | r ∈ [0, 1)} is a ray emanating from 0. (2) It follows from the above discussion of angles in D, that given φ, θ ∈ [0, 2π) the angle between the two rays Sφ and Sθ in D is the usual euclidean angle. Lemma 18.7. Let r, s be two rays emanating from P ∈ D and let r′, s′ be two rays ema- nating from P ′ ∈ D. Then the following holds: there is a M¨obiustransformation ϕ ⇐⇒ angle between r, s = angle between r′, s′. with ϕ(r ∪ s) = r′ ∪ s′ Furthermore, if such a M¨obiustransformation exists, then it is unique. Proof. By Lemma 18.6 M¨obiustransformations preserve angles and by Proposition 18.3 M¨obiustransformations act transitively on D. Therefore we can without loss of generality assume that P = P ′ = 0. The lemma follows from the observation, made on page 276, that M¨obiustransformations preserving 0 are precisely given by rotations around the origin. 

18.3. The distance metric of a Riemannian manifold. We now recall some more definitions from Analysis IV. Definition. Let (M, g) be a connected Riemannian manifold. √ (1) Given v ∈ TP M we write ∥v∥g = gP (v, v). If g is understood from the context, then we just write ∥v∥. 282 STEFAN FRIEDL

(2) We say that a path [a, b] → M is piecewise smooth if there exists a subdivision ··· − | a = s0 < s1 < < sm = b such that for i = 0, . . . , m 1 the map γ [si,si+1] is smooth. We define the length of γ as359

m∑−1 t=∫si+1 ′ ℓ(M,g)(γ) := ∥γ (t)∥g dt. i=0 t=si

If (M, g) is understood from the context, then we write ℓ(γ) instead of ℓ(M,g)(γ). (3) Let P and Q be two points on M. We define360

d(M,g)(P,Q) := inf{ℓ(γ) | γ is a piecewise smooth path in M from P to Q}. If (M, g) is understood from the context, then we just write d(P,Q). We start our discussion of the distance function d on Riemannian manifolds with the following somewhat technical proposition. Proposition 18.8. Let (M, g) be a connected Riemannian manifold. Then the following hold:

(1) the pair (M, d(M,g)) is a metric space, (2) the topology defined by the metric d(M,g) agrees with the topology of M, (3) given any P ∈ M and given any open neighborhood U of P there exists an r > 0 such that (M,g) { ∈ | } ⊂ Br (P ) := Q M d(M,g)(P,Q) < r U. Proof. Let (M, g) be a connected n-dimensional Riemannian manifold. We first show that (M, d(M,g)) is a metric space. It is clear that d = d(M,g) is symmetric. It follows easily from the definitions and the fact that the concatenation of two piecewise smooth paths is again piecewise smooth that d satisfies the triangle inequality. Now let P ≠ Q be two distinct points in M. We need to show that d(P,Q) > 0. Since M is Hausdorff and since it is locally diffeomorphic to open subsets of Rn we can find a chart −1 Φ: U → B2r(0) for P with Φ(P ) = 0 and such that Q ̸∈ U. We write Ψ = Φ . Before we continue we introduce the following definitions: −1 n (1) We write Ur = Φ ({x ∈ R | ∥x∥ = r}) and given a subset I ⊂ [0, 2r) we write −1 n UI = Φ ({x ∈ R | ∥x∥ ∈ I}). (2) For a positive-definite bilinear form h on Rn we set {√ } ∥h∥ := min h(v, v) v ∈ Sn−1 .

359Recall that given a smooth curve δ :[a, b] → M and given any t ∈ [a, b] the curve defines, basically ′ by definition of the tangent space Tδ(t)M, an element in Tδ(t)M. We denote this vector by δ (t). 360Since M is connected it is by Lemma 1.19 also path-connected. We will see in exercise sheet 14 that we can connect any two points on a manifold by a piecewise smooth curve. This shows that d(M,g)(P,Q) is in fact defined. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 283

Note that h is positive-definite, that h: Rn × Rn → R is continuous and that Sn−1 is compact. It follows from Lemma 1.2 that the minimum exists and that ∥h∥ > 0. It is straightforward to see that for any v ∈ Rn we have

h(v, v) ≥ ∥h∥ · ∥v∥eucl.

(3) We set { } ∗ C := min ∥(Ψ g)P ∥ P ∈ Br(0) .

∗ Since P 7→ ∥(Ψ g)P ∥ is continuous and since Br(0) is compact it follows from Lemma 1.2 that C > 0.

Claim. Let γ : [0, 1] → M be a piecewise smooth path from P to Q. There exists a t ∈ [0, 1] with γ(t) ∈ Ur.

Suppose there is no t ∈ (0, 1) with γ(t) ∈ Ur. We consider the sets A = U[0,r) and B = M \ U[0,r]. The set A is clearly open. Furthermore it follows from Lemma 1.20 that −1 −1 U[0,r] is closed, hence B is open. Since γ([0, 1])∩Ur = ∅ we have γ([0, 1]) = γ (A)⊔γ (B). But both sets γ−1(A) and γ−1(B) are open by the continuity of γ and both are non-empty since 0 ∈ γ−1(A) and 1 ∈ γ−1(B). But this contradicts the fact that [0, 1] is connected. This concludes the proof of the claim.




M  B (0)



















   Ψ   n γ Ur  {z ∈ R | ∥z∥ = r} Q = γ(1) P = γ(0)

Figure 163. Illustration of the proof of Proposition 18.8

Now it suffices to prove the following claim.

Claim. Let γ : [0, 1] → M be a piecewise smooth path from P to Q. Then ℓg(γ) ≥ C · r.

Let T := inf{t ∈ (0, 1)∥ γ(t) ∈ Ur}. By the above claim this definition makes sense since we take the infimum of a non-empty set. By Lemma 1.20 the set Ur is a closed subset of M. 284 STEFAN FRIEDL

Since γ is continuous we also have γ(T ) ∈ Ur. We now have t=∫T ′ ℓg(γ) ≥ ℓg(γ|[0,T ]) = ℓΨ∗g(Φ ◦ γ|[0,T ]) = ∥(Φ ◦ γ) (t)∥Ψ∗g dt t=0 t=∫T t=∫T ′ ′ ≥ C · ∥(Φ ◦ γ) (t)∥eucl dt ≥ C · (Φ ◦ γ) (t) dt eucl ↑| t=0 ↑| t=0 n for any v ∈ TP Br(0) = R we have Lemma 8.2 from Analysis II ∗ ∥ ∥ ∗ ≥ ∥ ∥ · ∥ ∥ v (Ψ g)P (Ψ g)P v eucl · ∥ ◦ − ◦ ∥ · = C (Φ| {zγ)(T}) (Φ| {zγ(0))} eucl = C r.

∥−∥eucl=r =0 This concludes the proof of the claim and therefore the proof of statement (1) of the proposition. Next we turn to the proof of statement (2). This means that we need to show that the topology defined by d is the same as the original topology of M. The proof is again somewhat technical and uses ideas similar to the proof of (1). We refer to [Le1, Lemma 6.2] for the proof. Finally statement (3) is just an immediate consequence of the definitions and of statement (2).  Lemma 18.9. Let (M, g) and (N, h) be two connected Riemannian manifolds. Furthermore let f :(M, g) → (N, h) be a local isometry. Then the following hold: (1) For any piecewise smooth path γ :[a, b] → M we have

ℓ(N,h)(f ◦ γ) = ℓ(M,g)(γ). (2) For any P,Q ∈ M we have

d(N,h)(f(P ), f(Q)) ≤ d(M,g)(P,Q). Proof. Let f :(M, g) → (N, h) be a local isometry. We start out with the following claim. Claim. ′ ′ (1) For a smooth path γ :[c, d] → M and t ∈ (c, d) we have ∥(f ◦γ) (t)∥(N,h) = ∥γ (t)∥(M,g). (2) For any piecewise smooth path γ :[a, b] → M we have ℓ(N,h)(f ◦ γ) = ℓ(M,g)(γ). Now we provide the proof of the two statements. (1) The first statement is an immediate consequence of the definitions and the hypothesis that f is a local isometry. (2) By the additivity of the lengths of piecewise smooth paths it suffices to consider the case that γ :[a, b] → M is a smooth path. But in that case the equality follows immediately from the definitions and from (1). This concludes the proof of the claim. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 285

Now let P and Q be two points on M. For any piecewise smooth path p in M from P to Q we have

d(N,h)(f(P ), f(Q)) ≤ ℓ(N,h)(f ◦ p) = ℓ(M,g)(p). ↑ ↑

by definition of d(N,h) by the claim It follows that the left-hand side is also less or equal than the infimum over all paths on the right-hand side. Thus d(N,h)(f(P ), f(Q)) ≤ d(M,g)(P,Q). 

18.4. The hyperbolic distance function. We recall the following definition from Anal- ysis IV. Definition. Let (M, g) be a Riemannian manifold. A curve γ : [0, a] → M is called a geodesic if the following conditions are satisfied: (1) γ is smooth, ′ (2) ∥γ (t)∥g = 1 f¨uralle t ∈ [0, a] and (3) ℓ(γ) = d(M,g)(γ(0), γ(a)). The following proposition summarizes the key facts about the distance metric on D. Proposition 18.10. (1) Let r ∈ (0, 1) and φ ∈ R. In the Riemannian manifold D the path γ : [0, r] → D t 7→ teiφ is, up to reparametrization, the unique shortest path from 0 to reiφ. (2) We have ( ) t∫=r √ t∫=r √ iφ 2 ′ 2 d D 0, re = ℓ(γ) = ∥γ (t)∥ dt = dt. ( ,g) 1 − |γ(t)|2 eucl 1 − t2 t=0 t=0 (3) Given φ ∈ R we have ( ) iφ lim d(D,g) 0, re = ∞. r→1 (4) Given any P and Q in D there is a unique geodesic from P to Q. Proof. The first statement is a direct consequence of Satz 14.10 from Analysis IV. The second statement follows immediately from the first statement, and the third statement is a straightforward consequence of the second statement. For the fourth statement, note that it suffices to prove it for P = 0. In that case it is a straightforward consequence of (1).  Lemma 18.11. Let (P,Q) and (S,T ) be two pairs of distinct points on D such that d(P,Q) = d(S,T ). Then there exists a unique M¨obiustransformation ϕ with ϕ(P ) = S and ϕ(Q) = T . 286 STEFAN FRIEDL

Example. Let r ∈ (0, 1), φ ∈ [0, 2π], ψ ∈ [0, 2π] and γ ∈ (0, π). We consider the pairs of points P = reiφ,Q = rei(φ+γ) and S = reiψ,T = rei(ψ−γ). We then have d(S,T ) = d(T,S) = d(rei(ψ−γ), reiψ) = d(reiφ, rei(φ+γ)). ↑ since rotation by φ + γ − ψ is an isometry By Lemma 18.11 there exists a M¨obiustransformation ϕ with ϕ(P ) = S and ϕ(Q) = T . This M¨obiustransformation is illustrated in Figure 164. Recall that from Proposition 18.3 and Lemma 18.5 we know that M¨obiustransformations preserve hyperbolic lines and that they are orientation-preserving. In particular ϕ sends the hyperbolic line through P and Q to the hyperbolic line through S and T . Since ϕ is orientation-preserving it “swaps” the two sides of the hyperbolic line. We refer to Figure 164 for an illustration.

i(φ+γ) iψ i(ψ−γ) S = re T = re Q = re           D  D     line through        line through        P and Q        S and T        ϕ                       iφ       P = re          arrow that points aways from blue

Figure 164.

Proof of Lemma 18.11. It follows from Proposition 18.3 (3) that, without loss of generality, we can assume that P = 0 and S = 0. We write Q = reiφ and T = seiψ. It is a direct consequence of Proposition 18.10 (1) and our hypothesis that d(0, reφ) = d(P,Q) = d(S, T ) = d(0, seiψ) that we have r = s. But this means that we can apply the rotation by the angle φ − ψ, which is a M¨obiustransformation, to turn (P,Q) into (S,T ). This proves the existence of ϕ. The uniqueness follows from the observation, that we had made already on page 276, that the only M¨obiustransformations that fix 0 are precisely rotations. 

Lemma 18.12. Let P ∈ D and r > 0. Let S,T ∈ Br(P ). Then the image of the unique geodesic in D from S to T lies in Br(P ). Proof. As usual, this time by Propositions 18.3, 18.5 and 18.10, it suffices to prove the lemma for P = 0. In that case it follows from an elementary argument. We leave the details of the proof as an exercise. We also refer to Figure 165 for an illustration.  ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 287

    T      S    the geodesic lies in B (0)  r D    Br(0)

Figure 165.

18.5. Complete metric spaces. We conclude this chapter with a short discussion of complete metric spaces. Definition. (1) We say that a metric space (X, d) is complete if every Cauchy sequence in (X, d) converges. (2) We say that a connected Riemannian manifold (M, g) is complete if the correspond- ing metric space (M, d(M,g)) is complete. Examples. (1) The metric space given by Rn and the euclidean metric is complete. (2) The metric space given by the open ball Bn and the euclidean metric is not complete. − 1 Indeed the sequence an = 1 n is a Cauchy sequence, but it does not converge in the open ball Bn. Similarly we see that for example the metric space C\{0, 1} with the usual euclidean metric is not complete. The following proposition gives a useful criterion for a metric space to be complete. Proposition 18.13. Every compact metric space is complete.

Proof. Let (X, d) be a compact metric space and let (an)n∈N be a Cauchy sequence in (X, d). We want to show that the sequence converges, i.e. we want to show that

∃ ∀ ∃ ∀ d(an, x) < ϵ. x∈X ϵ>0 N∈N n≥N Let us assume that no such x exists. Thus we negate the above statement and we obtain that

∀ ∃ ∀ ∃ d(an, x) ≥ ϵ. x∈X ϵ>0 N∈N n≥N ∈ Given x X we pick ϵx > 0 as above and we write Ux := Bϵx (x). These open sets ∪ · · · ∪ cover X. Since X is compact there exist x1, . . . , xk such that X = Ux1 Uxk . Now let { 1 } ϵ := min ϵx1 , . . . , ϵxk , 3 d(xi, xj) . We pick N as in the definition of a Cauchy sequence for the given ϵ > 0. This means in particular that for all m ≥ N we have d(aN , am) < ϵ. ∪ · · · ∪ ∈ { } ∈ Since X = Ux1 Uxk there exists an i 1, . . . , k with aN Uxi . It suffices to prove the following claim to obtain the desired contradiction. ≥ ∈ Claim. For any m N we have an Uxi . 288 STEFAN FRIEDL ≥ ∪ · · · ∪ ∈ { } ∈ Let m N. Since X = Ux1 Uxk there exists a j 1, . . . , k with am Uxj . Suppose that i ≠ j. Then we have ≤ ≤ ≤ 3ϵ d(xi, xj) d(xi, aN ) + d(aN , am) + d(am, xj) < ϵxi + ϵ + ϵxj 3ϵ ↑ ↑ ↑ ∈ ∈ definition of ϵ triangle inequality since aN Uxi , d(aN , am) < ϵ and am Uxj ̸ ∈ Thus we obtain a contradiction to i = j, i.e. we have am Uxi . This concludes the proof of the claim.  The Riemannian manifolds D and H are of course not compact, but nonetheless, as we will now see, we can use Proposition 18.13 to show that D and H are complete. Lemma 18.14. The Riemannian manifolds D and H are complete. Proof. By Proposition 18.2 the two Riemannian manifolds D and H are isometric. Therefore it suffices to show that D is complete. We denote by d = d(D,g) the metric on D corresponding to the Riemannian structure. Let {an}n∈N be a Cauchy sequence with respect to d. An elementary argument using the triangle inequality and the definition of a Cauchy sequence shows that there exists a C ∈ R such that d(0, an) ≤ C for all n ∈ N. It follows from Proposition 18.10 that there exists an r ∈ (0, 1) such that all an are eucl contained in the closed euclidean ball Br (0). By the Heine-Borel Theorem this ball is a compact subset of R2, viewed with the usual topology. It follows from Proposition 18.8 that eucl { } Br (0) is also compact in the topology defined by d. We now see that an n∈N is a Cauchy eucl sequence in the compact metric space (Br (0), d). It follows from Proposition 18.13 that the sequence converges.  ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 289

19. The universal cover of surfaces Throughout this chapter we mean by a surface a connected 2-dimensional manifold. For example the surface of genus g, g ≥ 0, but also C, C \{0, 1} and the result of removing finitely many points from Σg are surfaces. Definition. Let M be a surface. We say that a Riemannian structure g on M is hyperbolic if the following two conditions are satisfied: (1) (M, g) is locally isometric to D, i.e. if given any P ∈ M there exists an isometry Φ: U → V from an open neighborhood U of P to an open subset V of D, (2) (M, g) is complete. If g is hyperbolic, then we refer to (M, g) as a hyperbolic surface. Remark. In the definition of a hyperbolic structure we gave in Analysis IV we only de- manded that (1) is satisfied. By Proposition 18.13 the condition (2) is automatically satisfied if M is a closed surface. In this chapter we will pursue the following three goals: (1) we want to show that for any g ≥ 2 the surface of genus g is a complex manifold, (2) we intend to prove that for any g ≥ 2 the surface of genus g is hyperbolic, (3) given g ≥ 2 we want to determine the universal cover of the surface of genus g.

19.1. Hyperbolic surfaces. In this section we will show that the surfaces of genus ≥ 2 are complex manifolds and that they are hyperbolic. In the subsequent subsection we will then consider more general types of surfaces. Definition. Let M be a 2-dimensional topological manifold without boundary. A M¨obius { → } structure for M is a family of homeomorphisms∪ Φi : Ui Vi i∈I from open subsets of M to open subsets of D such that Ui = M and such that for any i, j ∈ I the transition map i∈I

−1 (Φi|U ∩U ) Φj |U ∩U ∩ −−−−−−−−→i j ∩ −−−−−→i j ∩ |Φi(U{zi Uj}) Ui Uj |Φj(U{zi Uj}) ⊂D ⊂D is given by a M¨obiustransformation. Sometimes we refer to a manifold together with a M¨obiusstructure as a M¨obiusmanifold. Example. (1) We will always view D as equipped with the M¨obiusstructure that is given by the chart id: D → D. (2) Any open subset of a M¨obiusmanifold is also a M¨obiusmanifold. The following lemma says that M¨obiusstructures are useful for solving two problems at once: we can use them to show that a manifold is a complex manifold and we can use them to show that a manifold has a hyperbolic structure. 290 STEFAN FRIEDL

Lemma 19.1. Let M be a surface and let {Φi : Ui → Vi}i∈I be a M¨obiusstructure for M. Then the following hold: (1) The charts form a holomorphic atlas for M, in particular M is a complex 1-dimensional manifold. (2) (a) The manifold M admits a unique Riemannian structure g such that all the charts in the atlas {Φi : Ui → Vi}i∈I are isometries. (b) If the Riemannian structure from (a) is complete, then (M, g) is hyperbolic. In the following we will always view a M¨obiusmanifold as a complex 1-dimensional manifold and a Riemannian manifold with the structures coming from Lemma 19.1.

Proof. Let M be a surface and let {Φi : Ui → Vi}i∈I be a M¨obiusstructure for M. (1) The first statement is an immediate consequence of the definitions and of the fact, proved in Proposition 18.3 (2), that M¨obiustransformations are biholomorphisms. (2) (a) We denote by g the Riemannian structure on D. We define a Riemannian struc- ture on M as follows. Let P ∈ M. We pick a chart Φi : Ui → Vi from our M¨obius ∗ structure and we define hP := Φi (gΦi(P )). Now suppose that we had picked a dif- ferent chart Φj from the M¨obiusstructure. The transition map from Φi to Φj is by definition a M¨obiustransformation, which is an isometry by Proposition 18.3 (2). It follows easily that Φj gives rise to the same definition of hP . It is now straightforward to verify that this defines a Riemannian structure on M and that it has the desired properties. (b) This statement is an immediate consequence of (a) and of the definition of a hyperbolic surface.  The following proposition gives in particular an affirmative answer to Question 17.5. Proposition 19.2. Let g ≥ 2. Then the following hold: (1) The surface of genus g admits a M¨obiusstructure. (2) The surface of genus g is a complex 1-dimensional manifold. (3) The surface of genus g is hyperbolic. Proof. We prove the proposition for the case that g = 2. The general case is proved by almost the same argument. We first show that the surface of genus 2 admits a M¨obiusstructure. We recall that in Lemma 21.5 of Analysis IV we had shown that there exists an r > 0 such that the 2πik/16 interior angle at any vertex of the hyperbolic octagon H8 in D, defined by Qk = re , π 361 k = 1, 3,..., 15, equals 4 . This hyperbolic octagon is illustrated in Figure 166.

361Here is a sketch for the proof: For r → 0 the interior angle converges to the interior angle of a 3π → ∞ euclidean regular octagon, namely 4 , whereas for r the interior angle converges to 0. The interior angle changes continuously with r (that is sort of clear, except that it is somewhat painful to provide a rigorous proof), so by the Intermediate Value Theorem there exists an r such that the interior angle π equals 4 . ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 291

Q Q 5  3       Q  7  Q  1     π  all interior angles equal H  4 8       Q  9   Q−1 = Q15    

Q11 Q13

Figure 166.

Let k ∈ {0, 1, 4, 5}. By Lemma 18.11 and the example on page 286 there exists a unique M¨obiustransformation Φk with Φk(Q2k−1) = Q2k+5 and Φk(Q2k+1) = Q2k+3. The M¨obius transformations Φ0 and Φ1 are illustrated in Figure 167.

Q5 Q Q5 3     Q 3                   

Q     Q

1     7   Q     1                                                               Φ   0        Φ    1                                                                                            Q− = Q   1 15      

Figure 167.

Given k ∈ {0, 1, 4, 5} we declare any point P on the edge connecting Q2k−1 and Q2k+1 to be equivalent to Φk(P ). We denote by ∼ the equivalence relation that is generated by these equivalences. It is straightforward to see that H8/ ∼ is homeomorphic to the surface of genus 2 that we had defined on page 22 as E8/ ∼. In the following we denote by p: H8 → H8/ ∼ the obvious projection map. We will now give an explicit M¨obiusstructure for H8/ ∼. More precisely, given any P ∈ H8/ ∼ we will give a chart ψP such that the transitions maps are given by M¨obius transformations. So let P ∈ H8/ ∼. ◦ (1) If P = p(z) for some z ∈ H8, then the map ( ◦ ) ◦ ψP : p H8 → H8 p(w) 7→ w is a chart around P = p(z). (2) Now suppose that P = p(z) where z lies in the interior of one of the eight edges of ∂H8. In the following we deal with the case that z lies on the edge from Q−1 to Q1. 292 STEFAN FRIEDL

Q5 Q3           ∼   H8/  ∼   E8/          Q  Q  1  7         is homeomorphic to              Q  9 −   Q15 = Q 1             Q11 Q13

Figure 168.

We pick an r > 0 such that B2r(z) does not contain any of the vertices Q1,Q3,...,Q15 and does not hit any of the other edges. Then we consider the map ∩ ∪ ∩ → ψP : p(Br(z) H8) p(Φ0(Br(z)) H8) B{r(z) ∈ ∩ 7→ w, if w Br(z) H8 p(w) −1 ∈ ∩ Φ0 (w), if w Φ0(Br(z)) H8. This map is a chart around P = p(z). We refer to Figure 169 for an illustration of the definition of the map ψP .

p(Φ0(Br(z)) ∩ H8)


 Φ    0         Br(z)                 id                       P = p(z)  z      ∼ p(B (z) ∩ H )  H8/ r 8 H8

Figure 169.

··· ∈ 1 (3) Finally suppose that P = p(Q1) = = p(Q15). We choose r (0, 2 d(Q−1,Q1)). Given k ∈ {1, 3,..., 15} we define γ(k) via the following table: k 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 3 5 1 7 1 3 γ(k) 4 π π 4 π 2 π 4 π 0 4 π 2 π. π Recall that we had chosen the octagon H8 such that the angle at any vertex equals 4 . For k = 1, 3,..., 15 we can therefore apply Lemma 18.7 to find a unique M¨obius transformation θk with the following two properties: (a) θk(Qk) = 0, ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 293

iγ(k) (b) θk applied to the two rays emanating from Qk equals the two rays {se | s ≥ 0} i(γ(k)+ π ) and {se 4 | s ≥ 0} emanating from 0. We consider the map

ψP : p(Br(Q1) ∩ H8) ∪ · · · ∪ p(Br(Q15) ∩ H8) → Br(0) p(z) 7→ θk(z), if z ∈ Br(Qk) ∩ H8.

We leave it as an exercise to verify that ψP is well-defined and that it is indeed a homeomorphism. This map is a chart around P = p(z). We refer to Figure 170 for an illustration of the definition of the map ψP . ∩ p(Br(Q5) H8)  P          3 5                   13   7    1      ψ 7 P      1     11                          9 9  3   15                 5 15          13 11         

Figure 170.

It is straightforward to verify that all the transition maps between the above maps are { } given by M¨obiustransformations. We have thus shown that the maps ψP P ∈H8 form a M¨obiusstructure for H8/ ∼. This concludes the proof of (1). Now we turn to the proof of (2). The existence of a M¨obiusstructure together with Lemma 19.1 (2) shows immediately that the surface of genus 2 is a complex 1-dimensional manifold. Finally we provide the proof of (3). In light of (1) and Lemma 19.1 (2) it suffices to show that the Riemannian manifold (H8/ ∼, g) is complete. By Proposition 18.8 the topology on M defined by the metric d(M,g) agrees with the given topology of M. Since M is compact it now follows from Proposition 18.13 that (M, g) is complete.  19.2. More hyperbolic structures on the surfaces of genus g ≥ 2 (∗). 362 We now want to study the question, how many hyperbolic metrics does a surface of genus g admit. To make this question more precise, we introduce the following definition. Definition. Let M be a surface of genus g ≥ 2 and let h, h′ be two hyperbolic metrics on M. We say h and h′ are equivalent if there exists an isometry from (M, h) to (M, h′). This raises the question, whether a surface of genus g ≥ admits non-equivalent hyperbolic metrics. We return to the construction of a hyperbolic metric in Proposition 19.2. In our 2π construction we started out with a regular 4g-gon with interior angle 4g and we identified pairs of sides. Two facts were crucial to obtain a hyperbolic metric:

362This chapter is not part of the official lecture notes for Algebraic Topology I. 294 STEFAN FRIEDL

(1) the sides were identified via an isometry, (2) the sum of the interior angles equals 2π.

Or put differently, any choice of a 4g-gon with side lengths k1, . . . , k4g and interior angles α1, . . . , α4g that satisfy the equations

k1 = k3, k2 = k4, . . . , k4g−3 = k4g−1, k4g−2 = k4g and α1 + ··· + α4g = 2π gives rise to a hyperbolic metric on a topological space that is homeomorphic to the surface of genus g. It is of course not clear whether different parameters give rise to non-equivalent hyperbolic structures. One way to distinguish them, in principle at least, is to look at the shortest length of a closed curve that is not null-homotopic. We will not elaborate on this procedure.


  k  k 5  2         k  3         α  1        k  1 k  6      α8

k7 k8

Figure 171.

How many such 4g-gons are there? On the one had we have parameters k1, k3, . . . , k4g−1 and α1, . . . , α4g. On the other hand we have the condition that α1 + ··· + α4g = 2π. Fur- thermore we want a 4g-gon, so the last angle and the length of the last edge are determined by the others. Thus we obtain two other conditions. Summarizing we have 2g + 4g = 6g parameters that need to satisfy 3 conditions. Of course it is not clear which of these Riemannian structures are isometric. This naive discussion suggests that the space of hy- perbolic metrics is (6g − 3)-dimensional. Surprisingly this is not too far off the correct answer, in fact in [BP, Chapter B.4] the following proposition is proved. Proposition 19.3. The space of hyperbolic metrics on a surface of genus g ≥ 2 can be viewed as a manifold of dimension 6g − 6. We will not make use of this proposition. The space of hyperbolic metric is called the Teichm¨uller space, more information can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teichmueller_space. The theory is named after Oswald Teichm¨uller(1913-1943) who was a brilliant mathemati- cian and an ardent Nazi, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oswald_Teichmueller ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 295

http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Teichmuller.html and https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oswald_Teichmueller. 19.3. More examples of hyperbolic surfaces. In this section we will generalize the discussion from the previous section to surfaces that are non-compact. In the following let Q1 = 1,Q2 = i, Q3 = −1 and Q0 = Q4 = −i. We denote by H4 the closed, non-compact subset of D that is bounded by the four hyperbolic lines with endpoints Qk,Qk+1 where k = 0, 1, 2, 3. We refer to Figure 173 for an illustration. We consider the M¨obiustransformations363 − −1+i −1−i z 2 z + 2 Φ1(z) := (−i) · and Φ2(z) := (−i) · . − −1−i −1+i 1 2 z 1 + 2 z

We record a few key properties of Φ1 and Φ2 in a lemma. Lemma 19.4.

(1) We have Φ1(Q2) = Q4 and Φ1(Q3) = Q3 and we have Φ2(Q2) = Q4 and Φ1(Q1) = 1. (2) The restriction of Φ1 to the hyperbolic line with endpoints Q3 and Q2 is given by reflection in the x-axis.364 (3) The restriction of Φ2 to the hyperbolic line with endpoints Q1 and Q2 is given by reflection in the x-axis. Proof. The first statement follows immediately from plugging in the points. A straightfor- ward, albeit slightly painful calculation shows that for any α ∈ R we have ( ) −iα iα Φ1 − 1 + i + e = −1 − i + e . This proves the second statement. The third statement is proved by a similarly tedious calculation. 

Remark. We consider the M¨obiustransformation Φ1 in more detail. It sends the hyperbolic line with endpoints Q3 and Q2 to the hyperbolic line with endpoints Q3 and Q4. In particular it sends the two halves determined by the hyperbolic lines to one-another. Which half gets sent to which half is determined by the fact that Φ1 is orientation-preserving. We refer to Figure 172 for an illustration of the M¨obiustransformations Φ1 and Φ2.

Given k ∈ {1, 2} we declare any point P on the line with the endpoints Qk and Qk+1 to be equivalent to Φ3−k(P ). We denote by ∼ the equivalence relation that is generated by these equivalences. − 363 D iθ · z a ∈ R Recall that a M¨obiustransformation of is a map of the form ψ(z) = e 1−az for some θ and a ∈ D. 364 The M¨obiustransformation Φ1 sends the hyperbolic line with endpoints Q3 and Q2 to the hyper- bolic line with endpoints Q3 and Q4. There are many such M¨obiustransformations, but the M¨obius transformation we picked has the extra property, that on the hyperbolic line it is the “obvious map”.



2 2 

                                                         Q     3                                                 Φ   Φ   1  2                                                                                             Q    1                      Q    3              Q    1          Q4 Q4

Figure 172.

Q  2


these hyperbolic lines 

    Q1 get identified via the  Q  3  these hyperbolic lines get  M¨obiustransformation Φ1    identified via the    M¨obiustransformation Φ2

H4  Q4 = Q0

Figure 173.

Proposition 19.5.

(1) The topological space H4/ ∼ admits a M¨obiusstructure. In particular it is a 1-dimen- sional complex manifold. (2) The Riemannian structure on H4/ ∼ coming from (1) and Lemma 19.1 is complete. (3) The topological space H4/ ∼ admits a hyperbolic metric.

Proof. We start out with the proof of (1). We have to show that H4/ ∼ admits a M¨obius structure. The following argument is almost identical to the proof of Proposition 19.2 (1). We denote by p: H4 → H4/ ∼ the projection map. In the following let P ∈ H4/ ∼. ◦ (1) If P = p(z) for some z ∈ H4, then ( ◦ ) ◦ ψP : p H4 → H4 p(w) 7→ w

is a chart around P = p(z). (2) Now suppose that P = p(z) where z lies on ∂H4. In the following we deal with the case that z lies on the edge from Q1 to Q2. All other cases are dealt with almost the same way. We pick an r > 0 such that B2r(z) intersects no other component of ∂H4. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 297

We consider the map ∩ ∪ ∩ → ψP : p(Br(z) H4) p(Φ2(Br(z)) H4) B{r(z) ∈ ∩ 7→ w, if w Br(z) H4 p(w) −1 ∈ −1 ∩ Φ2 (w), if w Φ1 (Br(z)) H4. This map is a chart around P = p(z).

The charts that we just constructed form an atlas for H4/ ∼. It follows immediately from the definitions that all transition maps are given by M¨obiustransformations. It follows that the maps ψP form a M¨obiusstructure for H4/ ∼. As in the proof of Proposition 19.2 it follows that H4/ ∼ is a 1-dimensional complex manifold and that these charts satisfy the conditions of Lemma 19.1. This concludes the proof of (1). We continue with the proof of (2). We have to show that the Riemannian structure on H4/ ∼ coming from (1) and Lemma 19.1 is complete. The subsequent argument is a variation on the proof of Proposition 18.13. We denote by d the metric corresponding to the Riemannian structure on H4/ ∼. Let {an}n∈N be a Cauchy sequence in H4/ ∼ with respect to d. As in the proof of Proposi- tion 18.13 we see that there exists a C ∈ R such that d(0, an) ≤ C for all n ∈ N.

Claim. There exists an r ∈ [0, 1) such that for any z ∈ H4 with d(0, p(z)) ≤ C we have |z| ≤ r.

Given s ∈ [0, 1) we define t∫=s √ 2 g(s) := 1−t2 dt. t=0 Clearly we have lim g(s) = ∞. In particular there exists an r ∈ [0, 1) such that g(s) > C +1 s→1 ≥ 1 for all s 2 r. We claim that r has the desired property. So let z = x = iy ∈ H4 with |z| > r. Since H4 is a subset of the square spanned by 1 and i we see that we have |z| ≤ |x| + |y|. Put | | ≥ 1 | | ≥ 1 differently, we have x 2 r or y 2 r. Without loss of generality we can assume that | | ≥ 1 x 2 r. We need to show that d(0, p(z)) ≥ C + 1. It suffices to show that for any piecewise smooth path γ : [0, a] → H4/ ∼ with γ(0) = 0 and γ(a) = p(z) we have ℓ(γ) ≥ C + 1. We denote by

q : H4/ ∼ → (−1, 1) [x + iy] 7→ x the projection onto the real part. It follows from Lemma 19.4 that this map is indeed well-defined. A straightforward calculation shows that for all t ∈ [0, a] we have

γ′(t) ≥ (q ◦ γ)′(t) . H4/∼ D 298 STEFAN FRIEDL

It follows that | | ≥ 1 since x 2 r =x ↓ ∫a ∫a z }| { ′ ′ ℓ(γ) = γ (t) dt ≥ (q ◦ γ) (t) dt ≥ d(D,g)(0, q(γ(a))) = g(|x|) ≥ C + 1. H4/∼ D 0 ↑ 0 ↑ ↑

above inequality definition of d(D,g) Proposition 18.10 This concludes the proof of the claim. By the above claim the sequence {an}n∈N lies in the compact set p({z ∈ H4 | |z| ≤ r}). But by Proposition 18.13 the metric space p({z ∈ H4 | |z| ≤ r}) is complete, so the sequence {an}n∈N converges in p({z ∈ H4 | |z| ≤ r}), in particular it converges in p(H4) = H4/ ∼. Thus we have proved that H4/ ∼ is complete. This concludes the proof of (2). Finally statement (3) is an immediate consequence of the definition of a hyperbolic metric and of statement (2). 

We had just seen in Proposition 19.5 that H4/ ∼ admits a M¨obiusstructure, in particular it is a 1-dimensional complex manifold. It is relatively straightforward to show that H4/ ∼ is homeomorphic to the sphere minus three points, or equivalently, to C minus two points. We now show the much stronger statement that H4/ ∼ is actually biholomorphic to C \{0, 1}.

Proposition 19.6. There exists a biholomorphism H4/ ∼ → C \{0, 1}.

Remark. We equip H4/ ∼ with the Riemannian metric g coming from the M¨obiusstructure and we equip C \{0, 1} with the usual euclidean Riemannian metric that we denote by h. By Proposition 19.5 the metric space (H4/ ∼, g) is complete whereas (C \{0, 1}, h) is evidently not complete. Thus we see that the biholomorphism H4/ ∼ → C \{0, 1} from Proposition 19.6 is not an isometry.

sphere minus three points




neighborhoods of the in hyperbolic geometry the neighborhoods points we removed become infinitely long open annuli, called cusps Figure 174.

Proof of Proposition 19.6. We denote by ∆ the open subset of D bounded by the three hy- perbolic lines with endpoints −1, 1 and i. (We refer to Figure 175 for an illustration of ∆.) It follows from applying the Riemann Mapping Theorem 17.8 together with Carath´eodory’s Theorem 17.9 that there exists a biholomorphism Ψ: ∆ → D that extends to a homeomor- phism Ψ: ∆ → D. We combine Ψ with the biholomorphism from D to H coming from ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 299

Proposition 18.2. This way we obtain a biholomorphism Φ: ∆ → H that extends to a homeomorphism Φ: ∆ → H. Using Lemma 18.4 we can, if necessary, compose Φ with a M¨obiustransformation of H, to arrange that Φ(i) = ∞ and that Φ({−1, 1}) = {0, 1}. Note that Φ restricts to a homeomorphism Φ: ∂∆ → ∂H = R ∪ {∞}. By the above we have Φ(∂∆) = R \{0, 1}. Now we consider the map → C \{ } Ψ: H4 { 0, 1 Φ(z), if z ∈ ∆, z 7→ Φ(z), if z ∈ ∆, Note that by the above we have f((−1, 1)) = (0, 1). Thus it follows from the Schwarz Reflection Principle, see Proposition 17.3, that the restriction of Ψ to the interior of H4 is holomorphic. It follows from Lemma 19.4 that if P and Q are two equivalent points on ∂H4, then Ψ(P ) = Ψ(Q). Therefore the map Ψ factors through a map H4/ ∼ → C \{0, 1}. Using once again the Schwarz Reflection Principle one can show that this map is in fact a biholomorphism. We leave the verification of this step as an exercise to the reader. 


i goes to

  ∆        H   4  → H   Φ: ∆                   




         −    1  1                                  


   z Φ(z)



−i goes to ∞

Figure 175. Illustration of the proof of Proposition 19.6

Definition. Given g ∈ N0 and n ∈ N0 we now denote by Σg,n the surface that is obtained from the surface of genus g by removing n points. We refer to Fg,n as the n-punctured surface of genus g.

For example the three-punctured sphere F0,3 is the sphere with three points removed. As we had pointed out above, F0,3 is diffeomorphic to C \{0, 1}. In particular, as we have just seen, the three-punctured sphere admits a hyperbolic structure. The following theorem says that “most” surfaces admit a hyperbolic structure.

Theorem 19.7. Let g ∈ N0 and let n ∈ N0. If 2g +n−2 > 0, then Fg,n admits a hyperbolic structure. 300 STEFAN FRIEDL

Sketch of a proof. Let g ∈ N0 and let n ∈ N0. If 2g + n − 2 > 0 then variations on the argument of Propositions 19.2 and 19.5 show that Fg,n admits a hyperbolic metric. In Figure 176 we sketch the constructions needed to show that the once-punctured and the twice-punctured torus have a M¨obiusstructure. The proof that the corresponding

Riemannian manifolds are complete is similar to the proof of Proposition 19.5. 














    once punctured torus twice punctured torus

Figure 176.

19.4. The universal cover of surfaces. Definition. Let f : M → N be a map between two M¨obiusmanifolds. (1) We say that f is a M¨obiusmap if for any chart Φ: U → V in the M¨obiusstructure of M and any chart Ψ: X → Y in the M¨obiusstructure of N the restriction of the map −1 ∩ −1 −−−−−−→Ψ◦f◦Φ ∩ |Φ(U {zf (X))} |Ψ(X {zf(U))} ⊂D ⊂D to any component of Φ(U ∩ f −1(X)) is given by a M¨obiustransformation. (2) We say that f is a M¨obiusisomorphism, if f is a M¨obiusmap, if f is a bijection, and if f −1 is also a M¨obiusmap. The following lemma is an immediate consequence of the definitions and the fact, proved in Proposition 18.3, that M¨obiustransformations are biholomorphisms and isometries. Lemma 19.8. Let M and N be two M¨obiusmanifolds and let f : M → N be a M¨obius map. Then the following two statements hold: (1) the map f is a local biholomorphism, (2) the map f is a local isometry. The following theorem is the main result of this chapter.

Theorem 19.9. (Hadamard’s Theorem) Let g ≥ 2, and let M = H4g/ ∼ be the surface of genus g with the M¨obiusstructure constructed in Proposition 19.2. Then there exists a covering map p: D → M with the following properties: ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 301

(1) p is a M¨obiusmap, (2) p is a local isometry, (3) p is a local biholomorphism. The hyperbolic disk D is of course simply connected. The theorem thus says that for any ≥ 2 the hyperbolic disk D is the universal cover of the surface of genus g. Thus we have now answered Question 15.8. The proof of Theorem 19.9 will require the following two sections. 19.5. Proof of Theorem 19.9 I. In this section we will lay the technical foundations for the proof of Theorem 19.9. In the following lemma we first summarize a few properties of M¨obiusmaps. Lemma 19.10. (1) If U ⊂ D is a connected subset and if f : U → D is a M¨obiusmap, then f is given by a M¨obiustransformation. (2) Let f : M → N be a map between two M¨obiusmanifolds. If f is locally a M¨obius map, then f is a M¨obiusmap. (3) The composition of two M¨obiusmaps is again a M¨obiusmap. (4) A bijective M¨obiusmap is a M¨obiusisomorphism. Proof. (1) Let U ⊂ D be a connected subset and let f : U → D be a M¨obiusmap. It follows from Proposition 18.3 (4) that given P ∈ U there exists a unique M¨obiustrans- formation ϕP such that f = ϕP in an open neighborhood of P . We consider the map ϕ: U → set of all M¨obiustransformations P 7→ ϕP . We equip the right-hand side of the map ϕ with the discrete topology. It follows from the definitions that this map is continuous. But then it follows from Lemma 1.12 that this map is constant. But that is exactly what we had tried to show. (2) This statement follows immediately from (1) and the definitions. (3) This statement is an immediate consequence of definitions and the fact, proved in Proposition 18.3, that the compositions of two M¨obiustransformations is again a M¨obiustransformation. (4) Let f : M → N be a bijective M¨obiusmap. In Proposition 18.3 we had seen that the inverse of a M¨obiustransformation is again a M¨obiustransformation. It follows that f −1 is locally a M¨obiusmap. But then it follows from (2), that f −1 is in fact a M¨obiusmap.  Lemma 19.11. Let U be an open connected subset of D and let M be a M¨obiusmanifold. Furthermore let Φ, Ψ: U → M be two M¨obiusmaps.365 Suppose one of the following two conditions is satisfied:

365Here we view U ⊂ D as equipped with the obvious M¨obiusstructure. 302 STEFAN FRIEDL

(1) There exists an open non-empty subset of U on which Φ and Ψ agree, or (2) there exists a point Q ∈ U with Φ(Q) = Ψ(Q) and a non-zero vector v ∈ TQD such that dΦQ(v) = dΨQ(v), then the M¨obiusmaps Φ and Ψ agree on all of U. Proof. Let U be an open connected subset of D, let M be a M¨obiusmanifold and let Φ, Ψ: U → M be two M¨obiusmaps. We consider one more statement:

(3) There exists a point Q ∈ U such that Φ(Q) = Ψ(Q) and such that dΦQ = dΨQ.

Clearly we have (1) ⇒ (3). We also have (2) ⇒ (3). Indeed, the differentials dΦQ and dΨQ are homomorphisms between two 1-dimensional complex vector spaces. So if they are agree on one non-zero vector, then they agree on all of the vector space TQD. So it suffices to show that if (3) is satisfied, then the maps Φ and Ψ agree on all of U. So suppose that there exists a point Q ∈ U such that Φ(Q) = Ψ(Q) and such that dΦQ = dΨQ. We consider

Y := {P ∈ U | Φ(P ) = Ψ(P ) and dΦP = dΨP }. By our hypothesis we know that Y contains Q, in particular Y is non-empty. Since Φ and Ψ are smooth it follows that Y is closed. It remains to show that Y is open. So let P ∈ Y . We pick a map Θ: W → D from the M¨obiusstructure of M such that W is an open neighborhood of Φ(P ) = Ψ(P ). We denote by V the component of Φ−1(W ) ∩ Ψ−1(W ) that contains P . Since Φ and Ψ are M¨obiusmaps it follows from Lemma 19.10 (3) that the maps Θ ◦ Φ: V → D and Θ ◦ Ψ: V → D are also M¨obiusmaps. Since V is connected it follows from Lemma 19.10 (1) that both maps are given by M¨obius transformations. These two M¨obiustransformations agree at P and they have the same differential at P . It follows from Proposition 18.3 (5) that Φ and Ψ agree on an open neighborhood of P . This shows that Y is also open.  ∈ M Definition. Let M be a M¨obiusmanifold and let Q M and r > 0. We say Br (Q) is D → M small if there exists a M¨obiusisomorphism Ω: Br (0) Br (Q) with Ω(0) = Q. Proposition 19.12. Let M be a M¨obiusmanifold and let Q ∈ M. Then there exists an M r > 0 such that Br (Q) is small. In the proof of Proposition 19.12 we will make use of the following lemma. Lemma 19.13. Let (X, g) and (Y, h) be Riemannian manifolds. Let Q ∈ X and r > 0. X → ∈ X Let f : B3r(Q) (Y, h) be a local isometry and let S, T Br (Q). Then we have

dY (f(S), f(T )) ≤ dX (S, T ).

∈ X Proof. Let S, T Br (Q). Furthermore let ϵ > 0. By the triangle inequality we have dX (S, T ) < 2r. In particular there exists a piecewise smooth path γ in X from S to T such that ℓX (γ) < 2r and with ℓX (γ) < dX (S,T ) + ϵ. Given any t we have

dX (Q, γ(t)) ≤ dX (Q, S) + dX (S, γ(t)) < r + ℓX (γ) < 3r. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 303

X Q B (Q)  3r    f  X       Y                            X f(S)  S γ T Br (Q) f ◦ γ f(T )

Figure 177. Illustration for Lemma 19.13.

X Thus we have shown that the image of γ lies in B3r(Q). In particular the image of γ lies in the domain of f. Thus we see that

dY (f(S), f(T )) ≤ ℓY (f ◦ γ) = ℓX (γ) < dX (S,T ) + ϵ. ↑ ↑ since f ◦ γ is a path from by Lemma 18.9, since f(S) to f(T ) f is a local isometry

Since this inequality holds for all ϵ > 0 we see that dY (f(S), f(T )) ≤ dX (S, T ).  Now we can provide the proof of Proposition 19.12. Proof of Proposition 19.12. Let M be a M¨obiusmanifold and let Q ∈ M. We pick a map Φ: U → V from the M¨obiusstructure of M such that U is an open neighborhood of Q. By Proposition 18.3 (3), after possibly composing Φ with a M¨obiustransformation, we can furthermore assume that Φ(Q) = 0. We write Ω := Φ−1. By Proposition 18.8 (3) and by M ⊂ D ⊂ 366 the openness of V there exists an r > 0 such that B3r (Q) U and such that B3r(0) V .

 D V   Φ  M     B (Q)      3r       0                Q            D            B (0)   M   3r     B (Q)   r    Ω     MU D  Br (0) 

Figure 178. Illustration for the proof of Proposition 19.12.

It follows immediately from Lemmas 19.8 and 19.13 and from our choice of r that the following holds: ∈ M ≤ (1) For any S, T Br (Q) we have dD(Φ(S), Φ(T )) dM (S,T ). ∈ D ≤ (2) For any S, T Br (Q) we have dM (Ω(S), Ω(T )) dD(S, T ).

366Note the discrete factor 3 in the radius of the ball. 304 STEFAN FRIEDL

It follows immediately from these two inequalities, from Φ(Q) = 0 and from the fact −1 D → M that Φ = Ω that Ω restricts to an isometry Ω: (Br (0), dD) (Br (Q), dM ) of metric spaces which is furthermore a bijection. Furthermore, since Φ is a M¨obiusisomorphism −1 D → M it follows that the inverse map Ω = Φ :(Br (0), dD) (Br (Q), dM ) is also a M¨obius isomorphism.  ∈ M Lemma 19.14. Let M be a M¨obiusmanifold. Let Q M and let r > 0 such that Br (Q) D → M ⊂ D is small. Let Φ: M be a M¨obiusmap such that Br (Q) Φ( ). Then the following hold: ∈ −1 D → M (1) For any X Φ (Q) the map Φ restricts to a M¨obiusisomorphism Br (X) Br (Q). ≤ r ∈ D ∈ M ∈ −1 (2) Let s 2 and let Y such that Φ(Y ) Bs (Q). Then there exists an X Φ (Q) ∈ D with Y Bs (X). ∈ M Proof. Let M be a M¨obiusmanifold. Let Q M and let r > 0 such that Br (Q) is small. D → M We pick a M¨obiusisomorphism Ω: Br (0) Br (Q) as in the definition of “small”. Let D → M ⊂ D Φ: M be a M¨obiusmap such that Br (Q) Φ( ).

D −1 D B (X) ∈ M r X Φ (Q) B (Q) is small Br (0)    r            Q                           Ω                   Φ         ∼          =                                            D     Φ( )               D  M    

Figure 179. Illustration for the proof of Lemma 19.14 (1).

(1) Let X ∈ Φ−1(Q). It follows immediately from the fact that M¨obiusmaps are local D ⊂ M isometries and from Lemma 19.13 that Φ(Br (X)) Br (Q). Therefore we can con- −1 ◦ D → D sider the M¨obiusmap Ω Φ: Br (X) Br (0). By Lemma 19.10 this M¨obiusmap is the restriction of a M¨obiustransformation. In particular it is a M¨obiusisomorphism. D → M But since Ω is also a M¨obiusisomorphism it follows that Φ: Br (X) Br (Q) is also a M¨obiusisomorphism. ≤ r ∈ D ∈ M (2) Let s 2 and let Y such that Φ(Y ) Bs (Q), i.e. such that dM (Q, Φ(Y )) < s. By the triangle inequality we have M ⊂ M ⊂ M Bs (Φ(Y )) B2s (Q) Br (Q). The same argument as in (1) shows that the map Φ restricts to a M¨obiusisomorphism D → M ∈ M Bs (Y ) Bs (Φ(Y )). We have dM (Q, Φ(Y )) < s, i.e. we have Q Bs (Φ(Y )). ∈ D Hence there exists an X Bs (Y ) with Φ(X) = Q. We refer to Figure 180 for an illustration.  ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 305

Φ(Y ) D Q  Φ( )          X   D     M     B (Y )    B (Q)  Φ  s    r                         M         B (Φ(Y ))      s                              Y                     D  M 

Figure 180. Illustration for the proof of Lemma 19.14 (2).

19.6. Proof of Theorem 19.9 II. In this section we will now finally provide the proof of Theorem 19.9. We will only cover the case g = 2, the proof of the general case is almost identical. Throughout this section let M = H8/ ∼ be the surface of genus 2 with the M¨obius structure constructed in Proposition 19.2. In the following we will show that there exists a M¨obiusmap p: D → M that is in fact a covering map. It then follows from Lemma 19.8 that p is also a local isometry and a local biholomorphism. For the remainder of the proof we adopt the following notation and conventions. ◦ (1) We view H8 as a subset of D and also of H8/ ∼. (2) Given Z ∈ D we denote by

γZ : [0, 1] → D t 7→ t · Z the radial path from the origin 0 ∈ D to Z. (3) We say that U ⊂ D is convex if it is convex in the usual euclidean sense, i.e. if given any P,Q ∈ U the points t · P + (1 − t) · Q, t ∈ [0, 1] also lie in U. On several occasions throughout the proof we will make use of the following elementary observations: (a) convex sets are path-connected, (b) the intersection of two convex sets is also convex, in particular, combining (a) and (b) we get (c) the intersection of two convex sets is path-connected.

Our first goal is to construct a suitable map p: D → M = H8/ ∼. So let Z ∈ D. We write γ = γZ . We say t ∈ [0, 1] is good if there exists a convex open neighborhood U of γ([0, t]) and a map Ψ: U → M which has the following properties: (i) Ψ is a M¨obiusmap, ◦ (ii) it restricts to the identity on H8 ∩ U ⊂ M. We start out with the following lemma. Lemma 19.15. The point t = 1 is good. Proof. We set T := {t ∈ [0, 1] | t is good}. 306 STEFAN FRIEDL

We start out with the following observations: ◦ (1) We have that 0 ∈ T since the identity on the open neighborhood H8 of 0 has the required properties.367 (2) Being good is clearly an open condition, hence T ⊂ [0, 1] is open. We want to show that T = [0, 1]. By the above, and since [0, 1] is connected, it suffices to show that s := sup(T ) is good. Since 0 ∈ S and since T is open we see that s > 0. Therefore there exists an increasing sequence {tn}n∈N of good numbers tn ∈ [0, t) that converges to s. Since each tn is good we can pick for each n a convex open neighborhood Un of γ([0, tn]) and a map Ψn : Un → M that has the desired properties (i) and (ii). Let m, n ∈ N. The M¨obiusmaps Ψ and Ψ agree on the non-empty open connected ◦ m n subset H8 ∩ Un ∩ Um. It follows from Lemma 19.11 that the maps Ψm and Ψn agree on Un ∩ Um. By the continuity of γ the sequence {γ(tn)}n∈N converges to γ(t), in particular it is a Cauchy sequence with respect to dD. It follows from Lemma 18.9 that {Ψn(γ(tn))}n∈N is a 368 Cauchy sequence with respect to dM . It follows from Proposition 19.2 that the metric space (M = H8/ ∼, dM ) is complete. Therefore the Cauchy sequence {Ψn(γ(tn))}n∈N converges to a point S ∈ M. It follows from Proposition 19.12 that there exists an r > 0 and a M¨obiusisomorphism D → M ∈ M Ω: Br (0) Br (S) such that Ω(0) = S. We pick an n such that Ψn(γ(tn)) Br (S) and such that dD(γ(t), γ(s)) < r. We write t = tn, Ψ = Ψn,U = Un and we write X = γ(t). −1 Let v ∈ TX D be a non-zero vector. We let w := d(Ω ◦ Ψ)X (v). The M¨obiusmaps Ω and Ψ are in particular local isometries, therefore we have ∥w∥ = ∥v∥. It follows from Proposition 18.3 (4) that there exists a M¨obiustransformation Θ with Θ(X) = Ω−1(Ψ(X)) and such that dΘX (v) = w. ◦ D → The situation is illustrated in Figure 181. The M¨obiusmaps Ω Θ: Br (X) M and Ψ: U → M agree at X = γ(t) and we have d(Ω ◦ Θ)X (v) = dΨX (v). It follows from ◦ D ∩ Lemma 19.11 that Ω Θ and Ψ agree on the path-connected set Br (X) U. Now we consider the map ∪ D → Φ: U Br (γ(t)) {M ∈ 7→ Ψ(Q), if Q U, Q −1 ∈ D Ω (Θ(Q)), if Q Br (γ(t)).

◦ ◦ ◦ 367 Hereby we use that for each point Z ∈ H8 the identity map id: H8 → H8 is part of the M¨obius structure of M. 368 Indeed, suppose we have ϵ > 0. Since {γ(tn)}n∈N is a Cauchy sequence there exists an N such that dD(γ(tm), γ(tn)) < ϵ for all m, n ≥ N. Now let m, n ≥ N. Without loss of generality we have m > n. Then

dM (Ψm(γ(tm)), Ψn(γ(tn))) = dM (Ψm(γ(tm)), Ψm(γ(tn))) ≤ dD(γ(tm), γ(tn)) < ϵ. ↑ ↑ | since Ψm and Ψn agree on γ [0,tn] Lemma 18.9 ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 307

−1 Ψ(U) Ψ(X) Ω (Ψ(X))      D   Ψ       M         B (S)    r        Ω       w U                                                                        γ(s)                                   X = γ(t)            S     D  B (0) v M¨obiustransformation Θ r

Figure 181.

By the above discussion this map is well-defined and it is locally a M¨obiusmap. It follows from Lemma 19.10 (3) that this map is a M¨obiusmap. It follows from dD(γ(t), γ(s)) < r D ⊂ D ∪ D and the fact that γ is a geodesic in that γ([t, s]) Br (γ(t)), in particular U Br (γ(t)) is an open subset of D that contains γ([0, t]) ∪ γ([t, s]) = γ([0, s]). It is now straightforward ∪ D to see that we can find a convex open subset W of U Br (γ(t)) that contains γ([0, s]). The M¨obiusmap Φ: W → M now certifies that s is also good.  Thus we have now shown that there exists a convex open neighborhood U of γ([0, 1]) ◦ and a local isometry Ψ: U → H8/ ∼ which agrees with the identity map on U ∩ H8. We define p(Z) := Ψ(Z). By Lemma 19.11 this definition does not depend on the choice of U and Ψ. Lemma 19.16. The map p: D → M is a M¨obiusmap.

   convex open neighborhood U of γ  P            that we used to define Φ(P )                     D     B (P )  r   γ  P      D  ∈  Q B (P ), we can use U to define p(Q)  r    D  γQ

Figure 182. Illustration of the proof of Lemma 19.16.

Proof. By Lemma 19.10 (2) it suffices to show that p is locally a M¨obiusmap. This means that it suffices to show that every point P ∈ D admits an open neighborhood W such that the restriction of p to W is a M¨obiusmap. Thus let P ∈ D. By the above claim there exists a convex open neighborhood U of γP ([0, 1]) and a M¨obiusmap Ψ: U → H8/ ∼ which 308 STEFAN FRIEDL ◦ restricts to the identity on U ∩ H8. Since U is open we can find an r > 0 such that for ∈ D all Q Br (P ) the image of the radial path γQ from 0 to Q also lies in U. (We refer to Figure 182 for an illustration.) This implies that we can use the M¨obiusmap Ψ: U → M ∈ D D to define p for any Q Br (P ). Put differently, p = Ψ on Br (P ). We have thus shown D  that the restriction of p to the open neighborhood W = Br (P ) of P is a M¨obiusmap. The following lemma now concludes the proof of Theorem 19.9

Lemma 19.17. The map p: D → M = H8/ ∼ is a covering map. Proof. First we show that the map p: D → M = H / ∼ is surjective. Recall that by ◦ 8 369 construction p is the identity on H8. Since p is continuous it follows that the restriction 370 of p to H8 → M = H8/ ∼ is surjective. It remains to show that every Q ∈ M admits a uniformly covered neighborhood. Let ∈ M 371 Q M. By Proposition 19.12 there exists an r > 0 such that B2r (Q) is small. We claim that BM (Q) is uniformly covered. More precisely, we make the following claims: r ∪ −1 M D (1) p (Br (Q)) = Br (X), X∈p−1(Q) ̸ ′ ∈ −1 D ∩ D ′ ∅ (2) for X = X p (Q) we have Br (X) Br (X ) = , ∈ −1 D → M (3) given any X p (Q) the restriction of p to Br (X) Br (Q) is a homeomorphism. We apply Lemma 19.14 to the map p: D → M. It gives us the following three facts: ∈ D ∈ M ∈ −1 ∈ D (a) If Y satisfies p(Y ) Br (Q), then there exists an X p (Q) with Y Br (X). ∈ −1 D → M (b) For any X p (Q) the restriction of p to Br (X) Br (Q) is a M¨obiusisomor- phism, in particular it is a homeomorphism. ∈ −1 D (c) For any X p (Q) the restriction of p to B2r(X) is injective. Now the desired properties (1) and (3) follow immediately from (a) and (b). It remains ̸ ′ ∈ −1 D ∩ D ′ ̸ ∅ to prove (2). Suppose that we have X = X p (Q) with Br (X) Br (X ) = . We ′ ∈ D ∩ D ′ need to show X = X . We pick Y Br (X) Br (X ). The triangle inequality implies that ′ ∈ D D ′  X B2r(X). But p restricted to B2r(X) is injective by (c). Hence X = X . 19.7. Picard’s Theorem. We also have the following variation on Theorem 19.9.

Proposition 19.18. Let H4/ ∼ be the three-punctured sphere with the M¨obiusstructure constructed in Proposition 19.5. Then there exists a covering map p: D → H4/ ∼ with the following properties: (1) p is a M¨obiusmap, (2) p is a local isometry, (3) p is a local biholomorphism.

369The map p is a M¨obiusmap, in particular it is a local biholomorphism which implies that it is a local homeomorphism. Thus it follows from Lemma 1.14 that p itself is continuous. 370 This is the only part of the proof where we actually use that we work with H8/ ∼, the remainder of the proof works for any manifold M with a M¨obiusstructure such that the corresponding Riemannian manifold is complete. 371Note the factor 2. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 309

Proof. The proof of Proposition 19.18 is almost the same as the proof of Theorem 19.9. In the proof of Theorem 19.9 we used that H8/ ∼ is complete. In the present case it follows from Proposition 19.5 (3) that H4/ ∼ is complete. The construction of the M¨obiusmap Φ: D → H4/ ∼ is verbatim the same as the construction of the M¨obiusmap Φ: D → H8/ ∼. The same argument as before shows that Φ: D → H4/ ∼ is surjective and that it is a covering map. 

Remark. We consider again the covering p: D → H8/ ∼ that we had just constructed. It follows from Corollary 15.4 that the interior of H8 is uniformly covered. In particular we see that ⊔ ◦ D \ −1 |p ({z∂H8}) = copies of H8. “1-dimensional” −1 Put differently, up to the “one-dimensional” subset p (∂H8) we can cover D by infinitely many disjoint copies of the open hyperbolic octagon. Such a decomposition is often called a tessellation. This tessellation is shown in Figure 183 on the left. The same argument also applies to the covering D → H4/ ∼ that we also had just constructed. The corresponding tessellation of D is shown in Figure 183 on the right.

◦ ◦ preimages of H8 under the preimages of H4 under the universal cover p: D → H8/ ∼ universal cover p: D → H4/ ∼

Figure 183.

At the end of the course Algebraic Topology I we return to complex analysis. There are different types of holomorphic functions defined on C. (1) There are the (rather dull) constant functions. (2) There are holomorphic functions f : C → C that are surjective. For example it is an easy consequence of the fundamental theorem of algebra that all maps defined by non-constant polynomials are surjective. 310 STEFAN FRIEDL

(3) There are also non-constant maps that are not surjective, for example the exponen- tial function z 7→ exp(z) is never zero372, in fact its image is C \{0}. On the other hand we had seen in Analysis IV that the image of a non-constant holomorphic function on C is dense.373 We can now prove Picard’s Theorem374 which is a significantly stronger statement than the above statement that the image is dense. Theorem 19.19. (Picard’s Theorem) Let f : C → C be a non-constant holomorphic function. Then there exists at most one z ∈ C which does not lie in the image of f. Proof. Let f : C → C be a holomorphic function such that there exist two different complex numbers a, b that do not lie in the image of f. We need to show that f is constant. We consider the biholomorphism α: C \{a, b} → C \{0, 1} z − a z 7→ . b − a

Furthermore we denote by β : C \{0, 1} → H4/ ∼ the biholomorphism from Proposi- tion 19.6. Now we consider the following diagram of maps D

Φ  f / α / β / C C \{a, b} ∼ C \{0, 1} ∼ H4/ ∼ = = where Φ: D → H4/ ∼ is the covering map from Proposition 19.18. Recall that Φ is a M¨obiusmap which implies by Lemma 19.8 that Φ is a local biholomorphism. Since C is simply connected we can appeal to Proposition 15.2 to obtain a lift of the map β ◦ α ◦ f : C → H4/ ∼ to the universal cover. More precisely, there exists a map β ^◦ α ◦ f : C → D such that the following diagram commutes

eeee2 D eeeeee ^◦ ◦ eeeee β αeefeeee eeeee Φ eeeeee eeeee ∼ ∼  eeee / = / = / C C \{a, b} C \{0, 1} H4/ ∼ . f α β As we had pointed out in Lemma 17.7, it follows from the fact that β ◦ α ◦ f is holo- morphic and the fact that Φ is a local biholomorphism, that the map β ^◦ α ◦ f : C → D is also holomorphic. But D is of course bounded. Therefore it follows from Liouville’s

372Why not? 373More precisely, we had shown that if f : C → C is a holomorphic function, then given any z ∈ C and any r > 0 there exists a w ∈ C with f(w) ∈ Br(z). 374Emile Picard (1856-1941) was a French mathematician, we encountered him already in Analysis II, when we proved the Picard-Lindel¨ofTheorem. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 311

Theorem 17.1 that β ^◦ α ◦ f is constant. But then β ◦ α ◦ f is also constant. Since α and β are biholomorphisms this implies that f itself is already constant.  Remark. In the literature Theorem 19.19 is sometimes referred to as Picard’s Little The- orem, to distinguish it from Picard’s Great Theorem which says that if z0 is an essential singularity of a holomorphic function, then in any neighborhood of z0 the function f as- sumes all, but possibly one, value infinitely many times. We refer to [C, Section 12] for details. 312 STEFAN FRIEDL

20. The deck transformation group (∗) 375

Definition. Let p: X → B be a covering. (1) A deck transformation is a homeomorphism d: X → X such that d(p(x)) = p(x) for all x, i.e. such that the following diagram commutes:

d / X GG ∼ w X GG = ww GG ww p G# {ww p B. The group of deck transformations376 is called the deck transformation group of the covering p: X → B and we denote it by D(p: X → B). (2) We say that the covering is regular if for any b ∈ B the deck transformation group D acts transitively on p−1(b), i.e. if given any two points x, x′ with p(x) = p(x′) = b there exists a deck transformation d with d(x) = x′. Otherwise we say that the covering is irregular.

d X

p p B

Figure 184. Schematic image of a deck transformation.

Example. (1) We consider the covering p: S1 → S1 z 7→ z2. Then the map d: S1 → S1 given by d(z) := −z is a deck transformation. It is now clear that the covering is regular.

375This section is not part of the official lecture notes for Algebraic Topology I. 376Why do deck transformations form a group? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 313

(2) Let M be a non-orientable path-connected manifold. As in the proof of Proposi- tion 16.4 we consider the covering f M := {(Q, O) | Q ∈ M and O an orientation of TQM} → M (Q, O) 7→ Q. Then the map d: Mf → Mf given by d((Q, O)) := (Q, −O) is a deck transformation of p. It is straightforward to see that the covering is regular. (3) We consider again the first two coverings of graphs from Figure 58 which are also shown again in Figure 185. The covering maps are the ones suggested by the colors and the directions. We first make the following observations. A deck transforma- tion d does the following: (a) it sends a vertex again to a vertex, (b) it sends a blue edge to a blue edge, preserving the orientation, (c) it sends a red edge to a red edge, preserving the orientation, (d) if e is an edge with endpoints P and Q, then d(e) is an edge with endpoints d(P ) and d(Q), in particular if e is a loop, then d(e) is also a loop. We now consider the two examples. (a) The example on the left admits one non-trivial deck transformation, namely the map that is given by “rotation by π” around the center of the graph. The covering is now easily seen to be regular. (b) The loop a3 in the graph on the right is the only red loop, so any deck trans- formation has to send it to itself. It follows that there can be no deck transfor- mation that sends the vertex to the right to any of the other vertices.377 Thus the covering on the right is irregular.

  deck transformation is a deck transformation has to send the red loop a3 given by rotation by π around P to another loop, but a is the only red loop  3       a  b 1  3 b  1            a3

  a2 b2 p p a b    

regular covering irregular covering

Figure 185.

377Does this covering admit any deck transformation? 314 STEFAN FRIEDL

(4) Finally we consider the 4-fold coverings illustrated in Figure 186. They are both regular coverings. For the graph on the left the deck transformation group is iso- Z π morphic to 4, a generator is given by “rotation by 2 ”. The deck transformation group on the right is isomorphic to Z2 ⊕ Z2, here one Z2 summand is given by “ro- tation by π” and the other one corresponds to “swapping the inner and the outer circle”.



      p p


deck transformation group Z4 deck transformation group Z2 ⊕ Z2

Figure 186.

Lemma 20.1. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed path-connected topological spaces and let d1 and d2 be two deck transformations of p. Then the following holds

d1 = d2 ⇐⇒ d1(x0) = d2(x0). Proof. Evidently we only need to show the “⇐”-direction. Thus let d be a deck trans- formations of p. One way of stating that d is a deck transformation is to state that the following diagram commutes: (X, d(x )) o7 0 d oo oo p ooo  / (X, x0) p (B, b0).

Put differently, the map d can be viewed as a lift of the map (X, x0) → (B, b0) to the 378 covering (X, d(x0)) → (B, b0). By the uniqueness of lifts , that we had shown in Propo- sition 15.2, we now see that two deck transformations d1 and d2 of p with d1(x0) = d2(x0) agree.  Example. We let B = (S1 × {a} ⊔ S1 × {b})/(1, a) ∼ (1, b), i.e. B is the wedge of two circles and we consider 1 1 2πin/5 X = (S ⊔ (S × Z5))/(e ∼ (1, n)) for n ∈ Z5,

378Here we use that X is path-connected. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 315 i.e. X is a circle with five circles attached at the points e2πik/5, k = 0,..., 4. Then the map 1 1 1 1 p:(S ⊔ (S × Z5))/ ∼ → G = (S × {a} ⊔ S × {b})/(1, a) ∼ (1, b) 5 1 1 that is given by p(z) = (z , a) for z ∈ S and p((z, n)) = (z, b) for (z, n) ∈ S × Z5, is a covering map of degree five. This covering illustrated in Figure 187. We pick the base point x0 = 0 on X. We consider the map Z → → 5 D(p: X B)  X → X m 7→  z 7→ e2πim/5z, for z ∈ S1,  1 (z, n) 7→ (z, m + n) for (z, n) ∈ S × Z5 2πm In Figure 187 this corresponds to “rotation X by the angle 5 . It is straightforward that this map is well-defined, i.e. the maps on the right are deck transformations, and using Lemma 20.1 one can easily see that this map is an isomorphism. Also one can now convince oneself easily that the covering p: X → B is regular.

     p: X → B    



2π deck transformation is given by rotation by 5 Figure 187.

Lemma 20.2. Let X be a topological space on which a group G acts continuously and discretely. We consider the corresponding covering p: X → X/G. Then p: X → X/G is regular and the map Φ: G 7→ (D(p: X → X/G) ) X 7→ X g 7→ x 7→ gx is an isomorphism of groups. Proof. It is straightforward to see that the maps x 7→ gx are indeed deck transformations. It follows almost immediately that the covering p: X → X/G is regular. Also it follows easily from the axioms of a group action that Φ is a homomorphism of groups. Furthermore it is clear that Φ is a monomorphism. It remains to show that Φ is an epimorphism. So let d ∈ D(p: X → X/G) be a deck transformation. We pick x ∈ X. Since p(d(x)) = p(x) we have d(x) = gx for some g ∈ G. But then it follows from Lemma 20.1 that d(y) = gy for all y ∈ X. This shows that Φ is an epimorphism.  316 STEFAN FRIEDL

Lemma 20.3. Any 2-fold covering of path-connected topological spaces is regular and the deck transformation group contains precisely two elements. Proof. Let p: X → B be a 2-fold covering of path-connected topological spaces. We leave it as an exercise to show that the map d: X → X x 7→ the unique other element of p−1(p(x)) is continuous and that it is a deck transformation. It follows easily from Lemma 20.1 that any deck transformation of p is either the identity or it equals the above deck transformation d.  We recall the following important, albeit somewhat technical, definition. Definition. Let G be a group and let H ⊂ G be a subgroup. The normalizer N(H) of the subgroup H ⊂ G is defined as N(H) := {g ∈ G | g−1Hg = H}. Remark. (1) By definition a subgroup H of G is normal if and only if N(H) = G. (2) It is straightforward to see that N(H) ⊂ G is a subgroup of G. Furthermore it follows immediately from the definition of N(H) that H is a normal subgroup of N(H). (3) The normalizer N(H) of H ⊂ G is the largest subgroup of G which contains H as a normal subgroup.379 Example. We consider one last example in detail. Let Y be a path-connected and locally simply connected topological space and let y0 ∈ Y . Furthermore let Γ ⊂ π = π1(Y, y0) be a subgroup. By Proposition 15.5 there exists a path-connected covering p:(X, x0) → (Y, y0) of pointed topological spaces such that p∗(π1(X, x0)) = Γ. We recall the construction of X. We first considered

W := {all paths in Y with starting point y0} and for u, v ∈ W we wrote u ∼ v :⇔ u and v have the same endpoint and [u ∗ v] ∈ Γ. We defined X = W/ ∼ and the projection map p: W/ ∼ → Y that is given by [w] 7→ w(1). We then showed that, with an appropriate topology on W/ ∼, the map p: W/ ∼ → Y is a path-connected covering with p∗(π1(W/ ∼, x0)) = Γ.

379As we had just pointed out, H is by definition a normal subgroup of N(H). Furthermore, if A is a subgroup of G which contains H as a normal subgroup, then A ⊂ N(H). In this sense N(H) is the largest subgroup which contains H as a normal subgroup. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 317

As in the proof of Proposition 15.9 we now would like to construct deck transformations by precomposing elements in W by a loop in y0. More precisely, let g be a loop in (Y, y0). We consider the map W → W w 7→ g ∗ w We need to check that the map respects our equivalence relation ∼ on W . So suppose that u, v ∈ W are equivalent. Then g ∗ u and g ∗ v still have the same endpoint. Now we need to consider the second condition. We have

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −1 [(g u) (g v)] = [g u v g] = [g] |[u{zv}] [g] . ∈Γ

In general it is not the case that the right hand side true lies again in Γ. But it is true if [g] lies in the normalizer of Γ. As in the proof of Proposition 15.9 it is now straightforward to see that the map Ψ: N(Γ)/Γ → (D(p: X → Y ) ) W/ ∼ → W/ ∼ [g] 7→ [u] 7→ [g ∗ u] is a well-defined homomorphism. We will see in Proposition 20.4 that this in fact an isomorphism of groups.

Now we want to consider the general case of a covering. So let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed path-connected topological spaces. We write π := π1(B, b0) and 380 Γ := p∗(π1(X, x0)). Now the question arises whether there is a connection between the groups π, Γ and D(p: X → B). Similar to the proof of Theorem 6.16 we can consider the following map381

Φ: D(p: X → B) 7→ [π/Γ ] d 7→ p ◦ (path in X from x0 to d(x0)) .

It is straightforward to see that this map is well-defined, i.e. it does not depend on the choice of the path. The question now arises, whether this map Φ is a group isomorphism. But in general this is not the case, after all, if Γ is not normal in π, then π/Γ is not even a group. But we have the following proposition:

380 ∼ Recall that by Corollary 6.14 the induced map p∗ :Γ → π is injective, thus Γ = π1(X, x0). 381We denote hereby with [p ◦ f] not only the equivalence class of the loop p ◦ f in π, but also its equivalence class π/Γ, since the notation [p ◦ f]Γ is too cumbersome. 318 STEFAN FRIEDL

Proposition 20.4. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed path-connected topo- logical spaces. We write π := π1(B, b0) and Γ := p∗(π1(X, x0)). The above map Φ: D(p: X → B) 7→ [π/Γ ] d 7→ p ◦ (path in X from x0 to d(x0)) . restricts to an isomorphism of groups ∼ Φ: D(p: X → B) −→= N(Γ)/Γ.

Proof. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed path-connected topological spaces. We write π := π1(B, b0), Γ := p∗(π1(X, x0)) and D := D(p: X → B). (A) First we have to show that Φ(D) lies indeed in N(Γ)/Γ. Thus let d ∈ D. We need to show that Φ(d) lies in N(Γ)/Γ. Thus let f be a loop in (X, x0) and and let g be a path in X from x0 to d(x0). We have to verify that [p ◦ f] · [p ◦ g] · [p ◦ f] ∈ Γ. Indeed the following holds [ ] [ ( )] ◦ · ◦ · ◦ ◦ ∗ ◦ ∗ ◦ ◦ ∗ ∗ ∈ [p f] [p g] [p f] = p f p g p f = p |f {zg f} p∗(π1(X, x0)) = Γ.

loop in (X, x0) (B) Now we have to show that Φ is a group homomorphism. So let d and e be two deck transformations. We pick a path g from x0 to d(x0) and we pick a path h from x0 to e(x0). Then Φ(d) · Φ(e) = [p ◦ g] · [p ◦ h] = [p ◦ (e ◦ g))] · [p ◦ h] = [p ◦ (e ◦ g ∗ h)] = Φ(d ◦ e). ↑ ↑ ↑ definition of Φ(e) and Φ(d) since p ◦ e = p since g ∗ (d ◦ h) is a path from x0 to d(e(x0)), see Figure 188

d ◦ h d(x ) 0    d(e(x )) g  0

 x0     e(x0) h

Figure 188.

(C) We will now construct a map Ψ: N(Γ)/Γ → D in the inverse direction. Thus let ∈ ⊂ [f] N(Γ) π = π1(B, b0) where f is a loop in (B, b0).( Let x)1 be the endpoint of the e 382 e lift f of f to the starting point x0. We have p(x1) = p f(1) = f(1) = x0. Thus we

382 According to Corollary 6.13 the definition of x1 does not depend on the choice of the representative of [f] ∈ N(Γ). ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 319

obtain the following diagram of maps of pointed topological spaces:

(X, x1) p  p / (X, x0) (B, b0).

Then {[ ( )] } e e −1 p∗(π1(X, x1)) = p ◦ f ∗ g ∗ f [g] ∈ π1(X, x0) = [f] p∗(π1(X, x0)) [f] ↑ = p∗(π1(X, x0)). e by Proposition 4.9 since f is a path from x0 to x1 ↑ since [f] ∈ N(Γ)

It follows from Proposition 15.2 that there exists a lift pe:(X, x0) → (X, x1) of p, i.e. there exists a map pe such that the following diagram commutes:

(8 X, x1) pe ppp pp p ppp  p / (X, x0) (B, b0).

The map is pe is now by definition a deck transformation. We have thus constructed a map N(Γ) → D. We still need to show that this map descends to a map N(Γ)/Γ → D. So let [f] ∈ N(Γ) and let [g] ∈ Γ. We denote by fe ] the lift of f to the starting point x0. Similarly we define g ∗ f. By the above we only need to show that the endpoints of fe and g]∗ f agree. In fact we have

endpoint of the lift of f endpoint of the lift of f g]∗ f(1) = = = fe(1) to the starting point ge(1) to the starting point x0 ↑ ↑

Lemma 15.3 by Lemma 6.15 (2) (1) since [g] ∈ p∗(π1(X, x0))

(D) We now want to show that Φ is a bijection. It suffices to show that Ψ ◦ Φ = id and Φ ◦ Ψ = id. First let d ∈ D. Then

Ψ(Φ(d)) = Ψ(f that lifts to a path from x0 to d(x0)) = deck transformation that sends x0 to d(x0) = d ↑ Lemma 20.1

This shows that Ψ ◦ Φ is a bijection. 320 STEFAN FRIEDL

Now let g ∈ N(Γ)/Γ. We pick a representative loop s in b0 and we denote bys ˜ the lift of s to the starting point x0. We denote by x1 the endpoint ofs ˜. Then [ ( z =}|x1 { )] [ ] Φ(Ψ(g)) = p ◦ path in X from x to Ψ(g)(x ) = p ◦ s˜ = [s] = g. 0 0 ↑

se is a path from x0 to x1 This shows that Φ ◦ Ψ is a bijection.  In most applications we will use the following special case of Proposition 20.4. Proposition 20.5. Let X be a path-connected and locally simply connected topological space and let x0 ∈ X. Let γ : π1(X, x0) → G be an epimorphism onto a group G. We denote by e p:(X, xe0) → (X, x0) the covering corresponding to ker(γ) that is given by Proposition 15.5 and that is unique up to covering equivalence by Proposition 15.6. Then the map e → → e e −→γ Φ: D(p: X X) π[ 1(X, x0)/p∗(π1(X, x0)) ] G. d 7→ p ◦ (path from d(x0) to x0) is an isomorphism. e Proof. First note that p∗(π1(X, xe0)) = ker(γ) is a normal subgroup of π1(X, x0). Therefore e the normalizer of Γ := p∗(π1(X, xe0)) equals π1(X, x0). It now follows immediately from Proposition 20.4 that the homomorphism on the left is an isomorphism. The homomor- e phism on the right is an isomorphism since p∗(π1(X, xe0)) = ker(γ).  The following lemma now gives a complete characterization of regular coverings.

Corollary 20.6. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed path-connected topolog- ical spaces. Then the following statements are equivalent: (1) The covering is regular. −1 (2) The deck transformation group D(p: X → B) acts transitively on p (b0) ⊂ X. (3) The subgroup p∗(π1(X, x0)) is a normal subgroup of π1(B, b0). (4) There exists a group G which acts discretely on X and there exists a homeomorphism f : X/G → B such that the following diagram commutes:

X D uu D q uu DDp uu DD zu D" X/G / B f where q : X → X/G is the canonical projection map. If p is a finite covering then the above statements are furthermore equivalent to (5) #D(p: X → B) = [X : B]. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 321

Remark. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a 2-fold covering of path-connected pointed topological spaces. In Lemma 20.3 we had seen that p is regular, which by Corollary 20.6 means that the index two subgroup p∗(π1(X, x0)) of π1(B, b0) is normal. In fact we had already shown in exercise sheet 13 that any index 2 subgroup Γ of a group π is normal.383

Proof. Let p:(X, x0) → (B, b0) be a covering of pointed path-connected topological spaces. We write π := π1(B, b0), Γ := p∗(π1(X, x0)) and D = D(p: X → B). The following four steps prove the equivalence of (1), (2) (3) and (4). (1) ⇔ (2) Recall that a covering is regular if for any b ∈ B the group D acts transitively on p−1(b). Thus (1) ⇒ (2) is trivial. Now suppose that d acts transitively on −1 p (b0). Let b be some other point in B. Since B is path-connected there exists a path s from b to b0. Now let x, x′ be two points in p−1(b). We denote bys ˜ the lift of s to the starting ′ ′ point x and similarly we defines ˜ . We denote by x0 and x0 the endpoints ofs ˜ ′ −1 ands ˜ . Since D acts transitively on p (b0) there exists a deck transformation d ′ with d(x0) = x0. By the uniqueness of lifts to a starting point we then also have d ◦ s˜ =s ˜′. But then we also have that d turns the starting point ofs ˜ into the starting point ofs ˜′, i.e. we have d(x) = x′. (2) ⇔ (3) We consider again the map

Φ: D(p: X → B) 7→ π/[ Γ ] d 7→ p ◦ (path in X from x0 to d(x0)) . We first prove the following claim. Claim. We have the following equivalence of statements:

−1 D acts transitively on p (x0) ⊂ X ⇔ Φ: D → π/Γ is surjective.

−1 First suppose that D acts transitively on p (x0) ⊂ X. Let g ∈ π/Γ and pick e a loop f that represents g. We denote by f the lift of f to the starting point x0 e and we denote byx ˜0 the endpoint of f. Since D acts transitively there exists a deck transformation d with d(x0) =x ˜0. Now e e Φ(d) = [p ◦ (path in X from x0 to d(x0))] = [p ◦ (d ◦ f)] = [p ◦ f] = [f] = g. ↑ ↑ e since f is a path from x0 to d(x0) since p ◦ d = p

−1 e Now suppose that Φ: D → π/Γ is surjective. Letx ˜0 ∈ p (x0). We pick a path f e from x0 tox ˜0 and we denote by f the loop p◦f. Since Φ is surjective there exists a deck transformation d with Φ(d) = [f]. But then d(x0) =x ˜0. This concludes the proof of the claim.

383We already made use of this fact in the proof of Corollary 16.6. 322 STEFAN FRIEDL

Now we have the following equivalences −1 D acts transitively on p (x0) ⊂ X ⇐⇒ Φ: D → π/Γ is surjective ⇐⇒ π = N(Γ) ⇐⇒ Γ is normal in π. ↑ ↑ Proposition 20.4 by the definitions (1) ⇒ (4) We will show that the deck transformation group D has the desired properties. We first show that the deck transformation group acts discretely on X. So let x ∈ X. We write b = p(x). Since p: X → B is a covering there exists a connected open neighborhood U of b that is uniformly covered. This means that the restriction of p to each component of p−1(U) is a homeomorphism. Now let V be the component of p−1(U) that contains x. Then gV ∩ V = ∅ for each non-trivial g. This shows that the action of G is discrete. The map p: X → B has the property that p(gx) = p(x) for all g ∈ D. Therefore the map p factors through a map f : X/G → B. The map f is clearly surjective. Furthermore it is injective since we suppose that D acts transitively on each p−1(b). Finally the map f is not only continuous but, as follows easily from Lemma 6.4 (1), it is also open. Thus f is a homeomorphism. (4) ⇒ (1) Now suppose that such a homeomorphism f : X/G → B exists. First note that for each g ∈ G the map x 7→ gx not only defines a deck transformation of the covering q : X → X/G but also of the covering p: X → B. Now let b ∈ B and let x, x′ ∈ X with p(x) = p(x′). Since f is a homeomorphism we also have q(x) = q(x′). Hence there exists a g ∈ G with gx = x′. Now we suppose that p is a finite covering. We show the following equivalence: (5) ⇔ (3) We have the following equivalences:384 Lemma 6.15 (3) Proposition 20.4 ↓ ↓ #D = [X : B] ⇐⇒ #D = [π : Γ] ⇐⇒ [Γ : N(Γ)] = [π : Γ] ⇐⇒ N(Γ) = π ⇐⇒ Γ ⊂ π is a normal subgroup. 

384Where do we actually use in the argument that the covering is finite? ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 323

21. Related constructions in algebraic geometry and Galois theory (∗) 385 In this short chapter we indicate some connections between the topics that we have covered so far to algebraic geometry and Galois theory. Since the author of these notes does not know much about either field the following discussion should be taken with a grain of salt. In particular for an expert the subsequent discussion will certainly look too simplistic.

21.1. The fundamental group of an algebraic variety (∗). Definition. Let K be a field.386

(1) Given a set of multivariable polynomials S, i.e. given a subset S ⊂ K[t1, . . . , tn] we denote by n V (S) = {(x1, . . . , xn) ∈ K | f(x1, . . . , xn) = 0 for all f ∈ S} the vanishing set of S, i.e. the set of all points in Kn where all the polynomials in S, viewed as maps Kn → K, vanish. n 387 (2) We say U ⊂ K is Zariski open, if there exists a subset S of K[t1, . . . , tn] such that U = Kn \ V (S).

Remark. Let S be a subset of K[t1, . . . , tn]. Since the ring K[t1, . . . , tn] is Noetherian there exists a finite set {f1, . . . , fk} ⊂ K[t1, . . . , tn] such that V (S) = V (f1, . . . , fk). Lemma 21.1. Let K be a field. The Zariski open subsets form a topology on Kn. Remark. (1) The topology defined by the Zariski open subsets is of course called the Zariski topology on Kn. (2) If K = R or K = C, then every Zariski open subset is also open with respect to the usual topology on Rn or Cn = R2n. But for n ≥ 1 the converse does not hold, in fact “most” subsets that are open with respect to the usual topology are not open with respect to the Zariski topology. Proof. Let K be a field. (1) The vanishing set of the empty set, i.e. V (∅) is all of Kn, hence the empty set ∅ = Kn \ V (∅) is open. (2) The vanishing set of the constant polynomial f = 1 is the empty set, therefore Kn = Kn \ V (1) is open. (3) We need to show that the intersection of finitely many Zariski open sets is again Zariski open. By induction it suffices to consider the case of two Zariski open sets.

385This chapter is not part of the official lecture notes for Algebraic Topology I. 386For example we could take K = Q, R, C but K could also be a field of non-zero characteristic, e.g. for a prime p we could take K = Fp or K could be the algebraic closure Fp of Fp. 387Oscar Zariski (1899-1986) was a Russian-American mathematician working in algebraic geometry. 324 STEFAN FRIEDL

So suppose we are given Zariski open sets X = Kn \ V (S) and Y = Kn \ V (T ). Then ( ) n n n K \ (X ∩ Y ) = (K \ X) ∪ (K \ Y ) = V (S) ∪ V (T ) = V {s · t}s∈S,t∈T . (4) We need to show that the union of Zariski open sets is again Zariski open. So n suppose we are given a family of Zariski open sets Xi = K \ V (Si), i ∈ I. Then ∪ ∩ ∩ ( ∪ ) n n K \ Xi = (K \ Xi) = V (Si) = V Si . i∈I i∈I i∈I i∈I Thus we have verified that the Zariski open sets have all the properties of a topology.  Definition. Let K be a field. (1) A variety over K is defined as the vanishing set of a set of multivariable polynomials. (2) The Zariski topology on a variety V ⊂ Kn is defined as the subspace topology on V induced from the Zariski topology on Kn. Example. Let K be a field and let and f(s, t) = s2 + t2 − 1. We define

1 2 2 2 2 2 2 SK := V (f) = {(x, y) ∈ K | f(x, y) = x + y − 1 = 0} = {(x, y) ∈ K | x + y = 1}. For K = R we obtain the usual circle S1. Any variety V is again a topological space, so in principle one could study the usual fundamental group. But in many cases, e.g. if the characteristic of K is non-zero, one will see that all continuous maps S1 → V are constant, hence the usual fundamental group is trivial. The correct analogue of a (finite) covering p: X → B between topological spaces for varieties is a (finite) ´etalemorphism. The precise definition of a (finite) ´etalemorphism is irrelevant for our purpose.388 A heuristic fact is that varieties tend to have many finite ´etalemorphisms, but usually there are no infinite ´etalemorphisms. In particular usually there is no concept of a “universal” ´etalemorphism. The question is now, whether one can recover the notion of a fundamental group from the knowledge of finite covers. Given a variety V we can consider all finite regular ´etalemorphisms pi : Wi → V , i ∈ I. The corresponding deck transformations groups D(pi : Wi → V ), i ∈ I are finite groups that form an inverse system. We can now define the ´etalefundamental group of V as π´et(V ) := lim D(p : W → V ). 1 ←− i i i

´et By Proposition 13.9 the ´etalefundamental group π1 (V ) is naturally a compact topological group. In algebraic geometry the ´etalefundamental group of a variety plays a rˆolesimilar to the rˆoleof the fundamental group of a topological space in topology.

388Furthermore it is unknown to the author of these lecture notes. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 325

If V is a complex variety without singularities, then the ´etalefundamental group is 389 isomorphic to the profinite completion of the usual topological fundamental group π1(V ), i.e. we have ´et ∼ \ π1 (V ) = π1(V ). We refer to [Gk] for a proof of this statement. More information on this topic can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/etale_fundamental_group 21.2. Galois theory (∗). The theory of coverings of topological spaces has some similar- ities to the Galois theory of field extensions. Throughout this section let K be a field of characteristic zero390 and let L/K be a field extension of K, i.e. L is a field which contains K as a subfield. The dimension of L as a K vector space is denoted by [L : K]. We consider the group Gal(L/K) = all field automorphisms of L which are the identity on K. Put differently, a field automorphism f : L → L lies in Gal(L/K) if and only if the following diagram commutes:

v K II vv II vv II {v f $ L / L. We consider√ two examples: √ √ (1) Q( 2)/Q is a field extension with [Q( 2):√ Q] = 2 and√ Gal(Q( 2)/Q) consists of the√ identity and the homomorphism a +√b 2 7→ a − b 2. √ (2) Q( 3 2)/Q is a field extension with [Q( 3 2): Q] = 3 and the group Gal(Q( 3 2)/Q) consists only of the identity. Given a field K we denote by K the algebraic closure of K. A field extension L/K is called Galois, if for each f ∈ Gal(K/K) we have f(L) = L.391 In the usual course on Galois theory one shows that L/K is Galois if and only if each polynomial in K[x] which admits a zero in L splits over L, i.e. all other zeros of f lies also in L. For a Galois extension L/K we refer to Gal(L/K) as the Galois group of the field extension. We return√ to the above two examples: (1) Q(√2)/Q is a Galois field extension. √ 3 3 (2) Q( 2)√/Q is not a Galois field extension,√ since 2 is a zero of x3 −2, but the complex zero 3 2e2πi/3 of f does not lie in Q( 3 2).392

389Recall that on page 238 we had introduced the profinite-completion πb of a group π. 390This restriction to characteristic zero is not necessary, but it simplifies the discussion. 391Strictly speaking this is the definition of a normal extension, but since K is a field of characteristic zero, a normal extension√ is already Galois. 392We put z = 3 2 and w = e2πi/3. It is a good exercise to show that Q(z, w)/Q is a normal field extension with [Q(z, w): Q] = 6. The group Gal(Q(z, w)/Q) is isomorphic to the permutation group S3. 326 STEFAN FRIEDL

If L/K is a finite extension, then the main theorem of Galois theory says that the following two statements are equivalent: (1) The field extension L/K is Galois. (2) # Gal(L/K) = [L : K]. The statement is formally very similar to the statement of Corollary 20.6 which says that for some finite covering p: X → B of topological spaces the following statements are equivalent: (1) The covering p: X → B is regular. (2) #D(p: X → B) = [X : B]. The analogy between Galois theory and covering theory goes considerably further. Many statements about the Galois group of a Galois extension have a corresponding statement for the deck transformation group of a normal covering. For example, given a finite ex- tension L/K the (normal) subgroups of Galois group Gal(L/K) correspond to (normal) intermediate fields and (normal) subgroups of the deck transformation group correspond to (regular) intermediate coverings. Now let L/K be a Galois extension of infinite degree. All finite intermediate Galois extensions of K, i.e. all finite Galois extensions F/K with F ⊂ L, form a preordered set via the inclusion. The corresponding Galois groups form an inverse set. Indeed, given two finite Galois extensions F/K and G/K with F ⊆ G the restriction of an automorphism of G to an automorphism of F defines a group homomorphisms Gal(G/K) → Gal(F/K). Therefore we can form the inverse limit of these Galois groups. By [FJ, Section 1.3] there exists a canonical isomorphism of groups Gal(L/K) = lim Gal(F/K). ←− F /K finite Galois extension On the right hand side we consider the inverse limit of an inverse system of finite groups. It follows from Proposition 13.9 that the right-hand side, and thus also the Galois group Gal(L/K), is naturally a compact topological group. This topology on Gal(L/K) is called the Krull topology.

Example. Let p be a prime. We denote by Fp the finite field with p elements and we denote by Fp its algebraic closure. It is shown in [FJ, Section 1.5] that there exists a canonical isomorphism ( ) ∼ b Gal Fp/Fp = Z where Zb denotes the profinite completion of Z, or equivalently the profinite integers that we had introduced on page 235.