puBWES repunpaurruexe ere,r ((HIUEd) ZLgl'86La1rx|oj y),{qDt€J pu?re^IU qtrus,\\orrv ucr,\\roq '999 uorie; eqt pue ((HJUEd) g/91 au$oI V) uot8er quc6 oqt uro.U,a.rrrtl8 g 1o suoquFdod1o (1 poaspetJaltoJ-plU& trAIq pue ) lEplcq suortrelloJpelglcosst put pueleut ad sc11 \c IJUlLtrr--\JJIJA\ 'uoruppn CV putl HJUgd lp pe8polsueurneds urlrJpqJoq ul'666I put 886I uoe^\]cqupJuoJ uqoI putT eu,ro1uely,(q ueluyapun {1snout,l e;em suogupdod s4ri,(gu:e1se,n-t11nos eql }o seLpnlsplelC

spoqleur puB slBFalEI tr

'1rxnl osaqllo uoDDJllrd^t puf; oJnlflrueuou eql a^loser 01 pur:l'suot8ci o,\\l eql ttloJl DdtltD;]l:l g.1o suotlulndod uoo,tloq scJucJc.lJrpInirFoloJe puu pcrSoloqdrou.1occ:3cp cql aurur.relepo1 e;e,t,(pn1s srqt Io sruIBoqJ

'sorJaclso lt slucscJdo.r 'pesrtrSooer 'DaruDa't;i ',\rg,(g {1tuc.r.r|r:lsr fl llr$ pepnlJuoi c^\ ur 1e,lc1seneds eqt lc jolJnrrqc lr'rlosl'lr,lsr f8o1or1d.rourpees sy snuoi oql urqlr,\\serceds reqlo eql lo speesprp uuqloJour Joqlo q)t?o uro.rg1.rc.rc11r1'r suorie.r o^\l eql uo.rl /7.rt.rrtlt g Io spoosoqt'lulncturd u1 {3o1oqcl.rour1e.rop pn: s.u8 'scusrJ?touJuqJ 'ltqrq rur{luelrurrs IIPJO^o irolll ollcls-op lucrSulrqcfuorupoos pur pctSolooe lo Jequnu 'c1ot1'tr r ur pe;e11rpsuor3cr lrunfsrp oml cq uto.tlsuorlllndod e4 tuqlpclsciins t susnuci oql utqtt,tl pu: suorlrlndodo"-eq l t o ,(ioloqcl.rorupccs.losorpnls st llc,llsr1'plorl oql ur ,r/irrtt [/.lo sLlortrlndod aq11o uoquSqsc,rul Irll].rls^nV u-tclscA\-Ll:lnos ut suotfar tcunlirP oA\l LLro.r.l lr.tltllr,ti,9 g sct:rodsptuttolad c13ursr'; pur: toLIrD,rcN u.rcqtnos01 turpuc'lxo, g qtr^\(8661 LuiueJ 4) cti^\ol) llrlPrlsnv urcqlroutuo.r.; sorootli^ lur'rLrLm irol :sorJocl.-c^r.l.lo stsrsuoo Illttc.r.rno (orcorptlq^B) r4./,i? r-nu?3 3qJ


'l1llll.llsllV LLlolsorlNIO l.-o.^-qlllos otll Ltlo.LlsolJods o,rl llcprr\o.rdoJu dr:ru uorlnqr.gsrp puu,{aI V tto,tti st "^ctooclsIllt.()l soJnlrclSutqstniu4stp lo alqu u plo uo4clr.roscpor.rcuci y porlrd{1t4oe1e.m LIJurldDLtDDlpt.ul €f LLI^Lrou^sslr put lpurl oa1uo313stltfig '{qtlrJ^tU r]trtui^^\o.V uco^\taqsuortulndod aLIl ,rol pauruupue ,{3o1oqcl.tout 'trquq 'oti^\o'l 'serJeds paaspue {3o1olro uo pasruiooarsr 8 u\ g ,{\euV pesl^orare (enarpprIq,{g ) rr.i if/ 1osuo4e lndocl n: rp.nsnVu.ret:-eM-q1r'ros^ oqJ (2002)6l I l :(l)S l Dr.llixNTIllr.rtsnV ''D uiatsc,r-rpnosur (etaJrprlq,{g)r4qlfl lo uorsr^c.ty 1 1;ru3-a1,{o141pun V'eu,\\o'l I'uc,tuoJ


tZ09 rrtrlsnv uialsiy' ;rlrlrun(l i.lrld uu.lO 9, E00qnlrl\nV qlnos apnrt:pVto frsra^run iql'i8otorg lolu.Luuor^u! to nreur.nrd.C

rruEJuoJ 'o rlJoJJ-al{ol I BJISSJfpue zau,$.o'Iuaflv uqof

ellBrlsnv urafsa.a-qJnosu! (eBerBpllq,{{) s11qtgp uolsl^ar Y

(2002)6tI I:(t)ql nlsr.{tw Nrllsil7 Vol. 15. No. I (2002) stereodissecting microscope.To allow for cornparisonswith the other specicsin the genus. seed sampleslrom B. aqr atica (A. Lowrie 2264,22761rom the Northem Territory ()).B. filifolia (A. Lowrie'722,1171,1199, 1233.1249,1326, 1329,1395. 1425, 1,198, 1715, 1721,1154. 1162, 1781. 20,11 from the Kimberley region (PERTH)). B. Lin(Iora (J.G. Conrun s.r. Atherton Tableland, W.A. Cardwell StaleForest in QueensJand(ADU)) and B. rorida (A. Lowrie 1394, 1405, R.L. Ilurratt 595 fiom thc Kimberley region (PERTH)) were also examined.

Morphological descriptionswcrc basedon fiesh, dried and spirit material.


Byblis Salisb.,Pttrotl. Loncl.2: t. 95 (1808). Tlpa: liniflora Salisb.

Canrivorouss/zrrrbs r€generating each yeal tiom a subterrrneanrhizome, ol c7rlrenerql herbt with fibrousroots. Slcns simple to branched,shorllived and elongating at llowering,erect, scranbling or floating.Lcrruc.r cauline, alternatc, exstipulate, subulate-Linear, with stickyglandular hairs and an apical swelling. FTowerssolitary in r.Lpperleaf axils, hermaphrodite,regular-, rotatc. Sqrrls 5, t'usedbasally, imbdcate,persistent. Pclrrl,1 5, fusedbasally but appcaring tiee, 5-lobed. Strrrrrerrs 5, opposite the , insertedat the baseof the tubc;l'ilaments free. twisted to facenbaxially; aDthers basillxcd, 2-thccate, 4-sporangiate,introrsc, opening by pore-likeshort apicalslits. Owtl-),superiur, 2-loculiu.; ovules numerous,axile, Stl,le curved-fililbrrn, stigma lninutely oapitate or bilobcd.Frrll a smooth,loculicidal capsule. Scerlrsmall, angular, black, prorninently sculpturcil with smoothol dcnticulateridges; endospennstarrhy; cmbfyo srnall, lineaf.

Sizeund d istribut iotr. A genusol sixspecies fro|n no(hem anclsouth western Auslr'alia, a singlespecies extendingto Ncw Guinea.Figure I is l gcneralisedclistribution nlrp ol'thc south-westernALrslr'alian tilxa.


. B.lamellata ^ B.gigantea 30.0 g o 32.O L^


'1 110.5 112.5 114.5 tto.J 18.5 120.5

Figure l. Ccncfaliseddistribution map of Bfrli! in south-westWesten Ausrralia. 'serceosel€J?oes olur sqd:our u:eqlnos pu€ uJequou eqt Jo uorl€pdas oql suoddns slueurarmbarlelrqeq tueJeJJrppu" e.rrJ]eTE 'uorl€Judos 'srqJ '(C sesuodsarqltoJ8al lueJeJJlp crqdEJSoe8Jreql qtr.r peurqruoJ JZ ern8rC)xelduoc oto[1u17 g eq] uJoJ qcrq,$ serceds peldecce er11Jo tsoru u€ql Jsqlo qo€e ruo{ luareggrperour f,eq1 'euol€ l€ql Jeelcsl lr sqdrou,alarSr8 g (gZ am8rC)uoqlnos prru(VZ ern8rC)urequou eqt.]o spees aql uea,llleqecueJeJJrp;o ee.r8ep eq1;ouosueduoce uo pasug 7 ernBrgur pelurlsnllroJe uoxgl rlrsoJo speese,tqelueserder pu" I elqel ur pelmlep eJ€sqdrour r2ar rBrS g o,ll1 eql pue sarlads lueJeJJrp 'Sulrntdlncs eqt uee,rteq esuodsa qy,ro:8a: e4J lueftdd€ pu? tlq€q peas ur sacueJeJJrpeql saioN

llu,\aerod qloolus qloours elelo0^oJ eleloo^oJ qloouts qloours leu11cued (*ri 09) (luri 99) (uyl z8) (urri 83) (ud 8z) (ud 9€) 'J.lrl wn 99 Z9 uri 8r-01 wrl ZtI-Zt url t0t-89 ,t-sa u.ll1Eg-lZ qlpla\ elod (ud 99) (Luri0€ t) (ruri 0Zl) (urri 6 ) (ud 9r) (ulrt 68) wn tL-rg urj OSI-tt I uri 8 -r9 rrri 99t-t, url zt t-6s ruri 9Zl-89 qfuel erod reln8e.ur sossooord 'lueuluold 'luoutuoJd e/u elu elu elu Jo Surqqu pauoqBnol olEcnreA elEIIeuel alecunut ,{WlnSorr -elelncJeqnl sesserord sessacord Suuntdlncs :s seApu r ollEqs luesqv doop ^{ollEqs ^{olleqs ^\olFqs esJeASuPll F S1 elBInuoJc elelncltuep lueuruoJd -olelnJuu0p sessoco.rd sossocolcl soBpu 's 'qloous {lelnurtu qelnJuu0p Alelnuru e^rssEl.uq1r,4A o^lsssuqtl4\ IeurpnlrSuol (utLU9 0) (rlllu 9 0) (rurus 0) (urur E 0) (uu 8 o) F IIIUI 90-'0 ruLu L 0-t 0 rlrnr 8 0-t 0 runr 9 0-t 0 uru 9 l-8 0 ruur 0 l-9 0 qlpl/'\ J( (urru9 0) (uu 0 l) (ruur, 0) (ruu l 0) (ruu| I ) q: rlrur80 90 ulurt't 60 uu l l-t 0 r![u 6 0-9 0 runr 8 l-0 1 turu E I-9 0 qfuel spaas atllozrqr pue slooqs ourozrqr puee tllo{ uro+ ,{lulEru esuodse: SuqnoJdsor Surlnordsor ql^\oJ8oreJg qnrqs-qns qruqs-qns qrsq L€nlrue qj.!q LPnuue qreqlcnuue qroq lEnuuE IEruueJod Ieruuored llqEq '! stueld .F 'g 'g 'g DWqr DJllDnbD g 4loh{'g orotjllull t tqlauq g oa$n3!3 .I '! 'srreoru 'sarceds oJEsle{J"Jq ur sreqrun5l s4q,{AJo suosutdruor 1c;r8o1oropue pcrSoloqd-roytr1 e1qe1 pi

lup.ruoJ s4{{g Jo uorsher V'UorJ-al,{o^ I pur:u^\ol V CI Nl1)hld Va]. 15, No. 1 (2002)

o li g

q 6 b Ir s 0 k

I (r A

L c a p ( T c o n

t Figurc2. SEM micrcgrirphsol seedsol B)b/ir spccics.A l). t

Key to the speciesof ByDds in south- ( 1. Seedswith strongly corrugatedand dbbed sculpturedplates; mainly o resproutingfrom rhizomesafter firc ..... B. gigantea fi l: Seedswith erect non-corrugated,weakly ribbed lamellar plates;plants I resproutingfrom aedalstems as well asrhizomes alier tire...... B. lamellata d

Byblis gigantea Lindl., SketchVeg. Swan Riv. Col. 21 (1839). TyperSwan River, N [New] Holland ' [WestemAustralia], no date,Drunmond s.r. ex Herb.Lindl. in Herb. Hook. (leclo: K, heredesignated, s left hand element;lsolecto: K, right handelement); Swan Riv er, 1939,Drummond s.a. ex Herb. Lindl. in Hefb. Benth. (isolecto: K). I ByblislindleyanaPlanch., Arr?. Sci. Nal. Bot. slr. 3.9:307 (1848).Type; Swan River, N fNewl Holland "Byblis a lwestern Australia], Lo date,Druffimond s.a. labelled grandiflora" ex Herb Lindl. in Herb. ll Hook. (lecro; K, here designated);Swan River, NH [New Holland], 1839,Drummond s.n. ex Herb. Lindl. in Herb. Benth. (l"roleclo.K). d -\

'lcqlldc 1tq1 ro1 ed'{lolicl eql st pattuBlsep 'qrel qraH lcqlo oq; ed'{lo1cs1ost ueoq snql srq pte'otnfia11ttt4 g s,uoqJuttd ol '{1eso1cstrl teaqs Iot)H 'qrel 'ecl,{lolc:ll ueoq scq oterd pul?q eqt u€ sl poprr8ei luaruaia puuq tqFu eqt qll,a\ eql sP PqJeles Ultl PUrl purl s,uoqcuBtd ol spuodsero' 'teeqs eql uo stucLU3lco'trt sutl tt:lttlLclcls \eq1 oa1tn38 17ro1 uotlducsol-l ' polleqll sleeqs 5114'fgpuollrtulrrcl o^\i 3'Ieoreq I uolltnllid[]oP)'I qrrq,r 1o euo ,(1no 1ooH qrcH 111rl 'lpu 'L1.tolfiLtllsuqig pesruflocar ,{lsror,reld cql o1 e,tqule: setlads 'Pelr uoJ.lsI '(3o7on'{;3 srglJo ezrs roS.niqcnu eqt ol aJuela.l.l qll,{\'ltluli s'alr"8/t ultl-1oql lsqrrdeeq; purl

'sarJcds srql lo uoDnqrrlslP pertnbet ert s'{o'uns lcqurg eAlascr ll ul sl qclq'\A .ourunruci aqt lo tuitxo cn.u aqt eulut.lelop o1,{ptteirn 'tuer^r'td qlred reluor8 'ruunolndocl pcltlost '11uuismol 1lttloll tl'lrouI sl setccds eq 1y teru .yn"uu ,t1uu s0l ullttlllLltlloil peieiunpuc to sl 1l oiutt lctuJol "ql1o un,rut,d*" utqJn ol cl-tp{llsottt'{lt,ttl:rt -{l1ucrll 'uoutttoJ ptll clout qlnut {11lutdr'ro ,,,1i, q"no, .,"nn u,"squ ,{puoruclch':,tou st setccdseql Pl]Jldsopl'tr stllt)ls ttotltTt\Jalut)J qSnoqrqy u^1 ,{ tnllllllsnV ulolso^N lol scpoJ tlotlll^losuoJ

'{.nnuc1 ill toqutclcle5 lt) t't)d tL!u )tt\ol!

'prnllqniqs pollltllLtl0p


slt.lo MolA Llltlollllillsc^tll (li.rnir:l) scrioclso,\\1 .Lll.lo so.a!llllpol.ll-lo^ ltlolllll oLllrtlo'm1oq rtotltstlcl ssol'll soli)oclsloLlllJ lol sLloll'olloi lo,{\.tltlllolJ.nldtll ioAI>l ot(x)t llcnl lrql .lo Ll'nLLl Suturn3 prn otlrll'1 Jql ll1so'llui)J olulrsc|:luc.rcclch: oqt.lo,{\ol^ ul utltltitlsorttt sll-llnbo-ts'to'1111 lllli lo^1U t()slllollll qlrA\ tll.lod.lo qlllos lo^lll '(r.unl\ ctll ol qlnos uolPlllloo lo tl'llotl J tuonclndocl Ptllr ',{1.n1tLLttg -,^u)\ ,{q ctp (p()lflrnC rqi LLio.qir,,puor*o tDl tL)tut)ltl \4./ig.lo (il96l) uosllr.rg t.rrlclo.r 'ttotic't Lll tolJcds sltll sL()lltlllck)d 'it'c) ,{lNrr.()lsrrlu/\\otll sl1,\\ll ctcLlA\tuc.m JiLIlo Lll io otp lo ailtttt:p 'lo'1111iutrtu:J cq1 iuoll: lcqlo o.It.lcql .lcqloLl/toLllLiltilrl) ()1 PCPOsu Olll s'{oun5 rttals'4s lllol ol pctllllloo {1t.oLL'.uo,8".,qlla(l .tolltc.ticLll rllqltA\ ssol .() o,()LLl1It: ruottllnckld Illltu!,{lc^lllllcJ plarclsept'lrcttlul '{lpclqnoPUll i/orl'qr'lll?(/ ,rou sr ftttll lo ]ll'lscru sy lstcllql u1

'(HJdEd) gtLz )t.t^\o'Iv 'LDrcd'tLInqMeN 'l00Z.aO 'q!3d 'tr.rnq^\oN )t't\\o'l oicl :(tiJuad) I | :(HJXAd) V Illg l V'()6(\l 8Z '{rruq;-rg g '^nd\qirH uol)ootB :99q aLtto'l V'1661 gigi ,,,ri,,'1 V'9661 r.d g1 '(utqlV.lo ^oNillploqql/ ..,1"Afe Ifrf"q,1'^ ,(1i1:ro1rsroerdl'rrrrU trirqlnos:(HluAd) 819"7'ir1')7 V'16(rl JoCI Furuu:3 ro'to1 ,ttrti:coi"sro".lal l.^ru uiatpnos :(ll.Luad) us uoslJ'tow V'1061 7'rc'rrg '1961 'inv {lrltrol esrrcrdlqlred:(HJ{Ad) 's1r1i,{pucs:(HJuad) i98 ,.)r|/4 7.1 tZ'lpleqqlr'\\ 'Lt 'i061 srtautt))(lsp)t)ak)r ! srorpuv J .3C IVUJSnV NU8'LSA,\|P)tttLuDra

paqqupur pernldlncs-e1timtof, (Va e.n8u) lueld,!\oqulBu lcssero.rdalB:)unu ltulpnlr;uol '8uol g '3uol Lltul '/rsdu3 ;c1npuc13'{liesnq luoururordqtrn ttlttl I J'apt,n uru 1 9 L-g,'lllo^o :3uu1 'proloqdsir''16t xadt u'torq I tpl'n 'no11o'{'ittt1unu 9 ,u,,, 6 1r1,i15 sno;qr:1;-+'itto1 urut a-9 1 'g '(1elPl?^nPLU csue] ol '{lFrlclt -g sJ.qluE:n-uoltuLrl 9 g g 7 a1u",,ut1t] slt;rttill.q a]tq'u lutd'elerro'^ 'ipr,\\ '3uo1 gtr-g sltlzJ -furtq-.rl: '{11r:rxlqr: "{1esaq opt"n tlrLtrS I ol olrr^oqoseqol sn.,lqull- u'ul I lnpur 13 '6uo1 ru1nputl3 ;uo luttr -8 'olnloeJut'lslinlag '{ rrcq ru1npun13 rul 9 1o1 sTa rrpaar "{rtrq uu S t-E Z [ El '3uo1 'uollJcs-ssoJJ Lulo.Jluallururel luJ 0Z ol -IEaulls'dr'27 Po^II f11n,*,4" 1ru" ,(llcurgrrlLu ul 'snoeJl]qi3q '{leruJslooqs sllollllllozlql ssol lo +oqs flproueB put'z ssello erour'peqew;q lulJar]'esecl peqcutJq erour ,(poo,rrpuno;Slepun peqiuelq P Luo.IJLuc 9f ) o\ qn'lLlt-tlt|s!fl1uu''l2/ llsus

put 3u1$o'l ulruoJ luq,ig ]o LrorsrrirV ltoll-el,{ow t V C f At^hld Vol. 15.No. I {2002)

In addition thele are two f)r'unnond sheetsat K labelledHerb. Benth.,onc 1brcach of thesetaxa. which arelisted above as isolectotypes.

Afiirltles. Rcadily distinguishcdliorn B. lanel[ata by tha nuricrtely sculpturedancl irregularly fibbed seeclridges, the apparentlack of aeriallyresprouting shoois attel fire, andits occurrenceil seasonally swarlipy habitats.

Nolr:.r.The generallyused comrnon nllme Rainbow is recommendedtbr this species.De Buhr (1975) postulatedtninicry by B,-blis giguntea ,r?rr. 1./1.of Th))sdnotusntultifbru.s (Lilitrntre. Liixmannilccirc)wilh whichit co-occursrnclco-llowcrs. Although both iire buzz-pollinated, the identity oftheil pollinatolsand the pollinationreward oflered by erch speciesis unknown(Erickson 1968). /i. glgarrlrrrris fbundin seasonallywaterloggetJ. Leptospermunr&estionaceae low scrub (Spcck & Baird 198,1)and E|ickson ( 1968)suggcsted thll thcacrial shoots wcrc annuitl, clying back k) therootstock over sunrmer.Bair.d (1913:i) tirund that lirllowirrg fire. B. giganteuslLr-vives by regeneratingliom thc dccp. woodyper eunial rool stock. ln conlrast,B. lrrrnr:llrrtrrusually grows on clccps ilica sands in Iire-p|onedry hcathlucls.ancl is a tallclbriurchccl shrub which rcsplouls frorn the above-grouncl stems alier l'ile as wcll as fronrthc rhizonrcs. l'ield obseNiltions suggestthi\t Il. giK.uttu plLrntsll-om alcas wl]ich hllveno( hild lire li)f extcndedperiods can sproutacrially. lLr(hcr sludics lrc nccdcdto conl'ifmthc irl,)plrcntpost lirc ilillclcnccsbctwccn thc taxa.

Plrinchon( l84lJ) rccognisccl two lrxt wilhin the1J. glq.r?//a corlrplex, brsctl lirrgcly on thcit stcnl clongalionund scllitl ncrvirlioD as lirllows:

"l\'ltli.s giguntcttLirdl. lPlrntl trll. lcirly.closcly pcdunculatc (lcirl bascs closcly spacccl), ud (cspcciallyundcf thc llowors)crcclt scpills3-rlcrycd; cirpsLrle soncwhat subglobosc. obtusc, willr nrllnylirint nclvcs apically. Locality: Swu Rivcl Ciolony:hcrb. Lincll.: Drunwtrl hcrb.Hook.

IltbIis IiuLllaruuuPlanch. lPl0ntl tall. lrrrscly lcaly anclalnrost all pedicelserect-plten1. ospcciallyunclcIthcllowcfswhcfcthoyarcvcrywidcsp|caclinglsepals5 nerved;capsLrle oviltc. llcLruinale.cor'lspicuously nrulli-nervecl apicrlly. Locality: sanle rs llrcprcvious li.c. Swan Rivcr Colonylherb. Ljrdl., I)ntntottd herb.Hook. Morc fobLrstthan tho prcccclingspecies 'l'rrLnh lancll with lcr,vcllclvcs. PIantssprinklcd with short glandularhairs. rhizomllous, hofizontal,not enrerging out olthe ground, short, thick. with spongybalk, clccorticatiDg with age, sorlcwhatwooily (sub- l loccu losc), palc orangc. Stcms continuous with the , etect, aboLLl 2 lbctlong, sinrplc, lcaly a1the base, altefnate, nrore or lessspfeading to erect.distinguishcd by beingrnore sparsely leaty with widely spacedaxils, revealing the leaf bascslnd thcil single- floweredpeduncles. Lerves slightlythickcncd at thc bnsc,l'ililirnr, o()mprcssed-terete,apex sliSllllyclavalc arld Lrnarnlcd l= cgl|tndularl.lowcl lcavcs9- 12inches long. intermediate [= slenr lcavos'll5 7 irrcheslong, those Llnderthe peduncles shorter, ebracteate. Sepals basally lanccolatc, long attenuateapically, slightly clavate. Lrnequal. longcr in fluil 6-7 lincs ll2 l5 mrnl long. Pclalsirboul twico thc longthof the sepals,uneclual, margins dentjcuhte, tose-coloured whcn r( dry. Capsulea little hrger thana peppercorn.glossy. smooth. Style longcr thlln the stamens. jt bristle-like,curved apically. very slrortly bifid ol clividcd,both siclcs papillose-stigm atic on the e insidc.not thickcnecl."

d Although it lright at li$t seemthat lion] thcscdcscriptions, and fiom the herbariumspecimens that II B. gigqntea nrore closely resemblesmany specimensof the nofihem taxor],B. lamellatd (Figure 3), 'g ot t uioJl olDllaluol g ptJEoaln)313 €rrloq ur serJE^osF sa^Jeu 'uortcle8a,l ludas3oreqrunu eq1 uoxrl srqtSo stuuld pol€8uole pur-l ot uourLuooerou srlr duru,trsasuap e.roru,{lp.reue8 ur s,ro.r8sercads ureqtnos eql sy s1uuld;oq1ourorl Surp,rorl repun uoqu8uoletooqs 'uon€8uole o8repunllr,r ,{eqttuql suluJuocEXE1 ureqlnos pue ueqtJou eqt qtoq Jo uor)E^JesqoplerJ rualr^rroql ur luere.+Jrp,{re^ere,r uoqousld ol elqulre^Psueuroeds eql q8noqltv uox€lureq oueqlroJ ?rupu,$eu E Jo puotsuruorlruSocer oq1 pue ,(ur,(uou,{sot seut.tuq]oq.Io uorltnpoJ oql Suruoddnssuos€eJ 'uoxpt luie,\eserc ereqt ureqtnoseql ror pe.relunocues1uu1d eql Jo ,{uxrueIrT smlloblputl g ste:oqt

'i)Lr^\ot T urruo) ,rr11a"n,/!r.tG Jo edlroloH € un8rC

eq qr o frt 'd:

.to? Prl '(8 ,{tl :et lqr

f1 per

'uerroJ raqls Jo uorsr^erV !ojJ-:t,{ot{ I pur arr^\o'I V C I ALrrrld Vol. I5. \o. | (2002)

More imporlantly. thc collcctionscited by PlanchooweLe Druiln]ond collectionstiom Lirdley's FI herbariumand partofHerbarium Hookerianun. Al lhe limc ftal Planchonwas workiltg on tltis matcrial. theonly collections to rvhichhe had access werc liom thcDrummond collections sent 1o Lindlcy in Nov. Ct 1838and Nov. 1839.A11 of thcscrcprcsented material collected fiom thc Swan.Avon. Helenaald of Toodyay Valleys as wcll as thc GuanganfWongalr Hills]. Drunlmond did not tlavel to the areawhere thc northefntaxor growsuntil 1852.when matcrial liom his sixthcoLlection was sent to Hixrkcrfionr EI the Murhison River anclChanpion Bly to DandaragarRegior (Erickson1969). As all the Lindley lit collcctionswclc liom phnts in the southerotaxon's rangc. and lvc now know thatthe habitcan allcr biised on conrpetitionfbr light ancl spacc,it scenrsfrlost likely that Il. gigontea .nttl B. lindl|.ylnu A.l. repr-esentuncrowdecl ancl crowdcd planls respectively. Furthermore. cxantinatiou of seeclson thetype m nntcrial lbr B. lindlet'dnaconfirm thut they are part of tltc southerncorrugately Iibbcd taxon. fe AccorclingJy.the southerrtllxon represenlsB. gigo tut and includesl]. linlletona irsit synonym. wheleasthe nollhernlaxoll lcplcscnlsa ncw spccics. ter gr

Byblis lamellata Conriu & Lowlic. r7.r.rrr.,r,.

B. gi,qulrd( Lincll.;il'l'inis sed senrinit liulclllta, Doncoffugata. inlerrnc s(riala. cl ciiulcucfiillis repullr.rlrns.

lo 7l?r/^. irboLrl4 knr soulhol Errcabbr.Wcstcrn ALlslftliir,29"51'S, ll5'16'8. 31 Oclobcr2{)01. Dr A. Lov|ric2'731 (futlo; PERTH 051t5-lu:]4:/\'r,r K, MLI-). Pf Snrallbranchccl wocx"ly ptretutiul .tuEslirlf lo r'.60 cnr lionra sublcrrancanll-rizornc. 1,cat,c.r lincal to2()cllll()ng.Iatlinat.cnil.ilt.tttincloss-scction.nrlr.gittallyandltbaxirrllygllnc|uIlI.hairy l5 cnr long,gllnclular'-hairy. .l.,/).//.! liinccolatc.8 l5 ntm long,2.5-3.5 mm wiclcbasally. abaxially ghnclular-haily.Pctrrlr l5-20 nrmlong. gllbrous. lobcs obovntc. lo I 5 nrnrwidc, apicrilly scfralc, pink k) ccrisa-mauvc,fafcly whitc. ,ltrarrcrr r 5, lillnrcnts2.5-3.5 nlnr loug; lnthcrs 5-6 ntmlong, ycllow with browrlilpiccs. Olrrn, subglobosc,1.5 2 nln long.t ghbrous.Slry'r 7,9 nrnrlong, bas.rlly glunclular. ('aTrsri[,ovoitl. 5-7 mnr long,3.5J nrtu wide. Scclr l-l.lJnrmkrng,withwcaklylongitutlinallylibbccl, Dc lamcllatcplatc-like ridges bul llcliing obviousll-ilnsvcrsc licltes or conrplcxcorlugatc sculptr.rling. Ef Northcrn SandplainsRainbow Plant (FigLrrcs2B,3) Ef Lc Seletretl.sltctinrcnt asuninad. WI]S1'|rRN AUSTIiALIA: 30 knr N of Eneabba.l7 Sop. I 979. Plr P.Annsttng95 (PERTH);Westcln TilirniLur lcascs,8 knr S ol Eneabba,l{) Scp. 1976,ll.A. Gri.l'lin 'l'hree Sp 524(PERTH);7.7 nilcs 112.3kmlNEof Erreabbaon Oct. 19( '7988 67018(PEIiTH): 5 krn S o1'Erreabba, I Oct. 1993,A. Lovrric (PERTH);5 krn S ol Encabba,I 6, A. Lon,rie167 I (PER'I'H);Anowsmith Rivor, E ol BrandHighway, 16Dcc. 199(t, A. Lrn rie 1674(PERTH);Mogunbcr, 2 Dcc. lt)65,F.Lul.llit:1165 (PERTH); l2krrWof Gingin Dongamroacl. on roirdto NiunbLrrgNationol Park. 29 Nov. 1911,A.E. Orthard 4255(PERTH); l6 rniles125.6 kml E ol Glccn Hcad.Jan. I 968.K./1. New-bey 3141 (PERTH).

Di.ttt ibuthlt. B1-bli.rlunvllatu rs disldbutcdon lhe northernsand plains liom Arrowsmith River soLrtlr to Catabyin south-wcstWestern Australia (Geraldton Sandplains ancl Swan Coastal Plain tsioregions), allhoughEickson (19611)erlorreously listed the Murchison River as the no ltem limit. (Figurel)

Habitat.Byblis lantellutu grows in opcnhelrthland on well drainedwhitc silicasands. ,(S qn

Iur 'pl alr

'z9l 9I Ltl 1991)4rr1\nv uralsa\\ Jo Ma,cos UD Ir1{oNaqt.lbloutuotntl?rlsnvu.rolsarl'qtodlr.uo^rosolloorgolnlaqrJouonx]i8o^1f,861)t{V'pI?BT,HN'Irads '60€ ulJ E8Z16 € saugs.rr?bluDtog s)tpntDN vruans sapetDuuv seg.rrtsorcsap ort]tur.l pt rns (8t8]) q t'uoqcu?ld '61 IL 69 :ZI lrrsl,(rNurlErlsnv uroqUou u!(ovorupllq{g).lJ7qf,g snuo8 oLlt uorsr^.r crluouox[] V (866I) C t'ulluoJ ? V'ef^\o.I .){rnd 'uoqcta ( nrtnrrsnv etsa/A ruroqso:qurl) .. urpu.roqr^\rHJo sprott'toruCeql' (6961)d ( crlp.qsnvlu --c/A5{rEd ,oroqso :qffit) ..,{ardlo sruttd,,(896t) d'uoq.r.rA :t .ta!21!t\12 srtDld snora^l|u)1) \rllt-Dsnv urals./ ul D2110:113slq,ltt uo suorlu^.ros_qo(s/61)'a'Ixqn8od 19-09 N 'lE .tt 1 .19 DttDrttnvu.tatsa/A./b tp!)os jtlb\ aqtp 'qt.rod 'plrBg /rrl./rrl urlurlsnv uratsoy'A .[]ouo^rcsiI loo.rgcln l cqt ur ir rt rcttn ronrr.r.Sor uo suortn^resqo (f86 1) l/{ V q]! Iu saruaJaJau ^ll o:l JVi

'qcruesarsrql go gud alu epuno1 seqrlrcu;3o uorsr,rord '^Solorg eql ro.+pelupql ejl] ,{ sre^rull eprPlepv pue vshlhlal l€lueuuor^ua.}o lueuusdec 't( eq1 ,(8o1oqfuourpoes Jo:l uoq:l Sururruuxepuc sueurcedsedlt eql lo IqdoJSoloqdSur8uurre roj 'lEr.ret€tu o'lgv aqt sr se sssrJEJoJ oJuE:lslssE Jrsqt Jo:l p3luEqt aru) puBHJugd Jo sJotJeJrpeql

SII sluaruaBpel,lrou>py

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