Fact sheet for partner universities and incoming exchange students


WINTER SEMESTER 2016/17 SUMMER SEMESTER 2017 Official start October 1 Official start March 1 Welcome Day October 3 Welcome Day During Orient. Week: TBA Orientation Week October 3 - 8 Orientation Week First week of March: TBA Christmas holidays December 22 - January 7 Easter holidays April 10 – 22 Official end* January 31 Official end* June 30 Semester holidays February 1 - 28 Main summer holidays July 1 - September 30 * Please note that some exams might be scheduled after the official end of the semester (depending on the courses students choose). INFORMATION

Online via Mobility Information System for incoming students (MOBIS): APPLICATION https://www.aau.at/international/studieren-in-klagenfurt/students-in- mobility-programmess https://www.oead.at/welcome_to_austria/legal_practical_issues/entry_into ENTRY & RESIDENCE (VISA) _austria/nationals_of_third_countries/EN/ https://www.aau.at/studium/studienangebot/studienuebersicht (German) LIST OF DEGREE PROGRAMS https://www.aau.at/en/study/courses/degree-programmes (English) http://dia.aau.at/german-courses/semester-courses/general-information/ COURSE NOTE: Courses are not free of charge! https://campus.aau.at/studien/lvliste.jsp?semester=16W&nobc=&englisch=yes COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH Specially designed courses for exchange students: Survey of Austrian Culture, Identities in Motion

CONTACT INFO: Campus Klagenfurt For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: JOINT-STUDY & DOUBLE ERASMUS+ DEGREE INTERNATIONAL OFFICE Ms. Barbara Bracic Ms. Michaela Holzweber Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt INCOMING Ms. Elena Buffa [email protected] International Office [email protected] +43 (0) 463 2700 9207 Universitätsstraße 65-67, +43 (0) 463 2700 9243 9020 Klagenfurt/ Ms. Marzia Balza www.aau.at/en/international HOUSING OFFICE http://housing.oead.at/en/ www.facebook.com/intklu (OeAD) [email protected] +43 (0) 463 2700 9234

AAU Fact sheet Stand: 07/2016

INFO LETTER Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Information for Double Degree, Erasmus+ and Joint-Study incoming exchange students (academic year 2016/17)

Dear incoming exchange student,

congratulations on being nominated for an exchange at the Alpen-Adria-Universität (AAU), we are looking forward to welcoming you in Klagenfurt!

The following information aims at guiding you through the relevant administrative processes such as application, admission, course registration, and orientation at the campus Klagenfurt.

Please read this document carefully and be prepared to respect the given deadlines.




Once your application has been proceeded and approved, the AAU’s Admission Office will send you the Acceptance Letter (“Bescheid”) to the e-mail address indicated in MOBIS.

NOTE: Acceptance letter will only be issued in German.


Upon arrival at the AAU, you have to enroll personally at the Admission Office (located in the Main Building of the university, right after the main entrance on the side, “Studienabteilung”).

Make sure you take your passport/ID with you. In the Admission Office you will be given your student ID, which will only be valid once you have transferred the ÖH-Fee (obligatory student union fee, currently € 19,20/semester).

NOTE: You cannot pay the ÖH-fee in advance, as you first have to enroll personally at the Admission Office.

Your student ID card will become valid once you pay the ÖH fee and the fee has arrived on the bank account of the university. It usually takes around one week from the day of your payment until the money arrives on the AAU’s bank account.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 09-12:00 Thursday: 13-16:00 Friday: closed


After arriving in Klagenfurt, you have to use your MOBIS username and password to access your online AAU student account to log into the system, use campus wifi and register for courses. Therefore, make sure you do not to forget your MOBIS username and password.

In case you forgot/want to change your password, please use the following link: https://campus.aau.at/idm/passwort/requestreset?lang=en

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WINTER SEMESTER 2016/17 SUMMER SEMESTER 2017 Official start October 1 Official start March 1 Welcome Day October 3 Welcome Day TBA Orientation Week October 3-8 Orientation Week TBA Christmas holidays December 22-January 7 Easter holidays April 10-22 Official end* January 31 Official end* June 30 Semester holidays February 1-28 Main summer holidays July 1-September 30

* Please note that some exams might be scheduled after the official end of the semester (depending on the courses you choose).

Academic year 2016/17 calendar (including public holidays and lecture free days) is available on the webpage of the Admission Office: https://www.aau.at/en/study/service/term-dates-and-deadlines/



The International Office holds a Welcome Day for incoming exchange students on October 3rd, 2016 (12:00, room K.0.01). During this event, you will get useful information regarding your exchange semester/s in Klagenfurt. Your attendance is mandatory! If you cannot attend the Welcome Day for any reason (e.g. you have a lecture at the same time or your flight/train/ cannot arrive on time), let us know in advance so that we can arrange a separate appointment for you.


The first week of the semester is your Orientation Week, during which you are invited to participate in a guided tour through the AAU’s university campus & library, a historical & practical city tour, instructions to the AAU’s course management system moodle.

The Austrian Student Union (section Entrée) will also organize activities and events for incoming exchange students.

As some courses already start in the first week of the semester, you can choose in which activities of the Orientation Week you would like to join us, attendance is only mandatory on our Welcome Day.

NOTE: A more detailed schedule of the upcoming semester’s Welcome Day & Orientation Week can be found in the attachment.

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The AAU does not offer a course module for incoming exchange students, but you can attend courses of different fields of studies (provided that there are no special requirements to fulfill). You can find the description of the courses and requirements by clicking on the number of each course.

FACULTIES Interdisciplinary studies / Humanities / Management & Economics / Technical Sciences

COURSE LOAD Recommended course load is 15-30 ECTS per semester. NOTE: Home Universitites or exchange programs might require 30 ECTS. Please check with your Home University how many ECTS you need. One credit is equivalent to 25 hours of student's workload.

MOST COMMON CLASS FORMAT Lectures (VO) / Courses (KU) / Proseminars (PS) / Seminars (SE)

GRADES Excellent (1) / Good (2) / Satisfactory (3) / Pass/Sufficient (4) / Fail/Insufficient (5) / Participated successfully (MET) / Participated without success (OET).

All course types, except (usually) lectures, require compulsory attendance.


 A general list of courses taught at the AAU can be found here: https://www.aau.at/studium/studienangebot/studienuebersicht (German), or here:

https://www.aau.at/en/study/courses/degree-programmes (English)

 German language courses  as explained in GERMAN LANGUAGE COURSE, p. 6

 Courses taught in English can be found here: https://campus.aau.at/studien/lvliste.jsp?semester=16W&englisch=yes&nobc=

 Courses offered by the "Schreib-Center" (“writing center”), a special service unit to help students to improve their writing skills, are listed here: https://campus.aau.at/studien/lvliste.jsp?stpkey=930&nobc

If you want to see the list of courses of a certain degree program, please select the degree program first, then click on “LV-Liste” (= course list) and choose your semester. The course list for the winter semester should be available by the end of July 2016, for the summer semester by the end of December 2016. Many lectures are generally similar to those of “Winter 15” or “Sommer 16”, but will not be exactly the same.

NOTE: Courses offered by the Department of English and American Studies are not open for students who want to work on a basic level of English. The department of English and American Studies requires a minimum level of B1/B2 (European Framework) for regular courses taught in English. Infosheet: Academic Year 2016/17 [Stand: 07/16] 4


NOTE: Course registration is only possible upon arrival in Klagenfurt.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 You have to enroll personally in In the Admission Office, you will Contact the teacher of the the Admission Office. Make sure be given your student ID, which course you wish to attend to take your passport/ID with will only be valid once you have (personally or via email). Let you. transferred the ÖH-Fee (an them know your registration obligatory fee for all students in number (“Matrikelnummer“) Austria commissioned by the indicated on your student card Austrian National Union of and that you are an exchange Students). students. Kindly ask to be accepted in their course.

NOTE: Do not miss the first session of the course. In case you are not present, you might not be officially accepted in the class.

Please check within the first two weeks of the semester, if the courses you have enrolled for appear on your personal course list (retrievable in AAU student account as “Meine Lehrveranstaltungen”).

NOTE: Only grades of the courses you have successfully registered for will appear on your Certificate of Academic Performance!

For more information on Certificate of Academic Performance, please check CERTIFICATE OF ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE (TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS), p. 7.

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Attending the German Language Course is not compulsory for incoming exchange students. German Language Courses offered by the German Language Center are considered as extra-curricular program and therefore are NOT free of charge.

The German Language Course starts at the beginning of the semester (October and March), consists of two teaching sessions (3 learning units each) per week, and it is worth 9 ECTS.

Course participants are placed in the appropriate class (according to their language level) after sitting a placement test at the beginning of the semester. Further information is available here: www.dia.aau.at

FEES As an exchange student for the academic year 2016/17 we can offer you a subsidized place in the German semester course. The reduced fee for incoming exchange students in their first semester is € 30,- (instead of the regular course fee of € 480,-).

Please note that in case you are studying at the AAU for two semesters you can attend the German Semester Course at reduced course fee only once. If you wish to attend the language course in your second semester as well, you have to pay the full price.

In case you do not want to take the German semester course, let us know in time!

HOW TO REGISTER After receiving your AAU student ID ([email protected]) you can register for the German course at the German Language Center “Deutsch in Österreich” (Service building, 2nd floor, room # K.2.04). Please bring along your student ID and the course fee in cash. Registration hours: Monday, October 3rd, 2016 and Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 from 09:00 to 12:00.

Attendance of the first session of the course is obligatory for all participants and you must not miss more than 3 sessions, if you want to complete the course and get a certificate.

PLACEMENT TEST If you do not have any knowledge of German, you do not need to sit the placement test, but still have to register personally in the German Language Center office. Please be aware that it is absolutely necessary to register before doing the placement test.

Registration Deadline:

The last possible day to register for German Language Course is October 4th, 2016.

Please note that after this date your place can no longer be reserved!

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At the end of your exchange, your home university usually asks you to provide the official certificate containing the list of courses and grades you have received during your exchange semester/s. At the AAU this official certificate is called “Certificate of Academic Performance” (“Studienerfolgsnachweis”).

AAU students have to generate their Certificate of Academic Performance by using their AAU student portal upon completion of the courses.

The Certificate of Academic Performance contains an official electronic signature and therefore is valid without signature and stamp as it has the probative value of an official document.


Winter semester April 30

Summer semester November 30

NOTE: After these dates, you will no longer have access to AAU student portal!

Kindly consider these deadlines when handing in your academic papers. In case you need your Certificate of Academic Performance after the deadline, please contact the Admission Office for assistance.

You will receive more information about generating your Certificate of Academic Performance (Transcript of Records) in time.

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Most of our Erasmus+ partner institutions require a letter of confirmation (Erasmus+ confirmation, Arrival/departure confirmation, duration sheet) indicating your arrival/departure dates. Please make sure that you have this confirmation with you, already printed and pre-filled (as well as any other document that you might need) upon your arrival to the International Office.

NOTE: You will not be able to print, scan or copy within the first few days from the payment of the ÖH-fee. Therefore, make sure to have printed versions of all the necessary documents with you.


Please check which courses you would like to attend so that you can fill out your Learning Agreement (LA). You can send (via e-mail or post depending on the regulations of your home university) your LA once you have decided which courses you wish to attend during your Erasmus semester to us (before the semester starts), OR bring the LA with you when you arrive in Klagenfurt. Do consider that you should know which courses you wish take at the latest by the beginning of the semester!

Your LA needs to be signed by your Academic Coordinator here at the AAU. Please make sure you have your LA signed at the latest during the first days of the semester. In case you want to make some additional changes on your LA, make sure to have it signed by your academic coordinator at the AAU. Be aware that having your LA signed is essential to receive your Erasmus+ scholarship.

We suggest that you contact the International Office/Erasmus+ coordinator at your home university in order to check the deadline for submitting the LA.

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EU/EEA and Swiss citizens* staying in Austria for more than 3 months must register at the Administrative Authority within 3 months after their arrival and obtain a confirmation of registration (“Anmeldebescheinigung“). You can find further information in the second attachment (Anmeldebescheinigung/Confirmation of Registration).

*Except students staying in Austria with a valid visa


Before applying for your visa, please contact the embassy directly regarding the documents you will need for your visa application, as well as any other information the embassy might give you.

Students outside the EU who plan on staying at the AAU for the whole academic year, need to apply for their residence permit after arriving to Klagenfurt.

EU/EEA students Confirmation of registration

Non-EU/EEA* students nominated for 1 semester Visa type D

Non-EU/EEA* students nominated for 2 semesters Student residence permit

More information can be found here: https://www.oead.at/welcome_to_austria/legal_practical_issues/entry_into_austria/nationals_of_third_countries/EN/


EU/EEA students nominated for 1 or 2 semesters:

You need to bring your European Health Insurance Card to Austria, as it will be valid during your stay in Klagenfurt. The card can be obtained from your insurance company in your home country. Make sure to ascertain what your insurance covers as it can vary from country to country.

Non-EU/EEA* students nominated for 1 semester:

You are free to choose your health insurance (either International or Austrian) as long as long as it fulfills the requirements for your visa application for Austria. For further details please contact the Austrian embassy in your country of residence.

Non-EU/EEA* students nominated for 2 semesters:

You have to register for the standard Austrian health insurance (at “Gebietskrankenkasse” – GKK). GKK insurance for students currently costs € 54,11/month.**

If you decide to purchase Austrian (GKK) insurance, we are happy to help you with the application upon your arrival. More information on GKK insurance is available here: www.kgkk.at, and in our Health Insurance Guide (paperback only).

* And Turkey ** Fees are subject to change without notice

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For questions about accommodation (moving in/out, booking confirmation, payments, deposit, etc.), booked via the Austrian housing agency “OeAD”, please contact [email protected]


The Entrée team (a section of the Austrian National Union of Students) offers a buddy system for incoming exchange students. A buddy is a regular student of the AAU who will pick you up at the /train station, take you to your accommodation and help you during the first days in Klagenfurt. Usually, your buddy contacts you via e-mail before you arrive in Klagenfurt.

If you wish to contact other (former, actual and future) exchange students, you can join the Facebook group of our Entrée team:https://de-de.facebook.com/entree.klagenfurt


The Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt can be reached by plane, train, bus or car.

Klagenfurt is served by a small international airport and run from the airport to the city center where you can change connection to go to university. More information can be found at: http://www.klagenfurt-airport.at/

For train connections to Klagenfurt please check: http://www.oebb.at/en/

Arrival to campus from the Klagenfurt main train station (Hauptbahnhof): Take the bus line 81 to University (runs approx. every half hour) or take a taxi from the train station. The bus schedule can be found here: https://www.stw.at/privatkunden/mobilitaet/fahrplan/

For travel by car on highway A2, take exit "Klagenfurt West (Minimundus)".

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MENSA Students can have lunch in Mensa on campus. You can check the daily menu here: http://menu.mensen.at/index/index/locid/45 It is possible to receive discount vouchers (per meal) in the ÖH service center at AAU. Mensa is opened Mon-Fri, 11-14:30h.

OTHER DINING OPTIONS:  OeAD dormitories are equipped with community kitchens/private kichenettes.  Many restaurant and grocery shops are located both on campus and within walking distance to campus. https://www.aau.at/universitaet/campus/gastronomie/


Living costs during your semester/year in Klagenfurt can vary according to your lifestyle. This is a rough estimate of what your monthly costs might be:

Accommodation € 250-400 per month ÖH (Student Union) fee € 19,20* per semester Food: € 240 per month € 5,00 (approx.) per meal in Mensa Health insurance (GKK) € 54,11* per month (bus) single ticket € 2,10 monthly ticket € 43,- Books, culture, entertainment € 250 per month * Fees are subject to change without notice


Our sports institute (USI) offers a wide range of sports courses for AAU students (gym, water sports, skiing, tennis, volleyball, free climbing, martial arts, dance, yoga, pilates etc.)

 Students cannot receive ECTS for sports courses, and are charged a student-friendly fee (Tarif 1) for each course. Unless indicated otherwise, the price is valid for the entire semester.  Course registration is possible only upon arrival after you register at the Admission Office.  You can check the courses in an online brochure available on USI's webpage: www.usi.aau.at


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Please come to our office (Service building, 1st floor) within the first days upon your arrival in Klagenfurt to say “hi“, do the necessary paperwork & pick up your welcome present 

Our office hours are:

Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri 9-11, & by appointment, Thu CLOSED

In case you have to cancel your exchange semester in Klagenfurt or will not be able to attend the Welcome Day, please let us know in time.

For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt International Office Universitätsstraße 65-67, 9020 Klagenfurt/Austria www.aau.at/en/international www.facebook.com/intklu

We are looking forward to meeting you in Klagenfurt!

Best regards, Elena, Barbara, Marzia & Michaela

Photo credit: AAU & OeAD

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