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Page 2 of 28 If run correctly, silent are very valuable revenue generating streams for many medium and larger fundraisers. A silent allows for a more relaxed, social environment for the donors, bidders and volunteers, but still encourages supporters to become involved in the auction process.

As silent auctions have become more utilized by charity and fundraising groups, attendees are expecting more creative items coupled with bigger and more fun themes. The more energetic and engaging the items and decor, the more emotionally involved and generous the supporters become. Not to mention the good will and publicity a good silent auction can have for your cause.

Silent Auctions Basics

The most successful silent auctions are those that are held in a fun and stress free venue. Nice restaurants, upscale hotel ballrooms and corporate theaters are great locations to hold your event. For many charities and fundraisers, these locations can be used free of charge, or at a greatly reduced cost. If you allow the venue to cater or supply the food and beverage (for charge of course) to your event, they will likely be more interested in giving you the venue to use.

As with all fundraising events, make sure you are organized and well planned. If you are going to offer a catalog for donors to browse, make sure to have detailed descriptions with good pictures and corresponding item numbers. If you just use tables and displays to showcase your auction items, you will still want item numbers to correspond with the selection. You should always maintain a master copy with all of your items, minimum bids, cost and what

Page 3 of 28 you eventually sold the item for. offers amazing to streamline all these processes. Generating the Highest Bids for Your Auction Items

1) Invite the Right People

Make sure you invite people who would be interested in your charity or cause. If people are already passionate about your topic, you will find generating bids much easier. For example, if you are a pet charity, make sure to contact all of your local veterinarians, pet stores and animal hospitals. Don't just ask if they will advertise your event, invite the owners, doctors, nurses and workers to attend.

Build your event up as not only a good cause, but also a fun time of interacting with others. Create excitement with the personalities you will have, the venue location, or any other buzz worthy components of your event. Encourage your supporters to bring friends, family and anyone else who would be interested in your cause.

2) Make Easy

High-end retailers spend a lot of time and money arranging their store to make sure that their displays are arranged to focus customers’ attention on the merchandise. Ever wonder why milk is in the back of the store? Retailers know people will walk through the store to get the milk and likely buy a few more items. Follow their lead by placing your silent auction tables carefully, with the most sought after or

Page 4 of 28 extravagant items in the back. You want your donors to walk through all of your items to see the items they are the most interested in. Make sure that you don’t distract your guests from displaying your items by placing entertainment in front of your items.

As soon as you have booked your venue, start creating a floor plan and imagine walking through it. Make sure you have six feet between your silent auction tables (to give guests room to walk around each other). Guests should be able to walk through the display tables and not get stuck at a dead end row.

Theme decorations are fun and can enhance the overall experience, but don’t go overboard. The auction items and the bidding process should be the primary focus of the evening.

3) Arrange the Agenda to Encourage Bidding

This parallels perfectly with arranging the physical location. The schedule for the evening should encourage bidders to view the items and bid. Make sure you schedule plenty of time for donors to view all of the items, to bid, and to revisit and bid on items of particular interest to them. It is okay to have a dinner, or snack and drinks during this process, but don't make the dinner or snacks so complex that it detracts from the donors having time to bid.

Most of the silent auctions I’ve attended begin with drinks and time (between one and three hours) for browsing and bidding on the items displayed on the tables. Donors should be able to start viewing and bidding on the silent auction items as soon as they arrive at the event.

Page 5 of 28 Make sure that your donors’ focus during this time is not being distracted by DJs encouraging the guests to get on the dance floor. If you are going to include entertainment, do this later in the event after the auction is over. If your auction includes hors d’ourves and drinks, have them served by staff as to minimize the time your donors spend acquiring these items. If you do have any food served buffet style during the silent auction bidding, use several small tables interspersed with the auction item display tables so guests stay busy viewing and bidding on items. No matter how you serve your guests, anything served during the silent auction should light and easily eaten.

Having a serving station where guests can get water, coffee and/or soft drinks without standing in line is also a great idea. If you are going to serve alcoholic beverages at your event, have them available from the very beginning of the viewing and bidding process. Having limited choices of beverages (for example, a dark beer, a light beer, one red wine and one white wine) is an easy to way to allow servers to keep donors needs met while not detracting at all from the bid process. That should also eliminate any need for donors to stand in line, which detracts from their ability to bid on items. If you do have bars, make sure they are in the same room and easily accessible from the silent auction tables. You want to make sure there is plenty of staff and serving stations to minimize the time bidders spend in line. Guests who are standing in line at the bar are not looking at or bidding on auction items.

Another great tactic is to stagger your ending bid times so that you have two or three different “close” or "bidding stop" times. This can make the checkout process a lot faster for bidders and can increase the emotional suspense of bidders. This can increase your overall bids on items that are just about to close. It gets the guest to focus on the "closing tables" rather than trying to

Page 6 of 28 focus on all of the items closing at once. An easy way to notify donors what tables or items are closing at a given time is by using different colored tablecloths, colored balloons or different color bid sheets. With the different colors you can easily announce which tables and items are being closed based on color i.e. “Announcement - the blue balloon sections are closing in five minutes.” Also schedule your closing times so that the tables furthest away from the live auction or entertainment close first.

You can also build up excitement and tension for the bidding on the silent auction by counting down the amount of time left to bid on each section. For example, announce when there is five minutes, two minutes, or just one- minute left to bid. As you close the first section, you immediately begin building the excitement for the next section of tables that is going to close in five minutes.

If you are moving to a seated dinner, don’t fight your guests desire to socialize with the other guests. You should actually encourage your guest to socialize and make sure they have time to do so. In addition to their purpose as a fundraiser, silent auctions are supposed to be fun for the guests and encourage their return to your next event. After a short interlude for chatting and eating, you can move on to a live auction (if you are including one in your event), or other finishing entertainment.

4) Keep the Bid Process Easy

The fastest way to lose donations or bidders is to make the process too complex or too long. Here are five simple methods to remove common obstacles for bidders:

Page 7 of 28 i) Make sure there is a working pen on top of each bid sheet. You should have already removed the caps and tested each of them. Also make sure to bring plenty of extra pens and ask your volunteers to carry them around during silent auctions, to replace ones that walk away or run out of ink.

ii) Make sure guests can read your bid sheets. A silent auction is not the time for dim lighting or fancy fonts.

iii) Have multiple points of checkout if you are not using an online bidding and checkout solution.

iv) Consider using auction software that can manage items, bids and the checkout process. If you do use an online solution, make sure that there are many tablets and computers available so each bidder can easily bid on their desired items.

v) Consider using mobile compliant bidding software like Most people carry wireless enabled smart phones, and this will allow every bidder to easily locate the item they want to bid on, and check out after a successful auction.

5) Make Sure Your Items Have VERY Detailed Descriptions

I once attend a silent auction that offered an all-inclusive week at a golf resort that did not receive a single bid. While most of the guest would have loved an all-inclusive week of golf, there was no description as to where the resort was or what golf courses would be played. There were only a few images of random people playing golf. Without knowing these details no one knew if they wanted, could or should make the trip.

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Detailed descriptions for auction items means making sure potential bidders have the information they need to understand what they are bidding on. For silent auction items (especially gift certificates, trips or services) make sure the value, locations, any restrictions and expiration dates are known and clearly stated for each item. This will ensure that everything the guest needs to know is printed in the catalog and is listed on the description sheet for the table.

6) Using Minimum Bids and Raises

Every bid is some level of commitment from a donor and while some guests will enjoy a ”bidding war” in the silent auction, most donors writing a bid six times feels like the same emotional expenditure regardless if it’s been six bids on a single item or six separate items. Honestly, you should prefer they bid on 6 different items so as to increase your potential funds across all items. To influence your guest’s bidding behavior, work to set appropriate minimum bids and minimum raises for each item.

Setting appropriate minimum bids and raises isn’t hard, especially with today's software. When you enter the items you have procured for your auction into your organization’s platform database, you can just set the minimum bid and the incremental raises. The software will handle the rest of the process. Keep in mind, that setting a minimum raise amount can actually garner larger overall bids since each raise is relatively small.

If your item or activity can be easily purchased by any number of people, then it has a commodity value that will play a significant role in setting minimum and maximum bids. However, if your item or activity is unique (a rare trip or signed sports item) or is not usually available for purchase (dinner with a star

Page 9 of 28 or a weekend at a private lake home), the perceived Market Value is subjective and the item can go for a lot more (or a lot less) than that value.

While there is some art involved in setting the right minimums and raise amounts, there are a few questions and guidelines to consider when reviewing the minimum bid and minimum raise values for your items:

i) What is the actual cost to your organization to have the item?

ii) What is the highest minimum bid you can realistically expect at least one person would make for the item?

iii) What is the highest final bid you can reasonably expect for the item? (Remember that this is often NOT the same thing as the market value).

iv) How many steps do you want between these values? For example, if you want 8 bids between the minimum bid and the maximum expected that would be 8 steps.

v) You can set a "Buy Now" option on the item, but never set a maximum bid amount.

7) The “Buy-It-Now” option

Having a Buy-It-Now price on an auction item is a way to allow someone who really wants the item to be sure they’ll get it. Some guests want to support the organization but aren’t interested in the bidding process. When setting a Buy-

Page 10 of 28 It-Now price, you will have to follow your instincts. For items that have a clear value, that is, one can go to a store and easily purchase, I generally set the Buy It Now price at 150%. This means a $50 gift certificate would have a Buy It Now price of $75.

Figuring out the Buy-It-Now price for unique items, including trips and art, is more challenging. What I do is to take the 150% of expected value as my absolute minimum and work up from there. Make sure to mark whether there is only one item to buy, or multiple. With "Risk Free" Items, you can actually offer hundreds of unique travel adventures, and sell multiple trips. That is to say you may sell 3 Fighter Pilot For A Day or Weekend trips with the "But It Now" option and also sell one as the "Top Bidder" for the item.

Sometimes, "Buy-It-Now" just doesn’t make sense for an item. I know of one auction where an autographed picture of Tom Brady was given a “Buy-It- Now” price without consideration of what the fans of the football star would actually pay. While the item did sell under the "Buy-It-Now" selection, it generated far less revenue than it would have with room full of Patriots fans.

If you are using a "Buy It Now" feature without having an online platform manage the process, you will want to have volunteers keep an eye out for items where the “Buy It Now” option has been used. They should remove the bid sheets from these items and replace them with a "This Item Sold". Otherwise, it can be hard to notice the item has been bought, and people will waste time bidding on an item that is no longer available.

In the end, some items will go for higher amounts than you expected and some will go for lower. You will probably have at least one guest or volunteer who says the minimum bids are too high and one who says they would have paid

Page 11 of 28 more than the maximum bid. Smile, thank them for their opinion, and ask them to join your planning committee for next year.

What Items Should You Sell?

Having a good mix of items is a definite way to ensure you have a successful event. Some items sell better than other items, while unique items can garner larger bids - or no bids at all. From experience, here are some general items and how they typically perform in silent auctions:

Items That Generate Small Returns

Services - are typically a poor seller at auctions. This includes the accountant, lawyer, hair dresser, home cleaning, lawn care, manicure and pedicure, Botox, designer consultations, training and workout sessions, facial and leg laser treatments, Lasik procedures and other similar services.

Boutique - items include all fashion, apparel, clothing, jewelry and similar decorative items. If the items are attractive and can be tastefully displayed, it can produce good results. Frequently though, these items are very personality based and take up considerable space and produce poor results.

Home & Garden - items that are donated include unwanted gifts, donations from stores and dealers, candles, nick-knacks and other such items. Frequently the attractive items are lost in a sea of donations. These items typically take up the most space, and generate the smallest overall return.

Consignment Jewelry - is considered a niche item that is increasingly popular at large auctions. It is easy to offer a large number of attractive items to bid on.

Page 12 of 28 The problem is that these items are very personality based and most people spend more time looking rather than bidding.

Items That Generate Large Returns

Sports - items or trips are typically great sellers. These items have a very "subjective" value so bids can increase fairly fast. Both men and women will bid on these items and they are always considered safe items for auctions. Try to have both a collection of superstar and typical teams and player memorabilia. Just because you don't know a player or a team doesn't mean your donors don't.

Hotels, Trips & Vacation Homes & Restaurants - actually, any of those exotic places you always wanted to visit and dine at but never got around to going! Adventure trips and all-inclusive family vacations are sure winners. You can also make your own by combining hotels with restaurants and theatre events to make for a romantic weekend. You can even bundle in a baby sitter to ensure a fast sell.

Baskets - can be excellent sellers with large returns. This is a time to gather your most creative volunteers to create baskets of bundled products. Having a basket with multiple products can really boost the perceived value of the items included over their individual value.

New Technology - includes electronics, gadgets, toys, games, and all manner of audio and video equipment can be big sellers. When the iPad first came out, many consumers were willing to spend 50% more on one of the hard to get tablets. These items will also encourage more men and children to become involved in the auction process.

Types of Items

Page 13 of 28 The Expected

Most donors and supporters will expect certain staple items in your event. These items usually include themed baskets, trips, sports memorabilia and items related to your cause. For example, if you are a Pet Rescue Charity, have gifts associated with pets. This idea is not only good, it will be expected from your guests.

The Experience

Experiences have become more popular over the last few years. With companies such as Winspire, they have never been easier to offer. Just imagine your winning bidder spending the day as a Fighter Pilot, or spending a day in a Beachside Bloomingdales Shopping Spree, or even attending the American Music Awards. These types of experiences not only sell well, they can generate large revenue amounts for your charity.

People absolutely love to bid and win experiences they can't readily find or do own their own... things they consider one of a kind or that have that WOW factor already built in. Coupling these experiences with a charity or fundraising event can have your donors bidding and offering a lot more than they would if they had decided to try these experiences on their own.

With we have hundreds of these types of experiences built into our platform as "Risk Free Items." This allows you to offer the items, and if they don't generate at least the minimum bid plus whatever amount you want to add, they will cost you nothing. You can of course come up with your own experiences to add, but this can require a lot more time to create.

Page 14 of 28 Silent Auction Services

Your group of volunteers can always offer services - house cleaning, car washes, or even cooking for a dinner party. You can also approach local businesses to offer their services free or at a discounted cost. The more creative the service, the more likely it is to generate buzz and bids. Offering to drive the winner around for a date or shopping trip will generate more interest than carpet cleaning.

Mission-Related Items

Adding items that are mission critical to your success can always help you achieve your goals. The idea is to couple mission goals with a sense of pride or recognition for your winning donor.

If you are a youth sports program, you can offer the uniforms for auction. This will also include recognition to the winning bidder. For example, if it cost $50 to purchase and print a baseball jersey, you can also offer to include the name of the donor on the uniforms. This can be very useful for donors who also have local businesses. It can also be used for a donor to recognize a lost loved one. I have seen jerseys printed up that had "In memory of [Loved One], Team Name.

If you offer services like meals for the homeless, you can let bidders sponsor a certain number of meals and include a press release or other type of recognition for the donor. You could also set up multiple levels of this type of item, where a donor could bid to feed 10, 50, 200 or 1000 people with different levels of recognition.

Only the winner has to pay –he or she writes a check for the total amount (If they were to sponsor 200 meals, that would be $2,000 at $10 per meal). Your

Page 15 of 28 organization then uses the money to provide the service. You could set up several of these types of auctions on the same table.

Be resourceful with your event, and use these creative silent auction ideas to make sure your donors stay engaged with your auction, your event, and your organization.

101 Silent Auction Item Ideas

Bundles & Theme Baskets Ideas

The New Baby Basket - swaddling blankets, handmade toys, pacifier, diaper cream, baby shampoo, onesies, all in a baby tub or car seat.

Date Night - a romantic basket! Gift cards for restaurants, movie tickets, popcorn, bowling, go-carts (or any activity that could be used for a date), and flowers. Include a babysitting service for a sure seller.

Weekend Getaway Basket – Contains a voucher for a hotel, or bed and breakfast. Include champagne, wine, cheese and other snacks. Plus vouchers for activities near the Hotel: Spa, tour guides, hiking/riding/cycling, etc.

The Christmas Basket - include tinsel, garlands, candy cakes, fruitcake, Christmas-themed cookie cutters, Advent calendar, Hickory Farms style edibles, wrapping paper and ribbon.

Page 16 of 28 Pampered at Home - Bath gels, lotions, facial kit, bathrobe, fluffy slippers, massage products, and a pedicure kit, etc.

Wine Lovers - popular and very simple to put together. Have a selection of red and white wines, plus snacks to go with the wines, like cheese and crackers, and meats.

World of Wines - a selection of different wines from around the world. Include a bottle opener, a wine reference book and an ice bucket.

Pirates of the Caribbean basket - a chest of pirate booty that includes: chocolate gold coins, a model ship kit, plastic sword, eye patch and a DVD of the movie.

Car Care - Car wash vouchers, car wash products, air fresheners, and seat covers, etc.

Hair Care Spectacular - have a selection of hair care products - shampoos, conditioners, gels, hair spray, comb/brushes, and hair clips, etc.

The Baker's Dozen - a wicker basket of baking mixes for cakes, brownies, pancakes, pie crust, pie fillings, rolling pin, glass pie pan and a baking cookbook.

Chocolate Lovers - this one's a real treat. Have an assortment of Chocolates and gourmet chocolates. Be creative and have a few rare, weird and wonderful products.

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Beach Blanket Bingo - colorful towels, plastic pail, shovels, beach ball, umbrella, cooler, Frisbee, radio, sun block, and funky sunglasses all displayed in a beach bag.

Rainy Day Fun - a basket of puzzles, board games, deck of cards, dice, popcorn, ingredients to make smores, classic books and movies.

Golfing Galore - there will always be golf fanatics at any auction. Include balls, golf tees, an umbrella, sunglasses, golfing glove, cap, golfing magazines, vouchers to local courses, and a free session with a golfing instructor, etc.

Gourmet Coffee - I'm a real coffee lover, so I always bid on coffee items at any silent auction I attend. You could include a coffee machine, a variety of filter coffee packs, espresso coffee packs, milk frother, coffee plunger, and gourmet or rare coffees!

Gardening Basket - Garden gloves, shovel, seeds, spray can, fertilizer, soaker hose, sprinkler and a hand rake.

Candle Aroma Basket - include a full of variety of candles and accessories – such as candle holders, matches or lighters, candle making kit, and candle making books, etc.

Pet Lovers - themed towards a specific type of pet - Cat, dog, bird, or horse, etc. Have a selection of pet toys, snacks, food, and a voucher for the local vet.

Page 18 of 28 Camping Adventure - Flashlights, tent, compass, local area hiking guide, lantern, cook stove, outdoor cooking pot and utensils, canteen, camping foods, and gift certificate for outdoor recreation store for sleeping bags.

Tea For 2 - include a variety of teas, crackers, petit fours or tiny cakes, a tea set with cups and teapot.

Julie and Julia Basket - high end cooking dishes, Julie Child cookbooks and DVDs of her show, the book and movie Julie and Julia, and a French cooking class for the winning bidder and friends.

Cultural Food Baskets - choose a culture like Italian, Thai, Indian, or Zulu (or a few cultures, for a few different baskets), and select a group of food items, jewelry, cultural books, tourist books, curios, and artwork, etc.

Body Builders - for this heavy lifting silent auction basket idea, you could use - Dumbbells, resistance bands, exercise mat, sweat towels, sweat bands, gym subscription, voucher for personal trainer session, stability ball, and training DVDs are all popular.

Athlete-in-Training - pick a specific sport and build around it. For example, cycling - with gift cards to cycle shops, cycling helmet, spare tire tubes, pump, and bike repair kit, etc.

The Bakers Basket - include oven gloves, flour, baking powder, choc chips, nuts, icing sugar, cocoa powder, cookie/muffin pan, recipe for ingredients in basket, and recipe book for baking, etc.

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Barbeque Time - use a barbecue as the actual basket and include tools, sauces, spices, tongs, recipe books, and meat vouchers.

Global or Micro Beer - include an assortment of beers and drinks from around the world or your local microbreweries.

Adrenaline Junkies - get really creative with this. Vouchers for sky diving, white water rafting, rollercoaster rides, horse polo lessons, track cars, motorcycle rentals, etc.

Video Games - select a particular unit, like the Sony Playstation 4 or the Microsoft Xbox one and fill a basket with the most popular games. Make sure to label what consol the games are for.

Designer Make-up - include the hottest and most popular make-ups. You can even include a voucher for a training session with a professional make-up artist.

Survival Kit - first-aid kit, bottled water, wind up transistor radio, flashlight, matches, lightweight blanket, freeze-dried food or MRE's and a survival guide.

Sports Fan Basket - include a team jersey, team hat, tickets, peanuts, Cracker Jacks, binoculars, heat pads, banner, team flag for car and even tickets.

Page 20 of 28 Knitting Basket - knitting needles, yarn, pattern books, knitting magazine subscription or book, completed scarf, knitting class for winning bidder and friends with local knitting guru.

Crafts and Handmade Items

Cards - Handmade thank you or holiday cards.

Baby clothes.

Pottery - Cups, bowls, tea sets, painted vases.

Hats -Croqueted or knitted winter hats. Caps made with recycled wool can be popular.

Purses – Include Designer or everyday bags. Details like zippers, pockets, and decorative styling add to the value.

Shopping bags - Grocery bags are becoming matador to cut down on paper or plastic bags.

Quilts - Handmade quilts can take tens of hours to create and are considered very valuable.

Gift Certificates

Page 21 of 28 Massages - either at a spa or from an at home masseuse

Spa Day - Manicure, pedicure, facial, wax, and massage included.

Restaurants - both popular venues and fine dining could be used. Try pairing these with theater tickets and a babysitting service to boost the value.

Museums - family oriented museums like Children's Museums or Science Centers may be willing to donate tickets to related organizations.

Theater - a fun date night out that many couples enjoy. Make sure to list if it is for a specific show, date and seat, or possible shows before the expiration.

Movies - gift passes to local movie theaters are always popular.

Babies - a year's supply of diapers.

Pictures - professional photography session.

Ultimate Fighting - martial arts lessons in popular Ultimate fighting styles.

Amusement park annual pass - choose a local water or amusement park.

Page 22 of 28 Hot Air Balloon Ride - Include tickets for a hot air balloon ride, with champagne and snacks, etc.

Yoga lessons

Facial gift certificate

Shoe store gift certificate

Airline vouchers

Sports team season tickets

Professional car detailing

Maid services

Landscaping services

Furniture store gift certificate

Swimming pool cleaning certificate

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Silent auction vacations provides family friendly and unique opportunities to fundraising organizations and charities. Many of these packages can be auction as "risk-free" items to enhance the selection of adventurous trips you offer without adding to your upfront cost.

"Risk-Free" items allow you to offer exotic or fun travel items without paying any upfront fees and you only purchase the package after it sells. Here are some of the more creative an unique travel packages in our "risk-free" travel packages.

Fighter Pilot For a Day Adventure - Air Combat USA Fighter Pilot Experience for 1, Hyatt Place 4- Night Stay with Airfare for 2.

Ireland Adventure - 6-Night Getaway in Dublin, Ennis & Killarney, Historic Castle Overnight Stay, Rental Car, Guinness Storehouse VIP Tickets, Gap of Dunloe & Aran Islands Excursions with Airfare for 2.

Choose Your Championship Sporting Event - Lower Level Tickets to Choice of Championship Sporting Event, Dinner, 3-Night Stay for 2.

Churchill Downs (Kentucky) VIP Experience - Churchill Downs (Kentucky) VIP Experience including a Private Suite, Race Named in Your Honor, Trophy Presentation, 3-Night Stay and Airfare for 2.

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Samuel Adams Brewery Tour in Boston - Behind-the-Scenes Tour, McCormick & Schmick's Dinner with Beer Pairing, Fairmont Boston 3-Night Stay with Airfare for 2.

Kennedy Space Astronaut Adventure - Astronaut Training Experience, KSC Up Close Tour, Lunch with an Astronaut, Visitor Complex Admission, Hyatt Place 4-Night Stay with Airfare for 2.

Indy-Style Open-wheel Racing - Mario Andretti Racing Experience for 1 at Choice of Select U.S. Locations, Hyatt 3-Night Stay with Airfare for 2.

American Music Awards - Upper Level Tickets to the 2015 American Music Awards in Los Angeles, 3-Night Stay with Airfare for 2.

Any location you think of could be offered as a travel package!


Bakery - Just imagine the smell of fresh baked bread or cookies enticing your noses.

Brewery - One of my favorite tours ever. Brewery tours are amazing and fun.

Winery - Always a popular tour for those who visit wine country.

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Historic District - Learn about your city or town through its oldest buildings or neighborhoods.

Halloween Haunted Tour – This is a very popular auction item around the Witching time.

Other Silent Auction Items

Designer sunglasses

Case of fine wine

Hair extensions

Set of DVD's

Designer pajamas and silk robe

Power tools

Set of silverware

Set of designer bedding

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Carpet washing system

Set of crystal glasses

Chef quality set of knives

High-end food processor

Luxury bathroom towels

Wall paintings by local artists

BBQ set

Outdoor Fountain

Flowering plants

Solar-paneled food dehydrator

Smoker and cooker

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Garden furniture

Lawnmower and hedge trimmer

Set of luggage

Laptop bag

International smart phone

Car rental certificate

Limo rides

Cosmetic bags

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