Journal of International and Local Studies - ISSN: 25281674 (p); 25497855 (e) Vol.1, Issue.1, January 2017, pp.1-58


Demeiati Nur Kusumaningrum1, Peggy Puspa Haffsari2 1International Relations Dept., Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of , Malang, -65144 ([email protected]) 2Postgraduate Studies of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia-16424 ([email protected])

Abstract This paper explores the management of waste and strategies in dealing with environmental prob- lems. The increasing tourism activities and the weakness of garbage management in traditional mar- kets are the challenges of waste management in Batu City. While, the industrial waste of Malang Re- gency generates social protest and bring the disadvantages on the quality of water of . The practice on sustainable development model required the roles of state to achieve society welfare by considering economic, social, and ecological dimensions. This study examine the policy making and institutional coordination as the efforts to perform good governance principles. The government of Batu City invest on sewage treatment plant in Tlekung dump landfill (Tempat Penampungan Akhir-TPA) to produce liquid fertilizer and methane gas as the end of its process. Monitoring and evaluation on industrial waste management system (IPAL) becomes the policy of Malang to preserve the quality of water. The parliament members gain the manufacture industry owner’s attention on waste responsibility through visiting and socialization programs.

Keywords: good governance for sustainable development, local government, waste

INTRODUCTION ronment. Therefore, it makes state policy on the waste management system get more social atten- Waste is a generic term used to describe tion. material that has no obvious or significant economic or other benefits to humans. Industrial The debate on development practice re- waste is generated by activities such as lates to political and social dimensions. Political- manufacturing, mining, coal, combustion, and oil ly, the strategy and policy making to achieve the and gas production. While, municipal solid waste economic growth and society welfare question the (MSW), means the garbage and trash generated by government performance and legitimacy. Based households, offices, and similar activities (Switzer on social perspective, modernization and progress & Bryner, 1998: 90-1). integrated in the state development model must ensure the quality and equality of public service Industrial waste and garbage (household (Kusumaningrum, 2014). The environmental garbage and domestic waste) are a common problem is the chellenge on the practice of devel- environment problem in urban areas (Switzer & opment in every country, especially Indonesia as Bryner, 1998: 88-9). But the rising of modern the case study. Since sustainable development be- society and rising the environmental awareness comes the ideal paradigm, claim toward the suc- demanded the right on healthy and safety envi- cess of development in every countries reflected Demeiati Nur Kusumaningrum, Peggy Puspa Haffasari the roles of government to improve the quality of cesses of the state, bureaucracies, corporations, individual life. Therefore, this research would like and international organizations because the envi- to explain how the local government1 of Malang ronment problems are also seen as the governance Regency and Batu City response the problem of problems (Clapp & Dauvergne, 2005). municipal waste.

The manufacture activities support local METHOD income and the major alternative to expand em- ployment in Malang Regency. The activity of It used qualitative research method by industrial sectors resulted water pollutant as the deductive reasoning technic of analysis. The main problem for Brantas river. Whereas, the land- qualitative research was conducted by collecting scape of Batu City brought some advantages not secondary data as the instrument of research such only for agriculture production such as milk, veg- as literature review and observation. etables and fruits but also tourism development. Batu City is located for mega project of tourism The data and information gained from the parks invested by Jatim Park Group. Hotels and interpretation of document and online publications restaurants have been achieving the international compiled from the government database, the standard to support the local government goals to finding of research publications, and articles of realize city planning policy as the prominent tour- mass media related to the issue. ism destination in Indonesia. Unfortunately, the advancement on tourism development generates The observation was conducted to the increasing amount of waste. complete the library research and to strengthen the statement of local government refer to the The Indonesian mitigation policy in dealing relations between tourism activity and production with climate change issue represent the practice of municipal waste. It examined the the activities of a good governance principles in respond to the of visitors in several tourism destinations at Batu global environmental problems. The municipal City. waste is a part of environmental problem since it produces the one of green house gasses. The Good Governance for Sustainable Develop- local government establish the policy of waste ment management due to the effort to realize responsible and accountable principles. Therefore, the role of Environmental problem is considered as local governments to implement mitigation policy the impacts of economic growth and triggers the of municipal waste management is seen as the society awareness and cooperation. It debates internalization of sustainable development model. on the quality of individual life and the scarcity of resource (WECD, 1987). Publication of ‘Our This research supports the environmental Common Future’ by the World Commission on regime theory that believes in the values of eco- Environment and Development (Brundtland nomic growth, globalization, trade, foreign invest- Report) emphasizes resource management and ment, technology, and the notion of sustainable control of fossil energy consumption in the development. It emphasizes the need for stronger economic growth target for the survival of the next global institutions and norms as well as sufficient generation. It means development must integrate state and local capacity to constrain and direct the economic interest, political commitment, and international political economy. The problem of ecological well-being (Jordan, 2008). environmental scarcity, population growth, and growing inequality between and within states is Sustainable development based on able to be overcome by the strong capacity of in- ecological sustainability perspective is seen as stitution to protect the common goods. The lack an issue of development within the ecological of global cooperation becomes a key source of boundaries and carrying capacity of the planet. It environmental degradation. The institutions need needs the institutional roles, that is governance to to internalize the principles of sustainable devel- steer the process. It can be seen as a collection of opment, including into the decision-making pro- rules, stakeholder involvement and processes to realize a common goal (Zeijl-Rozema et al, 2008).

1 In this paper, the local government refers to the both This paper will potrait the modes of local of the administrations: Malang Regency (Kabupaten government as hierarchical governance that inter- Malang) and Batu City (Kota Batu) in East

24 JILS, Vol.1 ,Issue.1, January 2017 Good Governance for Sustainable Development: Municipal Wate Management nalizes the ecological perspective. The administra- Wittkopf, 1999: 311-42). This research portrayed tion characterized by its decision usually is taken the waste as environmental problem, and how the by the leading actor, often the government. A ver- strategy of local government is in policy making tical relation exists between the leading actor and and institutional coordination in dealing with other actors in society. Sustainable development municipal waste management. is seen as a goal that can be objectified based on scientific evidence. Goal-setting is done to a large Sustainable development model is the extent by the leading actor; consensus exists that main concern in Indonesia. It can be seen in the development should take place within ecological national government committement on the project limits. Implementation of the sustainable devel- of carbon emission reduction action. Presidential opment goal is decided upon by the leading actor Decree No. 61 of 2011 on the National Action Plan in a straightforward process with little discretion for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction (RAN- for those implementing it. Solutions are mainly GRK) required local administration cooperation sought in the domain of technical fixes. Other ac- to reach the 41% target. According to the Ministry tors are not necessarily committed to sustainable of National Development Planning (Bappenas), development but they follow the leader. The focus the state will create the healthy life for the socie- in this type is on goal achievement. Monitoring ty; represent low carbon emission, and sustainable and evaluation indicators will be output oriented development model that need the multi-stakehold- (Zeijl-Rozema et al, 2008). er partnership. Based on climate change mitiga- tion policy the waste management is a part of local government responsibility. The implementation of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION development strategy in sub-state administration must be in line with economic, social, and ecolog- The discussion will be conducted in some ical target of indicators (The Ministry of National parts; First, development must integrate econom- Development Planning, 2011). ic interest, political commitment, and ecologi- cal well-being. The environmental problems are This study examined that the local govern- linked to the aspects of ‘human security’. The ment of Malang Regency enforces the national committment of Indonesia to practice sustainable law on environmental protection by establish- development is stipulated in climate change ing the Local Regulation No. 10/2012 on Waste mitigation policy. Since then, the municipal waste Management. The government creates a policy management become the political and socio-eco- coordination about monitoring and evaluation on nomic matters as a part local government respon- the quality of the water based on ecological indica- sibility. tors. It has policy coordination with Environmen- tal Agency (BLH). While, the local government of Second, the impact of development in Ma- Batu City develops industrial waste management lang Regency and Batu City contributes to the system (IPAL), optimalizes landfills and invests industrial waste and urban garbage. The policy on the advancement of the technical process of making and institutional coordination respond municipal waste to be benefits for agricultural and to the environmental problems are seen as the domestic used. Moreover, the legislative board practice on responsible and accountable principles members of Batu City participate in visiting the (good governance for sustainable development). factories and running socialization programs of The structure of the essay should be in a separate local government environment policy. section with the methods. Batu City is a part of , Indonesia The environmental issue emerged as the with 197,087 km2 lenghth and consists of approx- global discourse which focus on the increasing imately 168,155 populations in 2001. Batu City demand on the quality of human life against the has three subdistricts; Bumiaji, Batu, and Junre- scarcity of resources. It trigger the state roles jo, 4 kelurahans, dan 19 villages. The region of to manage resource aimed to reach the target of Batu City is surrounded by mountains, such as economic growth while ensure the need of poor Panderman (2010m), Welirang (3156m), and Ar- people. It is noticed that environmental prob- juno (3339m). Therefore, it has a cool and nice lems linked to human survival, well-being, and weather with temperature of around 21,5°C-27°C. productivity as the aspects of ‘human security’. The beautiful scenery and wonderful lanscape Based on this condition, it is required to bring of nature is granted to Batu City as the one of politics back into the discussion (Kegley Jr. & prominent tourism destinations in Indonesia. (The

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Ministry of Public Service, 2012). The geographic Regional Spatial Plan of Batu City 2010-2030. advantages of Batu City give the opportunity In the article of 8 it mentions, the Government of people to advance agriculture products, i.e. is committed to realize the Batu City safe, oranges, apples, avocado, organic vegetables, and comfortable, productive and sustainable. The flowers.In order to realize the city planning policy practice of sustainable development understood as “Kota Wisata Batu”, the local government and as a priority on economic growth based on private stakeholder build mega projects of tourism agriculture, tourism, and ecologically protect the destinations such as Jatim Park, Secret Zoo, Mu- water reserve system as maintaining supply of seum Angkut, Batu Night Spectacular, Eco Green Brantas River. Thus, the waste management is the Park, etc. one of strategies to support government public services due to realize the establishment of urban 65% of the Batu City regional income de- settlements that environmentaly comfortable and pends on the tourism sector (Simamora, 2012) safe (The Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and 44% of the prominent economic activities are 2012). dominated by trading activities, restaurant, and hotels (Batu City Government, 2001). The mega Based on the article 28, the waste project of tourism development gives the impact management systems in Batu City consist of such on the increasing of the quality of society life. kinds of process; 1.) Sorting by type, number Based on Human Development Index, Kota Batu and characteristics of the waste, 2.) To haul and occupies the 9th rank for all regions in East Java. transport the waste to landfill (TPA), 3.) to process Unfortunately, the development of the tourism sec- the waste by changing it form until the final tor in Batu City contributes towards the increasing results that safe for the environment. The final amount of garbage significantly. According to the processing of landfill site located in Desa Tlekung Waste Management Section Head Office of -Hu Kecamatan Junrejo, dan Sebrang Bendo di Desa man Settlements and Spatial Planning (DCKTR) Giripurno Kecamatan Bumiaji with organic Batu City, the waste deposits mostly came from waste composting technology, the technology traditional market- Pasar Besar Batu, tourism ob- of recycling inorganic waste, as well as sanitary jects, restaurants and household. Head of Hygiene landfill. Department of Human Settlements and Spatial Planning (DCKTR) Batu City strengthened this As part of the local government’s phenomenon. It is noted that every weekend and committement in managing urban waste, the long holidays the waste in Batu City increased by landfill Tlekung waste recycling plant was built to 10% per day. Even during long holidays, such as produce liquid fertilizer. The production reached Christmas and New Year waste volume increased an average of 675,000 liters. The local government by 7-10 tons per day (Sofi’i, 2015). This makes investment to build a blower installation by more waste piled up in the landfill Tlekung and the end of 2014 was approximately USD 200 causes odor. People put the domestic waste along million. After it already met the standards of the side of the road to the location of garbage land- laboratory testing, production of liquid fertilizers fill as a result of the overflowing waste. Delays in will be handed over to the farmers, through the making and transporting waste by waste haulers Department of Agriculture and Forestry Batu cause public unrest and social protest. In gener- City. The Tlekung waste recycling plant not only al, Batu City is still constrained in addressing the produce liquid fertilizer but also methane gas waste production of 425 m3 per day. The capac- which is used as the fuel for cooking. The capacity ity of local government is able to handle 150 m3 of methan gas production is covered the needs of per day. There is the unbalance of the rasio of the 55 homes around the landfill. However, there were production of municipal waste compare with the 21 homes that had already used it (Fauzi, 2015). waste hauler and its infrastructure. By consider- ing each individual produces 3 litre waste per day and the total population of Batu City is 163,393 inhabitants, the amount of the waste needed to be hauled is 340.18 m3 per day (The Ministry of Pub- lic Service, n.d.).

The government of Batu City pay serious attention to the problem of municipal waste by establish Local Regulation No.7 of 2011 about

26 JILS, Vol.1 ,Issue.1, January 2017 Good Governance for Sustainable Development: Municipal Wate Management

Table 1. Based on media report, the society of Developments of Industry and Trade (2010-2013) two area; Pandanlandung Village-Wagir District, Malang Regency and Kelurahan Bandulan-Sukun Industrial Years District, Malang City experienced the impact of Scale 2010 2011 2012 2013 industrial waste. In Wagir District, there are about 19 companies responsible to the disposal of liquid Small waste trough drains near the public residences. Scale 1.238 1.232 1.232 1.359 Unfortunately, the liquid waste flows into the part of (Formal Brantas River which passing through Malang City. Sector) The condition of water performance in Brantas River Middle was bubbling and had a terrible smell. It contained and Big poisonous chemical waste and this condition made Scale 308 346 346 408 people afraid of consuming its water (Ary et al, (Formal 2015). Sector) Total As the response to the environmental prob- Industry lem, the local government of Malang Regency did (Formal 1.546 1.628 1.628 21.895 serious actions to overcome the industrial waste. and First, the local government through Environmental Informal) Agency Board (BLH) and The Watershed Manage- ment Office (Kantor Pengelolaan DAS) monitored Source: The Investment Board (KPM) Malang and evaluated the quality of water. Disposal of indus- Regency trial waste has actually been regulated by the 2014 Decision of the Ministry of Environment No. 5 on On the other hand, Malang Regency faced Wastewater Quality Standard. The local governance the problem of industrial waste as the impact of the practices the ‘integrated river monitoring patrol’ of growing investment on industrialisation. According the Brantas river. The Environmental Agency is the to the Head of Department of Trade, Industry, and institution that executes this policy. It has tested the Market, the government of Malang Regency has quality of output of waste management system (IP- established the policy “Madep Mantep” to improve AL-Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah) of manufacture the welfare of the local society by realizing the industry by random sampling every year. Any com- program of “One Village One Product”. It could pany that does not obey the environmental standard be seen as the committment of the government of will be punished by the government and it could be Malang Regency to empower the Small Medium the legal jurisdiction to restore the licence of manu- Enterprise-SME (UKM). It supports the realization facture activities. Second, the local government lim- of the 2007 Presidential Directive No. 6, the 2008 ited the licence of private waste management system Presidential Directive No. 5 and the Regulation of in order to prevent any violation made by companies Ministry of Industry No 78/M-IND/PER/9/2007 about the environmental responsibility. Third, the on enhancing the effectiveness of SMEs. Basedinternalization on of environmental law and regulation data from Local Investment Department of Malang is a part of parliament consideration. The member Regency (KPM) there were production of 21,895 of D-Commission visited the manufacturing indus- manufacture activities in 2013. The development try that accused as the actor that contribute to the resource and local capacities of Malang Regency illegal industrial waste disposal (The Parliament of attract investment inside and outside borders. The Malang Regency, 2013). The socialization of the local government policy about regional investment environmental law and regional regulation aimed to provides investors with easy business licensing, the develop social awareness and strengthened the good common access of natural resources, raw materials, relations between the parliament member to its con- and the land site as the area of industrial park. It stituents. Sometimes, the environmental problems is resulted the increasing of investment revenue for not only about law enforcement but also about to more than IDR 2 billion, including revenues from change the mindset and habits. formal and informal sectors. Based on these policies of industrial development the giant and small-me- dium enterprise in Malang Regency are growing in CONCLUSION number every year (Malang Post online, 2013). The waste management is the challenge of the local government of Malang Regency and Batu

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