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[email protected]) CREATIVE DIRECTOR Tim Saputo (
[email protected]) MANAGING EDITOR Shawn Reynaldo (
[email protected]) VIDEOGAMES EDITOR Ryan Rayhill (
[email protected]) EDITORIAL INTERNS Patric Fallon, James Jano STAFF WRITERS Eric K. Arnold, Joe Colly, Matt Earp, Rob Geary, Ali Gitlow, Derek Grey, David Hemingway, Max Herman, Ethan Holben, Justin Hopper, Josiah Hughes, Brandon Ivers, Luciana Lopez, Cameron Macdonald, Lulu McAllister, Tomas Palermo, Dave Segal, Jesse Footwork Frenzy on chicago's south side, shot by dave quam Serwer, Evan Shamoon, Patrick Sisson, Janet Tzou, Tony Ware, Walter Wasacz, Rico "Superbizzee" Washington As I type this, our office is bouncing back and forth between listening to the new Sam Prekop single, old Sea and Cake YouTube clips, DJ CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Nate's "Ima Burn Him," Salem's King Night, and a ghetto-house mix Richard Attley, Michael Byrne, Brandon Bussolini, downloaded from Resonance FM.