Pathways 2003 McDalliel College 1 College Hdl Wesbnluter. Marylana 21157 Volwne 90 Willialll Roberts MeDalliel

From our midst, the perfect name ... On January 11, 2002, the trustees announced their unanimous decision to change the name of Western College. After an intense four-month-long effort to select a new name for the institution, on Friday May 10,2002, President Joan Develin Coley, the Board of Trustees, and members of the College Committee on the Naming Initiative presented the name "McDaniel" to an enthusiastic CoUege community gathered on Memorial Plaza for the much anticipated announcement. The new name, came from William R. "Billy Mac" Mcfraniel, who in many ways personifies the ColJege with which he was associated with for 65 years, from his student days in the late 1870s until his death in 1942. As student, alumnus, professor, administrator, trustee, and parent, his legacy lives on in the men and women who occupy today's classrooms. Presidents called him indispensable. Colleagues respected his dedication to teaching and appreciated the hand he invariably extended to faculty newcomers. His students spoke of his attention to detail, his demanding yet patient way of guiding them through algebra, geometry, astronomy-and in the early years, the exercise he invented: club swinging to music. "There is no royal road to learning," McDaniel once said, "yet the fact remains that the educational pilgrim must travel it, and needs a guide, a counselor and friend." William McDaniel was and will always be all that and more to the thousands of lives he touched and changed. Six decades ago, the trustees seemed almost to foresee the destiny that would be McDaniel's. Saddened by his death, they ended their eulogy to their friend and colleague with these words:

"And somehow or other, one feels that the l~fe of William R. McDaniel will be interwoven. into the destiny of Western Maryland College, as his life has been into every decade of its history. For while William, R. McDaniel, the mortal. is gone, William R. McDaniel, the spirit, Lives and motivates the lives of others. " McDaJliel College BUilclillgs Families weekend is a time for students and their families to reunite and catch up on news. There are many events, including a football game, a hypnotist, a si- lent auction, lots of food, and a golftourna- ment,

Mari Iyn Layman, her mother and sis- ter pose for a picture with her peer

Brooke Bennett and her family

Fall Festival Each year McDaniel College has a weekend that is devoted to help- ing the student body settle back into the school atmosphere. This year, students en- joyed music, palm read- ings, and various carni- val activities. What a way to back!"

, many activities of the day.

On Saturday, October 19th, 2002, students, alumni, faculty and staff took part in the annual McDaniel College Homecoming. There were plenty of things to do on campus. The main event of the day was the football game against Dickinson, which the Green Terror won 20 to O. Overall, the students enjoyed the day with friends and family.

Our new score board Hey Coach, what play are we doing again?

Jenn Parry and Hillary Mauro take ume out uf rheir busy day to Brothers of Alpha Sigma Phi and their families are enjoying the pose for a picture. festivities of Homecoming. ;'91- Plays

Each year, the Theatre Department, which consists of students and staff of the coLlege, puts on various plays in Alumni Hall. The plays range from comedy to romance to tragedy. This year's plays included "Choices," "Voices," "Techies," "Chi Idren of a Lesser God," and 'The Threepenny Opera."

The trial scene from 'Voices:" the true story of Joan of Arc L to R: Lindsay Stewart lind Chrissy Anderson in a SCene from lo',! '"Techies" Here. come with me so I cun show you what I was talking "b


Willter Fonual

On Friday, December 6th, 2002, students

and friends took the opportunity to relax,

dance and have a good time before finals

started. This year's winter formal was held at

the Links in Gettysburg, which was beauti-

fully decorated for the holiday season.

t:i''1 May I ask what you arc doing?

Travis and Lydia stop for a

These two look like they are having a good time! I Photography trip to Italy lecl by Sue BlOOl1l. Art

SWiJll teaJn trip to Barbados lecl by I

t6'1 Log Cahill c:outructiOJl lecl by Wasyl PalijCZUk.Art Belize Trip lecl by Herb SlDith. Political Sc:ieJlC8 On Saturday, April 26th, 2003, McDaniel

College held its first official Spring Fling.

There was plenty of activities for students,

faculty and staff to partake in. Some of the

activities included rides, pie throwing, toilet

racing, tie dying T-shirts and basketball

shooting. There was also plenty of food and

music for everyone to enjoy.

is" What kind of balloon animal would you like? This is just one of the rides students had the chance to enjoy.

enjoy the music. fun tie dying at-shirt her face painted. The Black Student Union did it again this year with a spectacular Fashion Show. The theme entitled, "Thisis the Remix," showed, once again, that these models knew what they were doing. From attractive males to fine ladies each scene had a unique touch that captured the audience's approval. Hosted by Felicia Donelson, the show was a success.

The jersey scene has the finale as the models show off those nice, funky jerseys Sprillg Fonual

On Friday April 'l Lth, 2003, students enjoyed an evening of music and dancing with friends and significant others aboard the Bay Lady. This year was chillier then it has been in the past, but that didn't seem to damper the fun. Also while aboard the boat, students enjoyed different types of food and the scenery of the Inner Harbor.

Showing off her moves. Dancing the ntght away with her sweetheart.

This group of McOnniel College students seem to be having il good time MclQiel DorJlli College tories

ZlltlOJlI Alpha Sigma Phi is the youngest frater- nity on campus. They are currently a colony this year, and are in the process of chartering. Alpha Sigma Phi is a dry fraternity, with the goal "to better the man." One of their most anticipated activities is the annual Black and White Formal in the spring. This fall they held the first annual family dinner in the Forum where families of all the broth- ers were invited to dine together.

First Row: Andy Essman, Tony O'Berry. Jacob Michael, Jamey Ayers, wes Bedswor~h Second Row: Mohindra Ramphal, Matt Cline, James Lipchock, Lee Geraci, Chns McDonald, Andrew O'Carroll, Brad Burdette Third Row: Alan Sitfee, Brad Barr, Randy May, Jacob Gerding, Brad Williams, Jason Fitzgerald Fourth Row: Patrick Dougherty, Brian Patterson, Mark Wheeler, Guy DuBeck, Chris Patterson

Amnesty lntemational is a human rights organization. Their main objective is to raise money for various third world coun- tries to help support and aid them. They also write letrers to governments that are unfairly holding someone prisoner when they did not commit a crime in an effort to convince the government to release them. One of the major fund-raisers the group puts on is the Jam for Sudan. This fall was the second time the club had headed the event ar McDaniel College. The Jam for Sudan is a fund-raiser where different local bands come and play and all proceeds from admission are sent to Sudan.

First Row: Stephanie Dirla, Ellen Gulya, Kate Prisby, Leigh Garriques, Nancy Sinnes, Lindsey Kleinfelder is" First Row: Andrew Ewing, Jamin Ba~·tolomeo, Stephanie Knight, Holly Smith, Fitzgerald, Advisor Susan Milstein

The Trumpeters is a leadership honor society, established in May of 1944. It's purpose is to recognize leadership in students who have actively partici- pated in a wide variety of activires as undergraduates. Members are selected at the end of their junior year.

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Best Buddies is a group of students that matches other students at McDaniel Col- lege, one-an-one, to people that have intellectual disabilities to create unique friendships. Some of their activites in- clude Popcorn & Movie Night, tailgating at a Green Terror football game, shop- ping at the Town Mall of Westminster and going to a matinee movie, the Winter Party, and handing out hot cocoa to other The ministry provides a presence and a place for people; to gather in fun, in prayer, search, in love, in the name of the Gospel; to stand for faith, worship and a Christian life-style; to preach the Word and provide opportunity for study, sacraments, and liturgy; to offer group and individual counseling; to call forth, enable and prepare peer ministers and other leaders to assist in the outreach and direction of this ministry.

first Row: Jordan Tippett, Mary Ann Friday, Kristen Pohl Second Row: Jeffrey Noel-Nosbaum, Emily Vance, Kim Schli pper, Jessica Fitzgerald, Jon Fitzgerald Third Row: Bill Ford, Paul Gallagher, Brian Patterson, Mark Wheeler, FatherBrian Nolan, Deacon Jack Coster

Circle K is the world's largest collegiate com- munity service organization. Circle K members strive to make a difference in their communi- ties, on campus, and beyond! Circle K members not only do extraordinary service but they also serve as leaders, role models, mentors and friends. Here at McDaniel College, Circle K has made a commitment to change the lives of those in need in the Carroll County region specifically. Our members participate in a wide variety of projects helping people- old and young. animals, organizations and much more! ln addi- tion to our dedication to volunteerism, our club also has a lot of fun camping, whitewater raft- ing, movie nights, and taking road trips.

First Row: Renee Libby, Ashley Swift, Ellen Gulya, Bayley Fannin. Laura Bennett Second Row: Susan Lange, Cassandra Allen, DarWues Smith,Lexi Dantzig, Beth Appleton, Joyce ~arcos Third Row: Helene VerEecke, Shawn Samadnejad, David Wigtil, Rob Douglas, Meghani Reid, Liz Stauis, Hortense Barber, Becca Wilhelm j(j',! nity service organization that works to unite the McDaniel community with the Westminster community. As one of their activities, the group goes to the Carroll County Public Library weekly and participates in a reading group for young children.

first Row: Jacquie Kellner, Toby Mclntire, Aimie Smith, Kelly Smith Second Row: Katie Champion, Erin Cullison, Lyndsay Delp. Andi Langham I Ftwae:1aClub

The French club organizes activities related to French and Francophone cul- ture such as field trips, plays, movies, conversation, and meals.

First Row: Tiffany Mack, Candice Malcolm. Laurence Assuid, Kate O'Neal First Row: Alice Litsfnger, Julia Kecala, Eliza- beth Bryan, Emily Seal, Christina Bandula Sec- ond Row: [amin Bartolomeo, James Lipchock, Allen Si.lfee, Ryan Perameshwaran, Keegan Coderre

The Epsilon Zeta chapterofGarruna Sigma Alpha National Honor Soci- ety, like Order of Omega, works throughout the year to sponsor many activities to promote and rec- ognize the excellence of Greek stu- dents in academics and leadership. One such activity is the Annual Greek Awards Ceremony. This event serves to formally recognize the many achievements of the McDaniel fraternities and sororities

Gamma Sigma Sigma is a national service sorority. Their purpose is to assemble college and university stu- dents in the spirit of service to hu- manity and to develop friendship among students of all races and creeds. Gamma Sigma Sigma ser- vice projects include: Adopt-A-High- way road clean up, MPT Telethon, MADD Victim Impact Panel, Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, Baltimore Zoo's Zoo 800, and Hopkins Children's House.

First Row:Courtney Jones, Angela Seufert, Sarah Vannoy, Tamika Battle Second Row: Brandi Livesay,Janese Mertz,Jennifer Pohl, Kelsey Ann Reichard. Lahnna Catahno, Karen Whelan, Megan Portner Third Row: Lauri Gann, Kelley Diamond, Candice Herron, Tiffany Saylor, Nicole Nickerson, Megan Jordan, Allison Morris First Row: Semra Hailelul Second Row: YonyengShangguan,Ina Puleri, Nuoman Tullu, jennifer Ballard, Marton Valga. Kahn Hashl

Bringing together people of all backgrounds is the aim of the inter- national club. The organization is comprised of undergraduate stu- dents of 19 countries from around the world. We provide an opportu- nity for students to meet and inter- act with others and learn their cul- ture. Founded in 1987,the interna- tional club had no more than four members. Today, there are over 50 making it one of the largest organi- zations on campus.

Kappa Delta Pi promotes excellence in education and recognizes out- standing contributions toeducation. The club provides opportunity for students, faculty, and professionals to enhance their education, learn- ing, and experience.

First Row: Karen Herbert, Angela Seufert, Brandi Livesay, Krysti Durcholz, [en Pohl Second Row: Kim SchLipper, Tiffany Putro Third Row: Matt Michael, Kirsten Love, Candice Herron, Amanda Hoffman, Nicole Nickerson, Jacob Gerding The Omicron Delta Kappa Society is The National Leadership Honor Soci- ety for college students. ODK recog- nizes, encourages, and honors superior campus leadership, scholarship, and exemplary character. Membership in ODK is a mark of highest distinction and honor.

First Row: Jamin Bartolomeo, Stephanie Knight, Holly Smith, Andrew Ewing, Jes- sica Fitzgerald, Advisor Dr. Ethan Seidel

The Mu Omicron chapter of the Na- tional Order of Omega, like Gamma Sigma Alpha, works throughout the year to sponsor many activities to pro- mote and recognize the excellence of Greek students in academics and lead- ership. One such activity is the Annual Greek Awards Ceremony. This event serves to formally recognize the many achievements of the McDaniel frater- nities and sororities as well as indi- vidual campus Greek leaders.

First Row: Alice Litsinger, Julia Kacala, Elizabeth Bryan, Donna Hurd, Emily Seal ~ Second Row: Jamin Bartolomeo, Keegan Coderre, Ryan Parameshwaran, Zach Wulderk The Photography Club holds regular meetings discussing and sharing pho- tography and darkroom techniques. The group also visits the darkroom to de- velop and print film and pictures as well as attending field trips to exciting places off campus. Their activities include the Photography Show at the end of each year, a trip to a soup kitchen, and a book drive.

First Row: Catherine Donaldson. Krysti Durchotz. Courtney Federoff. Claire Ewing Second Row: Jessi Lepson,lodi Hunter. Brandi Heavner. Katie Martin, Ebony Porch Third Row: Betsy Voigt. Kelley Diamond, Megan Grimshaw. Lauren McColley, Kimberly Pentane

Phi Sigma Sigma strives to generate funds for educational and philanthropic activities while encouraging our mem- bers to value charitable endeavors. The group participates in many different activities throughout the year including the blood drive, socials, the Sapphire Ball, the Rock-a-Thon, and Alcohol Awareness Week.

Floor. Amal Khalaf Flrst Row. Kelly Grubb, April Gel wicks. len Elliot, AdrienneGlick Second Row: Tiffany Norqucst. Ashley White, Heather Powell, Donna Hurd Third Row: Julia Kucala. Liz Bryan. Heather Sinclair, Lindsay Weaver, Kristen Morrison. whhncy Warcrs Fourth Row: Emily Seal, Jenn Broderick, Emily Kirchner, Mary Dolan. Tara Meredith, Kelly Summerlin, Alana Reynolds- Hicks First Row: Amelle Quashie, Stephanie Knight, Felicia Donelson, Ashley Hoover Second Row: Alicia Feuillet, Sarah Linthicum, Sara Abbot, Laura Thierer, Liz Woodford, Caroline Speck Third Row: Erin Collins, Megan Hennigan, Becky Allen, Julie Ogrysko, Emily Kirchner Fourth Row: Marcus Woods, Tom Marshall, [amin Bartolomeo, Brian Martinenza S'GA

As the central coordinating body that serves to promote the general welfare of the student body, the SGA is the voice of the students. All undergraduate students are members of SGA; voting members are senators and executives elected from each of the four classes.

Beta Beta Beta is the Biology Honor Society. They sponsor a variety of academic speakers and community service events.

Firs~ Row: Ju~ia Snoops, Ellen Miller, Ina Puleri, Je~nette Pra~te, Andi Langham, .. ------Chn~ty Morns Seco~d Ro~: Amber Loverock, Lindsay Laud, Megan Portner jennifer O'Hara, Patricia Willauer, A~yn BereznaY',Bayley Fannin Third Row; Megan Norris, Chava Roth, Blair Heinke, Jenny Miller, Helene VerEecke, jod Ullery, He~ther Seavalt FOLl,rth Ro,w: Brad Williams, Andrew O'Carroll, Alle~ Silfee, Kevin Carter, Chris Hines. TImothy Sheets First Row: Charlotte Robertson, Tiffany Putro, Stephanie Gulbin, Alicia Feuillet, Chernee Gay Second Row: Mark Wheeler, Jodi Martin, Julie Ogrysko, Kim Schlipper, Stephanie Lilly, Brian Patterson S.TAY.

S.T.A.Y. is a tutoring program that mentors children at William Winches- ter Elementary School. The tutoring takes place weekly and the members also have monthly parties for the chil- dren.

A community service oriented organiza- tion dedicated to uniting the campus community and Carroll County through service. They hold various activites throughout the year including the "Get in the Season" gift drive, the "Oxfam Hunger Banquet," and the "McDaniel Jubilee."

First Row: Kim Shlipper, Stephanie Gulbin, Tiffany Putro Second Row: Ma rk Wheeler lm'-te FrISbee Club

The Ultimate Frisbee Club is a group that goes out and plays Ultimate Frisbee "whenever, wherever, however, with whoever, and who knows why ever." Their activities include tournaments away and at home, regular practices, and the "Throw-a-Then" fundraiser.

First Row: Travis Johnson, Sean Carroll, Claire Ewing, Eva Martin, Ana Lezcano, Andy Ewing Second Row: Katrina Culley, Erin Laur, Lydia Hosford, Lori Panos, Brad Graham, Jess Heckerman, Katey Swift, Amanda Bannigan Third Row: Casey Gish, Mike Ellis, Ken Bertkav, Ted Stephen, Luke Hoffman, Josh Peters, Tom Fogarty au -

BSU is an organization that brings awareness to the campus about the Af- rican American culture. Some of their activities throughout the year include the Soul Food Dinner, the Keeping It Real Forum, the Gospel Jubilee, the Talent Show, and the Fashon Show.

First Row: LaRhonda Burns, Shanee Stusther, Jessica Watson, Cherlynn Jerva.y, Ebony White, Melanie Gamarra, Krystle Allen; Tiffany Lee, Christinah Fadahunsi Second Row: Kennedra Tucker, Leah Williamson, Tasha Coleman Kristal Johnson, Chrysta Sterling, Page Dunning, Paula Castro, Tia Lawrence, Andrea Hooker Third Row: William Reynold, 'Crystal Turner, Alexandra Aubry, Amelle Quashie, Crystal Towns, David Brock Sigma Phi Epsilon was founded nation- ally in 190 [ in Richmond, V A and locally in 1983. The group strives to demonstrate the characteristics of sound mind, body, and soul. A SigEpdisplays these attributes through academics, ath- letics, and social interaction among their peers. Some of their activities include Mountain Weekend, Fall and Spring Formals, Lobster Luau, Beach Week- end, and Around the World's.

First Row: Dennis Wilderson, Adam Werner, Greg Raeder, John Monroe, Farzin Farzad, Gabe Shulman Second Row: Leon Checca, Justin Deprima, Mark Denis, Grant Dennis, Bryce Maestro-Kehoe, Andy Burrows

The Student Alumni Council is an or- ganization that bridges the gap between Alumni and student on campus. Their activities include the Tree Lighting Ceremony, the SPOtts Banquet, Home- coming, and Reunion Weekend.

--..... First Row: Mary Muro, Dave Trader, Jodi Hunter, Renee Libby, Devin Collins Second Row: Heather Seavolt, Jessica Enright, Tara Lester, Nancy Sinnes, Crystal Turner Third Row: Shawn Duffy, Jeff Crowe, Tommy Riddle, Crystal Towns,

I Rebecca Greller, Deshawn McNeil MSA's main focus is to share ideas and thoughts from different cultures and religions. Our mission is also to pro- mote multiculturalism on McDaniel College's campus by holding activities to educate students and the community on diversity. They hold the annual "Taste of Islam" dinner, sponsor the "Popsicle Treats for Freshmen" during orientation week, co-sponsor the "In- ternational Dinner," among other activites.

First Row: Dr. Esa, Yolanda Hill, Rachelle Giguere, Kelly Tawes, Mahlia Joyce, Semra Hailelul Second Row: Tiffany Laws, Candice Malcolm, Julie Palmer, Cindy Jones, Cherlynn Jervay, Kennedra Tucker, Ana Montgomery, Kaha Hashi

which encourages having fun, being successful in academics, and being involved in the community.

First Row: Heather Nichols, Kristin Ramey, Crystal McCubbin, Stephanie Pelaia, Kim Lowry, Christy Smith, Janel Prost, Lauren Cramer Second Row: Heather Roberts, Liz Sexton, Niki Lepson, Amanda Messix, Jamie Crumlish, Natalie Sigwart, Lauren Day- Lewis Third Row: Alice Litsinger, Jennie Jones, Ashley Hermann, Angie Schmidt The Ranger Platoon is a team of cadets from McDaniel College's "Green Terror" ROTC Battalion. This tcam competes annually ,11FOri A.P. Hill, against other cadet battalions throughout the region. The competition begins at 6 A.M. with an obstacle course and ends with a 10K forced road march with field gear. In between are a series of simulated combat lanes that test the teamwork and the individual skillsofall the platoon members. The team is evaluated in such areas as first aid. military communications, conduct or a reconnaissance mission, and even crossing 3 river on a one-rope bridge. This year's team placed second in its division of nine teams and fourth overall out of the twenty seven teams in the region Their overall score even beat the Division I team from the Virginia Military Institute! Go Green Terrors!

Standing: SFC Rodney Clark, Steven Jennings, Rick Landgraf, Peter Christake, Joseph Miller, Jacob Michael, Nathan Pierman, Eliza Wick, John Rodriquez, Christopher Richelderfer, William Baines Kneeling: Mark Denis

Phi Kappa Sigma is an International Social Fraternity. The group at McDaniel College is the Delta Eta Chap- ter. They currently have 34 members. Some of their activities include raising money for their philanthropy, The Na- tional Leukemia and Lymphoma Soci- ety, participating in the Adopt-a-High- way program, Habitat for Humanity, and volunteering for the Baltimore Ori- oles.

Alphabetically: Jamin Bartolomeo, John Burghardt, Aramus Caraballo, Pete Christake, Jeff Crowe, Bill Deavers, Tom Fogarty, Maciej Gajec, Colby Goodrum, Brad Graham, James Graham, Eric Harclerode, Luke Hoffman, Matt Hurff, Craig Johnson, Jason Lowy, Brian Martinenza, Leroy McDufFie, Isaac Morgan, Neal Page, Ryan Parameshwaran, Jim Perry, Patrick Pulliam, Tim Saul, Justin Simon, Ted Stephen, Chi Sukosi, Dave Trader, Andrew White, Brad Widner, Mike Wiles, Brian Wingert, Tom Wolf Alice Sizemore, Lisa Miller

The Non Traditional Student Organi- zation strives to meet the needs of Non Trad students by forming peer groups and participating in school functions. We actively pursue solutions to prob- lems faced by Non Trad students and continue to support them through the NSO.

Oenzuua Cluh

The German Club strives to promote a deeper understanding for German lan- guage and culture through field trips, group activities, and current events. Someoftheactivites they participate in are the German American Day, Holo- caust Survivor Campus Speaker, Ger- man Restaurant Field Trips, an Easter Egg Hunt, and holiday parties.

First Row: Stephanie Reed Second Row: Dr. Esa, Luan Luan, Laura Fisher, Christina Cheek, Brent Pertusio, Katie Swift, Clare Hammond Third Row: Nuoman Tullu, Gregory Horvath, Fan Zhang, Niklas Troxel, Kenny Edwards, Jen Kraeer, Lauren Rizzo, Alexei Ray, Michael Nicholat Plat Mll

Phi Mu is a national social sorority that prides itself on philanthropy, leader- ship, and sisterhood. The sisters of the McDaniel College Phi Alpha Chapter exemplify true diversity and unity within their sorority.

First Row: Jennifer Dumpert, Betsy Rosenbaum, Kura Kunst, Kristen Pchl, Diana Fuentes Second Row: Bayley Fannin, Liz Stavis, Lauren Angelini Third Row: Heather Sea volt, Ivy Daniel, Clare Pavey Fourth Row: Julia Keene, Kathy Wilson, Semhar Ychunnes, Chrissy Anderson, Jill Thalhimer Fifth Row: Candi Kuligowski, Melissa Grimmer. Fallon Bauer, Christina Walter

Yeubook Staff I

The Pathways Yearbook staff stays hard at work on the yearbook from the first day of classes well into the following summer in order to publish a quality book which documents the events and people at McDaniel College. Talents in writing copy, designing layouts, and photography are needed to complete this monumental task.

Wes Bedsworth _ Editor, Crystal Turner, Susan Cullison - advisor, Kaha Hashi, Nicole Grimm, 'Kim Pontano, Elizabeth Cosby, Cassandra Allen, Lydia Hosford, Andrew Bollard, Melanie Pulley - Editor IA1ttla Kappa Delta

Alpha Kappa Delta members offer tu- toring for introductory classes and bring a speaker to campus each spring. An induction ceremony is held in late March.

Dr. Jean Shin, Karen Herbert, Kirsten Love, Carrie Vivian, Laurel Pendleton, Elizabeth Curtin, Allison Mo o


The Green Terror really pile it on! The Terror machine moves the ball down the field. Sc:oreboa.rd The Teal1l Date Opponent Results Nick Alevrogiannis Jesse Hudson Curtis Reichart Corey Allen Aaron Hutsell Nick Rich 9-7 Bridgewater College L 20 - 23 Tony Braglio Jamcs Jegede Levy Riley 9 -14 W27-7 Tom Browne Dusrin Jerer John Riley Bill Brudis JemelJohnson Mall Rinehimer 9 - 21 W28-6 OrionCaninc Jeff'Kacanich 9 - 28 Ursinus Col.lege W 37 -14 Robert Carp Kiel Kauffcld 10 - 5 Darren Chang John Knauth Brett Rough W 35 -14 Brian Chiavacci Mark Koenig Joe Rydzewski 10 -19 Dickinson Col.1ege W20-0 Scoots Crowell JimKruk John Rydzewski 10 - 26 Franklin & Marshall College W 10-6 Chris Currence AmitKumar CJ.Schleicher Adam Dayton Lambert Jarnes Sccu 11- 2 William Patterson University W34-0 John DeBakey lascn Shehane 11- 9 Bethany College W 28-17 Rob Dodd A.1. Leonard Dan Silva 11-16 Eddie Dolch Brent Loomis Jeff Slusher L 7-27 i Kenton Dunson Chris Lopez Andy Smith 11- 23 W21-7 Andrew Reinecker lohnLuster Jesse Smith Mike Ellis Dexter Marshall Drew Soldano I Joe Ellis Chris Maruyama Brad Stewart Will Epps Josh Marvel Scctt Stolzcnbutg The McDaniel College Football team finished off their season EflEyo Adam Storie with a 21 to 7 win over Moravian College to become the ECAC Eric Featherston Joe Syzrnanck Champions. Senior linebacker, Matt Wi1chinski was named to Dave Fedorchak Broderick Maybank Frank Totten Ben Flaherty Mall Mcljermon James Unger the Honorable Mention squad for the NCAA Division [[J All- Mike Fleury Gene Mercante Nick veruuo America Football Team. He was also named Centennial ! John Floyd Mall Miller Donny White Conference's Defensive Player of the Year for the 2002season as lustinGaudenzi John Monroe Man Wilchinski well as named to the All- First Team for Chris Geancas Kyle Myers DennisWilderson the third year in a row. Congratulations are also in order for Mike Geaneas Chase Noll Todd Williams Coach Tim Keating on his 100th career victory. The Green I Nate Gcrcheu Chris Panerson Rebert Wingfield Jon Green Dan Lyden Terror finished off their season with a record of 9 wins and 2 Joe Guisti Josh Yosuico losses. E.J. Hamilton Tim Youngblood Jason Hartman

The opponent fails to stop this Terror! A McDaniel player positions himself I, perfectly under the ball. Score Board The Green Terror Men's Soccer team began the season with Date Opponent Results a lot of new and returning talent. This year's team had high hopes of obtaining the Centennial Conference Championship, 8- 30 Bridgewater College W 1-0 but as the season progressed, their hopes were dashed. How- Eastern Mennonite University L 1-2 8- 31 ever, they are looking to come back next year with a stronger 9 - 2 Rutgers-Camden University Canceled team and hopes of obtaining the championship crown. The 9 - 4 Lancaster Bible College W8-0 Green Terror finished off their season with 6 wins, glosses, and Sa vannah College of Art & Design TO - 0 9 - 8 2 ties. 9 -11 Villa Julie College W2-0 9 -18 [ohns Hopkins University L 0 - 8 9 - 21 T 1-1 9 - 25 Franklin & Marshall College L I - 2 9 - 28 W3-2 10 -5 York College of Pennsylvania W3-2 10 -9 Gettysburg College L 0 - 1 10 -15 Wilmington College L 0 - I 10 -18 Muhlenberg College LO-4 10- 23 Frostburg University L I - 4 10 - 26 W3-J 10 - 30 Rain Out 11- 2 L 1 - 5 The Tealll No. Name Class Pos. 2 Trevor Brown So F 17 Aaron Bulls s- F 22 Fetencz Caiki ie M 20 Matthew Doyle Fe David FiJo s- 24 Dusttn Hartwigsen Fe MichaelHolt Fe "7 Craig Johnson So 30 Brent Kahuda Sr 12 Thomas Kane So 9 Todd Knepper Fe 19 jason Kuhns Fe 3 Steve Lennox Sr 16 Davtd Long Fe 15 Leon Mach 59 6 Timothy McCallum 50 23 Robert Mulcahy Sr 26 Ryan Nixon 59 25 Christopher Piper Fe 1 Kyle Poore Fe 13 Matthew Pszcclka Fe 18 [onathan Saibeck Fe 10 BrianS.1rnartino Fe 27 Dan Szanto f r 4 Ryoll Tettcri~ s- [ohn Plevyak, Head Coach 14 ChrisWincke s- M Brian Redding, Assistant Coach 8 MaltWoUe ie M 0 AndrewWu Fe GK s'il W011lell's Soccer

The Tealll Due to a disappointing season last year because of inju~ieSI No. Name Class Pos. this year's Green Terror team had high ambition of making It to 6 Brooke Boughter 5, D the ECAC Championship as well as becoming Centennial Con- 15 Laura Cavey 50 M ferenceChampions. The women's soccer team was knocked out 24 Lauren Cramer J' DIM of contention in the first round of the ECAC playoffs with a loss 18 Dawn Fletcher So F of 3 to 1 against Widener College. These women finished off 21 Kristen Goodreau So M their season with a remarkable record of 12 wins, 8 losses and 1 3 Katherine Hancock J' 0 4 Tara Healy F, M tie. 31 Jill Heinsman J' 17 Heidi Hurtt J' II Katie Kirley So 0 Candace Kuligowski 5, GK 16 Lindsay Lauenstein F, DIM 25 NikiLepSOI1 [r MIF 30 Jessica Lepson F, D 2 Alice Litslngcr 5, GK/M 14 Kimberly Lowry So M 29 Meg Macumber F, D 12 Megan Mattson F, M 7 ChristincMayne J' M 5 Melissa Merson 5, F 26 [ertny Papaycik F, D 23 Shannon Pusey So D 19 Becki Ridgway J' D 22 Caitlin Schellhorn F, D 1 Snrnantha Smith F, F 13 Lauren Toussaint So D 10 JillianTymchy So D 28 Nikki vorocrsos F, F 9 F, D 8 So M

Melissa Merson blows by the defender. Score Boarel

Date Opponent Results 8- 31 Eastern Mennonite University L 1-4 9 -1 Bridgewater College W2-1 9 - 5 Villa Julie College W2-0 9 -7 Mary Washington College Ll-2 9 -11 W2-0 9 -14 Shepherd College WS-O 9 -15 Catholic University Rain Out 9 -18 Swarthmore College W2-1 9 - 20 Muhlenberg COllege L 1- 3 9 -25 Wesley College W2-1 9 -28 W9-0 9 -30 Dickinson COllege W3-1 10 - 2 Messiah College L 0 - 3 10 -5 Franklin & Marshall COllege T 2- 2 10 -9 Gettysburg College L 0-1 10 -16 Catholic University Rain Out 10 -18 College of Notre Dame W5-1 10 - 21 Catholic University W2-1 10 - 23 Johns Hopkins University L 1 - 2 10 -26 Ursinus College W2-0 11 -2 Haverford College L 0-1 11 - 3 Washington College W3-0 11-14 Widener University L 1-3 53! Volleyball


No. Name Class Position 2 Marie Brennan J' 5 7 Megan Buppert F, OH Krista Eiser F, MH 14 Mandy Hoffman 5, OPP 10 Mindy Minchoff F, orr 37 Megan Mitchell F, L 15 Kellyanne Rose J' OH 9 Carrie Sniffen 50 MH 6 Tamara Twardowski F, 5 13 Kate Wall 5, OH Score Baud

Date Opponent Result 8·30 York College Lt-3 9-6/7 Easeern Cellege LO-3 Seton Hill College Ll-3 Villa Julie CoJlege W3-0 Eastern Mennounc Lt-) 9-11 Elizabethtown College LO-) 9-14 Goucher College W3-0 ViUa Julie College W3-0 9·17 Haverford Celtege LO-3 Muhlenburg College Lt-3 Bryn I\hwrCollcge W3-0 9-24 widener Umversuy W3-1 9·28 Messiah College Ll·3 Susquehanna University Ll-3 HoodColJege W3-0 Neumann College W3-0 10-5 Hollins College W3-1 W3-2 10-9 Washington College W3-0 10-11 Dickinson College W3-0 10-]6 GellysburgColiege lO-3 10-18/19 College orNotrc Dal1lC W3-1 MnrovionCollcgc LO-3 Callaudet Universlty LO-3 Scranton LO·3 10-23 Franklin & Marshall College LO-3 10-26 SWDrtlllllorcCollege W3-0 10-30 Ursrnus Concac L2-3 .Iohlls Hopkins Unlvcrsiry LO-3 EasternCoJlege LO-3 Stockton

This year was a rebuilding year for the McDaniel College Volleyball team. This year's squad consisted of five freshmen, one sophomore, two juniors and two seniors. This season was a heart breaking one for these women. The record for this season was 13 wins and 19 losses. Next year's team has high hopes for improving their record, since most of the team will be returning for another year. FieLl Hockey

The 2002 season was filled with hard work and aspirations to qualify for the Centennial Conference playoffs. We tied last year's record of best start 10 a season with eight wins and no losses. Our first fall came 10 Swarthmore. but there were only three more after that, including one in the second round of Centennial Playoffs. The team worked hard to acheive the success that they had. We hoped to make rhc Ccnrennial playoffs, never realizing that we would host and win them. In the first round, we defeated Franklin and Marshall College, who only allowed us to score one goal. We then faced John Hopkins University, whom we had lost to in the regularseason. This lime we WOIlwith a 1-0 victory over the Blue Jays. With that win and the conference title, we went on to NCAAs and a home field advantage for the first round. We stayed undeafted on the home field, beating The College of Notre Dame 6-0. This sent us 10 New Jersey to face the number one team in the nation, Rowan University. McDaniel fought hard through field conditions and weather, but that day was just not ours. That was our last game of the season, but we walked off the field with pride. A 19-4 season and the schools first ever Conference Championship and NCAA bid Score Board

Date Opponent Result 8 - 31 Susquehanna University W2- I 9 - 3 W9-0 9 - 5 GOllcher College W7-0 9 - II The College of Notre Dame W2-J 9 - 14 Elizabethtown College W5-2 9 - 18 Frostburg University W4-2 9 - 21 Roanoke College W2- J 9 - 25 Dickinson College W 1-0 9 - 28 Swarthmore College L 0 - I 10- 2 Gettysburg College W 1-0 10- 5 Lynchburg College L 0 - 1 10 - 6 W6-0 10 - 12 Muhlenberg College Ruinout 10 - 15 Muhlenberg College W2-1 10 - 17 Haverford College W2-0 10 - 22 York College W 1-0 10 - 26 Franklin & Marshall College W 1-0 10 - 29 Johns Hopkins University LO - I 11 - 2 Bryn Mawr College W4-0 II - 5 Washington College W4-0 II - 9 Franklin & Marshall College WI -0 II - 10 Johns Hopkins University WI -0 11-13 The College of Notre Dame W 6-0 11 - 16 Rowan University L I -4

No. Name Class Position II Becky Arnold Jr GK 9 Laura Baggulcy Fr MfD 15 Nikki Bogan So MIA 7 Kim Cumpunclli M 26 Crystal Chandler F, D 6 JenFcglcy J, D 10 LauruFord So MIA 29 Cluru Hcllingswonh So M 24 Beth Jones F, I Sarah Lcaurron SO 14 Erin Lucas So 25 Nicole Mete F, 3 Hemhet Nichols So 18 Marcie Parke So 21 So 20 Fr MID t9 Hcmhcr Rohenx So MID 13 Susan Rohrer Sr 27 Fr

17 Katie Stoner Jr 12 KrtstinTatarovich Jr 8 Sara Thomus Jr M Mindy McCord, Head Coach 2 Melanie Thompson 4 DanielieUnllat Laura Emery, Muffie Bliss, and Larry Grimes, Assistant Coaches 16 Rebecca Young Fr 23 Jessica Zimmerman Jr Croa ColUltry Even though McDaniel Men's and Women's Cross County teams graduated several seniors in 2002, this year was an outstanding year for both squads. Jen Pullen for the women's team and Freshmen Paul Hugus for the men's team both contributed their efforts to a remarkable season. Date Meet 8 - 31 Salisbury Invitational Men Class Men: 10th of 13 teams Women: 8th of 16 teams Stephen Beck Fe David Brock Sr Paul Hugus Pc 9 - 7 Shepherd Invitational Mauhew Jackson Pc Men: 6th of 14 teams Markle Fe Fr Women: 3rd of 14 teams Dave Prcflf s- John Rcag:m rr 9 - 14 Green Terror XC Challenge Chris Slemp So Men: 5th Eddie Smith Sr Women: 2nd Dave Wiglil So Calvin Woodward TylerWrigilt Jr 9 - 21 Elizabethtown Invitational Men: 7th of 9 teams Women Class Women: 6th of 10 teams

9 - 28 Wilmington Invitational Pc Pc Men: Ist of 10 teams Pc Women: 2nd of 9 teams So Sr 10 - 5 Dickinson Long/Short Course Invitational Fe Jessica Enright Men: 171h,23rd Blair Heinke S,· Ann~ Jones So Women: 101h,7th Colleen Lawson So Jessica Miller )c 10 - 26 Gettysburg Invitational Ellen Miller s- Men: 24th of 34 teams Marie Nephew Fe Jessica Pickeral Fr Women: 8th of 30 teams JcnnPullen Ir Melissa Ranore Pc II - 2 Centennial Conference Championships s- Monica Ross Men: 8th Lindsey Schwanz Pc Women: 6th Erin Shockley Jr s- II - 16 Mideast Regional Men: 25th of 34 teams Doug Renner, Head Coach Women: 14th of 34 teams Football Cheerleaders Artina Young (captain) Lisa Jones (captain) Megan Rhine Adr-ienne Glick Dinah Pylas Bryna Clark-Braverman Tnwanda Haynes Deyandria Logan Nikki Dickerson Deanna Jones Angie Fiore Megan McMillan Telsha TaUey Coach Susan Prodoehl Kristen Schmorr Rusty Hank (captain) Vanessa Dennis

1Iosketba11 Cheerleaders Lisa Jones Deyandria Logan Tawanda Haynes Nikki Dickerson Deanna Jones Bryna Clark-Braverman Megan Rhine Dinah Pyles Angie Fiore Megan McMillan Kristen Schmorr Teisha Talley Coach Susan Prodehl Julie Snoops POlll Squad

p.., n."ee T..,. Kathryn Ketzner Liz Bryan Kristin Clark Ebony White Krlssy Robeson Kelsey Reichard Kim Boykin Emily Kirchner Christina Carbonetto Nicole Meyers Tamis Everett Ashley Brown Mmis Buketball The 2002-2003 season saw a team struggling to get on track. Ending the season 5-20 overall and 2-11 in the Conference the Green Terror played hard, but were again plagued by inconsistencies. However, the team did have a great game against rival Gettysburg, and a third place finish in the Legg Mason Winter Classic. With the Centennial Conference as strong as it is, the Green Terror do their best to give each opposing team a challenge.

And the shot is made! It's another basket for Alan Hoyt dribbles the ball down the court to the basket. the McDaniel Green Terror. Roster Score Booml Date Opponent Score No. Name Class Pos. 11123 Maryland Bible College W 80-77 1[/26/02 Valley Forge Christian College L 79-87 So G 33 Sam Anstead 1 [/30/02 Mt. Aloysius College L 72-76 10 Mike DiPiero Fr G 12/02/02 York College L 76-90 32 Bryant Dull So G 12/07/02 Swarthmore College W91-S1 4 Greg Hill Sr G 12/18/02 University of Pittsburgh L 84-91 42 Alan Hoyt Jr F 12121102 TIle College of New Jersey L 52-70 01/04/03 Delaware Valley College L 64-67 54 OJ Hynes So F 01105103 John Jay College W 75-69 34 Adam Hynes Sf F 01/07/03 Catholic University L 67-83 40 Erik Larson Sf G 01/11/03 Franklin & Marshall College L 56-93 23 Alex Obregon So G 01112103 Gatladet University L 55-63 50 Jon Pearson Sf C 01115103 Haverford College L 62-85 OIIlS/03 Dickinson College W70-68 Chris Rutland Fr F 01/22/03 Gettysburg College L42-59 15 Adam Scott So G 01/25103 Johns Hopkins University L 58-73 31 Dan Shorten Fr G 01/26/02 Villa Julie College L 56-57 Will Talesnick Ff G 01128/03 Washington & Lee Univ. W 69-66 02/01/03 Muhlenberg College L 55-73 Franklin & Marshall College L 46-54 Ursinus College L 49-65 Dickinson College L 64-80 Gettysburg College L 66-68 Johns Hopkins University L 37-65 Washington College L 65-69

You're almost there! A few more feet and the Green Terror will This is the way to block the other team - score again! no wonder they never score! WOlDeul Buketball The 2002-2003 women's basketball season did the job of meeting the high expectations set by last year's squad. Boasting a 20-9 overall record and 8-6 in the Conference, the team displayed another exciting and successful season. Though the team lost to Johns Hopkins in the Conference Championship, the women had a lot to be proud of even though they did not repeat as Conference Champs. It will be interesting to see who fills the void left by five seniors leaving. However, head coach Becky Martin is extremely optimistic and excited by next year's challenge.


This Green Terror is anxious to get into the game. I I: Roster Score Boarel Date Opponent Score 11/22/02 Vassar Tournament W78-50 No. Name Class Pos. William Paterson University 11/23/02 Vassar Tournament W66- 57 31 Kacey Barnes So F 44 Kris Brust S, C 11/26/02 Swarthmore College L 60- 70 25 Krisry Costa F, G 12/03102 Dickinson College W78 - 59 10 Kelly Cramp So G 12/06/02 Gwynedd Mercy College W62-49 15 Dawn Fletcher So G 12/07/02 College of Notre Dame W70-S0 21 Sara Franz p, G 12/15/02 Franklin & Marshall College L 70 -77 5 Toby Mclntire Jr G 0[/04/03 Lebanon Valley College L 39 - 57 30 Stephanie Mcpherson S, P 01/06/03 Villa Julie College W 77 - 24 24 Jen Piccolomini S,- G 0]/07/03 York College W 59-56 33 Jacqueline Pundt So 01111103 Bryn Mawr College W80-40 35 Christine Radomski p, G 01llS/03 Haverford College W76 - 46 20 Alana Stubbs S, 01120/03 Gallaudet University W87-46 Brooke Weimer So 22 P 0[/22/03 Gettysburg College W69-62 23 Erin White S, G 01/25/03 Johns Hopkins University W 76-70 01/27/03 Catholic University W73 -64 01129103 Eastern University Canceled 02/01/03 Muhlenberg College L62 - 63 02/04/03 Franklin & Marshall College W 66 - 60 02/06/03 Susquehanna University W60- 52 02/Q8/03 Ursinus College W80-61 02/11/03 Dickinson College W 62-47 02115103 Gettysburg College L 70 -78 02/19/03 Johns Hopkins University L 73 -78 Washington College L 80 - 84 Gettysburg College W64-60 Centennial Conference W77-64 Muhlenberg College Centennial Conference L 58 82 Johns Hopkins ECAC Championship W67 - 42 PSU-Behrend The 2002-03 season proved highly successful for Green Terror Swimming. The men were 6-5 and the women 7-5 in dual meet action. Records fell at the Centennial Conference held at the conclusion of the I I r rl 500re Board r rlwomen Roster Year Event Cassandra A lien Fr Brst, Free Date Opponent Results Lee Ann Ritterpusch So Back Laura Baggaley Fr Brst 11/9/02 Susquehanna University W71- 26(m) Fr Free Brooke Bennett W 69 - 23 (w) Mary Easterday Jr Free 11115/03 York College W 106 - 95 (m) Jr Free Jen FegJey W 114-90(w) Katie Fulton Fr Free, Fly 11/23/03 Swarthmore College L 79 - 102 (m) So Free Clara Hollingsworth L69 - III (w) Kelly Ingham So Fly,IM 12/3103 Elizabethtown College W 72 - 20 (m) Megan Jeeves Fr Free W 65 - 30 (w) Hillary Mauro So Brst 12/6/03- Franklin & Marshall Sr Free, Fly Kalli Patentas 1217103 Invitational Brooke Pierce Sr Breast, Free Jr Free, 1M Melanie Pulley 1/11/03 Marymount University W 60 - 35 (m) Fr Free, Fly Aimie Smith W 73 - 22 (w) So Fly, Free Katey Swift 1/15/03 Goucher College W 68 - 20 (m) Jr Free, Back Lisa Taylor W64-31(w) Jr Fly, 1M Katie Tamarelli 1118/03 Dickinson College L 35 - 60 (m) Jr Brst Patricia Willauer L 36- 59 (w) 1125/03 Ursinus College W 118-41 (m) Men Year Event W 130-61 (w) Erich Bass Jr 1M 1/29/03 Gettysburg College L45 - 136 (m) Matt Easterday Jr Fly, 1M L52-133(w) Nick Grigsby So Brst 211103 Bryn Mawr College W92-30(w) Nate Payne Fr Free Dan Pickett Jr Free, 1M 2/5/03 Franklin & Marshall ColI. L 72 - 118 (m) Alex Spry So Back L67-121(w) Jason Jr Fly, [M 2/8/03 Washington College W 95 - 93 (m) Stackhouse Jr Free L49 - 148 (w) Brian Wingert Jr Free

Dan Pickett maxes out his strokes to beat the other ccmpetarors across the pool. Ending their 2002-2003 campaign with a winning 10-9 record proved bittersweet when all five McDaniel College representatives in the NCAA tournament were ousted in the first day. Though the tough ending to an otherwise successful season, McDaniel wrestling looks forward to doing even better next year. Saying goodbye to eight great seniors, next year's outlook is still optimistic and greatly anticipated. Wrestling in the Centennial Conference is tough and extremely demanding, but the Green Terror are always prepared and ready to go with everything on the line.

. IwaysreJdY The Mcuaniel wrestlers are a t and waiting for an opponell . Roster Score Boarcl Name UN; Weight Class Nick Alevrogiannis s- 285 Date Opponent Results Nick Alley Sr 125 Nov. 9 Green Terror Duals W36-12 Eric Bartczak s- 197 W48-9 Brian Bender Jr 133-141 Washington & Lee College W29-24 Davey Blake Sr 141 Apprentice School L 12 - 29 Mikey Blake So 157 UNC- Pembroke Bill Bobbitt Sr 165 Tom Boettcher Fe 157 Nov. 15 Delaware Valley College L 15 - 24 Shawn Calhoun S,· 157 Nov. 20 Muhlenberg College L 23 - 23 Steve Colasuanno Fe 125 Nov. 23 Navy Classic 8th of Eight Adam Dayton So 184-197 Nov. 25 Shippensburg University L 12 - 28 Tyler Drake Fe 125 Dec. 6- Dec. 7 Petrofes Invitational Slh of 13 Stephan DuBrey So 197 Jan.4 The College of N.J. Invitational Greg Hammack So 157-165 Jan. 10 Whitehill Duals L 3 - 42 Bryan Hamper So 149 Loras College W21 - 15 Jason Hamper 165-174 Heidelberg L 17 - 28 Harcun Hebron S,· 285 Univ. of Chicago W27 - 21 Steve Jennings Fe 165-174 Case Western 'r.c. Kalar So 133 HalTY Kettner So 133-141 Jan. 18 Wilkes University W25- 19 Levi McVey Sr 184 Delaware State Universtiy W35 Jacob Michael So 141 Jan. 22 York College L9 - 37 " Russ Miller Fe 165 Jan. 25 University of Maryland L4 - 45 Caleb Moore So 165-174 Urstnus College LI2 - 23 Dan Patterson So 133 Washington & Lee University W35-12 French Pope ]c 157 Feb. I Apprentice Invitational 2nd Place Drew Reinecker Jr 285 Feb. 4 Johns Hopkins University W28- [3 Jason Shehane Fe 197 Feb. 6 Gettysburg College W31- [5 Fe 133 Matt Shutt Feb. 15 King's Co[lege Canceled Brendan Smith 165-174 Messiah College Brad Walker So 285 Feb. 22 Centennial Conference 2nd out of6 Championships NCAA Division III National Championships

Captured mid-pin, this match is an exciting one! One! Two! Three! ... and it's another win for Mclsanie! as the countdown ends. The wind up and the pitch! Score Boarcl Roster Date Opponent Mar. IS Simpson W 12-2 Nwnber Year position Mar. 16 Oneonta L 2 - 3 32 F, CIOF Baker University W9-5 34 So p Mar. 17 Richard Stockton W5-4 27 So 2B 8 J, 2B Mar. 18 FDU-Madison WS-2 13 J, CIOF Mar. 20 Pikeville College (KY) 9 L - 13 14 5, P/DH Mar. 21 Oneonta L4 - 8 9 So 3sns Mar. 22 SL Mary's (MD) W4-1 J, P/3B 24 sr 10 Mar. 25 Washington College W9-3 15 F, C/OF Haverford College (2) L 1-3, W4-3 Mar. 29 33 s- p Apr. 1 Gettysburg College W 11-2 22 So I SIP Apr. 2 Washington College W15-5 23 F, C 5 S, OF Apr. 4 Gettysburg College T8-8 42 s, C Muhlenberg College W9-8, W 10-3 Apr. 6 28 J, OF Apr. 12 Swarthmore College (2) W9-6,W8-4 43 J, P Apr. 14 Dickinson College W35-8 29 F, IF C Apr. IS Johns Hopkins University L3 - 15 36 F, 10 S, p Apr. 19 Franklin & Marshall College (2) W4-2, W2- I Kevin S,llamone 12 F, 30 Johns Hopkins University L I - 8 Chris Seibert Apr. 21 4 J, OF RyunShOlzbcrgcr Apr. 22 Lebanon Valley College L 3 - 4 7 J, 55 David Skoczfas Apr. 23 Messiah College L 7 - 9 35 J, P Eddie Smith 20 S, Apr. 24 Villa Julie College W 12-S Jeff StarCher 3 S, Apr. 27 Ursinus College L 5 - 9, L 1 - 3 Tyler Stewart 41 So Thcmas Sze-Hy Apr. 29 Dickinson College W 11-2 25 So LawTenceTnlpuzzano May. 2 Muhlenburg College L6 - 7 26 F, OF

Head Coach: Dave Seibert Assistant Coaches: Bob Ackerman, Brain Culley, Jeff Miller After an up and down season, the Green Terror men's baseball team provided a stunning season. With expectations high because of the quality of seniors on this years team, the Terror certainly did not disappoint. Senior leadership and play will certainly be missed. However, coach Dave Seibert is very optimistic and believes fans shouJd be, too. With such a great season, next year's team wiU have to work that much harder to keep the winning season streak alive!

What is going through his head? Softball Roster Name Number Class Position

Samantha Abrams Jr PISS

Kristen Barrick Jr 2B

Megan Buppert 16 Fr CF Kim Camponelli Jr PISS

Abby Cannistraci Fr 2B

Lauren Cramer 13 Jr LF/P

Jen Geiman Sr CF

Candice Kuligowski 15 Sr 3B

Nicole Mele 10 Fr RF

Megan Mitchell 14 Fr 3B

Heather Sinclair II Jr RF

Becky Wilde 12 Fr C

Let's hope Candice caught the ball! Score loaN

Date Opponent Results George Dix, Head Coach Mar. 21 Ferrum College W 1-0 Amanda Zentner. Assistant Coach Marietta College L I - 2 Mar. 21 Roanoke College L 2 - 3 This year turned out to be a good L 0 - 2 Bridgewater College and successful year for the Green Mar. 22 North Carolina W 5 - 0 Terror Softball Team. The tearn Mar. 25 Villa Julie College W 8 - 0, W 8 - 0 Apr. 2 Shepherd College W 12-0, W4-3 competed in the conference cham- Apr. 3 Franklin & Marshall College W7-0, W 10-5 pionships before falling just short Apr. 10 Messiah College W7 -0, W2-1 of play in the next round to the Apr. 13 Washington College W9-0, W6-5 Muhlenberg College Bears. Se- W6-0, W9-0 Apr. 15 Dickinson College niors Candice Kuligowski and Jen Apr. 18 Muhlenberg College WI7-I,WI2-3 Geiman will be missed by their Apr. 19 Bridgewater College L 6 - 9, W 8 - 0 Apr. 23 Gettysburg College W4-I,L2-3 fellow teammates, but there are Apr. 25 Haverford College W 10 - 2, W 6 - 2 still high hopes for the next season. Apr. 26 Swarthmore College Rain Out Best wishes to those who gradu- Apr. 27 Ursinus College WI - 0, L 3 - 4 ated and to the rest of the team on W6 I,W8-4 Apr. 29 Swarthmore College another successful and exciting Apr. 30 York College W 5 -4, L 5-7 season! May. 3 Ursinus College L I - 3 May. 3 Muhlenberg College LO-2

Nice team work! Heather prepares for whatever the pitcher can throw at her. j31- The McDaniel rnen's tennis team displayed more heart and character than their rank and record shows. Building upon last year's team, which did not win a match, this year's squad boasted a couple quality victo- ries in some very competitive matches. The biggest highlight was starting the season with a victory over rival, Ursinus. Chad Lovett is the only senior on the team and his contribution to Green Terror tennis will be missed. First year coach Matt Bilgerbelieves next year's squad should be highly competitive and looks forward to a winning season. Roster Name Class

Ben Denenberg So 4

Dave Johnson Jr

Craig Johnson Jr

Chad Lovett Sr Setting up to swing at the incoming ball. Score Boucl

Opponent Results

York College Canceled

Ursinus College W 4-3

Dickinson College L I -7

Elizabethtown College L I - 8

Villa Julie College Rain Out

Gettysburg College L2-S

Haverford College LO-7

Goucher College Canceled

Washington College L 0 - 5

Johns Hopkins University L 1-6

Franklio & Marshall College L 0-7

Catholic University L I - 8 WOllleJis TeJU1iS Ending on a winning note, the women's tennis team struggled most of the season but showed great character in their final match against Bryn Mawr. Coach Matt Bilger hopes the great ending will carryover to next year's campaign where expectations should be lifted. The Green Terror women played extremely hard all season and look forward to stepping up and turning some heads next year. Roster Name Year

Shannon Pusey So

Danielle Magid FI'

Sharon Desperak So

Geneve Kallins So

Darcie Hartwick So

Zelia Johns Fr

Melanie Garnarra FI'

Emily Puis Fr Shannon gets ready to serve the ball. Score Boucl

Date Opponent

Mar. 8 Villa Julie College Canceled

Mar. 23 Ursinus College L 0 - 9

Mar. 25 Dickinson College L 0 - 9

Apr. 2 Gettysburg College L 0 - 9

Apr. 5 Haverford College L 0 - 9

Apr. 9 Washington College L 0-7

Apr. 12 Muhlenberg College L 0 - 9

Apr. 16 Johns Hopkins University L 0 - 9

Apr. 19 Swarthmore College L 0 - 9

Apr. 22 Catholic University L I - 8

Apr. 23 Bryn Mawr College W 5-4

Nice ball return! Track &- Fielc1 TheT_ Women Men With many new and returning athletes, this Kristen Aversa Dave Brock turned out to be an exciting year for the Green Terror Rosslyn Berm Phil D' Adamo Men's and Women's Track and Field Teams. Many April Brown Eric Featerston Jeri Bruce Paul Hugus records fell and personal bests in events were achieved Kristy Costa Ben Hull by all. The seniors will be missed next year, but the Jessica Enright Stu Johnson team is looking forward to a more exciting season next Rachel Goodwin Dave Maskeroni year. Megan Gri mshaw Broderick Maybank Kelly Gruber Joe Palkovic Blair Heinke French Pope Christine Johnson John Riley Renee Libby Rob Wingfield Melissa Merson Calvin Woodward Keltie Pfeiffer Jacqueline Pundt Sabrina Putro Beth Rudolph Lindsey Schwartz Eliza Wick Natasha Young

Date Meet Mar. 23 Goucher Invitational Men: Fourth of Eight Teams Women: Third of Eight Teams Mar.26 Twilight #1 Canceled

Mar. 29 Bridgewater invitational Men: non-team scoring Women: non-team scoring Apr. 2 Twilight #2 Men: First of Three Teams Women: First of Three Teams Apr. 5 Gettysburg Invitational Men: Third of Six Teams Women: Second of Six Teams Apr. 8 Twilight #3 Canceled

Apr. 12 Bison Outdoor Classic Men: Non Team Scoring Women: Non Team Scoring Apr. 16/17 Twilight #4 Men: Non-Team Scoring Women: Non-Team Scoring Apr. IS Widener Invitational Women: Non-Team Scoring With leaps and bounds ...

Meals In a season that started out so promising the Green Terror men's lacrosse team fell just short of going farther than last year's squad. Led by new coach Jim Townsend, the Green Terror finished the regular season a very successful 10-3 (8- 3 in the conference). In an overtime thriller, the McDaniel men fell just short of winning the crown to Washington. Though the ending of the season was tough, players and coaches agree that the season was a success given the new system that had to be learned and incorporated. The team looses eight key seniors including All-American Joe Ellis. However, the leadership they gave throughout the season should provide enough to keep next year's team competitive and successful.

Opponent Score Weidner University W 13-9 MessiahCo!lege W 10-7 W 7-4 Haverford College W 18-3 USSMA W 14-4 Dickinson College W 11-6 Swarthmore College W 11-6 MuhlenbergCol1ege W [5-4 UrsinusCollege W 15-4 Frunklinand Marshall College W 18-9 Washington College L 4- [4 Gettysburg College L 7-10 Gettysburg College L 8-9 The TeaJ1l

Name Class Pos. Brandon Boring F, 0 Colby Cook 5, M Matt Copeland F, M Aaron Covert F, GK Chris Currence j, 0 Brad Darrah [r M Ed Dulch F, M Greg Elko 5, OM Joe Ellis 5, A Joe Figola 50 A Jeremy Freed j, M Josh Hanlon [r 0 Sam Katz 5," M Matt Keating F, A Mike Korba [r GK Ian Loper 50 M Joel Mattingley [r OM J ustin Merson j, A Ryan O'Conner 50 M Joe Pappaforis 5, M Jimmy Plank F, D Greg Reeves F, GK CurtisShaeffer F, 0 Pete Shaffer j, M Tim Sheetz 50 OM Scott Stolzenburg 5, M Billy Thomas F, 0 Alex Tolj 5, M Mike Yolk j, M Don Ward 5, Rob Weaver So Donnie Whi te So WOlDmis Lacroae

The McDaniel women lacrosse team had it's share of ups and downs, but in the end players responded well and never gave up. Bouncing back from an 0-5 start, the Green Terror women ended the season with a 6-9 record. With expectations and pressure at such a high level this year, the girls never gave up proving quality victories over Conference foes, Haverford and Swarthmore. Five crucial seniors will be missed; however, the rest of the squad is anxious to step up. Coach Mindy McCord expects that the leadership and perseverance displayed by the seniors will carryover to next year's team. The Teall\

No. Name 15 Ali Kiniry 5, 2 Holly Thompson 5, 3 Heather Nichols So 0 Erin Potash So 0 Amy Price 5,' MIA Caitlin Schellhorn Fr A 7 Liz Sexton So 0 8 Sara Thomas J' A 9 Tara Smith p, M 10 Lindsay O'Steen So GK 11 Katie Kirley SO MID 12 Christina Morris J' M 1 Sara Hansen 5, 0 14 Kim Lowry So A 28 Molly Koehler So A 16 Heather Sisman F, MIA 17 Heidi Hurtt J' M 18 Jillian Farrell So M 19 Jodi Foss So A 20 Lindsay Ricks p, 0 21 Kristin Ramey So M 22 Tracy Kessler 5, M 23 Mindy Minchoff p, 0 25 Erika Walker p, 26

Score Board Opponent Results MaL3 Goucher College L 7 - 9 MaL 20 Wells ley College L 12 - 18 Mar.2! L 4 - 13 Mar. 26 Washington College L 6 - 17 Mar. 29 Ursinus College L 9·15 Apr. I Dickinson College W16-7 Apr. 3 The College of Notre Dame W9-5 Apr. 5 Bryn Mawr College W 12-2 Apr. 10 Franklin & Marshall College L 6·13 Apr. 12 Haverford College W 11 10 Apr. 15 Gettysburg College L 10 - 18 Apr. 17 Muhlenberg College L 13 - 14 Apr. 22 Swarthmore College W 10 - 9 Apr. 26 Villa Julie College L 12 - 15 Apr. 28 Elizabethtown College W21 - 14

This Green Terror looks for an open teammate. J8 F'a e u St }J) Faculty & Staff

Sus:lnSC01! Linda VanH('rt SnntnctAlspnch Michael Brown Arl&Al'l History An & Arl Hi,lory Biology Biology Esther 19lich Wilbur Lnng Rulenc Mitsehler Randall Morrison Biology Biology Biology Biu!ogy

Marilyn Kroeger Smith Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry

Ramona Kerby Ochieng' K'Olcwe Eddy Laird SriauLod:1ln'l Education Education Education Education

Janet Medina Simeon Schlossberg Education Education Education Education

Margaret Trader Mary Bendel-Simso Education Education Engl;~h William Spence Richard Carpenter lay Dull English Exercise Science Exercise Science Mclissa Lachntun Kim Easterday Carol Fritz Dorothy Hyman Exercise Sciece Exercise Science Exercise Science Exercise Science

CnroleMolloy Rebecca Martin Stephen McCole MindyM •.:Cord Exerci,c Science Exercise Science Exercise Science Exercise Science

AlexObcr Douglas Renn~r D:IVCSeibert Greg Nibbelink ExerciscScience Exercise Science Exercise Science Exercise Science

Donald Craig Brian Lumby Harry Rosenzweig Rodney Clurk MililarySdence Military Science Marhemmics Mililaryscience

Rlccrdc Torres Robin Armstrong MargareT Boudreaux John Spear Milit;'ryScience Music Military Science

Sherri Hughes Stephanie Madsen Charles Neal Herbert Smith Psychology Psychology Political Science polhkalSclence Rennld Miller Theatre Arts Academic Affairs Samuel Case Susan Duke Jan Fazzari Barbara Homeff

Brenda Pals grove Henry Reiff Ann Thomas

Administration & Finance Maureen Meloche

Ethan Seidel

Admissions Julie Biddinger Stephanie DeSanctis George Dix

Martha O'Connell Donna Pisle Heidi Reigel Jane Woerner

Alumni Relations Robin Adams Brenton Katie Crowe Linda Eyler Michelle Hamilton Kershner Vickie Carlson Kyle Meloche

Bursar's Office Justina Carloss Kathryn Fostik

Harriett Corbran

Campus Safety Joshua Bronson Chris Collins

Dominic DiMartino Paula Harris

Wayne Short Roger Taylor Michael Webster

Central Services Bev Herndon

College Activities Betsy Chimock Terry Page

Communications & Marketing ~ Rita Beyer Peggy Fosdick Joyce Muller Carol Rothenberger

Development Toni Condon

Steve Krahling-Haddad Debbie Leazer Sandi Miller Gail Shaivitz Oppel

Laura Russell

Financial Aid Eleanor Geiman Patricia Hull Patricia Williams

Financial Services Clement Ani Rosalind Esteves Barbara Kashen Terry McAndrew

Hoover Library Heshmat Badiee Roxanne Brewer Barbara Clinton Linda Garber Jane Sharpe

Human Resources Neitzy Feustel Bobbi Hollingsworth Thomas Steback

Information Services Kathy Brown Kevin Clark Donni Folendorf Max Groft

Ed Holthause Benji Koger Christine Matthews Anita Thieman

Kelbe Wuorinen Institutional Advancement Bev Staub Multicultural Services Zephia Bryant Physical Plant Joseph Bentz

Katherine Cousins Mary )0 Colbert Vicki Patterson Viki Peltier College Staff

Post Office Esther Griffith Allen Herndon Larry Shockney Peggy Smith

President's Office Joan Coley Susan Cullison Mary Ann Friday Diane Timmons

Registrar's Office Amy Bell Rose Blizzard Amy Collman Jan Kiphart

Diane Morris Kathi Rice

Residence Life Stephanie Cooke Amanda Rose

Elizabeth Towle Barbara Ward Shonda Wilson

Student AlTairs Judith Hart Philip Sayre

L- Faculty_ .. Staff Farewell

Judy Coryell Robert Doggett l'ii'~ James Feagin Rachel Spencer Matthew Wareheim Barry Willard to'~ I03~ De'_e Befecadu ErinColl_

Kerri Fi~ Ra

Korin Mce,oll

KellY Reichard

Crystal T0l''' Je~fer Wetzel

On Saturday, May 24th, the seniors took one last

walk across campus as students as they made their

way to Gill Center to receive their diplomas and

become alumni. Afterwards, there was excitement

and sorrow as they said good-bye to friends they

have grown close to and a place they have called

home for the past four years. Congratulations to the

class of 2003.

A glance down one row of excited seniors as they prepare to receive their degrees.

t2'1 (Below) President Coley wel- comes students, parents, and guests to the ceremony.

" wasyt Palijczuk, retiring Art and Art History professor, greets the Jeff Kirkwood, one of the sign language interpreters at audience, pointing OUi to the seniors that he to came to Western Commencement, repeats the words of President Coley as 12'''3'~. Maryland College, and now leaves McDaniel College. she discusses the McDaniel ASL program. So expensive, prour) enqaqcd, of [cbless you. college qraduatc, LOlle~ Ifeanyichukwu J. Ani BA Biochemistry/Biology Minor Philosophy

Ifeanyi, we are very proud to be your parents. We thank you for your love and hard work, and all the academic and athletic achievements that have put our family name in the annals of the schools, colleges, and universities you have attended. We hope you will do the same in the medical school you will be attending.

The entire Ani Family loves you. Congratulations on your graduations!

Achievements: Clement 1. & Maria U. Ani I. Dean's List, three times 2. Fellowship of Cham pi OilS (Track and Field) 3. Conference Champion (Track and Field) for three years 4. Academic All-American (Track and Field) 5. Two-time All-American (Outdoor and Indoor Track and Field)

To Allen Silfee a terrific son and brother & Erin Friday a wonderful daughter and sister

Time has passed so quickly you're graduating from college! You have worked so hard, and we are very proud of you and all that you have accomplished. It has been a joy and a blessing watching you grow into fine the individuals you are today. You will always have our love and support as you journey toward your dreams.

All our love and best wishes,

Linda & Chet, Jim & Courtney and Christopher Mom and Dad and Meggie ~ahura, a cIIiId giou U6 ..... aum {iMt timu all.,_ again. J fuwe watc&d tAe maJtJJd 0/- a awain we, tAe AtuAing. 0/- a aJII«1It fwJl a6 tAe 6attm li{h, tAe {iMt.i¢t o/-tAe.ea and IUJW v-ow< ~ (;rom ~ frould, 0/- wwiJIt d: .ucce6. "'" glJll- J onbj, 0/- a id tpJU- tih., .fIil4 tpJU- can p<4m, enIJIu..ia6nt6 to. ¥t- _ Aavtt, {IdmtJ4 d: ioue iIt a8unJona. J IiIuutt _ fgt/tet< UJ

J" ~ '!I

ahura J wioli tpJU- tAe 6eaubJ- 0/- .ihaa, tAe gbwf 0/- 'unIi¢t, tAe f1UJ6U!uf 0/- da.Iineo., tAe {Iua 0/- (lame, tAe powa 0/-11MII.eJ<, tAe .---. 0/- ai4, tAe quiet .~ 0/- «VdIi, tAe ltuJe tIiat fia at tAe uery.

"~;. Me 0/- tAe guat j,almtg.wilA~, lJI'U ...... t.uJi wiodom. ~;. muItip&, wiodom.;. .ingulaJ<. ~;...... to, wiodom.;. .ilmt. ~;..tandUu; """'Uk, "'"'-tandUu; wIlat;...... , wiodom.;. .tandUu; at tAe atdft, ~ wIlat;. tUJt.WI. .NI>p"''''' can kwlwh wit&ut 60dt dinwuti

"~ !!!ll£ ~[R!j) JoN E:VE:mJ.!!:JlJ.Nff 'IJffU 1XY, a.N!iJ !ll£ WJ.e.e SJl1!JW 'IJffU !!!ll£ !lI:Jg:Jl5 way.."9'!JWIJf.9l9JS 3:6 Congratulations Cobras & Daffodils

Jen, We are so proud of the young woman you To the Cobras - Cole, Jen, Brandi, Courtney The world is getting three really cool teuchors und I awesome sports trainer have grown (0 be. These past four years have been amazing. Follow your dreams. To the Datlodils - John, Bill, Mike, Chi We know you will all be successful aftcr graduaucn. Keep the music going.

Love, Together you have shared gre~ttirnes and made lots of memories. We hope that Dad, Mom and Mike you have rnudc lifelong friends and will never rose touch. Thanks for being there for each other_ Cobras & Daffodils forever To Our Son Ryan

Congratulations on your graduation. We are proud of your accomplishments. We are grateful to God for blessing us with you. To God be the Glory Great Things He Hath Done May God Continue to Bestow His Richest Blessings Upon You.

With all Our Love, Ryan G. Wilson Mom and Dad WeJve-wCttcJte.d,yowg-yow.

A I.wCt:Y~ cu.cept'U'\ft' what-e,\lu ~cam.e-yow- we

Congratulations!!! Please bask and savor the moment. You will look back years from now and remember your college days as the best years of your life. The friends you've made ... the experiences you've had (half of which you won't want to discuss in front of your kids) But today is about the pride and satisfaction that we feel about you and what you've accomplished. You've done so good and we hope that you comprehend and share the same sense of pride and accomplishment.

Now ... feel free to get a job ... and a good one at that too. Someone has to buy us beer and bibles in our 80s!!! ©

All our love MOm and Dad ;fficjJ9antel ({olltge class of 2003

Jilat!Jelor'u :lI!le!!fet prtUtnteb to I lUll!' ~ut lWtb 1999-2OO3li ~ f,..,Iil, G-nduat;iort IIle art Uo proub of !'ou & all of cla8f of 1986 !'Our 8uornpliUbmtntU!!! IObt I'OU; ~om & :lI!lab


Dear Son,

It seems like only yesterday that you began each day with laughter and play. Now we stand in celebration of all you have accomplished and with a deep understanding and appreciation of all your efforts that have brought you to this day. We have cherished the moments with you as a little boy, and we continue to marvel about the man you have become. We are forever your biggest fans. We love you, we believe in you, and our wish for you is that may you continue to enjoy laughter and play each day as you embark on life s next journey. Love, Mom and Dad. "'shle)"

We have couched ),ou gcow, weth love. Now we'Uwatch you follow yow: dceom, with pcide.

We (Lee'VeL"), proud of the cccmcn you hcoe become. CO'!!

Love, W IT'S

~'1i .. ''V' "?' "I have never let my sch<_>oling __ interfere with my education" Mark Twa!n Congratulations to our 'educated' son! We are incredibly proud of you!! Love you bunches, ~~:::;dDad ~~ Adam and Julie ,~, .. ~ ... Yon'oe accollv'[iJux! IfJllUj/,illlj" ijletlC'{ 'We rrnke reailtes S'lll,{ ,/, Of,[!! l"d IIIe timl... cut; of Of crean:; 1jou'oe JWItJIt YOIl haoe /leuiiellee, aU crears cut; of :;[111, of ijliui, !o6 of IIIXIII. Of reailtes. We Yon Iwoe dlOW wlwl you ale mad« of, ae tte crean:rs S'llid ,1011 /ffI(1Ilj m/IO/ yon call do ... of tre crean"- CUJi//UIL yo" 1/l£le i; af! yo" lied. Roald Da-J '(:)0 mal« /10111. dl£a/J/J tome hlle. d Dea" Kate- We a"e rrru:l of yOJ aU ali yOJ Iwe co::crrpEf'ed JiIIOtn, f5J)""ien {[lid Da"e to keep tpj)arl crearriog LOIe, M:;m aU Seal

©@OO@ill&'IT'\ll]!lo&'IT'il@OO@ Congratulations, Justin @rn:OOil@ill@Y Words for the future:

Listen to God. Listen to yourself. Listen to trusted family and friends. Ignore the crowd.

Congratulations Love, We Love You Mom, Dad, Shannon Mom & Dad and Mum-Mum Brandi ~ere'did the time ? life on the "hill" It like yesterda endeavors and wean:~·ha ow It~e~ss tnne for life' y that you were holds for you y ve no doubt that ill the real world Yunpacking gettin could be more ou may be all grown you will continue to' au have excell l ready for as much haPP'::~SU! of their child tha,;;;,.~ut you are still 0:soin whatever ~hem~" your Love, Mom & Dad your life as you have:e roughtof ours.Our J'~~es thatNo y.:e:::'~ep ture

---- It's wcnoerrut realizing a dream and knowing the litlle girl who once IiIled our lives with joy and our hearts with Ion has grown into a fine young woman who still makes us feel that we are a very special part of her life. You have always hada mind of your own but we are happy to realize th'lI you were ecru ally listeuingto us when we have our "talks" about

Your delcrmination and focus will get you through new challenges. Continue heueve in yourself and know tllat you can do whatever ynu set your mindIo. Remember you life is yours 10 build as you choose. Keep your faiEh in God and everything will fall into place.

Our hopes and dreams are surpassed only by our deep love for you. we thank God and you for bring so much happiness into our nves.

Congratulations To A Very Special Granddaughter! A Shining Star In Every Way. OUr Love And Happiness Always To A Lovely Young Lady.

Lauren Lowery Milburn B.A.

Congratulations! Jay Stine We're all very proud of you. Congratulations We Love You Mom and Dad

A Different Perspective S8I1I-WtlLlwfIYou .. 0Itd,

~ ... ~ople ani sometimes un",UOflable and self-eentefed. Love them anyway. If you do good, people may aeculI8 you of selflsh motives, Do good anyway. If you ani suec:essful,You mlllywin false friends and true enemies. Suceeedanyway. The good you do today may be fof'gotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed ovemight. Build anyway. People who ",ally want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway. Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best Inyway. The world is full ofconnlet and sb'ess. cheese peace of mind anyway. Thewor1d will fight to be your priority. Mike God your priority anyway ... Anonymous

Much love from Mom, Dad, and Chris

David ProfIli


You've worked hard during your four years at Western Maryland/McDaniel Col. lege. We are proud of your achievements and look for- ward to finding out what's next. We couldn't possibly ask for a finer sonlbrother.


Mom, Dad, & Amanda

Alicia, We've been proud of you Every step of the way ...

continue Dear las, To unexpected heights and We thank God for you. Adventures! You have made us proud. Mom and Dad Jake A most sincere congratulation from your twin sister. Congratulation to the graduating class of 2003 at McDaniel College You have forged where most would have forfeited and Jacob Hope and have persevered with a dignity and determination that commandeers admiration (including mine!). I Hope X-Ray and Dad love you so much and am so proud and enamored by your achievements.


Jen xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


Jacob, Jacob, CongratuJation on your graduation! The word congratulation doesn't seem to be enough. As your big brother. Ilook up to you. Graduation Day has been long in the doing. but great in the achieving--- Your greatness. You are someone Good luck in the future and I will be there with you every step of the way. who many can look up to and most should admire. I know Ido. Your love of people and sincere concern for them is a lesson for all. You are amazing! You have Love, John succeeded where most would have DOt. Challenge is your middle name. May you find happiness and fulfillment in all you do in life.

Love, Your very proud Mother. ~ Congratulations . O/-or- Ronnie ~J ¥ q~~

:yV Q~ We're Proud of You Congratulations Cole!

You really made ill!! Of course we knew that you would. From the beginning, we knew that WMC was the perfect fit for you. We hope that you enjoyed every minute of your college experience. And we know you will never forget WMC, the Cobras and Daffodils, Room 402, Gamma Sig and the Phi Kaps, your 21" birthday, spring break, New Year's eve in happening Hagerstown, the MPT telethons and all the great times that you shared.

You have done a great job as a pretend adult and we know you are ready for the real thing. Just remember that even though you arc a real adult now, we will always be here if you should need anything along the way. As we watch you graduate and receive your degree, we are overwhelmed with pride and love. We pray that God will guide you on your path to everything you need to make your life truly wonderful. We love you, Cole. Mom, Gil, Uncle Paul and Aunt Cheryl, Uncle Mike and Silky P.S. You are still the perfect daughter.

Hey Cole, Congratulations. You are finally an adult in the real world. We remember the days when we were young, like the fun times at the apartment and the secret hiding place. The games that we played and the times we have spent with our family have touched our hearts. We will always remember these times no matter how old we get We watched you achieve your goals through hard work. Enjoy your new life and your new car.

Love always, all your sisters, brothers and cousins. .>'~~"f~~~_tors 4'.' ~ 1. ClO$e u,cl pi'!. it1lC1 ~ wo1tLt like;tO. . @ ....~t to rCflei:t 0Jl the '8veuts of the put year, , ,~ ~~. ~tftt yelP' that:st"ts. facul\'i u,a, statf' .. . leaA' U.1~~ College. For SOJIl8. will" . WMC t;hts . ahnys J~ .t4eJt hc»ae a'YllY ffOJll houae.but for ot\en t1iey l .' wdl .."ewe 0Jl With their lives ucl CIClCilSiOJlally~ back. • , ·~t*tiou ~ the .c4- of 2003.,May 'all of. yoUr ~/_~ •• ·tne. Al~ y~ are . ... ~ that YOll ~ ,i1:'!llr$ ~_. bac:Jt'tcs VISit ~ of 1lS w~ ~~ 0. 1lai Bill. , Bu:i'tll.,n th;it:~ clo.clq: ' ~e to.,. "tluk.yoi' to thoI!e wbQ'JQve .,011/ '-1 " iC1*.Jsh lOll aiil !Acourage ycn).' t1ltrwg1Pt'l 'Y01ll" life., ., \,' .,'_, ~ for the. CJu,es ori~.:05.,;.~ '

~", ,f~ to your OWll.grac1,UtiOQ '.iU'Jlow that\.,oUr t1JIle' 0 , . will ~e :acl will. be 1ie1.e.befCJe1ow.h~w it! Li'ttie;~ ", ~ :.". ~,keep ~orlwig haJcl'" ~ ~t f~the,..stars. . ;P''':; '. ~ , We WQw.4'~!'to _1:Ji;mk 'Vho p1lt"iJl JDiulyi,lmIg " '; bOlUS to proallcecl· this book: NiIlOle.hclrew. Cusie.. IG.. ,: : Lyclia.'Crystai.:.Liz lq1clKaha. '~~lIt '~)lf ~~k. .: . < eo..pletiug thJS:,. bOok ~ not Jitve been posslbij.' . , ", We wouta alSo lib to:~ :Suu CullisoJl: our .". YeIU'book acl*~ .• ~ ;Ut:,'a lot ~,h..e. effo~tucl JIlUy. hours iJl \elJlilli'~ ~.y~'s,.:;1iook a suc:ca Susu. what ,: ,--.,'.,W01ilcl,we clo Wi~lIt~y~l ',~,.~?,<:.- :'! , ~ - .' I ~ I., I .; , -~ ~ ~}:' '::".,': ~ }).7~ (2(f)(;,Jg~k;K/l~ " if' ," tIG~ss<>t;J.ooi V --~~()~:~s~-or--',)oO~ ,-l L:;'21', ".:
