
Coping Skills Home Practice

Serenity, Courage and Wisdom

Serenity, Courage and Wisdom: Serenity is feeling calm and peaceful. Courage is strength in the face of fear or uncertainty. Wisdom is having experience, knowledge or good judgement. We can better manage our stress by using serenity, courage and wisdom. We can first stop, think, and evaluate what is causing our stress. Next, we can determine which stressors we can change and which ones we cannot change. Finally, we can act on our knowledge.

Coping with what we cannot change: Practicing serenity can help us to accept the things we cannot control. When we are stressed about something we cannot change, we can try to focus on taking care of ourselves, and we can choose a healthy coping strategy that helps us feel more calm, peaceful and serene. See the practice strategies on page 2.

Coping with what we can change: Practicing courage can help us to take action on the things we can change. When we are stressed about something that requires us to make a change, we can

1) Make a list of what actions are necessary for us to take

2) Determine how we can find the strength to do so

Example: See the graphic above which sorts out for us what we can and cannot control in the current situation our community is dealing with as we stay in our homes to reduce the spread of a dangerous virus. We cannot control the actions of others or how long this will last. But we can control how we respond and cope with the situation by taking care of ourselves and making good choices that keep us safe and healthy. See page 2 for additional strategies that help us practice serenity to cope with what we cannot control and give us courage to take action on the things we can control.

“My Calm Place” card deck combines yoga, meditation, mindfulness and guided imagery activities to calm emotions and promote self-regulation in children.

Practice strategies from “My Calm Place” card deck:

1) “Choose Your Words”: When you are about to blurt out words, step back and notice how you feel. Breathe and exhale with a deep hissing sound. Ask “are my words accurate and true?” “are my words kind?” If not, choose new words. (This can also be applied to words used in text and on social media)

2) “The Blue Lake of Stillness”: Breathe deeply. Imagine a blue lake of stillness. Sense its quiet beauty. Allow lightness and joy to bubble up and fill you. Take another dep breath.

3) “Countdown to Calmness”: When you are upset, breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4, breath out for 4. Count backwards from 10 to 0 with each breath. Find the stress in your body. Let it go. Feel calm.

Positive Coping Strategies/Fun Activities: Choose a few activities you would like to do this week...

Listen to music mindfully Go for a walk, run or bike ride Lie down and look at the clouds, find different shapes Read Draw, Paint Color Play in instrument Spend some time outdoors, enjoy nature Spend time with a pet Play a game Write a story about a fun memory you have Baking/Cooking Send a card or letter to a friend or family member (through the mail) Practice a sport outside Make a meal for your family Practice breathing, relaxation techniques Listen to Guided Meditation Write something you are grateful for each day Send a thank you note or card Call a friend or family member (on the phone) just to say hi Practice an instrument and then record yourself playing; share with family and friends