5 bus time schedule & line map

5 Gamston View In Website Mode

The 5 bus line (Gamston) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Gamston: 5:30 AM - 6:05 PM (2) : 6:52 AM - 5:37 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 5 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 5 bus arriving.

Direction: Gamston 5 bus Time Schedule 33 stops Gamston Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:50 AM - 4:50 PM

Monday 5:30 AM - 6:05 PM , Nottingham 6-8 Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham Tuesday 5:30 AM - 6:05 PM

Angel Row A2, Nottingham Wednesday 5:30 AM - 6:05 PM Long Row West, Nottingham Thursday 5:30 AM - 6:05 PM Maid Marian Way, Nottingham Friday 5:30 AM - 6:05 PM 2 Bromley Place, Nottingham Saturday 6:30 AM - 5:55 PM Collin Street, Nottingham Greyfriar Gate, Nottingham

Nottingham Railway Station, Nottingham Carrington Street, Nottingham 5 bus Info Direction: Gamston Arkwright Street, Meadows (Me01) Stops: 33 1B Arkwright Street, Nottingham Trip Duration: 30 min Line Summary: Victoria Centre, Nottingham, Angel Lammas Gardens, Meadows (Me02) Row A2, Nottingham, Maid Marian Way, Nottingham, Mabel Street, Nottingham Collin Street, Nottingham, Nottingham Railway Station, Nottingham, Arkwright Street, Meadows Eugene Gardens, Meadows (Me03) (Me01), Lammas Gardens, Meadows (Me02), Cattle Market Road, Nottingham Eugene Gardens, Meadows (Me03), Ryehill Street, Meadows (Me04), Victoria Embankment, Trent Ryehill Street, Meadows (Me04) Bridge (Me05), Ground, , Hound 152 London Road, Nottingham Road, , Co-Op, West Bridgford, Central Avenue, West Bridgford, Rectory Road, West Victoria Embankment, Trent Bridge (Me05) Bridgford, Higheld Road, West Bridgford, Melton London Road, Nottingham Road, West Bridgford, Shops, West Bridgford, Exeter Road, West Bridgford, Mellors Road, West Bridgford, Cricket Ground, Trent Bridge Dovedale Road, West Bridgford, Valley Road, West 2 Musters Road, Nottingham Bridgford, Firs Road, Edwalton, Apple Tree Close, Edwalton, Melton Gardens, Edwalton, Alford Road, Hound Road, West Bridgford Edwalton, Kingshers Court, Gamston, Herons Court, Gamston, Rosthwaite Close, Gamston, Co-Op, West Bridgford Watendlath Close, Gamston, Yewdale Close, 52-66 Bridgford Road, Nottingham Gamston, Lings Bar Hospital, Gamston, Morrisons, Gamston Central Avenue, West Bridgford 21-23 Central Avenue, Nottingham Rectory Road, West Bridgford Rectory Road, Nottingham

Higheld Road, West Bridgford Marlborough Court, Nottingham

Melton Road, West Bridgford 88-90 Melton Road, Nottingham

Shops, West Bridgford 99A Melton Road, Nottingham

Exeter Road, West Bridgford

Mellors Road, West Bridgford

Dovedale Road, West Bridgford

Valley Road, West Bridgford

Firs Road, Edwalton

Apple Tree Close, Edwalton Melton Gardens, Nottingham

Melton Gardens, Edwalton Melton Gardens, Nottingham

Alford Road, Edwalton Melton Gardens, Nottingham

Kingshers Court, Gamston Kingshers Court, Nottingham

Herons Court, Gamston Herons Court, Nottingham

Rosthwaite Close, Gamston 11 Esk-Hause Close, Nottingham

Watendlath Close, Gamston

Yewdale Close, Gamston Levens Close, Nottingham

Lings Bar Hospital, Gamston

Morrisons, Gamston Direction: Nottingham 5 bus Time Schedule 31 stops Nottingham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:22 AM - 4:22 PM

Monday 6:52 AM - 5:37 PM Morrisons, Gamston Tuesday 6:52 AM - 5:37 PM Lings Bar Hospital, Gamston Wednesday 6:52 AM - 5:37 PM Yewdale Close, Gamston Thursday 6:52 AM - 5:37 PM Levens Close, Nottingham Friday 6:52 AM - 5:37 PM Watendlath Close, Gamston Saturday 6:57 AM - 5:27 PM Rosthwaite Close, Gamston 11 Esk-Hause Close, Nottingham

Herons Court, Gamston Herons Court, Nottingham 5 bus Info Direction: Nottingham Kingshers Court, Gamston Stops: 31 Trip Duration: 26 min Alford Road, Edwalton Line Summary: Morrisons, Gamston, Lings Bar Melton Gardens, Nottingham Hospital, Gamston, Yewdale Close, Gamston, Watendlath Close, Gamston, Rosthwaite Close, Melton Gardens, Edwalton Gamston, Herons Court, Gamston, Kingshers Melton Gardens, Nottingham Court, Gamston, Alford Road, Edwalton, Melton Gardens, Edwalton, Apple Tree Close, Edwalton, Firs Apple Tree Close, Edwalton Road, Edwalton, Valley Road, West Bridgford, Melton Gardens, Nottingham Dovedale Road, West Bridgford, Mellors Road, West Bridgford, Exeter Road, West Bridgford, Taunton Firs Road, Edwalton Road, West Bridgford, Shops, West Bridgford, Higheld Road, West Bridgford, Rectory Road, West Valley Road, West Bridgford Bridgford, Central Avenue, West Bridgford, Co-Op, West Bridgford, Hound Road, West Bridgford, Cricket Dovedale Road, West Bridgford Ground, Trent Bridge, Victoria Embankment, Trent Bridge (Me06), Ryehill Street, Meadows (Me07), Corve Dale Walk, Nottingham Eugene Gardens, Meadows (Me08), Lammas Mellors Road, West Bridgford Gardens, Meadows (Me09), Nottingham Railway Station, Nottingham, Fletcher Gate, Lace Market, Exeter Road, West Bridgford George Street, Nottingham, Victoria Centre, Nottingham Taunton Road, West Bridgford Melton Road, Nottingham

Shops, West Bridgford 126 Melton Road, Nottingham

Higheld Road, West Bridgford St Giles Court, Nottingham

Rectory Road, West Bridgford Rectory Court, Nottingham

Central Avenue, West Bridgford Central Avenue, Nottingham

Co-Op, West Bridgford 40 Bridgford Road, Nottingham

Hound Road, West Bridgford

Cricket Ground, Trent Bridge 2 Musters Road, Nottingham

Victoria Embankment, Trent Bridge (Me06) Meadows Way, Nottingham

Ryehill Street, Meadows (Me07) Ryehill Street, Nottingham

Eugene Gardens, Meadows (Me08) Ryehill Close, Nottingham

Lammas Gardens, Meadows (Me09) 68 Lammas Gardens, Nottingham

Nottingham Railway Station, Nottingham Carrington Street, Nottingham

Fletcher Gate, Lace Market Fletcher Gate, Nottingham

George Street, Nottingham 3 Carlton Street, Nottingham

Victoria Centre, Nottingham 6-8 Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham 5 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved