1 Somaratne, G.A.

G. A. Somaratne Room 4.08, 4/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong. Tel: +852 3917-5076; +852 51104465 Email: [email protected] www..hku.hk https://hku-hk.academia.edu/SomaratneAthukoralalage https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ga_Somaratne/publications Academic Qualification  PhD in Buddhism, Department of Religion, Northwestern University, USA, 1988-1993 [Supervisor: Prof. George D. Bond, dissertation: Freedom of Mind: A Study of the Buddhist Concept of Vimutti (Liberation) in the Pāli Nikāyas].  MA in Religious Studies, Department of History and Literature of Religions (later Department of Religion), Northwestern University, USA, [Supervisor: Prof. Edmund F. Perry, Course work period, 1900, thesis: Buddhist Right Livelihood].  BA Special Degree, First Class Honours, , , 1981-1985, Major: Buddhist Philosophy, Minor: Japanese.  Post-doctoral research, University of Oxford, October 1993—December 1995 [Supervisor: Prof. Richard F. Gombrich, the research outcome: The Saṃyuttanikāya Volume I published by the Pali Text Society, Oxford, in 1998].  Training Programme on Teaching Methodology - the Staff Development Centre, , January-June 2003.  The British English Intermediate Level, British Council, Colombo, 1987.  Certificate in Modern languages – English, University of Kelaniya, 1984.  Diploma in English, Aquinas College of Higher Education, Colombo, 1981–1984.  Monastic and Language training (Pali, Sanskrit, Sinhala), Parama Dhamma Cetiya Pirivena, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, 1974 -1981.  Oriental Intermediate (Sinhala, Pali & Sanskrit), 1981 & Oriental Preliminary, 1979.  GCE A/L (Sinhala, Pali, Sanskrit & Buddhist Civilization), 1981 & GCE O/L, 1979.

Teaching Positions  Assistant Professor, Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, November 9, 2014 — present.  Co-Director, Dhammachai Tipitaka Project, Dhammachai Institute, Thailand, 1 April 2010—31 October 2014. [resigned to join the University of Hong Kong]  Professor, Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy, Sri Lanka, July 2009 — February 2010.  Professor in Pali & Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, June 2006— May 2010. [resigned to join Dhammachai Institute and SIBA]  Senior Lecturer Grade I, Pali & Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, April 11, 2001 — June 30, 2006.  Associate Professor in Religion, Miyazaki International College, Japan, January 15, 2000 — January 15, 2001. [resigned to join University of Peradeniya]  Lecturer in Religion, Miyazaki International College, Japan, January 15, 1996 — January 15, 2000.  Tutor of Pali Reading, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, January – March 1995. 2 Somaratne, G.A.

 Teaching Assistant, Department of Religion, (Man & Religion, Religion in Human Experience, Intro to Buddhism, Intro to Hinduism, New Testament Origin), Northwestern University, USA, 1989 — 1992.  Lecturer, Department of Religion, Northwestern University, USA; Sanskrit I & II, December to June 1989 — 1990.  Teacher, Buddhism, Parama Dhamma Cetiya Pirivena, Sri Lanka, 1986 — 1988. Research Areas and Publications  Study of early Buddhist doctrinal concepts in the Pali Canon (Textual Studies): published many articles and currently working on a book.  Study of Theravada Buddhist soteriology: published many articles and currently working on rewriting the doctoral dissertation for a publication.  Editing and translating Pali texts (Textual Criticism): led a research project on producing a critical editions of the canonical texts; published two editions, a translated volume, and several articles.  Study of the Buddha’s moral teachings for modern life: published articles connected to Buddha’s economic thought, positive thinking and positive action in Buddha’s teaching, and hospitality in Buddhism.  Comparative study of religious phenomena (History of Religions): for teaching purpose. Critical Editions of the Pali Canon  Suttapiṭaka - Dīghanikāya Volume I: Sīlakkhandhavagga (Pilot Version), Dhammachai Institute: Dhammakāya Foundation Thailand, 2013, ISBN 978616 7200 33 0. [Product of the Dhammachai Tipitaka Project]  The Saṃyuttanikāya of the Suttapiṭaka, Vol. I (Sagāthavagga): A Critical Apparatus, Oxford: Pali Text Society, 1998, pp. 539, ISBN 0 86013 367 2. Books/Booklets/Edited Volumes  The Journey of Japanese Buddhism (in Sinhala), Kandy, Sri Lanka: Hondahita Printers, 1999, pp. 92, ISBN 955-96686-0-9.  Pluralism in the Buddha’s Teachings: from Exclusive Nibbana to Inclusive Vimutti, Kathmandu: Embassy of Sri Lanka, 2008, pp. 36, ISBN 9937-2-0497-2.  Experiencing Buddhist Philosophy and Ethics: A Festschrift for P.D.Premasiri, edited by Mahinda Deegalle, G. A. Somaratne, W. Paññāloka (in Progress).  Studies in Buddhist Philosophy and Religion: Collected Papers of Prof. P.D. Premasiri, edited by G.A.Somaratne, Ven. Soorakkulame Pemaratana, and Ven. Raluwe Padmasiri, Singapore: Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society, and Sri Lanka: Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya, 2006, ISBN 955-58909-1-9.  Dhamma-Vinaya: Essays in Honour of Venerable Professor Dhammavihari (Jotiya Dhirasekera), edited by Asanga Tilakaratne, Toshiichi Endo, G.A. Somaratne, and Sanath Nanayakkara, Sri Lanka Association for Buddhist Studies, 2005, pp.336, ISBN 955-1271- 00-9 Book chapters  “Preliminaries of Concentration Practice: A Study Based on The Visuddhimagga, In: Fco. Javier Sancho Fermin, Meditation and Contemplation: Pathways to Peace (Theravada Buddhism and Teresian Mysticism. Spain, CITes - Universidad de la Mistica, 2019: 141- 176. 3 Somaratne, G.A.

 “Early Buddhist Moral Theory for Global Education,” In: Thich Nhat Tu & Thich Duc Thien, Buddhist Approach to Global Education in Ethics. HCM, Vietnam, Vietnam Buddhist University Publications, 2019: 41-60.  “Preservation of The Dhamma: How and By Whom?,” In: Ven. Madipola Wimalajoti, Ven. Welipitiye Indananda, Dinindu Sathsara Basnayake, Buddhist & Pali Studies Vol. II. Kandy, Sri Lanka, International Buddhist Research Institute, 2017: 11-30.  “The Sutta-s as Literary Genre: A Study of the Sīlakkhandha-vagga,” In: Bimalendra Kumar, Ujjwal Kumar, Pariyatti: Studies in Pāli Language and Literature. New Delhi, Aditya Prakashan, 2017: 87-110.  “Introduction on the Life of the Historical Buddha,” “Part I: The Buddha” & “Part III The Sangha or Spiritual 'Community',” In: Ven. Brahmapundit and Peter Harvey (eds), Common Buddhist Text: Guidance and Insight From the Buddha. Thailand, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Press, 2017: 5-14; 43-121; 485-515.  “Sri Lāṅkeya bauddha adhyayana viṣayakṣetraya gena yāyutu maga kumakda?” (What should be the direction into which the Sri Lankan Buddhist Studies field be taken?), In: Ven. Godagama Mangala & Ven. Madipola Wimalajothi, Buddhist & Pali Studies. Colombo, S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd, 2014: 67-82.  “Doctrine, Discipline and Dispute: A Historical Analysis of Early Buddhist Schools,” In: Chandama S. M. Wickramasinghe (ed), Philologos. Colombo, Godage Interntaional Publishers (PVT) Ltd., 2008: 75-95.  “Saññāvedayitanirodha,” Encyclopaedia of Buddhism Vol. VII, Fascicle 4, 2007: 742—750.  “Samyuttanikaya,” Encyclopaedia of Buddhism Vol. VII, Fascicle 4, 2006: 687—690. Articles in Felicitation Volumes  “White-clothed Celibate Arahants in Early Buddhism,” In: K.L. Dhammajoti (ed), Buddhist Studies in Honour of the Venerable Professor Kakkapalliye Anuruddha. The University of Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies, 2009: 151-167.  “Citta, Manas and Viññāṇa: Aspects of Mind as Presented in Early Buddhist Pali Discourses,” In: Asanga Tilakaratne et el, Dhamma-Vinaya: Essays in Honour of Venerable Professor Dhammavihari (Jotiya Dhirasekera). Sri Lanka Association for Buddhist Studies, 2005: 169-202.  “Buddhadhamma” (in Sinhala), In: Vibhuti: Sri Vimalabuddhi Abhinandana Sāstrīya Saṃgrahaya. Kandy, Dangolla, Sri Vimaladhamma Maha Pirivena, 2005: 7-11.  “The Division of the Five Aggregates into Three: A Study of the Buddhist Concept of Individual based on the Pali Canon,” In: Daya Amarasekera (ed), Induvara – Mahācārya A.D.P. Kalansooriya Hara Saraṇiya. 2004: 789-822.  “Theravada Buddhist Rituals in Sri Lanka: A Ladder to Heaven,” In: Ven. Wilaoye Wimalajothi et el, Pranamalekha: Essays in Honour of Ven. Medagama Vajiragnana. 2003: 169-178.  “Buddhist Logic as Reflected in Some of the Pali Canonical Suttas,” In: Tilak Kariyawasam (ed), Gnanaloka Sambhavana Sastriya Sangrahaya. 2003: 64-71.  “Difference between Supādisesa and Anupādisesa Nibbānas,” (in Sinhala) In: Medagampitiye Wijithadhamma (ed), Indunena. 2003: 63-70.  “Textual Criticism and Its Application: Reminiscing an Experience in Editing a Pāli Text,” In: Professor S. Galmangoda Felicitation Volume, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya. (to be published) Journal Articles  “The Jhana-cittas: The Methods of Swapping Existential Planes via Samatha,” In: Pannaloka, Wadinagala & Welitota, Ashoka, Anveṣanā: Journal of The Postgraduate Institute of Pali and 4 Somaratne, G.A.

Buddhist Studies. Kohuwala, Sri Lanka, PGIPBS, University of Kelaniya, 2019, 8, Part 2, 2017: 1- 21.  “The Horn Of Rhinoceros: A Text That Speaks Unorthodoxy,” Journal Of Nanasamvara Centre For Buddhist Studies, 2018 (I): 235-261.  “Punabbhava and Jātisaṃsāra in Early Buddhism,” Journal Of Buddhist Studies, 2018, XIV, 2017: 115-137.  “Felt and Reckoned: Twofold Dukkha in Early Buddhism,” International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture, 2018, Vol.28 No.1: 109-136.  “Birth, Aging And Death: Three Existential Sufferings in Early Buddhism,” International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture. 2018, 28: 115-145.  “Bhava and Vibhava in Early Buddhism,” Journal of Buddhist Studies, XIII, 2016: 123-140.  “Know Macrocosm To Know Microcosm,” The Mahabodhi Journal. 2016, Vol. 123, No. 1: 59-63.  “Middle Way Eclecticism: The Text-critical Method of The Dhammachai Tipitaka Project,” Journal of Buddhist Studies. 2016, XII, 2014-2015: 207-235.  “The Soteriology Stock Unit of The Sāmaññaphala Sutta: How Was It Formed? How Has It Influenced?” Anveṣaṇā: Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies. PGIPBS, University of Kelaniya, 2016, Volume 7: 358-382.  “Ubhato-bhāga-vimutta: Liberated from Both Parts or Through Both Ways?” Thai International Journal of Buddhist Studies (TIJBS), 2015, IV: 117-134.  “Modernity in the Ancient Methods of Resolving Monastic Conflicts: A Study of the Sāmagāma Sutta,” Sri Lanka International Journal of Buddhist Studies Vo. II, 2012: 38-51.  “Dependently Co-arisen Eco-system: An Early Buddhist Perspective”, The Mahachulalonkorn Journal of Buddhist Studies Vol. II, 2009: 111-130.  “Is Saddhāvimutta an Arahant?” Sāragavesi Śāstrīya Saṃgrahaya, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya, 2005: 301-310.  “Form and Formless Attainments as Levels of Concentration Freedom,” Sāragavesī Sāstrīya Saṃgrahaya, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya, 2004: 225-238.  “Nāma hā rūpa da? Nāma, rūpa hā viññāṇa da?” (in Sinhala), Sammuti Śātrīya Saṃgrahaya Vol. 2, 2002: 276-280.  “Intermediate Existence and the Higher Fetters in the Pali Nikāyas,” Journal of the Pali Text Society Vol. XXV, Oxford, 1999: 121-154.  “Psyche, Corporeality and Consciousness: A Buddhist Analysis of the Individual in Refuting a Lasting Self – as viewed in the Pali Canon,” Comparative Culture Vol. 4, Miyazaki International College, Japan, 1998: 94-109.  “Buddhist Views on Right Livelihood,” Comparative Culture Vol. 3, Miyazaki International College, Japan, 1997: 59-74.  “Reality, Relativity, and the Refutation of Speculative Views in the Mādhyamika School of Buddhism,” Comparative Culture Vol. 2, Miyazaki International College, Japan, 1996: 29- 35. Conference Presentations  “Does matter exist? How do we know? A Discussion based on the discourses of the Buddha,” International Buddhist College 15th Anniversary Buddhist Studies Conference, Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 1st September 2019.  “The Moral Framework of Buddhist Economics in Early Buddhism,” International Conference, Buddhist Values and Economics: Investing in a Sustainable Future, The University of Hong Kong, 13-14 April 2019. 5 Somaratne, G.A.

 “Birth, Ageing and Death: Three Existential Sufferings in Early Buddhism,” International Conference on Buddhist Approaches to Hospice Care and Life Education. Shanghai, 2018.  “Preliminaries of Concentration Practice: An Introduction Based on the Visuddhimagga,” Theravada Buddhism and Teresian Mysticism: Meditation and Contemplation - Pathways to Peace, Avila, Spain 27-30 July 2017.  “Jhāna-cittas: Swapping Planes Via Samatha,” The 3rd International Association Of Buddhist Universities Conference, MCU, Thailand, 2017.  “Conflict Analysis In Early Buddhism: A Search For Roots Of Conflict,” International Buddhist Conference On Buddhism In 21st Century: Perspectives And Responses To Global Challenges And Crises, Organized by the Ministry of Culture, Government of , Nava Nalanda Mahavihar, Bihar, India, 2017.  “Early Buddhist Concept Of Preservation Of The Dhamma: How And By Whom?” 6th International Conference of Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies. 2016.  “Way of Life Tuned to the Workings of Kamma,” The Academic Panel Discussion of The International Day Of Vesak Celebration, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, May 20, 2016.  “Moral Framework of Buddhist Economics,” The International Conference on Ethics, Happiness and Sustainable Development, College of Religious Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand, November 24-25, 2015.  “Buddhism and Minority Religious Rights: An Evaluation on the Current Situation in Sri Lanka” (Workshop), Centre of Human Rights, Mahidol University, October 4, 2014.  “Palm Leaf Manuscripts of Sri Lankan Buddhist Culture: As Sources of Acquiring Knowledge and Religious Merit,” Panel Discussion on Buddhism in Sri Lanka, UNESCO Vesak Celebration 2014, Paris, May 22, 2014.  “In Eradicating Poverty and Hunger: Moral Framework (Dhamma) for Family Economics,” Buddhist Perspective towards Achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals, United Nations Day of Vesak 2014, Hanoi, Vietnam, May 9, 2014.  “Hospitality: A Value that ‘Connects’ People,” The International Conference on Hospitality in Anatolian and Asian Cultures, Bangkok, Thailand, April 28, 2014.  “New Project of Compiling Pali Canonical Texts: The Dhammachai Tipitaka Project: Introducing Some Aspects of the Editorial Process,” The International Symposium on Humanities Studies in the Digital Age and the Role of Buddhist Studies, University of Tokyo, November 16-17, 2013.  “Editorial Challenges with the New Critical Edition of the Sīlakkhandhavagga of the Dīghanikāya for the Dhammachai Tipitaka Project,” Dīrghāgama Seminar, Dharma Drum Buddhist College, Taiwan, October 18-19, 2013.  “Identifying Pāli Tipiṭaka Manuscript Families of Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia,” The 6th International Conference of Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, September 6-9, 2013.  “Textual Criticism and Its Application: Recollecting the Experience in Editing SN I for PTS,” Seminar on Editing Pali Texts, Mahidol University and MCU, Thailand, August 1, 2013.  “Ubhatobhāgavimutta: Liberated from Both Parts or Through Both Ways?,” The 2nd Conference of the International Buddhist Meditation Centre, Mahācūlālongkorn Rājavidyālaya University, Thailand, January 8-10, 2013.  “Accounting for the Differences among the Witnesses: A Disciplined Application of the Common Sense,” The 7th Biannual Conference on Cross-Cultural Transmission of Buddhist Texts: Critical Edition, Transliteration, and Translation, K.J. Somaiya Centre for Buddhist Studies, Mumbai, December 5—7 2012.  “Editing Procedure and Policy Making and Translation Procedure and Policy Making,” International Workshop, Mumbai, India, March 23 – 24, 2012. 6 Somaratne, G.A.

 “Editing Pali Texts as a Resolution of a conflict between Sinhalese Manuscript and the Southeast Asian Manuscripts,” The International Conference of the Buddhasravaka Bhikshu University, Sri Lanka, February 19, 2012.  “Editing the Pāli Canon: Constituting the Non-extant Oral Texts of India from the Extant Palm-leaf Manuscripts of Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia,” The Indo-Sri Lanka Buddhist Studies Conference, Sri Lanka, March 2011.  “In Creating a Buddhist Model for Resolving Conflicts: An Examination into the Discourses of the Buddha,” The 4th International Research Seminar of the Research Institute of MCU, Thailand, January 8-10, 2011.  “Healthy Thinking and Healthy Actions: Buddhist Positive Thinking Concepts as Found in the Pāli Nikāyas,” The 4th International Conference of the Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies, December 10-12, 2010.  “White-clothed Lay Arahants in Early Buddhism,” The 3rd International Buddhist Studies Conference of the Sri Lanka Association for Buddhist Studies, Buddhasravaka Bhiksu University, Sri Lanka, December 8 – 10, 2008.  “Know Macrocosm to Know Microcosm: An Early Buddhist Perspective,” The 4th National Conference of Buddhist Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2008.  “Tipitaka Recitation and Chanting” (International Workshop), The Dhamma Society, Dhurakij Pundit University, Thailand, 2008.  “Pali Textual Studies: The Application of Textual Criticism to the Editing of Pali Texts,” The 30th Anniversary Celebration Conference on Buddhist Studies of the Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, December 11, 2005.  “Consciousness and No-self in Early Buddhism,” Seminar on Buddhist Thought with German Philosophishes Forum, University of Peradeniya, October 30 – November 3, 2005.  “Is Saddhāvimutta an Arahant?,” The 2nd National Conference on Buddhist Studies, , January 6 – 7, 2005.  “Dependent Co-arising and Eco-system,” Seminar on Buddhism and Ecology, organized by the University of Peradeniya and the Dongguk University, January 26 - 27, 2004.  “Form and Formless Attainments as Levels of Freedom of Mind,” Annual Conference of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, May 9—10, 2003.  “Buddhist Logic as Reflected in some of the Pāli Canonical Suttas,” National Seminar on Buddhist Logic, Department of Philosophy, University of Peradeniya, December 22, 2002.  “Theravada Buddhist Rituals: A Ladder to Heaven,” Exchange of Buddhist Thought and Culture between Sri Lanka and Korea, International Seminar organized by the University of Peradeniya, and the Dongguk University, August 6, 2002.  “Learning from the Misread: A Study of the Pali Anomalous Forms in the Sagāthavagga of the Saṃyuttanikāya,” The Annual Research Sessions of University of Peradeniya, November 2001.  “The Attainment of Cessation and the Attainment of Arahantship/ Nibbāna as Viewed in the Pāli Suttapiṭaka,” The XIIth International Association of Buddhist Studies Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 27, 1999.  “Before or After? – The Experience of the Cessation and the Attainment of Arahantship in the Pali Buddhist Tradition,” The 43rd International Conference of Eastern Studies, Toho Gakkai, Tokyo, Japan, May 22, 1999.  “The Buddhist Concept of Non-returners as Presented in the Pāli Nikāyas,” National Seminar on Buddhism, Wolfson College, University of Oxford, UK, 1994.

7 Somaratne, G.A.

Invited lectures and keynote speeches  “Positive Moral Life for Effective Social Life” (day 1) & “Social Conflicts and Their Psychological Roots” (day 2), Dr. Nitin Raut International Lecture Series on Teaching on Lord Buddha, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj University, Nagpur, India, January 4 & 5, 2019.  “An Ecosystem: Seeing via the Buddhist Theory of Dependent Co-Arising”, International Research Seminar, Mahachulalonkorn Rajavidyalaya University, Chiang Mai Campus, Thailand, 2014.  “Middle Way Eclecticism: The Text-Critical Method of DTP” (Farewell Lecture), Dhammachai Institute, Thailand, October 20, 2014.  “Textual Criticism and Its Application: Recollecting the Experience in Editing SN I for PTS” (Guest Lecture), Nanhua University, Taiwan, October 23, 2013.  “The Buddhist Path of the Sāmaññaphala Sutta in Comparison with those of Some other Suttas in DN and MN” (Guest Lecture), The Yuan Kwang Buddhist College, Taiwan, October 21, 2013.  “Moral Framework (Dhamma) for Family Economics,” The 6th Convocation Address of Internal Buddhist College, Thailand August 4, 2013.  “Textual Criticism and Its Application: Recollecting the Experience in Editing SN I for PTS” (Seminar on Editing Pali Texts), Mahidol University and MCU, Thailand, August 1, 2013.  “An Examination into the Buddhist Path and Practice as Presented in the Sāmaññaphalasutta” (Guest Lecture), Mahidol University, Thailand, March 27, 2013.  “Pāli Textual Criticism: Methodology for Editing Pāli Texts,” Research Methodology Workshop, The , International Buddhist College, Thailand, January 19, 2013.  “Pali Philology: A Way Forward for Buddhist Studies in Sri Lanka” (Keynote), The 7th National Conference in Buddhist Studies, Sri Jayawardenapura University, Colombo, December 17, 2011.  “Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka: An Enquiry” (Public Lecture), Central Department of Buddhist Studies, Tribhuvan University, and Lotus Academic College, Nepal, May 29, 2008.  “Pluralism in the Buddha’s Teachings: from Exclusive Nibbāna to Inclusive Vimutti” (The Second Vesak Oration), Embassy of Sri Lanka and Nepal-Sri Lanka Friendship Association, Kathmandu, May 25, 2008.  “Inside the Buddhist Mansion of Sri Lanka: Buddhism’s Interaction with other Religions” (Guest Lecture), Buddhism Localized Project of the Department of Cultural Studies, The University of Oslo, Norway, November 28, 2005.  “Aims and Objectives of Teaching Buddhist Studies for the First-Degree Students in Sri Lankan Universities,” (Workshop), Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, July 30, 2004.  “Early Buddhist Teachings for Positive Thinking” (Public Lecture), Lecture Series in Simple English, the Peradeniya Forum of Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya, January 22, 2004.  “Invited Lecture Series on Early Buddhism,” The Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society, Singapore, October 1 -31, 2003. [15 Lectures: (1) As is Our Intention so is Our Environment, (2) Dependent Arising and “this I”, (3) Change Makes Us New, (4) Suffering: The First Noble Truth, (5) Who am I? Why I say: My and Mine, (6) The World out there and My Size in it, (7) Is Kamma Deterministic? (8) Cycling the Cycle: Birth, Death and Rebirth, (9) Can Merit be Transferred?, (10) Why Perform Buddhist Rituals?, (11) Life: Facing Ups and Downs, (12) Be Moral without Being Made of Morals, (13) Freedom in Daily Life, (14) What we Perceive, Buddhas Understand, (15) Who is Arahant? What is Nibbāna?] 8 Somaratne, G.A.

 “Methodology for Pali Textual Studies: Editing a Pali Text,” Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya (a guest lecture), March 21, 2003.  “Methodology for Pali Textual Studies: Translating a Pali Text” Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya (a guest lecture), March 21, 2003.  “Sri Lankan Culture” (Talk), The Special Seminar, Gokase High School, Japan, March 16, 1998.  “Transform the Mind to Transform the World: Buddhist Views on Educating the 20th Century People for the 21st Century” (Public Lecture), The Campus Lecture Series of Miyazaki International College, Japan, September 22, 1997.  “Sri Lanka, a Small Island” (Talk), The Nobeoka Rotary Club, Japan, May 15, 1996.  “The Buddhist Concept of Non-returners as Presented in the Pāli Nikāyas” (Research Presentation), The Faculty Colloquium, Miyazaki International College, Japan, 1996.  “In Search of Meaning and Metre” (Special Lecture), The Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, November 1995.  “We feel about it but the Buddhas understand it: An Examination of Enlightened and Non- enlightened Ways of Perceiving the World” (Talk), The Saddhatissa Buddhist Institute, London, October 1995.  “Buddhist Liberation” (Talk), The World Parliament of Religion, Chicago, USA, 1993 Knowledge Sharing  Video Interview, Buddhist Studies: A Methodological Reflection in the Sri Lankan Context, Saddhammasannatti Webpage, a video, 4 July 2017.  Rapporteur, UN Vesak 2017 Symposium, Ministry of Buddhasasana UN Day Vesak Committee, 12-14 May 2017.  Public Talk at the book launch of Sanath Nanayakkara’s Articles Collection, S. Godage Brothers, Colombo, 1 July 2016.  Speaker, Happiness: A Buddhist Perspective – Opening Remarks at the Talk on True Happiness by Phillip Yansey, Faith and Global Engagement, 18 November 2015.  Resource Person, Quality Assurance Workshop on the Curricula Development for the Undergraduate Programmes of Buddhist and Pali , Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, 17 June 2015.  Public Lecture, “Healthy Thinking and Healthy Action: An Investigation into the Positive Thinking Concepts in Early Buddhism,” PhD Programme, Mahidol University, Thailand, October 8, 2014.  Public Talk, “Dependent Origination,” The Corporate Body of the Buddha Education, Taiwan, October 26, 2013.  Public Talk, “Buddhist Path and Practice,” The Samādhi Centre, Taipei, Taiwan, October 25, 2013.  Organizer & Chief Moderator, panel on Buddhist Leadership and Social and Economic Development, The United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, May 2011.  Guest Lecture, “Positive Thinking Concepts in the Pali Tipitaka,” The PhD Programme Students, MCU, Thailand, July 11, 2010.  Resource Person, The World Tipitaka Council, Osaka; Tipitaka Presentation to 14 Institutions, Osaka; and Tipitaka Lecture, University of Tokyo, Japan, September, 2008.  Public Lecture, “Freedom of Mind,” The Kathmandu Guest House, Thamel, May 24, 2008.  Invited Guest Speaker, A Series of public talks on Early Buddhism, The Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society, September and October 2007. 9 Somaratne, G.A.

 Resource Person, The Dhamma Society Tipitaka Presentation and Pilgrimage to Japan, April 2007.  Resource Person, The Dhamma Society Workshop on the Tipitaka Presentation in Sri Lanka, Bangkok, Thailand, April 5, 2005.  Resource Person, The Dhamma Society Workshop of the World Tipitaka Project in International Scripts, Bangkok, Thailand, July10-15, 2003.  Author, UGC benchmark statement for BA special degree programmes in Buddhist Studies, Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Culture, & Pali, UGC, Sri Lanka, 2011. Teaching Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong (2014 – present)  BSTC7110 Reading Early Buddhist Texts: 2019/20 II.  BSTC1003 Intro to Religious Studies: 2016/17 II; 2017/18 II; 2019/20 II; 2018/19 II.  BSTC6079 Early Buddhism: 2015/16 I; 2016/17 I; 2017/18 I; 2018/19 I; 2019/20 I.  BSTC2006 Buddhist Psychology and Mental Cultivation: 2014/15 II; 2015/16 II (147 students); 2016/17 II (150); 2017/18 I; 2018/19 I; 2019/20 I.  BSTC 6070 Research Methodology in Buddhist Studies: 2014/15 II; 2015/16 II; 2016/17 I; 2017/18 II; 2018/19 II. Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy (2009-2012):  Pali (2009/10), the first year degree and Diploma course (2009/10).  Buddhist Rituals and Festivals, the first-year degree course (2009/10).  Designer of the curriculum for the BA degree in Buddhist leadership, approved by MCU, Thailand (2008/9).  Designer of the curricula of many diploma and certificate courses offered at SIBA (2008/9).  Author of the Benchmark statement for the BA degree in Buddhist Leadership (2010).  Designer of the MA in Buddhist Studies curriculum for SIBA submitted to MCU for approval (2010).  Coordinator, International Buddhist College’s PhD programme in Buddhist Studies for SIBA (2012). University of Peradeniya:  BSS 4.3: Buddhism and World Religions (S): 2001; (S) 2002.  PLS 4.1: Prescribed Texts (Suttanipāta) (S) 2001.  PST 101: Pali Prescribed Texts (Dhammapada) (S) 2001.  PST 102: Prescribed Texts (Alagaddūpamasutta) (S) 2001.  BST/PST 202: Background to Early Buddhism (S) 2001; (S/E) 2002; (S/E) 2003; (S/E) 2004; (S/E) 2005; (S/E) 2006; (S/E) 2007; (S/E) 2008.  BST/PST 212: Early Buddhism (S) 2001; (S/E) 2002; (S/E) 2003; (S/E) 2004; (S/E) 2005; (S/E) 2006; (S/E) 2007; (S/E) 2008.  PST 201: Pali Prescribed Texts (Saṃyuttanikāya) (S/E) 2001; (S/E) 2002; (S) 2004;  PST 204: Methodology for Pali Studies (S) 2001.  FND 104: Module 2: World Religions (S/E) 2001; (S/E) 2002; (S/E) 2003; (S/E) 2004; (S/E) 2005; (S/E) 2006; (S/E) 2007; (S/E) 2008.  MPhil BS 1: Origin and Philosophy of Early Buddhism (E) 2001; (E) 2002; (E) 2003; (E) 2004. 10 Somaratne, G.A.

 MPhil PL 1: Pali Prescribed Texts (Patisambhidāmagga) (E) 2001; (E) 2002;  BST 303: Rites and Ceremonies in Buddhism (S) 2002; (S/E) 2003; (S/E) 2008.  BST 414: Buddhism and World Religions (S) 2003; (S/E) 2004.  BST 410: Buddhist Logic and Epistemology (S) 2003; (S) 2005.  BST 102: Introduction to the Teachings of Buddhism (S/E) 2003.  CCBS 1: Theravada Buddhism - Basic Buddhist Doctrines (E/S) 2004; (E/S) 2005.  BST 204: Buddhist Literature (S/E) 2005.  BST 317: Buddhist Mythology (S) 2005.  MPhil/BST: Buddhist Soteriology (E) 2005; (E) 2006; (E) 2007.  MPhil/PST: Editing and Translating Pali Texts (E) 2005; (E) 2006; (E) 2007. Curriculum Development:  BST 202/ PST 202: Background to Early Buddhism; BST 212/ PST 212: Early Buddhism; BST 303 Rites and Ceremonies in Buddhism; BST 414 Buddhism and World Religions; BST 415 Buddhism and Society; PST 201: Prescribed Texts and Grammar; PST 204: Methodology for Pali Studies; PST 303 Historical Pali Grammar; PST 313 Introduction to Pali; PST 312 Introduction to Sanskrit; PST 402 Prakrit and Buddhist Sanskrit Texts; DBS 1 – Background to Early Buddhist Thought; DBS 4 – Buddhism in Modern Sri Lanka; DBS – Research Seminar on Methodology for Pali and Buddhist Studies; DBS - Asian Religious Thought and Culture; MA-MPhil/BST – Theravāda Buddhist Soteriology; MA-MPhil/PST – Editing and Translating Pali Texts. Revised the external degree curricula of the Department for: Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist culture, & Pali. American College of Higher Education, Kandy & Kurunegala (Visiting Lecturer)  World Religions (2003-2008). Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya (Visiting Lecturer)  MA: Theravada Abhidhamma: Origins and Development (2004).  MA: Comparative Study of World Religions (2004). ISLE Program (American students) (Visiting Lecturer)  Theravada Buddhist Teachings (2004 & 2008). International Buddhist College, Thailand (developing E-learning courses)  Theravada Buddhism.  Theravada Abhidhamma. Miyazaki International College (MIC), Miyazaki, Japan  Introduction to Religion: 1996 Spring; 1997 Fall; 1998 Fall; 2000 Fall.  Religions of South and Southeast Asia: 1996 Spring.  Language and Culture of South Asia: 1996 Fall.  Religions of East Asia: 1996 Fall.  Language and Culture of South Asia:1997 Spring (two classes).  Societies and Cultures of South Asia 1997 Spring (two classes).  Religious Experience: 1997 Fall.  Japanese Religious Thought: 1998 Spring; 1999 Spring (two classes); 2000 Spring (two classes).  Religion and Environmental Issues: 1998 Spring. 11 Somaratne, G.A.

 Religions of Asia: 1998 Spring; 1998 Fall; 1999 Spring; 1999 Fall (two classes); 2000 Spring.  Comparative Religion: 1998 Fall; 1999 Spring.  Varieties of Buddhism: 1999 Spring; 2000 Fall.  As a founding faculty member of Miyazaki International College, actively participated in the development of the overall teaching programme of the faculty of Comparative Culture and designed the syllabi for: Introduction to Religion, Varieties of Buddhism, Comparative Religion, & Religions of Asia.

Dissertation / Thesis Supervision The University of Hong Kong  Mss. Zhang Ke (Mphil Student, 2019)  Mr. Lee Kin Cheung (PhD student, 2018)  Miss. Li Wai Sum (MPhil student, 2018)  Miss. Zhong Haoqing (PhD student, 2017)  Mr. Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Kasun Dharmasiri (PhD student, 2017)  Mr. Dipen Barua (PhD student, 2017)  Ven. Dipen Barua (MPhil, completed in 2017)  Ven. Sumitta (MA, completed in 2016)  Mrs. Partsalaki Christina (MA, completed in 2015)  MA dissertations and portfolios of around 10 students each year. University of Peradeniya  Ven. Bhikkhuni Toong Herng (PhD, completed in 2005);  Ven. Bhikkhuni Seonil (PhD, completed in 2011)  Mr. Mahinda Herath (PhD, completed in 2010)  Ven. Ming Wei (PhD, completed in 2010)  Ven. U. Ananda (MPhil, completed in 2006)  Mr. Asoka Lakshman Kumara (MPhil, completed in 2010)  Around 10 MA dissertations (2002-2010).

Administrative Service The University of Hong Kong  Chairperson, Committee of the Master of Buddhist Studies Programme, HKU, 2019 – Present.  Chief Examiner of the Master of Buddhist Studies Programme, Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU, 01/05/2015 – present.  Member, Management Committee of the Centre of Buddhist Studies, 01/09/2018- 31/08/2020.  Chief Examiner of the Minor in Buddhist Studies, Center of Buddhist Studies, HKU, 01/01/2016 – 2018.  Member, Teacher representative from the Master of Buddhist Studies Degree Programme, Selection Committee for the Glorious Sun Group Postgraduate Scholarships in Buddhist Studies, HKU, 2015-2016, 2018-2019, 2019-2020. 12 Somaratne, G.A.

 Member, Selection Committee for MBS Admissions, HKU, 2015-2020.  Member, Teacher representative from the Master of Buddhist Studies Degree Programme, Selection Committee for the Tung Lin Kok Yuen Postgraduate Scholarships in Buddhist Studies, HKU, 2015-2016 & 2018-2019.  Member, Selection Committee of the Centre of Buddhist Studies Postgraduate Scholarships, HKU, 2018-2019.  Member, Board of Examiners for the Degrees of BEcon/BEcon&Fin (3-year Curriculum / 4-year Curriculum), Faculty of Business and Economics, HKU, 2015-2018.  Member, Board of Examiners for BEng 2015-2016, Faculty of Engineering, HKU, 2015- 2018.  Member, Board of Examiners, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU, 2015-2018.  Member, Board of Examiners for BBiomedSc, Faculty of Medicine, HKU, 2015-2018.  Member, Board of Examiners for BSc (Exercise & Health, Faculty of Medicine), HKU, 2015-2018.  Member, Search Committee for Non-Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Buddhist Art and Culture, HKU, 2018.  Member, Search Committee for Non-Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Mahayana Buddhism, HKU, 2018.  Member, Search Committee for Non-Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Buddhist Counselling, HKU, 2018.  Internal examiner, Thesis Examining Committee: o Mr. Luk Man Bun, PhD thesis, HKU, 2019; o Ms. Lin Lin, PhD thesis, HKU, 2019; o Ven. Jnan Nanda, PhD thesis, HKU, 2018; o Ven. Han Tao, PhD thesis, HKU, 2017; o Mr. Chui Antonio Ka-meng, PhD thesis, HKU, 2017; o Ven. Sik Hin Tak, PhD thesis, HKU, 2016; o Rev. Tsai Yi-jung, PhD thesis, HKU, 2016; o Mr. Ng Chi Hin, PhD thesis, HKU, 2016; o Ven. Amrita Nanda, PhD thesis, HKU, 2016; o Mr. Wong Chi Hang Jacky, PhD thesis, HKU, 2015. Dhammachai Institute  Co-Director of the Dhammachai Tipitaka Project (Giving academic leadership to the research project on producing critical editions of the Pali Canonical texts by preparing a database of digitized Sinhalese, Burmese, Tham, Khom and Mon Pali manuscripts, collating the readings and editing texts following modern textual criticism; training young academics and staff), April 1, 2010— October 31, 2014. Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy  Co-Founder of the Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy (SIBA), 2009—2012. (Designed Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy, a higher educational project of the Sacred Tooth Relic Temple; prepared and submitted a grant proposal to the Royal Norwegian Embassy for a new building complex at SIBA, to which the Norwegian Government granted US$ 1 million; joined SIBA as a professor and Director (research and publications).  Director, Research & Publications, Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy, Sri Lanka, July 2009 — February 2010. (Joined the teaching and research programmes as professor and planned SIJBS – Sri Lanka International Journal of Buddhist Studies 13 Somaratne, G.A.

 Rector, Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy (SIBA), July 17, 2010 - December 9, 2012 (Rector is the Chief Executive Officer who oversees the overall management of SIBA; 2010: signed a MOU with Dhammachai Institute, Thailand; established the SIBA-DCI Research Centre; 2011: prepared the required documents seeking degree awarding status for SIBA; introduced changes to the SIBA management; signed a MOU with Virginia Polytechnic and State University; prepared the promotion scheme for SIBA academics, the peer review system, and student evaluation form for SIBA; signed a MOU with Hamburg University, Germany; 2012: launched MA in Buddhist Studies at SIBA, with MCU; signed a MOU with International Buddhist College, Thailand, and launched IBC PhD programme at SIBA; signed a MOU with Dhurakij Pundit University, Thailand).  Director, SIBA-DCI Research Centre, 2010—2012 (Led the Tipitaka translation project of translating the Pali Tipitaka into Sinhala and English and was in charge of the publication of the SIBA annual peer reviewed academic journal: Sri Lanka International Journal of Buddhist Studies (SIJBS). The first volume was published in March 2011). University of Peradeniya  Chairperson of the Higher Degrees Committee of the Faculty of Arts, The University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, October 1, 2005 — October 1, 2008. (Responsible for the daily running of the Post-graduate unit under the direction of the Dean/ Faculty of Arts; chairing the committee meetings with 17 heads of departments in attendance; appointing supervisors, examiners; approving synopses/ proposals; supervising the teaching programmes. Revised the postgraduate curricula of all of the 17 departments; introduced the course unit system; conducted annual research sessions; processed the establishment of the Postgraduate Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences; launched the construction of the new building complex for the proposed postgraduate institute).  Head of the Department of Pali & Buddhist Studies, The University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, August 1, 2004 – June 30, 2007. Undertook various programmes and activities to revive the department: Launched teaching all Pali and Buddhist studies courses (BA, Diploma, MA, MPhil) in English medium; recruited foreign students; developed new postgraduate syllabi for all Pali and Buddhist Studies courses; launched Diploma in Buddhist Studies and Diploma in Pali Studies; developed a coursework component for MA/MPhil for Buddhist Studies and MA/MPhil for Pali Studies; launched Certificate Course in Buddhist Studies and Certificate Course in Pali Language; a special English teaching programme for the department students and conducted a Lecture Series in Simple English (2005); the Sutta Studies Circle – monthly academic discussion forum; submitted a proposal to establish Peradeniya Center for Buddhist Studies; Founded Peradeniya Forum of Buddhist Studies and conducted a lecturer series (Prof. D.J. Kalupahana, Prof. Y. Karunadasa, Prof. L.S. Cousins (UK), Dr. William Grassie (USA), and Mr. Egil Lothe (Norway) were among the guest speakers during my term); the Society for the Integration of Science and Human Values (SISHVa), the academically most active society in the university even since; established scholarship programmes: Nillambe Scholarships; Dhamma Society Sri Lanka Scholarships; D.J. Kalupahana Scholarship; W. Pachow Scholarship; Mahakumbukadawala Thera’s Scholarship; Udana scholarship programme; several Udana outings; developed library facilities: Established Prof. D.J. Kalupahana Collection in the University of Peradeniya Main Library; established the Department library with Tipitaka volumes, translations, grammar books and dictionaries and 14 Somaratne, G.A.

a computer, a scanner, and a printer; published two issues of the Sāragavesī academic journal of the Department; launched The Vīmaṃsā Newsletter, a bi-monthly newsletter of the department; organized A Tribute to Prof. P.D. Premasiri by launching his two CDs in 2005; launched the Departmental website and the website of the Postgraduate Programme of the Faculty of Arts; established Joy of Knowledge publication fund; organized seminars and conferences: two seminars with the Dongguk University in 2003 and 2004; a seminar on Buddhist Thought with the Philosophiches Forum, Germany, in 2005; the Second International Conference of SLABS in Kandy in 2006; International Conference of the Sri Lanka Association for Buddhist Studies, as the first ever international conference in Buddhist Studies in Sri Lanka, held in Kandy in 2003; developed international relations by signing MoUs with Dongguk University and University of Oslo; organized a visit of the royal delegation to the University of Peradeniya; organized the International Council Tipitaka presentation to Sri Lanka (two international events) at the BMICH (2005) and at the Parliament of Sri Lanka (2006).  Member, Building Committee of the Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, 2005—2008.  Member, Faculty Research Symposium, University of Peradeniya, 2004—2008.  Member, Committee on the Establishment of the Postgraduate Institute of the Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, 2003—2008.  Member, Faculty Higher Degrees Committee, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, 2001—2008.  Member, Departmental Higher Degrees Committee, University of Peradeniya, 2001—2008.  Acting Dean (several occasions), Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, 2004-2007.  Member, Faculty Sub-committee on the Establishment of a Postgraduate Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Peradeniya, 2003—2005.  Member, Library Sub-committee, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, 2002—2005.  Member, Faculty Welfare Committee, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, 2002— 2005.  Member (Faculty nominee), Faculty Higher Degrees Committee, University of Peradeniya, 2001—2005.  Member, Sub-committee on Preparation of Corporate Plans for the Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2003-2004.  Member, Sub-committee on Postgraduate Symposium, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, 2003.  Member, Committee on Course Evaluations, University of Peradeniya, 2003.  Acting Head, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, for 10 days from June 27th, 2002 to July 7th, 2002, for two months from March 10, 2003 to May 15, 2003, and again for one week in July of the same year, University of Peradeniya.  Senior Student Counselor (part-time), Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, 2004.  Member, Sub-Committee on Compulsory Introductory 1st Year Co-Module in All Universities, University of Peradeniya, 2003/2004.  Student Counselor, (voluntary), Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, 2001—2003. Miyazaki International College  Member, Personal Orientation Committee, Miyazaki International College, 2000.  Member, Faculty Review Committee (reviewed the teaching materials, publications, and service records of the faculty members for reappointment and promotion), Miyazaki International College, 2000. 15 Somaratne, G.A.

 Member, Professional Orientation Committee (worked designing a comprehensive programme and participated in implementing it for the new faculty members to learn and adjust to the college’s teaching programme), Miyazaki International College, 1999.  Member, Personal Orientation Committee, Miyazaki International College, 1998.  Ex-officio Member, College Advisory Committee, Miyazaki International College, 1998.  Content Area Coordinator (Chair of the Content Area Faculty, lead the faculty members belonging to several disciplines to strengthen the teaching programme of the college), Miyazaki International College, 1998.  Chair, Committee on Students (the committee worked with regard to the students’ requests, disciplinary matters, and scholarships), Miyazaki International College, 1998.  Member, Committee on Students, Miyazaki International College, Japan, 1996 & 1997.

Service to Community, Awards and Recognition  Guest of Honour at the sixth International Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS-2018) on “Crossroads Where Humanities Meet Social Scicences” held on the 29th and 30th of November 2018, Sri Jayawardenapura University, Sri Lanka.  Chief Guest, the 6th Convocation Address of Internal Buddhist College, Thailand, 2013.  Visiting Professor, International Buddhist College, Penang, Malaysia, 2019.  Honorary Guest Professor, Tipitaka Studies, International College of Buddhist Studies, Mahachulalongkorn Rajavidyalaya University, Thailand, 2017.  Buddhagunopakāra Award, By the Parliamentary Committee on Religious Affairs of the Royal Kingdom of Thailand (in recognition of my contribution and service to Buddhist studies and Buddhasāsana), 2011.  Advisory Board Member, Dhammachai Tipitaka Project (DTP), Thailand, 2015-2019.  Editorial Board Member, IBC Journal of Buddhist Studies, 12/06/2019-present.  Editorial Board Member, Mahābodhi Journal, Mahābodhi Society, India, 2019-present.  Editorial Board Member, Thai International Journal of Buddhist Studies (TIJBS), 2014 – 2023.  Board Member, Buddhist Publication Society, Sri Lanka, 2008.  Founding Board Member, Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy, 2009-2010.  Board of Director, Nalanda Buddhist College, Sri Lanka, 2007-2012.  Board of Director, Sri Chandananda Buddhist College, Sri Lanka, 2005-2012.  Trustee, Damrivi Foundation, Sri Lanka, 2003—2005.  Vice-President, Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies (SLABS), 2018-present.  Joint-Secretary, Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies (SLABS), 2002-2018.  General Secretary, World Tipitaka Council, Thailand, 2006-2010.  Secretary, Peradeniya Forum of Buddhist Studies, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya, 2002—2010.  Treasurer, Society for the Integration of Science and Human Values, University of Peradeniya, 2005—2008.  Member, Society for the Integration of Science and Human Values, University of Peradeniya, 2005-present.  Member, Center for Buddhism, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2002-present.  Member, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2002-present.  Rapporteur, International Day of Vesak Conference, Ministry of Buddhasasana, Sri Lanka, 2017.  Member, Compiling and Translation Committee of the Common Buddhist Text Project, Thailand, 2009-2017. 16 Somaratne, G.A.

 Resource Person, Quality Assurance Workshop on the Curricula Development for the Undergraduate Programmes of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, 2015.  Author, The benchmark statement for BA special degree programmes in Buddhist Studies, Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Culture, & Pali, The University Grants Commission, Sri Lanka, 2009 (2011).  Member, The University Grants Commission Quality Assurance and Accreditation Review Panel for Pali and Buddhist Studies disciplines for reviewing Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies of the University of Kelaniya, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies of the , and Department of Sinhala and Buddhist Studies Unit of the University of Colombo, 2007-2010.  Member, The University Grants Commission Quality Assurance and Accreditation Review Panel for Pali and Buddhist Studies disciplines for reviewing Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies of the University of Kelaniya, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies of the University of Ruhuna, and Department of Sinhala and Buddhist Studies Unit of the University of Colombo, 2007-2010.  Member, Udana Society, Kandy Sri Lanka, 2005—2008.  Life Member, Society for the Integration of Science and Human Values, University of Peradeniya, 2005.  Rapporteur, International Buddhist Conference, Ministry of Buddhasasana, Colombo, January 16 – 19, 2004.  Conference Secretary, The First Annual Conference of the Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya, November 15-16, 2003.  Chief Examiner (in Kandy), GCE A/L Examinations, Buddhist Civilization, Department of Examinations, 2001—2003.  Life Member, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, from 2002.  Life Member, Center for Buddhism, Kandy, from 2002.  Member, Advisory Board, Mahapola Bhikkhu Educational Institute, Sri Lanka, 2002.  Sponsoring Member, The Pali Text Society, England, 1994—1999.  Member, American Academy of Religion, 1992—1999.  Senior Research Associate, Balliol College, University of Oxford, 1994-1995.  Research Fellow, Pali Text Society, Oxford (a grant to re-edit the Saṃyuttanikāya Vol. I), 1994-1995.  Graduate Fellowship, Northwestern University, 1988 & 1993.  Graduate Fellow, Residential College of Humanities, Northwestern University, 1991-1992.  Ambassador Foundation Scholarship, Ambassador College, Pasedana, California, USA, 1988-1992.  General Secretary (Humanities) of the United National Students’ Congress (Eksath Samavādī Sishya Saṃgamaya) of the , University of Kelaniya, 1984— 1985.  Mahapola Schoarship, for Undergraduate Studies (received the very inaugural scholarship of the Mahapola Foundation from His Excellency J.R. Jayawardena, the President of Sri Lanka), 1981-1984.  Nichiren-shu Prize, for the best student of the year, Parama Dhamma Cetiya Pirivena, 1981.  President, Srī Sambhāratī Student Council, Sri Lanka, 1980 & 1981.  President, Srī Siddhārtha Residential Student Council, Sri Lanka, 1980.

4 September 2019