South East and Seisdon Peninsula CCG

Minutes of PATIENT COUNCIL meeting held on Wednesday 16th March 2016, Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre Present: Anne Heckels Chair, Lay Member Patient & Public Involvement, SES&SP CCG AH Dawn Candy Homestart, Tamworth DC Janet Aldridge Representing Seisdon PPG’s JA Nigel Bullock Staffordshire Neurological Alliance NB Katy Warren Healthwatch KW Rebecca Southall ProHealth UK RS Sandra Payne Support Staffordshire SP Fleur Fernando Partnership & Engagement Manager, SES&SP CCG FF Roy Ellwood Representing Lichfield and Burntwood PPG’s RE Terry Jones Representing Tamworth PPG’s TJ Denise Softley IPOPS, Lichfield & Tamworth DS Julie Atkinson Network for Mental Health JA

ACTION 1 Apologies/Quoracy and declarations of interest

Apologies were received from Dr John James, Sally Young, Mac Lock, and Keri Lawrence. 2 Agreement of Minutes; 6th January 2016 – this should have read the 2nd February

Item 8, point B, KL said he was going to update members of any further updates around the Criminal Justice System and people experiencing mental illness. JA confirmed there has been no further updates. 3 Matters Arising: Actions please see the updated action sheet.

As per the action “Fulfen CQC Experience to be written into a case example to share with other practices as a good example of patient involvement” discussion was held around the Patient Participation Group Workshop, which is going to be held on the 27th April 2016 and aims to help improve Public Engagement through the Practices. This could help existing Patient Participation Groups work together better moving forward or can help Practices to establish a Patient Participation Group.

A query was made as to whether this event should be shared to wider external organisations or should it be shared within Practices and internal organisations? It was decided that at present this would be shared internally and be aimed at Practice Managers in particular and then, if the Patient Participation Group Engagement hasn’t been improved the group will look at sharing with Patients more.

NB felt strongly that the Patient Participation Groups need improvement in the Cannock Chase area.

4 Feedback from Patient District Groups and Organisations including Patient Stories/Experience of Primary Care

The South East Staffordshire Patient District Group is not until the 17th March, therefore there was no update from the Lichfield and Burntwood Representative. 1

Seisdon Peninsula Representation: JA updated members around the CQC Inspection which was held in January 2016; JA felt this was a really interesting and valuable experience and felt included during the process.

JA has now resigned from the District Group, however Penny Allen has raised a query around an article which was written in the Express and Star Newspaper around GP’s not caring for patients in Care Homes.

*Action: FF to investigate whether GP’s care for patients in Care Homes and feedback to the group. FF

FF mentioned that she had raised the issue with the CCG’s Safeguarding Team and they mentioned that it is something which is under review nationally and because of Patient Choice it is believed that the decision to have 1 GP per Care Home will not be made in the near future. The original point made was around certain Care Homes paying for 1 GP or 1 Practice to provide Primary Care Services for that home which does not give Patients the choice.

*Action: FF to investigate the lack of Patient Choice of a GP within a Care Home. FF

The proposed QIPP Schemes for Medicines Optimisation was mentioned and FF updated members at the Patient Participation Group and the feedback received was the Moss Grove Surgery in are struggling to recruit new members, especially younger people. A suggestion was made to promote more on social media.

JA raised a concern that she had only just received the minutes and the actions from the previous Patient District Group. Another issue around the Patient Group Meeting Dates was that the date and time doesn’t work due to the District Groups taking place after the Patient Council Meeting; meaning that up to date information is not available and the information that is available is out of date by the time the meeting is held.

*Action: Administrator to circulate minutes and actions in a sensible timeframe. SS

Home Start Tamworth The contract for Home Start Tamworth has been extended for another year, for the previous year the funding available went into a pot and the charity had to bid for funds. Home Start Tamworth has been successful in securing funds for the next year. As the Localities are very diverse a variety of problems can occur in each.

Staffordshire Neurological Alliance The Alliance celebrated their 5th year birthday on the 15/3/16 and during the celebration an award ceremony was held; awards were presented for the best of Staffordshire Awards where the Stroke Unit at the University Hospital North Staffs and the Keele University Training Services were awarded. An inspirational speech was given by the Healthwatch Chair, Robin Morrison.

On a positive note, during the celebration, 2 more people signed up to become Neuro Advocates.

South Staffs Network for Mental Health Julie Atkinson attended and updated the meeting on behalf of Keri Lawrence. The service remains busy and the volunteers are very active.

Whilst JA had been listening to the Patient Participation Group, she decided that she would like to become a part of the group for her Practice, Burntwood Health and Wellbeing Centre, and requested 2

more information.

*Action: FF to send details of the Burntwood Health and Wellbeing Centre to Julie Atkinson. FF

A number of the members of the group gave positive feedback to the event, Patient Organisational Development, held in Hednesford on the 2nd March 2016.

FF made members aware of the Financial Deficit throughout the whole of which was shared within the Independent.

ProHealth UK On a postnatal front, the review by Baroness Cumberlich is underway and a strong need for post-natal support groups for women and men has been recognised. The Emergency Department have been looking at post-natal depression and how they can recognise earlier and prevent.

Funding has been granted for the review and ProHealth has been commissioned for 1 more year, currently the 1st years data is being analysed.

The Service Think Well has been re-commissioned and is supported by the County Council to provide emotional support and ProHealth are currently working closely with Talent Match to work with young people who aren’t in education, training or employment to overcome barriers.

Support Staffordshire The Lets Work Together project has been extended to Tamworth as well as Lichfield and Burntwood for the following year.

Subsequent to a patient story that was raised the patient involved has been unable to find the online forum which was mentioned at the previous meeting relating to the George Bryan Centre.

Healthwatch Healthwatch attended the Tamworth Rotary Club meeting where 2 members questioned a proposal to close all Community Pharmacies; their local pharmacy has a petition to sign which is worded as ‘save your local pharmacy from closure. AH and FF confirmed they haven’t heard of any pending closures.

*Action: AH to query with the Medicines Optimisation Team whether they are aware of any AH pending Pharmacy closures.

Healthwatch also updated around Engaging Communities; 3rd Year Medical Students at Keele University have been working on a project around the public’s awareness of the Community Services which are available. To do this they have held drop in sessions and developed surveys for GP’s to answer. Not many GPs have responded therefore FF and AH were requested to raise this with the Locality Directors to raise awareness. The survey is due to be circulated with GP Link.

*Action: AH and FF to share the survey via GP link. AH/FF

As part of handover to Ian, Katy’s replacement, Katy and Ian have been attending the Community Hospitals and Public Libraries in Tamworth and Lichfield to promote Healthwatch.

Patient stories: Janet Aldridge, representation for Seisdon Peninsula 1. As raised at the district group, a gentleman has been deaf and hard of hearing for a number of 3

years and had recently looked into invisible hearing aids. Lloyds Pharmacy offer patients a trial of the invisible hearing aid where the patient wears the device for 3 weeks and if, suitable the patient will then have the opportunity to purchase the hearing aid for around £300 from the Pharmacy. This was reviewed as a positive experience, and the gentleman would be happy to purchase the hearing aids himself, as, as it was raised the hearing aids are available free of charge through the NHS.

2. The second patient experience story as raised by JA was around an ex-colleague whose mother is an elderly lady who lives alone and has good mobility however, unfortunately not too long ago she suffered a fall and was admitted to hospital. The hospital she was sent to was City Hospital in Birmingham due to this hospital being the ‘on-take’ hospital.

The lady’s daughter believes the care her mother has received is appalling; her mother was told there was no way she would be transferred closer to home, either at Russell Halls or New Cross Hospital, her daughter tried to find out what the medication her mother had been prescribed was and what it is for however she has been unable to do so. Her mother had apparently been given an incontinence pad and was told not to call staff when she needed to use the toilet; the lady is more than capable to do so, just takes a little bit longer than normal.

*Action: FF to raise the treatment of patient at City Hospital in Birmingham to the Quality Team. FF

3. JA mentioned that she had heard that there are 3 large GP Practices in moving into New Cross Hospital. The hospital has finalised completion of the new A&E Centre and the Urgent Care Centre, concerns were made around the severely restricted cark parking at New Cross and its impact on the Seisdon residents.

*Action: FF to query with Jonathon Bletcher which services are going to be housed in New Cross. FF

Terry Jones, representation from Tamworth 4. Sadly TJ’s wife was diagnosed with oesophagus cancer in December 2015, TJ expressed concerns around the current 62 days wait for an appointment; he understands this causes personal problems such as stress and pressure on the patient and their family.

*Action: FF to investigate whether there is consultation being held around wait times for cancer. FF

5. EBUS Check/Examination: Following on from his wife’s diagnosis, his wife attended an appointment for an EBUS Check at Good Hope Hospital, an oesophagus scoping procedure where a camera is inserted into the wind pipe, and arrived at the hospital 10 minutes before her appointment time. The patient was greeted and assumed she would be taken in for her procedure, unfortunately the patient was left waiting in a room on her own for 1 hour and 15 minutes. This caused stress to the patient and gave a level or worry and uncertainty about the uncomfortable procedure which was scheduled to take place.

6a. A member of the group reported that she cares for her uncle who has a learning disability, which leaves him with the mental age of a 7 year old and social anxiety, and was requested to attend Good Hospital for an oesophagus scoping to detect suspected oesophagus cancer. The patient attended this hospital with Rebecca’s mother and had the same treatment as TJ’s wife, only he was left for 3 hours without any sedation.

6b. RS also mentioned that her uncle had received a letter addressed to himself and a phone call was made for him to answer which was inappropriate due to his mental disability, when RS contacted the hospital to find out the information the hospital would not give her the 4

information in the first instance, it took a long time for RS to find out the information she required.

*Action: FF to query the patient experience stories at Good Hope Hospital with the Quality Team. FF 5 Feedback from Quality Committee

Enc17 Staffordshire Suicide Prevention Strategy Final Version Dec 2015.pdf

JJ requested a written report at the previous meeting and this has now been circulated.

The catheter issue which was raised at the previous meeting shows that there were existing issues around Catheters in the Seisdon Locality, this is going to be raised at the next Joint Quality Committee and the pathway will also be reviewed.

The Suicide Prevention Strategy has been circulated and Mike Calverley will attend the June Patient Council Meeting.

In depth reports from all of the trusts were received from SSOTP, BHFT, HEFT, SSSFT, SDUC and RWT.

GP’s are given the chance to complete a 60 second hot topic round of themes which are currently causing problems or are raised as concerns.

The following were discussed at the Joint Quality Committee on the 9th March 2016:  Infection Prevention Control  Serious Incidents Combined Report  Quality Visits Report  Quality Impact Assessment Sub-Group Minutes 6 Muscular Skeletal Conditions and the Integrated Physiotherapy Orthopaedics and Pain Management Service (IPOPS)

Denise Softely, Clinical Lead for IPOPS in Lichfield and Tamworth, presented the IPOPS Service to the group. IPOPS launched in June 2015 and at the moment this service is only available for the Tamworth and Lichfield Locality. The service isn’t available in Seisdon due to the geography and staff banding. Currently IPOPS is not a priority within the CCG due to conflicting pressures.

All GP referrals for MSK will now go through the IPOPS Service; the purpose of the service is to prevent patients entering Secondary Care, as the GP is now unable to refer straight to a physiotherapy consultant.

To use the IPOPS Service Patients are requested to visit their GP, who will then refer the patient to IPOPS and will hand the patient a leaflet. The GP will write a letter and request an appointment; the patient is then requested to contact IPOPS within 5 days and book an appointment. IPOPS, meanwhile, will have received the letter and referral from the GP and will triage the patient into the most appropriate care on a level of priority. Triage will have happened 24 hours after IPOPS have received the letter, and therefore IPOPS will contact the patients themselves if it is an urgent referral. The patient will be triaged by an Extended Scope Practitioner, if the patient does not contact the service within the 5 days; at the end of the month the service will contact the GP to make them aware their patient hasn’t booked an appointment.

Currently the average waiting time for a non-urgent appointment is 6 weeks; a proposal has been made to lower the waiting time by the IPOPS Service by changing the follow up capacity; every staff 5

members who complete a follow up appointment will have the option to complete in 20 minutes or 30 minutes. Urgent Appointments have a wait time of around 2 weeks and referrals can be made from the age of 12.

IPOPS were trying to get the Extended Scope Practitioner to be housed in Practices however due to the Extended Scope Practitioner not having prescribing rights at the moment and Practices not having space capacity they were not keen.

Positively, the IPOPS was shortlisted for the SSOTP Excellence Awards however they didn’t want the awards but were placed as runners up. 7 Out of Hours Service

This item was postponed until the next meeting as the written report was not yet available, the written report will be available at the next meeting. If the Patient Council would still require Ruth Emery to attend the meeting to explain the written report, she is happy to attend. 8 Any Other Business

ProHealth ProHealth raised a concern around young people who are not currently in permanent accommodation and are suffering from Mental Health needs are unable to attend a GP practice for assessment as there is no documentation available. A young person was referred to the team for assessment however they would not respond or would not engage.

*AH to raise the concern around GP’s turning away temporary patients with the Locality Directors. AH

Breast Screening – Representation from Lichfield and Burntwood A concern was raised through 1 of the District Patient Members around the Breast Screening Unit which was sited in Tamworth Town Centre has relocated to Sir Robert Peel Hospital, it was concerning that this may be more difficult to patients to get to and could stop patients from attending all together.

It was confirmed that NHS England commission the screening services and Tamworth Borough Council used to host the mobile centre but Burton Hospitals Foundation Trust said they would site the unit at SRP. It is possible for patients to re arrange their appointments to combine their hospital appointmenets and breast screening appointments on the same day.

Healthwatch The representation at the meetings in the future is going to be one of the Community Outreach Officers, Paul Higget is going to be replacing Katy Warren and will be attending the meeting in April 2016 alongside Kerry Kelly. 9 Items to be escalated to the Governing Body

No items were to be escalated to the Governing Body. 10 Date and time of the next meeting:

The next Pateint Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 6th April from 12:30-2:30, at Committee Room 2, .