Annual Review 2017 - 2018 Our Year Leading Defending Enriching Looking back... and forward 1

“ I have seen Jewish Looking back… We’ve taken 315 Jewish students There has been nothing more and students from a range of rewarding than seeing the impact students be loud and backgrounds to Israel, delivered 90 of our support and love for Jewish Interfaith and Holocaust education students on campus. The peer led events reaching thousands events, the drive to make J-Socs of students across dozens of more inclusive places, the inter- proud of who they campuses, trained almost 800 communal connections. However, Jewish student leaders and Labour above everything, I have seen club volunteers, and of course Jewish students be loud and proud continued to provide thousands of who they are and what they are are and what they are of Friday night meals and bagel passionate about. fuelled student-led sessions. At a time when there are divides Josh Holt J-Socs continue to deliver diverse within the Jewish community, passionate about.” student-led Jewish students bringing people UJS President 2017-18 such as the award-winning Tea together is more important than Exciting. Emotional. and Torah project in Glasgow, ever. As a community, our diversity Josh Holt UJS President 2017-18 Exhilarating. What an inspiring Interfaith initiatives, is our strength, and this should be experience it has been to social action projects and J-Soc celebrated. charity balls. Whilst mostly Jewish be UJS President this past students encounter curiosity and UJS is the voice of Jewish year. I’m so proud to have positivity on campus, I also want students, and it has been an had the opportunity to to recognise the courage and absolute pleasure to have lead UJS during our 99th conviction of Jewish students who been afforded the privilege of combat challenges that do arise, embodying that voice, even if it year – a year of celebration, standing up against antisemitism, was just for a year. I cannot wait to of reflection, and of fighting BDS and promoting peace see President Hannah Rose and the pride in the spectacular for Israelis and Palestinians. new team continue transforming achievements of Jewish Jewish campus and community life When I stepped into post, my for the better. students on campus. From challenge and aim was to support Brighton to Aberdeen, and and enable Jewish Students to Dublin to Kent, Jewish life stand loud and proud on campus. on campus is thriving. 2 Our mission and core values 3

...and forward Our mission Our core values

We are the voice of over 8,500 Jewish students, Cross-Communalism: spanning over 60 Jewish Societies (J-Socs) on UJS and J-Soc activities are open to all Jewish With plans shaping up for the year campuses across the UK and Ireland. We are students regardless of political or religious affiliation ahead, I am particularly excited traditional, progressive, politically diverse, cultural or denomination. We strive to continually improve that we will be expanding our and spiritual; we are unified, not uniform, and how we celebrate the diversity of Jewish students. mental health campaigning to advocate the unity of our one Jewish people. reach Jewish students when they Peer-leadership: need help most, diversifying our Guided by our core values, the priorities of our elected We are empowered and equipped to lead and direct programming and structure to President and policy passed at UJS Conference, our programming and campaigning with and for our reach every student possible, and we create and deliver powerful campaigns: fighting peers. are taking over 150 diverse student prejudice that targets Jewish people and other leaders and University Vice- minorities; advancing the inclusion of Jewish people Representation: Chancellors on an educational within wider society and of marginalised groups within As the voice of Jewish students we ensure Jewish trip to Auschwitz as part of a our Jewish community; and inspiring education and students voices and views are heard locally and programme with the Holocaust action on the issues that matter to us. nationally. J-Soc committees and the UJS President Educational Trust. are elected roles which consider the views of their As with any other year, we will face Locally, nationally and internationally, we run diverse members and represent these and our democratically Hannah Rose challenges, but with the lessons and dynamic programmes; facilitate access to kosher decided policy to the student movement, the wider UJS President 2018-19 learnt from the past 100 years, food and accommodation; offer career networking Jewish community, politicians and policy makers. opportunities, proudly and passionately engage As we arrive at our 100th I know that Jewish students will overcome adversity, make with Israel; initiate inspiring interfaith projects; and year, we are certainly Engagement with Israel: their voice heard, and move spearhead and support social action (tikkun olam). We passionately and proudly connect our students standing on the shoulders this our union forward into with over 3000 years of Jewish and Hebrew culture, of giants. We look back the future. For 99 years, we’ve been leading, defending and offering opportunities to strengthen, celebrate and enriching Jewish student life across the UK and at our proud history of explore a personal relationship with Israel as part of Ireland, inspiring generations of future leaders of the an evolving expression of Jewish identity. nurturing Jewish life on Jewish community, and we’re proud to be the voice of campus every day for Jewish students. a century and look forward to how we build an even stronger movement for the future. 4 Our year in numbers 5

Our year in numbers 390 5,500 5,250 10,000 510 245 Jewish student activists took students and staff from a range Friday Night Dinners and Jewish students were engaged through students engaged in UJS students celebrated Shabbat part in leadership development of backgrounds, faiths and festival meals served to students interfaith initiatives, including 50 National Events including and Jewish festivals at events opportunities including UJS cultures were part of 40 J-Soc at over 160 events on more than interfaith week events, led UJS conference, liberation directly supported by UJS. Summit, Campaigns Weekend Holocaust Memorial Day 50 different campuses. With or supported by Jewish students conference and Bridges Not Together with campus partners, and educational trips in the USA, commemorations, spanning UJS funding and support J-Socs over the past 12 months. Boycotts conference. our J-Socs hosted thousands Europe and Israel. 29 campuses. continue to create a home away more community celebrations, from home and ways for Jewish including Purim parties, Shavuot students to create and connect learning nights and with Jewish community life. Chanukah carnivals. 13,700 400 £5000+ 315 5000 2100 students from a variety of Student Labour club members was raised through over 40 students from diverse faiths and people engaged with the students engaged in social backgrounds engaged with UJS were trained how to identify social action initiatives and cultures went on a UJS trip – or ‘Our Living Memory’ online action initiatives by raising funds, and student-led Israel related and combat antisemitism. events which included charity UJS supported trip – to Israel. campaign. Working with The dedicating hours and volunteering programmes on campus. balls, bone marrow drives, Holocaust Educational Trust to support refugees, the homeless These activities nurture Jewish clothing drives, food collections and NUS we are ensuring that and blood donations. students’ relationship with Israel and 22 mitzvah day activities. Holocaust commemoration and and offer intelligent and informed education is the responsibility education on Israel and the of all student leaders. Heartfelt Israeli-Palestinian conflict stories, inspiring blogs and videos for diverse audiences. Highlights of support, including one from include commemorating the NUS President Shakira Martin, centenary of the Balfour engaged thousands of declaration, Yom Ha’atzmaut diverse students. and ELEVEN trips to Israel. 6 In our own words 7

Aim: Build a home away from home for Jewish Students to explore, express Enriching and enjoy their Judaism Action: Providing access to kosher accommodation, kosher food and spaces Jewish Life for Jewish activities. UJS also remain the largest and primary sponsor for Friday night dinners across the country. We support J-Socs in building a safe and open space where on Campus Jewish Life on campus can thrive and flourish. Sarah Levy – Glasgow J-Soc President Result: An impressive 5000+ bowls of chicken soup were served in the past 12 months creating a homely Shabbat atmosphere. “Jewish student life in Glasgow is thriving, We developed our partnership with Central with a range of events occurring throughout Friday Night Dinners, providing a central space the year. Regular Shabbat dinners on campus for students to come together and eat, allow students to make new friends in a relaxed celebrate and socialise. We also supported J-Socs celebrating Jewish festivals and hosting environment whilst connecting with their social events on campus. Nosh and natter, Judaism, and our weekly peer-led pluralist Purim parties, J-Soc balls and a Matza Pizza Torah study group attracts students from party were just some of the 259 events on over a wide range of backgrounds. This diversity 30 campuses UJS funded and assisted J-Socs of events, along with the continuing support to deliver this year. from UJS and other organisations, has helped to shape a welcoming and growing Jewish student community in Glasgow.” 8 In our own words 9 9

Aim: Strengthen Jewish students’ relationships with Israel through culture, religion, and society; Strengthening and showcasing the variety and vibrancy of Israel to diverse student audiences

Action: We supported over 230 Israel our relationship related events on 41 campuses across the UK. From screening Israeli movies to bringing Israeli speakers to campus and engaging in arts programmes including UJS with Israel Incubator, Jewish students are strengthening a personal relationship with Israel and students Zak Wagman - Warwick J-Soc of all backgrounds are seeing the varied and vibrant sides to our national homeland. We celebrated key dates including Yom “My experience with UJS on a trip to Israel was Hatzma’aut and the centenary of the Balfour one of the best I’ve had. A whirlwind, intense declaration. Local events covered a wonderful 10 days, highlights included taking in historical sites array of topics, such as the connection between Jewish history and archaeological in Jerusalem, the start up vibes of Tel Aviv as well discoveries in Israel. as meeting minority groups in the north, and wine tasting right up in the Galil. The trip was a great way Result: In total, over 13,500 students from to learn more about Israel and Judaism, and consider a variety of faiths, cultures and backgrounds engaged with Israel programmes. 2017-2018 how it impacts my identity and my life as a proud saw a record number of attendees on UJS led Jewish student in the UK. Over the course of the trip and supported Israel trips: over 300 students I made lots of new friends from across the UK and took flight to Israel on Birthright, Real Deal, from all backgrounds, and the trip offered something Bridges not Boycotts, Manhigut and campus specific delegations. for everybody, regardless of their level of observance or knowledge of Judaism. It was a really incredible experience, and I’ve developed my knowledge and skills that’ll help me and my peers further celebrate Israel and Jewish life on campus.” 10 In our own words 11

Aim: Empower and equip Jewish students of all affiliations to represent their peers Fighting for hate and be campus and community leaders. Action: We provided training, support and leadership through UJS Summit, Activist free campuses training weekend and regularly campus visits. Additional support was provided from the UJS Sally Patterson – NUS Block of 15, Bristol J-Soc Campaigns team for Jewish students running in local and/ or national elections. We supported students developing campaigns and helped build strong “UJS has allowed me to meet Jewish students networks of activists. from different denominations, backgrounds and identity groups, and I’m delighted that many Result: Over 120 J-Soc committee leaders received training at UJS summit, where have become my closest friends. All too often we also launched a new track for second our community divides itself based on these and third year leaders to continue leading categories; UJS has shown me that instead, beyond committee roles. Almost 100 Jewish we must come together. As I move into a senior students have run for local SU and NUS delegate and leadership positions in the last leadership role in my students’ union, I feel eighteen months. Sally Patterson (Bristol), confident that I can speak out about the variety Adam Goldstone (Birmingham) and Georgie of challenges that Jewish students face. By Harris (Edinburgh) were recently elected educating one another, as well as friends from as leaders at their respective students’ unions and Sally was also elected on to NUS other backgrounds and faith groups, we can NEC. These are just a few examples of the continue to build a campus community that is committed and courageous leadership our supportive, diverse, and free of hatred.” students demonstrate across the country. 12 In our own words 13

Aim: Provide a diverse range of educational opportunities, allowing students to critically Educating explore and engage with Jewish history, culture, texts and society.

Action: We offered a variety of multi-day ourselves trips, day-long conferences and shorter campus-based sessions, aiming to cover as wide a range of topics as possible to and others ensure that there was something for everyone. Result: We provided full or partial scholarships Jodeci Joseph– Hertfordshire J-Soc President to and March of the Living for 33 students; facilitated dozens of Lunch and Learn “Working with UJS this year has been one sessions on campuses in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and hosted our second huge learning curb for me as Hertfordshire’s annual Liberation Conference, educating about J-Soc president. I discovered abilities I didn’t the diversity of Jewish students’ identities. know I had through running a Holocaust 12 students who attended Limmud memorial event that 200 people attended. on UJS scholarships were able to learn from their peers and run sessions for others. Hertfordshire J-Soc is a very small J-Soc, Over 160 educational events were supported however with the help of UJS a family on more than 50 campuses. environment was established on campus. Overall UJS empowered me to undertake a UJS supported J-Socs in hosting a record 38 Holocaust Memorial Day events that reached daunting task, I have come out the other end a total of 3,500 people, ensuring that Jewish with more skills, greater confidence and a deep students are not only engaging in educational sense of pride and gratitude in the work that is opportunities themselves but are reaching out done for Jewish students on campus.” to educate others too. Finally, 17 Sabbatical Officers from Students’ Unions around the country visited Poland with UJS and the Holocaust Educational Trust.

14 In our own words 15

Aim: Create cohesive campus communities where Jewish students – and all students Connecting – can fully and freely express their religious, cultural and national identities

Action: Providing the framework and through Interfaith connections with local and national interfaith societies and faith groups. Through this, each Daniel Rafaeli – Leeds J-Soc and UJS J-Soc Officer J-Soc could build and engage with Interfaith week in the best way they felt appropriate, while we built a partnership with Jewish, “All around the country, students are eager Roma and Gypsy music groups which led to understand and connect with each other, to a unique event attracting over 130 people. and faith is one medium which allows for Result: A record breaking 10,000 students this. During March this year, I pioneered an were engaged through interfaith initiatives Interfaith music and dance concert to bring over the past 12 months. 50 interfaith events more entertainment to the Interfaith world which were led or supported by J-Socs on campus, which brought the Gypsy Roma, and Jewish students. Seeing students around the country opening up about their faith through Traveller, and Jewish community a lot closer dialogue and discussion has provided a platform together. I’m grateful to UJS, for having been for what we hope will be a more nuanced given the opportunity to explore my own and understanding society. individuality but also connect and understand the world around us through faith.” 16 In our own words 17

Aim: Nurture and empower Jewish students of all affiliations to be the Cross communal leaders of the next generation. Action: We provided leadership training for 257 students at events throughout the and inclusive year including our UJS Summit Shabbaton, Time to Lead one-day conference, Activist Hannah Kaufman – LSE J-Soc President Training Weekend and Manhigut, our flagship leadership trip to Israel. A further 33 students received UJS’ support to attend leadership development opportunities around the world, Throughout my time at university, UJS has constantly including the New York University and World created an inclusive and welcoming environment Union of Jewish Students Global Leadership to all students at its events, as well as helping to programme; the World Jewish Congress in New York; the American Jewish Committee ensure cross communalism is represented in all Global Forum in Washington DC; and the J-Socs. As events officer then president of LSE J-Soc, European Union of Jewish Students’ delegation I greatly benefited from the UJS Summit and training to the European Parliament in Brussels. programmes on how to maximise our J-Soc work on Result: The students who have benefited inclusivity, particularly in providing resources and from these opportunities are taking leadership contacts for brilliant speakers of all denominations. roles in a huge range of areas. They are co-ordinating local and national campaigns against BDS, creating inclusive communities, celebrating Jewish festivals in far-flung cities, building relationships with other faith societies on campuses, challenging antisemitism, pioneering social action initiatives and shaping the world around them. 18 In our own words 19

Aim: Celebrate our diverse Jewish student community and combat discrimination and Championing disadvantage. Action: We ran UJS Liberation Conference, re-launched the UJS Women’s network, diverse Jewish and held a consultation with Sephardi and Mizrachi students to broaden the engagement of students on campus. We supported J-Soc’s in building inclusive identities societies aiming for all Jewish students to feel comfortable being part of the J-Soc. Emma Jacobs – Leeds J-Soc Campaigns Officer York and Edinburgh’s regular cross communal programmes made sure all students were catered to. For Shavuot we developed a cross- “The resources and push from UJS for J-Socs communal resource featuring educators from to host ‘Priday night dinners’ ensured LGBT+ various denominations and backgrounds. students had a chance to share their narrative. Result: Close to 200 students joined UJS KeshetUK’s presence at Summit ensured or J-Soc events specifically addressing minority committee members were educated about LGBT+ or marginalised groups within our union. UJS issues. Discussing the importance of a nuanced Liberation Conference offered the opportunity approach to sexuality and gender ensures Jewish to delve deeper and educate each other on different perspectives. The thought-provoking societies are aspiring to be inclusive spaces.” conversations also offered activists the chance to find support amongst other Jewish students. We increased the reach and engagement of students form all denominations and from a variety of cultural, ethnic and geographical backgrounds. At UJS Conference 2017 a motion was passed mandating UJS to achieve greater gender equality by reserving fifty percent of elected positions for women and non-binary candidates. 20 Financial review 21

Financial review

UJS spends over £1,000,000 each year leading, defending and enriching Jewish life. Leading Jewish Defending Jewish Enriching Jewish life on campus life of campus life on campus

UJS is an engine of talented and Our campaigns work protecting and Our work offering diverse and Running our This pie chart hard working leadership on campus, promoting the welfare of Jewish dynamic programmes and Israel engagement national union reflects the throughout our community, and students is indicated in the sections providing access to kosher food, £90,000 £195,000 breakdown of across our country. Leadership for Campaigns. Some of our work accommodation and spaces for Development includes our work combating antisemitic anti-Zionism J-Soc activity is reflected in the our expenditure, training, nurturing and empowering is covered by our Israel Engagement sections for student spaces and with 79% 8% current cohort of courageous campus activities. Our students’ activism services, Jewish life on campus leaders. Highlights include UJS includes work building alliances with and Israel Engagement. Highlights 17% on student Fundraising Summit, UJS Conference, the work students from many backgrounds include Friday night and festival £45,000 of our sabbatical team and the annual during interfaith week and education meals and activities, student-led programmes campaign to elect the UJS President. on and commemorating the Holocaust education sessions such as Tea and 4% and services: Please see pages 10, 11, 12 and 17 through Holocaust Memorial Day. UJS Torah in Glasgow, and our incubator for more. projects supporting our courageous programme providing small grants campaigners include our many trips and educational sessions for student 37% Student Spaces to Israel and Europe, our Bridges not to create artwork expressing their 13% and services Boycotts project, and training events relationship with Judaism and Israel. £155,000 throughout the year. Please see pages Please see pages 6, 7, 12 and 13 8, 9, 10 and 11 for more. for more. Campaigns £430,000 14% 7%

Leadership Development £165,000 Jewish life on campus £85,000 22 Financial review 23

Financial review The charts below show our income and expenditure from 2013-14 to 2018-19

Over the last five years, UJS has made This year we recruited a new trustee As the Voice of Jewish Students for a difficult but important transition to further assist our fundraising 99 years, UJS remains the student- toward a balanced budget. It was efforts; received a second year led cross-communal organisation no longer able to rely on historic of support from the Ministry for covering the most campuses in the reserves for much of its funding Housing, Communities and Local UK and Ireland. We continue to 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19* and is profoundly grateful that the Government; and initiated a new engage thousands of students in our huge generosity of members of our relationship with a major foundation. diverse and dynamic programmes community saw a fifth consecutive Alongside continuing to engage and campaigns. We are excited that year of growing income to enable the new Friends and Patrons, these next year marks 100 years since the £1,000k important and impressive work of our developments secured a 13% increase formation of what is now UJS. We students. Thanks to some substantial in income from c.£875,000. to anticipate that the opportunity to funds for creating and expanding almost £1,000,000. reconnect with hundreds of UJS some specific innovative projects, our alumni in celebrating our centenary £800k overall programmes budget increased Overall expenditure also rose to will secure significant new support from £634,000 last year to £770,000 c.£1,165,000 with an expected to sustain UJS as we continue to lead, this year. operating deficit of c.£170,000. This defend and enrich Jewish life reflects the enduring challenge of on campus. £600k Having two campaigns officers securing substantial yet designated and three J-Soc officers enabled grants and continuing to provide all greater support for the expanding our core programmes and support programmes including our Bridges for Jewish students. We also incurred £400k not Boycotts project and taking expenditure on some larger year hundreds of students to Israel and specific projects, including the 10th the Palestinian territories. We have annual UJS Student Awards. The also facilitated closer interaction expected deficit will be far below the £200k between our work supporting J-Socs deficit recorded in 2014 of £490,000 and UJS work alongside other and the organisation has a clear plan students’ unions and societies. This for reducing costs whilst maintaining enhanced our interfaith, social action income so that by 2020 we will no and Holocaust education work. Key longer be operating with a deficit successes included the Our Living (please see chart on opposite page). Memory campaign with NUS and Our spending is increasingly focused *Projected close to 40 interfaith week events led directly on our students, with 79% or supported by Jewish students. going on student programmes and services.

24 Thank you 25

Thank you to Friends and Family Trusts UJS Team 2017-18 everybody who made Mark Astaire, Mark Barnett, Emanuele Boccia, this year possible and Hannah Brown, Sue Charles, Louise Cohen, David Davidi-Brown, Lindsay Davidson, Grace Diamond, such a success. Dr Vivienne Cohen, The Craps Charitable Trust, Simon Fine, , Rebecca Filer, Sam Gold, Josh Joe and Rosa Frenkel Charitable Holt, Noah Levy, Dan Rafaeli, We would be unable Trust, Richard and Eliana Green, Kathryn Rose, Hannah Sharron, to achieve what we Francis and Anne Greibach, Ann Zak Shutkever, Nick Sunshine, have without such Goldstein, Richard Goldstein, Liron Velleman and strong support from Ronnie Goldstein, Antony Natacha Woodcock the community. Grossman, Henry Grunwald OBE, Mandy and Tim Isaacs, UJS Trustees Jewish Memorial Council, Jusuca Mark Barnett, Carolyn Bogush, Guardians and Patrons Charitable Trust, Daniel Kay, Paul Hannah Brown, Spencer Debson, Keith Black, Sir Victor and Lady Koopman, Stephen and Sharon Maurice Helfgott, Alan Jacobs, Blank, Leon and Cara Blitz, Richard Lewis, Steven and Alicia Lewis, Philip Keane, Lauren Keiles, Paul Bolchover and Jo Rosenfelder, Paul Alison Mendel, Marc Nohr, Koopman, Ella Rose, Nina Sandler and Peggy Brett, David and Nili Nicholas Posnansky, Shelley and Mitchell Simmons Chinn, Sir Trevor and Lady Chinn, Robinson, Alison Sonn, St. John’s Simon Corney, Sir Mick Davis, Wood Ladies UJS Advisory Board Graham Edwards, The Exilarchs Guild, Ron and Julie Tabbouche, Mark Adelstone, Baroness Ros Foundation, Robert Gibber, David David Uri Memorial Trust and Lord Altman, Luciana Berger MP, Goldberg QC, Jonny Goldstein, Wolfson of Sunningdale Sir Victor Blank, Tony Bloom, Marc Gordon and Caroline David Dangoor, Sir Mick Davis, Marcus, Maurice and Danielle Communal supporters Baroness Ruth Deech, Sir Lloyd Helfgott, Alan and Louise Jacobs, and partners Dorfman, Jonathan Goldstein, Nick Leslau, The Catherine Lewis Henry Grunwald OBE, Lord Daniel Foundation, Lord Jon and Nicola Finklestein, Sir Brian Leveson, Mendelsohn, Richard Mintz, The Laura Marks OBE, Lord Jon Rosemarie Nathanson Charitable Mendelsohn, Sir Trevor Pears, Trust, Rachel Charitable Trust, Roy Jewish Leadership Council Lady Elaine Sacks and Hilda Worth and Nina Sandler, Sir Harry and Shoresh Charitable Trust Lady Solomon, and Marc and Pears Foundation Hilda Worth Rothschild Foundation Thanks to Photography by Leivi Saltman Design by Graphical

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Registered charity number 313503 (Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation)