(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2017 Scheduling in Desktop Grid Systems: Theoretical Evaluation of Policies & Frameworks

Muhammad Khalid Khan Dr. Tariq Mahmood Syed Irfan Hyder College of Computing & Information Institute of Business Administration, Institute of Business Management, Science Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan Air Force – Karachi Pakistan Pakistan Institute of Economics & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan

Abstract—Desktop grid systems have already established has several servers to create tasks, distribute them, record the their identity in the area of distributed systems. They are well tasks and corresponding results, and finally, aggregate the suited for High Throughput Computing especially for Bag-of- results of a set of tasks. The tasks and corresponding work Tasks applications. In desktop grid systems, idle processing units (evaluating data sets) are distributed by the server to the cycles and memory of millions of users (connected through hosts (client installed computer), typically through a software internet or through any other communication mechanism) can be which permits people to participate in the project. Normally, utilized but the workers / hosts machines not under any when a host is idle (i.e., the computer’s screensaver is centralized administrative control that result in high volatility. running), then it is time to work on the tasks assigned by This issue is countered by applying various types of scheduling server. After finishing the tasks, the results are sent to the policies that not only ensure task assignments to better workers server. In case the computer that is running a client gets busy but also takes care of fault tolerance through replication and other mechanism. In this paper, we discussed leading desktop again then the client pauses the processing immediately so that grid systems framework and performed a comparative analysis the user can executes its own programs. The client continues of these frameworks. We also presented a theoretical evaluation processing the task as soon as the computer becomes idle of server and client based scheduling policies and identified key again. performance indicators to evaluate these policies. Desktop grid system frameworks simplify and automate various functions performed by master and client. Master is Keywords—desktop grid systems; task scheduling policies; work responsible for user and job management, client management, fetch policies tasks management, results verification, security and I. INTRODUCTION performance management. Whereas, the client is responsible for collection of hardware statistics from machine, requesting The advancements in the domain of and collecting tasks, task execution, sending back results and have opened up new horizons for high-end computing and allowing users to set preferences. Some of the more popular storage. Particularly, desktop grid systems have laid down a desktop grid systems frameworks are BOINC [44], XtremWeb much cheaper path towards the same. Desktop grid systems [37,45], OurGrid (peer-to-peer) [46], SZTAKI Desktop Grid utilize idle processing cycles and memory of millions of users [74], and HT Condor [47]. connected through Internet, or through any other type of network. This requires decomposition of computationally Moreover, the phenomena that has started from the PARC infeasible problems into smaller problems, distribution of Worm (Xerox’s initiative to develop worms to enable smaller problems to the host / volunteer computers and distributed computing) [28] has resulted in various successful aggregation of results from these volunteers to from solutions implementations such as SETI@home [29,30], GIMPS [31], to large-scale problems. Folding@Home [32], FightAidsAtHome [33], Computing Against Cancer [34], Einstein@home [35]. These projects Desktop grid systems can be divided into two categories have taken up various scientific problems that include [48]. When the computers of an enterprise are used to searching for cures of diseases, looking for evidence of decrease the turnaround time of a compute intensive extraterrestrial intelligence, finding Mersenne prime numbers, application, it is called enterprise wide desktop grids or simply and solving several encryption challenges. Apart from the desktop grids. The other category is in scientific projects, desktop grid systems have gathered which home and enterprise computers take part by recognition also at corporate level. The business enterprises volunteering idle processing cycles to achieve high got inspired with the huge success of desktop grid systems. As throughput. there is an abundance of desktop resources in such enterprises, The desktop grid system infrastructure consists of N it seems a cost effective solution to utilize the idle processing number of desktop machines in which one would be termed as cycles of such systems and achieve high-end computing. master and the others would be known as hosts/workers as Various such projects were launched by academia [36, 37, 38, shown in Figure 1. Practically a desktop grid system project 39, 40] and industry [41, 42, 43].

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Scheduling policies can also be classified as naive or adaptive. The naive scheduling policies do not consider any historical knowledge whereas adaptive scheduling policies use a knowledge-base having historical information and threshold values. These measures are used to perform scheduling decision making. Furthermore, the naive scheduling policies do not consider volunteer’s availability and reliability as decision making factor as they do not work on historical information. Hence the task assignments to volunteers remain arbitrary. Although these policies such as First Come First Server (FCFS) are easy to design and implement and are used by many volunteer computing platforms but they do not guarantee results. One the other side the knowledge base / Fig. 1. Infrastructure of Desktop Grid Systems adaptive policies consider history and are capable to adapt to changing circumstances but their decision making criteria is There is a difference in perspective to scheduling policies not comprehensive. These policies limit themselves by as per the needs of scientists and volunteers. Although these considering hardware threshold, reliability or availability. perspectives are somewhat contradictory to each other but the scheduling policy should adhere to the needs of both Notwithstanding their use, there are certain limitations to stakeholders. For example the scientist would like to verify the desktop grid systems which include resource management, results and would not mind investing processing cycles for it, scheduling, verification of results, computation time, fault whereas the volunteer would like to spend more time on actual tolerance, security breaches, connectivity and bandwidth processing and would count verification as wastage of issues etc. The nodes in a desktop grid system environment resources. These requirements of scientists and volunteers are are inherently volatile, can be heterogeneous, are slower than shown in Table 1. high-end machines, and the communication mechanism doesn’t guarantee five nine reliability. The fact that nodes may TABLE I. CLASSIFICATION OF SCHEDULING PERSPECTIVES IN DESKTOP fail at any time arises various design and deployment GRID SYSTEMS challenges.

Desktop Grid System Scheduling Perspectives Moreover, the scheduling policies should strive to attain Policies driven by Scientist's Policies driven by Volunteer's fault tolerance and result verification. This is done through Perspectives Perspectives various mechanisms such as replication, voting and spot checking. In replication, similar tasks are assigned to multiple Maximize Availability of Minimize Validation Latency volunteers to counter the problem of volunteer’s unavailability Resources that can be categorized into host and CPU unavailability. Maximize Turnaround Time Maximize Utilization Replication coupled with voting is used for result verification. Maximize Reliability Minimize Resource Wasting In voting, results from multiple volunteers being assigned the Maximize Throughput same task are compared and the result submitted by the majority of the volunteers is counted as correct. Spot checking Moreover, different scheduling policies are implemented is done to assess the reliability of the volunteer. In spot in a typical desktop grid system that can be broadly checking, a spot job is submitted to the volunteer whose result categorized into three categories. is already known to the server. Fault tolerance has its own • Server based task scheduling policy takes care of issues; if not done properly the overhead generated by the tasks assignment to server and is based on clients and fault tolerant mechanism can increase the wastage of tasks preferences (for example size of the job, speed of processing cycles. Poor scheduling policies cause wastage of the host, particular operating system, amount of disk precious processing cycles that increases the application’s space etc). A scoring-based scheduling policy assigns turnaround time as well. values to individual parameters to calculate the overall The paper is organized as follows: in section 2, we have impact. discussed leading desktop grid system Frameworks. In • Client based CPU scheduling policy is related to sections 3 & 4, we have proposed key performance factors to CPU scheduling of desktop grid application’s tasks evaluate the server based task scheduling policies and client (works on top of the local operating system's based work fetch policies respectively. Section 5 concludes scheduler) and addresses issues such as selection of the paper. particular task for execution from the currently II. EVALAUATING DESKTOP GRID SYSTEM FRAMEWORKS runnable tasks, and keeping a particular task in memory from the list of preempted tasks. The job of the desktop grid system framework is to simplify and automate various functions performed by master • Client based work fetch policy determines when a and client in a desktop grid system environment. As stated client can ask for more work and the amount of work earlier the desktop grid systems can be divided into desktop that can be requested by a client. grids and volunteer computing. For desktop grids BOINC

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[44], XtremWeb [45] and OurGrid (peer-to-peer) [46] can be executables so it is the volunteer’s job to assess project’s used. In case of volunteer computing, BOINC is a better authenticity and its scientific merit. BOINC assigns a option especially for applications having large number of numerical value against the volunteer’s contribution to a tasks. HT Condor [47] can be used equally for both. The project. BOINC uses volunteer’s email to perform cross- desktop grid framework should be able to address following project user identification. BOINC client can also attach itself queries: to a web service called an account manager rather than connecting directly to the client. The account manager passes 1) How users submit jobs? Can a user submit more than client’s credentials to sever to receive a list of projects with one job at a time? which client can connect to. 2) How tasks are generated of the given job? Will the tasks be dependent or independent? B. XtremWeb 3) How the granularity of the tasks is decided? Will the XtremWeb is open source platform developed by INRIA tasks be coarse or fine grained? [45]. Its successor XWHEP (XtremWeb- HEP) is currently 4) How clients register with server? What hardware developed at LAL CNRS. XtremeWeb is a lightweight Desktop Grid with some advance features such as permit parameters are polled from the client? multi-users, multi-applications and cross domains 5) How the tasks are mapped on appropriate clients? How deployments. XtremWeb is designed in such a way that it can client’s and task’s preference matched? be used for desktop grids, volunteer computing and Peer to 6) How many tasks are given to a client at a given time? Peer distributed systems. The XWHEP/ XtremWeb Can the number be changed? architecture consists of servers, clients and workers. Server’s 7) How results are verified and validated? job is to host centralized services such as scheduler and result 8) How results from various clients are summed up to collector. Clients work at user end; users submit applications give user a consolidated result? to the server for processing. The client allows users to 9) How fairness is maintained among various jobs while manage the platform and interact with the infrastructure as and assigning their tasks to clients? when required such as job submission, result retrieval etc. Server schedule the jobs submitted by client on workers. 10) How fairness is achieved among the tasks of various Workers are installed at processing node to contributed their jobs at client? computing resources that are aggregated in an XWHEP/ 11) How fault tolerance is achieved as clients can become XtremWeb infrastructure. XWHEP improves the security of unavailable anytime? XtremWeb by the implementation of user accounts and access 12) How many replica of a task is generated to achieve rights. These features extend user interactions over the fault tolerance? platform that includes secure resource usage and application 13) How many platforms are supported by client end? deployment. 14)How the client end users are kept motivated to donate C. OurGrid processing cycles? The above mentioned queries have direct impact on OurGrid is an open source middleware designed for peer- application’s turnaround time and throughput. These queries to-peer computational grids [46]. OurGrid enables the use of are mostly handled by the server end of the framework. All the idle computing and storage resources over a grid. These desktop grid systems frameworks are capable of handling resources are shared in such a way that who have contributed various jobs, multiple clients, pooling of client statistics and the most will get the most required. OurGrid provides a secure some sort of fault tolerance but most of them decomposes job platform for the execution of parallel applications having into independent tasks. Now we will have a brief discussion independent tasks also called Bag-of-Tasks (BoT) on some popular desktop grids frameworks and will do a applications. BoT examples may include parameter sweep comparative analysis as well. simulations, rendering of images and many others. In OurGrid, each grid site corresponds to a peer in the system. A. BOINC The problem of free riders (people who are not contributing BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network their resources but using resources of others) is resolved in Computing) is an open source platform developed at U.C. OurGrid by using Network of Favours mechanism. This credit Berkeley in 2002 [44]. Today approximately 60 projects are mechanism ensures that the computing node sharing its using BOINC in a wide range of scientific areas. BOINC resources will be prioritized over a node that is not sharing the server software is used to create volunteer computing projects. resources. OurGrid Community, a free-to-join cooperative Each project has its own server and provides a web site. grid is also maintained by OurGrid team. Volunteer connects to the website to download and install D. HT Condor client software. The client software is available on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X platforms. A BOINC project can have HT Condor referred as condor till 2012 is developed at the more than one application. BOINC provides flexibility for University of Wisconsin- Madison to provide high-throughput distributing data and intelligently matches requirements with distributed batch computing [47]. High throughput computing resources. Having installed the BOINC client, volunteers can refers to the efficient utilization of available computing attach itself to any project. BOINC client can assign resources resources to provide fault tolerant computational power. to each project. Attaching a project allows it to run arbitrary Condor is not only capable of managing dedicated resources such as clusters but it can also effectively harness idle

121 | Page www.ijacsa.thesai.org (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2017 processing cycle of any processing available on the E. Comparison of Desktop Grid Systems Frameworks infrastructure. Condor can process a task on a idle node, it is We present a comparison between different frameworks in also capable of stopping the execution of a running task, Table 2. Several factors are considered for the comparison marking a checkpoint and migrating the task to a different such as software design including architecture and processing node. Condor can redirect the task’s I/O requests applications, project completion and application turnaround back to the actual machine from where the task is submitted. time, the potential help available for new user and their As a result, Condor can seamlessly combine all te computing security concern. Overall usage of the framework is also an power of an organization. Condor architecture is comprised of important factor. a single machine serving as the central manager and other machines that are part of the infrastructure. Condor job is III. EVALAUATING SERVER BASED TASK SCHEDULING assign tasks to the available resources. Condor client programs POLICIES send periodic updates to the central manager so that the The desktop grid system server can comprise of many manager can be updated about the status of the resources and complex scheduling policies. There are numerous criteria for can make appropriate task assignments. job assignment, based on host and job diversity (for example Apart from framework like BOINC that are free for use, size of the job and speed of the host relative to an estimated there are other proprietary frameworks designed for the same. statistical distribution, disk and memory requirements for the Organizations such as Distributed.net [49], United Devices job to be completed, homogeneous redundancy and host error [50] and Entropia [51] have produced proprietary frameworks rate). A scoring-based scheduling policy uses a linear (not available for free) for particular industries that can combination of these terms to select the best set of jobs that perform specialized tasks such as searching for new drugs at can be assigned to a given host. We have made two categories pharmaceutical companies. Bayanihan [39] is another open of the task scheduling mechanism proposed earlier. The first source framework developed at MIT and is considered as the category is Using Tradition Techniques, we have grouped first web-based desktop grid system framework. papers in this category that have proposed scheduling framework / algorithms based on computing strengths, TABLE II. COMPARISON OF DESKTOP GRID SYSTEMS FRAMEWORKS behavior or makespan analysis of the host [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, XtremWe Our HT 13, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70]. These papers have also Frameworks BOINC b Grid Condor talked about grouping similar hosts and proposed improved Client Client Peer to Central replication methods [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]. Papers Design Architecture Server Server peer Broker that incorporated fault tolerance mechanisms [22, 23, 24, 25, Application Centralize Centralize Decentral Decentrali 27, 53, 56] are also made part of this category. By using Management d d ized zed experimental methodology, these papers suggested improved Resource Providers can act as Resource No Yes Yes Yes results in various contexts however they have only used Consumers traditional problem solving techniques. Our second category is Task Distribution Pull Pull Push Push about Using Predictive Analytics. Papers which have Medium / implemented some sort of statistical [4, 5, 10, 66, 72, 73], Deployment / Low Administration Low Low Medium probabilistic [55, 59, 61, 65] or machines learning algorithms / (client Complexity mechanisms [11, 12, 63, 71] are made part of this category. side) Even for fault tolerance, analytical methods are used. These Application High / Development / Medium papers have gathered data from real desktop grid systems or Low Low Medium Porting (with established test beds to gather data, implemented Complexity wrapper) aforementioned techniques and presented promising results. Support for Volunteer Desktop Yes Yes Yes No A. Key Performance Factors Grids We have identified the following key performance factors Code Sandbox signing, Authentic for evaluating the performance of task scheduling Security Features Sandbox (Virtual Result ation mechanisms. Scheduling mechanism that performs most of Machine) validation below mentioned points is taken as better mechanism. Though Yes none of these factors are considered collectively in the Yes Yes (Monitori literature but few of them can be found in [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, Web Interface (Monitori (Monitori ng, Job No 22, 25, 26]. ng) ng) Submissi on) • Resource Availability ~100 (~1M Number of • Makespan Evaluation CPUs in ~10 A few ~100 Deployments big • Replication projects) Programming • Resource Capability C/C++ Java Java C/C++ Language Documentation / Very • Sabotage Tolerance Good Good Good Help Good • Group based Design

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Resource Availability whose result is already known to master. Hosts that do not give correct result are counted as saboteurs and should not be Availability of host is a critical factor for scheduling in a considered for task assignments. There is also a need to verify desktop grid system. As hosts are not managed centrally, they the results computed by these hosts. Voting is one of the can become unavailable at any time. Scheduling mechanism mechanisms and has couple of variants. In majority voting, must check host availability before assigning a task to any results from the majority of the hosts are considered as correct host. Host unavailability refers to hosts being powered off whereas in n-first voting, results from the n hosts is considered whereas CPU unavailability refers to a situation where host is as correct. Scheduling mechanism should consider this aspect connected to the server but its CPU is busy in performing of fault tolerance. host’s local tasks. The configuration of desktop grid client is done in such a way that the host’s CPU is only available to Group based Design desktop grid when it not executing any local task i.e. when the It has been observed that grouping similar host helps is CPU is idle. If host is available but the CPU is not available scheduling while keeping the cost low. This also facilitate in for processing, the task is suspended and can be resumed on establishing various replication strategies. The idea is not to the same host at a later time. make decision making for each host but to establish same Makespan Evaluation policies for similar host arranged in a group. The parameters of assigning hosts to different groups may vary and may Makespan is a life time of a task during its execution from include availability, reliability, computing strength etc. start to finish. The job of any scheduling mechanism is to minimize the makespan by assigning tasks to better hosts. Now, we present the comparative evaluation of the task Once a task is assigned to host, its makespan is estimated and scheduling mechanisms discussed earlier on the basis of the if the actual makespan of the task matches the estimated key performance factors. Table 3 presents predictive analytics makespan than the task assignment to that particular host is papers whereas table 4 lists the papers that use traditional justified. This can also be taken as the “on-time task techniques. A better scheduling mechanism will have “Y” in completion” and the scheduling mechanism should assign most of the fields. It is also evident from the evaluation that tasks to hosts having better “on-time task completion” history. considering task dependencies as well as task granularity for scheduling in desktop grid systems are still open issues. Replication As the resources are not under centralized administrative TABLE III. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF SCHEDULING MECHANISMS domain, there is a chance that they may become unavailable at BASED ON PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS

any point in time. The solution to this problem is replication in

Key which a replica of the assigned task is assigned to some other host as well. Replication helps is countering volatility but Performance Factors excessive replication also cause wastage of processing cycles. Resource Availability Makespan Evaluation Replication Resource Capability Sabotage Tolerance Group based Design Resource Capability Reference No. [4] Y Y N Y N N Consideration of host clock rate or memory size to exclude [5] N N N N Y N or prioritize hosts at the time of task scheduling is a common [10] N Y Y Y N N way of resource allocations. However, only focusing on [11] N Y Y Y N N resource capabilities and not considering availability and [12] Y Y N Y N N [54] Y Y N Y N N reliability may result in poor decision making. Resources with [55] Y N N Y Y Y low capabilities may be more reliable and can be available for [59] Y Y Y Y N N more time. [61] Y N N N Y Y [63] N Y N N Y N Sabotage Tolerance [65] Y N N N Y N There may be hosts in desktop grid systems that try to [66] Y N N Y Y N submit erroneous results. To identify the saboteurs, spot [71] Y N N Y N N [72] Y Y N Y N N checking is performed in which master assigns a task to hosts [73] Y N N Y N N

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The policy downloads a new task when the client is 95% TABLE IV. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF SCHEDULING MECHANISMS done with the task it is processing. BASED ON TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES Buffer One Task [9] Key The policy buffers one task so the client always has a task

Performance to process, even while it is downloading a new task.

Factors Buffer Multiple Tasks [7] Reference No. Resource Availability Makespan Evaluation Replication Resource Capability Sabotage Tolerance Group based Design The policy buffers task for number of days. The amount of [1] Y Y N Y N Y tasks is limited to a number that can possibly be completed [2] Y Y N Y N N before the tasks’ deadlines. [3] Y Y Y Y N N Hysteresis Work Fetch [6] N N N N N N [7] Y Y Y Y N Y Uses hysteresis (making decisions based on past behavior) [8] N Y N N N Y and it asks a single project for the entire shortfall rather than [9] N N Y Y Y N dividing it among projects. [13] Y N N N N Y [14] Y Y Y Y N N A. Key Performance Factors [15] Y N N Y N N [16] N Y Y Y N Y We have identified the following key performance factors [17] Y N Y N N Y for evaluating the performance of various fork fetch policies. [18] Y Y Y Y N Y The policy which is aligned to most of the given KPIs is [19] Y N Y Y N Y counted as better policy. [20] Y Y N Y N N [21] N Y Y N Y N • Tasks buffered [22] N N Y N Y N [23] Y N N Y N N • Continuous internet connectivity [24] N Y Y N Y Y • [25] N N N N Y N Chance of having wasted fractions [26] Y N Y Y N N • Round robin simulation [27] Y Y N Y N N [53] Y Y Y Y N N • Hysteresis [56] Y Y Y Y Y Y [57] Y Y N Y N N • Utilization Of GPUs [58] Y Y N Y N N [60] Y N Y N N N • Utilization Of Multiple Cores [62] N Y Y N N N [64] Y N N Y N N Tasks Buffered [67] Y Y N N Y Y This refers to amount of work that can be buffered by the [68] N N N Y Y Y client. Clients normally use both buffer multiple tasks and [69] Y N N Y N N [70] Y Y N Y N N buffer none policies each having their own pros and cons. Buffer none ensures the maximum amount of CPU time to the IV. EVALAUATING CLIENT BASED WORK FETCH POLICIES current task yielding very low missed deadlines but results in wasted CPU cycles when downloading new tasks or when that Work fetch policies should be designed to fetch a balanced client is available for computation but disconnected from amount of work for the client according to the clients shared internet, Buffer Multiple tasks does not keep the shared resources ensuring their optimum utilization. Any imbalance resources idle while upload and download operations but may in the amount of work fetched would either result in wasted result in wasted fractions if deadlines for buffered tasks are CPU cycles and other resources (RAM, disk) caused by not met, missed deadlines is also an undesired effect from missed deadlines or less than optimal utilization of the already server scheduling point of view which results in poor scarce shared resources. BOINC Client uses two work fetch reliability of a particular host. policies buffer none and buffer multiple tasks, also a number of other variations have been suggested in [7,9]. As Continuous Internet Connectivity stated earlier, work fetch policies addresses the issues of when to ask for more work, which project to ask work for and how Buffering no or little amount of work requires continuous much work to ask for. We have discussed the variations of connection with internet as the hosts needs to download new work fetch policies below: work as soon as it completes on hand work, hence internet connectivity is required all the time. This fact becomes a Buffer None [7] serious bottleneck with the increase in mobile computing devices (Laptops, cell phones, tablets) which can available for The policy does not buffer any tasks. It only downloads a computing but may or may not be connected to the internet task after returning the result of the previous task. during that interval. Download Early [9]

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Missed Deadlines TABLE V. EVALUATION OF WORK FETCH POLICIES USING KEY Missed deadline occur when a client is not able to PERFORMANCE FACTORS complete the task within its deadline, this results in wasted fractions and also has a negative impact on hosts reliability. While buffering multiple tasks the optimum amount of work to be fetched depends on the future CPU availability which is unknown but can be measured using traces and other mechanisms with some degree of accuracy. The influx of the Green Movement (when computer goes into power saving mode by disabling all unnecessary programs while the screen saver is on) has made this task even more difficult. Overall picture suggests the hysteresis work fetch gets Round Robin Simulation good scores comparatively in all evaluation criteria with the prospect of reducing the chances of missed deadlines as we The round-robin simulation predicts the amount of time continue to find improved methods and heuristics for each processor will be kept busy with the current workload. predicting the CPU availability for a period of time. This helps in measuring the shortfall of idle instance-seconds which is a critical factor in deciding the amount of work to be V. CONCLUSION fetched from attached projects for buffer multiple policies. We have discussed leading desktop grid systems Hysteresis frameworks and performed a comparative evaluation. We have also conducted a thorough theoretical and experimental This refers to technique that relies not only on the current evaluation of the task scheduling, CPU scheduling and work client state but also on the past behavior in making work fetch fetch policies in desktop grid systems. We have identified that decisions. task scheduling can only be improved by grouping the similar Utilization of GPUs workers so that relevant resource allocation and replication policies can be applied. Task dependence and granularity are With the advent of GPU (Graphics Processing Units), a still unaddressed areas in task scheduling. We have analyzed new class of volunteers is now available [52]. The GPU based that work fetch policies has direct impact on the task clients have different architecture as compared to clients based completion and performance of hysteresis work fetch was on CPU. 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