
''U . c' . ' . adw~d! ar:uus4e, 44y-W-SWUOUIVIL 1'rEIKSWA, JU'CheVlcurator introduction into the p :gramme arsturrn 1 1 .15 THE DELIRIUM OF IMAGES public encounters with Marina Abramovic, Amsterdam Dr. Edith Decker, Video-Skulptur, Kalnischer Kunstverein/Jon Klein, NITV-Europe, Bill Seaman, artist, Boston/The Vasulkas, artists, Santa Fe1Host : Herbert Wentscher PUBLIC CONVERSATION 2 . G7 RELATIVES performance by Constance DeJong (Nyack, NY) and Tony Oursler (Boston), video A cross-media programme 3.co CLOS

of public talks, Wolfg$ng Preikschat, Amsterdam/Frankfurt LIGHTS FROM DATA SPACE curator, critic, and media, theorist an the electronic sign language of artificial intelligence presentations, curators" & t 1 .,1 .3 Wulf erzogenrath, FROM ANIMATED FILM TO VIDEO-ANIMATION a short history of a t chnical genre by the director of the Kalnischer Kunstverein and curator of the critic's choices, performances, Video Sculpture exhibition in Cologne 1 2 . 30 pm VIDEO~UNCH tapes by Peter Callas, Lyn Blumenthal/C :A. Klonarides, , Dara and installations Blrnb um, a. a. Petr Vrana, tfassel vi DO I[ Video maker shows tapes and introduces into his ),Vidox-paint box atjimation technique and style 2.1 ',~ George Snow, London THE ARTIST AS ENGINEER British video director talks about his own a,joint project of experience with a new and innovative format and its range between art and design 2-1 r. Bill Seaman, Boston THE BOXER'S PUZZLE Video maker/composer presents his work and ECGTV-Studios Frankfurt speaks about his experience as artist at the Massachusetts Institut of Technology in Boston

and ArcheV COFFEE BREAK accompanied by tapes of Alexander Hahn, Ka Nakajima, Volker Anding, a. e.

5 .o:. MaririnA Abramovic, Amsterdam VIDEO-GARDEN ARCHEOLOGY performance and multi- April 20 to 22 media artist presents and comments her work 6 .00 Tony Oursler, Boston JOYRIDE"" video maker and installation artist presents and com- ments on his work 7,00 Jon Klein, London BUZZ MTV On Air Presentation Manager premieres pilot of new MTV- at ECG=TV-Studio 300 magazine on art & culture, produce in the US and comments on his experience with aesthetics of visual entertainment FrankfurtlM.-Griesheim f: FI: :, CLOSE

1 1 .0!D am Marga Bijvoet, Amsterdam OF Director of Time Based Arts and former curator at the Long Beach Museum of Art introduces into American video art 1 1 .45 Uwe Riith, Marl MARLER VIDEO-KUNSTPREIS Director of the sculpture museum in Marl a VidiWall-project realized by Maria Vedder and curator of the bi-annual German Video Art Award shows excerpts from the bi-annual award, a Relics, Charms, and Living Rooms, a room by Orian Eno cross-section of German video art 12 .45 r,m VIDEO uNCH with short videos by D. ICiessling, N. Meissner, G. Young, K. Brume, B. Gru Da Vinci, a video sculpture by Servaas ber & , Vedder, R. Cahen, J. Finley, J. Loague, P Garrin, B. Seaman, P Vrana, S. Blum- In-Stand-R ussisch-Brat, a video tapetcolor print tryplich by berg, a. a. Norbert Meissner & Andora 1 .i:^ Terry Flaxton, London FROM THE BELLY OF THE BEAST Independent experimental and do- cumentary video producer Photos and Drawings by Nan Hoover and video maker about alternatives to television vernacular 2. --,) Anne-Marie Duguet, Paris NEW TRENDS IN VIDEO Paris professor and critic shows exam- hosted by Herbert Wentscher ples of French machine-generated video images - .15 Maria Vedder, Koln, multi-media artist, teacher at Cologne University and 1988's winner of the Marler Video Art Award shows her work and speaks about her experience as Leo- narda in the Media-Park COFFEE BREAK accompanied by tapes of Jachen Gerz, George Snow, General Idea The Vasulkas, Santa Fe, Steina and Woody, two pioneers of video art, cofounders of The IOtchen in New York, present authentic history of experimental video Constance DeJong & Tony Oursler, New York ?)Relatives,( Live-video-performance, based on a pteudo-biographical reconstruction by C. DeJong, visualized by L Burster (a CAT-Fund, Boston production) 7-r, :? BREAK ' -: THE pARTy a frenzy media mix of audiovisual cuts, wipes, fades and keys