Present: Councillor Philip Leach (PL) Chair, Councillor David Campbell-Kelly (DCK) Councillor Arthur Lyons (AL); Councillor Philip Day (PD) District Councillor Neil Bannister; 4 Parishioners and Mrs J Jackson (JJ) (Clerk)

2019.65 Apologies for Absence:  Councillor Emma Clanfield; County Councillor Blake Pain

2019.66 Declarations of Interest:  It was noted that DCK, AL and PD were members of the WWRA

2019.67 Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 5th September:  DCK asked the Clerk to note under 2019.53 that the “Garden Village Status Award is a 3-year process”

2019.68 Matters Arising: i) It was noted that the Parish Council’s response to the Issues & Options paper had been submitted and it was agreed to put a copy on the website ii) The Clerk reported that Waterloo Housing had apologised for missing Orchard Road off the mowing rota and priority would be given for a visit by the Grounds Maintenance Team. iii) PD/AL to prepare scope of works required for the 2020 mowing PL/AL season iv) PL reported that he had drafted a letter to the owner of The Rectory concerning the state of the boundary wall on Church Walk and this would be sent. DCK agreed to check if property PL/DCK was listed v) Living in a Conservation Village – PL to send article to WOIW and the print date was 20th November PL vi) Revaluation of Cemetery for 2021 – Clerk confirmed that this had been submitted to the Valuation Office and thanked PD for his assistance. vii) Allocation of Cemetery Plot – Clerk confirmed that Mrs Brierley had been informed of a plot number. viii) DCK reported he had been unable to find any reference to CCTV in HDC newsletters and NB offered to investigate this. NB

2019.69 Report by County & District Councillors:

2019.69.1 NB reported as follows:  The HDC Scrutiny Task panel met on 10th October to review the Strategic Growth Plan. Presentations had been received from 3 parties, including Willoughby Waterleys Residents Association. The panel meet again mid-November (the last meeting for receiving evidence). A report would then be prepared with recommendations and this would be complete by December and ratified at HDC Cabinet meeting.  A public meeting re Whetstone Pastures to be held 28 November called by Parish Council and to be held at Countesthorpe Village Hall.  General Election date set for 12 December and there would be a by-election for Cosby/Countesthorpe division – nominations closing date 14 November.


County Council had circulated a paper regarding the proposal for a Single Unitary Authority and NB would forward a link  NB commented that District Councils as one large authority may NB not work but perhaps an east-west or north-south split could be considered.  Several MP’s are against the suggestion but as there will be 3 new MP’s in the county after the forthcoming election the position may change.  DCK suggested the Parish Council discuss the Unitary Authority at the next meeting and the Clerk was asked to add to agenda.  Fly-tipping had reduced across the District.  Mark Frankham commented that there were 71 people on the JJ village What’s App group and any problems were reported direct to Jordan Smith at HDC who was proving very helpful indeed in keeping the area tidy.  Comment was made that a resident had written to both and Harborough DC regarding Tree Preservations Orders at Whetstone Pastures. A reply had been received from Blaby DC but nothing from Harb DC. NB to investigate NB 2019.69.2 Blake Pain was unable to attend the meeting but had sent in a report which was read out by the Chair.  DCK said that BP had written in detail regarding the Junction 20a and the HIF funding. BP apologised for stating that no funding had been set aside at the last Parish Council meeting, when actually £2 million had been allocated for investigations.  “Doubly Thankful” signs had been raised with LCC and were to be discussed under Item 14.  LCC are looking at next year’s budget and remain the lowest funded county authority within the country.

2019.70 Whetstone Pastures: DCK reported  Blaby draft local plan will be made available for consultation in due course.  Midlands Connect Stage 2 report is now reportedly due to be issued early in 2020  City Local Plan which will identify housing supply will have a draft plan issued by Christmas.  Charnwood BC draft plan is out for consultation but did not identify meeting any Leicester City unmet need.  Countesthorpe PC have a meeting on 28 November when Terry Richardson, Leader of Blaby DC will be presenting the Garden Village and DCK will be attending.  Whetstone PC are apparently still undecided as to whether to support or not.

2019.71 Parishioners Time  Mark Frankham (MF) submitted a report to the Parish Council and asked that consideration be given to declaring a climate change emergency for the village.  PL had contacted both HDC and LCC – who had sent him links and these show that it was mostly first and second tier Councils rather than one the size of Willoughby.  A paper was also circulated that gave 20 action points that parish councils could take on climate emergency.  DCK asked NB for his comments MINUTES –7 NOVEMBER 2019 2

 NB stated that HDC had declared that they would be carbon neutral by 2030 and were actively promoting green initiatives.  NB stated that initially the thoughts of HDC were, that it was a gimmick but having looked at assets there were many areas where positive action could be taken.  PL suggested a policy for scrutinizing planning applications going forward to make sure climate change implications are considered.  MF suggested that as a start, grass verges could be planted with wild flowers and thereby saving the cost of mowing.  AL stated that the village should be encouraged to take this up and PD felt it was everyone’s responsibility to plant trees, wild flowers etc and that grants may be available for such things.

It was proposed by DCK and seconded by PD that the Council were minded to adopt a “Climate Change Emergency” but that villagers should be asked for their thoughts and this would be discussed further at the next meeting. ALL

 Any comments to be sent by email to the Clerk on [email protected] or given to a Parish Councillor.

DCK, on behalf of a resident, asked that a letter be sent to the owner of the field adjoining the cemetery. The fence was damaged and needed repair as the sheep were getting through and eating flowers from the memorials.

2019.72 Planning Applications:  An application had been received for Tree Works at Ponies Retreat, Main Street. No objections raised

2019.73 Financial and Legal Matters:  Noted that the second part of the precept had been received

2019.74 Asset of Community Value:  DCK reported that further photographic evidence had been submitted and a two week extension for consideration of the additional facts had been allowed. A decision is expected by 15 November  Noted that the owner had objected

2019.75 Correspondence:  Notification of a Consultation on Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) had been received.  The consultation period was to begin 20 November and closes on 8 January (subject to consideration by HDC Council meeting on 18 November).  HDC is carrying out a Community Governance Review and parish councils were asked to comment by 31st January 2020. Terms of reference and further information can be found at www.harborough.gov.uk/community-governance-review  Arnesby PC had invited Willoughby PC to consider digital speed monitoring and to share the equipment on periodic intervals. The proposed cost of £6,000, to be shared between 3 villages plus the cost of fixed mounting poles and a Licence to install same.  After discussion it was agreed that there was not funding for such signs at the present time.


2019.76 Financial Reports to 30th September 2019 The financial report, having been circulated prior to the meeting, was approved as correct

Proposed AL; seconded PD

2019.77 Payments for Authorisation:

HDC Dog Bins 78.23 EON Electricity 124.93 Leics Gardens Grass Mowing 280.80 Clerk Salary 346.60 Water Plus Cemetery Supply 29.79

Resolved that all payments be authorised

Proposed AL; Seconded PD

2019.78 Any Other Business:

2019.78.1 Precept Setting:  AL asked re charges for the forthcoming election. It was confirmed there would be no charge made.

2019.78.2 Replacement Road Signs:  The Clerk had reported the damaged road signs to LCC and they had been inspected and confirmation received that they would be replaced an no charge to the council but may take 8 – 12 weeks  “Doubly Thankful Village” signs. DCK agreed to contact Councillor Pain in connection with these signs. DCK

2019.78.3 Blocked Drains:  PD reported that storm drains were still blocked despite being told the work to clear them had been done. Clerk to investigate. JJ

2019.79 Items to be discussed at next meeting  Neighbourhood Plan

29109.80 Date of Next Meeting:  Thursday 9th January 2020 -  Future meeting dates for 2020 as follows:

March 5th; May 7th; July 2nd; Sept 3rd and November 5th

 PD to confirm dates with Village Hall and confirm to Clerk that all booked PD

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.07 pm

______Dated ______