Rocky Mountain COLLGIAN


Scenes such as the one above will be in action during this afternoon in the oval. These fellows are log bucking. The team with the fastest

time wins the contest.

Foresters Take Over Campus This Weekend; Contests Slated

TIMBER!!! Fun and frolic will flood the campus this week-

am r * - * Hr HjyftygPPfc - • . - :: end when the division holds its annual field day, banquet, above show various of which i |The picture* phases College Days Governor Dan Thornton and Fred Har and ball. at the rodeo festival this Left to Texas will see year. right—“T” Tyler and his hand, a wild bucking This afternoon at 2 p.m. the oval will be a beehive of activity and the Theta float which was in the big parade. with all sorts of contests imaginable. The traditional tug of war between the slipstick artists and the hatchet men will highlight the activities. The “jug of war” will be slake. The Gov.Thornton And Fred Harmon Will Be at engineers now Festival possess the highly prized little jug, Haylofters' and plenty of energy will be ex- Will Feature "Pat" pended to win the trophy. Honor Guests At College Days Festivities Pattison as M.C. Other contests include log buck- ing, log chopping, back pack race, H. H. “Pat” Pattison will be Dan Thornton, Governor of Colorado, and Fred Harmon, famed cowboy cartoonist producing the horse packing, three-legged race master of ceremonies for the sd adventure strip, have accepted invitations to attend this year’s springtime and the back-pack pump race. Dick Ryder” extravagant Fourth Annual Aggie senior last will Ilaylofters’ The of Gov. Thornton and Fred Harmon Wilson, year, pass egiate celebration, College Days. special guests honor, Square Dance Festival, March 2 and on his "longest beard title” when b Little Beaver will lead the big “Parade of Floats,” through downtown streets of Fort Collins. 3. The festival, to be held in the the bearded beauties are judged Rodeo Ted Haddan, working with assistant Larry Kirk, and men’s gymnasium, will be free to College Days manager, manager, by the queen candidates this after- I all those who wish io attend. been the touches to the overall for this ir nucleus committees, have putting finishing general plan noon. “Pat” Pattison is one of of the event. s outstanding spring southwest's callers activity throughout the two-day tpiarter horse breeders ol Kit Car Candidates Picked . outstanding and be College Days celebration Colo. teachers of His celebration. son, square dancing. jo- Bush, Brooks, year build* up the de- the Joyce Carolyn vial hYs influenced during The coveted top award for the Popular request for return personality the excil- Mary Ann Fuss and Irene Brown period to of “T" Texas for the both and advanc- planning all-around cowboy will be a two- Tyler big many, beginners have been chosen as candidates for all school finale will ed dancers in the dance participating s'ear-old registered quarterhorse College Days dance guaran- square Queen and the winner wo da\s of entertainment, tun the band least of his Forestry world. He has been caller and gelding presented through co- tee a name at pop- will be at the ball Sat- frolic. presented of ceremonies for of of the student body and ularity if "T" Texas cannot be master many operation These girls will also l)a\s, introduced on the urday night. the festivals and in Ok- allege the Rhoades’ Brothers, registered engaged this year. jamborees judge the beards and award the pus more than 20 years ago. lahoma, Texas, Arizona, and New title the man with best case luated to Mexico. the trout an all-school pit- For past two years he of “five o’clock shadow." ot been forntet years to the classic An Excellent has one of the three judges Orchesis Presents Saturday afternoon the tuitions of high calibre rodeo at the National Square Dance will settle down to more serious rs and colorful parade contest held in Amarillo, Texas when have business they a joint November. icrous other activities aimed at “One Touch Of Rythum” each Recital, of the American of meeting Society Music for the festival be ter participation in events by will pro- Foresters and the Range Manage general student body, By Carl Davis vided Friday night by O. K. Ins- A will be extremelv difficult acrobatic ment Society. banquet Dance band of Denver tstivities, the an ley's Square sponsored by unusual For those who like the held in the evening and honor Mock (lull ol Colorado A & M. dance which will give even the most and by Bob Swcier and The Sons the and exotic, for those who like freshman and honor senior will lot of chuckles. of the Rockies Mu- be inaugurated with the stu staid observer a Saturday night. beautiful and colorful, and for be announced. The "toothless sic for the sessions for Sat- II t body anil faculty turning out Another performer who will keep teaching who like entertain- ,” for the (hose really good supposedly purpose and after Various degrees ol western at- the audience in stitches is Caroline urday morning Saturday the Orchesis recital in the of down above tim- ment, cutting noon is still undecided. toincidem with the spirit o! “Windv” Watkins who adds many Junior High Auditorium tonigm berline, will be presented to some (•ration the week of to the during bright spots program. senior who the Some Changes should Ik- a must. lucky pulled big- f H I*l inclusive. I he Miss Krau, who is the fac- The through Betty The festival proceedings will fol- front “boner" of the final A More than students gest year. club wil! be back lor fifty and guiding hand ol low much the last j posse ulty sponsor the dinner will be the same pattern as what is. event of pre- A Ik- M have (nil teiin in die office of serv- whipped up the Orchesis recitals, does a superb Numerous small sentation of the candidates. year's event. chang- of the writer, one <>• queen the in the opinion of ancient been [judgment upon unloitu job interpreting an es have adopted in the pro- of its kind the best done to the The finale of the two af- uncooperators, performances Hindu dance entirely day gram. All callers who wish to call at Colorado A k' M. te ever seen of small Indian fair will be the of the will be do Chosen accompaniment presentation given a chance to so. tout It - “tine the Foresters' ball. The parade of floats theme has Following the theme drums. queen at T'he callers will be limited to four in the recital manages, dance starts at 9 with music minutes for each In this selected and decorations this of Kythm”, A touch of the unusual is added p.m. “tip”. man Kill and one-half Dale Wolfer and his center around the short time of one numbers which furnished by ner 30 callers will be in two interpretive approximately of dances band. The ticket of $1.50 in- storybook." 1 his an- hours, to exhibitions but are ac- price a chance to call each eve- early give are done without music, given <*ight, 19. Other Dale Harold Choate by \fay hours of preparation, and all s to to the long dance groups have been ar- be worked the add very bright spot Bill square out by co- a Per- all it of enter- Sauer II ol the in provides plenty their dance tonunittee and formance with Bill on ai["B Pep tainment for the audience. Johnson (Continued page 11) 1(1 Comedians. will provide continuous “Galloping FEBRUARY 1981 C OULK OIAN 2 2 3. - Kappa Al p h a T h et a a n d Independent M e n Wi n Trophies f or f a ci n g Fir st i n Hesperia ' Si n g'

T h e Independent m e n a n d t h e Kappa Al p h a T h **l m e n’ s a n d wo men’s di vi si o n s of t h e Hesperia W oil 3t Si n q n o o n, at 2: 0 0 p. m., i n t h e St u d e nt U ni o n b allr o o m 6ft *

e nt “ A F ell a Needs ' m e n sang a Girl,” a n d “ W hiff Ir‘ d el*iii- a n d t h e T h et a s e n p o of Kappa Al p h a sang “ The Ni a hi S o n t" H„ a s a T h E y e s,” a n d “ T h et a Li n s.” O U s L

Si g m a Al p h a E p sil o n w o n second ,rl pl a c e i n t h e m e n’ s di vi si o n a n d f 0 1 Pr ay er fro m « “ There i s a B al m i n Gil e a d” a n d H a n s el " H e a v' n, S. g m a Al p h a H e a v’ n.” D elt a D elt a E p s il o n Al p h a D elt a second T h et a w o n N w a s i n t h e wo men’s t h e w si o n wit h di * di vi si o n wit h “Funny Littl e M el- " Charlouo wn ’ s' a n d D elt a o d y” a n d “ Bl a c k M a gi c.” D elt a D elt a ” lt h Bl k “ » t h e A T O c aff ?* a n d D elt a Z et a w er e t hir d. T r u e L o v e’ s H air” A T O sang " Our Je wels" a n d “ S a-

l ut e t o A m eri c a.” D elt a Z et a sang

A M E R | C A * Continuous Perfor mance D ail y St arti n g at i T T TI T -T ODAY A N D SATURDAY L O OK W H O’ S B At: Ki HAR OLD LL OY D i n WEDNJES D A Y


F REE MI D NI T E SHO W SAT U R DAY!" " M Y F RI E N D IR MA G OES W E ST" Pi ct ur e d above t h e v ari o us ar e a n d t h e w o n f or L eft t o I J OHN Lit Nil _ ( XI It KI N K representatives trophies t h ey Hesperia Si n g. ri g ht — CALVET D U N i LY N N D al e B o s Offlif Open ii n Ul 1 2: 3 0 H e n c y, Independent m e n’ s gr o u p; A n n ett e B al d wi n, Kappa Al p h a T h et a, a n d D al e W olf er . Si g m a Al p h a Et c v y iii ut d a y! E p sil o n. 1, 2 0 0 ji e o pl e att e n d e d t h e 1951 Hesperia Si n g, m a k i n gt hi s t h e l ar g est congregation e v er *. o att e n d t h e a n n u al T hi s t h e E N L N, N C si n g. y e ar Hesperia w a s di vi d e d i nt o t hr e e di vi si o n s w hi c h made it diff er e nt a n d u ni q u e STA RTS S U N DAY! 4 ' S i n c o ntr a st t o t h e ot h er y e ar s. I I T' S T H E R E AL K OREAN S T O R Y! ~ ~| A & M CH ORUS WI L L PRESENT N O TI C E If h av e y o u n ot pr evi o usly done CONCERT e ac h A T DENVER CHURCH s o, st u d e nt e x p e cti n g t o co m- pl et e degree require ments d uri n g T hi s Sunday, February 2 5, t h e Colorado A & M c h oir a n d t h e c urr e nt q u art er s h o ul d m ak e a b o ut me mbers of t h e t hirt y-fi v e chorus will tr a v el t o Denver t o f or m al a p pli c ati o n at t h e R e gi str ar’ s offi c e. gi v e a c o n c ert. T hi s c o nc ert i s t h e t hir d i n a s eri e s of f o ur c h or al progra ms gi v e n b y c h oir s fro m Colorado u ni v er sit y, C. S. C. E. at A & a n d Gr e el e y, M, Denver u ni v er sit y. T h e A & M gr o u p, made of u p approxi mately o n e hundred, will si n g at t h e Tri nit y C h urc h, L n m n St e el 1 8t h a n d H el m et Broad way, at 7: 3 0. T h e c h oir si n g t w o groups Y OUR h uftrt £ c hi v u el u di n g Mr s. Leonard, Pr of. Ji m of nu mbers a n d HUTT ON . BB OPH fir st, then will b e THEATRE » . IVA NS Wil s o n, R a u ol P ett ai, Mr s. L o v e, j oi n e d b y t h e chorus f or B a c h’ s M ari o n P hilli p s, Bill M ei st er, a n d E a st er C a nt at a, “ C hri st l a y i n N O W SHO WING Mr s. R ut h H a y. t h e Bonds of D e at h.” T h e si n g ers 7 BI G D A Y S L Y RI C * will b e a s si st e d b y Pr of ess or Ri c h- Busses f or those g oi n g will leave ar d S atr oi u s, or g a ni st, a n d stri n g t h e m u si c b uil di n g Sunday aft er- me mber of t h e Ci vi c Sy mphony, i n- noon at 3: 0 0. St art s T o nit e at 7 Continuous S at. a n d S u n. fro m 1: 5 0 R o u sii g St or y of • Girl W h o p. m.

— ~ A - ■ T O NI T E A N D SATURDAY | W a s L a n-lri m mti Dna m M I It BREAKTHROUGH" £££?

C o** R- E- M- E- M- B- E- R STA RTS S U N DAY! 5 SPECTACULAR D A Y S! I SAVA GE BEA UTIES « P RI MI TI V E P A S SI O N ~| a n d Ev ery Wednesday Thursday £!'• I * A R E T H E ■ ■ H A. I M I S* “ BI G D A Y S” A Mt Atti I WCUHO WHA M


( Continuous Perfor mance Fro m 1: 3 0 p. m. T W O L OST B ot h D ays at t h e W ORLDS A MERICA A N D T R AI L

L Y RI C St art s B ot h Ni g ht s at 7 p. m. a C A LI M E MI S T E R BETTY G R A BI E i «i m* ... • w m Courtesy R e gi str ati o n will h e accepted a n y ti m e Wednesday ( m ati n e e or evening) a n d Thursday aft er n o o n J o el Mc C REA at t h e A merica a n d Tr ail a n d Wednes- i d a y evening at t h e L yri c. S h ell e y WI NTE RS S T A T E If c a n’t b e y o u pr es e nt Thursday c a n ni g ht y o u «* P A UL K ELL Y j,j o S u n. I Y ° ti m e St art* T o nit e at 7 Continuous S at. a n d r e gi st er a n y Wednesday or t h e aft er n o o n o n A p. m. Thursday. T O NI T E —SATURDAY —S U N DAY^.

RE GULAR P RI C E S A N D RE GULAR J OSEPH C OTTg PROGRA MS A T A L L J OHN WAY NE DARNEU LI N D A THEATERS EA C H W E E K. • MATINEES FLA GS • WAR O F T W O S E E A D S T HI S PA GE F O R SCREEN PROGRA MS. T H E S at. - S u n. - W e d. - T h ur. WIL D CATS” W E S T” Continuous fro m 1: 3 0 COLLEGIAN - FEBRUARY 23. I&51 Club not to 3 Drama Equal ‘Androcles’ Spruce Applicants By Roger Whittaker Will Be Considered EXAMINATION SCHEDULE the late George Bernard Shaw’s satirical Second I in “Androcles and Feb. 23 Quarter 1950-51 the Drama By Board Lion,” Club, unfortunately, seems to have he» met MONDAY, MARCH 12 match. Subtle its lines which demand the Ihe Board of Publications is 8-10—All classes having first session of than utmost week at 10 o'clock M„ W„ or F. MLjore pre- 10-12—All b classes having first session of week at 10 Tu. were not .ginning to consider o'clock or Th. spoken applicants s—ah classes Ksion in presentation clearly, leaving the intended having first session of week at 1 o'clock M., W. F. lot the or editor and business 3- s—All classes having first session of to those not man- week at 1 o'clock T. or Th. iticism of religion vague familiar with the rf» play. ager of next Silver that the year’s Spruce. TUESDAY, MARCH IS theory was mammoth beasts which dominated Khan’s the Certain which 8-10—All classes first standards each having session of week at 9 o'clock M., W. or F. were ap- of ago 10-12—All classes first session week ions years licant must having of at 9 o’clock T. or Th. meet are set up by the 1- B—All C God because He dis- 1, C 3, C 11. C 12, C 15, C 36 classes ,y board. classes in the 3- s—All having first session of week at 4 o'clock gieat successes past, arid it M., T., W., Th.. F. they suffered from a All it persons who interested is only to be expected that are in WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 •feet, an to they incapability for either 8-10—All classes first week occasionally applying editor or busi- having session of at 8 o'clock M., W. or F. and perform below their 10-12—All an in- classes having first session of week at 8 o’clock T. Th. s ness must or purpose, usual manager send a written high standard. 1- 3—All classes first session of week themselves having at 3 o'clock M., W. or F. tend beyond to the Board 3- s—All classes application of Publi- having first session of week at 3 o’clock T. or Th. limitations. jodily Hence Others in cations. These participating major applications must be THURSDAY, MARCH 15 man. roles are t'd Margaret Bucklen sent tc 8-10—All classes first week as Meg- Ralph Murphy, president having session of at 11 o’clock M., W. or F. 10-12All clasts having first session of 11 T. Th. aera (Mrs. of the board, 700 week at o'clock or rns the human race that Androcles), Joann 1- 3—All classes first session of Spei- Remington, having week at 2 o'clock M., W, or F. ser as Lavinia, Willard phone 2417, and 3- s—All classes having first of at ated man on probation, Housley as postmarked not session week 2 o’clock T. or Th. Dick later than like the Captain, Rayner as Wednesday, 28. nan too, roam- Spintho, February STELLA MORRIS, Registrar O’Donnell be Jim as Metellus, Bob leday may scrapped, Bribernick live that when as Lentullus, Charles d so you jorie Smith, Ramona Estey, Elaine Allen as debt.” In order Ferrovius, Charles Warner in your Kimbrough, Merle Ingram, Betty as Harold Editor, Felte as Centur lly effect a transition be- Kelly, Wyvonna McClelland, and ian, Bill March ARTISTIC BEAUTY SALON and Shaw as v in Menagarie Keep- vloesha writing Gucovcky. Lighting was Bill Roller er, as Secutor, and e, almost complete unity Jim prepared by Frank Carpenter and CARRYING FULL LINE OF COSMETICS AND SHAMPOOS as Neary Retorias. Those cast as Alan in performance is re- Schtnale, and Marjorie Smith Christians PHONE 116 114 W. LAUREL were Elaine Evans, Mar- is in lis. it seemed, was not charge of the costumes.

ire to get the lines across, and should ;m not not attributed to the cast. LUCKIES TASTE BETTER • blame must fall on the of nature Ammons Hall THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE • ater, and the compara- central staging method getW. Fine tobacco —and on/y fine tobacco—can Jean Grether, the pro- give you the perfect mildness and rich taste rural staging, or arena that make a a arrangement where the cigarette completely enjoyable. surrounds the mipletely And Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. So if

e same level. you’re not happy with your present brand

(standing (and a 38-city survey shows that millions are

it must be said, some •re, not), switch to Luckies. You’ll find that individual performances, \\V* 'k;ir€4'rea nfcl Luckies taste than other **l«***" 4-00 : gest better any ciga- inn played the role of yja b a rette. Be bumbling Androcles al- Happy—Go Lucky today! fection. He showed An-

in bU Christian, who direct p it*« the other Christians, fol- umble, unshakable faith of Christ. Jim Owens, i performed very ably m t task of portraying in f jm form, the antics of a

ng from a thorn in his Sony McCoy, as Caesar, aled in the end Shaw’s * of the - Roman emperor * j.-- W- ile coward. it of shows a group ■ % hi their way to martyr- \ m e days of Caesar. The mishment for Christians I s- > the Romans was to be X the lions.

ft*}****—•* \ s, however, escapes such at the start of the play ntally befriends the lion / mm thrown ro, by extracting pi m the latter’s paw.


erer," the lion comes to

rescue. i > • Then Androcles £b“ a ch cringing Caesar that the "'.rU^“ i.w'S i icconcile the lion was ■

to say something cora- Relieve

I about *K» him, (Androcles). 1 and is 1 did, convinced Bocn bs**10 les Ala Char of ion fawns on him that rsity umve ot her % Eo ca^h err-' n rfv' Club has had many \

' t the , ucW r* *

' $ Fine Gifts and y Jewelry | b

w. & w.

COM*.. TH« AMERICAN TORACCO COMPANY Gift & Jewelry Phone 674 LS /M FT-Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco 4 FEBRUARY’Xa. COLLEGIAN

SIGMA NUS WILL SPORT KILTS FOR OVERHEARD SCOTCH DANCE TONIGHT IN CAVE The annual Scotch Dance of Sigma Nu By Vivian Slocum will be\ in the Student Union Cave. toai Tonight marks the fift St dance has been presented on the Aggie campus It tij annual 8 *11 an mid-winter costume ball held in the Hesperia Sunday an open house the'igio^' Hey, guys! Harvey is coming to town again Following Sing ** 3n Bob to reveal an athletic n missed some. In addition, there are Melvin, George expected many in honor of Lee Lawrence and Don Heilman. Ladds Covered 8 * night the dance the fellows Wagon. and Deweese. leg. During Valentine’s You Purvis, Roy They became pinned on Day. know, D.nner will present their dates with favors will stuff! There house dance held at the SAE house begin at 7 “my heart sighs for you" and all that sort of was a odod which will be and wlule quite unique Ray Gardener and after the D.U. game. his (sigh) Saturday night will orche- will fully carry out the Sco tc h tra furnish the the Tau the music fr Captain Medlin passed cigars at Kappa Clint cigars Monday night at 9 Draper passed theme. until 12 for the his his to dancing. T S Epsilon house Monday night to announce promo- Sigma Nu house to announce that he gave pin f«*i the Dale Wolfer and Ins orchestra dinner dance tion He is adviser the Tekes and Valentines’ there’s that are jjofz to Major. a faculty to Ann Holden on Day. (Gad, the couple. The will furnish music for the even- Rodeo chib J instructor in air science and tactics in ROTC Boulder and is an invite, day again!) Ann is from Alpha only but not with present members, but Leland F. Grand of Tau ing, equipped bag all „u Leland, Prytanis Kappa Chi at the university there. members pipes, however. At intermission to attend. visited the last week. He was Epsilon, Aggie campus New officers in the Gamma Phi pledge class arc: Scotch ballads will be sung, re- Tickets in Denver for the initiation of the new Gamma lota may be obtained vice tro, president, Carolyn Wagner: president. Jannie those the the dance and will wind his with visit the sembling sung by Sigma chairman, chapter up tour a to Willie Wintz. ]i« Eroddv, Kent; secretary, Nus the of at Hesperia Sing. from of the Teke chapter at University Wyoming. any dance commim, Oscar Schmunk announced formally to his Lambda all We dropped our uppers, no Pyodent either, Chi brothers that his brand new bride is Lou Petter when heard of we Johnny Siverly’s engagement to June of Phi Beta he at the meet- Gamma ... passed cigars Mihelcich of Denver. This also took place on Valen- FASHION PLATE Lee ing. by Lawrence tine’s Day. (This day must be some occasion. It should serenaded Phyllis Marlatt was by the come more often!) Independent American Commons Club Monday evening in honor Those sneakin’ Theta C.his took a sneak the .other the Bob Greenbank. the the of pinning .. . by night. I should say pledges started it, ’cause actives the Acacians “thanks” to all the of came out following evening with a repeat say representatives

other fraternities who make their “Nitc on the . the job .. food for actives! helped

Nile” a success. . .” Warner “Candy kisses, wTapped . Betty passed Tau the traditional five pounds at the Kappa Delta house Special dinner guest at the Alpha Omega announcing her engagement to Frank Otteson. house Sunday was Sally Scofield. Much ado at the Tri Delta house about scholar- A house guest over the weekend at the Acacia house the Tom Walton the Denver Acacia ship. At annual scholarship dinner 15 girls were was from chapter. Gosh sneaks. The of honored. Marilou Milano received the highest scholar- sakes, more pledges Lambda Chi took off for ship, and Becky Berg showed the most improvement Fort Lupton, appropriately followed that the actives . this was (in scholarship, is). by . . Monday night. Like like Gunkle is SAEs serenaded the Gamma Phis in honor of the mother, daughter. Marge now the in of Will Bennett and Frannie Kent and wearing Sig Ep pin of Wayne Weaver, now the pinning also in honor of United States Navy. Marge is the daughter of Lee the engagement of Marian Pennington Lawrence. and Ted Oppelt. This business does around. Seems the SAEs had scholarship certainly get as though a busy night of Chicken or bean dinner was held Monday at the Delta serenading. They also sang purty to the Thetas in

Zeta house. I'll let out who ate which honor Pat and and you figure . .. of Blakely John Coughenour Joyce gosh, that don’t take much brain stuff. Easly and Dave Mathias. dinner of the Theta New around the Tau Sj»ecial guest Kappa Alpha pledges seen Phi house are Monday night was Mrs. Theodore Blevins. Paul Jensen, Bill Martin, and Herb Roe. of the Now Speaking sneaks, AGR pledges took off for then, the new actives at the Sigma Nu fra- Boulder The Bill Monday night. active meeting was called ternity are Johnson, Dick Barger, Al Dorsev, Bill off to locate the pledges. Smith, Jay Nickols, Jay Sommer, Dick Stocker, Beezer Jean Van Winkle, Margaret Cook and Janie Han- Eberhardt, and Jim Anderson. cock are now proud possessers of the Kay Dee pledge More sweets at the Gamma Phi house. Betty Lee pin. Ahlbrandt passed candy Monday night announcing her lot of lot of Charlie, my boy, now owes a people a engagement to Larry Ver Husen, a pre-med student at spaghetti! Charlene (Charlie) Walrath is now wear- Colorado university. the of ing jeweled pin Ray Bostek, ACC. The fellows An exchange dinner was held Wednesday night be- serenaded the Sigma Kappas Monday night. tween the Delta Zetas and the Alpha Gamma Rho fro- Powell initiated John was formally into Tau Kappa ternity. on active with the there Epsilon Saturday. John went new Ah, yes, seems to be more pledges at the at Denver Phi chapter university. Sigma Epsilon house. They are Dale Sayre, Norris the New pledges at Sigma Chi house are Glen Lewis Miller, Bill Beck and Richard Randolph. and Fred Hudson. The Phi Dell Dick is pin of Moeller now being And brass Delta .. new at the Delta Delta worn beside the Gamma Phi . top pin of Jean Cuney. The house are: president, Janet House; vice president, Caro- Phi Delts serenaded Monday night. Since this is National Brotherhood Week it seems approprntt Lerner; on the lyn secretary. Margaret Sandhouse; house head. Speaking of serenades, the Alpha Tau Omega boys proper to have two outstanding students that arc ® Dixie Miss Otilia Moore; treasurer, Hendricks; social chair- have some voices who arc students on the "Fashion Plate.” Jean lovely ... they did lots of singing foreign the Nat"»" al man. Phyllis Lockhart; and scholarship chairman, Lois Monday too! who is from the Dutch West Indies is demonstrating *ean Zimtnerschied. Honored dinner for India. Slier Virtli who India his home is seen , guests at the Sigma Nu house claims as Someone left the to Robert in India. gate Wyoming open. Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kissock and Mr. well known turk that is the national dress for men , l *** (Doc) Swanson of Phi Kappa Tau blew in from the and Mrs. Davis (coach Davis, that is). 1 he dress that Otilia is wearing is made of one h'tig p north last h°ra country and was a for din- New Lambda Chi silk material. it over with lorn Thursday guest pledges of Alpha are Dick Al- woven Sher brought * vtr ner he is of It is ... a graduate Aggies. berti and Maurice Barton. material is also hand is painted and very light weight. | and has draped a beautiful blend of colors. Notice the lovely various is obtained by wrapping the material around Otilia in DEBATERS TALK ar MINES PRESENTS NEXT ASSEMBLY IN turk is materia made of one long piece of light weight cotton in Colorado School of Mines LINCOLN, NEBRASKA yards length. jd will present an assembly here Thursday, jen( Five Otilia is active members of the Debate club living at and is a very March 1 at 8:00 in the Student Union Ballroom. The title of their Compton's p.m., an are the Central States to Inde-Debs. She is in ami science will be Bar Room Fantasies. attending belongs a junior arts ' program ' be tr Speech Meet, held Thursday division is sociology. Sher Virdi claims his home to ( . Botli () Bill Clinkenbearg, chairman of the Mines show wrote that “they through Saturday at Lincoln, Neb. He is a sophomore majoring in civil engineering.

I ‘l would feature ballroom scene most Kenneth the c a as people would them to, Iverson and Ron Mil- are very active in the Club on Ag"' ,n^r, expect Cosmopolitan . )rtnia» | it be that that ler but is to understood is not typical of them.” The bar- are cm the affirmative debate Photo by tenders will be the straight men and action will take place from there. team. Robert Ochiltree and Pat- rick McHugh will debate on the Last year Mines gave a wonderful show here and they are expected team. Duane this negative Andrews VOGUE BOOTERY to do as good or better year. has entered oratory, Pat McHugh Him assemblies here be: for Other schools giving will Greeley on 12 in Crosby Square April extempore, and Bob Ochiltree Her 19. Connie and for and on April Colorado university and Denver in Jacqueline Wyoming university newscasting. All members are are also expected to participate. entered in discussion. 129 So. College COLLEGIAN FEBRUARY 23, 1931 5 International Day Four Lovely Aggie Coeds Vie For Foresters’ Features Foreign Queen! Cooked Dishes

food than you can shake a |i Mort . ■ will be served tomorrow ' kin ilt And Ammons Hall. that’s ■vht in of these foods will be ■ all, most Eotic concoctions that most of us let even heard of. alone Eve never smelled'. For instance, if E'led or for a fllj of im yearni,lB Eu ;irc i a dash of Eumba <>r perhaps just Elaf—the" there’s always that de- Eious perivaki.

few of the I These are just a many dishes that those attend- R, var iccl International R, the Cosmopolitan Enter will i>e treated to. Other will be a dried Ends on the menu

• Mary \nn Fuss mushroom soybean- ( Ednip laroi.yn Brooks Irene Brown Joyce Bush a Vien- Exxlle soup from China, Ese salad, Oriental barbeque, Eed steamed stuffed dough. Swed CAMPUS E meatballs, Purhero from Colum CLUBS chicken, Mexican tacos, Sj a Swiss Eaziliati coffee, Ceylon Tea, and F. T. A. German Club Haliun Wine dessert. The I. E. Newsom ol }•. chapter The German Club will meet in T. A. will hold its Bimntries Represented next the Green Room regular Tuesday at 7 p.m. ■ from all over the suite meeting Thursday, March 1, in the Our Students guest speaker will be J. Lee and also from Gold Room of the Student Bi Colorado, every Union l)een. Dean of the Division of For- the world, from at 7:00 Kuntrry in ranging p.m. John Eklund, Presi- estry and Range Management. from France dent of the American K„l to Israel, and to Federation ol Dean Deen recently returned from South has to even Africa, Teachers, agreed a an ■nland—and supply inspection tour of the forested [Y)QdiQ Cura [ Free will be re who will intorma ol foundry Orange State) speaker present areas the American, British, and

The students are all tion benifits ol union Hesented. par concerning French zones of Germany. Color

m the International membership to teachers, and contri- slides * Hcipating Day of scenes found in Germany its the butions of teachers’ unions edu- Hlikh has as main purpose to will also be shown by Dean Deen. better cation. Since this is a matter of All Homotion of relationships gen- students are urged to attend the students and eral interest, the will be Between foreign meeting our meetings. Our last meeting wr as classmates. T he cc! to who wishes to held in the American open anyone at- home of our sponsor, tend. will last all day. and most Refreshments will be served, Mrs. William Reitzer. Many inter- H the night. Starting at 1:00 regis and if time permits there will be ' sting items made in old German then social activities. cities will begin, and panel were on display. Following \ will show most of the the party entertainment and brief that their theme, I. W. A. II I business meeting, refreshments were All Nations is bv Mrs. Reitzer. \ HMmve Humanity,” Esther Rankin was elected vice- served

Bi be into of the I d I we of the German really put practice. president n e p e u d e u t Again repeat, at Women Club wish to extend a cordial invi- Night Students Association at the —\X hite hutton- tation to all students and faculty meeting February ‘JO. She will funi down oxford, soft 19If these activities aren’t enough interested in the German tion in this for the remain- people roll the collar. the and capacity to guests participants, and their whether der of the current language, you year. Popular as a holiday will be a dancing spree fol- speak German or not. with the fellows and the !< a vigil dinner. Record C.C. the gals. Bi from the world will be F. all over Camera Club boulder EV C.F.'ers will be ■P nl and those students guests repre The Aggie Camera Club officers at the Christian Fel- these nations will demon Aggie Campus have announced that the club con this week. Colo their native dances. Such lowship meeting test has been as far as ratio will the postponed ■fhvthmic hula. university present pro- stejis as the uioinbo. judging is concerned until Tuesday. gram. The is the ncaii /ulu dame, and even meeting place yes. February 27 at 7 p.m. in the Green West Lounge of the Student Union, Bp jitterhug will put the spectatois R.khh of the Student Union. at 7 is ■ a Friday night p.m. Everyone I his is a small contest and is print welcome to attend and cordially are to be mounted on II x H to off the uni they «just top far-away* invited to hear the Colorado X boards, judging is open to anyone re, most of the for student / atin<>s|»lu versity speak. : who cares to watch. There will be is- HBo students will \ wear their native refreshments serted and lm prizes tin darning part ot the Club Chemistry awarded. ■iW festivities. Guests will of the Chem- The next meeting Prints are to be turned in at the Vc a chance to see silk from will feature M’. Robert pure Club Student Union office. dlJ istrry ■ ham! duel wool from Arabia, 9 Salander, a graduate in chemistry. satins from the Middle East, g Mr. Salander will give an interest- Aggie Action Party exhibit- Iroin not only every technical talk on ing non paper There will he a meeting of the will he but displayed, i Feb- hromotographv. \ggie Action Party, Tuesday, white ,r owners rine on to be heiu Wed- hand. explain I his will ruary 27 in the Gold Room at 7 meeting p.m. hroaslclnth. extreme Rr in February 2H. at 7 p.m. The will be and nesday, petition ready widespread collar. the build- And room 220 of Chemistry the discussed. ■ ju,,t is an added attraction platform Important: Sharpest shirt on includ * ee All chemistry majors, Be 1 here. ■ P the people from getting ing. the quadrangles to the mg freshmen, are urged support this g.ones from each country year. Club meet- NOTICE be set this and all Chemistry ■ V in the up foyer. There \ \PHER will meet he interested in the Tuesday even from Chinese ings. Anyone thing at 7:00 in the gym class- is welcome attend. night p.rn. ckers ami meeting to Chets, to to Owigge room. All members are urged fr< Refreshments will be served fol- "" the Orient. attend this meeting. ** the n *' ri >utional will lowing meeting. Day pro a n excellent opportunity for student, ;» know and under some of the foreign students on Ba campus and see just CREAMERY they live POUDRE VALLEY in their far away / / / /

Grade A Dairy Products Complete line of Fine I Shoe Rebuilding

£ PHONE S3S The Manhattan Shirt makers of Manhattan shirts, necl Office Company, ECTRIC shoe shop Vi Block Weil of Poi* wear, underwear, pajamas, sportshirts, beachwear and handkerchiefs. -S<,ui|, College Avenue 6 FEBRUARY 23. IOSt - COLLEGIAN

Rocky Mountain COLLEGIAN





DORIS RUFF—Phone 1870-M ___Emto«

AL McNAMEE—Phone 951 Managing Editor

DOTTIE LlNK—Phone 908 Business Manager

808 STOLL—Phone 2095-W Assistant Business Manager



PAT BREWER - Assistant News Editor

JACK SNYDER Sporti Editor

ROGER DYER Assistant Sports Editor



NEAL MOREHART Assistant Feature Editor

ART SIN TON Cartoonist


KEN HUNTER Circulation Manages



Bette Sauer Ruby Pratt Louise Hayes Jeanne Brooks Pat Brewer Katie French Joan McDonald Madelyn McClave John Siverly Jody Clithero C.eorcia Thompson Pat Rocke Phyllis Stone Lois West Vernon McGeorge Maxine Chapin Gerri Creache Pat Harrison Cecilia Falcien Janet Marshall Ann Watt Walt Scott Janet Beroakd Dan Ralston Ronald Lantz Shirley Bixler Janice Smith Bob Brown Lee Lawerence F.d Nieder Joanne Videon Bert Gilbert Dixie Lee Hendr.ces George Cowen Marie Niceman Bill Brown

Office Entered as second class matter at the Post of Fort Collins. Colo., under the Act of Congress of March IS, 1879.

Brown Swiss Assn. SWANSON STUDIO Aggie Comments Will Meet Here for Elections and Talks 128 SOUTH COLLEGE PHONE By GEORGE SCOTT 2»

Brown Swiss breeders and friends

Saturday, February 10, fatuity, administrative officers and stu- of the state Brown Swiss associa- dents from and universities colleges in Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico tion will meet here Feb. 23. and Utah met for a one day conference on Discriminations in Higher Edu- Fred S. Idtse of Beloit, VVis., the cation. This conference of the National Conference was an outgrowth on national secretary, will make his Discriminations in admissions held in in 1949. Several College Chicago first visit to the Colorado associa- educators from the Mountain States region, who attended the Chicago tion. He will be accompanied by meeting, formed a regional committee to organize this Mountain States Marvin Kruse of Fremont, Neb. conference. Mr. Kruse is the new western field

man. In the Student discussion group on Life the discriminations that The will include the found be program were to present on campuses of this region were listed and election of officers and directors for and toward their suggestions resolutions elimination were made. Dis- the state association in the morn- crimination in selection of members for social fraternities and sororities, and 1 Idtse ing at p.m., Mr. will discriminations on athletic teams, discriminations against students by the on the "Brown Swiss I and economic speak

The resolutions from the Student Lite bull stud. following group were adopted college by the conference.

1. Administrative committees committees, fatuity and student com- 3663 Students Receive mi'tees should work separately and together toward anti discrimination Service within their institution. at Infirmary During Month of Jan. 2. No new organizations discriminating against persons because of Book Siort color, race, economic status or national should be Miss Maxon, of the Student origin approved on the Tmoot Ttcknotogicol CoUogo Health Service, announced this campus. Übbock, r.w week that 3

Alterations co ,anY Expert 109 East Mountain BOTTLED UNDO AUTHOBITY or THE COCA-COLA £ V Co or Coca-Cola of Fort Collin*. Phone 552-W Bottling Co. 116 West Laurel Phone 1144 0 COLLEGIAN KNOW FEBRUARY 23. 1951 DO YOU 'MISS CHESTERFIELD? 7

,X< l I ;ere ,s t£ie "Chester- ‘;r . ! ACTIVITY fl Ul (,oed| £or SCHEDULE thi * week. Tribune -1 Can you identify her? If | you can Ches- tCrf,el(ls 23 are Friday, February Indeans, 6:30 Gold I yours. Turn in the p.m., Room. name of Foresters' this girl on the fo: Day> Esquires, 6:45 West back of AH members of the p.m., Lounge. an fur- Colorado Swine R empty Growers Ass’n, all ISA, 7 Ballroom. pack to Doris bearing p.m., Chesterfield family, including For- day, Ballroom. ' 11 otlock Club, 7:30 !? nt the COI.LE esters. Juniper p.m.. Rm. 126, AN office Basketball—Brigham Young U., lor free Chesterfields. From: Forestry Bldg. Jd Engineering Council here. Cast weeks winner of one carton Tuesday, 27 Subject: Notice is Rodeo Club Ladd's. February I was Keith hereby given Party, 1 Harvey and anhellenic Council, 12 Chesterfield that the Christian noon, Am- ,r Societies Campus 7 *1 K * was Nancy Henderson Engineering Fellowship, mons Hall. "ill B.: gladly the chal- p.m., West accept Lounge. 4 IWA, p.m., Gold Room. to Photo lenge a D Club 8 by Snyder produce stress upon Play, p.m., Ammons Kappa Kappa Psi, 4 p.m., Music one elongated fibrous member Hall. Hi WSmmsmmm mat —*, Bldg. of sufficient Orchesis Recital, 8 amplitude to p.m.. Junior Swan Club, 4 to 6, Ammons Hall. overcome the of High Auditorium. yield point A Cappella Choir, 5 p.m., Lect. the force. Nu Scotch opposing The co- Sigma Dance, Cave. Rm., Physics Bldg. efficient of 24 performance of Saturday, February Omicron Nu, 5 p.m., Dining Room, the above named CEA Sectional moss jaws Meeting, 9-12 a.m., will Guggenheim. be determined Friday, West Lounge. Aggie loiters, 7 Old Main International Hay p.m., February 23, 1951, the Day on Gym. oval! Registration, 1 Ammons. p.m., lan Alpha 7 Gold Dinner Alpha, p.m., Dance, 7 p.m., Ammons The Engineers. Room. Basketball—Brigham Young U., German Club, 7 Green Room. here. p.m.. IRC. 7 p.m.. West Lounge. “D” Club 8 m., Old Main Play, p Note Cos, 7 p.m., East Lounge. Foresters’ Ball anti Dinner We Are Dance, Rescue Disgusted Club, 7 p.m., Rm. 123, Ag. Student Union. Dear Editor: Bldg. Sunday, 25 his February Rodeo Club, 7 1 letter is in p.m., Rm. 205, reference to the Greek Presidents' Ag. Meeting, 2 to 6, one that in the last issue Bldg. appeared Ammons Hall. ol the COLLEGIAN written Speech Club, 7 p.m., Rm. 300, Old by Club, 5 St. Luke’s Canterbury p.m., Main. some of the "prettv boys” residing Church in "Braiden Scabbard X: Blade, 7:10 Mili- Hall.” Gamma p.m., Delta, 5:45 p.m., Gold It is that tary Bldg. our opinion “College Room. Beta Beta Men. with such Beta, 7:15 Rm. juvenile ideas, Newman p.m., 227, Club, 6:30 p.m., Ammons should and look into the Ag. Bldg. Swine Camera Contest stop mir- Hall. Annual Day Judging ror—they might be We Wednesday, February 28 surprised. Christian Science Organization, 7 To °f South Hall Orchesis, 4 Ammons Hall. Be Held 27 frequently pass Green Room. p.m., Given By Growers February p.m., through Braiden—and seldom do A Cappella Choir. 5 Lect. Quakci 7:15 p.m., I he of the Group Meeting, p.m., judging Camera Club we come across the “casanovas” that Rm., Columbine Room. Physics Bldg. On Campus Today contest which has been postponed supposedly extst there; has Lancers, 5 p.m., East Fourth annual swine anyone 26 Lounge. § I day spun until Monday, February Tuesday, 27, ever noticed the coeds 5 Gold Room. February at breaking into A Spur, p.m., Bjornl In tin Colorado Swine Glow Cappella Choir, 5 p.m., Lect. 7:00 will take in the Braiden dates? Livestock 7 p.m., place to get Club, p.m., Rm. 203, association is Rm„ Bldg. meeting on the Green Physics Room. Small I he men of South Hall prints only seriously Hikers Ag. Bldg. The swine is Club, 5 p.m., West today. day will be and doubt that Lounge. eligible, they must be the Braiden Hall boys Phrateres, 7 p.m., Ammons Hall. in the Colot.ulo Interfraternity Council, 5 assotia mounted p.m., on eleven fourteen could beautiful Sigma Tau, 7 ME by appreciate a girl, East p.m., Bldg. and the Lounge. college. inch txiards. The let alone judging is recognize one when Agronomy Club, 7:15 p.m.. Green open they ISA Executive 5 I I Member* will visit the Council, p.m., college to who cares to watch, and see her. Room. anyone Gold Room. this H morning from a.m. will fertilities prizes be awarded, and refresh- AVMA, 7:15 pan-.. Vet Auditorium. Disgusted students, Cavaliers, 6:30 Columbine ■ 10 in. Chairman ol the morn p.m., p ments served. J.H., W.M., D.M., W.K. Room. B*g progt.un is R. It. Itroad. presi (Continued on page 12) ol the association. Homer J. Btltnney, dean of agriculture, will tin group followed In a / can’t FEMININE turn doun a in an CONSENSUS guy . meeting. Ihe swine show at tin National Western ARROW WHITE SHIRT Kill be tin. ussetl In |ohn I Caine

general managei. Ihe swine at the Colorado state lair will yv

Kcdisutsstil In Carles Kittle, man Vi Presentation of V a plaque to outstanding KKA chapter and

ol an honorary swine

Kcmbershij. will be made at 11:10. pi Mr \l \|. Renimenscfineider. tc r -- 4 V veterinarian, will talk on ;mc health K problems in the state. DART K B. Cantu Id. toniniertial agent ol Wf't Railss.o I\press*! mm Salt lake huh will speak on rates in Kpping lot-stock. To finish the hum •wnmg ptogram William Mielkc, K?rby, Coin will give practical tips twine production. I

Bib. s v V\ heeler, head of the H. will # - B; Dept, preside over the

B"/.” : I which stalls II I M Swine as a junioi livestock f AIK HOW o ’i«t is the of ARDEN subject a talk by r< Daugherty, extension live- Sill IKTS >c*' specialist. Ihe program will Ccd wi,l‘ ‘alks B?* by T. J. i yuan, an 4- are the Hinttnihent easnpun! ' \1 UV- rr, ioui Packing company, Dr. By L 'WMkWi & * W - VVilli ’ B . -'tns of Ledcrle 1 .abora- shirts made e-' B 1 ' 1 ' > his best in Arrow . . . Every man looks «■«. collar \7 with the best looking, most comfortable styles

cut to fit in the country. Mitoga perfectly .,. RADIOS that fit. Pick favorites Sanforized-laboled to keep your orl (.allins Radio and \\ Appliance here today. £**£ Opposite Hotel “PAR” WIDESPREAD Armstrong GORDON BUTTON-DOWN W- Olive Phone 107 Fine broadcloth $3.95 r Crisp white oxford $4.50 _P-

Ilf FOR SmLE: fl U I ARROW TS Tuxedo—Size 88 g SHIR & TIES Excellent W ARROW Clondlii ion °*Q UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS FOR MEN Cuuing, 2809. 1851-1951 Phone 51 162 South College Avenue c-gnwnaiisv 8 gw t«n»f i-/s» i eiatAij . Ram Soccer Team COLLEGIAN Has Undefeated Tourney Record

SPORTS By Lefty Brown

■ I he Aggie soccer team continued last alter- its winning ways Sunday knot oil Colorado noon by king I far Swimmers Vie For Division i-0. As as play college league the are not unde- goes Aggies only It feated. but also unscored upon. that with recoid like that Crown In Denver seems a little better Today the learn deserves a tip- home will Their next game cham- port. Attempting to swim their way into the eastern division with be this coming Sunday the of the conference, Coach Tommy Ag- club. pionship Skyline Tompkin’s Denver Turners, a private in Denver the Denver is for 2:00 on gie mermen are competing today against I he game scheduled will be Pioneers and ; the football lieid and there the Wyoming Cowboys. Boasting a record of six wins so come on . no admission charge, against one setback and holding decisions over both the Pioneers lans, what do you say we go out and the Cowboys, the Rams are favored in today’s activities. and back the team! This season the Aggies have For the readers who aie not sure five foes in dual meets: Gus- 27 and then 3 with. topped ary on February is all what the game ol soccer tav us 41-34; Colorado Ehrenreich Lawrence, the Adolphus, replacing little tie- about, 1 will go into a 64-18: Mines, Wyoming, 61-23; new record of 3:15.1 was set. tail. Soccer is a very popular team CSCE, 53-32; and Denver, 45-30. Relay Record in the world today, and is Their dual sport only loss was early in A time of 3:34.1 made in 1948 by between two teams of 11 the Colorado played season to U. by a Straub, Hock, Sullivan and Fries players each. There are five for- 30-45 score. The mermen also won was the former record for the 360 wards. three half backs, two lull a triangular meet with Nebraska yard free style relay. On December backs, and a goalie. and CSCE by storing 43 to 8 Ehrenreich. Dar points Benninglioven, is for Ihe object of the game the Comhuskers’ 34 and the Teach- den and Lawrence the dis- Glen Anderson. Colorado A Ik M splashed ball into forward, and I)a!r the players to propel the Tofi p; ers' 7- After Eastern divi- tance in 3:27.1 while on “handsies” in today's January center, play Monday night’s game with DU. the by means of the TofT* sion will in the opposing goal meet, they compete the 19 same quartet streaked over masked marvel, deflected Andy’s shot and Rains lost head, feet and both. Use of the two badly conference meet in Logan, Utah, the route in 3:23.5. The conference is The -Photo arms illegal. two goalkeep- bySmS March 5 and 6, and then March record for the event is 3:26.7. The touch the ball with ers may legally 29, 30 and 31 several of the Rams 400 yard free style record is the their hands, when it’s in their own will in Austin, Texas. final mark this meet new set year. The or 18 area. Fourteen tankmen penalty yard comprise the four swimmers who set the 360 And Halves Ags Pioneers team which has been mark also this record. Equal Split over race set Senes; sweeping yard he is in all the free Their time of made I game playetl two equal opposition. Swimming 3:55.7 on Feb- dashes have been Dick halves of 45 minutes; locally amend- style Ben- ruary 3 was better than that of Rams Win Overtime ed to 35-minute halves. ninghoven, Kansas City junior; 3:58.5 made by Trump, Evans, Saturday in football there Gene Culver, Sutherlin, Oregon, Redd and Portman in 1935. Just as arc- varied series such After of Balboa, swimmers have offenses as: five yaers the Colorado A & M fin&l sophomore; Jerry Darden, Aggie buiit up an trying, cagers the ball, or C.Z., junior: John Ehrenreich, Fort outstanding record down through handling holding push- won a game from Denver university. They cracked the jinxwhidß Collins senior; and Russ Lawrence, the Since Coach ing an opponent, kicking, tripping the years. Tompkin Pioners held over them by belting Hilltop Harry 70-62 iial sophomore from the Canal Zone. organized the first squad or jumping at an opponent, or February overtime thriller last Saturday in Fort Collins for their fiafl The free and dis- an These of- style middle long 11, \92.1, the tanksters have com- striking opponent. over D.U. since 1946. It was the til tance events have been fenses are triumph outstanding play capably peted in 101 dual meets and won always penalized by filled Carl Bailv, Denven a tree kick to the Johnny O’Boyle in the extra session which meant the differaaW by junior; 70 of them to post the best swim- awarding oppos- Ault Don of school this team which which a may between and defeat as the John Emry. sophomore; ming record any in ing goal vittoiy be scored direct, the kick- New York Rapp and Jim Hurry, Denver soph- region. They have splashed their providing senior caged six big sciuine (oliimi; win \ndcrcoaM^B omores and Lawrence. Bill Evans. er can boot the ball the in his teammates to 10 and with way to seven conference champion- by goalie. points leading points O'Boyle Canal Zone senior; and Dick Con- and So much for the itself—- The Pioneers sweet Howe ll tin I’ionetnwitiiKß ships tied for an eighth and game victory. got i'i|)|>iil now back the team. As far as the however, when while I lulled in 15. -H ner, Oakridge, Oregon, sophomore, have taken part in three national to revenge, they spilled points olt take care of the breast stroke while of coun- the Rams 61-54 championship meets. Coach Tomp- representation foreign Monday night in Siiphiinuiii joe Hughes the back Darden tries the club has its Denser. the to theirMaK strokers are and kins has been the mentor through- goes, really De nse r h>».psters Ren Robertson, a from Fort all these share, for it is of men The who dc das sietois user the junior out outstanding accomp composed Aggies, seemingly night SB Collins. A of lishments and is from 10 different countries. in havoc with Coach I lie Rrueiklsn eager scored pair juniors. Jerry he currently secre- light playing Schell from Golden and Leon Shull The team is Into Bill ulcers, ilit Pioneers won W-HB tary-treasurer of the National Swim- captain JLiim- Strannigan's were up to points .is from Fort Collins done who hails from Finland old tricks si.irted slow andd>B have the ming Coaches Association. ata, and their Saturday night when I he game out

the half into an earh diving. plays important center they came within a whisker of drop Xggit-. jumped Record The rest of the the in But with 4 42 in the Breakers position. players ping game the Heeting set gone GYMNASTS and home twß The Aggie tanksters have made MEET their countries are: Luis onds of the contest. After trailing Hughes numbed his deatilv and 53-30 send the a habit of breaking records this DU TOMORROW Vrathey Adolpho Krafft from at halftime, the Rams rallied hand push 'h"i m the marks with Mexico, Virdi from In- to tie the 50all 14:20 the lead to sias. Hi year, snapping mo- Sherringh count at the into dia, Zia Kazarooni from Persia. mark when 30 feet out to notonous regularity. Lawrence has O'Boyle hooked one in one in limn Ihe defeated accounted for of the Aggie gymnasts Cea Ghafari from Iran. Fer- Glendon Anderson and Denver B-7 two new rec- Joao George Jan mt > an their Colorado State of alwd*B ords, College raz from Brazil. Karl then nils later hit The former 100 yard free Bjorklund /er connected to pu*h the then 30 see. Education IW- mark of opponents a'J'/a to 2Si/2 from Sweden, Pablo from and make it style 56.6 seconds was set Navajas score to 54-51 Bill Gossett, who long she>i to in the home last Ag’s final meet three l in 1941 by Woody Fries. Lawrence Argentina, Julio Rea from Bo- pumped in 24 points (or his night's Pioneers he ld the p™" Saturday. livia, Bob United k baskets hs eclipsed it twice, covering the dis- Frauson, States work, hit from the jmisi three times until tsso ejiii l Maddux of Gordon C.S.C.E. was tied it "fB tance in 55.9 12 and in and the team Richard to the hs Oltovk- on January manager, run count to the 60-54 mar anil one with high point man a total of 18 Shen moved 55.1 on The from China. with less Pioneers January 27. conference gin than two minutes re 2H-28. Ihe points. Paul led the A M mark for this distance is but Wagner Dali howcvci. on the 55.5, Team ■naming. Toft, the big Den again, team by grabbing 14 Eight League since times made in the jx>ints. who led anel Hughes. only con- **-ver man the Pioneers Kon I he club is in a pivot Johnson Coach Tobisca believes the com- league composed I" 1 ference for their die halltime "®■ meet qualify records, of to first over the Ram> led 36 30 at is eight teams which a round victory petition about the same as it lias play Russ’s school mark is not a con- this cut the robin tournament. At the season, lead with two sion. ■ been but the have been close ference record. the 220 Aggies crip- In vard free of baskets, and Freddie Howell i the there the quick Knot Score Xgain pled by injury and the failure of regular season is race Lawrence has three times hit style a jump shot with 20 seconds re- ha.x ,he Spalding Cup tournament to de- two top men to return to school this Fighting bettered Abshire’s record to Jim old cide the maining knot the score 60 60 and i at 4P»U ■ champion team. Colorado the score aga year. Monte Bell and Rodney of 2:29.4 set in 1948. On send 111 January Mines the into an overtime- was last game minutes mi n u»K . Snyder are both on the list year’s champion, but he Feb- injury o*’ 12 was clocked in 2:28.7, on the eleven period. shortlived as and Dave Williams and Gordon Aggie should be watched it was 3 time and * ruary his was 2:27.3, on this Howell hod in seven po Ricksford did not lor school. year. Ags Win Out and it appear 17 he did in 2:26.4. After and February this the took take the lead again There are only three meets left Sunday's game Denver the lead in the extra The 270 yard medley relay record this schedule will be as follows: Howell «*■ year, two dual meets and an period when hit a two- victory. in long was formerly 3:01.3, set 1947 by 4 the March —Colotado Glass at Fort hander. Scot hoi ii p-ed ■ invitational. Saturday, February 25, It was then that O'Boyle Gruenfeld, Hite and Abshire. A an B Collins, 2 into O Boyle the Aggies meet Denver p.m. stepped the and he 15 points but university, picture and McCaskHl, Darden, Evans March llMaccabi Fort Col sank saul 11. there, at two o’clock. March first at two field goals to put the i-aih and Lawrence the mark to tut lins, 2 and 10 r,?,P* I marks the date of the invitational p.m. Rams out in front for good. The 11 December 8 on 2:52.1 on and Janu- March 18—Mines d*B which will at added four Denver. ... meet be held in Denver. Golden, Aggies more points as *jdi 19 lowered it to 2:48.2. The 300 l S ary 2:30 Rant l'"’ ' P‘‘ Ihe Aggie gymnasts will p.m. the desperate Pioneers fouled The has also probably eight relay mark March in * yard medley be 25—Eleinsolm S. C. times in Denver lie slirnen pitted against teams from the at an effort to get the ball, , twice. The old mark onf been lowered Fort lost of Collins, 2:30 fhe final of scries. 1 hev mM University Nebraska. Montana p.m. points the game came f 1947 Gruenfeld, Hite U was set in by Remember the H'■ State, Colorado State College of Aggies, team plays when O’Boyle stole the ball and clay night, a V. and McCaskill, but Dardin. Evans this so let’s and Education, Denver university, and Sunday turn out and dribbled half the length of the Monday and Lawrence ficst the I* snapped give a club of 17 hc'iind ■ deserving some that court to score. lings 50 mark with a time of 3:16.6 on Janu- (Gontinueu on page 9) good ol’ outburst- ■ Aggie support. Following Gossett in the A & M 17 point COLLEGIAN FEBRUARY 23. 1951 9 Mickey Dunn Defeats Ram Tracksters Aggies Cop Relay and Field Events Wyoming can thank their lucky stars they have Mickey Dunn in their track squad, as the curly haired sensation walked off with last Saturday’s track meet. Mick took five firsts in the six events he entered after he dropped out of the high jump after clearing six feet because he was “tired.” The other two firsts for Wyoming were captured by Dante Di Domenico in the mile and half mile. Dave Gates came through for A & M with his usual win in the Wyoming. Time: 10:44.2. 440 as he his time to 53.8 improved 880-yard run: I—DiDomenico, indoors—not bad. Little Bill Mor- Wyoming; 2 Carlin, Wyoming; the oney, mighty mite, staggered 3—Scott, A & M. Time; 2:07.5. the across tape in the two mile 50-yard low hurdles: 1 Dunn to skin Kurtz of grind Wyoming Wyoming; 2—Dyer, A 8c M; 3 by a step. Qwalek, A 8c M. Time: 5.8 seconds. Griffin is Bobby getting back his Eight-lap relay; I—A 8c M (Gates, 1950 form he as grunted and Mikkelson, Wilhelnj, Dodge); 1— groaned the sixteen pound sphere Wyoming. Time: 4.50. out for and one-half feet Shot forty-four put: I—Griffin, A 8c M; 2 while Gordo Riddell easily walked Binley, Wyoming; 3—Peate, A & M. off with the pole vault again. Be- Distance: 44 ft., 6 in. hind the invincible Aggie relay Pole vault: I—Riddell, A & M; team victory by Gates, Mikkelson, 2 (tie) Jankovich, ABc M and and Wilhelm, Dodge, Harry Hol- Brebrick, Wyoming; 3—(tie) Frezi- decided for the dych to high jump eres, A 8c M, and Welly, Wyoming. time this first year and he easily Height: 12 ft., 6 in. won his specialty. Broad jump: I—Dunn, Wyoming; The results: 2 —Riddell, A 8c M; 3—Mikkelson, Mile run: I—DiDomenico, Wy- A 8c M. Distance: 20 ft., in. Byz 2 oming: Hurst, Wyoming; 3 High jump: I—Hoidych, A 8c M; Badley, Wyoming. Time: 4:42.8. 2—Dunn, Wyoming; 3—(3-way tie) “Coach’s of little fire dash: I—Dunn, 6 ft. way putting a and hustle into the boys.” 50-yard Wyom- Height: ingffi 2—Wesswick, A & M; 3—Wil- Meet DU helm, A & M. Time: 5.5 seconds. Tomorrow, the Aggies continue dash: A 8c their Rams Try To Repeat With Wins 440-yard I—Gates, M; home spiee with the dual in- History Over 2 Carlin, 3 Upset Wyoming; Dodge, door meet versus D.U. They have A 8c M. Time: 53.8 seconds. no’ tried out their skills on any And hurdles: other Today 50-yard high I—Dunn, team this as little is Brigham Young University Saturday year very Wyoming; 2 A 8c 3 known about the Dyer, M; Pioneers, but they that history will repeat, the will take the floor Time: Hoping Aggie hoopsters tonight at 8:15 seeking Phillips, Wyoming. 6.5 sec- must be hurting from the loss of ■other over the onds. all time upset victory league-leading Brigham Young University Cougars. Last year when Skyline’s great, Jerome 9e to town the One-lap race (176 yards) : 1— Biffle, the colored sensation who is Cougars came as league leaders, they were knocked off twice by the lowly Rams 40-30 Dunn, 2 Wilhelm, now Bd 55-46. Wyoming; driving a typewriter for Uncle A 8c M; 3—Wesswick, A 8c M. Time: Sammy. I The Cougars are currently three games ahead of their nearest rivals, in the confer- Wyoming, 18.8 seconds. Let’s come out about 2 p.m. to Bce race and will be for a of victories they pair over the in order to sew the cham- Two-mile run: see aiming Aggies up I—Moroney, A 8c what the Rams can do to the p|) mship. Last Saturday they had M; 2—Kurtz, Wyoming; 3—Badley, Pioneers in track. Whit ir nine game winning streak Utah by U. 54-49. It was Rams Reap Revenge Over Utah State; B§>iv the third league loss for the this jjßnigsrs season, Denver and Counter With JHtdl; Stale having previously edged Victory Friday Evening Cats. In their other game over his best of the weekend the Johnny O’Boyle easily played game season as .nK BYU cagers smash ■ Utah 73-60. he led the Colorado Aggies to a 67-64 victory over Utah State. He

poured in 20 points, led the floor game, and picked off a total of noting duo Roland Mmson 11 rebcunds for his evenings work. Mel Hutchins will again be The game also featured another highlight, that of the return platers to watch. Minson con the to lead the conference with of Glen Anderson to regular Aggie lineup. Andy was practic- in 5816.7 average whde Hutchins is ally his old self as he dumped 17 bad ankle with a 16.2 However favoring his only stall often average. points, I lags broke up the HHe Rams showed in the previous occasionally. enough to creep within five points, IBies that can the two Utah State rolled .» 10-5 ad but time and the they stop up 65 60. ran out

XHarpshootei s. In the first the first minut< s their game vantage in six Rams coasted home with ln Id Mmson to miscuc bv the win. eight points mainly on passing fourth league ll ' fc in the |IB second contest Gossett Rams. O'Boyle, Cosset. \nd- t >n Bill besides the BB wt;il Hm. bins six. Unfor work Gossett, being only and Scothorn then went to man on the boards, Uh n defensive with 23 b.g garnering play was a aazlng the visitors a pom bound-., followed and n, 15 ir O’Boyle V Bl>t affair and flutchins outburst in the next six minutes to column ®*Mtd 18 \ndt i son in the scoring points in the first game lead 28-J6 with eight minutes left Cook Bill 2-miler, is the before he KBiile Minson making 16 [mints. Utah’s Bert Moroney, Aggie caught by camera just scored 20 in the set- in the first half. The Farmers, broke the a first for the Rams. hit 10 of 11 free throws and seven tape, chalking up place —Photo by Dunn Bert Cook and John Mil- paced by of but kets for a total 24 points to within nine ler, came back points the Farmers. In half pace Deep Reserves of the Ags and left the floor at Ram Riflemen Are l! Gym .. . ie 38-29. the ■, Aggies tan put two such time trailing In the preliminary Aggie

' Second In CD Meet !:n H ' the Colorado Colorado SB }“ tformances together on yearlings dumped university. Winding up continued to whittle ( The IJtags Bk niS* u stand chance flush 53-45. The led all Deati of tire the conference is the Uity a good half State Ags Captain Murray season return the lead in the second u away at seventh win ■ « psetting the But the to post their Colorado A & M Rifle meet with Cougars. they Ladell Ander- way Varsity Greeley (C.S.C.E.), KBust also by the hard driving uanh out for sophomore of the season. team led the team with an aggre- March 8. within two sat,ons son, they pulled up in match held Joe and Hal gate score of 188 a Results of last week's meet are as gß’ Richey minutes and points, 45-43, with five Bill Howe of the Aggies n who fiave been Saturday, Feb. 17, at the Colorado follows: dump- Mike of State shared the eni * n gone. Pappas VVi!)l deadly university range. Participating Broadhorse: Ist—Boyd, A 8c M; !l accuracy. Jerry honors with 14 markers ■Pmney, a fi scoring schools were of Colo- 2nd—Garnett, C.S.C.E.; 3rd— as p,y veteran, is the Ags Stretch Lead University apiece. nian in the rado, Wyoming university, Denver A 8c M. starting lineup, But that was as close as they got. Dickey, of and reserve abound the university, Mines Aggies. Wyo- Horizontal Bars: Ist Wagner, on John O'Boyle's hook shot, two H wlUa( l and the ming's powerful team took first A 8c M; 2nd—Lawless, A 8c M; they give shots and a free throw push- >u jump BASEBALL NOTICE gars a with team of C.S.C.E. denite in that <>. place a aggregate 3rd—Maddux, advantage the into a comfortable ■j|f ed Ags wartmem There will be a very 935. Bob second man Parallel Bars: Ist Reserves a The impor- Rupp, high Maddux, played big 55 lead before starting stalling. rt ln the for all baseball A M W Cats 70 42 and 65-40 lant meeting on the Aggie team, tied Smith of C.S.C.E.; 2nd—Wagner, 8c Ctones 26. with 16 for the stand- A M. ■ over the Rams. players Monday, February Wyoming a 3rd—Boyd, Sc cellar. At the of the league present, the classroom It will be held in ing position. The Aggie team ag- Flying Rings: 1st—Maddux, C.S out of fd h ■ have their best they are a half game 4:00. played of the men’s gym at Any- gregate was 918. Murray, Don Os- C.E.; 2nd—Wagner, A 8c M; 0n * record The usual X I lC home confines, with a 5-12 be there is asked borne and Poole scored A 8: M. , cage place one who cannot Jim pos- 3rd—Boyd, nin four Glendon An- g of their five victories of Bill Gossett, Coach Duncan before lineup to contact sibles in the prone phase of the Mats: Ist—Maddux, C.S.C.E.; lfKal Don Scot- K vourt. The Rams will derson, John O'Boyle, that time. match. Mines, Boulder and the 2nd—Morrison, A Sc M; 3rd— , will a horn and Janzeu prob- pair of triumphs this George Hilltoppers finished in that order. Tipton, A 8c M. en “ t n the 1 I an attempt to climb out ably start game. 10' FEBRUARY *ji. «»S1 - COLLEGIAN

INTRAMURALS SNYDE REMARKS Wrestlers Gain First Conference Victory; Have Rematch by Roger Dycr By Jack Snyder With WU first time this For the season, the Denver 1 “Bo” Cowel is by far the hugest U the in the row over fixing of to full on the mat and restlers the Muscle One that has been overlooked up strength gave the man at “Aggie Factory” point Ags a in New York, is the fact that he his in Madison Garden The Pioneers these days as attempts to get basketball games Square Saturday night. were injury *n damn middled involved, L.I.U. must have been good. 3 basketball champs decided and or- one of the teams namely were at their peak as each man moved have admitted downhill into / as C.C.N.Y. ° the entries in his For team to throw a game, such players ganize 132 eager a classes to make them much there will do stronger; however take skill, a missed shot here and it, thev wrestling tournament which is go- doing, doesn’t much measure to the Rams and were how bad defeated. up put down full blast. If find this hard and there’s no about you get 18- ing you worry ’ second win of fivev starts for the — *BB & certain number OVVV/IIU will in JIUIU im: "O to win a Z the On the other hand, when a team agrees by to believe, come on over to gym will Island also be that takes a real ball club! Long Ags. . . . between the hours of of . . not to lose any day noisy points . rom all able win Ram Duane had i the IM had the best, in the nation, they were not only to Thompson an . colleges n 4 and 6 p.m. and gaze at probably team his Dates a 6ai to do it a number of points prtsitibcd easy evening opponent. n—-March 9 bulletin board. their games, they were able by . and !?*| When think of all the factors in- Will Howard, had to forfeit the The fraternity bowling tourna- before the game was even played. you Island 130-lb. match because of a it makes wonder how the Long university pulled ment was finished last Wednesday volved, you just good Commissioner rib. A1 will Binkley, Ag heavyweight Romney and the independent division team was. fact: his match fall when The that has been overlooked is the Long won by a he Congratulates A come to a close next Monday. Another thing following & M the skin of Wolsh of D.U. down in will be determined Island didn't lose of the fixed won by put 7:30. campus champs any games, they just Aggie students have rated whether this is less a crime Bill Treft/, the week’s COL of them . any Aggie lightweight, March 7. Watctr next their teeth in most though . . all lie justls proud. B 1 5 166 Bev Rushton, Weakland, Bob- TKE Jean teams will make the as the meet tiip 1 Very truly vours, p , ATO 0 6 000 bie Sprayberry, Marilyn Johnson, will consist of sixteen matches, two L > E. “Dick” Rom no B< B Fran Heywood and Joyce Nixon, League in each weight class. Commissioner B| SPE 6 0 1000 competed with teams from Wyo- The time for the A.A.U. tourna- ■ SAE 4 2 666 ming university, Colorado Wom- is ment getting closer. Many metre Phi Delt 4 2 666 an's college, Heights, Colo- entries are expected than last year. CAMPUS BARBERSHOI AGR 4 2 666 rado university, Denver university, There is increased interest because Utah and Colorado State Acacia 2 1 R 333 university 5 BARBERS many thought they were not of Lambda Chi 1 5 166 College of Education. A.A.U. caliber last year, but found Phi Tau 0 6 000 Again CU walked off with the 647 South College out different. The bracket first college C League—lndependent Division place honors, followed close- AVMA 5 0 IC9O ly by Denver university and Wyo- Foresters 4 1 800 ming U. in third place. This is the STUDENTS first time in ASCE 3 2 600 five years that Ag- You can cut the of ROY L. GOODWIN JOHN O'BOYLI cost your motor has entered the Nice ASME 2 3 400 gies meet. Colorado Aggii Guard, 6' 2" repair and body work by helping Let’s take first do Optometrist ATA 1 4 200 going, gals. see you the work yourself at Industrial Arts 4 5 000 place next year, and for heaven’s WAYNES AUTO SERVICE Pbonf lIS 146 South D sake make Weakland wash College League Jean inent; let’s see the rest of the teams 338 E. Mountain Ave. her face. 6 0 1000 show their If Esquires spirit! you are not on Cavaliers 5 1 833 Tourney Slated a team and would like to play sign Indeans 4 2 666 An the bulletin in invitation is being extended board Ammons or Braiden Hall 3 3 500 RUDY'S SERVICENTER to all teams that have participated see Miss Frank. South Hall 2 4 333 in the basketball to tournament Tuesday night was the inaugur- Across Aggie Cyn. Hiker’s Club 1 5 166 from in a tournament on al of the play Friday, single elimination tour- Beta Xi 0 6 000 DART March 2. The of the in- RUDY A. purpose nament. Delta Zeta and Co-op PHONE 888 E League vitational tournament is to secure teams saw action. Winner of the Dustbowlers 5 0 1000 teams to while national Delta compete game was Zeta. Ramblers 3 2 600 rating test are being given to girls Next week’s schedule is: 2 600 Stateliners 3 who wish to secure their national 27: 5 February p.m. winner of 2 3 400 Faggers The winner of 3 officiating ratings. game vs. Inde-Debs; 5:30 First 3 400 p.m. Keg 2 the tournament Tappa will be of .. presented winner game 4 vs. Kappa Delta. 0 5 000 Mongrels with ribbons. 28: February 5:00 p.m. winner Presbyterian F League The time for has not piaying of 5 vs. 5:30 game Toss-up: p.m. Outdoors 4 0 1000 been Church and will be of ant arranged, posted winner game 6 vs. winner of TGIF 3 1 750 Myttk on the bulletin board in and Ammons. game 7. South College 2 2 500 No. Flattops Co-op, Lory 2, and Rockwell March 1: 5:00 p.m. winner of Min** Ki 1 3 250 Marrm Grrther. Seagrams have already entered the tourna- 8 game vs. winner of game 9. 0 4 000 Toss-ups Baßefi Mi Mary Student Advisor

Dance Records Square When to listen )<>T EVERYTHING IN JEWELRY Sunday comes lake lime to worship, of reality. Singles and Albums FINE WATCH REPAIRING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Mu- I roblcsn Finest 9:45 anti laic Elgin a.m. Student Class in Religittti Baker, Teacher. i of Hamilton ll :00a.m. "EVERY MAN." Diamonds Butova TALI SI G Su 5:00 p.m. College Age Westminster Fellowship- di 118 N. S&H and will lead the I APPLIANCE C°, INC. College Green Stamps Phone 1240 Fellowship. Jane Bailey COLLEGIAN FEBRUARY 23. 1951 11 Amend Awarded To Scholarship Four Scholarships Scotland's U. Of To U. of Oslo Offered Edinburgh The Norwegian committee of the Summer School Amend, Rocky Ford senior in the for American Stu- Edwin Colorado A & M dents at the has been University of Oslo an- of Agriculture, awarded a ■ivision fellowship for a year’s nounces that four at the of scholarships tduate study University Edinburgh in worth Scotland. This approximately $350 each will the is sponsored by Rotary Foundation be Kllowship of Rotary In- made available to American and Canadian ■rnatioual. students. The awards are to be known the award, which was started in is as Ralph The 1947, given to approxi- Bunche Scholarships. The scholarships will be given Travel Club Offers students on the basis of merit by the Association of Electro-Chemical Expense-Paid Tours and Electro-Metallurgical Indus- tries of Norway in honor of Dr. The Students Travel Bunche who club an- was recently presented six nounces comprehensive, all-ex- the Nobel Prize. pense tours of nine European coun- Scholarship candidates should tries, make especially planned to afford application with Dean Nor- the finest in Members of Orchesis the “Freedom cultural, educational enacting Dance” that depicts the man Nordstrand, Oslo Summer and democratic social values for way of life. This number which is the finale of School for American college men the show was Students, St. and women presented last and will be Olaf during their summer night presented again tonight in the Junior College, Northfield, Minn. vacation High Auditorium. The 1951 period. session of the summer Members will school sail from New York opens June 23 and closes in famed luxury liners R.M.S. Aug. 4. Approximately 250 Am- Queen R.M.S. Eliza- Iverson and erican and Canadian students will Mary, Queen Wilson Journey to Hawaii; beth, S.S. be admitted. Constitution, and the S.S. Tuition Washington, during June and Stanford Also Selected for is $80 Trip Students early July. Reservations and in- can earn six semester The Colorado A & M credits for the six quiries are being received by Stu speech department received an invitation weeks course. dents f ravel from The main of Club, 1841 the of Hawaii to in their emphasis the curricu- tely thirty-five outstanding stu- Broadway, University participate annual debate New York Each lum is on in various fields of endeavor City. of the coed contest, March 11 to 16. with Norwegian culture—geo- its Aggies, along Stanford university, ucational will litera- Last 86 schol- groups be escorted chosen graphy, history, language, h year. year only were as the two schools to represent the United States. The a ture, music and art. Courses will were awarded in the world, by responsible chaperon. hips two debate teams will receive a three hundred and dollar also be nine the fifty offered on the social, eco- lend is the first Colorado student louring countries, over land travel will be honorarium plus food and lodging while on the islands. This is the nomic and situation in the receive this honor. by private deluxe political first time in that Colorado Scandinavian countries. motor coach, to eliminate the incon- history is fense Commitments of the United The scholarship set up on an venience A 8c \f has left the continent for The includes several of train schedules and a faculty men basis in all States should be limited to the emational exchange ba debate contest. the world— gga ge transfers at railroad de recognized throughout where Western The team mtries Rotary clubs are There will be four debates whiie Hemisphere.” Halvard Minis- pots Each group will be Lange, Norwegian accompa will be in Hawaii about four ated. ft gives the student a choice on the islands. The first debate will days. ter of Affairs; Haakon nied by experienced travel couriers Foreign Lie, school in these countries with he held my the in a service club, and the secretary of the Norwegian Labor —speaking language of each lion, round second will be held the U. of Dr. Karl living expenses, trip country to handle all travel details. on Festival Party; Evang, surgeon- . . . i be- Hawaii The third and general of health; Christian transportation expenses At all major of interest, campus. public points so that the number en his home and the school of fourth debates will be held on the ranged greatest S. Oftcdahl, editor-in chief of the guided is as sightseeing arranged, of will be able to watch. choice. islands. spectators Aftenblad” and Dr. well as attendance at the outlying “Stavanger operas, The first will their The debate group start Francis Bull, team will be com- professor of Scandi- imend, who for the fel- concern, music festivals and the applied demonstrations at of Kenneth Iverson, a civil approximately navian literature at the his local theaters. Members will the fin- posed University rship through Rotary use 9:30 Friday the second engineering major from Adams evening, of Oslo. has been est hotels and excellent meals ib, an outstanding stu enjoy will at 10:15 The Colo., who is also secre- group begin p.m. Tuition for the six weeks is $80, at his in continental City, joint during undergraduate car- quaint restaurants. Mil Hi Folk Dancers of Denver of the club. The the student fee health tary Speech sec- including at Colorado A& M. He Each of the six was all-expense will present the Bird ond of the team is Wilson, "Philippine insurance is $10 and the excursion will be limited Rodney med last year to "Who’s Who in groups to 30 men which Dance,” proved so popular fee is a junior arts and science major $20. lerican and Universi- and women, chosen from Colleges carefully with the spectators last year. Sat- from Fort Morgan. Colo. Rod YVil- Application blanks may be ob- the i.” In addition to his scholastic colleges throughout United will follow urday night's program tained from the Oslo son replaces Charles Grandy who Summer Ad- States, to assure maximum non, Amend has been active in opportu- in like manner. withdrew from the trip. The eli- missions Office, St. Olaf College, for new and Student associa- nity enduring friend- The exhibition team ! Independent minations for the Haylofters’ purpose of select- n. He and under the direction Dee Gompert, who he ships. of Roy Carlson, Dudes and Dames of Denver uni- ing the debate team, were judged to marry March 15. plan to leave A1 Spillman and Ed Toner have versity. by members of the faculty from the Scotland been Last week The exhibition early next September. mighty busy. they is not sta- Air Crop Dusters Class history and English departments. group gave an exhibition for the faculty tic, to and On the basis of elimination, according Roy Carlson, Will Convene at A& M club. This week will they journey student who wishes to Charles Grandy placed first. Ken- any Aggie to the Albany hotel in Denver to out do so. Each Aggie Speakers Shine Starting Monday, Feb. 26 neth Iverson second and Rod Wil- try may person is entertain the members of the State third. given an equal opportunity to The Aerial Dusters School son At Speech Conference Board of The follow- Crop Agriculture. dance, as the names are taken from convenes here next for Monday to Hawaii week will Mr. a roster that is The Fly ing they accompany constantly rotated, Colorado A & M three associates Speech days. Many arc ex- The in the elimina- director of participants Ferguson, publicity on thereby exhibition dance tied for first providing place at the re- to here from Texas for tion were i’Uo a to one of the pected fly contest divided trip high schools for all. stu- it Rocky Mountain training Any Aggie Speech con- the three conclave. A discus- day three The first con- of the area. These dancers also dent who is interested should tnce held groups. group rep- con- in Denver. Sharing sion headed Dr. Thomas panel by sisting of Arlin Mauer, John An- resented Colorado A & M at the tact Roy Carlson for further details triangular with l honors the of the will dis- Ag- botany department derson, Rodney Wilson, and Bob Frolic sponsored Feb. 9 the about the * by joining group. were Texas Tech, of 1 exas, cuss and various crop diseases, Beuhler. The second con- f group Southern Methodist univers- methods of combating them. Also sisted of Harold Peitch, Paul Kon- The Aggies 4.3 averaged a up for discussion will he various kel, Knill and Charles Gran- NEUTZE'S I°f Larry a possible 5 The points. methods of harmful in third consisted of destroying dy. The group . I tenants represented Tentative Your Home Owned S&H Green Furniture twenty-four sects by crop dusting. Ron Miller, Ken Iverson, Patrick Friendly Stamp Store from °J>ls the middle west, the school will meeting place for the Mcflugh and Robert Ochiltree. Across the Street East the itnwcst. and far west. of Post Office—Fort Collins be Old Main. The boys will journey by train n the total number of wins and to San Francisco, and then or; to lfs k Delta Hawaii The debate team ' placed 3rd in the con- There will be a Phi Epsilon by pla..e. I hey 27 will debate the ‘‘Resolved i' won five out of six meeting this Tuesday, February subject, r e * in that Hawaii should be a Common tk-hate Utah at 4:00 in the Coilegian office. „ by ousting p.m. DANCING wealth.” The debate team will take U., New Mexico This is a meeting, , U., important very TO BOX ' JUKE 3ll ;in

Records for Home Use J-V Motors VERN’S Standard or Micro Groove Mile* 6 NVV of Fort Collins on Laramie Highway 160 W. Oak MEIERS STUDIO OF MUSIC Private Party Rooms

— —r 12 FEBRUARY S3. t*9l - ’ Main Stands Firm Regardless of Sleet, Rain, or Snow, Old

Bonnie Chase bit of tin aren't to the By feet. Couldn't a little troughs going spoil water to enter the building (tuition tradition of the oldest in the form of an eaves’ trough building Did have an umbrella free, at to half-fill a gallon Room. Cretj you jabbed that) And it this water where on the COULD the detour to campus. into as walked down can beneath approxi- pissibly Sl sk your eye you placed of Old ‘ Club. do instead of make us a lot more proud 7 it might some good }W ,,v , the alleyways of Old Main this last mate opening. Lounge. it nevertheless, to about allowing to continue dripping Main, helping keep week? Don't about it. It And since we're talking worry Alpha Zeta, 7:15 and on our stairways where ottr heads and feet dry. 1J P-Hi-, B have the old let's her the works. freezing Rm. was just that the faculty must gal, give J2j of students can and Bldg. here’s the to hundreds slip some to their heads Girls, perfect way get way keep dry !• 1 hurt A, 7:30 fellow. cold, morn- themselves seriously? p..n„ Gold R from the water which amazingly your Any icy of the have French Club, 8 the door Wails faculty gone Act p ni \„ finds its way through any crack ing, stand by southeast ... the winds. Those winds have ,sa and crevice in Old Main. You of Old Main w’Tien the 9 o’clock to Student Council, 7:30 Gold t Bali blown the rain clouds to Fort Col- p.m., room. the roof the word is lecture class comes out. see, (and Botany Room. those clouds Colo. Mines hits the lins. The rain from Exchange used here very over the As soon as the first person a« loosely) 6 Am- it’s AVVS Bean p.m., P'" and little ice from the has showered blessings upon Supper, Jon: , building is quite aged a spot formed puddle IligMudS into Main—- mons. AWS Flection. the our fair Old 8 to j more tired in some than which is almost always outside campus, J> places \ o Anunom. of the and stu- NSA. 8 , all the on the heads faculty p.m., Bal]n , . others but the feeling must be door, you will have boys Thursday, March 1 K ra the all over almost for for and can take dents to start cycle Friday. March contagious falling you you Club, 11 Gold 2 getting Psychology I Can't be done? own House almost the third choice. him over again. something Club, 12 room on Just help Room. . every your A for from mons Hall. ' ‘ to his broken Isn't a floor has at least one notice- to the building protection very infirmary get & Cannon, 11 and weather? Yet Wings a.m.. Military able leak. bones wind we must Campus Christian patched up. Fellowshin j raincoats and rain boots to Bldg. p.m.. West Many observers thought there Another thought. Have you ever wear because room has VVAA B< .ard Meeting. 12 noon, Am- to New Main when how the water from class "My English ,iwl was going be a noticed drips -n-'r','?' Jr - **&, leak over chair” mons Hall. workmen down the the roof over the northeast door a big right my began tearing a- A Choir, 5 L-ect. „.r floor down the In cold or "Gee. the hall’s so wet, vou Cappella p.m., ceiling of a third hallway right onto steps? these can’t around the to Km.. Physics Bldg. Industrial Arts But it's a false weather, steps are a perfect get puddle get Dance. 9 to I? ■ Monday morning. *' Public Relations 5 Arts ballet and ir. to class”. exc use. huh?). Committee, p.m., Bldg ‘ a alarm, students. They were only place to practice a (Good face I Fau locate eliminate wouldn't have Let’s give Old Maui a lift ast Lounge. Kappa trying to and a rainy weather, you Fpsilon Dance. 9 A and eaves UVS. 5 Vmmons Hall. Cave. leak which had allowed enough to w'ait till Saturday to wadi your ing. new roof, porch p.m.. "basest resr ///7MB SMO «B ’EM




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