VOLUME 67 NUMBER 22 • MAY 31-JUNE 6, 2019 INSIDE: Healthy food pantry opens in Sunset SEE PAGE 14 Memorial Day marked in Green-Wood Cemetery SEE PAGE 10 ebrooklyn media/Photo by Paula Katinas Paula by media/Photo ebrooklyn Local students salute military heros SEE PAGE 13 Columnists’ Corner: Generally Speaking By Ted General Common Sense STEPPING By Jerry Kassar Matter of Fact By Jay Brown FORWARD Focus on Bay Ridge Local youths seek to make a difference By Chuck Otey through Youth Pedestrian Task Force SEE PAGE 2 Columns begin on page 23 22 •• HOMEHOME REPORTERREPORTER •• Week of November 2-8,23 - November2018 29, 2018 2• •EXTRA EXTRAHOME EDITION REPORTER EDITION HOME HOME •REPORTER Week REPORTER of December AND SPECTATOR AND 21 BROOKLYN - December • Week of 27, SPECTATORMay 2018 31 - June 6, • 2019Week of May 31-June 6, 2019 MysteriousStaten Island Bay Man Ridge ‘Bing’ Attributed to Verizon-Sanctioned Liftboat BY MEAGHAN MCGOLDRICK “When Justin posted about the bing City set to Photoinstall courtesy of Matthew Kabel more speed cameras 22 ••
[email protected] REPORTERREPORTER •• Week of November 2-8,23 - November2018 29, 2018 weeks ago, I said it sounded exactly like With The elusive History Bay Ridge “bing” may of be Hatea The liftboat behind the “With this lawwhen change, I was we a kidState in Sen. Buffalo Andrew and Gounardeswe had to 2 •New mysteryHOME REPORTER no more.law • Week allowing of December 21 - December expansionmysterious 27, 2018 bing heard takes by effect July 11 will on July 11 bangdouble poles the intoand the Assemblymember ground for our Deborah snow A three-leggedPRAYERS liftboat spotted over the many residents in Bay Ridge.