Ku-Ring-Gai Wildflower Garden Nursery Winter 2021 Stock List

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Ku-Ring-Gai Wildflower Garden Nursery Winter 2021 Stock List Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden Nursery Winter 2021 Stock List Aquatic & Marginal Water Plants Baloskion tetraphyllum (Syn: Restio tetraphyllum) Plume Rush / Long Leaf Tassel Rush/ Tassel Cord Rush 100mm Square Punnet Pots $ 10.00 Baumea articulata (Syn: Cladium articulatum) Jointed Twig-rush 50mm SFT $ 4.00 Cynogeton microtuberosum Eastern Water Ribbons 50mm SFT $ 4.00 Elaeocharis sp. Spike Rush 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 50mm Square Forestry Tube / Ficinia nodosa (Syn: Isolepis nodosa) Knobby Club-rush $ 4.00 75mm Round Tube Goodenia paniculata Swamp Goodenia/Branched Goodenia 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Lepironia articulata Grey Rush 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Myriophyllum sp. Water Milfoil 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Nymphoides indica (Syn: Menyanthes indica) Water Snowflake Round Tube $ 4.00 50mm Square Forestry/75mm Nymphoides sp Marshwort (with Yellow Flower) $ 4.00 Round Tube Ranunculus inundatus River Buttercup 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Schoenoplectiella mucronata (Syn: Schoenoplectus Bog Bulrush / Rough-seed Bulrush / Ricefield Bulrush 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 mucronatus) Selliera radicans Swamp Weed/Matt 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Bushfoods & Edibles Backhousia citriodora Lemon Myrtle 140mm $ 25.00 Bulbine bulbosa Native Leek 50mm SFT $ 4.00 Citrus australasica Native Finger Lime (Not grafted) 140mm $ 30.00 Diploglottis campbellii Small-Leaved Tamarind 140mm $ 15.00 Eustrephus latifolius Wombat Berry 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Mentha sp. Native Mint 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Podocarpus spinulosus Dwarf Plum Pine / Little Plum Pine 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Prostanthera rotundifolia Mint Bush 140mm $ 14.00 Syzygium luehmannii Riberry 140mm $ 13.00 Vines & Climbers Cissus antarctica (Syn: Cissus oblonga) Kangaroo Vine / Water Vine 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Geitonoplesium cymosum Scrambling Lily 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Hardenbergia violacea cv. Edna Walling 'Snow White' 140mm $ 15.00 Hibbertia scandens Climbing Guinea Flower / Snake Vine 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden Wildflower Nursery Officer Mark Cowan 420 Mona Vale Rd. St Ives 2075 Page 1 of 11 [email protected] 0418 497 492 Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden Nursery Winter 2021 Stock List Pandorea jasminoides Bower of Beauty, Bower Vine or Bower Climber 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Pandorea jasminoides alba White Bower of Beauty 50mm SFT $ 4.00 Ferns, Cycads & Orchids Adiantum aethiopicum Common Maidenhair Fern 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Blechnum cartilagineum Gristle Fern / Soft Water Fern 140mm $ 14.00 Calochlaena dubia (Syn: Culcita dubia) Soft Bracken / Rainbow Fern Round Tube $ 4.00 Cyathea australis (Syn: Alsophila australis) Black Tree-fern / Rough Tree-fern 140mm $ 18.00 Cyathea cooperi Coin spot tree fern 200mm $ 25.00 100mm Square Punnet/ 75mm Dendrobium kingianum Pink Rock Orchid $ 15.00 round Pots Dicksonia antarctica Soft Tree Fern, Man Fern 200mm $ 35.00 Doodia caudata Small Rasp Fern 50mm Square Forestry Tube $ 4.00 Grasses, Groundcovers & Clumping Plants Anigozanthos var. Orange Cross 140mm $ 15.00 Anigozanthos var. "Big Red" Kangaroo Paw 140mm $ 15.00 Baloskion pallens "Didgery Sticks" Native Rush 100mm $ 15.00 Banksia integrifolia subsp. Integrifolia cv. Roller Coaster 140mm $ 18.00 Brachyscome angustifolia cv. Brasco Violet 140mm $ 14.00 Brachyscome cv. 'Fresco Purple' Fresco Purple' Daisy 140mm $ 14.00 Brachyscome mulitfida cv Brachyscome 'Fresco Candy' 140mm $ 14.00 Casuarina glauca - prostrate "Shagpile" Swamp Oak 140mm $ 15.00 Crinum pedunculatum Swamp Lily / River Lily / Stream Lily 140mm $ 11.00 Dianella prunina 'Blue Ripple' Blue Ripple' 140mm $ 14.00 Doryanthes excelsa Globe Lily 140mm $ 15.00 Doryanthes palmeri Spear Lily 140mm $ 16.00 Grevillea - hybrid (G. pteridifolia x G. banksii (red form)) Honey Gem 140mm $ 15.00 Grevillea (hybrid G. laurifolia x G. willisii) Grevillea 'Poorinda Royal Mantle' 140mm $ 15.00 Grevillea juniperina hybrid (upright red flowered form of G. juniperina x yellow flowered prostrate form of G. Grevillea 'Molonglo' 140mm $ 14.00 juniperina) Grevillea species Bronze Rambler' 140mm $ 14.00 Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden Wildflower Nursery Officer Mark Cowan 420 Mona Vale Rd. St Ives 2075 Page 2 of 11 [email protected] 0418 497 492 Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden Nursery Winter 2021 Stock List Grevillea gaudichaudii *No generally accepted common name* 140mm $ 14.00 Hibbertia obtusifolia 140mm $ 14.00 Hibbertia vestita "Golden Sunburst" Climbing Guinea Flower 140mm $ 14.00 Lepidosperma sp. *No generally accepted common name* 140mm $ 14.00 Libertia paniculata Branching Grass-flag 140mm $ 13.00 Lomandra longifolia cv. Mat rush 'Ocean' 140mm $ 13.00 Lomandra confertifolia cv. LittleTuffy' 140mm $ 15.00 Lomandra glauca "Blue Ridge" Mat Rush 100mm $ 10.00 Lomandra longifolia Mat Rush 140mm $ 13.00 Lomandra sp Mat-Rush 75mm Round Plastic Tube $ 11.00 Lomandra species cv 'Lime Devine' Lime Devine' Lomandra 140mm $ 14.00 Myoporum parvifolium fine leaf Pink flower creeping Boobialla 140mm $ 14.00 Purple Flag / Native Iris / Silky Purple Flag / Native Patersonia occidentalis 140mm $ 16.00 Flag Patersonia occidentalis Purple Flag / Long Purple Flag 140mm $ 16.00 Patersonia occidentalis White White Flag/Iris 140mm $ 16.00 Tripladenia cunninghamii Kreysigia 140mm $ 14.00 Westingia fruticosa Flat n Fruity' Coastal Rosemary 140mm $ 15.00 Xanthorrhoea arborea Grass Tree 140mm $ 25.00 Xanthorrhoea glauca Grass Tree 140mm $ 33.00 Zieria prostrata Headland Zieria 140mm $ 14.00 Shrub under 1.5m Aotus ericoides Golden Pea,Pea bush 140mm $ 14.00 Baeckea virgata (dwarf) Dwarf Heath Myrtle 140mm $ 14.00 Baeckea virgata nana (Sannantha sp) "Miniature" Baeckea 140mm $ 14.00 Banksia spinulosa cv 'Honey Pots' Honey Pots' Hairpin Banksia 140mm $ 18.00 Callistemon citrinus cv. White Anzac' 140mm $ 14.00 Callistemon viminalis Captain Cook' Bottlebrush 140mm $ 14.00 Callistemon viminalis var. "Little John" Bottlebrush 140mm $ 14.00 Calytrix tetragona White Fringe Myrtle 140mm $ 15.00 Correa (hybrid C. reflexa x C. pulchella) "Dusky Bells" Native Fuchsia 140mm $ 14.00 Correa decumbens Spreading Correa 140mm $ 14.00 Epacris cv 'Pan Pipes' 140mm $ 16.00 Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden Wildflower Nursery Officer Mark Cowan 420 Mona Vale Rd. St Ives 2075 Page 3 of 11 [email protected] 0418 497 492 Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden Nursery Winter 2021 Stock List Epacris longiflora Native Fuschia 140mm $ 25.00 Grevillea (G. banksii x G. bipinnatifida) Grevillea "Robyn Gordon" 140mm $ 14.00 Grevillea banksii x bipinnatifida Superb' Grevillea 140mm $ 15.00 Grevillea cv Moonlight' Grevillea 140mm $ 16.00 Grevillea lanigera x rosmarinifolia Nancy Otzen' Nancy Otzen' Grevillea Mauve 140mm $ 15.00 Grevillea rhyolitica "Deua Flame" 140mm $ 16.00 Grevillea victoriae x Grevillea rhyolitica Grevillea 'Lady O' 140mm $ 15.00 Hymenosporum flavum "Gold Nugget" Native Frangapani 140mm $ 18.00 Isopogon anemonifolius Broad-leaf Drumsticks 140mm $ 17.00 Leptospermum "Piccolo" Crimson Tea Tree 140mm $ 15.00 Leucophyta brownii Cushion Bush 140mm $ 15.00 Lomatia illicifolia Holly Lomatia / Native Holly 50mm SFT $ 4.00 Lomatia silaifolia non local form Crinkle Bush 140mm $ 16.00 Melaleuca linariifolia cv Claret Tops' Paperbark 140mm $ 14.00 Melaleuca thymifolia Thyme Honey-Myrtle 140mm $ 14.00 Pimelea ferruginea Alba White Rice Flower 140mm $ 15.00 Pimelea linifolia White White Slender Rice Flower 140mm $ 15.00 Prostanthera ovalifolia Mint Bush 50mm SFT $ 4.00 Prostanthera ovalifolia compacta Mint bush 140mm $ 14.00 Prostanthera rotundifolia 'Mini Pink' Round leaf Mint Bush Pink 140mm $ 14.00 Syzygium leuhmannii x wilsonii cv Cascade' Lilly Pilly 140mm $ 16.00 Vireya lochae hybrids Vireya Rhododendron Red 140mm $ 28.00 Westringia cv. Grey box' Native Rosemary 140mm $ 14.00 Shrub over 1.5m Acacia oxycedrus Spike Wattle 140mm $ 13.00 Acmena (Syzygium) smithii cv. Screenmaker' Lilly Pilly 140mm $ 15.00 Acmena species cv. Cherry Surprise' 140mm $ 13.00 Adenanthos sericeus Woolly Bush 140mm $ 16.00 Austromyrtus dulcis Midgen Berry 140mm $ 13.00 Austromyrtus tenuifolia Narrow-Leaf Myrtle / Midgen Berry 140mm $ 13.00 Baeckea linifolia Weeping Baeckea 140mm $ 15.00 Banksia Giant Candles' cv. 140mm $ 18.00 Banksia oblongifolia Fern-leaved Banksia / Rock Banksia 140mm $ 16.00 Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden Wildflower Nursery Officer Mark Cowan 420 Mona Vale Rd. St Ives 2075 Page 4 of 11 [email protected] 0418 497 492 Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden Nursery Winter 2021 Stock List Banksia plagiocarpa Hinchinbrook Banksia 140mm $ 18.00 Banksia robur Swamp Banksia 140mm $ 16.00 Banksia spinulosa Hairpin Banksia 140mm $ 16.00 Callistemon viminalis cv. Wilderness White' Bottlebrush 140mm $ 12.00 Grevillea cv. (hybrid G. shiressii x G. juniperina.) Forest Rambler' 140mm $ 14.00 Grevillea linearfolia White Spider Flower 140mm $ 16.00 Grevillea sericea Pink Spider Flower 140mm $ 16.00 Isopogon anethifolius Narrow-leaf Drumsticks 140mm $ 16.00 Lambertia formosa Mountain Devil 140mm $ 18.00 Leptospermum flavescens (polygalifolium) 'Cardwell' Cardwell White Tea Tree 140mm $ 16.00 White Leptospermum squarrosum Peach Blossom Tea Tree 140mm $ 15.00 Lomatia silaifolia Crinkle Bush / Fern-leaved Lomatia / Parsley Bush 140mm $ 16.00 Micromyrtus ciliata Fringed Heath-Myrtle 140mm $ 16.00 Phebalium squamulosum Scaly Phebalium 140mm $ 15.00 Philotheca myoporoides Long-leaf Wax Flower 140mm $ 14.00 Prostanthera ovalifolia Oval-leaf Mintbush, Purple Mintbush 140mm $ 14.00 Syzygium
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