Non-Invasive Work-Up in Presurgical Evaluation of Extratemporal Lobe Epilepsy*
BEL_Inhalt_3_2010_6.0 29.09.2010 11:11 Uhr Seite 151 Non-Invasive Work-up in Presurgical Evaluation of Extratemporal Lobe Epilepsy* Margitta Seeck 1, Christoph M. Michel1,2 and Serge Vulliémoz1 1 Neurology Clinics, University Hospital of Geneva 2 Department of Fundamental Neurosciences, University Medical School, University of Geneva Summary des epileptogenen Fokus sowie der evozierten Potenzia- le, EEG-getriggertes funktionelles MRI, sowie die Ko-Re- Surgery of extratemporal epilepsy is still a challenge, gistrierung aller Bildgebungsverfahren mit dem indivi- due to difficulties to define precisely the epileptogenic duellen MRI des Patienten. zone and the presence of vital cortex, such as motor, sensory, visual or language cortex. Both may be per- Schlüsselwörter: Extratemporale Epilepsie, prächirurgi- ceived as too close, preventing the complete resection sche Abklärung, Lokalisation, elektrische Quellenanaly- of the epileptic focus and thus, leading to a less favor- se, EEG-fMRI able result of extratemporal lobe epilepsy surgery as compared to temporal lobe epilepsy surgery. In most cases, invasive monitoring with implanted electrodes is Bilan non-invasif dans l'évaluation préchirurgicale required. However, pre-operative comprehensive loca- de l'épilepsie extra-temporale lization of the focus as well as essential cortex can be done also with non-invasive tools. Here, we discuss the Le traitement chirurgical de l'épilepsie extra-tem- most advanced techniques, readily applied in extratem- porale reste un challenge important, en raison des diffi- poral surgical epilepsy, i.e. electric source imaging (ESI) cultés pour définir précisément la zone épileptogène et of the focus and evoked potentials, simultaneous EEG- la localisation du cortex éloquent, tel les cortex moteur, fMRI recordings, and co-registration of the different sensitif, visuel ou langagier.
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