Four years of tolvaptan: experience from two large teaching hospitals Dr J Follows* Foundation Year 2, Dr A Iqbal* Speciality Registrar Diabetes and Endocrinology, Dr A Allahabadia - Consultant Endocrinologist Department of Endocrinology, Northern General Hospital, Herries Road, Sheffield, S5 7AU *Dr J Follows and Dr A Iqbal have contributed equally

Characteristics No of Patients Introduction 1. tolvaptan was dosed patients (%) identified n = 33 • Hyponatraemia is a common cause appropriately. of morbidity and mortality affecting 2. serum was monitored 15-20% of inpatients (1,2). appropriately . Total number of 17 (100 %) • • Chronic hyponatraemia needs to be To assess whether changes in serum patients: corrected with caution; if corrected sodium were: Not Rx’d tolvaptan 1. within acceptable limits. too rapidly it can result in osmotic Male 8 (47%) n = 16 demyelination (3). 2. managed appropriately where • Tolvaptan is a competitive indicated. receptor 2 antagonist; in Methods Female 9 (53 %) the UK it is licenced for the • This was a retrospective audit Rx’d tolvaptan treatment of hyponatraemia between May 2010 and July 2014. n = 17 secondary to the syndrome of • Medical notes were used to identify Minimum age: 59 yrs Maximum age: 92 yrs inappropriate anti- hormone patient demographics, indications for secretion (SIADH). tolvaptan prescription, fluid Mean age: 78 yrs Standard deviation: 8.49 • The BNF recommends sodium restriction and use of monitoring at least every 6 hours for prior to tolvaptan Male n = 8 Female n = 9 the first 24-48hrs after initiating administration. Diagnosis: tolvaptan (4). • Biochemical laboratory • The cost to Sheffield Teaching investigations. Hospitals (STH) is £89.60 per tablet were obtained from the Sunquest SIADH 16 (any dose). ICE database. (94.1%) Objectives • STH drug charts were used to assess SIADH n = 7 CCF n = 1 SIADH n = 6 • To assess the indication for tolvaptan the date, time and dose of tolvaptan 1 (5.9 %) use at STH. administration. • To assess whether:

Fig. 1 Patient demographics Fig. 2 Flow chart of patients audited

Results Criteria Compliance Fig. 5 Change in serum sodium Appropriate indication for 100% n = 17 140

135 Initial abnormal sodium concentration tolvaptan prescription /L 130 (mmol/L)

Measurement of paired urine and 88% n = 15 mmol 125 120 Sodium concentration at which serum sodium and osmolalities. tolvaptan commenced (mmol/L) 115 Measurement of TSH and cortisol 76% n = 13 110

Sodium concentration 24hrs after Serum sodium Serum to exclude other causes of 105 tolvaptan commenced (mmol/L) 100 hyponatraemia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Sodium concentration 48hrs after Change in serum sodium within 82% n = 14 Patient No. tolvaptan commenced (mmol/L) acceptable limits Fig 6. Rate of change in serum sodium following tolvaptan Change in serum sodium within 94% n = 16 acceptable limits after 18 appropriate identification and 16

intervention of limit exceedance 14 Appropriate frequency of sodium 24% n = 4 12 monitoring in the first 24hrs 10 8 Rate of sodium increase (x mmol/l in Appropriate frequency of sodium 12% n = 2 24hrs) monitoring in the second 24hrs 6 4 Rate of sodium increase (x mmol/l in Appropriate dosing of tolvaptan 100% n = 17 2 48hrs) 0

*All standards were expected to be met with sodium/time of Rate changeof -2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 100% compliance -4 -6 Fig. 3 Table of results; standards against which each patient was audited Patient No.

Discussion Conclusions • Most patients are having necessary investigations to make the diagnosis of SIADH. SIADH is a diagnosis • In the majority of cases, there was a clear documented indication for the use of tolvaptan of exclusion; there is room for improvement in future practice. • There is scope for improving safety for patients who are prescribed tolvaptan • Patients 13 and 17 had a rise in serum sodium beyond acceptable parameters and were treated to arrest this rise. Recommendations • Patient 3 had a rise in serum sodium of 12mmol/L; between hours 24 and 48 after starting tolvaptan. • Adjust electronic requesting to allow serial blood request forms to be printed simultaneously for four This rise was not identified and no action was taken to arrest this rise. hourly intervals for serum sodium monitoring. • 76% of patients prescribed tolvaptan were not monitored at sufficiently regular intervals. Despite the • Signposting in the medical notes (in the form of a sticker which comes from pharmacy with tolvptan fact that no patients audited came to harm, there is room for improvement with serum sodium or an eFlag for electronic notes triggered upon prescription of the drug) to ensure: monitoring. 1. Appropriate handover to out of hour nursing and medical teams has occurred. • Patient 15 was discharged after 24hrs of sodium monitoring; they were not monitored for the full 48 2. Instructions for monitoring of serum sodium, how to interpret data and what do to in circumstances hour period. where safe limits might be, or have been exceeded. Limitations 3. Signposting for guidelines. • It is possible that the search of pharmacy records did not identify all patients prescribed tolvaptan . • Teaching for diabetes and endocrine junior doctors at the start of each four month rotation on safe • This audit was limited by a small sample size. However, use of tolvaptan is not common, and a monitoring of tolvaptan prescription. comparable audit at a different trust yielded a similar sample size. • Data collection in this audit was limited by poor or incomplete documentation in certain places.

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