Home Sweet Home Executive Committee … Chairman Scamardella Recently Met with Three Candidates Seeking to 1 Republicans Grimm, Lanza, Challenge U.S

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Home Sweet Home Executive Committee … Chairman Scamardella Recently Met with Three Candidates Seeking to 1 Republicans Grimm, Lanza, Challenge U.S COUNTY COMMITTEE COURIER THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE RICHMOND COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Winter 2011 The Party will take possession on Feb 1st and, after a few weeks of renovations and HOME SWEET placement of signage, a grand opening will be held. Of course, all County Committee people will be invited to stop by and examine THEIR new HOME home. PARTY ESTABLISHES NEW Said Party Chair Scamardella, “This completes the trifecta which was my first 100 HEADQUARTERS days goal. We needed a newsletter, a website and or years, the Republican Party had been a headquarters and now we have them. These effectively without a physical full-time were not ends themselves but means to fulfill our F headquarters on Staten Island. Those days mission. Now we have the tools to get the job are over. The Party has a new home. done.” Recently, the Party negotiated a lease for a PARTY PONDERINGS … In addition to spacious office at 2300 Richmond Road. Said opening a headquarters, the Party will be Vice-Chair Frank Aversa, who is overseeing the launching its official website on or about February HQ preparation, “We will now have a place to 1st … Check it out at SIGOP.com … The former conduct Party business and where volunteers can Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Vice-President congregate. It will help us bring the Party Dick Cheney visited Staten Island recently … together and further our mission to grow the Brendan Lantry, a long-time Party worker Party and elect Republican candidates.” resigned as the Party’s Campaign Coordinator assuming the position of Assistant D.A. in Kings I NSIDE T HIS I SSUE County … David Carr was named new Campaign Coordinator and given a seat on the Party's 1 Home Sweet Home Executive Committee … Chairman Scamardella recently met with three candidates seeking to 1 Republicans Grimm, Lanza, challenge U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Tobacco & Malliotakis Up For Re-Election REPUBLICANS GRIMM, 2 Calling All Candidates LANZA, TOBACCO & 2 Donovan Wins in Landslide MALLIOTAKIS UP FOR 3 Primary School RE-ELECTION t’s not easy to be a Congressman or member 3 Giovinazzo & Stillwell to Chair of the State Legislature. In addition to Lincoln Dinner Irepeated trips to Washington or Albany, these folks must undergo all the burdens of being a 4 Aversa, Mc Feeley & Coppotelli to legislator. They must attend legislative sessions, Spearhead Petition Signature Effort draft and review legislation, stay on top of all 4 President's Message issues and respond to constituent complaints while attending almost daily events in their districts. County Committee Courier 1 On top of this heavy workload, they must “swing” district but expects to receive strong suffer the weight of a short 2-year term. Every 24 support from his mentors Sen. Chuck Schumer months they must bear the grueling prospect of and Assembly leader Shelly Silver. running for re-election. For Congressman Michael Said Party Chair Robert Scamardella, “We Grimm, State Senator Andrew Lanza, have recently begun the process of actively Assemblyman Lou Tobacco and Assemblywoman recruiting candidates for the three open slots. I Nicole Malliotakis, 2012 is again campaign time. encourage anyone interested to contact me. Our Grimm and Malliotakis figure to have process will be open and fair as we seek the most spirited opposition. Liberal Democrats, stung by qualified candidates.” the victories of these two bright Republican stars Although it is rare to see Staten Island against Democratic incumbents in 2010, are hard incumbents lose an election, the victories of driven to recruit strong opposition candidates. Nicole Malliotakis and Michael Grimm should Meanwhile, Democrats have vowed to give any would-be candidate encouragement that, unseat long-time incumbents Lanza and Tobacco. indeed, it can be done. Both Malliotakis and Lanza has vast Senate experience and his re- Grimm were unknowns with virtually no name election is vital to maintaining a Republican recognition and were both outspent by strong majority in that body. Tobacco is a well-respected incumbents. Many contend that Staten Island is member of the Republican’s growing turning Republican more each day and that so representation in the State Assembly. His zealous called DINO’S (Democrats In Name Only) are advocacy, on behalf of conservative principles and also on the rise. Staten Island, has earned him the enmity of super- Political guru Guy Molinari noted, liberal Sheldon Silver. “Articulate principled candidates willing to work Each of these exceptional public servants real hard are what is needed. Political upsets are will be soon putting together their campaign teams becoming more the norm than the exception. and we will be contacting all County Committee Just look at Grimm, Malliotakis, Turner and members to ask for your involvement in one or even Obama.” more of these campaigns to help get these fine Candidate Applications can be procured by people re-elected. contacting the Party secretary, Fran Gervasi, at 718-442-0900. CALLING ALL DONOVAN WINS CANDIDATES IN LANDSLIDE RD CHALLENGERS SOUGHT COPS 3 TERM WITH AGAINST DEMOCRATIC 70% OF VOTE INCUMBENTS sland Republicans gear for the 2012 elections hree Democratic incumbents are up for re- with the wind at their backs. Dan Donovan election in 2012. They included State Iwon a resounding victory this past November Senator Diane Savino and Assemblymen to secure a third term as Richmond County T District Attorney. Michael Cusick and Matthew Titone. In 2010, each of these three Democrats ran unopposed. Donovan, who was denied the This time a strong effort is being made to recruit Conservative Party ballot position, won an challengers to these long-time liberal Legislators. astounding victory with 70% of the vote against Ms. Savino, a former union official, enjoys challenger Mike Ryan. Donovan actually won by much union support and is in what is considered a a bigger margin than he did in 2007 when he had firm Democratic district. Titone, too, is in a so- the Conservative endorsement. called "safe Democratic area." Cusick is in a At his victory celebration, held at the Hilton Garden Inn and sponsored by the Party, County Committee Courier 2 Donovan thanked a coterie of people to primary to be held in early August and others in resounding cheers. Said Party Chair Scamardella, June. If June is the date, the petition signature “It was great to start my tenure with such a gathering process will have to begin in March. resounding victory but the real thanks goes to This uncertainty wreaks havoc on prospective many on the County Committee and Campaign planning for both candidates and Party organizers. Administrator Ron Carara along with the legions The fact that all of this ambiguity is of volunteers. It’s a wonderful feeling going to a occurring in a very busy political year that campaign headquarters and seeing a bustling includes a Presidential, Congressional, 2 State place filled with wonderful people working hard Senate and 4 State Assembly races just adds to the for an exceptional man.” anxiety. Said Party Chair Scamardella, “I know I Along with Donovan, Republican Joseph sound like Yogi Berra but, it is what it is and I Maltese won a 14-year term as a Supreme Court just wish I knew what it is.” Judge. Maltese was cross-endorsed by the Democratic, Independent and Conservative GIOVINAZZO & Parties. STILWELL PRIMARY TO CHAIR LINCOLN DINNER SCHOOL MAIN PARTY EVENT A LESSON IN POLITICAL SLATED FOR APRIL 30th CONFUSION AT HILTON ormally the New York primary is held in he main Party fundraising event is the so- September and all elected officials know called "Lincoln Dinner." This year the the exact boundaries of their districts. Not N event will be held on Monday night April so in 2012. Tth 30 at the Hilton Garden Inn. Please save the First, it is a “re-districting" year and, date. since the US Constitution requires a population The event is being chaired by Party Vice- census every 10 years, followed by a change in Chairwoman Lisa Giovinazzo and County election districts to accommodate population Committee woman Dr. Anne Marie Stilwell. They shifts, the boundaries of 2012 districts are have put together an impressive Committee of 26 unknown as of this writing. Those districts' lines County Committee persons. Party Vice- Chairman will be fixed by the State Senate and Assembly Frank Aversa, County Committeeman John subject to court oversight. Exactly when the Scamardella and Finance Committee Chair Philip process will be complete is unknown and, as the Rampulla are coordinating the souvenir journal. election year drones on, the uncertainty causes all Currently, the Lincoln Committee, among sorts of problems with political planning. other things, is working on procurement of a guest As if this uncertainty was not enough, the speaker and other items. Said Ms. Giovinazzo, date for the New York Primary is still unknown. “The Lincoln Dinner is not only a fundraiser but (This does not refer to the "Presidential" Primary what we hope will be a dynamic evening. Success which is scheduled for April 24th.). The normal depends upon the participation of the County September date was knocked down by the courts Committee. We are confident that this year's on the grounds that it was too close to the general Dinner will be a stellar event while helping to election and did not afford military personnel facilitate the financial needs of the Party for the serving overseas sufficient time to mail in year to come.” Said Dr. Stilwell, “I’m honored to absentee ballots. As a result, the primary must be Co-Chair this prestigious event and I look held before August 18th. Seems some want the County Committee Courier 3 forward to working with Lisa and the Committee In order to keep the momentum going, to insure a very successful affair.” much help from the County Committee will be AVERSA, MC FEELEY & needed.
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