Cabinet 05 March 2014




Key Decision: No

1.0 Purpose of Report

1.1 To set out 8 bids to the Cabinet Approved Community Grants Scheme for the financial year 2013/14.

2.0 Recommendation

2.1 That Councillors consider the following applications and award funding as requested to be spent within 6 months or the grants will be returned. For each bid, Councillors can support the full amount requested; recommend a reduced amount; or recommend that the bid is not supported.

2.2 i) Park Indoor Bowls Club carpet re-lay - £5,000 ii) Whitehill Community Association replacement heating boiler - £5,000 iii) Community Association repair to roof - £2,500 iv) Froxfield Cricket Club net facilities - £5,000 v) Langrish Parish Council play equipment - £2,675 vi) Artscape – set up costs for new scheme in Whitehill & Bordon - £1095 vii) Clanfield Observatory replacement and accessible telescope - £5,000 viii) Parish Council War Memorial Restoration - £5,000

3.0 Summary

3.1 All of the applications included in this report meet the criteria of the Cabinet Approved Community Grants Scheme and a copy of the criteria is available on request.

3.2 A copy of all of the grant applications can be found in the Appendices with more detailed information about the projects.

4.0 Subject of Report

4.1 Chawton Park Indoor Bowls Club Facility Development – £5,000 The bowls club are applying for £5,000 towards the cost of replacing the current bowling carpet and underlay which is nearing the end of its playing life after 17 years. The total project cost is £28,830. An application for £20,000 is with Sport awaiting decision and the club itself will meet the residual cost.

4.2 Whitehill Bordon Community Association - £5,000 The Association have applied for funds toward a new central heating boiler at the Forest Community Centre, following the failure of the current boiler during recent storms. Final quotes are still being returned, the total project cost will be between £10,000 and £15,000. Partner funding will come from HCC (awaiting decision) and Association funds. At Cabinet Chairman’s Briefing, officers were asked to explore the feasibility of installing an ECO friendly boiler such as a biomass boiler. This type of boiler was looked into, however it was decided not to go with this due to practical issues. The main issues being lack of space for the boiler, buffer tank and storage for the fuel. In addition, annual maintenance costs were deemed to be expensive and constant loading of the boiler would be physically demanding on the staff/volunteers. The Trustees have gone for a condensing boiler which modulates between approximately 25kw and 120KW depending on load. The boiler is only required for heating as hot water is supplied at point of use. The boiler is rated at between 109% -98% efficiency.

4.3 Headley Down Community Association - £2,500 An EHDC Asset Management Audit identified work required to the roof at Woodlands Hall on the Heatherlands Estate. The Lease requires HDCA to carry out this work. The total cost is £3,110.40. Headley Parish Council has been approached for the remaining funds.

4.4 Froxfield Cricket Club - £5,000 Froxfield Cricket Club have applied for £5,000 towards the cost of installing a new cage net and artificial surface which will provide weather proof practice facilities within the Parish. The total project cost is £8,000. Froxfield Parish Council will also be approached for funding support.

4.5 Langrish Parish Council - £2,675 Langrish Parish Council have applied for £2,675 towards the cost of installing two swings and a seated bench. There are currently no other play facilities in the Parish. The total project cost is £4,675 and Langrish Parish Council have committed £1,500 to the project. There are no developers contributions available for Langrish.

4.6 Artscape (Whitehill & Bordon) - £1,095 Artscape is a charity that provides art related workshops to vulnerable adults in recovery from severe and enduring mental ill health and related disabilities. It has been working predominantly in and surrounding areas. Artscape would like to set up regular weekly sessions within Whitehill & Bordon. If approved, the funding will pay for Equipment, primarily an etching press. The press will enable people attending to engage with a process. The press is very robust and should last many years with minimal maintenance. In addition, Artscape is requesting the grant in order to purchase smaller but equally important tools such as aprons, rollers and brushes. The total project cost is £12,000. Applications have been made to Awards For All and Whitehill Town Council.

4.7 Clanfield Observatory - £5,000 The Hampshire Astronomical Group (Clanfield Observatory) wish to replace their existing and ageing large telescope. The new telescope will be fully accessible to all with additional needs, and allow them to view the night sky directly. The total cost of the project is £96,500, with over half of the costs being met by Club funds, and ongoing donations and fundraising.

4.8 Horndean War Memorial - £5,000 Horndean Parish Council wish to reinstate the Goddess Nike statue which once stood on top of the war memorial in Horndean Square. This will be done in time for the for significant dates such as the centenary of the outbreak of World War One and also nearly 94 years to the day since the war memorial was originally dedicated. The total cost of the project is £31,870, with confirmed funding also coming from Hampshire County Council and public donations. Applications to Horndean Parish Council and Developers Contributions are awaiting decisions.

5.0 Implications

5.1 Resources: Information supplied by Financial Services indicate that there is a remaining budget of £123,110 allocated to the Cabinet Approved Community Grants Scheme. The table below shows a breakdown of all the applications included in this report. If all of these grants are awarded then a balance of £91,840 will remain within the Reserve.

Chawton Park Indoor Bowls Club re-laying £5,000 of bowling carpet

Whitehill Bordon Community Association £5,000 replacement heating boiler Headley Down Community Association £2,500 repair to roof Froxfield Cricket Club net facilities £5,000 Langrish Parish Council play equipment £2,675 Artscape Whitehill & Bordon start up £1,095 costs Clanfield Observatory replacement & £5,000 accessible telescope Horndean Parish Council war memorial £5,000 restoration Total: £31,270

5.2 Legal: there are no legal implications.

5.3 Strategy: these applications all contribute to the corporate priorities of Public Service Excellence.

5.4 Risks: the only risk associated with these grant applications is that the groups applying for the grants do not complete the work for which the grants are awarded. This risk is overcome by the monitoring system in place which requires each applicant to complete a monitoring form. This shows evidence that the grant monies have been spent and the planned works are completed.

5.5 Communications: these grant applications will be listed in the Cabinet agenda which can be found online at

5.6 For the Community: these grant are all for community projects that will benefit the residents of .

5.7 An Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) will be completed if requested by Cabinet.

6.0 Consultation

6.1 Appendices:

A) Grant application form – Chawton Park Indoor Bowls Club B) Grant application form – Whitehill Bordon Community Association C) Grant application form - Headley Down Community Association D) Grant application form – Froxfield Cricket Club E) Grant application form – Langrish Parish Council F) Grant application form – Artscape G) Grant Application form – Clanfield Observatory H) Grant Application Form – Horndean Parish Council

6.2 The following people have been consulted:

i) Portfolio Holder for Community ii) Service Head Community

Contact Officer: John Geoghegan Job Title: Community Officer Telephone: 01730 234184 E-Mail: [email protected]