4 NORTH KOREA After Kim II Sung

6 PROFILE Denis McLean

8 AFRICA Managing Conflict in Needs Speedy Trials Africa

Rwandan prime minister Faustin Twagiramungu says that trials for war crimes and genocide must start by January.

he brutal slaughter of more than half a mil- other risks misguiding international attention and lion people in Rwanda and the psychological assistance. They noted that the international com- violence done to survivors of the massacres munity must instead consider how each set of trials demand the world's attention now, says will be organized Rwandan prime minister Faustin Twagira- and how their mungu. Although the justice system in respective jurisdic- I Rwanda is itself a shambles, the internation- tions and the timing al community can begin helping to rebuild it imme- of their proceedings diately, he stresses. Only prompt, fair public trials will be coordinated. can calm the deep unrest that haunts the Rwandan The workshop, people in the wake of the genocidal terror they expe- organized by Neil J. rienced in recent months and prevent future violence. Kritz, acting direc- Officials of Rwanda's new government have estimat- tor of the Institute's ed that as many as 20,000 to 30,000 potential defen- Rule of Law Initia- dants may stand trial for war crimes and genocide. tive, brought togeth- Twagiramungu talked-from Rwanda, by tele- er about 50 repre- phone-about the need for prompt trials to a U.S. sentatives of Institute of Peace workshop, ''Dealing with War Rwanda, the United Crimes and Genocide in Rwanda." Participants in Nations, humanitarian organizations, the State U.S. soldiers the September 16 workshop concluded that because Department, congressional staff, academics, and pol- distribute water of the daunting number of suspects, Rwandan courts icymakers. Participants included Jacques Bacamur- to Rwandan should and will conduct trials, in addition to the wanko, the Republic of Burundi's ambassador to the refugees at a international tribunal likely to be established by the United States; Thomas Buergenthal of George camp in Coma, United Nations. Observers estimate that the interna- Washington University; Alison des Forges, regional Zaire. tional tribunal will prosecute only the top echelon of expert; Richard J. Goldstone, chiefjustice for the defendants and not begin until, at the earliest, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former second quarter of 1995, though no official timetable Yugoslavia; John Shattuck, assistant secretary of state currently exists. for human rights, democracy, and labor; and Ralph Workshop participants cautioned that further Zacklin, director of the UN Office of the Legal debate on whether to proceed in one forum or the See Rwanda, page 2 2 Rwanda Continued from page 1

Counsel. The group, anticipating Background ruins. The refugees, primarily the UN-mandated international , are afraid to return to tribunal, discussed the creation of The latest round of atrocities in Rwanda in part because they fear TOP: Esdras such a tribunal and issues relating Rwanda, with its minority revenge by the Tutsi. Conference Birasa and to holding additional war crimes population (15 percent) and participants concluded that the Diane trials in Rwandan courts. On majority Hutu (85 percent), early holding of fair, public trials Orentlicher. began after a plane carrying of those most implicated in the Bottom: Crystal Rwandan president Juvenal Hab- genocide is necessary to the reso- L. Nix, James yarimana and Burundi president lution of the refugee crisis. Daniel Phillips, Cyprien Ntyamira was shot down Richard J.Cold- over Rwanda's capital city, , Rwandan Trials stone, and Ren6 on April 6, killing both leaders. Lemarchand Hutu extremists accused the Before the slaughter, Rwanda discuss trials for wand an Patriotic Front (RPF), had about 300 magistrates. Most genoc-ide and a Tutsi-dominated faction, of have been killed, and only about war crimes in assassinating Habyarimana. Hutu 40 remain, workshop participants Rwanda (left to soldiers and others initiated a noted. Twagiramungu said that right). planned killing of Tutsi civilians his country would welcome help UD and moderates. Militias throueh-" from other countries in setting.u 1 out the country incited and domestic trials, including the par- coerced civilians to participate in ticipation in the trials of foreign the massacre of their neighbors, judges, lawyers, and investigators often of entire families. functioning under Rwandan law. On July 18, the RPF declared Getting the judiciary established victory over the Hutu government to begin trials is a government and established a new govern- priority, Twagiramungu stressed. ment of national unity. After Kritz pointed out that under (\ - three months of fighting, between its charter, the international tri- 500,000 and 1 million Tutsi had bunal could not impose capital been exterminated; over 2 million punishment, while Rwandan refugees had fled to neighboring courts can. That could create a countries-roughly half to problem if the masterminds of September 28, a commission of Zaire-and Kigali was left in See Rwanda, page 17 experts established by the UN Security Council recommended that the UN establish an interna- tional tribunal to prosecute war crimes and genocide in Rwanda. "It is central to the mission of the Institute to contribute to resolving the crisis in Rwanda," noted Institute president Richard H. Solomon, who opened the proceedings. "Accountability is essential to any effort to create stability in that country." The Institute has published a Special Report, Dealing with War Crimes and Genocide in Rwanda, based on the workshop proceedings. With the exception of Twagiramungu, workshop participants spoke on a not-for-attribution basis. Earle and Rokke Join Bod

Two new ex officio members have Strategic Studies, the Council of joined the United States Institute American Ambassadors, and the of Peace board of directors. American Law Institute.

alph Earle I1 is the deputy rvin J. Rokke, Lt. Gen., U.S. director of the U.S. Arms ArForce, became president of RControl and Disarmament Ethe National Defense Universi- Agency (ACDA). He was desig- ty in September. Previously he nated to serve on the board by served as assistant chief of staff John Holum, director of ACDA. for intelligence at Air Force head- Earle most recently served as quarters in Washington, where he chairman of the board of directors was the senior intelligence officer, of t,e'Lawyers A!liance for responsible for the organization, World Security (LAWS). In training, and equipage of more 1980-1981, he was director of than 25,000 Air Force officers, ACDA and served as its principal enlisted personnel, and civilian adviser to the president, the intelligence professionals. National Security Council, and Rokke was director of intelli- the secretary of state on matters gence for Headquarters, U.S. involving arms control and disar- European Command, Stuttgart- mament. Earle previously was Valhingen, Germany, in chief U.S. negotiator (with the 1991-1993. As U.S. air and -ank of ambassador) of the SALT defense attach6 to Moscow in I treaty (1978-1980) and alter- 1987-1989, he witnessed the last nate chief negotiator (1977- days of the Soviet Union. Before 1978). During that period he also that, he was dean of faculty at the served as ACDA's special repre- U.S. Air Force Academy, Col- sentative for arms control and orado Springs, Colo., where he disarmament negotiations. Before had been head of the political sci- that, he was the ACDA represen- ence department. In earlier tative on the U.S. SALT Delega- assignments, he served as the tion (1973-1977). U.S. air attach6 to the United Earle also served as a consul- Kingdom and in intelligence in tant to the secretary of defense on Japan and Hawaii. SALT-related issues (1972-1973); Rokke was commissioned as a defense adviser, U.S. Mission to second lieutenant through the NATO (1969-1972); and princi- U.S. Air Force Academy in 1962. pal deputy assistant secretary of After receiving a master's degree defense for international security in international relations from affairs (1968-1969). Harvard University in 1964, he

In addition to his government- completed intelligence training at service, Earle, a graduate of Har- Lowry Air Force Base, Colo. He vard College and Harvard Law received a doctorate in interna- School, has practiced law as a tional relations from Harvard partner of Morgan, Lewis, and University in 1970. Bockius in Philadelphia and Rokke has received numerous Baker and Daniels in Washing- awards and decorations, including ton. He is a member of the the Defense Distinguished Ser- 'Zouncil on Foreign Relations, vice Medal with bronze oak leaf &he International Institute for cluster and the Legion of Merit. _--I NORTH KOREA North Korea After Kim Il Sung

Despite North Korea's recent historic agreement to end its nuclear weapons program, implementation remains the critical test.

vents in North Korea took a dra- United Kingdom, and the United States. Among the matic turn with the sudden death in participants were Ban Ki Moon, deputy chief of mis- July of the country's 82-year-old sion of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea (ROK) president, Kim I1 Sung. The "Great in Washington; Ashton B. Carter, assistant secretary Leader's" passing marked tKe end of of defense for international security policy; Aidan an era. Equally significant, the Foster-Carter of the University of Leeds; Robert L. agreement in October between the Gallucci, ambassador-at-large and head of the U.S. UnitedE States and North Korea to termi- delegation to the U.S.-Democratic People's Repub- nate the North Korean nuclear program in lic of Korea (DPRK) negotiations in Geneva; return for economic assistance and the Stephen Linton of Columbia University; and Win- development of political contacts with the ston Lord, assistant secretary of state for East Asian United States may signal an auspicious and Pacific affirs. Institute president Richard H. beginning: the end of decades of military Solomon moderated the conference, which was Ban Ki Moon, confrontation on the peninsula and gradual normal- organized by Alan D. Romberg, then-director of deputy chief of ization of North Korea's relations with the rest of the the Institute's Research and Studies Program, and mission of the world. Assuredly, both developments will have a program officer Scott Snyder. Embassy of the major impact on the future of the Korean peninsula. The Institute recently published a Special Repor Republic of Observers agree that Kim I1 Sung's promise to The North Korean Nuclear Challenge: The Post-Kim South Korea, dis- former president Jimmy Carter last summer that 11Sung Phase Begins, which draws heavily on views cusses his coun- North Korea would freeze its nuclear program paved expressed at the meeting. The report reviews the try's concerns the way for the formal agreement, signed October 21 major challenges facing the United States and South about North in Geneva. The agreement provides for the provision Korea in resolving the nuclear issue and reducing Korea's nuclear of proliferation-resistant light-water nuclear power inter-Korean tensions in the midst of North Korea's program. reactors to the North in exchange for the North's political succession. Key points of the report are elimination of its plutonium-producing nuclear facil- summarized below. ities. However, observers caution that it is not yet clear whether the new regime in North Korea, and The Major Challenges its de facto leader, Kim Jong 11, have the intention and capability to implement the terms of the Geneva Q The October 21 U.S.-DPRK framework agree-- agreement. ment outlines the steps through which real progress Also in question is the future of North-South might be made in dismantling North Korea's pluto- relations, which have deteriorated in a cycle of mu- nium nuclear program and improving U.S.-DPRK tual vituperation following Kim I1 Sung's death. Of relations; however, it will be years before implemen- added concern is the course of U.S. relations with tation has proceeded far enough to ensure that all the South, which will be critical to the provision of issues of concern are finally resolved. Meanwhile, light-water reactors to the North and to continued renewed crisis could occur if any of the elements in stability on the peninsula. the agreement are not implemented. North Korea's On the eve of the third round of negotiations in continued adherence to its pledge not to refuel its 5- Geneva, the U.S. Institute of Peace convened about megawatt experimental reactor or reprocess spent 40 policymakers and senior regional and technical fuel rods currently in wet storage and to freeze con- specialists for a one-day meeting to discuss U.S. rela- struction of its 50-megawatt and 200-megawatt tions on the Korean peninsula in the post-Kim I1 graphite reactors is critical to implementing the Sung era. The September 20 conference included agreement and to further progress. representatives from South Korea, Japan, Russia, the The U.S.-ROK relationship, ironically, is under Doubts remain whether Kim

Jong I1 will ultimately strain following the progress represented by the the ceremony marking 100 days of mourning for his U.S.-DPRK agreement. It will be important to sup- father, and reports that the elder Kim approved a consolidate port parallel progress in the North-South Korean policy of improving U.S.-DPRK relations at the cost his power. dialogue to ensure that the relationship between of relinquishing the North's nuclear program before Washington- and Seoul remains one of confidence his death. Even if Kim Jong I1 is finally named for- and coordination of policy. Of particular concern is mally as North Korea's state and party leader, the the .fact that progress in U.S.-North Korean rela- very fact of the transition has made it difficult to ini- tions has raised South Korean fears of losing control tiate progress in the North-South dialogue. over developments on the peninsula and of a weak- To encourage North Korea's commitment to ening of its alliance with the United States. Wash- following through on the October 21 agreement, the ington must be attentive to South Korean concerns United States must maintain close cooperation with and especially skillful in reassuring Seoul of its South Korea, Japan, China, Russia, and others so undiminished commitment to South Korea. This that the post-Kim I1 Sung leadership does not requires not only exceptional measures to coordinate doubt the international consensus in support of the policy but also efforts to build public support for one agreement's implementation. Effective U.S. mainte- common policy as both nance of an international ~~artiesdeal with the coalition on these issues Leff: Robert .\Torth on nuclear and is critical to convincing Gallucci other issues. Pyongyang that it cannot Right: Richard For its part, South succeed in diplomatic H. Solomon Korea should engage in maneuvers designed to Bottom: Ron diplomacy with North split off elements of the Montaperto lis- Korea and search for coalition or to stall on tens as K. A. appropriate opportunities implementation of the Namkung to reactivate the North- agreement. makes a point South dialogue. The during the dis- South will play a major cussion.

role in supplying- - North Korea with light-water reactors. At the same time, as the United States proceeds towards normalization of relations with the North, it should take steps to ensure that the degree of progress in U.S.-DPRK relations does not outpace the development of North-South relations. The United States should not be drawn by the North into a unilateral dialogue in the absence of a parallel North-South dialogue. There is little reliable information about how the North Korean political succession is proceeding. kmI1 Sung's death may not have initiated policy paralysis in North Korea, but it has at least created considerable uncertainty. Doubts remain among out- side observers about whether Kim Jong I1 will ulti- mately consolidate his power. These questions per- ,gist despite the younger km's recent appearance at PROFILE

' New Zealand diplomat Denis McLean believes a new spirit of international collaboration is emerging to serve broad humanitarian interests in the world.

.istinguished Fellow development of the international Denis McLean envi- community," McLean says. sions a world that "Today, collective security embraces the hopes requires more effective coordina- of even the smallest tion to deal with smaller wars and nations. A native of humanitarian tragedies in order New Zealand, to head off larger, already loom- McLean has spent ing disasters." 36 years in public The Institute, in concert with GLOBAL service and has been McLean, is convening a series of AfTIf\hl influenced by the vari- seminars to examine the current ous ways his island debate over peacekeeping, discuss nation, despite its remote the shortcomings of past opera- location, has helped to tions, and explore the issue of shape a world inhabited coordination with humanitarian I IIB by many more powerful organizations. Participants states. "My claim include policymakers and repre- 1 to originality may sentatives of the U.S. military, lie in my experi- United Nations, and academic ence of the att- community. tudes and aspira- "Despite the pessimism, there tions of a smaller power," says seems to be an immense amount McLean, who served as New of good will now in the interna- Zealand's ambassador to the Unit- tional community and a disposi- ed States from 1991 until last tion to make things happen," spring, when he joined the Insti- McLean observes. 'Why else, for tute. As a fellow, McLean is example, should New Zealand be exploring principles and guidelines involved in providing aid to for international peace operations Rwanda? What is needed is a new that may help structure responses sense of common purpose. My to crises around the world. project here is aimed to develop a "I have some feel for the role consensus, if possible, on differ- of the military in society and in ent aspects of modern peace oper- international relations," explains ations," in particular political and McLean. As a foreign service military arrangements for the officer, he was posted in Wash- facilitation of humanitarian inter- ington and London twice, and in ventions. The Institute will pub- Kuala Lumpur and Paris, and he lish a Special Report based on served as New Zealand's secretary McLean's research and analysis of of defense for nine years. "This the seminar discussions. year is a great time to bring together some of my thoughts Achieving Collective Action about the relationship between international peace operations The nations of the world have and military power, because this made great advances in their abil is becoming a major focus in the ity to coordinate and act jointly t "Despite the pessimism, there seems

to be an

immense amount of

good will now in the international

community achieve mutually desired goals, humanitarian assistance in highly yield authority to an international McLean notes. Before World insecure circumstances. organization," McLean observes. and a dispo- War 11, it was impossible for the In his report, McLean will "And men and women every- sition to League of Nations to put together focus on developing: where have legitimate- interests in a peacekeeping force, there was criteria against which to judge improving their condition by make things little or no integration in trade, the national and international altering the status quo, as in the happen," and most efforts in other fields interests of states in contribut- former Soviet Union. We need to were rudimentary. 'We are so ing to collective peace opera- be open-minded and tolerant and McLean much further down the track, and tions; do everything possible to marshal observes. we have so much prosperity and a a mechanism for coordinating the resources of the international security as a result. Globalism is and managing humanitarian community to provide assistance "Why else, coming and is probably unstop- interventions; and help build states and civil for example, pable. Global collective action Q ideas on how best to integrate societies in which individual offers all countries great and small humanitarian organizations rights can be protected." should New an added means of coping with into planning and implemen- Achieving a comfortable bal- Zealand be the problems of a very untidy tation of peace operations; ance is possible, he argues. "A lot time." thoughts about options for of people indulge in UN-bashing. involved in Scholars and policymakers increasing the effectiveness They view the UN as a vast, scaly providing recently have focused excessively and rapid deployment capabil- monster, a rival focus of power. on breakdown and disorder in the ity of "blue helmet" forces, But almost everyone agrees that aid to post-Cold War world, ignoring including the provision of pre- there is no substitute for the Rwanda?" numerous positive trends, ~arednesstraining throughout UN-that if it didn't exist at this McLean argues. The internation- the international community. point in history, we'd have to al community seems strongly dis- In developing the concept of mul- invent it," McLean observes. It's posed to support humanitarian tilateral peace operations, it may up to the international communi- assistance and to endorse a form be necessary to define limits and ty to make sure the UN works as of intervention where grave recognize that some situations well as possible. human rights abuses are taking will remain largely unresolved, as "It's important to accept that place or where political processes perhaps in Somalia, McLean cau- internationalism is growing," are being flagrantly manipulated tions. It is also important to rec- McLean argues. "It's a positive or overturned, as in Haiti, he ognize that the age of world gov- force, a strong antidote to the points out. And there is a willing- ernment has not yet dawned. destructive side of nationalism. ness to establish much wider "There are limits to the degree to On the whole, I'm optimistic that peace operations that can provide which the powers, especially the the world is groping toward new

:the framework for the delivery of major powers, can be expected to solutions to new problems." 8 AFRICA Managing C0nfh-tin Africa

ith the deaths of U.S. and following the Cairo summit in effective peacemakers, and the other peacekeeping troops 1993, is one example of African role the U.S. should play. The Win Somalia, U.S. policymak- efforts to create new institutions Institute recently published a ers and the public began to ques- to bolster regional capacities. Special Report, The U.S. Con- tion the efficacy and costs of U.S. In this context, the U.S. Insti- tribution to Conflict Prevention, military intervention there. Thus, tute of Peace convened 40 special- Management, and Resolution in when genocidal strife erupted in ists from ~ffGa5ndthe United Apica, which summarizes the Rwanda in 1994, causing millions States-including former and cur- symposium proceedings. Key of Rwandans to flee into neigh- rent diplomats, academics, U.S. points of the report are summa- boring Zaire, there was a strong policyrriakers, policy analysts, and rized below. journalists-to discuss African conflict resolution measures and Recommended U.S. Policy ways to improve the U.S. contri- Principles and Options bution to their efforts. The Sep- tember 28 symposium, organized Conference participants broadly by David R. Smock, director of agreed that conflicts in Africa the Institute's Grant Program, have international ramifications, and chaired by Institute board including refugee flows and envi- chairman Chester A. Crocker, a ronmental damage, but especially specialist on African affairs, is part in humanitarian terms. The of the Institute's ongoing focus on recent genocidal conflict in issues affecting the African conti- Rwanda demonstrates this per- nent, including the crises in haps more than any other case. Sudan, Somalia, Mozambique, A failure to address and mitigate South Africa, and Rwanda. conflict in Africa, by Africans and Symposium participants exam- external powers alike, can have Top: Ali Mazrui reluctance to send U.S. forces to ined the following issues: lessons disastrous results that wil-even- of SUNY Bing- that area. It was after the worst learned from past U.S. peacemak- tually and usually at considerably hamton and slaughter had ended that the ing initiatives in Africa, the higher costs-capture the atten- Bethuel Kipligat, United States sent 7,500 troops capacities of African institutions tion of the global community and 's ambas- to help deliver humanitarian relief for taking more responsibility for compel an international response. sador to the to Rwanda's capital city, Kigali. peacemaking, what outside assis- Therefore, participants recom- United States, Today, U.S. engagement in tance would be required to enable mended that the United States discuss an issue broader efforts to resolve the con- African institutions to be more should: during a break flict remains limited. (left to right). Wile U.S. caution in Rwanda Bottom: Chester may reflect "peace fatigue" com- A. Crocker, bined with "Afro-pessimism" lnstitute board about the ability of Africans to chairman, listens resolve their conflicts, some to a presentation observers say that recent African by Donald initiatives augur well for the Rothchild, peace future of conflict prevention and fellow at the resolution there. Among these, Institute (left to they cite the Organization for right). African Unity's (OAU) Mecha- nism for the Prevention, Man- agement, and Resolution of Con- flict. The mechanism, established a Support the OAU mechanism for conflict prevention, man- agement, and resolution by providing mediation and problem-solving training, organizational training and assistance, and logistics or support for specific missions. U.S. diplomatic efforts should be coordinated to support, when desirable, OAU conflict resolution initiatives. a Be engaged, when appropri- ate, at each step of the con- flict resolution process: pre- negotiation (bringing the parties to the table); the nego- tiation process itself, aimed at achieving a peace accord; and the peacebuilding or imple- mentation phase. +.aProvide continued support for

:' :' political liberalization and good governance in Africa to help mitigate conflicts there. Accept that, at best, its efforts at peacemahng and peace- keeping in Africa will produce a "mixed record." a Recognize that it doesn't have to go it alone; working with allies-particularly Britain and France-will continue to be a cornerstone of U.S. poli- cy in Africa. Q Accept that it is unavoidably involved in Africa because of continuing national interests in the stability of the conti- nent and to further other for- eign policy aims such as democratization. Symposium participants also rec- ommended policy principles and options for African countries and organizations. These recommen- dations and further summary of %heproceedings are detailed in .qthe Institute's Special Report. The CSCE: Future Directions tatives from the State Department, the international hrough its steadfast adherence to human rights aid community, and Institute fellows and staff. T the Conference on Security and The Institute invited Ben Yahia to speak in part Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) played an impor- to continue discussions begun earlier this year with tant role in ending the Cold War. But in today's OAU Secretary General Salim Salim about how the changed world, the ability of the CSCE to function Institute might provide conflict management and effectively has been called into question, especially in resolution skills training for OAU officials, noted the wake of its failure to negotiate a definitive end to Lewis Rasmussen, project officer in the Education the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and Nagorno- and Training Program, who organized the meeting. Karabakh. To examine the future of the CSCE- Tunisia currently chairs the mechanism and holds which could prove crucial to conflict resolution and the rotating presidency of the OAU. peacekeeping in Europe-the U.S. Institute of Peace hosted a roundtable discussion in September. The Radical Right in Europe The roundtable, chaired by Max M. Kaml;elman, study group focusing on the rise of ultranation- former U.S. ambassador to the CSCE and Institute A alism in Europe sponsored a symposium, enti- board vice chairman, was organized to discuss some tled "The Resurgent Radical Right in Contemporary of the issues that might be addressed at the CSCE Europe," at its second meeting in October. The summit in Budapest November 30-December 1. event-organized by Joseph Klaits, director of the Patricia Carley, program officer in the Research and Jennings Randolph Program, and program officer Studies Program, organized the discussion. Remarks John Torpey-featured presentations by Norman were made by Institute fellow James Goodby and Birnbaum of Georgetown University, Hans-Georg former guest scholar John J. Maresca, both former Betz and Katherine Verdery of Johns Hopkins Uni- U.S. ambassadors to the CSCE. The remarks were versity, Charles Maier of Harvard, and Richard followed by a discussion among about 30 partici- Wolin of Rice University. The 'Weimar Europe?" pants from government and the private sector with study group will hold several additional meetings in CSCE experience and expertise. The Institute is the spring. An earlier meeting in July, focusing on ( publishing a summary of the roundtable proceedings Russia, featured distinguished fellow Peter Red- \ as a Special Report, The Future of the CSCE: A daway. Roundtable Discussion. Sahnoun Book Launched Taking Charge in Africa out 60 representatives of the media, the policy ricans must assume greater responsibility for A"community, and the general public attended a A'handling conflicts that break out on their conti- book presentation and author signing at Sidney nent, says His Excellency Habib Ben Yahia, Kramer Books in Washington September 19 to Tunisian foreign minister. He spoke in October launch Mohamed Sahnoun's Somalia: The Missed about further development of the Organization for Opportunities, published by the U.S. Institute of African Unity's (OAU) Mechanism for Conflict Peace Press. C-Span televised the event, which fea- Prevention, Management, and Resolution. The tured a panel presentation by Institute president Mechanism, adopted at the OAU Cairo summit in Richard H. Solomon; board chairman Chester A. June 1993, is Crocker, a specialist on African affairs; Robert B. one means Oakley, former U.S. special envoy to Somalia; and Habib Ben Yahia African Sahnoun, former Algerian ambassador to the United (left), foreign countries can States and the UN secretary general's special repre- minister of use to man- sentative to Somalia in 1992. Kay Hechler, USIP Tunisia, spoke at age short- Press sales and marketing manager, and Wilson the Institute in term crises Grabill, Institute public affairs specialist, organized October about and to the event. the OAU's resolve more After the panel discussion, members of the Mechanism intransigent audience-including representatives of the State for Conflict conflicts, Department, U.S. Information Agency (USIA), the Prevention, Ben Yahia Los Angeles Times, and the Christian Science Management, told about Monitor-posed questions to the panel. and Resolution. 20 represen- i Rwanda Continued from page 2

the genocide-tried at the inter- notwithstanding statements by Finally, workshop participants bational tribunal-are sentenced Rwandan government officials emphasized that the handling of to imprisonment, while those that all suspects must be tried, the this issue in Rwanda will strongly with less responsibility-tried in sheer numbers involved in the influence events in neighboring Rwandan courts-receive the killings-perhaps as many as Burundi, which shares Rwanda's death penalty. This issue remains 100,000-mean that the process ethnic mix and history of political unresolved. of national reconciliation will violence. require some limits to prosecution. The International Tribunal

To ensure timeliness, fairness, and consistency, and to contain costs, several workshop partici- pants recommended that the UN expand the UN Criminal Tri- budfor the Former Yugoslavia (created in May 1993) to include Rwanda. As the first international tribunal since the post-World . War trials in Nuremberg- and Tokyo, the tribunal's interpreta- tion and application of evolving international norms with respect to war crimes, crimes against- humanity, and genocide will .,sffect this field for years to come. While the UN commission of experts recommended conducting the Rwanda proceedings of the joint tribunal in a neutral venue such as The Hague, workshop participants and Twagimarungu arrived at a different conclusion. As one conference participant noted, "It is essential that the tri- als be conducted in a location such that the victims of human rights- abuses do not feel irrele- vant." Twagimarungu said he would prefer the tribunal be held in Igali. Further, participants recom- mended limiting prosecutions to criminal actions committed after April 6. They also urged speedy arrest of suspects to prevent their flight and avoid the costs of track- ing them down. Participants firmly concluded that, to end the culture of impunity-. that has facilitated repeated rounds of violence in 'Rwanda, a broad-based amnesty bust be rejected. However, Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Washington, DC United States Institute of Peace Permit No. 2806 1550 M Street NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005-1 708