at your Hands The Islamic Basic Rules for New Muslims

Compiled by

Marwan AbdulHameed Samara

المبادئ االسالمية االساسية للمسلمين الجدد

طبع على نفقة بعض المحسنين غفر هللا لهم ولوالديهم يهدى وال يباع Not for Sale


©Marwan Ahmed Abdulhameed King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Abdulhameed ,Marwan Ahmed Islam at Your Hands: The Islamic Basic Rules for New Muslims./ Marwan Ahmed Abdulhameed .-Riyadh 133p; ISBN:978-603-01-8629-7 1-Islam I-Title 211dc 1436/6594 1436/6594 ISBN:978-603-01-8629-7

Marwan Ahmed Abdulhameed [email protected] ©All rights reserved for the author. حقوق الطبع محفوظة Not For Sale يهدى وال يباع



contents Page contents Page Preface 5 Chapter Two 37-45 (Tawheed) Foreword /Sheikh Levels of Faith in Islam 37-38 Sa'ad Al-bureak 6-7 Foreword /Sheikh The Conditions of the Shahadah 39-40 Waleed Al-Marzuki 8 Foreword /Sheikh and Shirk 41-42 Hamood Alshemimry 9 15 General Advices for The Things that 43-45 New Muslims 10 - 11 Nullify a Muslim's Faith Chapter One 12-36 Chapter Three 46-139 (General Information) (Fiqh Section)

What is Islam 13 Taharah in Islam 46-50 The Teachings of Islam 14 How to Perform Wudu (Ablution) 51-58 Who are the Muslims? 15 Wiping on socks 59-60 Who is 16-17 Nullifiers of Ablution 61 Who is Muhammad 17-19 The Major Ablution (Ghusl) 62 - 63 What is 19-22 Tayammum (Dry Ablution) 64 - 67 What is 22-23 The Importance of () 6 8 - 6 9 The Characteristics Of Islam. 24-27 The Conditions of prayers 70 The main manners in Islam 28 -29 The Pillars (Arkaan) of the 71 - 72 The major sins in Islam 30 -31 The Duties of the prayers 72-73 32 -34 The Preferred Acts of The Prayer 73-75 in Islam 35-36 Prostration of forgetfulness 75

3 3

contents Page contents Page The Timing & No.of Raka'ah 76 The Benefits of Fasting 108

Athan &Iqamah 77-78 The virtues of Fasting 110 How to perform the prayer 79-87 Fitra Charity 112 Texts Memorized in prayer 88-91 Eid(festival ) in Islam 113 Invalidation of the Prayer 92 T h e ' E i d P r a yer 114 Friday Prayer 92-94 : 116 The Fifth Pillar of Islam Congregational Prayer 95-96 Reconditions of Hajj 116 Shortening and combining 97-98 The pillars of Hajj 117 Prayers Zakah 99 The Duties of Hajj 118 The Third Pillar of Islam The benefits of Zakkah 100 F o r m s of Hajj 119 Who May Receive Zakah 101 W hat is Umrah 120 The punishment for not giving 102 Pillars of Umrah 121 Zakah Sadaqah (voluntary almsgiving) 102 How to Perform Umra 121 Fasting Ramadan 103 The forbidden things during 129 The fourth Pillar of Islam The Requirements for fasting 104 The Permissible acts 130

The Things that Nullify Fasting 104 Virtues of Umrah 130 The permissible things during 105 How to perform Hajj 132 fasting

Who is exempt from Fasting? 106 Visiting The Prophet's 135

Recommended Acts in 106 Benefits & Virtues of Hajj . 137 Ramadan The Wisdom of Fasting 107 R e f e r e n c e s and Resources 139


Preface All Praise is due to Allah, and His peace and blessings on the final Prophet Muhammad, upon his good and pure family, and upon all of his noble companions.

Praise be to Allah, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and it is the most rapidly prevalent among people. Indeed, one out of every five persons on earth is a Muslim. I have been working in Islamic Office for more than eight years and thank to Allah hundreds of people converted to Islam during this period . I found that it is our duty to take care and follow up those new Muslims. For this reason, I have compiled and prepared this book which consists of all the basic matters ,the New Muslims need . This book is a modest attempt to help the new Muslim to understand and apply Islam correctly based on the Quran and . It was prepared in an easy and systematic way to strength and preserve their belief.


Foreword of Dr.Saad Bin Abdullah Albreak The Chairman of The Islamic Office in New Industrial City. In the name of Allah the most Gracious The Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon our prophet Mohammed, and his family and companions. My dear brother, Allah preferred us by mind, in which we can distinguish between right and wrong, between good and evil. So we should thank Allah for that and following his commandments. No doubt that Islam is the religion which Allah has chosen for us and it is the only way of happiness here and in the other life . Here are the most important commandments:- Worship Allah only. Be honest Obey your parents. Be kind with your wife and children. Visit your relatives. Give charity to the poor and help the needy. Respect the others. Do Your job perfectly. Don’t break your promises. Always smile. These commandments were revealed to us from Allah the most merciful to show us the right way of salvation.


e are in a pat tat ot o ise inteetua an orinary peope passe beore an a o tem a one aim to pease a in orer to ain te appiness an tey ae oun it in sam . you are intereste to aiee tat aim te appinesstis booket sam at your ans i so you te ay o to aiee it . ae rea tis book an oun tat it is a useu book an it as ritten in a simpe an onise manner. t aso epaine te piars o sam an te basi rues tat te ne usims nee representin o to perorm some o tem by usin rapis. reommen my ne usims broters to tank a o uie tem to te true reiion an to o teir best to inite oters by bein a oo eampe. inay ask a mity to proie te autor more suess an rear . eae an bessins be upon our propet oamme an is amiy an ompanions .

ritten by

Dr. aa in bua buraik e airman o e sami ie in e nustria ity.


Foreword e usims intereste in some o te prinipas o sam i opeuy beneit rom tis book beause te autor as been teain ne onerts sam tese prinipas or a oo number o years. e autor rote tis ork urin te years e taut in te nustria ity sami enter in iya. e eperiene e auire as epe im to e esin te ontents. Durin tese years ere te autor as iy respete by is oeaues an stuents te stuents ere mainy rom sia an ria. y persona note is tat te book may not be reare as a reerene or estern epats as mu as it may be esine or ne usims rom sia or ria. kno o aenin it is to rite a book beause rote a number o books myse. at is y ou ike to tank te autor or te eort itse rearess o any isareements some reaers may prooke.

ritten by ie air aee aruki 88

Foreword I read and went through this book to teach new Muslims their religion and I found that it is beneficial and it has covered all the subjects that the new Muslims need . I pray to Allah almighty to reward the author Paradise.

Written by: Hamood Ashemimry The head of the Islamic Education Foundation,Jeddah


15 General Advices for New Muslims ssaamu aaikum a ramatuai a barakatu eome ne broter sister in sam. ou ike to onratuate you upon takin te most important eision o your ie by onertin to sam. amuia raise be to a o uie you to te strait pat te pat o rea suess an peae ere your min eart an boy ome toeter in a ompete beautiu an baane system o orsip. nee you are uky beause by onertin to sam a ories a your preious sins an ba ees. so tis i rant you appiness ere an araise in te oter ie. n at embrain sam is te irst important step an te oter steps i ome by inreasin your knoee ait an attament to sam. ere ae some reommenations an aies or you . ake your ntention tat your onertin to sam is or te ake o a ony not or oter purposes or beneits. . e appy bein usim beause you are on te strait roa to anna paraise. . e stron an in omort in your prayers an oter piars o sam. .oi oneiness an try to in oo riens o an uie an support you. . eep up a oo reationsip it your amiy o not break o te ties it tem. 1010

. eep aay rom ebates an aruments it oters. .ein ne usim you may be teste by a to kno o irm you are on your sam. eep aay rom ebates an aruments it oters. . in a teaer to ep you to unerstan sam beause sam is a strait pat base on knoee tat must be auire. . ore yourse to eat sami oo an eae a te unau oo i is orbien to us su as te ea animas boo te es o sine an ine . . ein ne usim you may ae some iiuties. o you sou be patient an neer espair in a. . eekin noee is ita to eery usim. noee i enabe you to pratie your reiious uties orrety. . ry your best to perorm your prayers in te osue beause it is an iea pae to meet usims an earn in a sort time . . are oters an inite tem to sam. tart it your parents ie reaties an neibor. Dont be in a urry o it step by step. . ter sam you sou be better tan beore to be a oo eampe in ront o oters. .a reuires usim omen to oer teir air an ear some sort o oose attire uent arment in te presene o men o are not ose reaties. With my Best Wishes.


Chapter One (General Information) n tis apter I am going to explain the most important concepts an matters in Islam

1.What is Islam?

2. The Most Important Teachings in Islam

3.Who are the Muslims?

4.Who is Allah?

5.Who is Muhammad?

6.What is Quran ?

7.What is Hadith?

8.The Characteristics Of Islam

9.The main manners in Islam

10.The major sins in Islam

11.Women in Islam

12.Jihad in Islam


1.What is Islam? The word ‘Islam’ simply means submission an obeiene . e oter itera meanin o te word Islam is “peace” te peae o boy an te peae o min an tis an be aiee ony trou submission an obeiene to a. a te ost i says: “Those who believe and ose earts in rest in te remembrane o a – inee it is in te remembrane o a aone tat te eart o man ins rest uran n at sam is not a ne reiion but it is te same trut tat a reeae trou a is propets. o a te propets am oa Abraham, Moses and Jesus…etc. peae an bessin o a be upon a o tem ere usims an teir reiion as sam. sam is not ony a reiion but it is aso a ompete ay o ie . t is a reiion o peae or a peope rom ateer rae or bakroun tey mit be. sam is te astest roin reiion in te or beause te simpiity o its otrine. eekin knoee is an obiation matter in sam. o tat usims ae mae a reat aanes in meiine matematis art et.


2-The Most Important Teachings of Islam .

o doubt that The Islamic teachins conveyed throuh the last rophet peace and blessin o Allah be upon him were the everlastin uide and the most perect orm o the reliion o Allah. ere are the most important o these teachins

. orshipin Allah , the only one od and believe all is anels, all is holy boos, all is prophets, day o Judment, and destiny. . Allah is the source o all creation and that human beins are the best o is creation and they are created or a purpose , to worship Allah only. .elievin that prophet Mohamed peace and blessin o Allah be upon him is the last prophet and messener. . elievin and practicin, the ith illars o Islam . . oin ood deeds or the beneit o the community, nature, and manind. . eein nowlede is an obliation or every Muslim man and woman.


3-Who are the Muslims? Muslims are the ollowers o Islam. They are those who submit to Allah The nly True odand obey im. They, also believe in the inal prophet, Mohammed peace and blessin o Allah be upon him. They also believe in all the rophets startin with Adam includin oah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and Jesus peace be upon all o them.

Today, . billion individuals around the world call themselves Muslims . percent o the overall lobal population.They are rom dierent races, nationalities and cultures. Muslims may be Arabs, Turs, ersians, Indians, or other nationalities.

Muslims devote their lives to the service o Allah, the reator and ustainer o the universe. Muslims base their laws on their holy boo the Qur’an, and the Sunnahpractical eample o rophet Muhammad and his sayins. It is easy to become a Muslim. ne has to believe and affirm that “There is no true god but Allah and that Mohammed peace and blessin o Allah be upon him is the last Messener o Allah.


4-Who is Allah?

The ord llah in rabi means , the one and onl True od or reator and rovider of the universe t is a uniue term and nothing else an be alled llah The term has no lural or gender This shos its uniueness hen omared ith the ord “God,” which can be made plural, as in “gods,” or made feminine, as in “goddess

n slam, llah has names llah is the erfet hih means that there is no sharer in is ature and is ttributes e is the noer of the unseen and the visible e is the lleriful, the ll omassionate llah is the Selfisting and SelfSuffiient aster ho omrises all erfet e is the llight, the llise e is free from ever eaness and defet ho is ithout artner or eer and e is the soure of all ove and rae hen a disbeliever told The rohet ohammed eae and blessing of llah be uon him to desribe his od llah the ost igh sent don this hater

16 16

“Say (O Muhammad), He is Allah, the One God, the Self- Sufficient Master, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and there is none like unto him” uran

uslims beliee ha here is nohing in he heaens nor on earh ha deseres worship ecep llah, he ne rue reaor he also, beliee ha llah is aboe all creaions and aboe he heaens ,bu e is wih us b nowledge

5-Who is Muhammad?

rophe uhammad whose name means highl praised was born in aah he cenral ci of he rabian eninsula in he ear e was he descendan of prophe smail shmael he son of rophe brahim braham peace and blessing of llah be upon boh of hem

rophe ohammed peace and blessing of llah be upon him was an orphan is faher bdullah died before his birh, and his moher minah died when he was abou ears old e

1717 was aen cared b his uncle bu alib age of , he oined his uncle on a caraan o ria

hen he was a oung man, uhammad peace and blessing of llah be upon him wored as a camel drier beween ria and rabia age , ohammed peace and blessing of llah be upon him was hired b, a wealh widow woman hadiah o rade for her he same age he go married wih her when she was ears old he were happil married for ears hadiah passed awa when she was ears old uring his marriage o hadiah he was no married o anbod else e was nown all oer aah ha he was fair, decen and hones wih a clear conscience, so he nicnamed him lmeenhe rused

he age of for, llah ased him, hrough he angel Gabriel, o proclaim he religion of slam publicl hen he sared preaching slam o people u his eachings was me wih seere and hosile opposiion, and in he ear he lef aah and emigraed o ahrib, adina wih a number of his followers n adina, he laid he foundaion for he ideal slamic sae e sen leers o ings and leaders beond rabia iniing hem o slam fer seeral ears, he and 1818 his followers reurned o aah, where he forgae heir enemies and esablished slam definiiel efore he died, a he age , he greaer par of rabia was uslim, and wihin a cenur of his deah slam had spread o pain in he es and hina in he eas

is prophe hood lased for ears e is he las prophe ha llah sen o manind, here won’t be any prophet after him .He was raised illierae, unable o read or wrie, and remained so ill his deah

5-What is Quran ?

uran is he as and inal ord of God lmigh and a message o all manind is a collecion of chapers or urahs ha were reealed o rophe uhammad ma he peace and blessings of God be upon him hrough he angel Gabriel oer a period of ears oe ha he uran was reealed o in rabic onl o, an uranic ranslaion, eiher in nglish or an oher language, is neiher a uran, nor a ersion of he uran, bu raher i is onl a ranslaion of he meaning of he uran was memoried b rophe uhammad and his followers, dicaed o

1919 his ompanions and written down by sribes who rossheed it drin the rophets ifetime

ran is made p of hapters aed ras beins with the onest and ends with the shortest hapters. he first hapter atiha (“the Opening”) is a short chapter that is recited at the beinnin of any nit aah of the prayers. ah hapter is diided into erses aed Ayat (singular Ayah, meaning “sign” or “proof”).

ran is the prinipe sore of eery sims faith and pratie. n fat it is the onstittion of this nation. t deas with a sbets that onern s as hman beins indin wisdom dotrine worship and aw bt its basi theme is the reationship between od and His reatres. t the same time the ran proides ideines for a st soiety proper hman ondt and eitabe eonomi prinipes. t is the idane for hman beins and separation between riht and wron. t is serios and not oin. t the same time it proides ideines and sotions for a the aspets of ife poitia eonomi and soia. t ies ony enera ideines withot detais. etais are deried from the nna he propheti sayins.


uslims regard the uran as the most important miracle of uhammad, and the culmination of a series of diine messages that started ith the messages reealed to Adam and ended ith uhammad. uran has a uniue and inimitale style of language and it contains many amaing scientific facts hich ere unnon at that time ,and hae only een discoered recently. o, Allah has challenged mankind and the jinn to produce something like it, even one surah or one aayah (verse), but they could not do that and will never be able to do that. Allah the ost igh says

"Say: “If the mankind and the jinns were together to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they helped one another.” (uran ) . e also says "We have, without doubt, sent down the Message, and We will assuredly guard it from corruption. (uran )

Finally, one of the most important characteristics of the Qur'an is that it is the only holy book remains today which has never changed and it is free from any errors or contradictions, despite it being revealed over a period of 23 years. It is preserved, word-for- word, since it was revealed in its original Arabic 2121 language, unlike other scriptures which have been distorted and changed or lost.

ir illiam noted, here is proaly in the orld no other oo hich has remained (fourteen) centimes ith so pure a tet

ir illiam uir, (April , – uly , ) as orn in cotland and he as icehancellor of dinurgh niersity . is oo ( he life of ohammed)

6-What is Hadith ?

adith is the second source of authority in slam. t is a relialy transmitted report of hat the rophet ohammed (peace and lessing of Allah e upon him) said, did, or approed (his unnah).

t is an eplanation or a further clarification of the uran and eplains uranic matters in detail. t considers he ultimate understanding of the uran depends upon the contet of uhammads (peace and lessing of Allah e upon him) life and the ays in hich he demonstrated and applied its message .he sayings of the rophet uhammad (peace and lessing of Allah e upon him) eplain some



8-The Characteristics of Islam 1. It is a perfect religion :

2. Islam commands all kinds of good and forbids all kinds of evil. .

3. Equality and Justice with people

4.Islam is a religion of knowledge. 2424

5. Islam explains the beginning of creation for human and the end of their life and the purpose why they were created. ". [Qur'an 51:56]

6.Islam is easy and clear and can be understood and done by everyone.


7.Islam is Universal and Timeless Message.

8. Islam is far from contradiction. [Qur'an 23:12-14]

9. Islam takes care of healthy.


[Qur'an 7:31] : (Al-Tirmithee, No.2380)

10. Islam rejects the use of compulsion “There is no compulsion in religion”


9-The main manners in Islam;

slm plces gre emphsis on mnners n on he proper o el ih ohers heher he re uslims or no elions eeen people re er imporn in slm rophe uhmms pece n lessing o llh e upon him si"I have been sent to perfect the best of manners". u lmmm li hih ccoring o llni These re he mos imporn ehics hich slm urging us o ollo Tre inl ih our prens respec hem n oe hem espec n honor ll humn eings regrless o heir religion color rce se lnguge sus proper irh n o Tre inl ih our neighors

o no shou pe poliel ih lo oice

Don’t lie ou shoul s he ruh

o no mi ruh ih lsehoo

ih our mouh h is in our her

o no l lisen or o nhing in in 2828

e oete in o lie

l it ilit n lne

Do not e elo o ote

o not no i o o not e olete nolee ot n tte

Do not ollo linl n inotion i o e e o ote

Do not e oe o ote o not inlt ote nine o not on one note n o not ite one note

oi iion n eo

ooete it one note in oo ee n o not ooete it ote in eil n nne

oet oel n o ilie it eoe tin to oet ote

lil o oie n oitent

ll eole to te o o o it io n etil ie

t n in t i ll in oetion


10-The major sins in Islam n l in e liie o n ino e o in e toe t i e een oien ll in te n n i eene e e lo ll te in tt eii lel nient e o in in l e ollo 1. oitin ntin it ll 2. itt i 3. illin one itot n eon 4. tin n on elt 5. tin i 6. nin in te it ieliee 7. le tion o te n eliee oen

te ol te olloin in

lte n onition ooelitoo Dioeiene to ent Dinin ine lin oittin iie


ein ontt en ein il lot n ol in ne ot n le itne

ll lit

“If you avoid the major (part) of what you e oien to o e ill nel ot o o o ote eil ee n ill it o to ie it nole entry.” n oet ee n lein o ll e on i i “Avoid the seven great major sins. To join others in oi lon it ll to tie i to ill te lie i ll oien eet o t e oin to li l to et i to et n on elt to ie to te ene n leein o te ttleiel t te tie o itin n to e te oen o nee een tin o ntin toin tit n e ood believers.”

i li it


11-Women in Islam

ver fourteen hundred years ago Islam gave women their rights and raised their status and made them eual with men in most rulings. In fat Islam honors women as mothers who must be respeted obeyed and treated with indness espeially when they grow older and weaer. In Islam mothers rights are greater than those of the fathers. Allah Alighty says orship od and join not any partners with im and be ind to your parents...

(uran ).

rophet uhammads (peae and blessing of Allah be upon him) said

“ Go and stay with your mother, the Paradise is lies under the feet of mothers”

(Sunan Ibn ajah adith no. )

Islam also honors women as wives. Islam urges the husband to treat his wife in a good and ind manner and says that the wife has rights over the husband lie his rights over her. 3232

Allah Alighty says “And they (women) have rights simiar (to those o their hsands) over them to what is reasonae t men have a degree (o resonsiiity) over them And Aah is Aighty AWise” (uran ) rophet uhammads (peae and blessing of Allah be upon him) said

The most perfet in faith amongst believers is he who is best in manners and indest to his wife. (ahih uslimno. )

These are the following rights whih the women have in Islam

.The right and duty to obtain eduation. .The right to inherit from her father mother and husband. . The right to wor job or business to earn money and eep her own money . . The right to eual reward for eual deed or wor. . The right to provisions from her husband for all her needs .


.The freedom to epress her opinion to give sinere advie to enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil. .The freedom to hoose her husband and the freedomto obtain divore from him. .The right to get seual satisfation from her husband. .The right to get ustody of her hildren in ase of divore. . The right to remarry after divore or after beoming widow.

The women in Islam are reuired by Allah to over their hair and wear some sort of loose fitting fulllength garment in the presene of men who are not lose relatives.

inally In Annie esant ( ritish soialist and famous writer) she said in her boo (The ife and Teahings of ohammed ). It is only in the last twenty years that hristian ngland has reognied the right of woman to property while Islam has allowed this right fourteen enturies ago.


ihad in slam

Islam and other various Islami terms and onepts are greatly misunderstood by the media espeially in the est. ihad is one of these onepts that is widely misunderstood. ome of the western people onsider the word ihad is synonymous with terrorism and Islam is a militant religion whih aims to wage oly ar against all disbelievers to onvert them to Islam or to ill them.

Indeed Islam is a pratial religion that respets all human beings. Its message is peae and submission to Allah. uslims believe in all the rophets mentioned in the ible and the uran. ihad in Islam whih is taught by the oly uran and pratied by the rophet uhammad (eae and blessing of Allah be upon him) and his ompanions does not mean “Holy War”. It means “struggle” or “striving for the sae of Allah and it is devoting all abilities to ahieve what is loved by Allah Almighty and rejet what is hated by Allah. It is a struggle to do good and to remove injustie oppression and evil from the soiety. This struggle should be spiritual as well as soial eonomi and politial. It is reuired to protet

3535 and deend te ait and uman rigts . It is not a violent onet. It is not a delaration o ar against oter religions. It is against evil tougts evil ation and aggression against a erson amily soiety or ountry. ltoug Islam is te religion o eae ut it does not mean tat it aets oression and it sometimes taes te orm o ar to sread te eae and revent and remove te evil and aggression.

The basic rules of war in Islam are: 1.e strong so tat your enemy ear you. 2.o not egin te ostilities. Wor or eae as mu as ossile. 3. igt only tose o igt. ostilities as soon as te oter arty is inlined to eae. 5.serve te treaties and agreements as long as te enemy oserves tem. 6.ont ill omen ildren and te elderly and dont ut te trees. 7.igt or te sae o lla not to ouy oter lands. lla lmigty says very learly igt in te ay o lla tose o igt you ut do not do aggression. ruly lla does not love te aggressors. uran


hater o aheed etion

undamentals of aith in slam

ere are Three levels of Faith

Islam , and Ihsan.

A-ISLAM is the First level and it has five pillars:- 1. The declaration of faith o ear itness tat tere is none orty o orsi eet lla and tat uammed eae and lessing o lla e uon imis His messenger to all uman .

2. Prayers: uslims ave to erorm ive rayers a day as a duty toards lla.

3. Zakah It means giving a seiied erentage. o ones ealt to te oor and needy eole.

4. Fasting uring te mont o amadan.

5. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah): i it is ossile.


B- Iman is the Second level and it is higher than Islam. It means elie in te eart saying it te tongue and doing ratiing good deeds. here are Six Pillars

.elie in te neness o lla

.elie in te angels o lla

.elie in all roets o lla

.elie in te oos o lla

.elie in te ast ay and te ay o udgment

.elie in ivine eree adr eter good or ad are rom lla lmigty.

C. I'hsan is the Third and the highest level.

It as only one illar. it means

Worsi lla as i you see Him and i you dont see im He sees you.


he onditions of estimon

The First Part of Shahadah

I ear itness tat tere is no true od eet lla as seven onditions ey are as ollos 1.Al-`Ilm: noledge o te meaning o te saada its negation and airmation e rase tat tere is no true od negates anyting or anyone tat is eing orsied oter tan lla and te rase eet lla onirms tat all orms o orsi sumission and adoration must e or lla lone. 2.Al-Yaqeenertaintyeret noledge o it tat ounterats susiion and dout 3.-Al-Ikhlaasinerity i negates sir 4.Al-Sidq rutulness tat ermits neiter alseood nor yorisy 5.Al-Mahabbah ove o te saada and its meaning and eing ay it it 6.Al-Inqiad umission to its rigtul reuirements i are te duties tat must e erormed it sinerity to lla alone seeing His leasure 7.Al-Qubooletane tat ontradits reetion. 3939

The second part of the

I ear itness tat uammedeae and lessing o lla e uon im is te inal messenger o lla to all uman . is art as tree onditions as ell

1.o elieve in uammadeae and lessing o lla e uon im and in atever e said and onveyed in is message as te seal o te roets.

2.o oey im in atever e ommanded and avoid atever e arned.

3.o ollo or imitate im in ʿ Ibāda orsi and ay o lie.


ahid and hir Tawhid ait in te nity o lla is divided into tree ategories o aeed 1-Tawheed Ar-Rububiyyah Having ait and elie in te neness o te ordsi o lla o elieve tere is only one ord or all tat eists lla and He is te reator rganier lanner ustainer and iver o seurity. 2.Tawheed Al-Uluhiyyah: Having ait and elie in te neness o te Worsi o lla o elieve tat none as te rigt to e orsied in trut e.g. raying invoing asing or el rom te unseen searing slaugtering sariies asting ilgrimage et. eet lla alone. 3.Tawheed Al-Asmaa was-Sifaat: Having ait and elie in te neness o llas ames and ttriutes. We must elieve in all te ualities o lla i Allah has stated in His Book (Qur’an) or mentioned troug te essenger itout anging teir meanings or ignoring tem omletely or tisting te meanings.


As for shirk (assoiatin anthin or anone in orshi ith Allah) it is diided into three tes

1.Major shirk (ashshirk alakar) Anone ho assoiates others ith Allah and dies on this shirk Askin the dead or idols or hel slauhterin or the and akin os or the are eales o this shirk he aor hirk eels one ro the reliion It nullifies all of the person’s deeds. Allah ill not orie hi and aradise is oridden to hi Allah Aliht sas eril Allah does not orie assoiation ith hi ut He ories hat is less than that or ho He ills (Quran ) Allah Aliht also sas eril he ho assoiates others ith Allah then Allah has oridden hi aradise ( the annah) and his reue is the ire(Quran )

2. Minor shirk (Ash-shirk al-asgar)

his kind o shirk does not eel one ro the reliion t does not ause the one ho oits it to reain in the Hell ire oreer inor hirk onl nulliies the deed hih the are ied ith t neates hoeer the oleteness o aith


ia shoin off and searin other than llah are eaples of this ind of shir. rophet uhaad peae and lessin of llah e upon hi said f hih I fear for ou the ost is inor shir. hen he as ased hat as it he said ia. llani adith no.

he hins that ullif a uslims aith

here are en thins that a lead a person to nullif his faith. none ho oits one of these thins ill eoe outside the irle of Isla. It aes no differene hether suh iolations are oitted oinl seriousl or out of fear eept if the are done under a state of opulsion .ere are the 1. Associating partners with Allah shir uh as inoin the dead people asin their help or offerin os and sarifies to the. llah liht sas eril he ho assoiates others ith llah then llah has foridden hi aradise the annah and his refue is the fire. uran

2.Anyone who does not consider polytheists (Mushrikeen) to be unbelievers, or douts aout that or onsiders their as to e orret.


3.Anyone who believes that some guidance is better than the Prophet's guidance or ho prefers the rule of the aahoot oer the rophets rule or ho eliees that sstes and las ade huan eins are etter than the sste of Isla.

4. Setting up intermediaries between oneself and Allah, suh as ain suppliation to the asin their interession ith llah and trust in the.

5. Sihr (witchcraft) or practice of magic hih inludes the at of separatin eteen a husand and ife or teptin a person to do thins he dislies throuh deilish arts. llah liht sas he to anels aaroot and aaroot did not teah anone ai unless the arn the ut sain Indeed e are a trial therefore do not diseliee.uran

6.Supporting and aiding the polytheists(enemies of Islam) against the Muslims. llah liht sas ou ho hae elieed do not tae the es and the hristians allies. he are allies of one another . nd hoeer is an all to the aon ou –then indeed he is one of the uran


7. Anyone who mocks Allah, His Book, His Messenger

8.Anyone who hates anything that the Messenger

9. Anyone who believes that some people are permitted to deviate from the Sharee'ah of Mohammed

10. To Turn Away from Islam by neither learning nor acting upon its teachings . Allah Al-Mighty says: .


Chapter Three (Fiqh Section) aharah in slam

aspects of Muslim’s life. The body and cloth “Cleanliness is half f the faith (Emaan).” Taharah in Islam has two sides :

1) Inner Taharah 2) Outer Taharah Inner Tahara 4646

Outer Taharah can be attained by pope bodily puification e.. main udu ablution tain bath eepin house and clothes clean etc.

s a pefect teache the holy ophet Muhammad peace and blessin of llah be upon him pacticed cleanliness himself and odeed his companions to follo him. e ept his body and clothes clean tain bath on eula basis usin pefume and usin Misaa. he essene f llahpeace and blessin of llah be upon himsaid husl on iday is compulsoy fo eey Muslim ho each the ae of pubety and usin ia and eain pefume as much as his is able een from his family’s perfume.”

aheeh luhaaeeaheeh Muslim.

e als sai e ho eats onion and alic and lee should not appoach ou mosue fo the anels ae hamed by the same thins as the childen of dam.

ahih uhai umbe


urifiation from hsial murit

aaasah is a rai or meas all physial susaes hih slam osiers impure a ommas us o remoe hem efore eai i ay a of orship.

f e a o pray e mus firs remoe all physial impuriies from he oy lohi a he plae of prayer . he imure thins in slam .uma urie a sools .loo eep if i a small amou .rie a u of aimals ha are osiere ulaful for huma osumpio . is a os . ea aimals hat is stinaa siaa meas leai he priae pars afer passi ou urie or sool. he folloi his a e use for siaa a. aer a i is superior o ipi. . soes or ry arh or oile aper. c. he es meho is o omie eee aer a ipi. u oal oes lass ae ris a prie paper are disliked material.


oilet tiuette o to mae stinaa

1.eri he oile ih he lef foo firs afer sayi ismillaah llaahmma inneea‛h ia minalhthi alkhabaa’ith see refue ih ou llah from he male a female i 2.oeri your priae pars hile aseri he all of aure. 3.ou mus o aser he all of aure i a plae here you may e see or here you may offe people. 4.f you are ou i a ope spae you mus o reliee yourself i a hole. 5.f you are ou i a ope spae you mus o face the qiblah, the direction of the Ka‛bah or turn your a oars i for he rophe peae a lessi of llah e upo him sai,“When you are ansein the all f nate shl nt fae the ilah tn a tas it.”

aheeh luhaaree aheeh uslim. 6.ou mus ry o e areful o o hae ay impuriies splashe uo your oy or lohes. f


. hat is he euired urifiation for raer

“O you who believe! Don't .. . . Forgiving”.

(wudu’) before performing the prayer, touching the Qur’an and circling the Ka‛bah in Makkah. .



How To Perform Wudu

udu (ablution) i reuired for performing alah and we cannot offer our alah without it ere are the tep of performing udu the iyyah (intention) in your heart that thi act of udu i for the purpoe of preparing for alah, and ay imillah(in the name of llah)


2 - Wash both hands up to the wrists three times, making sure that water has reached between fingers

3 - Take water with your right hand ,put it into your mouth and rinse it thoroughly three times

52 4 - Take water with your right hand, splash it into your nose and blow it out three times

53 5 - Wash your whole face three times repeatedly. (The whole face includes: and the forehead to the bottom of the chin).

54 6 - Wash the right arm thoroughly from wrist to elbow three times, and make sure that no part of the arm has been left unwashed. Repeat with the left arm.

55 7 - Move the palms of the wet hands lightly over the head, starting from the top of the forehead to the back of the head, and passing both hands over the back of the head to the neck, and then bringing them back to the forehead.

56 57 9 - Finally, wash both feet to the ankles three times, starting with the right foot. Make sure that water has reached between the toes and covered the rest of the foot.

58 iin on os here are certain condition of wiping a) oc or tocing mut be thic b) hey mut cover both the upper and the ower part of the feet up to the anle bone c) They must be put on after making wudu’ (ablution) or hul, while one i till pure d) iping mut not eceed the period of one full day and night in the cae of a reident and three day and night for a traveler e) Finally, one mut remove the oc if hul (bathing) become obligatory


10 - If you are wearing socks ,you can leave them on and wipe over them once with wet fingers in place of washing the entire foot.

60 ote eardin udu 1. t the end of performing udu you shoud reite shhadu aa iaha iaahu wa ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu.” This means “I testify that there is no true od eept ah aone and testify that ohammed peae be upon himis is serant and His messenger.” 2. oing the abution shoud be in the presribed seuene without deays o not stop between these steps if that happens one must begin a oer again

ullifiers of lution aid alWudū’) There are eight things that nullify ablution (Wudu) ny disharge from the front or bak passageurine stoos wind et 2) ny unean substane disharged from the body 3) eeping or oosing of onsiousness 4) ating ame meat 5) Touhing the priate seua organs penis r anus with hand without any barrier 6) postasy from sam 7) athing dead person deeased 8) Touhing a woman with seua desire 6161

he aor lutionGhusl anaah Ghusl means washing the whole body and it must be done in the following states: 1. r men and wmen aer seual inerurse 2.I here is disharge semen due simulain 3. r emales a he end heir mensruain erid 4. r emales a he end heir shildbirh bleeding 5. I here is Ihilaam we dreams 6- I is reuired errm ghusl n a uslim h has died o is Ghusl erformed? rding he rhe eae and blessing llah be un him he manner errming husl are he llwing 1.ash hands hree imes. 2.ash and reme eer deilemen ngealed r liuid rm he bd. 3. udu as r alah. 4.ur waer er he head running we ingers hrugh he hair and le he waer reah dwn he rs he hair. 5.ur waer er he enire bd beginning wih he righ side hen he le. ash

6262 underarms inside and uside he ears inside he nael and beween he es. I is an bligain ha he waer shuld reah all he ars he bd. I an ar he sin remains dr he husl is n alid. ote Wudu and Ghusl are allowed with the following types of water .ain waer. . ell waer. . aer a big an r nd. .aer meling snw r ie. . ring sea r rier waer

But they are not allowed with the following types of water .nlean r imure waer. .aer eraed rm rui and rees .aer ha has hanged is lr ase r smell . .mall uani waer in whih smehing unlean has allen e.g. urine bld wine and dead animals. . he used waer aer udu r husl. .he le waer er aer drining b igs and dgs.


aammum r lution aammum is dne as a subsiuin r Wudu or Ghusl. The proof for this is Allah’s Al igh saing “…and if you don't find water, then perform aammum wih gd earh wiing ur faces and hands with it.” uran lso the Prophet’s eae and blessing llah be un him saing “The earth was made a masjid (place of prayer) and purity for me.”(Reported by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim) Tayammum is permitted in these Situations: .I here is n enugh waer r udhu r husl. .I using waer will ause an ris as siness and s n. .I here is dangerus a wild r isnus animal r an enem reen u reah he waer. Tayammum can be performed for both types:

1. inr Imuri suh as urine and ees. . ar Imuri suh as seual relains r we dream.

I is ermissible errm aammum wih eerhing ha is und n he earh rm is arius es suh as sand dir and her es earh. 6464

How to Perform Tayammum? the intentioniyyah in your heart efore performin Tayammum. 2.ecite ismillahi arrahmani arrahim n the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most erciful.

3 - Strike the earth (soil, sand, stone, gravel or soft rock) at once with the palms of both hands at once. صورة رقم )9(


4 - Wipe over the forehead with the inside of the hands together. The forehead is defined to be the area between the hairline at the top, the bones of eyebrows at the bottom and the temples on the sides start wiping from the top .

66 5 - Wipe over the back of the right hand with the palm of the left, starting from the wrist to the fingertips.

67 he raers alah alah is the second pillar of slam. We hae to perform it fie times a day facin the aah. alah is the most important of all oliatory acts that God has ordained upon uslims. n fact, alah is the only act that Allah ordered on children. ittle ones are epected to learn how to pray y ae and preform their daily prayers reularly y ae . Allah The Almihty ordered us to perform it in all cases, een durin the war. t is the first thin to e ased aout on the ay of esurrection . f prayer is accepted then all our wor will e accepted and if it is not accepted all his wor will not e accepted either. Prayer is a uslim's communication with Allah. Performin alah is a sin of loin Allah and appreciatin is lessins. n case of sicness alah can e done while sittin or een lyin, and it can e shortened throuh traellin . n fact, the prayer will hae a ood effect on the person, if he performs it properly . t purifies and cleans our mind, and rins peace to our life. Also, it will fill our hearts with the rememrance of Allah.


At the same time alah preents him from shameful and eil deeds. Allah, the ost ih says “Verily, the prayer keeps one from the reat sins and all inds of evil deeds” (Qur'an

There is a prophetic sayin that alah is the only thin that differentiates a uslim from a nonuslim . Prayer is a distinuishin sin for pious deoted elieers. alah is the only worship which was ien to the Prophet ohammed peace and lessin of Allah e upon him when he went on a special and miraculous ourney ascendin into the heaens.

alah must e performed in the Araic lanuae. The worshipper's ody and clothin, as well as the place of prayer, must e cleaned.


he onditions huroot of raers

he liatory prayer has nine huroot (onditions n rai, the onditions are alled huroot, the plural of hart, hih linuistially eans a sin onditions are those thins hih are reuired efore perforin alah in order to e valid

There are nine Conditions : 1) lslaa 2) l‘aql (Sanity ) sane and onsious 3) ltayee (puerty the ae of aturity 4) tate of purity avin udoo (alution 5) he reoval of ipurities fro the ody, fro the lothes and fro the plae of prayer 6) overin the rah 7) rayin it at the tie it is supposed to e prayed 8) ain the diretion of the Qilah 9) nniyah (the intention ust e in the heart and not said aloud


he illars raan of the raer

illa (aaan) t ay a t nay at any t illa a lt t t inan tln t ay inali illa a t n t Sala a t at n i a ln ti a There are Fourteen Pillars:

(1)Stanin in liaty ay i y a al (2) Sayin aiatl aa (Allaahu akbar) t nin ta (3) itin laatia( nin at) (4) Rukoo’ (bowing), which means bending so that t an an t t n l y a in lin it y a (5) iin in an tanin tait (6) S (tatin) n t n ( a n t al t n t t ll t n t t t l in tatin) (7) iin tatin (8) Sittin ally tn t t tatin


(9) eing tanui and cam duing ee ia osition (10) he ias shoud be done in ode (11) he ina ashahhud (12) itting to ecite the ina ashahhud and the two saaams (geetings) (13) he two saaams which means sending the saah and saaam uon the ohet ohammed (eace be uon him)(eace and mec be uon him) (14) The two tasleems (saying ‘assalaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullaah to the right and then to the et)

he uties aaiaat of the raers

he aaibaat o the saah ae those things that must be done within the saah and i the ae et out due to ignoance o ogetuness the saah is sti aid ut ou shoud make the ostation o ogetuness owee, i the ae deibeate omitted then the saah is inaid

There are Eight Duties : 1. o the akbiaat ecet takbiatu iham the saings o ahu akba ecet the ist one


2. aying Subhaana rabiyal ‘atheem (lory e to my ord lmighty at least one in ukooowing osition 3.aying sami llaahu liman hamidah( llah hears those who raise im or the mam and or the one who is raying alone 4.aying aanaa wa lakal hamd(ur ord raise e to You)” 5.aying uhaana abbiyal ‘ala (lory e to my ord most igh at least one when rostrating( in uood 6.aying aighirlee(ord orgie me at least one while sitting etween the two rostrations 7.The irst Tashahud (ttahiyaat in ar the irst is a illar in the others rayers they are waiaat 8. itting down during the irst Tashahud

he unan he referred ts of he raer 1. The oening all o the rayer 2.laing the right hand oer the let one with oth oer the hest in the standing osition 3.aising the hands u to the leel o the shoulders or near the ears with the ingers eing lose together (not searated when saying llahukaar in our ases a t the eginning o the rayer


b. hen erormin the uooboin c. hen reumin the tanin oition ater uoo d. hen tanin to bein the thir unit o the rayer 4.Sayin three time Subhana abbi alatheem in uoo an Subhana rabbi al la in Suoo 5.Sayin abi iher lee y or orie me) three time beteen the to rotration 6.oin on main the hea an ba on one leel 7-hile rotratin the arm houl not be brouht loe to the ie nor the thih to the le 8.aiin the arm in Suoo 9.rayin or the rohet an the amily o uhamma brahim an the amily o brahim a in ahahu) 10. erormin the early mornin rayer an the irt to unit o the unet an the eenin rayer ith an auible oie 11. Sittin beteen rotration on the outer ie o the let oot ie layin it lat) eein the riht oot erete ith the internal art o the toe touhin the roun.


12.he ame oition i to be taen hile ittin in the irt art o ahahu 13.ain the oition o aarru ittin on hi let oot lai on ith hi riht oot erete) urin the reitation o the eon ahahu 14.ain ua to inoe llah) olloin the reitation o the lat ahahu 15.hierin the reitation in the huhr noon) r late aternoon) 16.eitin another aae rom the oly uran ater the oenin urah o latihah

rostration of foretfulness ouudu asah rotration o oretulne Souuu aSah) mean erormin to Saa rotration ) at the en o the rayer or three ierent ae 1. in omethin to the alah 2. mittin omethin to the alah 3. ein unertain or hain oubt hen erormin thi rotration o ahurotration o oretulne) you ill till ay Subhan abbiyal la urin thee to rotration ut ater thee rotration you ont reite the ahahhu ttahyat)You ill ut ay the alim


of alah

llah the ot ih Say

erily Salah rayer)ha been eree uon the belieer to be erormeat ie time uran

he obliatory rayer are to be oere time a ay he timin an number o aaah are mentione belo

No.Raka,ah N0. Raka'ah Type Timing (Obligatory) (Voluntary) ar an beore beore) huhur oon ater ate r oon ter ahrib ater Sunet ater ha iht itr

you mi an obliatory rayer ue to lee or oretulne you mut erorm it a oon a you ae u or hen you remember it


he all for alah

The words of Athan The meaning llaahu bar) llah i the reatet eeate time hhau nn aa elare that there i laaha lla llah) no o eet llah eeate time) hhau nna elare that uhammaan aoolul ohamme eae llaah) be uon him)i the eeate time) eener o llah ayya la Salaah) aten toether or eeate time) Salah ayya la alaah) aten toether or eeate time) true ue llaahu bar) llah i the reatet eeate time) here i no o aa laaha lla llah) eet llah hen you reite the than or on rayer al ar) you a one more hrae tie olloin ayya la alaah he hrae reuire i lSalatu hayrun Salah i better than ina am ie) lee 7777

ntrane into raer he aamah i imilar to the than eet or the aition o a ne hrae he aamah mut be ai beore eah Salah be it by itel or by bein reee by the than You ay the aamah te by te in the olloin orer

The words of Athan The meaning llaahu bar) llah i the reatet llaahu bar) llah i the reatet hhau nn aa elare that there i no laaha lla llah) o eet llah hhau nna elare that ohamme uhammaan eae be uon him)i aoolulllaah) the eener o llah ayya la Salaah) aten toether or Salah aten toether or true ayya la alaah) ue a aamat lSalat) Salah ha Starte a aamat lSalat) Salah ha Starte llaahu bar) llah i the reatet llaahu bar) llah i the reatet here i no o eet aa laaha lla llah) llah


o to erform raers eore you bein your Salah you mut mae ure that you hae alreay mae uu your lothe your boy an the lae mut be ree o imuritie

1 - Stand upright facing the direction of Al-Ka'bah. Make Niyyah (intention) in your heart for the prayer you want to pray.

صورة رقم )12(

2 - Raise your both hands close to your ears and say:

"Allahu Akbar (Allah is the

Greatest). This is called Takbiratul Ihram.



3 - Place your right hand over your left hand between your chest and upper stomach, and look at the place of prostration without lowering your head. Then you have to recite The following :- a-Recite the Opening Invocation (du'aa) for Salah( (text no.1) b- Follow it with reciting Surah Al- Fatiha( the opening chapter of the Quran)(text no.2) in all Rak'hs c- Recite one of the shortest chapters of Qura(text no.3 or 4 )

80 4 - Now bow down saying: "Allahu Akbar" and place your hands on your knees and say silently: "Subhana Rabbiyal Athim." This means: "Glorified is my Lord, the most great." three times. This position is called Rukoo'. Keep your head in line with your back, and look downward to the place of Sujood.

81 5 - Stand up from the bowing position saying: "Sami'Allahu liman hamidah" (Allah hears those who praise Him)"Rabbana lakal hamd." This means: (Our Lord, praise be to You)).

82 6 - Prostrate on the floor saying: "Allahu Akbar" with your forehead, nose, palms of both hands, your knees, and toes all touching the floor. Then recite silently: "Subhana Rabbiyal A'la." ("Glorified is my Lord, the Highest) three times. This position is called Sujood. Keep your arms away from the sides of the body and the ground.

83 7 - Sit up from the floor saying Allahu Akbar. Sit upright with your knees bent and palms placed on them and say: “Rabbi ghfir li" This means.”“O my Lord! Forgive me.”

8 - Say "Allahu Akbar" and again prostrate in the Sujood position. Recite "Subhana Rabbiyal A'la" three times. Sit up from this position saying "Allahu Akbar"This completes the first Rak'ah or unit of Salah.

84 9 - Now stand up for the second Rak'ah and perform it in the same way, but do not recite Opening Invocation (du'aa) at the beginning, and after the second Sujood (prostration) ,sit on the left leg while keeping the right foot upright and put your right hand on the right thigh, with all fingers together in a fist except the index finger. Stick the index finger straight out. Put your left hand on the left thigh. Recite Tashahhud silently.(text no.6).Raise your index finger of your right hand while reciting “Ash-hadu-al-la ilaha illaAllahu …”

85 10 - In the third or fourth- Rak'ah prayers (Thuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha) repeat the whole procedure. Stand up recite Surat Al-Fatiha, then continue doing the rest of the actions as you have done before (Rukoo', rising, Sujood).

11 - Also, in the last Rak'ah of any prayer, after you have made your Sujood, sit up and silently recite both Tashahhud and Salatul Ibrahimiyyah.(text no.7& 6).

86 12 - At the end of any prayer, you must finish by making Tasleem, while still sitting, turn your face to the right and say "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah" (Peace be upon you and God's blessings), and turn to the left and say the same “Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah".

87 et that ut be emorie in he rayer et o )tetah ua oenin rayer) Arabic Text The Meaning Subhanaa llaahumma llah ho eret You are abihamia an raie be to You tabaaraa mua a lee i Your name an taaalaa aua a laa ealte i Your maety ilaaha hairu here i no o but You Text No. 2) Qu'ran- Surah Al- Fatihah

Arabic Text The Meaning A’auohtu billaahi ee helter in llah rom minahhaytaanir the reete Satan raeem )S ) n the name o llah the mot raiou the mot eriul )lhamu li )ll raie an than be rabbil alameen) to llah the or o the orl )r ahmanir ) he mot raiou the aheem mot eriul )alii yami een )ater o the ay o ument )yyaa nabuu a ) You alone e orhi iyyaa nataeen an rom You alone e ee hel )hina airatal )uie u alon the mutaeem traiht ath )Sirat althin anamta ) he ath o thoe hom alayhim hayril You aore not o thoe mahubi alayhim ho earne Your aner or ala alleen ent atray 8888

Text No.3) Qu'ran- Short Surah (AL-Ikhlas Chapter)

Arabic Text The Meaning iillahi ahai th a o Allah th ahi ot aiou th ot iul ul hu al lahu a i Allah th aha l allahu aa Allah i tal a Abolut la ali a la bt ot o a ula bott a la a ul lahu A th i o o uua aha ual uto i

Text No . 4) Qu'ran- Short Surah (AL-Asr Chapter)

Arabic Text The Meaning iillahi ahai th a o Allah th ahi ot aiou th ot iul al a th o allti al iaa lai il all huai i i hu lo llal lahia a t tho ho ha au bli i Allah a a ailu alihati o oo a a taaa bil hai i ah oth o th a taaa bi ab tuth a i ah oth to b atit

89 89

Text No .5) Qu'ran- Short Surah (AL- kafirun Chapter)

Arabic Text The Meaning iillahi ahai th a o ahi Allah th ot aiou th ot iul ul a auha al a aiu ibli a abuu a ohi ot that tabuoo ou ohi alaaaa atu A o ou aaabiua aaa abu ohi hat ohi alaaaa aa A hall ot aaabiu aaaa ohi hat ou abatu ohi alaaaaa atu A o ou hall abiua aaaabu ahi hat ahi au iuu a o ou ou lia liio a o liio


Text No .6) First Tashahhud Arabic Text The Meaning Attahiyyatu lillahi “Greetings, prayers and assalaatu at goodness elong to Allah tayyiatu. Assalamu alaia ayyuhan eace e on you O rophet aiyyu a rahmatullahi and the mercy o Allah a araatuhu and is lessings. Assalamu alaina eace e upon us and on a alaa aadillahis the righteous serants o salihin. Allah Ashhaduallalaha ill Allah ear itness that there is no god ut Allah a ashhadu anna and ear itness that uhammadan adlahi a ohammed peace e upon asuluh himis is serant and his essenger. Text No .7) Second Tashahhud Arabic Text The Meaning Allahuma sali ala “O Allah, let Your mercy come uhammad a ala Aali upon uhammad uhammad and the amily o uhammad. ama saliet ala rahim as You let it come upon a ala Aali rahim rahim and the amily o rahim. enna hameed maeed, ruly You are raise orthy and Glorious.” Allahuma ari ala O Allah, less uhammad ohammed a ala Aali and the amily o uhammad. uhammad ama arata ala rahim as You lessed rahim a ala Aali rahim and the amily o rahim. enna hameed maeed. ruly You are raiseorthy and Glorious.”


nalidation of the raer Any prayer is inalid and nulliied i any o the olloing acts are committed 1. Anything that reas your udu . 2. aughing loudly during prayer. 3. ntentional taling. 4. ating or rining. 5. If any area of your “Aura” is uncovered. 6. cessie moing outside the regular acts and moements o prayer, ithout a proper reason. 7. Adding or sutracting an etra pillar such as uk’u oing or uood prostration. 8.hanging the meaning o what you’re reciting. 9. ot acing the direction toards the ila. 10. eciding to stop praying. rida raeralah umah esides the ie oligatory prayers, Allah Almighty has also ordained the umah riday ongregational rayer as a necessary prayer on the uslim ation mmah as is made clear in the olloing erse o the oly uran: "O you who believe, when the Athan is called for prayer on the day of Jum'ah (Friday), hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) and leave off business (and traffic). That is best for you if you only knew”uran. 9292

he roheteace and essing of ah e uon hi in this regard said hey eoe wi have to sto negecting the riday rayer or otherwise ah suhanahu wa taaa wi sea their hearts and they wi e counted aong the negligent” eorted y Ia usi

y virtue of the aove uranic verse as we as the resected sayings of the roheteace and essing of ah e uon hi the riday ongregationa rayer is therefore an oigation duty ai uon every free adut sane resident usi an who has the aiity to attend the aah ut those who are sick traveers and woen are eeted fro the oigation of attending the rayer at the osue hey have to offer huhr rayer instead he tie for the uah rayer is the tie of the huhr rayer

erforance of the uah rayer is ony aowed in the ongregationa osues where he uah rayer is therefore secific with a eron in which the osue reachers ias discuss and dea with the daiy roes or urgent atters that face the usis society and give enightenent fro the torch of Isa riday rayer is an occasion for the assey of the usis of a whoe city or a town etting together once a week deveos unity co oeration and rotherhood aong usis


he tiuette for rida raer ee e te eieent e l e ee ging t t te i e 1.neting l ttl ltin e et ee n leing ll e n i i: l n i i nee i n ee lt en ete i 2.tting n te et n lenet lte 3.eing neel 4.ling t te i i it i ile 5.iing teing e ele t get t til t in te i 6.iing iiing t ele e itting tgete 7.t ing ene tn n ting i le 8.Not clasping one’s hands and intertwining one’s inge ile iting te e 9.itting in te nt n le t te enee ile 10.eining iet ile te i elieing te t en i tll inle litening t te n nt ling it nting ile te i eing t te i in tte lne n nt eing ie


onreational raer llah coands sli en to peror the ie oligator praers in congregation and proises the a great reward or that The Prophet peace and lessing o llah e pon hi said: “The reward for a prayer offered in congregation is twentseen ties greater than that oered a person alone.” lhaaree aheeh sli he congregational praer can e estalished at least two people one o the acts as the praer leader a olloin the mam in raer his eans that those praing ehind the a st ollow and do the sae as he does dring the praer osering all the praer oeents he rophetpeace and lessing o llah e pon hi in this regard said: “The imaam is to be followed. a llaah aar when he sas it and do not sa it ntil he sas it irst ow when he ows and do not ow ntil he has done so first.” aheeh lhaaree


ho hould ead the raer The person who knows the Qur’an the best shold be ien preferene in leadin the prayer. f those present are eal in that respet then the one who is best informed in the rles of reliion the rophetpeae and blessin of llah be pon him in this reard said

“ Let him act as Imam to a congregation who knows the Qur’an by heart the best and if all present shold be eal in that respet then let him perform who has the deepest nowlede of the nnah ”(Saheeh Muslim: 673) .

The mam stands in front of those he leads in prayer (Ma’moomoon sinlar ma’moom / follower). The followers standin sholder to sholder form straiht lines behind him and the front rows shold be filled and ompleted first. f there is only one follower (Ma’moom), he stands to the riht side of the mam.


Shortening an comining rayers. 1.Shortening prayers Shortening (Qasr) in raic means offering two ak’ahs( units of prayer) of ar at a prayer time instea of four rak’ahs. Shortening the prayer is etter than completing it accoring to the maority of scholars .

llah the Most igh says: "n when you trael throughout the lan , there is no lame upon you for the shortening prayer . (Qur’an :4)

ou start shortening the prayer as soon as you hae crosse the outermost limits of your hometown.

ccoring to the maority of scholars, the istance of Qasr ourney is efine aout eighty kilometers. It oes not matter whether a person coers this istance on foot or y any other transportation .

The traeler is allowe to shorten the prayer unless the perio is less than ays ecluing the ay of arrial an the ay of eparture. 97 97

2- Combining prayers

oinin(a) in rai an it eans that the orshipper an oin to prayers huhr an ‘Asr, or Maghrib and ‘Isha’, at the time of the earier or ater of the to prayers oinin eteen to prayers is perissie for traeers hie they are atuay in the at of traein einnin fro the tie they atuay start their ourney t is aso an at of the unnah for piris to oine prayers on the ay of rafah an in uaifah

he aority of shoars sai that it is perissie to oin prayers if there is an euses or nee suh as one ho is sik or if there is rain u or stron o in in a ark niht or he is usy ith soe ork that he annot eay in orer to pray suh as a otor is oin surery an so on

ut e ant oine ar ith huhr or sr with Maghrib, or ‘Ish


aah the hird illar of slam

aah Ams is the third iar o Isam In Arabi the word aah means both riiation and growth .'It is not on riies the roert o the ontribtor bt aso riies his heart rom seishness and greed .It aso riies the heart o the reiient rom en and eaos Aah A Might sas "ae rom their weath a ortion or harit ,in order to ean them thereb, and santi them. (Quran 9: 103)

aah is mentioned times in the o ran aong with raers saah to emhasie the imortane o it In at it is as a an obigator worshi on a Msims who ossesses aabe amont issab whih is grams o god or grams o re sier I o hae the issab o mst a o or weath and assets It beomes de ater the assing o a omete nar ear aah mst be aid on dierent ategories o roert god, sier, mone, iesto and agritra rode In Isam, the tre owner o things is Aah Aah made a ortion o it or the oor and the have a right over one’s wealth. aah is intended to ree Msims rom the oe o mone 9999

he enefits of aah he ran states that wealth inreases giving aah. n the rewar inreases aoring to the sinerit o the iah. llah light sas llah estros wealth otaine ro interest an gives inrease or harit. ran n another aah llah sas he lieness o those who sen their wealth in the wa o llah is as the lieness o a grain o orn. t grows seven ears an eah ear has a hnre grains. llah inreases aniol to who e leases. ran These are the benefits: 1.aining the leasre o llah an his lessings. 2.nreasing the wealth an rotets it ro losses an the wrath o llah. 3.riing the heart o the aer ro the gree o wealth an selishness. 4. riing the heart o the reiient ro env ealos an hatre. 5. riing the soiet ro orrtion. 6. t rees the serings o the nee an oor. .t shows the general hilosoh o sla whih aots a oerate orse etween aitalis an soialis .

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ho a eeie aah

aah is istrite aong sna ategories o eole nael llah light sas aah eenitres are onl or the oor an or the nee an or those who eloe to ollet it an or ringing hearts together or sla an or reeing atives or slaves an or those in et an or the ase o llah an or the strane traveler –an oligation iose llah . n llah is nowing an ise. ran 1.(Faqir/Fuqara) he ver oor one who has neither aterial ossessions nor eans o lie. 2.(Miskeen) he nee one with insiient eans o livelihoo to eet asi nees. 3.(Amileen Alyha) he olletors o aah . 4.(Muallaf-at-Quloobuhum)hose whose hearts are inline towars or have aete sla. 5.( wafi-Riqab ) to ree slaves or atives. 6.Gharmin ne who is in et who orrowe one to eet asi halal eenitre. 7.Fisabillillah ne who ights or the ase o llah. 8.Ibnus Sabil ne who is strane in orne.


he unishment for not iin aah ( Qur'an 9:34)

adaah oluntar almsiin


astin amadan the ourth illar of slam Allah Al-Mighty says "O' you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you so that you may achieve Taqwaa (righteousness, God-fearing)." [Qur'an 2:183]


he ssential ules for fastin A-The requirements for fasting during Ramadan 1.Intention 2.Abstaining from acts B-The things That Invalidate Or Nullify The Fast 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


hese thins reuire ada But Sexual intercourse during fasting requires Qad'a and Kaffarah: (a) (b) (c) C. What is Permissible During Fasting? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.


D. Who is exempted from Fasting? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) E. The Recommended Acts During Ramadan 106106

F. The Wisdom of Fasting Ramadan

1-Gaining (Taqwaa) fasting. This has been clearly stated in the Qur’an “O you who have become pious” 2- Acquiring Patience

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3- controlling our desires t gives us strength to hold the soul by its bridle and lead it to what is good and what will mae it prosper. The rophet peace and blessing of llah be upon himsaid O young men hoever among you can afford to get married let him do so for it is more effective in lowering the gae and protecting ones chastity. hoever cannot do that let him fast for it will be a shield for him. ahih aluhari o. G-The Benefits of Fasting Ramadan amadhan is the greatest and best month of the year. t is one of the blessings of llah that e enables us to fast in amadhan. asting the month of amadhan not only offer us with great rewards from llah but also it gives us many other benefits. These are benefits 1)Fasting is an ideal method for treatment t has the effects to clean out the body to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and to let the body heals itself. 2)Fasting can bring positive effects to psychological and mental health t will generate specific hormone which may relieve tension and to mae a person to feel better physically and mentally. 3) Fasting makes us feel compassion and empathy towards the poor because when we fast we taste the pain of hunger for a while so we remember

108108 those who are in this situation all the time and we will hasten to do acts of indness to them and show compassion towards them. amadan is a time to increase our sense of unity and brotherhood. 4) Narrowing the passage of the devil atan runs in our blood and fasting narrows his passage and lessens his effects. t also reduces our desires and calms our anger. o crime rate and murder rate decline during the holy month of amadan. 5)Strengthening our determination: One who can tolerate the pain of hunger and thirst and controls himself from having a seual relation with his wife whilst fasting will strengthen his determination and willpower. 6) Breaking us out of regular routine ome of us lose their temper and become ill mannered if their meal was delayed from its normal time or if they do not drin their morning coffee or afternoon tea. uch people are slaves to their routine and habits and fasting helps the person to overcome this behavior. 7) Ramadan is the best time for family and social gathering: reaing the fast is a good opportunity for family gatherings. This can strengthen the family institutions and community .


H. The virtues of Fasting Ramadan

1)The gates of annah aradise are opened and the gates of ell are closed. The rophetpeace and blessing of llah be upon him said“When Ramadan starts, the doors of eaven are opened and the doors of ell are closed and the devils are chained up.” uhari and uslim.

2) The breath of the person fasting is sweeter to llah than the smell of mus. the rophetpeace and blessing of llah be upon him said “By Him in hose ands my soul is the smell coming out from the mouth of a person observing sawm (fast) is better with Allah than the smell of musk.” uhari ol. adith

3) The reward for the performance of mra in the month of amadan is euivalent to the performance of a along with the prophet peace and blessing of llah be upon himsaid“mrah during amadan is equivalent to performing hajj along with me.” bu awud no.


4) ylatu Alader in the month of Ramadan is better in reward than one thousand months. Allah Alighty says

he ight of ecree is better than a thousand months uran

) he one who fasts has two occasions of happiness and joy. Allahs essenger (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said

here are two pleasures for the person observing sawm (fast), one at the time of ftar breaking his sawm (fast), and the other at the time when he will meet his reator then he will be pleased because of his sawm (fasting).” (Bukhari, ol. , Hadith )

) Our sins will be forgiven. Allah’s essenger (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said “Whoever prayed at night the whole month of Ramadan out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, all his previous sins will be forgiven.” (Bukhari, )

) he observer of the fast would be admitted through a special door in: Allah’s 111111

essenger (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: n aradise there is a gate which is called ayyan through which only the observers of fast would enter on the ay of esurrection. one else would enter along with them..” (uslim o.)

itra harit aat l itr

aah ul itr is a duty which is Waib (reuired) of every uslim whether slave freeman male or female minor or adult. t must be distributed before id rayer otherwise it will be considered as ordinary charity. t is to be paid in the form of what is considered as based foods of the community as flour rice and dates etc.

he uantity or measure of itra charity is one aa which is euivalent(approimately g) .One aa’ is equivalent to four mads. A mad is the amount that can be scooped up when one puts their hands together.

ts purpose is to purify the sins committed in the state of fasting and to help the poor and needy.


estialid in slam

id festival is a seial slami oasion whih has een hosen llah lmiht for the eleration. slam has resried a simle wa to oserve this ha da. irst of all man uslims mae a seial effort to ra and listen to a sermon at a mosque. he also wear new lothes visit famil memers and friends .he ma eno the da alon with others some ats of reoiin and enoment. here are two annual festivals n slam

1.Eid Al-Fitr is an annual festival for the uslims at an oasion when the omlete a reat adah whih is fastin the month of amadan on the st da of hawwal . his ha da is desined the hariah as a sin of ratefulness the uslims on the aomlishment of amadan and as an immediate reward llah for those who sent the month of amadan in fastin and erformin other forms of adah . uslims start their id da ain adaqatulfitr to the oor of their soiet


2.Eid Al-Adha is an annual slami festival estival of the arifie and it taes lae at the end of the a. t eins on the th of hul ia the last month of the slami alendar and lasts for four das. t is also nown as alid al air aor estival. id aldha mars the omletion of the ha ilrimae rites at ina in aah to ommemorate the willinness of rahim also nown as raham to follow llahs ods ommand to sarifie his son shmael. uslims around the world oserve this event whih reresents the animal that rahim sarified instead of his son. oda it is mared slauhterin animals to feed the oor.

id raer

n oth oasions idulfitr and id al dhaa seial raer is usuall offered .t onsists of two units aah. ne of the rulins of id is that the raer omes efore the hutah . id raer an e erformed an time etween the shraq sun riseand awal. t is referale that the id raer is erformed at an oen area. owever if it is diffiultit an also e erformed in a i mosque. id raer has neither than nor qamah.


hat should ou do efore id raer t the einnin of id da ou should do the followin ats .ae a ath and use erfume. .ut on the est availale lothes. .al to the lae of raer and hanin the route when ou ome a. .eite aeer etensivel while roeedin to the lae of raer llahu aar llahu aar laa ilah ilaa llahu wa llahu ar llahu ar wa li lah alhamd. t means llaah is reat llaah is reat. here is no one worth of worshi ut llaah for llaah is reat and all raise e to im. o to erform id raer

id raer onsists of two units aah. n the first rak’ah ou should sa aeerat al ihraam (say “Allaahu akbar” to start the prayer), then ou should reite latihah hater and urah lA’la chapter (uran . n the second rak’ah ou should sa aeer five times then reite latihah hater and urah al haashiah hater uran. to

fter the raer the mam should reah the eole and advise them. and warnin them aainst the thins that the should avoid.


a he ifth illar of slam he a (pilrimae to akkah is the fifth and final pillar of slam a combines both physical and financial orship ecause it inoles trael and more effort than other kinds of orship t stated in the oly uran that eery uslim , male or female, physically and financially able should make the a to the oly ity of akkah once in his or her lifetime t occurs from the th to th hu aliah hich is the telfth month of the slamic lunar calendar All pilrims reardless of ealth, status, class and culture must ear the same clothes (hram) hram means to, ery simple and unson hite arments All of them stand toether and eual before Allah uslims from all around the orld, of different colors, lanuaes, races, and nationalities come toether in a spirit of uniersal brotherhood and sisterhood to orship the nly rue od toether Allah Alihty says

“Announce Hajj to mankind. They will come to you on foot and on eery sort of lean animal, comin by eery distant road (Qur'an 22:27) he rophet (peace and blessins of Allah be upon him) said : "hosoeer dies ithout performin a hile he is not under some

116116 diicult cicumtance wheey it imoile to o o Hajj o i not allowed to leae ecaue o an unjut ule o i chonically ick o eiouly ick duin the Hajj eaon then let him die i he want a a ew o a hitian."[Reported by ad-Daarimi and al-Bayhaqi]

reonditions of a There are six conditions : 1. Islam. 2. Sanity he hould e mentally it not inane. 3. Ability he should be physically and financially fit 4. Adulthood He hould e hyically matue. 5. Freedom he should be a free person not a lae. 6. Mahram (for woman): A woman must be accompanied by a trusted Mahram. a he athe othe huand.

ran illars of a There are four Pillars : 1. Ihraam. 2. Tawaaf. 3. Sa'y between as-Safaa and al-Marwa. 4. Staying in Arafah from Dhuhr to Maghrib.


uties aeat of a Thee ae een dutie .eain the ham clothe with intention in iat. .tayin in Aaah until unet. .endin the th o thuAlhejjah niht in udaliah. .endin the th and th niht in ina. .Thowin the ele .hain o hotenin hai. .Tawa Al wada. es of ilrimae

There are thee Types of Hajj: Tamattu'-Ifraad-Qiran

1. Tamattu': Thi i the mot common om o ilimae and the one ecommended y the ohet uhammad eace and lein o Allah e uon him himel. t mean that the ilim ente the tate o Ihram for ‘Umrah from the Miqat of his country, completes the ‘Umrah, then later


enters the state of Ihram for a from Maah ith the oliation of sacrificin an animalhe pilrim is then calle (Mutamatti‘) because during the period between ‘Umrah and Hajj, he is allowed to enoy hat is normally forien ue to Ihram, such as earin normal clothes, perfume, contact ith ife

2. Ifraad: his form of pilrimae inoles performin only a ithout Umrah It is also the only form that oes not require animal sacrifice ilrims performin Ifraa are calle Mufri

3. Qiran: In this option, the pilrim performs oth Umrah an a in one continuous act ithout tain off the Ihram ith the oliation of sacrificin an animal ilrims performin iran are calle aarin


o to erform a (STEP BY STEP) (Here, we eplain Hajj tTamattu’ as it is the most recommended one) n this tpe o Hajj, ou should perorm 1.‘Umrah during the Hajj months (i.e. Shawwaal, hulQa’dah and the first nine days of Thul Hijjah) 2. Hajj in the same ear during the das o t ashree (ie the th, th and th o hul Hijjah)et us start with Umrah


Umrah is nown to be the minor Hajj (pilgrimage) and it is neither imperatie (ard) nor obligator (wajib), but perorming Umrah once in a lie time is a unnah Howeer it is recommended b the uran, as well as within slamic practice Umrah can be perormed during antime in the ear, there is no ied month, da or time or Umrah as the case with Hajj llah lMight says in the Qur’an: "rul, saa and l Marwa are among the landmars o llah, thereore anone who perorms the hajj or the umrah he does no harm i he circumambulates them both ( Qur’an 2:158).


He also says: andulfill Hajj and Umrah for llah. (Qur’an 2: 196)

ran illars of mrah There are three pillars: Ihraam: ( ntention to enter the state of Umrah. Tawaaff: (waling around the aaa times. Sa’iy:(waling etween lSafa and larwa seen times . o to erform mrah You should follow these steps:- In Miqaat (Specified Place of Worship): iaat is the station where a erson an start his Umra y utting on his hram (seial lothes and eomes uhrim. There are ie stations for iaat regarding the lae you ome from:  DHUL-HULAIFAH (Abbyar Ali): is for those oming fromthrough adinah.  AL-JUHFAH (Near Rabigh): is for those oming fromthrough Syria, gyt, oroo.  YALAMLAM (Sa’adiyah): is for those oming fromthrough emen, ndia, aistan.


 A ALMAAL (ASai Aa)is for those oming fromthrough ajd or Taif.  A:is for those oming through ra. nyone who omes aross those areas should mae hraam at those stations and mae the intention Umrah, ut who lies within the area of the iat an mae hraam from his home.

Mia y hd d hi a) i i h a ha hram is the intention to erform either Hajj or ‘Umrah, or to perform both.

ia d hi d ha .Taing a ghusl ritual ath efore hraam. .utting on erfume on Head eard. .liing the nails, trimming the mustahe, shaing the hair of the armits and the hair of the ui. .earing a white hram garment.( or en

they should wear their ordinary lothes , without loes iaa (Tye of eil that reeals the eyes.


h h a a ha ha ee hoho earear oo htehte toeheettoeheet, , oeoe rapperappe aroaro thethe oeroer partpart of of the the bo bo . . hehe other other aroaro the the pper pper part part of of the the bobo a a to to ear ear aa. aa.

)) MaiMai aiyahaiyah tarttart tt afterafter hraamhraam bb a a “ Labayk“Labayk Allaahumma Allaahumma ‘Umrah” ‘Umrah”

he eanin hehe ayin ayin he eanin abba,ahmmaabba,ahmma (“In(“In repoe repoe to to or or a a abba.abba. ahah amam herehere toto performperform ‘Umrah, ‘Umrah, O OAllah. Allah.

abba a hareea abba a hareea repoe repoe to to or or a. a. aa abba. aa abba. oo hae hae o o parter. parter.

repoe repoe to to or or a. a. ahama a ahama a rae rae e, e, a a mata aa am. mata aa am. thethe erhp erhp of of a a that that a hareea a a hareea a oo reatereate oror aoe.aoe. oo haehae oo partner”)partner”)

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h yu arr Al a Al aram

u hul h h a Making Tawaaff (Circling the Ka’bah ual m

The amani orner The lack Stone Hijr Ilma il arul hStarting ll h ur aa • Tawaf involvesPoint walking around theAbraham abah s seven times 1 Station • Each round starts2 and ends with the lack 3 to amam tone 4 and Safa 5 • Uncover the right shoulder for6 men, and place 7 Startingthe cloth Point underneath of Tawaf the armpit • If it is possible to reach the lack tone, kiss it uietly If you cant kiss it you ust face it and point at it saying ismillah, llahu kbar In the name of llah, llah is the reatest • While doing Tawaf, you can make Du’aa’, Tasbeeh, Tahleel, etc124 There is no specific


h yu arr Al a Al aram

u hul h h a Making Tawaaff (Circling the Ka’bah ual m

arul h ll h ur aa • Tawaf involves walking around the abah seven times • Each round starts and ends with the lack tone • Uncover the right shoulder for men, and place the cloth underneath the armpit • If it is possible to reach the lack tone, kiss it uietly If you cant kiss it you ust face it and point at it saying ismillah, llahu kbar In the name of llah, llah is the reatest • While doing Tawaf, you can make Du’aa’, Tasbeeh, Tahleel, etc There is no specific


125 du’aa’ for each round. ou can make du’aa’ supplication as you like. • When you pass by the Rokn lamaani the fourth corner of the aabah right before the black stone try to touch it if you can. upplicate llah until you reach the lack tone saying Rabbana atina fi addunya hasanatan wa fi alakhirati hasanatan wa ina adhaba an nar.t means ur ord rant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save us from the punishment of the ire. •Performing the first three rounds hastily, almost ogging for men who are capable of doing so.o not try this if there are too many people around. b fter Tawaaf ra tw rakah behin aam brahim the tation of brahim or you can perform it any place in the mosue. Recite urat lafirun urah in the first rakah and urat lkhlas urah in the second rakah. t is recommended that you drink Zamzam water after you have finished Tawaf and the tworakah prayer. The essenger of llah peace and blessings of llah be upon him said “The water of Zamzam is for whatever it is drunk for.” arrated by bn aaah, cholars and righteous people have eperienced this . rink it with the intention of fulfilling some need such as healing from sickness.

126125 cSa’iy.walking between safa and l

arwahcSa’iy seven.walking times between safa and l

arwah seven times

Al-Safa Al-Marwa

The two green slopes

e carefl f the fllwing thing • Start from Asafa and say We careflMARWATA f the MIN fllwing SHA’A;IRILLAH) thing “Verily,• Start Asfromafa A s lafaarwah and aresay among the rites ofW Allah.”MARWATA uran MIN SHA’A;IRILLAH) “I“Verily, start withAsafa what Allah larwah started are with.” among the rites of“ALLAHU Allah.” uranAKBAR, (three times) ” “LA LAAHA “I start with whatW Allah started with.”R , LAHUL “ALLAHU MULKU AKBAR, WA LAHUL(three HAMDtimes) WA ” HUWA“LA LAAHA ‘ALA KULLI SHAY’IN W QADEER” “LA RILAAHA ILLAL, LAAHULAHUL MULKUWAHDAHU, WA LAHUL ANJAZA HAMD WA’DAHUWA HUWA ‘ALAWA NASARAKULLI SHAY’IN‘ABDAHU QADEER” WA HAZAMAL“LA ILAAHA AlZ ILLAL WAHDAH”LAAHU WAHDAHU, ANJAZA WA’DAHU WA NASARA ‘ABDAHU WA HAZAMAL AlZ WAHDAH” 126 127


This meas “Allah is the most great, (three times) .” “None has the riht to e worshied eet Allah aloe, withot ay arters, to him elos the domiio, to him raise is de, ad he has ower over all things.” “None has the right to be worshied eet Allah aloe, He flfilled his romise, ad made his slae reail, ad he defeated the las all alone.” • Hai Wd is hihly reommeded t ot oliatory. • Wali from AlSafa to alMarwah is osidered oe tri; ad from alMarwah a to Al Safa is aother tri. • It is preferred during Sa’iy to run between the two ree sis.( for male oly) • There is no specific du’aa’ during sa’iy you can make du’aa’, tasbeeh, ta hleel, etc Sai i ai This is the fial ste Be arefl of the followi this • or Me Shai the head is etter tha tti the hair from all sides. • For Women: Cutting a small piece from their hair is sffiiet • Do not shave your beard. • Do not take off your Ihram until you have shaed yor hair.


Now all Ihram rules are lifted, and your mrah is completed i i i a These are the things which are forbidden in the state of ihram. If you commit any of them, ou should offer Fidyah (To slaughter a sheep) to compensate for the mistake. They are as follows: Seual intercourse. Showing love and affection to your wife. such as issing or doing any action leading to seual intercourse. arriage contract or have an engagement. sing perfume. covering the head(even with the Ihram cloth) (For male only) Wearing regular or any sewn clothes including shoes (For male only) uarreling ,arguing, or harming others with the hands and the tongue. Cutting hair from any part of the body. Wearing Niab or gloves.(for female) unting the land animal or cutting trees. Clipping fingernails or toenails.


ii a ou can do these acts while in the state of Ihram Taking a bath or a shower as well as combing the hair and touching it with the hands. Covering your face when its windy . Wearing socks . (for female). loodletting, or cupping or receiving any medical treatment of a wound, or teeth…etc., ooking in a mirror. Wearing a belt around the waist. Wearing a watch or a ring. sing an umbrella. illing harmful insects such as lice, fleas or beetles . illing harmful and dangerous animals such as snakes, scorpions, rats, or any dangerous wild. i a

a ai i a erforming mrah clean your soul from past committed sins. Abu urairah (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrates that the rophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "An Umrah to another Umrah will be redemption of sins for whatever (minor) occurs between them.’ (ukhari, uslim).


ie a, the act of mrah i amont the et deed. n mar ma llaah e leaed with him narrated that rohet eace and lein of llah e uon him aid he the e h the m the e h em mh e the eet h. e e them the ee the et e e t t them. n aah erformin mrah alo rotect ou from oert if the mae it for the ae of llah Ibn Mas’ood (ma llaah e leaed with him aid that the rohet eace and lein of llah e uon him aid, ‘Follow up the Hajj and mh ee the et eme et e ete the mte m e.’ . n amadan, the reward of erformin mrah i eual to that of erformin a with the rohet . n a aid he heard the rohet eace and lein of llah e uon him aid mh eme the mth m e e t tht eme th e uhari, ulim

ut it doe not utitute the erformance of a which i ard imeratie.



on a o sod a os n od o bn a as da b da

ay ia (aaa a a on o a o sod ass o Ia and onon a n a (nnon o o a b n on o Iaas a an a ba and sa abbaa aa b a ans I a a sondn o o o o a n o sod da o Mna and o s Mab saa and a as n as od b sonn o obnn o sod snd a n n Mna ay ia (a aa sns on o a o sod a o aa onan and sa n sns sn don n o n o sod obn son and s aa o sod snd o n adn an aba and on saons o a o a n s s da aan n o sns on o a o sod da o Mdaa n aba n o a In Mdaa o 132131 sod obn son Mab sa aa a o sa o sod snd n o an o so o a o sn bbs d a o (sonn o Mdaa o sod a o Mna a a a ay ia (ana In Mna o sod o s as onn b aaa aba ( n bbs aoand b ab an saa ana as so o and s so o oo an o n a oan s a n o a n a ai i

 s sod b don n abo od onnn b s no son on ds ano  I sa s osond n o das san o n a s aso osond bas os a sa  an saa ana and san o n a a obons o Ia a d a aons o


o sod o o Masd aa o o aa Iada and a a s don o sod n o Mna and snd n o n and das ay ia

n s da o sod o son on a aaas a aaa( a san o sa o b on a on sod b sond sn bbs aoand b ab o an a saons an ba a sonn s and sond aaas

ay ia n s da o sod o son a aaas n sa ann as on ( da I o a n a a sonn on da o sod a Mna bo sns s o sod snd n o n n Mna and o sod son aaas anoon n sa ann as on da

ia S a aa o a Mna and n o nnd o n o o on o Maa s ab (obao o o aada (a aa Is od s sa as s aa


isitin he rohets osue

sn Madna s no a a o a rite, but the unique merits of the Prophet’s s Mos and s sad ob aa o s s no Ia no aba o s o Madinah or the Prophet’s Mos a ai i salah performed in the Prophet’s Mos s b an a osand saas n an o a Masd aaa n Maa

o o o Madna bo o a a nnon o sn os os and an n

n o a os o sod a o aaas o saaon o os an obao a a s d

o sod s a o o and san Ma a and

135134 blessins of llah be upon ou, oh Prophet Ma llah rant ou a ood reard on behalf of our people

ou should moe to the rae of his best ompanion buar and reet him sain Ma the peae, mer, and blessin of llah be upon ou oh buar, aliph of the Messener of llah Ma llah be pleased ith ou and rant ou a ood reard on behalf of Muhammads people

ou should moe to the rae of the seond halifa mar in lhatab and reet our sain Ma the peae, mer and blessins of llah be upon ou, oh mar, Prine of the belieers Ma llah be pleased ith ou and rant ou a ood reard on behalf of Muhammads people

ou an o to pra in ubaa Mosque nd isit laqee ou an o to hud and isit the rae of ama ma llah be pleased ith him and the other martrs there ith him ou reet them and pra to llah to rant them forieness and mer


enefits irtues of a

a has reat benefits both orldl and reliious spiritual, inludin the folloin

he at of a is amonst the best deeds ur Prophet peae and blessins of llah be upon him hen his ompanions ased him about the absolute best deed in the ees of llah he Prophet peae and blessins of llah be upon himreplied elief in llah and is Messener hen he as ased hat else e said, striin and strulin for the sae of llah hen he as ased hat else e said, a a, hih is free from ie aepted and omplete

eported b uhari Muslim ho performs a is non as the uest of llah and ill be full taen are of b im he Prophet Muhammad peae and blessins of llah be upon him said he people performin a or mrah are the uests of llah f the as im somethin e ansers them and if the as him forieness e fories them

eported b anassaa ibn Maaah


ho performs a, in its proper and omplete form, he ill return to his home as a neborn omes into this orld sinless he Prophet Muhammad peae and blessins of llah be upon himsaid hoeer performs a to this house abah and does not ommit an obsenit and rondoin, he, or she, ill ome out as the da he, or she, as born pure and free from sinseported b uhari Muslim he reard for ompletin a a and hain it aepted is nothin less than Paradise itself he Prophet Muhammad peae and blessins of llah be upon himsaid lla l Mabroor omplete and aepted has no reard for it but annaheported b uhari Muslim ordl benefits inlude trade and business, and other inds of earnins as the Muslims ma benefit b omin toether, and doin business urin a, Muslims from all parts of the orld ome toether , sho their loe for one another and learn from one another urin a , all Muslims sho unit in time, plae, ations and appearane ll of them stand in the same plae at the same time, doin the same ations, earin the same lothes ith humbleness before llah ndeed the irtues of a are prieless to an Muslim and it is the best ourne of lifetime 138137

eferenes and esoures

i a i Sayi ai i Si i a i Si i ai i Si Sa a i a a y i i ay ai aa i i a aaa aa a a Si a a


المحتويات الصفحة المحتويات الصفحة

الركن الثاني - الصالة 68 الركن الرابع -الصوم 103

13.أهمية الصالة 68 32. متطلبات الصوم 104 14.شروط الصالة 70 33.المفطرات 104 15. اركانها 71 34. مباحات الصيام 105 16. واجباتها 72 35 . المستثنون من الصيام 106 17. سننها 73 36. مستحبات الصيام وآدابه 106 18. سجود السهو وكيفيته 75 37. الحكمة من الصيام 107 19.اوقات الصالة وعدد الركعات 38. فوائد الصوم 108 76 الفرض والسنة 39. فضائل الصوم 110

20.اآلذان واالقامة 77 40. زكاة الفطر 112 21.كيفية أداء الصالة خطوة خطوة 41 .العيد في االسالم 113 87-79 )موضح بالصور 42 .صالة العيد 114 )تم التصوير في استوديو المكتب ( الركن الخامس -الحج 116 22.النصوص العربية التي يجب ان تقرأ 43. الحج وشروطه 116 في الصالة 44. اركان الحج 117 الفاتحة -االخالص – الكافرون-العصر 88 التشهد االول والثاني 45. واجبات الحج 118 ) كنابتها بالحروف الالتينية مع ترجمة 46 . انواع النسك 119 المعاني( 23. مبطالت الصالة 92 47.العمرةواركانها 121 24. صالة الجمعة وآدابها 92 48.كيفية أداء العمرة 121 25. صالة الجماعة 95 49 .المحظورات اثناء الحج و العمرة 129 26. القصر والجمع في الصالة 97 50. المباحات اثناء الحج و العمرة 130 الركن الثالث- الزكاة 99 51. فضائل العمرة 130 27.الزكاة واهميتها 99 52. كيفية اداء فريضة الحج 132 28. فضائل الزكاة 100 )حج التمتع( 29 .االصناف المستحقة للزكاة 101 53 .زيارة المسجد النبوي 135 30.عقوبة تارك الزكاة 102 54.فوائد وفضائل الحج 137 31. الصدقة 102


المحتويات الصفحة المحتويات الصفحة

المقدمة 5 الفصل الثالث

# الفـقـه # 139-46 تقديم الشيخ سعد البريك 7-6 (فقه العبادات ( تقديم الشيخ وليد المرزوقي 8 تقديم الشيخ حمود الشميمري 9 الطهارة في االسالم 46 الفصل األول 1-إهمية لطهارة 46 #معلومات عامة# 12-36 2- انواع الطهارة 46 1. ما هو االسالم 13 أ- داخلية ب- خارجية 47 2.اهم التعاليم االسالمية 14 3- انواع النجاسات 48 3.من هم المسلمون 15 4- طريقة التطهر منها 48 4.من هو اهلل سبحانه وتعالى 16 5- تعريف االستنجاء 48 5.من هو محمد صلى اهلل عليه وسلم 17 6- المستخدم في ازالة النجاسة 48 6. ما هو القرآن 19 7- االشياء المكروه في إزالة النجاسة 49 7. ما هو الحديث 22 8- آداب قضاء الحاجة 49 8.المزايا التي يختص بها االسالم 24 9- طريقة الوضوء 58-51 9. االخالق في االسالم 28 )مع الصور( 10. الكبائر 30 ) تم التصوير في استوديو المكتب ( 11. المرأة في االسالم 32 10- المسح على الجوارب والخفين 12. الجهاد في اإلسالم 35 )موضح بالصور ( 59 الفصل الثاني# التوحيد # 11. نواقض الوضوء 61 1. مراتب الدين 37 12.الغسل من الجنابة وكيفيته 62 2.اركان االسالم 37 13.التيمم وكيفيته 3.اركان االيمان 38 )موضح بالصور( 64 4. الشهادتين 39 5. التوحيد وانواعه 41 ) ربوبية , ألوهية , اسماء وصفات ( 42 7.انواع الشرك

) األكبر , األصغر , الخفي ( 43

8. نواقض االسالم 45 6 141

االسالم بين يديك االسالم بين يديك المبادئ االسالمية االساسية المبادئ االسالمية االساسية للمسلمين الجدد للمسلمين الجدد إعداد إعداد مروان أحمد عبد الحميد سمارة مروان أحمد عبد الحميد سمارة

طبع على نفقة بعض المحسنين غفر طبعهللا على لهم نفقة بعض ولوالديهمالمحسنين غفر هللا لهم ولوالديهم

يهدى وال يباع يهدى وال يباع ot for ale ot for ale

141 142141