
Tamhane and Gharib Clinical and (2015) 1:11 DOI 10.1186/s40842-015-0011-7

REVIEW ARTICLE Open Access nodules update in diagnosis and management Shrikant Tamhane1* and Hossein Gharib2,3


Thyroid nodules are very common. With widespread use of sensitive imaging in clinical practice, incidental thyroid nodules are being discovered with increasing frequency. Their clinical importance is primarily related to the need to exclude malignancy (4.0 to 6.5 percent of all thyroid nodules), assess for their functional status and any pressure symptoms caused by them. New Molecular tests are marketed for the assessment of thyroid nodules for the presence of cancer. The high prevalence of thyroid nodules requires evidence-based rational strategies for their differential diagnosis, risk stratification, treatment, and follow-up. This review addresses advances and controversies in thyroid evaluation, including the new molecular tests, and their management considering the current guidelines and supporting evidence. Keywords: Thyroid, Thyroid Nodules, Molecular markers, Benign, Malignant, FNA, Management, Ultrasonography

Introduction disorders, benign and malignant can cause thyroid nod- is a discrete lesion within the thyroid ules (Table 1) [1, 5]. gland that is radiologically distinct from the surrounding Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is the most accur- thyroid parenchyma. Thyroid nodules are common. ate method for evaluating thyroid nodules and helps to They are discovered as an accidental finding by a pa- identify patients who require surgical resection [6]. If a tient, or as an incidental finding during a routine phys- serum TSH is normal or elevated, and the nodule meets ical examination in 3 to 7 % [1] or by a radiologic criteria for sampling, the next step in the evaluation of a procedure: 67 % with ultrasonography (US) imaging, thyroid nodule is a FNA biopsy. is use- 15 % with computed tomography (CT) or magnetic res- ful in patients with a low or suppressed serum TSH onance imaging (MRI) of the neck, and 1–2 % with concentration. fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomog- *Work up of thyroid nodule algorithm is presented at raphy. Their clinical importance is primarily related to the end of the review. the need to exclude malignancy (4.0 to 6.5 percent of all thyroid nodules [1–4]), assess for their functional status and any pressure symptoms caused by them. History and physical examination With the discovery of a thyroid nodule, a complete his- tory and physical examination focusing on the thyroid Diagnosis gland and adjacent cervical lymph nodes should be per- Initial evaluation includes a history, physical examin- formed. Pertinent historical factors predicting malig- ation, and measurement of serum thyroid-stimulating nancy are included in Table 2 [1, 7]. (TSH). is also recommended for Patients should also be asked about local pressure all patients to confirm the presence of nodule, define symptoms such as difficulty in swallowing or difficulty suspicious sonographic features and assess for the pres- in breathing. ence of additional nodules and . Many

TSH * Correspondence: [email protected] 1Endocrinology and Metabolism, Rochester 55905MN, USA Thyroid function should be assessed in all patients with Full list of author information is available at the end of the article thyroid nodules.

© 2015 Tamhane and Gharib. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Tamhane and Gharib Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology (2015) 1:11 Page 2 of 9

Table 1 Benign and Malignant causes of thyroid nodules imaging studies (carotid ultrasound, CT, MRI, or 18- Benign fluorodeoxyglucose [FDG]-PET scan). Thyroid ultrasonography is used to answer questions about the size and anatomy of the thyroid gland and ad- Hashimoto jacent structures in the neck. Simple or hemorrhagic Sonographic characteristics of a thyroid nodule associated Follicular adenoma with a higher likelihood of malignancy include hypoecho- genicity, increased intranodular vascularity, irregular mar- Malignant gins, microcalcifications, absent halo, and a shape taller – Primary than wide measured in the transverse dimension [8 13]. A Papillary (PTC) is generally solid or Follicular cell-derived : predominantly solid and hypoechoic, often with infiltrative PTC, follicular thyroid carcinoma, anaplastic thyroid carcinoma irregular margins and increased nodular vascularity. Micro- C-cell–derived carcinoma: calcifications, if present, are highly specific for PTC, but may MTC be difficult to distinguish from colloid. Conversely, follicular Thyroid cancer is more often iso- to hyperechoic and has a thick Secondary and irregular halo, but does not have microcalcifications [14]. Follicular cancers that are <2 cm in diameter have not Metastatic carcinoma (3 most common primaries are renal, lung & head-neck) been shown to be associated with metastatic disease [15]. Certain sonographic appearances may also be highly pre- dictive of a benign nodule. A pure cystic nodule, although rare (<2 % of all nodules), is highly unlikely to be malignant If the serum TSH concentration is low, indicating [12]. A spongiform appearance, defined as an aggregation overt or subclinical , the possibility that of multiple microcystic components in more than 50 % of the nodule is hyperfunctioning is increased and thyroid the nodule volume, is 99.7 % specific for identification of a scintigraphy should be performed next using either tech- benign thyroid nodule [13, 16, 17]. netium 99 mTc pertechnetate, or preferably, 123I. If the serum TSH concentration is normal or elevated, and the Scintigraphy nodule meets criteria for sampling as will be discussed Thyroid scintigraphy is used to determine the functional later, then FNA biopsy is indicated. status of a nodule. It should be performed in patients with a low serum TSH, indicating overt or subclinical hyperthyroidism. Ultrasonography Scintigraphy utilizes one of the radioisotopes of Thyroid ultrasound US is noninvasive, relatively inexpen- (usually 123I) or technetium-99 m pertechnetate. If sive, and can identify nodules not apparent on physical available, radioiodine scanning is preferred. Normal thy- examination, isotope scanning, or other imaging tech- roid follicular cells take up both technetium and radioio- niques. It should be performed in all patients with a sus- dine, but only radioiodine is organified and stored (as pected thyroid nodule, a nodular goiter on physical ) in the lumen of thyroid follicles [18]. Both examination, or with nodules incidentally noted on other radioisotopes are less avidly concentrated by most be- nign and virtually all malignant thyroid nodules than ad- jacent normal thyroid tissue. Patients with nodules that Table 2 Increased risk of malignancy in thyroid nodule are functioning on pertechnetate imaging should – History of childhood head/neck irradiation undergo radioiodine imaging to confirm that they are – Total body irradiation for bone marrow transplantation [85] actually functioning [19, 20] as 5 percent of thyroid can- – Family history of PTC, MTC, or thyroid cancer syndrome (e.g., cers concentrate pertechnetate but not radioiodine [18]. Cowden’s syndrome, familial polyposis, Carney complex, multiple endocrine neoplasia [MEN] 2, Werner syndrome) in first degree relative Nonfunctioning – Young age Nonfunctioning nodules with uptake less than surround- – Male sex ing thyroid tissue may require further evaluation by FNA. – Enlarging nodule – Abnormal cervical adenopathy Autonomous Autonomous nodules may appear hot (uptake is greater – Fixed nodule than surrounding thyroid tissue) if they are hyperfunc- – Vocal cord paralysis tioning. Autonomous nodules that do not make sufficient Tamhane and Gharib Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology (2015) 1:11 Page 3 of 9

thyroid hormone to suppress serum TSH concentrations Indications will appear indeterminate on thyroid scintigraphy. Au- There is increasing evidence that the presence of suspi- tonomous nodules account for only 5 to 10 percent of cious ultrasound features is more predictive of malig- palpable nodules. Only a few patients with autonomous nancy than nodule size alone [8, 9]. Thyroid nodules < nodules have been found to have thyroid cancer [21–23], 1 cm in diameter should not be subjected to FNA, even and only a few of these cancers were aggressive [24]. Since if suspicious. A decision analysis of thyroid nodule bi- hyperfunctioning nodules rarely are cancer, a nodule that opsy criteria for nodules measuring 1.0 to 1.5 cm favors is hyperfunctioning on radioiodine imaging does not re- the approach of selecting nodules with suspicious ultra- quire FNA. sonographic characteristics for biopsy over the approach of biopsy for all nodules ≥1 cm (Table 3) [38]. Indeterminate FNA biopsy is recommended for solid hypoechoic Scintigraphy is two-dimensional, its limitations result nodules (palpable or nonpalpable) measuring >1 cm. from the superimposition of abnormal nodular tissue This recommendation is based upon observational stud- and normally functioning thyroid tissue. Thus, while ies that show similar rates of cancer in nonpalpable nod- over 80 percent of nonautonomous nodules greater than ules >1 cm and palpable nodules of similar size [10, 39]. 2 cm appear cold, smaller nodules present as a filling de- FNA is also recommended for solid nodules that are iso- fect in less than one-third of cases [22]. The remaining echoic or hyperechoic, if they are ≥1.0 to 1.5 cm, and for majority of smaller nodules are indeterminate on thyroid mixed cystic-solid nodules without suspicious features scintigraphy [25]. They could represent either small on ultrasound, if they are ≥2.0 cm. Mixed cystic–solid non-functioning nodules anterior or posterior to nor- nodules and predominantly cystic with >50 % cystic mally functioning thyroid tissue, or autonomous nodules component are generally evaluated by FNA with directed that do not produce sufficient thyroid hormone to sup- biopsy of the solid component (especially the vascular press TSH. component). Cyst drainage may also be performed, espe- Most indeterminate nodules should be evaluated by cially in symptomatic patients [40]. Spongiform nodules, FNA. defined as an aggregation of multiple microcystic com- ponents in more than 50 percent of the nodule volume, Fine needle aspiration biopsy may not require FNA regardless of size, although it may FNA is the most accurate and cost-effective method for be prudent to biopsy spongiform nodules >2.0 cm. evaluating thyroid nodules and is the procedure of Purely cystic nodules (no mural component) do not re- choice for evaluating thyroid nodules and selecting can- quire a biopsy. didates for [26–37]. Although routine FNA is not recommended for sub- FNA is a simple and safe office procedure in which tis- centimeter nodules, there are exceptions. The presence sue samples are obtained for cytologic examination using of a solid hypoechoic nodule with microcalcifications is 23 to 27 gauge needles with or without local anesthesia. highly suggestive of PTC. Although most micropapillary may be incidental findings, a subset may be -guided fine-needle aspiration more clinically relevant, especially those >5 mm in Detailed descriptions of the palpation-guided FNA pro- diameter [41]. These include nodules that have abnormal cedure, its problems, and progress to date have been lymph nodes detected clinically or with imaging at pres- published elsewhere [26–28, 31–35, 37]. entation [42, 43]. Other groups of patients with a higher likelihood of malignancy (high risk history) include: 1) Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration family history of PTC [44]; 2) history of external beam ra- Commercially available US machines equipped with 7.5- diation exposure as a child [45]; 3) exposure to ionizing to 10.0-MHz transducers give a clear, concise, and continuous visualization of the thyroid gland and permit Table 3 [8–10, 26–40, 86]: FNA recommendations for diagnostic real-time visualization of the needle tip during the FNA FNA based on sonographic features procedure to ensure accurate sampling of the desired area. A. Nodules ≥1 cm with high suspicion sonographic pattern ATA guidelines recommend Ultrasound-guided FNA B. Nodules ≥1 cm with intermediate suspicion sonographic pattern biopsy for nonpalpable nodules and for nodules that are C. Nodules ≥1.5 cm with low suspicion sonographic pattern technically difficult to aspirate using palpation methods alone, such as predominantly cystic or posteriorly lo- D. Nodules ≥2 cm with very low suspicion sonographic pattern (e.g., spongiform) cated nodules. In patients with large nodules (>4 cm), ultrasound-guided FNA directed at several areas E. FNA is not required for thyroid nodules that do not meet the above criteria, including all nodules <1 cm within the nodule may reduce the risk of a false nega- F. FNA is not required for purely cystic nodules tive biopsy. Tamhane and Gharib Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology (2015) 1:11 Page 4 of 9

radiation in childhood or adolescence [46]; and 4) 18FDG- diagnosis cannot be made [26, 28, 30] and include fol- PET–positive thyroid nodules. Periodic ultrasonography licular , Hurthle cell neoplasms, atypical (initially in 6 to 12 months, then at increasing intervals PTC, or lymphoma. over time assuming stability, e.g., at one to two year inter- Nondiagnostic or unsatisfactory smears with an inad- vals, then three to five years) to evaluate for growth is a equate number of cells result from acellular cystic fluid, reasonable approach [8]. bloody smears, or poor techniques in preparing slides Patients with multiple nodules have the same risk of [29, 31]. Nondiagnostic aspirates have few or no epithe- malignancy as those with a single nodule [9, 47]. Thus, lial cells for proper cytodiagnosis and account for up to the sonographic features of each nodule should be 20 % of all specimens [31, 49, 50]. The criteria for judg- assessed independently to determine the need for FNA ing aspirates as inadequate are somewhat arbitrary and biopsy. If there are multiple coalescent nodules and are influenced by the standards of a given laboratory, the none have suspicious sonographic features, FNA biopsy nature of the cystic nodule, and the expertise of the of the largest nodule is reasonable [40]. The nodules that cytopathologist. are not biopsied should be monitored with periodic Overall, 70 % of FNA specimens are benign, 5 % ultrasonography. malignant, 10 % suspicious, and 15 % unsatisfactory [26–28, 32, 51]. The final FNA report is critical in dic- Cytological diagnosis tating whether the patient’s management should be The National Cancer Institute Thyroid Fine Needle Aspir- medical or surgical. ation State of the Science Conference (“Bethesda Confer- ence”) suggests the following classification scheme [48]: Molecular markers Approximately 10 - 25 % of fine needle aspiration  Benign – This includes macrofollicular or yield an indeterminate result with the risk of malignancy adenomatoid/hyperplastic nodules, colloid varying from 5 % to 75 % (typically 15-30 %) depending adenomas, nodular goiter, and Hashimoto's on the indeterminate category according to the Bethesda thyroiditis System for Reporting Thyroid [52]. How-  Follicular lesion or atypia of undetermined ever, most patients (75 to 95 percent) undergo surgery for significance (FLUS or AUS) – This includes lesions what is ultimately confirmed to be benign disease. Recent with atypical cells, or mixed macro- and advances in thyroid and cancer biology have led to the de- microfollicular nodules velopment and marketing of several tests to assist in deter-  Follicular – This includes microfollicular mining whether a nodule with indeterminate cytology, nodules, including Hürthle cell lesions follicular lesion/atypia of undetermined significance or fol-  Suspicious for malignancy licular neoplasm, is benign or malignant.  Malignant At present, two main types of molecular tests are mar-  Nondiagnostic keted for the assessment of thyroid nodules for the pres- ence of cancer. These tests, Veracyte’s Afirma gene- FNA results are categorized as diagnostic (satisfactory) expression classifier, and mutation analysis panels such or nondiagnostic (unsatisfactory). The specimen is “diag- as ThygenX (earlier Asuragen’s miRInform), ThyroSeq® nostic,”“adequate,” or “satisfactory” if it contains no less v.2 Next Generation Sequencing panel (CBLPath, Ocala, than six groups of well-preserved thyroid epithelial cells FL) [53], Quest Diagnostic’s panel and other similar consisting of at least 10 cells in each group. panels, utilize different methods to assess the risk of ma- Benign (negative) cytology, the most common finding, lignancy. A third type test from the Cleveland Clinic is indicative of a colloid nodule, macrofollicular aden- utilizing serum TSH receptor mRNA levels is also avail- oma, lymphocytic thyroiditis, granulomatous thyroiditis, able commercially, but has received less scrutiny in the or benign cyst [29]. The most common benign diagnosis medical literature [54]. is “colloid nodule,” which may come from a normal thy- The Afirma gene-expression classifier is based on the roid gland, a benign nodule, a MNG, or a macrofollicu- gene expression profiles of surgically proven benign lar adenoma. Malignant (positive) results are reliably and malignant thyroid nodules and evaluates for the identified by an experienced cytopathologist; the cyto- presence of a benign gene expression profile. Based on pathologist’s expertise in thyroid cytology is crucial in validation studies demonstrating high negative predict- ensuring proper interpretation of smears [26, 28, 32]. ive value among nodules with cytology of AUS/FLUS or PTC is the most common malignancy; other malignant FN/SFN, it has been employed as a “Rule Out” test to lesions include MTC, anaplastic carcinoma, and high- identify nodules that are benign [55]. However, since a grade metastatic cancers [28]. Suspicious (indetermin- substantial number of benign nodules do not have a ate) specimens are those for which a clear cytologic gene expression profile classified as benign, this test Tamhane and Gharib Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology (2015) 1:11 Page 5 of 9

cannot reliably “Rule In” the presence of malignancy. hypercalcemia, hypergastrinemia, neuroendocrine tumors, As a “Rule Out” test, the Afirma gene expression classi- renal insufficiency, papillary and follicular thyroid carcin- fier has been reported to obviate the need for surgical omas, goiter, and chronic [6, 63]. excision in over 60 % of cases [56]. Prolonged treatment with omeprazole (greater than The ThygenX mutation analysis panel assesses for two to four months), beta-blockers, and glucocorti- BRAF and RAS point mutations as well as common re- coids have been associated with hypercalcitoninemia arrangements of RET/PTC and PAX8/PPARγ. It is esti- [64]. In addition, there are reports of rare MTCs mated that one of these mutations is present in that do not secrete , and a false negative approximately 70 % of well-differentiated thyroid can- test result may be expected [65, 66]. cers. ThygenX mutation analysis panel is considered a If pentagastrin stimulation testing were available, some “Rule In” assay as nodules harboring these mutations or thyroid experts would routinely measure serum calci- rearrangements have a high likelihood of cancer giving tonin in patients with nodular , whereas this test’s high positive predictive value [57]. However, as others would not. There is a growing interest in using a significant number of malignant nodules do not harbor the calcium stimulation test as a confirmatory test in pa- one of these genetic markers, the ThygenX panel cannot tients with elevated basal calcitonin levels. However, few reliably “Rule Out” cancer. Additionally, RAS mutations standardized data using modern calcitonin assays are can be commonly found in benign adenomas. Of note, available [67, 68]. the components of the test are available as stand-alone Controversy remains about the routine use of serum assays or in various combinations by other laboratories, calcitonin measurements because of the absence of uni- e.g. Quest Diagnostics. form calcitonin thresholds to distinguish sporadic occult The mutation analysis panels and Afirma test are per- MTC [69–71], the high false-positive rate (59 percent or formed using samples from needle washings collected higher) in some studies, and the uncertain importance during fine needle aspiration biopsy. of small tumors [6, 72]. Molecular testing is just one of many factors that must Given the uncertainties surrounding calcitonin mea- be considered in the evaluation of a thyroid nodule. surements, ATA and has not taken a position for or None of the presently available tests is associated with a against calcitonin screening [40, 73]. 100 % negative or positive predictive value (NPV or PPV). Thus, no currently available molecular test identi- Other lab tests fies the absence or presence of malignancy in all indeter- Routine measurement of serum anti- minate nodules. Before utilizing these expensive tests, (TPO) and Thyroglobulin is not necessary. one should also consider the sonographic characteristics and the size of the nodule, the degree of patient concern, and the availability of follow-up imaging. Molecular test- ing should only be used to complement and not to re- Thyroid radionuclide scanning is contraindicated during place cytopathologic evaluation or clinical and imaging pregnancy. For women with suppressed serum TSH assessment. As molecular testing is new and advances in levels that persist after the first trimester, FNA may be the field are regularly occurring, clinicians need to stay deferred until after pregnancy and cessation of lactation, informed as recommendations for use within practice when a radionuclide scan can be performed to evaluate are expected to evolve. nodule function [40]. Otherwise, a pregnant woman found to have a thyroid nodule should be evaluated in Serum calcitonin concentration the same way as if she were not pregnant. Thus, FNA bi- The routine measurement of serum calcitonin in pa- opsy of the nodule should be done (as it would be for tients with nodular thyroid disease is controversial [58]. most nonpregnant patients). The utility of serum calcitonin has been evaluated in a ATA guidelines recommend monitoring of a nodule series of prospective, non-randomized studies [59–62]. with cytology indicating PTC discovered early in preg- The data suggest that the use of routine serum calci- nancy sonographically and if it grows substantially (as tonin for screening may detect C-cell and defined above) by 24 weeks gestation, surgery should be at an earlier stage and overall performed at that point. However, if it remains stable by survival may be improved. However, most studies rely midgestation or if it is diagnosed in the second half of on pentagastrin stimulation testing to increase specifi- pregnancy, surgery may be performed after delivery. In city. This drug is no longer available in the United States, patients with more advanced disease, surgery in the sec- and there remain unresolved issues of sensitivity, specifi- ond trimester is reasonable. city, assay performance and cost-effectiveness. False- In pregnant women with FNA that is suspicious for or positive calcitonin results may be obtained in patients with diagnostic of PTC, consideration could be given to Tamhane and Gharib Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology (2015) 1:11 Page 6 of 9

administration of therapy to keep the TSH (flat sheets with uniform non-crowded cells), unless they in the range of 0.1–1 mU/ L. are clinically suspicious or present in patients with a higher risk of cancer. Nodules that are less than 50 per- MANAGEMENT cent macrofollicular fragments, nodules with similar Clinical management of thyroid nodules is influenced by proportions of macrofollicles and microfollicles, and the combined results of TSH measurement, FNA biopsy, nodules with cellular atypia are frequently reaspirated and US and depends primarily on cytologic diagnosis. after a three to six month interval, or earlier, before There are six major categories of results that are ob- making a decision whether to monitor or excise [8]. If tained from fine needle aspiration (FNA), each of which repeat aspirates continue to show atypical cells or micro- indicates different subsequent management. follicularity, surgery, or molecular testing (as for follicu- lar neoplasm) should be considered. Benign nodules (Patients with benign nodules (macrofollicular or adeno- Follicular neoplasm matoid/hyperplastic nodules, colloid adenomas, nodular Several approaches are now available or under investiga- goiter, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis) are usually followed tion to improve upon cytology alone for the assessment without surgery. There is still controversy concerning the of follicular neoplasm and follicular lesion/atypia of un- efficacy of thyroxine (T4) therapy for these patients. In the determined significance. absence of a history of childhood neck irradiation, patients In patients with cytology suggesting follicular neo- with benign nodules should not be treated with T4. plasms (microfollicular, cellular, or indeterminate), if the It is recommended thyroid nodules be followed with thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is in the lower end serial US examinations 6–18 months after the initial of the normal range (<1 mU/mL), thyroid scintigraphy evaluation [40]. If nodule size is stable (i.e., no more would be the next step. Patients with hyperfunctioning than a 50 % change in volume or <20 % increase in at (autonomous) nodules are followed, or if the patient is least two nodule dimensions in solid nodules or in the hyperthyroid, radioiodine therapy or surgery is advised. solid portion of mixed cystic–solid nodules), the interval For patients with nonfunctioning nodules and TSH before the next follow-up clinical examination or US levels >1 mU/mL, where available, either a mRNA classi- may be longer, e.g., every 3–5 years; if otherwise, the fier system (gene expresser classifier) or mutational ana- FNA should be repeated, preferably with US guidance. lysis (using a broad next-generation sequencing assay Malignancy is rare even in benign thyroid nodules that with an expanded panel of point mutations and gene fu- have grown [74]. Cystic degeneration and hemorrhage sions) for further evaluating FNA aspirates with indeter- are the most common causes of sudden enlargement, minate cytology (follicular neoplasm or follicular lesion/ and can be detected by ultrasonography or repeat aspir- atypia of undetermined significance is suggested. ation [25]. The appropriate interval for ultrasound moni- If molecular diagnostic testing is not available, diagnostic toring is uncertain, as there are few studies that examine thyroid lobectomy would be the next step. From 15 to 25 this issue. In a retrospective cohort study of 1369 pa- percent of microfollicular or cellular adenomas prove to be tients with 2010 cytologically benign nodules, followed cancers, depending upon the cytologic pattern [48]. Pa- for an average of 8.5 years, there were no deaths attrib- tients with surgical histology specimens showing benign utable to thyroid illness or thyroid cancer [75]. If sup- follicular adenoma (ie, the absence of capsular or vascular ported by further prospective studies, these data suggest invasion) do not require further treatment. However, pa- that less frequent monitoring of cytologically benign tients whose surgical histology shows follicular thyroid can- nodules may be warranted. cer (or follicular variant ) might need to have a completion . Follicular lesion or atypia of undetermined significance The routine use of molecular analysis on indeterminate This category includes lesions with mild nuclear atypia, FNA aspirates (follicular neoplasm or follicular lesion/ mixed macrofollicular and microfollicular lesions where atypia of undetermined significance) has reduced substan- the proportion of microfollicles and macrofollicles is tially the number of patients who are referred for diagnos- similar, lesions with extensive oncocytic (Hürthle cell) tic thyroid surgery. Long-term data utilizing molecular change, and specimens that are compromised because of testing, however, are still lacking. poor fixation or obscuring blood. The risk of malignancy with this cytologic classification ranges from 5 to 32 per- Suspicious for malignancy cent [76–78]. There is no definite consensus as to which This category includes lesions with some features suggest- of these should be excised to exclude follicular cancer. ive of but not definitive for papillary thyroid cancer. Typic- One approach is to follow patients with nodules that ally, nodules in this category have a 50 to 75 percent risk of are greater than 50 percent macrofollicular fragments malignancy. Such patients should be referred for surgery. Tamhane and Gharib Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology (2015) 1:11 Page 7 of 9

Malignant plus cost considerations, of minimally-invasive procedures The malignant category includes papillary cancer, medullary vis-a-vis surgical treatment of benign thyroid masses [84]. cancer, thyroid lymphoma, anaplastic cancer, and cancer metastatic to the thyroid. Patients with cytology diagnostic Summary of malignancy should be referred for surgery. If cytologic re- Thyroid nodules are common and carry a 4–6.5 % risk of sults are positive for primary thyroid malignancy, surgery is malignancy. The initial evaluation in all patients with a thy- almost always needed [40, 51, 79, 80]. Cancer due to metas- roid nodule includes a history, physical examination, neck tasis requires further investigations aimed at finding the pri- ultrasonography, and measurement of serum TSH. Fine mary lesion, which often precludes thyroid surgery. If needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy is the most accurate preoperative FNA results suggest PTC, a near-total or total method for evaluating thyroid nodules. Nodules with diam- thyroidectomy is preferred [40, 51, 81, 82]. With the eter <1 cm require no FNA and can be observed with a fol- exception of intrathyroidal microcarcinomas with no evi- low up US. Patients with benign nodules are usually dence of nodal involvement, lymph nodes within the cen- followed without surgery. Where available, mRNA classifier tral compartment of the neck (level 6) should be removed system or mutational analysis can be used for further evalu- [40, 51, 79]. It is recommended that all patients undergo- ating FNA aspirates with cytology of follicular neoplasm or ing thyroid surgery be evaluated by US preoperatively follicular lesion/ atypia of undetermined significance. Pa- [40]. Abnormal lymph nodes identified by US should be tients with cytology suggesting cancer or suspicious for removed and sent for pathologic examination at cervical cancer should be referred for surgery. The high prevalence exploration. of thyroid nodules requires evidence-based rational strat- egies for their differential diagnosis, risk stratification, treat- Nondiagnostic ment, and follow-up. As more evidence becomes available, A nondiagnostic biopsy is cytologically inadequate. It is active surveillance may become possible for selected cases critical that the absence of malignant cells not be inter- of thyroid cancer patients. preted as a negative biopsy if no or scant follicular tissue is obtained for patients with nondiagnostic FNA , FNA using ultrasound-guidance should be repeated [40]. If still nondiagnostic, core needle biopsy should be consid- ered. Surgical excision, especially for larger solid nodules with sonographically suspicious features [83], or obser- vation, especially for smaller partially cystic nodules, are reasonable options. Partially cystic nodules that repeatedly yield nondiag- nostic aspirates need close observation or surgical exci- sion. Surgery should be more strongly considered if the cytologically nondiagnostic nodule is solid [40].

Autonomous nodules The optimal therapy of patients with autonomous nodules is controversial. Those in whom the nodule causes hyper- thyroidism should be treated with radioiodine or surgery, possibly after a period of antithyroid drug therapy. Patients with subclinical hyperthyroidism (low serum TSH and normal serum free T4 values) present a diffi- cult problem. Subclinical hyperthyroidism is associated Competing interests with an increased risk of in patients All authors declare that they have no competing interests. over age 60 to 65 years, and in postmenopausal women, a decrease in bone density. Management de- Authors’ contributions pends upon clinical risk for complications of subclinical ST did the literature search and drafted the review. The final content and hyperthyroidism and the degree of TSH suppression. format was finalized aftermultiple discussions between the authors ST and HG. HG also provided constant input in terms of articles andstructure and did the final revision of the review. Both authors read and approved the final Ablation techniques manuscript. Benign, solid or cystic thyroid nodules, sometimes become Author details symptomatic and warrant treatment. A recent comprehen- 1Endocrinology and Metabolism, Rochester 55905MN, USA. 2Mayo Clinic sive review has compared advantages and disadvantages, College of Medicine, Rochester 55905MN, USA. 3Division of Endocrinology, Tamhane and Gharib Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology (2015) 1:11 Page 8 of 9

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