Scramjet: ISRO's Futuristic Technology to Reduce Costs of Space Travel

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Scramjet: ISRO's Futuristic Technology to Reduce Costs of Space Travel 5- EMERGING TRENDS IN PHYSICS SCRAMJET: ISRO’S FUTURISTIC TECHNOLOGY TO REDUCE COSTS OF SPACE TRAVEL What are Scramjet engines? How are they different from T V VENKATESWARAN conventional one time use-and-throw rocket launch vehicles? This article introduces readers to this new technology, exploring its use in providing low cost space launch in low earth orbits. n 28th August, 2016, the Indian Limitations of current Space Research Organisation (ISRO) technology Osuccessfully demonstrated its indigenously produced Dual Mode Ramjet Current launch vehicles are mainly multi- (DMRJ) ScramJet engines in-flight. India now stage, expendable, and carry oxidiser, making belongs to an elite club – with USA, Russia them costly, risky and bulky. and Europe – leading the quest to design About 85-90% of rocket mass before lift-off reliable, safe, affordable and reusable space is propellant, and only about 1% is the mass launch vehicles to place space assets, like of the satellite that orbits the earth. The rest, satellites, in a low earth orbit. which includes the supporting structure, tanks, pumps, engines etc. are useless once the Box 1. What is a low earth orbit? fuel is burnt. To avoid having to carry all that Most communication satellites are placed in what is known as the excess weight into space, rockets often have Geosynchronous Orbit (GSO), about 36,000 km above the surface several stages, or sections, each of which drops of the Earth. A satellite at that height would take approximately 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds to complete one revolution away after use. Typically, once the fuel in one around the Earth, matching the Earth’s sidereal rotation period. stage-section is consumed, that stage of the In contrast, the Global Positioning System (GPS), Russian Glonass rocket, its shell and motors are jettisoned into and a few other space environment research satellites are placed the ocean. in what is called the Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), about 1200 – 35790 km from the surface of Earth. The orbital periods of MEO As each stage burns out, it has to be de- satellites range from about 2 to nearly 24 hours. coupled from the vehicle, and the next stage However, if you wanted to build a space station and ship people has to ignite. This must occur with each stage, to and fro, you’d prefer its location to be much nearer to the in sequence, without fail or delay, making Earth. This would also be true for a remote sensing satellite, if you current technology both expensive and risky. were planning to use it to take close-up pictures of the Earth’s The greater the number of stages, the higher surface. Thus satellites such as these are typically placed in what is called the Low Earth Orbit (LEO), which is about 200 – 1200 km the chances of failure – even a tiny lag or from the surface of Earth. These satellites take about 80 to 130 mishap in this sequence can spell disaster. minutes to go around Earth once. The accident, in Jan 1986, on NASA’s space 24 shuttle – Challenger – that killed seven re-usable, and use atmospheric oxygen velocity required to compress air, their astronauts and shocked the world, to burn fuel. scramjet/ramjet engines can be ignited. was caused because the rubber-O- This ignition is quite tricky – it must The design of a jet engine is quite rings joining two stages failed to seal simple. Atmospheric air, rich in oxygen, properly. is compressed by rotary blades and Except during its final stages, when a brought to the combustion chamber. rocket travels to the edge of Earth’s Fuel is injected into the hot compressed atmosphere, it is surrounded by air to make it burn, causing the whole abundant oxygen. In spite of this, many mixture to expand considerably. This rockets carry both their own fuel and an gas comes out of the exhaust nozzle at oxidiser for burning it. This makes their high speed, generating thrust (based on design bulky and inefficient, with more Newton’s third law) that pushes the than half of the thrust generated by the jet upward. rocket going into lifting the oxidiser. Ramjet and scramjet are advanced If we could build a launch vehicle with models of jet engines that can be used a re-usable engine that could somehow for space travel. The fastest jet plane use atmospheric oxygen, at least during can cruise at speeds of about 0.8 km most of its flight inside the Earth’s per second, while space travel requires dense atmosphere – the cost of space one to achieve speeds of 8 km per Fig. 2. Ramjet and scramjet are two types travel would be reduced considerably. second. Jet engines that can provide of advanced jet engines. Unlike a jet engine, Little wonder then, that space-faring such an impulse are called ramjets. In ramJets and scramJets have no movable parts and, hence, are safe. All three types other words, ramjets are more advanced nations around the world are in quest of of jet engines use atmospheric oxygen for such a technology. air-breathing engines that do not need combustion. rotary blades to ingest compressed air Credits: GreyTrafalgar, Wikimedia Commons. What is a dual mode into the combustion chamber. Instead, URL: compressed air is sucked in through File:Turbo_ram_scramjet_comparative_diagram. Ramjet-Scramjet engine? specially designed inlets, even as the svg. License: Public Domain. An ordinary jet engine works on the vehicle moves at supersonic speeds. A same principle as a rocket – with two scramjet, or a “supersonic combusting important exceptions. Jet engines are ramjet”, is an improved novel variant of a ramjet that uses the same principle, but operates optimally at hypersonic speeds. The challenge of a scramjet! Although the design of a scramjet seems pretty simple, operationalizing it is difficult and technologically demanding. In the absence of rotary blades to compress the air, both ramjet and scramjet engines use their relative velocity to compress the air entering through their inlets. On ground, the air entering the inlets will not have any appreciable relative velocity. Therefore, much like the way we start the engine of a car whose battery is down by giving it a push, we use conventional rockets to propel scramjet/ramjet crafts into space. Fig. 1. Launch of the ScramJet engine These rockets help the crafts quickly Credits: Scramjet engine gallery, ISRO. URL: License: Public Domain. achieve an initial velocity greater than Mach 4. Once they reach the relative REDISCOVERING SCHOOL SCIENCE 25 occur within the next few milliseconds. Given the riotous flow of air into the Box 2. Mach number combustion chamber of a spacecraft Mach number is defined as the ratio of the speed of a body to the speed of sound in the moving at a velocity of Mach 5 or 6, surrounding medium. It is often used with a numeral (as Mach 1, Mach 2, etc.) to indicate the speed of sound, twice the speed of sound, etc. experts liken this ignition to lighting a Supersonic speed is a rate of travel of an object that exceeds the speed of sound (Mach 1). matchstick in the midst of a hurricane. Hypersonic speed is highly supersonic – since the 1970s, this term has generally been Even if the mixture can be ignited, assumed to refer to speeds of Mach 5 and above. sustaining the flame for the duration of time taken to burn the fuel is an arduous task – almost like holding as planned, the burn out of booster engine across a wide range of flight a lighted candle in your hand while rocket stage and activation of scramjet speeds, proper thermal management, running at top speed! engines took 5 seconds, occurring and ground testing of the engines. For This is not all. As a scramjet moves between the 55th-60th seconds of example, while analysis of the current through the atmosphere at hypersonic flight and at 20 km height. This was test was done only at about Mach 6 speeds, the relative velocity of the air followed by a burn out of the second speed, the engine needs to be tested is high enough to interfere with its stage. Together, these imply that ISRO’s at various speeds between Mach 2-12. ability to continue ingesting air. Imagine dual mode ramjet-scramjet engines can Also, with computational fluid dynamic putting your face through a fast be expected to function well in flight tools having matured only recently, moving bus window –the gush of wind mode. improvements in the design of scramjets blowing across your nose will leave you have to be tested by trial-and-error. This breathless. The design of the scramjet What lies ahead? is complicated by the fact that other countries are unwilling to share their has to ensure that the inlets continue to Although this test has been successful, suck in air, even at such velocities. technical knowledge of scramjets, as it is we have miles to go before these thought of as strategic technology. This These challenges were addressed by ScramJet engines are used to carry means that ISRO has to embark upon developing, testing and perfecting payloads to space. an indigenous programme to develop its the design of ramjet-scramjet engines Some key challenges facing ISRO own reusable launch vehicle. stage-by-stage. ISRO chose to use its include the design and development of time-tested, indigenously designed, An ISRO project called AVATAR is aimed a supersonic combustor, computational three tonne Rohini class rockets RH at developing a rocket to launch the tools to simulate hypersonic flow, and 560 for the initial propulsion.
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