Minutes of East Markham Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 6 February 2020 at 7 pm in East Markham Village Hall, Lincoln Road, East Markham

Present: Councillors: D Littlewood (Chair), M Priddle, S Ogle, B Hardy, D Dodds, S Robertson Others Present: County Councillor J Ogle, P C Collier, PCSO Airey, Member of the public, E Reddish (Clerk)

1. To Receive Apologies and Approve Reasons for Absence Apologies received from Councillors J Hempsall, R Carlin, B Hunt and J Isaacs

2. To receive any Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda Cllr Littlewood informed the meeting he has an interest (related to residents) regarding Email from S Askew regarding trees blocking sunlight on College Lane. Correspondence Item No 14

3. To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 2 January 2020 The Minutes of the meeting of the 2 January 2020 were approved and signed by the Chair as a true record

4. Matters arising from the meeting held on 2 January 2020 a) Clerk informed the meeting that NALC has confirmed that the Agenda may be posted or emailed depending on individual preference of Councillors. Cllrs Robertson, Hardy, Priddle to receive mailed Agenda. Cllrs Dodds, Ogle, Littlewood to receive email copies of the Agenda. Clerk to enquire of the remaining Councillors and action. b) Clerk informed the meeting that names will not be published for the best kept garden Award 2020 c) Councillor Priddle will communicate further with local postal staff before Clerk approaches the Post Office regarding request of change of sorting of office

5. Finance a) To approve Payments and receive report on present finances ACCOUNTS PAID AS AT 06.02.2020

Bank Balances as at 31 December 2019 Business Reserve Account £68,466.09 Current Account £ 500.00 [email protected] 1 b) To further consider and set 2020-2021 Budget

Councillors discussed the budget and financial implications for the financial year 2020-2021. The agreed budget and accompanying information notes is on Pages 8 - 11 of these Minutes.

c) Internal Control Review - deferred to next meeting due to time constraints

6. Planning a) To receive an update on the Local Plan from Council and to Consider a response to the Local Plan from East Markham Parish Council

County Councillor J Ogle informed the meeting that the Local Plan Consultation date is going to be extended. County Cllr Ogle said there was objection to the 20% cap. He cited the planning proposal for Cottom being objected to and West Burton being the more appropriate siting for this development. County Cllr Ogle commented on the new Industrial/commercial proposals Babworth Crossing to

Cllr Ogle said East Markham could object to the 20% cap on grounds of:

Lack of infrastructure Lack of medical facilities and distance to Hospital Roundabout at Beckland Hill could be commented upon Restrictions on entries into village creating bottle neck areas Full Risk assessments needed

Councillors agreed the following mitigating points on 20% cap could also be highlighted:

Roads to/from Village - Priestgate - closed for uncertain time, may never open

Councillors discussed the 20% cap and the perceived anomalies in legislation, local and national. Councillors feel the 20% cap is being ignored and request the Clerk to write to local MP for clarification (Cllr Hardy to support). Clerk to write to BDC in response to Local Plan by the 26 February 2020 (Cllr Hardy to support) c) To Consider Planning Applications, Decisions, Notices and Correspondence


Construct Open Porch Structure and Rendering to the Front Elevation 8 Queens Close East Markham Newark NG22 0QY Ref. No: 20/00026/HSE | Received: Tue 14 Jan 2020 | Validated: Wed 15 Jan 2020 | Status: Awaiting decision Councillors raised no objection

Modification of 106 Agreement Under P.A. 16/10/00047 Development Land At Former Poultry Site Mark Lane East Markham Nottinghamshire Ref. No: 19/01664/VPO8 | Received: Tue 31 Dec 2019 | Validated: Fri 03 Jan 2020 | Status: Awaiting decision. Extension agreed to 12 February.

[email protected] 2 Section 106, Former Poultry Site - Councillors discussed that the Parish Council take it on, with an endowment from the developers. Councillors discussed implications of taking on the Public space, or leaving the public space to be looked after by a Management Committee and resolved to take on the public space under Section 106, provided funding was sufficient. It was agreed that Clerk inform BDC that East Markham Parish Council are prepared to take on the public space to ensure it is kept to the standard desired within the village and does not disappear. Clerk to ask BDC to request a sum of £25,000 from the Developers for this Agreement. Clerk to also enquire from BDC - who would own the land, as there are gas tanks in this area. East Markham Parish Council believe these cannot be in public open space and that the Gas tanks belong to the management company.

Residential Development Not Exceeding Nine Dwellings (Resubmission of 18/01603/PIP) Rosedene Farm Mark Lane East Markham Nottinghamshire Ref. No: 19/01459/PIP | Councillors Priddle and Hardy attended Committee on 5/2/19

Rosedene Committee Meeting 5/2/20 feedback from Cllrs Priddle and Hardy

Cllr Priddle and County Cllr John Ogle made a submission objecting to the Planning Proposal. Counter Submission made that the business is failing, and would lead to a derelict site on East Markham.

Councillors discussed how to further their grievance about Bassetlaw District Council seemingly not listening to local opinion of East Markham Parish Council

Councillor Priddle and Hardy also reported with particular reference to the 20% cap stating that Bassetlaw District Council Planning Committee made comments regarding the 20% cap at East Markham and quotes:

"East Markham have commented that the application contravenes the Government Cap on planning permissions for the village. The Government has not imposed a cap on planning permissions and is encouraging housing growth in sustainable locations. However, the Draft Bassetlaw Local Plan does impose a 20% cap on growth in rural settlements, including East Markham. This is based on the existing number of dwellings in the settlement as of August 2018. The policy cannot be given any weight in the determination of this application as the Draft Local Plan is at a relatively early stage and is currently being consulted upon."

(taken from BDC Planning Committee Agenda 5/2/20 regarding Rosedene Farm)

Councillor Priddle reported that the Planning Committee granted permission for the development, all Councillors expressed disappointment and frustration.

Clerk to communicate with NALC regarding disappointment of Bassetlaw District Council - going over cap. See if any legal route can take. Or Ombudsman route.

TRO 1244 Proposed Yellow Lines on Askham Road and High Street Consultation closure date 21 February 2020

Clerk to write to NCC requesting that yellow linage be extended to the opposite side of the crossroads at High Street also, stating that this is also a hazardous part of the road. [email protected] 3


19/00944/HSE Kirkes Barn Church Street Single and Two Storey Front Extension, Two Storey Side Extension and Re-positioned Driveway with Rebuild of Boundary Wall Granted

19/01438/VOC Plot 5 Beckland Hill Remove swimming pool and convert attic to bedroom


Planning Correspondence

1. Low Street Byway 33 Order, formal letter received from Planning Inspectorate dated 13 January 2020 informing East Markham Parish Council that the Planning Inspectorate did not confirm the Order. 2. Air Con Planning Permission for the air con unit at the Village Hall has been applied for by Cllr Carlin 3. Gradient Mark Lane Councillor Hardy reported that Elan Developments are going to reduce the gradient on Mark Lane/Beckland Hill development. Taking out the bank and building a 3ft retaining wall. Nos 14,12,10 and possibly 8 chopping out hedges and roots. 4. College Court planting Councillors reported that 10 more trees have been planted at 6 Queens Court, leaving neighbours concerned about roots under properties. It was resolved the Clerk to write to residents again formally requesting they remove the planting and ornaments within 30 days otherwise East Markham Parish Council will carry out the work and charge the resident. 5. Flooding York Street Correspondence received from Environment Agency regarding York Street and Flooding. County Councillor Ogle further reported that investigations are ongoing regarding this flooding, and referred to the tunnel at the bottom of Beckland Hill. County Councillor Ogle said he is awaiting a Report from the Flood Officer. County Councillor Ogle commented that a ditch had been dug out on the field adjoining the Churchyard to aid water drainage. 6. Parking on Beckland Hill It was agreed that Clerk to write to Mr Cornwell, Beckland Hill stating there had been several complaints about obstructions on the road especially as Priestgate was now closed, and requesting Mr Cornwell remove cars belonging to his property off the road 7. Clerk informed the meeting that CIL funding attached to Holly House has not yet been charged as the development is at Outline stage.

8. EAST MARKHAM PROJECTS a) PLAYING FIELD CHANGING ROOM Councillor Robertson reported on the two proposed stages of the development and Councillors discussed implications. Councillor Priddle informed the meeting they are now awaiting the visual plans from the Architects and will report further at that point.

8. Update on Website Options

[email protected] 4 Clerk reported that the costing charged by Sharpe Group limited to host the website is fair, as confirmed by NALC being about average. Clerk reported a free website for Parish Councils hosted by Hugo Fox but concerns have been muted that this may not be totally free, and that advertising on the site may soon be introduced. Clerk also reported that Bassetlaw District Council has a facility to upload the Parish Minutes and Agendas free of charge. Many local parishes use this facility - although it is quite uniform and businesslike. Clerk to raise at next meeting

Clerk also reported that the Krystel web hosting bill has been received for payment. £57.58 for the year, which takes us to December 2020. Clerk mentioned the site has been visited around 18 times per month. Councillors agreed payment of the bill, and will decide later in the year whether to retain this website, which hosted the East Markham Parish Council local plan - which is now held on the BDC official website.

9. VE Celebrations

Underway - meeting being held next week in the Village Hall. Lamp post poppies - sufficient stock no need to order more supplies.


Air con, planning submitted Environmental health issues reported on V E day planning started, next meeting wc 10/2/20 Rent review increase £1 per hour, commercial £20 to £25 as from 1 March Cinema event 101 attended Folk evening 63 attended Scarecrow and garage sale 6 June 2020 theme nursery rhymes, plus craft stalls Live and local went well, another on 29 February

10. REPORTS ON PARISH COUNCIL PROPERTY AND CONTRACTS Best kept village sign now erected

11. FOOTPATHS AND ALLOTMENTS Priestgate - new fencing now in on Footpath 20 Cllr Priddle going to enquire of the status of the lane at Quakefield as to exact ownership and duties regarding potholes thereon


The reflective verge marker posts on Road between Priestgate and Newlands Corner are so muddy they do not now reflect. Clerk to report

Residents on Priestgate have been informed by HIghways of new signage to be erected regarding the road closure and diversion


Correspondence Received Actions Agreed today Two individual Local residents called into the Parish Office Clerk to enquire if information may be passed to BDC dismayed and concerned that Mark Lane still closed. One by East Markham Parish Council, and also advise concerned about lorries not adhering to highways safety. residents of procedure to complain as individuals [email protected] 5 Email from M Milner regarding state of village - rubbish in Clerk to enquire if information may be passed to BDC village and poor state of Mark Lane, Beckland Hill and by East Markham Parish Council, and also advise Priestgate. Email from E Langlands regarding danger on residents of procedure to complain as individuals Mark Lane/Beckland Hill and danger in access and egress around this area. Email from Simon Wilkinson regarding state of Priestgate Clerk to enquire if information may be passed to BDC (dog fouling and mud) and Mark Lane and Beckland Hill - by East Markham Parish Council, and also advise road mud etc residents of procedure to complain as individuals Email from Mark Smith, asking for use of playing field for Clerk to write to M Smith informing him East Tuxford Youth FC Markham Parish Council has no objection, and advising that the Playing Fields Committee will make the decision. Clerk to inform Playing Fields Committee Flooding, application for hardship grant notification noted Inspector Neil Bellamy stakeholder update noted Email from P Haywood, shared outdoor spaces noted Email to Notts CC re storage of docs and response Forward to next agenda Crime Stats for December from PC Thomas: PC Thomas PC Thomas to continue to send briefings to East addressed the meeting regarding Crime in East Markham - Markham Parish Council PC Collier updated on Crime statistics Reported that:

72 calls from this beat 1 burglary dwelling 5 theft from motor vehicles Usually hours of darkness

Emerging trend theft from motor vehicles If see anything phone through, suspicious vehicles and characters Tragic incident in , death of footballer - PC Collier been involved in investigations Cllr Handley briefing on LIS funding noted Local Improvement Scheme, funding noted Grant funding for community groups, recycling noted VE Invite to Southwell Minster Noted, Clerk to collate attendees and inform SM Email from S Askew regarding trees blocking sunlight on Clerk to advise S Askew to contact Tree Officer at BDC College Lane. direct.

15. GAZETTE ITEMS Advice for residents on how to complain to BDC and NCC regarding muddy roads, contractors vehicles etc. VE Celebrations No Parking Yellow Lines on Askham Road and High Street

16. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION One member of the public participated. Clerk to inform of how to contact Local Government Ombudsman

17. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Co-opt J Isaacs onto East Markham Parish Council Internal Control Review Retention of documents East Markham Parish Council [email protected] 6 18. TIME AND DATE OF NEXT EAST MARKHAM PARISH COUNCIL MEETING


The Chair closed the meeting at 9:30 pm

[email protected] 7

EAST MARKHAM PARISH COUNCIL, BUDGET SETTING 2020-21 Agreed at East Markham Parish Council meeting on 6 February 2020


Precept 20,057.00 20,057.00 20,057.00 22,185.00 Concurrent grant 72.00 117.00 117.00 117.00 Street Cleaning grant 847.00 847.00 847.00 847.00 Allotment Rent 21.00 21.00 21.00 Other Rent 1.00 - 1.00 1.00 Playing Field Association 600.00 - 600.00 600.00 Bank Interest 50.00 93.23 117.00 90.00 FIT (Solar Panels) 550.00 282.07 550.00 550.00 External Funding - Miscellaneous - 125.00 125.00 0.00 Repayment of expenses 3000.00 (Wages and Electricity) by East Markham Village Hall Total 22,198.00 21,521.30 22,435.00 27,411.00


Street Cleaning Wages 2,558.00 2,134.60 2,558.00 Street Cleaning Expenses 100.00 73.70 73.70 100.00 Grass Cutting - Inc' Village 3,800.00 3,800.00 and Playing Field 4,000

Ground Maintenance 1,750.00 132.54 1,750.00 includes war memorial, tree 1,750.00 work, footpath spraying etc

Clerk wages 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 Office Equipment laptop - - - upgrade and printer 750.00 Office Expenses 300.00 241.87 300.00 300.00 S137 Grants 250.00 50.00 250.00 250.00 Village Hall Grant S133 4,000.00 3,594.55 4,000.00 Village Hall Wages and 3000.00 electricity Aircon for Village Hall 10,000.00 PCC Grant S124.6 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00

[email protected] 8

Subscriptions/Membership 1,150.00 572.99 1,150.00 1500.00 s/Licences includes website,payroll software, security software, data protection Insurance 780.00 791.15 780.00 800.00 Audit Fees 300.00 270.00 300.00 300.00 Allotments 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Training 100.00 75.00 115.00 200.00 Miscellaneous 300.00 362.65 300.00 300.00 Village Hall Hire 150.00 52.50 150.00 150.00 Phone / Broadband 460.00 504.48 600.00 650.00 BKG/BKV Comp 100.00 115.00 115.00 130.00 Village Events VE Day - 500 Changing Rooms Project - - - 1000 Total 22,401.00 6,839.43 22,121.30 34,541.00

Note: figures shown without VAT if this can be reclaimed

[email protected] 9



1. Precept – estimated at 4% increase to precept 2. Concurrent grant – shown same as last year 3. Street Cleaning grant - shown same as last year 4. Allotment Rent - shown same as last year 5. Other Rent - income from bowling club 6. Playing Field Association - unchanged 7. Bank Interest – presume the same as 2019-20 8. FIT- presume the same as 2019-20 9. External Funding – none presumed 10. Miscellaneous - cannot presume a prize income. Income shown was for BKVC prize 2019 Agreed that Village Hall wages and electricity be paid by Clerk and refunded by Village hall


11. Street Cleaning Wages - static - increased 2019 12. Street cleaning expenses - unchanged 13. Grass cutting – slight increase 14. Ground Maintenance – static 15. Clerk wages - static 16. Office equipment laptop upgrade - current equipment not fit for purpose. Agreed printer upgrade also for efficiency saving 17. Office expenses – unchanged 18. S137 – static 19. Village Hall grant - this grant will not be paid in 2020-2021. Wages and electricity to be paid clerk and refunded by village hall 20. Aircon for Village Hall - East Markham Parish Council to fund this 21. PCC grant - unchanged 22. Subscriptions etc –includes SLCC, CPRE, NALC, Data Protection, Payroll, MCafee, Playground Inspection – increased to reflect upgrade to pc equipment 23. Insurance – increased to £800 – to allow for yearly inflation 24. Audit Fees – static 25. Allotments – unchanged 26. Training – increased to allow for ILC training for new clerk, and new Councillor training 27. Miscellaneous – unchanged 28. Village Hall hire – unchanged 29. Phone / Broadband – 24 month contract 30. Best Kept Garden/Best Kept Village Competition – static 31. Village Events – VE Celebrations 32. Agreed amount to underwrite Changing Rooms Project

[email protected] 10