Bot. 31: 235, Fig. 1. 1967

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Bot. 31: 235, Fig. 1. 1967 70 PRINCIPES [VOL. 23 The new species resembles Butia capi­ side, regularly arranged, middle ones tata superficially, but differs from it 36-40 cm long, 0.8-1.3 cm wide, mostly mainly in the smooth or fibrous rather with acuminate, asymmetrical tips; ex­ than toothed petiole margins, the long­ panded part of spathe 30-39 cm long, acuminate rather than acute or obtuse 3 cm wide, smooth or striate, glaucous, tips of pinnae, and the purplish rather peduncular part 30 cm long; branched than greenish spathes, spadices, flowers, part of spadix 20-30 cm long, rachillae and fruits. It is assumed that the pur­ 15-31, each 10-19 cm long, peduncular plish color is due to anthocyanin pig­ part of spadix 36 cm long; pistillate ments. When specimens were dried, flowers rounded or ovoid, 4-7 mm long, some lost all of their purple color 4-6 mm in diam., sepals and petals with whereas others retained some or most obtuse tips; staminate flowers 5-7 mm of their color. long on lower part of rachilla, 3-5 mm From a morphological standpoint, long on upper part; mature fruit 1.8­ Butia purpurascens seems to be most 2.0 cm long, 1.0-1.4 cm in diam., short. closely aligned to B. archeri because beaked, persistent perianth 8-10 mm both taxa have smooth (not toothed) high, endocarp woody, 1-1.5 mm thick, petiole margins, long-acuminate tips to locules 1-2; seed (when single) irregu­ the pinnae, staminate and pistillate larly globose, 7-9 mm long and 7-9 mm flowers similar in size, and fruits similar in diam., or when two are present flat­ in size, shape and number of locules. tened laterally, 10 mm long, 6 mm in Butia archeri, as described by me diam. (1968) , differs primarily in being Specimens examined: BRAZIL. MINAS mostly acaulescent, in the smaller dimen­ GERAIS, near Lavras, Archer 4048 (A, sions of leaves, spathes, and spadices, holotype; BH, MO, NY, US, isotypes); and in the lack of the purplish color in 16 km N. of Lavras, campo natural, flower and fruit parts. Glassman & Gomes 8018, 8019, 8020, As I had expected, an examination of 8021, 8022, 8023, 8024 (CHI); 10 km cross sections of the pinnae of B. pur­ N. of Diamantina, associated with Al· purascens (Glassman 13076) reveals lagoptera, in campo rupestre, common, that its anatomical pattern matches the about 50 plants seen, Glassman 13001 other seven species of Butia very closely, (CHI). SAO PAULO, Casa Branca, O. thus confirming its placement within HaMra 313 (SP). GOAlS, Serl'o do this group. Caiap6, 35 km S. of Caiaponia, H. S. Irwin & T. R. Soderstrom 7750 (BH, 2. Butia archeri (Glassman) Glass­ NY, US); 9.5 km S.E. of center of man, comb. nov. Brasilia, D. F., in tree and scrub wood· land cerrado, G. Eiten 13062 (CHI). Syagrus archeri Glassman, Fieldiana, Vernacular names: none recorded. Bot. fig. 1. 31: 235, 1967. Distribution: native to Brazil in the Holotype: Brazil, Minas Gerais, near states of Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo; and Lavras, W. A. Archer 4048 (A). Goias, in grassland pastures and cer· Acaulescent or sometimes with a short rados. trunk up to almost I m high; sheathing This taxon can be easily distinguished leaf base 13-15 cm long; petiole 8-9 from other acaulescent species of Butia cm long and I cm wide, margins not (e.g., B. arenicola and B. paraguayensis) spiny, merely fibrous; rachis of leaf by its smooth rather than dentate petiole 66-72 cm long; pinnae 28-44 on each margins; and from B. microspadix by 1979] GLASSMAN: RUTIA 71 ,,, a b 10. Butia purpusascens. a, holotypc, showing fruiting spadix and dark (purplish) fruits; b, part of flowering spathe of Glassman 13081 (CHI), showing dark (purplish exterior and light brown interior, separate fruits, and flowering spadix with long stalk. the more or less glabrous rather than margins not spiny, merely fibrous, rachis densely tomentose spathes. of leaf 41-74, cm long, pinnae 19-20 On each side, regularly arranged at intervals 3. Butia microspadix Burret, Notizbl. of 1.5-3 cm, middle pinnae 20-26 cm Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 10: 1050. long, 0.3-0.4 cm wide, mostly with acu­ 1930. minate, asymmetrical tips; expanded Holotype: Brazil, without locality, part of spathe 13-17 cm long, 2.5-3.5 probably state of Sao Paulo, Sellow cm wide, smooth or striate, covered with s.n. (B, destroyed); Paratype: dense dark brown tomentum; branched Brazil, campos, without locality, J. part of spadix 11-13 cm long, rachiIlae N. Keller s.n. (B, destroyed); Lec­ 13-15, each 6-11 em long; pistillate totype: Brazil, Rio Grande do SuI, flowers rounded or ovoid 4-5 mm long, Luederwaldt s.n. (SP 12267). 3.5 mm in diam., sepals and petals with Syagrus hatschbachii Glassman, Field­ obtuse and emarginate tips; staminate iana, Bot. 31: 240, fig. 3. 1967. flowers 4-7 mm long, sepals unequal in Holotype: Brazil, Parana, Castro, size, 1-4 mm long; fruit 2 cm long, 1.1 Carambei, campo seco, G. Batsch­ cm in diam., beak 4 mm long, locule 1, bach 11668 (F). endocarp woody, about 1 mm thick. Acaulescent; sheathing leaf base not cavity smooth within, trivittate, seed not seen, petiole 9-10 cm long, 0.5 cm wide, seen..

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    African Journal of Microbiology Research Volume 9 Number 32, 12 August, 2015 ISSN 1996-0808 ABOUT AJMR The African Journal of Microbiology Research (AJMR) (ISSN 1996-0808) is published Weekly (one volume per year) by Academic Journals. African Journal of Microbiology Research (AJMR) provides rapid publication (weekly) of articles in all areas of Microbiology such as: Environmental Microbiology, Clinical Microbiology, Immunology, Virology, Bacteriology, Phycology, Mycology and Parasitology, Protozoology, Microbial Ecology, Probiotics and Prebiotics, Molecular Microbiology, Biotechnology, Food Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Cell Physiology, Environmental Biotechnology, Genetics, Enzymology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Biomedical Sciences, Botany and Plant Sciences, Soil and Environmental Sciences, Zoology, Endocrinology, Toxicology. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published shortly after acceptance. All articles are peer-reviewed. Submission of Manuscript Please read the Instructions for Authors before submitting your manuscript. The manuscript files should be given the last name of the first author Click here to Submit manuscripts online If you have any difficulty using the online submission system, kindly submit via this email With questions or concerns, please contact the Editorial Office at Editors Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmidt, Dr. Thaddeus Ezeji Applied and Environmental Microbiology Assistant Professor School of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology Fermentation and Biotechnology Unit University of KwaZulu-Natal Department of Animal Sciences Private Bag X01 The Ohio State University Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg 3209 1680 Madison Avenue South Africa. USA. Prof. Fukai Bao Department of Microbiology and Immunology Associate Editors Kunming Medical University Kunming 650031, Dr.
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