APPENDIX I FORM-1 (I) Basic Information # Item Details Proposed Industrial Park with Automobile and Automobile Ancillary 1
APPENDIX I FORM-1 (I) Basic Information # Item Details Proposed industrial park with automobile and automobile ancillary 1. Name of the Project manufacturing industries, electronics and consumable durables, IT hardware, fibre glass manufacture, foundries, (ferrous and non ferrous <5000 tonnes/annum), ceramics and glass industries, packaging industry, R&D facilities, tanneries, leather and leather footwear industries, light and heavy engineering etc in existing industrial storehouse/ warehouse & other engineering Industries area in “IndoSpace AS Industrial Park Pvt Ltd” Vallam, Kancheepuram District 2. S. No. in the schedule 7(c) viz < 50 hectares and built up area of <st1,50,000 sqm deemed as B2 category under 1 December 2009 EIA notification 3. Proposed capacity/area/length/tonnage Total Plot Area: 2 to be handled/command area/lease 142773 m (or) 14.28 Hectares area/number of wells to be drilled. Built up area after Expansion2 : 79628.28 m Annexure-22 The area break up details are enclosed as 4. New/Expansion/Modernization Expansion - Proposed industrial park with automobile and automobile ancillary manufacturing industries, electronics and consumable durables, IT hardware, fibre glass manufacture, foundries, ferrous and non ferrous <5000 tonnes/annum , ceramics and glass industries, packaging industry, R&D facilities, tanneries, leather and leather footwear industries, light and heavy engineering etc in existing industrial storehouse/ warehouse & other engineering Industries area Previous EC obtained for the existing site by AS Cargo movers Pvt Ltd vide Letter No. Annexure -2 . SEIAA / TN/EC/8(a)/107/F- 383/2010 / dt.16.12.2010 is enclosed as and the requisition for EC name change from AS Cargo movers Pvt ltd to Indo space AS industrial park has already been submitted at Annexure - 7 SEIAA on 15.05.14, the acknowledgement copy is enclosed as 2 5.
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