THE SPINNAKER Such Widely Known Comets As Hyakutake, Hale-Bopp Along Amy Roundtree - Editor-In-Chief with Interviews with the Scientists They Were Named After

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THE SPINNAKER Such Widely Known Comets As Hyakutake, Hale-Bopp Along Amy Roundtree - Editor-In-Chief with Interviews with the Scientists They Were Named After University of North Florida UNF Digital Commons Spinnaker UNF Newsletters and Newspapers 1-28-1997 The pinnS aker Vol. 20 No. 19 University of North Florida Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of North Florida, "The pS innaker Vol. 20 No. 19" (1997). Spinnaker. 3. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the UNF Newsletters and Newspapers at UNF Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Spinnaker by an authorized administrator of UNF Digital Commons. For more information, please contact Digital Projects. © 1-28-1997 All Rights Reserved University of North Florida • . Jacksonville, Florida · • Volume 20, Number 19 • January 28, 1997 UNF presidents 'INSIDE past and present, address guests at NEWS the Gala, which Student Government raised more than $4 million in Senator arrested on cam~ scholarships for pus for petty theft. Find students. (Photo: Matthew Travis out more on Mac Roberts) Page2 A whole Iotta stuff is going on around these parts. Inform yourself. Read the News Hole. Page 3 VIEWS The Fifth Column rants about downtown redevel­ opment and the proposed ampi theatre Page 4 FEATURES Arturo Sandoval is on his _way to UNF. Get ready, Gala raises $4 mil for students and read all about it·on By Michele Johnson representing 104 countries and 50 states Not many of the original faculty mem­ the production of this event. Staff mem­ Page 6 Of the Stoff have attended the University. Flags rep- bers were natives of Florida let alone bers of the Arena and the 25th Basketball uniforms are replaced by resenting these countries and states were Jacksonville. When the faculty first Anniversary Committee worked until 3 Tuxedos and gowns as people filled the displayed on either side of the gala's arrived they all huddled like . immi­ a.m. the morning of the event. They Arena for UNF's 25th Anniversary Gala ·stage. grants. returned to work at 8 a.m. make last Search Engine is all about Celebration. AS the highlight of the evening, Karl "UNF was like its own family," said minute preparations before the making your own dern Saturday night began the year-long Haas performed the 25th Anniversary Chamblin. "Ir took a while to integrate evening's festivities. celebration of UNF's silver anniversary Composition, "A Prelude to Greatness." with the 'good ole boy' aspects of a "Everyone worked together and put in paper. (See, we are capa­ as members of the community gathered This piece was composed and directed southern town." a lot of hours making sure the event was for the University's biggest event. by Barry Greene, assistant professor of Chamblin has enjoyed his stay at perfect," Becky Purser, Arena manager, ble .of self-restraint.) The guest list included past presidents jazz guitar. It washeard for the first time UNF. It has been a comfortable place to stated. Page 7 Thomas G. Carpenter at the Gala. be. There were faculty, staff, and commu~ and Curtis McCray, liiiiiiARi;;;t:;;;;;;;;;;;;;i1 "It was a great A commemorative can was introduced nity leaders joining in the celebration. Presideflt Adam honor to be chosen to at the event. Pepsi has placed the The only students attending the event Herbert, Council compose this piece," University's 25th Anniversary logo on were those working. Members of the .The Music Box is filled to President Eric Smith; stated Greene. "I got all the cans at the Jacksonville distribu­ presidential envoy played hosts · and Chancellor Charles B. my inspiration from tion center. The special cans will be hostesses to the event. overflowing with juicy Reed, and UNF speaking to the facul- available in stores throughout Northeast The event was also a fund raiser for bits of orange. Foundation President ty members who have Florida and Southeast Georgia. student scholarships. Charles E. been with the Many hours of hard work went into Page 8 Commander III. University from the ·The event began beginning." with Master of The composition is ADS Ceremonies J.F. representative of Bryan, IV, welcoming UNF. It begins very Take a look. What will it the guests. A proces- small with the alma sian of founding fac- mater played by flute, hurt? ulty and staff lead by Grand Marshal a small classical piece, representing how and founding President of UNF Thomas the university began as a small classical Pages 5 and 9 G. Carpenter, entered the Arena as a school. Then, the arrangement grows \ superb bagpipe. ensemble heralded the into a full ensemble paralleling the way. Some of the founding faculty and University's growth. SPORTS staff included Gerson Yessin, Minor Chamblin, WiHiam Slaughter, Betty "I feel gratitude when I look back at Deeks has a mind of his Flinchum and Satya Pachori. the accomplishments and when I look at own, and he's willing to Mayor John Delaney announced a what's ahead," said Dr. Curtis McCray, proclamation stating that the year 1997 UNF president 1982-1988. "The next share it. be designated as the Silver Anniversary generation is what lies ahead." . of the University of North Florida. In the Herbert stated that the University is · Page 10 proclamation, Delaney urged all blessed with the present leadership and Jacksonville residents to join together how they are strongly committed to out­ in honoring the UNF students, staff and standing teaching. "To me, UNF is the Oh. we've got some other faculty. very best of all the universities in the As part of the celebration, a video nation," Herbert said. sports-type stuff on these chronicling the major events in the his­ Minor Chamblin, professor of psy­ tory of UNF was shown. Governor chology, was one of the founding facul ­ other pages. You know Lawton Chiles, Mayor Delaney, ty members attending the event. He how it is. Jacksonville business owner Tom described the University as a small inti­ Petway and UNF students and faculty mate group of students and faculty Page 11 shared their . thoughts about . the where everyone seemed to know every­ University on the video. one else, and the age of the students and There was just a little Delaney stated in the video that build­ faculty are very dose. teeny-weeny bit of space ing a world-class community was "The faculty consisted of an influx of impossible without a world-class uni­ foreigners who brought some cos­ UNF psyc hology professor Minor Chamblin discusses his versity, and we have accomplished both. mopolitan tlavor to Jacksonville," stated left, and we thought we'd experiences at the Unive rsity. (Photo : Matt MacRoberts) Throughout UNF's history students Chamblin. ·use it to say thanks for reading all the way to-the We are intorducing a new con(est this week. Details on page 11. It's a gas, gas, gas. bottom of this column. I •. J News January 28, 1997 • page 2 Calendar SGA Senator arrested By Michele Johnson On February 12, 1995, he was arrested at a local What to do in and Of the Staff _department store for putting jeans and a shirt under his clothes without paying for them. Because he around UNF this week On January 22, a University of North Florida sen- never appeared in court to face this charge, an out­ ator was arrested on an outstandiqg capias and taken standing capias was issued. Every Thursday to jaiL Members of Senate were shocked to hear the Senator James Fourrny was in class when a police news. Fourrny served on the Election, Selection and •1 0 a.m. - "Ecumenical Scripture Study from A Woman's · officer asked Fourrny to accompany him to the Appointment Committee. Alex Diaz, committee Perspective" led by the Reverend Gretchen van. A ken of police station. Once in the police car, he was arrest- chairman was stunned at the news and stated that Jacksonville Campus Ministry will be held in the Women's ed for failure to appear in court on a previous Fourmy was a hard-working, dil igent charge. person."Fourrny was doing a fine job in Senate," Center. For more information contact the Women's Center, He was then ·transported by UPD to the Duval said Senate President Rich Chang. 646:.2528. County Jail where bond was set at $1,500. There are no regulations in' the Constitution Since Fourmy never appeared in court for a previ- regarding members of SGA breaking any rul es out­ ous arrest, a capias was issued for failure to appear . side of SGA. However; Fourmy may face punish- Now- May 9 on a misdemeanor citation for petty theft. ment through the Student Conduct Board. • 2:30 p.m. Monday - Friday, 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. Saturday & Sunday- "Comets are Coming" is a 30-minute program held at the Alexander Brest Planetarium in the Museum of Science and History. The program takes an in-depth look at THE SPINNAKER such widely known comets as Hyakutake, Hale-Bopp along Amy Roundtree - Editor-in-Chief with interviews with the scientists they were named after. Greg Renfroe -Advertising Manager Visitors will learn where comets come from, their location, Michele Johnson -News Editor and how they are named. Kristie Lassiter - Production Manager Morris Lary - Features/Views Editor John Deeks - Sports Editor Saturday and Sunday, February 1 and 2 Matthew MacRoberts - Photo Editor I • Saturday, 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. & Sunday 2:30 p.m. - · Maureen Goin -Copy Editor Sue Brown' - Staff Webmaster Museum of Science · and History's Alexander Brest Rick Clarke - Distribution Manager Planetarium presents "Winter Skies." Discover the location of Paula Horvath-Neimeyer and the Moon, planets an9 constellations as the planetarium .
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