F17_Cover.indd 2 FREEDOM CATALOG FALL/WINTER 2017 2/27/17 2:15 PM MOUNTAINEERS BOOKS creates outdoor recreation titles for activities ranging from nature walks to bicycle tours to adventures and much more. Our owner, The Mountaineers, is a nonprofit membership organization that has been a leader in outdoor education for more than 100 years. Mountaineers Books publishes regional activity guidebooks, sports instructional texts, and nonfiction adventures designed to inspire and also to preserve the history of achievements by those who pushed the boundaries of our sports before us.

SKIPSTONE is our imprint for people striving to live a sustainable lifestyle, which for us means digging in the garden, thinking about what we eat, treating all creatures with respect, and finding ways to reduce our carbon footprint. Skipstone books are for people who want to live life deliberately, finding joy in the nature just outside their back door.

Our conservation titles are published by BRAIDED RIVER, which uses the emotive power of books as key tools in advocacy campaigns. These are lush, photo-driven books, with insightful essays presenting the environmental, social, and scientific issues related to a critical ecosystem. Each book is accompanied by educational outreach and is usually paired with a traveling museum exhibit. We work with well- known nonprofit partners and reach millions of passionate citizens with messages for solving problems to make the world a better place for present and future generations.

F17_Catalog_Frontlist_Final.indd 2 3/2/17 1:35 PM François Guillot, pioneering French rock climber, from The Climbers, by Jim Herrington (see page 6)

MOUNTAINEERS BOOKS It’s all about the outdoors. Mountaineers Books is an independent, nonprofit publisher

recreation • lifestyle • conservation

F17_Catalog_Frontlist_Final.indd 3 3/2/17 1:35 PM NEW




“The definitive guide to mountains and climbing . . .” Freedom_FinalCover.indd 1 1/5/17 2:29 PM —Conrad Anker

For nearly 60 years it’s been revered as the “bible” of mountaineering—and now it’s better than ever.

• The best-selling instructional text for new and intermediate climbers for more than half a century • New edition—fully updated techniques and all-new illustrations • Researched and written by a team of expert climbers

Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills is the text beloved by generations of new climbers—the standard for climbing education around the world where it has been translated into 12 languages. For the all-new 9th Edition, committees composed of active climbers and climbing educators reviewed every chapter of instruction and discussed updates with staff from the (AAC), the American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education (AIARE), and the Access Fund. They also worked with professional members of the American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA), to review their work and ensure that the updated textbook includes the most current best practices for both alpine and instruction.

From gear selection to belay and rappel techniques, from glacier travel to rope work, to safety, safety, and more safety— there is no more comprehensive and thoroughly vetted training manual for climbing than Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills, 9th Edition.

Significant updates to this edition include:

• Expanded and more detailed avalanche safety info, including how to better understand avalanches, evaluate hazards, travel safely in avy terrain, and locate and rescue a fellow climber in an avalanche

• Newly revamped chapters on clothing and camping

• All-new illustrations reflecting the latest gear and techniques—created by artist John McMullen, former art director of Climbing magazine

• Review of and contributions to multiple sections by AMGA-certified guides

• Fresh approach to the Ten Essentials—now making the iconic list easier to remember

• New alignment with AAC’s nationwide universal belay standard

1 624 pages, 7 ⁄4 x 9, 500 illustrations, 10 B&W photos, SPORTS/MOUNTAINEERING. Rights: World. Hardback: $49.95, ISBN 978-1-68051-003-4 • Paperback: $34.95, ISBN 978-1-68051-004-1 • ebook: $27.95, ISBN 978-1-68051-005-8

4 MOUNTAINEERS BOOKS phone: 800.553.4453

F17_Catalog_Frontlist_Final.indd 4 3/2/17 1:35 PM CLIMBING FUNDAMENTALS n Choosing a Belay Spot

In a lead belay, the force of a fall depends on how far the of the possibility of rockfall or icefall, and pick a stance climber is above the last piece of protection—and the fall that will provide some shelter if they seem a likely hazard. force could potentially be much greater than the climber’s If a belay location is exposed to imminent danger from HOW BELAYS ARE USED IN CLIMBING • APPLYING BRAKING FORCE TO THE ROPE • ANCHORS • body weight. Thus, in belaying a leader, especially when rockfall or icefall, safety may require moving the belay a long fall could happen, the belayer is typically tied to a to a location with less-desirable anchors. Additionally, it BELAY POSITION AND STANCE • ROPE HANDLING • COMMUNICATION • ESCAPING THE BELAY • ground to avoid being yanked off the ground in is useful, though not always possible, to find a position SECURING THE FREEDOM OF THE HILLS the case of a fall. This is extremely important if the belay where climbing partners can see and/or communicate with is on an exposed ledge or under a roof. Exceptions can be each other. made if there is no risk of falling off exposed ledges, if the Reasonable comfort. A leader may shorten a belayer outweighs the climber significantly, or if the falls because a comfortable stance at a partial rope length is of are expected to be short—for instance, in a climbing gym. greater advantage than pushing the lead as far as possi- Belaying a follower. After a lead climber has finished ble. Perhaps a difficult section may lie ahead, and the lead leading a pitch, he or she can belay the other climber (who climber, feeling too tired or unsure of personal leading has finished belaying the leader) from the top of the pitch ability, may want to end a pitch early so that the other (fig. 10-3). Belaying the follower from the top is done climber can take over the lead. for numerous reasons: it could be a multipitch route on Many factors ultimately determine the best choice for which they both will continue climbing; the route could a belay spot. Longer leads are more efficient, so if several CHAPTER 10 be too long for slingshot top roping; rope drag (friction that good belay ledges are available, climbers generally pick impedes the rope’s travel) or traverses could make this the highest one. However, the leader may decide to stop scenario safer than slingshot top roping. In any case, the and set up the next belay early to mitigate the problem climber being belayed from above is known as a follower or of rope drag. Options of belay spots can also be limited BELAYING a second; these terms are used interchangeably throughout by the choice of protection to build an anchor on the this chapter. leader’s rack. In this scenario, the rope always moves up and toward the anchor. As in a slingshot top-rope belay, the force of HOLDING A FALL A fundamental technique for climbing safely, belaying is a system of using a rope to stop a a fall in this scenario should be similar to the follower’s A belay serves two equally important purposes: to catch a body weight as long as the belayer always keeps the slack fall so the climber doesn’t hit the ground and to limit the fall if one should occur. This system can safely control the enormous energy that a falling in the rope at a minimum. The belayer is usually anchored impact force exerted on the climber so that the climber (either to the belay anchor or a personal anchor) unless isn’t injured. climber generates, but belaying well takes practice and requires an understanding of its the belayer is belaying directly off the belay anchor and the belay is located on a sizable ledge where falls are not Understanding Impact Force underlying principles. a concern. The basic concepts of climbing physics discussed here pro- vide an understanding of impact force. Mass. The first concept climbers need to understand is CHOOSING A BELAY SPOT mass. In simple terms, mass is the amount of material an In its simplest form, a belay consists of nothing more than climb can be climbed in a single pitch; longer climbs are Fig. 10-1. Basic belay setup: the belayer is tied to a secureF9_ Fig anchor10-1_V-01 Belaying is a demanding and important task that is often object has. The bigger and the denser an object, the more a rope that runs from a climber to another person—the called multipitch. while the leader places points of protection between them. awkward, of long duration, and boring—yet it also requires mass it has. Fig. 10-2. A control constant vigilance for the safety of the climber. The Gravity is the downward force exerted by the earth. on the harness helps keep the belayer—who is ready to stop a fall. Three things are nec- applies to both single-pitch and multi-pitch climbs. When belayer’s job is much easier if the belayer is able to find a Gravity gives weight to objects that have mass. The direc- hip belay from unwrapping. the top of a route is not accessible by other means, a sling- comfortable spot on which to establish a secure position. tion of gravity is always downward, and the magnitude essary to make the system work: a method of applying and THREE BELAY SCENARIOS CLIMBING FUNDAMENTALS BELAYING n Applying Braking Force to the Rope shot top rope has to be set up this way. A good belay location should have three attributes: of gravity’s pull is proportional to the mass of the object. the two events is of the same magnitude but in opposite amplifying a stopping force to the rope, an anchor strong This section discusses how the mechanics work in each of In a lead belay, most of the time the rope moves up 1. Good placement for anchors (when an anchor Acceleration is the rate at which the velocity of an object directions. F9_ Fig 10-3_V-01 enough to resist the pull of the fall, and a skilled belayer. three types of belay scenarios. APPLYING BRAKING (see Figure 10-12 as anand example). away from This the action belayer. must The exceptionbe is that after the a post in isthe warranted) device, and passing the rope back out through of the braking hand orchanges. elbow (such Velocity as ais rockthe speedwall behind and direction in which an Now, with an understanding of these three concepts, it There are different ways to apply this stopping force Slingshot top-rope belay. In this scenario,FORCE the TO anchor THE ROPE practiced and learned wellleader so has that clipped it becomes the rope automatic; to a piece of protection above the aperture.2. Safe positionThis configuration provides a wrap, or bend, the belayer’s arm) whenobject the travels.belayer goesIf the into speed the and braking direction of travel don’t is possible to explore how Newton’s laws of motion are waist height, as the leader resumes climbing the rope will 3. Reasonable comfort change, the acceleration is zero. Note that deceleration applied in climbing. and many methods of setting up and tying in to a belay is on the top of the route and the belayerClimbing belays belays at mustthe be able to resist the large forces gen- immediately going into braking position as soon as a fall is in the rope to assist in producing a stopping force. The post position; also, this critical task must not require an unnat- erated in a fall. With the dynamic climbing rope acting sensed is the best way todrop stop down a fall. before going up again. The belayer should be is usuallyGood a placementlocking carabiner for anchors. or a part When of the choosing a belay ural body twist or motion.is also acceleration, but in the opposite direction of the Newton’s first law of motion states that an object at rest anchor—a secure point to which the rest of the system is bottom of the route. The rope has already beenas the shockset up, absorber run- in the system, the belayer’s job is to Wearing gloves whilevigilant belaying and is movean option the rope some to belay keep- slack at a minimum. In itself.position, The belayer’s always lookbraking for handsolid anchor is the initial, placements. and critical, Critical One of the simplestvelocity. and most For convenient example, ifbelay it takes methods 5 seconds for a car to reach stays at rest, or an object in motion travels at the same attached. This chapter introduces the principal techniques ning from the bottom of the route to thequickly top anchor stop the andrope from running. Any additional rope ers consider for safetyFigure and comfort. 10-2, the Gloves leader hasprotect climbed the above the last piece of sourceto a safeof friction; belay, solid without anchors the arebraking of paramount hand on theconcern. rope, is to clip a belay devicethe intospeed a oflocking 60 miles carabiner per hour on and the it also takes 5 seconds velocity unless acted upon by a force or by forces that don’t protection. Safe position. When selecting a belay location, be aware for it to come to a full stop, the average acceleration during completely cancel each other (an unbalanced force). In and major options of belaying so that climbers can choose back to the ground (fig. 10-1). This scenario,that runswhich through usually the belay system as the fall is caught has belayer’s hands from friction burns in the case of rope slip- there is no belay. harness, typically to a sewn belay loop, as shown in Figure two related effects: reducing the impact forces and length- page. The material of the gloves should be rough enough The total braking force exerted on the rope during the 10-10. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instruc- the methods that work best in their own climbing. only applies to single-pitch routes, is typicalening at the a climbing distance fallen. Occasionally the belayer may to add some friction to138 the system, essentially increasing arrest of a fall depends on three things: (1) the total degree tions for clipping in properly, as to do otherwiseiNote: loads The the belay device in B still 139 gym or a cragging area. want to deliberately provide a more dynamic belay—for the belayer’s grip strength. Gloves should fit well enough of bend that the belay device produces in the rope, as well harness in ways it was not designed forlooks and may odd. lead to Redraw it? In the slingshot top-rope belay, the ropeinstance, always if protection runs is suspected to be weak. But there that there are no wrinkles or folds of fabric. Some climbers as the rope’s inherent resistance to bending and deform- failure. Many harnesses have a sewn-in label showing the is always the trade-off of a longer fall, with increased pos- dislike the fact that gloves may interfere with dexterity and ing; (2) the friction generated as the rope runs over the proper way to wear the harness and clip in to it. HOW BELAYS ARE down toward the belayer, who takes rope in as the climber sibility of the lead climber hitting a ledge or other hazard. tend to leave their hands damp and soft, which is unde- surfaces of the belay device; and (3) the force exerted by USED IN CLIMBING heads up. The direction of rope travel neverBecause changes. everything As starts with the braking force applied sirable for climbing rock; some wear fingerless gloves to the belayer’s grip. Fortunately, despite the variations in Types of Belay Devices On a climb, belay setups are usually established on the long as the belayer keeps the slack out of theby rope,the belayer’s the force grip, it is important to consider the fac- mitigate the reduction of dexterity while still protecting the strength of belayers’ grips, modern belay devices work Before mechanical belay devices were invented, climbers ground or on a ledge that provides reasonable comfort and of a fall is similar to the weight of the climber.tors that affect the generation of this force. Grip strength the palm. well enough that when they are properly used, adequate ran ropes around their hips and relied on the friction of varies considerably from one person to another, with stopping force can be generated with even modest grip the rope around their body to arrest a fall. Nowadays, with the possibility of solid anchors. A long climb is divided The belayer is not always connected to athe ground average anchor, being somewhere around 50 pounds (about USING BELAY DEVICES strength. the advanced dynamic-rope technologies and mechanical into sections, with one climber taking the lead and, instead often using his or her weight as the0.2 kiloNewton).counterforce This likely becomes reduced when the When properly used, belay devices multiply the rope fric- To stop a fall, the belayer pulls back on the free end of belay devices, climbers should seldom rely on their body as belayed from below, moving up the route to the next desir- for the climber. However, certain factors maybelayer demand is substantially an fatigued or awkwardly positioned. tion and the grip strength of the belayer’s braking hand by the rope with the braking hand to create a difference in a belay device, though the hip belay may be useful in some Ropes that are thinner, as is the current trend, are more passing the rope through an aperture, wrapping it around angle of at least 90 degrees between the rope from the situations (see “Using the Hip Belay” later in this chapter). able stopping spot and setting up a new belay. The distance anchor—for example, if the weight differencedifficult between to grip, theand reducedrope friction, as occurs with climber entering the belay device and the rope leaving There are many popular belay devices; this section wet, icy, or (possibly) dry-treated ropes, will lower braking the device to the braking hand. This angle of separation describes some popular types. When using any belay between belays is known as a pitch or a lead. Rope length climber and the belayer is significant or if they are starting to climber and the location of a convenient spot to establish the next (or pitch) from an exposed ledge.force to some degree. Conversely, as ropes age they develop between the two strands of the rope (fig. 10-4) is critical device, always read and follow the manufacturer’s instruc- a rougher sheath with higher friction and therefore can be to the strength of the belay. Figure 10-4 shows how the tions carefully; be certain that you fully understand these belay usually determine the length of each pitch. A short Lead belay. In a lead belay, the climbereasier is toleading grip. the approaching 0° braking force is increased as the braking hand pulls the instructions and that the device is properly rigged each However, in all cases, grip strength alone is not suffi- rope farther back to increase the angle of separation from time you use it. Note that each belay device works with cient to stop a fall.137 Instead, climbers rely on a mechanical 90 degrees toward 180 degrees. Nothing must be in the way only a certain range of rope diameters. means of amplifying the force of their grip strength. This arresting force is greatly enhanced by the use of some fric- 90° tion-producing element, commonly a belay device, to stop a c the falling climber. b d The belayer’s hand that holds the rope coming from the climber is known as the feeling hand and is used to pay the rope in and out. The other hand, known as the braking hand, must never let go of its grip on the rope, remain- ing ready to catch a fall at any time. In any belay method, approaching 180° the rope from the climber goes around or through the friction-producing element—a belay device, the cam- ming action of an assisted-braking belay device, a munter

hitch on a carabiner, or the belayer’s hips—and then to to braking hand the belayer’s braking hand. The braking hand gripping the rope produces the initial force. The braking method to harness or belay device is the essential means by which the limited force of the belayer’s grip strength can control the large Fig. 10-3. Angle of separation between the two rope strands. impact forces generated in a fall. With the angle of separation approaching 0 degrees, little fric- Stopping a fall is accomplished when a belayer assumes tion is produced, and the belayer can easily pay rope in or out the braking position, gripping the rope tightly with the as required. As the angle of separation increases to greater than Fig. 10-5. Aperture belay devices; a, slot or guide plate; b, tube type; c, figure eight in aperture configuration; d,assisted-braking braking hand, then pulls back on the free end of the rope 90 degrees, more friction is generated. belay device in lowering mode

142 F9_ Fig 10-4_V-01 143

F9_ Fig 10-5_V-01

The Mountaineers was established in 1906 in , a state with inspiring and abundant mountain peaks. In addition to fostering a community of outdoor enthusiasts, the organization has a mission to teach outdoor skills. Over the years, hundreds of thousands have learned outdoor safety and skills from The Mountaineers, ranging from climbing to skiing to kayaking, and much more. Some of the world’s most elite climbers have been and continue to be members of The Mountaineers.

Mountaineers Books, The Mountaineers’ publishing division, was created in 1960, launching Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills as its first instructional text. The publisher now offers more than 700 books related to muscle-powered outdoor sports, and is also a leading publisher of conservation advocacy books through its Braided River imprint, which partners with organizations such as The Alaska Wilderness League, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the World Wildlife Fund, and many others on issues surrounding the protection of the planet.

www.mountaineersbooks.org fax: 800.568.7604 5

F17_Catalog_Frontlist_Final.indd 5 3/2/17 1:35 PM NEW LEGENDS & LORE





Twenty years in the making, The Climbers shares stunning images of some of mountaineering’s greatest icons.

• Portraits that reveal the core of their remarkable subjects • A visual history of special significance to climbers of all ages • Beautifully packaged in a cloth slipcase to enhance its collectability

For nearly two decades, professional photographer Jim Herrington has been working on a portrait series of influential rock and mountain climbers. The Climbers documents these rugged individualists who, between the 1930s and 1970s, used primitive gear along with their considerable wits, talent, and fortitude to tackle unscaled peaks around the world. Today, these men and women are renowned for their past accomplishments and, in many cases, are the last of the remaining practitioners from a “Golden Age” of 20th-century climbing.

Herrington’s images—the result of his own passion for climbing—allow us to study climbers who were driven to do the impossible for no other reason than the challenge. In these portraits we find people who ascended bold, visionary lines, often in remote regions, away from the media spotlight and without any hope for reward. Yet in many ways the severe routes these men and women established outshine today’s ascents. Often our pioneering predecessors were climbing into a malevolent unknown—if compromised or injured, the only people in the world likely capable of initiating their rescue were the climbers themselves. Innovation emerged frequently and in unlikely ways. In these images, Herrington has captured the utter humanity of obsession, determination, intellect, and frailty.

Jim Herrington began climbing in the Sierra Nevada in the 1970s. His photography has appeared in major publications across the and Europe, on album covers, and in national advertising. He has photographed Benny Goodman, Willie Nelson, and Bette Davis, among many other musicians and celebrities. Herrington’s images have appeared in Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, Esquire, GQ, Garden & Gun, Outside, Entertainment Weekly, US, People, SKI, National Geographic Adventure, Spin, New York Times, Time, Newsweek, Men’s Journal, Smithsonian, Forbes, and other publications. For The Climbers, he shot exclusively in 35-mm black-and-white film, a rarity these days, achieving an extraordinary depth and richness to each image. Herrington divides his time between Brooklyn, New York; the Raleigh, North Carolina area; and Central California. Learn more at www.jimherrington.com.

Greg Child is a prolific rock climber, mountaineer, and author. His stories about the climbing life have appeared regularly in Outside magazine, and in his books, which include Thin Air: Encounters in the Himalayas, Mixed Emotions: Mountaineering Writings of Greg Child, Postcards from the Ledge, Climbing Free (co-authored with Lynn Hill), and Over the Edge. In 1996 Child was honored with the American Alpine Club’s Robert and Miriam Underhill Award for outstanding mountaineering achievement. He lives in Castle Valley, Utah.

192 pages, 11 x 12, 60 large-format B&W photos, hardcover with slipcase, $60.00, ISBN 978-1-68051-083-6. MOUNTAINEERING/PHOTOGRAPHY/FINE ART. Rights: World English.

6 MOUNTAINEERS BOOKS phone: 800.553.4453

F17_Catalog_Frontlist_Final.indd 6 3/2/17 1:35 PM FALL OF HEAVEN WHYMPER’S TRAGIC MATTERHORN CLIMB



A classic event in mountaineering history, dramatically retold by a classic mountaineer

• The cause celebre of 19th-century climbing • A great historical story of tension and drama • Author is uniquely qualified to delve into Whymper’s complicated personality

As Fall of Heaven begins, we join professional mountain guide Jean-Antoine Carrel as he tries and fails, again and again, to summit the Matterhorn—one of the most famous and iconic peaks in the Alps. Is it the “Devil’s mountain,” as the locals call it? Should he heed the village priest who warned that its summit was not meant to be climbed? Carrel is undeterred—he just needs capable climbers to join him. Enter Edward Whymper, who in 1861 at the age of 21 decided— unbeknownst to Carrel—that he would be the first to climb the Matterhorn.

So the storyline is set. Where Carrel is captivating, Whymper is utterly unsympathetic as an adventurer. He is mean and disdainful of guides, describing them as little more than porters who eat and drink too much. Despite this attitude, Whymper’s quest leads him inexorably into partnership with Carrel. The story follows their attempts to find a route to the top of the Matterhorn, but then fate pulls them apart just as Whymper finds the line. His successful summit on July 14, 1865, in which Carrel did not take part, shocked the Victorian world with both awe and revulsion as four members of Whymper’s party died when a critical rope snapped.

Famed climber and author Reinhold Messner acknowledges that Whymper was the first man to summit the Matterhorn, the last of the great Alpine peaks to be climbed. But rather than leaving a hero’s legacy, Whymper is revealed as a team leader who accepted no responsibility for the deaths of his teammates. Fall of Heaven is an exciting tale as well as an examination of the different types of men who were caught up in the adventuring spirit of the Victorian age, and the ironic fates that can follow success or failure.

Reinhold Messner is indisputably the greatest climber of the 20th century: first to ascend Everest without using supplemental oxygen (with partner Peter Habeler), first to climb Everest solo, and the first person to climb all fourteen of the 8000-meter peaks. This multidimensional adventurer has been a member of the European Parliament, established a half-dozen mountain museums scattered throughout the Alps, and is the author of more than 30 books, many published by Mountaineers Books. Messner lives in South Tyrol, Italy, and maintains a website at www.reinhold- messner.de.

224 pages, 6 x 9, 36 illustrations, paperback, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-68051-085-0 (ebook 978-1-68051-086-7). SPORTS/MOUNTAINEERING HISTORY. Rights: North American.

www.mountaineersbooks.org fax: 800.568.7604 7

F17_Catalog_Frontlist_Final.indd 7 3/2/17 1:35 PM NEW



a sideways look at AVAILABLE IN SEPTEMBER clouds

maria An intriguing natural history about our mudd ruth ubiquitous and fascinating clouds

• Written by a critically acclaimed natural-history author • Shares author’s humorous journey to understanding clouds • Written for the curious—but not necessarily scientific—mind

Author Maria Mudd Ruth fell in love with clouds the same way she stumbles into most passions: madly and unexpectedly. A Sideways Look at Clouds is the story of her quite accidental infatuation with and education about the clouds above.

When she moved to the soggy Northwest a decade ago, Maria assumed that locals would know everything there was to know about clouds, in the same way they know about salmon, tides, and the Seahawks. Yet in her first two years of living in Olympia, Washington, she never heard anyone talk about clouds—only the rain. Puzzled by this lack of cloud savvy, she decided to create a 10-question online survey and sent it to everyone she knew. Her sample size of 67 people included men and women, new friends in Olympia, family on the East Coast, outdoorsy and indoorsy types, professional scientists, and liberal arts majors like herself. The results showed that while people knew a little bit about clouds—most were like her: they had a hard time identifying clouds or remembering their names. As adults, they had lost PRAISE FOR their curiosity and sense of wonder about clouds. They were, essentially, not in the habit of RARE BIRD looking up. “Fine nature writing, A Sideways Look at Clouds acknowledges the challenges of understanding clouds and uses a good science, and very steep and bumpy learning curve—the author’s—as its plot line. A captivating storyteller, compelling historical anecdotes spanning Maria blends science, wonder, and humor to take the scenic route through the clouds and the time of Captain encourages readers to chart their own rambling, idiosyncratic course. Cook to contemporary naturalists, loggers, Maria Mudd Ruth has been researching, watching, photographing, and blogging about and fishermen combine clouds for many years. She is the author of more than a dozen books on natural history in an engaging topics for young readers, general audiences, and accidental naturalists like herself. In narrative. Strongly 2005, she published Rare Bird: Pursuing the Mystery of the Marbled Murrelet, a critically recommended.” —Library Journal acclaimed natural history that was reissued in 2013 (Mountaineers Books). Maria lives in Olympia with her husband and two sons. You can learn more about her fascinations at www. “Provides rare insight mariaruthbooks.net. into the trials and joys of scientific discovery.” 224 pages, 6 x 9, 10 B&W photos, 10 color illustrations, hardcover (paper-over-boards), $19.95, ISBN 978-1-68051-118-5 —Publishers Weekly (ebook 978-1-68051-119-2). NATURAL/HISTORY/MEMOIR. Rights: World.

8 MOUNTAINEERS BOOKS phone: 800.553.4453

F17_Catalog_Frontlist_Final.indd 8 3/2/17 1:35 PM WAY Adventures of OUT a Wilderness WAY OUT THERE Trekker THERE J. ROBERT HARRIS ADVENTURES OF A WILDERNESS TREKKER



A gifted storyteller shares seven decades WOTfront_Test.indd 2 of surprising adventures 2/28/17 2:18 PM

• An unexpected adventurer, disarmingly positive, and companionable • Lively stories of remote treks around the world • Author is a member of the distinguished Explorer’s Club

Way Out There is an account of J. Robert Harris’s extraordinary exploits while backpacking in some of the world’s most tantalizing places—largely alone and unsupported. And after almost fifty years of wilderness travel, “J.R.”, as he’s known, has plenty of tales to tell! His stories are by turns funny, tragic, and uplifting, and are all told in his down-to- earth, friendly storytelling style.

J.R. revels in exploring not just the world, but also the periphery of his comfort zone as he challenges himself with remote wilderness treks. It all begins in 1966 when, as a young New Yorker, J.R. impulsively drives his VW Beetle across the country and to the very end of the northernmost road in Alaska, searching for an answer to a simple question: What is it like to be way out there? How this happened, who he met, and what he encountered along the way became the foundation for a lifelong attraction to trekking and adventure travel. Subsequent chapters explore some of his many journeys, revealing an enduring wanderlust honed by his emerging maturity and outdoor skills. Stories of J.R.’s solo treks point to stark contrasts between his urban upbringing and his wilderness wanderings, while tales of adventure with small but diverse groups of friends are enriched by their collective experiences and varying viewpoints about exploration.

Way Out There is a lively yet introspective book by a restless soul that will attract countless readers who love to travel, as well as armchair adventurers and communities looking for outdoor role models. The foreword is by the late Dr. Roscoe C. Brown, Jr., one of the famed Tuskegee Airmen fighter pilots during World War II.

J. Robert Harris is the founder and president of a marketing research and consulting company and has taught seminars on marketing research at New York University. The lessons he has learned in the wilderness environment—careful preparation, decision making, teamwork, facing the unknown—apply to the corporate environment as well. Because of this unique, dual expertise in business and outdoor skills, he continues to be a sought-after speaker and writer on both topics. He lives in Brooklyn, NY, and keeps a website at www.jrinthewilderness.com.

1 1 304 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, 42 color and B&W photos, 9 maps, paperback, $18.95, ISBN 978-1-68051-120-8 (ebook 978-1-68051-121-5). MEMOIR/ADVENTURE/NARRATIVE. Rights: World.

J. Robert Harris

www.mountaineersbooks.org fax: 800.568.7604 9

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backcover tagline, baseline of text is .25” from bottom of book tipsfront cover, logo lines up ush left at .25” from spine, baseline of text is .25’’ from “Irreverent, it has a laugh on virtually every page, but also some bottom of book extremely useful advice.” —Paul Pritchard, 2016 Banff Mountain Book Competition Jury

• Bold, funny, and useful manual of climbing tips Spine backcover, left align text to text on backcover • 1001 tips across a wide range of topics, organized by eight primary categories • Illustrated in full color You may also like This is no regular instruction manual—it’s much more useful than that. This is a massive collection of all those little tips that make a real difference when at the crag, in the mountains, or when you’re planning your next big trip. Tips are organized by eight primary categories:

BASICS (tips 1–240)—From how best to rope up and the importance of climbing partnerships, to racking your gear correctly and how to sleep in a harness.

SAFETY (tips 241–327)—This section covers loose rock, rescue, dealing with heat, and what to do if you get caught out.

BIG WALL (tips 328–434)—Knowledge on tackling large multipitch climbs, with advanced topics such as pegging, jumaring, hauling, and .

ICE (tips 435–481)—Tips on all aspects of , including movement, protection, looking after your gear, mental strength and—of course—not falling off.

MIXED (tips 482–503)—With a focus on alpine winter skills, these essential tips focus on how to use your tools on snowed-up rock, leading, gear, and footwork on mixed ground.

MOUNTAIN (tips 504–802)—This section has almost 300 tips on living and staying alive in the mountains.

TRAINING (tips 803–876)—A range of tips on how to overcome fear and improve strength and endurance, as well as diet and nutrition advice.

STUFF (tips 877–1001)—A mix of esoterica, such as how to rap off a fifi hook, what books to read, how to get sponsored, and how to go to the toilet in tricky spots, and so much more.

Andy Kirkpatrick is the author of two other popular titles published by Mountaineers Books— Psychovertical and Cold Wars. Climbing magazine called Andy a climber with a “strange penchant for . . . seeking out routes where the danger is real, and the return is questionable.” Andy’s specialty is big wall climbing, winter expeditions, and racking up accomplishments such as a one-day solo ascent of Yosemite’s El Capitan. Learn more at www.andy-kirkpatrick.com.

1 3 192 pages, 7 ⁄2 x 9 ⁄4, 60 color photos, 35 illustrations, paperback, $30, ISBN 978-1-68051-131-4. SPORTS/CLIMBING. Rights: .

10 MOUNTAINEERS BOOKS phone: 800.553.4453

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Add to your family’s national park vacation with these fun and detailed guides that the kids will love too! • All activities certified “kid tested” by the authors’ four rambunctious sons • Each includes best hikes, mountain bike routes, features to climb on, places to see wildlife, and more • Natural history learning opportunities also included

The parents of four boys, Harley and Abby McAllister have spent the last few years figuring out the best way to explore our national parks with restless kids in tow. These first two books in a new series help families plan their vacations in Yellowstone National Park and in Utah’s “Big Five” national parks (Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Bryce Canyon, and Zion)—so that everyone has a fun and memorable trip.

With an easy-to-follow organization based on park geography, an emphasis on outdoor fun and education, and an approach that zeroes in on the very best options for families, each guide fully explores the national park it covers. Family-friendly hiking trails for a range of age and skill levels; major natural sights, from geothermal pools and geysers in Yellowstone to slot canyons, arches, and hoodoos in Utah; the best wildlife viewing spots, including wildlife checklists for kids to mark off; fishing, biking, climbing, and rafting opportunities—and much more are all detailed. The guides also promote the popular Junior Ranger program found throughout the National Parks system, as well as other park programs that appeal to kids. And they provide basics on access, trip planning, and overnight options from campgrounds to lodges to cabins.

Wanting to keep their travel options open, Harley and Abby McAllister homeschool their children; Abby is a trained educator and strategic planner and discovers teaching and learning opportunities wherever they adventure. An avid outdoorsman, Harley works as a project manager and has lived in seven different states and on three different coasts, including four years with his family in the Dominican Republic where he taught at a nonprofit school. Their goal is to inspire other families to get outside more often, and have fun doing it. When not enjoying national parks, the McAllisters make their home in Spokane, Washington. You can try to keep up with them by visiting their websites at www.our4outdoors.com and www.nationalparkswithkids.com.

EACH: 192 pages, 5 x 7, 75 color photos, 7 color maps, paperback, $16.95. FAMILY ACTIVITIES/OUTDOORS. Rights: World. Yellowstone National Park: ISBN 978-1-68051-112-3 (ebook 978-1-68051-113-0) Utah’s Big Five National Parks: ISBN 978-1-68051-114-7 (ebook 978-1-68051-115-4)

www.mountaineersbooks.org fax: 800.568.7604 11

F17_Catalog_Frontlist_Final.indd 11 3/2/17 1:35 PM SKIPSTONE





Learn to observe, sketch, and paint nature from an award-winning outdoor artist and art teacher

• Explains how to “see” color depending on time of day, season, atmosphere, and more • More than 170 illustrations, featuring iconic national parks • Improve your nature painting skills or learn a fun new hobby you can do outdoors

Colors of the West explores wild places through the lens of watercolor “en plein air” painting, a French term meaning “in the open air.” Steeped in the natural world, award-winning artist Molly Hashimoto has sketched in the outdoors and worked as a plein air artist and teacher for more than 20 years. In that time she has filled more than 40 sketchbooks with landscapes, vignettes, studies of flora and fauna, and natural history notes—created while visiting some of the West’s most stunning landscapes.

This new book is organized by color, a unique approach to teaching both intermediate and budding artists how to really see color in the outdoor spaces around them, and then apply it to journals, other art projects, or simply beautiful memories. The average person can see 17,000 colors (!), so Molly explains the concept of palette, the range of colors that unites elements of geography, geology, and the different kinds of light created by atmosphere, season, and latitude. Molly’s own sketches and paintings of familiar Western landscapes help convey these colors, along with sidebars and insets on individual species (trees, birds, mammals, and other flora and fauna) and historical notes related to the park or site she has sketched. Tips and techniques for outdoor journaling and painting are included throughout.

From the green hues found on Cascade Head on the Oregon coast and in Yellowstone’s quaking aspens, to the reds that highlight the rocks in Arches National Park and the redwoods of California, readers and artists of all levels will learn a new appreciation for the colors of the West—and how the details of natural beauty can be revealed when we stop, observe, and pay attention to the outdoor world.

Molly Hashimoto’s paintings have been exhibited at a variety of galleries throughout the Northwest and at the Whatcom Museum of Art in Bellingham, Washington. Her work has a long association with outdoor and conservation organizations, and teaching has become an important part of her artistic journey. She has taught at the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology on the Oregon coast, the Institute in North Cascades National Park, and the Yellowstone Institute in Yellowstone National Park, among others. Molly lives in Seattle and can be found at www.mollyhashimoto.com.

1 192 pages, 10 x 8 ⁄2, 170 illustrations, hardcover (paper-over-boards), $24.95, ISBN 978-1-68051-097-3. ART/NATURE. Rights: World English.

“Putting a brush in the hands of new artists, young and old, heightens their awareness of the power and beauty of nature.” —Molly Hashimoto

12 MOUNTAINEERS BOOKS phone: 800.553.4453

F17_Catalog_Frontlist_Final.indd 12 3/2/17 1:35 PM John J. Albers, P h.D. Photography by David E. Perry THE NORTHWEST GARDEN MANIFESTO CREATE, RESTORE, AND MAINTAIN A SUSTAINABLE YARD THE NORTHWEST

JOHN J. ALBERS, PhD GARDEN PHOTOGRAPHY BY DAVID E. PERRY MANifESTO Create, Restore AND Maintain a Sustainable yard


Your garden can be more than beautiful—it can become a place that nourishes both the soul and the planet.

• A primer for growing a beautiful, healthy, wildlife-friendly, and sustainable garden • Science-based advice from the author’s three decades of experience with his four-acre garden • Lays out Earth-healthy principles and explains how to work toward them

Gardens are extensions of our homes, places where we go to get outside, relax, entertain, and get some physical exercise. But our gardens are also extensions of the natural world. Through our gardens, as well as other neighborhood greenspaces, we can help counter some of the woes faced by larger environments: rampant development, loss of plant and animal habitat, the spread of invasive species, the exploitation of natural resources, air and water pollution, and the impacts of climate change. Yes, even small urban backyard landscapes can help to alleviate such man-made strains on our local environment—and it’s easy to do!

In his new book, The Northwest Garden Manifesto, scientist and gardener John J. Albers provides a comprehensive guide to encourage and enable all of us to consider the local ecosystem in our own gardens, by following these key principles: 1. Protect, conserve, and create healthy soil 2. Maintain healthy plants and create a sustainable landscape 3. Conserve water and other natural resources 4. Protect water and air quality 5. Protect and enhance wildlife habitat 6. Conserve energy 7. Use sustainable methods and materials

Through clear explanations, practical examples, and full-color photos, Albers shows how to evaluate any yard in terms of these principles and then challenges the reader to improve each element, one step at a time.

Dr. John J. Albers is a renowned research professor of medicine at the University of Washington. But horticulture, landscaping, and environmental stewardship have been his passions for more than three decades, as he has worked and experimented in his Albers Vista Gardens, a four-acre garden with approximately 1200 different plant species and cultivars. He lives in Bremerton, Washington, with his wife Santica. Learn more about his garden at www.albersvistagardens.org.

Seattle-based photographer, David E. Perry’s gardening images have appeared in a variety of gardening and lifestyle books and magazines, including Sunset, Garden Design, LEAF, Pacific Horticulture, and Fine Gardening. See his work at www.davidperryphoto.com.

1 224 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2, 135 color photos, 1 zone map, paperback, $24.95, ISBN 978-1-68051-109-3 (ebook: 978-1-68051-110-9). GARDENING/SUSTAINABILITY/CONSERVATION. Rights: World.

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SECTION HIKING FROM CAMPO TO TUOLUMNE MEADOWS SHAWNTÉ SALABERT ISBN 978-1-59485-880-2 (ebook 978-1-59485-881-9). GUIDEBOOK/HIKING/SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Hiking tHe pacific AVAILABLE IN NOVEMBER crest trail soutHern california section Hiking froM caMpo utoM tuol ne MeaDoWs

Shawnté Salabert

The most up-to-date, comprehensive guidebooks to one of the world’s premier long-distance trails— designed for section hikers but invaluable for thru hikers, as well

• The final two (of four) volumes for the entire 2,650-mile Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) • All-color photos, maps, elevation profiles, charts, and more • Dream books—and precious gifts—for trail lovers everywhere

From the preeminent outdoor publisher in the West come the latest volumes in this new, unparalleled series of guidebooks to the region’s most famous trail.

The Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail meanders north from California’s border with Mexico to the entrance of Manning Provincial Park in British Columbia, on the Washington State–Canada border. It’s a rigorous trail that has evolved since its earliest envisioning in 1926 to encompass approximately 2,650 miles of rich and varied terrain, traveling through some of the West Coast’s most beautiful country. It inspires hikers of all ages and abilities to imagine the ultimate wilderness journey.

The Southern California and Northern California guides of Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail complete the four-volume set written for hikers planning to tackle trail sections in their nearby region, those who will chip away at pieces of the whole trail over a lifetime, or trekkers who set out in the SoCal desert and charge all the way to Canada.

These are lushly attractive guidebooks—good reads and gorgeous to page through—but they also offer invaluable hiking beta. Each volume focuses on section-by-section routes in each state (or region), and provides important details to help hikers plan and organize multinight backpacks. Here’s what’s included with each expertly written guidebook:

• Trail sections that promote 4- to 10-night trips • Details on specific campsites • Smaller section legs allowing for easier planning and • Most reliable water sources trail-time management • Access to and from various trail sections • Detailed -to-camp route descriptions • Info on permits, hazards, restrictions, and more • Easy-to-understand route maps • Alternate routes and connecting trails • Clear references to the PCT’s established system of • Key wilderness sights along the way section letters, designating trail segments from south to north, Mexico to Canada, so hikers can easily cross- • Suggested itineraries reference other trail resources

14 MOUNTAINEERS BOOKS phone: 800.553.4453

F17_Catalog_Frontlist_Final.indd 14 3/2/17 1:35 PM HIKING THE PACIFIC CREST TRAIL: NORTHERN CALIFORNIA

SECTION HIKING FROM TUOLUMNE MEADOWS TO DONOMORE PASS PHILIP KRAMER ISBN 978-1-59485-878-9 (ebook 978-1-59485-879-6). GUIDEBOOK/HIKING/NORTHERN CALIFORNIA HIKING AVAILABLE IN FEBRUARY THE PACIFIC CREST TRAIL NORTHERN backcover tagline, baseline of text is .25” front cover, CALIFORNIAlogo lines up ush left at .25” from spine, from bottom of book SECTION HIKING FROM TUOLUMNE baseline of text is .25’’ from bottomMEADOWS of book TO DONOMORE PASS


Unlike other PCT guidebooks, this series focuses on section hikers who make up the vast majority of adventurers on the trail. Only a handful of folks complete a thru-hike of the trail in one trip, but the trail’s popularity continues to grow. In 2015, long-

distance hikers and horseback riders from all 50 states and 34 countries wereSpine issued permits to vacation on parts of the PCT. It backcover, left align text to is one of the seminal bucket list items for outdoor lovers, whether that means completing just texyourt on backcover own state . . . and then the next . . . and then the next . . . or as far as your dreams will take you.

A Los Angeles–based outdoorswoman on a never-ending mission to cram as much Southern California sunshine into her life as possible, Shawnté Salabert volunteers as a trip leader and Wilderness Travel Course instructor with the Los Angeles chapter of the Sierra Club, and serves as staff writer for the region’s premier outdoor adventure website, Modern Hiker. A freelance writer, she also spent several years as writer and producer for iTunes Weekly Rewind, a podcast about the intersection of music and pop culture. Today, her writing focuses on outdoor adventure and lifestyles. Learn more at www.shawntesalabert.com.

Philip Kramer is a Seattle-based adventure and travel photographer. Born in Olympia, Washington, he began photographing rural landscapes around his home as a teenager. His first job after receiving an Associates in Fine Arts degree, was as an assistant to acclaimed nature photographer Art Wolfe. Phillip struck out on his own in 2006, picking up photography assignments with NationalGeographic.com, Ranger Rick, Sunset magazine, and Lonely Planet. His current work focuses on outdoor sports including backpacking, surfing, trail running, and backcountry ski touring. As a traveler and outdoor enthusiast, Philip has adventured in over 30 countries on six continents. He thru-hiked the entire PCT in 2013. Follow him at www.philipkramer.com.

3 Each: 336 pages, 6 ⁄4 x 9, 150 color photos, Section 5 to 57–80 color maps, elevation profiles, paperback, PaSS StevenS $24.95. Rights: World. Distance: 71.3 miles if your wanderluS t has you dreaming of hiking 70-plus miles of roadless backcountry, past state Distance: 244.5–315.8 miles high mountain lakes, through deep river valleys,

and with spectacular alpine views, look no further elevation gain/loss: than the Snoqualmie Pass to Stevens Pass section +19,130/–18,100 feet of the PCT. This section is the state’s most popular, HigH point: 5930 feet primarily because of its proximity to the Seattle metro area, its reputation for unfathomable beauty, Best time of year: Aug–Sept WASHINGTON AND OREGON PCT GUIDEBOOKS ARE AVAILABLE NOW! and the distance (which most folks can hike in less pcta section letter: J than a week). Lakes abound, with Spectacle Lake the unquestioned loveliest of them all: framed by lanD managers: the rugged snowcapped shoulders of Lemah Moun- Mount Baker– Snoqualmie National Forest tain and Three Queens, it boasts bold granite (Snoqualmie Ranger District, Skykomish slabs for sunning and tucked-away quiet nooks for Ranger District, ) rest. Other rugged peaks in this section are alpine 54 columbia river to forest road 23 passes anD permits: NW Forest Pass visions: Chikamin, Bears Breast, Mount Daniel, to park at Snoqualmie Pass and Stevensforest road 60 at crest campground to forest road 24 and Cathedral Rock. And water sources include 55 Pass. Free self-issue wilderness permits two major waterways you’ll cross: Lemah Creek at wilderness area trailheads. and Waptus River. SECTION 1: LEG 4 Forest Road 24 T LEG 5 The trail-building marvel that is Kendall maps anD apps FOREST ROAD 60 Katwalk starts you off, its sheer rock-face-turned- z Halfmile’s WA SectionAT CREST J CAMPGROUND TO FOREST ROAD 24 hiker-friendly-shelf blasted out of the granite with z USFS PCT Map #10 Northern 88 24 dynamite. Later, near Pieper Pass, as you click- Washington Sawtooth Mtn z clack across a mountainside of scree, you’ll again Green Trails Snoqualmie Pass #207, 65 Sawtooth Mtn appreciate the trail builders responsible for the Kachess Lake #208, Stevens Pass #76; Trail #107 switchbacks, built in the 1970s. In July, waterfalls z Halfmile’s PCT app, Guthook’s overall Creek C Wood Lake Trail #185 us reek and creeks are at their runoff; while in late PCT app and PCT WA app ult C 8 8831 Wood Lake il #10 Cultus Creek August or early September, huckleberry feasts P ra Placid la Camp 19 T Campground 67 c legs Lake i d 9 33 Twin near Deception Pass will turn your lips and fin- Lake #2 rail # Bu 24 Trail T tte s 1. Snoqualmie Pass to Spectacle Lake n Cultus R e d

gers blue. Avoiding mosquito swarms near Hope road washed out v

a Little Goose 2. Spectacle Lake to Waptus River e Horse Camp

H and Mig Lakes is a challenge any month. But

3. Waptus River to Deception Pass an Cultus Lake whatever the season, you can count on meeting di Deer Lake In 4. Deception Pass to Hope Lake Lemei Trail #34 fellow hikers: this section is one of the most trav- Elk Lake Clear 24 Hope Lake to Stevens Pass Lake eled in the state. So have a plan B for camping: 5. Bear & Elk Lake Camp Lake Wapiki Bear Lake you may have to hike farther than you intended

Lemei Lake if your preferred campsite is already taken. Thom Trail #179 as L Junction ak Junction Lake e Lake Camp Thomas Tr E ai a l s Lake t

C # East r 111 a t Crater e r Opposite: Caption T Indian Heaven Wilderness touts copious quantities of shallow lakes and meadows for hikers to enjoy along r Blue Lake Camp a HIkING (designated sites only) Lake il # the PCT. 4 Blue Lake Sahalee Tyee 8 Gi ord Peak 153 Tombstone Lake 65 THE paCIfIC Indian Heaven Lake Sebago Giord Pinchot FR 60 (Carson–Guler Rd) Indian Heaven Wilderness Indian Heaven T Wood Lake Trail #185/ FR 24 (Twin National Forest Junction Lake Trail #179 Trail #33 Cultus Creek Trail #108 Wilderness 6035 Green Lake Shortcut Bear & Buttes Rd) Thomas Lake Spur to Camp 19 India 6020 hIkIng n 6000' Trail #171A Lemei Lake Elk Lake T R Sheep Lake Trail #111 Sawtooth ac LEG 4 Camp 17 Berry Mtn Placid Lake e CREST TRaIL Camp 16 Blue Lake East Crater Mountain Camp 15 Camp 18 Trail #29 T 5000' r Berry Mtn Trail #48 Trail #107 a c k Forlorn Lakes

4000' T r The pAcIfIc a il

3000' LEG 4 # 1 0 miles 7 2 4 1 Camp 18 6 8 10 12 14 16 16.8 Indian Racetrack 6040 OREGON Profile 14–Leg 4: FR 60 to FR 24 Camp 17 cReST TRAIl Short Cut Trail #171A 60 SECTION HIkING fROM DONOMORE mainland defense system. The original tower was Green Lake In 3.2 miles from FR 60, arrive at a junction Camp 16 Goose Lake replaced in 1959 to accommodate wear and tear. paSS TO BRIDGE Of THE GODS with Shortcut Trail #171A, leading to Indian Red Mountain Then, in December 2006, a fierce windstorm nearly Lookout Race Track. If time permits, take the 0.5-mile one- shook the lookout off the map. For the next two Sheep Lake Camp 15 wAShIngTon way trip out to the Race Track, a large meadow 6621 summers, volunteers donated labor and expertise to d R SecTIon hIkIng fRoM The

where Native Americans held competitions for r reconstruct the structure using salvaged authentic le Big Lava Bed horsemanship. While Mother Nature has primar u colUMBIA RIVeR To MAnnIng pARk G materials. Today, the Red Mountain Lookout lives - – Forest Road 60 at n ily reclaimed the deep ruts cut into the meadow so on and is visible from many vistas along the PCT. Crest Campground T ar by fast hooves, it’s fun to let your imagination C This is the first glimpse of it as you head north. 0 1 2 MILES ELI BOSCHETTO run wild. A side trip up to Red Mountain is also Crest Campground LEG 3 0 1 2 KILOMETERS Section 1, Leg 4: FR 60 at Crest Campground to FR 24

Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, Washington TAMI ASARS


www.mountaineersbooks.org fax: 800.568.7604 15

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Fresh, engaging, full-color 30 great hikes within Denver’s C-470 loop pocket guide to Olympia and the greater South Sound’s regional trails • Easy-to-follow routes along trails and through Denver’s neighborhoods • Shorter, nearby trails you can hike, walk, or run • Urban hikes for all abilities, with routes ranging from 2 to 8 miles • Attractively packaged guidebook that makes a great gift • Special coverage of the 9 Creeks Loop, a 41-mile urban hike on Denver’s best trails Urban Trails: Olympia focuses on the trails and parks in and around the South Sound, including the Olympia, Tumwater, When all you want to do is lace up your shoes and get on and Lacey areas. It covers hikes in Capitol State Forest, a trail, turn to these urban walks, which take you through Harstine Island, the area around Shelton, and the Nisqually 30 local nature areas, with many choices within just a few Delta. This book introduces locals and visitors alike to minutes’ drive from home. places in the state’s capital to go for a refreshing run, long Want a longer hike without having to jump on I-70? You’ll walk, or peaceful hike right in their own backyards. The find special coverage of Denver’s 9 Creeks Loop, a 41-mile guide includes: trail system that circles Denver’s core via the Sand Creek • Trailhead directions, including public transit where Greenway, , Cherry Creek Trail, and Platte available River Trail. You’ll even discover little-known trails and parks • “Know Before You Go” tips for park hours, events, etc. most books don’t cover. The author has hiked each trail, • Trail distance and high point narrowing down the hundreds of miles of choices in Denver’s • Estimated average hike time Regional Trail system to these 30 best options. • Trailhead amenities • Info for families and dog owners Chris Englert volunteered into wanderlusting at age 5. • Sidebars on area history, nature, or special sights She’s since traveled to 51 countries and all 50 US states. She loves Denver, has hiked all of its major trails, and has led Craig Romano is the Pacific Northwest’s most prolific urban hikes in all 78 Denver neighborhoods. Chris advocates outdoor author, writing or co-writing 13 books on the for safer walking environments and better trails in and Mountaineers Books list. When not hiking, Craig is running; around Denver as an America Walks Walking Fellow, and as he has participated in over 25 marathons and ultra runs. a Walking Movement Leader for Walk2Connect. A natural Craig writes on outdoor topics for a variety of magazines storyteller, she invites you along as she explores the world, and websites from his home in Skagit County where he one walk at a time. lives with his wife Heather, son Giovanni, and cat, Giuseppe. Get to know Craig at craigromano.com. 200 pages, 4 x 7, 45 color photos, 31 maps, rounded corners, paperback, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-52-2. GUIDEBOOK//HIKING. 224 pages, 4 x 7, 65 color photos, 37 maps, paperback, $16.95, 978-1-68051-026-3 (ebook 978-1-68051-027-0). GUIDEBOOK/HIKING/PUGET SOUND. Rights: World.

16 MOUNTAINEERS BOOKS phone: 800.553.4453

F17_Catalog_Frontlist_Final.indd 16 3/2/17 1:35 PM COLORADO MOUNTAIN CLUB PRESS




Explore the Centennial state, relax, and have fun Highlights routes from across the state to ensure while coloring 49 beautifully drawn images that you can find a nearby flow no matter which • 34 iconic scenes from around the state part of Colorado you’re exploring • 15 outdoor adventures • Contains routes from all across Colorado • Inspirational and fun—perfect gift for all ages! • Highlights beginner areas as well as multipitch classics Coloring Colorado features drawings of some of the state’s • Each area has details on avalanche danger, iconic peaks, such as , Lone Eagle Peak, suggested gear, and top access. , and the . There are pastoral scenes with wildflowers and aspen trees as well Harness the adventure of ice climbing with Classic Colorado as historical scenes. And there are fun drawings like the Ice Climbs, a new guidebook from CMC Press. Covered within much-loved Blue Bear at the Denver Convention Center. are popular areas like Lincoln Falls and the Ouray Ice Park, as For outdoor adventure lovers, there is mountain biking, well as more obscure routes from Steamboat Springs all the trail running, rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering way down to Durango. Author Jeff Golden describes in detail and more! This coloring book is fun for anyone from age nearly 50 climbs across Colorado, ensuring that you can find 3 to 93. While many people will want Coloring Colorado for ice no matter which corner of the state you’re exploring. themselves, it also makes a wonderful gift. Organized by region, each entry and includes details such Jesse Crock is an artist with a love of climbing, cycling, and as avalanche danger, top-rope access, driving directons, the outdoors. The rich color and sharp contrast of his acrylic suggested gear, and other important considerations. Classic paintings attempt to capture the vibrant Colorado landscape Colorado Ice Climbs contains routes for everyone, whether and adventures. As an outdoor enthusiast, he brings the you’re brand new to the sport or a seasoned ice leader. viewer to places seldom painted. An elementary art teacher, Jesse often connects his work with the playfulness of his Jeff Golden turned to ice climbing after hiking all of students and is inspired by the energy they bring to the Colorado’s 14,000-foot peaks and climbing several bigger classroom. Clients include USA Pro Challenge, American mountains around the world. Seeing it initially as a means to Alpine Club, Ouray Ice Climbing Festival, and FIBArk an end to tackle more technical mountaineering routes, he Kayaking Festival. Jesse’s impressionist style and bright soon became obsessed with the fringe sport of ice climbing colors have led to several murals in the town of Golden, in its own right. A transplant from Charlotte, North Carolina, where he lives with his wife and a Great Dane. Jeff now resides in Denver with his girlfriend, Liz, and border collie, Zia. 1 108 pages, 8 ⁄2 x 11, 49 illustrations, perforated pages, paperback, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-50-8. ADULT COLORING BOOK/COLORADO. 224 pages, 6 x 9, 80 color photos, 50 maps, rounded corners, paperback, $24.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-40-9 (ebook: 978-1-937052-41-6). GUIDEBOOK/COLORADO/CLIMBING.

www.mountaineersbooks.org fax: 800.568.7604 17

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The most exciting and scenic places to This comprehensive guidebook features 70 of explore on skis and within easy the best backcountry ski descents in Colorado driving distance of Denver and other cities • Includes detailed maps with climbing information for each peak, including difficulty ratings for the ascent and ski descent • Family-oriented, easy outings for beginners or youngsters • Photos closely match the detailed maps and route descriptions • Challenging mountain summits for experienced mountaineers • “Ski Lines” and “Extra Credit” are featured for each entry • 80 routes with complete descriptions and maps World famous for great skiing, Colorado offers much more Ski & Snowshoe Routes, Colorado’s Front Range is about than expensive resorts. For those willing to earn their turns, where to go and what to use on both easy and challenging this full-color guidebook provides detailed descriptions for trails. It’s also about enjoyment and achievement. However getting to many classic descents without the lift lines. you choose to enjoy Colorado winters, this book will provide you with indispensable information about the best Travel around Colorado with ski mountaineer Dr. Jon trails, the most appropriate equipment to use, safety in Kedrowski as he guides you to some of the best ski avalanche terrain, excellent maps and photos, and who to descents the state has to offer. Classic Colorado Ski Descents contact for additional information. It includes an overview showcases 70 ski lines on 14ers and 13ers, as well as easily of the equipment you’ll want and essential information for accessible mountain passes and locales. Routes range from enjoyable and safe outings in the Rockies. peaks with gentle terrain, to tree glades, endless powder, ridgelines, steep faces, and couloirs. Each peak description Alan Apt has been skiing and snowshoeing the mountains includes skiable vertical, elevation gain, and round-trip and foothills of Colorado for over 45 years. He is a Sierra mileage, as well as easy-to-follow directions to the trailhead. Club wilderness volunteer and a member of the Colorado Mountain Club. Alan is also a member of the Professional Dr. Jon Kedrowski grew up in Vail, Colorado, and first Ski Instructors Association, and the National Ski Patrol. He climbed each of state’s 14ers in the late 1990s before he has contributed articles to the Denver Post, the Fort Collins turned 18. Jon has climbed and skied on all seven continents, Coloradoan, the Boulder Weekly, and Altitude newspapers. including leading climbing expeditions to each of the Seven A retired computer science book publisher, he currently Summits, reaching the summit of in 2012. He resides in Nederland, Colorado. has been featured in numerous documentaries about his climbing and skiing on the Discovery Channel, Smithsonian, 320 pages, 6 x 9, 120 color photos, 81 maps, rounded corners, paperback, $26.95, NBC, Dateline NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, and CNN. He is the author ISBN 978-1-937052-51-5. GUIDEBOOK/COLORADO/SNOW SPORTS. of Sleeping on the Summits: Colorado 14er High Bivys and Skiing and Sleeping on the Summits: Cascade Volcanoes.

254 pages, 6 x 9, 80 color photos, 70 maps, rounded corners, paperback, $24.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-38-6 (ebook: 978-1-937052-39-3). GUIDEBOOKS/COLORADO/SKIING.

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BACKCOUNTRY BACKCOUNTRY SKI & SNOWBOARD SKI & SNOWBOARD backcover tagline, ROUTES backcover tagline, ROUTES baseline of text is .25” front cover, logo lines up baseline of text is .25” front cover, logo lines up from bottom of book ush left at .25” from spine, from bottom of book ush left at .25” from spine, AVAILABLE IN OCTOBER baseline of text is .25’’ from AVAILABLE IN NOVEMBER baseline of text is .25’’ from CALIFORNIAbottom of book COLORADObottom of book JEREMY BENSON BRITTANY WALKER KONSELLA AND FRANK KONSELLA Sierra snow is back and 100 of Colorado’s best this book will satisfy the pent-up backcountry ski and snowboard routes demand to ride it! described in detail by local pros Spine Spine backcover, left align text to backcover, left align text to text on backcover text on backcover From Bishop to Tahoe to Shasta, and multiple slopes in Whether you’re an experienced backcountry skier or between, California has a big ski and snowboard culture. snowboarder or and intermediate skier looking to ramp This backcountry guide describes 97 of the state’s up your out-of-bounds expeditions, Brittany and Frank best routes. Part of our critically acclaimed series, Konsella have the cred to guide you to the state’s special Backcountry Ski & Snowboard Routes: California is written runs. Both have descended all of the state’s 14ers on skis, by Tahoe-based professional skier, Jeremy Benson, and with Brittany being the second woman to accomplish covers the best of the state. The northern region of the that feat. Backcountry Ski & Snowboard Routes: Colorado book focuses on Mount Shasta and Tahoe, while the includes routes focused on the Front Range and the central region includes Mammoth, Bishop, and Sierra San Juans, with other routes in the , Elk Club hut trips, and to the south, 14ers Mount Whitney Mountains, , and more. and Mount Langley and more are featured. Brittany Walker Konsella is an avid outdoors A sponsored ski athlete, Jeremy Benson brings enthusiast and former freestyle skiing competitor expertise, enthusiasm, and years of research to this and coach. Frank Konsella is a former ski racer and exciting new guidebook. In addition to writing books International Freeskiing & Snowboarding Association (see Mountain Bike: Tahoe), Jeremy is a contributor (IFSA) Big Mountain competitor. He writes about the to Powder, Skiing, Mountain, and Tahoe Quarterly outdoors (biking, hiking, and skiing) with Brittany. The magazines, as well as TetonGravity.com. He currently Konsellas live in , Colorado, and blog at lives in Truckee, California, with his wife, Heather. www.14erskiers.com.

1 1 1 1 320 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, 120 B&W photos, 81 maps, paperback, $21.95, ISBN 978-1- 288 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, 120 B&W photos, 84 maps, paperback, $21.95, ISBN 978-1- 59485-899-4 (ebook: 978-1-59485-900-7). GUIDEBOOK/CALIFORNIA/SNOW SPORTS. 59485-882-6 (ebook 978-1-59485-883-3). GUIDEBOOKS/COLORADO/SNOW SPORTS. Rights: World. Rights: World.

The Backcountry Ski & Snowboard Routes series is written for intermediate to advanced skiers and snowboarders. The guides include resources for avalanche, weather, and road conditions; land managers relevant to the routes; ski/snow reports; and general safety advice. ALL BOOKS IN THE SERIES INCLUDE:

• Trips ranging from accessible day trips to more • Maps/permits info, GPS coordinates, and driving challenging overnights and traverses directions to route start from nearest major town or • Overall rating, starting point/elevation, high point/ junction elevation, trail distance, estimated trip time, skill level, • Overview of the route and detailed route description and recommended season • Alternate routes • Avalanche notes and/or other key features like glaciers, • Photos and detailed route maps route-finding, etc.

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An all-new guide to the most popular long-distance bike BILL THORNESS tour in the United States!

• Replaces Mountaineers Books’ earlier title, Bicycling the Pacific Coast, 4th Edition • Covers the entire 2,000-mile route from Canada to Mexico, including alternate routes and side trips • Information on lodging, camping, loading a bike, safe cycling, road conditions, weather, and more

The Pacific Coast route is the most popular bike touring route in the United States, according to Mountaineers Books’ nonprofit partner, the Adventure Cycling Association. And for 33 years, our very own Bicycling the Pacific Coast was the most popular guidebook to this venerable route—until now! Cycling the Pacific Coast continues the trusted legacy with an all-new, completely re-ridden and researched, and fully comprehensive guidebook from Bill Thorness, featuring the most current, up-to-date beta on this amazing route.

Cycling the Pacific Coast is organized in five sections—Washington, Oregon, Northern California, Central California, and Southern California—and is useful to riders who plan to do the trip as one epic ride, or break it up to pedal a section at a time. Features include: • Suggested itineraries for the entire ride, or for one- and two-week trips • Logistics for getting to/from ride sections • Airpor t and train-station connections in all major cities along the route (Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego) • Alt ernate routes include British Columbia’s Vancouver Island, Washington’s Olympic Peninsula, and Northern California’s “Lost Coast” • Interesting and fun side-trip destinations in five cities, on two islands, and in two wine country regions

New bike tourers will find equipment information, packing advice, safety tips, and other helpful trip suggestions. And all riders will find the guidance to experience the trip of a lifetime.

Bill Thorness is a freelance writer and editor based in Seattle. He is the author of four books, including three with Mountaineers Books about his two great passions, gardening and cycling: Cool Season Gardener, Edible Heirlooms, and Biking Puget Sound, 2nd Edition. His travel articles appear regularly in the Seattle Times, and he is a columnist for Edible Seattle and Edible Portland magazines, as well as many other regional publications. He is a member and ride leader for Cascade Bicycle Club, the largest regional bicycle club in the country. Find out more at www.billthorness.com.

1 1 304 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, 125 B&W photos, 30 color photos, 58 maps, 57 elevation profiles, paperback, $24.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-986-1 (ebook 978-1-59485-987-8). GUIDEBOOK/ BICYCLE TOURING/WEST COAST. Rights: World.

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Explore the heart of the Midwest and the beauty of the Appalachians, cycling until you reach the nation’s most famous island—Manhattan.

• Route connects major cities between Chicago and New York City • Numerous rail trails and separated paths are used on the route • With the addition of Bicycle Route 66, this route completes a cross-country course from Los Angeles to New York City

#1 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS–INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA (231 MILES). The route begins in downtown Chicago. You’ll ride trails and city streets to make your way out of the city into Indiana. Then continue through Indiana on rural roads, highways, and rail trails. Included in this map is the Indianapolis Cutoff, which shortens the route by 50 miles and avoids Indianapolis. (ISBN 978-0-935108-97-2)

#2 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA–ZANESVILLE, OHIO (275 MILES). From Indianapolis into central Ohio the terrain remains flat. Between Dayton and Columbus several paved trails provide almost continuous separated path riding. From Columbus eastward the terrain becomes rolling and you encounter more forested land. (ISBN 978-0-935108-98-9)

#3 ZANESVILLE, OHIO–CLEARFIELD, PENNSYLVANIA (296 MILES). The topography on this map gets progressively hillier. The route crosses the Ohio River. Pittsburgh is located upriver at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers. Many of its neighborhoods have steep slopes. From Pittsburgh, the route parallels Interstate 80 across Pennsylvania. (ISBN 978-0-935108-99-6)

#4 CLEARFIELD, PENNSYLVANIA–NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK (359 MILES). This section enters the Appalachian Mountains. Most of it follows valleys but you will encounter several ridge crossings with steep climbs and descents. At the Pennsylvania/New Jersey border the route traverses quiet roads until New York State Bicycle Route 9, which takes you into the city, riding to the end of the route at the southern tip of Manhattan Island. (ISBN 978-0-9863397-7-6)

Philadelphia Alternate #1: PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA–LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA (339 MILES). In Pittsburgh you’ll make the choice to stay on the main route or to follow the Philadelphia Alternate. The route uses the Great Allegheny Passage, a multi-use trail that primarily follows railroad corridors from Pittsburgh to Cumberland, Maryland. (ISBN 978-0-9863397-8-3)

Philadelphia Alternate #2: LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA–NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK (180 MILES). From Lancaster the route uses quiet roads through the Amish farm country to reach Valley Forge National Historical Park. The Schuylkill River Trail takes cyclists into downtown Philadelphia. You’ll cross the Delaware River into New Jersey and eventually catch a ferry to Manhattan Island. (ISBN 978-0-9863397-9-0)

Adventure Cycling Association inspires and empowers people to travel by bicycle. It is the largest bicycling membership organization in North America with more than 50,000 members.

3 1 ALL: 2 sided, 30 panels, 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4 folded, full color, weatherproof paper, $15.75. ROUTE MAPS/CYCLING/NORTHEAST.

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KNOW THE ROPES : ANCHORS The world's most significant climbs


Jammed with photos and maps, the Descriptions and in-depth analysis annual American Alpine Journal (AAJ) of rock climbing and mountaineering is the world’s most comprehensive and accidents. Learn from the mistakes of respected source for information about others, so you’ll be a safer climber. major new climbs and expeditions. • Beginners and expert climbers alike rely • The AAJ goes beyond blogs, Facebook posts, on the stories and analyses in Accidents to and video clips with in-depth reports on major become safer climbers climbs, written by the climbers themselves. • This year’s in-depth “Know the Ropes” • The “Recon” section covers the history, recent section covers the fundamentals of safe belay climbing activity, and new-route potential of anchors. “Know the Ropes” is written by a wild area. This year: the big granite walls of professional guides and is heavily illustrated. the Cirque of the Unclimbables in Canada. • Accidents has more color photos and • The 2017 edition is dedicated to Jeff Lowe, diagrams than ever before. with an exclusive essay by this visionary climber. Every year, novice climbers and experts are injured or killed by inadequate preparation and errors in judgment. Since Published annually since 1929, the American Alpine 1948, the American Alpine Club has documented the year’s Journal is renowned as the world’s journal of record most teachable climbing accidents, providing invaluable for major climbs. The AAJ publishes each year’s most lessons to climbers. In Accidents in North American compelling climbing stories, told by the climbers Climbing, each significant incident is carefully analyzed so themselves. In “Climbs & Expeditions,” we document the climbers can avoid similar situations in the future. year’s greatest first ascents, from Alaska to Afghanistan, 132 pages, 6 x 9, 60 color photos, 8 illustrations, 2 maps, paperback, and from Patagonia to Pakistan. $14.95, ISBN 978-1-933056-97-5. SPORTS/CLIMBING. 384 pages, 6 x 9, 300 color photos, 4 illustrations, 12 maps, paperback, $35, ISBN 978-1-933056-96-8. SPORTS/CLIMBING

The American Alpine Club is the leading organization representing climbers in the United States. The American Alpine Journal is written by hundreds of contributors from around the world. Accidents in North American Climbing is written and edited by a team of volunteers, staff, and regional correspondents. Both annuals are managed by veteran climbing journalist Dougald MacDonald, AAC Executive Editor.

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F17_Catalog_Frontlist_Final.indd 22 3/2/17 1:35 PM INSPIRING ACTION TO BRAIDED RIVER PROTECT WILD PLACES

YELLOWSTONE PAUL BANNICK MIGRATIONS Riis. 176 pages, 103⁄4 x 9 1⁄2, 150 color photos, 12 illustrations, 4 maps, hc, $29.95, ISBN 978- 1-68051-098-8.


OWL WHERE WATER IS GOLD A Year in the Lives of North Life and Livelihood in Alaska’s American Owls Bristol Bay Bannick. 208 pages, 10 3⁄4 x 9 1⁄2, 200 color Johnson. 176 pages, 10 x 9, 125 color photos, photos, 1 color map, hb, $34.95, ISBN 978-1- 4 maps, pb with flaps, $24.95, ISBN 978-1- 59485-800-0. 59485-773-7.

The American West at a Crossroads

The NorTh CasCades sage Finding Beauty and Renewal in the wild neaRBy spirit William Dietrich Dave Showalter Preface by David Allen Sibley

THE NORTH CASCADES THE WILD EDGE SAGE SPIRIT Finding Beauty and Renewal in the CROWN OF THE CONTINENT Freedom to Roam the Pacific Coast The American West at a Wild Nearby The Wildest Rockies Schulz. 240 pages, 12 x 10, 150 color photos, Crossroads Dietrich, C. Romano, and C. Martin. 192 pages, Gnam, with Chadwick. 192 pages, 10 x 9, 150 7 maps, hb, $39.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-773-2. Showalter. 176 pages, 10 x 9, 120 color 101⁄2 x 9 1⁄2, 120 color photos, 18 maps, pb with color photos, 7 maps, hb, $29.95, ISBN WXDE. photos, 1 map, pb with flaps, $24.95, ISBN flaps, $29.95,ISBN 978-1-5-485-771-3. 978-1-59485-772-0. 978-1-59485-916-8.

SALMON IN THE TREES Life in Alaska’s Tongass Rainforest Gulick. 176 pages, 10 x 9, 100 color photos, 5 color maps, hb, $29.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-091-2. Includes CD of Tongass nature sounds

ON ARCTIC GROUND Tracking Time Through Alaska’s Photo by Paul Bannick from Owl National Petroleum Reserve D. Miller. 144 pages, 12 x 10, hb, 80 color photos, $29.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-689-1. www.mountaineersbooks.org fax: 800.568.7604 23


“No other publisher has a stronger sense of mission, and their unwavering dedication to producing work that engages people in the critical environmental issues of the day is truly remarkable.” —Lori Rick, MacGillivray Freeman Films

TO THE ARCTIC Braided River uses images, storytelling, and science to generate Schulz. 204 pages, 15 x 10, 160 color photos, one map, hb, $45, awe, build excitement, and give people hope for the future of wild ISBN 978-1-59485-487-3. WXDE. places. ARCTIC WINGS Birds of the Arctic RESURRECTION Our books—and exhibits, presentations, and media campaigns—reveal Glen Canyon and a New the beauty and ecological importance of wild places in western S. Brown, editor. 192 pages, Vision for the American West North America. As people get to know these natural treasures, 11 x 11, 200 color photos. pb, $27.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-976-7. McGivney; Kay, photographer. 176 they’re inspired to take action to preserve them. Includes CD of Arctic pages, 11 x 10, 120 color photos, bird songs pb, $29.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-771-8. SELECT ACCOMPLISHMENTS BANFF WINNER • Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Seasons of Life and Land was held up on the floor on the floor of the US Senate during a Congressional debate on oil drilling—ultimately helping to defeat the development proposal. • Exhibits based on Braided River books have run in many prestigious museums, including the California Academy of Sciences, the Smithsonian, the Mendenhall Glacier Visitors Center in Alaska and Seattle’s Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture. PLANET ICE • We regularly partner with leading conservation groups, including A Climate for Change World Wildlife Fund, Earthjustice, The Wilderness Society, The Nature ARCTIC NATIONAL J. Martin. 176 pages, 10 x 11, 120 Conservancy, National Audubon Society, Sierra Club, Alaska Wilderness WILDLIFE REFUGE color photos, hb, $39.95, ISBN League, and many others. Seasons of Life and Land 978-0-89886-085-1. Banerjee. 160 pages, 11 x 11, 120 • Salmon in the Trees helped change the conversation regarding color photos, hb, $39.95, ISBN MIDNIGHT WILDERNESS 978-0-89886-909-5; Journeys in Alaska’s stewardship of the Tongass National Forest, and the US Forest Service Arctic National Wildlife pb, $29.95, ISBN 978-0-89886- uses the book as an education and outreach tool to this day. Refuge 438-0. D. Miller. 256 pages, 51⁄2 x 81⁄2, • The Last Polar Bear was among the earliest popular books to raise 15 photos, one map, pb, $18.95. awareness about the impact of global warming on the Arctic. It was ISBN 978-1-59485-633-4. used in testimony before Congress to argue against opening imperiled Arctic habitat to oil drilling. IPPY WINNER • Millions of people have seen Braided River’s work through multimedia features and news stories which have appeared on Good Morning America, and in National Geographic, Sierra, Vanity Fair, Newsweek, Sunset, Audubon and more. • On Arctic Ground was used in Congressional testimony and helped shape a decision that preserved 11 million acres of critical habitat JOURNEY TO THE for caribou, migrating birds, and other wildlife in Alaska’s National ARCTIC Schulz. 80 pages, 9 x 8, Petroleum Reserve. YELLOWSTONE TO 75 color photos, paper over YUKON • Powered by the Campion Foundation, we distributed more than 40,000 Freedom to Roam boards, $18.95, ISBN 978-1- copies of our book, We Are the Arctic, and helped in an effort that Schulz. 192 pages, 12 x 10, 200 59485-488-0. generated 1.8 million comments asking for the strongest possible color photos, pb, $29.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-104-9. protection for the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

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Skipstone promotes a deeper COMING SOON COLORS OF THE WEST An Artist’s Guide to Nature’s connection to our natural world Palette through sustainable practices Hashimoto. 192 pages, 10 x 81⁄2, 170 color illustrations, hc (paper-over- and backyard activism. boards), $24.95, ISBN 978-1-68051- of the 097-3. ColorsAN ARTIST’S GUIDE TO NATURE’S PALETTE West


COMING SOON THE NORTHWEST GARDEN MANIFESTO John J. Albers, P h.D. Create, Restore, and Photography by David E. Perry Maintain a Sustainable Yard Albers; photography by Perry. 224 pages, 7 x 81⁄2, 135 color photos, 1 zone map, pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-1- 68051-109-3.


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As the founders of the nationally recognized seattle urban food grown right, farm Company, Colin McCrate and Brad halm have heard it all: food grown right,

“My backyard is too small; how can I make space for a garden?” “Do I really need to buy fertilizer?” in “What on earth is that creature crawling on the tomatoes?” ——- your backyard “The zucchini are now on the sidewalk—who has time to harvest all this?”

Food Grown Right, In Your Backyard is McCrate and halm’s primer for these questions and more. It offers easy, inspiring a beginner’s in instruction for first-time gardeners who want to grow their own –- –

your backyard to food while saving money and time and eating more healthfully. guide –– growing crops desiGn & at home URBANColin McCrate and Brad Halm In response to the rising interest in homegrown foods, –- build youR how to get to work, save money,started the and seattle use urban your farm Co.bike for citythe living seattle urban farm Co. builds backyard vegetable to answer one simple question: gardens for everyone from busy families to groups of “does anybody need help setting renters to trendy restaurants. Along the way, McCrate own up a vegetable garden?” turns out, and halm teach beginning growers the techniques of quite a few did. In addition to organic food production and how to build a garden Colin building gardens and providing from the ground up. In simple, accessible terms, they private gardening instruction, they explain key topics, including: Mc foR the pacific teach community classes and lead Crate • Garden size and design for any setting –-–- urban farming workshops. Visit them CYCLING• Preparing soil, including fertilizer and compost MC at www.seattleurbanfarmco.com. –-–- & Rain GaRdens noRthwest • Crop planning techniques –- Brad Creating container gardens • crate • Watering and irrigation Halm • Plant Life 101—what are vegetables, anyway, and what should you eat? • Garden tools and time-saving rules & –- ⋆ • Essential skills for planting, care, and harvest Halm • Crop Profiles—the very best vegetables, herbs, ISBN 978-1-59485-683-9 edible flowers, and berries for your city farm Co-Founders Quick-reference tables, accounts of other beginning of Seattle gardeners, informative full-color photographs, and –- step-by-step instructions all come together in this Co. unique, friendly guide that proves, once and for all, Urban Farm –-- MADI CARLSON Gardening/Sustainable Living that anyone can develop a “green thumb”! $24.95 U.S. Photography by Hilary Dahl

PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATURE RAIN GARDENS FOR THE REAL GARDENS GROW URBAN CYCLING FOOD GROWN RIGHT, Coloring for Calm and Mindful PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIVES How to Get to Work, Save IN YOUR BACKYARD Observation Design and Build Your Design, Plant, and Enjoy a Money, and Use Your Bike for A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Own Healthy Northwest Garden City Living Crops at Home 1 2 1 2 Enche. 64 pages, 7 ⁄ x 5 ⁄ , 1 1 1 Stark. 320 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2, 175 color Carlson. 256 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2 , 2 color, McCrate & Halm. 320 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2, 30 illustrations to color, pb, $12.95, Pasztor, DeTore; illustrations by photos, 4 design plan illustrations, 2 70 b&w photos,5 illustrations, pb, 200 color photos, 10 illustrations, pb, ISBN 978-1-68051-092-8. Nunemaker. 256 pages, 7 x 81⁄2, 125 color photos, 25 illustrations, horticulture zone maps, pb, $24.95, $18.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-943-4. $24.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-683-9. pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-1-68051- 978-1-59485-866-6. 041-6.

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COOL SEASON THE URBAN FARM URBAN PANTRY FRONT YARD FORAGER FRESH PANTRY GARDENER HANDBOOK Tips & Recipes for a Identifying, Collecting, Eat Seasonally, Cook Smart City-Slicker Resources Thrifty, Sustainable & and Cooking the 30 Most Extend the Harvest, & Learn to Love Your for Growing, Raising, Vegetables Seasonal Kitchen Common Urban Weeds Plan Ahead, and Grow Vegetables Year- Sourcing, Trading, and 1 Herrera Vorass. 192 pages, 16-page Pennington. 224 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2, 75 Pennington; Chen, photography. Round Preparing What You Eat 1 color and 25 b&w photos, pb, $21.95, 176 pages, 7 x 8 1⁄2, 40 photos, color insert, 7 x 8 ⁄2, 45 color and B. Thorness; S. Thorness, Cottrell, McNichols. 304 ISBN 978-1-59485-817-8. pb, $19.95, ISBN 978-1-59485- 75 b&w photos, pb, $18.95, ISBN 1 Illustrations. 176 pages, 7 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2, 3 color 346-3. 978-1-59485-747-8. x 81⁄2, 15 illustrations, pb, inserts, 80 b&w photos, 90

$18.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-715-7. recipes, pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-637-2.

EDIBLE HEIRLOOMS Heritage Vegetables for the Maritime Garden Thorness. 160 pages, 6 FROM TREE TO TABLE FAT OF THE LAND PACIFIC FEAST PACIFIC COAST BACKYARD ROOTS UNCLE DAVE’S COW x 7, pb, Growing Backyard Fruit Adventures of a A Cook’s Guide to FORAGING GUIDE Lessons on Living Local And Other Whole $18.95, ISBN 978-1-59485- Animals My Freezer Trees in the Pacific 21st Century Forager West Coast Foraging 40 Wild Foods from From 35 Urban Farmers 142-1. Maritime Climate and Cuisine Beach, Field, and 1 3 Has Known L. Cook. 224 pages, Eanes. 192 pages, 8 ⁄2 x 9 ⁄4, 1 Forest 1 Edwards, Olivella. 192 pages, 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2 , 15 recipes, hb, Hahn. 256 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2, 200 color photos, pb, $21.95, Miller. 192 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2, 15 7 x 8 1⁄2, 10 illustrations, one $26.95, ISBN 978-1-59485- color insert, 1 map, pb, Hahn. Folded and laminated ISBN 978-1-59485-711-9. b&w illustrations, pb, $18.95, 1 3 map, 30 recipes, pb, $18.95, 007-3; pb, $16.95, $21.95, card, 3 ⁄4 x 6 ⁄4, 2-sided, ISBN 978-1-59485-697-6. ISBN 978-1-59485-518-4. ISBN 978-1-59485-086-8. ISBN 978-1-59485-102-5. 40 color photos, $7.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-399-9.

THE SALVAGE WAKE UP AND SMELL THE Quote books with STUDIO PLANET the added fun of a Sustainable The Non-Pompous, Non- flip-page illustrated Home Preachy Grist Guide to animation on the Wit, Wisdom, Comforts to Greening Your Day edges of each title. Organize, Grist; Davis, Wroth, editors. 208 pages, and Inspiration Entertain, and 3 Wroth, editor. Approx. 112 Inspire 6 x 6 ⁄4, 2-color, illustrated throughout, pb, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-039-4. pages, 6 x 6, pb, $12.95. THE ZEN OF OCEANS & SURFING Duncan, Evans-Ramos, Hilderbrand; ISBN 978-1-59485-108-7.

Baldwin, photographer. 200 pages, YOUR GREEN ABODE THE ZEN OF SNOWY TRAILS ISBN 978-1-59485-273-2. 8 x 9, 130 color photos, pb, $21.95, A Practical Guide to a ISBN 978-1-59485-079-0. Sustainable Home THE ZEN OF WATCHING BIRDS 1 ISBN 978-1-59485-272-5. T. Miner. 256 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2, ECO-CHIC HOME 60 b&w illustrations, pb, $19.95, THE ZEN OF WILDERNESS & WALKING THE BLUE TARP BIBLE Rethink, Reuse & Remake Your ISBN 978-1-59485-107-0. Best Uses, Worst Abuses Way to Sustainable Style ISBN 978-1-59485-275-6. THE ZEN OF MOUNTAINS & CLIMBING of the (Unsightly) Fabric Anderson; S.&K. Smoot, photography. ISBN 978-1-59485-109-4. That Binds America 192 pages, 7 x 8, 75 color photos, pb, 1 1

GREEN HOME Judd. 176 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 7 ⁄2,

$21.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-140-7. BOOKS QUOTE 50 illustrations, pb, $12.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-089-9.

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F17_Catalog_Backlist.indd 26 3/2/17 3:37 PM “They’re the bee we need” —Saveur.com­

MASON BEE REVOLUTION How the Hardest Working Bee Can Save the World—One Backyard at a Time

Hunter, Lightner. 160 pages, 7 x 81⁄2, 16-page color insert, 34 color photos, 15 illustrations, paperback, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-963-2.

Honey bees do offer some basic advantages learning that these “bee-safe” chemicals may not CITY GOATS for commercial operations: For one thing, they CHEFS ON THE FARM be healthy for our native mason bees and other come with their houses, so orchardists do not wild bee species; this is true both for orchard have to invest in and maintain bee boxes. Honey sprays and for chemically treated seeds. The Goat Justice Recipes and Inspiration bees also travel with their own food supply, which means they can be brought into an orchard just Pollen’s Place in before the blossoms open—they are ready and the Garden waiting in position for the starting gun to fire, so League’s Guide To from the Quillisascut Farm Most of us are not serious orchardists—per- to speak. Another issue is that the chemicals that haps you have a fruit tree or some berry bushes, orchardists might be spraying on trees have likely or have been thinking about adding one or the been tested for safety on honey bees but not nec- Backyard Goat Keeping other to your garden. Depending on what you School of the Domestic Arts essarily any other kind of bee. We are only now have, you might even think your pollination needs are already met, because many fruit trees and berry bushes sold today are labeled Grant; Soltes, Photography. “self-pollinating.” This leads to the assumption Borg, Misterly, Jurgensen. 224 Why So Busy, that they do not actually need the presence of pollinating insects to help them along. This is 1 Bees? an unfortunate error in communication, as only The mason bee (left) gathers pollen dry all over its body, with much of it falling off on each flower they 2 1 3 about 10 percent of plants are wind pollinated, touch. The fastidious honey bee (right) has pollen stick on its hind legs only, with little falling off. 176 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄ , 30 b&w pages, 8 ⁄2 x 9 ⁄4, 120 color Honey bees are avid collectors of pollen, accumulating between 60 and 100 pounds without any kind of assistance from insects or, (27–45.4kg) of it per hive per year. The less commonly, birds. When the wind drops pollen, it is just as likely key difference with mason bees is in the What self-pollinating refers to is this: comparison, mason bees are more like dis- to blow down the street or onto a sidewalk as photos, 5 illustrations, pb, photos, pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-1- word “collect.” Honey bees are not just Originally, many kinds of berries and fruiting tracted little grazers, flitting from one blossom it is to land on another part of your fruit tree. gathering food for a few eggs, like mason trees required two plants—one male and one on one tree to another blossom on a totally More pollen in the right place equals more rea- bees are; the honey bees that collect pol- female—to convert their flowers into any fruit different tree. While you can imagine a honey son for flowers to become fruit. Mason bees len must feed not only the hive’s young at all. You relied on the wind or native wild bee frowning and tsk-tsking at this distracted $17.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-699-0. have been shown repeatedly to be masters at 59485-080-6. but also its non-pollen-collecting adults. pollinators to transfer pollen back and forth behavior, mason bees are dropping pollen getting pollen right where it is most wanted: on Honey bee hives are fascinating systems, between the flowers, and only the female plants everywhere with this scattershot method, and other blossoms. and their products include beeswax, royal would ultimately bear fruit. Self-pollinating it is absolutely terrific for cross-pollination. If you ever have the opportunity to see a jelly, and propolis in addition to honey. All means you do not need to worry about male and mason bee and a honey bee work side by side, these products are usable by humans as female plants, but you do still need to make sure A Big role for Mason Bees you will spot an obvious behavioral difference. well as bees, so they have a financial or that pollen moves around between the blos- In the spring of 2015, honey bees made head- Honey bees are extraordinarily methodical personal value to the beekeeper as well soms on your tree or shrub. That is why encour- lines in Seattle for traffic-related reasons: A creatures: They begin work on one limb of a as the bees. Mason bees can afford to be aging effective pollinators in your garden can semitrailer truck filled with hives tipped over tree, collect pollen only from the blossoms on more scattered in their pollen collection make such a big difference. on Interstate 5 before dawn, on its way from that limb until they are full up, then return to because they need so much less of it. While mason bees drop a lot of pollen, they Central Washington to Western Washington the hive. On their second trip to the tree, they are so dedicated to crawling across flowers that berry fields. Over 400 hives, containing a total will pick up close to where they left off. They the pollen dropping off their furry bellies lands of approximately 14 million bees, were spilled are so thorough that the process is some- right where you want it: on another flower. that morning. Beekeepers arrived to try and help times referred to as “stripping the pollen.” In 22 ..... save what they could before the sun came up and wHy keeP gentle Bees?

a Big role For mason Bees ..... 23

MasonBees_Pages_Final.indd 22

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2/8/16 1:46 PM

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Each: $15.75, sizes are There is nothing more fun than riding a bike on a sunny day—the corollary of which is that once you get folded, two sided, water addicted to pedaling you’ll be riding regardless of the weather. Start—or foster—your two-wheeled addiction resistent, color, paperbound. with these helpful, authoritative maps from the Adventure Cycling Association. ATLANTIC COAST BICYCLE ROUTE #7 St. Augustine, Florida - Key West, Florida (522 miles) 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-77-4. TRANSAMERICA BICYCLE GREAT PARKS NORTH NORTHERN TIER BICYCLE NEW CHICAGO TO TRAIL #4 BICYCLE ROUTE #2 ROUTE #11 NEW YORK Missoula, Montana - West Fernie, British Columbia - Ticonderoga, New York - Bar PACIFIC COAST Yellowstone, Montana (329 Missoula, Montana (379 mi.) Harbor, Maine (402 miles) CHICAGO TO NEW YORK miles) 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-09-5. 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-03-3. PACIFIC COAST BICYCLE CITY BICYCLE ROUTE #1 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-26-2. ROUTE #1 Chicago, Illinois – Vancouver, British Columbia Indianapolis, Indiana NORTHERN TIER GREAT PARKS - Astoria, Oregon (402 (231 miles) TRANSAMERICA BICYCLE SOUTH miles) 3 1 TRAIL #5 NORTHERN TIER BICYCLE 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-97-2. 3 1 West Yellowstone, Montana ROUTE #1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-35-4. Anacortes, Washington - GREAT PARKS SOUTH CHICAGO TO NEW YORK - Rawlins, Wyoming (351 Sandpoint, Idaho (462 miles) BICYCLE ROUTE #1 PACIFIC COAST BICYCLE CITY BICYCLE ROUTE #2 miles) 3 1 Steamboat Springs, Colorado ROUTE #2 Indianapolis, Indiana – 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-27-9. 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-04-0. - Poncha Springs, Colorado Astoria, Oregon - Crescent Zanesville, Ohio (275 miles) (389 miles) City, California (408 miles) 3 4 1 4 3 1 3 ⁄ x 8 ⁄ , ISBN 978-0-935108-98-9. TRANSAMERICA BICYCLE NORTHERN TIER BICYCLE 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-11-8. 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-36-1. TRAIL #6 ROUTE #2 CHICAGO TO NEW YORK Sandpoint, Idaho - Cut Bank, Rawlins, Wyoming - Pueblo, GREAT PARKS SOUTH PACIFIC COAST BICYCLE CITY BICYCLE ROUTE #3 3 1 Montana (447 miles) Colorado (387 miles) 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, BICYCLE ROUTE #2 ROUTE #3 Zanesville, Ohio – Clearfield, 3 1 ISBN 978-0-935108-28-6. 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-05-7. Poncha Springs, Colorado Crescent City, California - Pennsylvania (296 miles) - Durango, Colorado (306 San Francisco, California 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-99-6. miles) (412 miles) NORTHERN TIER BICYCLE TRANSAMERICA BICYCLE 3 1 TRAIL #7 ROUTE #3 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-12-5. 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-37-8. CHICAGO TO NEW YORK Pueblo, Colorado - Alexander, Cut Bank, Montana - CITY BICYCLE ROUTE #4 Kansas (289 miles) Dickinson, North Dakota PACIFIC COAST BICYCLE Clearfield, Pennsylvania – ATLANTIC COAST (544 miles) ROUTE #4 New York City, New York 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-29-3. San Francisco, California - (359 miles) 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-06-4. ATLANTIC COAST BICYCLE ROUTE #1 Santa Barbara, California 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-9863397-7-6. TRANSAMERICA BICYCLE (384 miles) NORTHERN TIER BICYCLE Bar Harbor, Maine - Windsor TRAIL #8 3 1 ROUTE #4 Locks, Connecticut (439 mi.) 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-38-5. CHICAGO TO NEW YORK Alexander, Kansas - Girard, Dickinson, North Dakota - 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-20-0. Kansas (331 miles) CITY BICYCLE ROUTE– Fargo, North Dakota (351 mi.) PHILADELPHIA 3 1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-30-9. 3 1 ALTERNATE #1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-93-4. ATLANTIC COAST BICYCLE Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ROUTE #2 – Lancaster, Pennsylvania TRANSAMERICA BICYCLE NORTHERN TIER BICYCLE Windsor Locks, Connecticut - (339 miles) TRAIL #9 ROUTE #5 Conshohocken, Pennsylvania Girard, Kansas - Fargo, North Dakota - Walker, 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-9863397-8-3. (295 miles) Murphysboro, Illinois (409 Minnesota (175 miles) 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-21-7. miles) CHICAGO TO NEW YORK 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-13-2. 3 1 CITY BICYCLE ROUTE – 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-31-6. ATLANTIC COAST BICYCLE PHILADELPHIA NORTHERN TIER BICYCLE ROUTE #3 ALTERNATE #2 TRANSAMERICA BICYCLE ROUTE #6 Conshohocken, Pennsylvania Lancaster, Pennsylvania – TRAIL #10 Walker, Minnesota - - Richmond, Virginia (389 New York City, New York Murphysboro, Illinois - Berea, Stillwater, Minn. (262 miles) miles) (180 miles) 3 1 Kentucky (405 miles) 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-14-9. 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-22-4. 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-9863397-9-0. 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-32-3. ATLANTIC COAST BICYCLE TRANSAMERICA BICYCLE NORTHERN TIER BICYCLE ROUTE #4 TRAIL #11 ROUTE #7 Richmond, Virgina - Wilming- TRANSAMERICA Berea, Kentucky - Stillwater, Minnesota - ton, North Carolina (383 mi.) Christiansburg, Virginia (376 Muscatine, Iowa (391 miles) 3 1 TRANSAMERICA BICYCLE 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-16-3. miles) TRAIL #1 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-15-6. 3 1 Astoria, Oregon - Coburg, 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-33-0. NORTHERN TIER BICYCLE ATLANTIC COAST BICYCLE Oregon (234 mi.) ROUTE #8 ROUTE #5 3 1 Muscatine, Iowa - Monroe- Wilmington, North Carolina 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-23-1. TRANSAMERICA BICYCLE - Statesboro, Georgia (349 TRAIL #12 ville, Indiana (402 miles) miles) Christiansburg, Virginia 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-00-2. TRANSAMERICA BICYCLE 3 1 - Yorktown, Virginia (368 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-17-0. TRAIL #2 miles) Coburg, Oregon - Baker City, NORTHERN TIER BICYCLE 3 1 ATLANTIC COAST BICYCLE Oregon (333 mi.) 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-34-7. ROUTE #9 Monroeville, Indiana - ROUTE #6 3 1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-24-8. GREAT PARKS Orchard Park, New York Statesboro, Georgia - St. (409 miles) Augustine, Florida (259 TRANSAMERICA BICYCLE NORTH miles) 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-01-9. TRAIL #3 3 1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-18-7. Baker City, Oregon - GREAT PARKS NORTH Missoula, Montana (419 BICYCLE ROUTE #1 NORTHERN TIER BICYCLE miles) Jasper, Alberta - Fernie, ROUTE #10 Orchard Park, NY - 3 1 British Columbia (373 miles) 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-25-5. Ticonderoga, NY (421 mi.) 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-08-8. 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-02-6. 34 [email protected] phone: 800.553.4453

F17_Catalog_Backlist.indd 34 3/2/17 3:37 PM SOUTHERN TIER BICYCLE GREAT RIVERS SOUTH PACIFIC COAST BICYCLE ROUTE 66 #6 ATLANTIC COAST BICYCLE ROUTE #5 BICYCLE ROUTE #2 ROUTE #5 Oatman, Arizona – Santa ROUTE #7 Navasota, Texas - New Cape Girardeau, Missouri Santa Barbara, California - Monica, California (360 St. Augustine, Florida - Key Roads, Louisiana (385 miles) - Tupelo, Mississippi (456 West, Florida (522 miles) Imperial Beach, California Miles) 3 4 1 4 miles) 3 1 3 ⁄ x 8 ⁄ , ISBN 978-0-935108-44-6. 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-77-4. (249 miles) 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-9863397-5-2. 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-48-4. 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-39-2. SOUTHERN TIER SOUTHERN TIER BICYCLE PACIFIC COAST ROUTE #6 GREAT RIVERS SOUTH New Roads, Louisiana - BICYCLE ROUTE #3 ROUTE 66 SOUTHERN TIER BICYCLE PACIFIC COAST BICYCLE DeFuniak Springs, Florida Tupelo, Mississippi - Baton ROUTE #1 ROUTE #1 ROUTE 66 #1 (442 miles) Rouge, Louisiana (370 miles) San Diego, California - Vancouver, British Columbia Chicago, Illinois – St. Louis, 3 1 Tempe, Arizona (413 miles) 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-45-3. 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-49-1. - Astoria, Oregon (402 Missouri (329 Miles) 3 1 miles) 3 1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-40-8. 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-9863397-0-7. SOUTHERN TIER BICYCLE NORTH LAKES 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-35-4. ROUTE #7 SOUTHERN TIER BICYCLE ROUTE 66 #2 DeFuniak Springs, Florida - NORTH LAKES BICYCLE ROUTE #2 PACIFIC COAST BICYCLE St. Louis, Missouri – Joplin, St. Augustine, Florida (425 ROUTE #1 Tempe, Arizona - El Paso, ROUTE #2 Missouri (327 Miles) miles) Osceola, Wisconsin - Texas (524 miles) Astoria, Oregon - Crescent 3 1 Escanaba, Michigan (392 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-9863397-1-4. 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-46-0. City, California (408 miles) 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-41-5. miles) 3 1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-36-1. ROUTE 66 #3 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-50-7. Joplin, Missouri - Adrian, SOUTHERN TIER BICYCLE TEXAS HILL Texas (567 Miles) ROUTE #3 PACIFIC COAST BICYCLE NORTH LAKES BICYCLE El Paso, Texas - Del Rio, COUNTRY LOOP ROUTE #3 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-9863397-2-1. ROUTE #2 Texas (522 miles) Loops from Austin (310 miles) Crescent City, California - 3 1 Escanaba, Michigan - 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-96-5. San Francisco, California ROUTE 66 #4 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-42-2. Mackinaw City, Michigan (151 (412 miles) Adrian, Texas – Gallup, New miles) 3 1 Mexico (500 Miles) SOUTHERN TIER BICYCLE 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-51-4. 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-37-8. GREAT RIVERS 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-9863397-3-8. ROUTE #4 Del Rio, Texas - Navasota, PACIFIC COAST BICYCLE SOUTH NORTH LAKES BICYCLE Texas (432 miles) ROUTE #4 ROUTE 66 #5 ROUTE #3 GREAT RIVERS SOUTH San Francisco, California - Gallup, New Mexico – 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-43-9. Mackinaw City, Michigan - BICYCLE ROUTE #1 Santa Barbara, California Oatman, Arizona (404 Miles) Monroeville, Indiana (545 mi.) Muscatine, Iowa - Cape (384 miles) 3 1 3 1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-9863397-4-5. Girardeau, Missouri (501 miles) 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-52-1. 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-38-5. 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-47-7.

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GREAT DIVIDE LEWIS & CLARK RELATED TITLES GREAT DIVIDE MOUNTAIN LEWIS & CLARK BICYCLE BIKE ROUTE #1 TRAIL #1 Roosville, Montana - Polaris, Hartford, Illinois - Council Montana (542 miles) Bluffs, Iowa (558 miles) 3 1 CYCLING 1 4 1 2 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-65-1. 4 ⁄ x 7 ⁄ , ISBN 978-0-935108-53-8. THE PACIFIC COAST

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The Adventure Cycling LEWIS & CLARK BICYCLE Thorness. 304 pages, 5 1⁄2 x 8 1⁄2, McCoy and the Adventure Cycling GREAT DIVIDE MOUNTAIN TRAIL #4 1 1 Association. 125 b&w and 30 color photos, 58 Association. 240 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, 1 1 BIKE ROUTE #4 Dickinson, North Dakota - 240 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, pb, maps, 57 elevation profiles, pb, 70 b&w photos, 36 maps, pb, Silverthorne, Colorado - Great Falls, Montana (499 $14.95, ISBN 978-0-89886- $24.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-986-1. $18.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-819-2. Platoro, Colorado (317 miles) miles) 504-2. 3 1 41⁄4 x 71⁄2, ISBN 978-0-935108-56-9. 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-68-2. GREAT DIVIDE MOUNTAIN BIKE ROUTE #5 LEWIS & CLARK BICYCLE Platoro, Colorado - Pie Town, TRAIL #5 TIDEWATER UNDERGROUND RAILROAD SIERRA CASCADES New Mexico (431 miles) Great Falls, Montana - BICYCLE ROUTE #5 POTOMAC BICYCLE ROUTE #2 1 1 Missoula, Montana (477 Erie, Pennsylvania - Owen 4 ⁄4 x 7 ⁄2, ISBN 978-0-935108-57-6. Sound, Ontario (378 miles) Mt. Rainier NP, Washington - miles) TIDEWATER POTOMAC 3 1 Crater Lake NP, Oregon (446 3 1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-83-5. GREAT DIVIDE MOUNTAIN 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-69-9. HERITAGE BICYCLE ROUTE miles) Washington D.C. (378 miles) BIKE ROUTE #6 3 1 UNDERGROUND RAILROAD 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-87-3. Pie Town, New Mexico - LEWIS & CLARK BICYCLE 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-75-0. Antelope Wells, New Mexico TRAIL #6 BICYCLE ROUTE DETROIT SIERRA CASCADES (308 miles) Missoula, Montana - ALTERNATE #1 FLORIDA BICYCLE ROUTE #3 1 1 Clarkston, Washington (243 Oberlin, Ohio - Sombra, 4 ⁄4 x 7 ⁄2, ISBN 978-0-935108-58-3. Crater Lake NP, Oregon - miles) CONNECTOR Ontario (281 miles) 3 1 Truckee, California (459 3 1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-91-0. GREAT DIVIDE 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-70-5. FLORIDA CONNECTOR miles) MOUNTAIN BIKE ROUTE - BICYCLE ROUTE 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-88-0. CANADA LEWIS & CLARK BICYCLE St. Augustine, Florida - Key UNDERGROUND RAILROAD Banff, Alberta - Roosville, TRAIL #7 West, Florida (530 miles) BICYCLE ROUTE DETROIT SIERRA CASCADES Montana (254 miles) Clarkston, Washington - ALTERNATE #2 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-78-1. BICYCLE ROUTE #4 3 1 Seaside, Oregon (474 miles) Sombra, Ontario - Owen 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-76-7. Sound, Ontario (239 miles) Truckee, California - Lake 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-71-2. Isabella, California (558 mi.) WESTERN UNDERGROUND 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-92-7. 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-89-7. EXPRESS LEWIS & CLARK BICYCLE RAILROAD TRAIL #8 WASHINGTON SIERRA CASCADES Three Forks, Montana - UNDERGROUND RAILROAD WESTERN EXPRESS PARKS BICYCLE ROUTE #5 Williston, North Dakota (514 BICYCLE ROUTE #1 BICYCLE ROUTE #1 Lake Isabella, California - San Francisco, California - miles) Mobile, Alabama - Fulton, WASHINGTON PARKS Mississippi (401 miles) Tecate, California (486 mi.) Fallon, Nevada (312 miles) 3 4 1 4 BICYCLE ROUTE #1 3 ⁄ x 8 ⁄ , ISBN 978-0-935108-72-9. 3 4 1 4 3 1 3 ⁄ x 8 ⁄ , ISBN 978-0-935108-90-3. 3 1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-79-8. Sedro-Woolley, Washington - 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-61-3. Elma, Washington (311 miles) LAKE ERIE 3 1 IDAHO HOT WESTERN EXPRESS UNDERGROUND RAILROAD 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-84-2. BICYCLE ROUTE #2 CONNECTOR BICYCLE ROUTE #2 SPRINGS Fallon, Nevada - Cedar City, Fulton, Mississippi - WASHINGTON PARKS Utah (464 miles) LAKE ERIE CONNECTOR Owensboro, Kentucky (435 BICYCLE ROUTE #2 IDAHO HOT SPRINGS BICYCLE ROUTE miles) MOUNTAIN BIKE ROUTE - 3 1 Elma, Washington - Sedro- 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-62-0. Wolf Lake, Michigan - Fort MAIN ROUTE MAP 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-80-4. Woolley, Washington (555 Erie, Ontario (505 miles) 3 miles) 4 ⁄4 x 8, ISBN 978-0-935108-94-1. WESTERN EXPRESS 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-74-3. BICYCLE ROUTE #3 UNDERGROUND RAILROAD 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-85-9. IDAHO HOT SPRINGS Cedar City, Utah - Dolores, BICYCLE ROUTE #3 MOUNTAIN BIKE ROUTE Colorado (447 miles) GRAND CANYON Owensboro, Kentucky - SIERRA Milford, Ohio (374 miles) SINGLETRACK OPTIONS 3 1 CONNECTOR 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-63-7. CASCADES MAP 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-81-1. 43⁄4 x 8, ISBN 978-0-935108-95-8. GRAND CANYON SIERRA CASCADES WESTERN EXPRESS CONNECTOR BICYCLE BICYCLE ROUTE #4 UNDERGROUND RAILROAD BICYCLE ROUTE #1 ROUTE BICYCLE ROUTE #4 Sumas, Washington - Mt. Dolores, Colorado - Pueblo, Cedar City, Utah - Tempe, Colorado (361 miles) Milford, Ohio - Erie, Rainier National Park, Arizona (565 miles) Pennsylvania (419 miles) Washington (447 miles) 3 1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-64-4. 3 1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-73-6. 3 1 3 ⁄4 x 8 ⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-82-8. 33⁄4 x 81⁄4, ISBN 978-0-935108-86-6.

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“People told me that once I was married and had kids, my adventures would be over . . . We’re told it’s good to get comfortable, settle down, buy a bigger house and a better car, and start stockpiling the 401(k). But that’s not necessarily right for everyone. It wasn’t right for me.”

At 32, artist and climber Jeremy Collins found himself “somewhere between college and mortgage,” and recognized within a profound need for transformation. Inspired in part by his intrepid friend Jonny Copp, who had died tragically in an avalanche, Jeremy resolved to travel in the four cardinal directions—north, south, east, and west—to challenge himself on first ascents, and to explore a balance between the pursuit of wilderness adventure and the necessity of home. andy kirkpatrick

Drawn: The Art of Ascent is a rich, textured, and soulful visual exploration of summits lost and achieved. Although climbing is Jeremy’s catalyst, the more fully realized approach to life he discovers will resonate with anyone who has ever looked out an office window and asked, “What else is there?” climbing1001 Rock CLIMBING DICTIONARY The illustrative maps and art of Jeremy Collins are frequently featured in and Ice and Alpinist magazines, in numerous books, on a variety of outdoor- National Geographic . For this backcover tagline, adventure products, and on the cover of baseline of text is .25” tipsfront cover, logo lines up project, his climbing partners included Tommy Caldwell, Mark Jenkins, Jeff Mountaineering Slang, from bottom of book ush left at .25” from spine, Achey, James Q Martin, Pat Goodman, José Miranda, Mikey Schaefer, Dana baseline of text is .25’’ from Drummond, Corey Rich, and Hayden Kennedy. Visit Jeremy—and see a film bottom of book version of Drawn—at www.jercollins.com. Terms, Neologisms & Lingo: An Illustrated Reference to More than 650 Words

DrawnCover_Final.indd 1 1/26/15 11:03 AM DRAWN THE CRAG SURVIVAL 1001 CLIMBING TIPS Samet; Tea, illustrator. 240 pages, 5 x 7, HANDBOOK 1 3 The Art of Ascent Kirkpatrick. 192 pages, 7 ⁄2 x 9 ⁄4, 60 130 b&w illustrations, pb, $14.95, ISBN 3 The Unspoken Rules of Collins. 160 pages, 10 x 7 ⁄4, 120 Spine color photos, 35 illustrations, pb, backcover, left align text to 978-59485-502-3. Climbing text on backcover color illustrations, hb, $24.95, ISBN $30, ISBN 978-1-68051-131-4. NA. 1 978-1-59485-958-8. Samet. 256 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2, 110 b&w photos and illustrations, pb, $19.95, “A visual riot and a heartfelt ISBN 978-1-59485-766-9. exploration.” — National Geographic

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F17_Catalog_Backlist.indd 37 3/2/17 3:37 PM CLIMBING Skills/Guidebooks MOUNTAINEERS OUTDOOR EXPERT SERIES


ROCK CLIMBING, 2ND ED. Mastering Basic Skills

MOUNTAINEERS Donahue, Luebben. 352 pages, OUTDOOR EXPERTT Recommended by the series series American Mountain 7 x 8 1⁄2, 350 b&w photos, Guides Association ADVANCED ROCK paperback, $22.95, ISBN 978-1- CLIMBING 59485-862-8. Expert Skills and Techniques

Donahue. 352 pages, 7 x 81⁄2, 250 ROCK CLIMBING color photos, 13 illustrations, pb, ANCHORS $24.95, ISBN 978-1-68051-012-6. A Comprehensive Guide Recommended by the American Mountain Luebben. 256 pages, advanced Guides Association rock climbing 7 x 8 1⁄2, 325 b&w photos, expert Skills and Techniques 17 illustrations, pb, $19 .95, ISBN 978-1-59485-006-6. Topher Donahue Foreword by Tommy Caldwell

NOBA WINNER GYM CLIMBING From Toprope to Maximizing Your CLIMBING , Techniques Indoor Experience Expedition Planning for Climbing Success Burbach. 192 pages, 7 x 8 1⁄2, Soles & Powers. 1 Bisharat. 256 pages, 150 b&w photos, pb, $18.95, 224 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2, 60 7 x 8 1⁄2, 100 b&w photos, ISBN 978-0-89886-742-8. b&w photos, pb, $19.95, pb, $21.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-770-1. ISBN 978-1-59485-270-1.

BANFF WINNER ICE AND MIXED GLACIER TRAVEL & CLIMBING CLIMBING , Training for Peak 2ND ED. Performance, 2nd Ed. Modern Technique Selters. 144 pages, 7 1⁄2 x 9, pb, Soles. 288 pages, Gadd. 240 pages, 7 x 8 1⁄2, $19.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-658-2, 7 x 8 1⁄2, 120 b&w photos, 32 color illustrations, 140 WXUK/EC/AUS/NZ. 17 charts, pb, $19.95, color photos, pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-098-1. ISBN 978-0-89886-769-5.

CLIMBING: FROM ALPINE CLIMBING GYM TO CRAG: Techniques to Movement, Tactics, Building Skills for Take You Higher and Problem Solving Real Rock 1 Cosley & M. Houston. Beal. 224 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2,, S. Lewis & Cauthorn. 304 pages, 7 x 8 1⁄2, 100 b&w photos, 10 charts, 224 pages, 7 x 8 1⁄2, 155 b&w photos, 12 pb, $21.95, 163 b&w photos & illustrations, pb, $21.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-500-9. illustrations, pb, $21.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-749-7. ISBN 978-0-89886-682-7. Recommended by the American Mountain Guides Association

BIG WALL CLIMBING CLIMBING SELF Elite Technique RESCUE Improvising Solutions Ogden. 224 pages, 7 x 8 1⁄2, for Serious Situations 124 color photos, pb, $24.95, ALTITUDE ILLNESS ISBN 978-0-89886-748-0. Tyson & Loomis. 256 pages, Prevention & 7 x 8 1⁄2, 110 b&w photos, Treatment, 2nd Ed. 20 illustrations, pb, $19.95, Bezruchka. 128 pages, 4 x 6, ISBN 978-0-89886-772-5. 1 illustration, pb, $8.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-685-8.

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THE CLIMBERS Herrington; Honnold, foreword. 192 pages, 11 x 12, 60 large-format

GWEN MOFFAT PENRITH, CUMBRIA, UK b&w photos, hc + 2015 slipcase, $60, ISBN 978- 1-68051-083-6.

FIFTY FAVORITE MOUNTAINEERING IN CLIMBING THE SEVEN EXTREME ALPINISM DENALI’S WEST CLIMBING CLIMBS ANTARCTICA SUMMITS Climbing Light, High, BUTTRESS CALIFORNIA’S Kroese. 224 pages, 9 x 12, 150 Climbing in the Frozen A Comprehensive Guide and Fast A Climber’s Guide to Mt. FOURTEENERS McKinley’s Classic Route 183 Routes to the photos, 50 topos, pb, $34.95, South to the Continents’ Twight & Martin. 240 pages, Fifteen Highest Peaks 1 1 Highest Peaks 1 Coombs; Washburn, introduction ISBN 978-0-89886-728-2. Gildea. 192 pages, 9 ⁄2 x 10 ⁄2, 7 ⁄4 x 9, 60 color photos, pb, 1 1 Porcella & Burns. 272 pages, 180 color photos, 30 maps, Hamill. 320 pages, 8 ⁄2 x 10, $29.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-654- & photographer. 144 pages, 5 ⁄2 1 6 x 9, pb, $19.95, ISBN 978-0- hb, $49.95, ISBN 978-1-59485- 125 color photos, 24 maps, 4, WXUK/WXEC. x 8 ⁄2, pb, $17.95, ISBN 978-0- 844-4. NA pb, $29.95, ISBN 978-1-59485- 89886-516-5. 89886-555-4. 648-8.

BOULDERING Movement, Tactics, WEEKEND ROCK GUIDE SERIES and Problem Solving A CLIMBER’S GUIDE MEXICO’S 1 TO THE TETON Beal. 224 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2,, VOLCANOES These guides are for busy people who love to climb — no long RANGE, 3RD ED. A Climbing Guide, 100 b&w photos, 10 charts, approaches, reasonable grades, generally close to urban areas. pb, $21.95, Ortenburger & Jackson. 544 3rd Ed. 1 1 1 1 ISBN 978-1-59485-500-9. pages, 7 x 8 1⁄2, Kivar cover, Secor. 160 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, Each: approx. 240 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, photos with route overlays, maps and pb, $39.95, ISBN 978-0- 60 b&w photos, 10 maps, topos, paperbound, $19.95 89886-480-9. 10 illustrations, pb, $17.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-798-5. WEEKEND ROCK OREGON THE HIGH SIERRA, Trad & Sport Routes from 5.0 to 5.10a 3RD ED. ECUADOR ACONCAGUA Peaks, Passes, and Horton. ISBN 978-0-89886-717-6. A Climbing Guide A Climbing Guide, Trails 1 1 2nd Ed. 1 Brain. 192 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, 27 WEEKEND ROCK WASHINGTON Secor. 512 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2, 1 b&w photos, 18 maps, 24 topos, pb, Secor. 144 pages, 5 ⁄2 x Trad & Sports Routes from 168 b&w photos, 30 maps, $16.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-729-9. 8 1⁄2, pb, $16.95, ISBN 978- 5.0 to 5.10a pb, $32.95, ISBN 978-0- 0-89886-669-8, WXEC. Whitelaw. ISBN 978-0-89886-984-2. 89886-971-2. WEEKEND ROCK ARIZONA Trad & Sport Routes from 5.0 to 5.10a Abbott. ISBN 978-0-89886-965-1.

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F17_Catalog_Backlist.indd 39 3/2/17 3:37 PM CLIMBING Guidebooks YURAQ JANKA: Guide to the Peruvian CASCADE ALPINE GUIDE SERIES Andes: Cordilleras Blanca and Rosko Ricker. 192 pages, 6 x 9, includes two 35 x 24 1⁄2 three- color maps, pb, $12.95, ISBN 978-0-930410-05-6. Comprehensive climbing approach and route guides to Washington’s Cascades. Each: approx. 350 pages, 7 x 8 1⁄2, rounded corners. THE MONT BLANC RANGE Classic Snow, Ice, and Mixed Climbs Brown, Volume 1: COLUMBIA RIVER TO STEVENS PASS, 3RD ED. 1 1 LaRoche. 96 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, 91 color photos, 34 maps, Beckey. $34.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-577-6. pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-731-7. NA. Green, Volume 2: STEVENS PASS TO RAINY PASS, 3RD ED. FONTAINEBLEAU CLIMBS Beckey. $34.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-838-8. A Guide to the Best Bouldering and Circuits, 2nd Ed. Red, Volume 3: RAINY PASS TO FRASER RIVER, 3RD ED. Montchausse. 256 pages, 5 x 9, 240 color photos, color Beckey. $34.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-136-0. maps, pb, $29.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-770-6

STONE CRUSADE SELECTED CLIMBS IN THE SELECTED CLIMBS IN THE A Historical Guide to Bouldering in America SELECTED CASCADES, VOLUME I, 2ND ED. DESERT SOUTHWEST Sherman. 318 pages, 7 x 10, hb, $40.00, ISBN 978-0- CLIMBS Nelson & Potterfield. 240 pages, 6 x 9, pb, Colorado & Utah 930410-57-5; pb, $30.00, ISBN 978-0-930410-62-9. $26.95, ISBN 976-0-89886-767-1. Burns. 240 pages, 6 x 9, pb, $22.95, ISBN SERIES 978-0-89886-657-5. GENTLE EXPEDITIONS SELECTED CLIMBS IN A Guide to Ethical Mountain Adventure THE CASCADES, VOLUME II SELECTED CLIMBS IN THE McConnell. 128 pages, 4 1⁄2 x 6 1⁄2, pb, $10.00, ISBN 978-0- Alpine Routes, Sport NORTHEAST Climbs, & Crag Climbs Rock, Alpine, and Ice Routes from 930410-67-4. Nelson & Potterfield. 336 pages, 6 x 9, pb, the Gunks to Acadia THE COLUMBIA MOUNTAINS OF CANADA $27.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-561-5. S. Lewis & Horowitz. 272 pages, 6 x 9, CENTRAL, 7TH ED. 150 b&w photos, 12 maps, 20 topos, pb, Fox, editor. 558 pages, 4 3⁄8 x 6 1⁄2, pb, $28.50, ISBN 978-0- SELECTED CLIMBS IN $24.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-857-9. 930410-26-1. NORTH CAROLINA Lambert & Shull. 320 pages, 6 x 9, 50 KYRGYZSTAN: A Climber’s Map & Guide photos, 6 maps, 90 topos with overlays, Gamache & Willis. Two sided, full color map, 27 x 18 1⁄2 pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-855-5. MAP flat, 6 3⁄4 x 6 1⁄4 folded, $12, ISBN 978-1-933056-00-5.


RECENT RELEASE ALASKA RED ROCK CANYON A Climbing Guide A Climbing Guide NEW EDITION M. Wood & Coombs. 208 Brock & McMillen. MOUNT RAINIER: 1 pages, 7 x 8 ⁄2, 448 pages, 7 x 8 1⁄2, 150 A CLIMBING GUIDE 95 photos, 49 with route b&w photos, 16 maps, Gauthier. 256 pages, 7 x 8 1⁄2, overlays, 9 topos, 92 topos, pb, $34.95, 150 color photos, 65 maps, pb, 9 maps, pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-486-1. $29.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-842-0. ISBN 978-0-89886-724-4.

OLYMPIC MOUNTAINS KILIMANJARO IDAHO: A Climbing Guide, & EAST AFRICA A CLIMBING GUIDE 4th Ed. A Climbing and Climbs Scrambles, Olympic Mountain Rescue. Trekking Guide, 2nd Ed. and Hikes, 2nd Ed. 1 1 1 1 352 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, Burns. 256 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, Lopez. 400 pages, 60 b&w photos/135 route 8-page color insert, 67 photos, 7 x 8 1⁄2, b&w photos overlays, 50 maps, rounded 20 route overlays, 11 maps, pb, and maps, pb, $35.00, corners, pb, $19.95, $19.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-604-9, ISBN 978-0-89886-608-7. ISBN 978-0-89886-206-5. WXEC.

WASHINGTON ICE BUGABOO ROCK THAILAND A Climbing Guide A Climbing Guide, 2nd Ed. A Climbing Guide 1 1 J. Martin & Krawarik. 256 pages, Green & Bensen. 192 pages, 5 ⁄2 Lightner. 336 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 1 1 1 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, pb, $21.95, 92 b&w x 8 1⁄2, 65 b&w photos, 3 maps, 8 ⁄2, rounded corners, 91 b&w photos, 26 maps, ISBN 978-0- 61 topos, pb, $17.95, ISBN 978-0- photos, 63 route overlays, 25 89886-946-0. 89886-795-4. color photos, 13 illustrations, 15 maps, pb, $21.95, ISBN 978-0- 89886-750-3.

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THE BEST ASPEN HIKES THE BEST DENVER HIKES THE BEST GRAND JUNCTION HIKES RECENT RELEASE Martinez. 104 pages, 4 x 7, rounded corners, Denver Group, CMC. 144 pages, 4 x 7, 60 Colorado Mountain Club. 104 pages, 40 color photos, 21 maps, pb, $12.95, ISBN color photo, 31 color maps, pb, $15.95, ISBN 4 x 7, rounded corners, 40 color 978-1-937052-08-9. 978-0-9799663-5-4. photographs, 21 maps, pb, $12.95, ISBN RECENT RELEASE 978-1-937052-00-3. THE BEST BOULDER HIKES THE BEST DURANGO & Boulder Group, CMC. 96 pages, 4 x 7, 52 SILVERTON HIKES color photos, 31 color maps, pb, $13.95, San Juan Group, CMC. 104 pages, 4 x 7, 45 ISBN 978-0-9799663-4-7. color photos, 21 color maps, pb, rounded corners, $13.95, ISBN 978-0-9842213-5-6. THE BEST CANYONLANDS THE BEST ESTES PARK HIKES NATIONAL PARK HIKES Shining Mountains Group, CMC. 104 pages, Martinez. 108 pages, 4 x 7, 85 color 4 x 7, 40 color photos, 21 maps, pb, $12.95. photos, 21 maps, rounded corners, pb, ISBN 978-1-937052-04-1. $12.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-24-9. THE BEST THE BEST FORT COLLINS HIKES STEAMBOAT HIKES Gascoyne. 96 pages, 4 x 7, 42 color Cox. 108 pages, 4 x 7, 35 color photographs, 21 color maps, pb, $14.95, photos, 21 maps, rounded corners, ISBN 978-0-9799663-0-9. THE BEST HIKES ON THE pb, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-48-5. THE BEST SOUTHERN FRONT RANGE HIKES Colorado Continental Divide Trail Long. 200 pages, 6 x 9, rounded Coalition, Thomas. 127 pages, 4 x 7, corners, 100 color photos, 58 maps, 65 color photos, 21 maps, rounded pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-01-0. corners, pb, $13.95, ISBN 978-1- 937052-29-4. THE BEST SUMMIT COUNTY HIKES RECENT RELEASE Hull. 108 pages, 4 x 7, 35 color THE BEST LOST CREEK photos, 21 maps, rounded corners, WILDERNESS HIKES pb, $14.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-42-3. Enquist. 108 pages, 4 x 7, 35 color photos, 21 maps, rounded corners, pb, $14.95, ISBN THE BEST FRONT RANGE HIKES THE BEST 978-1-937052-46-1. TELLURIDE HIKES THE BEST COLORADO Boulder, Denver, and Groups, CMC. Martinez. 104 pages, 4 x 7, rounded SPRINGS HIKES 232 pages, 6 x 9, 140 color photos, 70 color corners, 40 color photos, 21 maps, pb, Colorado Springs Group, CMC. maps, pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-0-9799663-9-2. $12.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-07-2. 104 pages, 4 x 7, 40 color photos, 21 color THE BEST FRONT RANGE COMING SOON maps, pb, $14.95, ISBN 978-0-9799663-6-1. HIKES FOR CHILDREN Parker. 208 pages, 6 x 9, 120 color

RECENT RELEASE photos, 51 maps, paperbound, $24.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-06-5.

THE BEST MOAB AND ARCHES NATIONAL PARK HIKES Martinez. 104 pages, 4 x 7, 45 color BEST URBAN HIKES: DENVER photos, 21 maps, rounded corners, pb, Englert. 200 pages, 4 x 7, 45 color $12.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-14-0. photos, 31 maps, rounded corners, pb, $16.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-52-2. THE BEST ROCKY THE BEST CRESTED THE BEST FRONT RANGE MOUNTAIN NATIONAL BUTTE HIKES WILDFLOWER HIKES PARK HIKES THE BEST VAIL VALLEY HIKES Shining Mountains Group, CMC. Sackett. 108 pages, 4 x 7, 35 color photos, Borneman. 108 pages, 4 x 7, 60 color Group, CMC; Free. 104 pages, 104 pages, 4 x 7, 40 color photos, 21 maps, rounded corners, pb, $14.95, ISBN photos, 21 maps, rounded corners, 4 x 7, 45 color photos, 21 maps, pb, 21 maps, pb, $12.95. ISBN 978-1- 978-1-937052-44-7. paperback, $13.95, ISBN 978-1- $12.95, ISBN 978-0-9842213-6-3. 937052-31-7 937052-05-8.

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NEW RELEASE RECENT RELEASE HIKING COLORADO’S COMANCHE PEAK ROADLESS TRAILS WILDERNESS AREA Purdy. 112 pages, 4 x 7, 30 color Grim, J. & F. 120 pages, 4 x 7, photos, 21 maps, pb, 12.95, ISBN 80 color photos, 20 color maps, 978-0-9760525-7-9. rounded corners, pb, $12.95, ISBN 978-0-9842213-1-8.

COLORING COLORADO COLORADO 14ER DISASTERS, 2ND EDITION Crock. 108 pages, 8 1⁄2 x 11, 49 illustrations, perforated pages, pb, Scott-Nash. 280 pages, 6 x 9, 27 b&w $14.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-50-8. photos, 7 maps, pb, $18.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-36-2.

THE THE COLORADO TRAIL, 9TH ED. DATABOOK, 6TH ED. The Colorado Trail Foundation. 336 pages, The Colorado Trail Foundation. 88 6 x 9, 247 color photos, 2 illustrations, 47 pages, 4 x 7, 39 maps, rounded maps, rounded corners, pb, $26.95, ISBN corners, pb, $14.95, ISBN 978-1- 978-1-937052-33-1. 937052-25-6. COLORADO SCRAMBLES, THE BEST FRONT COLORADO LAKE HIKES Climbs Beyond the Beaten RANGE TRAIL RUNS A Colorado Mountain Club Path, 2nd Ed. Guidebook, 2nd Ed. Jones. 240 pages, 6 x 9, Cooper. 288 pages, 6 x 9, 250 color Muller. 224 pages, 6 x 9, 120 color ROCKS ABOVE THE CLOUDS rounded corners, 100 color photos, 60 maps, pb, $24.95, ISBN photos, 101 color maps, pb, $24.95, A Hiker’s and Climber's Guide photos, 55 maps, pb, $24.95, to Colorado Mountain Geology 978-0-9799663-3-0. ISBN 978-0-9799663-1-6. ISBN 978-1-937052-10-2. Reed & Ellis. 240 pages, 4 x 7, 65 color photos, 10 maps, pb, $16.95,

COLORADO MOUNTAIN CLUB ISBN 978-0-9760525-8-6. PACK GUIDE ROCKY MOUNTAIN Wildflowers THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO 140 GREAT HIKES BLACK CANYON OF THE IN AND NEAR PALM GUNNISON NATIONAL PARK SPRINGS J. Jenkins. 256 pages, 6 x 9, Ferranti. 296 pages, 6 x 9, 125 65 color photos, pb, $19.95, James Ells and Marlene Borneman color photos, 58 maps, pb, ISBN 978-0-9724413-4-6. ROCKY MOUNTAIN SLEEPING ON THE $24.95, ISBN 978-1-937052-11-9. ROCKY MOUNTAIN FLORA, SUMMITS WILDFLOWERS COLORADO SUMMIT 2nd Ed. Borneman & Ells. 200 pages, Kedrowski, Tomer. 192 pages, 12 HIKES FOR EVERYONE Ells. 360 pages, 6 x 9, 1,320 color 4 x 7, rounded corners, 150 x 9, 284 color photos, 7 maps, 1 1 Muller. 224 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, 102 photos, pb, rounded corners, color photos, pb, $12.95, ISBN paperback, $29.95, ISBN 978-1- b&w photos, pb, $18.95, ISBN 978-0- $24.95, ISBN 978-0-9842213-4-9. 978-1-937052-03-4. 937052-28-7. 9724413-3-9.


COMING SOON THE TRAD GUIDE TO JOSHUA TREE 60 Favorite Climbs from 5.5 to 5.9 C. & D. Winger. 176 pages, 6 x 9, 100 color photos, 11 maps, pb, $21.95. ISBN 978-0-9724413-9-1.

CLASSIC COLORADO CLASSIC FRONT RANGE THE COLORADO 14ERS FLATIRON CLASSICS GUIDE TO THE THE COLORADO ICE CLIMBS TRAD CLIMBS: Standard Routes Easy Rock Climbs Above COLORADO 14ERS, 3RD ED. The Colorado Mountain Golden. 224 pages, 6 x 9, Multi-Pitch Routes The Colorado Mountain Club Boulder, 2nd Ed. MOUNTAINS, 10TH ED. 5.4-5.8 Jacobs & Ormes. 368 pages, Club Foundation. 80 color photos, 50 maps, Foundation. 208 pages, 6 x Roach. 272 pages, 6 x 9, Leonard, Smith. 200 pages, 6 120 pages, 4 x 7, 40 color rounded corners, pb, $24.95, 9, 148 color photos, 46 topo 93 b&w photos, pb, $18.95, 6 x 9, photos, maps, pb, $19.95, x 9, 85 color photos, 46 maps, photos, 45 color maps, pb, ISBN 978-1-937052-40-9. maps, rounded corners, pb, ISBN 978-0-9799663-2-3. ISBN 978-0-9671466-0-7. rounded corners, pb, $24.95, $12.95, ISBN 978-0-9842213- $22.95, ISBN 978-0-9799663- ISBN 978-1-937052-13-3. 2-5. 8-5.

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COLORADO’S QUIET WINTER TRAILS Muller. 216 pages, 6 x 9, 100 color photos, 100 maps, pb, $21.95, ISBN 978-0-9760525-1-7.


Cooper. 240 pages, 6 x 9, SKIING AND SLEEPING CLASSIC COLORADO SKI SKI & SNOWSHOE SNOWSHOE ROUTES: 142 color photos, 34 maps, pb, ON THE SUMMITS: DESCENTS ROUTES, COLORADO’S COLORADO’S FRONT $22.95, ISBN 978-0-9760525-9-3. Cascade Volcanoes of the Kedrowski. 244 pages, 6 x 9, 125 FRONT RANGE RANGE, 2ND ED. THE COLORADO TRAIL, 9TH ED. Pacific Northwest Apt. 320 pages, 6 x 9, 120 color Apt. 320 pages, 6 x 9, 117 color color photos, 55 maps, rounded THE COLORADO YEAR The Colorado Trail Foundation. 336 pages, Kedrowski. 144 pages, 12 x 9, 213 corners, pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-1- photos, 81 maps, rounded photos, 62 maps, rounded ROUND OUTDOOR GUIDE 6 x 9, 247 color photos, 2 illustrations, 47 color photos, 3 illustrations, 25 937052-38-6. corners, pb, $26.95, ISBN 978-1- corners, pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-0- Hikes, Snowshoe Routes, and maps, rounded corners, pb, $26.95, ISBN maps, french flaps, pb, $29.95, ISBN 937052-51-5. 9842213-8-7. Ski Tours for Every Week of 978-1-937052-33-1. 978-1-937052-35-5. the Year 1 1 Muller. 224 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄ 2, 104 b&w photos, pb, $18.95, ISBN 978-09724413-2-2.


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COMING SOON HIKING THE PACIFIC CREST TRAIL: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Section Hiking from Campo COMING SOON to Tuolumne Meadows 3 Salabert. 336 pages, 6 ⁄4 x 9, 150 color photos, 81 maps, elevation profiles, pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-1- 59485-880-2.

HIKING THE PACIFIC hIkIng CREST TRAIL: NORTHERN The pAcIfIc CALIFORNIA cReST TRAIl HIkING THE paCIfIC HIKING Section Hiking from wAShIngTon SecTIon hIkIng fRoM The CREST TRaIL THE PACIFIC Tuolumne Meadows to colUMBIA RIVeR To MAnnIng pARk CREST TRAIL Donomore Pass OREGON SECTION HIkING fROM DONOMORE NORTHERN paSS TO BRIDGE Of THE GODS 3 backcover tagline, 4 TAMI ASARS baseline of text is .25” front cover, CALIFORNIAlogo lines up Kramer. 304 pages, 6 ⁄ x 9, 150 color ush left at .25” from spine, from bottom of book SECTION HIKING FROM TUOLUMNE baseline of text is .25’’ from bottomMEADOWS of book TO DONOMORE PASS photos, 57 maps, elevation profiles, ELI BOSCHETTO pb, $24.95, ISBN 978-1-59485-878-9. PHILIP KRAMER


Section 2 TRAIL: WASHINGTON TRAIL: OREGON forest road 23 Section Hiking from the Section Hiking from to white pass Columbia River to Manning Donomore Pass to Bridge of this washington state pct section is distanCe 65 miles Spine unquestionably one of the most picturesque and state distanCe 81.8–146.8 miles memorable of the entire Mexico–Canada route. Askbackcover thru-hikers which, left sections align of textthe PCT to are elevation gain/loss Park the Gods the most scenic,text and on you’re backcover sure to hear them say +11,100/–10,730 feet 68 “Goat Rocks.” Goat Rocks itself, in the wilderness high Point 7230Fo feetREST RoAD 23 To WHITE PASS

area of the same name, is an extinct stratovolcano, Fo best time oF yeaR July–oct REST RoAD 23 To WHITE PASS 69 with a rainbow of seasonal wildflower meadows a long gravel stretch of road and then regaining 3 3 framed by jagged peaks and sweeping views of PCta seCtion letteR H 0.25 mile of Goat Lake. Camping is prohibited 4 4 pavement. Turn left (east) onto FR 521, signed To Cayuse Pass Asars. 352 pages, 6 ⁄ x 9, 200 color Boschetto. 352 pages, 6 ⁄ x 9, 200 rugged, distant mountains. within 100 feet of the PCT and within 100 feet 123 SECTION 3 land manage“PCT NorthRs Gifford Trailhead.” Pinchot Turn right (east) and SECTION 2 Before you get to the Goat Rocks Wilderness, of lakes. Grazing, hitching, or tethering of stock William O Douglas National Forestfollow (Mountthis unpaved Adams but Ranger well-maintained spur road FOREST ROAD 23 Wilderness you’ll traipse through the Mount Adams Wilder- within 200 feet of all lakes in the Gifford Pinchot District, Cowlitz0.3 mile Valley to the Ranger trailhead District, on the north side of the TO WHITE PASS ness, complete with in-season fields of lupine and National Forest is prohibited. Please respect the Goat Rocksroad. Wilderness, Parking is Mount plentiful. Adams aster, giving you a window on renewal as the area no camping areas near Snowgrass Flat, marked To Yakima photos, 40 color maps, 39 elevation color photos, 40 color maps, 39 Wilderness) 12 bounces back from recent fires. Mount Adams, the on this guide’s maps. Funding has dwindled and White Pass ) ( White Pass T state’s second-highest volcano, will mesmerize you Passes and PeRmits NW Forest Pass backcountry camping enforcement has been cut. From Packwood, drive northeast on US Highway River with its asymmetrical broad shoulders and ancient to park at White Pass Trailhead. Free self- It’s up to us to keep our meadows and backcountry Packwood Clear Lake 12 for 20.4 miles to just past the summit of White cascading glaciers. issue wilderness permits at wilderness area pristine. If you’re interested in becoming a volun- Pass. Look for a small dirt parking area to the south Mount Baker– profiles, pb, $24.95, elevation profiles, pb, $24.95. trailheads. teer ranger in this area, contact the Cowlitz Valley Near the Coleman Weedpatch, your mind Packwood r signed “Pacific Crest Trail South” and “Cascade e iv Snoqualmie marinates in quietness save for a peck or two from Ranger District. Lake R

maPs and aPPs Cowlitz n Crest Trail.” o LEG 4 t National Forest a northern flicker as the views give way to tranquil z ie Halfmile’s WA Section H T From Interstate 82 in Yakima, take exit 31A Goat Rocks tarns and small ponds. Your hand, rather than your z Water rk USFS PCT Map #9 Southern 12 o and follow the signs for “US 12 West/Naches.” Wilderness F pocket, will be your camera’s new home as you At 2.7 miles from the trailhead, there’s a spring, th Wash ington Elk Pass or ISBN 978-1-59485-874-1. ISBN 978-1-59485-876-5. Drive approximately 17 miles, through the town of ) ( enjoy all that this section has to offer. after which the trail is waterless for 6.4 miles north N z GreenNaches, Trails Mtto a Adams junction West with #366, State Route 410. Turn To Randle until Sheep Lake. North of Midway Creek, water Goat Rocks Mt Adamsleft (south) #367S, and Walupt continue Lake on #335, US 12 for 34 miles to Wilderness is limited to murky ponds for roughly 7 miles or, Snowgrass Old Snowy access Whitea smallPass #303,dirt road Goat to the Rocks/William north signed “Pacific Crest PCT Trailhead off Forest Road 23 in very dry summers, for up to 11 or more miles. Flat Trail Goat Rocks o. DouglasTrail North.” Wilderness Follow #303S the narrow dirt road for 0.2 From the town of Trout Lake, head north at the And north of Snowgrass Flat Trail, water is scarce 21 z Halfmile’smile, passingPCT app, Leech Guthook’s Lake, overalland locate the PCT y near the area’s only gas station onto Mount for 4.5 miles until north of the Goat Rocks Spine. PCTparking app and area PCT to WA the appright (northeast). Adams Recreation Highway. At 1.2 miles, bear To Randle legs LEG 3 left on Forest Road 23. Proceed 12.6 miles to FR Hazards Klickitat 1. Forestn otesRoad 23 to Killen Creek 521, signed “PCT North Trailhead.” Turn right This section’s alpine terrain delivers permanent Nannie Peak (east) and follow this unpaved but well-main- 2. KillenCities Creek and to Walupt Services Lake Trail snowfields; narrow, rocky trail tread; and early- Giord Pinchot Near the southern trailhead, find gas, a conve- Walupt River tained spur road 0.3 mile to the trailhead on the 3. Walupt Lake Trail to Snowgrass and late-season snow crossings. Trail washouts 23 National Forest nience store, dining, and lodging in Trout Lake. Lake north side of the road. Parking is plentiful. Flat Trail are common. Be prepared for any weather, check Walupt Lake Trail Near the northern trailhead, find gas, a conve From Randle, turn south onto State Route 131. 4. Snowgrass Flat Trail to White Pass - mountain forecasts, and check with land managers nience store, and lodging at the White Pass sum- 21 After 0.9 mile, bear left at a junction onto FR 23. for possible trail issues before heading out. Addi- mit and ski area. Other cities near the northern Stay on FR 23 for roughly 33 miles, passing onto tionally, at 12.4 miles north of the PCT Trailhead trailhead are Randle, Packwood, and Yakima. River off FR 23, you’ll have to cross Adams Creek, a opposite: Lush foliage and tall conifers landscape silty, glacier-melt waterway that can be hazardous, Camping and Other Restrictions Cispus the trail’s edge near Forest Road 23. especially after heavy rains or in early-season Yakama Indian Camping is restricted in Snowgrass Flat and 67 snowmelt. Rock or log hopping is very challenging 2329 Reservation at Shoe Lake and Shoe Lake basin. Campfires and can be dangerous; most folks wade. See this are prohibited in Shoe Lake basin and within guide’s introduction for tips on water crossings. Takhlakh 23 Lake

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Mount Adams Goat Rocks Wilderness Killen Creek Wilderness Snowgrass Flat Trail #96 FR 23 Killen Lava Midway Goat Rocks Sheep Lake White Mount Adams 7000' Creek Spring Creek Cispus Spine North Fork Tieton Walupt Lake Trail #1118 Pass Wilderness 6000' Trail #101 Pass To Yale River Mount Adams 5000' 23 4000' Lewis LEG 1 LEG 1 LEG 2 3000' LEG 3 LEG 4 0 miles 10 20 30 40 Forest Road 23 T 50 60 65 0 2 4 MILES Profile 20–Segment 2: FR 23 to White Pass v1 SECTION 1 To Trout Lake 0 2 4 KILOMETERS Map 20 – Section 2: Forest Road 23 to White Pass Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, Washington

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The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, in Ithaca, new york, tHe For 100 years, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology has A River Reborn is a world leader in the study, appreciation, and “All the birds among us offer a window into a different researched the lives of birds, educating the public and conservation of birds. Their hallmarks are scientific strivingVyn; for protection of speciesCornell and habitat. But the Lab of Ornithology. 208 pages, excellence and technological innovation to advance kind of knowing—one that is natural, but in modern times Lab does much more than study—it celebrates birds the understanding of nature and to engage people is forgotten and unpracticed. If we pay attention, through song and image, and connects us to them. L of all ages in learning about birds and protecting the the birds in our lives become mediators between An intimate yet3 stunning exploration1 of north Mapes; Ringman, photography. planet. Founded in 1915, the Cornell Lab is a nonprofit American species, The Living Bird explores our joyful, iV 10 ⁄4 x 9 ⁄2 , 250 color photos, hb, $29.95, ISBN organization whose vibrant community includes the obvious and the hidden, between the normal way complex relationship with birds. Wildlife and conser- supporters, citizen-science participants, and millions of of seeing and a way of seeing that is less common vation photographer Gerrit Vyn, along with leading ing Bird bird enthusiasts from all walks of life who connect with but more beautiful, nourishing, and grounding.” naturalists and bird enthusiasts, takes readers on a 184 pages, 10 x 9, 125 color them online at www.allaboutbirds.org. Learn more at visual and978-1-59485-965-6. experiential journey, revealing the essence www.birds.cornell.edu. —from The Living Bird of the Lab’s work. Barbara Kingsolver remembers her youth as a reluctant birder, while years later she exalts in a photos, map, pb, $29.95, ISBN special birding trip with her father. Scott Weidensaul with new essays from Scott Weidensaul, delves into the secret lives of birds: How do flocks of Lyanda Lynn Haupt, John W. Fitzpatrick, birds migrate thousands of miles? What determines who mates with whom? What purpose do all those and Jared Diamond “A virtual encyclopedia 978-1-59485-734-8. pretty feathers and glorious melodies serve? Lyanda Lynn Haupt finds inspiration in our everyday birds as they connect us to the natural world, and she describes how citizen science enriches our under- standingof of everything our around us. feathered friend.” Gerrit Vyn is a Seattle-based photographer whose Director of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology John images are used by many conservation organizations W. Fitzpatrick considers the status of birds today: and appear regularly in books and magazines, including while too many species have been driven to extinc- National Geographic, Audubon, and the New York Times. tion, others have made remarkable recoveries thanks He was the primary photographer for two “State of to human— action. LosJared Diamond underscores Angeles that it Times the Birds” reports delivered to Congress by a coalition is in our hands to protect the living birds around us. of leading environmental organizations. His audio and Throughout, Vyn’s remarkable photographs bring video work have been featured on PBS’s Nature, nPR’s Vyn 100 Years of Listening to Nature the exhilaration of migratory Whooping Cranes, the Morning Edition, and CBS’s Sunday Morning. fragility of the endangered Spoon-Billed Sandpiper, and the wide-eyed beauty of Great Horned Owls alive on the page. From enjoying backyard Black-capped Chickadees and yellow Warblers to a Pile- ated Woodpecker to admiring the powerful soar of a Gyrfalcon, watching and listening to birds leads us www.mountaineersbooks.org into a greater understanding of their environment— An independent and nonprofit publisher since 1960 ALASKA RANGE and of ours. ISBn 978-1-59485-965-6 Front cover, Tufted Puffin; back cover, Bluethroat Jacket design by Jane Jeszeck/Jigsaw Printed in China on FSC-certified materials THE LIVING BIrd Exploring the Last Great Wild

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PAUL BANNICK Photography by Gerrit Vyn Foreword by Barbara Kingsolver 100 Years of Listening to Birds Beacons of our PLanet

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, in Ithaca, new york, tHe For 100 years, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology has is a world leader in the study, appreciation, and “All the birds among us offer a window into a different researched the lives of birds, educating the public and conservation of birds. Their hallmarks are scientific striving for protection of species and habitat. But the excellence and technological innovation to advance kind of knowing—one that is natural, but in modern times Lab does much more than study—it celebrates birds the understanding of nature and to engage people is forgotten and unpracticed. If we pay attention, through song and image, and connects us to them. L of all ages in learning about birds and protecting the the birds in our lives become mediators between An intimate yet stunning exploration of north planet. Founded in 1915, the Cornell Lab is a nonprofit American species, The Living Bird explores our joyful, iV organization whose vibrant community includes the obvious and the hidden, between the normal way complex relationship with birds. Wildlife and conser- supporters, citizen-science participants, and millions of of seeing and a way of seeing that is less common vation photographer Gerrit Vyn, along with leading ing Bird bird enthusiasts from all walks of life who connect with but more beautiful, nourishing, and grounding.” naturalists and bird enthusiasts, takes readers on a them online at www.allaboutbirds.org. Learn more at visual and experiential journey, revealing the essence www.birds.cornell.edu. —from The Living Bird of the Lab’s work. Barbara Kingsolver remembers her youth as a reluctant birder, while years later she exalts in a special birding trip with her father. Scott Weidensaul with new essays from Scott Weidensaul, delves into the secret lives of birds: How do flocks of Lyanda Lynn Haupt, John W. Fitzpatrick, birds migrate thousands of miles? What determines who mates with whom? What purpose do all those AASKA RANGEand Jared Diamond Exploring thE last grEat Wild carl battreall pretty feathers and glorious melodies serve? Lyanda Lynn Haupt finds inspiration in our everyday birds Foreword by as they connect us to the natural world, and she Art dAvidson describes how citizen science enriches our under- standing of everything around us. Gerrit Vyn is a Seattle-based photographer whose Director of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology John images are used by many conservation organizations W. Fitzpatrick considers the status of birds today: and appear regularly in books and magazines, including while too many species have been driven to extinc- National Geographic, Audubon, and the New York Times. tion, others have made remarkable recoveries thanks He was the primary photographer for two “State of to human action. Jared Diamond underscores that it the Birds” reports delivered to Congress by a coalition is in our hands to protect the living birds around us. of leading environmental organizations. His audio and Throughout, Vyn’s remarkable photographs bring video work have been featured on PBS’s Nature, nPR’s Vyn 100 Years of Listening to Nature the exhilaration of migratory Whooping Cranes, the Morning Edition, and CBS’s Sunday Morning. fragility of the endangered Spoon-Billed Sandpiper, and the wide-eyed beauty of Great Horned Owls alive on the page. From enjoying backyard Black-capped Chickadees and yellow Warblers to spotting a Pile- ated Woodpecker to admiring the powerful soar of a Gyrfalcon, watching and listening to birds leads us www.mountaineersbooks.org into a greater understanding of their environment— An independent and nonprofit publisher since 1960 and of ours. ISBn 978-1-59485-965-6 Front cover, Tufted Puffin; back cover, Bluethroat A YEAR IN THE LIVES OF NORTH AMERICANJacket designOWLS by Jane Jeszeck/Jigsaw OWLPrinted in China on FSC-certified materials THE LIVING BIrd

YELLOWSTONE MIGRATIONS OWL ALASKA RANGE THE LIVING BIRD Riis. 176 pages, 103⁄4 x 91⁄2, 150 color photos, A Year in the Lives of North Exploring the Last Great Wild 100 Years of Listening to Nature American Owls 12 illustrations, 4 maps, hc, $29.95, ISBN 978- Battreall. 176 pages, 103⁄4 x 91⁄2, 120 color Vyn; Cornell Lab of Ornithology. 208 pages, 3 1 3 1 1-68051-089-8. Bannick. 208 pages, 10 ⁄4 x 9 ⁄2, 200 color photos, 1 map, hb, $29.95, ISBN 978-1-59485- 10 ⁄4 x 9 ⁄2 , 250 color photos, hb, $29.95, ISBN photos, 1 color map, hb, $34.95, ISBN 978-1- 966-3. 978-1-59485-965-6. 59485-800-0.

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Photo from Sage Spirit by Dave Showalter

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WINTER HIKING AND BACKCOUNTRY CAMPING SNOWBOARDING 100 BEST CROSS- BEST GROOMED Managing Cold for Van Tilburg. 144 pages, 7 1⁄4 x COUNTRY SKI TRAILS IN CROSS-COUNTRY SKI Comfort and Safety 9, 91 color photos, pb, $18.95, WASHINGTON, 3rd Ed. TRAILS IN OREGON Lanza. 176 pages, 6 x 9, 50 b&w ISBN 978-089886-578-3. V. Spring & Kirkendall. 256 pages, Includes Other Favorite Ski photos, 5 illustrations, pb, 1 1 Routes 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, 101 maps, b&w photos, $17.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-947-7. 1 1 pb, $18.95, ISBN 978-0-89886- Bogar. 240 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, 60 806-7. maps, 70 b&w photos, pb, $18 .95, ISBN 978-0-89886-801-2.


RECENT RELEASE SNOWSHOE ROUTES Oregon Andersen. 240 pages, 1 1 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, pb, $17.95, 75 b&w photos, 66 maps, ISBN 978-0-89886- SNOWSHOE 833-3. backcover tagline, THIRD EDITION baseline of text is .25” front cover, logo lines up from bottom of book ROUTESush left at .25” from spine, baseline of text is .25’’ from WASHINGTONbottom of book DAN A. NELSON


Spine Washington, Adirondacks & Northern California New England backcover, left align text to 3rdtext on backcover Ed. Catskills M. Soares. 240 pages, Bair & Wright. 240 1 Nelson. 272 pages, 5 ⁄2 Ingersoll. 240 pages, 1 1 1 1 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, 75 photos, 55 pages, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, 90 1 1 1 x 8 ⁄2, 100 b&w photos, 5 ⁄2 x 8 ⁄2, 90 b&w maps, pb, $17.95, b&w photos, 70 maps, 80 maps, pb, $19.95, photos, 57 maps, pb, ISBN 978-0-89886-853-1. pb, $17.95, ISBN 978- ISBN 978-1-59485-919-9. $16.95, ISBN 978-1- 0-89886-849-4. 59485-009-7.

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Following is an index of titles sorted by region. We’ve indexed guidebooks here to make it easy to find the ones that are near you. Also SNOWSHOEING included are some narrative adventures, because it’s always fun to read stories that took place near where you live or in a faraway From Novice to Master, place you’re interested in. A little more than half our catalog can be organized regionally. But don’t forget about all those sports 5th Ed. instructionals, general lifestyle topics, and wild, sweet, and romantic tales that aren’t in this index. You need to browse through the G. Prater, Felkley. 160 pages, pages here to find those treasures or, if you know the title, you can find them in the Title Index. 7 x 8 1⁄2, 35 photos, pb, $16.95, ISBN 978-0-89886-891-3. NEW FALL/WINTER TITLES IN BOLD Best Short Hikes in California’s North Sierra 100 Classic Hikes: Washington, 3rd Ed., 45 Selected Climbs in the Cascades Vol I, 2nd 2nd Ed., 46 100 Hikes in the Inland Northwest, 2nd Ed., 44 Ed., 40 US - WEST Best Hikes with Kids San Francisco Bay Across the Olympic Mountains, 56 Selected Climbs in the Cascades Vol II, 40 Area, 48 ADVENTURE CYCLING ASSOCIATION MAPS, 34 Snoqualmie Pass, 56 Alaska/Arctic Camp 4, 55 Afoot & Afloat: North Puget Sound & the Snowshoe Routes Washington, 3rd Ed., 13, 64 50 Hikes in Alaska’s Chugach State Park, 44 Climbing California’s Fourteeners, 39 Strait of Juan de Fuca, 3rd Ed., 62 Stehekin, 56 Alaska Range, 57, 59 DAY HIKING SERIES, 44 Afoot & Afloat: South Puget Sound and Hood Trekking Washington, 31 Alaska Wildlife, 59 High Sierra, The, 3rd Ed., 39 Canal, 4th Ed., 62 Turning Homeward, 57 Alaska’s Brooks Range, 57 Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail: Northern Afoot & Afloat: The San Juan Islands, 4th Urban Trails: Bellingham, 44 Alaska: A Climbing Guide, 40 California, 15, 28, 45 Ed., 62 Urban Trails: Kitsap, 44 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 24, 60 Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail: Southern Backcountry Ski & Snowboard Routes Urban Trails: Olympia, 16, 44 Arctic Wings, 24, 60 California, 14, 28, 45 Washington, 63 Washington Ice, A Climbing Guide, 40 Arctic Superstars, 55 Live! From Death Valley, 57 Best Desert Hikes: Washington, 46 Washington Scrambles, 2nd Ed., 47 Being Caribou, 56 MAC’S FIELD GUIDES, 58 BEST HIKES WITH DOGS SERIES, 46 Washington’s Pacific Coast, 47 Beluga Days, 57 Mount Whitney, 2nd Ed., 47 Best Hikes with Kids Western Washington & Washington’s Channeled Scablands Guide, 47 Denali: A Literary Anthology, 55 Mountain Bike: Tahoe, 33 the Cascades, 48 Weekend Rock Washington, 39 Denali National Park, 47 Outdoor Family Guide to Lake Tahoe, 2nd Ed., Best Wildflower Hikes Washington, 46 Winter Hikes of Western Washington Deck, 48 Denali’s West Buttress, 39 An, 49 Best Winter Walks & Hikes, Puget Sound, 2nd Year in Paradise, A, 57 Dishonorable Dr. Cook, The, 55 Pacific Crest Trailside Reader: California, 54 Ed., 46 Wild Plants of the San Juan Islands, 2nd Faith of Cranes, 56 Sierra, 60 Biking Puget Sound, 2nd Ed., 33 Ed., 58 Glacier Bay National Park, 62 Sierra High Route, 2nd Ed., 47 Camping Washington, 2nd Ed., 47 High Alaska, 55 Snowshoe Routes Northern California, 64 Cascade Alpine Guide Vol. 1, Columbia River West – Other Journey to the Arctic, 24, 60 Trad Guide to Joshua Tree, The, 42 to Stevens Pass, 3rd Ed., 40 ADVENTURE CYCLING ASSOCIATION MAPS, 34 MAC’S FIELD GUIDES, 58 Trekking California, 31 Cascade Alpine Guide Vol. 2, Stevens Pass to BEST HIKES WITH DOGS SERIES, 46 Minus 148, 50 Urban Trails: San Francisco, 44 Rainy Pass,3rd Ed., 40 Birdsongs of the Pacific Northwest, 57 Mount McKinley: Icy Crown of North America, 55 Walking San Diego, 2nd Ed., 47 Cascade Alpine Guide Vol. 3, Rainy Pass to Canoe and Kayak Routes of NW Oregon & SW Mountain of My Fear, The (& Deborah), 50 Waterfall Lover’s Guide to Northern Frasier River, 3rd Ed., 40 Washington, 3rd Ed., 62 Mt. McKinley: The Pioneer Climbs, 55 California, 47 Challenge of Rainier, The, 4th Ed., 55 Colors of the West, 12, 25, 30 Mudflats and Fish Camps, 54 Yosemite National Park Deck, 48 Challenge of the North Cascades, 55 Cycling the Pacific Coast, 20, 33, 36 On Arctic Ground, 23, 60 Complete Guide to Mount S. Helens National Field Guide to the Cascades & Olympics, 2nd Salmon in the Trees, 23, 60 Oregon Volcanic Monument, A, 47 Ed., 58 Small Feet, Big Land, 54 75 Classic Rides: Oregon, 33 DAY HIKING SERIES, 44 Hiking the Great Northwest, 2nd Ed., 47 Steller’s Island, 55 75 Hikes in Oregon’s Coast Range & Discovering Seattle Parks, 49 Idaho, A Climbing Guide, 40 Surviving Denali, 55 Siskiyous, 2nd Ed., 44 Elwha, 57 MAC’S FIELD GUIDES, 58 Swallowed by the Great Land, 54 75 Scrambles in Oregon, 47 Exploring Washington’s Wild Areas, 2nd Mountains Don’t Care, But We Do, 56 To the Arctic, 24, 60 100 Classic Hikes in Oregon, 2nd Ed., 45 Ed., 47 Northwest Foraging, 27 Where Water is Gold, 23 ADVENTURE CYCLING ASSOCIATION MAPS, 34 Geology of the North Cascades, 58 Northwest Garden Manifesto, The, 13, 25 Backcountry Ski & Snowboard Routes Guide to 100 Peaks in Mount Rainier National Northwest Trees, 2nd Ed., 57 California Oregon, 63 Park, Ed. 2.01, 47 Pacific Coast Foraging Guide, 26 50 Trail Runs in Southern California, 47 Best Groomed Cross-Country Ski Trails in Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail: Washington, Pacific Feast, 26 75 Classic Rides: Northern California, 33 Oregon, 64 28, 45 Pacific Northwest Nature, 30 75 Hikes in California’s Mount Shasta and BEST HIKES WITH DOGS SERIES, 46 Hiking the Wonderland Trail, 47 Paddle Routes of the Inland Northwest, 62 Lassen Volcanic National Park Regions, 44 Best Hikes with Kids Oregon, 48 Kayaking Puget Sound & the San Juan Paddling the Columbia, 62 100 Classic Hikes in Northern California, 3rd Best Short Hikes in Northwest Oregon, 46 Islands, 3rd Ed., 62 Rain Gardens for the Pacific Northwest, 25 Ed., 45 Biking Portland, 33 Lookouts, 56 Real Gardens Grow Natives, 25 100 Classic Hikes in Southern California, 45 DAY HIKING SERIES, 44 MAC’S FIELD GUIDES, 58 Pacific Crest Trailside Reader: Oregon & 100 Hikes in California’s Central Sierra & Hiking Oregon’s Geology, 2nd Ed., 46 Monte Cristo, 56 Washington, 54 Coast Range, 2nd Ed., 44 Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail: Oregon, 28, 45 Mount Rainier, 60 Skiing and Sleeping on the Summits: Cascade 100 Hikes in the San Francisco Bay Area, 44 MAC’S FIELD GUIDES, 58 Mount Rainier, A Climbing Guide, 3rd Ed., 40 Volcanoes of the Pacific Northwest, 43 100 Hikes in Yosemite National Park, 44 Mountain Bike: Bend, 33 Nature in the City: Seattle, 47 Waterfall Lover’s Guide to the Pacific 140 Great Hikes in and Near Palm Springs, 42 Oregon Desert Guide, 47 North Cascades, The, 23 Northwest, 5th Ed., 47 ADVENTURE CYCLING ASSOCIATION MAPS, 34 Snowshoe Routes Oregon, 64 North Cascades Crest, 60 Wild Edge, The, 23, 59 Adventure Cycling in Northern California, 36 Soggy Sneakers, 5th Ed., 62 Olympic Battleground, 2nd Ed., 56 Animal Tracks Southern California, 58 Weekend Rock Oregon, 39 Olympic Mountains, A Climbing Guide, 4th SOUTHWEST Backcountry Ski & Snowboard Routes Ed., 40 100 Classic Hikes: Arizona, 4rd Ed., 45 California, 19, 63 Washington Olympic Mountains Trail Guide, 3rd Ed., 47 100 Hikes in New Mexico, 3rd Ed., 44 BEST HIKES WITH DOGS SERIES, 46 50 Trail Runs in Washington, 47 Outdoor Family Guide to Washington’s ADVENTURE CYCLING ASSOCIATION MAPS, 34 Best Short Hikes in Redwood National and 75 Classic Rides: Washington, 33 National Parks and Monuments, An, 49 Best Hikes with Children in New Mexico, 2nd State Parks, 46 100 Best Cross-Country Ski Trails in Paddling Washington, 62 Ed., 48 Best Short Hikes in California’s South Sierra Washington, 3rd Ed., 64 Roads to Trails Northwest Washington, 47 BEST HIKES WITH DOGS SERIES, 46 2nd Ed., 46 100 Classic Backcountry Ski and Snowboard Seattle Stairway Walks, 47 Best Loop Hikes Arizona, 46 Routes Washington, 63 Best Short Hikes in Arizona, 46

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Exploring Arizona’s Wild Areas, 2nd Ed., 47 Ski & Snowboard Routes, Colorado’s Best Loop Hikes New Hampshire’s White Everest 1953, 50 Field Guide to the Grand Canyon, A, 2nd Front Range, 18, 43 Mountains to the Maine Coast, 46 Everest, 2nd Ed., 52 Ed., 58 Sleeping on the Summits, 42 MAC’S FIELD GUIDES, 58 Everest Expedition to the Ultimate, 53 Hiking the Southwest’s Geology, 46 Snowshoe Routes: Colorado’s Front Range, Northern Forest Canoe Trail Official Everest: The West Ridge, 50 Hiking the Southwest’s Canyon Country, 2nd Ed., 43 Guidebook, 61 Fearless on Everest, 51 3rd Ed., 47 Northern Forest Canoe Trail Maps, 61 Himalaya by the Numbers, The, 52 Hiking Arizona’s Geology, 46 Mountain – Other Outdoor Family Guide to Acadia National Himalayan Database, The, 52 Hiking the Grand Canyon’s Geology, 46 ADVENTURE CYCLING ASSOCIATION MAPS, 34 Park, An, 49 Himalayan Passage, 56 MAC’S FIELD GUIDES, 58 100 Classic Hikes: Utah, 45 Paddling Southern Maine, 18, 62 K2: The Tragedy, 52 Pages of Stone, 2nd Ed., 58 100 Hikes in Utah, 44 Selected Climbs in the Northeast, 40 K2: The Price of Conquest, 52 Red Rock Canyon, A Climbing Guide, 40 Backcountry Ski & Snowboard Routes Snowshoe Routes Adirondacks & Catskills, 64 Karakoram, 51 Resurrection, 24, Utah, 63 Snowshoe Routes New England, 64 Kyrgystan, A Climber’s Map, 40 Sandstone Spine, 53 Best Moab and Arches National Park Hikes, Last Step, The, 51 Selected Climbs in the Desert Southwest, 40 The, 41 SOUTHEAST Naked Mountain, The, 53 Weekend Rock Arizona, 39 BEST HIKES WITH DOGS SERIES, 46 40 Hikes in Tennessee’s South Cumberland, Nanga Parbat, 52 Climber’s Guide to the Teton Range, 3rd Ed., 3rd Ed., 44 Thailand, A Climbing Guide, 40 MOUNTAIN A, 39 55 Ways to the Wilderness in Southcentral Trekking in Nepal, 8th Ed., 49 Cycling the Great Divide, 2nd Ed., 36 Alaska, 5th Ed., 47 Trekking in Tibet, 3rd Ed., 49 Colorado Crown of the Continent, 23, 59 75 Hikes in Virginia’s Shenandoah National Walking the Gobi, 55 75 Classic Rides: Colorado, 33 Glacier-Waterton International Peace Park Park, 2nd Ed., 44 100 Classic Hikes in Colorado, 3rd Ed., 45 2nd Ed., 47 100 Classic Hikes in North Carolina, 45 Europe ADVENTURE CYCLING ASSOCIATION MAPS, 34 MAC’S FIELD GUIDES, 58 100 Classic Hikes in Texas, 45 Extreme Eiger, 50 Backcountry Ski & Snowboard Routes Outdoor Family Guide to Rocky Mountain 100 Trails of the Big South Fork, 4th Ed., 44 Fall of Heaven, 7, 50, 53 Colorado, 19, 63 National Park, An, 3rd Ed., 49 100 Hikes in the Great Smoky Mountains Fontainebleau Climbs, 40 BEST HIKES SERIES –COLORADO MOUNTAIN Outdoor Family Guide to Yellowstone and National Park, 2nd Ed., 44 Fiva, 52 CLUB, 41 the Tetons National Parks, 2nd Ed., 49 ADVENTURE CYCLING ASSOCIATION MAPS, 34 Mont Blanc Range, The, 40 Best Front Range Trail Runs, The, 42 Rocky Mountain Flora, 2nd Ed., 42 Animal Tracks Southeast, 58 Walking Austria’s Alps 2nd Ed., 48 BEST HIKES WITH DOGS SERIES, 46 Rocky Mountain Wildflowers, 42 BEST HIKES WITH DOGS SERIES, 46 Best Hikes with Kids Colorado, 48 Sage Spirit, 23, 59 Florida State Parks, 47 Latin America Best Loop Hikes Colorado, 46 Utah’s Big Five National Parks, 11, 48 MAC’S FIELD GUIDES, 58 Aconcagua, A Climber’s Guide, 2nd Ed., 39 Classic Colorado Ice Climbs, 17, 42 Yellowstone to Yukon, 24, 60 Selected Climbs in North Carolina, 40 Costa Rica’s National Parks and Preserves, Classic Colorado Ski Descents, 18, 43 Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks Tecate Journals, The, 55 3rd Ed., 49 Classic Front Range Trad Climbs, 42 Deck, 48 Ecuador, A Climbing Guide, 39 Colorado 14er Disasters, 42 Yellowstone Migrations, 23, 59 CANADA Galapagos Islands and Ecuador, The, 3rd Colorado 14ers, The, 3rd Ed., 42 Yellowstone National Park, 11, 48 Bugaboo Rock: A Climbing Guide, 2nd Ed., Ed., 49 Colorado 14ers, The, Standard Routes, 42 40 Mexico’s Volcanoes, 3rd Ed., 39 Colorado Lake Hikes, 42 MIDWEST Columbia Mountains of Central Canada, 7th Trekking in Bolivia, 49 Colorado’s Quiet Winter Trails, 43 ADVENTURE CYCLING ASSOCIATION MAPS, 34 Ed., 40 Trekking in Ecuador, 49 Colorado Scrambles, 2nd Ed., 42 MAC’S FIELD GUIDES, 58 Trekking Peru, 49 Colorado Snow Climbs, 43 INTERNATIONAL Yuraq Janka, 40 Colorado Summit Hikes for Everyone, 42 NORTHEAST/ATLANTIC Colorado Trail, The, 9th Ed., 42 100 Classic Hikes in New England, 45 Africa Colorado Trail Databook, The, 6th Ed., 42 ADVENTURE CYCLING ASSOCIATION MAPS, 34 Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya Climbing and Antarctica Colorado Year Round Outdoor Guide, The, 43 Best Hikes with Children in the Catskills and Trekking Guide, 2nd Ed., 40 Antarctica, 53 Colorado Wildflowers, 42 Hudson River Valley, 2nd Ed., 48 Kissing Kilimanjaro, 55 Mountaineering in Antarctica, 39 Coloring Colorado, 17, 42 Best Hikes with Children in New Jersey, Area, 42 2nd Ed., 48 Asia

Essential Guide to Black Canyon of the BEST HIKES WITH DOGS SERIES, 46 Boys of Everest, The, 51 Gunnison National Park, The, 42 Best Hikes with Kids Connecticut, & Rhode Brotherhood of the Rope, 51 Exploring Colorado’s Wild Areas, 2nd Ed., 47 Island, 48 Call of the Ice, The, 51

Flatiron Classics, 2nd Ed., 42 Guide to the Colorado Mountains, 10th Best Hikes with Kids Vermont, New Chomolungma Sings the Blues, 51 Ed., 42 Hampshire & Maine, 48 Conquistadors of the Useless, 51 Hiking Colorado’s Geology, 46 Best Hikes with Kids Washington DC, the Crystal Horizon, The, 53 Hiking Colorado’s Roadless Trails, 42 Beltway & Beyond, 48 Everest (Mountaineers Anthology series), 51

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New FALL/WINTER Titles in Bold Montana (419 miles) Statesboro, Georgia (349 miles) 3. Cedar City, Utah - Dolores, Colorado Afoot & Afloat: The San Juan Islands, 4. Missoula, Montana - West 6. Statesboro, Georgia - St. Augustine, (447 miles) 4th Ed., 62 9th Grade, The, 51 Yellowstone, Montana (329 miles) Florida (259 miles) 4. Dolores, Colorado - Pueblo, Alaska: A Climbing Guide, 40 40 Hikes in Tennessee’s South 5. West Yellowstone, Montana - 7. St. Augustine, Florida - Key West, Colorado (361 miles) Alaska Range, 57, 59 Cumberland, 3rd Ed., 44 Rawlins, Wyoming (351 miles) Florida (522 miles) Lewis & Clark Bicycle Trail, 36 Alaska Wildlife, 59 50 Classic Backcountry Ski & 6. Rawlins, Wyoming - Pueblo, Pacific Coast Bicycle Route, 35 1. Hartford, Illinois - Council Bluffs, Alaska’s Brooks Range, 57 Snowboard Summits in California, 63 Colorado (387 miles) 1. Vancouver, British Columbia - Iowa (558 miles) All 14 Eight-Thousanders, 53 50 Hikes in Alaska’s Chugach State 7. Pueblo, Colorado - Alexander, Astoria, Oregon (402 miles) 2. Council Bluffs, Iowa - Pierre, South Alpine Climbing, 38 Park, 44 Kansas (289 miles) 2. Astoria, Oregon - Crescent City, Dakota (489 miles) Altitude Illness & Treatment, 2nd Ed., 50 Trail Runs in Southern California, 47 8. Alexander, Kansas - Girard, Kansas California (408 miles) 3. Pierre, South Dakota - Dickinson, 32, 38 50 Trail Runs in Washington, 47 (331 miles) 3. Crescent City, California - San North Dakota (414 miles) American Alpine Journal, The, 22, 43 55 Ways to the Wilderness in 9. Girard, Kansas - Murphysboro, Francisco, California (412 miles) 4. Dickinson, North Dakota - Great American Alpine Journal Index, 43 Southcentral Alaska, 5th Ed., 47 Illinois (409 miles) 4. San Francisco, California - Santa Falls, Montana (499 miles) An Ice Axe, a Camera, and a Jar of 75 Classic Rides: Colorado, 33 10. Murphysboro, Illinois - Berea, Barbara, California (384 miles) 5. Great Falls, Montana - Missoula, Peanut Butter, 55 75 Classic Rides: Northern California, 33 Kentucky (405 miles) 5. Santa Barbara, California - Imperial Montana (477 miles) Anderl Heckmair, 52 75 Classic Rides: Washington, 33 11. Berea, Kentucky - Christiansburg, Beach, California (249 miles) 6. Missoula, Montana - Clarkston, Animal Tracks Mid-Atlantic, 75 Classic Rides: Oregon, 33 Virginia (376 miles) Route 66 Bicycle Route, 35 Washington (243 miles) 58 75 Hikes in Oregon’s Coast Range & 12. Christiansburg, Virginia - 1. Chicago, Illinois - St. Louis, Missouri 7. Clarkston, Washington - Seaside, Animal Tracks Southeast, 58 Siskiyous, 2nd Ed., 44 Yorktown, Virginia (368 miles) (329 miles) Oregon (474 miles) Animal Tracks Southern California, 58 75 Hikes in Virginia’s Shenandoah Chicago to New York City Bicycle 2. St. Louis, Missouri - Joplin, Missouri 8. Three Forks, Montana - Williston, Antarctica, 53 National Park, 2nd Ed., 44 Route, 21, 34 (327 miles) North Dakota (514 miles) Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 24, 60 75 Hikes in California’s Mount Shasta 1. Chicago, Illinois – Indianapolis, 3. Joplin, Missouri - Adrian, Texas Lake Erie Connector Bicycle Route: Wolf Arctic Wings, 24, 60 and Lassen Volcanic National Park Indiana (231 miles) (567 miles) Lake, Michigan - Fort Erie, Ontario Arctic Superstars, 55 Regions, 44 2. Indianapolis, Indiana – 4. Adrian, Texas - Gallup, New Mexico (505 miles), 36 Art of Rough Travel, The, 56 75 Scrambles in Oregon, 47 Zanesville, Ohio (275 miles) (500 miles) Grand Canyon Connector Bicycle Route: Ascent, 52 100 Best Cross-Country Ski Trails in 3. Zanesville, Ohio – Clearfield, 5. Gallup, New Mexico - Oatman, Cedar City, Utah - Tempe, Arizona Avalanche Essentials, 32, 63 Washington, 3rd Ed., 64 Pennsylvania (275 miles) Arizona (404 miles) (565 miles), 36 Avalanche Handbook, The, 3rd Ed., 100 Classic Backcountry Ski and 4. Clearfield, Pennsylvania – New 6. Oatman, Arizona - Santa Monica, Tidewater Potomac Heritage Bicycle 32, 63 Snowboard Routes Washington, 63 York City, New York (359 miles) California (360 miles) Route: Washington D.C. (378 miles), Avalanche Pocket Guide, 32, 63 100 Classic Hikes: Arizona, 4rd Ed., 45 Alt. 1, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Southern Tier Bicycle Route, 35 36 100 Classic Hikes in Colorado, 3rd Ed., 45 – Lancaster, Pennsylvania (339 1. San Diego, California - Tempe, Florida Connector Bicycle Route: St. B 100 Classic Hikes in New England, 45 miles) Arizona (413 miles) Augustine, Florida - Key West, Babes in the Woods, 30, 49 100 Classic Hikes in North Carolina, 45 Alt. 2, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 2. Tempe, Arizona - El Paso, Texas Florida (530 miles), 36 Backcountry Bear Basics, 29 100 Classic Hikes in Northern California, – New York City, New York (180 (524 miles) Underground Railroad Bicycle Route, 36 Backcountry Betty, 27 3rd Ed., 45 miles) 3. El Paso, Texas - Del Rio, Texas (522 1. Mobile, Alabama - Fulton, Backcountry Betty Crafting with 100 Classic Hikes in Oregon, 2nd Ed., 45 Great Parks North Bicycle Route, 34 miles) Mississippi (401 miles) Style, 27 100 Classic Hikes in Southern 1. Jasper, Alberta - Fernie, British 4. Del Rio, Texas - Navasota, Texas 2. Fulton, Mississippi - Owensboro, Backcountry Cooking, 31 California, 45 Columbia (373 miles) (432 miles) Kentucky (435 miles) Backcountry Ski & Snowboard 100 Classic Hikes in Texas, 45 2. Fernie, British Columbia - Missoula, 5. Navasota, Texas - New Roads, 3. Owensboro, Kentucky - Milford, Routes California, 19, 63 100 Classic Hikes: Utah, 45 Montana (379 miles) Louisiana (385 miles) Ohio (374 miles) Backcountry Ski & Snowboard 100 Classic Hikes: Washington, 3rd Northern Tier Bicycle Route, 34 6. New Roads, Louisiana - DeFuniak 4. Milford, Ohio - Erie, Pennsylvania Routes Colorado, 19, 63 Ed., 45 1. Anacortes, Washington - Sandpoint, Springs, Florida (442 miles) (419 miles) Backcountry Ski & Snowboard Routes 100 Hikes in California’s Central Sierra & Idaho (462 miles) 7. DeFuniak Springs, Florida - St. 5. Erie, Pennsylvania - Owen Sound, Oregon, 63 Coast Range, 2nd Ed., 44 2. Sandpoint, Idaho - Cut Bank, Augustine, Florida (425 miles) Ontario (378 miles) Backcountry Ski & Snowboard Routes 100 Hikes in New Mexico, 3rd Ed., 44 Montana (447 miles) Texas Hill Country Loop, 35 Underground Railroad Bicycle Route Utah, 63 100 Hikes in the Great Smoky Mountains 3. Cut Bank, Montana - Dickinson, Great Rivers South Bicycle Route, 35 Detroit Alternative, 36 Backcountry Ski & Snowboard Routes National Park, 2nd Ed., 44 North Dakota (544 miles) 1. Muscatine, Iowa - Cape Girardeau, 1. Detroit Alternate, Oberlin, Ohio - Washington, 63 100 Hikes in the Inland Northwest, 2nd 4. Dickinson, North Dakota - Fargo, Missouri (501 miles) Sombra, Ontario (281 miles) Backcountry Skiing, 64 Ed., 44 North Dakota (351 miles) 2. Cape Girardeau, Missouri - Tupelo, 2. Detroit Alternate, Sombra, Ontario - Backcountry Snowboarding, 64 100 Hikes in the San Francisco Bay 5. Fargo, North Dakota - Walker, Mississippi (456 miles) Owen Sound, Ontario (239 miles) Backpacking Washington, 48 Area, 44 Minnesota (175 miles) 3. Tupelo, Mississippi - Baton Rouge, Washington Parks Bicycle Route, 36 Backyard Roots, 26 100 Hikes in Utah, 44 6. Walker, Minnesota - Stillwater, Louisiana (370 miles) 1. Sedro-Woolley, Washington - Elma, Bar Mitzvah and the Beast, The, 33, 55 100 Hikes in Yosemite National Park, 44 Minnesota (262 miles) North Lakes Bicycle Route, 35 Washington (311 miles) Barking Buddha, 27 100 Trails of the Big South Fork, 4th 7. Stillwater, Minnesota - Muscatine, 1. Osceola, Wisconsin - Escanaba, 2. Elma, Washington - Sedro-Woolley, Bear Country, 60 Ed., 44 Iowa (391 miles) Michigan (392 miles) Washington (555 miles) Beckoning Silence, The, 53 140 Great Hikes in and Near Palm 8. Muscatine, Iowa - Monroeville, 2. Escanaba, Michigan - Mackinaw Sierra Cascades Bicycle Route, 36 Being Caribou, 56 Springs, 42 Indiana (402 miles) City, Michigan (151 miles) 1. Sumas, Washington - Mt. Rainier Beluga Days, 57 151 Dives in the Protected Waters 9. Monroeville, Indiana - Orchard Park, 3. Mackinaw City, Michigan - National Park, Washington (447 miles) BEST HIKES SERIES –COLORADO MOUNTAIN of Washington State and British New York (409 miles) Monroeville, Indiana (545 miles) 2. Mt. Rainier NP, Washington - Crater CLUB, 41 Columbia, 61 10. Orchard Park, New York - Great Divide Mountain Bike Route, 36 Lake NP, Oregon (446 miles) Best Aspen Hikes, The 1001 Climbing Tips, 10, 37 Ticonderoga, New York (421 miles) 1. Canada, Banff, Alberta - Roosville, 3. Crater Lake NP, Oregon - Truckee, Best Boulder Hikes, The 11. Ticonderoga, New York - Bar Montana (254 miles) California (459 miles) Best Canyonlands National Park A Harbor, Maine (402 miles) 2. Roosville, Montana - Polaris, 4. Truckee, California - Lake Isabella, Hikes, The ABCs of Avalanche Safety, The, 3rd Ed., Great Parks South Bicycle Route, 34 Montana (542 miles) California (558 miles) Best Colorado Springs Hikes, The 32, 63 1. Steamboat Springs, Colorado - 3. Polaris, Montana - South Pass City, 5. Lake Isabella, California - Tecate, Best Crested Butte Hikes, The Accessible Trails in Washington’s Poncha Springs, Colorado (389 miles) Wyoming (510 miles) California (486 miles) Best Denver Hikes, The Backcountry, 47 2. Poncha Springs, Colorado - 4. South Pass City, Wyoming - Idaho Hot Springs Mountain Bike Best Durango and Silverton Hikes, Accidents in North American Durango, Colorado (306 miles) Silverthorne, Colorado (404 miles) Route, 36 The Climbing, 22, 43 Atlantic Coast Bicycle Route, 34 5. Silverthorne, Colorado - Platoro, Main Route Map Best Estes Park Hikes, The Aconcagua, A Climber’s Guide, 2nd 1. Bar Harbor, Maine - Windsor Locks, Colorado (317 miles) Singletrack Options Map Best Fort Collins Hikes, The Ed., 39 Connecticut (439 miles) 6. Platoro, Colorado - Pie Town, New Adventure Cycling in Northern Best Front Range Hikes, The Across the Olympic Mountains, 56 2. Windsor Locks, Connecticut - Mexico (431 miles) California, 36 Best Front Range Hikes for Children, Advanced Rock Climbing, 38 Conshohocken, Pennsylvania (295 7. Pie Town, New Mexico - Antelope Adventure Gap, The, 54 The ADVENTURE CYCLING ASSOCIATION MAPS miles) Wells, New Mexico (308 miles) Adventure Journal, 31 Best Front Range Wildflower Hikes, The Transamerica Bicycle Trail, 34 3. Conshohocken, Pennsylvania - Western Express Bicycle Route, 36 Adventure Handbook, 49 Best Grand Junction Hikes, The 1. Astoria to Coburg, Oregon (234 mi.) Richmond, Virginia (389 miles) 1. San Francisco, California - Fallon, Afoot & Afloat: North Puget Sound & the Best Hikes on the Continental Divide 2. Coburg to Baker City, Oregon 4. Richmond, Virginia - Wilmington, Nevada (312 miles) Strait of Juan de Fuca, 3rd Ed., 62 Trail: Colorado, The (333 mi.) North Carolina (383 miles) 2. Fallon, Nevada - Cedar City, Utah Afoot & Afloat: South Puget Sound and Best Hikes, 3. Baker City, Oregon - Missoula, 5. Wilmington, North Carolina - (464 miles) Hood Canal, 4th Ed., 62 The

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Best Moab and Arches National Park Beyond Gorp, 30 Preserves, 3rd Ed., 49 Exploring Colorado’s Wild Areas, 2nd Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail: Hikes, The Big Wall Climbing, 38 Courage and Misfortune (Mountaineers Ed., 47 Northern California, 15, 28, 45 Best Rocky Mountain National Park Biking Portland, 33 Anthology Series), 51 Exploring Washington’s Wild Areas, 2nd Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail: Hikes, The Biking Puget Sound, 2nd Ed., 33 Crag Survival Handbook, The, 37 Ed., 47 Southern California, 14, 28, 45 Best Steamboat Hikes, The Birdsongs of the Pacific Northwest, 57 Crags, Eddies & Riprap, 55 Extreme Alpinism, 39 Hiking the Southwest’s Canyon Country, Best Southern Front Range Hikes, Blistered Kind of Love, A, 56 Crevasse Rescue Pocket Guide, 32 Extreme Eiger, 50 3rd Ed., 47 The Blue Tarp Bible, The, 27 Cross-Country Skiing, 64 Hiking the Southwest’s Geology, 46 Best Summit County Hikes, The Boardman Tasker Omnibus, The, 51 Crossing Denali, 54 F Hiking the Wonderland Trail, 47 Best Telluride Hikes, The Bond, The, 50 Crown of the Continent, 23, Faith of Cranes, 56 Himalaya by the Numbers, The, 52 Best Urban Hikes: Denver, 16 Bouldering, 38 59 Fall of Heaven, 7, 50, 53 Himalayan Database, The, 52 Best Vail Valley Hikes, The Boys of Everest, The, 51 Crystal Horizon, The, 53 Falling Season, The, 51 Himalayan Passage, 56 Best Desert Hikes: Washington, 46 Brotherhood of the Rope, 51 Cycling the Great Divide, 2nd Ed., 36 Fat of the Land, 26 Hypothermia, Frostbite, and Other Cold Best Front Range Trail Runs, The, 42 Bugaboo Rock: A Climbing Guide, 2nd Cycling the Pacific Coast, 20, 33, 36 Fearless on Everest, 51 Injuries, 2nd Ed., 32 Best Groomed Cross-Country Ski Trails Ed., 40 Field Guide to the Cascades & Olympics, in Oregon, 64 D 2nd Ed., 58 I Best Hikes with Children in the Catskills C Dark Shadows Falling, 53 Field Guide to the Grand Canyon, A, I Promise Not To Suffer, 54, 565 and Hudson River Valley, 2nd Ed., 48 Cairns, 57 DAY HIKING SERIES, 44 2nd Ed., 58 Ice and , 38 Best Hikes with Children in New Jersey, Call of the Ice, The, 51 Day Hiking Bend & Central Oregon Fifty Favorite Climbs, 39 Ice Bear, 60 2nd Ed., 48 Camp 4, 55 Day Hiking Central Cascades Fine Kind of Madness, A, 55 Idaho, A Climbing Guide, 40 Best Hikes with Children in New Mexico, Camping Washington, 2nd Ed., 47 Day Hiking Columbia River Gorge Fit By Nature, 29 In the Zone, 51 2nd Ed., 48 Canoe and Kayak Routes of NW Oregon Day Hiking Eastern Washington Fiva, 52 Illusion Dweller, 50 BEST HIKES WITH DOGS SERIES, 46 & SW Washington, 3rd Ed., 62 Day Hiking Los Angeles Flatiron Classics, 2nd Ed., 42 Best Hikes with Dogs Arizona Cascade Alpine Guide Vol. 1, Columbia Day Hiking Mount Adams and Goat Florida State Parks, 47 J Best Hikes with Dogs Boston and River to Stevens Pass, 3rd Ed., Rocks Fontainebleau Climbs, 40 John Muir: The Eight Wilderness Beyond 40 Day Hiking Mount Rainier Food Grown Right, In Your Own Discovery Books, 57 Best Hikes with Dogs Central Cascade Alpine Guide Vol. 2, Stevens Day Hiking Mount St. Helens Backyard, 25 Journey on the Crest, 55 California Pass to Rainy Pass,3rd Ed., 40 Day Hiking New England Forget Me Not, 54 Journey to the Arctic, 24, 60 Best Hikes with Dogs Colorado Cascade Alpine Guide Vol. 3, Rainy Pass Day Hiking North Cascades Found, 54 Joyride, 33, 54 Best Hikes with Dogs Georgia & South to Frasier River, 3rd Ed., 40 Day Hiking Olympic Peninsula, Fragile Edge, 51 Carolina Challenge of Rainier, The, 4th Ed., 55 2nd Ed. Freedom Climbers, 50 K Best Hikes with Dogs Inland Challenge of the North Cascades, 55 Day Hiking Oregon Coast, 2nd Ed. Freedom of the Hills Deck, 37 K2: The Tragedy, 52 Northwest Chasing Waves, 54 Day Hiking the San Juans and Gulf Free-Heel Skiing, 64 K2: The Price of Conquest, 52 Best Hikes with Dogs Las Vegas and Chefs on the Farm, 27 Islands Free Spirit, 51, 53 Karakoram, 51 Beyond Chomolungma Sings the Blues, 51 Day Hiking Snoqualmie Region, Fresh Pantry, 26 Kayaking Puget Sound & the San Juan Best Hikes with Dogs New Hampshire City Goats, 27 2nd Ed. From Tree to Table, 26 Islands, 3rd Ed., 62 and Vermont Classic Colorado Ice Climbs, 17, 42 Day Hiking South Cascades Front Yard Forager, 26 Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya Climbing Best Hikes with Dogs New Jersey Classic Colorado Ski Descents, 18, 43 Deborah: A Wilderness Narrative (& and Trekking Guide, 2nd Ed., 40 Best Hikes with Dogs New York City Classic Front Range Trad Climbs, 42 Mountain of My Fear), 53 G Kiss or Kill, 54 & Beyond Climbers, The, 6, 39, 60 Defending Wild Washington, 58 Galapagos Islands and Ecuador, The, 3rd Kissing Kilimanjaro, 55 Best Hikes with Dogs North Carolina Climber’s Guide to the Teton Range, 3rd Denali: A Literary Anthology, 55 Ed., 49 Kyrgystan, A Climber’s Map, 40 Best Hikes with Dogs Oregon, 2nd Ed. Ed., A, 39 Denali National Park, 47 Gentle Expeditions, 40 Best Hikes with Dogs San Francisco Climbing California’s Fourteeners, 39 Denali’s West Buttress, 39 Geology of the North Cascades, 58 L Bay Area and Beyond, 2nd Ed. Climbing Dictionary, The, 37 Desert Sense, 31 Glacier Bay National Park, 62 Last Hero: Bill Tilman, The, 53 Best Hikes with Dogs Southern Climbing: Expedition Planning, 38 Discovering Seattle Parks, 49 Glacier Travel & Crevasse Rescue, 2nd Last Step, The, 51 California Climbing: From Gym to Crag, 38 Dishonorable Dr. Cook, The, 55 Ed., 32, 38, 63 Last Voyageur, The, 55 Best Hikes with Dogs Texas Hill Climbing Self Rescue, 32, 38 Dog Park Wisdom, 27 Glacier-Waterton International Peace Leadership the Outward Bound Way, 30 Country & Coast Climbing the Seven Summits, 39 Don’t Die Out There! Deck, 31 Park 2nd Ed., 47 Leave No Trace, 2nd Ed., 31 Best Hikes with Dogs Utah Climbing: Training for Peak Don’t Drown Out There! Deck, 31, 62 Glorious Failures (Mountaineers Life on the Edge, A, 50 Best Hikes with Dogs Western Performance, 2nd Ed., 29, 38 Don’t Forget the Duct Tape, 31 Anthology series), 51 Lighting Out, 54 Washington, 2nd Ed. Cloud Dancers, 52 Don’t Freeze Out There! Deck, 31 Going Higher, 5th Ed., 32 Lightly on the Land, 2nd Ed., 57 Best Hikes with Kids Colorado, 48 Cold Wars, 52 Don’t Get Eaten, 31 GPS Made Easy, 5th Ed., 30 Lightning Strikes, 29 Best Hikes with Kids Connecticut, & Colorado 14er Disasters, 42 Don’t Get Lost Out There! Deck, 31 Grand Controversy, The, 55 Live! From Death Valley, 57 Rhode Island, 48 Colorado 14ers, The, 3rd Ed., 42 Don’t Get Poisoned, 31 Guide to 100 Peaks in Mount Rainier Living Bird, The, 57. 59 Best Hikes with Kids Oregon, 48 Colorado 14ers, The, Standard Routes, 42 Don’t Get Sick, 31 National Park, Ed. 2.01, 47 Long Trek Home, A, 54 Best Hikes with Kids San Francisco Bay Colorado Lake Hikes, 42 Don’t Get Sunburned, 31 Guide to the Colorado Mountains, 10th Lookouts, 56 Area, 48 Colorado’s Quiet Winter Trails, 43 Drawn, 37 Ed., 42 Lou Whitaker: Memoirs of a Mountain Best Hikes with Kids Vermont, New Colorado Scrambles, 2nd Ed., 42 Duke of the Abruzzi, The, 51 Gym Climbing, 38 Guide, 52 Hampshire & Maine, 48 Colorado Snow Climbs, 43 Best Hikes with Kids Washington DC, the Colorado Summit Hikes for Everyone, 42 E H M Beltway & Beyond, 48 Colorado Trail, The, 9th Ed., 42 Eco-Chic Home, 26 Healthy Back Book, The, 27, 29 MAC’S FIELD GUIDES, 58 Best Hikes with Kids Western Colorado Trail Databook, The, 6th Ed., 42 Ecuador, A Climbing Guide, 39 Healthy Knees Book, The, 27, 29 Acadia National Park Washington & the Cascades, 48 Colorado Year Round Outdoor Guide, Edible Heirlooms, 27 Hermann Buhl, 53 California Coastal Birds Best Loop Hikes Arizona, 46 The, 43 Elwha, 57 High Alaska, 55 California Coastal Invertebrates Best Loop Hikes Colorado, 46 Colorado Wildflowers, 42 Emergency Essentials Pocket Guide, 32 High Infatuation, 54 California Garden Bugs Best Loop Hikes New Hampshire’s White Coloring Colorado, 17, 42 Emergency Survival, 32 High Sierra, The, 3rd Ed., 39 Denali National Park Mountains to the Maine Coast, 46 Colors of the West, 12, 25, 30 Escape Routes, 53 Hiking Arizona’s Geology, 46 Great Smoky NP Animals Best Short Hikes in Arizona, 46 Columbia Mountains of Central Canada, Essential Guide to Black Canyon of the Hiking Colorado’s Geology, 46 Great Smoky NP Trees & Wildflowers Best Short Hikes in California’s North 7th Ed., 40 Gunnison National Park, The, 42 Hiking Colorado’s Roadless Trails, 42 Gulf & San Juan Islands Sierra 2nd Ed., 46 Comanche Peak Wilderness Area, 42 Essential Knots, 27, 30 Hiking Light Handbook, 31 Midwest Garden Bugs Best Short Hikes in California’s South Complete Guide to Cross-Country Ski Everest (Mountaineers Anthology Hiking Oregon’s Geology, 2nd Ed., 46 Mt. 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Park Birds & Mammals Northwest Trees, 2nd Ed., 57 Rocky Mountain Flora, 2nd Ed., 42 Through a Land of Extremes, 50 Year in Paradise, A, 57 Glacier Nat. 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COVER PHOTO: From Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills, 9th Edition. Photo by Jimmy Chin.

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