

No other Eagles Tribute show has a look-alike that sings just like him on drums! No other Eagles Tribute show has a clone on and vocals! This is by far the most authentic representation of The Eagles in their prime in the world! Any fan of the Eagles music will recognize the subtle complexities of instruments and vocals paired with exacting harmonies when attending an Alter Eagles event. As one instant fan noted, “You were flawless at the Bandshell. Being a fan who has seen the Eagles countless times I can say you were fantastic!”

The Eagles are the most successful and compelling US musical group ever. The Eagles “Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975)” is the #1 selling album of all time in North America. Timeless lyrics coupled with the deep tapestry of vocals, intricate instrumental arrangements and unmistakable guitar riffs continue to make the Eagles as relevant and powerful today as they have been for decades. The Eagles sell out arenas while touring and the 2013 release of the Showtime documentary "A " has solidified the excitement that has surrounded the band for years.

The members of Alter Eagles came together for love of the Eagles music. They are professional touring musicians who were eager to pool their talents to provide the most accurate and engaging live recreation of the Eagles music possible. All the Eagles classics from "Their Greatest Hits" album like , Desperado and , as well as songs from the newer and solo careers such as and of course are just a few in their repertoire.

Alter Eagles are a concert group that plays top venues, large festivals, high profile weddings and corporate events across the country and abroad. Recent concerts have attracted over 2000 fans each with one solo billed show reaching over 20,000 satisfied concert goers. The show is well seasoned, having performed over 300 gigs in 3 plus years, and is PERFECT for YOUR Theater, Festival or Venue! We invite you to visit our website, www.altereaglesband.com, to see and hear for yourself.