The Saskatchewan Gazette PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY AUTHORITY OF THE QUEEN’S PRINTER/Publiée chaque semaine sous l’autorité de l’Imprimeur de la Reine


Volume 109 REGINA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2013/REGINA, VENDREDI, 15 NOVEMBRE 2013 No. 46/nº 46


Special Days/Jours spéciaux...... 2326 progress of bills/rapport sur l’état des projets de loi (Third Session, Twenty-Seventh Legislative Assembly/Troisième session, 27e Assemblée législative)...... 2326 ACTS NOT YET PROCLAIMED/LOIS NON ENCORE PROCLAMÉES...... 2327 Acts in force on specific dates/lois en vigueur à des dates précises ...... 2330 ACTS IN FORCE ON SPECIFIC EVENTS/LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR À DES OCCURRENCES PARTICULIÈRES..... 2331 ACTS PROCLAIMED/LOIS PROCLAMÉES (2013)...... 2332 CORPORATE REGISTRY NOTICES/AVIS DU REGISTRE DES SOCIÉTÉS...... 2333 The Co-operatives Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les cooperatives...... 2333 The Business Corporations Act...... 2336 The Business Names Registration Act...... 2346 The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif...... 2351 PUBLIC NOTICES/AVIS PUBLICS...... 2352 The Change of Name Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom...... 2352 The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997...... 2356 The Meewasin Valley Authority Act...... 2356 rules of court/RÈGLES DE PROCÉDURE...... 2359 Court of Queen’s Bench (Practice Directives)...... 2359 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS/AVIS AUX ANNONCEURS...... 2360/ 2361 2326 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013


The following week has been designated by the Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport as: “Saskatchewan Multiculturalism Week” in Saskatchewan, November 16 to 24, 2013. ______

progress of bills/rapport sur l’état des projets de loi (Third Session, Twenty-Seventh Legislative Assembly/Troisième session, 27e Assemblée législative) ______

Government Bills/Projets de loi émanant du gouvernement Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétique) Entrée en vigueur 112 The Accounting Profession Act...... Proclamation 108 The Athletics Commission Act...... Proclamation 100 The Assessment Management Agency Amendment Act, 2013...... On Assent 102 The Builders’ Lien Amendment Act, 2013...... On Assent 98 The Child Care Act, 2013/Loi de 2013 sur les garderies d’enfants...... Proclamation 104 The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Consequential Amendment Act, 2013...... Specific Event 103 The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Amendment Act, 2013/ Loi de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur l’exécution des ordonnances alimentaires...... On Assent 114 The Health Care Directives and Substitute Health Care Decision Makers Amendment Act, 2013...... Proclamation 105 The Informal Public Appeals Act...... Proclamation 109 The Labour-sponsored Venture Capital Corporations Amendment Act, 2013...... On Assent/ Specific Date 106 The Legal Profession Amendment Act, 2013...... Proclamation 111 The Personal Care Homes Amendment Act, 2013...... On Assent 113 The Powers of Attorney Amendment Act, 2013/Loi de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 2002 sur les procurations...... Proclamation 99 The Public Employees Pension Plan Amendment Act, 2013...... On Assent 115 The Public Guardian and Trustee Amendment Act, 2013...... On Assent 110 The Senate Nominee Election Repeal Act...... On Assent 101 The University of Saskatchewan Amendment Act, 2013...... On Assent 107 The Wildfire Act...... Proclamation ______

Private Members’ Bills/ Projets de loi émanant des députés Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétique) Entrée en vigueur 605 The Public-Private Partnerships Transparency and Accountability Act...... On Assent


Private Bills/Projets de loi d’intérêt privé Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétique) Entrée en vigueur 903 St. Thomas More College Amendment Act, 2013...... On Assent ______

Acts not yet proclaimed/Lois non encore proclamées ______

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Aboriginal Courtworkers Commission Act, S.S. 1995 Assented to May 18, 1995...... A-1.1 The Certified Management Accountants Act, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 21, 2000...... C‑4.111 The Child and Family Services Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003...... 17 The Condominium Property Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... 7 The Conservation Easements Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... 6 The Consumer Protection and Business Practices Act, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... C-30.2 The Court Officials Act, 2012, S.S. 2012/Loi de 2012 sur les fonctionnaires de justice, L.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012...... C-43.101 The Credit Union Act, 1998, S.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998, clauses 2(1)(v), subsection 9(2), clause 10(c), Parts VI and XXI, clauses 440(1)(o) to (s) and (hh), and subsection 440(2) not yet proclaimed...... C-45.2 The Credit Union Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clause 3(b) not yet proclaimed...... 8 The Credit Union Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012...... 9 The Education Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013/Loi de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation, L.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, sections 11 and 12 and clause 38(1)(c) not yet proclaimed...... 9 The Enforcement of Judgments Conventions Act, S.S. 1998/Loi sur les conventions sur l’exécution de jugements, L.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998...... E-9.13 The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012/Loi de 2012 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur l’exécution des ordonnances alimentaires, L.S. 2012 (Assented to May 16, 2012)...... 13 The Enforcement of Money Judgments Act, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clause 93(1)(k) not yet proclaimed...... E-9.22 The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... E-10.22 The Film and Video Classification Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to May 19, 2006...... 20 2328 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Forest Resources Management Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... 13 The Health Information Protection Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 17(1), 18(2) and (4), and section 69 not yet proclaimed...... H‑0.021 The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, section 13 not yet proclaimed...... H-3.01 The Horned Cattle Purchases Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002...... 20 The International Protection of Adults (Hague Convention Implementation) Act, S.S. 2005/ Loi de mise en oeuvre de la Convention de la Haye sur la protection internationale des adultes, L.S. 2005 Assented to May 27, 2005...... I-10.21 The Land Surveys Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 29, 2000, section 22 and Parts IV and VII not yet proclaimed...... L-4.1 The Land Titles Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 29, 2000, sections 51 and 151 and subsection 167(2) not yet proclaimed...... L-5.1 The Land Titles Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012...... 19 The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Act, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... M-2.01 The Medical Profession Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... 14 The Midwifery Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 7(2) to (5), sections 8 to 10 not yet proclaimed...... M-14.1 The Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012, sections 5 and 24 not yet proclaimed...... 25 The Personal Property Security Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, sections 4 to 8 not yet proclaimed...... 26 The Podiatry Act, S.S. 2003 Assented to May 27, 2003, clauses 14(2)(n) and (o) not yet proclaimed...... P-14.1 The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Act, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... P-16.101 The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001, section 15 not yet proclaimed...... 30 The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, section 7 not yet proclaimed...... 25 The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, section 4 not yet proclaimed...... 22 The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... 27 The Public Health Act, 1994, S.S. 1994 Assented to June 2, 1994, subsection 73(5) not yet proclaimed...... P-37.1 The Public Health Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 17, 2004, section 7 not yet proclaimed...... 46 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2329

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Queen’s Bench Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012/Loi de 2012 modifiant la Loi de 1998 sur la Cour du Banc de la Reine, L.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012...... 29 The Regional Health Services Act, S.S. 2002 Assented to July 10, 2002, 65(1) and (3), not yet proclaimed...... R-8.2 The Regional Parks Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... R-9.11 The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... 30 The Saskatchewan Employment Act, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... S-15.1 The Saskatchewan Insurance Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003, clauses 3(a), (c) and (f), that portion of clause 3(h) which repeals clauses 2(1)(p), (q), (r), (t), (u), (w), (bb), (cc), (ff), (kk), (ll), (mm), (ww) and (bbb) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act, clauses 3(k) and (m), section 4, subsection 13(3), sections 14, 37, 38 and 39, clauses 97(a) and (b) and that portion of clause 97(c) which enacts clause 97(c.1) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act not yet proclaimed...... 38 The Saskatchewan Natural Resources Transfer Agreement (Treaty Land Entitlement) Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001...... 41 The Saskatchewan Pension Plan Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... 30 The Securities Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007, subsection 10(3), that portion of section 42 that repeals section 118 of The Securities Act, 1988 and section 58 not yet proclaimed...... 41 The Securities Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to December 3, 2008, sections 12 and 14 (that part of section 14 that repeals section 45 of The Securities Act, 1988), section 33 not yet proclaimed...... 35 The Securities Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012, clauses 3(e), (g) and (h), sections 7, 12 to 15, 22 and 31, not yet proclaimed...... 32 The Securities Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, subsections 3(1) to (6), (8) to (14) and (16) to (20); sections 9, 11, 13 to 16, 18 to 29 and 31; clauses 32(1)(a) to (f) and 32(2)(a); subsection 32(3); sections 33 to 35 and 37 to 42; clauses 46(a) to (k), (m), (n), (p), (q), (s) and (t); and sections 47 and 48 not yet proclaimed...... 33 The Senate Nominee Election Act, S.S. 2009 Assented to May 14, 2009...... S-46.003 The Social Workers Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to May 14, 2008, that portion of section 5 that adds clause 18(2)(b) and that portion of section 6 that adds subsection 21(3), not yet proclaimed...... 23 The Social Workers Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... 35 The Ticket Sales Act, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, section 4 not yet proclaimed...... T-13.1 The Tobacco Control Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clause 3(c); section 5; that portion that adds subsection 6(7); section 15; those portions of clause 17(b) that add clauses 30(c.11),(c.12) and (c.14) not yet proclaimed...... 34 2330 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, clause 44(a) and section 57 not yet proclaimed...... T-22.2 The Vehicle Administration Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, sections 8 and 11 not yet proclaimed...... 25 The Vehicle Administration Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 10, 2004, sections 11, 16 and 24 not yet proclaimed...... 32 The Victims of Crime Amendment Act, 2011, S.S. 2011/ Loi de 2011 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur les victimes d'actes criminels L.S. 2011 Assented to May 18, 2011...... 21 The Wildlife Habitat Protection (Land Designation) Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... 36 The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... W-17.11

Note: This table is for convenience of reference and is not comprehensive; it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Tables of Saskatchewan Statutes published by the Queen’s Printer. Please refer to the Separate Chapters and the Tables for any additional information regarding Proclamation dates and Coming into Force dates for the Statutes listed above./Le présent tableau a pour but de faciliter la référence et n’est pas complet; il est utilisé en conjonction avec le Tableau des lois de la Saskatchewan (Tables of Saskatchewan Statutes) publié par l’Imprimeur de la Reine. Veuillez vous référer aux chapitres tirés à part et au Tableau pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements relatifs aux dates de proclamation et d’entrée en vigueur des lois susmentionnées. ______

Acts in force on specific dates/Lois entrAnt en vigueur à des dates prècises ______

Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre The Cities Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) (Specific Date: January 1, 2014, sections 4, 25 and 38; sections 30, 31, 36 and 43 are retroactive and deemed to be in force on and from January 1, 2013)...... 74...... 6 The Municipalities Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) (Specific Date: January 1, 2014, sections 3, 10, 38, 46, 47, 52 and clause 23(c); sections 43, 44, 45, 51 and 58 are retroactive and deemed to be in force on and from January 1, 2013)...... 73...... 19 The Northern Municipalities Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) (Specific Date: January 1, 2014, section 37; sections 42, 43, 47 and 54 are retroactive and deemed to be in force on and from January 1, 2013)...... 75...... 20 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2331

Acts in force on specific events/ Lois entrAnt en vigueur à des occurrences particulières ______

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Court Officials Consequential Amendments Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 (Assented to May 16, 2012) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Court Officials Act, 2012...... 8 The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Consequential Amendments Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 (Assented to May 16, 2012) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Amendment Act, 2012...... 14 The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Act...... 13 The Miscellaneous Statutes (Professional Discipline) Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 (Assented to May 20, 2010) Specific Event: sections 11 to 13 come into force on the coming into force of The Certified Management Accountants Act...... 20 The Northern Municipalities Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: section 55 comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010; section 56 comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Forest Resource Management Amendment Act, 2010...... 20 The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Consequential Amendments Act, 2013, S.S. 2013/ Loi de 2013 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Act, L.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Act...... 24 The Public Inquiries Consequential Amendments Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Public Inquiries Act, 2013...... 27 The Regional Parks Consequential Amendments Act, 2013, S.S. 2013/Loi de 2013 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Regional Parks Act, 2013, L.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Regional Parks Act, 2013...... 29 The Representation Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: notwithstanding subsection 23(2) of The Constituency Boundaries Act, 1993, this Act comes into force on the day following the day the Twenty-Seventh Legislative Assembly is dissolved or is determined by effluxion of time ...... R-20.5 2332 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Saskatchewan Pension Plan Amendment Act, 2013 (No. 2), S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Act...... 31 The Trustee Act, 2009, S.S. 2009 (Assented to March 31, 2009) Specific Event: section 65 comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Certified Management Accountants Act...... T-23.01 ______

acts Proclaimed/lois proclamées (2013) ______The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 2013: The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.2./Loi de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard, L.S. 2013, ch. 2. Proclaimed in force August 6, 2013. The Animal Identification Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.3. Proclaimed in force June 15, 2013. The Animal Products Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.4. Proclaimed in force June 15, 2013. The Assessment Appraisers Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012, c.3. Proclaimed in force March 15, 2013. The Commissioners for Oaths Act, 2012, S.S. 2012, c.C-16.001. Proclaimed in force February 15, 2013. The Common Business Identifiers Act, S.S. 2013, c.C-16.002. Proclaimed in force October 19, 2013. The Community Planning Profession Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c-21.1. Proclaimed in force September 15, 2013. The Correctional Services Act, 2012, S.S. 2012, c.C-39.2. Proclaimed in force June 28, 2013. The Creative Saskatchewan Act, S.S. 2013, c.C-43.12. Proclaimed in force July 2, 2013. The Education Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012, c.10./Loi de 2012 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation, L.S. 2012, ch.10. Proclaimed in force January 1, 2013. The Education Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.9/Loi de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation, L.S. 2013, ch.9. Section 7 and clause 38(1)(a) proclaimed in force September 16, 2013. The Foreign Worker Recruitment and Immigration Services Act, S.S. 2013, F-18.1. Proclaimed in force October 11, 2013. The Global Transportation Hub Authority Act, S.S. 2013, c.G-5.01. Proclaimed in force August 6, 2013. The Information Services Corporation Act, S.S. 2013, c.I-9.001. Proclaimed in force May 30, 2013. The International Interests in Mobile Aircraft Equipment Act, S.S. 2007, c.I-10.201./Loi sur les garanties internationales portant sur des matériels d’équipement aéronautiques mobiles, L.S. 2007, ch.I‑10.201. Proclaimed in force April 1, 2013. The Justices of the Peace Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.12./Loi de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 1988 sur les juges de paix, L.S. 2013, ch.12. Proclaimed in force July 15, 2013. *The Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.15. Section 11 proclaimed in force November 15, 2013. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2333

The Miscellaneous Statutes (Saskatchewan Telecommunications) Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.16. Proclaimed in force October 1, 2013. The Municipal Board Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.17. Subclause 9(a)(ii) and sections 12, 16 and 17 proclaimed in force July 1, 2013. The Operation of Public Registry Statutes Act, S.S. 2013, c.O-4.2. Proclaimed in force May 30, 2013, except Division 16 of Part VII. The Operation of Public Registry Statutes Act, S.S. 2013, c.O-4.2. Division 16 of Part VII proclaimed in force June 16, 2013. The Operation of Public Registry Statutes Consequential Amendments Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.21./Loi de 2013 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Operation of Public Registry Statutes Act, 2013, L.S. 2013, ch.21. Proclaimed in force May 30, 2013, except section 4. The Operation of Public Registry Statutes Consequential Amendments Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.21./ Loi de 2013 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Operation of Public Registry Statutes Act, 2013, L.S. 2013, ch.21. Section 4 proclaimed in force June 16, 2013. The Parks Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.22. Subsection 5(2) proclaimed in force August 29, 2013. The Public Health (Howard’s Law) Amendment Act, S.S. 2013, c.26. Proclaimed in force November 7, 2013. The Public Trustee Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001, c.33. Section 18 and subsections 22(3), (8), (9) and (11) to (14) proclaimed in force February 15, 2013. The Regulatory Modernization and Accountability Act, S.S. 2013, c.R-16.3. Proclaimed in force October 21, 2013. The Saskatchewan Advantage Grant for Education Savings (SAGES) Act, S.S. 2012, c.S-5.1. Proclaimed in force April 4, 2013. The Securities Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.33. Sections 1 and 2, subsections 3(7) and (15), sections 10, 12, 17, 30, clauses 32(1)(g), 32(2)(b) and (c), sections 36, 43, 44 and 45 and clauses 46(l), (o) and (r) proclaimed in force September 1, 2013. The Traffic Safety Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006, c.9. Clauses 4(a) and 6(a) proclaimed in force July 1, 2013. *Note: A proclamation appearing in this list for the first time is indicated in bold print./Une loi proclamée qui figure pour la première fois dans cette liste apparaît en caractères gras. ______


The Co-operatives Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les coopératives ______

CERTIFICATE of INCORPORATION (2013) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Spruce Creek Lake Oct. 21 300, 110-21st St. E, land and lake maintenance Co-operative Ltd. services 2334 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 280 (2013) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Assiniboine Plains Rural Development Co-operative Oct. 28 Saskatchewan Athabasca District Co-operative Ass’n. Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Barrhead District Co-operative Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Battle River Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Blackie Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Bridgeland Co-operative Association Ltd. Oct. 31 Alberta Brooks Co-op Ass’n. Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Busby Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Camrose Co-op Ltd. Oct. 31 Alberta Co-op Press Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Delton Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Eagle Hill Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Eaglesham Consumer’s Co-operative Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Edmonton Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Elk Point Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Fairview Co-op Store Ltd. Oct. 31 Alberta Fawcett Co-operative Limited Oct. 31 Alberta German Canadian Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Grande Prairie and District Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Hinton Co-op Ltd. Oct. 31 Alberta La Glace Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Linden Trading Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Manville Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Mayerthorpe District Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta McLennan Co-operative Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Mundare Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Neapolis Consumers Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Olds Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Oyen Co-op Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Park Co-op Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Parkland Co-op Federation E 13 B Ltd. Oct. 31 Alberta THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2335

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Peace River District Co-op Federation E-16 Ltd. Oct. 31 Alberta Ponoka Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Red Deer Co-op Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Sedgewick Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Southern Alberta Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Stettler Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Strathmore Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta The Beaver River Co-op Limited Oct. 31 Alberta The Bluesky Co-op Ass’n Limited Oct. 31 Alberta The Calmar Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta The Carlton Community Hall Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 28 Saskatchewan The Chinook Co-op Federation E13A Ltd. Oct. 31 Alberta The Consort District Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta The Coronation Co-operative Limited Oct. 31 Alberta The Crossfield Co-op Ltd. Oct. 31 Alberta The Dewberry Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta The Hanna Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta The Innisfail District Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta The Killam District Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta The Lamont Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta The Strome Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Tofield Co-operative Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Two Hills Co-op Petroleum Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Two Hills Consumers Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Valleyview Co-operative Store Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Vermilion District Co-operative Association, Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Viking and District Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Wainwright and District Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Warner Co-op Limited Oct. 31 Alberta Waskatenau District Co-operative Association Limited Oct. 31 Alberta West Central Co-op Federation E 15 Ltd. Oct. 31 Alberta Wheatland Co-op Limited Oct. 31 Alberta 2336 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

NOTICE OF STATEMENT OF DISSOLUTION AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS (2013) Prairie Lily Funeral Co-operative Take notice that the members of Prairie Lily Funeral Co-operative, on the 28th day of May, 2013, passed a Special Resolution authorizing the voluntary dissolution of the said co-operative under the provisions of The Co-operatives Act, 1996, and the resolution was approved October 11, 2013, by the Registrar of Co-operatives, pursuant to section 161 of the Act. Further take notice that Bryan Tudor, Jeannette Miller and Lorna Knudson, all of Regina, SK were appointed Liquidators and hereby serve notice to any person indebted to the co-operative to make payment to the Liquidators, and any person possessing property of the co-operative to deliver it to the Liquidators within 30 days of this notice. Additionally, persons having claims against the co-operative are hereby notified that such claims, accompanied by proof of claim, must be filed with the Liquidators within two months of the date of this notice after which time the property of the co-operative will be distributed in accordance with the resolution to dissolve, having regard to the claims of which the Liquidators have notice. ______

Amin Bardestani, Registrar of Co-operatives. ______

The Business Corporations Act

CERTIFICATES of INCORPORATION (2013) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 101243617 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 24 Box 550, White City holding company; rental properties 101243678 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 25 50 MacDowall Cres., sell automotive, truck and Prince Albert ATV accessories 101243741 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 21 1013-8th St. E, Saskatoon holding company 101243742 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 23 48 High St. W, holding company 101243751 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 Box 908, Moose Jaw holding company 101243754 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 Box 662, operate a campground 101243761 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 Box 160, Winkler property development services 101243762 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 Box 160, Winkler property development services 101243763 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 Box 1901, Saskatoon holding company 101243764 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 Box 1901, Saskatoon holding company 101243767 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 Box 625, holding company 101243768 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 100, 316-6th Ave. N, Saskatoon clothing store 101243769 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 Box 662, Lloydminster holding company 101243770 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 Box 662, Lloydminster haul oil 101243794 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 23 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina holding company THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2337

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 101243796 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 109 Centre St., Meadow Lake restaurant 101243799 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 23 500, 2220-12th Ave., Regina holding company 101243803 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 664 Dieppe Dr., eavestroughs; exterior services 101243839 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 29 Box 610, holding company 101243841 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 29 Box 610, Swift Current holding company 101243842 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 29 Box 610, Swift Current holding company 101243853 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 29 Box 638, Saskatoon holding company 101243854 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 29 Box 638, Saskatoon holding company 101243855 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 29 Box 638, Saskatoon holding company 101243856 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 29 Box 638, Saskatoon holding company 101243862 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 29 Box 638, Saskatoon holding company 101243875 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 29 100, 316-6th Ave. N, Saskatoon lawn care; snow removal services 101243896 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 29 500, 111-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon holding company 101243905 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 29 Box 250, Langenburg lodging 101243913 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 29 129 Riddell Cres., Regina healthcare and pharmacy consultant; work flow management services 101243941 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 30 Box 279, Arborfield farming 101243971 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 30 Box 835, trucking 101243990 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 31 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon automotive dealership 101244002 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon real estate; rental properties 101244018 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 31 Box 1534, Rosetown oilfield steaming services 101244020 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 31 3337 Mountbatten St., holding company Saskatoon 101244035 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 31 406 Zimmer Cres., Saskatoon holding company 101244037 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 31 Box 8, Weyburn oilfield consultant services 101244076 Saskatchewan Ltd. Nov. 1 Box 908, Moose Jaw holding company 101244077 Saskatchewan Ltd. Nov. 1 Box 908, Moose Jaw holding company 101244079 Saskatchewan Ltd. Nov. 1 Box 908, Moose Jaw holding company 101244080 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 116 Albert St., Regina holding company 101244084 Saskatchewan Ltd. Nov. 1 Box 908, Moose Jaw holding company 101244085 Saskatchewan Ltd. Nov. 1 Box 908, Moose Jaw holding company 101244092 Saskatchewan Ltd. Nov. 1 Box 908, Moose Jaw holding company 101244111 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 23 Box 549, Onion Lake holding company 2338 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 101244138 Saskatchewan Ltd. Nov. 1 Box 550, Swift Current holding company 101244143 Saskatchewan Ltd. Nov. 1 4610 Green Water Rd., Regina cleaning and maintenance services 101244157 Saskatchewan Ltd. Nov. 2 180 Willowbrook Rd., Thornhill farming; agricultural ON services 101244164 Saskatchewan Ltd. Nov. 2 3-2107 Toronto St., Regina parcel delivery services Anderson Capital Inc. Oct. 21 Box 1901, Saskatoon holding company Art Tech Graphics Ltd. Oct. 28 2702 Jarvis Dr., Saskatoon graphic design services Barpa Holdings Inc. Oct. 22 14 Hahn Cres., picker truck services Blonde & Terrett Medical Oct. 24 300, 15-23rd St. E, Saskatoon medical professional Professional Corporation corporation Botkin Historic Building Oct. 28 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina project management; Conservators Ltd. building inspection; design and construction consultant services; prepare conservation plans, grant applications and heritage value assessments Bryan’s Auto Repair Ltd. Oct. 31 Box 37, Dorintosh automotive repair services C.L.K.M. Consulting Ltd. Oct. 22 Box 1327, Swift Current pipeline consultant services Caliber Energy Solutions Ltd. Oct. 30 461-3rd Ave. NW, oilfield construction; Swift Current building maintenance services; energy efficient buildings Carrot River Polar Pork Oct. 30 Box 878, Humboldt hog farming Farms Ltd. Central Shining Oct. 31 631 Hurley Cres., Saskatoon international logistics; International Co., Ltd. trade; broker Cholin Acres Ltd. Oct. 23 Box 600, Unity mixed farming Coenen Oilfield Services Ltd. Oct. 23 Box 1327, Swift Current oilfield consultant services Comfort Builders Ltd. Oct. 30 178 Verbeke Rd., Saskatoon construction; renovations; garages Cree Haven Developments Ltd. Oct. 31 347-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon provide camps and related services to the oil and gas industry CRG Holdings Ltd. Nov. 1 21-5th St. NE, Weyburn holding company D-Ray Excavating & Oct. 25 Box 133, Benson heavy-duty equipment; Construction Ltd. excavation services; oilfield leases DCL Farms Ltd. Oct. 23 Box 2378, Swift Current farming Dee Contracting Ltd. Oct. 29 347 Eastview St., Burstall administration services THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2339

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Donald Dyck Realty Prof. Corp. Oct. 28 500, 333-3rd Ave. N, Saskatoon real estate professional corporation; holding company Dr. Assumpta Efobi Oct. 29 7 Broadway St. E, medical professional Medical Prof. Corp. corporation Dr. Heather Mollison Oct. 21 1547 Anson Rd., Regina medical professional Medical Prof. Corp. corporation Ellen Nasser Realty P.C. Ltd. Oct. 29 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon real estate professional corporation Empyreal Holding Corporation Oct. 31 2nd flr., 616-10th St. E, holding company Saskatoon Erdman Minerals Corp. Oct. 29 1624-285 Lake Park Rd., Lake holding company Cowichan BC Fobis Holdings Inc. Oct. 29 7 Broadway St. E, Yorkton holding company Food on the Run, Oct. 28 6-701 McIntosh St. E, mobile food truck; serve Mobile Food & Cafe Corp. Swift Current fresh breakfast, lunch, sandwiches, soups, wraps, pizza, snacks, coffee and pop Fourtunate Holdings Ltd. Oct. 28 1500, 410-22nd St. E, Saskatoon holding company Full Link Holdings Ltd. Oct. 31 100, 316-6th Ave. N, Saskatoon restaurant Glad Tidings Elder Care Inc. Oct. 29 9430 Wascana Mews, Regina personal/elder care Goodfellow Holdings Ltd. Oct. 31 21-5th St. NE, Weyburn holding company Goudy Ag Products Ltd. Oct. 29 Box 3610, Melfort sell fertilizers and agricultural input products Hamblin Enterprises Ltd. Oct. 31 200-2161 Scarth St., Regina holding company Hiway Digital Ltd. Oct. 28 1017-3rd St., Estevan digital display signs Hope Bus Lines Ltd. Oct. 29 Box 1, Canwood hockey team and group event transportation; transport employees to and from job sites Isabelle Acres Inc. Oct. 28 116 Albert St., Regina agricultural production services J. Hjalte Enterprises Ltd. Nov. 1 Box 151, holding company; investments J5 Consulting Ltd. Oct. 25 Box 2378, Swift Current oilfield consultant services Janz Holdings Inc. Oct. 29 2600 Victoria Ave., Regina holding company Jason’s Agri-Motive Parts Oct. 28 1400-2002 Victoria Ave., Regina sell agricultural and Supply Ltd. automotive parts JC Geological Corp. Oct. 28 701 Broadway Ave., Saskatoon oil and gas consultant services JKC Bakery Ltd. Nov. 1 207-615 Kenderdine Rd., bakery; delivery, food and Saskatoon restaurant services 2340 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Kakwa Moving and Oct. 28 22-47 Hanbidge Cres., Regina moving; delivery services Delivery Ltd. Karen K. Ingram CMA, Oct. 28 Box 1600, Melfort certified management Prof. Corp. accountant professional corporation Kayco Consulting Ltd. Oct. 29 Box 610, Swift Current oilfield consultant services Millennium Innovations and Nov. 1 118 Rawlinson Bay, Regina economical technology Technologies Inc. development services Moosomin Asian Oct. 30 Drawer 280, Moosomin Asian cuisine food mart Food Mart Inc. MTD Doors Inc. Nov. 1 1642F McDonald St., Regina install residential doors Nelson Family Holdings Ltd. Oct. 30 3079 Athol St., Regina holding company Newmoon Construction Ltd. Oct. 29 1077 Pasqua St., Regina residential and commercial construction NJB Enterprises Ltd. Oct. 31 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon holding company Perfect Finish General Oct. 29 1638 Quebec Ave., Saskatoon general contractor Contracting Inc. PV Inspections Ltd. Oct. 29 4336 Queen St., Regina pressure vessel inspection services Reaper Electric Ltd. Oct. 29 908-4th Ave. N, Saskatoon contract electrical services Regina Drywall Repair Ltd. Oct. 30 106-1621 Dakota Dr., Regina drywall renovations and repair services; boarding, taping and spraytex ceilings Schmidt Holdings Ltd. Oct. 31 21-5th St. NE, Weyburn holding company Seymour Enterprises Ltd. Nov. 1 2485 Eastview, Saskatoon manufacture aluminium buildings; distribution representative Social Spiral Technologies Inc. Oct. 23 3438 Normandy St., Saskatoon software development services Star Collision Parts Ltd. Nov. 1 372 McMaster Cres., sell automotive parts Saskatoon Stevenson Acres Ltd. Oct. 29 Box 908, Moose Jaw farming Straight Edge Nov. 1 621 Hodgson Dr., consultant services Consulting Limited Swift Current Sunset Embroidery Ltd. Oct. 29 1222-5th St., Estevan embroidery services T. Wallin Chartered Oct. 29 Box 878, Humboldt chartered accountant Accountant P.C. Ltd. professional corporation Tash Contracting Ltd. Nov. 1 1200 Central Ave., holding company Prince Albert TBS Holdings Ltd. Oct. 31 Box 610, Swift Current holding company Tinman Investments Corp. Oct. 28 Box 1901, Saskatoon holding company Valley Road Business Oct. 28 205-60th St. W, Saskatoon land development services Parks Ltd. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2341

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: VK Farms Ltd. Oct. 29 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon equestrian centre Vulcan Ironworks Ltd. Nov. 1 Box 186, mobile welding; fabrication maintenance and repair on equipment structural and B-pressure pipe Wildeman Sports Centre Ltd. Nov. 1 Box 600, Unity retail sports store

CERTIFICATES of REGISTRATION (2013) Name: Date: Incorporating Head or Main Type of Jurisdiction: Registered Office: Business: 0954335 B.C. Ltd. Nov. 1 British Columbia 6-7855 East holding company Saanich Rd., Saanichton BC 0984242 B.C. Ltd. Oct. 31 British Columbia 505, 333-3rd Ave. N, holding company Saskatoon SK 0984255 B.C. Ltd. Oct. 31 British Columbia 505, 333-3rd Ave. N, holding company Saskatoon SK 1779275 Alberta Ltd. Oct. 25 Alberta 3700, 400-3rd Ave. holding company SW, Calgary AB Ltd. Oct. 29 Alberta Plan No. 7410262, foreign immigration Block 5, and recruitment SE-21-20-28 W4M, services High River AB Bosco Capital Corporation Nov. 1 Alberta 304, 10240-124th equipment financing St., Edmonton AB services Completion Solutions Inc. Oct. 31 Alberta 9551-56th Ave., oilfield services: Edmonton AB drilling; hole opening and completions related to multi-stage stimulations Deobald Consulting Inc. Oct. 31 Alberta 35-7th St. SE, oilfield consultant Medicine Hat AB services; general contractor Green Point Nov. 1 Alberta 5108A-47th St., acquire, develop and Properties Limited Leduc AB operate commercial real estate property Gurcharansewak Oct. 21 1110-45 Silverstone transport agricultural Company Ltd. Dr., Etobicoke ON equipment parts Infrastructure Canada ULC Oct. 22 Nova Scotia 900-1959 Upper rent/sell scaffold, Water St., Halifax shoring and forming NS materials Innovair Medical Limited Oct. 18 Canada 30th flr., 360 Main sell medical devices for St., Winnipeg MB sleep disorders, acute and extended care, respiratory therapy and EMS equipment 2342 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Name: Date: Incorporating Head or Main Type of Jurisdiction: Registered Office: Business: JRM Lean Consulting Inc. Nov. 1 Alberta 1400-10303 Jasper management and Ave. NW, Edmonton technology consultant AB services Katler Consulting Inc. Oct. 28 Alberta 40 Wintergreen computer and Way, Bragg Creek business consultant; AB business analysis and IT architectural development and design services Landmark Cinemas Oct. 28 Alberta 1500, 850-2nd St. acquire, lease and Canada G.P. Ltd. SW, Calgary AB operate motion picture theatres Legacy Building Oct. 21 Minnesota USA 19500 County Rd. sell and install fabric Solutions, Inc. 142, South Haven buildings MN USA Leschinski Group Oct. 30 Alberta 103, 5004-18th St., holding company Holdings Ltd. Lloydminster AB Maple Leaf Distributors Inc. Oct. 29 British Columbia 12788-67th Ave., advertising services Surrey BC PHX Constructors, Inc. Oct. 30 British Columbia 1200 Waterfront industrial construction Centre, 200 Burrard St., Vancouver BC Puneeta Tandon Oct. 31 Alberta Zeidler Ledco medical professional Professional Corporation Centre, 130 corporation University Campus, Edmonton AB Quantum Helium Oct. 29 British Columbia 404, 555-6th St., helium production Management Corp. New Westminster plant BC Queenie G. Lung Oct. 31 Alberta 1110-1st St. SW, chartered accountant Professional Corporation Calgary AB professional corporation Rainbow Holdings 53 LLC Oct. 18 Indiana USA 6622 E. 129th Ave., trade Crown Point IN USA RKM Services Ltd. Oct. 30 British Columbia 701 Broadway Ave., construction; Saskatoon SK maintenance; technical consultant; engineering services Robert Wenarchuk Oct. 31 Alberta 1110-1st St. SW, technologist Technologist Ltd. Calgary AB S & P Data Corp. Oct. 28 Ontario 800-1 Eglinton Ave., outsource call centre Toronto ON services Sveer Maintenance Ltd. Nov. 1 Alberta 5105-49th St., road and parking Lloydminster SK lot construction and maintenance services THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2343

Name: Date: Incorporating Head or Main Type of Jurisdiction: Registered Office: Business: The S.M. Group Inc./Le Oct. 25 Quebec 12th flr., 433 scientific, engineering Groupe S.M. Inc. Chabanel St. W, and IT solution Montreal QC delivery services Trusted Pardon Services Inc. Oct. 21 Canada 400-1235 Bay St., pardon services Toronto ON Westech Health Care Inc. Nov. 1 Alberta 1413-2nd St. SW, health care Calgary AB

CERTIFICATES of AMALGAMATION (2013) Name: Amalgamating Date: Registered Office: Main Type of Corporations: Business: 101238238 Saskatchewan Ltd. 101238238 Nov. 1 327 Central Ave. N, holding company Saskatchewan Ltd.; Swift Current Big Valley Holdings Inc.; Nyco Holdings Inc. Axten Farms Ltd. Axten Carriers Inc.; Nov. 1 2600 Victoria Ave., farm equipment; Axten Farms Ltd. Regina livestock and agricultural products

CERTIFICATE OF CONTINUANCE (2013) Name: Date: Precontinuance Mailing Address: Main Type of Jurisdiction: Business: Brahm Oct. 17 Canada 1910 Pohorecky construction Development Corporation Terr., Saskatoon

CERTIFICATES of AMENDMENT (2013) Name: Date: Amendment: 101185457 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 28 changed name to Equinox Home Innovations (2013) Ltd. 101235393 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 22 changed name to Springhill Land and Cattle Company Ltd. 101236713 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 31 changed name to Meridian Hotels Ltd. 101237728 Saskatchewan Ltd. Nov. 1 changed name to Kingmaker Capital Corporation 101239268 Saskatchewan Ltd. Nov. 1 changed name to Boulder Inspections Ltd. 101240181 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 21 changed name to Well Done Oilfield Services Ltd. 101242338 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 23 changed name to Urban Oasis General Contracting & Landscape Ltd. 101243029 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 31 changed name to Springwater Ranch Ltd. 2344 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Name: Date: Amendment: George Gordon DMS Ventures Ltd. Oct. 24 changed name to Wicehtowak Mechanical Services Ltd. Herman Hauling Inc. Oct. 29 changed name to B. Silzer Farms Inc. Lloyd Black Cabs Ltd. Oct. 31 changed name to Border Taxi Ltd. Mapellease Financial Services Ltd. Oct. 22 changed name to 319598 Saskatchewan Ltd. Metallicut Abrasive Waterjet Machining Corp. Oct. 23 changed name to Bella Rocha Countertops Corp. Regina Auto Superstore Inc. Oct. 22 changed name to Titan Auto Outlet Inc. The Windsor Hotel Ltd. Oct. 4 changed name to 101198533 Saskatchewan Ltd.

CERTIFICATES of AMENDMENT (Extra-provincial Corporations) (2010) Name: Incorporating Date: Amendment: Jurisdiction: We Care Health Services Inc. Canada Mar. 1 amalgamated into We Care Health Services Inc.

(2013) Name: Incorporating Date: Amendment: Jurisdiction: Bridgingfinance Inc. Canada Oct. 8 changed name to Bridging Finance Inc. Cargill Canada Canada Sep. 27 changed jurisdiction to Nova Holdings III (2006) Inc. Scotia Cargill Canada Nova Scotia Sep. 27 changed name to Cargill Canada Holdings III (2006) Inc. Holdings III (2006) ULC Cargill Canada Nova Scotia Oct. 1 amalgamated into Horizon Holdings III (2006) ULC Milling ULC CBI Limited; We Care Ontario Oct. 3 amalgamated into CBI Limited Health Services Inc. We Care Health Services Inc. Canada Sep. 9 changed jurisdiction to Ontario

CERTIFICATE of DISCONTINUANCE (2013) Name: Date: New Jurisdiction: Good to Go Rentals Ltd. Oct. 29 Alberta


Name: Date: 101043678 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 18 101043721 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 18 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2345

Name: Date: 101108171 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 22 101135766 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 21 CSGI Holdings Ltd. Oct. 31 Dr. Jerry Richard Medical Prof. Corp. Oct. 22 Flashpoint Mechanical Ltd. Oct. 21 Northern Reinforcing Ltd. Oct. 31 Shaw Enterprises Ltd. Oct. 22 Shelbren Farms Inc. Oct. 18 Stallion Stone Construction Inc. Oct. 21 Summers Exteriors Ltd. Oct. 31 Union Station Development Ltd. Oct. 31 Western Concrete Supply Co. Ltd. Oct. 22

CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER (2013) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 101182870 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 21 Saskatchewan 1457414 Alberta Ltd. Oct. 30 Alberta 5234396 Manitoba Ltd. Oct. 22 Manitoba Bridgetopia Settlement Incorporated Oct. 23 Saskatchewan Central Flyway Inn Inc. Oct. 23 Saskatchewan Dollar Mechanical Inc. Oct. 28 Saskatchewan ELS Development Ltd. Oct. 24 Saskatchewan English Management Inc. Oct. 21 Saskatchewan Feilberg Hauling Ltd. Oct. 16 Saskatchewan Kingdom Developments Corporation Oct. 21 Saskatchewan Madraga Holdings Inc. Oct. 22 Saskatchewan Malibu Investments Ltd. Oct. 22 Saskatchewan Michael Kinar Realty P.C. Ltd. Oct. 21 Saskatchewan Newdell Properties Ltd. Oct. 25 Saskatchewan On-Track Solutions Inc. Oct. 23 Ontario Rio Tinto Potash Management Inc./Rio Tinto Potasse Management Inc. Oct. 21 Canada Rycom Trading Ltd. Oct. 29 British Columbia Saskatoon Avionics Ltd. Oct. 16 Saskatchewan Ulysses Development Inc. Oct. 21 Saskatchewan 2346 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 290 (2013) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 101054495 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 31 Saskatchewan 101145837 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 31 Saskatchewan 101164993 Saskatchewan Ltd. Oct. 31 Saskatchewan Aok Cabinets & Railings Ltd. Oct. 29 Alberta Bella Onyx Inc. Oct. 31 Saskatchewan GK Patch Projects Inc. Oct. 31 British Columbia JDS Computer Consulting Ltd. Oct. 31 Saskatchewan Jonathan Financial Inc. Oct. 30 Alberta


Amin Bardestani, Director. ______

The Business Names Registration Act

CANCELLATIONS (2013) Name: Date: Place of Business: Acasareno Oct. 18 Weyburn Bear Care Oct. 28 Regina Big Al’s Forest Services Oct. 22 Prince Albert Biscuits and Broths Cafe Oct. 28 Regina Caliber Energy Solutions Oct. 29 Swift Current CJ’s Java Joint Oct. 23 Outlook Decorating at the Plum Tree Oct. 21 Yorkton Fresh Perspective Cleaning and Organizing Services Oct. 21 Regina Great Wall Restaurant Supplies Chain Oct. 23 Dinsmore Jade Dragon Chinese Restaurant Oct. 23 Dinsmore Jason’s Agri-Motive Parts Supply Oct. 28 LaFleche Jesse Mae’s Gas and Snacks Oct. 21 Kenaston Lam’s Wok Inn Restaurant Oct. 18 Canora Moch 4 Contracting Oct. 23 Maple Creek Nature’s Kick Enterprises Oct. 18 Regina Pizarro’s Contracting Oct. 18 Regina THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2347

Name: Date: Place of Business: Poplar Choice Agroforestry Oct. 22 Prince Albert Rick Ewen Consulting Services Oct. 21 Saskatoon Rosendahl Oilfield Consulting Oct. 25 Baldwinton The Buck ‘N’ Up Store Oct. 28 Langenburg Wen Xin Bed & Breakfast Oct. 22 Regina

SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP REGISTRATIONS (2013) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 85 Welding Oct. 22 Box 431, Onion Lake commercial welding services A.L. Consulting Oct. 30 906 1st St. E, Kindersley contract oilfield services Asquith Towing Oct. 30 Box 558, Aquith towing services Best Reliable Cleaning Oct. 22 5034 Anthony Way, Regina residential and commercial cleaning services Big Al’s Forest Services Oct. 22 Box 23, Site 31, R.R. 5, develop and provide forest Prince Albert services Biscuits and Broths Cafe Oct. 28 1950 Hamilton St., Regina restaurant BTF Enterprises Nov. 1 Box 137, McLean gas-fitting services Centerline Framing Oct. 31 2012 McIntyre St., Regina residential construction Cleanflo Nov. 1 114 Wilkinson Cres., Regina design and install rainwater Rainwater Management harvesting systems; online sales Cloud 9 Nightclub & Oct. 23 1235 Broad St., Regina nightclub; Hookah lounge; Hookah Lounge grill Cook’s Confectionary Nov. 1 600 Cook Ave., Stanley Mission confectionery; sell and repair computers Dale Eiler’s Roofing Oct. 29 10 Erixon Pl., Clavet supply and install roofing materials Decorating at the Plum Tree Oct. 21 13-385 Broadway St. E, Yorkton retail giftware Dical Transport Oct. 28 Box 3001, Melville material transportation Dinsmore Inn and Suites Oct. 29 Box 2131, Rosetown accommodation services Doghide Dental Clinic Oct. 30 105-212 Rd., dental clinic Saskatoon Douglas Plumbing and Heating Oct. 28 1949 Garnet St., Regina plumbing, heating and mechanical services Dove Homecare Services Oct. 29 2220 Cameron St., Regina senior healthcare services Dove Wellness & Fitness Oct. 29 2220 Cameron St., Regina senior healthcare services Dragonly Jenny Creations Nov. 2 235 Stepney Cres., Saskatoon photography; painted murals; stained glass 2348 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Essentra Components Oct. 21 1400-2500 Victoria Ave., Regina distribute industrial components Federal Wholesale Drilling Mud Oct. 31 4500, 855-2nd St. SW, Calgary drilling fluids; sales; oilfield AB equipment and rental services Ffun Commercial Vehicles Oct. 24 3525 Idylwyld Dr. N, Saskatoon sell, lease and repair commercial vehicles Flying Squirrel Productions Nov. 1 1370 Cornwall St., Regina sound, lighting and video production services Fort Qu’Appelle Buy, Nov. 1 455-6th Ave. SE, Swift Current retail Sell & Trade Ginger Buffet Oct. 31 721-150 Langlois Way, Chinese cuisine buffet Saskatoon restaurant GJ Rams Consulting Oct. 28 1166 King St., Regina information technology consultant services Glen Valley Stables Oct. 31 609 Winnipeg St., Regina horse ranch and arena Home Building Centre – Oct. 25 69 South Industrial Dr., Prince home hardware Prince Albert Albert Homestead Simmentals Oct. 29 Box 223, Carrot River breed and raise Simmental cattle Humboldt Home Hardware Oct. 25 Highway 5 East, Humboldt home hardware Building Centre In Dog We Trust Oct. 23 14 Marlborough Cres., food services Outdoor Catering Saskatoon Ingersoll Rand Oct. 22 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina sell and repair compressed air systems and components, industrial tools, material handling equipment, fluid pumps and accessories Jason Lee Welding Oct. 28 2123 Laurier Cres. E, Regina personal welding services JBR Enterprises Oct. 29 300 Buffalo Dr., Swift Current vehicle restoration and mechanical repair services Joe Plumber Oct. 29 407 Maple St., Saskatoon HVAC installation and repair services Kati Travels & Tours Services Oct. 29 6-1237 Albert St., Regina travel services KC Financial & Oct. 28 Box 1448, Tisdale financial management Management Consulting consultant services KC Mechanical Oct. 24 Box 20, Lloydminster mobile heavy-duty mechanical services Keusch Konstruction Oct. 28 Box 716, Meadow Lake residential construction Loishelen Designs Oct. 29 Box 873, Kerrobert calligraphy; photography; original artwork Mapellease Financial Services Oct. 22 1525 Buffalo Pl., Winnipeg MB financial services THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2349

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: McGonigal Contracting Oct. 30 Box 1585, Rosetown plumbing and heating services Mortgage Alliance – S & R Oct. 24 4620 MacLeod Trail S, Calgary mortgage brokerage Mortgage Group AB Mountainport Tack ‘N Stock Oct. 28 Box 1779, Canora retail horse tack and equipment Nature’s Kick Enterprises Oct. 18 3047 Lacon St., Regina produce and sell honey products Northern Diner Tipi Experience Oct. 30 204-2nd Ave. W, Smeaton meal catering; skating, hiking and snowshoeing; photography; artists, naturists and music groups; weddings and reunions NTP Photography Oct. 28 Box 60, Meskanaw photography O.K. Tire (Dewdney Avenue) Oct. 28 828 Dewdney Ave., Regina mechanical services Orr Developments Nov. 1 1758 McAra St., Regina electrical generation; real estate development and management services; construction Patty’s Cafe Oct. 21 Box 730, restaurant Poplar Choice Agroforestry Oct. 22 Box 23, Site 31, R.R. 5, grow and sell trees Prince Albert Pure Polish & Oct. 29 Box 908, therapeutic massage; Therapeutic Massage nails; aesthetic; nutritional services Rapture Reno Services Nov. 1 R.R. 4, Site 408, Comp. 21, renovations Saskatoon Real Granito Kitchen & Oct. 31 311-12th Ave. E, Regina granite countertops; Renovation Warehouse cabinetry; residential renovations; supply and install materials Regina Counselling Service Oct. 30 204-3730 Eastgate Dr., Regina individual, couple and family counselling services Reprise Design Architecture Oct. 21 100-12400 Portland Ave. S, professional architectural Burnsville MN USA and interior design services S & H Industries Nov. 1 102-663 Beckett Cres., cleaning services Saskatoon Sam’s Coffee Express Oct. 29 25 Academy Park Rd., Regina coffee vending services Saurabh Kapoor Consulting Oct. 21 2106-65 Cambridge Ave., software consultant Regina services; business analysis Savvy Sage Post Oct. 31 202 Monk St., Govan website information Scuttlebutts Restaurant Oct. 29 Box 57, Herbert restaurant Spahh..307 Centre Oct. 28 Box 1209, personal care 2350 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Stonehand Enterprises Oct. 28 Box 141, Smeaton construction; residential siding, soffit and scaffolding services Taste of Excellence Restaurant Oct. 30 35 Rutter Cres., Saskatoon restaurant The Buck ‘N’ Up Store Oct. 28 Box 130, Langenburg discount merchandise The Sweet Cup Gourmet Oct. 29 Box 1044, Tisdale gourmet cakes and Cakes & Coffee cupcakes; specialty coffees Treaty 4 News Oct. 22 118 St. Laurent Cres., newspaper Saskatoon Trusted Pardons Oct. 21 Bloc E, 8th flr., 1001 Square pardon services Victoria, Montreal QC Vic20 Courier Service Oct. 28 1403 Bond St., Regina parcel delivery services Warren Ventures Oct. 31 Box 184, Melville organic grocery market William’s Carpet and House Oct. 30 Box 53, Stoughton residential and commercial Cleaning Service cleaning services Your HR Coach.Com Oct. 31 619 Overholt Cres., Saskatoon provide human resource services online

PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATIONS (2013) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Annaheim Bar & Grill Oct. 29 Box 878, Humboldt bar and grill Byron Wiebe Finish Carpentry Oct. 29 115 Meadowlark Park, install baseboard, doors, Warman window casing, shelving, hardwood and laminate flooring Elijah Remodelling Oct. 31 3356 Grant Rd., Regina residential renovations & Renovators J & L Tiling Oct. 29 204-112th St., Saskatoon tile setting services Jacobs Family Farm Oct. 29 52 Daffodil Cres., Regina farming Lam’s Wok Inn Restaurant Oct. 18 Box 873, Kamsack inn and restaurant Thick Money Equipment Oct. 29 41-602 Cartwright St., equipment rental services Saskatoon Wenn Overlays Nov. 3 210 Iroquois St. E, Moose Jaw repair and resurface concrete with a decorative overlay

SASKATCHEWAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATION (2013) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Strategic Energy Oct. 24 700, 2010-11th Ave., Regina purchase oil and gas Income Fund L.P. royalties THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2351

CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT (Extra-provincial Limited Partnership) (2013) Name: Incorporating Date: Amendment: Jurisdiction: Scotia Asset Management L.P. Oct. 15 Ontario changed name to 1832 Asset Management L.P.


Name: Date: G-Man Motorsport Oct. 22


Amin Bardestani, Director. ______

The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif ______

CERTIFICATES of INCORPORATION (2013) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Activities: 101244089 Saskatchewan Inc. Nov. 1 Box 38, Prud’Homme recreational services Eagle Mountain Health Inc. Oct. 25 Box 905, North operate health centres in Saskatchewan JCL Care Foundation Inc. Oct. 29 391 Delaronde Rd., Saskatoon care for disabled and less fortunate individuals in co-operation with other organizations; manage and develop programs and facilities Parkland Filipino Canadian Oct. 21 244-8th Ave. W, Melville community involvement in Association Incorporated sports, volunteerism events and charitable donations Queen City Hub Inc. Oct. 29 1843 Hamilton St., Regina provide office space to entrepreneurs Regina National Little Oct. 22 38 Wilkie Rd., Regina Little League baseball League Inc. Temple Gardens Ballroom Oct. 25 261 Leopold Cres., Regina music and cultural Rockin’ Celebration Inc. celebrations, concerts and art exhibits; celebrate the legacy of Temple Gardens Ballroom 2352 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

CERTIFICATE of REGISTRATION (2013) Name: Date: Incorporating Head or Main Type of Jurisdiction: Registered Office: Activities: BSF International Oct. 18 Ontario 107 Maple Dr., Port conduct Bible study (Canada) Limited Moody BC courses

CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER (2013) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Ecumenical Chaplaincy Society at The University of Saskatchewan Inc. Oct. 22 Saskatchewan Moosomin Golf Club Inc. Oct. 22 Saskatchewan Sacred Web Society Inc. Oct. 21 Saskatchewan Saskatoon Student Wellness Initiative toward Community Health Inc. Oct. 18 Saskatchewan

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 272 (2013) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Saskatchewan Badminton Association Inc. Oct. 30 Saskatchewan Wymark Futures Group Inc. Oct. 30 Saskatchewan


Amin Bardestani, Director. ______


The Change of Name Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom ______

The following changes of name are registered under the provisions of The Change of Name Act, 1995/ Les changements de nom ci-après sont enregistrés en exécution de la Loi de 1995 sur le changement de nom:

Former Name/ Address/ Date of Birth/ Name Changed To/ Ancien nome: Addresse: Date de naissance: Nouveau nom:

Dean Albert OAKLEY SK September 6, 1987 Dean Albert HARDER (Dated October 16, 2013)

Charles Norman Neufeld Norman Charles Meadow Lake SK November 22, 1954 (Dated October 16, 2013) ABRAMYK

Chantel Christina HOOEY Saskatoon SK January 31, 1987 Chantal Christina HOOEY (Dated October 16, 2013) THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2353

Former Name/ Address/ Date of Birth/ Name Changed To/ Ancien nome: Addresse: Date de naissance: Nouveau nom:

Brandy Dawn KAUFMANN Radville SK July 22, 1995 Brandy Dawn ZIEG (Dated October 16, 2013)

Alison Claudia DOWSON Prince Albert SK November 26, 1955 Ally Shara DOWSON (Dated October 16, 2013)

Alice Anastasia Antonia Alicia Anastasia Antonia REMENDA Saskatoon SK January 6, 1951 REMENDA (Dated October 16, 2013) Gemaline Domingo AYANGDO Saskatoon SK April 23, 1979 Gemaline HUCKABAY (Dated October 16, 2013)

Darlene Dorothy SANTER Regina SK March 29, 1954 Dorothy Darlene SANTER (Dated October 17, 2013)

Tyler Joseph Terrance Autumn Joseph Terrance OVERS Moose Jaw SK November 9, 1993 OVERS (Dated October 17, 2013) Jessica Marie Fiset BREZINSKI Regina SK September 23, 1987 Jessica Marie FISET (Dated October 17, 2013) Herman Christian Steve HAUGEN SK September 30, 1939 Kris Steve HAUGEN (Dated October 17, 2013)

Tye Sylvester BOBOWSKI Tye Sylvester SK January 14, 1995 (Dated October 17, 2013) WESELOWSKY

Hui Min WEN Regina SK August 3, 1975 Kandy Min-Wen CRAGG (Dated October 17, 2013)

Minh Quoc PHAN Regina SK May 30, 1988 Quoc Minh PHAN (Dated October 18, 2013)

Uchechi Onurine Uchechi Onurine MBADUGHA Saskatoon SK August 7, 1976 OKEAHIALAM (Dated October 18, 2013)

Kamal KATARIA Regina SK March 30, 1983 Kamaldev Singh KATARIA (Dated October 18, 2013)

Jaclyn Marie PERPELUK Saskatoon SK May 9, 1988 Jaclyn Marie HILL (Dated October 18, 2013) 2354 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Former Name/ Address/ Date of Birth/ Name Changed To/ Ancien nome: Addresse: Date de naissance: Nouveau nom:

Laura Denise SODEN Laura Denise Kyle SK May 22, 1969 (Dated October 18, 2013) KLEINSTEUBER

Michael Graham HRYNKIW Michael Graham Canora SK May 20, 1975 (Dated October 18, 2013) WILLIAMS

Michael Allan SVENNES Michael Allan Svennes Saskatoon SK October 30, 1988 (Dated October 24, 2013) TURCOTTE

Elisabeth Phillis ZIEGLER Regina SK March 7, 1953 Elizabeth Phyllis ZIEGLER (Dated October 24, 2013)

Cam Tu DUONG Regina SK January 1, 1985 Tu Cam DUONG (Dated October 24, 2013)

Marion Patricia MCGILLIVRAY Regina SK September 28, 1952 Patricia MCGILLIVRAY (Dated October 24, 2013) Christopher Louis Christopher Louis FERGUSON Lloydminster SK November 26, 1983 WALDORF (Dated October 24, 2013)

Helen Shirley WIELER Denare Beach SK July 20, 1956 Shirley Helen WIELER (Dated October 25, 2013)

Brooklyn Rae Laurelle Brooklyn Rae Laurelle GLABOFF Saskatoon SK March 27, 1995 MIERAU (Dated October 25, 2013)

Clarence KACHEECH Cochin SK March 26, 1953 Clarence GOPHER (Dated October 29, 2013)

Carla TOUTSAINT Black Lake SK August 13, 1978 Clara Ann TOUTSAINT (Dated October 29, 2013)

Sheba Sieben MAHAN Edam SK March 29, 1987 Leah Chloe MAHAN (Dated October 29, 2013)

Rachiel Anusencion MILLADO Saskatoon SK August 15, 1985 Rachiel Millado PONTING (Dated October 29, 2013)

Marianne Valerie MAZENC Bengough SK March 10, 1956 Valerie Marianne MAZENC (Dated October 29, 2013) THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2355

Former Name/ Address/ Date of Birth/ Name Changed To/ Ancien nome: Addresse: Date de naissance: Nouveau nom:

Wendel Patrick CURLEY Wendel Patrick Paynton SK December 29, 1981 (Dated October 31, 2013) CHECKOSIS

Elizabeth Anne MASTAD McCord SK September 26, 1952 Ann Elizabeth MASTAD (Dated October 31, 2013)

Cabo PSENICA Regina SK May 1, 1953 Cobo PSENICA (Dated October 31, 2013)

Shanelle Nadine CUSTER Denare Beach SK April 6, 1995 Shanelle Nadine OLSON (Dated October 31, 2013)

Tahereh HAJI MOHAMMAD TAGHI Saskatoon SK September 19, 1986 Tahereh HAJI (Dated October 31, 2013)

Mervin Michael SHEEDY Hoosier SK October 7, 1936 Michael Mervin SHEEDY (Dated November 1, 2013)

Vanessa Rene WESAQUATE Regina SK February 15, 1985 Vanessa Rene DUCHARME (Dated November 1, 2013)

Ali ABDUL-HASAN Saskatoon SK July 1, 1954 Ali HASAN (Dated November 1, 2013)

Former Name/ Address/ Date of Birth/ Name Changed To/ Ancien nome: Addresse: Date de naissance: Nouveau nom: Andrea Catherine Andrea Catherine Michelle Martensville SK August 25, 1990 Michelle RYNN LUBANA Former Name of Spouse/ Ancien nom du conjoint ou de la conjoint: Gurpreet SINGH May 22, 1988 Gurpreet Singh LUBANA (Dated October 25, 2013)

Name(s) of Child or Children/Nom(s) de l’enfant ou des enfants:

Former Name/ Name Changed To/ Date of Birth/ Ancien nome: Nouveau nom: Date de naissance:

Trishsa Janice NAISTUS Trisha Janice NAISTUS December 13, 1995 (Dated October 16, 2013)

John George RATT John George SANDERSON-RATT December 17, 1995 Matthew Jack RATT Matthew Jack SANDERSON December 17, 1995 (Dated October 23, 2013) 2356 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Former Name/ Name Changed To/ Date of Birth/ Ancien nome: Nouveau nom: Date de naissance:

Nikkda Natisha FONTAINE Nikkita Natisha FONTAINE May 31, 1998 (Dated October 23, 2013)

John Albert Gordon WEBB John Albert Gordon AKE August 24, 1997 (Dated October 24, 2013)

Kale Kim DOIRON Kale Kim SHERMAN September 17, 1998 (Dated October 29, 2013)

Given under my hand at the City of Regina, in the Province of Saskatchewan/Fait sous ma signature dans la ville de Regina, dans la province de la Saskatchewan. ______

E. Mikale White, Registrar of Vital Statistics/ Registraire des Services de l’état Civil. ______

The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997 [section 20.1] ______

Establishment of a Speed zone — PROVINCIAL Highway No. 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, effective immediately, pursuant to section 20.1 of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister establishes a speed zone under Schedule B by erecting official signs stating the speed limit at the following locations: • 110 km/hr along Provincial Highway No. 1, from a point 2.725 km east of its intersection with Condie Road to a point 975 m west of its intersection with Condie Road. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 28th day of October 2013.

Ron Gerbrandt, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister of Regional Services Division, Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure. ______

The Meewasin Valley Authority Act ______

bylaw number 003 — The Development Review Exemption Bylaw A bylaw respecting the exemption of certain classes of improvements from the application of subsections 18(1) and 19(1) of The Meewasin Valley Authority Act, S.S. 1979, c.M-11.1, as amended. Short Title 1 This bylaw may be cited as The Development Review Exemption Bylaw. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 2357

Interpretation 2 In this bylaw: (a) “Authority” means the Meewasin Valley Authority; (b) “City” means the City of Saskatoon; (c) “University” means University of Saskatchewan; (d) “development plan” means the plans respecting Meewasin Valley on file in the office of the Authority and designated by the Authority as the development plan; (e) “development review” means the process of considering an application for an improvement for the purposes of determining whether to approve, approve with conditions, or not approve, an application; (f) “improvement” means a building, structure or service facility constructed, or landscape construction, within Meewasin Valley, or any alteration thereof or addition thereto but does not include the ordinary care, maintenance or repair of a building, structure or service facility or of landscape construction; (g) “Meewasin Valley” means those lands as defined in The Meewasin Valley Authority Act, S.S. 1979, c.M-11.1 and amendments thereto, and as may be amended from time to time; (h) “conservation zone” means the land described in Schedule A; (i) “shoreline” means the line dividing the bank and the bed of the South Saskatchewan River where: (i) the vegetation ceases; (ii) the character of the vegetation and soil changes. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 3 To exempt certain classes of improvements that conform with the Authority’s development plan. APPLICATIONS/EXEMPTIONS 4 The following classes of improvements are exempted from requiring the approval of the Authority. (a) Subject to the exceptions of subsection 4(b), improvements proposed on land within Meewasin Valley zoned by the City as R1, R1A and R2; (b) Subsection 4(a) shall not apply to the following in areas zoned R1, R1A, and R2 (i) public parks and children’s playgrounds; (ii) tennis courts, bowling greens and golf courses; (c) Improvements proposed on land within Meewasin Valley conservation zone that have an aggregate cost resulting in an expenditure of less than $25,000.00; (d) Cultural works associated with the Mendel Art Gallery, or on land assigned for use of the Mendel Art Gallery; (e) Improvements proposed on land located more than 300 m from the shoreline on land owned by the University or its affiliates, south of Circle Dr., as shown on the map in Appendix A. Where a portion of a proposed improvement falls within this limit the entire proposed improvement requires Authority approval; (f) Notwithstanding the application of subsections (a) to (c) above, all improvements proposed on lands in the hatched areas shown on the map in Appendix B. 5 Meewasin shall be advised, within 30 days of the University’s receipt of a proposal, of all classes of proposed improvements valued in excess of $500,000 in the conservation zone within 500 m of the shoreline on University land as shown on the map in Appendix A. LEGAL EFFECT 6 This bylaw is passed pursuant to subsection 19(3) as per clauses 19(2)(e) and (f) of The Meewasin Valley Authority Act, S.S. 1979, c.M-11.1, as amended. 2358 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013

DATE ON WHICH BYLAW TAKES EFFECT 7 This bylaw shall have force and effect on and after that date on which it is published in The Saskatchewan Gazette. Dated this 8th day of November, 2013.

Lloyd Isaak, Chief Executive Officer. ______

bylaw number 005 — The Disposal of Land Exemption Bylaw A bylaw respecting the exemption of certain land from the application of subsections 44(2), 44(3), 51(1) and 51(2) of The Meewasin Valley Authority Act, S.S. 1979, c.M-11.1, as amended. Short Title 1 This bylaw may be cited as The Disposal of Land Exemption Bylaw. Interpretation 2 In this bylaw: (a) “Act” means The Meewasin Valley Authority Act, S.S. 1979, c.M-11.1; (b) “Authority” means the Meewasin Valley Authority; (c) “Meewasin Valley” means those lands as defined in The Meewasin Valley Authority Act, S.S. 1979, c.M-11.1 and amendments thereto, and as may be amended from time to time; (d) “conservation zone” means the land described in Schedule A, and as may be amended from time to time as per section 13 of the Act; (e) “public land” means land owned by the authority or by one or more participating parties; (f) “participating party” means the Government of Saskatchewan, the City of Saskatoon, or the University of Saskatchewan. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 3 To dispense with the requirement to obtain written consent from the Authority to transfer title and/or register an interest in the Land Titles Registry with respect to public land in the conservation zone, and also to dispense with the requirement that a participating party provide a first right of refusal to the Authority before disposing of land within the Meewasin Valley. APPLICATIONS/EXEMPTIONS 4 This bylaw applies to the following lands. (a) Public land in the conservation zone as shown on the map in Appendix A. LEGAL EFFECT 5 This bylaw is passed pursuant to clause 10(p), section 12 and clause 44(4)(d) of The Meewasin Valley Authority Act, S.S. 1979, c.M-11.1, as amended. DATE ON WHICH BYLAW TAKES EFFECT 7 This bylaw shall have force and effect on and after that date on which it is published in The Saskatchewan Gazette. Dated this 8th day of November, 2013.

Lloyd Isaak, Chief Executive Officer.


Dispensation from Publication Please note: the maps referred to in sections 4 and 5 of Bylaw 003 and section 4 of Bylaw 005 are not able to be reproduced in The Saskatchewan Gazette in their current format. To obtain a copy of the maps, please contact: Manager of Planning and Conservation Meewasin Valley Authority 402-3rd Ave. S Saskatoon SK S7K 3G5 (306) 665-6887.

Or to view/download a copy of the map, please go to


Rules of Court/RÈGLES DE PROCÉDURE Court of Queen’s Bench (Practice Directives) ______

GENERAL APPLICATION PRACTICE DIRECTIVE No. 4 EXPEDITED PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCES Effective: November 1, 2013 REFERENCE: GA-PD No. 4 1 The Local Registrar at each judicial centre shall maintain an “expedited pre-trial conference list”. The purpose of the list is to provide litigants, including ones who have already been assigned a pre-trial conference date, to have their pre-trial conference scheduled or re-scheduled to an earlier date, in situations where the Court calendar opens up as a result of an originally scheduled matter falling through. 2 An action may be placed on the expedited pre-trial list when all of the following conditions have been met: (a) the parties have complied with Queen’s Bench Rule 4-11 and the pre-trial conference in the action is either scheduled or eligible to be scheduled; (b) each party has filed their pre-trial brief; and (c) each party has agreed to be placed on the expedited pre-trial list. 3 The Local Registrar shall list the actions on the expedited pre-trial list in the order that they became eligible to be placed on the list. When due to cancellations or other causes, the Court’s calendar opens up, the Local Registrar will offer that date or dates to the parties in each action in the order that they have been placed on the list. 4 In the event that the parties refuse an expedited date, they shall remain on the expedited list and maintain their position in the order of priority. 5 This practice directive does not alter the continued duty of the Local Registrar to schedule pre-trial conferences pursuant to Queen’s Bench Rule 4-11(9), notwithstanding that the pre-trial briefs have not yet been filed.

Chief Justice M.D. Popescul, Court of Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan. 08/15 2360 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 15, 2013


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Saskatchewan Law Enforcement Handbook The updated 2013 version of the Saskatchewan Law Enforcement Handbook, (current to October 1st, 2013) is now available.

This is a pocket size version.

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