BOOKTIVISM: the Power of Words
BOOKTIVISM: The Power of Words Book•ti•vi•sm(noun). 1. The mobilization of groups of concerned citizens produced by reading books offering powerful analyses of social or political issues. 2. A call to action based on the sharing of knowledge through books. 3. Books + activism = “booktivism.” 4. A term first used at the SellingSickness, 2013: People Before Profits conference in Washington, DC, see Read. Discuss. Be thoughtful. Be committed. Here are some more suggestions to get you started: 1) Set up a reading group on disease-mongering among interested friends and colleagues. If you do The books included in BOOKTIVISM celebrate recent contributions to the broad topic of disease- not already have a group of interested readers, post a notice in your workplace, library, community mongering, especially as they examine the growing prevalence and consequences of overtreatment, center, apartment building, etc. Once you have a group, decide where to meet. Book clubs can overscreening, overmarketing, and overdiagnosis (see Lynn Payer’s 1992 classic, Disease-Mongers: How meet anywhere – at homes, in dorms, in pubs, in coffeehouses, at libraries, even online! Decide on Doctors, Drug Companies, and Insurers Are Making You Feel Sick, for an introduction to timing and format. Will you meet monthly/bimonthly? You’ll need time to prepare for the sessions, disease-mongering). but not so much time that you lose touch. Circulate the reading guide. It is usually best if one person leads each discussion, to have some questions at the ready and get things rolling. Although the challenge to disease-mongering is not unprecedented (the women’s health movement of the 1970s was another key historical moment), these books represent an impressive groundswell OR, maybe you’d like to of amazing, powerful, brilliant, and often deeply unsettling investigations by physicians, health scientists, 2) Set up a lecture/discussion group.
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