Gastropod Shell Species Occupied by Hermit Crabs (Anomura: Decapoda

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Gastropod Shell Species Occupied by Hermit Crabs (Anomura: Decapoda TurkJZool 31(2007)13-18 ©TÜB‹TAK GastropodShellSpeciesOccupiedbyHermitCrabs (Anomura:Decapoda)alongtheTurkishCoastoftheAegeanSea A.SuatATEfi1,*,TuncerKATA⁄AN2,Ahmet KOCATAfi2 1ÇanakkaleOnsekizMartUniversity,FisheriesFaculty17020Çanakkale-TURKEY 2EgeUniversity,FisheriesFaculty35100Bornova-‹zmir-TURKEY Received:19.07.2005 Abstract: Thisstudyaimedtodescribethegastropodshellspeciesinhabitedbyhermitcrabs(Anomura:Decapoda)collectedduring investigationsofthedecapodfaunaoftheTurkishAegeanSeacoast.Wedocumented12hermitcrabspeciesinhabiting16species ofgastropodshells.Thehermitcrab, Pagurusanachoretus Risso,1827,hadthehighestinhabitationfrequency(IF),inhabiting 37.5%ofallthesamplescollected.Thegastropodshellmostinhabitedwas Bittiumlatreillii (Payraudeau,1826),whichaccounted for66.7%ofinhabitedshells. KeyWords: Shellutilization,AnomuraDecapoda,EasternAegeanSea,Turkey EgeDeniziTürkiyeK›y›lar›ndakiPaguroid(Anomura:Decapoda)’ler Taraf›ndan‹flgalEdilenGastropodKabu¤uTürleri Özet: Buçal›flmaEgeDeniziTürkiyeK›y›lar›dekapodfaunas›üzerineyürütülenaraflt›rmalars›ras›ndatoplananPaguroid(Anomura: Decapoda)’lertaraf›ndankullan›langastropodkabuklar›n›tan›mlamay›amaçlamaktad›r.16farkl›gastropodkabu¤unukullanan toplam12Paguroidtürütürükaydedilmifltir.Paguroidtürü Pagurusanachoretus Risso,1827%37,5’likbirde¤erleenyüksek yerleflmefrekans›nasahiptir.Enfazlaiflgaledilengastropodkabu¤u%66,7’likfrekansde¤eriyle Bittiumlatreillii (Payraudeau, 1826)’dir. AnahtarSözcükler: Kabukkullan›m›,AnomuraDecapoda,Do¤uEgeDenizi,Türkiye Introduction hypothesismorecommonlyused,intheirnaturalhabitat, AccordingtoReese(1969),hermitcrabsaretypically hermitcrabsinhabitsmallershellsthaninlaboratory marineorganisms,althoughsomespecieshave experiments(Vance,1972;Scully,1979).Hermitcrabs physiologicalandbehavioraladaptationsforlivingin seemtoselectamongtheavailableemptygastropod varioushabitats.Mostaresmalldecapodcrustaceansthat shellsthemostsuitableonefortheirsizeandshape occupyemptygastropodshellsforprotectionagainst (Koutsoubasetal.,1993).Studiesontheutilizationof predation(Leonardetal.,2001)anddependon gastropodshellsbyhermitcrabshavebeenconductedby gastropodshellsthroughouttheirlifespan(Turraand manyauthors(Fotheringham,1976;Bertness,1980, Leita,2000).Theseshellsactassheltersfrombiotic 1981,1982;Blackstone,1985,1989;Gherardiand factors,includingpredation(Angel,2000).Hermitcrabs Vannini,1989;Hazlett,1989,1990,1992;Gherardi, needincreasinglylargershellsduringtheirlifecycle,a 1991;Manjón-CabezaandGarcíaRaso,1999). factthatkeepstheminconstantactivitysearchingfor PreviousstudiesonthedecapodfaunaoftheAegean suitableshells(Bertness,1981).Thelifecycleofhermit Seacanbeconsideredpreliminarywork.Ofthe35 crabsdependsmostlyontheprocessesthatmakesuitable anomuranspecieslistedbyKoukourasetal.(1992),21 gastropodshells(Hazlett,1981).Accordingtothe wereidentifiedashermitcrabs,aswere21ofthe36 *Correspondingauthor:[email protected] 13 GastropodShellSpeciesOccupiedbyHermitCrabs(Anomura:Decapoda)alongtheTurkishCoastoftheAegeanSea anomuranspeciesreportedbyKocataflandKata¤an (2003).Theonlystudyontheoccupationofgastropoda TheSeaofMarmara shellsbyhermitcrabswascarriedoutbyKoutsoubaset al.(1993)intheGreekwatersofthenorthernAegean Sea.Tothebestofourknowledge,thepresentstudyis thefirsttodocumenthermitcrabuseofgastropodshells N alongtheTurkishcoastoftheAegeanSea. T A MaterialsandMethods U E Inpresentstudy,thesublittoralzonesoftheregion R G betweenSarosBayinthenorthandMarmarisBayinthe E K southoftheTurkishAegeanSeacoast(betweenlat40° 35´50´´N,long26º22´40´´Eandlat36º47´30´´N, A E N long28º37´00´´E)werechosenastheinvestigationarea Y (Figure1). Samplesofhermitcrabswerecollectedbybeam- S trawl,dredge,orgrabfromatotalof52stationsinJuly, E August,andSeptember2000,atdepthsbetween5and A 109m.ThesedimentwascomposedmostlyofPosidonia oceanica (L.)Delilemeadows.Thebiotopesofthestations canbecharacterizedasfollows:2ofthestations(38and 48)werefinegravel;5ofthestations(10,14,18,23, and52)weresandy;5ofthestations(11,26,29,32, and35)weremuddy;9ofthestations(4,13,20,25, 28,30,41,44,and46)weresandy-muddy;10ofthe stations(16,17,33,34,36,37,39,43,49,and50) werecoveredbyphotophilicalgae;and21ofthestations Figure1.Locationofthestudyareashowingsamplingstations. (1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,12,15,19,21,22,24,27,31, 40,42,45,47,and51)werecoveredby Posidonia oceanica (L.)Delilemeadows.Distributionofthehermit latreillii,whichwasinhabitedby66.7%ofthecollected crabspeciesatthe52stationsisshowninTable1. hermitcrabs(8differentspecies).Thisspecieswas Thehermitcrabandgastropodspecieswereidentified followedbyCerithiumvulgatum (Fr=41.7%)inhabited basedontheworksofIngle(1993),FalciaiandMinervini by5differenthermitcrabs; Cerithiumprotractum, (1996),andPopeandGoto(1991),usingtheEuropean Gibbulafanulum,Polliadorbignyi, and Turritella RegisterofMarineSpecies(ERMS)nomenclature(2003). communis (Fr=16.7%)by2hermitcrabs;and Bela nebula,Gibbulaardens,Gibbulaalbida,Jujubinusstriatus, Jujubinusexasperatus,Muricopsiscristata,Nassarius Results incrassatus,Ocenebraaciculata,Pusilina sp.,and Rissoa Wedocumented12hermitcrabspeciesinhabiting16 auriscalptum (Fr=8.33%)by1hermitcrab. differentgastropodshellspecies(Table2). Pagurusanachoretus occupiedshellsof8different Thegastropodfamilies,Barleeidae,Cerithiidae, gastropodspeciesandhadthehighestinhabitation Muricidae,Nassariidae,Rissoidae,Trochidae,and frequency(IF=37.5%)ofgastropodshells,followedby Turritellidaewereinhabitedbyhermitcrabs.Frequencies Pagurusprideauxi(IF=31.25%).Paguruscuanensis had (Fr)ofgastropodshellsoccupiedbyhermitcrabsare anIFof25.0%,and Anapaguruspetiti and Pagurus showninFigure2.Themaingastropodspeciesfoundin forbesii hadanIFof18.8%.TheIFof Diogenes thestudiedareaandusedbyhermitcrabswas Bittium pugilator,Pagurusalatus, and Paguruschevreuxi were 14 A.S.ATEfi,T.KATA⁄AN,A.KOCATAfi Table1.Distributionofhermitcrabsatthesamplingstations. Hermitcrabspecies Stations Dardanusarrosor (Herbst,1796) 34 Diogenespugilator (Roux,1829) 34,35 Paguristeseremita (Linnaeus,1767) 15,22,49 Paguristessyrtensis DeSaintLaurent,1971 6,15,19,34,36,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,47,48 Anapaguruslaevis (Bell,1845) 13,28 Anapaguruspetiti Dechancé&Forest,1962 2,3,4,18,28,31,32,44,51 Pagurusalatus Fabricius,1775 10,19,23,24,29,36,42,43,44,48 Pagurusanachoretus Risso,1827 2,8,12,14,15,20,22,25,27,30,33,36,37,38,44,45,47 Paguruschevreuxi(Bouvier,1896) 21,23,25,26,33,37,39,40,42,43,45,51,52 Paguruscuanensis Bell,1845 1,4,5,7,9,11,15,16,17,23,24,29,33,34,38,40,44,45,47,51,52 Pagurusforbesii Bell,1845 7,10,13,34,45,50 Pagurusprideaux Leach,1815 19,26,38,45,46,49,52 Table2. Gastropodshellsusedby12speciesofhermitcrabscollectedintheAegeanSea(1. Belanebula (Montagu,1803),2. Bittiumlatreilli (Payradeau,1826),3. Cerithiumvulgatum (Bruguière,1792),4. C.protractum Ant.Bivona,inandBivona1838,5. Gibbulafanulum (Gmelin,1791),6. G.ardens (vonSalis,1793),7. G.albida (Gmelin,1791),8. Jujubinusstriatus (Linnaeus,1767),9. J.exasperatus (Pennant,1777),10. Muricopsiscristata (Brocchi,1814),11. Nassariusincrassatus (Ström,1768),12. Ocenebraaciculata (Lamarck 1822),13.Polliadorbignyi (Payraudeau,1826),14.Pusilina sp.,15.Rissoaauriscalpium (Linnaeus,1758),16.Turritellacommunis Risso, 1826). Gastropodshellspecies Hermitcrabspecies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Dardanusarrosor + Diogenespugilator ++ Paguristeseremita + Paguristessyrtensis + Anapaguruslaevis + Anapaguruspetiti +++ Pagurusalatus + Pagurusanachoretus ++++++ + Paguruschevreuxi ++ Paguruscuanensis ++ + Pagurusforbesii ++++ Pagurusprideauxi ++ + + + 15 GastropodShellSpeciesOccupiedbyHermitCrabs(Anomura:Decapoda)alongtheTurkishCoastoftheAegeanSea 100 ofhermitcrabsrecordedinthestudyareainhabitedthe 95 90 biotopeofPosidoniaoceanica meadows.Thehermitcrab 85 80 speciesmostobservedon Posidoniaoceanica bedsinthe 75 70 studyareawasPaguruscuanensis. 65 60 Thegastropodspeciesoccupiedbythehighest 55 50 numberofhermitcrabspecieswas Bittiumlatreillii,with 45 40 afrequencyvalueof66.7%,whereasthehermitcrab 35 Frequency(%) 30 speciesthatinhabitedthehighestnumberofgastropod 25 20 specieswas Pagurusanachoretus,withanIFof37.5%. 15 10 Koutsoubasetal.(1993)reportedatotalof11hermit 5 0 crabspecies( Anapaguruslaevis,Cestopagurustimidus, Clibanariuserythropus,Dardanuscalidus,Diogenes Bittium pugilator,Paguristeseremita,Pagurusanachoretus, Pusilinasp. Belanebula Paguruscuanensis,Pagurusexcavatus,Pagurusforbesii , Gibbulaalbida Gibbulaardens Polliadorbignyi Gibbulafanulum andPagurusprideauxi)inhabited56differentgastropod Jujubinusstriatus Ocenebraaciculata Muricopsiscristata Cerithiumvulgatum Rissoaauriscalptum Turritellacommunis Jujubinusexasperatus Nassariusincrassatus Cerithiumprotractum shellspeciescollectedfrom2to300m.Thespecies C. Figure2.Gastropodshellsusedbyhermitcrabsandinhabitation timidus (Roux,1830),C.erythropus (Latreille,1818),D. frequencies. calidus (Risso,1827),and P.excavatus (Herbst,1791), reportedbyKoutsoubasetal.(1993),werenotrecorded 12.5%,whereas Dardanusarrosor,Paguristeseremita, inthepresentstudy.Ontheotherhand,thehermitcrabs, P.syrtensis, and Anaguruslaevis hadthelowestIF, D.arrosor,P.syrtensis,A.petiti,P.alatus ,and P. 6.23%.Inhabitationfrequencies(IF)ofgastropodshells chevreuxi,reportedinthepresentstudywerenot byhermitcrabsaregiveninFigure3. recordedbyKoutsoubasetal.(1993). IF=InhabitationFrequency(%) AccordingtoKocataflandKata¤an(2003),the hermitcrabcommunityoftheTurkishcoastsofthe AegeanSeaiscomposedof21species.Thepresent Discussion taxocoenosisinthisareawascontrolledby Pagurus Inthestudyarea,12hermitcrabspeciesinhabited16 cuanensis,recordedfrom21stationsofthe52different differentgastropodshellsintheAegeanSea.Themajority
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