Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain Sarjana Pendidikan degree at English Program of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University








i ii iii MOTTO

It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice

(John Cassis)

And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you (in favor); but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is serve.’

(QS. Ibrahim: 7)

To be a beneficial person for everyone



I would like to dedicate this thesis to:

1. My beloved Bapak and Ibu who always support me. Thank you for giving

me the life that every child deserves and being such wonderful parents.

Thank you for working so, so, so hard to be able to send me to college.

Thank you so much, I love you such more than just to the moon and back.

2. My beloved sisters “Mbak Ana and Mbak Ani” and my beloved brother

“Mas Azhar”. Thanks for everything that you have been giving to me. I’m

so lucky to be your little sister.


The researcher would like to thank Allah SWT, the almighty God, who has given me healthy and ability to complete this thesis. Peace and salutation are presented to our prophet, Muhammad SAW who bought people from darkness into the brightness age of knowledge.

With the grace of Allah, she has finally accomplishing this thesis entitled:

The Analysis of Word Formation Used in Movie Script and its

Application in Teaching Writing at the Tenth Grade of Senior High School. This thesis is a fulfillment of the requirement for obtaining the Sarjana Pendidikan

Degree of the English Education Program of the Teacher Training and Education

Faculty of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University.

The researcher realized that her success in finishing this thesis is owing to the assistance and guidance both from lecturers and friends. In all sincerity, the researcher would like to express her highest gratitude to them who always support to finish this thesis and would like to thank to:

1. Drs. H. Supriyono, M.Pd., The Rector of Purworejo Muhammadiyah


2. Yuli Widiyono, M.Pd., The Dean of Teacher Training and Faculty of

Purworejo Muhammadiyah University.

3. Sri Widodo, S.S, M.Hum., The Head of English Educational Program.

4. Ismawati Ike N., S.S, M.Hum., as a consultant I.

5. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I., as a consultant II.

vii viii ABSTRACT

Yuliana Puspita Sari. The Analysis of Word Formation Used in Pitch Perfect 2 Movie Script and Its Application in Teaching Writing to the Tenth Grade of Senior High School. A thesis. English Education Program Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Purworejo Muhammadiyah University. 2017

This research focuses on analysis of word formation used in Pitch Perfect 2 movie script and its application in teaching writing. The objectives of the study are to identify the categories of word formation used in Pitch Perfect 2 movie script, to describe the lexical meanings of word formation that used in Pitch Perfect 2 movie script, and to describe the application of teaching writing by using word formation in Pitch Perfect 2 movie script. This research is a qualitative research and used descriptive qualitative method. The researcher obtained the data from the Pitch Perfect 2 movie script. To collect the data, the researcher searched and downloaded the movie script and analyzed the word formation on the movie script. Then to analyze the data, the researcher read the movie script, coding the data from the movie script, taking the word formation’s data, classifying the data to the types of word formation, and making conclusion. The result of the analysis shows that are 176 data from eleven categories of word formation used in Pitch Perfect 2 movie script. There are coinage 6 words (3.5%), borrowing 20 words (11%), compounding 51 words (30%), blending 5 words (3%), clipping 32 words (18%), back formation 2 words (1%), conversion 9 words (5%), acronyms 3 words (1.5%), and multiple processes 5 words (3%). The categories of word formation that used in Pitch Perfect 2 movie script can be applied in teaching writing with the material about announcement. Some steps to teach are giving material about announcement text and word formation, reading the movie script, identifying word formation in announcement based on movie script, and asking students to make announcement text.

Keywords: Analysis, Word Formation, Movie Script, Pitch Perfect 2, Teaching Writing.


TITLE ...... i APPROVAL SHEET ...... ii RATIFICATION SHEET ...... iii MOTTO ...... iv DEDICATION ...... v STATEMENT...... vi ACKNOLEDGEMENT ...... vii ABSTRACT...... ix TABLE OF CONTENT ...... x LIST OF TABLE ...... xii LIST OF FIGURE ...... xii LIST OF APPENDICES...... xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Identification of the Problem...... 4 C. Limitation of the Study ...... 5 D. Statement of the Problem...... 6 E. Objective of the Study ...... 6 F. Significance of the Study...... 7 G. Organization of the Writing ...... 8 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Study ...... 9 B. Theoretical Review ...... 11 1. Writing a. Definition of Writing ...... 11 b. Aspect of Writing ...... 12 c. Teaching English Writing ...... 14 2. Word Formation ...... 16

x 3. Movie a. Definition of Movie ...... 26 b. Movie Script ...... 26 c. Pitch Perfect 2 Movie ...... 27 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design ...... 31 B. Data and Data Source ...... 32 C. Unit of Analysis ...... 32 D. Instrument of the Research ...... 33 E. Technique of Collecting Data ...... 33 F. Technique of Analyzing Data ...... 34 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Research Finding ...... 37 B. Discussion 1. Categories of Word Formation used in Pitch Perfect 2 Movie Script ...... 39 2. The Application of Word Formation in the Movie Script Entitled Pitch Perfect 2 in Teaching Writing ...... 54 Lesson Plan ...... 56 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION A. Conclusion ...... 63 B. Suggestion ...... 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES


Table 1. Number and Percentage of Word Formation ...... 37


Figure 1. Pitch Perfect 2 Movie Poster ...... 27


Appendix 1. Word List of Word Formation that used in Pitch Perfect 2 Movie


Appendix 2. Pitch Perfect 2 Movie Script

Appendix 3. Syllabus SMA/MA


This chapter introduces the nature of the present study. It begins with background of the study, identification of the problem, limitation of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the problem, and significance of the study. This chapter also consists of organization of the paper as the general description of the research paper.

A. Background of the Study

Language is very important for our live. People use language to

communicate and make a daily conversation with other people. People

cannot communicate with other people without language, because

language is the tools of communication that used by all people in general.

Language can gain information, knowledge, and express feelings and

emotions. So, students should learn language, either it is first language

(Bahasa Indonesia) or foreign language (English).

English is important to learn that used in almost every part of the

world, many countries offer English as their lesson in schools and it

learned by students, whether in elementary schools, secondary schools or

even kindergarten. In learning English, there are four main skills that

consist of reading, listening, speaking and writing. Writing is an essential

skill that becomes complex skill to master for the learners because writing

1 2

is a productive skill that deals with the way to generate and organize the ideas.

Writing is one of the language skills that must be mastered by students. Writing combines process and product. Writing is a process of transfer the word that comes from our mind effectively, writing is considered as difficult subject ( Siswita and Hafizh, 2014: 63). Rather, writing is a form of critical thinking that must be adapted to different disciplines and genres. Rass (2005: 30) argues that writing skill is a difficult skill mastered by the students because they must balance the multiple issues such as content, organization, purpose, audience, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.

As the researcher’s experience, some students feel difficult in writing due to some factors. The first factor students have less interest in writing. They think that the ideas that they want to write are difficult to come into their mind and it makes them bored, so it can be caused the second factor. They usually feel confused how to start writing. They do not know which part that should be the first thing to write and what words they should put. The third, students lack of vocabularies.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher interested to analyze the word formation. Word formation is very interesting to analyze.

According to Yule, Adams and Bauer in Tahanieh (2012: 1105), word formation mechanisms may be defined as a set of processes for the 3

creation of new words on the basis of existing ones. Thus, apart from borrowing from other languages, the vocabulary stock of a language is formed by means of what is usually known. There are types of word formation such as etymology, coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping, back-formation, conversion, acronyms, derivation, prefixes and suffixes, infixes, and multiple processes. Word formation is a creation of a new word and it will be produce a new meaning. It means that learn word formation can add many English vocabularies. If students have many English vocabularies they will easier in mastering writing skill.

Movie or film is a visual medium that dramatizes a basic story line.

Movie deals in pictures, images, bits, and piece of film. Indonesian is interesting to watch many genres of movie. Either they are young, adult, or the old one watch movie. Movie has more than one benefit, beside movie can entertain people it can give us many education. One of the educations is movie used as a medium of learning English.

Pitch perfect 2 is a 2015 American comedy film. The movie centers on the fictional Barden University The Bellas, an all-female singing group. This movie consists of many conversations between adolescents and adults. They use special word to communicate with each other. They sometimes combine two words become one word with different meaning. It will be interesting to analyze the word- formation processes that use in this movie. Thus, the word-formation processes will be analyzed in this movie script. 4

Based on the studying above, the researcher is interested in

analyzing the word formation in Pitch Perfect 2 movie script to improve

students’ writing skill. The researcher is really motivated to conduct a

research entitled “The Analysis of Word Formation used in Pitch Perfect 2

Movie Script and Its Application in Teaching Writing at the Tenth Grade

of Senior High School”.

B. Identification of the Problem

The writing skill difficulties are one of the most significant

problem that affect not only native English speakers, but also many

students that are learning English as a second or foreign language around

the world. Students are demanded to master aspects of writing – content,

structure and diction, in producing good writing.

The main problem is that students do not understand some topics.

Readers of English text expect a clear topic sentence and a unified

paragraph that deals with one idea, so the writers are asked to achieve

unity, to achieve coherence and to achieve concrete details in their text. In

fact, some students in Indonesia still have difficulties to write in English

and do some errors because of the difference between the two languages,

both in structure, spelling and lexical meaning.

Students must take into account many aspects when they write

their writing such as: vocabulary, mechanics, grammar, organization and

content and not only one aspect that must be mastered by students but also 5

every single detail. The problem is that students do not care about the

aspects and the kind of essays they are creating. Students also do not

follow the correct steps that will provide good writing. They just care

about the grade they will receive at the end of a homework assignment.

Some students feel difficult in writing due to some factors. The

first factor students have less interest in writing. They think that the ideas

that they want to write are difficult to come into their mind and it makes

them bored, so it can be caused the second factor. They usually feel

confused how to start writing. They do not know which part that should be

the first thing to write and what words they should put. The third, students

lack of vocabularies. It means that students will be difficult to write if they

do not master vocabulary well. These conditions influence the students in

learning, especially in writing skill.

C. Limitation of the Study

Based on the explanation in the background of the study and

identification of the problem, there are many students who have

difficulties in writing skill such as students difficult to find the idea,

students feel confused to start writing, and students lack of vocabulary.

The teacher should prepare and find out the appropriate technique,

which will be implemented to the students. One of them is using

movie. Movie will give various vocabularies to people especially 6

students who watch it. If students have many English vocabularies

they will easier in mastering writing skill.

In this research, the researcher focuses on analyzing word

formation and describing the application of teaching writing by using

word formation in the Pitch Perfect 2 movie script.

D. Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the study and problem limitation

above, the researcher proposed some problems are the following:

1. What are the categories of word formation used in Pitch Perfect 2

movie script?

2. What are the lexical meanings of word formation that found in

Pitch Perfect 2 movie script?

3. How is the application of word formation used in Pitch Perfect 2

movie script in teaching writing?

E. Objective of the Study

Based on the statement of the problem mentioned above, the

researcher purposed the objectives of the study as follow:

1. To identify the categories of word formation used in Pitch Perfect

2 movie script.

2. To describe the lexical meanings of word formation that used in

Pitch Perfect 2 movie script. 7

3. To describe the application of teaching writing by using word

formation in Pitch Perfect 2 movie script.

F. Significance of the study

The finding of this research hopefully will provide some

advantages for many people, especially for those who are closely

related to English education. The significance of the study is stated are

the following:

1. For teachers

The result of this research is expected can be useful for

teacher especially English teachers to teach their students. The

teacher can make learning activity be more interesting.

2. For students

It can give input to improve their ability and competence in

mastering vocabulary especially word formation and use it in

writing skill.

3. For researcher

This research can give experience for researcher to analyze

the word formation in the movie and its application in teaching


4. For the other researchers

The result of this research is expected to give an alternative

source and references to other researchers in deeper analysis. 8

G. Organization of the Writing

This thesis is organized into five chapters. Chapter I is

introduction. It presents background of the study, identification of the

problem, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, limitation of

the problem, significance of the study and organization of the writing.

Chapter II is review of related literature. This chapter present

theoretical review that relevant to the present study about definition of

writing, aspects of writing, teaching English writing, definition and types

of word formation, definition and kinds of movie, definition of movie

script, and a brief explanation about Pitch Perfect 2 Movie. This chapter

also contains of previous study that became the base of this research.

Chapter III discusses the methodology of the research that includes

research design, instrument of the research, data and data resource, data

technique of collecting data, technique of analyzing data, and unit of


Chapter IV is research finding and discussion. It contains of data

presentation and discussion of the findings that researcher can find.

Chapter V is the last chapter in this thesis. It concludes the present

study and offers suggestions for the next research. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE

In this chapter the researcher discuss about previous study, theoretical review that consist of definition of writing, aspect of writing, teaching English writing, word formation, definition of movie, genre of movie, movie script, and Pitch Perfect 2 movie.

A. Previous Study

Some researchers actually have done the research about

analyzing the word formation. The researcher takes two previous


A study related topic with this research is “Process of Word

Formation found in Advertisement Boards in Kendal Regency”

which was written by Eko Rustamaji in 2015. There are at least

three conclusions can be drawn from findings. Firstly, there are

113 outdoor advertisements containing English words found in the

advertisement boards in Kendal regency. Secondly, from 13 types

of English word formation process he used in his study, there are

11 types of English word formation process that could be found in

the advertisement boards in Kendal regency. Thirdly, the most

frequently used process is compounding.

9 10

Then, this material also has ever examined by Melisa Nofa

Nanda (2012) entitled “An Analysis of Word Formation used in

Twilight Novel by Stephenie Meyer and Twilight Movie Script written by Melissa Rosenberg”. The result of the research is that it was found that types of word formation used in Twilight novel were cliticization (8,6%), internal change (26,35%), suppletion

(54,6%), conversion (0,36%), clipping (8,32%), blending (0,13%), backformation (0,02%), acronym (1,3%), and coinage (0,3%).

Meanwhile, in the Twilight movie script types of word formation used were cliticization (58,42%), internal change (12,06%), suppletion (8,3%), conversion (2,13%), clipping (16,58), blending

(0,38%), and onomatopoeia (2,13%). It was known that the mostly used of type of word formation in Twilight novel was suppletion and the mostly used of type of word formation in Twilight movie script is cliticization.

Based on the previous study above, the researcher will discuss same topic about word formation with two previous studies. The difference this research with the first research is in the object of research and also the application in teaching writing. The second research also different because the object of the research is different movie script and in this research the researcher also discuss about the application in teaching writing, so the result of this research will be different with the previous study above. 11

B. Theoretical Review

1. Writing

a. Definition of Writing

Writing is among the most complex human

activities. It involves the development of a design idea, the

capture of mental representations of knowledge, and of

experience with subjects. According to Burke (2010: 41)

Good writing maybe a matter of the individual reader’s

taste, but good academic writing is evaluated in a shared

professional context. As Faigley in Burke (2010: 41)

writing can be understood only from the perspective of a

society rather than a single individual.

Writing is a circular activity. It is not a natural

activity, so explicit instructions are required for learning

this skill (Farooq et.al, 2012: 184). As when write, the

writer return to ideas to expand them, revise them, or

delete them. Writing is of fundamental importance to

learn, to develop of the person in each learner, and to

succeed in the educational system.

According to Henge in Ahlsén and Lundh (2007: 4)

writing is more than producing accurate and complete

sentences and phrases. Writing is about guiding students to

produce whole pieces of communication, to link and 12

develop information, ideas, or arguments for a particular

reader or a group of readers. Writing is communication

with other in verbal way. Writing is also an action a

process of discovering and organizing your ideas, putting

them on a paper and reshaping and revising them.

From the explanation above the researcher can

conclude that writing is a process to produce the language

and to organize it in the paper. b. Aspect of Writing

According to Farooq et.al (2012: 185-186), writing

has some language aspects namely spelling, punctuation,

grammar and vocabulary. All language aspects are

explained below.

1) Spelling

Spelling is a skill of identifying a word in

spoken and written mode. A word that is

incorrectly spelled is not only a deviation from

the standard, but also something that affects the

intended meaning.

2) Punctuation

Punctuation is any of the mark used to

punctuate in writing. To convey the message

properly, it is necessary that learners use 13

punctuation mark correctly. Punctuation helps the

others to understand what the writer wants to say.

3) Grammar

Many of people face difficulties in the use of

correct sentence structure, paragraph

development, and in creating a coherent form.

Grammar is more than a set of rules, but it is an

ever evolving structure of a language.

4) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the language

components and no languages exist without

words. Words are signs or symbols for ideas. In

order to be able to express them in correct way,

the students need vocabularies which are suitable

with the word-choice are very crucial to keep the

unity of their composition. Because words are the

basic for writing, they determine whether a

paragraph is good or not.

When someone learns a new language, they

must have to know many vocabularies that will

be used to communicate. Vocabulary can be

defined in various ways. Experts have stated the

definition of the vocabulary. According to 14

Blachowicz and Fisher (2005: 2) meaning

vocabulary consists of words that a student can

attach appropriate meaning to, or define. c. Teaching English Writing

It is undertaking certain ethical task or activities the

intense on of which is to induce learning. Therefore,

English language teaching means that the teacher gives

some knowledge about English so that they can use

English well anywhere.

Teaching writing is not as easy as what be

imagined. Before write the writing, writers have to know

what is writing and the kinds of writing. Teachers have

to able to explain them to their students.

The reason for teaching writing to students of

English as a foreign language include reinforcement,

language development, learning style and most

importantly, writing as a skill in its own right (Harmer,

2001: 79).

These describes as follows:

1) Reinforcement

Writing reinforces the grammatical

structure, idioms, and vocabulary that we have

been teaching our students. 15

2) Language Development

The actual process of writing (rather like the

process of speaking) helps us to learn as we go

along. The mental activity we have to go trough

in order to construct proper written texts is all

parts of ongoing learning experience.

3) Learning Style

For many learners, the time to think things

through to produce language in a slower way is

invaluable. Writing is appropriate for such

learners. It can be a quiet reflective activity

instead of the rush and bother of interpersonal

face-to-face communication.

4) Writing as a Skill

By for the most important reason for

teaching writing, it is a basic language skill.

Students need to know how to write letters, how

to put written reports together, how to reply to

advertisement. They need to know some of

writing’s special conventions (punctuation,

paragraph construction, etc) just as they need to

know to pronounce English appropriately. 16

Some students acquire language in a purely oral

way, but most of us benefit greatly from seeing the

language written down. Students often find it useful to

write sentences using new language shortly after they have

studied it. Writing is appropriate for such learners because

it can be a quite reflective activity instead of rush and

bother of interpersonal face to face communication.

There is no limit to the kinds of sentences or texts

that the teacher asks students to write. The decisions and

though will be based on how much vocabularies and

languages that students know, what their interest are and

what the teacher thinks not only give knowledge for them

but also motivate them as well.

2. Word Formation

Word-formation has traditionally been considered a

branch of lexicology or a branch of equal in important to

morphology and syntax, or it has been assigned to

morphology. Word formation can be defined as the process of

producing complex forms. In linguistics (particularly

morphology), word formation refers to the ways in which new

words are made on the basis of other words and morphemes.

Plag (2002:17) defines word formation as a process of creating

new words on the basis of already existing words, including 17

the addition and subtraction of phonetic material. Yule

(2006:64) also defines word formation processes

(mechanisms) as the study of the processes whereby new

words come into being in a language. Word-formation has a

great role in maintaining the existence of language especially

English language.

Yule (2006: 53) classified the word formation processes into twelve categories. The thirteen categories are : a. Etymology

The study of origin and history of a word is known

as its etymology, a term which, like many of the technical

words, comes through Latin, but has its origins in Greek

(étymon ‘origin form’ + logia ‘study of’). When we look

closely at the etymologies of less technical words, we soon

discover that there are many different ways in which new

words can enter the language. b. Coinage

Coinage is the most typical sources are invented

trade names for commercial products that become general

terms (usually without capital letters) for any version of

that product. Older examples are aspirin, nylon, vaseline

and zipper; more recent examples are kleenex, teflon,

Tylenol and xerox. 18

New words based on the name of a person or a

place is called eponyms. Examples of eponyms are

sandwich (from the eighteenth-century Earl of Sandwich

who first insisted on having his bread and meat together

while gambling) and jeans (from the Italian city of Genoa

where the type of cloth was first made). Some eponyms are

technical terms, based on the names of those who first

discovered or invented things, such as fahrenheit (from the

German, Gabriel Fahrenheit), volt (from the Italian,

Alessandro Volta) and watt (from the Scot, James Watt). c. Borrowing

One of the most common sources of new words in

English is the process simply labeled borrowing, that is, the

taking over of words from other languages. Throughout its

history, the English language has adopted a vast number of

words from other languages, including croissant (French),

dope (Dutch), lilac (Persian), piano (Italian), pretzel

(German), sofa (Arabic), tattoo (Tahitian), tycoon

(Japanese), yogurt (Turkish) and zebra (Bantu). Other

languages, of course, borrow terms from English, as in the

Japanese use of suupaa or suupaamaaketto (‘supermarket’)

and taipuraitaa (‘typewriter’), Hungarians talking about 19

sport, klub and futbal, or the French discussing problems of

le stress, overaglass of le whisky, during le weekend. d. Compounding

In some of those examples it is just considered,

there is a joining of two separate words to produce a single

form. Thus, Lehn and Wort are combined to produce

Lehnwort in German. This combining process, technically

known as compounding is very common in languages such

as German and English, but much less common in

languages such as French and Spanish. Common English

compounds are bookcase, doorknob, fingerprint, sunburn,

textbook, wallpaper, wastebasket and waterbed. All these

examples are nouns, but we can also create compound

adjectives (good-looking, low-paid) and compounds of

adjective (fast) plus noun (food) a sin a fast-food restaurant

or a full-time job. e. Blending

The combination of two separate forms to produce a

single new term is also present in the process called

blending. In some parts of the USA, there’s a product that

is used like gasoline, but is made from alcohol, so the

‘blended’ word for referring to this product is gasohol. In

places where they have a lot of this stuff, they can jokingly 20

make a distinction between smog, smaze (smoke + haze)

and smurk (smoke + murk). Some other commonly used

examples of blending are bit (binary/digit), brunch

(breakfast/lunch), motel (motor/hotel), telecast

(television/broadcast) and the Chunnel (Channel/tunnel),

connecting England and France.

To describe the mixing of languages, some people

talk about Franglais (French/Anglais) and Spanglish

(Spanish/English). In a few blends, we combine the

beginnings of both words, as in terms from information

technology, such as telex (teleprinter/exchange) or modem

(modulator/demodulator). There is also the word fax,but

that is not a blend. It’s an example of our next category. f. Clipping

The element of reduction that is noticeable in

blending is even more apparent in the process described as

clipping. This occurs when a word of more than one

syllable (facsimile) is reduced to a shorter form (fax),

usually beginning in casual speech. Other common

examples are ad (advertisement), bra (brassiere), cab

(cabriolet), condo (condominium), fan (fanatic), flu

(influenza), perm (permanent wave), phone, plane and pub

(public house). English speakers also like to clip each 21

other’s names, as in Al, Ed, Liz, Mike, Ron, Sam, Sue and

Tom. There must be something about educational

environments, as in chem, exam, gym, lab, math, phys-ed,

poly-sci, prof and typo.

A particular type of reduction, favored in Australian

and British English, produces forms technically known as

hypocorisms. In this process, a longer word is reduced to a

single syllable, then -y or -ie is added to the end. This is the

process that results in telly (‘television’). It has also

produced Aussie (‘Australian’), barbie (‘barbecue’), bookie

(‘bookmaker’), brekky (‘breakfast’) and hankie

(‘handkerchief’). g. Backformation

A very specialized type of reduction process is

known as backformation. Typically, a word of one type

(usually a noun) is reduced to form a word of another type

(usually a verb). A good example of backformation is the

process whereby the noun television first came into use and

then the verb televise was created from it. Other examples

of words created by this process are: donate (from

‘donation’), emote (from ‘emotion’), enthuse (from

‘enthusiasm’), liaise (from ‘liaison’) and babysit (from

‘babysitter’). Indeed, when use the verb backform (Did you 22

know that ‘opt’ was backformed from ‘option’?), it is using

a backformation. h. Conversion

A change in the function of a word, as for example

when a noun comes to be used as a verb (without any

reduction), is generally known as conversion. Other labels

for this very common process are ‘category change’ and

‘functional shift’. A number of nouns such as bottle, butter,

chair and vacation have come to be used, through

conversion, as verbs: We bottled the home-brew last night;

Have you buttered the toast?; Someone has to chair the

meeting; They’re vacationing in Florida. These conversions

are readily accepted, but some examples, such as the noun

impact being used as a verb, seem to impact some people’s

sensibilities rather negatively.

Verbs (see through, stand up) also become

adjectives, as in see-through material or a stand-up

comedian. Or adjectives, as in a dirty floor, an empty room,

some crazy ideas and those nasty people, can become the

verbs to dirty and to empty, or the nouns a crazy and the

nasty. 23

i. Acronyms

Acronyms are new words formed from the initial

letters of a set of other words. These can be forms such as

CD (‘compact disk’) or VCR (‘video cassette recorder’)

where the pronunciation consists of saying each separate

letter. More typically, acronyms are pronounced as new

single words, as in NATO, NASA or UNESCO. These

examples have kept their capital letters, but many acronyms

simply become everyday terms such as laser (‘light

amplification by stimulated emission of radiation’), radar

(‘radio detecting and ranging’), scuba (‘selfcontained

underwater breathing apparatus’) and zip (‘zone

improvement plan’) code.

Names for organizations are often designed to have

their acronym represent an appropriate term, as in ‘mothers

against drunk driving’ (MADD) and ‘women against rape’

(WAR). Some new acronyms come into general use so

quickly that many speakers do not think of their component

meanings. Innovations such as the ATM (‘automatic teller

machine’) and the required PIN (‘personal identification

number’) are regularly used with one of their elements

repeated, as in I sometimes forget my PIN number when I

go to the ATM machine. 24

j. Derivation

This process is called derivation and it is

accomplished by means of a large number of small ‘bits’ of

the English language which are not usually given separate

listings in dictionaries. These small ‘bits’ are generally

described as affixes. Some familiar examples are the

elements un-, mis-, pre-, -ful, -less, -ish, -ism and -ness

which appear in words like unhappy, misrepresent,

prejudge, joyful, careless, boyish, terrorism and sadness. k. Prefixes and suffixes

Looking more closely at the preceding group of

words, we can see that some affixes have to be added to the

beginning of the word (e.g. un-) are called prefixes. Other

affixes have to be added to the end of the word (e.g. -ish)

and are called suffixes. All English words formed by this

derivational process have either prefixes or suffixes, or

both. Thus, mislead has a prefix, disrespectful has both a

prefix and a suffix, and foolishness has two suffixes. l. Infixes

There is a third type of affix, not normally used in

English, but found in some other languages. This is called

an infix and, as the term suggests, it is an affix that is 25

incorporated inside another word. It is possible to see the

general principle at work in certain expressions,

occasionally used in fortuitous or aggravating

circumstances by emotionally aroused English speakers:

Hallebloodylujah!, Hallebloodylujah!, Absogoddamlutely!

and Unfuckinbelievable!. m. Multiple processes

Although it has concentrated on each of these word-

formation processes in isolation, it is possible to trace the

operation of more than one process at work in the creation

of a particular word. For example, the term deli seems to

have become a common American English expression via a

process of first borrowing delicatessen (from German) and

then clipping that borrowed form. If someone says that

problems with the project have snowballed, the final word

can be analyzed as an example of compounding in which

snow and ball were combined to form the noun snowball,

which was then turned into a verb through conversion.

Forms that begin as acronyms can also go through other

processes, as in the use of lase as a verb, the result of

backformation from laser. In the expression waspish

attitudes, the acronym WASP (‘white Anglo-Saxon 26

protestant’) has lost its capital letters and gained a suffix (-

ish) in the derivation process.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher will

use the theory from Yule about the categories of word

formation that consist of etymology, coinage, borrowing,

compounding, blending, clipping, back formation,

conversion, acronyms, derivation, prefixes and suffixes,

infixes, and multiple processes

3. Movie

a. The definition of movie

Movie or film is a visual medium that dramatizes a

basic story line; it deals in pictures, images, bits and pieces

of film: We see a clock ticking, a window opening, a person

in the distance leaning over a balcony, smoking; in the

background we hear a phone ringing, a baby crying, a dog

barking as we see two people laughing as their car pulls

away from the curb (Field, 2005: 19). Hornby (2005:207)

also defines that film is a series of moving pictures recorded

with sound that tells a story, shown on television or at the

cinema or movie theatre.

b. Movie Script

According to Field (2005: 20) states that movie script

or screenplay is a story told with pictures, in dialogue and 27

description, and placed within the context of dramatic

structure. Then, movie script or screenplay is the text for a

film, including the words to be spoken by the actors and

instructions for the cameras (Cambridge Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary).

Based on the theories above, the researcher can make

conclusion that movie script or screenplay is a story told

with pictures, in dialogue and description, and placed within

the context of dramatic structure. Movie script or screenplay

is the words for a film. c. Pitch Perfect 2 Movie

Figure 1. Pitch Perfect 2 Movie Poster

Pitch Perfect 2 is a 2015 American comedy film

directed and co-produced by and written

by . It is a sequel to the 2012 film Pitch Perfect

and the second installment in the Pitch Perfect series. The 28

film centers on the fictional Barden University and The

Bellas, an all-female a cappella singing group. It was released on May 15, 2015 by .

The plot of this movie is coming from Bellas (a cappella group) wants to back in music. Three years after winning the previous competition, the Barden Bellas are now led by Beca Mitchell and three-time super senior

Chloe Beale. The Bellas have become ICCA champions each of these three years. However, the group becomes involved in a national scandal, dubbed Muffgate, when a wardrobe malfunction causes Fat Amy's pants to rip in front of President , as well as showing her vagina to the public since she did not wear underwear, leading to the Bellas' suspension from the ICCAs. Beca makes a deal to allow the Bellas to be reinstated should they win the

World Championship of a cappella.

Freshman Emily Junk begins her college career, hoping to follow in her mother Katherine's footsteps by being a Bella. At orientation, she watches an a cappella performance by the Treblemakers, now led by Beca's boyfriend Jesse Swanson. Benjamin "Benji" Applebaum,

Jesse's best friend, overhears Emily, leading to a crush on her. 29

The Bellas learn that German a cappella group, Das

Sound Machine, have replaced the Bellas on their victory tour. Additionally, Beca has started an internship at a recording studio, Residual Heat, something only Jesse knows.

Emily goes to the Bellas' sorority house to audition for them because of their absence from the auditions. When she sings her unfinished song "Flashlight," she succeeds in joining the Bellas.

At a car show where the ICCA winners are due to perform, the Bellas scout their replacements, German powerhouse "Das Sound Machine" (DSM) - led by intimidating duo Pieter Krämer and Kommissar, who take delight in mocking the all-girl group. Later, the Bellas are invited to an exclusive riff-off, but end up losing to DSM in the final round when a nervous Emily flubs an attempt to sing "Flashlight," her original song not from the right category ("90's Hip-Hop Jamz").

The next day when they warm ups, the Bellas' chance of winning end in disaster when the performance makes John and Gail question the Bellas' identity and sets

Cynthia-Rose's hair on fire by pyrotechnics. In order to regain harmony and sync, Chloe takes them to a retreat led 30

by former leader Aubrey Posen. Beca starts a heated debate with Chloe over herself being the only one thinking about life beyond the Bellas and Chloe's obsession with winning


To prove to her boss that she can produce music well, Beca offers Emily to produce "Flashlight" at the studio. The group realizes that they may not see each other after graduation and regain harmony by singing "Cups

(When I'm Gone)." At the studio, Emily and Beca present their song to Beca's boss, in which he envies their talent and looks forward to producing with them.

The senior Bellas graduate and they all head off to

Copenhagen for the World Finals, with Jesse and Benji to cheer them on. They perform a harmonized version of

"Flashlight" with Aubrey, Katherine, and other past Bellas joining in. The Bellas win the championship and repair the damaged legacy. As the senior Bellas leave Barden, they give Emily a belated proper initiation with Fat Amy showing her how to do the last tradition: christening the house by sliding down the staircase. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD

This chapter discusses the methodology of the research. It presents the research design, instrument of the research, data and data resource, data technique of collecting data, technique of analyzing data, and unit of analysis.

A. Research Design

According to Bogdan and Biklen in Sugiyono (2011: 13)

characteristics of qualitative research as follows:

1. Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source

of data and researcher is the key instrument.

2. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the

form of words of pictures rather than number.

3. Qualitative researches are concerned with process rather than

simply with outcomes or product.

4. Qualitative research tends to analyze their data inductively.

5. “Meaning” is of essential to the qualitative research.

Based on the explanation above, this research used

descriptive qualitative method. It meant that researcher applied a

set of procedures used for problem solving based on the factual

data. This research can be called qualitative research since it is

concerned with non-numerical data. It is descriptive, since it is

31 32

aimed at describing the facts of the analysis systematically based

on actually they are.

B. Data and Data Source

Qualitative research involves non-numeric data. The data of

this research was the word formation used in Pitch Perfect 2 movie

script. The researcher obtained the data from the Pitch Perfect 2

movie script.

C. Unit of Analysis

In this research, the researcher wants to analyze the word

formation in the movie script. The movie title that wants to analyze

is Pitch Perfect 2. The word formation can found in the movie

script that uttered by actors in the movie. The categories of word

formation that can be found such as coinage, borrowing,

compounding, blending, clipping, backformation, conversion,

acronyms, derivation, prefixes and suffixes, infixes, and multiple

processes. The word formation processes in the actors’ utterance in

movie script that would be analyzed by researchers. 33

D. Instrument of the Research

Sugiyono (2011:292) states that in qualitative research, the

researcher is the primary instrument for data collection and

analyzing the data and makes the conclusion.

This research is qualitative, so the primary instrument is the

researcher herself. The researcher got the data by watching the

movie, finding the word formation in the movie, making notes of

the word formation that found in the movie, and analyzing the

processes of word-formation.

E. Technique of Collecting the Data

According to Cresswell (2012: 204) qualitative data

collection is more than simply deciding on whether the researcher

will observe or interview people. In this research the researcher

needed some steps to collecting the data. The following steps were:

1. The researcher searched and downloaded the movie script

from internet.

2. The researcher analyzed the word formation on the movie

script. 34

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

According to Cresswell (2012: 236) analyzing qualitative

data requires understanding how to make sense of text and images

so that researcher can form answers to research questions.

To analyze the data, researcher also needed some steps and

activities to make the research run well. The following steps and

activities were:

1. Reading the Pitch Perfect 2 movie script.

2. Coding the data from Pitch Perfect 2 movie script.

3. Taking the word formations’ data that used in the movie script.

4. Classifying the data to the types of word formation.

5. Making conclusion the data analysis.

To make the analysis of data be easier, the researcher gives

some code in the data. The data coding is based on the number of

data and the characters in the movie. Below is the abbreviation of

each character in the Pitch Perfect 2 movie :

1. Beca Mitchell is abbreviated to BC

2. Chloe Beale is abbreviated to CL

3. Patricia “Fat Amy” is abbreviated to FA

4. Stacie Conrad is abbreviated to ST

5. Cynthia-Rose Adam is abbreviated to CT

6. Lilly Onakurama is abbreviated to LY

7. Emily Junk is abbreviated to EML 35

8. Florencia Fuentes is abbreviated to FL

9. Jessica is abbreviated to JSC

10. Ashley is abbreviated to ASL

11. Bellas is abbreviated to BLS

12. Jesse Swanson is abbreviated to JS

13. Bumper Allen is abbreviated to BM

14. Aubrey Posen is abbreviated to AB

15. Benjamin Applebaum is abbreviated to BJ

16. Das Sound Machine is abbreviated to DSM

17. Komissar is abbreviated to KMS

18. Pieter Kramer is abbreviated to PT

19. Katherine Junk is abbreviated to KTR

20. John Smith is abbreviated to JN

21. Gail Abernathy-McKadden-Feinberger is abbreviated to GL

22. Sammy is abbreviated to SM

23. Dax is abbreviated to DX

24. Clay Matthews is abbreviated to CL

25. Riff-Off host is abbreviated to RO

26. Tone Hanger singer is abbreviated to TH

27. Team Canada is abbreviated to TC

Following the example of coding data in this research :


1 : refers to the number of conversation 36

JH : refers to the speaker who uses word formation.

The character is John Smith.

00:00:33 : refers to the time when the character expresses

the utterance that contains of word formation.

The dialogue occurred in the second of 33. CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION

This chapter focuses on the results of the findings and the analysis of the obtained data. All the obtained data will be presented in details in this chapter. This chapter is divided into two main sub-chapters. For the first, the researcher presents research finding and the second is discussion.

A. Research Finding

In this thesis, the researcher analyzed the Word Formation

processes in the Pitch Perfect 2 movie script. The researcher found

176 data that can be classified into thirteen categories of word

formation. After analyzing the data the researcher found out eleven

categories of word formation in that movie script. They are coinage,

borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping, backformation,

conversion, acronyms, derivation, prefixes and suffixes, and multiple

processes. The category and frequency of the word formation from

the data can be seen from the following table :

Table 1. Number and Percentage of Word Formation

No. Word Formation Total Percentage (%) 1. Etymology 0 0 2. Coinage 6 3.5 3. Borrowing 20 11 4. Compounding 51 30 5. Blending 5 3

37 38

6. Clipping 32 18 7. Back Formation 2 1 8. Conversion 9 5 9. Acronyms 3 1.5 10. Derivation 40 22.5 11. Prefixes and Suffixes 3 1.5 12. Infixes 0 0 13. Multiple Processes 5 3 Total 176 100

From the data above the researcher concluded that there are 11

of 13 categories of word formation found in Pitch Perfect 2 movie

script. The data also indicated that the most dominant word formation

category is compounding which is contains 30% from 176 words of

word formation. The researcher found coinage (3.5%), borrowing

(11%), blending (3%), clipping (18%), back formation (1%),

conversion (5%), acronyms (1.5%), derivation (22.5%), prefixes and

suffixes (1.5%), and multiple processes (3%).

B. Discussion

In this part, the researcher would like to discuss the data

findings of word formation that used in Pitch Perfect 2 movie script.

It consists of the categories of word formation in the movie script

with the lexical meaning and the application of word formation in the

movie script to teach writing. 39

1. The Categories of Word Formation used in Pitch Perfect 2

Movie Script and the Lexical Meaning.

a. Coinage

Coinage is the most typical sources are invented

trade names for commercial products that become general

terms (usually without capital letters) for any version of that

product. Examples of coinage are aspirin, nylon, kleenex, and

xerox. New words based on the name of a person or a place

is called eponyms. Examples of eponyms are sandwich,

jeans, Fahrenheit, and watt. In this research, the researcher

identified 6 words belong to coinage. Here are the examples:

 1/ DX/00:18:55: “But I’m wearing skinny jeans”.

Analysis: The word jeans came from Italian city of

Genoa where the type of cloth was first made. Jeans is

trousers made of denim ( = strong blue cotton cloth)

which are worn informally.

 2/SM/00:16:43: “Come on. Last one in has to help Frank

watch YouTube videos to find the next Justin Bieber.”

Analysis: YouTube is a brand of website. YouTube is a

website that allows people to show video they have

made on the Internet.

 3/FA/00:58:51: “Candles? Cloth napkins? Food other

than Funyuns? Little fancier than our typical hookup.” 40

Analysis: The word funyuns is the brand name of an

onion-flavored corn crisp introduced in the United State

in 1969. b. Borrowing

Borrowing is, the taking over of words from other

languages. Throughout its history, the English language has

adopted a vast number of words from other languages,

including croissant (French), dope (Dutch), lilac (Persian),

piano (Italian), and sofa (Arabic). Here are the examples:

 4/JN/00:00:33: “We have a commando situation! There

is a commando situation on stage!”

Analysis: The word commando stems from the Africans

word kommando which translates roughly to “mobile

infantry regiment”. Commando is (a member of) a small

group of soldiers that are specially trained to make

attacks on enemy areas which are very dangerous or

difficult to attack.



Analysis: The word tsunami is borrowed from Japanese

word for harbor wave (Tsu = harbor + nami = wave).

Tsunami is an extremely large wave caused by 41

movement of the Earth under the sea, often caused by an

earthquake (= when the Earth shakes).

 6/DX/00:34:52: “Corner? Where am I gonna do with my

sriracha sauce?”

Analysis: The word Sriracha is borrowed from Thai:

ศรีราชา, with pronunciation: [sǐː rāː.t͡ ɕʰāː] means type of

sauce. Sriracha is a type of hot sauce or chili sauce made

from a paste of chili peppers, distilled vinegar, garlic,

sugar, and salt.

 7/BC/00:37:10: “Just get coffee and burritos and stuff.

But I wanna produce music”

Analysis: The word coffee is derived from the Arabic

.is an origin which means to lack hunger (ﻗﺔوة) qahwah

Coffee is a dark brown powder with a strong flavor and

smell that is made by crushing coffee beans, or a hot

drink made from this powder.

 8/ BC/00:38:27: “This was on the porch.”

Analysis: The word porch is borrowed from Latin

porticus "colonnade". Porch is a covered structure in

front of the entrance to a building. c. Compounding

In some of those examples it is just considered,

there is a joining of two separate words to produce a single 42

form. Common English compounds are bookcase, doorknob,

fingerprint, sunburn, good-looking, low-paid, and fast-food.

Here are the examples:

 9/JN/00:03:07: “An overweight girl dangling from the

ceiling. Who hasn’t had that dream?”

Analysis: The word overweight is made from the word

‘over’ and ‘weight’. Over means above or higher than

something else, sometimes so that one thing covers the

other. While weight means the amount that something

or someone weighs. Overweight means too heavy or fat.

 10//BC/00:05:52: “Chloe, chill out. It was a mistake.

They’re not gonna burn us for witchcraft.”

Analysis: The word witchcraft is made from the word

‘witch’ and ‘craft’. Witch means a woman who is

believed to have magical powers and who uses them to

harm or help other people. While craft means (a job or

activity needing) skill and experience, especially in

relation to making objects. Witchcraft means the

activity of performing magic to help or harm other


 11/JN/00:09:39: “What if you win it? Like, you

outperform the other groups. Ho ho! How do you fit 43

such big dreams in such a small body? What if you win


Analysis: The word outperform is made from word

‘out’ and ‘perform’. Out means used to show movement

away from the inside of a place or container. While

perform means to do an action or piece of work.

Outperform means to do well in a particular job or

activity compared to others of a similar type.

 12/ST/00:12:55: “So if we don’t win the World’s, what

are we? Just a bunch of girls who hangout?”

Analysis: The word hangout is made from word ‘hang’

and ‘out’. Hang means to fasten or support something at

the top leaving the other parts free to move, or to be

held in this way. While out means used to show

movement away from the inside of a place or container.

Hangout means a place where someone spends a lot of

time or where they live. d. Blending

The combination of two separate forms to produce a

single new term is also present in the process called blending.

The examples are : smaze (smoke + haze) and smurk (smoke

+ murk). Some other commonly used examples of blending

are bit (binary/digit), brunch (breakfast/lunch), motel 44

(motor/hotel), and telecast (television/broadcast). Here are the examples:

 13/JN/00:00:43: “You’re listening to Let’s Talkappella,

the world’s premiere downloadable a cappella podcast”.

Analysis: The word podcast derived from the word iPod

[n] and broadcast [v]. iPod means a type of small MP3

player. While broadcast means to send out a program on

television or radio. Podcast means a radio program that is

stored in a digital (= using signals in the form of

numbers) form that you can download from the Internet

and play on a computer or on an MP3 player.

 14/BJ/00:24:12: “Krol fluebal and a movie”.

Analysis: The word movie derived from word moving [n]

and picture [n]. Moving means going to a different place

to live or work. While picture means a drawing, painting

or photograph, etc. Movie means cinema film.

 15/CL/ 00:47:15: “I got nothing. Dammit, I got nothing


Analysis: The word dammit derived from damn [excl]

and it [pron]. Damn is an expression of anger. While it,

means the thing, animal or situation which has already

been mentioned. Dammit means expression of anger to

something. 45

e. Clipping

The element of reduction that is noticeable in

blending is even more apparent in the process described as

clipping. The examples are ad (advertisement), bra

(brassiere), cab (cabriolet), condo (condominium), fan

(fanatic), flu (influenza), and perm (permanent wave). Some

of the results are:

 16/EML/00:19:44: “Hi. I’m Emily Junk. I know, it’s

weird. It’s my mom’s last name. My dad’s last name is

Hardon, so , I’m a legacy. Junk. My mom was a Bella”.

Analysis: Mommy [n] mom [n]. Mom stands for

mommy. Mom is a female parent.

 17/EML/00:20:10: “Still does. You do not want to hear

that woman doing it with my dad”.

Analysis: Daddy [n] dad [n]. Dad stands for daddy.

Dad is a male parent.

 18/EML/00:33:42: “Thanks”

Analysis: Thank you [excl] thanks [excl]. Thanks stand

for thank you. Thanks is words or actions that show you

are grateful or pleased about something

 19/SM/01:27:22: “Well... Ummmm... Gosh, I don't like

it. I don't like it when people can do what I can do. In a

manner of speaking, it’s threatening. But uh, you just did 46

it. And I -- I have a few notes that I assume that you are

open to. But this is a solid demo with real potential.

Yeah, Iook forward to working together. Nice to meet

you, I gotta go jump on a call. wants to put

out a kids album”.

Analysis: Demonstration [n] demo [n]. Demo stands for

demonstration. Demo means a way of expressing a

feeling, quality, or ability that someone has. f. Back Formation

A very specialized type of reduction process is known

as backformation. Typically, a word of one type (usually a

noun) is reduced to form a word of another type (usually a

verb). The examples of words created by this process are:

donate (from ‘donation’), liaise (from ‘liaison’) and babysit

(from ‘babysitter’). Here are the examples:

 20/GL/00:09:21: “yes, the world Championships of A

Cappella, where every four years, groups from around the

globe compete for world domination. I’m sorry. I just

feel like I always have to be on, you know”.

Analysis: The word compete is came from competition.

Compete [v] competition [n]. Compete means to try to be

more successful than someone or something else. 47

 21/GL/01:30:29: “Here it is folks. The granddad of them


Analysis: The word granddad is come from granddaddy.

Granddaddy is informal for grandfather. Granddad means

used rudely or humorously to address an old man. g. Conversion

A change in the function of a word, as for example

when a noun comes to be used as a verb (without any

reduction), is generally known as conversion. Other labels for

this very common process are ‘category change’ and

‘functional shift’. Verbs (see through, stand up) also become

adjectives, as in see-through material or a stand-up

comedian. Here are the examples:

 22/BLS/00:02:55: “FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA!”

Analysis: Shining [v+ing] shining [adj]. The word

shining in this context is adjective because it followed by

noun (sea). Shining as an adjective means bright and

smooth. Furthermore, shining is also a verb which means

to send out or reflect light.

 23/PT/00:31:15: “Your team is like, a, how do you say

that? A heated mess. You know, a mess where heat is

applied to it so what once was a little messy is now

even messier”. 48

Analysis: Heated [v3] heated [adj]. The word heated in

this context is adjective because it followed by noun

(mess). Heated as adjective describes something which

has been made hot or warm. In contrast, heated is also a

verb in past which means to make something hot or

warm, or to become hot or warm.

 24/EML/00:52:25: Sorry, I panicked. I understand if

you want me to crawl under a rock and die.

Analysis: panicked [v3] panicked [adj]. The word

panicked in this context is an adjective because it is

following noun [n]. Panicked as adjective means feel

worried or frightened. Furthermore, panicked is also a

verb which means to suddenly feel so worried or

frightened that you cannot think or behave calmly or


 25/FA/01:24:39: “GOOOOOOOOO! Well, what are

you doing? I’m solo here! Whatever!”

Analysis: Solo [adj] solo [n]. The word solo in this

context is a noun because it explains who Fat Amy is

(I’m solo here). Solo as an noun means a musical

performance done by one person alone, or a musical

performance in which one person is given special 49

attention. In other case, solo is also as an adjective

which means alone; without other people. h. Acronym

Acronyms are new words formed from the initial

letters of a set of other words. These can be forms such as CD

(‘compact disk’) or VCR (‘video cassette recorder’) where the

pronunciation consists of saying each separate letter. More

typically, acronyms are pronounced as new single words, as

in NATO, NASA, UNESCO, radar, scuba, and zip. Here are

the examples:

 26/SM/00:17:46: “If you’d listened to it like I did.

stranded in the air with TI on a golden hang glider, then

you would have known that it wasn’t the classics. I’ve

had to listen to that album on two different occasions.

Hang glider with TI and also on a rocket ship that

Eminem built. Hang glider with TI and also on a rocket

ship that Eminem built. It doesn’t go anywhere, but he’s

got dreams for it, okay? So I need you to close your

mouth. Herein lies the problem everybody. Last I checked

there are over a million Christmas albums -- with the

same ten damn songs on them.”

Analysis: The word TI stands for titanium. Titanium

means a light, strong, white metallic element. 50

 27/CL/00:33:19: “ya Bec, we need that ASAP so we can

start nailing down our choreography”.

Analysis: The word ASAP stands for as soon as possible.

 28/FA/01:38:14: “Guys, there’s going to be some haters

out there. They are going to look at us -- Team USA –

and wonder why is the most talented one Australian.

Well I’m fat so that is close enough. We are going to

show them who we are a bunch of ethnically diverse, for

the most part feminine, amazing singers! Let’s go out

there and Ac’ the world!”

Analysis: the word USA stands for United States of

America. United States of America is a constitutional

federal republic. i. Derivation

This process is called derivation and it is

accomplished by means of a large number of small ‘bits’ of

the English language which are not usually given separate

listings in dictionaries. These small ‘bits’ are generally

described as affixes. Some familiar examples are the

elements un-, mis-, pre-, -ful, -less, -ish, -ism and -ness

which appear in words like unhappy, misrepresent,

prejudge, joyful, careless, boyish, terrorism and sadness.

Here are the examples: 51

 29/GL/00:07:22: “You’re being replaced by the

European champions. A German group whose skill is

matched only by its professionalism.”

Analysis: Professional [adj] + -ism (suffix) =

Professionalism [n]. Professionalism means the

combination of all the qualities that are connected with

trained and skilled people.

 30/SM/00:37:28: “Seriously, yeah. Dax, see what

happened there? She did something that was helpful

and now I’m going to reward her by listening to her

demos. Turn back around.”

Analysis: Help [v] + -ful (suffix) = Helpful [adj].

Helpful means willing to help or useful.

 31/FA/00:48:00: “Unfair!”

Analysis: Un- (prefix) + fair [adj] = Unfair [adj]. Unfair

means not treating people in an equal way, or not

morally right

 32/BM/01:22:52: “okay, well that hurts my feelings

with my vote, I vote “no” to the pig and “yes” to this


Analysis: Glorious [adj] + -ness (suffix) =

Gloriousness [n]. Gloriousness means deserving great

admiration, praise and honor. 52

j. Prefixes and suffixes

Some affixes have to be added to the beginning of

the word (e.g. un-) are called prefixes. Other affixes have to

be added to the end of the word (e.g. -ish) and are called

suffixes. All English words formed by this derivational

process have either prefixes or suffixes, or both. Thus,

mislead has a prefix, disrespectful has both a prefix and a

suffix, and foolishness has two suffixes. Here are the


 33/JN/00:06:45: “Little southern exposure in front of the

Commander-In-Chief has irreparably damaged the entire

institution of a cappella. Funding has dropped, sponsors

are pulling out. Unfortunately an example must be


Analysis: Un- (prefix) + fortunate [adj] + -ly (suffix) =

Unfortunately [adv]. The word unfortunately used to say

that something is sad, disappointing or has a bad effect

 34/BC/00:55:29: “Hey it’s me. You probably won’t be

able to even hear this message because as it turns out, I

have nothing to say. Um, that’s music industry speak for

“I suck” so... You’re definitely sleeping right now. That’s

cool. Hopefully this isn’t us growing apart. Text me

when you’re up.” 53

Analysis: Hope [v] + -ful (suffix) + -ly (suffix) =

Hopefully [adv]. Hopefully used, often at the start of a

sentence, to express what you would like to happen. k. Multiple Processes

Although it has concentrated on each of these word-

formation processes in isolation, it is possible to trace the

operation of more than one process at work in the creation of

a particular word. For example, delicatessen, snowballed,

lase, and WASP. Here are the examples:

 35/JN/00:00:43: You’re listening to Let’s Talkappella, the

world’s premiere downloadable a cappella podcast.

Analysis : The word downloadable is a multiple process

from compounding in which ‘down’ and ‘load’ were

combined to form the verb ‘download’, which was then

added by suffix ‘-able’ as derivation. Downloadable

means able to be downloaded.

 36/FA/00:15:02: Word. We need to scout those Deutsch-


Analysis: The word Deutsche-bags is a multiple process

from borrowing and compounding because word deutsche

is borrowing from German language and it is combined

with the word ‘bags’. Deutsche-bag is a brand of bag that

produced in German. 54

 37/EML/00:26:09: “Hi! I am so excited to meet the

woman who single-handedly created the Bella sound.

We’re sister. I can’t believe we’re sisters!”

Analysis: The word single-handedly is a multiple process

from compounding in which ‘single’ and ‘handed’ were

combined to form the verb ‘single-handed’, which was

then added by suffix ‘-ly’ as derivation. Single-handedly

means without any help from anyone else.

2. The Application of Word Formation in the movie script

entitled Pitch Perfect 2 in Teaching Writing

According to the research findings, it is known that word

formation which used in Pitch Perfect 2 movie script has many

categories. Each category has many types of word such as verb,

noun, adverb, and adjective. The application of word formation

can form many new vocabularies. If students get many

vocabularies they will easier to write. This knowledge then can

be transferred to other situation where students need to make

interpretation in writing.

Based on the syllabus for the tenth grade of Senior High

School, there are four language skills namely: listening,

speaking, reading and writing. The materials, based on syllabus

of the tenth grade of Senior High School, are both formal and

informal transaction and interpersonal conversations in daily 55

short, functional text (announcement, advertisement, invitation), and genre text of monolog text such as recount, narrative, descriptive, news item. This study only focuses in how to apply the categories of word formation from the conversation of Pitch

Perfect 2 movie script especially in teaching writing with the material about announcement that can be explained in the lesson plan.

Every good teacher should make a lesson plan. Lesson plan is a detailed guide for teaching a lesson. It’s step-by-step guide that outlines the teacher’s objective for what the students will accomplish that day. The form of the application in this sub- chapter is lesson plan. 56


SUBJECT : English (Wajib)



TIME ALLOCATION : 2 x 45 minutes


3.8 Analyzing the social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic

elements in the announcement text, according to the context of its


4.12 Composing the written announcement text, very short and simple,

which taking the social function of the text structure, and the correct

linguistic elements and appropriate to the context.


3.8 Students can analyze the social function, the structure of the text, and

linguistic elements in announcement text, according to the context of

its use.

4.12 Students can compose written announcement text, very short and

simple, which taking the social function of the text structure, and the

correct linguistic elements and appropriate to the context. 57


a. Generic Structure of Announcement

1. Title

A title that specifies the announcement contains what, and

usually describes a general over view.

2. Explanation

Explanation contains of a detail of the event in announcement,

such as time, location, and participants.

b. Example of announcement

 SMAN Englishindo gives a scholarship for 100 students of Junior High School. The following requirements should be noticed : - High interest in English and Math - Certified for IT course, including Office, Photoshop, Coreldraw, Autocad It is also allowed for Headmaster of the school to give recommendation letter to make the grantee accepted. For further info, visit our blogsite at Englishindo.com

 ANNOUNCEMENT To: Staff and members of students’ organization. Would you like to come and join us on: Day: Monday Date: 3 Oct 2011 Time: 09.30 a.m Program: Regular meeting. Thanks for your attention. Chairperson, Dude. 58


1. Approach : Scientific Approach

2. Method : Discovery

3. Strategy : Writing


1. Pre-activity

 Preparation the media

 Opening : Greeting, Praying, and Checking students attendance

 Introducing the material about word formation and announcement


 Reading some pieces of movie script

2. Whilst activity

a. Observing

 Students observe the example of announcement text and word

formation in the movie script.

 With the teacher guidance, students identify word formation in

the announcement text based on the word formation in the movie


b. Questioning

 With the teacher guidance, the students get the chance to ask

anything related to announcement text and word formation. 59

c. Exploring

 Students show the part of announcement text and the examples of

word formation in the announcement text.

d. Associating

 Students make the example of announcement text individually

very short and simple using word formation..

e. Communicating

 The students come in front of the classroom while reading their

announcement text.

3. Post-activity

 Teacher and students conclude the result of learning process.

 Teacher gives homework for students to practice at home.

 Teacher and students plan a follow-up study to the next meeting.

 Teacher and students implement common prayer.


1. Learning Medias :

 Movie Script

 Power point presentation

2. Learning Sources :

 Internet sources

 Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X Semester 1 60


1. Technique

Written test:

Assessment process takes place during the learning process since the

activity of observing, asking, exploring, associating, and



 Observation

 Teacher journal and self-assessment

 The achievement of students assesses by the teacher using grading

scale with rubrics and the students themselves by using the check



Students’ knowledge about the social function, the structure of the text,

and linguistic elements are evaluated using written test.


The project assessments.

2. Form of the Instrument


3. Instrument ( Test and Non-test)

Makes a text about introducing yourself based on formal situation.

4. Keys and Scrolling Guidelines

Scrolling Guidelines: 61

Scoring Rubric a. Rubric of Attitude Aspect:

1. Observation Table

Attitude Indicator

N Name of Students o responsibility Honesty Spiritual confident cooperation Score 1



Note: Every aspects is using scale 1 - 4

1 = very less 3 = fair 5 = very good

2 = less 4 = good

2. Journal of Teacher

No. Day/Date Students’ Name Behavior Follow-up




4. 62

b. Rubric of Knowledge Aspect:

No. Items Score

1. Content 0-25

2. Generic structure of the text 0-25

3. Grammar 0-25

4. Vocabulary 0-25

Maximum score 100

Gombong, May 30, 2017


The Headmaster English Teacher


This chapter is the last chapter which consists of conclusions and suggestion. The conclusion is summed in this chapter based on the data finding and the discussions in the previous chapter. Meanwhile, the suggestions are aimed to people who want to conduct a study with same topic of this study.

A. Conclusion

As explained previously, this research has analyzed the word

formation processes in Pitch Perfect 2 movie script and its

application in teaching writing. After analyzing the data, the

researcher concluded that:

1. There are eleven categories of word formation used in Pitch

Perfect 2 movie script. They are coinage (3.5%), borrowing

(11%), compounding (30%), blending (3%), clipping (18%),

backformation (1%), conversion (5%), acronyms (1.5%),

derivation (22.5%), prefixes and suffixes (1.5%), and multiple

processes (3%). The category of word formation that is common

used in Pitch Perfect 2 movie script is compounding. It takes 30

% of total term or 51 words from total 176 data.

2. All the lexical meanings of word formation found in Pitch

Perfect 2 movie script taken from Cambridge Advanced

63 64

Learner’s and put in appendices. Borrowing is one of the

categories of word formation that has two meanings (origin

meaning and lexical meaning). Almost all the lexical words from

the categories of borrowing have similar meaning with the origin


3. According to the research findings, it is known that word

formation which used in Pitch Perfect 2 movie script has many

categories. The application of word formation can form many

new vocabularies that can make students easier to write. This

research is focused in how to apply the categories of word

formation from the conversation of Pitch Perfect 2 movie script

especially in teaching writing at the tenth grade of senior high

school with the material about announcement.

B. Suggestions

The researcher would like to propose some suggestions

dealing with the topic and the results of this research. Firstly, for

English teachers, the researcher expects this research is useful for

them as an inspiration to teach word formation in order to students

not bored in classroom. Teacher could use a movie script to teach

word formation.

Secondly, for students, the researcher expects this study

also useful for them who want to enrich their knowledge in word 65

formation, especially word formation that used in movie script.

The last, the researcher really expects that there will be other researcher conducted by English Department students with the same topic but different object. As a result, there will be many research reports dealing with English word formation processes with various objects. The researcher kindly expects that this study can be one of the references used by those who are interested in learning the word formation. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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Appendix 1. Words List of Word Formation that Used in Pitch Perfect 2 Movie Script  Coinage Words Lexical Meaning YouTube a website that allows people to show videos they have made on the Internet Jeans trousers made of denim (= strong blue cotton cloth) which are worn informally Maxi Pad Brand of sanitary napkin, nickname for ‘Max’- used to piss off a person of that name Funyus The brand name of an onion-flavored corn crisp introduced in the United State in 1969. Whiskey a strong, pale brown alcoholic drink, originally from Scotland and Ireland, made from grain such as barley , maize or rye

 Borrowing Words Origin Lexical meaning Commando Africans word a small group of soldiers that are commando “mobile specially trained to make attacks on infantry regiment” enemy areas which are very dangerous or difficult to attack Silk From Greek a delicate, soft type of cloth made σηρικός serikos from a thread produced by means “silken” silkworms , or the thread itself Tiara From Ancient a piece of metal in the shape of half Greek: τιάρά “kind a circle decorated with jewels (= of turban” precious stones) which is worn on the head by a woman, Tsunami From Japanese an extremely large wave caused by word for harbor movement of the Earth under the wave (Tsu = harbor sea, often caused by an earthquake + nami = wave). Kraut From German krӓut Sauerkraut US is cabbage which has means “herbs” and been cut into small pieces and also for cabbage. preserved in vinegar Sriracha From Thai: ศรีราชา, a type of hot sauce or chili sauce with made from a paste of chili peppers, pronunciation: [sǐː distilled vinegar, garlic, sugar, and rāː.t͡ ɕʰāː] “sauce”. salt. Coffee Arabic qahwah a dark brown powder with a strong is an origin flavor and smell that is made by (ﻗﺔوة) which means to crushing coffee beans, or a hot lack hunger. drink made from this powder Porch From Latin porticus a covered structure in front of the "colonnade". entrance to a building Ninja From Japan (ninja) a Japanese fighter, especially in the was a covert agent past, who moves and acts without or mercenary in being seen and usually carries a feudal Japan. short sword Patisserie From French cakes made in the French style pâtisserie (pronounced [pɑtisʶi]) “bakery”. Charcuterie French [ʃaʶkyt’ʶİ] A branch of cooking devoted to from chair “meat” prepared meat products and cuit “cooked”. Danish From late Latin the language of Denmark Dani ‘Danes’ mean Denmark. Barbeque From the Spanish a spicy sauce which is used to word barbacoa flavor food cooked on a barbecue means cooking method. Cinnamon Hebrew q’tsī’āh, a the bark (= hard outer covering) of a form of the verb tropical tree, or a brown powder qātsa’ “to strip off made from this, used as a spice to bark”. give a particular taste to food, especially sweet food Hurrah German word hurra used to express excitement, pleasure means use as an or approval exclamation of joy . Cherry From French cerise a small, round, soft red or black meaning cherry. fruit with a single hard seed in the middle, or the tree on which the fruit grows Vanilla From Asia vainilla a substance made from the seeds of means little pod a tropical plant, which is used to give flavor to sweet foods Vodka From Slavic word a colorless strong alcoholic drink voda (water).. made especially from grain or potatoes Serenade From Italian word to play a piece of music or sing for serenata means a someone, especially for a woman musical while standing outside her house at composition. night  Compounding Words Lexical Meaning All-female Everything that is belonging or relating to women Cheerleader a person, usually a woman or girl, who leads the crowd in shouting encouragement and supporting a team at a sports event Backflip A backward somersault done in the air with the arms and legs stretched out straight Onstage onto or on a stage for a performance Overweight Fat Underwear clothes worn next to the skin, under other clothes Witchcraft he activity of performing magic to help or harm other people Outperform to do well in a particular job or activity compared to others of a similar type Passport an official document containing personal information and usually a photograph which allows a person to travel to foreign countries and to prove who they are Flashlight a small light that you can carry with you Eye-opening surprises you and teaches you new facts about life, people, etc Well-known known or recognized by many people Backward not advanced Hangout a place where someone spends a lot of time or where they live Standout an excellent or the best example of something Loophole a small mistake in an agreement or law which gives someone the chance to avoid having to do something Eardrum a thin piece of skin inside the ear that moves backwards and forwards very quickly when sound waves reach it, allowing you to hear sounds Snowflake a small piece of snow Drive-in A drive-in bank, cinema, restaurant, etc. is one that you can use or visit without getting out of your car. Gentleman a polite way of talking to or referring to a man Showdown an important argument which is intended to end a disagreement that has existed for a long time Downtown in or to the central part of a city Homebound unable to leave your home, especially because you are ill Mush-up to crush something, especially food Hookup a connection between two or more things, places or people using electronic equipment Workshop a meeting of people to discuss and/or perform practical work in a subject or activity Walkabout an occasion when an important person walks around a public place, meeting and talking to members of the public Free-range relating to or produced by farm animals that are allowed to move around outside and are not kept in cages (= boxes) Firework a small container filled with explosive chemicals which produce bright colored patterns or loud noises when they explode Back-up support or help, or something that you have arranged in case your main plans, equipment, etc. go wrong Screensaver on a computer, a program which protects the screen by automatically producing a moving image if the computer has not been used for a few minutes Songwriting writes the music and words of songs Godmother a female godparent Teamwork when a group of people work well together Minibar a small fridge in a hotel bedroom, with drinks inside Outside not inside a building Counterproductive having an effect which is opposite to the one that is intended or wanted Minefield an area of land or water which contains mines (= bombs) Underprivileged without the money, possessions, education, opportunities, etc. that the average person has Uphold to defend or keep a principle or law, or to state that a decision which has already been made, especially a legal one, is correct Staircase a set of stairs inside a building usually with a bar fixed on the wall or onto vertical poles at the side for you to hold on to

 Blending Words Lexical Meaning Podcast (iPod + Broadcast ) a radio program that is stored in a digital (= using signals in the form of numbers) form that you can download from the Internet and play on a computer or on an MP3 player Movie (Moving + Picture ) Cinema film Dammit an expression of anger  Clipping Words Lexical Meaning Champs (Champion) someone or something, especially a person or animal, that has beaten all other competitors in a competition Flo (Florencia) People name ‘cause (Because) he reason why something, especially something bad, happens Nothin’ (Nothing) not anything Freakin (Freaking) to become or cause someone to become extremely emotional Mom (Mommy) Mother Dad (Daddy) Father Sync (Synchronization) suited to and show an understanding of Thanks (Thank you) used to tell someone that you are grateful because they have given you something or done something for you Callin’ (calling) a strong wish to do a job, usually one which is socially valuable Doin’ (Doing) to be done or caused by someone Demo (Demonstration) n example of a product, especially a computer program or piece of recorded music, given or shown to someone to try to make them buy it Butt (Buttock) either side of a person's bottom Throwin’ (Throwing) send something through the air with force, especially by a sudden movement of the arm Actin’ (Acting) the job of performing in films or plays Becs (Beca) People name Grammy one of a set of prizes given each year to people (Gramophone) involved in different areas of the music industry

 Back Formation Words Lexical Meaning Compete to try to be more successful than someone or something else Granddad used rudely or humorously to address an old man

 Conversion Words Lexical Meaning Shining Bright and smooth Wreaking to cause something to happen in a violent and often uncontrolled way Ceiling the inside surface of a room which you can see when you look above you Pioneer a person who is one of the first people to do something Heated describes something which has been made hot or warm. Panicked feeling worried or frightened Embattled having a lot of problems or difficulties To collaborate to work with someone else for a special purpose Solo a musical performance done by one person alone, or a musical performance in which one person is given special attention

 Acronyms Words Lexical Meaning TI Titanium ASAP As Soon As Possible USA United States of America

 Derivation Words Lexical Meaning Absolutely completely Apparently used to say you have read or been told something although you are not certain it is true Championship a high-level competition to decide who is the best, especially in a sport Intentionally With planned or intended Reasonable based on or using good judgment and therefore fair and practical Professionalism the combination of all the qualities that are connected with trained and skilled people Unless except if Reinstate to give someone back their previous job or position, or to cause something to exist again Officially formally and in a way agreed to or arranged by people in positions of authority Honestly in a way that is truthful Internship a period of time spent doing a job as part of becoming qualified to do it Forgettable not important or good enough to be remembered Physically in a way that relates to the body or someone's appearance Flawless perfect or without mistakes Definitely without any doubt Totally completely Inflexible fixed and unable or unwilling to change Helpful willing to help, or useful Exchange when you give something to someone and they give you something else Respectful showing admiration for someone or something Unfair not treating people in an equal way, or not morally right Unprofessional not showing the standard of behavior or skills that are expected of a person in a skilled job Intimately Closely Portable light and small enough to be easily carried or moved Impossible describes a situation which is extremely difficult to deal with or solve Retreat to go away from a place or person in order to escape from fighting or danger Relearn to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity again Eventually in the end, especially after a long time or a lot of effort, problems, etc Seriously badly or severely Re-enter to come or go into a particular place again Gloriousness deserving great admiration, praise and honor Realistically according to the facts and what is possible Reasonable based on or using good judgment and therefore fair and practical Obviously in a way that is easy to understand or see Rediscovering to find something or someone again after losing or forgetting about them for a long time

 Prefixes and suffixes Words Lexical meaning Unfortunately used to say that something is sad, disappointing or has a bad effect Hopefully used, often at the start of a sentence, to express what you would like to happen

 Multiple processes Words Lexical Meaning Downloadable able to be downloaded Deutsche-bag a brand of bag that produced in German Single-handedly without any help from anyone else Dumb-cap A pointed hat, formerly used as an article of discipline in schools Man-sandwich When two men catch an unsuspecting victim in between them and begin to squeeze Appendix 2. Pitch Perfect 2 Movie Script

"PITCH PERFECT 2" Written by: Kay Cannon Based on the book by: Mickey Rapkin Directed by: Elizabeth Banks Produced by: Elizabeth Banks, Paul Brooks,

JOHN 00:00:33: Welcome back, a cappella enthusiasts! JOHN 00:00:35: I’m John Smith and sitting to my right is Gail Abernathy- McCaddenFeinberger. GAIL 00:00:39: This one’s gonna stick, John. JOHN 00:00:40: Well you saved the Jew for last. GAIL00:00:43: I did, I did. JOHN 00:00:43: You’re listening to Let’s Talkappella, the world’s premiere downloadable a cappella podcast. GAIL 00:00:47: We are coming to you live from our nation’s capital where the Barden University Bellas are about to rock the historic Kennedy Center. JOHN 00:00:54: These ladies have broken down every barrier in their path, haven’t they, Gail? GAIL 00:00:57: Absolutely, John. The first all-female group to win a national title. Three-time defending champs. And now here they are performing for the President of the United States on his birthday. JOHN 00:01:08: Wow. What an inspiration to girls all over the country who are too ugly to be cheerleaders. BECA (CONT’D) 00:01:18: THEY SAY YOU'RE A FREAK WHEN WE'RE HAVING FUN. SAY YOU MUST BE HIGH WHEN WE’RE SPREADING LOVE. …(sing continues) CHLOE 00:01:41: IT’S GOING DOWN/I’M YELLING TIMBER/YOU BETTER MOVE, YOU BETTER DANCE... BELLAS 00:01:56: WOOOOAH (TIMBER)/WOOOOAH (TIMBER)/ WOOOOAH (IT'S GOING DOWN)... JOHN (O.C.) 00:01:58: There’s Beca Mitchell, leader of the group. GAIL 00:02:00: look at these, squints and sparkles. CYNTHIA ROSE 00:02:10: THE BIGGER THEY ARE, THE HARDER THEY FALL... (rap continues) BECA/BELLAS 00:02:28: IT’S GOING DOWN/I’M YELLING TIMBEEER...! GAIL (O.C.) 00:02:32: My! Their feet just don’t stop moving. Flo Fuentes just earned her green card, John. International exchange student Flo Fuentes just earned her green card! JOHN 00:02:35: She may have to do that backflip right back over the fence into Mexico. need to do that flip right over the fence and back into Mexico. GAIL 00:02:40: I think she’s Guatemalan. JOHN 00:02:41: Oh, none of that matters. GAIL (O.C.) 00:02:43: There is so much happening going on onstage, I don’t know where to look. JOHN00:02:45: Back in my day, we just sang. Maybe snapped our fingers if we were feeling frisky. BELLAS 00:02:55: FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA! FAT AMY 00:03:01: I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!/I NEVER HIT SO HARD IN LOVE!... GAIL 00:03:06: Wow! What a surprise! JOHN 00:03:07: An overweight girl dangling from the ceiling. Who hasn’t had that dream? GAIL 00:03:12: Lots of us! FAT AMY 00:03:19:...I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL! JOHN (O.C.) 00:03:39: No, she has no underwear on. We have a commando situation! There is a commando situation on stage! GAIL (O.C.) 00:03:44: Who is on top of this?! JOHN 00:03:47: Take her back up already! JOHN 00: 03:50: She’s turning. She’s turning -- FAT AMY 00:03:53: Avert your eyes or take it all in! You need to make a choice! GAIL (O.C.) 00:03:55: Not the front! Nobody wants to see the front! LOCAL NEWS ANCHOR 00:04:02: Happy birthday, Mr. President. The Australian singer who calls herself “Fat Amy” gave the President a birthday gift from “down under” during last night’s celebration held at the Historic Kennedy Center. And if you’re wondering what I mean by down under, Chip. I’m talking about her ******. She showed her ******. To the President. TODAY SHOW HOST 00:04:23: All eyes were on The Barden Bellas -- JAKE TAPPER 00:04:26: Three time defending national champions, which is a real thing... apparently. MSNBC REPORTER 00:04:32: Although authorities have ruled out terrorism as a motive, The Bellas claim the mishap was merely an accident. And Fat Amy issued an apology-- FAT AMY (off paper) 00:04:39: I am deeply sorry for the upset that I have caused. I feel I have already received punishment enough... in the form of silk burn. Exhibit C. FOX NEWS PUNDIT 00:04:53: It’s filth. Women who sing are just another example of cultural decay due to loose morals-- JOE SCARBOROUGH 00:04:59: Not wearing underwear seems kind of intentional, don’t you think? MORNING JOE CO HOST 00:05:02: Yeah, you either choose to wear underwear or you don’t wear underwear. JOE SCARBOROUGH 00:05:05: That is a decision I make every day. 00:05:06: You know, until today, I thought singing a cappella was the most embarrassing thing you could do. ROSIE O’DONNELL 00:05:11: Usually those girls were on point and last night they were off point, off key, and their clothes on the floor. 00:05:16: Yeah, but I’d rather be in that limo ride home with the real President and he be like, “That shit was off the hook!” BECA 00:05:52: Chloe, chill out. It was a mistake. They’re not gonna burn us for witchcraft. CHLOE 00:05:55: No, but right now, the people that run the I.C.C.A’s are - in there with the Dean talking about us, and they think we’re a bunch of laughing stockappellas! BECA 00:06:00: That’s awful. Look, we’ve won three championships. Whatever happens in there, we’ll be okay. Maybe it’s a sign to focus on other stuff. CHLOE 00:06:07: What other stuff? BECA 00:06:08: You know, school, jobs... life. CHLOE 00:06:10: This group is my life. I’ve intentionally failed Russian Lit three times just so I could still be a Bella! CHLOE (CONT’D) 00:06:18: This is the worst thing that’s ever FLO 00:06:21: You know, before coming to Barden, I had diarrhea for seven years. But yes, this is terrible. SECRETARY 00:06:30: The Dean is ready for you tramps. Try not to hump the furniture. DEAN 00:06:36: Ladies, you have dragged the good name of Barden University into the gutter. And you’ve really upset these people, whose names I’ve already forgotten. JOHN 00:06:45: little southern exposure in front of the Commander-In-Chief has irreparably damaged the entire institution of a cappella. Funding has dropped, sponsors are pulling out, Unfortunately an example must be made. GAIL 00:06:58: It is the association of this governing body that the Bellas are hereby suspended from ever participating in competition at the collegiate level. The terms of your suspension are laid out in this document. I’m sorry, but it’s over BECA 00:07:11: Okay, can we be reasonable? Fat Amy apologized. It was an accident. GAIL 00:07:15: Was it? CHLOE 00:07:16: You’re taking us off our I.C.C.A. victory tour? Who’s going to sing the national anthem at the Puppy Bowl? GAIL 00:07:22: You’re being replaced by the European champions. A German group whose skill is matched only by its professionalism. JOHN 00:07:27: In other words, they’ll keep their pants on. CHLOE 00:07:29: So... We can’t defend our title, we can’t tour... DEAN 00:07:32: And you can’t hold any auditions. We don’t need your ranks to grow like a fungus. CHLOE 00:07:37: There’s nothing left. So basically The Bellas are over. JOHN 00:07:40: I’m sorry that this disciplinary action has shocked you, especially since all of you are seniors. But the truth is, you’re just women. And you all be pregnant soon. EMILY 00:07:55: Mom, I’m late. It’s orientation. You gotta let me go. KATHERINE 00:08:00: I can’t. I can’t do it. My only daughter, leaving the nest. KATHERINE (CONT’D) 00:08:08: IF YOU LEAVE ME NOW/YOU’LL TAKE AWAY THE BIGGEST PART OF ME/uh uh uh uh no baby please don’t go... Do you want me to stop because i can keep singing...? EMILY 00:08:17: I don’t know how I’m going to get by without your spontaneous singing. KATHERINE 00:08:21: You’re gonna love this place. Just promise me you’ll call. Oh and honey, don’t be afraid to express yourself. But not with those weird buttons in your earlobes, unless you want to work at an organic grocery store or indie coffee shop but then why am paying for college?-- EMILY 00:08:33: Mom, slow down. I’m not gonna do anything crazy. I’m just going to write my songs and join an a cappella group. KATHERINE 00:08:38: Not just any a cappella group. Ignore what Lester Holt said, the Bellas are an institution. My days as a Bella -- EMILY 00:08:45: Were the best of your life, I know. And I can’t wait to be one. unless they don’t take me? KATHERINE 00:08:52: Oh no no, no honey, they’ll take you. Thanks to me, you were born into it. Then I’ll be your mother and your sister. EMILY 00:09:02: Gross. Okay -- EMILY (CONT’D) 00:09:04: And the next phase of my life... Begins! CHLOE 00:09:12: Hold on. There is nothing in here that strips us of our national title. And if we’re still reigning champs, then we are automatically invited to represent America at the World Championships this spring. GAIL 00:09:21: yes, the world Championships of A Cappella, where every four years, groups from around the globe compete for world domination. I’m sorry. I just feel like I always have to be on, you know JOHN 00:09:30: yeah, yeah. Well look ladies, we can’t stop you from going to the Worlds competition. It’s not gonna help your case here. GAIL 00:09:37: not at all. BECA 00:09:37: What if we win it? JOHN 00:09:39: What if you win it? Like, you outperform the other groups. Ho ho! How do you fit such big dreams in such a small body? What if you win it? JOHN (CONT’D) 00:10:01: What if you win it? BECA 00:10:02: Yeah. If we win it, will you reinstate us? GAIL 00:10:04: Sure. But no American team has ever won. JOHN 00:10:08: That’s because they hate us. GAIL00:10:10: The whole world. JOHN 00:10:11: The whole world hates us! REPRESENTATIVE 00:10:15: Hello, fresh persons! Welcome to Barden University! You have made a great choice. And a cheap one. We have a special performance for you guys today, the pride and joy of Barden University -- The Treblemakers! JESSE 00:10:46: Thank you! I’m Jesse and this is a cappella. Let’s do this! JESSE (CONT’D) 00:10:55: YO, TREBLES I SAID SUCKING TOO HARD ON YOUR LOLLIPOP/OH, LOVES GONNA GET YOU DOWN/I SAID SUCKING TOO HARD ON YOUR LOLLIPOP/OH, LOVES GONNA GET YOU DOWN/SUCKING TOO HARD ON YOUR LOLLIPOP/LOVES GONNA GET YOU DOWN/ SUCKING TOO HARD ON YOUR LOLLIPOP LOVES GONNA GET YOU DOWN/SAY LOVE, SAY LOVE/LOVES GONNA GET YOU DOWN SAY LOVE, SAY LOVE... CHLOE 00:12:45: Oh my god oh my god oh my god... FAT AMY 00:12:47: Chloe, don’t blame yourself. You’re a ginger, that’s punishment enough. BECA 00:12:53: This is not all your fault. This is on all of us. STACIE 00:12:55: So if we don’t win the World’s, what are we? Just a bunch of girls who hangout? CYNTHIA ROSE 00:12:59: What’s wrong with that? CHLOE 00:13:00: if we don’t win, the Bellas are over. This is the biggest challenge that any of us have ever faced. FLO 00:13:05: When I was nine years old, my brother tried to sell me for a chicken. So.... STACIE 00:13:10: Well, I will do whoever it takes to get to the top. FAT AMY 00:13:13: You mean, “whatever” it takes. STACIE 00:13:15 : Yeah, I’ll do that, too. BECA 00:13:17: That’s great news. Yeah, I can start Monday. I would be stoked to start on Monday. Sorry, I don’t say stoked. I don’t say stuff like that. I’m pretty cool. You’re gonna like me. That was bad. CHLOE 00:13:29: We just need to attack this problem head on. I want one hundred percent commitment and laser focus. Right? BECA 00:13:34: Great. I will see you on Monday. Beca OUT! What? CHLOE 00:13:40: Beca. BECA 00:13:41: Yeah. JESSE 00:13:44: hey ladies, wanna come to a party ? you guys don’t even have to wear shoes. I’'s the best kind of party. EMILY 00:13:50: Great job, Trebles. You killed it. JESSE 00:13:54: Thank you. You like a cappella? EMILY 00:13:56: Oh yeah. I got my heart set on becoming a Bella. It’s at the very top of all my dream boards. BENJI 00:14:02: Did I hear mention of dreams? Hi. Benjamin Applebaum at your service. May I say, you are so spirited. I just want to put you in a box and saw you in half. JESSE 00:14:11: For magic! As part of a trick. He does magic. It’s only weird if you don’t embrace it. Dude. Explain yourself. BENJI 00:14:20: I’ll be honest. I completely blacked out. How’d I do, man? JESSE 00:14:22: Honestly? I’ve seen you do worse. STACIE 00:14:28: It’s been months. We’re still getting hate mail? FAT AMY 00:14:33: for your hairy situation? CHLOE 00:14:37: Okay, we’re officially registered. Update your passports, ladies. Cause we’re going to the very sunny, very beautiful... COPENHAGEN! FAT AMY 00:14:52: Yeah! Where is that? CHLOE 00:14:53: No idea! I failed Maps! CHLOE 00:14:55: Looks like it’s been dominated by that stupid German team that took over our tour. STACIE 00:15:00: You mean stole our tour. FAT AMY 00:15:02: Word. We need to scout those Deutsche-bags. But how good can they be? German hasn’t produced a good singer since David Hasselhoff. We’re gonna crush them. And when we do, we can stick it to these chumps who sent us all this hate mail, like Sonia Sotomayor. Judgy bitch. The Bellas are back! CHLOE 00:15:25: has anyone talked to Beca today ? BECA 00:15:38: Dude, why do I feel so guilty about taking this internship? I’ve given a lot to the Bellas, like three years of my life. JESSE 00:15:43: Yeah, Bec, you shouldn’t feel guilty for all about taking your shot. BECA 00:15:47: This is a big deal, right? JESSE 00:15:48: Yes. This is a very big deal. JESSE 00:15:56: NOTHIN’ GONNA STOP MY GIRL! BECA 00:15:58: I don’t know him JESSE 00:15:59: Bec’s in effects, y’all! BECA 00:16:00: You can go now! SAMMY 00:16:37: Okay, everybody huddle up. Let’s go! Let’s go! Get out come on! To the table please! Come on. Last one in has to help Frank watch Youtube videos to find the next Justin Bieber. FRANK 00:16:49: Hey, I’m turning twenty-five next week if anyone wants to get drinks, celebrate.. SAMMY 00:16:53: Frank, buddy, less talk. Thank you so much. Okay, my people. Check it. That is. Dax, did you call the tech guy? DAX 00:17:06: Yeah I talked to him. SAMMY 00:17:07: Do you understand that everything else in my life works? DAX 00:17:10: Uh huh. SAMMY 00:17:11: So I just need everything in here to work, too. DAX 00:17:14: He said he was gonna call me back -- SAMMY 00:17:15: Oh my god. DAX 00:17:17: You want me to call him now? SAMMY 00:17:18: Don’t... you do it now. DAX 00:17:20: Okay. SAMMY 00:17:23: There we go. That is the lion himself, legendary Snoop D-O- Double-G singing “White Christmas” at a tree lighting ceremony in Moscow. He was so moved by the power of music to unite the world or some shit that now he wants to drop a cool Christmas album, because I sleep on a bed of Grammys, he has decided to hire me to produce it. Now… There’s a murmur of excitement. DAX 00:17:43: But already put out a Christmas album -- SAMMY 00:17:46: If you’d listened to it like I did. stranded in the air with T.I. on a golden hang glider, then you would have known that it wasn’t the classics. I’ve had to listen to that album on two different occasions. Hang glider with T.I. and also on a rocket ship that Eminem built. It doesn’t go anywhere, but he’s got dreams for it, okay? So I need you to close your mouth. Herein lies the problem everybody. Last I checked there are over a million Christmas albums -- with the same ten damn songs on them. So guys, I’m telling you, man, I need all hands on deck to come up with ideas on how to make this one standout. You got it? Fire when ready. I want to hear ideas. Anything. Anybody. Right now would be great. Anybody to talk. DAX 00:18:33: What if we get ….. SAMMY 00:18:34: anybody but you DAX 00:18:36: What if we get those dogs that bark jingle bells to back him up? SAMMY 00:18:39: Let me guess. You want those dogs to back him up because his name is Snoop Dogg? DAX 00:18:44: Yeah! SAMMY 00:18:44: That was a really great example of a horrible idea. Take a lap. DAX 00:18:53: What? SAMMY 00:18:54: Take a lap. DAX 00:18:55: But I’m wearing skinny jeans. SAMMY 00:18:56: I don’t care. Go, go, go. I want to see knees up. Knees up please! Guys, I gonna give you a little more time. A minute. One minute. Sixty seconds. SAMMY (CONT’D) 00:19:08: My time is like a toddler in a tiara. precious and short. Good ideas, my people! Snoop is coming! FAT AMY 00:19:27: Sorry my boobs are all crazy. I was just jumping. EMILY 00:19:29: Hi, I just came from auditions. You guys weren’t there, and I was hoping for the chance to sing for you. FAT AMY 00:19:36: No. Can’t help you. We’re not allowed to take anyone new. EMILY 00:19:38: No, no, wait! I’m a Junk! CYNTHIA ROSE 00:19:41: What you say about your junk? EMILY 00:19:44: Hi. I’m Emily Junk. I know, it’s weird. It’s my mom’s last name. My dad’s last name is Hardon, so , I’m a legacy. Junk. My mom was a Bella. CHLOE 00:19:59: Your mother is Katherine Junk? STACIE 00:20:01: Who? CHLOE 00:20:02: Only the top bitch of the 1981 Bellas. She pioneered the syncopated booty shake. And word is she had a five-octave vocal range. EMILY 00:20:10: Still does. You do not want to hear that woman doing it with my dad. FAT AMY 00:20:15: What an odd thing to say. CHLOE 00:20:16: True. If a legacy wants to audition we have to let her. Okay, show us what you got. EMILY 00:20:24: Here. Right here. Right now. Okay. I’d like to perform an original song I’m working on. I’m not finished with it so... let’s not be dicks about it. Sorry, was that too crass? It was. Fat Amy, you have a lovely ******. FAT AMY 00:20:42: Thank you. Proceed. EMILY 00:20:47: WHEN TOMORROW COMES/I’LL BE ON MY OWN/FEELING FRIGHTENED OF THE THINGS THAT I DON’T KNOW/WHEN TOMORROW COMES/WHEN TOMORROW COMES/WHEN TOMORROW COMES. AND THOUGH THE ROAD IS LONG. I GOT ALL I NEED/WHEN I GOT YOU AND I/’CAUSE I LOOK AROUND ME/AND SEE A SWEET LIFE/I’M STUCK IN THE DARK/BUT YOU’RE MY FLASHLIGHT/ YOU’RE GETTING ME GETTING ME THROUGH THE NIGHT/YOU’RE MY FLASHLIGHT... YOU’RE MY FLASHLIGHT. CHLOE 00:21:37: Would you excuse us for just one second? CHLOE (CONT’D) 00:21:41: She’s pretty good. Can we take her? FAT AMY 00:21:44: What do you expect us to say? She’s standing right there. Definitely not a soloist. CHLOE 00:21:51: Technically, she came to us. So really we’re not breaking any rules. STACIE 00:21:54: Yeah, it’s the perfect loophole. FLO 00:21:56: you know, it’s always good to have an extra body. in case one of us gets kidnapped for ransom, thrown in a shipping container, and made to eat only leafs and gas receipts. CHLOE 00:22:05: I agree, we need new blood CYNTHIA ROSE 00:22:08: I don’t think we shouldn’t decide anything without Beca. LILLY 00:22:10: I keep a penny under my tongue. STACIE 00:22:14: did anyone else think it was creepy that she never really opened her eyes the whole time? FAT AMY 00:22:17: Again. We’re still talking. And she’s standing right there. But if we’re gonna talk negative, let’s start with the giraffe legs. CHLOE 00:22:25: Okay, let’s put it to a vote. If you think we should let her in, sing a G sharp. If you don’t, sing an E flat. One, two-- BELLAS 00:22:29: AHHHHHHH! CHLOE 00:22:44: Welcome to the Bellas. EMILY 00:22:46: O. M. G! CYNTHIA ROSE 00:22:50: Girl, stop. Stop. Girl stop that. EMILY 00:22:52: Sorry. So when does initiation start?! I’ll go back to my dorm and pretend to be surprised when you throw a hood over my head and make me solve a Rubik’s Cube while sucking vodka from a maxi pad. That’s what my mom said happened. FAT AMY 00:23:04 : no, Look around, we can’t really spare a maxi pad, so all right, grab your nuts, ladies! It’s party time! We’ve got tickets to Copenhagen and a brand new Bella! EMILY00:23:23: Should I shut this door? Does it lock when it shuts? EMILY 00:23:39: Wow. My first college party. FAT AMY 00:23:41: This isn’t just any college party. It’s a cappella only. So if you get laid tonight, it’ll be short and forgettable. JESSE 00:23:50: Bellas! Welcome! CHLOE 00:23:51: Hey, Jesse. Where’s Beca? I thought she might be with you tonight. JESSE 00:23:54: I thought she was with you. CHLOE 00:23:55: I thought she was with you. EMILY 00:24:00: Hey! Benji right? BENJI 00:24:01: Gleff. Pling shlargen-- Oh my god, those aren’t words. Krol fluebal and a movie. EMILY 00:24:15: Are you asking me out? BENJI 00:24:17: yes EMILY 00:24:19: Oh, that’s so sweet. It’s just that it’s my first week and I wasn’t planning on rushing anything. JESSE 00:24:41: Hey! You made it! BECA 00:24:43: Couldn’t miss our last hood night party. JESSE 00:24:46: So... how was the internship? BECA 00:24:50: Eye-opening. Yeah, they do not mess around. JESSE 00:24:53: Chloe asked me where you were. Why haven’t you told her about it yet? BECA 00:24:55: She’s just…She’s locked in to the World’s right now and I’m looking for the right time. BUMPER 00:25:03: Bumper is back! Whoo! Campus security! Bumper! Bumper! FAT AMY 00:25:09: Fat amy is back! Cause I never left, cause I’m still here. BUMPER 00:25:14: but I’m back, so it’s big deal because I’ve arrived again! FAT AMY 00:25:19: You know for someone who left school years ago, you’re harder to shake than mono. BUMPER 00:25:24: I’ve got some pretty big news. FAT AMY 00:25:27: what ? BUMPER 00:25:28: I’ve been hand-plucked to be put on a waiting list to be put on a very well-known TV singing competition. FAT AMY 00:25:37: Really ? BUMPER 00:25:37: yapp, I know what you’re thinking. FAT AMY 00:25:39: Bumper, BUMPER 00:25:40: you shut your face and kiss me,. FAT AMY 00:25:42: no, bumper BUMPER 00:25:45: just shut your face FAT AMY 00:25:46: that is not how I talk BUMPER 00:25:48: you talk exactly like this FAT AMY 00:25:48: do not this. BUMPER 00:25:51: ye, you do FAT AMY 00:25:52: I don’t so shut up! BUMPER 00:25:54: you shut up. EMILY 00:26:09: Hi! I am so excited to meet the woman who single-handedly created the Bella sound. We’re sister. I can’t believe we’re sisters! BECA 00:26:17: Oh right, Chloe texted me we added a legacy. I didn’t even know that was a thing. LILY 00:27:03: remind me again why we are at a car show? CHLOE 00:27:05: we’re here for one reason and one reason only. To scout the competition. EMILY 00:27:09: it’s totally gonna helps us win the Worlds if we know what we’re up against. CHLOE 00:27:13: now, where are those tour thieves? Stacie! Keep it in your pants. Maybe CHLOE 00:27:23: What the? This all should have been ours! I hate Germans! FLO 00:27:33: Holy aca-moly. CHLOE 00:27:33: Okay, the cars moved. Nothing else. FAT AMY 00:27:37: But they are moving backwards. With ghosts driving them. KOMMISSAR 00:27:43: We are Das Sound Machine. A German collective operating in concert to create sonic mastery. What better way to appreciate automotive perfection. DAS SOUND MACHINE 00:28:03: THEY WILL NOT CONTROL US/WE WILL BEVICTORIOUS! PARANOIA IS IN BLOOM THE PR, TRANSMISSIONS WILL RESUME THEY’LL TRY TO……...(song continues) DSM 00:28:54: TSUNAMI DROP/DROP, NAMI NA NAMI NA NAMI NA, NAMI... (song continues) CYNTHIA ROSE 00:29:02: Man, they are massive. How can we compete with a group that size? STACIE 00:29:10: And they’re so freakin’ in sync. DSM (CONT’D) 00:29:14: THEY WILL NOT FORCE US/THEY WILL STOP DEGRADING US... (song continues) KOMMISSAR 00:29:49: Danke shoen! Barden Bellas. You came here to see us. Is it because you are... what do the American kids say, jelly? CHLOE 00:30:05: We are so not jelly! KOMMISSAR 00:30:07: We should really thank you for making this tour a reality. You know with your bumbling ineptitude. We should send them something. Fruit basket? PIETER 00:30:16: Yum, yum. KOMMISSAR 00:30:17: Or would you prefer mini muffins? BECA 00:30:19: Okay, we didn’t come here to start something with you guys. We just wanted to check you out. You know, for when we go to the Worlds. And kick your ass. BELLAS/FAT AMY 00:30:27: Oooh!/that’s right KOMMISSAR 00:30:28: You? You are the kicker of ass? But you are so tiny. Like an elf. Or is it a Fairy sprite? What is the word I mean? PIETER 00:30:41: Troll. KOMMISSAR 00:30:42: That’s it. You are like a troll. BECA 00:30:45: Well you... are... physically flawless. But it doesn’t mean I like you. CHLOE 00:30:53: We are not scared about the Worlds because when The Bellas hit the stage we are going to blow minds. PIETER 00:30:59: Blow minds? With what? More of Flabby Abby’s baby chute? FAT AMY 00:31:01: That’s not my name. PIETER 00:31:03: I don’t know your name. It could be anything. Obese Denise. Inflexible Tina. Lazy Susan... FAT AMY 00:31:10: My name is Fat Amy, un I eat krauts like you for lunch. PIETER 00:31:15: Your team is like, a, how do you say that? A heated mess. You know, a mess where heat is applied to it so what once was a little messy is now even messier. KOMMISSAR 00:31:27: Darlings, please take my advice. Don’t try to beat us. You can’t. We are the best. I must go and rest my neck. It is sore from looking down on you. BECA 00:31:39: Okay! Just because you are making me very sexually confused does mean that you are intimidating. We have nothing to lose. We have literally nothing. Aca Wiedersehen, bitches. Aw, what’s happening to me? Why am I using my hands so much? CHLOE 00:31:54: Alright, ladies, focus up. We need to beat those German dumbkops! FAT AMY 00:31:59: Yep, yep! BECA 00:31:59: okay, we’re gonna beat DSM at their own game. Do what they do, just better. CHLOE 00:32:02: and we have about to do a full skills assessment to blow out our choreography to match EMILY 00:32:07: But the important thing is that we have fun, right? FAT AMY 00:32:11: Legacy. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are the dumbest person alive. EMILY 00:33:10: is it weird that we never got around to singing today ? BECA 00:33:13: well, it’s kind of hard to start singing without arrangements, and that’s on me. So thank you for reminding me. CHLOE 00:33:19: ya Bec, we need that ASAP so we can start nailing down our choreography. BECA 00:33:22: Right on top of that, Chloe. EMILY 00:33:25: so I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been working really hard on, you know, calming my nerves and keeping my eyes open. O was wondering if you could give me some pointers, maybe BECA 00:33:37: Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but I just have somewhere where I need to be. Um, you did great today. EMILY 00:33:42: Thanks SNOOP 00:33:47: I'LL HAVE A BLUE CHRISTMAS WITHOUT YOU/I'LL BE SO BLUE-- SAMMY 00:34:07: Wait, hold up-SNOOP. SNOOP 00:34:09: Wait, hold up? Man, I sound awesome right now. What are you talking about? SAMMY 00:34:13: Nah, it’s not you, it’s a tech thing. Take five. SNOOP 00:34:17: it better be a tech thing. Cause the way I sound in my eardrums, this is immaculate, man. SAMMY 00:34:26: There’s nothing special about the song yet, you know I mean? Any ideas? DAX 00:34:31: Okay, hear me out. SAMMY 00:34:33: Please, Dax, please -- DAX 00:34:34: We could remove sleigh bells and put in kalimba. SAMMY 00:34:43: I know what the kalimba does. I know how it’s operated, okay ? kalimba, don’t say that again. Go in the corner. Go eat your lunch in the corner. DAX 00:34:52: Corner? Where am I gonna do with my sriracha sauce? SAMMY 00:34:55: Say one more hipster thing, and I will shove you in your vintage bassoon case. SAMMY 00:35:05: Aim higher, my people. And be very careful what you pitch to me next. BECA 00:35:08: Have him sing it again. The same way. SAMMY 00:35:13: And who are you? BECA 00:35:15: I’m... nobody. Literally nobody. I just have a thought. SAMMY 00:35:18: Okay. Sure. Nobody else has an idea. Let’s do it exactly the same way. Again. SNOOP 00:35:47: THINKING ABOUT YOU/DECORATIONS OF RED ON A GREEN CHRISTMAS TREE/WON'T BE THE SAME DEAR, IF YOU'RE NOT HERE WITH ME./AND WHEN THOSE BLUE SNOWFLAKES START FALLIN'/THAT'S WHEN THOSE BLUE MEMORIES START CALLIN'/YOU'LL BE DOIN' ALL RIGHT, WITH YOUR CHRISTMAS OF WHITE/BUT I'LL HAVE A BLUE, BLUE, BLUE, BLUE CHRISTMAS. BECA 00:35:56: HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS LET YOUR HEART BE LIGHT FROM NOW ON YOUR TROUBLES WILL BE OUT OF SIGHT YOU’LL BE DOING ALL RIGHT WITH YOUR CHRISTMAS OF WHITE... BECA 00:36:42: Or it can be something different. okay. SAMMY 00:36:44: That was amazing, Snoop. Thank you so very much. You can take small break. Everything. Perfection. Perfection. SNOOP 00:36:52: Groovy like a drive-in movie. SAMMY 00:36:55: You can sing. BECA 00:36:58: I’m like a three-time collegiate a cappella champion so... we’re both huge successes in our field. SAMMY 00:37:06: Yeah, let’s say that. What do you do here? BECA 00:37:10: Just get coffee and burritos and stuff. But I wanna produce music - SAMMY 00:37:16: Dax, do me a favor. Turn around and watch this exchange. That’s value added, okay. Well if you have any demos you’d like me to listen to, I’ll make the time. BECA 00:37:27: Oh, seriously. Oh! SAMMY 00:37:28: Seriously, yeah. Dax, see what happened there? She did something that was helpful and now I’m going to reward her by listening to her demos. Turn back around. . SAMMY 00:37:42: Okay Snoop, we have an idea. SNOOP 00:37:44: Me too. Water skis. But for dry land. Real playa. You know what I’m talking about ? SAMMY 00:37:50: Brilliant BECA 00:37:52: I’ll write that down. SAMMY 00:37:53: yeah, please. BECA 00:38:19: What am I looking at? FAT AMY 00:38:20: we’re pillow fighting! BECA 00:38:23: aahh! You know, this sets women back about thirty years. CHLOE 00:38:25: Nah, we’re just releasing stress. BECA 00:38:27: This was on the porch. CHLOE 00:38:30: What is this? It’s real fancy. CHLOE 00:38:41: Looks like we’ve been invited to sing at some fancy party. EMILY 00:38:43: We’re going to sing? Finally! CHLOE 00:38:46: There’s just an address and a password. FAT AMY 00:38:48: Ooh, how sexy and mysterious. LILLY 00:38:51: Like how all my teeth are from other people. CHLOE 00:39:02: Anyone else scared? STACIE 00:39:03: not really. I already lived longer than I expected. MAN 00:39:10: Password BECA 00:39:15: Fart noise. MAN 00:39:17: Did you not see the parentheses? SIR WILLUPS 00:39:26: Bellas! I’m so glad you all came! Come on in! SIR WILLUPS 00:39:32: Standing in front of you, ladies, happens to be the world’s biggest a cappella fan. BECA 00:39:39: Great! We found you! What can we do for you? SIR WILLUPS 00:39:42: So last week when I was having a tinkle, FAT AMY 00:39:44: it occurred to me SIR WILLUPS 00:39:46: DO NOT! FAT AMY 00:39:48: Sorry. SIR WILLUPS 00:39:49: That was rude. You do not come into a gentleman’s house and touch his goose. BECA 00:39:54: So are we early...? Or -- SIR WILLUPS 00:39:56: Actually, you’re pretty late. Come on. Let’s go! SIR WILLUPS 00:40:04: This is the big time. CHLOE 00:40:19: Das Sound Machine, two o’clock. KOMMISSAR 00:40:21: Tiny Mouse, we meet again. Have you abandoned your foolish plans to face us at the Worlds? BECA 00:40:32: You wish you... gorgeous specimen -- She’s really in my head. KOMMISSAR 00:40:40: Very well. I’ll be happy to send you there. I’ll mail you. Large envelope. Cost nothing. PIETER 00:40:46: Well it would cost more than nothing. But it’s still cheaper than sending like a horse, or an adult moose -- BECA 00:40:52: did you think maybe you're too big? It would cost a fortune to mail you! KOMMISSAR 00:40:59: I think we should change her name to feisty mouse BECA 00:41:02: we just need to find like a taller pair of shoes, wasn’t a big deal JESSE 00:41:05: Hey! BECA 00:41:05: Hey! What are you doing here? What is going on? JESSE 00:41:09: I guess I gotta go. BECA 00:41:10: Why? SIR WILLUPS 00:41:12: Welcome, welcome to the first ever showdown of the National A Cappella Laser Ninja Dragon League! Can you dig it?! To begin, let’s meet the teams! First we have The Treblemakers! We have The Barden Bellas! We have The Tone Hangers! SIR WILLUPS 00:41:58: And taking a break from their national tour, Das Sound Machine! And the pride of Wisconsin, the . FAT AMY 00:42:17: I’d like to be the brisket in that man-sandwich. SIR WILLUPS 00:42:19: Here’s how this works. When I point to you, you sing a song from one of the categories that appear on that board. Only one rule: You’ve got to meet the beat. Here,come here. But you have to do it “follow the Leader” style. If you can’t carry the tune, your whole team’s out! As in, “You Gong!” And then -- Cornelius, I told you before. This is too heavy. I can’t lift it with my arm. SIR WILLUPS 00:43:27: Okay. Now the winners will get... Epic bragging rights! And this. A forty-two thousand dollar gift card to Dave & Busters. SIR WILLUPS 00:43:44: I know Clay Matthews wants it. Let’s get this thing started. Let’s take a look at the first category. songs about butts! BECA 00:43:55: anything on the radio basically, right? SIR WILLUPS 00:43:57: think about what you’re gonna sing. Let’s start with Das Sound Machine! KOMMISSAR 00:44:10: SHE HAD DUMPS LIKE A TRUCK TRUCK TRUCK/THIGHS LIKE A WHAT WHAT WHAT/ BABY MOVE YOUR BUTT BUTT BUTT/LET ME SEE THAT THONG JASON JONES 00:44:26: SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE YOUR BOOTY SHAKE YOUR BOOTY SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE/SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE/SHAKE YOUR BOOTY/SHAKE YOUR BOOTY STACIE 00:44:42: SHAWTY HAD THEM APPLE BOTTOM JEANS BOOTS WITH THE FUR/THE WHOLE CLUB WAS LOOKING AT HER/SHE HIT THE FLOOR/NEXT THING YOU KNOW/SHAWTY GOT LOW, LOW, LOW, LOW, LOW, LOW CLAY MATTHEWS 00:44:58: BABY, CAN YOU HANDLE THIS/BABY, CAN YOU HANDLE THIS/I DON’T THINK THEY CAN HANDLE THIS/I DON’T THINK YOU’RE READY FOR THIS JELLY-- BENJI 00:45:22: I LIKE ’EM ROUND AND BIG/AND WHEN I’M THROWIN’ A GIG/I JUST CAN’T HELP MYSELF, I’M ACTIN’ LIKE AN ANIMAL/NOW -- NOW HERE’S MY THING/JUST A REMINDER/I WANNA GET YOU HOME -- BUT IN A RESPECTFUL WAY/AND I’LL DRAW YOU A HOT BATH AND TALK TO YOU ABOUT YOUR DAY -- SIR WILLUPS 00:45:38: Stop, stop. What was that? Hold up, hold up. You think you’re a better lyricist than Sir Mix-A-Lot? A man who was knighted by the Queen... You know, the band Queen? BENJI 00:45:53: No, sir, I do not. I couldn’t help it. I caught a glimpse of angel and I got inspired. SIR WILLUPS 00:46:00: Well, you’re going to hell because Treblemakers. You gone! SIR WILLUPS 00:46:11: four left, let’s take a look at the next category is... country love! CLAY MATTHEWS 00:46:19: Lam all about this! Nobody in this room has loved more tender than I have. Please pick us, let me have it. Let us have it! Let the world have it! FAT AMY 00:46:25: I would give it to him. SIR WILLUPS 00:46:27: all right, then. Well why don’t we start with you ? Tone Hangers you’re up. JASON JONES 00:46:38: I WENT SKY DIVING/I WENT ROCKY MOUNTAIN CLIMBING/I WENT 2.7 SECONDS ON A BULL NAMED FU- MAN-CHU/ AND I LOVE DEEPER AND I SPOKE SWEETER BECA 00:46:54 : I DUG MY KEY INTO THE SIDE/OF HIS PRETTY LITTLE SOUPED UP FOUR WHEEL DRIVE/CARVED MY NAME INTO HIS LEATHER SEATS -- CLAY MATTHEWS 00:47:15: I got nothing. Dammit, I got nothing guys! DAVID BAKHTIARI 00:47:29: “ Aw, man. I am diss-a-ca-pointed. Am I doing that right? SIR WILLUPS 00:47:31: Reginald Wilson Moncrieff Matthews IV, what on God’s green one are you doing ? CLAY MATTHEWS 00:47:38: I had my mind on those 42 G’s at D and B’s. SIR WILLUPS 00:47:42: I’m afraid you’ve kissed that goodbye. Green Bay Packers.. you gone! Let’s see the next category is Dated .” BUMPER 00:47:57: I was his personal assistant! FAT AMY 00:48:00: Unfair! SIR WILLUPS 00:48:04: okay, then why don’t we start with you, Das Sound Machine ? ALLIE 00:48:20: MAKING MY WAY DOWNTOWN/WALKING FAST FACES PASS/AND I’M HOMEBOUND - CHLOE 00:48:26: WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER/ WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER/YOU GO TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS, TALK TO MY FRIENDS, TALK TO ME/BUT WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER BUMPER 00:48:47: OH OH OH OH WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO/GOT TO DO WITH IT/WHAT’S LOVE BUT A SECOND HAND EMOTION/WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO/GOT TO DO WITH IT/WHO NEEDS A HEART - SIR WILLUPS 00:49:05: Bumper, are you implying John Mayer and Tina Turner are having sex. SIR WILLUPS 00:49:26: I don’t know if I believe him. Unfortunately... Tone Hangers - You gone! Two,we have our final two! now we have a showdown! Let’s take a look, see what your final category is.. 90’s hip-hop jams! Okay you all take a second to think about it KOMMISSAR 00:49:52: /I'M KIND A BUZZED AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE (THIS IS HOW WE DO IT)/SOUTH CENTRAL DOES IT LIKE NOBODY DOES (THIS IS HOW WE DO IT) CYNTHIA ROSE 00:50:07: GIRLS YOU KNOW YOU'D BETTER, WATCH OUT/SOME GUYS, SOME GUYS ARE ONLY ABOUT/THAT THING, THAT THING, THAT THING! PIETER 00:50:17: THAT GIRL IS POISON/NEVER TRUST A BIG BUTT AND A SMILE/THAT GIRL IS POISON FAT AMY 00:50:27: HERE WE GO, YO/HERE WE GO, YO/ SO WHAT’S SO WHAT’S SO WHAT’S THE SCENARIO? PIETER 00:50:37: INSANE IN DA MEMBRANE INSANE IN DA BRAIN! INSANE IN DA MEMBRANE EMILY 00:50:45: I GOT ALL I NEED/WHEN I GOT YOU AND I/’CAUSE I LOOK AROUND ME/AND SEE A SWEET LIFE/I’M STUCK IN THE DARK/BUT YOU’RE MY FLASHLIGHT. YOU’RE MY FLASHLIGHT/YOU’RE GETTING ME GETTING ME THROUGH THE NIGHT. SIR WILLUPS 00:50:59: I’m sorry. What 90s hip hop jam is that again? EMILY 00:51:07: More like a 21st century jam. I wrote it. SIR WILLUPS 00:51:22: So you’re saying it’s an original? EMILY 00:51:26: yes, I’m saying it’s an original song. ALL 00:51:27: BOOOOOOOOO! BUMPER 00:51:33: Our jam is covers! We spit an originals! GET OUT! GET OOOOOOUUUUUT! SIR WILLUPS 00:51:30: What is your name? EMILY 00:51:39: Emily. SIR WILLUPS 00:51:40: Emily. I hate you. In light of this embarrassing and unprofessional information, I am forced to declare -- EMILY 00:51:56: I’m sorry guys. SIR WILLUPS 00:51:57: DAS SOUND MACHINE THE WINNERS! DAS SOUND MACHINE 00:52:09: JUMP, JUMP/DSM WILL MAKE YA JUMP JUMP/KOMISSAR WILL MAKE YA JUMP JUMP/Pieter WILL MAKE YOU JUMP JUMP! BECA 00:52:19: Did you really write that? CHLOE 00:52:21: You shouldn’t have done that, Emily. Now Das Sound Machine thinks they have the drop on us. EMILY 00:52:25: Sorry, I panicked. I understand if you want me to crawl under a rock and die. BECA 00:52:29: Hey, we don’t want that -- Hey. We don’t want that. JESSE 00:52:32: Becs, let’s go meet the Green Bay Packers. BUMPER 00:52:50: Would you like to have sex later? FAT AMY 00:52:54: Uh no! BUMPER 00:52:56: So that’s a no then? ’Cause the wink -- FAT AMY 00:52:56: One hundred percent no. SAMMY 00:53:28: Dax. I swear, if that kid wasn’t my nephew -- BECA 00:53:32: hey, I know you’re crazy busy but have you had a chance to check out those demos? SAMMY 00:53:36: Uh, yeah. Yeah I did. BECA 00:53:41: This dead air between us a good sign. SAMMY 00:53:44: Look, you have a great ear. You proved that in the booth. I was excited to hear what else you had. But what you gave me was just more mash-ups. BECA 00:53:54: Well that’s sort what I do. SAMMY 00:53:56: Listen, Reggie – is it Reggie ? BECA 00:53:58: Beca. That happens a lot though. You’d be surprised. SAMMY 00:54:53: Here’s the thing. Any kid with ears and a laptop can do that. Dax can do that. And that’s fine if you want a career deejaying raves in the desert. But if you want to write “music producer” on your tax forms someday, then you need an original voice. You understand? Show me what you have. Right now, what you have is a demo with mash-ups on it. BECA 00:54:26: I have lots of stuff to say. I’m just, like, saving it all up. SAMMY 00:54:32: look Reggie, what is it Beca ? Beca So... okay, you’re an intern. Everybody is in here is an intern. You’re talented. Everyone else in here is talented. So what the hell makes you special? You know what I mean? So what I’m going to do is give you one more shot to show me who you are as an artist. Don’t waste it. BECA 00:54:58: No, Sir. I will not. Waste it. I got this. SAMMY 00:55:00: For your sake, I hope so. I’d hate to think singing covers in an a cappella group is all you can do. Please replace the paper towels. BECA 00:55:29: Hey it’s me. You probably won’t be able to even hear this message because as it turns out, I have nothing to say. Um, that’s music industry speak for “I suck” so... You’re definitely sleeping right now. That’s cool. Hopefully this isn’t us growing apart. Text me when you’re up. BECA 00:55:51: Hey. FAT AMY 00:55:55: what? A girl can’t say she’s going to grab a smoothie and return fourteen hours later? There’s nothing suspicious about that. Why are you up so late anyways? BECA 00:56:04: I’m trying to figure something out. FAT AMY 00:56:06: Well if you’re working on our set, might I humbly suggest you leave time for me to do some light break dancing? Did you catch it? This requires great mental discipline on my part. BECA 00:56:12: I’m not working on the set... I’m FAT AMY 00:56:14: What? BECA 00:56:16: Nothing. Doesn’t matter. FAT AMY 00:56:24: If you did want to share something with me. Your best friend. I’m a great keeper of secrets. I’m like a safe that locks, with a key, and the key is stashed up mu bum, BECA 00:56:38: it’s fine. Just forget it. It’s all good. FAT AMY 00:56:40: So this has nothing to do with that internship you sneak off to? BECA 00:56:43: What, um --? FAT AMY 00:56:45: C’mon, Beca. You know how we do that thing where I take twenty dollars out of your satchel every month and you pretend not to know about it? I saw your badge in your bag -- don’t be mad. BECA 00:56:56: I’m not. I’m not mad actually. About the badge. The money we’ll come back to -- FAT AMY 00:57:02: Shhh... let’s just focus on your lie. Beca, why haven’t you told us, or at least Chloe? BECA 00:57:11: I don’t know. ’Cause it was easier? Everything is so crazy. Chloe would lose her mind if she thought my sole focus wasn’t winning Worlds. Sorry. And now I’m freaking out because I just learned I may not be good enough to be a music producer. So, that’s fun to think about as I head off into the rest of my life. FAT AMY 00:57:30: Hey. You’re forgetting something, friend. You are seriously the most talented person I know. And I’ve met three of the Wiggles. Intimately. Beca do you know how awesome you are?. You’re Beca effin’ Mitchell. Okay, you’re the big BM that’s you. And you’re awesome! Do you need some of my confidence? ’Cause I could take it down a notch. BECA 00:57:57: Yeah. Okay. FAT AMY 00:57:59: then let me rub some out. Wait think you need a bit more. BECA 00:58:05: it comes from there ? okay thank you. FAT AMY 00:58:51: Candles? Cloth napkins? Food other than Funyuns? Little fancier than our typical hookup. BUMPER 00:59:00: Ya think? I’ve laid out a patisserie and some charcuterie. And a huge bowl of capers. I didn’t know what those were and they’re like salty peas. Please... BUMPER 00:59:18: So. I don’t know if you’ve seen the news lately but there’s a war... And also the economy is dipping and flowing. FAT AMY 00:59:32: Bumper, what’s going on? You’re creeping me out. BUMPER 00:59:38: Alright, I’m just gonna lay it all out there. The reason that I brought you here tonight because I was thinking that maybe, perhaps, if you’re interested. This is harder than I thought it was gonna be. I wanna date you, that’s I want. Like, for real. You know, a real couple. We’d go out in public and hold hands. Or we’d go out in an orchard and pick apples. Or we like do one of those Build A Bear workshops together and we build bears. And yours will be bigger than mine and it’ll be cute. And we could put them on our bed we share... What do you say? FAT AMY 01:00:09: No. I don’t -- I don’t want to do that. BUMPER 01:00:36: That’s cool. Yeah, stupid idea anyway. Maybe we go back to how things used to be and just go at it on top of all this expensive food that I bought. FAT AMY 01:00:51: are you crying ? BUMPER 01:00:55: no, I’m not. FAT AMY 01:00:57: Bump, come on, you can’t be serious. I can’t be tied down by anything I’m on a walkabout I’m a free-range pony that can’t be tamed. You know, I’m like a firework BUMPER 01:01:17: Then I guess... that’s it for us. ‘Cause I can’t go on like this. I think we’re done. I think it’s over. FAT AMY 01:01:27: that’s it ? BUMPER 01:01:29: that’s it then. FAT AMY 01:01:34: fine then it’s over. BUMPER 01:01:44: no! too late. You’re too late! BENJI 01:01:47: I figured when we didn’t do the serenade, the back-up plan should be to play her off. BUMPER 01:01:50: turn around. Go back. I don’t wanna hear another peep! EMILY 01:02:01: hey guys, it’s my first performance. CHLOE 01:02:03: calm down. It’s just a chance for us to rehearse for Worlds. As far as I can tell, it’s just for a bunch of old people. EMILY 01:02:19: There’s a full house out there! How did we get this gig, again? CHLOE 01:02:22: They called us. BECA 01:02:24: You know what, guys? I know we’re trying a lot of new stuff, but I feel like we’re going to get out there, feel the energy, and we’re just going to nail all of it! Sorry, these braids are so tight. CHLOE 01:02:32: I don’t know. I have many doubts. We’ll fail here, we won’t win the Worlds and then there will be no Bellas and then... My life. Will. Have had. No... FLO 01:02:46: Malaria? CHLOE 01:02:48: “Meaning,” Flo! Meaning! JOHN 01:02:53: Hey, everybody, welcome back to “Let’s Talkappella” the portable podcast edition. GAIL 01:02:57: We are following the story of the embattled Barden Bellas on their road to redemption. JOHN 01:03:03: Trying to crawl their way back into the public’s affection. And if they can just hold off showing us any of their genitalia, they may make it to the World Championship. GAIL 01:03:13: But I can’t unsee it. JOHN 01:03:18: Well, there’s a picture of it right here. GAIL 01:03:19: That cannot be your screensaver, John. BECA/BELLAS 01:03:27: YOU GOT ME SO WILD/HOW CAN I EVER DENY/YOU GOT ME SO HIGH/SO HIGH I CANNOT FEEL THE FIRE./AND YOU KEEP TELLING ME/TELLING ME THAT YOU'LL BE SWEET/AND YOU'LL NEVER WANT TO LEAVE MY SIDE/AS LONG AS I DON'T BREAK THESE... GAIL 01:03:56: whoa! JOHN 01:03:59: All right ! This is some exciting stuff. GAIL 01:04:01: so sassy! FAT AMY 01:04:05: I’M YOUR DREAM GIRL/THIS IS REAL LOVE/BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT ME.../THAT GIRL IS A PROBLEM GIRL IS A PROBLEM... JOHN 01:04:27: wow! A lot going on up there. GAIL 01:04:30: I think this sounds good. Honestly, my senses are overwhelmed here, John. JOHN 01:04:34: they might wanna tone down the theatrics. Let’s hope there are no props. GAIL 01:04:38: they brought the props out, john. This is more of a circus act than an a cappella performance. JOHN 01:04:44: Gail, it’s as if the Barden Bellas just don’t know who they are anymore. FAT AMY 01:05:01: she’s on fire! JOHN 01:05:05: now they lit one on fire. Good day! Good heaven! GAIL 01:05:13: beating DSM seems impossible for this team. Even these common people can see that the Barden Bellas have no shot at reinstatement. What an embarrassment to a cappella and all that it stands for. JOHN 01:05:24: this is what happens when you send girls to college. Is it? BECA 01:05:39: Is that for a class? EMILY 01:05:40: Oh, no. It’s just that when I’m stressed words just sort of flow out of me and I try to channel them into my songwriting as much as I - CHLOE 01:05:45: Are we just going to ignore what happened back there? You guys, the Worlds are only three weeks away! And you’re all acting like we didn’t just eat a big bag of dicks! CYNTHIA ROSE 01:05:53: Why are you yelling at me? I almost burned to death because of you aca bitches. FAT AMY 01:05:56: You’re right. I am a hero. But if you almost died, it’s only because you were standing in the wrong spot. CYNTHIA ROSE 01:06:00: no, Flo flipped into me! FLO 01:06:02: Sure, blame the minority. CYNTHIA ROSE 01:06:04: I’m black, gay, and a woman. FAT AMY 01:06:06: I’m not pointing the finger at anybody. It was legacy’s fault. EMILY 01:06:10: me ? wait, I didn’t…. CHLOE 01:06:12: Obviously, we’re not going to beat Das Sound Machine at their game. So we need to figure something else out. Like, now. At times like these, there’s only one thing to do-- FLO 01:06:21: fake your own death and flee the country. CHLOE 01:06:26: Close. We’re going on a retreat. KATHERINE 01:06:30: Look, this retreat is a good thing. You girls need to bond. It builds morale, focuses the group’s energy EMILY 01:06:35: I don’t know. It’s pretty bad. Girls were yelling at each other-- KATHERINE 01:06:40: Big deal. I remember putting your Godmother, Maggie Pistol, in a choke hold when she insisted George Michael was gay. EMILY 01:06:50: I’m just worried my entire Bella career will be that one terrible performance. I’ll never solo at Lincoln Center, you know? KATHERINE 01:06:58: And you get to go to Europe! That would have been a highlight for my collage career. And you girls can win it. You have to win it. EMILY 01:07:06: You just made being a Bella sound so amazing. KATHERINE 01:07:09: It is amazing. It’s a sisterhood that’s going to support you for the rest of your life. I know you’re not feeling it. You will. This won’t be the end of The Bellas. EMILY 01:07:33: Hey, Benji. BENJI 01:07:34: Emily! EMILY 01:07:37: I think you’re missing a word there, maybe. BENJI 01:07:38: what’s that ? God. No. that’s not… that’s isn’t what I mean I just… that’s really embarrassing. EMILY 01:07:48: well, it looks great. BENJI 01:07:50: thank you. When my hands aren’t covered in glitter paint, do you think we could try that again? EMILY 01:08:02: Sure. BENJI 01:08:05: Okay. I’ll look forward to that. EMILY 01:08:11: Just, you know, let me know when they’re clean. BENJI 01:08:17: You bet. Have a good one. EMILY 01:08:41: Wow. It’s so sweet. BECA 01:08:48: I need to find somewhere to charge up my laptop. How’d you hear about this place anyway? WOMAN’S VOICE (O.C.) 01:08:52 : From yours truly...! AUBREY 01:08:54: Hello Bellas. BELLA 01:09:00: Aubrey!! AUBREY 01:09:02: you must be Emily ? Welcome to The Lodge at Fallen Leaves! Where the corporate world sends its marketing divisions and digital groups to build teamwork skills. BECA 01:09:12: You run this whole place? AUBREY 01:09:14: I realized I had a knack for barking orders and bending people’s will so I made a career out of it. Which reminds me... Fall in line, Bellas! No slouching, no straggling! AUBREY 01:09:30: It was with great sorrow and regret that I watched our once proud organization become a national disgrace. FAT AMY 01:09:43: can I have the keys to the minibar ? AUBREY 01:09:44: zip it. The Worlds signifies a shot at redemption. you don’t have a chance at winning until you find your sound again. You’ve totally lost your harmony. And for the next two days, you’re going to do everything together until you regain it. Ladies, get ready to be transformed. You’re surrounded with the strength of your fellow Bellas, the support of a proud female tradition and... A few dozen bear traps so don’t stray too far from the marked paths. FAT AMY 01:10:21: Alright! Whoo! This is great! Think I’ll start this retreat with a hot shower, maybe a little foot rub. AUBREY 01:10:25: Fat Amy, there are no guest rooms for you. FAT AMY 01:10:27: Then where are we staying? FLO 01:10:38: I do not understand camping. We are voluntarily living like dogs. BECA 01:10:45: This is the worst. The air we’re breathing is at least ninety percent fart. FAT AMY 01:10:50: That reminds me, I need to see a man about a horse. JESSICA 01:10:56: Ow, my testicles. FAT AMY 01:10:59: Um, before I head out, anyone happen to pack a spare roll of toilet paper? Or have a t-shirt size extra small? Side of the tent it is. . BECA 01:11:14: What are we doing here? CHLOE 01:11:15: We’re bonding! You seem so tense. Do you need a back rub? BECA 01:11:18: Several body parts are rubbing my back right now. CHLOE 01:11:21: you know, Beca, we’re very close, but I feel like this retreat is really let us discover everything about each other. BECA 01:11:26: Is that right? CHLOE 01:11:28: You know, one of my biggest regrets is that I didn’t do enough experimenting in college. BECA 01:11:33: You’re so weird. CHLOE 01:11:34: thanks BECA 01:11:36: I wanna go home. CYNTHIA ROSE 01:11:42: I hope the sun never comes up. FAT AMY 01:11:53: Oh guys. I gotta a little -- I just need some help getting it out. Can you sing something? The pipes a bit blocked. CHLOE 01:12:05: I’M ALL OUT OF FAITH/THIS IS HOW I FEEL... FAT AMY 01:12:09: Thanks, Chloe. CYNTHIA ROSE 01:12:14: What kind of white shit is this? AUBREY 01:12:31: C’mon, Bellas! Let’s go! Get out of bed! Today, we will back to the basics to re-learn how to sing as a group. ...while also enduring death defying team building trust exercises. CHLOE 01:12:45: What a great idea! AUBREY 01:12:47: So... Let’s begin! BELLAS 01:12:53: HE WAS A FAMOUS TRUMPET MAN FROM OUT CHICAGO WAY. HE HAD A BOOGIE STYLE THAT NO ONE ELSE COULD PLAY. (song continues) BELLAS 01:13:10: YOU CAN’T HURRY LOVE/NO YOU JUST HAVE TO WAIT. SHE SAID LOVE DON’T COME EASY. IT’S A GAME OF GIVE AND TAKE. FAT AMY 01:13:21: come on, lunch! AURBEY 01:13:35: She says she's Asian Jesus. CYNTHIA ROSE 01:13:39: CREOLE . BELLAS 01:14:03: NEVER GONNA GET IT/NEVER GONNA GET IT... AUBREY 01:14:24: Okay, that was two steps away from being almost fine. BECA 01:14:29: Wait, what are we doing? CHLOE 01:14:31: We’re rediscovering our sound. BECA 01:14:32: Are we? ’Cause it seems like we’re just singing songs that we would never put in our set. CHLOE 01:14:37: Beca, c’mon-- BECA 01:14:37: None of us know how to beat Das Sound Machine, but I know it’s not going to be by doing this. AUBREY 01:14:41: It’s an exercise to finding harmony. Sometimes you have to break stuff down before you can build it up-- BECA 01:14:47: I have more important things to do! CHLOE 01:14:49: What could be more important than this? BECA 01:14:51: Nothing, forget it- CHLOE 01:14:53: You’re thinking we haven’t noticed that you’ve been a little checked out? FAT AMY 01:14:56: Come on, Beca. Just tell her -- CHLOE 01:14:58: I heard that. Tell me what? FAT AMY 01:15:00: You misunderstood me. I clearly said, “Rum pond, Teca. Rust smell her.” Listen, I don’t want you guys to fight. You’re Beca and Chloe, together you’re Bloe. And everyone loves a good Bloe. So... BECA 01:15:15: Okay. I’ve been interning at a recording studio and a legit music producer wants to hear my work. God forbid I have something going on outside this group. CHLOE 01:15:22: Okay. So why would you keep something like that from us? BECA 01:15:25: ‘Cause you’re obsessed! You all are! We’re graduating and the only person thinking about life after the Bellas is me. CHLOE 01:15:31: What is so wrong with being focused on the Bellas? This has been my family for seven years! BECA 01:15:36: yaa, ‘cause you’re to scared to leave! Sack up, dude! CHLOE 01:15:40: Oh great. So you’ve been lying to us all year and now is when you choose to flake out?! The Worlds is, like, right after graduation? BECA 01:15:47: Enough about the Worlds! Man, I am out of here. CHLOE 01:15:50: okay, So you’re just going to leave?! BECA 01:15:52: We all have to eventually, Chloe! Might as well be now. If you know what’s good for you, you’d all follow me! EMILY 01:15:38: Beca, the sign! CHLOE 01:16:07: Oh, look who needs our help. BECA 01:16:10: Not cool, guys! CHLOE 01:16:12: No, what’s not cool is you taking your frustrations out on us! BECCA 01:16:15: really ? that’s what you’re gonna say to me right now ? help me! I’m dying! I’m dying! EMILY 01:16:22: we have to get her down! We need a ladder. AUBREY 01:16:24: No we don’t believe in ladders. They suggest a corporate hierarchy that’s counterproductive to my team-building program. Fat Amy crosses to Aubrey. FAT AMY 01:16:29: What kind of operation are you running here?! Seriously, this whole place is, like, full of booby traps! And guess what? Boobs should never be trapped! Unless it's for support if you have lower back issues. BECA 01:16:42: Okay! If I'm about to die, I'm sorry! I didn’t mean what I said! I love all you nerds! And I love being a Bella! I’m just stressed-- And Jessica and Ashley! I don’t actually know which one of you is which! JESSICA/ASHLEY 01:16:56: I’m Jessica! “huh?” CHLOE 01:16:57: Don't worry, we're gonna get you down! Focus up. Let’s get in formation. We can do this. Let’s focus. Work together as a team. LILLY 01:17:11: she’s alive. I sleep upside down like a bat. BECA 01:17:23: It’s just everything is changing so fast and I’m putting all this pressure on myself, you know. I don’t want to fail. CHLOE 01:17:30: But if you had said something-- BECA 01:17:32: Yeah, I know, I’m just weird about that stuff. I thought I could figure it out myself, but I can’t. Maybe I don’t have anything original to say. I wish I could do what you do. EMILY 01:17:44: Well I feel the same way about you. You’re so good, it’s intimidating. I’ll I’ve ever wanted is to be one of you. Not a legacy, but a Bella. MOST of BELLAS 01:17:57: “You are!” FAT AMY 01:17:58: You are one of us. You paid the registration fee. BECA 01:18:03: It’s for life, dude. Do you want to collaborate on something? EMILY 01:18:10: Wait, are you serious? BECA 01:18:12: Yeah. EMILY 01:18:14: Yes! Yeah! Man! Who else feels like a winner tonight?! CHLOE 01:18:25: I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I’m afraid, too. to move on. To graduate. It’s scary. FAT AMY 01:18:33: It actually does seem like that. You’re barely holding it together. AUBREY 01:18:38: Well it doesn’t have to be scary, Chlo. When I was graduating, I never pictured myself running a retreat in the middle of the woods but here I am. Take it from someone who’s dealt with some serious control issues, like my dad always said, in the minefield of life, you must be prepared to lose both feet. And I think you all know what I mean. CHLOE 01:19:09: Then it’s decided. This year I will graduate. The Worlds will be my swan song. I mean it. I’ll pursue my passion and teach singing lessons to underprivileged children. Or I’ll dance exotically. Whatever has the most money in it. FLO 01:19:37: Okay! Okay! Stop asking. I’ll tell you! After I graduate, there’s a chance I will be deported. I will try to re-enter the country, but I will probably die at sea so... Let’s live for tonight! BECA 01:19:58: Lilly? Any plans? LILLY 01:20:01: I’m just going to travel through time. BECA 01:20:06: You know when I look back at this it won’t remember the performing or the competitions. I’m gonna remember you weirdos. It just makes me sad to think it’s never going to be like this again. I’m really going to miss it. CYNTHIA ROSE 01:20:19: Me, too. STACIE 01:20:20: Me, too. FAT AMY 01:20:21: Yeah, me, too. CHLOE 01:20:28: I GOT MY TICKET FOR THE LONG WAY ROUND. BECA 01:20:35: TWO BOTTLE OF WHISKEY FOR THE WAY. BELLAS 01:20:39: AND I SURE WOULD LIKE SOME SWEET COMPANY/AND I'M LEAVING TOMORROW. WHAT DO YOU SAY? BECA 01:20:50: WHEN I'M GONE (WHEN I'M GONE) BELLAS 01:20:57: YOU'RE GONNA MISS ME WHEN I' GONE/YOU'RE GONNA MISS ME BY MY HAIR/YOU'RE GONNA MISS ME EVERYWHERE/OH YOU'RE GONNA MISS ME WHEN I'M GONE. BECA 01:21:18: Did we just find our sound? CHLOE 01:21:20: I think we did. AUBREY 01:21:24: My work here is done. CHLOE 01:21:27: Thank you. CHLOE 01:21:29: Fat Amy, you didn’t tell us your plans after graduation. FAT AMY 01:21:33: Me? Mmmmm... Nah, I don’t have any plans. You guys know me, I just love living in the moment. BECA 01:21:41: Ashley, what are you going to do--? FAT AMY 01:21:42: Actually, though. If we to stop and really think what would Fat Amy be capable of in the future, I’ll tell you guys. I’ll be living someone sick like Tulsa or Little Rock where I manage a sales force of pharmaceutical reps. We specialize in boner pills. And every night I curl up with my fiancé Bu-- Oh wait. I’m in love with Bumper. Okay. I’ve done something terrible. And I’m not talking about crop dusting Chloe and Beca right now – I apologize for that. You guys! I need to go right now. And I need to win back my man! Suck on your judgments! I have to go and get him back! BECA 01:22:38: Shake it off, Amy. FAT AMY 01:22:41: Somebody bring a s’more. BENJI 01:22:42: I give to you Our next album cover. Look at him . I did it all myself today. BUMPER 01:22:48: Now, I know that I only have one vote. BENJI 01:22:50: You got no vote, man. You’re not in the group so… BUMPER 01:22:52: okay, well that hurts my feelings with my vote, I vote “no” to the pig and “yes” to this gloriousness. FAT AMY 01:23:04: bumper, i’m coming! FAT AMY 01:23:12: MANY TIMES I TRIED TO TELL YOU/MANY TIMES I’VE CRIED ALONE... (song continues)/ TO THE SOUND OF THE WORDS/WE'VE BOTH FALLEN UNDER... BUMPER 01:23:46: Nope! Turn it around! BUMPER : 01:24:00: I don’t wanna see you! FAT AMY 01:24:09: I really misjudged the size of this lake CHLOE 01:24:10: Why didn’t she just walk around the lake? BECA 01:24:13: Fat Amy doesn’t do anything small. EMILY 01:24:18: Yeah, I love you, too. Here she is. BECA 01:24:21: What’s up, Mrs. Junk? FAT AMY 01:24:39: GOO! Well, what are you doing? I’m solo here! Whatever! FAT AMY 01:24:53: WE BELONG TO THE NIGHT/WE BELONG TO THE THUNDER...! BUMPER 01:25:00: No! FAT AMY 01:25:15: WE BELONG/Bumper and Fat Amy WE BELONG TOGETHER/WAS IT...?/CLOSE YOUR EYES... BUMPER 01:25:28: CLOSE YOUR EYES AND TRY TO SLEEP NOW/CLOSE YOUR EYES AND TRY TO... FAT AMY/BUMPER 01:25:43: WE CAN’T BEGIN TO NOTICE/HOW MUCH WE REALLY CARE...WE BELONG TO-- BECA 01:26:15: I mean we can do, do you want it. Do you feel like you’d want to layer a bunch of voices? EMILY 01:26:20: I think in the beginning it could definitely build. I think it starts out light, though. BECA 01:26:27: get your cute butt in the studio, then. Don’t tell my boss that we were in here, by the way. EMILY 01:26:37: this is….Wow! BECA 01:26:39: yeah don’t touch anything legacy. you’re very pretty, but you seem clumsy. SAMMY 01:27:11: Okay, so you produced this? BECA 01:27:15: Yes, Emily wrote it. SAMMY 01:27:17: Who is Emily? BECA 01:27:19: This tall drink of water right here. SAMMY 01:27:22: Well... Umm.. Gosh, I don't like it. I don't like it when people can do what I can do. In a manner of speaking, it’s threatening. But uh, you just did it. And I -- I have a few notes that I assume that you are open to. But this is a solid demo with real potential. Yeah, Iook forward to working together. Nice to meet you, I gotta go jump on a call. Lady Gaga wants to put out a kids album. EMILY 01:28:11: my God I was so nervous. I didn’t know what to say! My God! BECA 01:28:48: Okay, is there a restaurant in this town that serves something other than fish. EMILY 01:28:51: I did see a KFC back there. BECA 01:28:52: Nope. All fish. I checked. CHLOE 01:28:54: Guys! Over here! BECA 01:28:57: Chloe, I’m coming for ya. CHLOE 01:29:01: Whoo hoo! College graduate! Spread my wings, y’all! FAT AMY 01:29:04: There’s so many fresh Danishes here. I swear if I wasn’t recently locked down, I would tear a hole through this city. FLO 01:29:12: This place is so smelly and rainy. Why would anyone ever leave America. FAT AMY 01:29:16: Culture, design, history – FLO 01:29:21: I’m not Copen-hating this place. CHLOE 01:29:37: Well, here we are. Is the stage big enough for what we want to do? FAT AMY 01:29:42: you’re kidding right? It’s huge. EMILY 01:29:44: You guys think it’ll work ? BECA 01:29:46: it’ll work for us. That’s what matters. LILLY 01:29:49: let’s go! GAIL 01:30:29: Here it is folks. The granddad of them all. JOHN 01:30:33: The World Championship of A Cappella! GAIL 01:30:34: Tonight, groups from all over the globe duke it out for the coveted title of A-ca World Champion. JOHN 01:30:39: Representing America are the embattled Barden Bellas. GAIL 01:30:43: The Bellas are making one last attempt to repair their damaged legacy by becoming the first American team to claim the title. You think they can do it, John? JOHN 01:30:50: In theory, yes. Gail. Realistically? No. Those girls are dead to me. GAIL 01:30:56: so many countries represented here tonight, John. JOHN 01:30:58: we saw in rehearsal an incredible group from Philippines. What were they called ? GAIL 01:31:03: “the Lady boys” JOHN 01:31:05: that wasn’t the name of the group, I don’t think. I think that’s how they described themselves. GAIL 01:31:08: that’s right, they’re “Manila Envy” JOHN 01:31:11: you know I spent some time with some lady boys, in the Philippines myself. GAIL 01:31:16: not suprising JOHN 01:31:17: very interesting young men. GAIL 01:31:19: doing amazing things with their mouths, I presume. JOHN 01:31:21: when we go back to the stage, I’ll do a few for you here. GAIL 01:31:25: you know we can get to it, I think. You know maybe when the Koreans are out there, because no one cares about the Koreans group. JOHN 01:31:31: love that barbeque . EMILY 01:31:39: What are you doing here?! BENJI 01:31:41: Anything to support the Bellas. EMILY 01:31:46: Wow, that’s so -- wow... sers. Now I’m the one who can’t speak. I’m so freakin’ nervous. BENJI 01:31:52: Don’t be. You’ll be great. We could hear you guys rehearsing 24/7. Cool. I should find my seat. But before I go, I have something for you. BENJI 01:32:15: Sorry, I was expecting that to go in a different direction. That’s my bad. BECA 01:32:19: Em, you ready? EMILY 01:32:21: Uh, yeah. I’ll be right there. BECA 01:32:24: Benji. BENJI 01:32:27: okay, well break a leg! JOHN 01:34:29: well done! There they go, the Indian group, the Naan-Stops, running off stage to take a few more of our jobs. GAIL 01:34:37: I thought the little one was spicy! JOHN 01:34:44: and coming up next, Das Sound Machine. GAIL 01:34:47: a crowd favorite, John. KOMMISSAR 01:34:51: hear that ? they chant for us. Now don’t cry too hard when you lose? Makes eyes puffy. BECA 01:34:59: your hands are so soft. KOMMISSAR 01:35:01: I’m sorry I don’t speak loser. What did you say ? PETTER 01:35:04: she actually speaks eight languages, but loser is not one of them. KOMMISSAR 01:35:07: everything must come to an end. Even the Bellas. Take care and lose nice. BECA 01:35:13: your sweat smells like cinnamon. KOMMISSAR 01:35:43: B-BE CAREFUL MAKING WISHES IN THE DARK, DARK/CAN'T BE SURE WHEN THEY'VE HIT THEIR MARK/AND BESIDES IN THE MEAN, MEAN TIME/I'M JUST DREAMING OF TEARING YOU APART JOHN 01:37:40: an incredible performance once again from the German group. I’m telling you Gail, the Bellas of old show up, this could go down as the most significant conflict between America and Germany in history. GAIL 01:37:53: Crack a book, John. BENJI 01:37:58: pass one down to your friends. Here you go. Thank you. Here you go buddy. JESSE 01:38:03: thanks man. Where have you been? BENJI 01:38:07: you have no idea, dude ? BECA 01:38:08: This is it. Our last performance. CHLOE 01:38:09: We need to go out there and beat DSM. This ones for us! FAT AMY 01:38:14: Guys, there’s going to be some haters out there. They are going to look at us -- Team USA – and wonder why is the most talented one Australian. Well I’m fat so that is close enough. We are going to show them who we are -- a bunch of ethnically diverse, for the most part feminine, amazing singers! Let’s go out there and Ac’ the world! GAIL 01:38:43: John, it’s possible we’re watching the last hurrah of the Barden Bellas. JOHN 01:38:47: It’s going to be very difficult for them to pull this off. But if they don’t, they are out of business as an a cappella group. it is over. BELLAS 01:39:49: WHO RUNS THE WORLD? GIRLS. WE RUN THIS MOTHER! CYNTHIA ROSE 01:40:08: HEY, BRING IT ON BABY ALL YOUR FRIENDS. YOU’RE THE SHIT AND I LOVE THAT BODY….(song continues) YOU GOT A BFF FAT AMY 01:40:41: WE BELONG TO THE LIGHT, WE BELONG TO THE THUNDER BECA 01:41:16: WHEN TOMORROW COMES/I’LL BE ON MY OWN/FEELING FRIGHTENED OF THE THINGS THAT I DON’T KNOW/WHEN TOMORROW COMES GAIL 01:41:33: it’s possible? The Barden Bellas are doing an original song? BELLAS 01:42:08: OOOOH! OOOOH! OOOOH! JOHN 01:42:15: it looks like the Barden Bellas are being joined on stage by generations of Bellas, going all the way back to the beginning. BELLAS 01:42:06: BUT YOU’RE MY FLASHLIGHT/ YOU’RE GETTING ME GETTING ME THROUGH THE NIGHT... BELLAS 01:42:22: CAUSE YOU’RE MY FLASHLIGHT/ YOU’RE GETTING ME GETTING ME THROUGH THE NIGHT...BUT YOU’RE MY FLASHLIGHT/ YOU’RE GETTING ME GETTING ME THROUGH THE NIGHT... EMILY : 01:43:22: GETTING ME THROUGH THE NIGHT. JOHN 01:43:41: Simple, raw, vulnerable, exposed... I’ve been called many things, Gail, but let me add one more. Impressed. GAIL 01:43:49: Thought you were going to say gay. GAIL 01:44:11: they touch every person here, they’ve touched me, John. JOHN 01:44:16: well, everyone touched you, Gail, but this is something else. BECA 01:44:40: It’s ceremonial. And you should definitely not drink it because it is essentially poison. EMILY 01:44:47: Aw, it smells like cherry and vanilla. CHLOE 01:44:50: Okay, repeat after me. I, sing your name. EMILY 01:44:54: I -- EMILYYYYY! CHLOE 01:44:56: Promise to uphold the ideals of a Bella woman forever. EMILY 01:44:59: Promise to uphold the ideals of a Bella woman forever. BECA 01:45:02: And that’s it. That’s the end of the speech. Nothing weird happens after that. These are for you. Don’t go in the basement. It’s haunted. FAT AMY 01:45:10: Wait! One last thing. Fat Amy picks up a round sled. CHLOE 01:45:13: Yes, every Bella must christen the house by sliding down the staircase. EMILY 01:45:18: Are you serious? BECA 01:45:19: It’s tradition. FAT AMY 01:45:21: Yeah. Don’t worry. I’ll show you. We JUMP CUT to, Fat Amy at the top of the staircase. Behold! Crushed it. BECA 01:45:37: Good form. FAT AMY 01:45:40: Now I’m ready to move on. Legacy, you’re up! EMILY 01:45:48: Alright I’m ready! Let’s do this! Appendix 3. Syllabus SMA/MA


Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS - WAJIB Kelas : X Kompetensi Inti :

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah. KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

1.1. Mensyukuri kesempatan Teks tulis berbentuk Mengamati Kriteria penilaian: 2 x 2 JP  Audio CD/ dapat mempelajari bahasa announcement VCD/DVD Inggris sebagai bahasa  Siswa mendengarkan/membaca teks  Pencapaian fungsi sosial (pemberitahuan)  pengantar komunikasi announcement dari berbagai sumber  Kelengkapan dan keruntutan SUARA GURU dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, international yang Fungsi sosial struktur teks announcement  Koran/ majalah diwujudkan dalam struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan, maupun Memberikan informasi  Ketepatan unsur kebahasaan: berbahasa Inggris semangat belajar format penyampaian/penulisannya. dengan atau tanpa tata bahasa, kosa kata,  www.dailyenglish.co  Siswa mencoba menirukan ucapan, tekanan kata, 2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku perintah atau petunjuk m tanggung jawab, peduli, pengucapannya dan menuliskan teks intonasi, ejaan, dan tulisan yang harus diikuti, untuk yang digunakan. tangan  http://americanengli kerjasama, dan cinta memperlancar informasi sh.state.gov/files/ae damai, dalam  Siswa belajar membaca cepat untuk  Kesesuaian format penulisan/ Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

melaksanakan komunikasi antara guru, siswa, mendapat gambaran umum dari teks penyampaian /resource_files melalui proses skimming dan scanning fungsional kepala sekolah, dan staf Cara Penilaian  http://learnenglish.b untuk mendapatkan informasi khusus. 3.7. Menganalisis fungsi administrasi ritishcouncil.org/en/ sosial, struktur teks, dan Unjuk kerja unsur kebahasaan dari Struktur Teks  Melakukan monolog dalam teks pemberitahuan Mempertanyakan Ungkapan yang lazim bentuk pemberitahuan (announcement), sesuai digunakan dalam teks (announcement) di depan dengan konteks Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa announcement di media kelas penggunaannya. mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan massa maupun di berbagai teks pemberitahuan dalam bahasa  Ketepatan dan kesesuaian 4.11.Menangkap makna internet, secara urut dan Inggris, perbedaan teks pemberitahuan dalam menggunakan pemberitahuan runtut. struktur teks dan unsur (announcement). dengan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia, kemungkinan menggunakan ungkapan lain, kebahasaan dalam teks 4.12.Menyusun teks tulis Unsur kebahasaan pemberitahuan dsb. pemberitahuan Kosa kata , tata bahasa, (announcement) (announcement), sangat ucapan, rujukan kata,  Mengeksplorasi Pengamatan (observations): pendek dan sederhana, dengan memperhatikan tekanan kata, intonasi,  Siswa mencari teks lain untuk Bukan penilaian formal seperti fungsi sosial, struktur ejaan, dan tanda baca mendengarkan/membaca teks teks, dan unsur yang tepat, dengan announcement dengan strategi yang tes, tetapi untuk tujuan memberi kebahasaan yang benar pengucapan yang digunakan dari berbagai sumber. balikan. Sasaran penilaian: dan sesuai konteks. lancar dan penulisan  Siswa berlatih membaca teks - kesantunan saat melakukan dengan tulisan tangan announcement dengan strategi yang tindakan komunikasi atau cetak yang jelas digunakan bersama teman - perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta dan rapi Mengasosiasi Multimedia:  Siswa menganalisis teks announcement dengan memperhatikan format Layout, dekorasi, yang penulisannya melalui strategi yang membuat tampilan teks digunakan. Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

lebih menarik  Siswa membandingkan teks damai, dalam announcement yang didengar/dibacakan melaksanakan komunikasi dari guru dengan yang dipelajari dari - Kesungguhan siswa dalam berbagai sumber lain. proses pembelajaran di setiap  Secara berkelompok siswa mendiskusikan tahapan teks announcement yang mereka - Ketepatan dan kesesuaian temukan dari sumber lain. menggunakan strategi dalam membaca  Siswa memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru dan teman tentang fungsi sosial dan Portofolio unsur kebahasaan yang sampaikan dalam  kerja kelompok. Kumpulan catatan kemajuan belajar berupa catatan atau Mengkomunikasikan rekaman monolog teks pemberitahuan  Siswa membuat teks announcement  Kumpulan karya siswa yang dalam kerja kelompok mendukung proses penulisan  Siswa menyampaikan pemberitahuan teks pemberitahuan berupa: secara tertulis dengan memperhatikan draft, revisi, editing sampai fungsi sosial, struktur, dan unsur hasil terbaik untuk dipublikasi kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai  Kumpulan hasil tes dan dengan konteks latihan.  Membuat jurnal belajar (learning journal) Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian Sejawat Bentuk: diary, jurnal, format khusus, komentar, atau bentuk penilaian lain