Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Bitter Sweet by Sahira Javaid Bitter Sweet by Sahira Javaid. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Cloudflare Ray ID: 6615a042fa94178a • Your IP : • Performance & security by Cloudflare. review with spoilers: A dark secret from Hanssen’s past. Reyhan Shah (Raad Rawi) was the father of new Darwin consultant Sahira (Laila Rouass) – and he had a very poorly liver. The minute that Hanssen saw him his reaction was very odd. There was clearly history there and not pleasant history either, but it seemed to be explained when it was mentioned that Reyhan had taught Hanssen’s son, Fredrik. Remember that Fredrik is the person who went on a shooting spree in the hospital in 2017, killing Raf Di Lucca and injuring Jac Naylor and Oliver Valentine, and you can see why Hanssen wouldn’t want to spend time reminiscing about him. But there was more to it than that. Hanssen tried to avoid operating on Reyhan, but Sahira forced him into it by starting to do it herself so Hanssen had no option but to take over. When he did, his hand was shaking so much he dropped a scalpel. A conversation between Hanssen and his patient at the end of the episode hinted at the terrible truth. Reyhan told Hanssen that Fredrik was ‘always such a troubled boy,’ and wondered why Hanssen had taken him out of the school where Reyhan taught. Hanssen said he’d been protecting his son: ‘You know what from.’ But it seems that Fredrik wasn’t the only person at risk from Reyhan. ‘Henrik, you were always my special boy,’ the older man said. Hanssen had to rush from the room and was overcome by a panic attack. Did he suffer abuse from Sahira’s father? As soon as Bobby Edwards (Callum Callaghan), the cyclist who ran over Xavier, revealed to Cameron (Nic Jackman) that he recognised him from the scene of the accident we knew his days were numbered. Cameron just wouldn’t risk everything being revealed. So Bobby became his latest victim as he injected potassium into his cannula. Bobby looked straight at Cameron as he died. The person I really feel for in all this is Nicky (Belinda Owusu), currently unaware that her boyfriend and the father of her unborn baby is a killer. She just thinks he’s a twonk, which is bad enough, but if she knew the truth she’d be devastated. He’s already used the pregnancy as a cover for being weird around Bobby Edwards, by making an announcement to the whole ward (taking Nicky completely by surprise) and telling them his head was spinning from the excitement of it all. ‘I’m not going to have my kid being used as some prop in the Cameron Show,’ Nicky told him, shortly before letting Cameron manipulate her into having a quiet night in that didn’t include Chloe (Amy Lennox). Possibly the only person at Holby with fewer friends than Cameron at the moment is Dominic (David Ames). His decision to sue the hospital over his life-altering accident has got a lot of people turning against him. Ange (Dawn Steele) is doing her best to stand by him but he’s not making it easy for her. He’s not making it easy for the hospital’s solicitors either, as he’s planning to go for as much money as he can get. And a flicker of happiness for Donna (Jaye Jacobs) was swiftly snuffed out in some bitter-sweet scenes. Alex (Miles Mitchell) surprised her by leading her with a ribbon to a little grotto he’d created with fairy lights. He wanted to give her ‘one perfect afternoon,’ he told her. Despite the fact that they’ve been getting on so well and they make each other happy, Alex has decided that the ghost of Xavier is always going to be there between them, and therefore he’s not the man for her. Oh, good grief. Please allow at least one person to be happy for more than a week. Sue Haasler is the author of five novels and the official BBC Holby City book, which you can read about here. If you’ve got a soap or TV story, video or pictures get in touch by emailing us [email protected] – we’d love to hear from you. Join the community by leaving a comment below and stay updated on all things soaps at our homepage. Bitter Sweet by Sahira Javaid. The Pakistani feature film by Samoon Abbasi, "Durj", which was set to be release in couple of weeks, has been denied censor certification unanimously by both Provincial and the Central Board of Film Censors of Pakistan, making it's release in the country unlikely. Danyal Gilani, Chairman CBFC told this scribe that the film Durj was watched by the board members in light of the established laws and it was consentaneouly decided that the it wasn't appropriate for public screening. However, according to the Chairman, the board doesn't have the rights to ban any film from being screened but can only decide whether to issue it censor certification or not. The film 'Durj' failed to get censor certification by all three of the censor boards in Pakistan. Other than the Central Board of Film Censors, Sindh and Punjab have their own boards, while Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa follow the directions of Central Board. "Durj" is a story based on cannibalism in which certain people are shown digging graves to eat the dead bodies. These explicitly horrific and unpleasent to watch scenes made board members of the opinion that the film was much likely setting a negative global image of Pakistan. After the decision, the cinema houses in Pakistan have retracted the film's posters and have stopped playing its trailer. The producer, director and writer of Durj, Shamoon Abbasi had previously stated that the film faced a lot of challenges during the production, and a lot of actors had abandoned the project in the middle as it was either too difficult for them to work in the harsh mountainous regions, or they didn't believe in the completion of the film. Apart from being the film's Director and the Writer, Shamoon Abbasi has played a lead role in the film, alongside Maira Khan, Sherry Shah, Nouman Javaid, and Hafeez Ali. Shamoon Abbasi claims that he and the production team had spent months to research about the film's main theme and had spent time with people who live in caves, in isolation, to be able to realistically show their way of life. Film's lead actress, Maira Khan, seemed upset over the censor board's decision. She had high hopes with the release of the film and commented that a different concept like this should be shown to the audiences. Durj had been scheduled to be be release in Pakistan on the 18th of October, while it is being released worldwide on the 11th of October. Bitter Sweet by Sahira Javaid. I’ll give Kotetsujo no Kabaneri props, its going in a direction that I didn’t quite expect it to, for its big finale. And really, that is more than myself or some of the show’s more skeptic fans could’ve hoped for. I mentioned last week that I felt like the show was writing itself into a corner, and that it would hardly be able to let its heroes succeed or make it through their last trial unscathed. The show itself, has established over the course of its past 10 episodes, that it’s a show that has an optimistic heart to its story. Yet, while the past 10 episodes may have had Ikoma and the rest beat all odds, sometimes at the expense of believability, it does seem like all bets are off for the upcoming finale. See, when I said last week that the show was putting itself into a position where it couldn’t really go for a happy resolution, I was assuming that a happy ending was indeed in the cards. So it was jarringly surprising and maybe even a little exciting, when the show just doubled down on the despair this week, and setup a scenario that can only lead to pain, sorrow and a bitter sweet ending at best. Kotetsujo no Kabaneri’s big gamble (if it was indeed planned out that way) is that it worked to fool the audience into a sense of security for its characters. The fact that it almost broke itself to create the unwritten and unspoken rule of its characters always making it out of tough situations, is what makes this episode and all that it does so important. We are way past the point of no return after the end of this week’s episode. The Kongokaku, the cornerstone of humanity’s civilization and the Shogun’s castle, has been decimated. The Kabane are everywhere, Biba’s instilled panic and chaos, and on top of all of that, he’s turned Mumei into a Nue (Kabane Colony) with the intent to just lay waste to everything. On the other side of the story, as expected, Ikoma and Kurusu are both alive and well. Ikoma went through the standard grief and self doubt arc this week, which thankfully was resolved by the end of the episode. The whole hero being broken and lacking confidence is a trope that we often see in fiction nowadays. By the end of the second act of a story, the hero has been broken and battered, and he has to go through a painful process to get back up on his feet. What I liked about Ikoma’s doom and gloom moments were that they were interspersed in between Biba’s acts of destruction and terror in the capital. It gave a sense of urgency and also a very true notion that events weren’t going to wait for Ikoma to get over his latest tragedies. So while Ikoma was busy licking his wounds (physical or otherwise), the show went on to have the audience suffer through Mumei’s transformation and the utter destruction of the Shogun’s castle. With that said, lets talk about Biba and his big plan, because if nothing else, he succeeded in his grand ambition this week. I have to say, ever since we learned who Biba was, I pretty much called it in terms of what he’d end up becoming to the story. Biba is s a pretty stupid and frankly shallow character, and I hope that this week’s events, serve to really prove my point. See, I could see Biba wanting to kill his father, because beyond just abandoning him to die, the Shogun had abused his son physically from a young age. The Shogun actually feared his son, in a really messed up way. The fear? I’d hazard a guess that the Shogun feared Biba would replace him and his power, not that its entirely spelled out or explained by the show itself. The shogun isn’t a character that’s properly developed. Instead, he’s a plot device that’s used to justify what ever nonsensical actions Biba takes this week. As per usual when it comes to Biba, the idea itself behind his back story, doesn’t lack potential. The Shogun and what he represents is pretty twisted, especially when you do take a moment to look at all the grand architecture and luxury that just surrounds this king and his domain. Its hard to tell, at least from inside the Kongokaku, that this is a world that’s overrun by zombie like creatures. Much like in Shingeki no Kyoujin (Attack on Titan), the inhuman threat has actually done wonders for the “upper class” of society. There’s a very true sense of the fact that the Shogun has his power, his luxury and his grand castle because of the fear and need for protection that the common man has. In a world where you could die at any moment by a horrible monster that may have very well been your friend or family at some point, the idea of a ruler that manages and protects you doesn’t feel all that bad of an option. Its an interesting question and an idea, but its one that the show hardly even spends a second on. The whole idea of what the Shogun means, and how he basically uses fear to keep his subjects in line, is a pretty neat concept. Its also a concept that we don’t get much time to look at, because in the next few scenes, Biba’s killed his father and let loose death, panic and destruction. And that’s the part that actually really bothers me, just like it did last week. See, Biba definitely seemed to be a vengeful, tunnel visioned killer, but I really thought that it was all to kill his daddy. Near the end of the episode, Biba does kill his father and in a very poetic way at that. Biba uses the same fear that his father used as justification to beat him, to put an end to him. Its a powerful moment in some ways, and it feels like justice is kind of served. I don’t fault Biba for doing what he does, because the show, even in its clumsy manner, provides some context for his actions. What does have me confused, is why Biba proceeds to kill everyone and everything in his father’s castle. There simply isn’t a point to killing so many innocent people and laying waste to everything. Yes, I’m aware of the argument that the whole area is his father’s castle, but laying waste to that seems like its going a bit too far (logically speaking). Mumei’s entire transformation and subsequent killing of everything feels like a step not only too far, but entirely unnecessary. By killing his father, Biba’s uprooted and ultimately destroyed whatever society that existed and subsisted in the current world. He could have either taken it over, or just let it rot away. Either options seems better and less wasteful than what he’s doing here, and a bit more in character. To me, it seems like the only reason Biba makes the complete transition over to “psycho that wants to see the world burn”, is so Mumei can turn into a Colony and be poised to be taken down or “saved” by Ikoma. So yes, while the Biba side of the story doesn’t quite work for me, as always, there is a pretty powerful counter point to his lackluster activities. Ikoma, protagonist, goes down a dark and frankly pretty unexpected path as the episode wraps up. See, as FlareKnight quite expertly pointed out in the comments a few weeks back, Kurusu’s prisoner, the weird scientist dude, did have a way to restore and save Mumei with the “white blood/plasma”. You’d think that this would be the show’s big McGuffin to basically give itself a get out of jail free card. And lets not kid ourselves, that’s very much what it is, a way for the show to be able to “save” Mumei. But then the show just balances that all out with Ikoma taking the blue blood himself, and transforming himself into a super Kabaneri. While I do think its pretty darn convenient that men don’t turn into Colonies (and that the scientist dude knows of this particular useful fact), the transformation itself isn’t without its downsides. Namely, that Ikoma has basically supercharged both his abilities, and the declining factor of his life. That’s a fair trade off in my mind. Ikoma has the power to save Mumei and stop Biba, but at the cost of his own life. The moment works and is powerful because its a moment of self sacrifice and a moment of Ikoma steeling himself for the tough stuff he has to do. Its almost an awakening from his naivety from earlier in the series, where he promises Mumei that he’ll turn her human and bring back the rice fields. By basically taking a fatal performance enhancer, Ikoma has come to terms with the fact that he can’t have everything. Ikoma can save Mumei, maybe, but that will be all he accomplishes. Yeah…. That’s a pretty dire statement to make right before the ending. And really, this episode was all about setting up an ending that could mean something. The stakes are definitely high enough now, and its clear that we’re not going to get the standard happy ending. Takumi’s dead, and ever since that point, the show has had a sobering sense of reality induced into it. Now, the show is poised for an ending that I can’t actually guess. There are a couple of scenarios, and none of them all too pleasant. There’s the chance that Ikoma will save Mumei and everyone else at the cost of his own life, and that’s probably the ending that we’ll head towards. The other ending, is one where Ikoma and Mumei basically both take each other out, and the world kinda just is left in shambles, and that’s the extremely dark and almost franchise killing ending. Its unclear to me which one the show will go with, but neither of them seem particular safe or cookie cutter. There is a third ending, one where both Ikoma and Mumei somehow miraculously survive, but I’m going to respect the show enough to believe that it isn’t going to go there. I think what Takumi’s death was supposed to point out, was that a happy ending wasn’t guaranteed here. Now, whether Takumi’s death is just a misdirection to make viewers believe that the show could end in a sad way, or whether its actually a sign of things to come, is the really important question here. Kotetsujo no Kabaneri’s answer to that question is… Really going to determine the quality of the series as a whole. More so than other series of its type, Kotetsujo no Kabaneri’s ending is going to play a huge role in the success or failure of its overall appeal and value. The setup is all there for a knockout final episode, and I’m hoping that the show is able to surprise us all, one last time. The wait until next week is going to be extremely painful, and that’s a really good thing for a show to have, right before its final episode. Sahira Javaid. Poetry, and other treats for your consoling and entertainment needs. Hope is a taste worth trying. Copyright © 2011 Sahira Javaid. It's Poetry with an Aftertaste. Turn the pages of a lyrical treat, where senses and spirit collide. Immersed in emotion and thought provoking details, Bittersweet will surely take you into a dream like state, and the moment you look away from it's pages, reality may just taste different. Friday, February 24, 2012. Charity is Contagious. As Salamu Alaykum! (peace be to you) Hey, today I'll be talking about charity, ways we can help eachother. Here are the ways: 1. Smile. :) Yes, even a smile is charity! When you smile, it means contentment, happiness, so when you smile at someone, it makes them feel happy too. Who knows who's day you will make! Even as newborns, we knew how to smile. A smile is like your heart showing its glow. Sometimes if you look close enough, you really can see a glow. 2. Give someone a hand. Sometimes that can even be an applause literally. lol help them with their grocceries, open the door for them, and many other ways to ease someone's difficulties. Why not give someone yet another reason to smile? 3. Donations. The poor and needy are no less human than any other human being. (p.s. to muslims. Just thinking of wanting to help soemone, even if you couldn't go to say, africa or other needy countries, earns you a reward! Ma Sha Allah!) Not just humans can be great to help, but animals, such as at the humane society. You can help by donating your old clothing, giving food, toys for children and animals. It doesn't have to start or end at money. :) Wednesday, February 15, 2012. Did you take your medicine today? As Salam u alykum! :) ( peace be to you.) I'm going to try and write a note each week, aiming to place a smile on your faces, and share any knowledge i can with you all. first off some ''medicine'' for anyone who's not feeling all there, with a huge helping dose of funny. :P. oh, do you have a fever? i see you're not feeling well. here's my own perscription, via dr Sahira! ( note, i am not a licensed doctor, this is only my reccommendations. your smiles and laughter may vary. may have side affects of feeling special and thinking things corny.) lol. take one spoon of smiles repeat if neccessary, i.e. it is neccassary. no grumpy wumpies! take one hug, you will need a loved one, does not include yourself, unless no one sees you. if you have a pet say awwwww when they d o/ are made to do something cute, or watch a video of cute animals. will not cause drowsiness, may cause an overload in cuteness. Don't worry you will not explode. may cause a fit of giggling. offer salat.(prayer. 5 times. time varies from 5 to 20 peaceful, refreshing minutes.) You will be blissful. may lead to staying on forehead for long time, ;) great for blood circulation for the brain, you need it after all the cuteness. :> May cause sweet day dreaming and refreshed spirit. Tell and show your friends, your family and spouse how much you care about them and love them. don't keep mentioning to them every second but, minumum is 5 maximum times is 100. ♥ Read a nice book, with happy moments, reccommended: The book of awesome, the book of even more aweome showing you every small things is important and awesome! , poetry, lines of emotions and thoughts, a beautiful atristry of a human psyche. The Glorious Quran, a light for a path of darkness, a mercy in your day, if you encounter mishappenings, brilliant poetic revelations of mercy, love, quality, astronomy, finance, human psychology, law, beauty, purity = your 101 for your daily way of life, love it, love it , love it x a million, billion, googleplex! googleplex is a number by the way, nothing come s after it apparantely. ;) give someone a nice gift, includes: giftcards, dinner, saying Hi, jewlery, peace of mind, calling them more often, being nice, stop following them everywhere and being clingy/ not clingy. Give yourslef atleast 20 to 30 mins to sit, rellax and reflect upon your day. great time for scheming who you will annoy tomorrow with your jokes, eat the last chocolate cookie, and count how many times people told you you are annoying, special, sweet. and thinking of when they'll tell you something you don't already know. Think of Allah (God) Subhanah wa Ta Allah, and how every breath and every day he gives you is his love and mercy to you. tomorrow is not promised, its a wish, be thankful for your wish come true! :) for all the things you have: The food you eat, while others might be starving, the shelter you have, while some might be cold and wandering. Your eyes, ears, and limbs, some people are blind, deaf, or miss a limb. for your day where you own so much! all that is yours, so cherish it. :) and don't steal candy from babies, unless you like being smacked in the face with a purse. Look at all the creations around you. the beautiful trees, fruits, rain, snow, animals, shining stars, breathtaking skies, ear plugs, for when your neighbours get too loud, all amazing. YOU are amazing. take moments to realize YOU. you're features, your facial features are 1 in billions, your DNA, 1 in billions, your beauty marks: ( people call them flaws, but i'd rather not.) which make you special. YOU were created with love, with tender care, with a great responsibility and honor to take care of the earth, the animals, humankind, YOUrself and be thankful for life. Take these medicines, unlimited times daily. no fear of overdosing, except for the choclate cookies. Not my fault. lol.