Skt Sigma Kappa Triangle Vol 5
Postmaster: Please S( Don Gable Editor ·. .: n\E The Record of ~E Indianapolis 5, Indiana. P 0 Box 1856 Evanston Ill Exch 8/50 Phyllis Mason, left, and Peg Stahl, right, both members of Tau, are majorettes for the Marching Hundred Band of Indiana University. Dick Weaver is the drum major. S U M M E R • I 9 5 8 -- Alpha Delta won the trophy for the women's division of "Carnicus" at TENNESSEE with their stunt "Don't Come Near the Waves." Sigma chapter members smile at their prize winning booth at the "Manada Carnival" at SOUTHERN METH· ODIST. For the fourth time in the last five years Eta chapter was awarded first place in the annual Greek Sing competition at ILLINOIS WESLEY AN. Gamma Thetas sang their way to first annual Spring Sing at LONG OLUME 52 Summer 1958 WMBER 2 Sigma _}(appa :Jriangfe Official Magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby College, November, 1874 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Editor·- in· Chief, FRANCES ~ WARREN BAKER (Mrs. James Stannard Baker, 433 ~oodlawn ave., Glencoe, III.) College Editor--Martha Jewett Abbe! (Mrs. Wallace W. Abliey), 2212 Ash lane, Northbrook, III. Alumnre Editor--Beatrice Strait Lines (Mrs. Harold B. Lines), 234 Salt Springs rd., Syracuse 3, N.Y. SigmLa~:s, ~j~~ice Reporter (representing the Armed Service), Lt. Dorothy Maraspin, W.O.Q.U.S.N.T.C., Great Business Manager-Margaret ·Hazlett Taggart (Mrs. E. D. Taggart), 3433 Washington blvd., Indianapolis, Ind• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Conlenl:J FRONT COVER: Martha Dromgoole, <I>, cuts the cake at the Seebee's Birthday Ball at the University of Rhode Island.
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