Second German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher

“Health and Society”

Yekaterinburg, September 16-21, 2012 Impressum

Volume of the Conference «The second German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher» , 16-21 September 2012

Editors: Dr. Gregor Berghorn, DAAD/DWIH Moscow Dr. Jörn Achterberg, DFG Office /CIS Julia Ilina (DFG) Anna Sitnikova (DWIH) Layout by: “MaWi group” AG/Moskauer Deutsche Zeitung Photos by: Consulate General of Germany in Yekaterinburg UB RAS, DFG, DAAD UrFU (Aleksandra Khlopotova, Maksim Khomyakov, Vladimir Petrov)

Moscow, February 2013

Printed by: „Informpress-94“ The SECOND German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher

Health and Society

Yekaterinburg, September 16-21, 2012 Тable of Contents

Table of contents

Preface Contributions of Young German and Russian Kenneth Pfarr, University Hospital of Bonn 67 Dr. Gregor Berghorn / Dr. Jörn Achterberg 3 Researchers Sergey Pustylnikov, Novosibirsk Tuberculosis Research Institute, Novosibirsk 67 Welcoming Addresses Dmitry Baranov, Ural State Medical Academy, Yulia Rudt, Russian Presidential Academy of National Yekaterinburg 44 Economy and Public Administration, Barnaul 68 Prof. Victor Koksharov, Rektor of Ural Maria Bykova, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg 45 Jens Scheiner, University of Göttingen 69 Federal University, Yekaterinburg 4 Vasily Bondarev, I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Annemarie Schmidt, Technical University of München 70 Alexander Kharlov, Medical University, Moscow 46 Minister of International and Foreign Economic Gulnaz Shaimardanova, State Medical University, Simon Derpmann, University of Münster 48 Relations of Sverdlovsk Region 7 Kazan 70 Dominik Düber, University of Münster 48 Taras Shatylko, Resident Doctor, Saratov State Porf. Valery Charushin, Chairman of the Ural Medical University, Department of Urology 71 Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences 9 Veljko Dubljević, University of Tübingen 49 Anastasia Shchendrygina, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Dr. Renate Schimkoreit, Consul General of the Irina Dubrovina, Institute of Experimental Medicine, State Medical University, Moscow 72 Federal Republic of Germany in Yekaterinburg 12 St. Petersburg 50 Yulia Sherman, State Medical Academy, Orenburg 73 Prof. Peter Funke, Vice-President of the DFG 15 Alevtina Durmashkina, State Medical Academy, Nizhny Novogorod 50 Aleksandr Smotritсkiy, Institute of Thermal Physics, Prof. Max Huber, Prof. (em.) Max Huber, Yekaterinburg 74 Ex-Vice-President of the DAAD 19 Stanislav Eroshenko, MSc/ Alexandr Tavlintsev, MSc, Ural Federal University named after the First Sergey Soshnikov, Social-Hygienist Federal Public Dr. Aleksandr Shcheglov, Chairman of the Council President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin 51 Health Institute, Moscow 75 of the Russian Union of Young Researchers 23 Anika Friese, Freie Universität Berlin 52 Sabine Specht, University Hospital of Bonn 76 Karsten Heinz, Counsellor, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Russia, Moscow 26 Lisa Gruber, Technical University, München 53 Marina Terentyeva, Institute of Social Economic and Stefanie Hölz, University of Freiburg 54 Energy Problems in North, Syktyvkar 77 „What will we be talking about?“ Svetlana Ivleva, Scientific Center for Children’s Nina Toporkova, Ural Federal University Named after the Introductionary Remarks Health, Moscow 54 First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg 78 Prof. (em.) Max Huber, Anett Jandausch, University of Freiburg 55 Lyubov Vasilyeva, I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Ex-Vice-President of the DAAD 29 Medical University, Moscow 79 Prof. Peter Funke, Vice-President of the DAAD 30 Aleksey Konovalov, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow 56 Scientific Organisations Contributions of Senior German and Russian Yulia Kuznetsova, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Researchers State Medical University, Moscow 57 Ural Federal University 81 Sebastian Laukötter, University of Münster 57 Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences 82 Prof. Roland Schüle, University of Freiburg 32 Georgiy Lominadze, Scientific Center for Children’s German Center for Research and Innovation 83 Dr. Ilya Yarmoshenko, Institute of Industrial Health, Moscow 58 German Research Foundation 83 German Academic Exchange Service 84 Ecology, UB RAS 33 Aleksandr Lyapunov, Scientific Centre of the Problems German National Academy of Sciences 85 Prof. (em.) Hans-Jürgen Quabbe, of Family Health and Human Reproduction, Irkutsk 60 Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation 86 Freie Universität Berlin 34 Lyudmila Masnavieva, Research Institute of Max Planck Society 87 Prof. Ursula Plöckinger, Occupational Medicine and Human Ecology, Angarsk 61 Helmholtz Association 87 Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin 35 Kamiliya Mekhdieva, Ural Federal University named Russian Union of Young Scientists 88 Dr. Andrey Katanin, Institute of Metal Physics, after the First President of Russia UB RAS 36 B.N.Yeltsyn, Yekaterinburg 62 Plenary Discussions Prof. Thomas Gutmann, University of Münster 37 Irina Molodovskaya, Institute of Physiology Summary by Tobias Stüdemann, Freie Universität Prof. (em.) Jochen Ehrich, of Natural Adaptations, Arkhangelsk 63 Berlin 90 Hannover Medical School 38 Veronika Nikulina, Far Eastern State Medical Complete List of Participants 91 Dr. Mario Schelhaas, University of Münster 40 University, Khabarovsk 64 Prof. Inna Lavrik, University of Magdeburg 41 Dmitry Osolodkin, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 65 Programme 96 Dr. Vladimir Ivanov, Ural Federal University 43 Alla Ovsyannikova, Institute of Internal Medicine, Novosibirsk 66

2 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

Welcome to the Second “Week of the Young Researcher”!

Last year the idea to invite young researchers from Germany and Russia to come to- gether and to discuss current topics of mutual interest was born. After the great success of the first week in Kazan it was decided to turn it into an annual event. Our main goal for this weekis to foster co-operation among the young scientists and researchers from both of our countries who not so long from now will be setting the course of scientific co-operation between Russia and Germany, or indeed, if we may say so, between Russia Dr. Gregor Berghorn and !

Research organizations and institutions of higher education from both of our countries will introduce their programmes and showcase the platforms that they can offer, to Rus- sian and German PhD students as well as Post-Docs who wish to initiate collaborative projects or broaden research networks, this week.

We have chosen the Ural Federal University as the venue for this week, with good reason, for Yekaterinburg is one of most important scientific centres in Russia. The University itself is the core of a regional research and innovation cluster and is closely linked to the numerous institutes of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Not only does the university bear the name of Boris Yeltsin, the first elected President of the Rus- sian Federation, but it also represents the new type of Federal universities manifesting recently with higher education reforms.

Dr. Jörn Achterberg We would like to express our gratitude to the Ural Federal University for its academic hospitality, to the Presidium of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for its support, as well as to the Council of the Russian Union of Young Scientists (ROSMU) and its Chairman Dr. Aleksandr Shcheglov and finally, of course we thank all of you, the participants, for your involvement in this conference.


Dr. Gregor Berghorn Dr. Jörn Achterberg

German Academic Exchange Service German Research Foundation Head of DAAD Office Moscow Head of DFG Office Russia/CIS Managing Director of DWIH Moscow Deputy Director of DWIH Moscow

German-Russian week of young researcher 3 Welcoming Address

Дорогие коллеги, друзья, уважаемые гости и участники мероприятия!

От имени Уральского федерально- услуг, созданы новые рейтинги универ- го университета позвольте мне при- ситетов (национальные, федеральные ветствовать вас в Екатеринбурге. Для и национальные исследовательские) и нас большая честь и особое удоволь- предусмотрены значительные финан- Victor KOKSHAROV ствие провести здесь такое важное совые вложения. Основной стратеги- международное мероприятие. Мы в ческой целью в ходе создания новых Rector университете считаем, что установле- университетов является укрепление Ural Federal University (UrFU) ние международного сотрудничества значения российского образования и между молодыми учеными является науки в мировом масштабе, развитие ВИКТОР КОКШАРОВ ключевым аспектом активной акаде- инноваций и новых технологий, ин- Ректор мической жизни. По этой причине ис- тернационализация образования и на- Уральский федеральный университет кренне заинтересованы в поддержке уки нашей страны, а также усовершен- (УрФУ) именно этого мероприятия и готовы ствование практического применения проводить подобные конференции в результатов научных исследований в будущем. разных формах. Позвольте мне объяснить вам несколь- ко важных моментов. Высшее обра- зование в России стоит в настоящее Международные школы время перед решением исключительно должны в конечном итоге важных задач, связанных с процессами способствовать созданию глобализации образования и с участи- ем России в конкурентной борьбе на международной сети мировом рынке образования на рав- молодых ученых, способных ных с другими странами. С одной сто- работать над комплексными роны, традиционно высокое качество научными проектами, образования и научных исследований организовывать конференции в России, особенно в сфере инженер- ных и естественных наук, обеспечивает и семинары, публиковать России хорошую позицию на старте. С совместные отчеты другой стороны, к сожалению, россий- ские университеты в настоящий мо- мент заметно отстают не только от уни- Мы считаем, что интернационализация верситетов мирового уровня Западной – ключевое слово в данном контексте. Европы или Северной Америки, но и от Я полагаю, что необходимы не только университетов стран БРИКС в общем, в международные стажировки студен- частности, Китая. тов и профессоров, но и нечто намного более важное. Я имею в виду создание Понимание этой критической ситуации международной атмосферы внутри са- заставило российское правительство мого университета, развитие комплекс- принять срочные меры по реформиро- ной сети отношений, т.е. того, что на ванию системы высшего образования самом деле делает университет вузом в стране. Были определены центры по- международного класса с международ- вышения качества образовательных ной репутацией.

4 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

В становлении этого процесса очень Центральной и Восточной Европы, из новой стипендиальной программы для важны международные школы и семи- России, Средней Азии и Монголии. Та- научных сотрудников с докторской сте- нары, подобные вашему. Они помогают ким образом, это мероприятие не явля- пенью – пока только в социальных и по- не только провести международную ется для нас случайным или маргиналь- литических науках, но если эксперимент экспертизу в университете, но и сделать ным, а полностью соответствует нашим окажется удачным, мы включим в про- общедоступными наши успехи в науч- важнейшим стратегическим целям. грамму и другие научные области... ной работе. Именно поэтому в нынеш- нем году мы организовали целый ряд Международные школы тем не менее В заключение позвольте мне выразить подобных мероприятий в рамках следу- не являются самоцелью. Они должны, надежду на то, что эта конференция ющих тем: изучение России, экономика, в конечном итоге способствовать со­ предоставит вам возможность завязать интернет-технологии... В таком контек- зданию международной сети молодых отношения с зарубежными коллегами, сте стоит также упомянуть, что УрФУ ученых, способных работать над комп­ а также мне хотелось бы, чтобы кто- является ресурсным центром для про- лексными научными проектами, орга- нибудь из вас после защиты диссерта- грамм поддержки развития высшего низовывать конференции и семинары, ции вернулся в наш университет для образования в социальных и политиче- публиковать совместные отчеты и пр. научной работы. ских науках. Ежегодно мы организуем Мы заинтересованы не только в обмене 4 конференции по политической фило- данных о новейших научных разработ- И наконец, я хочу пожелать вам боль- софии и религиоведению для молодых ках, но и в создании подобных сетей. ших успехов на конференции. Удачи! преподавателей вузов и учащихся из В этом году мы объявили об открытии

German-Russian week of young researcher 5 Welcoming Address

Liebe Kollegen und Freunde, sehr geehrte Gäste und Teilnehmer der Konferenz!

Ich darf Sie heute im Namen der Uraler föderale Universitäten und nationale For- ten ist. Jedes Jahr führen wir 4 Konferen- Föderalen Universität in Jekaterinburg schungsuniversitäten) festgelegt worden, zen zur Politikphilosophie und Religions- begrüßen. Es ist uns eine große Ehre und es sind Haushaltsausgaben für den Be- wissenschaft für junge Hochschullehrer besondere Freude, hier eine so wichtige reich Hochschulbildung erhöht worden. und Studierende aus Mittel- und Osteuro- internationale Veranstaltung durchzufüh- Das größte strategische Ziel in der Phase pa, Russland, Zentralasien und der Mon- ren. Für unsere Universität ist internati- der Gründung neuer Universitäten ist die golei durch. Die heutige Veranstaltung ist onale Zusammenarbeit der Nachwuchs- Festigung der Position des Landes im Be- also keine zufällige, sondern sie entspricht wissenschaftler der entscheidende Aspekt reich Bildung und Forschung in der Welt, vollkommen unserem strategischen Ziel. der aktiven Forschungsarbeit. Aus diesem Entwicklung innovativer Verfahren, Inter- Grund, und wir sagen es offen, ist uns die nationalisierung russischer Bildung und Internationale Schulen sind für uns aber kein Unterstützung dieser Konferenz ein ganz Forschung und praktische Anwendung der Selbstzweck. Sie sollen im Endeffekt zum besonderes Anliegen, und wir sind gerne Forschungsergebnisse. Aufbau eines internationalen Netzwerkes bereit, auch in der Zukunft solche Konfe- der Nachwuchswissenschaftler beitragen, renzen zu organisieren. Wir glauben, dass das Wort „Internatio- deren Mitglieder komplexe Forschungs- nalisierung“ das Schlüsselwort in diesem projekte leiten, Konferenzen und Seminare Lassen Sie mich bitte an dieser Stelle einige Kontext ist. Ich bin der Meinung, es sind organisieren, Berichte über gemeinsame Ar- wichtige Punkte erläutern. Das russische nicht nur Forschungsaufenthalte für Stu- beit veröffentlichen können. Wir sind nicht Hochschulbildungssystem hat heute au- dierende und Professoren im Ausland er- nur am Informationsaustusch über die neu- ßerordentlich wichtige Aufgaben zu lösen, forderlich, es muss hier etwas Wichtigeres este Entwicklung der Wissenschaft, sondern die mit den Globalisierungsprozessen in entstehen. Nämlich es soll an jeder Uni- auch an Bildung solcher Netzwerke interes- der Bildung und der Teilnahme Russlands versität die internationale Atmosphäre ge- siert. In diesem Jahr schreiben wir ein neues am Wettbewerb auf dem internationalen schaffen werden, ein komplexes Netzwerk Stipendium für habilitierte Mitarbeiter aus, Bildungsmarkt zusammenhängen. Einer- der Kontakte, - das ist es, was eine Univer- vorerst im Bereich Sozial- und Politikwis- seits hat das Land eine gute Startposition, sität zu einer anerkannten Bildungsein- senschaften, wenn aber das Stipendium sich denn die hohe Qualität der Bildung und richtung in der Welt macht. bewährt, werden wir auch andere Wissen- Forschung, besonders im Bereich Inge- schaftsbereiche miteinbeziehen… nieur- und Naturwissenschaften, hat hier Dafür sind internationale Schulen, Semi- eine lange Tradition. Andererseits bleiben nare und solche Konferenzen, wie die heu- Abschließend möchte ich die Hoffnung russische Universitäten heute leider auffal- tige, sehr wichtig. Sie sind nicht nur als eine ausdrücken, dass diese Konferenz Ihnen lend zurück hinter den größten Weltuni- Art internationale Begutachtung unserer eine Möglichkeit geben wird, Kontakte mit versitäten in Westeuropa und Nordameri- Tätigkeit zu verstehen, sondern machen ausländlichen Kollegen anzubahnen. Au- ka, und wir können auch mit den anderen unseren Fortschritt in der Forschungsar- ßerdem wäre ich sehr froh, wenn jemand BRICS-Staaten, vor allem mit China, nicht beit sichtbar und allgemein zugänglich. von Ihnen nach der Promotion an unsere Schritt halten. Deswegen haben wir in diesem Jahr eine Universität zurückkehrt, um hier weiter zu ganze Reihe solcher Veranstaltungen or- forschen. Die russische Regierung ist sich der kriti- ganisiert mit verschiedenen thematischen schen Situation bewusst und ist gezwun- Schwerpunkten: Russlandforschung, Wirt- Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Erfolg auf der Kon- gen, zu Sondermaßnahmen zu greifen, schaftswissenschaften, IT usw. In diesem ferenz! um das Hochschulbildungssystem im Zusammenhang möchten wir auch beto- Land zu verbessern. Es sind bereits neue nen, dass die Uraler Föderale Universität Viel Glück! Zentren der Qualitätsverbesserung be- ein Ressourcenzentrum für Programme stimmt worden, es sind neue Formen der der Unterstützung der Hochschulbildung Universitäten (nationale Universitäten, im Bereich Sozial- und Politikwissenschaf-

6 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

Уважаемые дамы и господа!

Рад приветствовать dас на открытии ной экономике ФРГ. И я очень рад тому, Недели молодого ученого, которая про- что в рамках мероприятий Недели мо- ходит в городе Екатеринбурге в рамках лодого ученого нам удастся обменяться официально объявленного перекрест- своими знаниями и опытом в этой об- ного Года Германии в России! ласти. Aleksandr Kharlov Minister für internationale und Мы с вами живем в очень интересное Россия и Свердловская область идут außenwirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten время, в котором забота о здоровье сегодня по инновационному пути раз- der Oblast Sverdlovsk гражданского общества приобретает вития. Этот путь предполагает конку- все бóльшую значимость. Не случайно рентоспособность, которая не означает Александр Харлов проекты и научные исследования, свя- только ресурсные, материальные, фи- занные с темой «Общество и здоровье», нансовые, технические и другие преиму- Министр международных и для нас очень актуальны. щества. Конкурентоспособность – это в внешнеэкономических связей первую очередь соревнование в сфере Свердловской области Сегодня мы говорим, что здоровье – возможностей человеческого ума и до- это ценность, алмаз, который нужно стижения благосостояния общества. охранять. Но, безусловно, понимаем, Именно эта цель диктует модернизацию что за этим стоит большая работа. Это образования, ориентированного на вос- и постоянная пропаганда здорового питание в человеке социальных ценно- образа жизни, улучшение качества ме- стей и здорового образа жизни. дицинского обслуживания, создание благоприятных условий для занятий Не случайно сегодняшнее мероприятие спортом и многое, многое другое. проходит в стенах крупнейшего вуза Свердловской области – Уральского фе- С Федеративной Республикой Германия дерального университета. Результаты у Свердловской области теплые дове- научных исследований свидетельству- рительные отношения, крепкие друже- ют, что от 50 до 80% здоровье человека ственные связи. Нашему сотрудниче- зависит от уровня его образованности. ству уже более 20 лет, и в течение этого А подлинная образованность прояв- времени ФРГ является ведущим торго- ляется в ответственности человека за во-экономическим партнером Сверд- свое здоровье и здоровье окружающих, ловской области. Отрадно видеть, что в способности жить в гармонии с собой наше партнерство многогранно, оно и миром. укрепляется также в области культуры и образования, обмена научными зна- Желаю всем участникам Недели моло- ниями. дого ученого здоровья, успехов и но- вых интересных проектов! Уверен, что Наши немецкие коллеги имеют боль- в будущем мы сможем воплотить ваши шой опыт в отношении вопросов здо- инновационные идеи в жизнь! Спасибо ровья человека и общества, который за внимание! основан на социально-ориентирован-

German-Russian week of young researcher 7 Welcoming Address

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!

Es ist mir eine Freude, Sie anlässlich der menarbeit zählt bereits mehr als 20 Jahre der menschlichen Intelligenz und des Erfolgs Eröffnung der „Woche des jungen Wissen- und in dieser Zeit ist die Bundesrepublik im Bereich des gesellschaftlichen Wohlstands. schaftlers“ in Jekaterinburg im Rahmen Deutschland zum wichtigsten Partner der Eben dieses Ziel verlangt eine Modernisie- des Russland- und Deutschlandjahres be- Oblast Swerdlowsk in Handel und Wirt- rung von Bildung und Ausbildung, die den grüßen zu dürfen! schaft geworden. Es freut mich, dass un- Menschen hin zu sozialen Werten und einer sere Partnerschaft so vielschichtig ist und gesunden Lebensführung erzieht. Wir leben in interessanten Zeiten, in de- durch den Austausch von wissenschaftli- So ist es kein Zufall, dass die heutige Veran- nen die Sorge um die Gesundheit der Ge- chen Erkenntnissen auch im Bereich Kul- staltung in den Räumlichkeiten der größ- sellschaft eine immer größere Wichtigkeit tur und Bildung weiter gefestigt wird. ten Universität des Gebietes Swerdlowsk erlangt. So ist es kein Zufall, dass Projekte stattfindet, der Uraler Föderalen Univer- und wissenschaftliche Forschungen zum Unsere deutschen Kollegen haben viel Er- sität. Die Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Thema „Gesellschaft und Gesundheit“ für fahrung in Hinblick auf Fragen der mensch- Untersuchungen bestätigen, dass die Ge- uns von hoher Aktualität sind. lichen Gesundheit und der Gesellschaft, sundheit des Menschen von rund 50-80% dies geht auf die sozial orientierte Wirt- vom Grad seines Bildungsstands abhängt. Heute heißt es, Gesundheit ist ein Wert, schaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als Wahre Bildung äußert sich im Verantwor- ein Diamant, den es zu beschützen gilt. solche zurück. Ich freue mich daher, dass es tungsbewusstsein des Menschen für seine Aber natürlich wissen wir auch, dass dies in Gestalt der „Woche des jungen Wissen- eigene Gesundheit und die seines Umfelds, mit viel Arbeit verbunden ist. Erforderlich schaftlers“ gelingt, unser Wissen und Ideen in der Fähigkeit, mit sich und der Welt in ist eine ständige Werbung für einen ge- zu diesem Thema auszutauschen. Einklang zu leben. sunden Lebensstil, eine Verbesserung der medizinischen Versorgung, die Schaffung Russland und die Oblast Swerdlowsk bewe- Ich wünsche allen Teilnehmern der Woche günstiger Bedingungen für sportliche Be- gen sich heute auf einem innovativen Ent- des jungen Wissenschaftlers Gesundheit, tätigung und vieles andere mehr. wicklungspfad. Dieser Pfad setzt Konkur- Erfolg und neue, interessante Projekte! Ich renzfähigkeit voraus, die jedoch nicht nur bin überzeugt, dass es uns gelingt, Ihre in- Das Gebiet Swerdlowsk unterhält mit Ressourcen, materielle Grundlagen, Finanz- novativen Ideen in die Tat umzusetzen! der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ein gu- mittel, Technik und andere Vorteile beinhal- tes und vertrauensvolles Verhältnis und tet. Konkurrenzfähigkeit bedeutet in erster Li- Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit! freundschaftliche Bande. Unsere Zusam- nie Wettbewerb im Bereich der Möglichkeiten

8 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

Доброе утро, дамы и господа!

Как председатель УрО РАН я имею теринбурге – блестящая идея и, я по- честь принять участие в церемонии лагаю, что II Российско-германская официального открытия, и мне до- неделя молодого ученого обязательно ставляет большое удовольствие при- позволит расширить связи между на- ветствовать участников II Российско- шими странами. Valery Charushin германской недели молодого ученого, Vorsitzender der Uraler Abteilung der посвященной такой важной теме как Как известно, этот год был объявлен Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften «Общество и здоровье». Позвольте мне перекрестным Годом Германии в Рос- (URAN) поприветствовать всех вас от имени сии. 2012 год также является значимым моих коллег, работающих в академиче- для всех ученых Урала, потому что мы Валерий Чарушин ских институтах Уральского отделения собираемся отпраздновать 25-ю годов- Российской академии наук. щину образования Уральского отде- Председатель Уральского отделения Одной из стратегических целей УрО ления РАН и 80-летие академической Российской академии наук, РАН является развитие международ- науки Урала. Множество научных кон- Екатеринбург ных отношений. Как известно, Герма- ференций будут посвящены этим датам ния является нашим партнером но- на Урале, и основное событие, Ураль- мер один, и академические институты ский научный форум, начнется здесь, в Уральского отделения установили Уральском федеральном университете, прочные связи со многими научными в ноябре. центрами и университетами Германии, среди которых Радиоастрономиче- Как я уже отметил, Германия является ский институт Макса Планка (Бонн) и партнером номер один для УрО РАН. Институт астрофизики (Гархинг), Ис- Действительно, в прошлом году уче- следовательская школа современных ные Уральского отделения принимали материалов Макса Планка (Штутгарт), участие в 27 совместных немецко-рос- университеты Кёльна, Гамбурга, Осна- сийских исследовательских проектах. Кроме того, отделением было выделено в прошлом году ученые 6 трэвел-грантов, чтобы помочь моло- дым ученым посетить немецкие науч- Уральского отделения при- ные учреждения. За прошедшие годы мы нимали участие в 27 совмест- приобрели опыт поддержки российско- ных немецко-российских германских школ для молодых ученых исследовательских проектах и российско-германских передвижных семинаров. Так, в 1999 году Физико-тех- нический институт имени А.Ф. Йоффе, брюка, Аугсбурга, Институт кристал- возглавляемый лауреатом Нобелевской лографии университета Эрлангена- премии Жоресом Алферовым, пригла- Нюрнберга, Технический университет сил группу из 20 немецких профессоров Фрайбурга, Институт археологии уни- посетить Россию. Сначала они приехали верситета имени Й.В. Гёте (Франкфурт- в Санкт-Петербург, затем в Казань, и, на- на-Майне), компании «Biotronik» и конец, в Екатеринбург, чтобы принять «BioGenes». участие в конференции по материалове- Проведение этой конференции в Ека- дению. Это послужило началом установ-

German-Russian week of young researcher 9 Welcoming Address

ления длительных связей между физи- ками Екатеринбурга и Германии. В 2006 В 2006 году в Екатеринбурге состоялась первая российско- году в Екатеринбурге состоялась первая германская школа для молодых ученых. В 2008м и 2009 российско-германская школа для моло- годах российско-германские передвижные семинары были дых ученых. В 2008м и 2009 годах россий- проведены в Германии и России ско-германские передвижные семинары были проведены в Германии и России. В прошлом году российско-германский пе- деративной Республики Германия в ректора Уральского федерального редвижной семинар по синхротронному Москве, DAAD (Германской службе университета Виктора Кокшарова за излучению прошел в Москве в Курчатов- академических обменов) и DFG (Не- его усилия в организации конферен- ском институте. Затем он был продолжен мецкому научно-исследовательскому ции и гостеприимство. в Институте химии твердого тела УрО сообществу), Генеральному консуль- РАН, и, наконец, в Уральском федераль- ству ФРГ в Екатеринбурге, Российско- Наконец, я хотел бы поблагодарить ном университете. му союзу молодых ученых, всем тем, всех гостей, особенно тех, кто пре- кто участвовал в организации этой одолел долгий путь, чтобы приехать в Уверен, что мы должны следовать этим конференции, важнейшего события Екатеринбург и принять участие в этом прекрасным примерам сотрудничества для укрепления связей между немец- значимом мероприятии. Желаю всем ученых-физиков для развития новых кими и российскими учеными, за- вам приятного пребывания в Екатерин- связей во всех областях науки. нимающимися фундаментальными и бурге, новых научных идей и интерес- прикладными науками о жизни, эко- ных дискуссий. Уверен, что эта неделя В заключение позвольте мне выра- логии, здравоохранении и обществе. в Екатеринбурге станет для вас незабы- зить благодарность Посольству Фе- Кроме того, я хотел бы поблагодарить ваемой.

10 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

Guten Morgen, meine Damen und Herren!

Als Vorsitzender der Uraler Abteilung der Es ist bekannt, dass dieses Jahr zum tet. 2008 und 2009 fanden in beiden Län- Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Deutschlandjahr in Russland erklärt wor- dern Blockseminare statt. Im letzten Jahr (URAN) habe ich die Ehre und das Vergnü- den ist. Das Jahr 2012 ist auch für alle Wis- fand am Kurtschatow-Institut in Moskau gen, an der feierlichen Eröffnungszeremonie senschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler im ein russisch-deutsches Seminar zum The- teilzunehmen und die Teilnehmer und Gäs- Ural von besonderer Bedeutung: Die Ura- ma Synchrotronstrahlung statt. Es fand eine te der Zweiten Woche des jungen Wissen- ler Abteilung der Russischen Akademie Fortsetzung am Institut für Chemie des fes- schaftlers, die einem sehr wichtigen Thema der Wissenschaften feiert ihr 25-jähriges ten Körpers der URAN und zum Schluss an gewidmet ist, nämlich „Gesellschaft und Ge- Bestehen, bereits seit 80 Jahren wird im der Uraler Föderalen Universität. sundheit“, begrüßen zu dürfen. Ich darf Sie Ural die Grundlagenforschung betrieben. Ich bin sicher, dass wir uns an diese schönen heute im Namen meiner Kolleginnen und Aus diesem Anlass veranstaltet man im Vorbilder der Zusammenarbeit aus dem Kollegen begrüßen, die an akademischen In- Ural zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Kon- Bereich Physik halten sollen, um neue Ho- stituten der Uraler Abteilung der Russischen ferenzen, das wichtigste Ereignis, Uraler rizonte für unsere Zusammenarbeit in allen Akademie der Wissenschaften tätig sind. Wissenschaftsforum, findet im November Bereichen der Wissenschaft zu erschließen. an der Uraler Föderalen Universität statt. Eines der strategischen Ziele der Uraler Abschließend möchte ich mich bei dem Abteilung der Russischen Akademie der Wie bereits gesagt, ist Deutschland Part- deutschen Botschafter in Moskau, dem Wissenschaften ist Entwicklung der inter- ner Nummer eins für die URAN. Im letz- DAAD und der DFG, dem Generalkon- nationalen Beziehungen. Es ist bekannt, ten Jahr haben Wissenschaftlerinnen und sul der BRD in Jekaterinburg, dem Ver- dass Deutschland unser prioritärer Part- Wissenschaftler der Uraler Abteilung an band Junger Wissenschaftler in Russland ner ist, akademische Institute der URAN 27 gemeinsamen deutsch-russischen For- (RoSMU) und all denjenigen bedanken, haben bereits feste Kontakte mit vielen schungsprojekten teilgenommen. Au- die diese Konferenz organisiert haben. Forschungszentren und Universitäten ßerdem schrieb die URAN 6 Stipendien Sie ist ein sehr wichtiges Ereignis für die Deutschlands: Max-Planck-Institut für aus, die jungen Wissenschaftlern einen Festigung der Beziehungen zwischen deut- Radioastronomie (Bonn), Max-Planck- Forschungsaufenthalt an einer deutschen schen und russischen Wissenschaftlern, Institut für Astrophysik (MPA, Garching), Forschungseinrichtung ermöglichten. In die angewandte und Grundlagenforschung International Max Planck Research School den letzten Jahren haben wir Erfahrungen auf solchen Gebieten wie Lebens- und Ge- for Advanced Materials (Stuttgart), Uni- gesammelt, wie man russisch-deutsche For- sellschaftswissenschaften, Umwelt- und versität zu Köln, Universität Hamburg, schungsschulen für junge Wissenschaftler Gesundheitsschutz betreiben. Außerdem Universität Osnabrück, Universität Augs- und russisch-deutsche Blockseminare un- möchte ich dem Rektor der Uraler Fö- burg, Lehrstuhl für Kristallographie und terstützt. Im Jahre 1999 lud das Physika- deralen Universität Wiktor Kokscharow Strukturphysik der Universität Erlangen- lisch-technische A.F. Ioffe-Institut, damals meinen Dank aussprechen für seine tätige Nürnberg, Technische Universität Frei- von dem Nobelpreisträger Schores Alfjo- Hilfe bei der Organisation der Konferenz burg, Institut für Archäologische Wissen- row geleitet, eine Gruppe von 20 Professo- und für seine Gastfreundschaft. schaften der Goethe Universität (Frankfurt ren aus Deutschland zu einer Reise nach am Main), BIOTRONIK SE & Co.KG, Bio- Russland ein. Zuerst kam die Gruppe nach Ich bedanke mich bei allen Gästen, be- Genes GmbH Berlin. St. Petersburg, dann besuchte sie Kasan und sonders bei denen, die von weitem ange- schließlich Jekaterinburg, um an einer Kon- reist sind, um an dieser für uns wichtigen Diese Konferenz in Jekaterinburg ist eine ferenz zur Werkstoffkunde teilzunehmen. Veranstaltung teilzunehmen. Ich wünsche glänzende Idee, und ich glaube fest daran, Dies war der Anfang der Zusammenarbeit Ihnen allen einen angenehmen Aufenthalt dass die 2. Deutsch-Russische Woche des für die Physiker aus Jekaterinburg und aus in Jekaterinburg, viele neue Ideen und an- jungen Wissenschaftlers uns helfen wird, Deutschland. 2006 wurde in Jekaterinburg regende Diskussionen. Diese Woche in Je- die Beziehungen zwischen unseren Län- die erste russisch-deutsche Forschungs- katerinburg wird uns allen bestimmt noch dern auszuweiten. schule für junge Wissenschaftler veranstal- lange in Erinnerung bleiben.

German-Russian week of young researcher 11 Welcoming Address

Sehr verehrte Damen und Herrn, liebe Gäste aus Deutschland und Russland,

mit großer Freude begrüße ich Sie alle hier kunftsperspektiven hat. Mit der Uraler Fö- im Herzen des Urals zur 2. Deutsch-Russi- deralen Boris-Jelzin-Universität, der Uraler schen Woche des jungen Wissenschaftlers Abteilung der Russischen Akademie der in der Russischen Föderation. Wissenschaften sowie der Russischen Ver- einigung junger Wissenschaftler sind die Dr. Renate Schimkoreit Meine Freude über diese Veranstaltung hat richtigen, kreativen Akteure mit im Boot. gleich mehrere Ursachen: Generalkonsulin der Bundesrepublik Zunächst ist die Veranstaltung, die Sie in Die Wissenschaftskooperation mit Russland Deutschland in Jekaterinburg den kommenden Tagen mit Leben füllen hat für uns auch einen wichtigen außenpo- werden, ein willkommener und überzeu- litischen Aspekt. Das deutsche Auswärtige Д-р Ренате Шимкорайт gender Beweis dafür, dass die Strategie Amt fördert die Internationalisierung von Генеральный консул Федеративной der Bundesregierung zur Internationali- Wissenschaft und Forschung im Rahmen Республики Германии в Екатеринбурге sierung von Wissenschaft und Forschung seiner Außenwissenschaftsinitiative und un- gut aufgenommen wird und einen hervor- terstützt u. a. auch ganz konkret das DWIH ragenden Rahmen für Begegnungen und in Moskau-, gemeinsam mit dem Bundesmi- Austausch von Wissenschaftlern bildet. nisterium für Bildung und Forschung. Basierend auf dieser Strategie, die im Jahr 2009 ins Leben gerufen wurde, konnten Mit Parametern für eine „Außenwissen- als sichtbare Zeugen bereits in fünf Städten schaftspolitik“, die schon länger existieren- Deutsche Wissenschafts- und Innovations- de Aktivitäten – wie bspw. Stipendienpro- häuser eingerichtet werden: in New York, Sao gramme und Kooperationsprojekte – mit Paulo, New Delhi, Tokyo – und natürlich in neuen Themenbereichen verbinden sollen, Moskau, dessen DWIH-Team Regie geführt wollen wir zu einer Gesamtkonzeption ge- hat bei der Vorbereitung der Woche des Jun- langen, die gutes Synergiepotenzial hat. gen Wissenschaftlers in Jekaterinburg. Kurz gesagt: Wissenschaftskooperation ist nicht – und soll nicht – l’art pour l’art sein, Diese Wissenschafts- und Innovations- die auf kleine Gruppen von Wissenden be- häuser verstehen sich als Institutionen, in grenzt bliebe. denen deutsche Forschungseinrichtungen gepoolt und mit innovativen Unterneh- Vielmehr betrachten wir sie als elementare men vernetzt werden, um dann in dieser Voraussetzung zur Bewältigung globaler Konstellation internationale partner- Herausforderungen, die eben nicht an den schaftliche Wissenschaftskooperationen nationalen Grenzen Halt machen-, ob es auf die Beine zu stellen. Ich kann Ihnen sich nun um den Klimawandel, Lebens- allen empfehlen, für alle aufkommenden mittelsicherheit, Wasser- und Energieres- Fragen die Website des DWIH Moskau zu sourcen – oder auch, wie in unserem ak- konsultieren, die gleichzeitig einen guten tuellen Fall, um Chancen und Risiken der Eindruck zur Vielfalt der angebotenen Ins- Volksgesundheit handelt. trumente vermittelt. Wissenschaftsbeziehungen bringen Län- Wenn wir ergänzend einen Blick auf die der und Menschen einander näher und russischen Partner unserer wissenschaftli- sind insofern auch Unterstützung für di- chen Woche in Jekaterinburg werfen, dann plomatische Bemühungen. In letzter Kon- können wir umso überzeugter sein, dass sequenz führt Wissensaustausch immer die Initiative angekommen ist und gute Zu- auch zur besseren Kenntnis voneinander

12 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

und zum Abbau von Vorurteilen und Miss- Jekaterinburg, die „heimliche“ Hauptstadt wählt haben, passt hervorragend nach Jeka- trauen. des Urals hat sich mittlerweile auch was den terinburg. Denn es gibt hier seit einiger Zeit Zu guter Letzt fügt sich unsere heutige Ver- Wissenschaftsbetrieb angeht auf die Über- Projekte und Programme, der Region einen anstaltung auch ein in das deutsch-russische holspur gesetzt. weiteren – auch wirtschaftlichen – Schwer- Jahr 2012/2013. Die Föderale Boris-Jelzin-Universität ist punkt „Medizin“ zu geben. Auch mit Ziel, Eingangs habe ich erwähnt, dass es mich eine der größten in Russland und – was quasi als Relaisstation für das sibirische Russ- ganz besonders freut, dass die 2. Woche des noch wichtiger ist – sowohl im Ausland land eintreten zu können. Jungen Wissenschaftlers hier in Jekaterin- bereits gut mit Universitätspartnerschaften burg stattfindet. vernetzt als auch vor Ort für immer wieder Schon jetzt sind Folgeveranstaltungen ge- Nach vier Jahren als deutsche Generalkonsu- neue Projekte, gern auch in Kooperation mit plant, die das Momentum weiterführen lin im Ural weiß ich, dass diese Wahl nicht der Wirtschaft, offen. werden, das mit der Woche des jungen Wis- besser hätte sein können. Die Ural-Region Das sind unabdingbare Voraussetzungen – senschaftlers gegeben wurde. Und damit ist ist eine der dynamischsten in der Russischen dann aber auch Garanten für Erfolg! eines der wichtigsten Etappenziele bereits Föderation. Sie verfügt über eine heterogene erreicht: Anstöße zu geben und eine Basis Wirtschaft, die viele Anreize für ausländische Auch die Medizin-Thematik, die Sie für die zu errichten, auf der weiter aufgebaut wer- Unternehmen und Akteure bietet. Woche des jungen Wissenschaftlers ausge- den kann.

Уважаемые дамы и господа, дорогие гости из Германии и России!

Я рада приветствовать вас здесь, в ученого сообщества. пулы, которые, в свою очередь, объеди- сердце Урала, на открытии II германо- Ярким свидетельством осуществления няются в одну сеть с инновационными российской недели молодого ученого в этой стратегии, которая была сформу- предприятиями, чтобы затем дать воз- Российской Федерации. лирована в 2009 году, являются Герман- можность развития международной ские дома науки и инноваций, которые партнерской научной кооперации. Я У меня есть несколько причин для этой были основаны в пяти городах: Нью- могу вам порекомендовать по всем воз- радости: Йорк, Сан-Паулу, Нью-Дели, Токио, никшим у вас в этой связи вопросам об- Во-первых, это мероприятие, как вы в и, конечно, в Москве, чья сплоченная ратиться к интернет-сайту Германского ближайшие дни сможете сами почув- команда взяла на себя подготовку и ор- дома науки и инноваций в Москве, где ствовать, является ярким подтверж- ганизацию Недели молодого ученого в вы также сможете получить информа- дением того, что реализуемая прави- Екатеринбурге. цию о разнообразии предлагаемых ин- тельством Федеративной Республики струментов. Германия стратегия интернационали- Германские дома науки и инноваций зации науки и научных исследований следует понимать как институты, в Если мы в довершение всего обратим находит широкий отклик и формирует рамках которых различные направ- свой взгляд на российских партнеров прекрасные условия для встреч и об- ления научных исследований, прово- нашей научной недели в Екатеринбурге, мена мнениями среди представителей димых немецкими учеными, образуют мы еще более сможем убедиться в том,

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Говоря коротко, научная кооперация После четырехлетнего опыта моей ра- не является – и не должна быть – ис- боты на Урале в качестве Генерального кусством ради искусства, и ограничи- консула я знаю, что лучшего выбора не ваться небольшими группами посвя- могло и быть. Уральский регион явля- щенных. ется одним из наиболее динамичных Мы более всего склонны рассматри- в Российской Федерации. Экономика вать ее как наличие необходимых эле- этого региона разнородна и предлага- ет много стимулов для иностранных В конечном счете обмен предпринимателей и других участ- знаниями ведет к лучшему ников. Екатеринбург, неофициальная столица Урала, обогнал остальных и по что эта инициатива нашла большой от- пониманию друг друга и части науки. Уральский федеральный клик и имеет хорошие перспективы в искоренению предрассудков университет – один из самых крупных будущем. В лице Уральского федераль- и недопониманий в России, и, что еще важнее, он имеет ного университета им. Бориса Ельцина, не только хорошие партнерские связи уральского отделения Российской ака- с иностранными университетами, но и демии наук, а также Российского союза ментарных предпосылок для борьбы здесь, на месте всегда открыт для новых молодых ученых вместе с нами на на- с глобальными угрозами, которые не проектов, и кооперации с разными от- шем корабле оказались самые лучшие, останавливаются перед национальны- раслями экономики. креативные участники. ми границами – идет ли при этом речь Все это – неотъемлемые предпосылки, об изменениях климата, обеспечении но при этом и гарантии успеха! Научная кооперация с Россией имеет продуктами питания, запасах воды и для нас также очень важный внешне- энергетических ресурсах – или, как в Медицинская тематика, которая была политический аспект. Министерство нашем сегодняшнем случае, о шансах выбрана для Недели молодого ученого, иностранных дел Германии способ- и рисках в сфере обеспечения здоровья также прекрасно подходит для Екате- ствует интернационализации науки и населения. ринбурга, так как здесь уже некоторое научных исследований в рамках своих время реализуются проекты и програм- международных инициатив в области Научные связи сближают народы и яв- мы, которые позволят характеризовать науки, а также поддерживает среди ляются в этом смысле поддержкой ди- регион как развитый в еще одном эко- прочего конкретно Германский дом на- пломатических отношений. В конечном номическом отношении – в сфере ме- уки и инноваций в Москве совместно с счете обмен знаниями ведет к лучшему дицины. С целью создания своеобраз- Федеральным министерством образо- пониманию друг друга и искоренению ного ретранслятора для продвижения в вания и научных исследований. предрассудков и недопониманий. сибирскую часть России. С помощью параметров «международ- ной научной политики», которые долж- В конце концов, наше сегодняшнее ме- Уже сейчас запланированы следующие ны связать такие уже давно существую- роприятие связано с проводимым в мероприятия, которые призваны раз- щие инструменты, как стипендиальные 2012/2013 годах перекрестным Годом вить импульс, заданный Неделей моло- программы и кооперационные проекты Германии в России. дого ученого. И тем самым достигнута с новыми тематическими областями, важная промежуточная цель: создать мы хотим выработать общую концеп- В начале я упомянула, что меня особен- стимулы и базис, которые послужат цию, которая обладала бы достаточным но радует, что II Неделя молодого уче- дальнейшему развитию. синергетическим потенциалом. ного проводится в Екатеринбурге.

14 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

Sehr geehrter Herr Rektor Kokscharow, Sehr geehrter Herr Vorsitzender Tscharuschin, Sehr geehrter Herr Minister Kharlow, Sehr geehrte Frau Generalkonsulin Schimkoreit, lieber Herr Shcheglow, lieber Herr Kollege Huber, meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren, Prof. Peter Funke Vize-Präsident der Deutschen ich freue mich sehr, dass Sie der gemein- sich in meiner Funktion als Vizepräsident Forschungsgemeinschaft samen Initiative des Deutschen Akade- der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft mischen Autauschdienstes und der Deut- hat einrichten lassen, nach Jekaterinburg Проф. Петер Функе schen Forschungsgemeinschaft gefolgt zu reisen. Jekaterinburg ist ja eine Stadt, sind und begrüße Sie ganz herzlich zur die weit über die Landesgrenzen Russlands вице-президент Немецкого научно- Zweiten Deutsch-Russischen Nachwuchs- hinaus bekannt ist und Interesse weckt. исследовательского сообщества woche hier in Jekaterinburg! Natürlich denken wir dabei als Erstes an Boris Jelzin, den Namenspatron Ihrer Ich habe eben die Zahl „zwei“ aus gutem Hochschule, lieber Herr Kokscharow, aber Grunde besonders betont, denn genau vor auch an Jakow Swerdlow, den zeitweiligen einem Jahr eröffneten mein Kollege Hu- Namensgeber ihrer Stadt, der maßgeblich ber und ich die erste Nachwuchswoche in am tragischen Ende des Zaren Nikolaus II. Kasan. Anlässlich des Deutsch-Russischen und seiner Familie beteiligt war. Wissenschaftsjahres wurde eine neue Idee verfolgt: Jungen Wissenschaftlern bei- Insbesondere was den Namen und die der Länder ein Forum des Austauschs zu Geburt Ihrer Stadt angeht, so standen bieten, auf dem sie selbst von ihren wis- ja auch wir Deutschen einige Male Pate. senschaftlichen Arbeiten berichten und Der deutschstämmige Georg Wilhelm de Vorträgen erfahrener Wissenschaftler Hennin, ein enger Vertrauter Peters des beiwohnen können. Wir hatten dabei die Großen, gilt als einer der Gründungsväter Hoffnung geäußert, dass sich die Idee ver- Jekaterinburgs im Jahre 1723. Und selbst stetigen möge, einmal pro Jahr an wech- wenn der Name Ihrer Stadt nicht auf Ka- selnden Standorten zu wechselnden The- tharina II., sondern Katharina I. zurück- matiken bilaterale Nachwuchswochen in geht, so hat doch diese große russische Za- Russland durchzuführen. rin mit deutschen Wurzeln, Jekaterinburg die ersten Stadtrechte verliehen und 1781 Insofern ist der heutige Tag aus unserer zum Zentrum des hiesigen Gouverne- Sicht bereits ein großer Erfolg für alle ments ernannt. Beteiligten. Lassen Sie mich daher den Es gibt für uns Deutsche natürlich noch Organisatoren und Teilnehmern hier in Vieles mehr, was wir mit der Geschichte Jekaterinburg herzliche Glückwünsche Ihrer Stadt verbinden. Gestatten Sie mir als aussprechen und persönlichen Dank sa- Historiker nur noch einen kleinen Verweis gen! Meine Damen und Herren, Sie alle auf die große Russlandexpedition Alexan- tragen dazu bei, eine Veranstaltungsreihe der von Humboldts 1829. So hatte Hum- ins Leben zu rufen. boldt dabei ja nicht nur das große Glück, Ich freue mich auch ganz persönlich, hier die ersten Diamanten in der „Alten Welt“ zu zu sein, denn es ist das erste Mal, dass es entdecken, sondern konnte auf der Durch-

German-Russian week of young researcher 15 Welcoming Address

reise hier bei Ihnen auch noch die Grenze teralen Zusammenarbeit aufgegriffen; und Beispiele dafür finden sich auch in der Ura- zwischen Asien und Europa festlegen. Die zum anderen wird am Standort Jekaterin- ler Region, insbesondere auf den Gebieten Bedeutung Jekaterinburgs als Fenster nach burg der Austausch mit den wissenschaft- der Physik, der Chemie und der Mathema- Asien und damit auch als Verkehrskno- lichen Zentren in den Regionen Russlands tik, aber auch in der Zoologie sowie in den tenpunkt bleibt bis heute bestehen. Und vorangetrieben - denn auch hier wird auf Materialwissenschaften, den Wirtschafts- obgleich ich mit dem Flugzeug angereist hohem Niveau von Interesse für Deutsch- wissenschaften, den Alten Kulturen und bin, gibt es ja immer noch die Möglichkeit land geforscht. den Geschichtswissenschaften. Mit einem mit einem Kurswagen der Bahn von Berlin Finanzvolumen von knapp zwei Millionen nach Jekaterinburg zu reisen. Lassen Sie mich daher hervorheben, dass Euro förderte die DFG allein in den letzten es vor allem die Bedeutung Jekaterinburgs Jahren ein Dutzend Projekte mit Beteili- Die besondere Mittlerfunktion Jekaterin- als Wissenschaftszentrum ist, die uns heu- gung Jekaterinburger Hochschulen und burgs wollen wir auch in diesen Tagen te hier aus weiten Teilen Russlands und Forschungsinstitutionen, wie z.B. dem Ins- nutzen, um den Austausch von Ideen zu Deutschlands zusammenführt. Ich darf titut für Geschichte und Archäologie, dem einem aktuellen Thema zwischen unse- Ihnen, lieber Herr Tscharuschin, ganz Institut für Metallphysik und dem Institut ren Ländern, das heißt eben auch zwi- herzlich gratulieren! Als Vorsitzender des für Physik und Angewandte Mathematik schen Asien und Europa voranzutreiben. Präsidiums der Uraler Abteilung der Rus- der Föderalen Universität. Im Mittelpunkt stehen globale Probleme sischen Akademie der Wissenschaften be- zum großen Themenkomplex der „Ge- gehen Sie in diesem Jahr ihr 25-jähriges Neue Perspektiven der Zusammenarbeit sundheitsforschung“, denen sich die Wis- Jubiläum. Mittlerweile zählt die Akademie ergeben sich im Zuge der aktuellen Refor- senschaft nur im Verbund über Länder- 45 Forschungsinstitute, wobei die ersten men der russischen Hochschullandschaft. grenzen hinweg widmen kann. Dass dem bereits vor 80 Jahren gegründet wurden. Ich bin sicher: Ihre neue Föderale Univer- Nachwuchs dabei besondere Beachtung Im Übrigen pflegte die DFG, genauer ge- sität in Jekaterinburg wird ein starker Ko- geschenkt werden muss, liegt in der Natur sagt ihre Vorgängerorganisation, zu dieser operationspartner für Deutschland sein. der Sache. In einigen Jahren werden viele Zeit bereits enge Kontakte zur Russischen Sie wissen vermutlich, dass auch durch von Ihnen selbständig die heute begonne- Akademie der Wissenschaften. die sogenannte „Exzellenzinitiative“ in nen Forschungen weiter treiben und dabei Deutschland zahlreiche neue Cluster und auch Entscheidungen in eigener Verant- Gestatten Sie mir an dieser Stelle einige Forschungszentren an Universitäten gebo- wortung tragen müssen. Ich glaube, dass weitere Ausführungen zur DFG. Die Deut- ren werden, die starkes Interesse an einer diese Woche in Jekaterinburg eine ideale sche Forschungsgemeinschaft ist heute Zusammenarbeit mit Russland bekunden. Plattform für einen intensiven Gedanken- der größte Forschungsförderer in Europa. Und viele Vertreter deutscher Hochschu- austausch und eine Basis für zukünftige Mit einem Jahresbudget von über zweiein- len und Wissenschaftsorganisationen sind Kooperationen bietet. halb Milliarden Euro unterstützen wir die extra für diese Woche angereist. Entwicklung der Grundlagenforschung „Deutschland und Russland: gemeinsam an Hochschulen und Forschungsinstituti- Meine Damen und Herren, lassen Sie die Zukunft gestalten“, so lautet auch das onen. Im internationalen Förderhandeln uns daher diese Tage in Jekaterinburg Motto des laufenden Deutschlandjahres der DFG spielt Russland eine führende nutzen, um unseren Kooperationen eine in Russland 2012/13. Und wir hoffen mit Rolle, denn seit 2003 ist die DFG mit einer neue Qualität zu verleihen. Ich denke, wir unserer Veranstaltung zum Gelingen des eigenen Auslandsrepräsentanz in Moskau dürfen gespannt sein, wie es gemeinsam Jahres beizutragen, vor allem weil dieses vertreten. Aber bereits seit 1970 besteht ein weiter geht, eines ist jedoch sicher, dass Motto die Grundidee unserer gesamten Abkommen mit der Akademie der Wis- der Standort Jekaterinburg auch über das Woche widerspiegelt. Denn ohne unseren senschaften, um den Austausch zwischen Deutschlandjahr hinaus im Fokus der DFG Nachwuchs können wir weder in der Wis- unseren Forschernationen zu befördern. bleiben wird, denn es ist uns ein besonde- senschaft noch in sonstigen Bereichen der Mittlerweile arbeiten deutsch-russische res Anliegen die institutionelle Kooperati- Gesellschaft die Zukunft gestalten. Forschungsgruppen von Kaliningrad bis on mit den hiesigen Partnern auszubauen. Grundsätzlich verfolgen wir mit den Wladiwostok und vom Nordkaukasus bis Ich wünsche Ihnen und uns allen eine Nachwuchswochen zwei strategische Zie- zur Kola-Halbinsel an gemeinsamen DFG- erfolgreiche 2. Deutsch-Russische Woche le: Zum einen werden mit der Präsentation Projekten. Allein in den letzten drei Jahren des Jungen Wissenschaftlers und hoffe von Spitzenforschung und der Vernetzung finanzierte die DFG über 300 Projektan- sehr, dass wir im nächsten Jahr gemeinsam des Nachwuchses zentrale Punkte der bila- träge mit Beteiligung russischer Forscher. die dritte Woche begehen können.

16 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

Уважаемый господин Кокшаров, уважаемый господин Чарушин, уважаемый господин Харлов, уважаемая госпожа Шимкорайт, дорогой господин Щеглов, мой дорогой коллега Макс Хубер, уважаемые дамы и господа!

Я очень рад, что вы поддержали сов­ президента Немецкого научно-исследо- прилетел к вам на самолете, но между местную инициативу Германской служ- вательского сообщества. Екатеринбург Берлином и Екатеринбургом есть пря- бы академических обменов и Немецкого известен далеко за пределами России мое железнодорожное сообщение. научно-исследовательского сообщества и вызывает большой интерес. Здесь и приняли участие во II Российско-гер- уместно вспомнить Бориса Ельцина, Мы хотим использовать уникальное ме- манской неделе молодого ученого в Ека- имя которого носит ваш университет, стоположение Екатеринбурга и его по- теринбурге! дорогой господин Кокшаров, а также средническую функцию для налажива- Якова Свердлова, чье имя некогда но- ния обмена идеями по актуальным для Я сделал акцент на слове «второй», по- сил сам город, – человека, причастного наших стран вопросам, для укрепления тому что ровно год назад я и мой колле- к смерти царя Николая II и его семьи. научных контактов между Европой и га Макс Хубер вместе дали старт I Неде- Азией. В эти дни мы будем обсуждать ле молодого ученого в Казани. В связи Однако в историю возникновения ва- глобальные проблемы исследований в с проведением Российско-германского шего города вписаны и мы, немцы, области здоровья, эффективно решать Года образования, науки и инноваций бывшие некогда его покровителями. которые наши страны могут только со- у нас возникла новая идея – предоста- Ближайший соратник Петра Великого обща. То, что особое внимание необхо- вить молодым ученым наших стран Георг Вильгельм де Геннин, имевший димо обратить именно на молодежь, не возможность обмена опытом в рамках немецкие корни, считается одним из подлежит сомнению. Через несколько форума, на котором они смогут расска- основателей Екатеринбурга (1723 год). лет молодые ученые самостоятельно зать о своих достижениях и услышать И хотя ваш город был назван не в честь продолжат начатые сегодня исследова- доклады более опытных коллег. В нача- Екатерины Великой, а в честь Екатери- ния, будут сами принимать решения и ле пути мы надеялись на то, что наша ны I, она тоже была немецкого проис- нести ответственность за них. Я считаю, идея получит дальнейшее развитие, и хождения и впервые дала Екатеринбур- что эта Неделя в Екатеринбурге являет- что мы сможем проводить подобные гу право называться городом, а в 1781 ся идеальной платформой для развития конференции на самые разные темы году сделала его центром губернии. интенсивных научных контактов и по- ежегодно в разных городах страны. явления будущих совместных проектов. Сегодняшний день говорит об успеш- Есть еще множество вещей, которые ности нашего предприятия. И я хочу от мы, немцы, связываем с историей ваше- «Германия и Россия: вместе строим бу- всей души поздравить всех организато- го города. Позвольте мне как историку дущее» – так звучит девиз года Герма- ров и участников встречи в Екатерин- напомнить вам о большой экспедиции нии в России (2012–2013 г.). И мы на- бурге с этим успехом и сказать вам всем Александра фон Гумбольдта в Россию деемся, что наше мероприятие сделает слова благодарности! Уважаемые дамы в 1829 году. Гумбольдту не только неве- этот год еще интереснее, ведь девиз Года и господа, благодаря усилиям каждо- роятно повезло, потому что он впервые Германии в России отражает основную го из вас история нашей конференции нашел в Старом Свете алмазы, ему так- идею Недели молодого ученого. Без мо- продолжается. же удалось определить границу между лодежи нет будущего ни для науки, ни Я лично очень рад быть здесь сегодня, Азией и Европой. Екатеринбург и сегод- для остальных сфер жизни общества. потому что мне впервые удалось по- ня имеет огромное значение как окно в Проводя Неделю молодого ученого, мы сетить Екатеринбург в качестве вице- Азию и транспортный узел региона. Я преследуем две стратегические цели: во-

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первых, в ходе презентации результатов и научных институтах. В международ- Реформирование вузовского ландшаф- современных исследований и налажива- ной деятельности DFG Россия играет та России открывает новые перспек- ния научных контактов затрагиваются ведущую роль, поскольку с 2003 года тивы для сотрудничества. И я уверен: важные моменты двустороннего сотруд- у нас существует представительство в Уральский федеральный университет ничества; во-вторых, Екатеринбург как Москве. В 1970 году мы подписали со- в Екатеринбурге будет сильным парт­ место проведения встречи получает воз- глашение с Российской академией наук, нером для Германии. Вы, вероятно, можность упрочить отношения с регио- чтобы упрочить научные контакты знаете, что, благодаря инициативе под- нальными научными центрами России, между нашими странами. держки элитарной науки, сегодня на это очень важно, потому что здесь на базе университетов Германии появля- высоком уровне ведутся исследования, Сегодня группы немецких и российских ются новые научно-исследовательские представляющие интерес для Германии. ученых вместе работают над совместны- кластеры и центры, которые очень за- Хотелось бы подчеркнуть, что именно ми проектами нашей организации по интересованы в сотрудничестве с Рос- значение Екатеринбурга как научного всей стране: от Калининграда до Влади- сией. Для участия в Неделе молодого центра стало решающим фактором при востока, от Северного Кавказа до Коль- ученого в Россию специально приехали выборе места встречи ученых России ского полуострова. Только за последние представители многих немецких вузов и Германии. Я от всей души поздрав- три года DFG профинансировало более и научных организаций. ляю вас с этим, господин Чарушин! В этом году вы в качестве председателя «Германия и Россия: вместе Дамы и господа, давайте проведем пред- УрО РАН отмечаете 25-летний юбилей стоящую Неделю с пользой и поднимем Уральского отделения. На сегодняшний строим будущее» – так наше сотрудничество на качественно день в состав отделения входят 45 науч- звучит девиз года Германии новый уровень. Всем нам интересно, но-исследовательских институтов, са- в России (2012–2013 г.) как оно будет развиваться в дальней- мые первые из них были открыты еще шем, но в одном я уверен: Екатеринбург 80 лет назад. На момент возникновения останется в фокусе внимания DFG и по УрО РАН Немецкое научно-исследова- 300 проектов с участием российских окончании Года Германии в России мы и тельское сообщество, а точнее его ор- ученых. Среди них: проекты на Урале по в дальнейшем будем стремиться к рас- ганизация-предшественник, уже имела таким направлениям как физика, химия, ширению институциональных связей с крепкие связи с РАН. математика, а также зоология, материа- местными партнерами. Я желаю вам и ловедение, экономические науки, исто- всем нам плодотворной II российско- Позвольте мне сказать несколько слов рия и древние культуры. Объем средств, германской недели молодого ученого и о Немецком научно-исследовательском выделенных DFG только за последние очень надеюсь на то, что в следующем сообществе (DFG). На сегодняшний годы на дюжину проектов с участием году мы снова встретимся на открытии день оно является самой значимой ор- вузов и научных институтов Екатерин- уже третьей Недели. ганизацией в Европе, поддерживающей бурга, например, Института истории и научные исследования. Наш годовой археологии УрО РАН, Института фи- бюджет составляет 2,5 миллиарда евро. зики металлов УрО РАН, а также НИИ Такие средства мы вкладываем в раз- физики и прикладной математики УрФУ, витие фундаментальной науки в вузах составил почти два миллиона евро.

18 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

Sehr geehrter Rektor Professor Kokscharow, verehrte Generalkonsulin Frau Dr. Schimkoreit, werte Kollegen und vor allem liebe junge Wissenschaftler und Gäste,

einige von Ihnen kennen mich vielleicht allem die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung von bereits, anderen darf ich mich kurz vor- Stadt und Region weiter voranzubringen, stellen: Mein Name ist Max Huber und und Innovationen auf den Weg zu bringen. ich bin der ehemalige Vizepräsident des Sie leisten einen substantiellen Beitrag im DAAD. Während meiner Amtszeiten und Rahmen der industriellen und wirtschaft- Prof. (em.) Max Huber langjährigen Tätigkeit in dieser größten lichen Erneuerung Ihres Landes, und das Ex-Vizepräsident des Deutschen europäischen, eigentlich weltweit größten wollen wir mit Respekt und Anerkennung Akademischen Austauchdienstes Organisation, auf die ich zurückblicken würdigen. kann, habe ich viele Länder und Hoch- Проф. д-р Макс Хубер schulen besucht, und mit vielen Rektoren Jekaterinburg ist eine junge Stadt, und da- und sehr vielen Wissenschaftlern und her haben wir uns dazu entschlossen, sie экс-вице-президент ДААД Studenten einen regen Gedankenaus- als Ort für unsere Konferenz auszuwählen. tausch gepflegt, weltweit und natürlich Junge russische und junge deutsche Wis- auch in Russland. senschaftler, kommen unter Mitwirkung erfahrener Wissenschaftler beider Länder Im vergangenen Jahr habe ich die Erste zu einem Gedankenaustausch zu einem Deutsch-Russische Woche in Kasan er- hochaktuellen Thema zusammen, denn öffnen können, und daher freue ich mich „Gesundheit und Gesellschaft“ betrifft heute sehr, auch die 2. Deutsch-Russische uns ja alle. Woche des jungen Wissenschaftlers er- Die Gesundheit im ärztlichen Sinne betrifft öffnen zu können. Hier an der größten uns persönlich immer und überall, die Ge- Universität des Uralgebietes, dem Schei- sundheit einer Gesellschaft entscheidet depunkt zwischen Europa und Asien, an über ihre Zukunft, und die Zukunft gehört einer Universität, deren Bedeutung auch den jungen Leuten. bei uns in Deutschland immer mehr wahr- Es ist also nur folgerichtig, dass diese sich genommen und erkannt wird. zu diesem Thema äußern sollen.

Persönlich freue ich mich darüber, zum Die damals junge Sowjetunion hatte ge- ersten Male in dieser geschichtsträchtigen rade in dieser Stadt in den 1920er Jahren und gleichzeitig doch jungen Stadt sein zu Hochschulen gegründet, um damit ein können, die in Deutschland als die große Zeichen für den Aufbruch in eine neue Stadt der Industrie, des Handels und der Wissenschaft bekannt ist. Denn neben Jugend, Gesundheit, Kreativität zahlreichen Hochschulen ist hier in Jekate- sind wichtige Komponenten, rinburg auch der Sitz der Uraler Abteilung der Russischen Akademie der Wissen- die wir für unsere Arbeit, schaften. Wir kennen Jekaterinburg als die und damit auch unsere Stadt der Montanindustrie, als das indus- Zukunft brauchen. Junge trielle Herz Russlands, und wir verstehen Wissenschaftler diskutieren auch, sehr geehrter Herr Rektor Kokscha- über Probleme von morgen row, welche große und verantwortungs- volle Aufgabe Ihnen und Ihrer Föderalen und finden Lösungen. Universität zugedacht worden ist, um vor

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Zeit zu setzen. Die Zusammenlegung der den deutsch-russischen Wissenschaftsdis- Staatlichen Universitäten Moskau, der beiden größten Universitäten hier in Je- kurs bereit zu stellen. Gubkin-Universität Moskau und der Staat- katerinburg 2010 zu einer gemeinsamen lichen Universität St. Petersburg und zwei Einrichtung ist ein weiteres Zeichen eines Ein groSSer Anteil mit der Republik Tatarstan. Diese Pro- Aufbruchs in eine neue Zeit. gramme gelten als beispielgebend und sind der mehr als 60.000 leuchtende Orientierungspunkte gelunge- Jugend, Gesundheit, Kreativität sind wich- Förderungen des DAAD pro ner akademischer Kooperation zwischen tige Komponenten, die wir für unsere Jahr geht in bilaterale, unseren Ländern. Arbeit, und damit auch unsere Zukunft partnerschaftliche brauchen. Junge Wissenschaftler diskutie- 2012/2013 ist das Jahr Deutschlands in ren über Probleme von morgen und finden konzeptionelle Projekte. Russland und gleichzeitig das Jahr Russ- Lösungen. lands in Deutschland. Zwar werden hier- Aus Freiburg und Münster, aus Berlin und bei vor allem kulturelle Akzente gesetzt, Tübingen, aus München und Göttingen Der DAAD ist in seiner Arbeit, neben der aber Wissenschaft ist letztlich auch ein Teil kommen die jungen deutschen Wissen- Vergabe individueller Stipendien, ganz we- menschlicher Kultur im weiteren Sinne. schaftler - ihre russischen Kolleginnen und sentlich auf partnerschaftliche Förderung Unter diesem Aspekt verstehen wir diese Kollegen kommen aus allen Teilen dieses orientiert und damit in Europa konzepti- Veranstaltung somit auch als einen sub- großen Landes, aus Moskau und Peters- onell führend. Ein großer Anteil der mehr stantiellen Beitrag zum gemeinsamen burg, aus Archangelsk im Norden, und aus als 60.000 Förderungen des DAAD pro Deutsch-Russischen Jahr. Naltschik im Kaukasus, aus dem Fernen Jahr geht in bilaterale, partnerschaftliche Lassen Sie mich allen, die am Zustande- Osten und aus Sibirien, von der Wolga und konzeptionelle Projekte. kommen dieser Konferenz mitgewirkt ha- natürlich aus Jekaterinburg selbst. ben und noch mitwirken werden, meinen Die Pflege des wissenschaftlichen Nach- Dank aussprechen, ganz besonders aber Das partnerschaftliche Miteinander, das wuchses, künftiger Forscher und Hoch- Ihnen, Herr Rektor Kokscharow, für Ihre zwischen Deutschland und Russland im schullehrer, ist uns ein großes Anliegen. So akademische Unterstützung unserer Ver- Großen in der Modernisierungspartner- haben wir mit Russland seit 2003 konse- anstaltung. schaft und der Strategischen Partnerschaft quent gemeinsam finanzierte Programme zu finden ist, spiegelt sich hier konkret in ausgebaut: Ihnen allen wünsche ich gute Gespräche; dieser Konferenz wider. aber auch eine ruhige Minute, die Sehens- Das ist einer der zentralen Inhalte des Das Lomonossow- und das Kant-Pro- würdigkeiten dieser Stadt zu betrachten. Deutschen Hauses für Wissenschaft und gramm mit dem Russischen Bildungs- Jekaterinburg ist eine Reise wert. Innovation in Moskau, eine Plattform für ministerium, drei Programme mit den Ich danke Ihnen!

20 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

Уважаемый господин ректор, профессор Кокшаров, уважаемая госпожа генеральный консул, доктор Шимкорайт, дорогие коллеги и, самое главное, дорогие молодые ученые и гости конференции!

Возможно, некоторые из вас уже знают вития города и региона, во внедрении помощью осуществить прорыв в новое меня, но я все же представлюсь: меня зо- в производство инноваций. Вы и ваш время. Состоявшееся в 2010 году объ- вут Макс Хубер, я бывший вице-прези- университет вносите существенный единение двух крупнейших универси- дент Германской службы академических вклад в модернизацию промышленно- тетов Екатеринбурга – следующий шаг обменов (DAAD). В качестве вице-пре- сти и экономики страны, и мы уважаем на пути перемен. зидента DAAD, за долгие годы работы ваш труд. в этой крупнейшей европейской, да и, Молодость, здоровье, творческий дух – пожалуй, мировой организации в сфере Екатеринбург – молодой город, именно важнейшие компоненты, которые нуж- образования и науки, я посетил с ви- потому мы решили выбрать его местом ны нам в работе, как сегодня, так и в зитами многие страны и вузы, наладил проведения нашей конференции. будущем. Молодые ученые обсуждают диалог с их ректорами, с молодыми уче- В ходе конференции, тема которой – проблемы завтрашнего дня и находят ными и студентами. Я говорю сейчас, в «Здоровье и общество» – очень акту- их решение. том числе, и о России. В прошлом году я альна сегодня и касается каждого из принимал участие в торжественном от- нас, молодые российские и немецкие Здесь собрались молодые немецкие крытии I Российско-германской недели ученые под руководством своих стар- ученые из Фрайбурга и Мюнстера, Бер- молодого ученого в Казани, и потому я ших и более опытных коллег из России лина и Тюбингена, Мюнхена и Гёттин- особенно рад присутствовать сегодня и Германии смогут обменяться знания- гена; их российские коллеги приехали на открытии II недели. Проходит она в ми и идеями. со всех концов большой страны, из Мо- месте, где встречаются Европа и Азия, в сквы и Петербурга, из северного города стенах крупнейшего университета Ура- Архангельска и кавказского Нальчика, ла, значение которого для развития нау- Молодость, здоровье, с Дальнего Востока и из Сибири, из ки становится все более очевидным для творческий дух – важнейшие Поволжья и, конечно же, самого Екате- Германии. компоненты, которые нужны ринбурга. Тот самых дух сотрудничества, объеди- Я очень рад впервые оказаться в этом нам в работе, как сегодня, нивший Германию и Россию как стра- очень молодом, но уже сыгравшем важ- так и в будущем тегических партнеров, работающих на ную роль в истории, городе, который модернизацию двух стран, царит и на в представлении немцев неразрывно этой конференции. связан с развитием промышленности, С вопросами собственного здоровья торговли и, конечно, науки. Ведь имен- мы сталкиваемся на каждом шагу, здо- Одна из основных задач Германско- но здесь, в Екатеринбурге, находится ровье общества определяет его буду- го дома науки и инноваций в Москве Уральское отделение РАН. Екатерин- щее, а будущее всегда за молодежью. – создать платформу для развития не- бург для нас – центр тяжелой промыш- И потому мне кажется закономерным, мецко-российского научного дискурса. ленности, индустриальное сердце Рос- что именно молодежь сегодня и будет Германская служба академических об- сии, мы хорошо понимаем, уважаемый обсуждать проблемы здоровья. менов, предоставляющая ученым ин- господин ректор, какая ответственная дивидуальные стипендии, также много задача лежит на вас и Федеральном В 20-е годы XX века, тогда еще моло- работает в направлении укрепления университете, и заключается она в под- дое советское государство стало соз- сотрудничества. Концепция ее работы держании уровня экономического раз- давать в этом городе вузы, чтобы с их в данной сфере является ведущей в Ев-

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ропе. Значительная часть более 60 000 государственным университетом, две одной из областей человеческой куль- поддерживаемых DAAD проектов – это программы в сотрудничестве с Респуб­ туры в широком смысле слова. А пото- именно двустороннее сотрудничество. ликой Татарстан. Все эти программы му наша конференция – еще одно важ- Забота о научных кадрах, воспитание являются примерами успешного со- ное мероприятие в рамках совместного молодых исследователей и педагогов трудничества в академической сфере немецко-российского года. вузов – наша важная задача. С 2003 между нашими двумя странами. года мы последовательно создали сле- Позвольте мне выразить благодар- дующие финансируемые немецкой и Значительная часть более ность всем тем, кто принимал и бу- российской сторонами совместные чем 60 000 поддерживаемых дет принимать участие в организации программы: этой конференции, в первую очередь DAAD проектов – это ректору, господину Кокшарову, за ака- Программа «Михаил Ломоносов» и именно двустороннее демическую поддержку нашего меро- программа «Иммануил Кант» совмест- сотрудничество. приятия. но с Министерством образования и Я желаю вам интересной работы, но и науки РФ; три программы совместно с прошу вас не забывать об отдыхе, о том, Московским государственным универ- 2012/2013 – Год Германии в России и что в Екатеринбурге есть много всего ситетом, Российским государственным одновременно Год России в Германии. интересного. университетом нефти и газа им. Губ- Основной акцент делается на сферу кина (Москва) и Санкт-Петербургским культуры, но мы можем считать науку Спасибо за внимание!

22 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

Уважаемые участники и гости мероприятия!

Прежде всего хочу поприветствовать В августе 2012 года агентство Блум- всех собравшихся от имени Россий- берг (Bloomberg) опубликовало рей- ского союза молодых ученых (РоСМУ) тинг стран по состоянию здоровья их – общероссийской общественной ор- жителей. При подготовке рейтинга, ганизации, объединяющей молодых в котором участвовали государства с Aleksandr Shcheglov исследователей, инженеров и препода- численностью населения свыше 1 мил- Vorsitzender des Rates des Verbandes вателей из различных регионов страны. лиона человек, использовались данные Junger Wissenschaftler in Russland Приятно отметить, что РоСМУ высту- Всемирной организации здравоохра- пает одним из организаторов открыва- нения, Организации Объединенных Александр Щеглов ющегося сегодня мероприятия. Наций и Всемирного банка. По итогам ранжирования в списке стран Герма- председатель совета Российского Российско-германская неделя молодо- ния оказалась на 10-м месте, а Россия союза молодых ученых го ученого проводится уже во второй – на 97-м, расположившись по сосед- раз. Это позволяет говорить о форми- ству с Восточным Тимором и Ираком. ровании новой традиции в отношениях Сложности, существующие в россий- России и Германии, способствующей ской сфере здравоохранения, заметны развитию взаимодействия, обмену и внутри страны. В частности, по ре- опытом, установлению профессиональ- зультатам исследования, представлен- ных контактов и расширению сотруд- ного Всероссийским центром изучения ничества между молодыми учеными общественного мнения (ВЦИОМ) в наших стран. июле 2012 года, среди главных проблем государства была выделена и ситуация Тема «Общество и здоровье», выбран- в сфере здравоохранения, которую от- ная для мероприятия в 2012 году, яв- метили 37% опрошенных. ляется крайне актуальной, так как за- дачи укрепления здоровья населения Причины, которые привели к подоб- и профилактики заболеваний явля- ной ситуации в российском здравоох- ются крайне важными для успешного ранении, носят комплексный харак- социально-экономического развития тер. Среди наиболее значимых из них любой страны. Именно поэтому со сто- эксперты выделяют хроническое не- роны органов государственной власти дофинансирование и несовершенство должно уделяться особое внимание реформ, проводимых в отрасли. В вопросам развития здравоохранения и этой связи недавние преобразования совершенствованию деятельности уч- в правительстве России и создание в реждений данной сферы. Вместе с тем его составе отдельного Министерства немаловажная роль в решении подоб- здравоохранения Российской Феде- ных задач отводится представителям рации позволяют надеяться, что не- научного сообщества, которые способ- обходимые меры на государственном ны разработать новые методы лечения уровне, направленные на решение и профилактики заболеваний, улучшив существующих проблем, будут разра- тем самым состояние здоровья населе- ботаны и реализованы в ближайшей ния в стране. перспективе.

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Вероятно, что определенные слож- и оптимизации системы управления даст дополнительный импульс разви- ности (хотя и не носящие столь зна- здравоохранением. Поэтому II Рос- тию сотрудничества молодых ученых чимый характер как в России) имеют сийско-германская неделя молодого наших стран, которое будет носить место и в сфере здравоохранения Гер- ученого «Общество и здоровье», участ- взаимовыгодный характер. мании. В этой связи представители ники которой в рамках тематических В заключение хочу пожелать участни- научного сообщества наших стран мо- научных секций и круглых столов смо- кам и гостям II российско-германской гут внести свой вклад в преодоление гут представить свои проекты и науч- недели молодого ученого «Общество существующих негативных явлений, ные исследования, обсудить наиболее и здоровье» успешной работы, пло- разработав и предложив как более эф- острые проблемы медицины и здраво- дотворных дискуссий, новых научных фективные методы лечения и профи- охранения в междисциплинарном кон- свершений и, конечно, крепкого здо- лактики заболеваний, так и способы тексте, является значимым событием. ровья. совершенствования законодательства Уверен, что данное мероприятие при-

24 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

Meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren, Teilnehmer und Gäste der Konferenz!

Als Erstes möchte ich Sie alle im Namen mit Bevölkerungszahl über eine Million Wahrscheinlich werden sich auch im des Verbandes Junger Wissenschaftler in Menschen teil, man benutzte die Anga- deutschen Gesundheitssystem einige Russland (RoSMU) begrüßen, einer ge- ben der WHO, UNO und der Weltbank. Schwierigkeiten finden lassen, die im sellschaftlichen Organisation, die junge Laut Ergebnissen dieses Rankings belegt Unterschied zu Russland aber keine ent- Forscher, Ingenieure und Hochschul- Deutschland Platz 10, Russland ist auf scheidende Rolle für das System spielen. lehrer aus verschiedenen Teilen unseres Platz 97 neben Osttimor und dem Irak. Die Vertreter der Wissenschaftsgemein- Landes vereinigt. Wir freuen uns ganz Schwierigkeiten im Bereich Gesundheits- den unserer beiden Länder können im besonders, einer der Veranstalter dieser wesen sind innerhalb des Landes spürbar. Laufe dieser Konferenz ihren Beitrag zur Konferenz zu sein. Die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung des Beseitigung der negativen Erscheinungen Russischen Zentrums zur Erforschung leisten, indem sie neue wirkungsvolle Be- Die Deutsch-Russische Woche des Jungen der öffentlichen Meinung (WZIOM) im handlungs- und Vorbeugungsmethoden Wissenschaftlers findet bereits zum zwei- Juli 2012 zeigen, dass Probleme im Be- entwickeln und präsentieren und Vor- ten Mal statt. In diesem Zusammenhang reich Gesundheitswesen von 37% der Be- schläge zur Verbesserung der Gesetzge- kann man von einer neuen Tradition in fragten unter den wichtigsten Problemen bung und Optimierung der Verwaltung den deutsch-russischen Beziehungen im Land genannt worden sind. über das Gesundheitssystem machen. sprechen, die unsere Zusammenarbeit Die heutige Situation im Gesundheitswe- Aus diesem Grund ist die 2. Deutsch- voranbringt, uns einen Erfahrungsaus- Russische Woche des jungen Wissen- tausch ermöglicht und junge Wissen- Die Deutsch-Russische Woche schaftlers zum Thema „Gesundheit und schaftler unserer Länder auf diesem Fo- Gesellschaft“, deren Teilnehmer ihre Pro- rum zusammenführt. des jungen Wissenschaftlers jekte und Forschungsergebnisse im Rah- findet bereits zum zweiten Mal men der Sektionssitzungen und runder Das Thema „Gesundheit und Gesell- statt. In diesem Zusammenhang Tische präsentieren und heiße Fragen im schaft“, dem die Veranstaltung 2012 kann man von einer neuen Bereich Medizin und Gesundheitswesen gewidmet ist, ist hochaktuell, denn Ge- Tradition in den deutsch- im fachübergreifenden Kontext bespre- sundheitsförderung und Krankheitsvor- chen können, ein für uns alle bedeutendes beugung sind besonders wichtige Fak- russischen Beziehungen Ereignis. Ich bin sicher, dass die heutige toren für die soziale und wirtschaftliche sprechen, die unsere Veranstaltung der Zusammenarbeit jun- Entwicklung jedes Landes. Darum sollte Zusammenarbeit voranbringt. ger deutscher und russischer Wissen- jeder Staat solchen Fragen wie Entwick- schaftler zugunsten beider Länder einen lung des Gesundheitswesens und Verbes- zusätzlichen Impuls geben wird. serung der medizinischen Versorgung der sen Russlands ist auf komplexe Gründe Bevölkerung besondere Aufmerksamkeit zurückzuführen. Experten deuten auf die Zum Schluss wünsche ich allen Teilneh- schenken. Die Wissenschaftsgemeinde wichtigsten davon hin – auf Mangelfinan- mern und Gästen der 2. Deutsch-Russi- hat dabei eine wichtige Aufgabe zu er- zierung und unzureichende Reformen in schen Woche des jungen Wissenschaftlers füllen: Neue Behandlungs- und Vorbeu- der Branche. In dieser Hinsicht geben uns zum Thema „Gesundheit und Gesell- gungsmethoden zu entwickeln und den die neuesten Veränderungen in der russi- schaft“ viel Erfolg bei der Arbeit, gute Gesundheitszustand der Bevölkerung zu schen Regierung, vor allem die Gründung Gespräche, neue Entdeckungen und na- verbessern. eines separaten Gesundheitsministeri- türlich auch eiserne Gesundheit. ums, die Hoffnung, dass es in der nächs- Im August 2012 hat die Agentur Bloom- ten Zeit entsprechende Entscheidungen berg ein Ranking der Länder nach dem auf der Staatsebene entwickelt und getrof- Gesundheitszustand ihrer Bevölkerung fen werden. veröffentlicht. Daran nahmen Länder

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Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

das im Mai 2012 zu Ende gegangene Dies gilt angesichts neuer staatlicher Initi- Deutsch-Russische Jahr der Bildung, Wis- ativen zur stärkeren Internationalisierung senschaft und Innovation hat mit dem seit von Forschung in Russland und Deutsch- Juni 2012 laufenden Deutschland-Jahr in land um so mehr. Dabei ist vor allem an Karsten Heinz Russland seine Fortsetzung gefunden. Im das Megagrant-Programm zur Schaf- Rahmen dieser Jahre sind eine Vielzahl fung von Forschungslabors an russischen Ehrenprofessor der Staatlichen Universität Uljanowsk neuer Projekte und Initiativen deutsch- Hochschulen unter Einbindung internati- Botschaftsrat russischer Wissenschaftskooperation lan- onal ausgewiesener Hochschullehrer sowie Leiter des Referats Wissenschaft und Bildung ciert worden. das in Planung befindliche akademische Deutsche Botschaft Moskau Austauschprogramm „Global Education“ Dazu gehören auch die jährlich statt- des Russischen Ministeriums für Bildung

findenden Wochen des jungen Wissen- und Wissenschaft zu denken. Auf deutsche Карстен Хайнц schaftlers des Deutschen Wissenschafts- Initiative geht das neue deutsch-russische Почетный профессор УлГУ, und Innovationshauses (DWIH), DAAD-Stipendienprogramm „Russland Советник посольства, veranstaltet durch den Deutschen Aka- in der Praxis“ zurück, mit dem deutsche Руководитель отдела науки и образования demischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) Studierende studienbezogene Praktika in Посольства ФРГ в Москве und die Deutsche Forschungsgemein- Firmen in Russland absolvieren können. schaft (DFG) in Kooperation mit ex- Damit werden länderübergreifend auch zellenten Partnern der russischen und die Beziehungen zwischen Hochschule deutschen Bildungs- und Forschungs- und Wirtschaft gestärkt. landschaft. Für diese Initiative ist beiden Wissenschaftsorganisationen herzlich zu danken. Die erste Veranstaltung dieser Art im September 2011 in Kasan wurde fortgesetzt mit der Wissenschaftswoche zur Gesundheitsforschung im September 2012 in Jekaterinburg, deren Ergebnisse nun als Broschüre vorliegen.

Intensive Kontakte zwischen deutschen und russischen Nachwuchswissenschaft- lern sind für die Zukunft der bilateralen Wissenschaftsbeziehungen von entschei- dender Bedeutung. Die Wochen des jun- gen Wissenschaftlers machen einmal mehr deutlich, dass das Potenzial für den weiteren Ausbau der deutsch-russischen Forschungskooperation weiter wächst und dass es sich lohnt, unsere Nachwuchsfor- scher im Sinne einer gemeinsamen Eli- tenförderung zusammenzuführen. Solche Foren sind auch Denkfabriken für gemein- same Projekte und Initiativen von morgen.

26 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

Die Wochen des jungen Wissenschaftlers machen einmal mehr deutlich, dass das Potenzial für den weiteren Ausbau der deutsch-russischen Forschungskooperation weiter wächst und dass es sich lohnt, unsere Nachwuchsforscher im Sinne einer gemeinsamen Elitenförderung zusammenzuführen.

Die deutsch-russischen Wochen junger zung der russischen und deutschen Wissen- Wissenschaftler bieten ein neues wissen- schaftslandschaft geben kann. Noch existiert schaftliches Diskussionsforum für deutsche es zwar lediglich virtuell, aber in den nächsten und russische Nachwuchswissenschaftler Jahren wird es gelingen, die deutschen Wis- mit ausgewiesenen und erfahrenen For- senschaftsorganisationen weitgehend unter schern aus beiden Ländern. Damit wird der einem Dach in Moskau zu vereinen. Das wird akademische Austausch um ein weiteres die Verbindungen zwischen den Wissen- wichtiges Element ergänzt. Für das Forum schaftsgemeinschaften beider Länder weiter mussten sich die Nachwuchswissenschaft- stärken. Bis dahin werden verschiedenste Ver- ler selbst bewerben. Für die zweite Wissen- anstaltungsformate des DWIH, ich denke da- schaftswoche waren es bereits wesentlich bei an Wissenschaftsgespräche mit führenden mehr talentierte junge Forscher als im Vor- Verteretern aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und jahr, die sich daran beteiligen wollten. Hier Politik und deutsch-russische Wissenschafts- entsteht Wettbewerb. Das ist ein sichtbares wochen in den russischen Regionen, zu einer junge Wissenschaftler beider Länder für Zeichen für die Attraktivität des Formats Intensivierung der bilateralen Wissenschafts- die Forschung ihrer Kollegen im jeweils an- und das große gegenseitige Interesse an der beziehungen beitragen. Mit diesen Aktivitäten deren Land interessieren. Damit wird eine bilateralen Forschungskooperation. Lassen ist das DWIH bereits jetzt ein wichtiger Faktor junge deutsch-russische Wissenschaftsge- Sie sich überraschen von den interessanten für die Umsetzung der Außenwissenschaftsin- meinschaft gestärkt, die in einigen Jahren Forschungsthemen der jungen Wissen- itiative des des Außenamtes, der Interantiona- die Geschicke der bilateralen Forschungs- schaftler und den Ergebnissen der Arbeiten, lisierungsstrategie des BMBF und der strate- zusammenarbeit lenken wird. die in diesem Heft veröffentlicht werden. gischen Partnerschaft in Bildung, Forschung und Innovation, die Russland und Deutsch- Die Veranstaltung in einer russischen Region land miteinander verbindet. belegt auch, dass die Idee des Aufbaus eines DWIH in Russland funktioniert und dass Wir wollen diesen Weg fortsetzen. Das dieses Haus wichtige Impulse für die Vernet- kann und wird uns nur gelingen, wenn sich

German-Russian week of young researcher 27 Welcoming Address

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завершившийся в мае 2012 года Рос- Прежде всего, я имею в виду програм- Подобные мероприятия в регионах го- сийско-германский Год образования, му мегагрантов правительства РФ, ворят о том, что идея создания в Рос- науки и инноваций уже в июне 2012 которая помогает созданию научных сии Германского дома науки и иннова- года плавно перешел в перекрестный лабораторий при российских вузах, к ций (DWIH) была удачной, что DWIH Год Германии в России. В течение этих работе в которых привлекаются выдаю- действительно дает важный толчок для двух лет был дан старт множеству но- щиеся преподаватели и специалисты из расширения взаимоотношений меж- вых совместных проектов и инициатив других стран, а также находящуюся в ду вузами и институтами двух стран. в области науки. К ним, безусловно, от- разработке программу академического Пока Германский дом науки и инно- носится ставшая ежегодной Неделя мо- обмена «Global Education» Министер- ваций существует скорее виртуально, лодого ученого Германского дома науки ства образования и науки РФ. Герма- но в последующие годы мы планируем и инноваций (DWIH), которую прово- ния, в свою очередь, предлагает новую объединить представительства органи- дят Германская служба академических немецко-российскую стипендиальную заций немецкой науки под одной кры- обменов (DAAD) и Немецкое научно- программу ДААД «Россия на прак- шей в Москве. И это еще больше укре- исследовательское сообщество (DFG) тике» (Russland in der Praxis), которая пит научные контакты между нашими совместно со своими партнерами – эли- дает немецким студентам возможность странами. До тех пор DWIH планирует тарными российскими и немецкими проходить практику в российских проведение мероприятий, призванных учебными и научными учреждениями. компаниях. Данная инициатива также интенсифицировать двустороннее на- Мы сердечно благодарим DAAD и DFG способствует укреплению отношений учное сотрудничество, в самых разных за поддержку этой инициативы. Пер- между вузами и представителями биз- форматах, например, круглые столы и вая неделя молодого ученого прошла в неса обеих стран. научные дискуссии с представителями сентябре 2011 года в Казани, вторая со- ведущих организаций науки, экономи- стоялась в сентябре 2012 года в Екате- Российско-германская неделя молодого ки и политики, германо-российские ринбурге и была посвящена проблемам ученого стала новым форумом для науч- недели науки в российских регионах. здоровья общества, ее результаты отра- ных дискуссий между молодыми учены- Таким образом, Германский дом нау- жены в этой брошюре. ми из Германии и России и их старшими ки и инноваций уже сегодня является известными и опытными коллегами. важным звеном в реализации внешне- Интенсивные контакты между моло- Эта конференция – важная часть про- научной инициативы Министерства дыми учеными наших стран имеют ре- граммы академического обмена между иностранных дел Германии, стратегии шающее значение в развитии германо- двумя странами. Для участия в форуме интернационализации Министерства российского научного сотрудничества молодые ученые самостоятельно по- образования и науки Германии и стра- в будущем. Результаты проведения Не- давали заявки в оргкомитет. Заявку на тегического партнерства в области об- дели молодого ученого показывают, что участие во II Неделе подали гораздо разования, науки и инноваций, которое потенциал научного сотрудничества больше талантливых молодых исследо- связывает Россию и Германию. между Россией и Германией постоянно вателей, чем в прошлом году. Именно растет, и что необходимо привлекать так и рождается конкуренция, которая Мы хотим двигаться дальше по этому молодежь для проведения научных ис- свидетельствует о привлекательности пути. И здесь нам помогут молодые уче- следований на высшем уровне. Подоб- данного формата работы и серьезной за- ные наших стран и их интерес к работе ные форумы дают импульс для созда- интересованности двух стран в совмест- друг друга. Ведь уже через несколько ния совместных проектов будущего. ной научной деятельности. Мы уверены, лет именно они станут вершить судьбы Особенно сегодня, когда правительства что темы исследований и достижения немецкой и российской наук, поэтому России и Германии предлагают новые молодых ученых наших стран удивят нам очень важно сегодня с их помощью инициативы по еще большей интер- вас, подробную информацию о них вы укрепить связи научных сообществ национализации науки двух стран. найдете в данной брошюре. Германии и России.

28 German-Russian week of young researcher Introductory Remarks

“What will we be talking about?“ Introductory Remarks

Ex-Vice-President of the DAAD, Prof. (em.) Max Huber

When our Russian colleagues read the pro- Thus he introduced a new branch of foreign forms, namely – round tables, conferences, gram they will immediately find a lot of sci- policy, “Außenwissenschaftspolitik”, in order science talks, science lectures, exhibitions entific German organisations, besides DAAD, to represent German research and innova- and presentations — and as a particularly the German Academic Exchange Service, tion abroad. important and additional element in this there is DFG, the German Research founda- We may translate “Außenwissenschaftspoli- context, we are determined to foster the dia- tion, the Max Planck Society, the Helmholtz tik” as foreign science and research policy. logue between young German and young Association, the German Academy of Scienc- This is why we now have centres within these Russian researchers. es Leopoldina and the Alexander von Hum- scientifically prospective countries: the USA, boldt Foundation. There are even some more specifically in New York, in India, in New That is why we started these types of con- large research organisations in Germany, such Delhi, in Japan, in Tokyo, in Brazil, in São ferences. as the Fraunhofer Society, which is not taking Paolo and in Russia, in Moscow. The “German-Russian week of the Young part in our conference. Research in Germany In Beijing, China there has been a similar Researcher”, held last year in Kazan, contin- is done both at universities and in the above Centre for a long time, it was established sev- ues here in Yekaterinburg with a new topic. mentioned associations. All of them have a eral years ago. Last year we talked about “Man and Energy”. clear cut profile, have their own objectives, fi- Science and research however are inevitable nancing, management and fields of research. prerequisites for innovation and the techno- The question of health is fundamental for logical progress, but innovation itself does every society. It is a prerequisite for every For example, the Fraunhofer Society is en- require management skills and capabilities as type of macro-economy and for its progress gaged in the fields of applied sciences, the well as economic experience and the know- altogether. More and more nations have DFG as the biggest and most famous of these how to get successfully launched. understood the value of public health and organisations funds research at German spend a great deal of attention, energy and fi- universities and in this context finances the Therefore, besides the organisations of re- nancial means on this field. Thus we decided universities in the framework of the “Exzel- search, the organisations of the German to make this question the topic of our week lenzinitiative”, the “Initiative of Excellence”. economy have been integrated into the con- in Yekaterinburg. The Helmholtz Association is concerned cept of the centres as well. with large scale research projects; the insti- With the offices of DAAD, DFG, Helmholtz, Keeping in mind what I have just told you tutes of the Max Planck Society are famous the representation of the German economy about our DWIHs, German Centres for Re- for their fundamental approach in all fields and the German Institute of Historic Re- search and Innovation and about the basic of research, such as in engineering and the search, all of them already existing in Moscow, function of the DAAD – the academic sup- overall scope of humanities as well as in law, the idea was conceived to have them associ- port of researchers and students – you will social sciences and medicine. ated into a “club”, a Centre which enables them easily understand that this “Second German- In contrast to them DAAD and the Alexan- to attract the attention of the Russian academ- Russian week of the Young Researcher” fits der von Humboldt-Foundation support the ic world to German Science and Research. both into the concept of the “German Cen- exchange of academic staff, but do not fund The mission of the centre is to form a forum tres Abroad” and the DAAD policy of sci- research itself. on which German research can be represent- entists‘ support. It is an event where young ed on which a German-Russian dialogue can researchers of two countries come together In 2007 a new idea was born. be practised. We want to represent the Ger- for a dialogue on a scientific topic. The Minister of the Foreign Office at that man performances in research and innova- DAAD gets people together, as the cultural time, Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, launched tion for the dialogues. aspect. What will happen from then on is sci- the vision of “Centres for German Research Therefore, one of the major goals of the ence and this is where the competence of the and Innovation Abroad”, especially in coun- Moscow Centre of Research and Innovation DFG starts. tries which have an excellent reputation in (DWIH) is to support the dialogue between science and research. Russian and German researchers in various Thank you very much for your attention.

German-Russian week of young researcher 29 Welcoming Address

“What will we be talking about?“ Introductory Remarks

Vice-President of the DFG, Prof. Peter Funke

Dear Distinguished Guests, port us the entire week. But, as a matter - makes this week so much more interest- Dear Colleagues and Friends, of fact, I am even more grateful that we ing for all of us. Lieber Herr Huber, have all of these young researchers who have come a very long way to Yekater- The DFG, as the central self-governing re- thank you very much for handing this over inburg. Without your involvement this search funding organization in Germany, to me. It is a little difficult to make a clear week would not have been possible. So, has been active in Russia for many decades cut here, because in actual fact both of our a great many thanks to all the Germans now. Why Russia? We believe that there is a organizations – the DAAD and the DFG – from Berlin, Bonn, Freiburg, Göttingen, considerable amount of research potential show a responsibility for science and the Halle, Hannover, Heidelberg, Magdeburg, to be realized in many areas of science and development of fundamental research. München, Tübingen – and finally – if I the humanities here in Russia. We have al- Indeed it is this “Week of the Young Re- may add…from Münster, as this is where ways put a special focus on countries that searcher” where the two funding agencies I come from! allow scientific co-operation to be carried DAAD and DFG meet: Supporting the out on an equal footing. Within our agree- mobility of young scientists and their re- But some of our Russian colleagues surely ments and bilateral programmes with the search activities. had a longer and more tiring journey in Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian order to come here, as you live further Foundation for Basic Research - RFFI and And especially abroad - here in Russia, in away from Yekaterinburg than we Ger- the Russian Foundation for Humanities – Yekaterinburg - it all makes so much sense mans do. So, it is a great pleasure to wel- RGNF innumerable conferences, sympo- to combine the on-site experience of the come you from all parts of the vast terri- sia, visits and research projects have been DAAD and the research expertise of the tory that is the Russian Federation: from implemented in all areas of research, often DFG, who has funded quite a few projects Angarsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Moscow, leading to sustainable integrated networks. at Yekaterinburg research institutions over Nizhniy Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Oren- Our liaison office in Moscow, as one of only the past few years. That is why we original- burg, Saratov, St. Petersburg, Syktyvkar, seven DFG offices world-wide, underlines ly had the idea to organize such a confer- and last but not least from Yekaterinburg. the fact that Russia plays a key role as one ence together and that is why we are trying Indeed, without the help of our friends of our most important strategic partners, to share this introduction here. from Yekaterinburg, Victoria Belyaeva and but I will stop here at this point because Vasiliy Kryakunov from the Federal Uni- my colleagues will go into further detail on But Herr Huber has already pointed out versity as well as Tamara Deeva and Alek- this matter later this week and present how that the German Centre for Research and sandr Sandakov, we could not celebrate the DFG fosters bilateral collaboration and Innovation - das Deutsche Haus für Wis- the opening of this week here today in this facilitates co-operation, especially among senschaft und Innovation - is a host to fashion. young researchers. many more German organizations than just the DFG and DAAD. That is why I Obviously the active role of ROSMU, the We have heard now why the DFG is in am very happy to see that this week here Russian Union of Young Scientists, and Russia and we have heard why we are in in Yekaterinburg has representatives from their Chairman, Aleksandr Shcheglov, Yekaterinburg today as well heard - why we the Alexander von Humboldt-Founda- has to be underlined here too. Without focus on the support of young researchers tion, the Helmholtz Association of Ger- the strong input of your union it would for this week, but we have not heard about man Research Centres and from the have been very difficult to match young the actual topic of this conference? Why Max-Planck-Society. A special welcome researchers from Germany and Russia did we choose “Health and Society” as a to Ruth Narmann from the German Na- at an eye-to-eye level as well as to bring major topic? Let my briefly explain why. tional Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, all these young and promising talents to- There are essentially three good reasons and to Tobias Stüdemann from the Freie gether with renowned senior scientists - for it. Universität Berlin, who both will sup- like Roland Schüle and Thomas Gutmann

30 German-Russian week of young researcher Welcoming Address

First of all, it is the interdisciplinarity of the troduce Roland Schüle, who will, after all topic that allows us to invite many differ- these words of welcome, finally speak on ent researchers from many different disci- a discipline far more familiar to us all, sci- plines to set up interdisciplinary networks. ence - as he will explain to us what “Medical We believe that this diversity will be a Epigenetics“ is all about. Professor Schüle is source for finding and creating new ideas. the Scientific Director of the Department Identifying and exploiting on the synergy of Urology and the Center for Clinical Re- between various aspects and various sci- search at the University of Freiburg. entific approaches will surely be the key to tackle global challenges like the ones that we will encounter in this topic. Secondly, it all makes so much sense the topic of public health is a hot issue at to combine the on-site the moment. In order to launch an inter- experience of the DAAD and the disciplinary dialogue in society about the research expertise of the DFG, objectives, challenges and fields of mod- who has funded quite a few ern health research the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research initi- projects at Yekaterinburg ated a very successful “Year of Science” in research institutions over Germany. So 2011 was officially labelled the past few years. as the year of: “Research for Our Health”. Professor Schüle, we highly appreciate you And - thirdly - we thought it prudent to and your young colleagues’ presence this combine last year’s topic with this bilateral Since 2006 he has been part of the Spe- week. Thank you very much for your kind week, because after all, research in health mann Graduate School of Biology and attention! We are all looking forward to has long been a priority topic of mutual Medicine at Freiburg and since 2007, he many fruitful discussions this week. And interest for German and Russian political has been involved in the Cluster of Ex- now, I pass on to our distinguished speak- and scientific platforms as well as for part- cellence in basic biological and medi- er! Roland Schüle, the floor is yours! nerships and government agreements. cal research at Freiburg University. Both the Spemann School and BIOSS, the But now my colleague Herr Huber and I Freiburg Centre for Biological Signal- have talked a lot and we do not wish to ling Studies, were successful in the sec- repeat ourselves here, but I am afraid you ond period of the Excellence Initiative will have to listen to us and our wisdom in Germany this year. In 2008, for his again today and tomorrow anyways. I have “innovative therapeutic concept to fight already said quite a few words in German hormone refractory prostate cancer” he and in English, but there are so many great won a Reinhart-Koselleck-Award, which minds among us that haven’t even said a is a DFG-project, worth one and a half single word in either language yet. So it million Euros and only recently, a cou- is about time for us to finish and let the ple of months ago he became speaker of young scientists and the experts speak! the new Collaborative Research Centre, Sonderforschungsbereich 992, for “Medi- I am really looking forward to today’s key- cal Epigenetics. From basic mechanisms note speaker. It is a great pleasure to in- to clinical applications”.

German-Russian week of young researcher 31 Senior Scientists

Contributions of Senior German and Russian Researchers

Medical Epigenetics

We identified the first histone demethylating enzyme lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) as a key regulator of the androgen receptor (AR) function. Elevated levels of LSD1 positively correlate with high Gleason scores of human prostate carcinoma and indicate the aggressive biology of the tumour. or S c i ent sts S en i or

To unravel the oncogenic potential of LSD1, we developed two LSD1 transgenic mouse models using the Rosa26 locus and Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Roland Schüle the prostate-specific probasin promoter, directing either the ubiquitous or prostate-specific expression of LSD1. Transgenic Department of Urology and Center animals develop prostate tumours, demonstrating that the increased expression of LSD1 suffices for oncogenic growth in vivo. for Clinical Research, Conversely, RNAi of LSD1 blocks AR-dependent tumour cell proliferation in vitro and the cancerous progression of tumour University of Freiburg, Medical xenografts in vivo. Importantly, we identified a selective small molecule inhibitor of LSD1 that not only blocks demethylation Centern by LSD1 but also impedes AR-dependent tumour cell growth. To identify the pathophysiological mechanisms that allow LSD1 to initiate and propagate tumour cell growth in the transgenic mouse models, we propose to identify LSD1 target genes that control tumour development. In addition, we shall uncover the signalling pathways that aberrantly modify LSD1 in tumour cells, allowing us to explore the therapeutic potential of targeting these signalling pathways. Furthermore, we shall explore the therapeutic benefit of LSD1-specific inhibitors.

Professor Schüle is scientific director Professor Schüle, you have won a Reinhart-Koselleck- It has been your first time to Russia. Do you want to of the Department of Urology at the Award from the DFG, which is worth one and a half invest your grants in co-operation with Russia now? University of Freiburg. He completed million Euros. A couple of months ago you established Yes, I would like to invest in cooperation with his PhD at the Max-Planck-Institute your own Collaborative Research Centre “Medical Epi- Russian scientists since I got the impression for Biochemistry in Martinsried, Ger- genetics“. You held the key note of this conference on from my first visit that the young scientists in many, and then held a post-doc posi- the same topic. What is it all about? Russia are self-motivated, interested in science tion at the Salk Institute in California. The epigenetic regulator LSD1 controls tu- and would like to achieve international credit In 1991 he returned to Europe and mourigenesis. The histone demethylase lysine for their efforts. took over the leadership of a research specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) is a key regula- group at Sandoz (Switzerland). tor of the androgen receptor (AR) function. What attracted you to Yekaterinburg and why did you Since 1993 Roland Schüle has been Elevated levels of LSD1 positively correlate bring two of your PhD students to this week? studying prostate cancer at the Uni- with high Gleason scores of the human pros- It was my first time in Russia and I was curi- versity of Freiburg. In 2005 he got a tate carcinoma and indicate aggressive biology ous to meet young Russian scientists because I professorship at the same University, in tumours. RNAi or chemical inhibition of did not have previous exposure to them. I liked at its Center for Clinical Research. His LSD1 blocks AR-dependent tumour cell pro- the option to motivate young Russian scien- research in the sphere of epigenetics liferation in vitro and the progression of tu- tists to collaborate with my lab. I brought my has been a breakthrough. He got a mour xenografts. LSD1 transgenic mice show two PhD-students because I wanted them to Reinhart-Koselleck-Award from the that LSD1 suffices for oncogenic growth. Thus, show their knowledge to young Russians and DFG in 2008. we shall identify LSD1 target genes that control international colleagues and to establish long tumourigenesis, uncover signalling pathways standing ties within the a new generation of that aberrantly target LSD1 in tumour cells scientists. and explore the therapeutic potential of LSD1- specific inhibitors.

32 German-Russian week of young researcher Senior Scientists

Study of Cancer Mortality in a Rural population of the Northern Part of East-Ural Radioactive Trace or S c i ent sts S en i or The objective of this study was to analyze the cancer mortality in a population exposed to ionizing radiation after the accident at “Mayak” nuclear plant in 1957. This study is based on the registered causes of deaths by using the information from death certificates issued by the rural municipalities in the northern part of the East-Ural Radioac- Dr. Ilya Yarmoshenko tive Trace and adjacent territories over a period of 43 years after the accident. Institute of Industrial Ecology, Yekaterinburg, Exposed and unexposed groups were formed according to the different initial surface contamination by 90Sr (either above or below 3.7 kBq/m2) and included 6158 and 4844 cases of death from all possible causes of death respectively. Negative Ural Branch of Russian Academy of health effects affected by radiation exposure were analyzed by using the comparison of proportionate cancer mortality and life Sciences (UB RAS) durations in exposed and unexposed groups. Due to the consumption of contaminated food by the population the organs of gastrointestinal systems received higher doses in comparison to other softer tissues. The total number of excess gastrointestinal cancer deaths in exposed group was 57±39 (with 90% within this interval) of 440 observed over the period 1958-2000 and the excess total years of life lost was 870±280. The most major time of excess deaths occurred within the period of 10-20 years Dr. Yarmoshenko is the vice-director of the after the accident and the excess gastrointestinal cancer risk generally becomes negligible beyond 20 years after the accident. Institute of Industrial Ecology, Ural Branch Revealed excess gastrointestinal cancer mortality in the population of the northern part of the East-Ural Radioactive Trace can of Russian Academy of Sciences (Yekaterin- be related to accidental radiation exposure. The number of excess deaths corresponds as the excess relative risk being 2.1 Gy-1. burg, Russia). He has been working at the Institute of Industrial Ecology since 1992, first as researcher, and since 2004 as Head Dr Yarmoshenko, you are the deputy director of the This was the second week of its kind. What did you and of the Radiation laboratory. He graduated Institute of Industrial Ecology of the Russian Academy your colleagues in Yekaterinburg think of this German from the Ural State Technical University of Sciences in Yekaterinburg. What are the research initiative? (Yekaterinburg, Russia) in 1992 and got his priorities of your institute? The supporting of research activities of young PhD in physical and mathematical sciences The research priorities of our Institute of In- scientists is very important. A young person in 1999. dustrial Ecology are the following: who has just started his/her life in science –environmental and radiation safety of en- needs to get a detailed picture of modern- ergy, including the atomic industry, day research, to expand his/her horizons and – scientific basis for environmentally sound establish scientific contacts. Young scientists and sustainable development, have met in Yekaterinburg with leading Ger- – physico-chemical processes within the man scientists and have heard lectures on environment. topics of current interest. I’m sure that these young scientists have obtained valuable expe- Do you see any chance to co-operate with German sci- rience and additional motivation for their sci- entists in your field of research? entific careers. International co-operation is one of the most important issues in the organization of the scientific process. The cooperation between German and Russian scientist has a long and successful history. Surely, nowadays the co- operation in the field of both environmental and radiation safety research has attractive prospects. I welcome the efforts of the Ger- man government to develop infrastructure for German-Russian scientific cooperation, for example, the Young Scientists’ Week.

German-Russian week of young researcher 33 Senior Scientists

Diabetes mellitus – A Growing Problem Worldwide

The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is rapidly growing in many countries worldwide. The main increase has occurred

or S c i ent sts S en i or in diabetes type 2, formerly also called “adult-onset diabetes”. It is closely linked to the increase in obesity and thus to socio-economic developments. In 2030 one in 10 inhabitants of Europe is expected to have diabetes. Prof. (em.) Dr. med. The economic burden is huge. Worldwide, due to this phenomenon, approximately $ 465 billion was spent in Hans-Jürgen Quabbe 2011 and this is expected to increase $ 595 in 2030. In spite of this, treatment results of diabetes and its com- Freie Universität Berlin, plications are meager. While insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes can as yet not be prevented, the manifestation Section Endocrinology / Diabetology, of type 2 diabetes could often be prevented by the reduction of obesity, healthy nutrition and a healthy lifestyle Koch-Mechnikov-Forum which includes physical activity.

An effort has recently been started in Germany to optimize research in the elucidation of the pathogenesis and genetic/ molecular mechanisms of diabetes and the development of strategies for the prevention of diabetes. The “German Center for Diabetes Research” combines clinical centers and research institutes at five different locations. It organizes several epi- Professor Quabbe is the head of the demiological, observational and interventional studies in close co-operation with other European countries. Basic research section of Endocrinology and Diabetes at is carried out on the biochemistry, metabolomics and genetics of the B-cell. A “diabetic mouse clinic” provides models for the German-Russian Koch-Metschnikow different research avenues. Finally, stem cell research aims to open possibilities for the restoration of insulin-producing cells Forum and has had a long-term co- in diabetic animals and – hopefully – in man. Potential areas of German-Russian co-operation will be proposed. operation with Russia. He conducted medical research at Policlinique Universi- taire de Médecine in Switzerland, at the Professor Quabbe, you are Head of the Section Endo- or German language knowledge is essential. University of Harvard in the USA and at crinology and Diabetology at the Koch-Mechnikov- Young Russian scientists should increasingly the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Forum. What is the aim of this forum in general and present posters of their work at European (and (US). Since 1961 he has worked at Freie why was your special section included? German) congresses. Universität Berlin: first as a resident and The Koch-Metschnikow-Forum is a German- research fellow and since 1971 as co- Russian initiative which aims to harmonize You have chaired two panels in Yekaterinburg. What chairman in the section of Endocrinology Russian and German medical research and are your recommendations to the young researchers at the Department of Internal Medicine. practice. It is part of the “Petersburg Dialog”. that plan a scientific career? Professor Quabbe is a member of the Formerly it concentrated on infectious diseas- Begin with a clear evaluation of the published German Endocrine Society, the German es – mainly tuberculosis and aids. The section results in your field of interest. Discuss every Diabetes Society, the Association Ameri- “Endocrinology and Diabetology” was includ- step of your research concept with your team can Endocrine Society and the Pituitary ed recently in order to broaden its activity to members and ask for open criticism. If pos- Society. other fields of interest in the health systems of sible, ask your head of department for advice. both countries, such as thyroid diseases and - Try to publish some early results as a poster. most importantly – diabetes. You can then refer to those publications when trying to find some financial support. Further- How can we better facilitate cooperation between more, see my answer to the 2nd question. To Russian and German scientists in your field of exper- be more advanced young scientists then learn tise? to speak adequate English and attend impor- Personal contacts are of the utmost impor- tant international meetings. tance. Small meetings are probably best suited for promoting discussions that can lead to co-operation and development of common research projects. If a common interest exists then a written draft of the project is manda- tory. Short to medium term mutual visits (1-6 months) may then follow. Good English and/

34 German-Russian week of young researcher Senior Scientists

Therapeutic Problems of Diabetes in Patients with an Immigrant Background

Germany has a multi-ethnic population. An estimated 25% of the population has an immigrant background. Of these, S c i ent sts S en i or about 10% are immigrants of the first generation. In comparison, the percentage of the population with a different ethnic background in Russia is at about 16%; 47 different indigenous people are recognized, living mostly in remote Prof. Dr. med. Ursula Plöckinger areas. However, as in Germany, the big cities attract working people from all regions and thus multi-ethnicity in large Centre of Excellence for Rare cities is common. Metabolic Diseases, Diabetes care aims at “self-empowerment”, allowing for individual therapeutic decisions by the patient, e.g. choices con- Interdisciplinary Centre of cerning the form of treatment, diet and exercise. The efficiency of this strategy depends on the patients’ acceptance of Metabolism, their role as a decisive part in the therapeutic decision process. This attitude depends on the psychological effects of im- migration, cultural background, social background, religious convictions as well as educational background. The many Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin differences between migrants and the indigenous population might well affect the therapeutic outcome.

In view of the high percentage of patients with an immigration background in Berlin (up to 40% in our centre) we initiated a project Since 2010 Professor Plöckinger has been comparing the intermediate outcome (HbA1c, microalbuminuria, cholesterol, blood pressure and BMI) as well as final outcome data the head of the Centre of Excellence For Rare (myocardial infarction, cerebral ischemia or cardiovascular death) between the German and migrant populations. Migrant diabetic Metabolic Diseases at the Interdisciplinary patients had a higher initial HbA1c value. Over one year the decline in HbA1c was comparable between both groups. However, the Centre for Metabolism at Charité – Univer- difference between the migrant and the German population remained constant. Interestingly, the long-term outcome with respect to sitätsmedizin Berlin. Since 2004 she has cardiovascular disease was comparable in both groups, even if age-matched cohorts were analyzed. been a professional educator for Internal The persistently higher HbA1c levels of the migrant population are possibly related to several factors. Language is still a prob- Medicine, Endocrinology and Diabetes. lem, despite our use of translators. Dietary changes are even more difficult to initiate, as food is one of the powerful emotional Prof. Plöckinger has worked as a research connections with the country of origin. The educational level of patients with an immigration background is lower (>20% fellow at the University College of Medicine illiteracy in elderly females) and the expectations towards the health care system are higher within the migrant population. Self- (Cardiff, UK) and later on as Senior Physician empowerment is difficult for patients who expect their physicians to solve all of their problems. at the University Clinic Benjamin Franklin, Cultural differences create problems in the communication between the health care personal and the patients. Prejudices occur FU Berlin and at the Charité – Universitäts- from both sides. Thus any strategy to improve health care will have to work with the health care providers as well. We therefore medizin Berlin. She is a member of different initiated group sessions on inter-cultural communication which resulted in small projects and improvements which we hope will German and international medical organiza- improve diabetes therapy in patients from different ethnic backgrounds. tions such as: The Executive Committee of the Association for Hereditary Metabolic Defects in Internal Medicine (ASIM), the Prof. Plöckinger, you are the medical director of the views. Thus all of us will probably agree that this American Endocrine Society, the European Interdisciplinary Centre of Metabolism at the Charité, has been quite an interesting experience that we Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (ENETS), Berlin. What do you think of the interdisciplinarity and have all had together in Jekaterinenburg the European Association for the Study of the format of this week? Diabetes (EASD) and others. Many young researchers from a number of dif- You have been a chair on the panel and an active par- ferent disciplines (medicine, physics, philoso- ticipant of all discussions this week. Did you notice any phy etc) participated at the meeting in Jekater- difference between the young Russian and the German inenburg. Interdisciplinarity means that there researchers you met in Yekaterinburg? is one specific topic, in this case “health and German researchers at this level of their career society”, which is discussed by researchers from are almost all fluent in English. They are well varying sub-specialties. This on the one hand trained in how to prepare a speech and give a allows the finding of common ground within talk. Perhaps they are aware that it is not only the primary issue, in addition it gives new per- research you have to be good at, but that it is just spectives to the themes one likes to think of as as important to present one’s data well and to already thoroughly worked through. In addi- build a network for future co-operation. It was tion there are possibilities for young research- quite clear that these aspects that are needed for ers from a broad spectrum of interest to gain a career in science were a bit “underdeveloped” new insights as well as to offer and discuss their in the young Russian researchers.

German-Russian week of young researcher 35 Senior Scientists

What was your general impression of Yekaterinburg? Was it worth it? My general impression was that the young Russian scientists were proud of their participation and that they enjoyed it very much and even gained a new view on certain things. For us, the elder genera- tion, it is always a pleasure to co-operate with young scientists and to be of help and offer them our support. If we can make this possible in an interesting setting such as Yekaterinburg then it’s all the better. I enjoyed every minute of my stay.

International collaboration within the MPI Partnergroup: experience and results

The speech touches upon the activities of the Partnergroup of the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research (Stutt-

or S c i ent sts S en i or gart) in the Institute of Metal Physics (Ekaterinburg). Important and necessary conditions for the Partnergroup’s crea- tion are the experience of the Partnergroup’s leader of working at one of the Max-Planck Institutes (MPI), his willing- Dr. Andrey Katanin ness to return to his home institution and his intention of keeping close contacts with MPI. The partnergroup allowed Institute of Metal Physics, us to get the necessary technical tools, teach two PhD students, - locally and via their visits to MPI, as well as increase Yekaterinburg, stipendium of these PhD students. Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences As a result of the Partnergroup’s activity, 20 papers on the magnetic and superconducting properties of low-dimensional systems were published within 5 years. Scientific co-operation within Russia appeared to be very important for our Partnergroup, while the visits of the PhD students to MPI appeared to be very helpful for their own advances. This experience enlightens us about the necessity of international co-operation for the development of Russian science.

From 1992 up to now Dr. Katanin has been You work at the renowned Institute of Meta Physics there are many similarities between the way of a senior researcher at the Institute of Metal of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Yekaterinburg. conducting scientific research in Germany and Physics of Urals Branch of Russian Academy What is your scientific link to the topic of this week? in Russia, possibly because science itself is in- of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia). His scien- This is Russian-German collaboration. I am ternational. tific interests lie within the sphere of the interested in different aspects of this collabora- investigation of the magnetic and electronic tion, as well as the role of Russian and German Why did you come back to Yekaterinburg from Ger- properties of strongly-correlated electronic science and scientists in this. many? What would you recommend to the young re- systems and the role of correlation effects searchers who want to stay in science in Russia? within these systems. He got a doctorate With your long work experience at a Max- Planck-In- I felt that from one side that my experience is degree in 2011 at the Moscow State Uni- stitute what do you think are the differences between very useful in Russia (many Russian colleagues versity with his thesis “Fluctuation effects conducting research in your field in Germany and in have also told me that). On the other side, I em- in low-dimensional local moment and Russia? phasized that it is important for my personal itinerant magnets”. During 2004-2006 he On the one hand, there are far more invest- and scientific advances to be performed in Rus- held a post-doc position at the Max Planck ments for science in Germany than in Russia sia, as I can be tuned in “resonance” with cer- Institute for Solid State Research (Stuttgart, resulting in the equipment used in German in- tain people that are more similar to me, but at Germany). In 2007 he was appointed as the stitutes (e.g. at the Max-Planck Institute) to be the same time keep my scientific relationships leader of a partner group of the Max Planck somewhat better. Also, the “average” level of sci- are also abroad. To the young scientists I would Institute for Solid State Research (Stuttgart, entific investigations in Germany is much high- recommend to be yourself, be active and do not Germany) which is the Institute of Metal er than what it is in Russia; a more important simply go with the flow. On the other hand, do Physics (Ekaterinburg, Russia). role is given to the younger scientists in Ger- not resist the things which inevitably cannot many. However, I think Russia is progressing be changed. In that case you had better change (though not so quickly) towards the improve- yourself. ment of conditions in science. Even nowadays, 36 German-Russian week of young researcher Senior Scientists

Medical Law and Society

The German approach to medical law has very specific strengths, but at least one weakness.

Medical law in Germany is very strongly connected to the constitutional law of the country. The patient-physician relationship is framed by the basic rights of the patient and the rules of the law. The patient’s right to life and S c i ent sts S en i or bodily integrity (Art. 2 para 2 s. 1 of the Constitution), reinforced by the concept of human dignity (Art. 2 para 1 of the Constitution) is conceived as a right of liberty, giving him/her the right to freely decide what is and what Prof. Dr. iur. Thomas Gutmann is not to be done to his/her body. The central tenet of German medical law is the respect for patient autonomy. Chair of Civil Law, Several consequences are derived from this. Firstly, there is a strong focus on the patient’s informed consent, Philosophy of Law and Medical Law, lack of disclosure and unauthorized treatment being among the most common causes of liability. Secondly, the realm of patients’ legally protected decisions over their bodies is broad, spanning from consent of medical treat- University of Münster ment to issues of advanced directives and transgender. In German medical law we are committed to respecting individual autonomy even when we do not endorse a person’s particular values – we even will respect a patient’s suicidal refusal of a blood transfusion if we know it accords with what he/she, on reflection, ‘really wants’.T hirdly, patients’ right to privacy and their right to informational self-determination are quite heavily protected against social forces as well as against the state. Since 2009 Prof. Gutmann has been Chair of the Centre for Advances With its strong focus on the rights of liberal autonomy, German medical law is much weaker when it comes to Study in Bioethics at Westfälische governing questions regarding distributive justice, i.e. resource allocation. The discussion about principles for the Wilhelms-Universität Münster. He got rationing of medical goods has just begun. At least, the German Constitutional Court has decided that all members a professorship at the same University, of the statutory health care system have the right to demand that almost everything possible with at least a slight Department of Law, in 2006. He chance of success will be given to them in the case of a life-threatening illness. However, the German medical law served as an advisor to several system has almost no effective means and institutions to implement “Public Health” policies, i.e. those organized parliaments on organ transplantation efforts of society focusing on stopping the healthy becoming sick, rather than treating the sick, either by imple- policies and especially to the German menting preventative measures or by trying to reduce unhealthy behaviour. This might be the central weakness Bundestag. Since 2006 he has been of German medical law. In the end, however, this may prove as just another strength by giving us the chance to the chairman of the “Working Group design Public Health policies which nevertheless respect patient autonomy. on Legal Boundaries” in the European research framework ELPAT (Ethical, Le- Professor Gutmann, you are speaker of the DFG Re- sian Week of the Young Researcher” which was gal and Psychosocial Aspects of Organ search College “Centre for Advanced Study in Bioeth- on “Health and Society” is that almost every Transplantation) within the European ics”. You also you participate in the Cluster of Excel- talk, whether it was a medical, a legal or a phil- Society for Organ Transplantation lence for “Religion and Politics” which presented itself osophical one, raised questions from people of (ESOT). Dr. Gutmann was an Isaac Ma- at the Moscow Kremlin last year. Can inter-disciplinary all other fields. There was a strong impression nasseh Meyer Fellow at the National approaches and a week like this lead to new findings? of having a common topic, beyond the bounda- University of Singapore in 2010. Yes. “Health and Society” is an exemplary ries of specific disciplines as well as beyond the field where inter-disciplinarity is required for boundaries of national academic cultures. a meaningful scientific progress. From 2014 onwards, our “Centre for Advanced Study in You held a lecture on Medical Law. Are there any pros- Bioethics” in Münster, together with the “Cen- pects of international or bilateral co-operation with tre for Interdisciplinary Studies” in Bielefeld Russia in this area? will have a programme that focuses on “Pub- Yes. Medical law, broadly conceived, regulates lic Health. What is badly needed in this field, a crucial part of social development. At an in- besides medical knowledge, is expertise in ternational level, the Council of Europe, of Philosophy, including Medical Ethics, Political which Russia is a member of, is quite active, as Sciences and Law, of which we will try to pro- is the World Health Organization. Concerning vide. We are grateful that the German Research the prospects of bilateral co-operation, I expect Foundation (DFG) offers “Research Colleges” Russia to pass a wave of legislation in this field (which are Centres for Advanced Study with a over the next two decades. In several respects time frame of 8 years) a funding programme. the German experience in medical law may What we saw during the “Second German-Rus- prove more valuable to the challenging tasks of

German-Russian week of young researcher 37 Senior Scientists

Russian health policies than that of the anglo- Russian researchers are despite the conditions saxon one. I was encouraged in this view by in many of them work in which in many cases my colleagues from the Faculty of Law of the are not very favourable. It is very important for Higher School of Economics in Moscow, of us Germans to experience this first hand. Sec- whom we have a co-operation agreement with ondly, maybe a “Week of the Young Researcher” in Muenster. And by the way ─ at the Academy should be even more about the young research- of Medical Science in Yekaterinburg I learned ers themselves. Our hosts provided a well-con- that our ways of teaching Medical Ethics are far ceived, but very dense programme. I had the more similar than I had previously expected. impression that our Post-Docs and PhD stu- dents, both from Russia and Germany, would You came with a small group of your PhD students to very much have appreciated the opportunity to Yekaterinburg. What did they think about the week? have more time to be on their own in order to I brought two Post-Docs and one PhD student learn to know each other on a more personal of philosophy to Yekaterinburg. Firstly, we were level. To connect people one needs that too. impressed how highly motivated the young

This article focuses on vulnerable children and on the role of paediatricians and scientists in today’s complex health systems. or S c i ent sts S en i or

Prof. (em.) Dr. med. Jochen Ehrich MHH Children’s Hospital, Paediatrics is characterised by the diversity, variety and heterogeneity of health care offered in the 53 countries of Europe with Hannover Medical School more than 200 million children that are less than 18years of age and with more than 200.000 paediatricians. Paediatrics respects the rules of child development which state that an adolescent is not a young adult, a school child is not a small adolescent, an Russian Academy of Medical infant is not a small child, a neonate is not an infant and a premature newborn is not a small neonate. Paediatricians care for Sciences both healthy and sick children. Health care management differs according to where it is performed for example: inpatient care in hospitals, outpatient care in hospitals or at private practices, homecare and rehabilitative care within special rehabilitation units. Paediatric health care focuses on the patient and not on diseases, however children with acute diseases need a completely dif- ferent management of their case than children with chronic diseases. Special care is given to underprivileged and marginalised children such as children with chronic diseases, disabilities, a migrant background and poor children. Approximately 20% of the child population suffers from an inborn or acquired chronic disease. More than 6000 rare diseases belong to these chronic diseases. Children with long term conditions have by far a longer period of time to cope with their chronic disease or disability than what adults do. The transition from paediatric to adult medical care is a multi-factorial challenge.

Children have no voice in society and their caregivers do not speak with one voice which has led to considerable inequity of health care within many European countries. There is currently no European-wide “bank” of data to enable comparative studies of the service outcomes to encourage health service research relating to infants, children and young people. The aim of my talk is to stimulate young doctors to focus on the improvement of clinical research in paediatrics as well as to increase the knowledge base and the quality of future health care services. The understanding of how and why research works, relating the structure and processes of science to clinical work is essential at a time of an economic recession.

38 German-Russian week of young researcher Senior Scientists

Can we today build on a tradition of German-Russian In summary, there is a need for improving Jochen Ehrich studied Medicine from 1965- research co-operation in medicine? the co-operation of German-Russian research 1971 in Berlin and Lausanne, Switzerland. Before the 1st World War, Russian medicine which will be to the benefit of both countries, He performed his post-graduate studies had strong collaborative links abroad, namely however, new collaborations in 2012 must not from 1971-1972 at the London School of with Germany. Mechnikov and Ehrlich shared only consider the important aspects of avail- Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in London, the Nobel Prize in 1908 for their work on ability, affordability, accessibility and adequacy UK. From 1994-1997 he was Professor phagocytes. After the 2nd world war both Ger- of projects but also the diversity of these two of Paediatrics and the Head of Paediatric many and Russia suffered from a severe intel- nations which means firstly understanding that Nephrology at the Charité Hospital of lectual brain drain and/or a decline in medical each nation is unique, and secondly recognising Humboldt University in Berlin and in research activities, the reasons for this differed each other’s national differences. These varieties 1997-2011 he was Professor of Paediatrics considerably. Before 1933, approximately 50% can be along the dimensions of mentality, eth- and Head of the Department of Paediatrics of all German pediatricians were Jews who were nicity, gender, culture, history, socioeconomic at the Children’s Hospital of Hannover forced to leave NAZI Germany between 1933- status, religious and/or political beliefs as well Medical School. From 2009-2011 he was 1945 or perished in concentration camps, thus as medical care and research. elected as Expert at the Council of Europe leading to a shortage of experienced doctors in Strasbourg, France, on “Child-Friendly and researchers in Germany. In the late 1920s, What are your recommendations for young scientists of Health Care”. In 2009 he became Honorary Russian science stopped to prosper because the medical research? Professor of Paediatrics at the Russian Acad- Bolshevik People’s Commissariat for Enlight- Establishing the basis of clinical research in emy of Medical Sciences (RAMS). In 2012 he enment created a new “Communist Science” pediatrics involves the accumulating of appro- won the Johann Gottfried Herder Grant and that was no longer embedded in international priate structures and personal, the joining clini- has a visiting professorship at the Russian science (McKee 2007). Although new research cal study groups, the gathering of knowledge, Academy of Medical Science (at its Scientific findings were still discussed scientifically, the including generative professional knowledge Centre of Children’s Health). His clinical re- influence of their ideology forbade publication as well as knowledge in regards with social re- sponsibilities include paediatric nephrology, of those results that did not fit into the new sponsibility and finally the developing of com- hepato-gastroenterology, endocrinology, “Communist Science.” munication and co-operation skills. metabolic disorders, neuropaediatrics, and After the 2nd World War, the isolation due to paediatric ultrasonography. “Communist Science” continued in Russia and What can be done to make the Third Week even better ideological research persisted. Consequently, than the first twoW eeks of Young Researcher? there was an increasing lack of appropriate di- At least five senior English speaking Rus- agnostic procedures based on the lack of higher sian professors (mainly heads of departments) technologies. Furthermore, inadequate thera- should participate throughout the conference pies evolved in the absence of modern drugs from beginning till the end to achieve balanced and most importantly a range of irrelevant German-Russian expertise (professorial tan- fields in medical research, such as heliobiol- dems) and to create multiplying factors, sus- ogy, were performed instead of modern science tainability and networking. Secondly, young (McKee 2007). At the turn of the millennium, presenters will benefit from a template (sent publications of Russian science in international out by the organizers) on how to prepare their medical journals were scarce, but this situation presentations. Prior coaching and training for is now improving slowly. presenting a 10 minutes free communication By contrast, young post-war German scientists should be performed at the respective home were given the chance to study or to work in universities before the conference. These pro- Western countries and foreign literature was cedures are mandatory processes that may en- easily available in Germany. In the 1990s, al- able an increase in the quality of communica- most 50% of all medical students from Han- tion. Besides this, the broad spectrum of topics nover performed an elective period in foreign should be maintained, however, it may be ad- countries, thus enabled almost all students to visable to choose up to five sub-topics for the become fluent in English. Many German scien- time limited to sub-group sessions. tists perform research work outside the country and many foreign scientists work in German research institutions, however, German medical science may not yet have reached its full poten- tial, even in 2012.

German-Russian week of young researcher 39 Senior Scientists

Война и мир - The interplay of viruses and host cells during invasion

Our group studies the multiple interactions that occur between incoming small DNA tumour viruses and their host

or S c i ent sts S en i or cells during the initial infection. Since viruses as intracellular parasites depend on the assistance of the host for a successful infection, we learn as much about host cell’s mechanisms that are hijacked by the virus as we learn Dr. rer. nat. Mario Schelhaas about the virus itself. Our ultimate aim is to use any such information for the rational design of anti-viral measures. Emmy-Noether-Research Group „Virus Endocytosis“, Using a wide variety of experimental approaches, such as systems biology strategies, pharmacological inhibition and further cellular perturbations in combination with high temporal and spatial resolution microscopy in live and fixed cells, as well as University of Münster with electron microscopy, we may investigate how virus particles bind to cells, how they are internalized by endocytosis and how they are transported to endosomal vacuoles. We are also analysing how the viral genome and accessory proteins escape into the cytosol and how they access the nucleoplasm. Here we will discuss the example of the Human Papillomavirus Type 16 (HPV-16), the main etiological agent of cervical cancer, how our findings were on the interaction with specific glycosaminoglycans on target cells, the uptake of the virus into target cells by a novel endocytic mechanism may provide information on the immediate use of anti-viral substances or a Since 2009 Dr Schelhaas has been high potential for the development of broad-band anti-viral inhibitors. In the end, we will discuss how systems biology ap- Leader of the Emmy-Noether Research proaches lead to our discovery that HPV-16 can only import its genome into the nucleus during mitosis, a feature previously Group “Virus Endocytosis” and lecturer unheard of for DNA viruses. Our findings thus explain why HPVs exclusively infect the stem cells of skin or mucosa, as only at the University of Münster’s Centre those are mitotically active. for Molecular Biology of Inflammation (ZMBE). He has associated himself with Dr Schelhaas, you are a DFG-Emmy-Noether Group Lead- with scientific competition when you are all on the International Research Training er. Does your early independence help you with your sci- your own. For me, it was - and still is – great. I Group 1409 “Molecular Interactions entific career or does it make life more difficult? think that I have grown much faster into my role of Pathogens with Biotic and Abiotic Frankly speaking, both. As an Emmy-Noether as an independent researcher than if I would Surfaces”. He studied biochemistry at the fellow you can explore scientific freedom at your have risen through the ranks by being mentored Universities of Cologne and Edinburgh as leisure (though - for most of the time – leisure, by a renowned scientist. Whether it will be a well as at the Max-Delbrück-Laboratory it is not). You can follow the research you deem most successful career choice, we will have to of the Max-Planck-Society in Cologne. the most interesting and important, which is see, but I am quite optimistic about it. He did his habilitation in 2004 at the a great motivator and typically makes my day. Max-Planck-Institute for Neurological Scientific freedom is why I do science. In ad- What expectations did you come to Yekaterinburg with Research in Cologne and then conducted dition, with an Emmy Noether fellowship, you – and how did they turn out? his post-doctoral research at the ETH are not burdened by tasks assigned through an I really did not have any clear expectations but Zurich at its Institute of Biochemistry. institution, which in turn lets you focus on your brought a lot of curiosity with. My general re- Since 2010 Dr Schelhaas has been a own research. In addition, the Emmy-Noether spect for Russian science and Russian scientists member of the editorial board, (Cellular Award puts a spotlight on you. You are much is derived from their great achievements, par- Microbiology). He has been awarded more recognized as an independent researcher ticularly in the fields of mathematics and phys- several German prizes and scholarships and as a scientific individual than if you would ics, but of course I knew also about a number of among which one is the Emmy-Nother be sheltered, groomed and helped along by a important publications in virological research. Award from the DFG (2009-2014), the mentor within an institute. Your achievements What I knew about young scientists from Rus- Research Award from the DFG (2006), a will be recognized as yours alone. However, sia was derived from my work at faculties in PhD Award from the Max-Planck-Society your failures and mistakes will be yours only two different International graduate research (2003-2006). to blame for as well. Leading a research group schools, where I rank and interview PhD ap- without some sort of mentoring is challenging plicants. These applicants are typically well – particularly at the beginning. You are bound educated in the theoretical point of view, but to make some initial mistakes and you have to very often lacked a lot of practical experience learn fast from them. Very often you also face in modern techniques. When I interacted with difficulties at the institutional level, which no- them, they were all enthusiastic, highly motivat- body is really prepared for at this stage of their ed individuals with a lot of drive to learn more career. For some it may also be tough to deal and to experience science. During the week in

40 German-Russian week of young researcher Senior Scientists

Yekaterinburg, I have met many more such in- ers in Russia are supported on their way to sci- dividuals – so clearly there is a lot of potential entific independence. I hope, this event could in Russia. What I learned about the existing contribute to generate or strengthen ideas for structure of Russian research and science is a bit this purpose. more disturbing: Right now, the career paths for young scientists in Russia appear to lack some Yekaterinburg has been your first experience in Russia – clear perspectives and opportunities, both on a do you plan on coming back? structural level and on the level of using “state- My visit to Russia has been a wonderful ex- of-the-art” techniques, but I heard that there perience – we have had great conversations are dramatic changes underway, which will help and exceptional hosts. I am looking forward to to advance the situation, in particular, when it meeting many more of the enthusiastic Russian comes to infrastructural resources. What has young scientists and possibly working together not become clear to me is how young research- with them.

Understanding Life/Death Decisions in the S c i ent sts S en i or Cells by Systems Biology Prof. Dr. med. Inna Lavrik Apoptosis is a highly conserved program of cell death in multicellular organisms that is central for their homeosta- Medical Faculty, sis. Defects in apoptosis are associated with cancer, as well as neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases. There University of Magdeburg; are two ways of apoptosis induction: intrinsic and extrinsic. The intrinsic pathway is triggered via changes in the German Cancer Research Center mitochondria, the extrinsic pathway via stimulation of the so called death receptors (DRs). For a number of years (DKFZ-Heidelberg) we have analyzed the life/death decisions at CD95 that is one of the members of the DR family. We have used bio- chemical and systems biology approaches for CD95 studies. The central event in CD95 signaling is the formation of the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC). The DISC comprises oligomerized receptors, the adaptor protein FADD, procaspase-8, procaspase-10 and c-FLIP. In our recent study we analyzed the stoichiometry of CD95 DISC molecules using contemporary experimental and Prof Dr. Inna N. Lavrik earned a PhD in theoretical approaches, i.e. quantitative mass spectrometry, western blot and mathematical modeling and found Biochemistry at Lomonosov Moscow State a novel feature of the structural organization of the DISC. Our data showed that procaspase-8 could form chains at University (MSU), Moscow in 1994. In 1998 the DISC via interactions between its death effector domains (DEDs). Furthermore, in these chains procaspase-8 she became a lecturer at the MSU. In 1997 she undergoes activation and triggers apoptosis. We also expanded this knowledge beyond the CD95 system con- got the Russian State Prize for Young Scientists cluded that DED-chain formation serves as a general basis for caspase-8 activation in DR complexes. Taken to- for outstanding research in the field of Science gether, using a combination of experimental methods with mathematical modeling we unraveled a new view on and Technology. During 1995-2000 she actively procaspase-8 activation at the DISC and its dynamics. This powerful methodology could be further applied to the worked on collaborative projects as a visiting study of other death signaling platforms such as the necrosome, ripoptosome and other receptor complexes and scientist at the Institute of Molecular Genetics provide further fascinating insights into the mechanisms of life and death decisions. in Berlin, the University of Witten-Herdecke, the University of Bayreuth in Germany and the University of Massachusetts in Amherst (US). She began as a Post-doc at the German Cancer Professor Lavrik, you are a co-ordinator of a Helmholtz- excellent programme which allows for the Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg in Germany Russia Joint Research Group. What are these groups in development of young Russian scientists and in 2000 and became a group leader in 2004. In general and which topic does your group deal with? provides them with the possibility to perform 2007 she started a second group in the Center Helmholtz-Russia Joint Research Groups are research at a world leading level, supported by for “Quantitative Analysis of Molecular and Cel- joint collaboration projects between the Rus- visits to German host institutions. Our group lular Biosystems” (Bioquant) at the University sian research groups lead by young scientists helps develop the contacts between the Ger- of Heidelberg. In 2012 she became Professor (i.e. age under 35) and German Helmholtz man Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg and was appointed the Head of the Depart- Center, one of the top-level research organi- and the Institute of Fundamental Medicine in ment of Translational Inflammation Research at sations in Germany. In my opinion, this is an Novosibirsk and studies DNA damage-induced the University of Magdeburg in Germany.

German-Russian week of young researcher 41 Senior Scientists

apoptosis and new methods in how to improve It has been your first time to Yekaterinburg. Can you current therapies of cancer. feel a difference between the capital and the regions of Russia with regard to their scientific potential? You had a long career at the German Cancer Research I must say that I am very enthusiastic about Center DKFZ-Heidelberg and you are now a professor Yekaterinburg, especially about its people (in at Magdeburg University. What attracts your German science and outside of science), who are very research colleagues to Russia? dynamic, motivated and intelligent. I talked to I took part in the organization of a number of a number of young students at the University Russian-German scientific meetings and events and they are all excellent and highly motivated. in the past few years in the fields of immunol- To compare the level of science at the capital vs. ogy, cancer and systems biology. The colleagues a non-capital I must say that I went to school at from Germany were always very enthusiastic Novosibirsk Academgorodok and then studied about the exchange with Russian scientists be- in Moscow at Moscow State University. Now cause of the high scientific intellectual potential I have visited Yekaterinburg. I would say that and also because of the possibility to get more the amount of talented motivated people is the insight into the fascinating culture of Russia as same everywhere. Yet there is much more mon- well as its history and arts, which are certainly ey invested in science in Moscow, therefore, of high interest to many scientists. there are more possibilities for science and also more opportunities to pursue a scientific career for young people, which, unfortunately, is much more limited for those in the cities outside of Moscow.

42 German-Russian week of young researcher Senior Scientists

Development of nuclear medicine in the Ural region

The natural tendency in modern medical diagnostics is to detect pathological alterations on a cellular level a long time before disease symptoms become apparent. No matter what the medical field is, early diagnosis is a key to an S c i ent sts S en i or effective therapy. Nuclear medicine (radionuclide diagnostics and therapy) that uses radiopharmaceuticals based on medical radionuclides is probably one of the best examples of the co-operation of physical, chemical and medical Dr. Vladimir Ivanov technologies for effective early diagnostics and non-invasive therapy. Nuclear medicine uses the relatively “weak” Chair of Experimental Physics, ionizing radiation of radionuclides (in comparison to radiotherapy). Its main principle is the targeted transport of relatively low active quantities (for the body as a whole) of the radionuclide, specifically to the pathological area. Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg The preferred method of doing this is to transport the radionuclide to the cell using so called radiopharmaceuticals.

Radionuclide diagnostics (SPECT and PET) and therapy is widely used all over the world. At the same time, nuclear medicine procedures are very complicated and have to be conducted within a short period of time (especially in PET diagnostics). Sometimes the time between the end of targeting processes and the diagnostics itself doesn’t exceed one hour. Therefore the whole procedure is very expensive. That’s why the development of nuclear medicine depends on peoples’ income level. So, considering a relatively low income level, the majority of the Russian population can’t benefit from radionuclide diagnostics. Dr. Ivanov graduated in 1983 as an The population’s need for the radionuclide therapy is satisfied in not more than 1-3 percent of the population. engineer of electronics and automatics The Ural Federal District (UFD) has a good potential for the radionuclide production. In our District there are several well-known from Ural Polytechnic Institute which nuclear plants (in Ozersk, and Lesnoy) as well as a nuclear reactor for research in Zarechny. However, the exported has become the Ural Federal University. radiopharmaceuticals are used generally in only a few SPECT diagnostics. There are no PET centers in Yekaterinburg yet. He worked as a post-graduate professor Ural Federal University which is named after the First President of Russia, B.N. Yeltsin (UrFU), boasts good research and work (1986-1989), assistant professor (1989- experience within radiochemistry, pharmaceutics and accelerators’ based experiments. The creation of the Cyclotron Nuclear 1991), and associate professor (from Medicine Center in UrFU is the first major step in the development of nuclear medicine within the Ural Federal District. The 1992) at the university’s Experimental development of the cyclotron’s technologies for medical radionuclides fits in with the modern world tendency which is to Physics Department. During 2007-2008, avoid the building of new entire nuclear reactors. he took part in a research and education program of UrFU within the Russian National Educational Project as the coordinator. In 2010 he was elected the You are an experienced university teacher. In 2006 you for the Innovative Educational Program at our head of the Experimental Physics Depart- were awarded the title of the “Best University Teacher”. university. So, my opinion is based on facts ment whose scientific interest covers the Who was in the commission which decided on the and documents. The number of international questions of solid state physics, materials awards among the young scientists? contacts has risen considerably. At the same science under the influence of irradiation Students (mainly from the physics technical time new possibilities to buy modern scientific and the producing of radionuclides department), PhD students and young scien- equipment lead to the increase of research ac- for nuclear medicine. He initiated the tists all took part in the decision-making pro- tivities especially among young scientist. creation of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine cess. Besides the quality of lectures performed Center at UrFU. In 2006 Dr. Ivanov got by the candidates, some scientific research ac- The German-Russian week was held at your university. the Teacher of the Year Award at the Ural tivities and social aspects were taken into con- What were the reactions in Yekaterinburg to this event? Polytechnic Institute. sideration. One of the ideas for creating privileged Federal universities in Russia consists in the idea of the You work at one of the nine privileged Federal universi- creation of powerful scientific-research centers ties in Russia that gets more than 125 million Euros of that are able to influence the regional policy. So, funding from the government. Has this new status led to our university follows this strategy. Therefore establishing more international contacts and research the information about German-Russian week activities at you university? was widely covered by the press. To me, such This is undoubtedly true. The first significant kind of collaboration is equally useful for both financial support for some universities started Yekaterinburg and the University. in 2006 under the National Education Project. During 2007-2008 I worked in the head team

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Contributions of Young German and Russian Researchers

Studying the SNPs as a Method of Realization of the Medicine of the Future

or S c i ent sts Jun i or Thanks to the development of molecular stetrics and gynecology, neurology and car- medicine based on data about the genome’s diology, and also pediatrics. The significant structure, there is a possibility for diagnos- importance of the various thrombophilic Dmitry Baranov tics, correction and prevention of the patho- states has been shown in the development, PhD student. logical processes within a specific person, course and outcomes of some diseases of the The Ural State Medical Academy, taking into account his or her unique fea- perinatal period. Childhood thrombophilia Yekaterinburg, tures. One of the priority questions of mod- is partly a consequence of the mother’s un- ern medical science is the implementation favorable obstetric anamnesis and it is also Chair of Pediatric Medicine and Neonatology of the predictive, preventive, partial-partic- the manifestation of an ancestral predisposi- [email protected] ipation and personified approaches in the tion, which is realized under the influence of treatment of the majority of diseases of the certain provoking factors at various stages of patient. This principle is maintained in the the formation of the organism. At a child’s concept of the medicine of the XXI century – age the manifestation of this condition could «the medicine of four «P»». The accumulat- have the most drama consequences. In spite ed data testifies that considerable numbers of the fact that the problem of thrombo- of diseases have a multifactor nature whose philia is actively studied by representatives development is defined by the interaction of various medical specialties, data on the of the set of congenital and environmental prevalence of the genetic polymorphisms causes. The nucleotide polymorphisms of associated with the risk of thrombophilia DNA are the basis of these multifactor dis- and features of their phenotypic realization eases. Their various combinations deter- among children isn’t numerous. The inter- mine the level of risk of the development of disciplinary group of experts – the staff of pathologies. Let me remind you that genetic the Ural State Medical Academy - is engaged polymorphism is the presence of several va- in the study of the gene polymorphisms of rieties of the gene in a population, which are a haemostasis and folat cycle. Now, there is capable of making an unequal impact on the an accumulation of data on the frequency qualitative or quantitative characteristics of the occurrences of certain polymorphic of coded proteins. Among actively studied alleles, the mechanisms of their interaction multifactor pathology, the infringements in and features that influence some external the systems of haemostasis, including genet- factors among the child population of Sver- ically determined thrombophilia, raise in- dlovsk region. The analysis of the prevalence creasing interest, not only among scientists, of pointed mutations of the genes associated but among doctors. The problem of throm- with the risk of thrombophilia in the child bophilia has acquired a special value in ob- population, will allow one to consider in a

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new way the mechanisms of neonatal adap- more precisely the clinical value of each con- tation and disadaptation, the features of the crete polymorphic allele. The obtained data subsequent growth and organism formation, will be useful for the prevention of the reali- and also the processes of the development of zation of multifactor pathology and for the pathological conditions. prevention of thrombotic and non-thrombot- ic effects of thrombophilia in particular. New New research is necessary for the realiza- data about the molecular-genetic foundations tion of the exact mapping of combinations of multifactor pathology is necessary for the of polymorphisms which are responsible for realization of the predictive and the preven- the development of multifactor pathologies. tive approach to rendering assistance to the Study of genetic polymorphism and creating population in modern conditions. individual SNP cards will allow one to define

The Features of Vitamin Content in the Blood Plasma and Extracellular Matrix of Bone Marrow in Rats in Conditions Which S c i ent sts Jun i or Have Extreme Effects on the Body Maria Bykova Research Assistant, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, At present there is still a topical subject of the was done by high performance liquid chroma- Institute of Natural Sciences, Chair of physiological regulation of the blood system in tography. On the hematological analyzer the Human and Animal Physiology normal conditions and when the extreme fac- number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, hema- [email protected] tors act on the organism. This is due to the in- tocrit ratio, the number of white blood cells and crease of the number of stress factors affecting platelets were all determined. Data analysis was hemopoiesis, causing the development of path- made with the statistical package, STATISTICA ological processes. In recent years, participation 6.0. To assess the significance of the differences of the extracellular matrix of the adaptive reac- between the groups the nonparametric Mann- tions of the blood system is widely discussed. In Whitney test was used. These studies were con- particular, the maintenance of vitamins which ducted in compliance with the basic rules of play an important role in the reactions of pro- bioethics. liferation and differentiation of hematopoietic The study of the vitamins in the intact animals cells is also discussed. shows that the concentration of all six studied The goal of this work is to study the dynamics of vitamins in the extracellular environment of vitamins in the blood plasma and extracellular the bone marrow was more than what was in matrix of bone marrow over the period of im- the blood plasma. The content of vitamin C is mobilization stress. 55 times higher, PP - 24 times, vitamin B6 - 14 These experiments were performed on rats of times, vitamin B1 - 6 times, vitamins B2 and Wistar line (n=25), which were detained whilst B12 – 1.5-2 times. Consequently, the extracel- being fed the same standard diet. Model of the lular matrix of the bone marrow has some vita- neuro-muscular tension suggested by H. Selye mins, other than the blood plasma and is neces- (immobilization of animals on the back for 6 sary for hematopoiesis in normal physiological hours) was applied as a stress factor. Material conditions. Immobilization stress increases the for the study was obtained immediately after total number of leukocytes and platelets in pe- the instance of immobilization stress, after 2 ripheral blood. Leukogram data indicated in- days. Quantitative determination of vitamins creasing numbers of monocytes, neutrophilia,

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lymphopenia. But by the on the second day, depot of vitamins PP and B2 the increase of these figures did not differ from those of the their number in the blood plasma were marked. intact animals. On the part of red blood no These vitamins are probably necessary for the significant changes were detected. The Myelo- operation of the enzyme systems within the gram shows the output from the bone marrow stress response, as they are cofactors for a large of granulocytes and the entering of it into the number of enzymes. In the extracellular matrix lymphocytes. Subsequently, there is a renewal of bone marrow no significant changes in the of granulocytopoiesis in the bone marrow. Rats, content of vitamins B2 and PP were revealed in contrast to human beings and primates, are during all stages of the study. At the same time, able to synthesize vitamin C and PP. According there is was a significant decrease in the content to published sources, whilst under stress, in the of vitamin B6 in the matrix of bone marrow adrenal glands the decrease of the content of vi- on the second day after the instance of immo- tamin C, which is associated with its participa- bilization. This situation shows the active con- tion in the synthesis of corticosteroids and cat- sumption of vitamin hematopoietic tissue for echolamines was shown. Therefore, a two-fold the adaptation to the stressful factor. Changes increase of the level of vitamin C in the blood in the content of vitamins B1 and B12 were not plasma within the conditions of immobilization found in all periods after exposure to both in stress is probably caused by the active output of plasma and in the intercellular substance of this vitamin from the depot (liver). At the same the bone marrow. Thus, the observed dynam- time the content of vitamin C in the matrix of ics of vitamins indicates a high rate of exchange the bone marrow practically doubled, where in the bone marrow, which is associated with it is apparently involved in the synthesis and changes in blood formation and stress adapta- the maturation of collagen and the supporting tion. Water-soluble vitamins C and B6 plays an of hematopoiesis to take place. On the second important role in the adaptive responses of he- day after the immobilization output from the matopoietic tissue under stress.

Comparative Analysis of the Origin of Nosocomial Infections in Hospitals in

or S c i ent sts Jun i or Russia and Abroad

Vasily Bondarev The term «Nosocomial infections (NI)» repre- the significant damage (social and economic) Research Fellow, sents the collective concept including various inflicted by these diseases to public health. I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical nosological forms. According to the World NI are polyethiologic and are also presented University, Moscow, Health Organization «nosocomial (hospital) by a wide variety of microorganisms. The list Department of Public Health and Health Care infection is any clinically expressed disease of causative agents includes representatives of [email protected] of microbial origin that affects the patient as various taxonomic groups relating to bacteria, a result of his admission to the hospital or his viruses, protozoa and fungi. Thus the micro- requests for medical care, and also a disease of organisms that cause the development of NI in the employee due to his work in this establish- patients and medical staff can belong both to ment, regardless of the the onset of symptoms pathogenic, and to opportunistic groups. No- by the patient during his stay in the hospital or socomial infections caused by pathogens (“clas- after his discharge». The urgency of the prob- sical” infections) make about 15 %-25 % of all lem of nosocomial infections (NI) is defined nosocomial infections. The most pathogenic in by the high level and the wide spread of these this group are causative agents of acute intes- infections in medical institutions, and also by tinal infections (salmonellosis, shigellosis, ro-

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tavirus infection), tuberculosis and parenteral nosocomial infections was recorded in hospi- viral hepatitis. Purulent-septic (PSI) (pyoin- tals of the East Mediterranean and South East flammatory or wound) infections are caused by Asia – 11,8 % and 10,0 % respectively. In the a large group of opportunistic and saprophytic Western part of the Pacific Ocean this indicator bacteria, and make up the majority of NI. They made up 9,0 %, and in Western Europe – 7,7 %. account for 75-85% of the general structure of Most frequently nosocomial infections occur the causes of nosocomial infections. Etiologic in surgical, traumatologic departments and in agents are representatives of the families of op- the resuscitation department and intensive care portunistic microflora: staphylococcus, strepto- unit (ICU). These were mostly purulent-septic coccus, escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae, infections, urinary tracts’ infections and lower pseudomonas, enterobacter, citrobacter , acine- respiratory tracts’ infections. tobacter, serratia, proteus, candida, etc. The USA control system over hospital infec- tions continuously monitors NI and antibiotic In the Russian Federation in 2010 there were resistance. The analysis of data during 1992- 25,617 registered cases of nosocomial infec- 1997 showed prevalence in the structure of tions (compared to 27,220 cases in 2009). The various diseases in resuscitation and intensive incidence of nosocomial infections was 0.8 per care units: infections of the urogenital system 1,000 hospitalized patients. In the Russian Fed- (31%), pneumonia (27%), primary angiogenic eration the greatest number of cases of noso- infections (19%), 87 % of them were associated comial infections is registered in obstetric aid with the central venous catheters. establishments (35,8 %) and surgical hospitals (33,1 %). The share of cases of nosocomial in- Also, there was a research in Germany. The fections reported in other hospitals was 15%, in survey took place between January and May children’s hospitals - 9.8% in outpatient clinics of 2012. The representative sample includes 46 and polyclinics - 6.3%. The incidence of infec- hospitals, all together 134 hospitals in Germany tions, associated with surgery, made in 2010 in with a total quantity of 39.699 enclosed patients the whole country 0,84 cases for every 1000 pa- took part in this survey. The current data shows tients operated on. In most regions of the Rus- that there was a nosocomial infection in about sian Federation, there is practically no sign of 3.5% of the patients during the prevalence nosocomial infections of the urogenital system study. Among the different fields the highest or nosocomial pneumonia. Since 2006, Russia prevalence rates were observed by the intensive carried out the registration of the emergence of patients (18.6% in relation to all nosocomial cases of intrauterine infection’s (INI). The inci- infections). The most common infections were dence of INI in 2010 was 12,49 cases for every urinary tract infections (22.4%), postoperative 1000 children born (in comparison to 12,0 cas- wound infections (24.7%) and lower respira- es in 2009). tory tract infections (21.5%). The most com- mon causative agents of nosocomial infections The problem of nosocomial infections is ex- were Escherichia coli (18.4%), Staphylococcus tremely topical for economically developed aureus (13.3%) and Enterococcus (12.8%). countries of the world, having hospitals with a Thus, nosocomial infections represent an acute large number of beds. For example, annually 2 problem of the health system of the Russian million patients in the USA endure NI, in Great Federation and many foreign countries, leading Britain - 100 thousand patients. The annual to the deterioration of the population’s health economic damage caused by NI, is estimated state, and also cause great economic damage to at 5 billion Rubles in the Russian Federation, in society. the USA - 4,9 billion dollars ($), in England – 1 billion pounds sterling. The World Health Organization in 1997-2001 carried out research in 55 hospitals in 14 countries representing 4 regions (Europe, East Mediterranean, South East Asia, Western part of the Pacific Ocean). The highest frequency of

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What is the Right to Health?

Many moral arguments for public health poli- claims to a specific catalogue of health-care cies are founded on the reference to a right to services, but through the right to the promo- health and moral references to fundamental tion of one’s health status. This allows for wide or S c i ent sts Jun i or rights are in turn often supported by a reference conclusions concerning the moral demand of a to their codification in acknowledged norms, right to health to be made. The reason for un- Simon Derpmann such as declarations or constitutions. However, derstanding the right to health by reference to a a first look at these norms shows that the refer- catalogue of health services is that different in- PhD student, ence to a right to health is burdened with some dividuals may have very different health needs University of Münster, conceptual difficulties that need more attention and thus require different resources to have the Department of Philosophy in order to understand its normative force. opportunity to be healthy. Furthermore, there [email protected] are specific inequalities in health that are mor- The reference to a right to health that is taken ally reprehensible, especially those that are con- literally as a right to be healthy, arguably con- nected to social status. Thus, health ‘inequali- tains a mistake about what individual persons ties’ can be distinguished from ‘inequities’. can reasonably be entitled to. This is not due to problematic definitions of health – as in the There are two conclusions to be drawn from WHO definition of health which is the com- the analysis of the right to the highest attain- plete mental, physical and social well-being of able standard of health. (i) Societies are morally a person–, but due to the fact that disease and obliged, not just to provide basic health-care. infirmity are subject to control only to a limited According to the right „to the highest attainable degree. While a society may have an influence standard they must secure equal opportunities on its population’s health, the health of an in- to attain or pertain health. This includes tackling dividual person is something that can be pro- the social conditions of infirmity and it may in- moted, but not granted. In turn, having poor clude not leaving the provision of health care to personal health cannot per se be understood as the market. (ii) If the provision of health depends an instance of a violation of a human right. on an equitable health-care system, which in turn depends on social solidarity then the right Following a consideration of this sort, many to health may be accompanied by an individual understand the right to health as the right to obligation to be part in a social system of health an access to health services. However, from a provision. You can forfeit the right to health, but moral point of view there is a fundamental you cannot forfeit having and contributing to the reason to define a right to health not through social opportunity to achieve health.

Public Health: Enabling or Threatening or S c i ent sts Jun i or Autonomy

Dominik Düber There are a lot of open philosophical ques- social status and good health over the complete PhD student, Research Fellow, tions on the field of Public Health Ethics, both socio-economic range and this trend holds for University of Münster, on the conceptual level and on the evaluative almost all societies. Working and living condi- level. Research on the social determinants of tions as well as particular life styles seem to be of Centre for Advanced Study in health has revealed that good public health de- much greater significance for good health than Bioethics pends only to a minor part on a good and fair the treatment of health impairments. Therefore [email protected] health care system. The social gradient of health there is no fixed border between Public Health shows that there is a strong correlation between Ethics and more general questions of justice, e.g.

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the distribution of wealth or the makeup of work with the autonomy towards those who ascribe places. This more conceptual problem points to a high value on activities that are dangerous evaluative follow-up questions, e.g. whether we to good health and/or those who choose to do should redirect our focus in research and distrib- risky things whilst fully informed about the ute resources towards preventive measures. consequences and intentionally. Furthermore, whereas the provision of universal access to Furthermore, the value of personal autonomy health care is welcomed by most people, many that has become so central to liberal societies preventive policies are taken to be somewhat does not give us determinable answers on how burdensome. to evaluate particular Public Health measures since they can carry both autonomy-conducive These evaluative questions point back to the and autonomy-intrusive elements. On the one conceptual level since they show the necessity hand, creating health-conducive environments to refine our notion of personal autonomy in (e.g. environments that make it difficult to the light of the value that it can attribute to good smoke tobacco or mandatory safety-regulations health. Do we take autonomy primarily to be a at work places) can be taken to promote auton- claim for the right to non-interference or do we omy, since good health is a central prerequisite take it to demand the provision of an environ- for following one’s life plans. On the other hand, ment that makes it easier for us to make good this can be seen as an unjustified interference and healthy choices?

Principles of Justice in Neuroethics of Cognitive Enhancement

The author provides a brief conceptual analy- tion enhancement drugs for non-therapeutic sis of the debate on psychopharmacologi- purposes. S c i ent sts Jun i or cal cognitive enhancement from the point The analysis of the requirements of justice of view of public reason as it is construed points to a conclusion that discouraging the use Veljko Dubljević in contemporary political philosophy. The of psycho-pharmacological cognitive enhance- PhD, author argues that the strong reasonable ments would be the most legitimate public pol- Institute of Philosophy, University of Stuttgart; disagreement that marks arguments of au- icy. The author offers a model of such a policy; thenticity, posthumanism and “playing God” with the imposition of taxes, fees and require- DFG Research Training Group “Bioethics”, stems from their presuppositions in religious, ments of additional insurance the use and in- International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and ethical or metaphysical comprehensive doc- direct coercion to use would be less profitable Humanities, trines, whereas the principles of justice could and less wide-spread, while additional funds University of Tübingen be the basis for an “overlapping consensus” thus created could be allocated to meet basic [email protected] in the context of regulating the use of cogni- medical needs and/or that of education.

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Live Influenza Vaccine for Children and Adults: Transmissibility In Vivo Experiments

Influenza is an important contributor to popu- Periodically, the question is raised about the pos- or S c i ent sts Jun i or lation levels and individual morbidity and mor- sibility of the spread of the of live influenza vac- tality. Influenza is accompanied by high mortal- cine strains amongst the population and their Irina Dubrovina ity, especially in young children and the elderly. subsequent reassortment with other circulating Influenza epidemics occur each year and infect viruses. According to the authors of such articles, PhD student, up to 15% of the world’s population. Pandemics the vaccine strain might exchange genes with the Institute of Experimental Medicine, occur every 10–40 years. Three major properties seasonal virus. This leads to the formation of a North Western Branch of the Russian of the influenza virus determine its pandemic mutant virus with new unexplored properties Academy of Medical Sciences, potential: the novelty of a strain on the immune and an increased virulence. St. Petersburg system, virulence and its ability to spread from [email protected] person to person (transmissibility). In spite of The aim of this research was: to study modeling the important role of the transmissibility of the of the transmission of wild type (wt) influenza influenza virus, the nature and mechanisms of viruses and to asses the probability of transmis- their contagiousness continue to be discussed. sion of cold–adapted (ca) strains. This model Understanding the mechanisms that underlie in analyzes the potential transmissibility of vaccine transmissibility will allow us to more effectively strains of the live influenza vaccine. monitor influenza and to explore new ways and This is based on study of reassortment of differ- methods of prevention. ent strains of the influenza virus in experiments in vivo, we have shown that the possible reas- Vaccination is an effective method of protec- sortment of highly virulent virus vaccine strains tion against influenza. WHO recommends live did not lead to the formation of reassortants that attenuated influenza vaccines, to prevent not have elevated levels of virulence and transmis- only epidemic, but pandemic influenza seasons. sibility.

Early Nutrition Programming

The concept of early nutrition programming has periods of development pre-programme the roots stretching back into the psychobiologi- brain’s development and determine functions cal phenomenon for more than 100 years and of metabolic processes later in life. In 1994 D.

or S c i ent sts Jun i or is called called “imprinting”. D. Spalding dis- Barker discovered the relationship between ones covered that baby chicks tend to follow the first birth weight and the lifetime risk for them with moving object they see after hatching. Then K. coronary heart disease. His “fetal origin hypoth- Alevtina Durmashkina Lorenz popularized the phenomenon and gave esis” implied that responses to the lack of nutri- MD, PhD, it the name “imprinting”. He concluded that tion during fetal life permanently alter the body’s Nizhny Novogorod State Medical the first moving object after birth is irreversibly structure, physiology and metabolism. Berthold Academy, Nizhny Novgorod, “stamped into” the birds’ brains. Koletzko and his multicenter “Early Nutrition Chair of Pediatric Medicine Programming Project” (2005-2010) provided G. Dörner (1975) adapted the phenomenon of plenty of evidence for the programming effect [email protected] imprinting from which is psychobiological in of early nutrition. Particularly, the amount of birds to one that is metabolic in humans. The protein in an infant’s diet was proved to be criti- term programming has been introduced into cal for developing obesity by school age, while scientific literature to describe the discovery that breastfeeding reduced the obesity risk by 20% in biological metabolites acting during critical early comparison to formula feeding.

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In our present study in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia When we compared fasting and 2-hour glucose we examined the impact of non-adapted dairy levels, glucose tolerance indices, in the fasting in- foods, such as full cream cow’s milk or kefir, in- sulin we found no significant differences between troduced in the first year of a person’s life, on me- the two groups. However, the only difference we tabolism (body mass, blood pressure, insulin and found in the insulin-glucose metabolism was the glucose levels) later in life. 2-hour insulin which is normally not taking into Prior to the study we interviewed the mothers of account by common insulin resistance indices 436 children in Nizhny Novgorod city. The sur- such as HOMA-IR. The children who were fed vey revealed a very low prevalence of exclusive cow’s milk demonstrated a greater upward trend breastfeeding and a high incidence of full cream in 2 hour insulin (18.5 vs 9.52 mcIU) relative to cow’s milk feeding in the children’s infancy. The breastfed children. Then we compared insulin following investigation we conducted when the levels of children with a normal BMI and with examined children reached the age of 5-9 years a BMI above the 85th percentile. Children who old. Based on the survey data we selected 2 had the higher BMI were mostly from the 2nd groups of children according to the type of feed- group and demonstrated a 2 times higher level ing they received at their first years of life. The of fasting insulin and a level of almost 3 times 1st group was a group of 36 children, who were higher 2-hour insulin. breastfed till at least 9 months of age; the 2nd group included 43 children, who had full cream These findings suggest that dietary patterns in cow’s milk in their diet whilst in infancy. infancy may have some long-term effect on body The children whose diets in infancy were charac- mass, blood pressure and insulin levels. Cow’s terized by a high consumption of full cream cow’s milk feeding in infancy may predispose children milk showed higher systolic and diastolic blood to increased blood pressure and insulin resist- pressure (99,58 vs 93,39 mm Hg, 68.23 vs 63.67 ance later in life. We may also suggest that 2-hour mm Hg, respectively). We also found that children insulin is a more sensitive indicator of insulin re- of the 2nd group were heavier; almost half of them sistance than fasting insulin. had a BMI over the 85th percentile. or S c i ent sts Jun i or

Stanislav Eroshenko, Electric Vehicles: Ecological Aspects and MSc, PhD student, the Improvement of Efficiency in the Power [email protected] / System’s Operation

Nowadays many car owners give preference to ing into account the atmospheric emissions of vehicles equipped with an electric drive system. power plants that produce electrical energy for Their choice is mainly motivated by the increas- the charging of electric vehicles. ing costs of oil prices, power storage technolo- The calculations of the average mass of atmos- gies development and ecological issues. phere pollutants per 100 km driven, performed Aleksandr Tavlintsev, The major advantage of electric motors in com- with given weighted average specific mass of the parison to internal combustion engines is the atmosphere pollutants per 1 kWh production, MSc, PhD student, absence of harmful emissions. So, it is evident energy and fuel consumption data, showed that [email protected], that electric vehicles can improve the ecological electric vehicles can result in a better ecological Ural Federal University named after the First situation. However, these measures need local situation, because power plants cause no air pol- President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, action, shifting the emission centre outside the lution in the urban environment, which, conse- streets of big cities. The comparison of electric quently, reduces health risks. Ural Power Engineering Institute, Russian and internal combustion engines from the eco- However, the environmental analysis, carried Academy of Sciences logical point of view should be carried out tak- out from the point of power system gives differ-

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The proposed theory was verified by mathemati- cal simulations, carried out for uncontrolled household and public charging scenarios. The results show that peak power consumption in- creases, resulting in significant difficulties for the control and operation of the power system. So, the charging of electric vehicles during the ent results. The integration of charging stations peak load time will impose a new peak to the into the power grid causes several problems for power system. Moreover, coming back to the the operation of power systems, namely the in- environmental impact issues, we can state that creased load required to charge electric vehicles, the elimination of gasoline-powered vehicles will resulting in voltage dips, grid components over- result in dramatic changes of power stations and loading, etc. Moreover, due to power station load how they operate, requiring additional capacities increases due to an increase in demand, addi- for covering the demand during a peak load. tional CO2 and NOx emissions will be produced Ekaterinburg is the main center of power con- as well. sumption in the Sverdlovsk region. So, the in- In the figure provided below, the load profile crease in electric consumption of the city means graph is plotted against traffic intensity for a typi- the increase of pollution in the atmosphere of the cal business day in Yekaterinburg. The most like- whole region, since most of power plants use fos- ly time for electric vehicle charging corresponds sil fuels for power production. to the maximum traffic intensity. People are most This research work was initiated by JSC “Electric likely to charge their electric vehicles upon ar- Network Company of Ekaterinburg” (www.eesk. riving home, which coincides with the national ru). The next stage of this research work will be domestic daily peak load. So, the uncontrolled devoted to the multi objective optimization of charging process leads to undesirable conditions operating power systems, taking into account for the power grid. Additional power consump- the stochastic nature of the process of charging tion requires the implementation of additional electric vehicles, peak demand shaving and eco- generating capacities, which, consequently leads logical criterias. to extra emissions of CO2 and NOx.

Multiresistant Microorganisms in Healthy Livestock - a Risk for Humans?

or S c i ent sts Jun i or The occurrence of resistant bacteria has been an (AmpC) Enterobacteriaceaee. Both Staphylo- important problem in hospitals since long ago. In coccus aureus and Enterobacteriaceae like E. coli the course of time more and more microorgan- belong to the common flora of skin respectively Anika Friese isms are developing resistances. The treatment of intestine of humans and animals without caus- Dr. med. vet., infections caused by these resistant microorgan- ing any diseases. However, these bacteria that isms is limited due to the inefficiency of the most carry resistances against several antibiotics were Freie Universität Berlin, commonly used antibiotics. In the past few years found in different samples of healthy pigs and Institute of Animal Hygiene and the appearance of these resistant bacteria in poultry. MRSA was mainly found on the skin Environmental Health healthy livestock herds which are used for food or in the nose of these animals while ESBLs was [email protected] production have been reported about. Some of found in the faeces. MRSA is regularly detected these resistant bacteria found in livestock are in the air inside the animal barns as well as in MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus some samples of exhaust air in the vicinity of aureus) or extended spectrum beta-lactamase the farms. An emission of these microorganisms (ESBL) and/or AmpC beta-lactamase-producing into the environment via an airborne way seems

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to be possible. Both bacteria species also were will not be cooked. The mentioned resistant bac- detected on ground surfaces in the surround- teria do not cause diseases in healthy humans but ings of animal farms which could be the result one risk is the transfer of the resistance genes to of sedimented bacteria from exhaust air but also other obligate pathogen microorganisms which due to a contamination of the fields after fertili- would cause diseases that are difficult to treat. zation with manure. Raw meat was also tested to The whole topic is an issue of public health and be positive for MRSA and ESLBs. Therefore, it is further research concerning intervention strate- necessary to follow the guidelines of kitchen hy- gies to reduce the resistant bacteria in livestock giene to avoid the transmission of these bacteria and consequently in the following food chain is from the meat to raw food like in salads which necessary.

High-fat Feeding Accelerates Disease Onset in a Murine Model of Crohn’s Disease-like Ileitis

The rising incidence of obesity and associated We found increased expression levels of mark- metabolic disorders coincides with increased ers of epithelial activation and of the dendritic- S c i ent sts Jun i or prevalence of inflammatory bowel diseases cell-attractant CCL20 in isolated ileal epithelial (IBD) such as Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative cells. Consistent with these findings, recruitment Lisa Gruber Colitis. In fact, obesity among IBD patients in- of CD11c+ dendritic cells, a cell population spe- PhD student, creases as well and corresponds with a more se- cialized in antigen-presentation, into the lamina Technical University of Munich, vere disease course and comorbidities. However, propria was increased under the HFD. the molecular causes remain to be clarified. The Chair for Biofunctionality, aim of this study was to elucidate a possible con- Interestingly, the observed changes were inde- Research Centre for Nutrition nection between diet-induced obesity, intestinal pendent of significant overweight or metabolic and Food Science, barrier functions and inflammatory processes in changes, such as inflammation of the adipose tis- Center for Diet and Disease the intestine. sue or impaired glucose tolerance. Furthermore, [email protected] in vitro modeling revealed a higher chemotactic A high-fat diet (HFD) compared to the control potential of IECs towards bone-marrow-derived diet (CD) accelerated intestinal inflammation in dendritic cells when stimulated with cecal lysates TNFΔARE/WT mice, a mouse model develop- from HFD mice compared to the CD, indicating ing ileal inflammation similar to human Crohn’s microbial and/or luminal factors as possible trig- disease. We therefore investigated several mile- gers for pathology in this study. stones in the course of the pathogenesis of IBD. Pointing to reduced intestinal barrier integrity, These findings point out that a diet rich in fat we found expression of the tight junction pro- may indeed aggravate intestinal inflammation tein Occludin to be dramatically reduced in the and that this correlates to alterations of the mi- ileal epithelium of mice fed HFD compared to crobiota, the antigen presenting cell populations CD, together with increased occurrence of bac- present in the lamina propria and their possible terial components in the hepatic portal plasma. interaction with intestinal epithelial cells.

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Lsd1 Coordiantes Trophoblast Development by Retaining Stem Cells in Their Niche

Epigenetics deals with functionally relevant embryo whereas the trophoectoderm develops or S c i ent sts Jun i or modifications to the genome without altering the to the placenta. Using an epiblast-specific dele- underlying DNA sequence. Such modification tion where Lsd1 is present in the placenta pre- Stefanie Hölz could be either DNA methylation or modifica- cursor cells and deleted in the embryo precur- tions at the so called histones. All modifications sor cell, we could demonstrate that this embryo PhD student, together at one gene promoter decide if a gene survives longer compared to an embryo where University of Freiburg, Medical Center, is repressed or can be actively transcribed. Our Lsd1 is completely deleted. We could observe Central Clinical Research research deals with an enzyme called Lysine, spe- early defects in the extraembryonic trophecto- [email protected] cifically demethylase 1 (Lsd1). This enzyme can derm lineage of ubiquitous Lsd1 null embryos. specifically remove methyl marks at the histone Lsd1-deficient embryos become prematurely de- positions H3K4me2 and H3K4me1 (the active pleted of the TSC pool as a result of increased mark) or H3K9me2 and H3K9me1 (the repres- migration from their niche. Similarly, in the cell sive mark) and thereby decides on the expres- culture Lsd1 restricts migration of TSCs and is sion of a gene. In agreement with several studies dispensable for stem cell maintenance. Using we could observe that Lsd1-deficient mice die the genome-wide analysis of the gene expression during early embryonic development prior to we identified the transcription factor ovol-like 12 hours into embryonic day 7. 2 (Ovol2) as a target gene of Lsd1 mediating mi- gration and invasion. In summary the deletion During early embryonic lineage commitment of Lsd1 leads to a precocious migratory behav- two distinct pools of precursor cells are estab- iour of the placenta precursor cells. Therefore the lished prior to murine implantation, namely the stem cell pool of these cells completely depletes inner cell mass and the trophectoderm. The in- so that the remaining cells cannot form a proper ner cell mass further differentiates into the later placenta leading to the early death of the embryo.

Non-invasive Ultrasound Method of Assessment of the Liver Fibrosis Stage in Children with Chronic Hepatitis B or S c i ent sts Jun i or

Background: The degree of hepatic fibrosis is 3–17 years, were examined. The control group Svetlana Ivleva an important factor for the prognosis and man- consisted of 30 children . The liver parenchyma MD, agement of patients with chronic viral hepatitis. was assessed by the conventional gray-scale ul- Scientific Center for Children’s Health, Liver biopsy is recommended as the gold stand- trasound and with the acoustic structure quan- Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, ard method for the determining of the stage of tification (ASQ) function. On the echogram of Moscow, fibrosis, prognosis and therapeutic indications the liver parenchyma 2–3 zones of interest were in patients with chronic viral hepatitis, but it is chosen, in which we constructed a histogram, Ultrasonography, Gastroenterology an invasive procedure associated with a risk of performed color coding and comparative analy- [email protected] potentially serious complications. Modern pos- sis with graphical and numerical representation sibilities of ultrasonic devices allow us to dilate of the density and heterogeneity of the paren- diagnostics of liver fibrosis. chyma. A liver biopsy for the histopathologi- Methods: 36 children with HBV infection, aged cal assessment of fibrosis was performed in all

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of these patients. We assessed liver stiffness in cially available; they are currently insufficiently chronic viral hepatitis B and compared correla- accurate to support their routine use. Until sen- tions among liver stiffness by ASQ and the stage sitive serum markers can be developed that will of hepatic fibrosis by biopsy’s and an elastogra- define all stages of fibrosis and mirror the infor- phy’s findings. mation derived from liver biopsy, the procedure Results: Evaluation of the liver parenchyma in remains the only means of defining the severity healthy children showed a density distribution of damage. A liver biopsy has limitations because curve fully consistent with a given curve and of inconveniences and rare but serious complica- with the density graph; the density index did not tions such as bleeding, intrahepatic or subcapsu- exceed 0.99 ± 0.01, which indicated the absence lar haematomas, the puncturing of other visceral of fibrosis. In 15 children with HBV ASQ the organs, sepsis and bad reactions to the anaesthet- data showed a small number of image variations ic. The diagnostic performance of elastography is in the histogram, the density index was 1.17 ± good for identifying severe fibrosis or cirrhosis, 0.02. The morphological features were consistent but it is less accurate for milder presentations; with minimal fibrosis. In 21 children with HBV it has limited a research zone (only 6 cm³). The the histograms also showed multiple graphical acoustic structure quantification function is a variations, the density index was 1.78 ± 0.02. Bi- non invasive technique that allows the detection opsies of these children showed signs of severe and quantification of liver fibrosis and is extend- fibrosis. The number of variations on the histo- ing its application toward the characterization gram and the density index directly depended on of chronic hepatitis and may be a non-invasive the degree of the fibrosis. alternative to all of these methods. Discussion:Liver fibrosis markers are commer-

Identification of Novel LSD1 Target Genes Controlling Tumour Metastasis in Vitro and Vivo or S c i ent sts Jun i or The DNA double helix is wrapped around a pro- In several publications LSD1 is already linked tein complex consisting of two of each of His- to different cancers. During cancer progres- Anett Jandausch tone 2A, Histone 2B, Histone 3 and Histone 4. sion cells can evade from their primary tumour PhD student, Together with Histone 1 they build the so called into the lymphatic and the blood vessel system nucleosome which can be further condensed to to form local or distant metastasis. This process University of Freiburg, Medical Center, the chromosome. The chromatin can be modi- is associated with poor prognosis in affected Central Clinical Research fied at different levels. The DNA itself can be patients. Currently there is no curative thera- [email protected] methylated by DNA-methyltransferases but also py for metastatic prostate cancer available. In the N-Termini of the histones can be covalently our work we could show that a knock down of modified i.e. through methylation, acetylation LSD1 leads to an increased migration and inva- and phosphorylation. These modifications are sion of prostate cancer cells in vitro. Using the very critical during the decision if the transcrip- genome-wide analysis of gene transcription and tion of a gene gets activated or not. Lysine specif- promoter occupancy we could identify a novel ic demethylase 1 (LSD1) is one of these enzymes G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) as a direct which can specifically demethlylate Histone 3. target, which is normally repressed by LSD1. With this function LSD1 can act in two differ- Vice versa, the knock down of this GPCR ex- ent manners: by demethylating the activating hibits decreased metastatic potential in vitro and mark H3K4me2/me1 it represses gene transcrip- in vivo in prostate cancer cells. Thus, our results tion but by demethylating the repressive mark reveal new pathways that might be of the utmost H3K9me2/me1 it activates gene transcription. importance for the treatment of prostate cancer.

German-Russian week of young researcher 55 Junior Scientists

Medical Treatment in War Territories

“War is a traumatic epidemic” of the qualified and specialized medical care for N.I. Pirogov the wounded and sick (military stages of medical

or S c i ent sts Jun i or evacuation) enabled a reduction in the number of There is another quote from him which is less the wounded by almost twice as compared to the popular: “the number of people who die during result of military operations in Afghanistan. Aleksey Konovalov wars as a result of diseases as it was in the past PhD student, wars as well as in the modern ones is much big- We should also consider that the use of conven- I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State ger than the losses of the killed and wounded in tional weapons can lead to the destruction of nu- Medical University, Moscow, the course of battles”. clear engineering facilities and chemical plants causing massive sanitary losses of therapeutic Department of Oncology, Medical These wise and prophetic words have been con- nature so the personnel assets of medical service Faculty, War Medicine firmed by the experiences of medical defense have to face the military therapeutic pathology. [email protected] forces of local wars and armed conflicts that have By my observation based on personal experi- happened in the past few last decades which took ence the total military losses in the territory of place in different regions of the planet and which the Chechen Republic reached up to 300 soldiers evidently proved the dominance of therapeutic pa- during 2003-2004 and about half of them were thology in the patterns relating to sanitary losses. caused by mine-blast traumas as of a result of ex- For example, in Afghanistan the losses of life due plosive demolitions. to sickness was up to 89% of the total sanitary losses and in Chechnya this number was at about These horrible “gifts” have not been removed yet 50% that was mostly due to the incidence rate of from several mountainous areas of Chechnya. infectious diseases, neuropsychic pathologies, According to recent calculations: 5 thousand skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases and a hectares (50 mln sq.m.) of the territory are still whole group of somatic diseases. mine studded. • In the last 5.5 thousand years there have been Moreover, in my opinion, in connection with 14 500 wars the globalization of interaction between separate • War losses have reached up to 3 bln. 540 mln. terrorist organizations and the general growth of people global political tension, not only is the problem • In the last 35 centuries there have been only of ordinary injuries in armed conflicts but also 300 years without any wars the issue of injuries caused by biological muni- • The wars of the 20th century have cost more tions (considering that there have already been than $US 4 trillion (this sum could be suf- singular terrorist acts where biological weapon ficient enough to provide food for all the have been used) are becoming more relevant. population of the Earth for 50 years). It is also proven by the following research work: • In the last 50 years armed conflicts have been The costs of a military operation against civilians happening in 4 of the 6 existing continents: for 1 of land: using conventional weapons Eurasia, Africa, Central and South America, is $2000, using a nuclear weapon is $ 800, using excluding the desert Antarctic and Australia. neurotoxic gases is $600, using biological weap- • Each year 30 armed conflicts break out in the ons is $ 1 (from the research conducted upon the world. request of the UN)

The experience of the medical defense forces of Taking into account the abovementioned facts the military forces in the conditions of armed and the sad modern tendency for the growth of conflicts proves that the prompt delivery of health the number and intensity of local wars the com- care can improve a lot in the outcome of wounds petent and first of all available modern complex and diseases. For example, during the armed medical aids provided directly on the site of a bat- conflict in the Chechen Republic the imminence tle becomes something of primary importance.

56 German-Russian week of young researcher Junior Scientists

Legal Interaction of Patient and Physician

Legislation of physicians and patients improve dependent upon money and opportunities. We and change. To understand the situation of are not able to motivate young scientists to go far healthcare in Russia, it’s important to know a few from Moscow and other large cities.

aspects of our history. S c i ent sts Jun i or Thirdly - the legal system of medicine. Firstly –medical care is free. At the moment, our doctors are unprocessual Yulia Kuznetsova In the 20th century the government developed people. A physician can study and that is all. Le- principles of public health. Some of the success- gal literacy is growing, people are aware of the PhD student, Research Fellow ful ones are: situation of doctors in Europe (although they I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State - the prevention of social diseases; may be mistaken.) I mean, people are demand- Medical University, Moscow, - the increased quality health care; ing and sometimes biased. Chair of Law in the Health Care System - the cooperation of medical science and practice; [email protected] The patient and the doctor in the legal field. The principles that are negatively affecting medi- Summary of the preceding sentence: many peo- cine these days are: ple want free medicine, such guarantees given by - free medical care. (There is mandatory and vol- our constitution, and do not consider the costs untary health insurance in Russia. People used demanded by modern science. I do not side with to believe that health care must be free, but only patients or doctors on this matter, but I’m inter- some others think of the finance industry. We are ested in honest interaction between the two. You in a vicious circle: low salaries, small contributions must formulate the rights of doctors, as profes- and a lack of financial help for high-tech indus- sionals, as units of society. tries. It is difficult to imagine when the circle will If a patient has a claim on health care, about ex- break. There are already enough free services.) pertise. It’s about medical errors. Voluntary insurance – it is not clear who is de- ceiving whom. De ure - it is only the convenient There are two types of claims: and quick, de facto - this is the same as manda- This examination of the quality of medical care tory insurance, but at a high cost. The prices are and forensic examination. (I do not consider the increasing for the care of chronic diseases.. Of military social and economic). Both are very im- course, everybody knows, when you reach 30, portant in the search for truth, but it is not con- chronic diseases of the digestive, respiratory and sistent. The first is performed in hospitals, the cardiovascular systems can begin. second in a special bureau and are important for the court. The problem is that they are not com- Secondly – the territory of Russia. patible. Many refuse to understand why they do For a long period we have been unable to pro- not align, but why we have one algorithm. vide training for physicians for all regions. It’s or S c i ent sts Jun i or Health and Social Justice Sebastian Laukötter

Many philosophers claim that health is of no determined. The Marmot-Review (2010) as PhD, Research Fellow, central importance to social justice, because well as the World Health Organizations-Re- University of Münster, it is mainly caused naturally or by ones in- port on the Social Determinants of Health Centre for Advanced Study in Bioethics dividual behavior. But philosophical theories (2008) show in detail that huge inequalities [email protected] of justice like these ignore important em- in health are socially caused and can be ob- pirical facts. Recently Public Health-theorists served both in single states and as well as showed in detail that health is mainly socially worldwide.

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Therefore health should be treated as subject centrate on what persons actually do, but what of social justice. Since health is mainly socially they are capable of doing if they want. Persons determined, society and politics should aim at should be enabled to chose their aims in life promoting people’s health, providing their basic and to seek them effectively. According to this requirements and reducing the social causes of theory of justice health is a precondition for disease and health inequalities. Health inequali- other capabilities which should be warranted by ties which are socially caused and avoidable demands of justice. A certain degree of health is must be regarded as unjust. required for realizing one’s life plans whatever they may be. But which theory of justice could provide a sound foundation for treating health as subject Such an inclusive and demanding conception of of social justice adequately? The capabilities health justice has grave consequences for health approach to justice seems to be promising for politics, which must be understood in a more that purpose and my research currently is con- comprehensive sense than traditionally. Health centrated on developing a theoretical frame- politics do not merely have to concern provid- work for the purpose of addressing problems of ing health resources and access to health care. health justice based on this approach. Furthermore health politics according to this account should concern education, working Unlike most egalitarian theories which con- and living conditions, environmental issues and centrate on the equal distribution of material much more – without leading to paternalistic means and unlike such which concentrate on politics. Last but not least a reasonable theory ones equal well-being, the capabilities approach of health justice on this base should be broad- concentrates on “a person’s capability to do ened to issues of global health justice, because things that he or she has the reason to value” the social determination of health does not stop (Amartya Sen). The approach does not con- at national borders.

The Use MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry in Microbiology Laboratory Routine Work. Improving Sepsis Diagnostic or S c i ent sts Jun i or Sepsis is a potentially deadly medical condition vial and then is incubated in an analyzer which that is characterized by a whole-body inflam- detects bacterial growth. If the growth is detect- Georgiy Lominadze matory state which is triggered by an infection. ed, that culture is called a microbiemia-positive Resident Doctor, Sepsis is caused by septicemia – the presence of culture. It is analyzed by cultivating it on cul- Scientific Center for Children’s Health, pathogenic organisms e.g. bacteria in the blood- ture dishes and performing different analytical stream. The only method of treatment is antibac- tests. The bottleneck of this type of study is time Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, terial therapy with different antibiotics which are that it is necessary for performing a described Moscow, chosen based on the data of the bacterial species analysis. On average 24 hours are needed to ob- Microbiological Laboratory identification and it’s susceptibility to different tain the microbiemia-positive culture, another [email protected] antibiotics. Thus, the aims of clinical microbiol- 24 hours are needed to obtain growth on the ogy labs are the rapid and accurate identification culture dish and up to 24 hours may be needed of the infectious agent and the determination of to identify the microbial agent. Then at least 24 its susceptibility to antimicrobial therapy. hours are needed to determine its susceptibility. That means there are 4 steps that take up to 96 To perform the microbiological study the blood hours in total from the collection of the blood sample is collected from a patient in a special sample from the patient.

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Our research highlights the application of a Among the 49 analyzed cultures, correct iden- proteomic-based method that allows saving tification was performed in 92% of them. Roc- up to 48 hours by accelerating steps 2 and 3, analysis showed the AUC of 0.86. Basing on that helps to start more adequate antimicrobial the Roc-analysis Score, the value of 2.06 was therapy in earlier terms. Matrix-assisted laser chosen as the optimal cut-off level. False iden- desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spec- tification was obtained for blood cultures with trometry (MALDI-TOF MS) allows the identi- more than 1 bacteria species. The mean time of fying of microorganisms in 2 hours after receiv- identification for up to 10 samples simultane- ing microbiemial-positive blood cultures which ously was 1.5 hours. The saved time, compared were previously incubated in the blood culture to conventional methods, was 24-48 hours. analyzer. In conclusion we can state that MALDI-TOF The method of MALDI-TOF MS is based on MS accelerates the identification of microor- obtaining a mass-spectra of ribosomal proteins ganisms in blood cultures by 24-48hrs in 92% of microorganisms which are used like “finger- of microbial-positive blood cultures in patients prints” for the accurate identifying of the spe- with sepsis. Although we still have to use clas- cies by comparing with the spectra database. sical methods together with MALDI-TOF MS The level of identity is expressed by numeric because of the 8% of false results, we claim that value “Score” (in a range from 0 to 3, where 0 92% of patients can be provided with more ad- is the absence of an identity and 3 is a complete equate therapy at least 24 hours earlier. Despite identity). This method has already been used that MALDI-TOF MS is unable to detect anti- for a long time for the identification of microor- biotic susceptibility of microorganisms we can ganisms from cultures grown on culture plates, narrow down the selection of antibiotics by ob- but is not commonly used for the identification taining data on the range of the natural resist- of microbiemial-positive blood cultures. Thus ance of detected microorganisms and know the the objective of the study was to find whether efficiency of certain antibiotics against detected this method could be used in routine work of a species. In summary, low costs and the rapidity clinical microbiological laboratory. of MALDITOF MS can dramatically improve patients‘ care in hospitals. We performed MALDI-TOF MS by means of a Microflex mass spectrometer (Bruker, Ger- many). We analyzed 49 microbiemia-positive blood cultures after incubation in a Bactec 9050 blood culture analyzer (BD, USA). For the anal- ysis, blood cultures were purged with SDS and then proteins were extracted with ethanol/for- mic acid. Conventional identification was per- formed by routine phenotypic and immunolog- ical methods and identification was performed on the automatic bacterial analyzer Vitek II (Bi- oMereux, France). All biological samples were obtained from patients of SCCH.

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Tick-borne Encephalitis: Preclinical Infections and Disease Prevention among People Bitten by Ixodid Ticks or S c i ent sts Jun i or

Tick-borne encephalitis is a severe neurologi- prevalence of ticks is extremely low, if any. Such Aleksandr Lyapunov cal disease transmitted to humans through the a geographic pattern is determined by several bite of ticks. The causative agent of the disease factors. Of them the geographical proximity of PhD, Senior Research Fellow, is a tick-borne encephalitis virus. To reduce place of the tick bite to the Center, the inten- Scientific Centre of the Problems the morbidity of tick-borne encephalitis and sity of human interactions with nature and the of Family Health and Human to prevent the onset of disease in people bitten abundance of ticks in nature play the main role. Reproduction, by ixodid ticks the “Center for diagnostics and In average, we detected the TBEV antigen in Siberian Branch of the Russian prevention of tick-borne diseases” has been op- about 3% of serum samples. This means that 3% Academy of Medical Sciences, Irkutsk, erating in our institute since 1992. of people bitten by ticks were subclinically in- Laboratory of Transmissive Infections fected with the virus and had a substantial risk Annually from 6.5 to 8.5 thousand people bit- of becoming sick. The prevalence of the TBEV [email protected] ten by ticks visit the “Center” for medical help. antigen in serum samples from areas of forest About half of the affected people, for various and taiga landscapes and from Irkutsk city varied reasons (the tick being lost, the mite not being from 2,4% to 2,7% . Interestingly, the prevalence suitable for the study, multiple bites) cannot among people bitten by a tick in the areas of provide the tick for research. In such cases, we forest-steppe and steppe landscapes was signifi- use the blood serum of bitten persons to detect cantly higher than in forested areas and varied the presence of tick-borne encephalitis virus from 4,2% to 6,3%. Single antigen positive serum antigens. If the antigen is detected it is usually samples were found in people who were bitten assumed to be proof of infection and valid rea- by ticks in the southern districts of the Irkutsk son for antiviral treatment. In this work we pre- region and the northern areas. Positive samples sent the results of study of 14200 serum samples in the northern regions indicate a significant risk from people bitten by ixodid ticks in Irkutsk re- of infection with tick-borne encephalitis at ter- gion (Russian Federation) during the recent 5 ritories traditionally considered safe or low risk. years from 2007 to 2011. To detect the antigen People, whose blood was found positive for the of the tick-borne encephalitis virus we used the TBEV antigen, were subjected to emergency ELISA diagnostic kit supplied by “Microgen” prophylaxis of the disease using human immu- (Moscow). For the assessment of the incidence noglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis. Of of TBE in the Irkutsk region, the official data the 428 persons who received prophylaxis, no from the “State report on the epidemiological disease cases have been reported. situation in the Irkutsk region” was used. All age groups, up to 94 years, were affected by During these 5 years the residents of 30 of 33 the bites of ticks. The largest number of com- municipal districts of the Irkutsk region visited plaints occurred among children aged 0 to 9 our center. Spatially, the Irkutsk region may be years (17.6%) and adults of working age. divided into 4 sectors. More than half of peo- ple attending the Center were bitten in the Ir- A large role in health education, prevention and kutsk district (49.9%) and in the Irkutsk city disease prevention EC is played by insurance itself (6.3%) .The average rate of incidence is a companies. More than half of people who ap- feature of southern districts that are situated in plied (53.1%) have a medical “Anti-tick” insur- forested and taiga areas; low incidence is asso- ance policy. For the studied period, the propor- ciated with remote districts and with districts tion of people vaccinated against TBE was just situated in steppe areas. No people with tick over 8%. But, according to the National Health bites came from 3 northern districts where the Regulations, the proportion of the population

60 German-Russian week of young researcher Junior Scientists

vaccinated against TBEV in endemic areas and this displays 100% preventative efficacy. 3. should be at least 95%. Thus, in the Irkutsk re- A significant proportion (about 17%) of people gion it is necessary to significantly increase the who recieved medical help were children aged 0 number of vaccinated individuals. to 9 years but, at the same time, the proportion of children and adolescents aged 10-19 years Conclusions. 1. On average, 3% of people bit- was significantly reduced (8,5 %). 4. More than ten by ticks develop a subclinical infection of half the people who came to the center after tick TBEV. 2. 428 people, whose serum samples bites were voluntary insured against tick bites contained TBEV-Ag, received preventive treat- and tick-borne diseases; 5. In 2007-2011, only ment against TBE with anti-TBEV immuno- 8.2% of people who attended the “Center…” af- globulin. In all cases no disease has developed ter tick bites were vaccinated against TBE.

Immunoreactivity of Teenagers Living with Technogenic Pressure or S c i ent sts Jun i or The problem of the environment’s influence to potential (SILMP). The relative levels of autoan- a population’s health an important current is- tibodies (auto-AB) to native DNA, to Fc- frag- Lyudmila Masnavieva sue of medical research. There are a lot of facts ment IgG and to beta2-glycoprotein I of blood about the connection between air pollution and serum, which characterizes the general status of PhD, Senior Research Fellow, the increase of cases of different diseases. Some the immune system, were determined. The av- Research Institute of Occupational industrial centers of the Irkutsk region such as erage body immunoreactivity of teenagers was Medicine and Human Ecology, Angarsk, Irkutsk, Zima and Bratsk have a high calculated by relative levels of 16 auto-AB of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, or very high level of air pollution. The major different specificity, which reflected the state of Angarsk, source of air pollutants in these regions are their major organs and systems. Levels of inter- Laboratory of Biochemistry from factories, thermal power plants, chemical leukin (IL) 2 and 10 were determined in serum and petrochemical industries. The average level by immunoassay test kits. [email protected] of air pollution in Angarsk is high, the index Statistic calculation of the results was per- of contamination (IC) is 15.9. The developing formed by applying the package «Statistica 6.0». organisms of teenagers are the most sensitive The Nonparametric U-test Mann-Whitney has to the influence of chemical pollutants. The in- been used. The results of the investigation are vestigation of the health of teenagers, who are presented as the median, the lower and upper living in technogenic conditions, is one of the quartiles. important problems of modern medicine. The aim of this work was to evaluate the immu- The results. The indicators of PCP Angarsk’s noreactivity parameters of adolescents living pupils were significantly higher (11.44 [10.27- with technogenic pressure. 13.39],p=0.03), than the same indexes of Say- ansk’s pupils (11.04 [9.43-13.07]). A change in The design of the investigation. The first group indexes of SILMP potential between the groups includes 156 pupil from Angarsk. The second was not revealed (p=0.13). group consists of 131 teenagers from Sayansk. The level of IL-2 was small higher in group I The level of pollution in Sayansk is low, the IC (4.96 [2.93-8.49] pg/ml, p=0.08), than in group amount is 4.8. II (4.51 [1.59-7.25] pg/ml). The IL-2 activates Integral indexes were used for the evaluation factors involved in anti-viral and anti-inflam- of different links of the immune system. The matory protection. The level of anti-inflam- coefficients were calculated using a genogtam; matory cytokine – IL-10 in blood serum was indexes of phagocytic cell-protection (PCP) higher in the first group 4.86 [3.15-7.30] pg/ml and specific immune lymphocyte-monocyte than in the second group 3.33 [0.27-6.76] pg/

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ml, p<0.01. It may be caused by the need to in- tion. The average immunoreactivity of teenag- hibit the antimicrobial response and the expres- ers from Angarsk was higher (-23.90 [-35.40 sion of anti-inflammatory cytokines - -15.00]%%) than in Sayansk (-30.5 [-39.60 - -23.87]%%, p<0.01). However, the decrease or The synthesis of auto-AB in a healthy person is increase of immunoreactivity beyond reference occur constantly. Changes of molecular com- levels has been observed in only a small number position of the organs and structures of the of cases. body cause changes synthesis of certain type of AB long before the clinical manifestation of Сonclusion. The changes in hematological index- the disease. es can indicate the enhancement of the process of nonspecific protection and stress of adaptive There are not any significant differences in the mechanisms in teenagers from areas with high relative contents of auto-AB to native DNA be- levels of air pollution. tween groups (p=0.75). The levels of auto-AB to Higher levels of auto-AB, that characterize the beta2-glycoprotein I and to Fc- fragment IgG in immune system and changes in the cytokine group 1 of teenagers were higher (-0.18 [-12.56 status in schoolchildren from an area with high – 9.77] and 6.73 [-2.55 – 16.38]%%, p<0.01, levels of air pollution may be results of latent p<0.01 accordingly) than those of group II inflammation. (-20.07 [-29.36 – 11.81] and -7.61 [-13.86 – 2.14]%%). High levels auto-AB are indicators of The data obtained can be used for preventative the activation of apoptosis in respective organs measures aimed at protecting the health of the and tissues. They suggest that these increased population. AB levels are the result of latent inflamma-

Aspects of Adaptation of Students to Stress. Problems of Stress Resistance in Contemporary Institutes of Higher Education or S c i ent sts Jun i or

Education in the institutes of higher education demic load and the application of appropriate Kamiliya Mekhdieva requires particular exertion of all systems of an physical training. PhD student, organism including visual and acoustic analyz- The main focus of our research is the analysis of ers, memory mechanisms, attention stability the adaptation factors of students to education Ural Federal University named and concentration. Apprenticeship is frequently and the study of the adaptive systems optimiza- after the First President of Russia accompanied by a rise in stressful situations e.g. tion process. B.N.Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, (exams, tests). Research Centre “Health-improving The efficiency of an environmental organism’s and Sports Technology” According to contemporary conceptions, stress adaptation depends on the inborn personal ty- [email protected] appears in difficult problematic situations wherein pological abilities of its higher nervous activity. there is a lack of solutions. The state of exertion is However, as a result of the functional flexibility the specific form of mobilization undertaken by the of higher brain segments these abilities can be organism, aimed at dealing with difficult situations. trained. Our research focuses on aspects of the adaptive Taking into consideration the effect of higher reactions of students affected by social factors nervous activity on organism adaptation and the connected to their educational process. exploration of problems of deficiency, stress ad- There are two methods to solve a possible stress- aptation is covered within the framework of the ful reaction while studying: decreasing the aca- application of physical training.

62 German-Russian week of young researcher Junior Scientists

Age-related Aspects of the Relationship between Hormones and Semen Parameters in Men or S c i ent sts Jun i or

According to WHO the presence of 15% of in- years (n = 22), group 3 - 46-60 years (n = 21). fertile couples in the country can be considered Hormone concentration was determined by the Irina Molodovskaya a negative demographic situation. In Russia ap- enzyme immunoassay test, produced by Hu- PhD student, Junior Research Fellow, proximately 17% of couples of reproductive age man, Germany, on Elysis Uno immunoanalyser Institute of Physiology of Natural experience infertility, and more than a quarter (Human, Germany). Assessment of the semen Adaptations, of infertility cases may be attributed to male samples was performed together with the In- Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of factors. The effect of paternal age on fertility stitute of Cytology and Genetics (The Siberian Sciences, Arkhangelsk, is well known now, but in the north the body Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) on grows older faster and fertility declines earlier Sperm fertility analyzer SFA-500 (“Biola”, Mos- Laboratory of Endocrinology than in the midland. Adverse climatic condi- cow). [email protected] tions of the North have an effect on the hormo- nal regulation of the testis. Thyroid hormones All analyses were performed with STATA sta- are among the factors responsible for the male tistical software version 6. Shapiro-Wilk’s W reproductive function, as involved in the regu- tests did not show a normal distribution. So lation of gonadotropin secretion. In recent dec- we used nonparametric methods for statistical ades the reduced activity of spermatogenesis in analysis. The Mann-Whitney test was used to men has been observed in different countries, test for the difference between the medians of this fact produced a discussion about the rea- two independent groups. The relationships be- sons of reduced activity of spermatogenesis and tween hormones and sperm parameters were its hormonal markers. The levels of testosterone analyzed by Spearman’s correlation coefficient. and free testosterone were used as such markers CONCLUSIONS: In the second age group (36- in clinical studies, but the levels of thyroid hor- 45 years) the men had lower levels of progester- mones are also useful markers. Some authors one, cortisol, free testosterone, DHEA-S and a showed an increase in testosterone levels after higher level of SHBG compared to young men treatment with thyroid medication. aged 22 to 35 years in the absence of age-related changes in the total testosterone level. However The purpose of this research was to examine the age-related changes of TSH (thyrotropine), free magnitude and the shape of the relationships T4 (thyroxin) levels and semen parameters be- between age and semen quality, sperm concen- gan only in the third age group. tration and thyroid hormones in a non-clinical group of men. The relationship between the total sperm count and thyroid hormones was statistically signifi- METHODS: Sperm and blood samples were ac- cant across all age groups. Semen parameters quired from 97 men (aged 22–60 years) without have positive correlations with the concentra- any known fertility problems. All volunteers are tions of iodothyronines, free testosterone, in- living constantly in Archangelsk city. The men hibin B and sperm antibodies. Negative cor- provided information relating to their lifestyle, relations were observed between the content diet, medical and occupational details. The of iodothyronines and pH, as well as between levels of thyroid hormones, sex hormones, sex the semen and the level of SHBG. At the age hormone binding globulin, sperm antibody, in- of 46-60 years, positive correlation was shown hibin B and sperm quality were measured. between free T4 level and percent progressively motile sperm. That means that thyroid hor- The men were divided into three age groups: mones could regulate reproductive functions group 1 - 22-35 years (n = 54), group 2 - 36-45 in men.

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Semen quality is generally considered to be a nificantly increased across the increasing ages. proxy measurement of male fertility, and semen The median semen volume and sperm motility quality varied with some lifestyle and medical decreased after 45 years of age. factors, such as smoking and alcohol drinking. But in our study we did not find significant cor- Because of the impairment of fertility all around relations between sperm and smoking history, the world it is important to study male repro- between sperm and frequency of alcohol use ductive potential in adverse climatic conditions which indicates that there are significant indi- of the North. Now we have a great foundation vidual differences in sensitivity to alcohol and of a hormonal panel of men living in the Polar smoking. Region and our institute is going to study se- The proportion of men with abnormal volume, men quality in healthy men of this region. concentration and motility of sperm was sig-

Meteorological Factors and the Severity of Pneumonia in Young Men

or S c i ent sts Jun i or The high frequency and often serious complica- cy of right-sided localization changed from 50,6 tions of pneumonia require new studies to im- % in 2002 up to 67,6 % in 2007 (р <0, 05). The prove the knowledge of clinical and pathogenic analysis of this parameter depending on a the Veronika Nikulina characteristics of the disease in different climates season of the disease did not show any seasonal PhD student, and weather conditions. differences (0,05). The comparative assessment of the severity of right sided pneumonia and by Far Eastern State Medical University, The purpose of our research became a compara- the criterion of the duration of a patient’s stay Khabarovsk, tive evaluation of the clinical features and the in a hospital has shown that left sided pneumo- Department of Pulmonology severity of pneumonia in connection with how nia, as a whole, infects a small amount of these [email protected] it is influenced by solar activity, a geomagnetic patients, but a significant excess of the patients field and seasons of seasonal diseases. The data who stay in the hospital have pneumonia with a of 8115 medical case histories of the patients right-hand localization. Similar differences have who were on treatment in the pulmonology unit been found in comparison with the duration of in 301 Khabarovsk military hospital during the pneumonias that are located in the lower lobe (р period of 2001-2010 in connection with pneu- <0, 05). Significant differences of the duration of monia of unilateral localization are studied. The a right-and a left sided pneumonia infection by results were analyzed using statistical methods of years and by season were not detected (> 0,05). the Fisher and Mann-Whitney tests. The additional analysis of 205 case histories of pa- The age surveyed was in the range of 18-32 years. tients with severe pneumonia showed that a right- More than 90 % of the patients smoked. The sided localization of such pneumonia occurred in overall ratio of infections of pneumonia for the 138 patients (67,3 %), and left sided localization- right and left sided localization were respectively in 67 (32,7 %). Such prevalence of right-hand lo- 55,0 % and 45,0 %, which is exactly in line with calization of the current disease was significantly the average ratio of the pulmonary volumes of higher than in the total group surveyed (р <0, 05). both lungs. More often the pneumonia was lo- cated in the lower lobe. Thus, our research has shown significant vari- A comparison of the dynamics of the relation- ability in the ratio of right-and left sided localiza- ship between pneumonias which are located in tion pneumonia by increased years (but not by either the right or left sides of the lungs by years seasons!). We found that, in general, right-sided showed cyclic recurrence and significant varia- pneumonia in young men proceeds a little more bility in this indicator. Thus, the relative frequen- severely, than left sided.

64 German-Russian week of young researcher Junior Scientists

Replication Inhibitors for Flaviviruses: Molecular Design and Putative Mechanism of Action or S c i ent sts Jun i or

Flaviviral infections represent a substantial based on the aforementioned DENV template problem for public health all around the world. structure. Virtual screening of the ChemEx lab- Dmitry Osolodkin Flaviviruses are enveloped viruses, which cause oratory library of small molecule compounds PhD, Junior Research Fellow, severe diseases such as dengue fever, West Nile (5886 entries) was performed against the de- Lomonosov Moscow State University, fever, Japanese encephalitis, tick-borne enceph- tergent binding site. One hundred compounds Moscow, alitis (TBE), yellow fever, etc. These diseases were selected for further in vitro testing based can be transmitted by mosquitoes or ticks. on score values and visual analysis of the bind- Department of Chemistry, Medicinal Mosquito-borne fevers are most common in ing modes. In vitro testing and IC50 determina- Chemistry tropical and equatorial regions, whereas tick- tion was performed in a plaque growth assay; [email protected] transmitted diseases are more common in Eu- 7 compounds have shown a protective effect rope, Siberia, and Canada. There is no common against TBEV, 2 compounds — against POWV, treatment for flaviviral diseases. Vaccines are and 9 compounds — against OHFV. Cytotoxic- available for TBE, yellow fever and several oth- ity assessments have shown that the therapeutic er diseases, but after the infection only symp- index of the selected compounds is acceptable, tomatic treatment is generally used. Immuno- and they can be used for further in vivo evalu- globulin therapy can be an option in the case ation. of TBE, but its use is non-convenient. Thus, an urgent need for small molecule anti-flaviviral Analysis of the inhibition mechanism was per- drugs is obvious. formed by means of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Earlier we have shown that bend- Several strategies were suggested for post-in- ing of the envelope protein ectodomain dimer fection treatment of flaviviral diseases, includ- during an impilicit solvent MD simulation ing the development of monoclonal antibod- correlates with the stability of the virion. The ies, inhibitors of viral non-structural enzymes, simulation of the complex of the protein and an and inhibitors of the viral fusion, which bind active compound have shown that the binding to the envelope proteins. The first fusion inhibi- of the inhibitor also impairs the virion’s stabil- tors were designed for dengue virus (DENV) ity. Thus, fusion inhibition may be attributed to with the help of docking-based virtual screen- this binding mode. ing against the detergent binding site, which is present in one of the X-ray structures of DENV The main result of this work is a scheme of envelope proteins. search for new flaviviral fusion inhibitors, in- cluding steps from computer simulation to in In our work, homology models were built for vivo evaluation. A search for novel, more effec- the envelope proteins of the tick-borne enceph- tive and tolerable inhibitors is underway. alitis virus (TBEV), Powassan virus (POWV), and Omsk haemorrhagic fever virus (OHFV),

German-Russian week of young researcher 65 Junior Scientists

Features of Diabetes Mellitus in Young Patients

The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in- diabetes in these patients without the use of spe- or S c i ent sts Jun i or creases world-wide, as well in an increasing cial methods (molecular genetic testing). number of young patients (debut of diabetes up Alla Ovsyannikova to 30 years). The average age of the patients of group 1 (for C-peptides) was 26,1 to 14,4 years, in Group 2- it PhD student, Priority areas in the management of diabetes in- was 27,6 to 10,0 years, the average age at onset in Institute of Internal Medicine, clude strategy development, disease prevention group 1 was 16,6 to 10,8 years, in group 2 it was Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy and differentiated approaches to its treatment. 22,9 to 7,8 years (p = 0,014). Among the clinical of Medical Sciences, Novosibirsk, Therefore, it is important to promptly verify the parameters of groups 1 and 2 the important data Department of Endocrinology correct type of DM, as along with types 1 and 2, was: the average body mass index (21,6 to 4,3 there are monogenic forms, differing the clinical kg/m2 and 25,5 to 6,5 kg/m2, respectively), the [email protected] course and prognosis. number of patients with a skin rash of unknown origin (18% and 56%, p = 0.002), the absence of The purpose of this research was to investigate symptoms at the onset (28% and 56%, p = 0.035), the characteristics of onset and course of diabe- weight loss at the onset of the disease (44% vs tes in young patients. We used the Register of the 12%, p = 0.020), use of insulin (72% and 12% City and we formed a sample of 70 patients who p <0.001). Additional laboratory tests statistical had a family history of diabetes and the onset of significance was only the HDL (p = 0.02). Anti- the disease to 30 years of age. All patients per- bodies to b-cells were positive in 3 people from formed a clinical examination, blood sampling the first group (6%) and 1 in group 2 (7%). for biochemical and hormonal analysis, for the presence of antibodies to b-cells and molecular Conclusions: genetic testing. 1) Young patients need a more thorough differ- ential diagnosis of their diabetes type. All patients were divided into two groups, re- 2) It is important to determine the level of C- gardless of the type of diabetes: one group con- peptides for the differential diagnosis. Patients sisted of patients with C-peptide levels below the with low levels of C-peptides and that have an reference value (54 patients), group 2, - patients atypical onset of the disease need additional di- with normal values of C-peptides (16 patients). agnostic methods. All patients of group 2 had a diagnosis of type 3) The detection of antibodies in b-cells may not 2 diabetes. Among the first group, 34 patients have clinical significance, but it is required evi- were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (63%), 20 dence on a large sample. had the monogenic diabetes type (27%). Patients 4) Patients with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes who have a low level of C-peptides need a more have frequent skin rashes, it can be used as a thorough differential diagnosis of their diabetes phenotypic marker of diabetes. type, especially when they have an atypical onset 5) Young patients achieve good control of their of the disease (no ketoacidosis, weight loss). In diabetes by using diets and hypoglycemic agents most cases, doctors cannot diagnose the type of (not insulin).

66 German-Russian week of young researcher Junior Scientists

Genetics of Lymphedema and Hydrocele in Lymphatic Filariasis

The filarial nematodes Wuchereria bancrofti on genes that have been linked immunopathol- and Brugia spp. cause lymphedema of the limbs ogy and angiogenesis in 400 lymphedema, 400 S c i ent sts Jun i or and hydrocele which are diseases of severe mor- hydrocele and 400 infected without pathol- bidity in tropical regions. Although 120 million ogy individuals. We have found a haplotype of Kenneth Pfarr people are infected with these parasites, only two SNPs of the caveolin-1 gene, a regulator of PhD, Group Leader, 7% will develop lymphatic disease symptoms TGF-beta signaling, associated with hydrocele Molecular Parasitology, and 50% of men will develop hydrocele. Studies and a SNP in metalloprotease-2, involved in tis- have shown that susceptibility to the infection sue remodeling, associated with both patholo- University Hospital of Bonn, Medical Centre, has to do with the parasite load and lymphatic gies. These SNPs have the potential to be devel- Institute of Medical Microbiology, pathology cluster in families independent of oped into biomarkers to identify those who are Immunology and Parasitology the household and the environment. However, at a greater risk of pathology development and [email protected] only a few studies have looked for genes asso- to help begin intervention to prevent pathology ciated with lymphatic filariasis. Working with development or reduce the pathological stage partners in Ghana we have genotyped Africans with physician treatment. infected with W. bancrofti to identify single nu- cleotide polymorphisms (SNP) associated with the development of these diseases. We focused

Dextrans as Ligands of Mannose Receptor and DC-SIGN Family Receptors – New Anti- infective Strategy or S c i ent sts Jun i or

In mouse tuberculosis models conjugates of cally bound by two types of receptors: mannose medical dextrans (poly-α-1,6-glucosides with receptors (MR) and DC-SIGN family receptors Sergey Pustylnikov MW of 35-75 kDa) with isoniazid decreased (DFRs). They take part in the recognition and Junior Research Fellow, the number of granulomas 2-fold and the fi- uptake of pathogens (mycobacteria, candida, Novosibirsk Tuberculosis Research Institute, brotic changes in organs were reduced several influenza virus, HIV, hepatitis virus). For path- Novosibirsk, times. It can be explained by the unknown ac- ogens the interaction with MR/DFRs is proven tion of dextrans. Prophylactic administration of to affect efficient immune responses. Since dex- Research Group of Molecular Biology, oxidized dextrans OD (<3% oxidized glucose) trans selectively decrease the amount of avail- Cell and Molecular Biology to mice infected with avian influenza A/H5N1 able MR and DFRs on the surface of immune [email protected] decreased the lethality by 3.3 fold and led to sig- cells, they may help to promote the develop- nificant decrease of fibrosis. In a model of can- ment of more effective immune responses. didiasis the number of granulomas in the brain The application of dextrans may provide a new was 8 fold less after OD treatment. All mice in mechanism of treatment of intracellular infec- the control group died, 60% of the mice treated tions including tuberculosis, HIV, viral hepati- with OD survived. tis and influenza. We suggest new perspectives for dextran application in medicine as a means We reviewed the dextrans’ properties and of- of immune modulation. fer the hypothesis of their therapeutic action in many infectious diseases. Dextrans are specifi-

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The Right to Health as a Constitutional Value in Russia and Germany: the Comparative Analysis or S c i ent sts Jun i or

The constitutional right to health in Russia and Russian Constitution we see “the right to health Yulia Rudt Germany is one of the most important consti- and medical care” (art. 34, 35), in German Basic tutional values. On the basis of comparative Law we can’t see the right to health as an ex- PhD student, analysis in our study we try to understand the plicit definition, but it’s a part of the right to hu- Russian Presidential Academy of National constitutional value of the right to health. First, man dignity (art.1). Courts’ decisions also play Economy and Public Administration I want to show the system of the constitutional a significant role in the definition of internal (Altay Branch), Barnaul, values in the constitutional axiology of Russia content regarding the Right to health. For ex- Department of Administrative and and Germany. We don’t discuss its hierarchy, ample, analysis of The European Court of Hu- Financial Law but we should note that it depends on the differ- man Rights Decisions can show us that really [email protected] ences of legal systems and cultures. The system the RH is not an individual right but in most of constitutional values includes the constitu- cases health can be private or public. tion as a certain value of the axiology, consti- tutional principles (equality, legitimacy), con- Then I had analyzed decisions of the Constitu- stitutional order (federalism, self-government) tional Courts of Russia and Germany and I had and human rights. mentioned that the questions and problems, which are described in them, are different. For The right to health is one of these human rights. instance one of the last decisions of The Fed- Human rights are a construct of the 20th cen- eral Constitutional Court of Germany raises the tury and historically stem from the idea of nat- topic about banning passive smoking in eating ural rights. The concept of natural rights was and drinking establishments. The Court had first presented by the philosophers John Locke, found a violation of the principle of equality if Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Hobbes, the law is allowed, by way of exception to the but you can ask what human rights are? Some statutory ban on smoking in eating and drink- answers we can find in a lawyer’s dictionary. For ing establishments. Separate smoking rooms instance it can be defined as “a power, privilege have been provided in drinking establishments, or immunity secured to a person by law”, “a but this excludes eating establishments from recognized and protected interest of which the having this privilege, but as a contrast, in Russia violation of it is wrong”, “a legally enforceable we do not have the same law but certainly the claim that another will do or will not do a given same problem can arise here. Despite the fact act”. In the last case we have to talk about hu- that we have different legal problems neverthe- man rights as subjective rights. Human rights less, constitutional principles are similar. are a construct of the 20th century and histori- cally stem from the idea of natural rights. Jeff As a result of the investigation I had built logi- R. Wagner said in his work that positive rights cal structure to the Right to health. It consists are rights to assistance and perhaps the right to of the internal content – the particular rights health is one of them. and obligations of the state laws, subjects - en- titled and obligated at the same time (public: Another aspect on which we turn our minds to state, international organizations; private: in- is the fact that today most human rights have dividuals, family, society (including compa- their own legal base (at least international). nies, partnerships)); object – the health; guar- That fact correlates especially to countries with antees and restrictions; methods of protection non-written constitutions. Certainly the con- (judicial, administrative, self-defense, corpo- sideration of domestic laws is necessary. In the rate defense).

68 German-Russian week of young researcher Junior Scientists

Reading Galen in Baghdad – Greek-Arabic Medical History and Ibn Sayyar’s Cookbook

Our knowledge of the Galenic medical theory phlegm, yellow bile and black bile). Through would be very scarce, had his works not been eating it is possible to clear one’s unbalanced set S c i ent sts Jun i or translated during the so-called “translation- of humors. For example: during fever, the bod- movement” in the capital of the Abbasid Empire, ily humors tend towards hotness and dryness. If Jens Scheiner Baghdad. In the 8th-9th centuries Christian and served moist and cold food the feverish person’s Professor, Dr., Arabic scholars like the famous Hunayn ibn humors will become balanced and the person Courant Research Centre “Education and Ishaq (died 873) or Abu Ishaq al-Kindi (died will recover. Religion”, ca. 870), translated classical Greek works of phi- losophy and related fields, such as mathematics, Although Hunayn’s translation is not pre- University of Göttingen astrology, and medicine, into Syriac and Arabic. served, the Galenic humoral theory is visible [email protected] While Syriac was the indigenous language of the in the oldest existing Arabic cookbook. This central Middle East and the language that most cookbook (title: Kitab al-tabikh, The Book of of the Christians spoke, Arabic was to become Cooked Food) was written in the 10th century the lingua franca and scientific language of Is- by a man called Ibn Sayyar al-Warraq (died ca. lamic culture. It was being used by scholars from 940). It consists of 615 recipes in 132 chapters Islamic Spain to Central Asia. and was compiled for the kitchens at the caliph’s court in Baghdad. The cookbook starts by list- Among the works translated from Greek were ing all the ingredients for the dishes, including more than 120 treatises written by Galen (died their humoral qualities. Then it goes on to men- ca. 216). On the one hand, these translations tion various meat, poultry, fish, and vegetable served as textbooks for the Christian doctors dishes before it gives the recipes for deserts and in the famous hospital in Gondeshapur and for non-alcoholic (and alcoholic) drinks. It finishes medical research all over the Abbasid Empire. by stating the various table manners a boon- On the other hand the translations and other companion of the caliph has to observe when medical treatises written by Muslim physicians invited to the caliph’s table. were carried to Islamic Spain and were further translated into Latin. Thus, these translations A small number of recipes are included in the not only triggered medical research in the Is- cookbook which have aphrodisiacal effects. lamic Middle East but also had a great impact Among them is a simple carrot drink spiced on early modern medical training in Europe. with nutmeg which is said “to warm up your One of Galen’s works, Peri Trofon Dynamaion kidneys and invigorate coitus”. This recipe not (On the Properties of Foodstuffs) which Hu- only proves the dietetic or medical function of nayn translated as Kitab al-aghdhiya (The Book the dish, but also shows that sexual stimulants of Foodstuffs) had a particular influence on were known at the caliphal court. If such aphro- Islamic food culture. In this work food is clas- disiacs were used for pleasure only or whether sified in regard to Galen’s humoral theory. Ac- they were used in order to secure the continu- cording to this theory the world consists of four ation of the Abbasid dynasty is not mentioned. basic elements: earth, water, air and fire. Each What is clear however is the importance that of these elements comprises two properties: Ibn Sayyar’s cookbook has for researchers earth is cold and dry, water is cold and moist, on social history and for the study of Galenic air is hot and moist, fire is hot and dry. Every thought in Islamic medical history. natural being consists of a specific combina- (This text is a shortend version of my paper: tion of these four properties: cold, hot, dry and Cooking and Arousing. Aphrodisiacs in Ibn moist. In most people some properties, in this Sayyar’s Cookbook. In: P. Franke et al. (eds.): context called humors, dominate according to Körper, Sexualität und Medizin in islamisch ge- the degree of their four bodily fluids (blood, prägten Gesellschaften. In Print.)

German-Russian week of young researcher 69 Junior Scientists

Dietary Factors in the Regulation of Crohn’s Disease-like Ileitis

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) compris- enough to induce maximal chronic intestinal or S c i ent sts Jun i or ing Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative coli- inflammation. The FT-IR analysis of cecal con- tis (UC) are chronic relapsing inflammatory tents from Chow and Exp treatment groups Annemarie Schmidt disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Accu- showed diet-related differences in the spectral mulated evidence suggests that a combination distance. However, no alteration in antigenic- MSc., PhD student, of environmental factors such as smoking or ity could be observed in a co-culture model of Technical University of Munich, ones diet may contribute to an unbalanced cecal lysate pulsed BM-DCs and CD4+ T-cells. Biofunctionality of Food, immune-response against the commensal mi- Furthermore, gluten was identified as a dietary Research Center for Nutrition and croflora in a genetically susceptible host. The antigen that plays a role in Crohn’s disease-like Food Science, TNFΔARE/WT mouse resembles a model ileitis. Peptic tryptic digests of gluten induced for CD, which develops chronic ileitis un- TNF secretion in the total MLNs and a glu- [email protected] der conventional conditions, being provided ten fortified experimental diet could induce a standard Chow diet. By contrast, we could chronic ileitis in TNFΔARE/WT mice. The show that the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease- protective effect of experimental dieting, in- like ileitis could be inhibited by early dietary hibiting mucosal inflammation could be con- intervention by using a semi-synthetic ex- firmed in the IL-10-/- mouse, whereas results perimental diet (Exp). The protective state in a T-cell transfer model of colitis seemed to was associated with decreased expression of be equivocal. proinflammatory cytokines, pattern recogni- tion receptors and homing related addressins In conclusion, we could show that Crohn’s in distal ileal tissues. Although dietary inter- disease-like ileitis can be inhibited by di- vention was not associated with a phenotypic etary intervention using a semi-synthetic ex- change of CD8+ effector IEL/LPL subpopula- perimental diet. Unraveling the underlying tions, we did observe an overall decrease in in- mechanisms might reveal new concepts for filtrating leukocytes. However, administration the improvement of nutritional therapy in IBD of an experimental diet was not effective for patients. Moreover, gluten fortification of ex- the induction of remission in an already estab- perimental diets could reverse the protective lished inflammatory setting. Moreover, sup- effect. Thus, the TNFΔARE/WT mouse might plementation of an experimental diet with low serve as a new model for spontaneous gluten concentrations (10%) of Chow was sufficient intolerance.

Periodontal Disease as a Medical and or S c i ent sts Jun i or Social Problem Gulnaz Shaimardanova PhD student, Recently, interest in adult orthodontic treat- one of the most common diseases of an oral Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, ment has increased significantly. However, cavity, which in its later stages can lead to Department of Therapeutic Dentistry the rate of complications found during ortho- complete destruction of the bone surround- [email protected] dontic treatment remains high. These include ing the tooth and even result in tooth loss. Of root resorption of teeth, gum recession, the the most major dental problems periodontal initiation and further progression of chronic diseases are the second most common after inflammatory periodontal disease which in- dental caries. According to WHO, 85-90% of cludes bone resorption. Periodontal disease is adults suffer from periodontal diseases. Peri-

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odontal diseases can occur at any age but is ing loading. The products of the degradation most common in patients that are in their of the bones enter the systemic circulation adulthood. More than 75% of people with and are excreted in the urine. In the process periodontal pathology are among the most of monitoring patients they are represented in able-bodied population. One of the complica- actuality of the problem of timely diagnosis tions of the inflammatory process in the bone- which causes bone resorption. For these pur- repositioning teeth is violations of diction, the poses, successfully use the following research act of chewing and aesthetic dissatisfaction. In methods: determination of biochemical mark- the last decade, the introduction of innovative ers of bone resorption (total hydroxyproline, technologies in dental practice allows us to ef- pyridinoline, tartrate acid phosphatase, bone- fectively prevent these complications. To date, terminal telopeptides of collagen), bone mor- there is no consensus on whether correction phometry (definition of osteoclast index of os- of dentofacial anomalies in adult patients who teoid bone resorption lacunae counting), and have gum disease. Many clinicians are wary of X-ray methods (determination of bone density orthodontic treatment for these patients, be- in the alveolar ridge between roots partitions cause they believe it leads to a deterioration and periradicular region, and type of bone of the gums. Other researchers believe that resorption: vertical, horizontal and mixed). orthodontic treatment is an important link These positions are at the heart of developing in the complex treatment of these patients, the criteria of monitoring the state of the peri- as this creates opportunities to stabilize and odontal tissues in adult patients in an instru- stop the further progression of the disease de- mental variable disruptive load. Another clini- sen. Earlier it was postulated that a key role cally important patient monitoring problem is in bone resorption in a controlled movement the regulation of bone metabolism by the use of the teeth play an osteoclast cell lines .The of pharmacological tools that selectively block functional activity of the latter is substantially the functional activity of cells osteoklastis affected by the enzymes produced by the mi- stimulating osteoblastic activity of cells lines croflora of periodontal pockets and disruptive producing bone collagen. Also actual topical load. Over the long-term combined effects of therapy, multimineral and vitamin complexes these factors, the rate of bone resorption sig- that increase bone mineral density. All-round nificantly increased, increasing the mobility development of this group of patients will of the teeth and weakening its stabilization in reduce the incidence of complications of or- the tooth row. The lost cortical and trabecular thodontic treatment for inflammatory and de- bone is replaced by fibrous connective tissue structive periodontal lesions. which is not able to perceive adequate chew-

Urodynamic Disturbances of the Lower Urinary Tract in Various Conditions or S c i ent sts Jun i or Population ageing is a considerable problem in postmenopausal women), neurological diseases modern society. By some predictions the mo- (i.e. Parkinson’s disease), orthopedic diseases Taras Shatylko ment when 1/3 of planet’s population will be (i.e. osteochondrosis) and long-term obstetric older than 60 may come soon in the XXI cen- complications manifesting in elderly women. Resident Doctor, tury. As the world’s population grows old, the Saratov State Medical University, incidence rate of so-called geriatric diseases in- Micturition disorders may severely impact the Department of Urology creases correspondingly. Many of such diseases quality of life by affecting personal hygiene, lead to micturition disorders such as: urological social adaptation and the quality of one’s sleep. diseases (i.e. benign prostatic hyperplasia), gy- Since such patients’ complaints rarely may be necological diseases (i.e. urogenital atrophy in evaluated objectively and precisely, a diagnos-

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tic tool which allows the physician to deter- • Qmax became normal in 71 patients (55,04%). mine urination quality comes in handy. This • Qave became normal in 61 patients (47,29%). diagnostic tool is called an uroflowmetry and • Both parameters became normal only in 55 it is widely used, though its diagnostic potential patients (42,66%). may not be fully recognized yet. The purpose The lack of micturition improvement during of the study is to determine the potential of the repeated uroflowmetry studies in patients who uroflowmetry in the fine diagnostics of various receive conservative treatment for benign pro- diseases. static hyperplasia tells the urologist that more aggressive forms of treatment are justified. Uroflowmetry protocols and corresponding registry data for 2010-2011 were extracted Also of interest was an attempt to calculate from the computer database of the urodynam- several indexes which mathematically describe ics laboratory in the urology clinic of Saratov the shape of an uroflowmetry curve. The differ- SMU. Statistical analysis was performed on the ences between two large groups (obstruction extracted data. Raw mathematical models of by an enlarged prostate and narrowing of the uroflowmetry curves for different types of uro- distal urethra) came out statistically significant. dynamic impairment were built. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. The total number of patients was 1292; the total An uroflowmetry is a reliable and an objective number of uroflowmetry studies – 1618. This diagnostic tool; 2. Uroflowmetric control of the means that some of the patients had their uri- treatment results in benign prostatic hyperpla- nation evaluated continuously to determine the sia allows for the proper switching of tactics. 3. outcome of the initial treatment. The uroflow- An uroflowmetric curve shape and the math- metry control before and after treatment was ematical indexes describing it have diagnostic performed on 129 patients suffering from be- value. nign prostatic hyperplasia:

Detection of Vascular Changes Will Helps to Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases, Complications of Diabetes Mellitus or S c i ent sts Jun i or

The World health organization reports that ing for the creation of strategies of primary, Anastasia Shchendrygina cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the secondary CVD prevention. biggest cause of global deaths worldwide. At the time two approaches towards the pre- PhD student, More than 17 million people died from CVDs vention are determined: the population strat- I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State in 2008. According to the prognosis, CVDs egy and the high-risk strategy. The first one Medical University, Moscow, morbidity will rise globally. It is known dia- aims at reducing the CVD’s incidence in the Hospital Therapeutic Department. betes mellitus (DM) plays an important role in general population through changes of the [email protected] CVDs development by having a negative in- lifestyle and it is orientated onto people with fluence on vascular walls. In 2010 285 million an average risk of CVDs. The second one is adults worldwide had diabetes and by 2030 aimed at reducing the risk factor levels in pa- DM morbidity will rise by 54 %. tients with the highest risk. It is interesting that at the every level of risk factor exposure, According to the epidemiological data CVD there is a variation of CVD development and and DM prevention remain a major challenge progression. This variation is probably due to for the general population, politicians and genetic susceptibility, combinations of differ- healthcare workers. There are a number of ent risk factors and interactions between ge- worldwide and national organizations work- netic and environmental factors.

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It may be useful to detect the markers which CVDs development than those who have only could characterize the condition of develop- risk factors. The result of meta-analysis shows ment and progression of CVDs. The markers the significance of these structural changes may improve CVD risk prediction and DM for CVDs development. One more important complications. fact is that the changes in macro - and micro vessels play a different role for CVDs develop- The contemporary theory of CVD develop- ment and have a different prognostic meaning. ment says that risk factors (smoking, obesity, The change in conduct vessels led to the rise of hypertension and so on) act on the arterial wall arterial stiffness and atherosclerosis develop- and cause functional (endothelial dysfunc- ment that disturbed the normal hemodynamic tion) and structural changes (arterial stiffness, and tissue perfusion. The changes of micro arteriosclerosis) to it. The structural changes vessels led to damage of the tissue and target lead to tissue injuries and the development organs and accelerate CVDs development. So of CVDs. These take part in the early stage of the complex assessment of the vessels’ condi- CVD’s structural and functional changes of tion in the different levels of the vascular sys- the arterial wall and might be the markers of tem is more important in clinical practice for CVD’s development. That was shown in some the prognosis of CVDs and for the assessment studies. It is known that people with the RF and of the efficiency of the treatment. functional changes have a worse prognosis for

The Role of the Gonococcal Infection and its Combined Forms with Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Development of Clinical and Histopathological Changes in the Cervix S c i ent sts Jun i or Yulia Sherman

One of the most significant health and social surveys included clinical methods and a labo- PhD student, issues at present are sexually transmitted infec- ratory diagnosis of their STIs. A biopsy of the Orenburg State Medical Academy, Orenburg, tions (STIs). The data shows a rate that still re- cervix was produced after the treatment and Department of Dermatology and Venereology, mains at a high level and in 2010 the figure was the establishment of clinical and microbiologi- Sexually Transmitted Infections 173.2 cases per 100,000 people. In the structure cal cure rates of the controlled STIs, at 5-7 days of STIs three major infections have had a lead- of the menstrual cycle. Complex morphological [email protected] ing role for many years. They are the gonococ- analysis of the biopsy material was performed cal, chlamydial and trichomonas infections. at the Department of Cytology, Histology and According to many researchers in recent years, Embryology of Orenburg State Medical Acad- the increase in mixed forms of STIs is observed emy. Carrying out this work we examined 60 in 56% of cases. As it is known, STIs lead to in- women suffering from infectious and inflam- flammatory diseases of the genital organs and matory changes in the cervix over a period of one of these forms is chronic cervicitis. 1 year to 5 years. In the first group there were women with chronic cervicitis associated with The aim of this study was to determine the clin- a gonococcal infection. The second group rep- ical, morphological and functional features of resented women with chronic cervicitis asso- the cervix mucous membrane during a gono- ciated with gonococcal and chlamydial infec- coccal infection and its association with other tions. The third group consisted of patients with sexually transmitted infections. chronic cervicitis associated with gonococcal The clinical examination was carried out in the and trichomonas infections. And the fourth Orenburg regional STI clinics. The patient’s group – was the control group

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Results: The women aged 18-25 are the domi- changes were observed in 21.7% of subjects. The nant group of patients with infections, and transition boundaries of two types of epithelial women aged 36-45 are the control group. While tissue were clear, without transition zones in all analyzing complaints, it was noted that the com- subjects. Low mitotic activity in a single layer of plaints occurred less than half the time and fre- columnar epithelium was observed in 80% (16) quent complaints could be attributed to period- of women in group one, 91.3% of women (21) ic discharge and itching. Also, complaints were - in group two and 88.2% of women in group 3 given around the lack of pregnancy. Significant (it was reported in 15 women). In the control changes were characterized histologically in the group, similar changes were observed in 34.8% cervical mucus by individual differences. In the (8) of the women. In the stratified epithelium first group the mosaic patterns of the structural mitotic activity was high, observed in: 55% and functional organization of the epithelium (11) patients of group 1, in 86.9% (20) of group - the alternation of the normal structure of epi- 2 and 70.6% (12) of group three. The control thelial cells with destructive changes - was seen group women showed a figure of 47.8% (11) for in 55% (11) of the patients. In the second group this observance. Low mitotic activity of a single these changes were observed in 73.9% (17) of layer of columnar epithelium shows a decline in the women, in the third - in 64.7% (11) of the its reparative capacity. women. In the control group, similar changes were observed in 21.7% (5) of the women. Se- In conclusion we can state that women of repro- vere infiltration of leukocytes against the blood ductive age with chronic cervicitis suffer from vessels’ microcircular channel, which are domi- gonococcal infections and its combined form nated by lymphoid elements in a single layer, without any symptoms. Destructive changes and in the stratified epithelium (MOE), was in cervical mucus and reduced reparative fea- noted in all groups. The basement membrane of tures of single-layer columnar epithelium oc- the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the curred frequently in women with combined cervix was thickened and loosened with a viola- forms of gonococcal infection. Thus, changes in tion of the integrity of 55% (11) of the patients the morphological cervix structure in women from the first group, 69.6% (16) from the sec- are more common in older, postmenopausal ond group of women and 64.7% from the third women, and the risk of complications increases examined group. In the control group, similar as well with age.

Monitoring of Medicines Synthesis Reactions under Technological Conditions

An effective novel inhibitor of human influ- To solve this problem, we have composed or S c i ent sts Jun i or enza A and B viruses, named Triazavirine, three independent measuring techniques into was developed in the Institute of Organic an automated measuring complex [1]. The Aleksandr Smotritсkiy Synthesis (Ekaterinburg, Russia). Triazavirine complex is composed of three main parts: the is a product of a diazotization reaction, which unit for the thermal properties measurement, PhD, Research Fellow, is characterized by a few features: high speed, the optical measurements unit and the unit Institute of Thermal Physics, irreversibility and exothermicity. Deviation of for electrical conductivity measurement. The Ural Branch of the Russian Academy technological parameters from the necessary feature of our approach is the simultaneous of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, values results in adverse reactions, reduces on-line monitoring by these three independ- recovery of the useful product and can even ent methods. Laboratory of High-Temperature cause emergency situations. Consequently, the Measurements automated measurement system for the moni- The method of a controlled pulse heating of a [email protected] toring of the development of a diazotization thin wire probe [2] is an unique experimental reaction is required to start an industrial scale technique developed in the Institute of Ther- production of Triazavirine. mal Physics (Ekaterinburg, Russia). An object

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of study is a wire probe immersed into a liquid All three measuring cells are united by the sample and the action function is an electric single data acquisition system. Consequently, pulse that is nearly completely converted into a simultaneous on-line monitoring by three heat. The probe combines the functions of the independent methods is provided. heater and the resistance thermometer. Con- sequently, the response function in this case, The automated measuring complex was imple- is the evolution of the probe’s temperature, the mented for the monitoring of a diazotization characteristic heating curve. The differences in reaction. The experiment results have revealed the heating curves under given heating power the beginning of an adverse reaction. As a re- for different samples reflect the differences in sult, the possibility of a measuring complex the samples’ thermophysical properties. Two application to the online monitoring of a di- other methods, providing optical parameters azotization reaction is shown. and electrical conductivity measurements, are more common, so we will not give a detailed description of them.

Russian Public Health Statistics in Mathematical Modeling

The Russian Federation ranks first in the world eral Statistical Agency Rosstat publishes the S c i ent sts Jun i or in area with a population of over 143.000.000 solid statistical data for all regions of Russia and people. It consists of 83 units (regions): 21 na- contains hundreds of variables so we have cho- Sergey Soshnikov tional republics, 9 territories, 46 regions (oblast), sen only the variables of interest. The data was PhD, Senior Research Fellow, 2 federal cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg), 1 au- collected from different official yearbooks for tonomous region and 4 autonomous districts. adaptation. Then we chose 3 dependent vari- Federal Public Health Institute, Moscow, The Western and Southern parts of Russia are ables for developing models using Data Mining Department of Medical and Social Problems more densely populated but most regions be- techniques. 130 independent variables repre- [email protected] yond the in Siberia and in the sent a wide range of societal characteristics and far north which have several time zones differ- can be classified into five clusters: 1 - Diseases ence with Moscow have a very low population & Death Rates; 2 - Social & Health Service in- density. For example, the square footage of the frastructure; 3 – Economics & Money Income; region Krasnoyarskiy Kray in Siberia is equal to 4 – Demographic; 5 - Environment-related & that of the entire territory of all the European Alcohol Related factors. First we found factors Union while its population is only of 2.9 million associated with of terminations of pregnancy people. On the other hand is the population of prevalence (abortions) in Russia. Also we built Moscow city that more than 12 million people. models of alcoholism incidence and crimes from This creates a great difficulty in ruling the coun- alcohol intoxication. try and requires a solid system of accounting and statistics for decision-making. Data Mining/Analytics is the process using sta- tistical techniques and computational algorithms Despite the difficulties with the collection and for analyzing a large amount of data that can be standardization of statistical data we developed cross-sectional, temporal as well as spatial. an all-in-one database named “Russian SEIPH” - The Data Mining Project’s Strategy is: 1) Define re- Social-Economics Interference & Public Health. search problems, 2) Build data mining databases, SEIPH contains over 130 social-economics and 3) Explore data, 4) Prepare data for modeling, 4) other variables that we use for modeling ap- Build model, 5) Evaluate model, 6) Deploy model proaches for predicting and planning. The Fed- and results, 7) Take action, 8) Measure the results.

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Usually 70% to 85% of the time is spent on steps mostly associated with the level of income of 1 to 4 for a data-mining project. citizens, gross regional product, consumption of alcohol and medical service infrastructure. The best-obtained model using average Now we will work on two other models in try- squared error criterion is the regression mod- ing to predict an evaluation of independent el. The final abortions model consists of 14 sig- variables but now it’s clear that most of Russian nificant variables with an adjusted R2 80.85%. social and health problems depend on the bad The strongest impact shows the Environment- economic situation of past 20 years. That’s why related & Alcohol Related cluster of factors Russia still has a higher death rate higher than which include geographic factors, pregnancy birth rate. complication rate, number of physicians and hospital beds, demographic factors, vodka The Fulbright Program supported this research. and pure alcohol consumption, gross regional Grant number [68435006]. The main part of the product and population money incomes and work was made in the Mathematical Depart- educational infrastructure development. ment at Central Michigan University, USA in 2011-2012. Conclusion: The number of abortions and other social-related factors in the regions of Russia is

Suboptimal Responses To Ivermectin

37 Million people in Africa are infected with population, whereas evidence for a general the filarial parasite Onchocerca volvulus. Due immunological adaptation unrelated to host to its grave socioeconomic impact as a result genetics will imply that IVM unresponsive- or S c i ent sts Jun i or of vision loss to dermatitis, onchocerciasis ness may have to be considered an outcome is classified as a major health concern by the for many mass treatment areas, complicating Sabine Specht WHO. Although vector control and ivermec- efforts to eliminate onchocerciasis. This would tin (IVM) mass chemotherapy in West Africa have tremendous practical implications for Dr. rer. nat., Principal Investigator, have decreased transmission rates since the public health, such as the necessity for more University Hospital of Bonn, 1990s, there still remains a high burden of frequent IVM application with less time be- Medical Center, this disease in some areas in Africa. Of even tween the applications or to change treatment Institute of Medical Microbiology, greater concern is the recent finding the de- to alternative drugs that are more effective. Immunology and Parasitology cline in the suboptimal performance of IVMs [email protected] in Ghana in areas that have had frequent (>10) Our studies have shown that targeting the rounds of mass chemotherapy. Reasons for the parasites bacterial endosymbionts with antibi- reduced efficacy of IVM in this area remain to otics leads to permanent sterilization of the fe- be elucidated and three scenarios can be imag- male filaria and subsequently to worm death. ined either by acting alone or possibly in com- Onchocerciasis patients, in whom repeated bination: i) a host’s immunological adaption standard treatment has failed, were treated to repeated rounds of IVM, ii) genetic pre- with Doxycycline, which lead to the effective disposition of the host resulting in a suppres- clearing of the larval stages from the skin. sive immunological phenotype and/or a faster Thus, strategies may be developed including excretion of the drug, iii) genetic changes of anti-wolbachial treatment to control the re- the parasite in response to IVM-induced se- emergence of onchocerciasis in special inter- lection pressure. Finding a genetic association vention zones, such as areas where infections will mean that the phenomenon of IVM un- persist despite the use of IVM. responsiveness may remain limited to a local

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Main Factors & Trends of Labour Potential

Employment potential of a society embodies We examined regional labour potential (by the the potential involvement and the use of the example of the Komi Republic) and its interac- working population in the economy. Therefore, tion estimation of quantitative and qualitative the use of the labor potential has objective age indicators with economic activities in regional S c i ent sts Jun i or requirements (in Russia: women 16 to 55 years, economies. We have constructed log models men 16 to 60 years). reflecting interrelation between economic de- Marina Terentyeva veloping indicators (a gross regional product, in- PhD student, The labour potential is a difficult combination vestments into a fixed capital) and some indicates Institute of Socio-Economic and Energy of physical and creative capabilities, knowledge, of regional labour potential (the level of the rate Problems of the North, skills, experience, spiritual and moral values, of sickness and expected life expectancy) which cultural installations and traditions. allow to evaluate both the size of a temporal log, Komi Scientific Centre Ural Branch of the The term «labour potential» was extended in the and the relationship between rates between eco- Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar, 1970s. Now there is not a single meaning or in- nomic and labour indicators. Temporal log mod- Laboratory of Demography and Social terpretation of term «labour potential». els cover the period from 1995 till 2010. Management In a larger sense of the word the labour potential [email protected] is a cumulative public capability to work, in other The Komi Republic is located in the north-east words, the potential labour capability of society of the European part of Russia, the working age and its work resources. The labour potential has for women is 16 to 50 years and for men is 16 to both quantitative and qualitative sides. 55 years. The quantitative side is formed: By a population The analysis of factors of paired correlation with that is able to work. allowance for a temporal log testifies, that the ef- The qualitative side of labour potential engages: fect of an investment on the regional economy health, physical capacity of able bodied population; and on its population’s incomes are shown in 0-1 education and qualifying level. Besides the quality years, and the relationship between the rate be- characteristics of the labor potential includes three tween population incomes and investments into components which are: physical, intellectual and a fixed capital are very high – at more than 0,9. social. The Physical component of the labor poten- With reference to life expectancy the temporal tial characterizes the physical and mental abilities log constitutes 3-4 years. of a person, depending on his health. The Influence of the gross regional product dy- There are 4 aspects that affect the term «labour namics on quantitative and qualitative indicators potential»: of labour potential has a slightly different char- 1. Resources - considers labour and revealing acter. In particular, change of a gross regional of reserves of a living labour (V. Kostakov, A. product and the population income occurs Popov, I. Volohin, L. Kunelsky, G. Sergeeva, synchronously, but relations between the rate of L.Tchizhova, N. Korovjakovskya). goods and services and the population income 2. Labour personal resources - consider the is high (a more than 0, 8). It testifies to resulting worker, and synergy effect from their labour labour and salary in the region. activity (I. Volohin, V. Vrublevsky). 3. Social-demographic - considers social, demo- Thus, we see strong correlation between invest- graphic, educational and creative possibilities ments into fixed capital and the population in- of workers which serve as conditions for labour come and a strong correlation between the gross productivityincrease (V.Dobrik, V. Fayzer). regional product and the population income is 4. Social - productiive - assumes, that work ca- observed in parallel to each other. It possibly pability is depended on technical, economic, confirms the fact that in modern conditions a organizational and other conditions which population income investment not only pro- supply active productivity (B. Suharevsky, motes the standard of living, but also increases A. Pankratov, O. Stankov, L. Goldin, D. Kar- the labour region potential in society. puhin, I. Maslov).

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The Habilitation with Preschool Children with Cerebral Palsy in Process of Pedagogical Support of Their Families or S c i ent sts Jun i or

Movement disorders affect parents of children tonic reflexes, motor skills of lower extremities, Nina Toporkova with cerebral palsy most significantly. First of crawling, motor skills of upper extremities, sit- all, movement disorders are visible to the oth- ting, walking and spatial movements. PhD student, er people and are accompanied by noticeable The technology of support consisted of 6 stages, Ural Federal University named after the deformities: an asymmetrical face and body which were aimed at work with both children First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, features, speech and pose disorders, a voice and their parents. Yekaterinburg, modulation, excessive salivation and the usage Chair of Theory of Physical Education of handicapped devices. Secondarily, lack of In conclusion we have made the following find- Children’s Health independence, immobility or other movement ings: [email protected] difficulties imply the need of constant physical 1. The process of pedagogical support for fami- care for the children. It requires special effort lies with preschool age children with cer- from parents. ebral palsy, by using tools of the habilitation, has to include: The purpose of the research was to determine a) monitoring of motor skills formation; the effectiveness of habilitation of preschool b) development and implementation of ha- children with cerebral palsy in the process of bilitation procedures, which are designed pedagogical support of their families. The au- to form social adaptation; thor presents the study of psychology-peda- c) study of parental attitudes to children; gogical problems of families with preschool d) prognosis of developmental process of the children with cerebral palsy and the universal child; program of pedagogical support of families. In e) control of the effectiveness of the habilita- the conclusion, the author determines effective- tion program. ness of social adaptation of children with cer- 2. Negative emotions of parents towards their ebral palsy and their families. preschool age children with cerebral palsy The study was conducted in the specialized were detected in 100% of cases, as it is hard school №17 and the family association “Na- for them to accept their disabled child. This, dezhda” in Yekaterinburg, Russia. 22 children in turn, leads to the inadequate attitude to- ages 3 to 7 with different forms of cerebral palsy wards these child and creates adverse condi- and 22 parents of disabled children participated tions for their development. in the research. Children from both groups had 3. The content of individualized programs for the following forms of cerebral palsy: spastic the child’s motor skills development has to diplegia, spastic quadriplegia, and ataxic. The reflect the abilities of the child and charac- study was conducted in 3 stages from 2008 to teristic features of the family. The correct 2012. motor mode schedule has to be set up and We used the author’s technique of monitoring followed in the child’s daily life. It is very the formation of motor skills in order to assess important to create an “accessible environ- the development of movement functions in the ment” for the child with cerebral palsy, in children and used a questionnaire by A.J. Varga which the child’s development will be more and V.V. Stolina for the study of parental atti- successful. tudes. 4. Using the author’s technique of monitoring the formation of motor skills is an effective The author’s technique of the monitoring of mo- tool for the assessment of the child’s motor tor skills formation was conducted based on the skills development and for the forecast of the following groups of parameters: the presence of “zone of proximal development”.

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5. The organization of pedagogical support for 6. The study has shown that the presence of a families has allowed to significantly improve physical therapist in all of the lessons is not the motor skills development in all children, necessary if there is a meaningful organiza- who have participated in the study; to de- tion of pedagogical support for families. Par- velop a more positive attitude of the parents ents are able to independently organize the to themselves and their children, and to in- habilitation process, to conduct monitoring crease the social adaptation of children with procedures, and to adequately interpret the cerebral palsy. results of habilitation by themselves if there is a specialist ready to assist or counsel them.

Gender-specific Characteristics of Arterial Hypertension

Essential hypertension (EH) refers to a lasting women may not receive on-time and appropri- or S c i ent sts Jun i or increase in blood pressure with heterogeneous ate treatment for acute coronary syndrome. In genetic and environmental causes. Women and fact, women experience delays in both arriving men share most risk factors for heart disease— at the hospital after having myocardial infarc- Lyubov Vasilyeva including high cholesterol, inactivity, obesity, tion symptoms and receiving timely treatment PhD student, high blood pressure, and smoking—but there for their symptoms. Women have worse in-hos- I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical are some gender differences in its develop- pital and long-term outcomes after myocardial University, Moscow, ment, symptoms, and prognosis. For example, infarction, with more in-hospital recurrent an- Department of Faculty Therapy in men, cholesterol is more an important factor gina and heart failure than men and a higher than in women, in whom arterial hypertension, readmission rate within 6 months of their myo- [email protected] diabetes and their combination has a greater cardial infarction. EH and its complications are importance in determining cardiovascular risk. leading causes in women’s mortality rate. EH and other cardiovascular diseases are lead- ing in the structure of mortality especially in The prevalence of EH is higher with the age of developing countries. About 26 % of the world’s the population. Indeed, women develop cardio- population suffers from EH and this number is vascular disease when they are about 10 years prognosed to increase. older than men and typically after menopause. This fact may be related to the negative effects In Russia 37,2 % of men and 40,4% of women of ovarian hormone deficiency. Estrogene and suffer from EH. Among these patients 75% of progesterone, the hormones of the ovarian, are men and 80,3% of women know about their established to decrease such cardiovascular risk problem, half of men and 63,1 % of women get factors as LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, glu- treatment, but only about 20% normalize their cose intolerance and high blood pressure. blood pressure. Thus the deficiency of estrogene activates adr- Compared to men, women have a greater energic and renin-angiotensin systems. These chance of dying from heart disease complica- two systems and endothelial dysfunction are tions of EH. Women are more likely to have the key factors in pathogenesis of EH and its atypical symptoms of myocardial infarction target organ’s damage. So its investigation can such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, shortness improve effectiveness of hypotensive therapy. of breath, dizziness, abdominal or mid-back pain and indigestion. This fact may be related So the aim of our research was to estimate to some gender specific features of microcir- gender differences of microcirculation in hy- culation. Because of the atypical presentation, pertension.

German-Russian week of young researcher 79 Junior Scientists

In our study we included 34 men and 37 wom- tory and pulse components in the regulation of en with EH. The control group consisted of 35 microcirculatory. healthy men and 41 healthy women. Hypertensive men have higher index of mi- All participants underwent assessment of skin crocirculation (26,64 (21,00-32,45)PU) than blood flow by means of a laser Doppler flow- hypertensive women (20,91 (16,98-24,30)PU). metry. The probe was on the surface of the fin- While in the control group we have higher gertip and next the parameters were recorded: PORH in healthy women154,88 (146,96- Index of microcirculation, variables of micro- 192,53)% than in men137,05 (116,78-160,04)%. circulation and after that we occlused the bra- But in spectral analyses hypertensive wom- chial artery with a cuff and within 2 minutes got en have stronger influence of muscular and postocclusive reactive hyperemia.. pulse-waves and weaker respiratory compo- nents than hypertensive men. In the control In spectral analyses we’ve estimated the impact group we found out more sympathic activity of endothelial, neurogenic, muscular, respira- in healthy men.

80 German-Russian week of young researcher Scientific Organizations

Scientific Organisations

Ural Federal University (UrFU)

Ural Federal University (UrFU) is one of the search institutes as well as in dozens of special- largest Universities in Russia. More than 50 000 ized centres and laboratories. students attend its 16 institutes. UrFU offers UrFU participates with such international con- more than 120 different programmes bach- nections as the University of the Arctic, Shang- elor’s studies and 80 different programmes for hai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Univer- study to a Master’s level in a diverse range of sity as well as in the EU’s Seventh Framework subject areas including engineering, natural Programme for Research (FP7). Academic ex- sciences, mathematics, social and political sci- change is organized through Erasmus Mundus ence, liberal arts, economics and management. as well as directly – within the framework of According to the QS World University Ranking 130 partnership agreements. Our priorities in- Prof. Victor Koksharov in 2012 UrFU is among the top 500 Universities clude broadening the scope of our international Rector in the world. Our research priorities are organic activities, increasing our participation in inter- chemistry and pharmacology, mathematics and national research projects, establishing joint computer science, communication technolo- educational programs and increasing academic gies, power engineering, material science and mobility. machine building, social sciences and the hu- manities, linguistics as well as economics. Ural Federal University is situated in Ekaterin- burg – the centre of the Ural region which lies In developing UrFU we pursue ambitious goals on the European-Asian border and is one of the that are supported by the Federal Programme most developed economic regions of Russia. of Development. Ural University was one of the Ekaterinburg is the largest city in the Urals and first universities in Russia to fully implement it is the centre of the Ural research cluster that academic degrees and quality assurance stand- includes the Federal University, the Ural branch ards complying with the Bologna Accords. of the Russian Academy of Sciences, numerous Education at UrFU is deeply integrated with manufacturing companies, laboratories and in- academic research conducted in 6 different re- stitutes.

German-Russian week of young researcher 81 Scientific Organizations

Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)

The Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sci- ritory monitoring in the context of hazardous ences (RAS) was established in 1932. During 80 environmental, social and economic impacts. years the academic institutions of the Branch In 2012 two Ural scientists (Academicians O.N. have been dedicated to boosting progress in the Chupakhin and V.N. Charushin) received the Urals and Russia as a whole by providing latest State Prize of the Russian Federation for re- knowledge and expertise in fundamental and search in the field of fine chemicals. applied research. The primary mission of the Branch is to carry out cutting edge research at The Ural Branch currently has 7 Scientific Re- the highest level of excellence in diverse spheres search Centers in the Volga (Izhevsk, Perm, Aleksandr Sandakov, of science and engineering. Orenburg), Ural (Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk), Head of Section The first Ural academic schools headed by North-West (Arkhangelsk, Syktyvkar) Federal International Academicians S.V. Vonsovsky, N.N. Krasovsky, districts, 41 research organizations and a num- Relations I.Y. Postovsky, V.D. Sadovsky and S.S. Shwartz ber of permanent research establishments with have achieved worldwide eminence. Invalu- the staff of 7118 members, 3336 of which being able contribution was made by Academician research fellows. Y.S. Osipov, the RAS President, Academician G.A. Mesyats, a founder and the first Chairman It hosts 31 Full Members and 53 Corresponding of the Branch, the RAS Vice-President, and Members of the Academy. Scientific discoveries Academician V.A. Chereshnev, the Chairman of the Branch are undertaken in close collabo- of the Branch. ration with current scientific and academic ac- tivities at home and in over 58 countries. More Nowadays the institutions carry out research than 200 researches of the Branch are members in many different spheres. The Ural scientific of international alliances and scientific organiza- schools of mathematics and mechanics are well tions. Efforts in promoting greater diversity in known in Russia as well as abroad. The Super- science and engineering workforce, providing computing Center of UB RAS is now among the opportunities for the staff to develop their skills top ten in the list of top-50 supercomputers of and qualifications brought about an increase in Commonwealth of Independent States. the number of research workers under 39, which is currently 35 percent of the whole amount. Research in theoretical and applied physics spans a wide range of issues in solid state phys- Distinctive advantage of the Branch is its exten- ics, electrophysics, thermal physics, engineer- sive collaboration with the regions that allows ing science and power engineering. The aca- research to meet national needs, its interdisci- demic schools of theoretical physics, physical plinary initiatives with Universities and State metallurgy, magnetism study and explosive Academies, links with research practitioners electron emission theory have obtained world- from business and industry as well as with wide acceptance. federal research centers. The Institutes of the Branch enjoy state-of-the-art facilities, up-to- Research interests in the area of biological study date equipment and databases. Over 30 plat- include sustainable biodiversity and ecosystem form centers of collective use enable commu- conservation, effective natural resource man- nities of researchers to work at the frontier of agement, introduction and acclimatization of science. plants, immunology and genetics as well as ter-

82 German-Russian week of young researcher Scientific Organizations

German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH)

The German Center for Research and Innova- The DWIH was founded on the initiative of the tion regards itself as a forum for the German- German government, further centers have been Russian exchange in the area of science, re- established in New Delhi, New York, Tokyo, Săo search and technology, with the aim to enhance Paula and – most recently – in Cairo. and support the co-operation and partnership In Moscow the DAAD, the DFG, the Helmholtz between Germany and Russia. Community, the Alexander von Humboldt- The forum represents German institutions of Foundation, the German Historic Institute Dr. Gregor Berghorn, research as well as innovative enterprises in a and the German-Russian Chamber of Foreign Managing Director of comprised form. In addition to that it contrib- Trade form part of the DWIH. DWIH Moscow utes to a network among researchers in Germa- They act and appear as joint members of the ny and Russia, it brings experts together from German Center of Research and Innovation. academic institutions as well as researchers and Science Talks, science lectures, conferences, representatives from industry and government. round tables, information campaigns as well as The topics of the partnership of moderniza- information tours all over Russia, exhibitions tion and the strategic partnership between both and the German-Russian Weeks of the Young countries are components of the program of Researcher form together as the working in- the center. Thus the DWIH contributes to the struments of the Moscow DWIH. discource of both countries on the challenges of The project is financially supported by the For- the 21st century. eign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ger- successful science and research. That is why the man Research Foundation) is the biggest fund- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German ing agency in Europe for the development of fun- Research Foundation) places a special focus damental research with an annual budget of 2,5 on promoting young researchers. We are com- bin. Euro. Its membership consists of German mitted to helping young talents pursue cutting- research universities, non-university research edge investigations in top-level settings and institutions, scientific associations and the Acad- help them to become independent early on in emies of Science and the Humanities. The DFG their careers. has expanded its presence in other research re- Nora Brüggemann gions around the world with its 7 liaison offices. Flexible individual funding and customised Group of Research The office Russia/CIS was opened in Moscow in excellence programmes give young researchers Careers 2003. Framework agreements on the co-funding the opportunity to advance in their careers and of research projects and researcher mobility exist undertake projects from all branches of science with the following partners: the Russian Acad- and the humanities. The DFG accepts funding emy of Sciences (RAN), the Russian Foundation proposals from researchers with a doctoral de- for Fundamental Investigations (RFFI), the Rus- gree (PhD) who live and work in Germany or sian Foundation for the Humanities (RGNF). plan to do so in the future. PhDstudents are not supported individually, but can be, indirectly How does the DFG promote young researchers? through the funding of programmes and pro- Creative and intelligent minds are the key to jects.

German-Russian week of young researcher 83 Scientific Organizations

Project-based doctoral and post-doctoral qualifica- Excellence programmes tions The Emmy Noether Programme is aimed at For doctoral researchers, who like working in outstanding scientists and academics with at a team and value a well-designed framework, least two and no more than four years of post- a Research Training Group (RTG) may be the doctoral research experience (or up to six years right choice. It combines an ambitious research for licensed medical doctors). It allows young programme with target-oriented supervision researchers to head their own independent and academic freedom to form an ideal envi- junior research group that will work on a pro- ronment for a successful doctorate. Post-docs ject for five or, in exceptional cases, six years. It help design the research and qualification pro- offers a fast-track opportunity to qualify for a grammes of an existing RTG and explore new leading position in research. research topics for your future career. For young researchers, who have all the quali- Following completion of the doctorate there is fications for a professorship, the Heisenberg the possibility to assume responsibility as an Programme may be the right option. This pro- investigator in an existent DFG-funded project. gramme provides them with funding for up to This will give young researchers the opportu- five years so they can distinguish themselves nity to advance their qualifications and improve further academically. There are two variations their career prospects by gaining experience of the programme: the portable Heisenberg fel- and by building new networks. lowship, which also allows one to go abroad for The Temporary Position is a funding mecha- some time; and the Heisenberg professorship, nism that provides young researchers with which offers the prospect of acquiring a tenured funding for a temporary post-doctoral position position at a German university, provided the in conjunction with a proposal for a research candidate receives a positive review. grant. Researchers may select the scientific set- ting in Germany that they think will provide the best conditions for their project.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

The German Academic Exchange Service policy. The DAAD has 14 regional offices and (DAAD) is the largest funding organisation in 50 Information Centres (IC) worldwide. the world that supports the international ex- change of students and scholars. Since it was The DAAD: founded in 1925, more than 1.5 million scholars • sponsors short and long-term individual in Germany and abroad have received DAAD scholarships for foreign undergraduates, funding. It is a registered association and its graduates, doctoral students and scientists for members are German institutions of higher studies and research at German universities Dr. Gregor Berghorn education and student bodies. Its activities go or research institutions; Head of DAAD Office far beyond simply awarding grants and scholar- • supports German undergraduates, interns, Moscow ships. The DAAD supports the internationalisa- graduates and young scientists with scholar- tion of German universities, promotes German ships for foreign universities; studies and the German language abroad, as- • funds the development of international degree sists developing countries in establishing effec- programs in Germany and abroad; tive universities and advises decision makers on • promotes and strengthens the German lan- matters of cultural, education and development guage abroad;

84 German-Russian week of young researcher Scientific Organizations

• sends Lektors for the German language to uni- • provides information on study and research versities abroad; programs in Germany and abroad; • funds co-operation between German and for- • promotes academic, scientific, economic and eign universities; democratic development in developing and emergent countries.

The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

Founded in 1652, the Leopoldina is one of the plinary expert groups that devise policy-guiding world’s oldest academies of science. Ever since statements that are intended to fuel political, sci- then, it has followed its mission of advancing sci- entific and public debate on pressing issues such ence for the benefit of mankind. Since 1787, its as climate change or an aging society. headquarters are based in Halle (Saale) in Ger- many, with an additional office in Berlin that has The Leopoldina is the voice of German science been in operation since 2009. As an academy, it in academy-related international committees elects distinguished academics and scientists to and consortia. The discussion of current scien- Dr Ruth Narmann become its members. Since its foundation, it has tific issues in high-profile international symposia appointed over 7000 individuals, including such is an important aspect of its international activi- Senior Officer International Relations eminent scholars as Marie Curie, Charles Dar- ties. Together with its partner academies, it also win, Albert Einstein, Johann Wolfgang von Goe- draws up scientific recommendations on possi- the, Alexander von Humboldt, Justus von Liebig ble solutions for urgent global problems. and Max Planck. Currently, the academy unites more than 1400 outstanding scientists from The Leopoldina also takes strong interest in sup- more than different 30 countries, representing porting young scientists. Together with the Ber- disciplines ranging from the natural sciences to lin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, it found- the humanities. ed the Young Academy to give young scientists a stronger voice in scientific policy. Moreover, In 2008, the Leopoldina was appointed as the the Leopoldina confers scientific achievement German National Academy of Sciences. This awards, conducts research projects and supports was due to the fact that it addresses key issues researchers all over the world who are subject of particular significance for the future of society to reprisals solely on account of their scientific from a scientific perspective, independent of any work. economic or political interests. It provides the framework for the establishment of interdisci- The Leopoldina is under the patronage of the Federal President of Germany and is registered as a non-profit organization. It is funded by the German federal government and by the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt, of which it is based in.

German-Russian week of young researcher 85 Scientific Organizations

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation pro- national network of academic co-operation and motes academic co-operation between excel- trust. It links more than 25,000 Humboldtians lent scientists and scholars from Germany and throughout the world together, including 49 abroad. AvH research fellowships and research Nobel Laureates. The Foundation is funded by awards allow scientists to come to Germany to the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry work on a research project they have chosen of Education and Research, the Federal Minis- themselves together with a host and a collabo- try for Economic Co-operation and Develop- rative partner. As an intermediary organization ment, the Federal Ministry for the Environ- for German foreign cultural and educational ment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety policy AvH promotes international cultural dia- as well as a number of national and internation- logue and academic exchange. al partners. Dr. Petr Stefanovich What is important to us? Only one thing is impor- Become a Humboldtian: Whether you are a young Representative of the tant to becoming a member of the Humboldt post-doctoral researcher at the beginning of Humboldt Foundation Family: your own excellent performance. There your academic career, an experienced estab- (in the DWIH) Moscow are no quotas, neither for individual countries lished academic, or even a world authority nor for particular academic disciplines. AvH within your discipline - our research fellow- selection committees comprise of academics ships and research awards offer you sponsor- from all fields of specialisation and they make ship specifically tailored to you and your career independent decisions based solely on the ap- situation. plicant’s academic record. So in this case people are supported, specific not projects. After all, Key Sponsorship Programmes: even in times of increased teamwork, it is the Research Fellowships for post-doctoral re- individual’s ability and dedication that are deci- searchers and for experienced researchers (up sive for academic success. to 24 months of stay in Germany). Awards (Sofja Kovalevskaja Award, Friedrich Roots of the AvH: Alexander von Humboldt was a Wilhelm Bessel Research Award, Humboldt discoverer and cosmopolitan. He was a fighter Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt for the freedom of research, a humanist and a Professorship and others) patron of excellent academic talent. Shortly German Chancellor Fellowships to prospective after his death, the Alexander von Humboldt leaders from the USA, the Russian Federation Foundation for Nature Research and Travel was and China who have shown an outstanding po- established in 1860. tential for leadership in their careers thus far. Today’s Alexander von Humboldt Foundation For representatives of all professions and disci- was established by the Federal Republic of Ger- plines, giving special preference to the humani- many on 10 December 1953. With Humboldt ties, law, social science and economics. as a model, the Foundation maintains an inter-

86 German-Russian week of young researcher Scientific Organizations

The Max Planck Society

The Max Planck Society is Germany’s most seminal, forward-thinking scientific questions, successful research organization. Since its es- while others are closed when, for example, their tablishment in 1948, no fewer than 17 Nobel research field has been widely established at laureates have emerged from the ranks of its universities. This continuous renewal preserves scientists, putting it on a par with the best and the scope that the Max Planck Society needs to most prestigious research institutions world- react quickly to pioneering scientific develop- wide. Its more than 13,000 publications each ments. year in internationally renowned scientific Top-ranking scientists can pick and choose journals are proof of the outstanding research where they want to conduct their research. They work conducted at Max Planck Institutes – and may go where they find the best conditions for many of those articles are among the most-cited their work. The Max Planck Society is a nation- Dr. Per Brodersen publications within their relevant fields. al and international icon of German research, Cooperation with What is the basis of this success? The scien- which is why it attracts scientists from all over Russia/CIS tific attractiveness of the Max Planck Society the world. More than 6 000 foreign visiting and is based on its understanding of research. Max junior researchers work at the various Max Planck Institutes are built up solely around the Planck Institutes each year. A third of the Max world’s leading researchers. They themselves Planck Directors and half of the Ph.D. students define their research subjects and are given the hold non-German passports. Among post-docs best working conditions, as well as free reign in the figure is even higher at 80 percent. selecting their staff. Junior scientists who come from outside Ger- The currently 80 Max Planck Institutes conduct many and whose research work and talent set basic research in the service of the general pub- them apart can upon returning to their home lic in the natural sciences, life sciences, social country after completing a research residency sciences and the humanities. Max Planck Insti- at a Max Planck Institute establish a partner tutes focus on research fields that are particu- group with support from the Max Planck Soci- larly innovative or that are especially demand- ety. There are now more than 40 partner groups ing in terms of funding or time requirements. working in Asia, Eastern Europe and South Their research spectrum is continually evolving. America. They are especially important bridge- New institutes are established to find answers to heads for German science abroad

Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres

The Helmholtz Association is Germany’s larg- man life and the environment. Helmholtz op- est scientific research organisation. A total of erates in six different fields of research: Energy, 33,634 staff members work in its 18 different the Earth and Environment, Health, Aeronaut- scientific-technical and biological-medical re- ics, Space and Transport, Key Technologies and search centres. The Helmholtz Association per- the Structure of Matter. The work of the Helm- forms cutting-edge research which contributes holtz Association follows in the tradition of the substantially to solving the greatest challenges great natural scientist Hermann von Helmholtz within science, society and industry. Scientists (1821-1894). Dr. Martin Sandhop at Helmholtz concentrate on researching the As a strong member of the global scientific Head of the Helmholtz highly-complex systems which determine hu- community, the Helmholtz Association works Moscow Office

German-Russian week of young researcher 87 Scientific Organizations

with networks worldwide. The Helmholtz Mos- Groups (HRJRG). HRJRG is a programme espe- cow Office was established in 2004 in order to cially for young researchers both from Germany strengthen the co-operation between Russian and Russia. One of its aims is to improve the scientists and researchers of the Helmholtz academic career perspectives for young Russian centres as well as initiating new partnerships. scientists within Russia. Each group consists of It is the first point of contact for Helmholtz re- Russian and German (Helmholtz) researchers searchers who wish to co-operate with Russian and receives a funding of up to 160,000 euros partners and for Russian scientists who need for three years. 26 projects out of four calls have special information and contacts of their pos- already received funding. In November 2012 six sible partners within the Helmholtz research new groups will be selected in Moscow. Due to centres. this programme Russian scientists have the pos- Russia is one of the key strategic partners of the sibility to use the unique research infrastructure Helmholtz Association. There are more than 200 of the Helmholtz Association. co-operations between the Helmholtz centres and Russian institutions. Since 2008 the Helm- The Helmholtz Association values the outstand- holtz Association and the Russian Foundation ing work of Russian scientists and intends to for Basic Research have launched a joint pro- extend its co-operation with Russian partners gramme: the Helmholtz-Russia Joint Research in the future.

The Russian Union of Young Scientists (RoSMU)

The Russian Union of Young Scientists (RoS- • contributing to the promotion of interna- MU) is an all-Russian non-governmental or- tional co-operation in science and research as ganisation and was registered with the Ministry well as participating in international projects of Justice of the Russian Federation on April that advance the effective work of young Rus- 26, 2006. The organisation was established dur- sian scientists and specialists in reliance on ing the Congress of Young Scientists of Russia the best practices worldwide. (October 20-21, 2005) which gathered over 700 delegates together, representing more than 500 To reach these goals, RoSMU elaborates and major higher education institutions, research carries out theme-based projects and pro- universities and research centres from 77 terri- grammes, organises national and international torial subjects of the Russian Federation. events, performs data-processing, analytical Dr. Liliya Bondareva As of September 1, 2012 there are regional and expert work. Deputy Chairperson of the branches of RoSMU in 43 different territorial Council of ROSMU subjects of the Russian Federation. At the national and interregional levels RoS- MU’s most significant events include theme- The main goals of the organisation are: based training seminars aimed at increasing • extending the co-operation between young the scientific, innovative and social activity of scientists and specialists of the Russian young scientists. In addition, RoSMU organises Federation to contribute to new knowledge- annual interregional (district) forums for young exchange, to grow the efficiency of current scientists that include workshops on the most scientific and innovative activities; urgent issues of scientific and innovative activi- • contributing to the high rate of Russia’s social ties such as issues of international co-operation. and economic development and to the devel- At the regional level RoSMU organises theme- opment of Russian science and technology, to based round tables, exhibitions of innovative create an innovative type of economy and the achievements of young scientists, discussion building of knowledge-based society; clubs, training sessions, etc.

88 German-Russian week of young researcher Summary

In its activities RoSMU co-operates with re- RoSMU representatives are invited as experts to search organizations, educational institutions, participate in consulting and advisory meetings companies, charity foundations as well as fed- of state bodies at the regional, federal and inter- eral and regional authorities including the Min- national level. istry for Education and Science, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Federal Agency RoSMU represents Russia in the European as- for the Commonwealth of Independent States, sociation EURODOC that unites national or- Compatriots Living Abroad and International ganisations from 34 different countries from Humanitarian Cooperation, the Council of the European Union and the member-states of Federation, the State Duma, etc. the Council of Europe.

German-Russian week of young researcher 89 Summary

Plenary Discussions

Prospects for Young Researchers: What can be expected from Research Organizations?

The last topic on the long list of presentation funding scientific projects, not only German but and discussion events for the 2nd Week of the also Russian scientists gain weight within their Young Researcher was – as in the previous year research institutions as soon as they attract third – dedicated to the question, “how can research party funding. There are possibilities to fund organizations from Russia and Germany further research, even for young scientists, not only from young academics’ careers?” The panelists of the the German but also the Russian side. discussion were Dr. Gregor Berghorn, of DWIH Different approaches and expectations of young and DAAD, Dr. Jörn Achterberg, of DFG, Prof. researchers were discussed, namely on how Tobias Stüdemann Dr. Jens Scheiner, of the University of Göttingen they can make use of the possibilities presented Head of the Liaison Office of and Sergey Pustylnikov, a PhD student at the to them by their home institutions as well as Freie Universität Berlin, Moscow Novosibirsk Tuberculosis Research Institute. international funding organizations. Based on At the starting point of that lively discussion, the proverb “You can lead a horse to water, but there were suggestions on how to improve “the you can’t make it drink”, used by Berghorn, a Week of Young Researchers”, even with the discussant objected that there might be walls quality of accepted papers and the following between young researchers and the water. presentations from the German and Russian side To sum up the discussion and to stay in which covered a broad quality range. For many theme with the cited proverb, there are a lot of of the young researchers it was their first time opportunities for your researchers to participate presenting their research outcomes in English. in scientific events, gain international experience This fact was mentioned as one of the big and to develop their scientific network. Since advantages of the Week. Offering opportunities, this relates to both countries, the Week of the where young researchers can show their ability of Young Researcher is one, for some the first, presenting and discussing their results, especially step to remove boarders between scientific on an international stage, was very welcomed not communities or, as to conclude with Berghorn, only because it is part of the official government using an extended version of the proverb: “If you policy, but also to show that local science is as cannot approach the water from this side, go to high in quality as international science. the other side – there is always a way to make the Despite the sometimes difficult situation with horse drink”.

90 German-Russian week of young researcher PARTICIPANTS


Ural Federal University, September 16 – 21, 2012, Yekaterinburg GERMAN DELEGATION TITLE LAST NAME FIRST NAME STATUS / INSTITUTION

Dr. ACHTERBERG Jörn Head of DFG Office Russia/CIS, Deputy Head of DWIH Moscow Dr. BERGHORN Gregor Head of DAAD Office Moscow, Managing Director of DWIH Moscow Dr. BRODERSEN Per Scientific Officer, Division International Relations, Max-Planck-Society Berlin Mrs. BRÜGGEMANN Nora Scientific Officer, Group of Research Careers, DFG Bonn Mr. DERPMANN Simon PhD student, Chair of Philosophy, University of Münster Mr. DÜBER Dominik PhD student, Research Fellow, Centre for Advanced Study in Bioethics, University of Münster Dr. DUBLJEVIC Veljko PhD student, International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW), University of Tübingen Prof. (em.), EHRICH Jochen MHH Children's Hospital, Hannover Dr. med. Medical School (MHH); Honorary Professor at SCCH RAMS, Scientific Center for Children’s Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Dr. med. vet. FRIESE Anika Head of Laboratory, Institute for Animal Hygiene and Environmental Health, Freie Universität Berlin Prof. Dr. FUNKE Peter Vice-President of the DFG, Director of the Institute of Ancient History and the Institute of Epigraphy, University of Münster Mrs. GRUBER Lisa PhD student, Center for Diet and Disease Research Center for Nutrition and Food Science, Technical University of Munich Prof. Dr. iur. GUTMANN Thomas Chair of Civil Law, Philosophy of Law and Medical Law, University of Münster Mr. HEINZ Karsten Counsellor, Head of Science and Education Section, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Russia, Moscow

German-Russian week of young researcher 91 PARTICIPANTS


Mrs. HÖLZ Stefanie PhD student, Central Clinical Research, Prof. (em.) Dr. HUBER Max Former Vice-President of the DAAD, Former Rector of the University of Bonn Mrs. ILINA Yulia Project manager,DFG Office Russia/CIS Mrs. JANDAUSCH Anett PhD student, Central Clinical Research, University of Freiburg, Medical Center Dr. LAUKÖTTER Sebastian Research Fellow, Research Group for the Constitution of Norms in Medical Ethics and Biopolitics, University of Münster Prof. Dr. med. LAVRIK Inna Medical Faculty, University of Magdeburg; German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ- Heidelberg) Dr. NARMANN Ruth Scientific Officer, Department International Relations, German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Dr. PFARR Kenneth Group Leader “Molecular Parasitology”, Institute of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, University Hospital of Bonn Prof. Dr. med. PLÖCKINGER Ursula Interdisciplinary Centre of Metabolism: Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Centre of Excellence for Rare Metabolic Diseases, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin Prof. (em.), QUABBE Hans-Jürgen Freie Universität Berlin; Head of Section Dr. med. Endocrinology / Diabetology, Koch- Mechnikov-Forum Mr. RUSAKOV Mikhail Staff Member, DWIH Moscow Prof. Dr. SCHEINER Jens Professor, Courant Research Centre "Education and Religion", University of Göttingen Dr. SCHELHAAS Mario Group Leader of DFG Emmy-Noether- Research Group „Virus Endocytosis“, University of Münster Mrs. SCHMIDT Annemarie PhD student, Center for Diet and Disease Research Center for Nutrition and Food Science, Technical University of Munich Prof. Dr. SCHÜLE Roland Scientific Director, Department of Urology and Center for Clinical Research, University of Freiburg, Medical Center Dr. rer. nat. SPECHT Sabine Group Leader, Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, University Hospital of Bonn

92 German-Russian week of young researcher PARTICIPANTS


Dr. STEFANOVICH Petr Representative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation within the DWIH Moscow Mr. STÜDEMANN Tobias Head of the Liaison Office of Freie Universität Berlin in Moscow



Mr. BARANOV Dmitry PhD student, Chair of Pediatric Medicine and Neonatology, Ural State Medical Academy, Yekaterinburg Mrs. BYKOVA Maria Research Assistant, Institute of Natural Sciences, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg Mr. BONDAREV Vasily Research Fellow, Department of Public Health and Health Care, I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow Dr. BONDAREVA Liliya Deputy Chairperson of the Council, Russian Union of Young Scientists, Moscow Dr. CHAJKA Ziliya Chair of Dentistry, Ural State Medical Academy, Yekaterinburg Prof. Dr. CHARUSHIN Valeriy Chairman of the Presidium, UB of Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg Mrs. DUBROVINA Irina PhD student, Institute of Experimental Medicine, NWB Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, St. Petersburg Dr. DURMASHKINA Alevtina Research Fellow, Chair of Pediatric Medicine, Nizhny Novgorod Medical State Academy, Nizhny Novgorod Mr. EROSHENKO Stanislav PhD student, Chair for Electric Power Plants and Power Systems, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg Mrs. IGNATYEVA Maria PhD student, I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow Dr. IVANOV Vladimir Chair of Experimental Physics, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg

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Mrs. IVLEVA Svetlana Research Fellow, Ultrasonography, Gastroenterology, Scientific Center for Children’s Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow Dr. KATANIN Andrey Theoretical and Mathematical Physics , Institute of Metal Physics, UB Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg Prof. Dr. KOKSHAROV Viktor Rector, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg Mr. KONOVALOV Aleksey PhD student, Department of Oncology, I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow Mrs. KUZNETSOVA Yulia PhD student, Research Fellow, Chair of Law in the Health Care System, I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow Mr. LOMINADZE Georgiy Resident Doctor, Scientific Center of Children’s Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow Dr. LYAPUNOV Aleksandr Senior Research Fellow, Laboratory of Transmissive Infections, Scientific Centre of the Problems of Family Health and Human Reproduction, SB Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Irkutsk Dr. MASNAVIEVA Lyudmila Senior Research Fellow, Laboratory of Biochemistry, Research Institute of Occupational Medicine and Human Ecology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Angarsk Mrs. MEKHDIEVA Kamiliya PhD student, Research Centre “Health- improving and Sports Technology”, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg Mrs. MIRGORODSKAYA Olga Research Fellow, Department of Statistical Analysis in Healthcare, National Research Institute of Public Health, Moscow Mrs. MOLODOVSKAYA Irina PhD student, Junior Research Fellow, Laboratory of Environmental Endocrinology, Institute of Physiology of Natural Adaptations, UB Russian Academy of Sciences, Arkhangelsk Mrs. NIKULINA Veronika PhD student, Department of Pulmonology, Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk Dr. OSOLODKIN Dmitry Junior Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

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Mrs. OVSYANNIKOVA Alla PhD student, Institute of Internal Medicine, SB Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Novosibirsk Mr. PUSTYLNIKOV Sergey Junior Research Fellow, Research Group of Molecular Biology, Novosibirsk Tuberculosis Research Institute, Novosibirsk Mrs. RUDT Yulia PhD student, Department of Administrative and Financial Law, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Barnaul Mrs. SHAIMARDANOVA Gulnaz PhD student, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry Mr. SHATYLKO Taras Resident Doctor, Department of Urology, Saratov State Medical University, Saratov Dr. SHCHEGLOV Aleksandr Chairman of the Council of the Russian Union of Young Scientists, Moscow Mrs. SHCHENDRYGINA Anastasiya PhD student, Hospital Therapeutic Department I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow Mrs. SHERMAN Yulia PhD student, Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Orenburg State Medical Academy, Orenburg Dr. SMOTRITCKIY Aleksandr Research Fellow, Laboratory of High- Temperature Measurements; Institute of Thermal Physics UB Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Dr. SOSHNIKOV Sergej Senior Research Fellow, Department of Medical and Social Problems, Federal Public Health Institute, Moscow Mr. TAVLINTSEV Aleksandr PhD student, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg Mrs. TERENTYEVA Marina PhD student, Institute of Socio-Economic and Energy Problems of the North, UB Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar Mrs. TOPORKOVA Nina PhD student, Chair of Theory of Physical Education, Children’s Health, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg Mrs. VASILIEVA Lyubov PhD student, Department of Faculty Therapy, I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow Dr. YARMOSHENKO Ilya Deputy Director, Institute of Industrial Ecology, UB Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg

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September 16, Sunday

06:00 - 18:00 Arrival of Participants 13:00 Light lunch 14.00 - 18:00 Excursion to • Ganina Yama: Monastery of the Holy Tsarist Passion-Bearers • Pervouralsk: Europe-Asia Border Column 19:00 Words of Welcome to the participants of the week by • Karsten Heinz, Counsellor, Head of Science and Education Section, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Russia, Moscow • Dr. Gregor Berghorn, DAAD Moscow • Dr. Jörn Achterberg, DFG Moscow • Dr. Liliya Bondareva, Deputy Chairperson of the Council of the Russian Union of Young Scientists (ROSMU) September 17, Monday

08:45-11:00 Excursion through Yekaterinburg by tram 11:00 Registration of Participants 12:00 Musical Introduction Official Opening of the Week with welcome addresses by • Prof. Dr. Viktor Koksharov, Rector of Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg • Alexander Kharlov, Minister of International and Foreign Economic Relations of Sverdlovsk Region • Prof. Dr. Valeri Charushin Chairman of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (UB RAS) • Dr. Renate Schimkoreit, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Yekaterinburg • Prof. Dr. Peter Funke, Vice-President, DFG • Prof. (em.) Dr. Max Huber, Former Vice-President, DAAD • Dr. Aleksandr Shcheglov, Chairman of the Council of the Russian Union of Young Scientists (ROSMU 13:00 Opening Lecture “Medical Epigenetics“ Prof. Dr. Roland Schüle Scientific Director, Department of Urology and Center for Clinical Research, University of Freiburg Medical Center

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14:00 Lunch 14:30 Introductory remarks to the 2nd German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher • Prof. Dr. Peter Funke, Vice-President, DFG • Prof. (em.) Dr. Max Huber, Former Vice-President, DAAD 15:00 Plenary Lecture “Study of Cancer Mortality in a Rural Population of the Northern Part of East-Ural Radioactive Trace” Dr. Ilya Yarmoshenko Institute of Industrial Ecology, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (UB RAS) - Discussion -

16:00 Coffee Break 16:30 - 18:00 Short Lectures of Young Researchers Chair: • Prof. Dr. Roland Schüle, University of Freiburg • Dr. Ilia Yarmoshenko, UB RAS Yekaterinburg KONOVALOV, Aleksey: “Medical treatment in war territories” JANDAUSCH, Anett: “Identification of novel LSD1 target genes controlling tumour metastasis” SCHMIDT, Annemarie: “Dietary factors in the regulation of Crohn’s disease-like ileitis” MIRGORODSKAYA, Olga: “The study of outpatient medical care in the Russian Federation: situation and activity” MASNAVIEVA, Lyudmila: “Immunoreactivity of teenagers living in technogenic exposures” 19:30 Evening Reception by the Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Yekaterinburg Dr. Renate Schimkoreit

September 18, tuesday

Science and Research in Yekaterinburg

09:30 Ural Federal University: Scientific Projects and International Cooperation Rector Prof. Viktor Koksharov 10:30 Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (UB RAS): Scientific Projects and International Cooperation Aleksandr Sandakov, Head of Section International Relations, UB RAS 11:30 Coffee Break

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12:00 Plenary Lecture “Diabetes Mellitus – A Growing Problem Worldwide” Prof. (em.) Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen Quabbe, Freie Universität Berlin Head of Section Endocrinology/Diabetology, Koch-Mechnikov-Forum - Discussion -

13:00 Lunch 14:00 Plenary Lecture “Diabetes mellitus – Problems in Minority Populations“ Prof. Dr. med. Ursula Plöckinger Interdisciplinary Centre of Metabolism: Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Centre of Excellence for Rare Metabolic Diseases, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin 15:00 Coffee Break 15:30 Short Lectures of Young Researchers Chair: • Prof. Dr. med. Ursula Plöckinger, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin • Prof. (em.) Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen Quabbe, Freie Universität Berlin OVSYANNIKOVA, Alla: “Diabetes mellitus in young adults - the complexity of differential diagnosis” SHCHENDRYGINA, Anastasia: “Detection of vascular changes helps to prevent cardiovascular deceases, complications of diabetes” DÜBER, Dominik: “Public health: enabling or threatening autonomy?” GRUBER, Lisa: “High-fat feeding accelerates disease onset in a murine model of Crohn’s Disease- like ileitis” VASILYEVA, Lyubov: “Gender differences in microcirculation of arterial hypertension.” TERENTYEVA, Marina: The main factors and trends of formation of labour potential of the Komi Republic” SOSHNIKOV, Sergey: “Russian public health statistics in mathematical modeling” SHATYLKO, Taras: “Urodynamic disorders of lower urinary tract in various diseases” DUBLJEVIC, Veljko: „Principles of justice in neuroethics of cognitive enhancement” 18:15 Dinner 19:15 Workshop: “Sit together with the Presidents” Intensification of Scientific Cooperation be- tween Russia and Germany • Prof. Dr. Peter Funke, Vice-President, DFG • Prof. (em.) Dr. Max Huber, Ex-Vice-President, DAAD Chair: Dr. Jörn Achterberg, DFG Moscow, Dr. Gregor Berghorn, DAAD Moscow

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September 19, Wednesday

09:00 DWIH Moscow German Centre for Research and Innovation Dr. Gregor Berghorn, Managing Director 09:30 ROSMU - Russian Union of Young Scientists Dr. Liliya Bondareva, Deputy Chairperson of the Council of ROSMU 10:00 Max-Planck-Society “Gaining Knowledge – the Max Planck Society and Russia” Dr. Per Brodersen, Cooperation with Russia/CIS, Berlin “International Collaboration within MPI Partner Group: Experience and Results” Dr. Andrey Katanin, Institute of Metal Physics, UB RAS 11:00 Coffee Break 11:15 German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Dr. Ruth Narmann, Scientific Officer, Department International Relations, Halle - Discussion - 12:00 Plenary Lecture “Medical Law and Society“ Prof. Dr. iur. Thomas Gutmann Chair of Civil Law, Philosophy of Law and Medical Law, University of Münster - Discussion - 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Plenary Lecture “Children’s Health” Prof. (em.) Dr. med. Jochen Ehrich MHH Children’s Hospital, Hannover Medical School (MHH) Honorary Professor at SCCH RAMS, Scientific Center for Children’s Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences 15:00 Coffee Break

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15:30 Short Lectures of Young Researchers Chair: • Prof. (em.) Dr. med. Jochen Ehrich, Hannover Medical School • Prof. Dr. iur. Thomas Gutmann, University of Münster KUZNETSOVA, Yulia: “Legal interaction between patient and physician” TOPORKOVA, Nina: “The habilitation with preschool children with cerebral palsy in process of pedagogical support of their families” LAUKÖTTER, Sebastian: “Health and social justice” RUDT, Yulia: “The right to health as a constitutional value in Russia and Germany: the comparative analysis” LOMINADZE, Georgiy: “The use MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry in a paediatric routine microbiology laboratory” IVLEVA, Svetlana: ”Non-invasive method of assessment of the liver fibrosis stage in children with chronic hepatitis” DERPMANN, Simon: “What is the right to health?” DURMASHKINA, Alevtina: “Metabolic programming by early nutrition” 18:15 Dinner 19:15 1st Workshop: How to write a successful proposal Nora Brüggemann, Group of Research Careers, DFG Bonn

September 20, Thursday

09:00 DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst / German Academic Exchange Service Dr. Gregor Berghorn, Head of DAAD-Office in Moscow 10:00 Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation Dr. Petr Stefanovich, Representative of the Humboldt Foundation (in the DWIH) Moscow 10:45 Coffee Break 11:00 DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / German Research Foundation “Fostering German-Russian Cooperation” Dr. Jörn Achterberg, DFG Moscow “Promoting Research Careers“ Nora Brüggemann, Group of Research Careers, DFG Bonn 12:00 Plenary Lecture “Война и мир – The Interplay of Viruses and Host Cells During Invasion” Dr. Mario Schelhaas, University of Münster Group Leader of DFG Emmy-Noether-Research Group „Virus Endocytosis“ DFG-International Research Training Group 1409: ’Molecular Interactions of Pathogens with Biotic and Abiotic Surfaces’

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13:00 Lunch 14:00 Plenary Lecture Helmholtz-Russia Research Groups “Towards Understanding of Life/Death Decisions in the Cells by Systems Biology” Prof. Dr. med. Inna Lavrik Medical Faculty, University of Magdeburg German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ-Heidelberg) 15:00 Coffee Break 15:30 Short Lectures of Young Researchers Chair: • Prof. Dr. med. Inna Lavrik, University of Magdeburg ´ • Dr. Mario Schelhaas, Group Leader Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster BONDAREV, Vasily: “The comparative analysis of emergence of an intrahospital infection in Rus- sian Federation and abroad” NIKULINA, Veronika: “Meteorological factors and the severity of a pneumonia at young men” LYAPUNOV, Aleksandr: “Tick-borne encephalitis: the incidence of pre-clinical infections” MOLODOVSKAYA, Irina: “Age-related aspects of the relationship between hormones and semen parameters in men” HÖLZ, Stefanie: “LSD1 coordinates trophoblast development by retaining stem cells in their niche+directing cell fate” PFARR, Kenneth: “Genetics of lymphedema and hydrocele in lymphatic filariasis” SPECHT, Sabine: “Suboptimal responses to ivermectin” DUBROVINA, Irina: “Live influenza vaccine for children and adults: transmissibility in vivo experiments” OSOLODKIN, Dmitryj: “Replication inhibitors for flaviviruses: molecular design and putative mechanism of action” PUSTYLNIKOV, Sergey: “Dextrans as ligands of mannose receptor and DC-SIGN family receptors - new anti-infective strategy” SHERMAN, Yulia: “The role of gonococcal infection and its combined form with other sexually transmitted infections” 18:15 Dinner 19:15 Bowling-Party

September 21, Friday

09:00 Plenary Lecture “Development of the nuclear medicine in the Ural region” Dr. Vladimir Ivanov Chair of Experimental Physics, Ural Federal University

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10:00 Short Lectures of Young Researchers Chair: • Dr. Vladimir Ivanov, Chair of experimental physics, Ural Federal University • Prof. (em.) Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen Quabbe, Freie Universität Berlin; Head of Section Endocrinology / Diabetology, Koch-Mechnikov-Forum BARANOV, Dmitryj: “Studying the SNPs, as a way of realization of the medicine of future” Prof. SCHEINER, Jens: “Reading Galen in Baghdad. An insight into Greek-Arabic medical history” FRIESE, Anika: “Multiresistant microorganisms in healthy livestock – a risk for humans?” 10:45 Coffee Break 11:00 Short Lectures of Young Researchers SHAIMARDANOVA, Gulnaz: “Periodontal disease as a medical and social problem” SMOTRITCKY, Aleksandr: “Medicines synthesis reactions monitoring under technological conditions” CHAJKA, Zilia: “Clinical and experimental study of teeth of teeth restoration by ceramic inlays” EROSHENKO, Stanislav/ Mr. TAVLINTSEV, Aleksandr: “Electric vehicles: ecological aspects and power system operation efficiency improvement” MECHDIEVA, Kamilya: “Aspects of adaptation of students to stress. Problems of stress stability in contemporary Universities” BYKOVA, Maria: “Features of the vitamins content in the blood plasma and extracellular matrix of bone marrow of rats in donditions of extreme effects on the body” 12:30 2nd Workshop Planning International Scientific Careers - Best Practice from Freie Universität Berlin Tobias Stüdemann, Head of the Liaison Office of Freie Universität Berlin, Moscow 13:30 Lunch 14:45 Panel Discussion: “Prospects for Young Researchers: What Can Be Expected of Research Organizations?” Invited panelists: • Sergey Pustylnikov, Novosibirsk Tuberculosis Research Institute • Prof. Dr. Jens Scheiner, University of Göttingen • Dr. Gregor Berghorn, DAAD-Moscow • Dr. Jörn Achterberg, DFG-Moscow Chairperson: Tobias Stüdemann, Head of the Liaison Office of Freie Universität Berlin, Moscow 15:50 Closing remarks Dr. Gregor Berghorn, Managing Director DWIH Moscow

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