fejiryTp-yi:ag?y7Ts,iir- A PLANTATION FOR SALE, Jessamine Circuit, Set. October Term T'te ut;!i bred I1uj.1rtedStu.iu h TRY. CONTAIN I NO ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SEVE- NEW GOODS. 1809. POE r acres of rins bate land, Thomas Wilson & George Ramsey, compl'ts. MERCY. . in Jessaminecounty, within one mile LYING a half of Nicholasville nearly 100 THOMAS D. O WINGS, Against CRAWLEK, By Osborne. 8c Selleck acres cleared, undcrgood fences a good dwel- Charles Swan Lewis Craig, Defendants. To crown creation's mighty plan, II AS received in addition to his former stock IN CHANCERY. ling house, kitchen, barn and other necessary of as- stand scasonatmy farm, The Almighty mandate tiiunder'd forth, Merchandize, and is now opening a large This day came the complainants by their at thepresent 1" and convenient buildings good orchards and WILL miles from Lexington, on Russell's Let procreant eaith produce a man sortment of torney, and the defendant Charles Swan havinc meadows. Any person wishing to purchase, it road, and be let to mares at the reduced And straight the.ereature i,piangto birth. DRY GOODS, sailed to enter his appearance herein price is presumed will view the premises, and know according of Six Dollars the reason, paytb'e in any kind Suitable for the present and approaching season. to law ana we ruws 01 mis court, anaitappear-in- g Healtli, strength and beauty cloth'd his frame; the terms. Apply to the subscriber on the of produce at the market price, is delivered Ly picmises. Also, TEAS of the best quality, viz. best to the satisfaction of the court that he is He mov'd with majesty and grace ; the first dty of January, 1811, ether at the Imperial Young Hyson, Hyson Chulon' not an inhabitant of this commonwealth, there s.r-g- A brignt, a piueangelic flame Thomas Shandin. stand or in Lexington Three Dollars the le Hyson and with Glass sore; on motion of the complainants by their 11 bib Congo an assortment of leap, to be paid in hand, otherwise it w Illuni'd each feature of face. February 28, 1810. 3tt Queens counsel, is ordered that Ware, Ware, &c. All beinir boufrht on it the said defendant be considereel by the season Tit Dollars to Ihe most reasonable terms, will be sold unusually appear here on the third day of our next April Upon his brow sat calm repose, insure a mare to be with foal should the pro- FOR SALE. - Sept. term, and answer the complainant's bill, H13 with love and mildness shone ; iwotorcasn- Lexington, 30th 1809 orthe prietors ol inch mares as are insured, transfer ejes THAT VALUABLE PLANTATION CONTAIN- same will be taken as confessed against him, Till a grim band of imps arose, them, the amount will be demsmled. is further ordered a or- And mark'd the victim for thcirown. ING 180 ACRES OF FIRST RATE LAND, ABNER LEGRAND and it that copy of this Crawleii is a beautiful bay, full fifteen and der be inserted in some WITH 3 springs thereon, about half clear- Has just seceivedfrom Philadelphia, newspaper in a half bands high, elegantly f 01 med, lemarka state, Theie iia te, in livid hues pourtrav'd ed, together with about 300 bearing Apple A LARGE ADDITIONAL SUPPLY OF tins accoruingeo law. bly active, and in point of pedigree infer cr to Copy.) Teste . The gnashing teetli, the blood-sho- t eve trees, and a large number of Peach, Cherry, A no horse on the ccr.line-nt- The f.irn.trs 111 SAMl. H. There cuist ingratitude eiisplayll and Pear trees thereon ; also there is situated GOODS, WOODSON, Clk. this part of the courtfy have now an admira- 'i lie foulest blot, the blackest eve. on said plantation, a Stone House, on a beau, WHICH HE OFFERS VERY LOW ble oppoitunity uilorded them of impiovmg tiful eminence, 38 by 28, completely finished in Br WHOLESALE or RETAIL. An old Sons: is always new when theirstock of horsssby crossing with the En- And avarice, ambitious too the inside (and handsomely divided) with five tf Lexington, December 26, 1809. well sung. glish blood; they may probably never ag in To plant her odious image there ; sire places, and a cellar under all the house, and have it in their power (O t th.s eltsirahle a hue, also a convenient kitchen of s.tone to the same, object on the same mo!i-rii- l toms. Can o'er his cheeks iillow FANCY CHAIRS. GOOD Stone I alvva) s have on hand, of worldly care. in the position of an L, together with a large resnprtfnlit, Pasturage for mares IcK vilh the ) nrs And wnnkleel marks WILLIAM CHAT. T.F.N m. Suppli'd you all can be, and convenient double Bam newly built and forms the public, that he has commenced the grails, alid every atlcitii n paid tliein t'i m However great be your de mand ande-seqie- view'd the stain shingled roof, with other convenient out build- FANCY CHATP. mnkinrr hneinpcc in llm vent accidents but no lespoiiMl; -- In wrath the Eternal Come friends, come unto me. Which mair'd the offspring of his word, ings. The above plantation lies on the Cincin- house lately occupied by Mr. William Huston, ity. , - disdain, The in posus-sio- several cer- Spmn'elthe weak wretch with high nati road the buildings one mile from George- un .viaiu mree jviain-uros- s subscriber has ' street, eioors Deiow THEsnbscriber offers his services to the pub And bade stern justice list the sword town (Scott County) on said road, and bound- street, where he will carrv on the ahovp busi tificates ofrespectab'e nu 11 in th's ri u: lie as a Well-Disree- Stone-Quarric- r and Bla ed by the waters on try, who have bred In 111 Ciiwle;, vhn of Elkhorn and Dry Run, ness with neatness and taste; he slitters him-se- lf tinist. He will have 5 or 6 hundred perch of i ' mercy, heaven's loveliest child, the two extreme sides of said place; also for sale, prove that the colts of Ins r t am iem-,- But that from the long experience that he has stone ready for deliverythe first ot April nevt, Imploring, knelt before the throne-Alter- nate 300 acres ol land laying on the Locust ridge, hadboth in active anel well formed. London and NewYoik, that his work with a constant supply during the season. praj'd, and wept and smil'd, and bounded on the waters of Eagle creek and will please HiVm siif.lv those whomay call on Well-Digge- him. He has and Slone-Quarrie- wlllmett "With angel sweetness, all her own. Cincinnati road (said land unimproved;) also pr.nniHEL, on hand and makes Black and Gold White & with employment throughout the ear Nont 1000 ) was bred r i s Gi ce t i' P acres ofland (of the second quality) lying do Broun and do preen and elo. Coque-licoandd- CnAWLn neeel apply that of gun powder or el: - ' to m an with kind embrace, 10 miles trom on waters ot araafiaid ofGr.tiion, mid w'.s ' ny 'h- laim-i,- Ther turn'd Cincinnati, the Bamboo &c. likewise Settees to bow f ; grease. . And wept to see his dire decay Bank Lick and Gunpowder creeks, (unimpiov. match am ni the nlinv. c ullrtf iilitili , (who v is ecr u' .I'm w , hisfUcc, - Her tears sell plenteous on ed ;) alio a Negro Woman about 35 years will be made in the neatest fashions and highly John R. Shaw, forfeit,) Highlljtr v .s v;o' ', Xin;,- Uv.ni blots away. by And wasli'd the hedioui old, of a good quality to her ace. I will take varnished which can be packed to send to any Well Digger & Stone Qiiarrier. Crawler's dam (llar.ie) vis bite! I.mu property of certain descriptions for all except partof the state, without injuring. He likewise Lexington, January 27, 1810. tt Rockingham, and was got by MAtc'rcm, 'uc d EPIGRAM. the above plantation, and for terms, apply to makes Windsor Chairs all orders will be dam (Elora) by , gv-n- dam ly Bar' let's grand by Bay B ilv.i LuciNDA'sluck did spinster's grudge, the subscriber about 2 2 miles fiom Lexing thankfully received and attended to with punctu- Childcis, great dm i great great dam hy the Btlgrade Turk While lovers twain pursu'd her ; ton, on tneroael to Georgetown. ality and dispatch, and his prices made rea- grand she charm'd an old grav e Judge, LEMON, Sen. Matchem was got by Cade, and Cade by the For while JAMES sonable. " A young gay Sheriff woo'd her. January 1st, 1810. tf May 8th, 1809. : N B. Chairs Repaired and Painted, and all PERFORMANCE. 1794. Duke of Grafton's bay colt Thejudge was rich, the sheriff poor, A GREAT BARGAIN kinds of Ornamental Painting and Gilding ex- AprilBth, Papa preferr'd his lordship ; OKA LONG CREDIT. ecuted with neatness. Crawler, by Highflyer, beat Mr. Northej's And mammon scorn'd for cupid's lure, FOR SALE. bay colt by , for 100 guineas the smc Old Scuaretoes dcem'd a hardship. THE Plantation lately occupied by John Jou- - IRON STORE. spring he won a sweepstake of 15 gurnets itt, in woocltorel county, containincr 530 each, 7 subscribers; the result was as fol- acies, opposite Cromwell's warz-uous- e, But Miss, whom rank nor wealth could move, about 475 acres first rate land, 200 acres cleared JVearlt lows : To be by dotard bedded ; and in good Older for cultivation. The place Pittsburg. Crawler, by Highflyer, 1 (lor is Jack Ketch had gain'd her love, oilers many inducements to the iarmer, bang LARGE supply of Juniata bar, lolled and Duke of Queensbury's Sir AVillliam, 2 The hangman she'd have wedded) but a tew miles trom the Kentucky rn er A slit Iron always on hand Also cut and Mr. Windham's Monkncy, J There is an apple orchaid of 320 trees that hammered nails, manufactured of the same do hereby certify that tt--e ongoing pedigree Sid " Since to hie and cherish too, havebornefouror five years fruit of the best Iron, for sale bv and Performance of Craviter, aref extracted from - STILLS FOR SALE. Was wedlock's institution ; ' quality, 100 bearing cherry trees, a very sine GEORGE ANSHUTZ, jun. the general stud boot ami racing calcndi r oj En ' ATTHECOPrER AND TIN MANUFACTO- Judgment may have its weight rtt,yoU, peach orchard, all inclosed, (as is a considera- February 8th, 1810. land, in my possession. RY But I'm for execution .'" ble part of the farm) with good post and rail CTj Orelevs from western merchants will be OF THE SUBSCRIBER, W. T BANTON has bv thp lafp 1810. fence. The pajments made easy, and long trictly attendeelto. 8t WHO nrrilnla rurmD.rl Lexington, March 1st, large assortment ofCOPPER & ODD FARRAGO. credit given upon the purchase money Being Kentucky TIN, and has The following account of HIGHFLYER securea. Insurance Otfice, 27th Feb togagcu irom uie eastward, some ot the first (sire to Crawler is extracted from the Sport- A man advertifesin a Cincinnati paper, RCARY, 1810- - workmen in line j Any person wishing to purchase will receive his of business, from which cir- ing Dictionary - " Highflyer 'was .1 horse, loss or " A pair of Saddle Bags, con- A GENR A L the further information by application to meeting of the Stockholders of cumstance he can with full rnnfiitenre nu that, taken for all in all (as a racer and a some cloathing, same nails, lome me his taining JAMES MORRISON, KuntucKy Insurance Company, will be held friends and the public, that any work done stallion, far exceeded any oilier ever known and a Dutch Alma- at their office on 2d J snuff a quire of paper, on Monday the day of April uy mm win ue cxecutetl in a superior manner, in this kingdom. He was foal-- d in 1774 ; vi as as droll a miscellany 12 o'clock-B- y nac.'' This is almost JOSEPH W. HAWKINS next, at to any done in this State heretofore- - got by fcrodoutof Rachel, who was potby In popular play.- - order of the President anil Directors. . 3 that mentioned a Lexington, Jan. 12th, 1810. tf M. FISHEL-N.B- Btant ; her elam by Regulus, S.C. He was pur- " Stock, infurancfe, hops, hazard, and JOHN L. MARTIN, Clk.K. 1. c. Persons owing the firm of Fishel & chased of the breeder when a colt rising two Ledg. tf. Gallaten,are ,3 een peas" Norfolk The Kentucky Hotei. requested te settle theiraccounts.or years old, by the late Lord Bollujobkoi r, they will aster notice, sit" aitMi,l.H lai-g- i THE Subscriber has leased of Mr. Henr thie not in and was then thought to be getting too be forced. sew nights ago the conversation at Clay, fora termof jeais, that valuable stand for Harrison CtrcuiT Court, Feb. Term, 18 10. is anel unpromising for any capital performance Main street Lexington, upon the tuif. observcel the dutchels of Goidon's happening to a Tavern, in ihetown of Lexington, formerly Thomas Vanhook", Compf't. ) 2d Jan'y. 1810. It was, however, by fuceff-i- ul s- the training groom, he astonish- turn upon the consequences ol a known by the name of Travellers' Hall, where against In Chancery. that displayed Es defts.S ing powers in some of his first trials; and invalion by the Fieiich, several of the he has opened a Hotel under the above stile. Engalow Adams others NATHANIEL PRENTISS ir coun-sel,- was upon his Jfighjljur they on Tins day came the Oomplainant by his MAKES Boots Cr Sho.., in the house suggestion was imme- company mentioned the occupations The situation of this property, the public lately in it appearing to the (Satisfaction of the court - diately named the most capital sweepstakes a'dopt when all should be square, direcily opposite the North East from occupied by Messrs- Fishell & Gallatin, near- would property the defendant Engalow Adams is not an in. and subscriptions then open ; winning all Aster ot the court house, and in the centre of business, that ly opposite Mr. Bradford's office, in such a man-ne- r feizedby the Gallic ireebooters. this commonwealth, and he having which with the greatest case, he was at tlie ve- whimsical kind gives it pecu'iar advantages. Great expense has habitant of as makes it the interest of the public to give employments of a sailed his appearance herein agreeably ry zenith of his celebrity as a racer when various Mar- been incurred in icpairs and improvements, and to enter him a DOrtion of theimatrnnnrrp Slmiunalrmi had been (tarted by the company, the law and the rules of this court ; on motion of! Lord Bom.i.-cerok- disgusted with in point of space, convenience and tomtorr the to can be supplied with Lasts, Boot-tree- &c. &c quis of Huntly observed that he would of the complainant, it is ordered that the said deceptions and variegated vicissitudtsof apartments ofthe house are surpassed by nore. N. a. A tauor respectable connections, wan-te- d ' maker for the ladies.' It that do appear here on the third day of Tunr, as well as declining daily in his turn garter A new stable has been erected on the back part defendant as an apprentice. 12m the case, said the Dutchefs, I term, and answer the complain- health, Highflyer was purchased of his lordship should be the of the lot which he ventures to pronounce is our next June be above your buKacfs.' ants bill, otherwise the same will be taken a- - by Mr. Tat who fixed him ns a stal- fancy you would the best in the state, which will be under im- tersaii., the for confessed, and that a of this WANTED, lion on a ferm of his own, near Ely, in Cam- mediate superintendance of gainst him copy Mr William T. tinier be inserted in some public newspaper in TWO HUNDRED HOGSHEADS bridgeshire, where his success soon stamper! Banton. He has provided himself with S!JOHNSON 8c WARNER good tins state for eight weeks successively. TOBACCO the spot with the name of Hirhfi.yee IIai 7 . Sto-- e, servants, a plentiful stock of the best liquors, Hav just received, anl for Sale at their A copy attest. AND TEN THOUSAND GALLONS which it will most probably ever ict.un and in short with every necessary calculated to v tr.11-ea- s corner of Mill and Main Stieets, Lexington, ANDREW MOORE, d. c. h.'c c. Here he covered for many ejars at th, t, the best accommodate and lender agreeable the time of WHISKEY, ; and from the almost incredible number e. A large quantity of For which the f PRINTING INK, those who may savor hint with their custom ; highest going price will be given. mares he was permitted to cover, it was cor and he trusts that Irom the attention which he Postlethwait's Tavern, Halslcad &? Meglone. eluded that he prrduceelio his owner no les.i And an additional assortment of means personally to give to every department of Lexington, Ky. on M.fin-stree- t, corner of Limes- han from fifteen hundred to two thousjnds STATIONERY. . BOOKS AND His ousiuess, tie win ue luuuu eo mcru enai tone- street, lately occupied by Mr- - J. Wilson. For Sale. pounds a jear, for manyjears in succes-sioa- urpuson's Lectures I Biddies Architecture which he thus presumes to solicit from J. POSTLETHAVAIT lias returned to his His progeny of winners only exceed three Inin I A VALUABLE LAND, on Astronomy Gibson's Surveying the public. oldstand, where every exertion shall be used tractof situated dred 111 number, who receiveel m suhscnptions I Conic the waters of Green river, in Green county, Adi.i' Simpson's Cuthbert Banks to accommodrte those who please to call on plates and sweepstakes, ivboi e .1 tlmaundpi . zts. tiuns containing 666 2-- 3 acres. Negroes or Cotton Philosophy 1809- - him. January 20, 1809. Amongst the most ccKbrated of his ret v,e ot Lexingfqn, Jan. 1st, will be taken in The Musical Primer, or the First Part the part or whole payment. Escape, (who once sol 1 f.ir IsOd guine-- is,t J u of Singing By Andrew Law, The The subscribers have also for sale, 6000 lbs phrosme, Bashful, Ma;d rj c'l Work, P.'ufrr., Art Noted Running Horse 10 A quantity of Bonnet Boards, NEW GOODS. Coffee, first quality barrels Muscovado Sir Pepper, (now cons. rieiv JEREMIAH NEAVE and Havannah Sugars oi an excellent quality I oho and quarto post PAPER of the best the best stallion in Englai vl) iiylart. Sk rott 1, received an additional YOUNG WHIP, 6 Oil 1 qiu'.'.ty, Has just assortment barrels Tanners hogshead 4th proof Skyscraper, Old Tat, Veimbi, Skypttper, G 'jus Black Sand, &c. Sec, of stand the ensuing season, at my Jamaica Kum 1 pipe Cogniac Brandy 1000 Oberon, Scrteton, Diamond, Sfiarilcr, Guijn.', WILL & Maich 20, 1310. DRY GOODS. eight miles from Lexington threa gallons old Whiskey; allof which willbesold Moorock, anel Stickler: of whom seveial .10 Ateo, a fresh supply of from Georgetown, in Scott county, and will be low for cash or approved notes at 30 and 60 now ttallions in the highest fcmta'ioii at ten UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY. let to mares at twenty dolhrs the season, which elays. and fifteen guineas each." GROCERIES. may be discharged with sixteen, provided the Also Trunks of every size and description, subscriber having pur- THE T3 RANDIES, Wines, Jamaica Spirits, money is paid by the expiration ot the season, with any kind of Covering; Carpenter's and whole of Mr. Usher's , "THE IMPORTED HORSE chased the JLS Glals and Queens W Rhode-Il- l which will commence the 20th instant andend Joiner's tools, viz. Sash Plains double and sin- wishes to inform the pub- - Stock, and Almonds and Impe- the 10th of July next; thirty dollars to insure gle, with prickers aiul templets, Graving Plains lie on the above Cheese, Raisins, lie that carries a mare in foal, the money to be considered on with anel without arms, different sizes, com- extensively in the house rial, Hvfon, Young Hyfon St Hyfon Skin business demand, as soon as it is ascertained she is in plete setts of Bench Plains, single and double by Daniel & Brown Havannah Sugars, lately occupied Mr. Teas, White foal or disposed of; or at ten dollars the leap, to ironed, Hallows and Rounds, Moulding Plains gMAGlC, second below the J White, door Currier's Oil and K:ii"es, prime Calf Skins be paid when the mare is covereel. of every description Braces and Bitts, &c. Sec. J S now at my farm, in Jessamine ami Branch Bank. He has now on and Boot Legs, Spanilh . id Bengal Indi Good pasturage, with never sailing water, Halstead c$ Meglone. count), an Assortment of Umbrellas ami Parasols. 1 will stand the en&uinjj season in Lexington, IitkI ffo of fupeiior quality, S by l(j u'id 10 by under good fences, gratis ; ami at the request Opposite the Markett House mamifi in the neatest manner, alid out of Lexington, K. or Richmond, Madison county. dure 12 Window Glass, an afTortmentoi ."Vugs, of the owners, mares shall be grain fed and t'.c best materials. plentifully salted at sour shillings and six pence MAGIC was got by Vohn.teer, the sire of Sec. be lold Umbrellasrcpaired as above, at the shortest &c. which will on realonabie per week. I will not be liable for Occidents or Ten Dollars Reward. , Stirling, Triumvir, Recruit, notice. terms. escapes. RAN AWAY fiom the subscriber onvthe Commodore, &c. He is an elegant hoi&c, of Richard Marsh, jan. A regular supply of Prime Cotton YouNoWmr is a beautiful bay, five years first elay of this month, a negro man named sine size pedigree and performance will DAVID, a dark complexion, five March 13, 1810. St Wanted, a quanity of Wool, Country old the 8th day of August next, fifteen hands of feet eight hereafter be detailed, and the price atwhch and a half high, possessing ornineincheshigh, a little marked with the small he will stand specified which shall be lowe r thread, Sec. October 21. great strength and STONE FOR SALE. activitj, and it is generally thought by all those pox,about twenty seven or eight years of age; he thin anv horse of his rank has ever stood it ,n who have seen him, his equal for beauty and took away with him a cey mare; whoever takes this state. SAMUEL H. WOODSON. T AMES EATJES resides in Col. Pat-- To.the Public. symmetry has seldom, ifever, been seen in up said negro, and will bring him to me, shall be Jan. 2lJth, 1810. 3 u--i son's stone house, a little above high THE subscriber having opened a shop on the entitled to the above icward. s ie.t, and wishes to intbim the public t'lat he corner of Limsstone and Water-street- where PEDIGREE. GEO: TEGAUDEN. The Celebrate I and Iltghly Admired Imported Yodxg ' Horse ip, tends keeping a constant supply of stone for he elocs all kinds of W HIT S Mini's WORK, The dam of Whip, Speckleback, by Lexington, 15th Jan. 1810. tf s .1" of the tiist quality for building and paving, hopes from his knowledge and attention to busi-nes- s Celar, was out of Avered Mead's famous mare TICKLE TOBY, qu rried out of Patterson's quany ; those who to merit a share ol the public patronage. Brandon, and got by the noted imported' horse FOR SALE, Whose Pedigieeand Peifoim- - M wish to purchase, maybe supplied without dis- 1 All sorts of plain and ornamental Railings, Janus, whose character as a horse of great TWO Tracts of Land lying ,in Campbell rince is lnfprinr in nn irer ic appointment. Grates, Iron Doors, for sire proof buildings, speed wps admitted by all who knew him. county, one a half mile, the other aniilefrom Ci5jLSfc5lcl,ow on his way from V r;,n a Ohio ; on N B. I wish to trade 15 J perch of stone for Screws of different kinds, and Smith's work in Young Whip was got by the imported and the river about thirty acres cleared Kentucky to stand the ensuing season in 1 e .- - h.ch. i general, executed with neatness and dispatch, on celebrated tuif horse Whip, Whip by , each tract, with rood log cabbins, out houses, mirlfin. Lexington, March 13, 1810. St uie mostrcasonableterms. and Saltram bv , who covered at two springs ot water which never sail; the whole TICKLE TORY is tlie sirp ns Sir Snl.m. see N- - B. A journeyman and two apprentices Hundred guineas the season. land of the first quality title in simple will who is believed to be tlie best lour mile Hone NOTICE wanting to theabove business. Letit now suffice tosay, thatYouNG Whip be made. Whiskey, flour, country linen, horses in America. has descendeel from a long line ofnobleancestry, or negroes Latveu 111 nston somevears sincc'wiih-o.i- t Tbomas Studmai. payineiiu Charles Col Robert Jol which may be seen at his stand, by a perusal of For further information, apply to William L. Tarel am authority Irom me, sole', to Lewis Craisr March 12, 1810. the English Racing Calenders, and the pedi-gre- Perry, living in Columbia, one mile from the tf rav pou'iou which hone fourth of an entry ns ,,n NEW GOODS of his anccstcrs, which was, and is yet, land. 1 j,WO acres now in jessamine, in cue njaue BY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. supposed to be of the best running stock in tf MaichlS, IS10. KEENE'S LIVERY STABLE. r r.iO of Beijamin Johnson of Orange. lie lias England, whose pedigrees have been thought THE public are respectfully inarmed, that in the course oFlat week, made a second con-tia- those Stables are now occupied by the subscri- Cr'aitr, TROTTFR, SCOTT & Co. too lengthy to be here inserted. withthe sM Lewis confirming the NEGROES WANTED. ber, w ho begs leave to asftii e them thuthe will asn-.- OPPOSITE THE MARKET LEXING- PERFORMANCE. fbst trustee, pending the settlement of HOUSE, Young Whip, running' I wish to Hire thirty Negro Fell- at all timespay the Inost stiict attention to hors- accounts before the master commissioner of TON : against the best ( our horses in Kentucky, lids won ows to work at the Little Sandy Salt es lest in his cae iHis extensive knowledge .the Fayette dicuit con t Mia ixfcrenceinasurt 7tJi'e on hand end are regularly receiving large seven races out Works, of eight : one sweepstakes, matches, for which a price will bi given. anel know n skil in liors s,jnrc sufficient to en- ?bancciy bioi- 'it by nu against the said supplies of two and gencious hi sour Jocky Club purses, without losing single ALFRED W. GRAYSON. ure him the c tstnm of hiTlrtend'). Jeho&lon.toset .sido the died of trust, and as a Winter and Spring Goods. ' December 23d, 1S09. RICHARDSON ALLEN. ter an fciferlocvtoi y elecree pronounceel by the liet. tf Of all descriptions unusually low for ABRAHAM BUFOKD, Lexington, J n. 27, 1810. coiut'in, my f.vnr I havr obiertcel to the ' " said sale whf n t .iL,t d nn the said settlci.ient Cash in band. WILLIAM B. COOK. WANTED IMMEDIATE.!. Y, and shall take the proper steps to avoid it. li One of the firm residincr in Philadelphia, for March 12, 1810. tf FotJn oood Neor.0 Waggoners, PR IN I ING tinm lie caution all sons iVoniHlle purpose ot purchasing Goods tor cash, will tins i ihv pel Aptly to OP EVKRY SCIUPTIOM, r L.e.vi g enauie mem io give octier Do: than ever n pu.'i ' iSing under tlie saiu icu gains DEEDS . JOHN CR',I h.' beta 5ld - e state heretofore. A. IF. Grayson. EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. It . rjrt." M id. 1'. '.,1 ,10 i'viMi, Dm. 17.', 1809. FOR SJl E AT THIS OEHCr. Ftbiuary 2Vli, IS 10 with xr v rNr.s'; ajd nisrvTcn.