CE of manganese In Meanwhile, Kloster acknowl~dges the city He said. fhe problem seemed fa develop In presented no threat to plumbing or water' I .cos~b9Ut. may have to begIn tr:eatlog that well's water a spo~tr pattern throughout t~e c~nLIl)~Y!:!HY~1 pi~~S:~·:_._~ ------==-- __ ._,_,_~~----... -, : h~~~h:~i~S;::~~I:~I.~~~~g~:h~08~I=J~ ;e:::Q~~~r2~~:~t~~~u~~~:;::::~gU: to l1e-otra11ze the manganes.eConfent,- -- .. Cenerally., reslden!s _complalJ]~d__ ab.ouj __ - _:~It:le' d~l,?p~1kl.n_iLjhe_blggesL~'l:.LK.N ~p, ~om& lISe:' K'to!ter" salt["t'Eruf there Is an odor. h.-lS been causing concern among w;;:fh~~~~ ~7:st~~s:~p~~~~~r~~~ ~e:f:~- discoloration of toilel bowls, bath1ubs"slnk~ blen:," he ~~ "Th.e bleach u!?ers-were are ~ack .~~ tliatse.;:on te:s~/' I:bra't~ In· beginning to tasle and sme-II bad an(i was m:~~aC~::S:'::~~~~~:~nt~~~;~~~e~:~~~:ort· ~~~~~t~: ~~:~~~~:?!heS :~; :t~~: :;~Vf~~:I~y~~:~~een-~--:~~:~~~om f~~~$~~~~??~~; dlcated f.he water colltalned "significant causing some discoloration 01 clothes during washing seemed 10 ttrwe pumped .-- "'1- levels" of a minerai Ciillpd m81\9aneSe, DC wl'lShlng" passed state Health Department tests That should have diluted the effect. "But,· '.~ ," ',: ':',';.;' ,:',:' '~:,~ cording to Klosler. Klosler said the slale mandated weekly without a neutralizer . KLOSTER SAID said the-mineraf's reac' apparently It wasn't mixln'g enough," he ad- !<.I~ster'sald that.~'~~~ Manganese Is a hard. brlHIe. -grayish water fa'.:!ls "came out negative" until the ': j.~_e o}her city wells remain actl\le. ac lion 10 bleach turned the clothes, particular· ded "Th05e7'c/ose to thos-eolg mains gor con'cerned-th,a,t" their wat~r sof~~r~.:.h,ad: "', !(, white mctott1c chemical element, an oxIde reporl thai c1r_rived two weeks ago <.ordlng 10 Klostcr. . Iy ~Ighl: colored material, a brownish color. some signIficant discoloration." gone bad. ~ '. ' .. ,I,' .:---, ~.' - ~,i ot which (manganese dioxide) Is a valuable. "The manganes.e showed up In a 'ilery THE ,AOMINISTRATOR said he was Several local stores reportedly received a Kloster said it was ''''startlng to nfOl< 1lklf - ..Jffat's-roSfffOTtne:case;"....trecori.lln·ij~·;:-

OXidizIng agent used chiefly as. an aHoying._ -----ale-awrcable quanllly," Kloster continued '-'reasonably sure" the new well wasq the number of reQue~fs lor cleansing agents bringing the new wen back on·line will rE;- again str~sslng thaJ.,clty water users fa~8d. ," agent In steel to give 11 lis toughn~ss ., "'They (state lab of 11 cia Is) lold us to take cvlprll In Ihe Cilse. that would remove the stain - L QlJ1reTl'e,ltf~r-mangaTTese-;" no health'-d"anger. - ~ , County Bo'!r~. " ----_._._---. __.------' incumbent is seeking spot on GOP ballot An Incumbent on the Wayne County Board oJ Commlsslonors ha~ Hied for re f.>1ec.llon Gerald Posplshil, SO. of rural Wayne, !lled Thurs.day for thc Republican Pa~ nomina lion to seek re·electlon to the his DIstrtct J

. !>e~~~n~~5~1~~~;ttO~~~~~1 15 co~plcflf1g Ih¢ flnal year 01 hIs llrst lour year lerm on the board...... -

ELECTED IN 1918. the 1I1elonq W,lyne County rcsldent Is a high school graduupplles -Ume,-nof fo return lor the r.emafnder ofJhe ' Only Iwo seats on the County Board are up meeting, which Includ.ed.an executi;ve'.ses-; t for elccHon I~js year - Distflcl J ilnd· slQ:J\"_on salary for the esu admlnl,sfrator ,- I District I _~ ~1tt~~~t~~~~t-about---t-~I~U'~:-~- Merlin Beiermann ~r rural Wayne IS Ihe l a'Rpar~nt I' District 1commlss-Ioner, Tod,)le, no 00(> has discussing the ramlf,lcatlons ot.'an 'flled for !..~I_se~.t_. move by the ~nox County S~perlntende"t~,' Association to hire an ESU ~mplqyee, to' DEADLINE FOR Incumbents seeking 10 supervise the unit's programs there,: "",', , ent~.r the May 11 primary Is Thursday, Feb leit~ir.&m:: PholographY: Randall Howol! MILLS HAD BEEN nDIllledby 25.. All other candidates have un"l Frlc;lay. the as5OC-lat1on-that--RlGhaFd--Geno~~an-c" March 12', to fife, ESU supervisor, had accej:Jfed an'offer'·fro,h:' ,­ In addition, all candIdates of both parties A time for twins th~ grOUPH~t-a-.~ubstantlal'pay'-lncte~.!W!~:,to·:: seeking ,t_Cl become. county convention direct special education prot:trems !5~tup,by ~ . delegato-s are urged to file at lhe Wayne WHEN YOU GET ~old you have to lind someone to curl up with, right? the unitT' ., ""'. ' '!"';~:,~ County Clerk's office by March 12 . southwest of Wayhe. The ovethead "eat lamp pro.vided enough heat to These two farm cats found an escape from the chill of February when they keep the corner of the pen warm while the Fe6ruary foursome dozed on .wording In the I~tter. ,~~ch suggested .~e ~ See BALLOT, Page 12 cuddled with fwin two-day old lambs at the Delmar and Kathy Lull farm fresh straw. Ere lust can't beat that kind of1lrge·fherness. . . See TE~peRs~"~~r~~~-~-I~~~: . Tfte $2 t;clc.t-'-lltlie,.-~ ..~_~~~ Cardholders cpo tma trip tbro.ugh thousands~'IlJ- m-1eIt~~~ ~~ "-~ -' ----==---=-~~~ By RandaU Howell manor available In all ~SU-----SfMes -~.I'id ·""SINGE·R. WHO thanked those attending documents In the' depadrr'-Emt~ldurl'trg Can<1ctu. fhe dedication cerem(lnies~ ford· The ~~e re9\llar library hours, or borrow them tor It'S been saId that the dollar 4oesn't go very far these days. llb~~~~~sth;~~~:~~~:t~~d~:o~:~~~~~_ ~;;~I~r~~~.~et~:~~I~O~; ~er~~~oa~1t~~~~s sfudyat home .1\ But. twoof thom will take you just aboul dlnatar, the department is now receiving, mation center ~--__ ~ ~ __ ~A.LL DOCUMENTS are m In the r!gllt place:- _ - deaJmeA1spe. '1Iotl'h.--= ht'~~d7'!'-satd:=ff'fi;~ar.iitd--5~rme----oeween~'e Ocumehl§.-· The ~19t:lt pla;:s lust might be at-way-ne That's in addition to doing the same-~or - - Sill§}el. WilD has a trlosierS degree .from In department and teaching library sGlence-at Stete College·~·U.~ C~nn Llb~~y the mQrg lhJJ[l 1,000_ fe_~e_raJ. ...g.mler:nmenL~ __c!lana·Il~!-'-¥.crsjly,.E~!Qg'nI'!9lo...D-,J_nd ...dlfid. 14 'wSC______- ~ _. d documents· the department receives per yea."s ot eJO:perience In IlbrarW'work. ".6:/1 Y'/C ask Is ~2 for the Irleil,!,~ card anfL~.~. FOR $2, WAYNE area reSidents can pur- month, a~_cord1ng to Singer. '. Sanger, who has ~ ~aC~e-Ibrs degr~ In that the cardhglders ~.f-'-6 curr~t. ,'- ~:'i:t~:rff~: ~l~ ~~a:o~'~~I~~~I~~~~:~~~ THE OEPARTMENT" ~h~ld)' t5 In the' ~;':-chutj~r~~:5~~B~:7:n:o~:~~~~,G~~~o~ ~ssforr: ~:::sar'fO~e..-~a~:-~.~- - oj yo .. " Iil,'dil dOCU"'Eld5. lower~ e c 1 wrvlce e v Iila-g~,ot havlng-- library's recard_s' updated on the Those docl,'~c~t$. fU'1ded by Jhe_~_tax' -dcdiutod -as--a-,-state ""de~1ng--a-. -----the--$tg~ttorrdesi~-- -. ~Wflereaooufs-~DOrYowers, acc;ordlng 10 p.,yen, Includ1J'more than 46',000 produceQ special ceremony Fr.lday morning fhal In"' Singer, . " " by fhe federal 9overnrn~nt. ~ ., cluded an oHlclal rlbbqn.c·uf.!!!J~ Yfayne A 'LISRARr is Of'tIyas good as ifs -SE'r ------n,e coordinator-_Mid _the document After Frlday~A!gnatlonof the·llbarary Chambt:-r 6f Commerq ccH.ee. vlce/~ she said, .NTM jhformatiorr'1J'tftlose "department. c.urrenlly ·has mOre fhan 300 0$ an olflchlil Nebra"!ln-essm£>n and college !>taff, altended~thC' t!ltC:-'J9n the ~y-s-}~fl1' NOY/, "Uie-d9(:vmenf! . access 1o m,?r~.-=docvm,!,rll.s th"ou~h. ,the ", And, tttor\ "tVl1 oo'lIl1e ecce·n. 'ceremony, whlcb alio featured the hand af!:~g::::~Z;f_ - . d~P4rtmentls 1nter./jbrat~ IMn 7yst€'~:-----::--' . r;;',";,;::f:;.;,;,~~~~r:,~i~::o;-r.~;~=~Q~..!:lli.~N~$e\-b,.:";"i€'j\il.:ll\=-":·--CC~U:'F:':':n":.;;I(~"'~";;g"'r:~~"'~·~"-!'t"',.;L4"+ln-"iol>:("'o"'i~.un-+g."r"", ~=;::;·=;-'\~:;I~:;~::~1: ~:n:-~-·y~~:~;c[~~~7r~~'.-:'~~O;":':a~:::~'::"I::"d:::I~~~n~:~;:: -llIin"'fo...-r:':-.....-a":'·- •• ~r:::H~b:~=hott~:~~b:~:~~~i;::; rq~;'~~.~he~::ca~~e:r;~n ~~:,; ~7~:;. . ~i;~i·t=~~~t~~f~~l ,~~~~~, ~~~. '1~~~~!;~;r:~~:~1t;:~.. Hb~arY-~'i ;g§r~~~i::~{n~:;~~~~ __ §i!tE~I~;:;~~:£~i~~~; .~,.-~,f,;.:;.~~,.~.t,',t,·£:.:~.~~r.·,ll~~~~t :!E~~~l~;~£rt0!:~;Ei-.~~cdi~..A):.ti~~~G Q-r'A,;rr-..tMTo Or",...I.d~~nn:4!'t 14t1 :rntQ (nfOf Iht ft""JIMd ' ",,,,,,,,, "'~"'".,;.... ,..,.e:_.... '.T _~,~ ., ' ':,~'~'~~~~ '.' :.. -':"' " '-".-.~..~, :~'_..~.~~--- -~'""------.

\",.< ;.', "<~r'~: ',c, ,,:,0> ,,:,,,e,:- ~"'/1

.~ 'f~~f.c&:-record- ~ The Wayne Herald. MQn!ay 'F'ebruary-a,·t982 -.~-,=,,= ~.:::-'< ..~. & ====iT ,.

_._-.-.<:---,.: --.--_._-_...:._--_.,..-.-'" .~.--,-, .. ~.---.------,_ .. .•eekly 9leanln~ -V811ct85" .- ­ reglster.cr -'-", __.' •.. 1 YoeationaUducation Week .BETTY McConneJl of West locafed lour 'miles northeast of {~t ~:~:I:::bl'":::u~~::~~~ W4i.1~, ~~rt'y alter 10 p.~. . 1m _ WI~lde State Sank. '. _ The week of Feb. 7,1'3 h~s been:de~lgnated mllonal Voca flonal "Educatlon Week. . -. ke Af,allelle.----gm::;::wm;or. 'and Sftaijt. Pai-g&: :\>'OCJffonaf - -~~~I~::tw;~~~~~~9:elrl:s~. th~:';d·~IJtyC:;:~,,~~~:;c: ,:~~1;~"i:::~C~:- ,.£tiU£a1lGn...lnmuctors"'at Wayne High School. along with. the _wllLsec.veJnA~paelt, kill a proposal----t~.theetty_'s,', _P!ck~.P. -- -- -,--..::: . schOOL admlnistr~tlon. invite parents and interested citizens to at the school. basing her hours distribution Iystem- fO~NpPD. 19J1 - Harold Brudfgan, _ visit the schooLand tour the. Voc.at-lonal Education Department there on times wtlen the most NPPD 'has proposed to leaSe tbe. _ Hoskins, ~evi John Ke.allng, • Theme for Vo,ational Education week this year Is students are available'.' distribution system' Q"ly and to' W,vne, DOd~e; Mlc .08e~nke, warce",~'. 'O~dge;., "Voc.atfonal Edu~atJon.Keep~Ame~lca Working'," ..1_._",,,,- pav1he city fenpercen.t9,1 the ad· Mylet MEMBERS OF Hart-!noton justed gros'S Income In payment. BergholZ, Wake'lfefd P,mDae. .... Isory Council and visit the school's Vocational Edu.Cdtion Pro· -Cvnte'1nTaT. Inc. last week con· '. 1980 -:" Ed WatkIns', ~nslde, gram d~_~9 fe~!:.':1~r" 1rJlQlLd_W!ltl.1!lltR~Dy----.fLREdepartment offlc_@ls~l:IlIJL_ ~~~.~__ of f'lttsbUrgh! Pa., tor Us ser· ..Jn5urance adjusters' are. 1919 - Stanley Mafle-tte:, vices hi helptng the communHy estlmatlng'. a possible loss 01 WaYn.e, Cadillac; Byron MenKe, Koch elected to board stage Its Centennial Celebration 520.000-or more In a lire which Wayne. Chev. J r I 5 struck Foster' Manulacturlng 1917 _ 0110 Wagner. Carroll. Marlyn Koch. Wayne; was among more t,~an 600 represen service!! wlU be approximately Company ,bulldln~ .in .50ul~west Ford, _._- ---+--j,_""'oH<~r:8sk8·S91 counl, ish 5 who-cOn\t1mel."Hn ~y- - >_...._""'...,~i:'.. ;"",,~,"),,},~:;;;.~,[, • S1J.9SO. The company ,wHt 'pro' P.ie,rce: The Urn tiroke- ouJ oliouf 197''':'- Dale Lessmann. Wayno, - last mon~-- ~ - -.. --vIde a trained celebtalion coor 1.30 jJ.m. Saturday. Jen, }O. A Volkswagen. The event' combined the activities of both the Nebraska WiIYn~ "",lid PhotDQ'~llTl~ dinator, scenery and co~fumm, cultlng torch being used on a 1975-'~~Randall Mark!> Win. slde~ulck. Association of Fair Managers and the Nebraska Slate Board of Chamber Progress-Award for <'l historical stage show, llnd a fractor lqade,r pts the. Wayne Chamber of Commerce ptred term Df the lale Orrin KohlmeJer of Craig' FIRE OF undetermined Origin bUilding. Wayne. Buick; Oaryllage. Car, Prbgre~s Koch. State Fair B-oard merflber representing Wayne County Award du..-ing a recenl coffee at St. Mary's School. The school observed completely destroyed the farm roll, Plymouth said the bQard has -authorIzed the publlcatlon of a quarlerly Catholic Schools Week in Wayne from Jan. 31 to Feb. 6 with a weeklong schedule ot home 01 Mr and Mrs. Bill West ....1973 - Pat luff. Winside. newsletter to acquaint patrons and exhibitors. with timely. flrsl a_ctivities. last Sun!:!ay evening. The Wausa ..Toyota Pickup, ,. hand fair information, .' ,.' V9Iun:tf:~r Fire Oepartment w(t$ _ ..... Hit:]' -F Welter Fledf', J-r., " er'·ff's . . called to lhe burning home. ;,rl os .... ns. ord· en~ee:t:~~~~:~~~:;~~~i~~~~i::t:::~on~;;~':e:;~~~~~:~: 1982 - Walter lange. Fair, PO. Box 81223, Lincoln, Neb.. ~ og Wakefield, GMC Pu; Wayne Homemaker School is free I Pubtlc Schools, Wayne. Pontiac; ~ Kevin Jech. Wayne. Chev, Pu; The ~d th,nqs in Itle are fre(' l'lOnOm ,sl MEN AND women are inv'.ted James Robinson. Hoskins, Dodge And. that <, "'dctly what's go HOJll('rT1<1ker'-, )-chool<, a'> pro to 'lllend the program, whICh will district firemen put out chimney blaze '"9 !o happ('1'1 to those attendonq qr,l"l d,ro,'( lor tJ(, one 01 more thiln 300 con The Wayne County ,Sherlfl's Pu. Good Tr"rlqs to You In 87 Th,· prep,H,Jtlon of cl wide (JU( ted throughout 4B ,>tale'"; dur court Oepdrlment Is invesllqal!ng a 1981 - EdithOkUban!o. Wayne, A chimney fire at the home 01 Earl Fuoss. <110 logdn Stre!;'! Homp.mak"rs S<.hool Thur,>ddy ""r,,·ty o~ rt:.·('pl'S, 'nclud,ng ,nq fhe yeM break In at Broyhill Manutactur '.' Ford; Katherine Butler, Wayne. was ex',nqu,"hed by the Wayne Volunteer Fire Deparl"H'nt Tht' proqr,' (('('pe., dnd rnor-e-Clr€• ()(uens- and -dolen,:>- 0-1 -prTle-".i ltil. vo;; Rod5ieve'T'S {STeven; HaT bt-eak'in- -at- Hr.-ffi- J.?IQ -.Bradley Roberts_ .car 01 rool Ivd~d p. m trame house and melted much lhe <,now on the Herdflj and e pr('.,en!t>d tre'e 01 ch.rrqe 10 al1 pr'les IS Included tn dn adverl-;;';e County Courl, whICh dwarded Thompson saId en.fry w-.;I-59ilin- The Wayne Herald dO; mdo;ter at tho\-,' ijfl,,"d,ng fht:.: Thur,>day ,ne'lt t'lsewhf:rt· ,n 10ddY''; e-d by kicking In crpanel In the 1976 - Max Kathol. Wayne: Kr,lm('r "26<1 tudgement for 10 ~~~~~ p~oger Wln~jde. and t>ldn( y M"nn " I-lroqr,)rTl flPW'>PdpC· r ) dkins, Pon41"c; Herbert w,11 pldy evidence property destrucHon In Carstens, Randolph, Ford Pu .,ide the manager'S OHiC(. LAUREL ".d....1-.... '-'" Oun Q'~'" "''''.''n (tn""mOfl '011 ~ \..IOuUr 0'''''''' berlin,. "W'll ("'P ~'rn~h He .....-Hd nOlhing was reporled 'b<>.n~ 6u"~' s~ide. Ak-Sar-Ben membership sought puGdLnc;l Or ...,..d Ir ..) Thur'd• .,. f,b 11 PNI"'u' ••nd­ 1ft".." 01 (I'>e-f', '-DIad. t,,'rOi \"'1> -"pp1t' mlsslng'iri the bredk in Ch-e-v.: Cindy 8allard: TUfl~." Fdl , MII~h<'O''''o round••ppl.,.....vo" ""p, F.""'eI'!)·....d Wakelleld. Dodge .. nd dr""'~'nQ. u ..nb."."..~. I"", 'oU~, p""" Fncay, F ..b 'J Ton",lo ""up 'J'dled F'ld4Iy.FdllJ·S'~kJef,"f>(h"_ county ", ...u.d .... ~ _ ,,,...... P"""""9 <..k" 'The top :'ne up 01 enfertd'nment we've had in years ,...,.,.. c=k'e". "" (he-' • ""'''''- P'''''' 'OO",~ '911 - Lyle Grone, Wayne. That's how Alan Cramer. Wayne Ak-5.ar Ben Ambassador Wed....""'"" Feb 10 ~o' hom nrnl (hll""" M,'k «',~.,(l""!lle<>oo<..t' an., I breJ 1''''10'' -.anOwlCh. ~.. ~, pelOCtin. (00)''''' or ,«,1"<1 f't'nl;-Il'r~ , court Chev. PUi Oebbra Patr-as, described the entertainmenl offered Ak Sar Ben members thl5 t. ,,~ M,I" ""'"fll ... ,'h ....'h ...., Wayno. Olds: Dale Vist••-:; ·S<7,~ year Thu"c1a.,. f ..b II '-,PdOh , ..I..... ""p. PO'&(!'lft. <,,,,.... mon ",,, re-ckle-~s Brothers Band. The Staller Brothers, S-molhers Brothers, The .h", '1><>I"d, l<>"&\IChoo! cho'ct' onlyl IV''''''' ~rt"'9'" ~",lt<:1" SS, and 'Gregory Dodd, South glad to forward memberships to Ak Sar Ben A coupon appear.s "9'''''' p<>1 ..'""" "v" J;l,,~ 1[""",.. b",r TllurlodJlY, Feb II LlIlUIgn... ..d m-an---adve-rHsemen-l elsewhere jn today',> newspaper "Just ftr! -((IO'n. '011-' .nod'lWllt'"f', o"llIlIn or chert SIOU~ City, l-l\v-a+id- reg-ls--l-r--a--l-ton~ ..,l"d. C'&Cu·,.or 'olh. 91'1411" r---~------~--l It In and send if to me and ~i1\ forward il 10 Ak Sar Ben lor \IS 'rtdlly;".b,ua~" ..ErMu...F..d_tt. fLlJl..tlu'l1tt-L--~ ----I ' 1'0','. .. - • you," Cramer said dnd c~s.e. cbrrol lind [<:I>ll!1'y ~tld,lI.. pIneal' SMAll,CLAIMS FILINGS' - .-- tn'itliT~Qf'f:2ap-:m::-:::-MDiTn"2 p:m~iu,uloy ". I senior eltlzens ~tc! ,lIc~. QIf ctke"'\ '-IIllld. ulIdl(l'rt or roU, plnet'ppl.. JUG," • Gary Van Mcl@-r (Mfne-s-- MlIlts.,.,....d",ITht'..d,m.,.oi t- I Voluilleersll$sisting taxpayers Jewelry), Wilyn.e, plcl!nllll. seek congregate meal menu lng ~25 Irom Robed and-julie III'·....••a'l· : ~urton, l~lIlelon, Colo, for • Over 800 indIviduals have volunteered therr tlme and skills ~~O:P:Vd i~sue~ this year ta help taxpayers with their ,ncome tax returns Monday, Feb. '8: Barbecued· beans. dIPP"~O banana sdlad. pdyment Check' DQIIIU I ~ meat balls. scalloped potatoe-1>. whole wheat bread, vanilla pud service thF-6U§R- -t-Ae Internal Revenue Service's V01unleer Income- tax I j AssIstance (VITA) program peas and carrots. .sliced tomato ding with c:herrles on lOp They ~ood togeth" and Thursday, Feb. 11: Chicken Over 100 sites will be manned by volunteers in locations salad. whole wheat bread. peach station changed the desllny 01 I' throughout Nebraska The volunteers will help taxpayers fll! oul halveS casserole, spinach with hot an entire lIMbe! 1 the basic 1040A and 1040 with Schedule A and B, and lhe vegetable sauc'e. red hoI ap Tuesday. Feb. 9: SWISS steak In 1 Nebraska 1040N They also will help qualifYing taxpayers take tomato sauce. French -baked plesduce salad, >dInner roll. Navy Hospital Corpsman )rd adv-antage of the Earned Income Credit and Credit lor the potafo, cauliflower with cheese gingerbread with lemon· sauce (I<;iSS Craig A Conaway. whose 1 Elde.rly. sauce, apricot blender salad, Frle!ay, Feb. 12; Tuna and wife. Brenda. IS the daughter of I Assistance sites in this area include Wakefield and Wayne French bread, sugar cookie noodles, deviled egg plate. blend Roy and Marie Whaley of laurel. Volunteers will be at the Waketleld Senior Ciflzens Center on eod v~e'able",. layered leHuce has reported tor duty with the 2nd 1 Fridays from 2 to 4 p.m.. and at the Wayne Senior Citizens Wednesday. Feb. '0: Pork salad. whole wheal bread; fre!.h Medical B.attalion. Camp le :" Ab.olu'.I~ WOII"''''ul b,.,..at~.t I Center ~ach 'Tuesday and Thursday trom 1 10 5 p'm chop, dressing. buttered wax truil feune. N. C toll. ,h. WhDI. 'amlly - Goy fh_.r. - I i The VIT,A program was designecl to provide free help 10 low FRI.-SAT.-"fUE. Al Income, no.!!,English speaking, handicapped and elderly tax 7;20 I!o 9:30 " ""~~'---,----,-----,,~------, 5- payers" I· . I AGENDA SUN,-MON.-WED.­ .& THUf!. THE WAYNE··. HERALD ~.~~~:::~ ,:~;.;:~' AT 7:20 ONLY ~I~g ~orUut ..t "~br"ka" Gr"hlt '.rmingAr.. '-_""." obituaries .. Bargain· Nlghl Tuas, "-,,lIall"_1Id . .c ··.Jd=-l!iF-:~~~l==Jk~~' ~~~.P----la-tfe~Ci:llldreni '0 great..9@nJ1thl,dr,en.and ~. ...etace~,_._. .. ---~T- onesrsler, Mrs. Irene-Kaiser of"seattre,'Wasn:-= - Insuranu"CO;---gepoffi- ..IOC ···26C . He Is. also -pre-ceded In death by ~I$ parents, one brother and one Curt Fry& (la.im ·U ' '-:~lF·--o;fJ-o --- '-'~;:~ibear~~~-were r~rt, R~oeyJ O-;;~~f;S~ A.J. and Lynn Blrd~ell -- .--H~:~I;'·~--J:~

2F ol~F .0.70 o16f,"25C

-,, , , coUAr~.Gi~'~;::~~~:~~~-~7~-;~~~~

~~~~~·~~~.-b-U-Ilfea1""""'boUI a portur+toi>To,,,-,,,,,.'-=,,,=g=~-"'" _.~~-a -6CHe-r-hiuidl.e..f.ot:...W¥omtn~~piHl+------...-- Why, thos.e panhandle people ~!lould know .!I:ifry'd be jumpln9 - .Of COUR'S'E, y~ know. If.the L.egjsiat.(.Ir~ h;d'·a~-get~:p. . __ right from the frying pan into 11m Oro! ~o lo"~peak NOW, DONIT get me wro'ng I've gol ~othTng against WYarn° 'n-glf, It would strl1

lean pickIn's, I'd Scly, - And, I've got a brother living rlght smack'dab in thel1\Tddle" 'h""OOe,','n\tamkae'chlhe. LIttle Big H?:l'l Mountains io~~e w~ole .'_ 01 'he slate, so I have 10 be lJ bIT careful abou·t what:1 sa:v.. . -----:: NOW', fHR~T off, YQI,Tg61',1 iidmil Tf',M Wyortifnq ..... 6uld IQol< He lives ~n Casper. I \1lslted that clty som~ time' back andl Can, you l~ciglne what a'boost. that'd b·e"fo"'P-Nebraskals pretty silty ~I,I"h a panhandle _JJfllc:l\(~d Ihe population doubl~ il't48 hours, lourlsm Jndustry. It'd agdc;J who-Ie-new maan1rlg"t6-~'Sk~ _~-+_--c.Nr.:;;:~;:,ro;;;a~nkrii".;;WO"Uia:

Fudhermore. Wyommg I'> il lot e,',>I.!f !() kU!JIlGr t Itl\' :,0, even tholJqh I Crlnnol understand whv'lhey'd want It any wlth IhoSe powerful open <¥..m.s"": - idea. But, most 01 ,them rtrt:' dirl'd(J';_(,prr~'ld EJrelty lhln tlqhtlnq (JI!'''renl the pM king 101 arr lawmilker<, . th" Black H,lIs area for a bid on the lease draw the wkolnlng n.ame'from the hat and that wO,uld be Ihat. _--,=r~.~!!.~in!;J ?lit:_~hY--i\Jst.J!1e--other-daY-.a-fellepwas--teH'---- Can vau believe, tor oni' mlnlJ4t. that that''/, ,I probl,.,n i\nyone wtlO'e, trJed to park at Moun!- Ihould only hv(> lontj ,'nrn,qh 1)',1.1 til! U'[I' .In'l'' ,I, 1'I"'Jf" Ib,)1 there',> II crdlcal need for more Cilr o;pac(' there Tiler!,' we'd be happier because eve~,ybody likes to·wln Ing to hIs cattle.. . any 01 u!> J ironiC-oily. the panhandle is <;0 well located the p,lnhilndl(' pl'1Iwdf1', r',Jv' 111"'11 t(l'lo,,'1I F qrli Ihfl'l!ttlr!> If yO\! pMk all Ihos(' c,lr<, on the mpu"'illnc,. things along and Ih(>y peCI.,1 lund lor runaway panhandlers. ~ - Catch YOU' next week., Japan trade fii!ewpo1nt t \ barriers on .Tal k abouflrees.-e_, meat unfair ----~ ---- In fact, the harsh winter of 1982 coqld.be considered a r~mlnder particularly to farme~5 _---!hat shelterbelts are invaluable as' natural protection for livestock: In addition, the trees go ajQng way toward protecting bUildings and farmhomes fhatwpuJd to farmers otherwls~ be exposed to the ~Iements and substaqtlat energy loss. The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife at the Northeast Staf.ion, Concord, is g~t For some 'Ime nOW, 1 havi! I)e"n 'v,,'r\, ,on again encouraging area rural residents to In on some kind of tree-planting program ihls ~r, ~ cerned i1boul the plignt the !,HJT,,'r~ " Among the things mentioned In th~ department's mosf re~ent newsleft~r Is the Cla(ke' Nebraska and the Greal Plain" ! week I wrole 10 Pr~e,I(1':1l1 _ About 1,2 million seedll[lgs still are avatlable for spring pfantl':'9 through.the program. Reagan about that problt'm Price Is a a nomlria1 In per 100 seedlings, Including postage and handling.. _ . ' -~ Th~!'~: less than 25·c:ents per tree. Glv~n ihe yalue·of tre~s for 'woodl-ots. "Wln~breaks The eKecutlve brdnch lor \,('<1(', II,)'. OOl)y -----snenerbelf~abltat, ~nergy ~nvlronmental lal-k-ed-abou-f tnk-probtem, and 1t1~ J and !wt'l,d Both urban and rural resldentnlre-el,lglble participate In the program. Urban residents their pleas for greater American pol' 'enu, to need to careful to .vol~ violating munlcJpal codes when planting trees.,. ' .' , The trees, whkh are available only in lOO·seedling lots, ,Include s~lectlons from .ever9reen~_.:: hardwood and shrub varieties. Among them are-,cedars, junipers,. asb, ,'maples, ~tl~~$! ,. chQkecherry and plum trees, . .. ~ - .- . I' ,• :•. Of tOUfSe, evergreens are.th&-best wlntl stoppers In winter, tt@·Nebraska. Forest Servlc'e points out. But l1lmost any well-planned-tree planting will afforcf,years"of wlndbrea'klng., Another tree-planting bonUS Is that 1sheltel'belfs will r~dllce snOW dr'lf~lng,around:h:oO).es; Billwou.ld force state f.unding farmsteadsandf~edlots. , .. _.,' , ._ ::_'~,-,::.,;'.:.. .,. Northeast Nebr:askans are fortunate 10 be abl~ to participate In" ihe Clar~e-McNar.'l'pro·' ,. gram. -- . ------:- .. --,----:-.-~ ~7··· 'I· -:-. ::,,?".=:::::;:"= -lJ\JSlffE"S"s:M"£lrjifedlcted that the bills OM 01 lhl! bIlls ffHi11 r'-ave InfT'.educed thrs ~ area--re~ldlf~l5IcanTalford_to rgno~~ t;lp~,. se':.<,lOn IS l B 842. which would r-e'qUlre the would have- a detrlment~1 eUeet on the· Ana, qlyen the Jmrne a new or (!)(pant!ed program thaI econo~lc growth and employment. gener,lte!i grealer cos15 at Ihe LQcallevel \ 1e<.>1 Ibll\ when Ihc Legislature require!> The state Tax Commissioner said that the lacal government~ 10 Implement or e)(pund new tax would bring Nebraska's'torpora­ tion taxes into line with other sta·tes, _ program-5, Ii -1.'1\'10 r.hQuld lork .over-the Another plen to raise additional funds for money 10 pay lor il. , Th~ 10Cill 90vcrnmenfs are under the 7 the state Includes additional 'fax85- on percenilld, and It lust seems 10 me that we b'III'~I'~h~a~ve~b~~~n~':;n;lr;Od~U~Ced~~~~;,~~"""':""~""""""~~~~'=~~~~~'I";t=~~~ lo:...boast-.dga~ta:w:e5cigarettes, Three a~';"q,.out 01 Dolfi ~ide!:l of our mouth. to .I B 153 I, ~-9overn()r,wQurdlncrease-meraito-- - l.0r~"mWff&""fi"iJFwdtl the 110, and Ihen~x· ---4our:=cen~ek-."h8--712-·woitld-also pand ~hef:ie progril;m; or add new ~)Oes. -----:-::- --;- ._' , ,._--. I.n·"- The Nebraska Pork PrOdQC~r ASsociation crease the clgarett~, tax to fbur cent5~ but Is supporting the blll'asamen~~:_!!J~~_~~el tba-money would be ~pent an ~aplta~ con- ON A 35-0 VOTE lasl wee~ the Can<::cr that we n~d more confr_ot ~ l!\gy~m"'-ttnt -s-tJ:ttcllon: prolects--in the- statecolleges and RegIstry bill, LB 212, won tlrst-rou-nd'~p1 o! dl5ea5~d ~erd5. 'University QfNebraska systems. , _ i ....proval. If is a·measure th~t would set up a L8 762 \ system in whicb ~II diagnose<:! cance~aSe6 AS A MEMBER of the ·Revenu~om..r.nlt would raise the: tal( by Qne cent and u$e t,he money fQr local healtiJ departmEu~t5 ._~~~~e:u~ua~or~~'r~es;:~;;~~.a~tnh~ In~ ~It ~:;~~~::~~::~;~::;:=e~~:~!U~~: . 'al1.d ~brv!ces. . Amendments were-added that;would en· - Ing heard ~fore-·qu~~"ij).!!':ltt~....,..,.,--·-:-,. --,----- sure confidentiality for patients,·Including a_ During oneOffllil1earlngs some repreSeJl" provision th;' no patlant, 110~ a memli'el"'of tatlyjls of Nebraska's business corn;,;m;;un;I!;,>:Y_ .:i'.;;;;;~~~.FG~ifircnii'iiiiiiiiiifn~~ --..:u,!/LJLlilelooinllng...jwIL1l¥!,l=A-"'''''''''='k>--.:....tm'"l~ss~lo~n~.,!''ro"!m~hl!'''~ph2y~'~,C¥'ia!!·n"'. ~'!!!!!Q!!!--"'=' .·l,,,,,W past~r i~I-~L~_:':::- :' . -nJ(~'R0V, Tom 'Gr~+JasaiS..(,?ed~~~ie5~.i~a~~nTie--worTU~";-:· ~'~~/',-I~r Gr6Y's fa~ily in<;l,tld~5 b[s~ifi-~n~-daU9h~e-1 - _ ., \ c~j,~,i~:~~i¥~~e;!f;h:~:rE£~~~~u~~~:~~~~'~:~:~~~,'~='=~-e::l:.ea ~;'~4e- -~co' ~~~~I·t·~'~c-- -a-;--I~":e·'~-n":1ia·-:··t~:~: - rsa-I s"c,l0 n_t I· n. - m'·· 1'."'Qe.'1eeyantlc;pale, opening the Chefstlan Book Stoe• .Ill 8 r1 V -• ."'.... ., . ,.. . - ~. )';~:'~=~i:~~;ue~~sefted:' ~"~/ "fo-'~r-'j LCtMdrtdr 010 i'::M:::""'~:;'::~~:"'" , . ==:;=::;:;::;:;;;;:;:~~;;;;~;:E;;:;;;;;;;,;~;;;;;;:;;;;:;;-;;;;;~~~=t=~'=--=":...-"- .'I~_-~--·" ---~-._. ·--~~~::=~~~r~;;:~!~~~~-. -'-=:~:"'-=:-=---- ... - ..-- -' '. . -,' . - .. - __· ~n" ~,.g""'-J.ti.!r, lt9u~io, .c.1llim,lCO Is 50n!i, .-\ , pm 'l a1 ·Sf. MarY'$ Catholic.: Pdvl Schrad awj. Mr and Mrs, DVVighf Dempster, all,ol duc!lon' 01 L,l M,Jlldr.:rgoi,I" fly fit! iI'. ,1 doclor ""hO ha5 HE'; nllnor I:; .business ad'- TUESDAY, F-EBRUARY, ' ~N.,.fclk,--- Ik Conl~y_ ~eyl and Mr. and Mrs Vincent Meyer clnd lamI N,ccol' Md' '1 m'IC}IC potion which wi.ll - rl"nr115/r,l'IOn Grace Lvtheran Evening Circle Parents.·~;-- , ,)f-Rllndolph) and Mrs Delmar EddJe and Monica, Mr a-nd Tn-e 'J)' h(:("f.'WrQr~ ch,ld\es'T 'Klic~ and KlaUer Home EKJens'lon Club, Mrs Erwin Fleer brldagr60m are Mr. and Sfephen~ M~_..,,' \(f.>nneth Eddie, Mr. and Mrs.·. Leo .. !'q'l yf 1,\ [--r1"Cl'IVI! - MARK FORO, who comes 'fo Villa Way-nc Tenilnls Club Weckly"nHletlng, 2 p·.m. _Mrs.. Joo' H. Mc~'n .or. '!' .7fer, Mfs --ITennTs Rohde, ChriSlj-8ndRyan,-~~nd-~r~ \~Iyne Si<~.!e from Plattsmouth, JE Club. Peg Gormley, 2 p.m . Columbus. The bride Is the-' ,Ie Dahlkoefter...... Bddl-'affug;;,h",le",'"Omf;-,F",lo",o:>n",c0o:-:'+:-:--= Ile<)(" '1M'd-p-lar.:.lo rniljor i-;' broaf,! WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 ' r5-:-- Reynold -(oberg -or 1,J<,tlng ...... /1 _' Redeemer Lu'hcrOlh...C:i.r.c. Car-(()lf------,dected forhoJlors chorus DON, GREEN 01 P,l,IOrl lH I~ 0"1 on Ed l,kC!n ,IS PPM Tlmoleo, Lmda seT IN ,,)n, '--"lur, ' ''''''ur ,~,I), ,j doubk· ',l~nlor-arWayneCarroll High School, and Tim Llneb~rry, WilS(ll1 as Luuella,.Ray Warden ~'I\ I ! ,jl ( ,1 <) I'''J, 1'_)" .1 'nd ,I', Slro, M,chele Brockmoller as -,I '-"',r and Mrs ,Abe Lineberry of Concord and i\ tunlor cll ,n \Id"rn,j t~'[' 11 r',' "~'I , ~o<,lrdl,1 -LUCfl':'lla's molhclO-r,>c, N'Cl r""., '(,<111. u "r' Jr' the Ragen. Center for Fine Art'; On ltot:, ~e:'j0Y,)n "dull'!. lind $1 for senior dlllcn!) rT'.'H~r ot I LJCff!!:,1 ,f JI f' 11'.11"1 HH:,Jl'" .vno' 'I';'dyn\~ 5Mtl! ~fud~mts i1t'!d f'lcuHy 1'1/<1 •. ot '" I'" ",,(.1, ',0'" I, ('Jr~l N,,3dl',on ,,,.II LJe "dml:fl'd ~ree -of ChMgC . ~~y~u~ degrees w~,~ ,'111... Meler. Wakefield, ano).,Qan W-e--s-t-. a .ysitting dlnic'.1 =--~·e;,yr~exer:crsesT~r the 26th 'class 01 pract" tll -- ", ------'~~--='---- ~~~),--!iDrtheast-'f"eot:hnirai-EummlJl119 College I~TECI --­ ,·,r,ames are scheduled Wednesday, F,eb 10, dt 7 ]0 p m ',r-::C Ac/l.vtlles Center The ceremony 15 open 10 Ihe I Qfiered to-youthsc- -- . . ~ f.,fl, Rda Hess, OS B .. Admlnlslrator at SI jo",eph A- babysitting CJIr)ic tor area ~.lVlnlJ t!ley havcA=0mple1ed the _____~!JQme I.n NN1Qlk, Will deriver the graduahon addn:·v. youths- wUl 00 offered lor four program: ~c1"" ""III be.presenled to 22 pracllc<)1 nur'>Jnq I;jrddu,lll:.:.. ..t-¥~ c~~~!lve ~- :'1~'-;;)f nO~trO Tuesday afternoons: --=- Wa'j5a,-1':tf

• I\r"d ;;tuClenfs have been named tafhe'Presldent's Honor Lisl \:L,t Bean's Honor List for fhe first~~.19.~~. f , ,.\ TeEI=lRlcal Ce mlolilly Collega:(NTCCl ·'·nong fhose named t9 fhe Pre5~dent's Honor LIst, whIch. ~~,~r'~:9r:1-JQ':;"t"def'lts eaF'nl.flg--a....perfecf ~~, - -, <,(:

!'J~t.'mbers of"FNC Club -rnef ;;lan. J-l tn the Juhus Baier home ?I iz~s-went fo Mrs. Irene Geewe._Mf'S· Laverne Wlschho! and Mr'j< Clata' Echteflkamp; =---~-----;--' - i!i~py Jlomemakers meet t--~~~.-~:-'~--=---===:;::':===~======~=~====;;:;, '~'-:'--'.-'-'-,~ ;:::;;;,;:1;'2.;+-


KELLY ROBSON (321 of Laurel drives in for a baslcet leff: Brian Soderberg, Mike Clay, Mark Penlerick, as Wakefield's Mark Stanl, Jeff Coble il!'d Mike Clay Mike Jonas, Mark Stan), Tom Schwarten. defend. In right photo, ther ball is up fo~ grabs. From Defense keys Bears in winover4"roion~ A flurry of sl)( unanswered points midway Wakefield's fJrslllveare: 5·6, 5 10,5·11, S 11, 'opened up a 36'~'2 feild. ~ I, Ihrougtitfi'c third 'quarter, ' . Rath 2, Ben Galvin 1. ' i i. p, Martin ,70,0, '·1 14· through the third quarter held off an at 6·0. ,Needing. a near-mlrtttte finish, the Tro· The Bears were,l-ed b.y a balanced offense Wakefie,ld scaring: Troy"Greve 12, CrClig D. Marquardt 24-4'38 leiT1pfed Wakefield rally and led -to a 54--33- jans lUr'~l1d tQ a full court press In 1hc fourth of M!ir!Ln ,!,!I1fll_~:.J.?_ol!Hs'~~9bso~ with 1~ DenHerder 4, __ Mlk_~ _.Murphy' -4. -Tom ,B.-Marquar~t ---~:~:: .~- .';~, Laurel victory Friday night JUST WHEN it appeared Laurel mig~ll • quarter In hopes 01 forcIng some lurnoverlj: and Tim Bloom with roo Dave Marquardh~ Schwarlen 2, Scoff Greve---z; Wes Greve'2, M; Pellierick : The Bears, backed by their trademark run away with the game, Wakefield COilc;:l) __1

~a;d~ h:~dt~r~~r~Ct:::~:~:;I~~~t1~~el'~lone > beltt:tl~~:I:~t'h;~;:~:~e~o~: ,~o::e~I:~~'S 54 33 th~~~i~at::7~~ the Troians with 1<1 points eridge Friday. ~I:e~;rw:~~~t:~s~e~;~u~~r~~~t~~i ~i)~lpi~l ~~;:;tt:~~~ss::;c~r~~~~~nc~~ '~~~~~ss~~c;~~ K~:~~~b:~~~1~ :~~~~~b~,~C~~lYur:7~o:~~ ~~~5~::~ ~r'::le~at~:It~~:nb~nh~~~o:~~jn~ ~aaukr~lleld 8 6 8 11-33 WAKEFIELD FG Fti~'F -ip·.-- 10 6 12 16-54 M. Starzl 6, 2,3 3' 14 lo-pOlnt tead by the end of the fjr~t quarter end 01 the first half ~ Jool P"rks. said. "Towards the end 01 the Laurel won the junior varsity game. 4$·26. M. C'lay - 5 ~"-2~2 4 12 Kelly RobSon nnd"Phtt---Marttn im-ch----scOrcd :----W-akclte+d--Sllh led.oM I aft~ if< tRe 1AfFa 4l:~-Rj)H.---W<'lkp-Ucid -did--l1_--900!L.i-0b-_aL.c.o.n.:. Laurel' scoring: Troy. Young 10. Ron, LAUREL FG~--FT----F- -w - j~'C:;oble----'- ] 1,5 .::=-3:---~ --3=,--== sill polnt~ In the opening period period and pulled back within eight polnls at-- trolling the tef\"l-po, They dld.tJ good lobol b'e Htn.chmlln 6, Paul Lolqulst~k~KaSffl:iP--- ~ 3 8.Sodelbeig g_'OO 4 g ThelwoClarkDlvislonleam5milfche~up 28-20 with 5:21 remtllning In the thIrd ingpatlent." . Forsberg ,.4, Mark HerrrYllmn 4,-----rvtark' T.Bloom . 3 ~-6.· 1 10 O. Thompson 1 2j3 3 4 we+!-. #e'9!"-wtse lattrel'.'" '54arHng f-l-ve -qo-aHer~''f-hen;-taurcr-~-l)tfunsl:bl.'"okeioose-:::::--' ~~td-he-w-a-s-n!-t----Emf-o'"-t."lbI(l.JJ-r,l-tjJbis-_ Pcnlc:rtck ,4•. Jroy Helfman No'play much." _-----Bet-/.ilr burned, Southern with his sharp am::l $outher!'1·· made 41 percent of shots, The loss dropped Southern o.ul of second The Wildcats play at Bellevue College Tues: ..oJ.---s-weell over -"'!Q!'folk teams this season by The Bille Devils were led by Kevin Maly shooting all nigh-I. The 6·1 senior guar.d. can place with a 5·<1 conference. record and day and will host F)rt Hays aflij 'Kear~~y---­ pounding Norfolk Catholic 52·28 Thursday In with 16 polnls and Pete Warne with 11. Other ned 10 at 12 shots In. the game and hit his last overall record of 13-10. WSC 19 now 11-13 ana Staf~ on Friday and Saturday respectively. -tt bOys-·gIrls de)'tibleheader at' Wd¥nc. Last scoring: Carl Urwller 6, Steve Peter50n~4, seven In a row-all In the second half 1·] In CSIC play week, Wayne's freshman boys de.feated Jeff Sharer "~., :"::, i-,,:"':,'~~:~i' ----=._ _ _, ..~_~ -'-- ~ _' __~ .~----~ ~- -,--- - __~~. -'- ,_.'__ ------=-~~ ~~~'-. '--'--~~ ",,, ',i" --." ------,- --.------" --- - .. L.-' ~;r~~~-~::~- =__==_==o=-=~=--==;======j~J!1~lJftf~~·~· ~1liOynelnlossJo-Em-er_son I~aak W~to~_m_'_e_et_i_ng 18_~_" -----'+~'5iii~i;iillivi"'=c="" ----"1 ,,~.' T\11 lnSlde play of ·6-1 center", ------'~'~c-ent;;t~h-~Sand·~' The WCtj'_ne-'.lz;~alton'will hold their regular mee-Jlng. ,at_: JAarY:Walsh and the cold shooting. b~1I over 24 times. ,~ , !:30.tonight (MondS-vJ in the'CoIUnibos,Federllt'meetl~1'OO'm'.-'- -of. -Wayne~s. gi'rls·JJ!d, Emerson- . EmerSon, was- lee by tilfary - h ' - - 55-30-.-.!fIUri."p~.£~i" ! .•H\??bard, ta 'a' W~lsfi-t'I'i,th POlhht;,~o~n;,;,~"ie~Id~_t,,~W;o;m:e~n:i~.5~s;t;a~t~e~~o~w;_'~i~n~·i~t~rtlp~~~~~>,=b:~~;'~~~~~~~~ day,in t.he con:~~~-'I~n _9.![n~_~ 24 llie Wasl, Husker Con erence .,,::~ ~ff¥~~sOn'5 :~a&J(elS ~WQmen ~_W.ish to- ddiJo ., .. "~.i:-Stat p yea'-·r9U'r':o~erll.me gam~, arid·; 7 b~O~V~,g~-a~m~''ef~,H~.:,:~-i'~:;~:~=-=--: . Jou'marnent.- -r~e--·tc;l.lirn~i'_wai.T= ume on lns'lde shots "-~~:;~~~:~~';~l~a-rcti'l3'arnrTi '$'6ould p~y. their $18 to ·Iost f6ree, ,. ': Wisner-Pilger,' played to;, Wisner. . The Bh"e Devils Ie! the game Thursday's contesl was nlp-. . Way~e:'s next, ~a';e~" ar_e , .' Emerson, '!!htch'last year drop' get away in the s~cond quarter Wln.slde rated '.,,_It-ln Clals D, an(,i-'tuck-·-all· -the--way,"'wlth· th'e !1oCha"eli;,d•.~'ler~o ..!,.r'~.~~.;_~_!.l~~-ed" ~ ~~:;'/tt; ~:;kH~s:"e::;:~~~~ ~ when ~me....son racked up a 22·9 j. ',West Point ball clu~~ffie .~ ...... -.vff,-o-tuU'~-nra" T:: ~,_sco-rIn9,advant~ge, Wayne, 112, . The"Winside w:restlers flll,ally,reached the toPhonor~~!!r:t eltgelntheov.erttmeperlod,< :~~~-Ik~~ Tilled t~~ tour'!e.?m ~'le~d sLnce is Sch~_d)Q .pJ-.W, at Wisner Nebraska--·S1::hotastlc. WcesJUng C~$,----AssOd-atJon---t'afings-- ,." Todd S'chw.~rt~ led'1iIL~ea. ne-----tlr·"'n tI .·U'-'-- 4~ West.P---oj-nF-CeR-tral--cai~a:s-­ Ptlger luesday night and host were released this week. -Tne-'WUdcat5 -it.,t6Pe~r.~·ortl"1hkd in the with- H "~j~tsc'anc:t$,e~e:OYertn. ._.__ ..:. .:...... ~__ ..:.J!ojn.t __ no glrJ-s team. ~_L_,,_ ~_... aJli1~ ou~rt'g, *~th T~ni5 ~C Emers.o'n·Hubbard.- on Thursday last ratings to Urst.:1bls week...... , had _'__ l4 ,8 I" ,., '-54 Wajn~'s perfO-Qnance lett for Parents' Night' The top 10 teams are: 1. Wlnslde. 2. E~m ~reek,-3-:~ulle.n,.t. and 14.:,r~bC?u,:,dSi:~haun'~.lIer;n>ann " ,..coach Becky Kel'l~y searching for 1 Aroold, S, Clarks, 6. Deshler, 7. Shelton, 8. Elgln''LBc.r'rand, lo. Ad~J~~),nlne p~I~I.S.",a,~~.)~:lg,!~ ·rft." , ". - ,A"fN'E , ' FG' F:T 'F--1lI ------=------orig'hl -spots in the game. EmerSOn 13 22 14~ 6-55 -- bO ds We tPolntCCwas1 cl'b :Sch.,ij'arti '-I" 7 3-4 S 17 "E mer son vyas ready, we Wa-yne 6 9 10 5-30 ~almer - (- RO~nE:d~I~:'eyer wlth:'llpo,f,{tst . ,S.NlctmaOfl 4 .·5 2 9 weren't, We dtcfn'i-do much and Ama C. D, wrestler. are l'anlu.tL~_ ."&&JhrowLwei .- 'be dlL-__ --Todd-Sd,wal'tz------M.-&ifen"""'p.-4----I4---'l -~. __J.:m ~~pol-A--ted.·.We­ . WA:YNE terence In the ball· gam:e, We S.Overln 6 .·9 4 16 , ", :~]G tf~",~ Tl~ dld'n't"penetr~~~/,,,:,:,e didn't ~ray J, Zeiss Five area wrestlers are listed among the stale's leaders-in the didn't make.them and. they did:' The Blue Devils hit 33 percent .J. SperrY 0 0·0 1 0 t-~~__,...---j--1lT ('lass C and Class 0 ratings which were released this week. said ,Wayhe coach Bill "Sharpe from the lIeld compared t()31per·-~Jor~ensen 3 0·0 .2 6 had one person taking the ball to D~"9et' G- --l-3 -l- l m---eliH5't'.----=Olfk Carlson of. Wake-fleld is IIst~~ flfih-~t '132" .' "We didn't scare any pa:,ints In1hl' f:crftlor the, Blue Jays. At the free B., LiskE;! 0 ().1 I 0 !he.hoop and the rest tried 20 to 25 -Jill Zeiss T Murray 5 0-0 1 10 pounds. In Class D. tovr Winside wrestler·s made the top six in middle and had to shoot from the throw line, Wayne htt only 9 of-21 Totals'~ ~O '·21 11 49 toot iump 'shots " J M'o,>ley o 0·1 0 0 Jheir classes. John Thies Is fourth at 98 pounds. Mark Koch Is outside." . shots while West P~inl'CC m,lde Welt Point 19 16-12 17 54 Jill l..e-i.s.s.,.. the. player to whom d~h~nsiye game. P Nissen o 0·0 1 '0 third at 119, Barry Bowers Is lirst at \8S and Kent Glassmeyer Is Kelley referred, hi't 7 of 10 fre'!'.' '''In'ad'ttllion to tl1e 13 points by S Emr'l o 0-0 1 0 - 1hlrd in the heavyweight class lrrows and scored 13 points. Most leiS-so Tamil'.' Murray' hit double F 0ro,>,> o 0 1 0 0 ~Ing,_ a .D.D 1 -:f) 0" her -'-ree. throw atte.QlPts. were ftg.ures., wit" Jo...- __ re J, .Baler ~ the re$.ull" of drives toward·--the boundel' was Deb Prenger'- with K, Lonq(' o 00 0 - 0 1ndtvtdual'records among best brl<,ket Kelley al'So com seven of Wayne's 27 rebounds Totals 11 8·17 14 ':')0 When the Ust of best indlvldual'wrestling r-ct"ords was released A technical fout prior to the The- hoSfs bfoke the game Winside plrmented Jill Mosley for a good The BI1Je Devils 1'111 onry n per Emerson 26 :H3 20 55 10 " 12 10-36 this week,. Wayne. Wake'ield and Winside lndlvlduals- were sla,rf of Friday's -WJ:~". -Ope~h'-ha#--t-tm-e-'-fead;---'--- !.isted among the l~ade-r-s-. Reccrm were--comptfedl1lfOOgn -- Hartington baskelballgame may Hartington's Paul HegerI was the Ha~lngton 17 12 13 15-57 4/percent shooting Jal~u~~:Ss B. Wayne's 18S:'pound,Ke-vln ~'oenjg tad the'ihlrd best have been an omen 01 what WelS ~:~~~~.~~~~:~~ ~~~r~;d ~~~ __ _~ __ ,. ," record, at 13'1 and heavywel.9ht Erlt Brink w,as 'IBh· al 14.2e,. a~~~i~:~se~':~~~mp~ni1nv.cd Mclerhbni:y _with .14..polnts. ..amt ~.wINSIQE FG _F'f F TP_~ --arirfk I!> credited wIth 13 pins--sevenlh best IriClass B. to plague the- W'1"sJd~,bo.YS .as Scott Janke with seven rebound~. J. Krajicek J 2-4 1 8- I" Class C. Jon Stelling's ~7'4 record ai 126 pound!> WllS third Hartington clubbed' the Wildcats "We played a rotten game. We J. Melerhenry 7 0-0 J 14 Laurel gets back in win colulijll best and -{)trio;; ( ..,:Ison's 16·~ miJrk was second best al 132L.Both S7..~;,:Frlday" ",1..0_ .. 03. ,91~~-L stunk." salct.WLr:illda...t.oadkDea---·_ 0)' Ha~~lns . ~ ~:~ - ~ ~ -.~ wrestlers are Ir:Om Waketleld,' " . ,- _dpilble-heade,.",ii Hartington. -~(;onnerman, "We didn't play_ S. Janke '--ciint1den~e...buUderafter playIng LA·UREl FG FT-·F TP Ldurel's gIrls moved -a step In Class D, Winside has four wresllers listed. JohnThieS'ttas a The lechnlc,al , '(lui was _called as a team." R. Prlnco I -1·2 4 3 (Io'>er to. a 500 'season and Randolph and Wynot" He com K Sherr~ ] 11 I 7 ~co,nd,best If.PCh~p OO~020 record 01 11,4 al V8,pounds and IJ:lal is .. Mar:k , 0 ,whe'n .. JOIl The Wildcats, 2·8, played at J. Behmer plilnented his reserve players lor A Schultl 8 11 4 17 Wakefield's woes continued as 1S 0 mark. at 1191's 'tops. At 185· pauna" Barry B.;:twers', l~'r it ~~skel~a'l Slanton-S,aturday night and will D,'Mundil 00·010- shooting w~'-ll in the tourfh R Gadeke-n 3 01 3 6 the Bears clobbered the Trojans record IS third best. l(el'}t Glas~eyer'~ 111,:~ r~cord i.s.-Uff~~, -:;- r , refur.f! fo-th,e hom!! court Tue!>day· C Jonas I 00 ) 2 '») 24 Thursda1 night in Laurel quarter ot 16 4·8 13 36 P -Thomp'.>on 1 00 2 '} ,nllnhel,, c1plf;'ce WA,KEFIElO FG FT F lP over Norfolk Catholic, Thursday ioe-ker at half·time that his learn's pre~s led to 11-- 101. were led by Kelli Johnson ( H,nq<,l 0 44 0 4 In a boys'glrls doubleheader at The momentum (kl'tbal! Wayne CJIr.lS tJ1 Wi-<:;ncr PHger Kolette Freller-t.added two points. ~ r,: Lori Baker grabbed seven re .¥whlle Doug I, on vacation. Twice this ,ear Thursday, Feb 11 bounds. - Wresllrnq (lass B'1 D,,>lrlcl,> 0pt:n al Bo.ys _Town ., All of the girls did something _RE.OPERING Monday. February 15 B,l<,ketball W'lkl'll~.id gul.. ,II 'Colertdge well." !>aid Wayne coach Dale regular buslne.s hour•• Th,ank You BasketbalJ L.lvrel gIrlS <11 Wdu.s.a Hm:::hste-tn "Th-e- girls ---re-atly fa, Emerson stops Allenga.ls Bas,ketbalf chrnofld.girls ,11 Wi,nslde hustled and played' well delen Basketball Osmond bo'y~ LlI WJn~jde sively. Our shooflng. was pretty Bd~ketba" AlIl!'n c}jrls on Hubbard can boast of get good shots' "'i!V,1nauqli ';(or.,tJ ',(·"..n Cja!ts-O'f--Ol'jlrjd~en two thl':> year Three girls who scored rn dou _WrestlIng dl Newman Gr(J\'C Br'K>-kefbatt- SOuttl SioulCUly Loy"- Wayne Thl" Pirates stopped Allen ble flgur~s did mO'!it 01 the dl ALLEN FG F T, F TP Bit'Sketball Wilkefl(·ld boys lit Col~dd~e ' S] 45 In Emerson damage for Emerson MarY-­ o Wtlilillll' 'i ) 9 ) 13 Bask.etbdf1 L,lurel boy'S "I Wausa This announcement is neither an offer to soli nor a sollc.ita· fhe frr<,t time two r-eams Walsh led the ;"ay wrth ! l pornts j Pe-ler,>on 2 00 S 4 lion of an offer to bvy these ~-ccuritie-s, Tfte offer 'ls '!'lade pnry. mel 'Allen coach Gary Trofh said 101 lowed by Pam Watkins wrlh 15 Basketball AlI{>n qoys dl RO':"lhe B StdllJnq 2 11 2 S Bd':>kelball For! Hdn wom(o'n'"t W'lyne,Slaje by the Prospeclu!> he felt hiS leam played its best and Linda Henderson With I) M Harder I 11 5 ) Ba~ketball New Issue,- Jan. 22,1982 game of the ye~r ThiS time, he Allen was led by Des Williams Fort H,ly" men ifl Wayn& State S Willram,> ] 510 2 II says the Eagles may have played wHh 11. points and Shelly M Petit o 1 2 0 I their worst Williams with II. Michelle P Kavanaugh o 0-0 0 0 'This was' probably the worst Harder was leading rebounder L Hansen \ 21' 0 4 game we've played outside of the with nine The Eagles' hit only 15 J Warner o 2) 2 2 Jir~:.'. Ponca._ game .(openiq.g ,Q!;!r.&ftP_tJHlmlhe fIOOLLOmp.Med T Jewell I 0·0 0-'1 seg~ 10s-s)." :;aid TrQth -'-"We 10 a sjul'0g 5' perC;IJ;Rt for the Totals' IS lS-JO' 19 45 wer.e ,outshO-t. ,o--v-th\;;/-5-tle-d, hosts , Emerson 22 9,18 2-3 H outpl~~~ , Allen fra'lIed throughout the en· Next acHon for the Eagles IS tire gam'e and at one time was 18 scheduled on the home court points behind. The E agles- cuf tomorrow (Tuesday) against Emerson's lead but not enough to Waketield. On .Thursday, Allen threa'ten ... will play at Walthili In a'makeup "In our first meeting,. both game "Usually, you're looking _tea-n'lspl.ayed reat well. This time for consistency thIs late In the

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rh•• "!'.., _t~:!On~~liYo!l'J_ t7 to~$ -- JIO'IRck 11I1...t."''''....., ~~" ,-K;---"------~~-_____",i "ti, _- -"

-- -'--~ -~-_._-'_.'"----~._-:--LOOKING-'._.~---'"_._-' _.,;:-._-- -tor a "'.llIh1~"""_;tO-....p-~'~ ~_.-,,<, "" oUr "'WDletC8tit~J" WlIYn..Sandyau, ~ ,_~",'r~-~~~ ~_~- __ : - ~ ~~ CI!""crymJHWClI~ '-, -c~~·~::=:t"r-~ Way~;"I~87 -",+~I'~-~'-, _ ,~.;.~ MllWl4;-' OQfff04lW' "" '-, .•_Itt' ;. ...;JJ.~....~SMffrJ',i ~:::- ~ ~~ 0_,__. _

~~--'~:-": _, - Th. W.yno Herold, Mond." F.b.uarV 1,,1182 .~~. ~ --=--~~':':"- ... '-

Team f'O(ff(5-J): M-. "Arrlesot'l 16, B. Baker 15, G. Leach 13,· S. Burst]

Team Two(4·4): D. Spangler 16, D Oltman, K. LIska' 1, C Petenon 5, a. Blecke4, R-:vtr,tt?"dt 2, A Hammer 2. -

,~Team Five 50, Team One 36 Team Five solldllied Its hold on ,>ecorld place with a 14 point win over Team One ,--" '212, Mike Jacobson ~OlJ, CraIg Lady.-Ig, 210, 213•. ", " PayJ .RcJ;Ierts 21~, 'JIt)1 :l~~L~13, Brian· -ifciiiCrts n~sweaeHlll1es<--200, 200; JonnOiiT~--·-· '2), Don stoltenberg 20', Rilndy ·Lull 220, le(jg~ue Women's4lOwtlea, Milt Malthew$·202, Dennis Jenson 200, KIM One upset pulled in B play VI~~~n:k::;;:e~~:'>lio~:ltYJ~~~e~";~r K4:f~ ~:~e~;~~;~'~~;~_~~i,~~.~.~~$:;~~~:i -'lose 514, Sue Wood 586, Jo Ostrander 491, 5wlll'21:J, 203; -, ._~-.... With five Weeks of B League GIese wllh 23, Randy Workman wllh 32 pOints, Tom Erwin s-cored Led by Tony Peter with 24_ Jeanie 5turm 483:" Allte Rohde "96, Leona Men's'70urles'J ----.~ ~.:- -;Iotm--oat~ag;;--S70;-5B2rl)on:-wll~ basketball remaining. with to ana Bill Schw ,. quariN Tho wero lod by 01 8 free throws, led the winners ot ..,e(ond pLace \,IS 5, a p m.~2 vs 1,9 15--3 VS. o.

Home Of ~GoUldll:'l ~furd.y Nllv Coupl..s - WON LOST ,SIATI. . Frigldail'8<& Maytag WON LOST ->--~ " [ Winside girls stopped by turnovers ROlllnlJPlns 18 6 Jorgem.en Watson·Crelghton· 13-. ) ~~I~~O~~:s~. ~ Shulthels Bilker II 5 Appliuneel :: Janke J.1cob!t.en·Danllberll 10 6 Botlom~ NATIONAL Up U 10 G.!9rg~ Turnover', were Wln,lde's pulled aw,ly with it I] 4 advan m1 , , VFW 11 II -SNACK,!>-&--__-­ EHlllgs-on Molor~ 17 II ~i"mmer Lubblltstedl 5 3 K Benshoof o 0·0 , 0 B~"kman Welble·Mellon wakefield bOWling HATCHERY Mr~"yS"n Sllrvlte 17 II I Deek Jallke 4 • REFRESHMENTS P P~ter I 0-1 I, W,o,yneGreenhousc 1~ 12 Wecker FreW1CKson ." P Frevert 1 B\a(1o. Knlg1'll I) IS o I' o HYUNl CHICKS & Wood Plumbing II !1 Mlil,k..n Roberls J 5 Totals 11 1·6 14 24 Bob's Derby I'll Wood Hansen Plcklnpllugh 2 6 Ul411r1 TUQldlly Alternoon Bel! Phlpp. ~1~loo GOOCH FEED ~ILR!!~~Pi!rk -6 . Harfington 14 9·17 II J1 HI:'"',,,ge Hom:~ - 10 -l1J._-_ 1 w , ~lmpl><)n Holm . C"rhllrlLumber 10 18 CIf man Jo Schrooder O,tendorl 1 6 Slrlko:-ri 9 I C.u,l..h<>nH"rd'" . 'Pho"" 375.1420 5t.. '~ Nilt Bank 9', 18', JAIHI 11 Borlo.le-y T"ylo< HIQh Scoro•. Red CIl" 115, 616. Red High Scores, Brian Roberts 2l'}, John Loungo & Package. ~ ~', ~ . • 8 SWIQllrl Johllnten 'Goad Eggs fa Know' (art Impl :':::;u~~ ~,,~'" , a,own..11 J",hQt1 '6B 11]0 EliI' BMbo.. II 5 Jllnlc-c Temme Mann Thlc~ BrudlOM 11 5 lI ..y. 8001 ~ B..,t>"ld N... l1o",,1 B""lo 6 to the highest bidder on Monday, Wilyne Cllmpu\ Stlo;,p 9 1 Willig Fuelberth 10', 9', ..... 'manW..II . , Brown,P&H II 1 Tho Big9~" Name WaynllHerald 9 1 Wllh"I~ldll .." .."!,,,,, Holeldl TrIggs-NISSen • 9 11 March 1, 19112 at :I p.m. Gerilld'~ 8 6 Nel~on·lull ~ T""1.Tllp F,,">'on 6 In LU"e (ompu,on J 13 10 1 Slllr 80dy Shop I I) Greenview Fllrn,~ 1 9 Hl'ilh D',. Brow~II:r:u Rich S{:hullr Hemmer .6 14 kg".. I(rlllkeOl1 8 11 Klddlll World 1 'i' FI,(I,CT 61~, hrry, TiIIP 1,002 hilS Austln·Ekberg 5 IS Chuc):WIfQIOfl 11 9". at LagCl!'1Valley Impl•• Inc. Black KnlQh. ~', 9"', High Scores: JIm Lull 209, L,lnda l""V:, AccounflnQ 11 S Wllyn/lVllt'~"Club 4 12 Janke 211, JlInkll Temme·Mllnn 1(12, Schroad... PrOJ>

__ . _ Jp the MJ,,~aft Mall Downtown Wayne 37,.·4347 Open 11 a.m.·ll p.m. '-'-. DQlly .. ,

"Ivory l'uotday NIJJ~f I. ~am"y Nfght/'~ , ~~- ~'-+--:"--- '~"J .,<--.\ "'. -.. - _---..:._'_. '. ~-',:r,-~~':-.~-:-:-.~'?i . ~' J -"--r-~ I fa".,; ~,.a~-schoo15 i i ,-1-:. . ' '. . .. ' , i I -\Ja,",~I..tol1cord school 1

HONOR CHOIR CHOSEN chestra - Donald Chen from chapters of Future. Homen:lakers are Coleridge. Hartington. Os- the coffee for FH.lt7Jlef'o week speakQr tor the Installation of America and Future B~slnes.£ mbnd, Wausa. Winside, Wynot; . and FBLA week, Feb. 7 to 13 Is ceremony. Parents, vocational J The names of the 180 hIgh Webster College, St. LouIs. MOo schOOl students who have been I _, __ Tim Lineberry Leaders 01 America have plann Wakefield and L~urel. ~Iso National Vocatlonal Educa· adVisory council, admlnlstratlon -_.~ accepted for the Orlgl.nal WESLEYAN ed something special for each Appro)(imatel~ 120 6tudents tion week, Stop In for a cup of cof and school board members are Nebraska Honor Band, Cholr and HONOR BAND Clay ot the week will be ta.klng part In the clinic. fee and learn about the FHA and Invited to alfend ttle ceremony ~ ·-----cnamoer- -Orchestra. s})'t»nsored Laurel-Concord will be •,Mon:daVj Feb 11 Member'S w1t1 -seventeen wnr-oe lrotTi-taurel, -F---etA·-ctnipters ar-tcroretrt;on-.­ C--ottee-. punch and cookies wlH-be ~ge- ~ --by Hastings College, h~ve- -beeh repr-e;!IenteCf ire ttje , We!leyan dress up- -anct--wea-r-'1t Of' The- ---&tncert Band wtll play cord SChool,,-·· --_. S91'v-ed. .• announced by the -Re music Honor Bend and (;hcrtls being Debbie Gothle i ~~~t:s~nl~r~A ~ r~~e~:n~hlll:~~;;~ r ;;~~~::i:~:~on~~t:;:::~I~Sn~~'~ . DebbIe Gathle I department, Tim Lineberry. a held on .the W4nleyan Campus on junlQr. at Laurel,Concord High Feb, 11, 11, IlInd 13.r-Colleen FBLA: blue and 'gold. "The Music Man," and "The Star ·FBLA CHAPTER' School. was i:hosen lor the Honor ~,,"'d. !_I~ Tue$dllly, Feb_?: Members will Spangled sPectacular," which TO BE INS·TAlLED MISS PHOTOGE~IC.!982 t"hol':---" - " Macll:ey,...obQe __ j L1neberr~, bass, wfil partIcipate w~~r::::, ~:~~~~ ::~~~s ~~~':beT~:iI~~~:!~~{r:l:a:; ~,i,~~:,m':~e=t~~~:~~:~e; Neison. daughler-of Mr : Hastings College faculty and 'represent our community in LaRae members who are chairmen of Ihis highly selective group. ,More wllt hOst a calfee for the Laurel held In the Wal,l.$a gym to can· Chapter on Tuesdar~ Feb. 9. Of· :~d,x~:. ~I~t~:~~~~: ~~~r;~;r the honor groups. are. Duane E than 300 auditIons and onlV 90 ~:~~n~t= af the CI~~::I~~P~~~CInclude.: ColIeen'"":~~l~~~.l:;~~_ the 1-alJre!·WaketttrtU basketball J~ ~-m.m, ~fttdenk ~ ~ted"to 9a:,l =.m. -Henof Band mitke n frrda'(~ Dr, J\'j"es Johnson. orchesfTa up- theSE: Honor Groups Thursday_ Feb .'11' Member5- Mackey, Debbie Gathle, Jana wiler, vice president;, Mary --qam-e--im __ chairman; and Dr Elmer Marclne Ratti will tlalo'e a- Valenflne Cupc:ake Cunningham, Renee Gedeken. Lehman, secretary; Nancy LtJte, Her escort wa'.!. Cur! trea~urer; Schock, chor,al chairman ELKHOR'N Sale alter school Also Teacher Renee Vanderheiden, Jill Tim LIneberry. Chrl5tenien,sonofMr andMrs Ap~reClatlon AUditions' were held in early BAHOOLYMPICS Day Jorgensen. Lori Lindsay, Shane hIstorIan; Mike Dielr,lch, Carl Chrl<;.lensen. Crownbearers December throughout the state ",The E"lkhOrn Band Olvmptn FrldaY,·-f-eb. 12' Member,s will Heydon, SheHl Taylor, Denis Bur p-a-rH..a-m-e-ntaria-n" Renee were Heidi Reinoehl, daughter of for membership In the three will be)Wld Saturday. Feb-'10 <1t dress 1n their chapter's colors man, Dave Marquardt. Curt Gadeken, reporter Other - Mr. and Mrs. Harley Reinoehl. honor groups, Chosen tor the :nst the Elkhorn Public S(hooIS, The FHA red and whIte. FBLA blue., Christensen. Brian Marquardt. .. members to be inducted are Jana and Travis Monson, son of Mr annlf;11 Honor Band Me 81 Olympic& ar!lt' geared e~peclally lected ....<'md 22 high competition CLARk cONFeRENCE Taitt (00'1 flOill Ille Sew. It, FBl . el9al3ter ... ullsk school sophomorps lunlor!> and Laurel, Will ha.ii£> lour. 1~0il~~~I~~il ~~,iJN~~~ Naflon~1 Bank wlll be the guest vlded by "Bqn Dover· senlOf!> havp beel1 chosen lor the l!'n~embles which are Ilute duel 4th Honor Chamber Orchestra trumpet duef., drum ttlO and The (IMo: (onlerence In On Wednesday, Feb. 10. the ~lru t'"nt~1 ~Uo;IC The three qroup!> came ch3rinet trIO and live solos Kyll' ...... (lffl4: wll1 00 Laurel community IS JnvJled to a 'oqether on Ihe HaS!lngs College Oaberkow Jim Pehrson. Monl(d held In Wau<,b on Feb e The olC calfee at Ihe Set"tJrlly Nal.lonal r------, campus on Thursday. Friday and Hanson. Denise Burman and t,vllleS of the'day mllindude lull Bank from 9 10 11 a.m. The Saturday JCln 18,11andJOtorln hand reh(>af'> : LIVING WORD : fenSlve 'erw,H<'ill<, and Inslruc ~:r~a~~t~eow~lt~~r~~::1~;;~:~ 'chC,lf"me<;.s !Ion un.de' oUfstandlng guest can Lynn Malchow, Wendy Robson )(hooIS pdrl1C1pdllnq In the cliniC Leader!> 01 Ame(lca are hosting ductors A:I of the ellor' Wd<, Derek L\neberry. Troy Heitman I FELLOWSHIP I iLmdl<{:'d .... Llh d llnal 10lnJ publiC Renee Vdnderheil$en.' Jill I I d:mcerf beIng presen-tedon SaJUr Jorg~n.s.@r\. LOri Lii''-&,dY -- 5010s I Rick Deemy. pastor - 375·1904 I day ('vl'fllng, Jan )0 11"1 Kiewil and e-ns('mbles <'trl' performed AI Gymr;lil"'u<1l on 'I'll' Hasllng" variOus ',mes throughout th(' ~ (i!mpu<, THECROSS& d,ly : Mitetlng Every TueHay Evening ! Gu~,;t conductor.;. lor the 1987 Renee VanderheIden W...,... Womlln'.rllub Room - 222 Pear' Sf. f THE WINNER "'in the Laurel-Concord HS MISS honor groupo; Honor Band VOCATIONAL EDUCATION l/~ Photogenic Contest is LaRae Nelson, daughter of Mr. Allan McMurray 'rom !tlf' KEEPS AMERICA WORKING THE SWITCHBLADE I I a'nd M'rs. Jim Nelson. She was crowned Miss University 01 Colorddo. Boulder Feb 71:1 1$ National VQCatJonal I PreachIng the Uncomprom/sed Word of I Honor Choir - Morris D' Hayes c;~~n e:~ee:. He~() ~ 1)avld Wllluw.on'. t.tlmony b~Lthown Photogenic Friday night at laurel-Concord High tram the University ot WIKonsln :::k,a F HA I '0 • gad.. -1 School. Eau Claire; Honor Chambe-r Or Thq m(Jmbers 01 the Lal,lrel by Living Word FelJb,wlhlp at .. . ~ I Children. BIble Clan and I The Woyne Women. Club Room : Adult Follow.hlp, 6:45 p.m. : City Auditorium Iwayne.;c:arroll SChools rue.duy, Feb. 9, 1982 I Wo,./t/p and teac/tinll .erv/ce wlt/t I 7:30 p.m. I /teollng ond m/rocle. followIng. I .425 girls who Melvlli6r~ ,,.; hiqh STAGE BAND CONTEST PROM PREPARATtON5 het1red fhe juniors lormuiall' No Charge - Public Welcome 7:30 p.m. O~ Fr'lday. Feb S, the Wayne ,;choo! to ,lflend Girl,:> Stale Th.ey are ··The Best at TIITtl?S" several ways 10 rBlse money for IL~ ~- ~I High School Stage Band traveled and memories are going to b€ the prom These girl':> will go to Lincoln On \0 Norfolk to partlcipate in the ~hared at the Junior Senior ~ In the fall. the clas,> held an June 6-111-0 learn more-dbout the Northea';t Technical Community Prt#n. as the theme (The 8e$t 01 ",lvmlnum pop can collect,ofl lo$tl. slale ilnd tedera'i govern Collpge Jall Fesllval The band T,mesi Ind'cales Prom n,g-ht whlC.h WillS very succe<;.stul ~ men!,; perlormed al 8 1') a m Will be April 16 In February. Valentine c.Arna Thp contest was dl>Jlded Into hono;, and ., Love the Blue One rl,pre'd,·r1'dl,.,: tron Jun,ors at Wayne HIgh School \ fiVE' (Icl,><,e,> d((ordlnq to '>chool Deyil5·· bumper !>Iiders Will be WCiynf' ,H'O on" 'rorr. tr',,_ (""rOil dlready have gathered lor SIH' , on sale (omrnun,'y f. ,,'t(·nd both W",yne pertorrned.lr. (1<1"" B ..everal CldS'> meet"1qs to diSCUSS ELLINGSON MOTORS Junior cla.. s .dues .-'Iiso go reprp,>('n!,nq W,-1/noo. H qr "(hOOI the prom Twenty bdnd~ trOln '6 towBrd funding the prom voted from ,,; ,\ele<:'ton.., T (111 ,nd cHOiCe 01' two COIOf schem~ dnd ~)e .TAX SAVINGS 'Old Man R;yer 'r Th'2'Y rn'Jsl rn the half dec ided on pink, blue and The ,;onqs fE'dtured soloisl", 01 th"1( (r.-'i<,~ ~r hi'!ve lavender 11 also dpcidet week on BENEFITS Jodi Ol'>on Ci" d pr- \' '> ' ,It-. Y 'r1P menu 'or the banquet thaI wlli lhrough' "Let's Get Moving" t'i1pilblf' of 111)('lnq to 'hOul bf' held In ';1f1'Ofher ~ect,on of the GJRLS· STATE sIr".,;" HlP whOI", ""pe~ qym·'belore the prom (aterrn9 American Legion Auxlildr'les .... 111 be done by Mn Herb They dlso <,hould hilvP .-'In I'"' throu-qhout Nebraska Will (hoO<'p f\j,emann Sales Bargains tere,;t ,111 ilnd knO'NllO'dqe of qOvprnmpnt <'lnd hdve P,H Sophomore alfendanls ..... ho t,clpated In P)i'racurrirUldr .-'Ie have been chosen to serve at the tlvd,e" tor bf'tte, prepariltlon to banquet are LI':>a Bak.er Perry B~nshool. Sarah Bliyen, Scot1 comprehend i'lnd partl( Ip.-'l 'f:' n It's as simple/' RECEIVE UP TO winside th;> GtrlS Sldte progrdm Brown Ted DeTurk. Holly as ABC. Franll~n, Fran Gro!t!> , (had Alter fhe Amerlca,--. legIon Janto:.e. Layne Lueders, Layne -pubJiE­ AUl<,I',Hy Und Committee hdS Marsh. Paula McCright, JIm Individual Retirement recelvE'd thl_' list ot girls tram the Poehlman. Jill To-mpkln':> dnd Accounts (IRA I are ~chools th-f:'y will ,nter.If"N and Laura Victor CASH-~ schools now for everyone with select fhe gltls Junior CldS!> <;.j56n~lH'~ Miss $2,000 Pam Ruwe KetleY' and MISS Roth. have earned income. The MUSIC SCHEDULE Economic Recovery Winside High School h~'i a very Tax Act Qj-!98! made it busy music scheduie thiS month so. DIRECT FROM GM ON-SOME MODELS,.~~ . It· starts With the Conference DIAMOND CLUB --L~"':.."'tr'"I:~':"'~"O;~:.,.L1..Jc.~\Il.'''''s'''jc'--(:unic-4L---JlH--J:\'!~IH-II----~~--'t'iRlH-WH:K---t---hi)vverrH~YOIffe-an.ea y Larry Marlk from Cofumbu!> coveteabya retirement will be the clinICian director plan at work, you can The 10 Winside students who still invest up to $2,600 a ~~~ea~~~n:vlt~O st~~~t~~P7rt~m ~~~ year in retir.ement sav- Clark Conference, A concert will ingS and deduct it from 'Don~t be presented that evening your adjusted gross in':· MisJ Severat On Feb. 10, Kel1y Leighton a~d come for federal income Shawn Boldt wtll participate in tax. purposes. The This Opportunity FINANCING' PLANS th~:e:n:n~t~~~~o~~~d:~~sd·Wjll Dee. Delon amount is $2,250 if YQur ~-severaf'se-le-dioBS during . Spouse has no earned·in- the day. That evenlfl9 two honor come. , For Are Availalile From b"andS wll1 present a concert. Wa~rie A few minutes of your. The Jan Fe.illyal .aL ayn.e, e State College wJII be held on Feb. . TM. Winning 20. TheWln-,SideJau 6~ndwlll at· , loget (I!II details. Give tepd_ . Na~e us a call. . Jazz bands from Nebr.aska and Wlil Ilrllwn by' lowa..'Clas~ AI B. C and' 0 wlfl, \ .-.--~-- partlcIPepe.~ Th~ bands wm, be ·D..lvlnMlkk..'...... Urv.,..'. 0"; Bu.;"... At...... judged aU day. . RI.1, WlIY~ Tom Anderson ­ Lori sChr'.ant .- ---B0ri65 gfUtgs~!-ftf~.S~-"Ne--~~~ LajJr.eJ.Neb. '. 256-3111 ~U8lllA~_'G~UKIC·fOJI1'IACC~--

'.'~ !""

\ f I, , ... . t~~~~~:~~I"~";;1!l~ ---'------'----"'- IJ t-alroILne~$~: fi _.- _ 3 t S1;N)O~CqllENS------M£'tB1im5TWOMEtr - the birthdays COl Mrs, Allen '-" -~--""'_------~_iiiii_----"'--iiiiii"iiii""-iijiiiiiiiii"""""~iii"iii" ,~,:.~ There wer'e 28 present last The UnUed Metho~IJit Wqmen Frahin~t~ -'""----" ''''~~=~~~:a>':err~~~"¥J;

~- o -1$~- --Pcrltuek-dlfTfteF.-Mr-$o-K-enneth..Ed - ---Mr.s-OorLHal:mefer•....Mr....s.,Jim.. -Wittlor-antf.,Mr....and-MfS. Merlin Wednesday ":"Uh 21 membe'rs'and The vl§ItJng-corn-ffilffee the !t.\ dle--aR~ "'·,s. Rttb; Ouncan~e"-e- F..r.edclcksen_...8nd-::Mr.s.:..-Low.e1L--.e-K.eA~--yo~ 4-9~ MF:s-.----90Il---Ne-lson anc;!- -same as January. ~ :, hostesset ....- RohJff. were c.halrmen for"ffie ~ - - Denise, present. Mrs: Nelson was • Mrs. Emma Janke of Bel All' ~: 'A'h' lid' '1 II t f'-- dlnnCrandM[$.Ma,urlceHansen. Mr.' an_d Mrs:. Delmar Eddie welcomecf,as a'ne'w member." N'urslng, Hon')e' i,~ to be ~ : eat ""9 a _. se.ec J:1 _~ .,~'Ol::inson.w.ero-!n., ~"'lmterta!tleEl.:al_E1hule,:: Jan-.-3-1---io_ ---.Mr£.....1ohn);lafe.c.mann pi"e~td.~ rel1lember-ed.fot-h.er-_blrthdayoil Clly ~' ~..-~.~~~)( f ~d Mr'$,rw-n-se c1 ~ chat-ge of Ihe Country SJore. 'honor Monica's birthdaY. at the meeting In the absence oL .Feb. 5, 1 cre ~~ -t ~, M Sr~'I1d ~~~b7 , presen . The second In a series of three GUe'ts were 'Cobl~y...seyl, Larry Mrs. Lester Menke, president. The meeting adlourned, ~ . rs. e;1 e o~ ood pressure dinners will be servecf Wednes, \jensen, Mr. and Mrs, .vInce Mrs, HafermSnrrled devotions. t ~~ readings for t~'Ose requestlnq ~t. dGy, Feb. 24, at' the fe,llowship M~er and famfly,. aU ~f Ran· - Her topk was, "How We Can AMERICAN LEGION. '•. " ~Co~~t~u;r~~~~~~s~~%;r~sistJne half ~~~:hM~;' =r~~':~~:~he~~~ ~~~::s.l,va};~:~~nS~'sJ~~::' ~~~~ R:e~e P:sT~~~~a~eldL~r~O~'on~h~~ " . . ·MoH. A'No- MR-S .. Kenneth and Rhonda, all-of-Carroll and Jesus"and"OBlessthe,LordMy mee"tlng- tuesday with 13 VALENTINE Dunklnu 01 Wayne. and Mr. anp ~arry Dahlkoe.!1.~r. l3rad anc! Soul" were sung by. member!>_ members and one guesf, Kenneth

~ ~f()r ~~fn~,~~men-and ~;:l!.-E~~a~.d :a~~\~~~el~e~~~; - Moruc.a ~ddle.-alJ of w~. w:sl~~~dS~:~,~~~f~~~I~J~~:c·~----"H~!g~aZ'"n"'PJ",r::,,:e:'g:lLr~p,:"e~sl~d.~d~at~i.jh::e-, -"--~M:a"l1!~,lJ-M%~~lj"'f~T'!"·"'J F!rin'j'o~_";~'=o."'ij"',-'iitfi".Xl~Mii;;:;;;;;;;:;~m;;;:;:;;;,;;;::;;;:;;;,~ w.omen. M;~ Invrted IQ a1t~nd Ihe vIsited until Feb 1 in ~rmlt~ Mr. and-Mrs, Hubert Nettleton 'the absence of the pastor meetlng. G(:!:ne Levine from' the' Bahlber'g V-will-sel-.-up..

Th(J "W'flt I~ ~pomO?"ecf by the m~::~~dWilPan attendant at his ~~c;a~ome to honor 'he h~t"s blr bysr;:;: ~~~:I~P~~~k~::dg~~sn ~o tl~:·:~~r~::~C~;g?~~e1~ t~~~ " Cnrrot! Womiln., ('Iup brolher's wedding 40 years ~90 Ray Re-eq. . neilr futtwe Me.!!lber;, cl.!h~ c.h!9_argi!.sked W,llJ.er Lage returne_d home ~.t!'o.!...."i~ E3yr_on J~~~~Jep_orlr::~ ..on to be at Ill(' 51-1.'<11< House at 1)0 -Mrs -MaurIce' Fransen enfer from- !he Lutheran Hospital In the SChol<1rshlp Fund FEDERATED , p rn lor a ~)w.illf'<''; meetlng tained at supper Jan 29 to hOf'lOr Norfolk on Jan, 12 Snack belr workers lor Feb 12 WOMENS CLUB ' ,.•-'~_-.-_---~.. Pmrr'--{)angberg-- and .,,. ' IMrs, Byron Jankf.! an~ . lesl.·e news . wo,kocsoceM" 1<'1'1 F",derlck mrs. toule hansen 287-2546 and Mrs AJb,ert Jaegor. , Mrs Gt!orge Jaeger and Mr,; , . John HaflYrmilnn were hostesses EVEN DOZEN CLUB Albert L Nel50n won 11 guessing with Mrs Norman WIchman as March.-hostesses -W.!JI be Mrs Mr,:> Alberl G Nelson game pr.lw. Pitch was played ,h9stess PauJ Da!1'gberg and MJ...5 Herber! hostess 10 The Even DOlen Club w'/h. Mrs, DEtail Meyer wInning J'1 e gcr . ih.e .at1crp.QQ.n {l-I Jan % Ther~ high prize and Mr":. Arnold Ham liOWJfRlr7viuHcr of Chester. Nf'rf' ';evl'~ fllf!_mbl'rs pre',t:nl ,1nd mer, low Va., was a\.guest _In the EmU 'MlssfONARY-LEAGUE"-'~ Mr.:, AIIJf'(1 -I' Nel~on was d FARM FANS Muller home Jan. 30 to Feb. 1. SI Paul's Lutheran. ~ QtiCst EXTENSION·CLUB and also visited his mother, Mrs MiSSIonary League met Wei.iifu's·~ Mr.:, [),In Dolph. presldenl Mrs·, Robert Hanr.en was Mary Muller. a1 the Wakefield \;lay following -the Ladles' Aid 'ondu( h-.d the busrnC',,>,> m~eHnq ho'SfeS5 to Hio Farm Fans'Ext",n Care Center meeting M('mbr:r~ ,He to qlv·l,'a donatron ~ion Club the morn!.~g of Jan. 28 Mrs GN(gc Voss conducted 'or ,1 { ,)1 tht: n(O~1 meellnq wrlli a coopO'raflve dinner follow Albert L Nelson Is il patlen! in ,the meefl~91 She tolfl of projects lnd ".,ill l\ilV" ,1 Valentlnf> or ing the meeflng Tp.n members the Pendor Community Hospital. to be made 'or Bethsada Home 'lil! "., !'"'''O'' were present and guests were having undergone surgery the She ulso reporfed on !Ile e)( PI'Hl.'> V.[elf: "4l.1..1c IOf Ittc ,In Mrs. Merlin Felt and Mrs Steve morning of Jan' 29 ecuflve mee!lng that was held in nu,)1 1,1In,l, '''I'~r, ro br: hf'Jd O,,>w,lld Mrs Emrl TarnQw was a Jan Laurel In January Frob If} ,JI t, 10 P n V/,!n Mrs Mr..., Verdell luU, president, )0 dinner guest of Mrs Nolson, The Sprrng Rally wrll \>e held (=Inw, Ij,Hqholl .1'> 110<,!e5'. (Or1dU(I ..d the bUSlnes5 mcetlnq , Kodl and TIUany, and atl visited April 27 at W,lkefield T!l(' LJlr !hrJlJy '.'!f'1l l"l>' 5un~, Mr<; Fpll Clr1d Mrs Oswald were Mr"Nelson In the afternoon . Mrr.·· Ida Fenske told of a name Mrr, DMl DOlph dnd Mrs Alber! welcomed as new mQ:mbers of the "they were lunch guests In Ihe r; Nt~i,>')fl rll!h Mr<, Lull preslmted a crall Elirl Johnson home In Pender Mr<; (',II",., fl"""r ..... l~ If' le,,>')..,n and also called on Mrs. Elsie Tar Thf> ne~! meetIng IS Feb 25 flOw,!lnd Mrs. Marie Hansen WlNTED Boy or Girl Newspaper Carrier Call Brenda at 375-2600

THIS WEEK! BUY ANY 5!IIJ MAGNAVOX WITH REMOTE.... GE'I" A -MOREBATIE! Thank goodness Irs February-and thank goodness for Magnavoxr Because fOf one entire month, we're' having a celebration of low prices and

I special rebates on our most popuiar televisions " , Eachwee_J<.:"'.e'llJ:>e teaturinQillfler- __ ent models-and.,dlfferent rebates. Just ·watch Oll' ads until you see the tele- nice--to~ -.. vision you-w-anCthtln come on down it'S, someo.fe ,ak.- ,Cl1T!' anyllme during that week, You'll get a of you.' bargain\prlce-pJu5 a big rebate sent to But it's even nleer to feel you directly trom Magnavoxc· confident thot you can toke care pf This week, you can get $60 rebate on yourself Especially'wllen you' our f

-~'J;, .. c,.""'''''''''~''>Q'~Al>--,­ I; lIult!' '''~J·r,''.p,ClJ'mp~~~ --=,'-"-~;;-"'- S'ci"",:'+T-ri;''::;c'"';-' + 1::M~~:~,-,,/J~~-' L;_~-~ ,'_ '~:'." L~_~ 3"C'$,:c~';~0', ' .' ''.J " ..... 1II&!f~~ -~~~.~i.5584J ~ie=c"-'-~-~,.At: - '-----:·-·~~~titJw:uLtie_g.htlng. __----EJ{P-lOR-E-R,POST ~OI'ked_()n----lheIf'-t-aI~nd--eevelop ways for' Improving EDUCATION WEE.c---- the lesson -on "prop'erty rights of Plans ~are - oelng made to hook Brown~m ----~ thel..- "fflci1Ta-gem'ent "':of profes'r National E'dLcation W:~!L..'!4U. ~~ ~ ~ or.gan4e--aA- -E-xpJoror . ~0S:f:---l.n..- N lc..ole-~~.B..rjUell- s.J!.l"-.-~_ .s..LonaU1.m.e... __ ', ._,, ...:_ be. -beld at the laurel-Concord . Hostesses 'for the ~eeting will Laurel tor high school YOl/ttl.-age "re1re'!lhments.·. Co-dlrecfor'$ of the conference - ~ SchCf1)ls iR__,,"-~.uret,lromF'eb. 1''10-_ be----Mrs-.-- ,la.rry- Thompson, Mrs 14 and you,ng'people up to the'age The' as;slsting mother was Mrs. were qr. hoy O1llon. professor of 13 It'''lltho~6,r,the'membersef Jim Llpp"~a'ld ti"ilS. -F-e-nfftn -e~Th~f-l--a-l-·1~l')- C-al'-6f--J-a-me-5- -ag-rl-qHturi!lt educattort; . the F HAl H-eI'O and. F BLA Crookshank. in the Fellowship Hall 01 the CU8 SCOUTS '~ob~rt Gades, of UNl's ten!e('~_ I O~f~~,I.t'::~~:~-c,haPtersof. Future - THRIF.TY CLUB ~~~:~lt U~~~~e~7t';1~~:i~~vr~ The Cub 'Scottls-'from Laurel :~;Ch~~~~~~~:tl:n~dTh~::r~:~~ Max Kathol :,1 Homemakers of America and ttle" The Th.rlfty Extension Club ecutlve of Boy Sco~ling. wnf ~x ~E'~~~~~r'si~~OO~I~t~~;:tur;~c~ was part of a year·long study of Certified Public ACcountant - Ftltvr'e f:3,uslness Leaders of from LaJre,,1 will m, eet -on plain the p"rogram for, young men T time management in vocatlona1 on ,uesday. Wlt'l~[.~.:~_-OU15 In Box 389 ,o;merlca have spe~lal activitieS' Wednesday, Fe~. TO. In the..home and .women attendance-, c_ ..t.~,,:-: education. conducted by Dillon IOB-Wes·'12·nd 4stO'Oodge rl-ahne~ f?r eaclt-day. 0._:' 01 ~rs. __Olive :lInn at 2 p ..m ~~he new' p?sl is open, to all ltil:!"'5CWfs-·'work~.,on invlta. 8(ld Gades : " On---Meriday-;--the--members-wit1. ------,-- - youfh o.f the rcommumty In tlonS clOd decgra:ionodoc tM Blpe Wayne. Nebraska . ~"--'~ ~~:'~bf:;. ~ dl en UV6hd-'w8?if a co. sag'e _OJ<=:::== FARMERETTES ~ ~Te"'d""lfn-.'kn",o"w01i"'rlg;r-c.",I"iO","TI---;;a~nd;t7,G';;oii:;d"'iBf;a~n;;;qu;;e:;'tf.t~'!'b~''!'h:;:e~'d~.t~--,RTt:a:l<£rreCJt1'"'~~~--'"=~3~7ii.5-4~7Iii8~·"ec=----jr-~--jffiOl\ra;OO!~~-c-f1'£;ir<;I~~..,..-~"'II.....,..:- . boutonniere -Of. their chapter'!f -The Laurel Farmerettes Ex careers, serving the community the" Laurel City Auditorium on ·--Sare';'~:~Oanl-~PPtafl." - C&IO~-,;~~LA IS bll,/e ,and 'gold, tension -Club wl'lJ meet In the providing recreation and SOCial Feb. 28 at 5 p r'n JetrryZimmer F.HA IS red and whlt~. home of Mrs. Howard Detlefsen activl·tles 191', youth. 'outdoors ~c Gr.e99 Ward sor Il'e-tt 80M "56'" 375-1178 TOe members wl'l~ _wear a on..T-U-eSda- F b-.. -9. 3-t----2----p-- tlvlll"es and ph.ysjca l 1i1ne~'ir reJrer.htnents.. j;ladge for. their c~apter 6~ Tues Mrs. ArtLif:l~ ~d Mr5. H~~Old events. • Mr.. Req9 Ward "'(as the day. An mstallatlOn ~ervlce lor Haisch: both of Laurel, Will gi",e An oppor.lundy will be gl,ven at assl!)ling molher mbers ~ n: .. wfU ~ held the tesso(\ on '"l'iow to say Y~?fld: the mee.ttng.lor youth to register ATTENO£OWORKSHOP 'U;1l ¥\:dtl:~~~;'r;;;embers-W1n hQ~.~..no...:~ __ ~--- - ~~~;:.IO~e;rse~ct'~~r-o~a:: ~~ JtOhn loi'tas'-oTlaureT; lh'eVOca ::nil~'lEv~~~~t~~~~~dln~f;~~~ra~1 host a community coffee at the BLQ9..Q BANK te-resled adults may also attend - ., .'- . toans'ForAn)' YOUR ONErSTOP ~ ---4r:~r~troi'f~LBaokin Latll:eL The Slouxland Blood Bank Will - tended a Time Managemenl Skill Worlh"hll,. Thursday, members will have be accephng donations a1 'the YOUNG ADUL T workot,hop al the Unl\l(!-r<,.ly of OFFICESUPPLY lJaIenti.!I.e·--e----YPEa~ n - PurpOlif' '.' a sale dHel PrpsbyteCia Chllrcb jn I allreton FELLOWSHIP Nebraska in Lincoln on Jan 29 10 L. STdkE I~OJ AppollitmiPfft'-'---=--' school and if Is also Teacher Ap - Tuesday. Feb 9. Irom 9- a m to 3 The Young Adulf Fellowshi,p 01 )0 pm • FurnUurr lIom(>375-3180 • OtrJce31s;.Z89I:· :~et~:u:~lu~~It1oa:ISJla~h~rTc~O;l:'~ Real Estate - Vacations • Machines • and more- preelation Day p,m. Approximaruly 50 'Nebrask:t Appliances - Cars - Etc. 1-__.... _ Members will dress in their Blood donors are needed and '- leacher<, Irom the ",ocatlonal 9ENIOR CITIZENS. ~ Ma-ximum--S1.ooo __, ~_------,--~•• a.tltt.£l:~ Chapter.' .... colors on Friday must be 10 good health. co~e:~nd~s~~~PP:;!an McBrIde areas 01 bUSlnes~ eQucaliOn CALENDAR WAYNEBOQK I09Wnt2nd--- nS:--t13Z' . Ou·rllllllt'd(j,,""••('.n," Mondo1y, Feb, 8: QUilting and and Mr and Mrs Jrm Erwln ~°(Jn;::el~~l~noa:~c<,d\~~-d;;~ S~QBJL Twie<>a Week Pickup , -·C0I'11TEMP9RARIES - ~IIjS'ONCQtJNCIL ( rilfn:, 7 p m Mclktng- valell __ &I O(ffCIf" Supply Ir You nne Any Vroblertll The Contemporarles.Extenslon The Cedar County Home E. ~~;hl~;1Lp~~~~I~;111 t,,-, <,~l!lng up ed~Jc.~lion, speCial \/ocallonal Irfl('<' 375.3Z95 219 Main Call'Us At 315-2147 _ Club Irom Laurel are planntng a tension Council Will be meehflg needs and/lndustrlal education Wednesday. Feb. 10' Blood Finandal guest dbl' 01 F, 'daV, F~ 12, at today (Monday) at the RidgeView parllclpo/'ed In the workshop prpo,sure CIIflIC 10 e.. polluck ,>upper. 4 p m George Phelps (",·tiril'" FilltwdOlll'hlll,It'1 RADIATORS -t Hi,\Jam St'·fft WAYNE Wa.\'IU'_ ~E fiHi~:i VISION CENTER REPAIRS :li50·IH·Ht !)R. DONAL!) E.I\Q~;8~;R mrs. art Johnson DR. LARRY ~1, MAGNUSON S84-Z49SI OPTOMETRIl;TS ~ tconcord news 313 MamSt PhOht>J7S-.2020 Wayne. Ne

PROJECT NIGHT •J C'S Ihpm<;('lv'·~ it'> beIng as.,erl.",· Club Mr', Dprdld Rid':" hosle')o;. weekend with Mr.. Teklil Ti->e E ~anqel·fCal Free (hvrch The 3 C's Hom~ E"len5,on Club dqre"sl~t' or -pol'S'Slve .... h'ch ... ,11 'p ~ Johnson held I is dT1nual Women.. MIS bl" larr "'d auf in the 1987 LAMP JOinIng tbem for supper Jan 30 mel Monday evenIng w,th 5hl:ley Friday, Feb. 11 PiJlntlnQ pM Phannacist ~Ionary program W(Ore Mrs Bill Shat,lu<:k dod girl; 50c'l'efY.' famIly prOlect Stohler as hostess, s-ervlnq .l ty S"n,or (iI'len.. Cenler Con (orr .. , flons ,n our n(" ... John~on nH;jht "Dinner In Belgium" With'. dessert lunch lord,l 30104 P m 01 S'ouK e,ly 'lnd fhe Lee M-&S German food .. ser",ed at q 30 p ..m The bu.. in'ess me-eflng opened (OOkboOk were broughf 10 Our"' ftlmily 01 D,.on -~ I IlsuraIlte Dick Keidel. R.P. Wednesd~y ev~nJ.J1gjn themu.rc.h by -Wou..p redding of the. Ell1en teotlOn . MR, AND MRS. Clarencl'!Pear RADIATOR fellow.. hlp hall With about 80 at s,i,OJl ,,~L~d~ .. _ Betl)' Dahlq.ulsl reC('l'ff>d fhe son returned home Tuesday from B,rthd and tre~e Mat 1=,...._." Phone 375-2811 Mrs Ruby Ardvser 91",ln9 devo nme members with a "Valentine Monte Pear.,on., SAV-MQR Aelglum and an offering wa.. < paid receIved lor a Belgium revolVing COMING EVE NTS A two dill' lour w,,'> tllken to 'he The Elmer Lehmans lolned 'he UFE & CASUALTY Irene. Magnus.Dn gave d heallh DRUG fund for .. tartl-flg new churches Tue"iday, Feb 9 Bon T.!mpo Grand Canyon bul becduse 01 it BNkman relative,; al th~ sleak 112 West Second ELLIS Phonco J75-JH~ Mr and Mr,,; Craig Rostad 01 report Several announcement., Br,dge (Iub, MiHge Ra.,l('dp <,evere ,>nOW"ilorm rtnd billiard, house In Laurel,for sueper the were given on upc om I ng ac ~I_ ..ang In Ger~.~~__ hostess., 7 ]0 P m v'ews 0' the Canyon w,,€-',e b-."",------F WOMEN-SWELFARE hu..baQds WdS tabled unld Ihe DI_on Ladle.. C(>me1ery A....ocl<1 A4ler theIr arrlvdllnt,n(olnon Com:ord 3nd Marlen B~ckman 01 Wayne 375-3566 ne,;1 mee!lng annlv~r The Concord Womens Welfare lIOn me-el al ConcordIa Lulheran Monday they ,>pl'nl Monday and Pender and the wedding Steve Muir Allen Club met Wednesday'-afternoofl The lesson "how to say yeS and Church. Concord. "] pm" Tuesday vlsltln9 In 'he Jim p('1!J79 with A Vi.. " to a HI .. toncal zu Pr-arl ~lrt'''1 \\,)\'11('.:-":1-: Place FOR I\U, YOUR Nf:fo:OS ('Il"rk: Ocgretta Morris 375-'2288 Phanf" :11:,.-16(11'1 Judg~: Thank yov.. were read Irom the Phon,. J75-2696 "!lluJClale Child -S-avmq !hstrtwte of OrT}aha ...---..-~~~~~~~-.....'----( Sti~~iit~!~~~mPson ~~~, and trom the E fhel. Fisher famity N,E. Nebr. Ueputy: ot De<; MOines. Iowa LeHoy Janssen 37...... 281 Mrs Rober! Andt!-rson had Ins. Agency BENTHACK SupLt Loren Pa ric: 37!Hm" entertainment and read, "When Trf'Q-Suru: Bacon was II Cents per Pound' CLINIC Ih,ne- 'rp~J Leon Meyer 375-3885 Mrs (Iarence Pearson read. ('IrA of Oilltrlct Court: . Have a Paper Hearl." and Mr.. III WMit Jrd"', . 3' 215'W, 2nd Street .. I •• ~ ... , ~., Joann Ostrander 1175-2260 George Anderson read. "The Phone 37.,2500 J\grleullural t\g~nt: Passing ot the Kitchen Range .. W.yne:Nebr. DonSpllZe 375-3310 Mrs Anderson led a penCil J\Ii.fillltanc~ Director: game With Mr5 George Ander .....n Miss Thelma Moeller 37~Z715 winning the prize ,\Uorl1ry; Mrs Tekla Johnson wlil l'le lhe First National BuddBomboft :J.Th.2311 March 3 hostess Plumbing \'e~"'fifrStr"it"f!' Ofncer: Wayne DenkJuu 37!>-2764 COJnmbIIOfJf~rs:' G] Age:.:: Disi. ,I Merlin Be'ermaM hoskins CREIGHTON. Dlsl. 2 . Kenneth Eddie Dist. 3. Jerry Posplshll ~;;"Z525 news .:. _.- J>llH1lblng -1I!'aling or.drid Probatlo.rumU-n: & Eleclrlc Sewer Cleaning , Herbt-rt Hansen- 37&-3433 Dick Dltman, !\-1anag~r Call 37S:3001 )\oferlin Wright " 315-2516 "&too anliW'u call ~,s.-3; 13 . SENIORS CARD CLUB The Heskins Seniors Card (Iub met at the. fire hall Wednesday --~ evening. ------;-----~----

. Mrs. George Wittler wa!! coffee . chairman

Card prizes went to George Jl1lly...... , . Wittier a~ Mrs. Arthur Behmer, __Wayne.M!>nl\..~" :m-m7_. high and Ar!hur Behmer -and ~lly Adml.IJlraIOT_-:. ~.' . ~-. Mts. Car! Wittler. low • -=P.JiiIij>A;KJOSIir",.,. 3l$-lm Cl\y Clel1l..Trealurer - '", The f}ex~t meeting wTif-be.- on • Norma. Melton 37H133 F-eb. 17 when Mrs. Harry Lenser ~liY' Allemty 'i7' '_-'~­ wlr.-/..-_"be In charge of' a-r .OJ

Tuesda·v. -evenJng,. 6ngeline . Marofz:~as a guesl, ~--- _ Card prizes· went to Mr. arid­ Mrs, 'A;Jbeit- B.ehmer, hlg!) ,a",d Arthur ~Behm.er and ·Mrs, Eric' --, ~ Meier-henry.•.Iow. ~. : ~ The'Erlc Mel.r~~swlltltOsl ~ - ,t~_~,~1 ,,~~ing.Q,n Ma~~~.l._ ~:,-; ~ __ -·:::::~::l&i:-~~D='Mll$~j(~Ic::,~?i ~IT'~'···· _ ,Jc;thnson, '__laur,'and' J.ennl,ferJ)f· -:"'-COIUmbu~",~r.1~n~emIlltit:C ·lIUj1SI•. I. J~. W~,d· ,}oh.... ~.---!!~jJohihl9)hel,I.',fua , .. / ~~_ ~ ~/ +;. .~~; .. ~... ····::j;;~j'!~d·j -_·t...... , .*__ ",~,~, ~~=l-cl·\~"-+..;i~~c:..=:'~''==~'C~-'-~~' V~'·~Cl)'~'~!:.4::';.:c.';:+c' ~4" .,...;~.,j g ~ .. ~~--- _ _ •• il-'-, ..

The Wayne Herald, Monday, February·e, 1992 .wan'fcifa'J~f:~:I~

. 'J"

VILLAcreOF .IOSkfNS ~;l:d~~EOF WINSIDE pOARD PRoceEDINGS SPECIAL SOAtlO PROCEEDINGS • Janu"Y2S, 19"2 J.nuUyl,I982 rho VlU.!Igo BOll,d mel Iff regulo' IMshm Wlnsldo, N_brlSkll II 1;]lI p.m. Board memben p.l'c~nl werll A spednl fncellng 01 Ihe Goard or Truslee,

~ ~~a':;8:~~~le;;W~~~~e,i Bn:n,{,:~__ - .:~ IJ:Ji~~~t9~ ~~~~~~~~~~~\~:t~e~~~~ '~<~ Mlnules 01,lhe OaC1!mbflr m,C!.lno Wt"" read amce 01 'old V111IIgo Pros,nl we,-(j~ e:hl!'l, I c ,-- :: ~~~v:n::- ~~I~gUI~so:e;,~::n,:~~: ~:;ne~~~~e, ~:;rr:,~,eT:::~ll~ w,7/ : b¥ ~~ ptIbllQ;, ,,,nl Ow"n ~r!mlln" rllll pv,po5e 0' Ihll NOTICE • h~'1~1"9 Dov,!llil~ ~(!:"JII cr~~~i~~ :'r~:J~"I~~(!I~~~I~:,;~~r:~ :~~~;e~'I- III hl,o ~ rnlll~leMnco ..,. fllJbll( lor L . 1l1S~] {on lded In· WIl¥"C Covnty. "':lTI be )....-mo---aAd~oun..~81«-'o l..-d A -mort dmuu-Ion w""' -m:rtd nmf mnl!n.n he'd!ly .Il OM'" ,,1 Pilfol" '" linCOln (or Bl«k 1. Flr~1 Addl'Ucn 10 Ihe VlIllloe 01 ""iJ~ mode by Mo',c ond '\lIcondcd by Will to roctlonlll ConI", li"col". Nllbrll5kll, on HU' Hmkl~ be "OC4lcd Gncl 1".,1 fhll pt'. Se<6ii~ liY Op"llli' ,Jon "",n Illllo on ,,,I/I(y Mid T"v,lce Mars<:' rPvbl Fob AI Roll C"II All -..olod yea ;1..led IIl"t" 511 p"r hOUT hIld b ..."'Hllocvos"d R....olullon No B1 ~ w", p';''\lInl'''d II¥ th'; lind Ch"I""....n Ch",,¥ .1~I"d .1l,,1 'holl Il"d "C"twl. ftIl1 bo1no ,; rp'olvlIM la ('0'1" Ill{' lIe"n Il<:ceplllllio when dIUV\Wcl 015(v."on NOTICE Of CAUCUS T ATEXTRA olloy Ihol 'vn, No,lho!ind Sou'h lM!lwoon LOI, """s hold on .ome work dvlllli ond Ihl' lIecl Nolh::e II hereby glven by Vllryl JOCk'Oh, £.w>'" NlIb''''k'' On Mondny 11\11 1~11l d"y or N"bro,IUI nrld Ihlll the p,operly comprtllnQ ,ItII ,tolllHod 10 ,n 'Ile t'lnl m/l"lT~'''"nco specIal IIltle people who relatives, trlends and neighbors ipeclf1c~tions. \C~keil Febrv",y. 1~ll2 o. 1'30 PM lOT Ih" p"rpo5o 'ftld (Il1e)'. llul.n vetlln lhe lldlOI"lnlJ propcca;;~ All y~a ~II ',I> ,it and visits while In the hospital time of the loss of our mother. B'vdlQlIin Ron Clltl "ole<:! . olllp!. /lnd ch<'r-'.l<1t 'O.."'"'n/tndH,..n!t.... eo.... d ....ooltl ...... LyflneWytlll,d&rlt Ings, hOlidayS. Apply~at Person specr~1 so'me"(;n~: :',:C~I'--­ Cl!mmunltlo, MotIon by 6'UdlljJlI" 1"/lll"~ IIppll",1;0"5 "nil 'III vp p"r,on.,1 ''''''''1'''',' (P"bl F"b 6, Fob 1)1 vlsHs and prayers and ably people 5hare our loss The F amI nel Department Providence '- V,II".,o ""ppod LC!9I~IIlI,v< r MedlcaICetltei". . fH3 Tho loUo....lnr,l blth ..."'" prO'ICntf'" l ,b... "qootl .,,,'Il rrv"'<1 '0 ,,,' "'."'Q her concern and special prayers. wedding cakes. please~ RI<""'d Krou~ 'I! ',() "''''d "nd 10'''. him ",hcn " .. ,0,,1<1 ",V r Thank YO~u to special people who A, ..on I(rv'J'" "'''''''Qr H') "'0'. had AlvIn for meals and lor all HELP WANTED: Full time work Wo¥ne Coun'y (I",. Mo"on ",.". mild" bt Mo,w .,n6 61 P"I>' ' ..I, ~ money! a~JPolnt,NE 68788. 402:372-2202.S21tf CU,enceHoornlln" II'" you· lor the food brought 10 our ~ THANK YOU TO my relalives MltlWlI1I16ttd9u lffi 11 home and to those who helped HELP WANTED: RN LPN. Ex LOU' Thrtf.,. Wr>y "\ Ml ilnd frIends for cards, glfls and NOTICEOFMEETrNG REAL ESTATE Dallas wltb the chore~ and other cellent opportunity doing in 1l1""Crll'5' 1\00 No'" ,- ". ~"" .. b, 1I1 ..."n Ill,,' 'h~ W~.-"r A" telephone calls while I was In the Motion II¥ OpIN 'N ond",] 11, 1" ,,ll!!n w!lJI'n!r.nl lor "~If oJ ':.: :."m : i FOR SALE, ..'" 14 , ro, 3 forr sale mil' p'OO&I" ~f ... 11 01 ....'d d<:,(",,,..<1 10' V"II('¥ Imp' (n{ W(Jyn", NlIb"""0" I"" """"'~'gn"''''''I7.nrll<>W,l,,,,,C,,,,,, , 100 ~'/l(~ W(JQ"" Sr.' I~I fl/09 A special thank5 fo tre am Trallflre Snowmobile, Excellent '. "l1tt>r",1I.1l (""" "" M""". '901 ~, '0 00 pc,,'Vlln' 10 'he W,m, 01 II "''''.1In NOI" lind O'ltxll. & m ~<><"r"y Ag'''''",,,n' In I...... ~!_~~V"II"l bu-hlftec- --Ma-tt.---untt-Mr Mette'e,-'­ COnditiOn. Less fhan----oz5l'ioufs on ­ b~ 10) l"v"'''41 H,1I0fl Impl. InC "''''''ulm! l"i""d Oll"ker d'" ftl)acro. Tmprovod and Ir' Julie Is 'lne. for which we arc 3 BEDROOM Bonna VlIla sel up Ihe engjne. Call to make ao -ofter (fllrtl 111 Ih" Cou-niV Coud 1,,(1 Ih~ 61h d"y 01 A~u\I. 1911, <5'lo'lgne(l 10 r1gatod. l.ogan Valloy Form, in court Modest down payment. JOtHl DEERE COMPANY, )110 EIlII1I51h very thankful. The John Seotl Phone 375-3545 (alter 5 p,m Old\, \w..-h lInd Em, locotod nOrth of Wokefleld, All.,....."..,. lor P ..IHI"....' 51'''0' I(jJn"".("y MISW>u" ,,,ldll,l1l1,,(lnll family fB Menthly payments cheaper than 375·2279) 17tf Put" r rt, ~ >\ II> s''''... m"n' h""""11 b.."n Iliod ," .hl! OIIICI! of 320 acrol unimproved. $lIt ren!. Call Norfolk. 379-0600. sl4tf ''''' (I(,r. 01 ("m'nQ COunl¥ N"I1,,,~k'~ 0" loom soli, locatod on Hwy 35 ""I" 'h" ,J'h d.-t~ 0' )vr, 1977 OOlt of HOlklnl. NOTICE Of FORMAL !'tEARING fOR T'hl' "",I" .. '0 I",,,d.,.,.., ...'d N,,'" ..nd A9reom~n' COMPLETE iETTLEMENT ANO St'(u,lt, 'n the /lmo"nl 01 16D ccreo unlmprovod, Can 'C1-I~. DEH!RMlbATION Of INllERITAr,CE 11 no 16 ""ilCIIl", w,," c",h "' ,,,Ill bo dovolopod lor conte, ,., .1M ""'u'''\1 (O~" ""d I.... '1'111 purpow of """'vmll "",o"nl ll,," .ho,,,on tto .., no pivot Irr1ootlo". No,th 0' ~ ~1JI1 Il',,_ b=u=~=i=n=e_S$~c=p=Ij)_@=u:=tl.l=l'I=i=ty== ~ ( .. No 6 •"" or "II,." l"O(O'lId,n'1' It' I"", II"." 1><:-'1" Hollollnl. 1 __--'1 (""n'. CD'''' 01 W&.n" (""n', ~ ...l" ",k" ,n"""'t'" 1(1 ' ...o ...~ ,/t'<1" ""11'"'' ,,,,,,, ""d UIOEnIUlh5It"",,1 'WJ r---....,."....77"..."...,...~~7~-'-i"7...,....,.-T~~r--="""i' '''flO'l 01 h,. I><"If'on lor 1l) .,' foodlng from 1 o'.~k"", uprlghl 11101. l.acatod on Men and women who can work sales and sales management. NOTICE OF MEETING Hwy 20 00.1 of Randolph. wlfhout supervision can build a ·Substantial starting salary plus (l«k ollh.e (mm',(ou,' ('" 01 ~~~nc N .. h,."k" 'Oo'"r" He.""" c. ...." rhol" .",....""Q ,,' c.lrecr 5eliing products of The' Incentive Increases as earned, \m'lh, .sm,I" /I. 80Vd THORREALTV Altorn.,., 10< P""hone, 'h.· ...... ,"'''nd(o"". 'h.. (,',ol.....,.n•• Thos 0 Murphy Co" a pioneer In Sales' or business exper~ence f'u[,' 1 .. 1" I ~ '1' 'l"b",.l<. <;Ion<; are paid immediately confidential res\Jme to PO, Box JolOTICf op"",,'" m •• publ" "" I,,, ,."h Om"h" Ave. Repc'l! orders .wlll make you 3129, Sioux CIIY. Iowa 51102 rn,·er'''Q "'p' ,,,"c·nr , Ther" ... ,It b.. " "'''''''''<101 I"...... ,."" easy money An excellenl oppor Equal opportunity employer - Counl. 'II""",, (on"ol Au",or.,. on ~elJfVM' h.'''''lI'e 'Of lIubrt, Norfolk, NE 68701 • '1'~1 M '0 00" '" ", 'hro".(" ''''''''..<1 "".. 'hoC",("'f'''' ",,'I bv'''''''''l'·'' tunity. Write Bob Patterson. P,O. M&F fBn ""I" "..., 01 W""n" d,' ",.""" "'0<1"".<1 ", 'v'" mr..""q 402-371-1314 BOl( Ja2, Red Oak. IOwa R"$\ L"'du, .....pl Norrn~n J Mnllon CII~ (lr.k rp"o' reb til ,Pdt" f ,-I. 0 51566 j2BfllBfll

,--.------' ---_._-----~ ._._-"----- CHECK us!g~_, ~ wit: ,14i+i ;,2i';LiS Belly ..,;- E Addison " . ~, ,,'

Q. Although I .am con· vlnced ot the security of a safoty deposit box.' 1 om not really sure what should be kept there. A, Safely deposit boxes are' me!y-valuable-s"""9 devices for anything you nsider im .()rtant enough _q~anfying to warrant near v per ect -wiffi'8 protection. For the nominal -cosf 1rWOtVeo. "Vou'1! find it e5peci~ny important for the savings account "allowing items: birth certific~tes, adopl'iOI) papers, marriage certificate or ho_me toan~ t.or"""--.paj:'"""c.neede~.l1Il1s by phone or ch~ck.And ',~lgned copies ,0.1 ,your ,wills, eertlf1eate-of-$5ill9O,of'more.3, A you can ta~,o.f Dlrecl .'n. tga-ge,s; . -~nslaUment regular savings accoulll·of $2,500 or contracts and s13curl'tv r~m~nl ~. DepOsit of Social Securlly:and olher inole. A.·AIlJfIA..or...Kll!lgh jjOVerflflleflt e1'Ieeks.-< i:f reoments ... And," you may account 5. A $500 mlnlmu'm che~lling V:J.a~r- .to ·.k;eep, titles- t.o balance',6; 62 years ol13ge or older. Ilyou.q1falriy, com!!' l1J'toi'laj anusign. v.ehlcles;" United Stetes up lor FREE.-GHEGKING:" SaYiilgS'Bonds; stoc~. and ...11'.13-'- .. 'bond certificate. A"sale tih/ei(foTV~:,.::- .6,~f. Y~ ~.'-f ~ househo\

t(:OntknledJrOm page U board he did not rememberreviewing t.tle All three are 'super%\sed by MlIl~. Th~ suppOrted Crofton"s':etfort-to split 'from the trait terms, Including lob ~SCriPtiQn, ~itl) _-)jill' al'5o (hatlen~ed. the ESU pcjllcy'~n. 'bOard pay the association's sal~ry offer1o matter,- supervlsiqn of--Genovese also conc!rn~ the unit_ --,' . Genovese_ . ·-"lnt1ea..ge p~ment5 from the "CrpftorL.cor· VOPA~ENSKY :GIiJiCiVesel-lmmedlatelv gene(ated debate Hay a.lso Qpeniy c~alJenged Mlfls on beard and. the admlnl5trative sfaff... Co. TQui the boMd """ IJ aJ;oQ=~=:c.e;:e~~::dd~~:~':Jr:7=. ~~.:t~o~:ctthat.·.gen~[8tb':' ef'!l~loyees :~:::~~:;%a;:JeSbha7::=;,s:~sU~~~~L~~d d~tj~s Genoves~ N,ITfsgave Tappe, Vopalensky .and 'Clay was,. his undersf"e ESU clinicians" because He lold the board fhat ..as mUGt1 8S we , .". had no right Qr authodty to hire per'sonnel " . AGs.ume his (Genovese's) employment directed by Knox County superintendent,>, Genovese was hired to do that '!.pend on mileage. 11 should be more c~refUI QUR ING T.HE meeting, Wiese' c1arllled a_ on behalf of the board, or' 10 dJctat~ hiring is.lerminafE;d at the en.d of the contracfyear ra.'h,er Ihiln the E'SU board or fhe'/r'Ws ad .'They are !.aylng they are writing the can 'y cOQ[dlnated." , _ point reported ~y. The Wayne Herald as a poll.cy, to the ESU, Howev~r, dlsagr,eement and write him a.letter to that effect;' tiay mmlstratlve staff . ;~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~eS::a~da,~aey;:n~~~: Hay. wtw ha.s become fh~ board''S sharp ',;""L,ult of the board's'Jahuary meeting, - 4\"ose over how to hQrldle the appar~nt rltt dedared, just before offerlifb the suggestion pertcll on cast, cutting procedures, had 'Oqrmg that". meeting, W~yne attorney Several board ..(liernbers ell;pressed,con- ~ wrile'lo the Knox C('}unty school bU3l'ds 'VOPAL-ENS'KY, WHO attended I~ thOlit '--'---- volunteered to analYlf! a month', worth of Kennet~,Otds, an ESU board member, had ~~::::t:C:~ing appar~.~~l wi.!~ E;;C6;:;:;e;r~:n~:~~;d:;;~~~ei~e;:_~:~I~n~o~o~~=e;e~~~:e:~ , AI that point, Wle'S; ')aid . They are nol 'ESU siaff mileage reports submlfted an opinion -from the State. Bar the -i}Oi'"9-to-t'-ttrl"'heboM-d-aooSd-Y whaf w~h.J\I--l,' -~,1ha.L1hd.Icated-_.ba._miW-.!~ '"ultanl "It Board member,al large (Iah:e I:::ian.sen changes. designed to save the unIt money regal counsel. ___.'!,.EOX COl!~!Y supenntl:!ndents could do step at a time We need to get the, ground he I'" hired for neKtyear • ~~_!,rl~ for il lob. de."tr\\,ti~n tor and slreamllne service The Wayne Herald; In Its story, Indicated

Whatever they wan-te\i-t:o-- With their new ru+es--bcrdCd-S towhu ts-tffitrror"whOwhallo -e-oard--consen5U$w On,Jbe_mlJeage.. reP:Of'I. r Hav. urged JhaL .thdL..QI11~ 1'i.a.Lll:'le....JWftr.dll!'!-9&.:_c9Y_~.!j~ \ employee as long as he stayed avyc))' tor E SU do'" (Jelter del,lned in that Ji;iI,d of !.fructure, .~------I...- ., E SU d~mlnls'rator& "set better examplell" Wle:s:~_-poInted out that Old! Is not the programs We carn haye ever,! counly rvnnmg ,h{' HE-IN.SISTEO throughout the meeting in 'rIde' sharlng to member' school's and plan board's attorney and has never received BASICAllY, THE board decided 10 "" urlll."· Wie'Se told the board Ihat....-the board needed 10 chec'k. oul it'S (On njng trips - c;ompen~all$n for legal advice_ . WELL INTO THE discussion, Hd) oft~'n:d torm Ihe Kno)f County Superinlendent<, We have ro' tell these pE>OJ}le whdl·<. whaf he fermed "a compromise :Association of its objection to lIs settinq n,. ""hal~:, he Sdld\ We're -.e-elng bds ,md He started to suggest Ihilt Milh ...,rde sa~ary 'or Genove'Se, tell the group Ih," I-l"~ces ch,pped "J:"ay Irom our unit We tld.lle school board members in KnOll Cov"'y H..-: Genove'Se work,s tor ESU and thaI II".,-rt to nIp It ,n Ihi' bud maybe ,t's IU.,t It,... !""I never finl!ihed the suggestIon deCide what salary 10 pay and whal 'h, • ,>prout Milts In-rer-ru-pte Duane LippI' (,.or . '0 oper,l"! on lis own tor .. r ..-qu' \1, d Vopa!Q.n&k-y-·-a-nd-,'larry Clay I'vl d,d ' 'hrough the unH "THE HEl.-L ¥OU t-nn't wnte -tnf' bo,lrd rTldke Genovese, who has been \upL'r\l' .COOKING members Hay shouled. contlnu,nq to ESU progrilms in KnOll C-ounlv ,1 ',,11, .. rhe E-SU board is ewplOfmq pos"(bk I,_~",I gather his material (ontract offer ..( I,on agdlnSt"Croflon lor whal ,t tOfd('"tJ· And, as the other board rnt'mber~ il~ten.·d '\ breach of contraci In 'ad dUring Tv,'" to the verbal bailie. Hay wc)IK<.·d oul TAPPE IS THE ESU ',ve, 'oil "'1 l,1<1" nIQht'~ meeting, HdY laid lhebu•...-d Ih.d His reterence 10 Mills ldu'>lnq 'Ill' pru d,reclor Vopalen,>kY-I'> the ,;n,r., I"" i ... hen th~ lime canw' he We)'> re.ldy to " blem touched on- a po,nt tidY b.o"qht up spell()+-- Clnd hearing dlr~ lor And Irodule a motIon 10 h<'t\lE' the board '''k SCHOOL earlier In Ihe debdtl;' fj-'qaro'Pq Ih,· h,r .n'1 of ·'ihe d.rector at psycholoql(al \"'. ("gal ,1ttlon" ,1g,II01St Crollon Genovese E ')U "",hlch <,er\i'e\ Cedar Ddkl1 c,"Ii,'r.ll F<:.u hoard rnember,> t:.pL" ." At 'hilt time, Hay Ol-)!"nly lIlJl ',' u,,,,(i 'h,' Kno, Thur<,lon and Witynf' COU' 'h.11 ant' 01 II", h',lder .. of the Kno. (,,,,,,•• hiring 01 the E SU ""'vlo,,.....' .mCdrch to' '., ", pdper \ here. according to Slnq,.." I'bracy be(ome5 d req,on,ll ,f'~ ,n ,In Intor We nit\lt" go"eQllnl'r11 ",I"''''dflon Ih,d City Auditorium The U S Conn Llbr.-Jr) <,y<,tem <., plvgW'd indlion chain 10lntly df:'".. IOjJ'-<1 Ihrovyh tht' ',mges !ronl fhe ,>{'It ,nsl, " ''')01.11 bOOk\ 10 into 53 other librdflP<' ,n N(·br,l.,kd dnd th,'o auspices 01 the Nebf on how 10 pu'vprd .. h'JOI,1t,nq \Ill' ',dld beyond -lhe <,t-, Bringing good things to you in 821 pff,::hen~-'''er_;;:.;-.;··-an_d- ...eory much money to qe-i mforonalwn Irom 10' W"dl ,., ,n the "I' ,(in oTI(>i'I' geT tm'~~~iJIT----m1'"".>rt--'-'-Il-. ------.------.~------. another library,' <,dld SInger, who ha., been sysl~m 1,.1(. 10 geld, .,he S.lId l at WSC for 2' 'J year., Singer remt;>mb-t"rs Nebr,l','" \ '" ,I/:'m be ""lge. who .. Iud,<.>d vndt,·. ''''d tf!"" 'I", dep (0',' th, d.,p,lftrnl"nt Iy d'd' Ihe college 1,.. I<·phofle """"t.>"r <,h(> \d'd And, the "'or., i ..... '1'. "dh n", how~er given away at the Coolcing Schooll money. Singer l:<,t,mrlte'. thilt erlch <175 noo! dnd one ot two ",.I.,.".. ,on.. {419o. In", more thf'"y f,,~( "'d!p search beyond the U ~ (01111 Library 257; to pJuq 'nlo Ihc,o ,>,,\l(>m depositm-y costs about SO ,pnl" I"'d, it r",qve\1 ""d~' '0 'hf- lollege "Tna! C~ r1qhl out o-t ')ur budq-e-t uperitlOr '" 'io(vml-'nt .. Pamlda Doflchen Appliance because we leel II 1<' .1 If'r., 'nlportdnt "f" _,,,11.--11.,0 llo It", 1", • Presto Air Popper French Chef Dish, French Chef Coke Pan, vke 10 oHer. <,dld ttw ('''llr,\1 OhiO natlv" 'I"~ 8aOot·------In ddd'hon 10 h,.t.- n,: uU' v,,,,'nt .. d\l,-tdaul.. 10' hd")d\ on ~ h'd', 'n" ',Iill! lun( (Continued from ~Q. 1) flr.t National Banle French Chef Sauce Pan TO QUAl.IFY AS ,In ,)tt" tdl qatf' do( ,) ,Republl(lta Mon " .'-",<, malion to any Nebrifory requlre<, Ihdt ,I provldp Ih.. Sdme to them' t)('(ome delegalf:'s to Ihelr par ty (u' " $25.00 Gift Certificate Kaup'. TV service to dny cltllen ot the Unded S!ri!\'\ tld~ble,.n Singer s.ald that II s.ne """", ',I .. 'H,(ordlng to Morn., . 'o'-matlon seek,ers <-an ied'"'' "'-Ir .~qve.. '" McDonald. Stereo Headphones "One 01 the qUickest way<, to' uS 10 loe,e' 11~"d', """Ih PhIl Thradk,'I!, the ""(rl'I,Hy THERE IS NO hlmg l('e lor d,·lhj,.' Electric Blanket, dupl or single control Gay Theatre that deSignation ,s 1o rpl1J'i-(, ',/>CVICI;' to Also. she s.ald, thfO' requl"r 1,t.Jr.--lry <,fons are ~ched-t]: .J ILl' The library has been rin Off,Cldl tederal lormatlon reque'.>ls Jvne $15.00 Gift Certi/icate in the 'loft'" Wayne Shoe Co. document depOSitory since 1910 Library of D~mocrats and Republi(dns 1,11"'~ 1o. fldals signed the state deposl1ory (ontr,lcl ~erli Grle•• Rexall Purse SI NGER STR ESS ED thd r lhe Ice ' .. d'> \tdlv~ ~ about a month ago, dClorc.l'nq to Singer (oun'y convenllon deleqi.lfe 1"lj',1 tIl" ~aluable to area reSidents dS " 's to colleqe regl'.>tered volers Battle of ChimereCalogne. Gerald'. . Arnie. Golla!, of Dutch Boy Architectural Point Free Oil Change and Service 'Wayne Greenhouse Charlie'. Refrigeration Bfooming Potted Tulip Plant Lute Roofing Anchor_Hocking .aatler !lowl ,for YOur Sh8pheuleu. ~~ Box 294 HIGHEST INTEREST'IIATES Microwave Quilled .Apron Kit Wisner, !'Ieb. 68791 State "atlonal Banle -~JeH's Cafe 15 Years Experienc;e Commercial -. INTOWN $20.00 SaviOgs Account (2) Chicken Baskets -Institutional Mllee Perry Chew-Old. JbhnlOn Food. hea.Oil Change' Coldl'rocess Aspha~~U~~~-J'ftjOlNlElL=~ E.Z Cut Hom •ew tngtePty-RW er - ~ _u 1st. SOwJng. CO. ,.,In...... w.ln'~~ __~~ (For emergency roof A Belty Crocker Cook !look ~eopair only - 529-6410121 MARKET Current Rati 5 pc. PlE"~{off BIH·-GoW· 20 pc. Set of '"Lakewood" by Oneida . Rich's Super Foods ~ 26 W~ek Certificate•• s10,000 Minimum Wenman'.~Ci.L- Square Baker.in VUlogllby Pfaltzgr.a!f-. . -9''-Quiche-irrVflta~th:Jtzgra''- 21 !loxes of Gr~eeries State rllgulatlon. prohibit compounding of- Money Marliet Certificate. Set of Four Crystot'Wine Glosses by Farmers... Pine Tree Fostoria Watkins Saup:...5ampler Sel Let H&R Block T&:C Electro lea agnavox ac et Ra 10 moome t:aX ~. \ retur.i\s...... Radio Shack Pocket Calculator we coul~ save .~ ----l'-"1.1 m9.Q~Y· . -, \ . ~- yaiJo::lil,.~.,llri18 ·fJ~,lIOO Ourcsre'ull1lralned tax prepar­ ThD-1:tirlHlcatewhleli:::..110.' •• e... are up-to~dateon <,til the tax credits anddeductionsthat ap.. .for only tltlJlon -.,~~.'" Very i'ltl. ply to farm'ers_ At H&A BlOCk,: .It "i9" ."S! .,'lItue:a1tthetlmenecessary :=~~~~~~,:;~~~~~#~;~ -~ -'II"u;r••fiij~ .r~ ·'-1i.1t...Ji.Wi"