Niraj N Lal Curriculum Vitae Dr Niraj N Lal BSc (ANU), PhD (Cambridge) ARENA Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University Early Career Academic Fellow Australian National University e:
[email protected] p: +61 421 090 940 w: Education PhD in Physics, Gates Scholar, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge 2009-12; Bachelor of Science (Hons Ia), Distinguished Scholar Program, Australian National University, 2002-07; Positions held Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Australian National University ‘Light trapping for tandem solar cells’; funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency AUD $325,584, 2012-16 PhD in Physics, Gates Scholarship, UK Overseas Research Studentship, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge 2009-12; Thesis: ‘Enhancing solar cells with plasmonic nanovoids’ – shortlisted for the Salje Medal 2012, GBP £88,000 Executive Director, First Principles, incorporating FunDaMentals Science Communication and Flashpoint Energy Recipient of >$12k in grants and funding for science communication, including multiple National Science Week Grants, and contracts by the Newcastle Museum to write and produce science shows for primary schools, 2009-15 Lecturer ENGN4516/6516, Australian National University ‘Renewable Energy Technologies’ – keystone 3rd year/Masters course for ANU Engineering Sustainability Major, 2015-16, achieving 4.6/5 for “Overall effectiveness of lecturing”. Author ‘Butterfly Flo and the Everything Effect’ Children’s story about chaos theory, in submission for publication. Described as: ‘a charming moral tale in the classic tradition of children’s stories’ – Sir Richard Friend, Cavendish Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge. Founding Director, Raio de Sol Canberra Community Samba Drumming Band Recipient of two ACT Community Participation Grants, having played >50 performances to date, including at TEDx Canberra 2014 and the 2015 Sydney Mardi Gras, annual gig revenue of ~ $4,000 Founding Director, Hungry Science Beast Radio Creators of bite-sized explainers of science.